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View the PDF Catalogue Specialists: Bill Kime 416.847.6189 Sean Quinn 416.847.6187 DECORATIVE ARTS & SILVER ONLINE AUCTION 275 King Street East, Toronto Ontario Canada M5A 1K2 Telephone: 416.504.9100 Fax: 416.504.0033 Toll Free: 1.877.504.5700 Email: Starts: Monday 22 June 2015 at 9 am Ends: Thursday 25 June 2015 at 2 pm On View: Tuesday 23 June 2015 from 2 pm to 7 pm 1 EASTERN SILVER ARTICULATED FISH-FORM BOX, EARLY 20TH CENTURY 2 TWO DUTCH SILVER SNUFF BOXES, 1889 AND 1894 with red glass eyes, length 8.3” — 21 cm., 4.3 oz. — 134 grams with repoussé or engraved decoration, width 2.4” — 6 cm.; 2” — 5.2 cm., 2.2 oz. — 69 grams $75—150 $100—200 3 GERMAN SILVER CIRCULAR BOX, PROBABLY B. NERESHEIMER & SÖHNE, HANAU, C.1900 4 PAIR OF GERMAN SILVERGILT SPOONS, PROBABLY HANAU, LATE 19TH CENTURY the hinged cover moulded with a group portrait medallion of ‘Le Roi, La Reine et Le Prince Royal de France’ within a laurel border, the sides with putti, cornucopia and scrolling leaves, height 1.7” — 4.2 cm., diameter 4.5” — 11.4 cm., 9.4 oz. — 291 grams the plain fig shaped bowls engraved on the backs, one with armorials, the handles cast with heads and scrolls, length 6.6” — 16.8 cm., 4.2 oz. — 131 grams $100—200 $200—300 5 INDIAN SILVER MOUNTED ANTELOPE HORN TOASTING FORK, LATE 19TH CENTURY with chased and engraved decoration, length 26” — 66 cm. $100—200 6 EDWARDIAN SILVER AND SILVER PLATE MOUNTED BOAR’S TUSK DESK CLOCK, ROBERT PRINGLE & SONS, LONDON, 1908 the drum case with scrollwork bracket flanked by two tusks, height 4.8” — 12.2 cm. $200—300 7 VICTORIAN SILVER MOUNTED IVORY PAGINATOR, LONDON, 1886 8 GEORGE III SILVER WINE LABEL, HESTER BATEMAN, LONDON, C.1780 with wrythen fluted handle, length 14.6” — 37 cm. scroll shaped with oval surmount, engraved PORT, width 1.9” — 4.8 cm. $75—150 $75—150 9 GEORGE III SILVER SMALL CIRCULAR SALVER, EBENEZER COKER, LONDON, 1764 10 LATE VICTORIAN SILVER SMALL CIRCULAR SALVER, BARKER BROS., BIRMINGHAM, 1900 with moulded shell and scroll rim on three scroll feet, the centre engraved with a scroll cartouche, diameter 6.7” — 17 cm., 5.8 oz. — 181 grams with moulded shell and scroll rim on three Flemish scroll feet, the centre engraved with armorials, diameter 7.3” — 18.5 cm., 6 oz. — 186 grams $200—300 $150—250 13 PAIR OF ENGLISH SILVER BONBON DISHES, ADIE BROS., BIRMINGHAM, 1927 14 LATE VICTORIAN SILVER LIGHTHOUSE SUGAR CASTER, CHARLES BOYTON, LONDON, 1898 15 ENGLISH SILVER OVAL SUGAR BASKET, THOMAS BRADBURY & SONS, SHEFFIELD, 1928 16 PAIR OF VICTORIAN SILVER SHELL DISHES AND SPOONS, ATKIN BROTHERS, SHEFFIELD, 1898 repoussé and engraved with flowering foliage and scrollwork below a bud finial, height 6.9” — 17.6 cm., 7.8 oz. — 243 grams with swing handle, pierced sides and moulded bead borders, with blue glass liner, height 5.7” — 14.5 cm., 4.3 oz. — 134 grams the dishes chased with flowers and feathers on three reeded ball feet, the matching spoons with twist handles, dishes length 5.9” — 15 cm., 8.4 oz. — 261 grams $150—250 $75—150 the shaped and moulded rims pierced with flowerhead medallions, diameter 3.7” — 9.5 cm., 4.3 oz. — 133 grams $50—100 11 PAIR OF ENGLISH SILVER CANDLESTICKS, ADIE BROS., BIRMINGHAM, 1953 12 ENGLISH ART DECO SILVER SUGAR CASTER, ROBERTS & BELK, SHEFFIELD, 1937 with narrow moulded borders, height 8.3” — 21 cm. of flaring form with pierced cover, height 5.5” — 14 cm., 5.6 oz. — 175 grams $200—300 $150—250 $150—250 17 EDWARDIAN SILVER HOT WATER POT, PAIRPOINT BROS., LONDON, 1906 18 PAIR OF ENGLISH SILVER CANDLESTICKS, JAMES DEAKIN & SONS, CHESTER, 1926 in the 18th century manner, of plain baluster form, height 8.9” — 22.5 cm., 15.1 oz. — 471 grams of hexagonal form on conforming bases, height 10.4” — 26.5 cm. $200—300 $150—250 19 VICTORIAN SILVER MUSTARD POT, HENRY HOLLAND, LONDON, 1879 20 EDWARDIAN SILVER CUP, FENTON BROS. LTD., SHEFFIELD, 1907 pierced and engraved with pales and urn medallions, with blue glass liner, height 2.5” — 6.3 cm., 3.6 oz. — 111 grams with angular scroll handle and hammered finish, height 2.6” — 6.5 cm., 4.8 oz. — 150 grams $75—125 $150—250 21 GEORGE III SILVER MUSTARD POT, J HOYLAND & CO, SHEFFIELD, 1778 the sides pierced and engraved with leaves and balustrades on three claw feet, with blue glass liner, height 3.3” — 8.5 cm., 3.3 oz. — 103 grams 22 PAIR OF INDIAN COLONIAL SALT AND PEPPER CASTERS, PROBABLY CALCUTTA, C.1830 of cylinder shape with gadroon borders on pedestal bases, engraved ‘SALT’ and ‘PEPPER’, height 3.5” — 8.9 cm., 5.1 oz. — 159 grams $150—250 $75—150 23 GEORGE III SILVER MOTE SPOON, LONDON, C.1770 24 GEORGE III SILVER TODDY LADLE, C.1800 with pierced bowl, length 4.9” — 12.4 cm., 0.2 oz. — 7 grams, maker’s mark RH with punched gadroon rim and volute baleen handle, length 15.3” — 38.8 cm. $75—150 $75—125 25 PAIR OF WILLIAM IV SILVER FIDDLE PATTERN BERRY SPOONS, MARY CHAWNER, LONDON, 1834 26 GROUPED LOT OF GEORGE III AND LATER ENGLISH SILVER FLATWARE, LONDON AND BIRMINGHAM, C.17881945 27 GROUPED LOT OF VICTORIAN AND LATER ENGLISH SILVER, LONDON, BIRMINGHAM, SHEFFIELD AND CHESTER, C.1885-1937 with repoussé and engraved decoration, length 8.8” — 22.4 cm., 4.9 oz. — 151 grams comprising twenty pieces, 27.9 oz. — 869 grams, various makers $75—150 $350—500 comprising: coffee pot; cigarette box; 2 two-handled bowls; cream jug; pair of salts; 3-piece condiment set; 2 cut glass cosmetic jars, coffee pot height 9.3” — 23.7 cm., 39.9 oz. — 1240 grams 28 VICTORIAN SILVER PLATED INKSTAND, BENETFINK & CO. OF LONDON, LATE 19TH CENTURY of oblong shape on four bun feet, fitted with two glass wells flanking a central handle, length 10.9” — 27.8 cm., stamped marks $75—150 $400—600 29 OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE TEA URN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY 30 OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE TWO-HANDLED SERVING TRAY, C.1830 with moulded lion mask and ring handles and reeded spigot on four slender supports, reeded platform base and ball feet, burner missing, height 18.7” — 47.5 cm. with moulded rim and handles, chased on the centre with scrolls, shells and diaper panels, on four claw and ball feet, length 27” — 68.5 cm. $100—200 $150—250 31 AMERICAN SILVER PLATED EASTLAKE STYLE RECTANGULAR SERVING TRAY, TAUNTON SILVER PLATE CO., C.1880 with bar handles, engraved with birds and stylized flowers and foliage; together with a butler’s stand, length 27” — 68.5 cm., stamped marks $100—200 32 CANADIAN ‘REGENCY’ SILVER PLATED ‘CHATILLON’ (OR ‘COTILLION’) PATTERN FLATWARE SERVICE, HENRY BIRKS & SONS, 20TH CENTURY comprising one hundred and two pieces: 12 dinner knives 12 dinner forks 12 luncheon knives 12 luncheon forks 12 soup spoons 12 salad forks 11 tea spoons 12 coffee spoons 4 table spoons cold meat fork tomato server pie server $150—250 33 CANADIAN ‘REGENCY’ SILVER PLATED ‘POMPADOUR’ (OR ‘LOUIS DE FRANCE’) PATTERN FLATWARE SERVICE, HENRY BIRKS & SONS, 20TH CENTURY 34 TWELVE CANADIAN SILVER ‘POMPADOUR’ PATTERN TEA KNIVES AND A BOTTLE OPENER, HENRY BIRKS & SONS, MONTREAL. QUE., 20TH CENTURY $75—150 comprising sixty pieces: 12 dinner knives 12 dinner forks 12 soup spoons 12 salad forks 12 tea spoons 35 CANADIAN SILVER ‘SAXON’ PATTERN FLATWARE SERVICE, HENRY BIRKS & SONS, MONTREAL, QUE., 20TH CENTURY comprising one-hundred and four pieces: 8 dinner knives 12 dessert spoons 8 dinner forks 11 tea spoons 3 luncheon knives 3 coffee spoons 12 luncheon forks 3 serving spoons 8 salad forks cold meat fork 8 butter spreaders sardine fork 8 table spoons child’s fork 8 bouillon spoons butter server, 108.7 oz. 8 soup spoons — 3381 grams $1,500—2,000 $100—200 36 CANADIAN SILVER TEA AND COFFEE SERVICE, HENRY BIRKS & SONS, MONTREAL, QUE., 1936/38 comprising four pieces, the fluted bodies engraved with scrolling leaves, coffee pot height 8.5” — 21.7 cm., 48.2 oz. — 1500 grams 37 CANADIAN SILVER SUGAR CASTER, HENRY BIRKS & SONS, MONTREAL, QUE., 1939 of plain design with pierced domed cover and stepped base, height 6.9” — 17.5 cm., 4.1 oz. — 126 grams $75—125 38 PAIR OF CANADIAN SILVER THREE-LIGHT CANDELABRA, HENRY BIRKS & SONS, MONTREAL, QUE., 20TH CENTURY the branch sections each with two scroll arms and a central extension above a low candlestick base, height 8.1” — 20.6 cm. $600—800 $250—350 39 CANADIAN SILVER CONDIMENT SET, HENRY BIRKS & SONS, MONTREAL, QUE., 1965 comprising three pieces, with moulded gadroon borders, caster height 4.1” — 10.3 cm., 10.3 oz. — 320 grams $150—250 40 AMERICAN SILVER ‘STRADIVARI’ PATTERN FLATWARE SERVICE, WALLACE SILVERSMITHS, WALLINGFORD, CT., 20TH CENTURY 41 AMERICAN SILVER ‘ROYAL DANISH’ PATTERN FLATWARE SERVICE, INTERNATIONAL SILVER CO., MERIDEN, CT., 20TH CENTURY 42 AMERICAN SILVER ‘PINETREE’ PATTERN FLATWARE SERVICE, INTERNATIONAL SILVER CO., MERIDEN, CT., 20TH CENTURY 43 AMERICAN SILVER ‘PRELUDE’ PATTERN FLATWARE SERVICE, INTERNATIONAL SILVER CO., MERIDEN, CT., 20TH CENTURY comprising sixtytwo pieces: 8 luncheon knives 8 luncheon forks 8 tea knives 8 salad/dessert forks 8 tea spoons 8 coffee spoons comprising thirty-nine pieces: 8 dinner knives 8 dinner forks 8 tablespoons 8 dessert forks 7 teaspoons, 45.9 oz. — 1428 grams comprising: 8 luncheon knives 8 luncheon forks 8 dessert knives 8 dessert forks 8 tea spoons 8 coffee spoons 3 soup spoons table spoon serving spoon sugar tongs pie server, 42.7 oz. — 1329 grams comprising fifty-five pieces: 8 dinner knives 5 dinner forks 5 dessert spoons 7 salad forks 6 butter spreaders 8 tea spoons 11 coffee spoons 2 table spoons butter knife pickle fork sugar tongs , 45.7 oz. — 1422 grams 4 soup spoons 4 seafood forks butter knife sugar spoon pickle fork sauce ladle table spoon pie server , 46.5 oz. — 1447 grams $600—800 $600—800 $600—800 $600—800 44 AMERICAN SILVER ‘NORMANDY ROSE’ PATTERN FLATWARE SERVICE, NORTHUMBRIA SILVER CO., 20TH CENTURY comprising sixtyfour pieces: 8 dinner knives 8 dinner forks 8 tea knives 8 salad forks 8 soup spoons 7 tea spoons 8 coffee spoons $800—1,200 4 serving spoons butter knife sugar spoon three-piece carving set contained in a fitted canteen, 51.9 oz. — 1614 grams 45 GROUPED LOT OF CANADIAN AND AMERICAN SILVER, 20TH CENTURY 46 GROUPED LOT OF ENGLISH AND NORTH AMERICAN SILVER, 20TH CENTURY comprising: 12 ice cream forks, covered comport, pierced footed bowl, pierced bowl, pierced dish, comport, 38.3 oz. — 1191 grams comprising: child’s mug; three bowls; pierced cake plate, small comport, oval dish and a circular dish; cream jug and sugar basin; cigarette urn; seven nut dishes; two pin trays; grape scissors, 44.5 oz. — 1383 grams $500—600 47 AMERICAN SILVER OVERLAID GREEN GLASS VASE, ALVIN MFG. CO., PROVIDENCE, R.I., C.1900 of baluster form with elongated neck and flared rim, overlaid and engraved with scrolling tendrils, lilies and leaves, height 14” — 35.5 cm. $300—400 $400—600 48 AMERICAN SILVER OVERLAID RED GLASS BOTTLE, C.1900 49 STEUBEN ‘VERRE DE SOIE’ GLASS PERFUME BOTTLE, C. 1920’S 50 STEUBEN ‘JADE’ GLASS COMPORT, C.1920’S the deep red glass overlaid with engraved silver thistles and leaves, crack, height 12.3” — 31.2 cm. of square shape with iridescent body and jade green flower form stopper, crack, height 5.3” — 13.5 cm. the pale green bowl sits atop an alabaster pedestal, height 2.4” — 6.2 cm., diameter 5.1” — 12.9 cm., etched STEUBEN / F. Carder $100—200 $75—125 $75—150 51 STEUBEN ‘CHRYSANTHEMUM’ JADE GLASS LAMP, C.1920 acid cut with flowers and sweeping leaves on patinated metal base, glass, overall height 26.2” — 66.5 cm., height of glass 12.2” — 31 cm $200—300 52 TIFFANY ‘FAVRILE’ IRIDESCENT GLASS SALT, EARLY 20TH CENTURY 53 MONROE & CO. ‘KELVA’ GLASS BRASS MOUNTED CIGAR HUMIDOR, C.1900 with undulating rim, diameter 2.6” — 6.6 cm., engraved L.C.T. with pink flowers on a mottled green ground, inscribed ‘Cigars’, height 5.6” — 14.3 cm., printed mark Kelva in red with brilliant cut geometric patterns below a shaped rim, minor chips, diameter 8” — 20.3 cm., etched R with flanking lions $100—200 $50—100 54 RODEN BROTHERS CUT GLASS BERRY BOWL, C.1900 $100—200 55 VICTORIAN SILVER MOUNTED GLASS JUG, C.1900 of baluster form with spreading foot, the clear glass overlaid with emerald green, height 7.7” — 19.5 cm., etched Rd. No. 36652, collar marked for Hukin & Heath, Sheffield, 1900 $100—200 56 FAIRY LIGHT WITH TAYLOR TUNNICLIFFE POTTERY BASE AND BURMESE GLASS SHADE, LATE 19TH CENTURY the base painted in blue and gilt on a pale green ground with a yellow and pink shade painted with pine cones on branches, height 7.4” — 18.9 cm., printed marks S. Clarke’s Fairy Patent Trade Mark in blue and TTC under a crown in blue 57 ENGLISH OVERLAID AND ENAMELED PINK GLASS VASE WITH CUT GLASS STOPPER, C.1880 painted in colours and gilt with an iris on a thorny branch and a swag of wildflowers, height 11.6” — 29.5 cm., painted marks 4 and L644 in red and ochre 58 ENGLISH OVERLAID AND ENAMELED RED GLASS VASE, C.1870 59 MONT JOYE TEXTURED LAVENDER GLASS VASE, C.1900 painted with insects and wildflowers between bead borders, height 11.2” — 28.5 cm. with enamel yellow and purple irises, painted gilt leaves and rim, mounted with three handles, height 6.1” — 15.4 cm. $100—200 $100—200 $75—125 $75—125 60 GALLÉ CAMEO GLASS VASE, C.1900 the shouldered vessel of grey glass shading to yellow, overlaid with amethyst and etched with wisteria, height 6.4” — 16.2 cm., cameo mark Gallé 61 FRENCH ENAMELED GLASS VASE, EARLY 20TH CENTURY 62 ‘COQUILLES’, LALIQUE OPALESCENT GLASS BOWL, 1930S of tapering cylinder form, painted with a cabin and trees in an encircling mountainous landscape, mounted with gilt brass, tiny chips, height 8.2” — 20.8 cm., signed Jem moulded with overlapping shells, diameter 8.3” — 21 cm., engraved R. LALIQUE / FRANCE / No. 3201 moulded and frosted with birds amongst foliage, minor chips, diameter 9.3” — 23.6 cm., engraved Lalique France $200—300 $75—150 $400—600 $75—150 63 ‘PINSONS’, LALIQUE GLASS BOWL, POST-1945 64 ‘DANSEUSES BRAS LÈVES’, LALIQUE MOULDED AND FROSTED GLASS FIGURE, MID-20TH CENTURY height 9.2” — 23.4 cm., engraved Lalique France $150—250 65 SET OF TWO LALIQUE ‘POUR HOMME’ FRAGRANCE FLACONS, 1999 AND 2000 ‘Mascotte Sagittaire’ moulded as a rearing centaur with bow, ‘Mascotte Phénix’ moulded as a male bust with a crest of feathers, both with original boxes and papers, tallest height 7.9” — 20 cm., signed Lalique France 66 SET OF TWELVE LALIQUE GLASSES, 20TH CENTURY 67 LALIQUE WATER PITCHER, 20TH CENTURY of slightly flared form with a moulded band of scrolling leaves above the circular bases, height 5” — 12.7 cm., etched Lalique France with a squared band moulded with a zig-zag pattern above a square pedestal base, condition noted, height 7.3” — 18.6 cm., etched Lalique France $150—250 $100—200 $100—200 68 ‘ELIZABETH’, LALIQUE GLASS FOOTED BOWL, 20TH CENTURY 69 LOREDANO ROSIN GLASS SCULPTURE, MID-20TH CENTURY moulded with eight birds perched within branches on a square base, height 5.3” — 13.4 cm., signed Lalique France the green glass moulded as a figure resting cheek to hand, height 15.9” — 40.3 cm., etched Loredano Rosin on base $100—200 $200—300 70 WATERFORD GLASS PHOENIX FIGURE moulded as a Phoenix rising from flames on a base formed as fiery logs, with conforming wood and felt stand in original box, excluding wood base height 6.9” — 17.6 cm., etched Waterford $75—150 71 MOSER ETCHED AND GILT DECORATED GLASS VASE, 20TH CENTURY height 12” — 30.5 cm., etched oval mark Moser $200—300 72 MOSER ETCHED AND GILT DECORATED GLASS VASE, 20TH CENTURY length 5.2” — 13.3 cm., etched oval mark Moser $200—300 76 SET OF TEN MOSER ‘LADY HAMILTON’ CLEAR CUT GLASS LIQUER GLASSES, 20TH CENTURY height 5.1” — 12.9 cm., diameter 2.9” — 7.3 cm., etched oval mark Moser $150—250 73 SET OF SIX MOSER ‘SPLENDID’ COLOURED AND CUT GLASS LIQUER GLASSES, 20TH CENTURY 74 SET OF SIX MOSER ‘LADY HAMILTON’ GILT,CUT AND COLOURED GLASS WINE GLASSES, 20TH CENTURY 75 SET OF TWELVE MOSER ‘LADY HAMILTON’ CUT AND GILT GLASS MARTINI GLASSES, 20TH CENTURY comprising; 2 red 1 amethyst 1 amber 1 green 1 royal blue, height 7” — 17.8 cm., diameter 2.6” — 6.6 cm., etched oval mark Moser comprising one each of the following colours: turquoise pale blue royal blue pale yellow amber pink, etched oval mark Moser height 5.6” — 14.1 cm., diameter 4.5” — 11.5 cm., etched oval mark Moser $150—250 $150—250 77 SET OF SIX MOSER ‘LADY HAMILTON’ GILT, CUT AND COLOURED GLASS SMALL WINE GLASSES, 20TH CENTURY 78 SET OF TEN MOSER ‘LADY HAMILTON’ PALE BLUE GILT AND CUT GLASS WINE GLASSES, 20TH CENTURY comprising: 2 acid green emerald green sapphire blue deep pink amber , height 7.2” — 18.4 cm., diameter 3.2” — 8.2 cm., etched oval mark Moser $150—250 210ml size, height 7” — 17.8 cm., diameter 3.8” — 9.7 cm., etched oval mark Moser $200—300 $200—300 79 SET OF TWELVE MOSER ‘LADY HAMILTON’ GILT, CUT AND COLOURED GLASS LIQUEUR GLASSES, 20TH CENTURY in two original fitted cases, comprising two of each of the following colours: blue pale blue turquoise pale yellow amber rose, height 4.2” — 10.6 cm., etched Moser $200—300 80 SET OF SIX MOSER COLOURED AND CUT GLASS TUMBLERS, 20TH CENTURY the bases moulded in a ‘U’ shape to create a unique ‘rocking’ effect. Each a different colour: clear pale blue blue turquoise amber yellow , height 3.9” — 10 cm., diameter 3.5” — 9 cm., etched oval mark Moser 81 AUSTRIAN ORMOLU MOUNTED BLUE OVERLAID AND CUT GLASS VASE, EARLY 20TH CENTURY of trumpet form on three scroll supports above a triform base, height 9.1” — 23 cm., stamped marks AUSTRIA 82 BOHEMIAN ENAMELED COVERED GLASS VASE, POSSIBLY LOBMEYER, C.1900 83 TWO GERMAN ZWISCHENGOLDGLAS GOBLETS, C.1900 on a tall and slender knopped stem, with a scene of cherubs forging arrows further painted in blue, gilt and red with turquoise and white ‘jewels’, repaired, height 20.1” — 51 cm. one with a cover, the conical bowl decorated with a continuous scene of finely detailed figures in battle and on horseback, the other with four figures emblematic of the Elements, condition noted, height 9.8” — 25 cm.; 7.2” — 18.2 cm. $75—150 $100—200 $150—250 $150—250 84 AUSTRIAN ART NOUVEAU BRASS MOUNTED GLASS INKWELL, C. 1900 85 MEISSEN GROUP OF THE RAPE OF PROSERPINA, LATE 19TH CENTURY 86 MEISSEN FIGURE OF ‘SUMMER’, FRIEDRICH ELIAS MEYER, C.1760 87 MEISSEN FIGURE OF ‘AUTUMN’, FRIEDRICH ELIAS MEYER, C.1760 aqua blue with white pulls in a satinfinished feather effect, the lid inset with three turquoise enamel ‘jewels’, height 4.3” — 10.8 cm. the figures painted in colours on a moulded and gilt rocaille base, losses, height 9.6” — 24.5 cm., impressed numerals, incised 1448, painted crossed swords mark in underglaze blue the female figure wearing a flowerpainted cloak and holding a sheaf of wheat as she stands beside an urn on a moulded and gilt base, small losses, height 8.7” — 22 cm., painted crossed swords mark in underglaze blue $250—350 $1,000—1,500 the male figure wearing a flowerpainted cloak and holding a goblet and grapes, a rabbit hung at his waist as he stands beside an urn applied with fruiting vines on a moulded and gilt base, small losses and repair, height 9.3” — 23.5 cm., painted crossed swords mark in underglaze blue $100—200 $1,000—1,500 88 MEISSEN FIGURE OF ‘WINTER’, FRIEDRICH ELIAS MEYER, C.1760 89 PAIR OF ORMOLU MOUNTED BERLIN PORCELAIN VASES, C.1870 the bearded male figure wearing a fur-lined cloak painted with flowers as he stands, warming his hands over a fire, beside a pedestal encrusted with ice on a moulded and gilt base, height 9.4” — 23.8 cm., painted crossed swords mark in underglaze blue painted in colours with classical figures on a brown ground, with moulded scroll handles and bases on three paw feet, height 13.3” — 33.7 cm., printed medallion and sceptre marks in underglaze blue 90 PAIR OF FRENCH PORCELAIN VASES, C.1870 of tapering form with pale blue pedestal bases, painted in colours with flowers, butterflies and beetles, height 11.7” — 29.8 cm., incised mark 233 M $200—300 $250—350 91 PAIR OF FRENCH PORCELAIN VASES, LATE 19TH CENTURY moulded and painted in colours and gilt with insects and vines, each reserved an oval panel painted with a pheasant or rooster on a blue and gilt ground, height 11.8” — 30 cm., incised marks $150—250 $1,000—1,500 92 DELFT TULIP VASE, 19TH CENTURY with twin dragon handles, the cover with fifteen necks, all painted in blue with stylized flowers, leaves and scrollwork, minor restoration, height 17.3” — 44 cm., painted marks DS / 1704 in blue $300—400 93 PAIR OF ENGLISH CREAMWARE BOTANICAL PLATES, C.1800 painted in colours with ‘Striped Geranium’ and ‘Lily Thorn’, the rims with russet line borders, restored, diameter 8.1” — 20.5 cm., painted titles in red script $100—200 94 PAIR OF MINTON ARMORIAL PLATES, C.1830 95 ENGLISH PORCELAIN ARMORIAL SOUP PLATE, C.1820 the centres painted in colours with armorials and motto ‘SUB TEGMINE FAGI’, the grey ground rims moulded and gilt with foliate scrollwork, diameter 9.3” — 23.5 cm. painted in colours on the centre with armorials and a unicorn crest within the apricot and gilt banded gadroon rim, diameter 10.1” — 25.7 cm. $150—250 $150—250 96 EIGHT COALPORT FINGER AND THUMB JAPAN PATTERN DESSERT PLATES AND TWO SQUARE DISHES, EARLY 19TH CENTURY painted in coloured enamels, underglaze blue and gilt with stylized flowering foliage and shaped diaper panels, some condition noted, plates diameter 8.5” — 21.5 cm. $350—500 100 WORCESTER ‘OLD MOSAIK’ JAPAN PLATE, C.1770 painted in underglaze blue and coloured enamels with fan-shaped diaper panels, chrysanthemums and prunus branches, the shaped rim with a gilt line border, diameter 9” — 22.8 cm., pseudo-Chinese character marks in blue Provenance: Label with Town House Antiques, St. Catharines 97 ROYAL CROWN DERBY COVERED BOWL, C.1825 98 PAIR OF MILES MASON SQUARE DISHES, C.1810 99 PENNINGTON’S LIVERPOOL TEAPOT, C.1785 with basketweave borders and pineapple finial, painted with colourful flower sprays and smaller sprigs, diameter 6.9” — 17.5 cm., crown crossed batons dots and D in iron red painted on the centres with Italianate mountain views in puce, the rims with marbled orange bands between gilt line borders, width 8.5” — 21.7 cm. of globular shape, printed in blue and painted in colours with deer amongst trees, the rims with cell borders, spout restored, height 6.8” — 17.2 cm. Provenance: Label with Robert Dirstein, Toronto Provenance: Mrs. D. MacCallum Collection, Toronto, No. LI-6 Note: cover restored $150—250 $75—150 101 WORCESTER ‘RICH QUEEN’S’ PATTERN COFFEE CUP AND SAUCER, C.1770 $200—300 102 BARR, FLIGHT AND BARR WORCESTER SALMON GROUND TEACUP AND SAUCER, C.1810 painted in colours and gilt with alternating panels of prunus and chrysanthemums between blue ground panels of foliage and flowerhead medallions, diameter 5.5” — 14 cm., painted crescent marks in underglaze blue medallions painted with colourful floral sprays on a pale blue ground within gilt anthemion borders, vermiculated detail on the cup, saucer diameter 5.5” — 14 cm., impressed marks Provenance: Labels with Town House Antiques, St. Catharines Note: Label from Jonny’s Antiques, Shakespeare $100—200 $150—250 $200—300 103 ROYAL WORCESTER ‘ARIOSTO’ INKWELL, 1863 cupid stands on the lid supported by three caryatids with claw feet alternating with grotesque masks on a trefoil base, height 5.8” — 14.8 cm., printed marks in puce $150—250 104 ROYAL WORCESTER DEMITASSE CUP AND SAUCER, HARRY AYRTON AND WILLIAM ROBERTS, 20TH CENTURY painted with fruit in natural colours, with gilt interior, diameter 3.9” — 9.8 cm., painted signatures, impressed and printed marks in black 105 PAIR OF ROYAL WORCESTER SMALL FOOTED DISHES, HARRY AYRTON AND HORACE PRICE, C.1941 painted with arrangements of fruit in natural colours, diameter 3.9” — 9.8 cm., painted signatures, printed marks in puce 106 THREE ROYAL WORCESTER SMALL DISHES, HARRY AYRTON, JOHN FREEMAN AND ALBERT SHUCK, 20TH CENTURY painted with arrangements of fruit in natural colours, largest length 5” — 12.7 cm., painted signatures, printed marks in puce and black 107 SET OF EIGHT ROYAL CROWN DERBY ‘IMARI’ (2451) PATTERN SIDE PLATES, 20TH CENTURY diameter 7.2” — 18.2 cm., impressed and printed marks in red $100—200 $75—150 $75—150 108 WEDGWOOD ‘ASCOT’ SERVICE, 20TH CENTURY with wide gilt borders of flowers and foliage, comprising seventy-two pieces: 12 dinner plates 12 soup plates 12 luncheon plates 12 side plates 12 cups 12 saucers, dinner plate diameter 10.7” — 27.2 cm. $100—200 109 AYNSLEY ‘WINDSOR’ PATTERN SERVICE, 20TH CENTURY comprising eighty-four pieces: 12 plates, diameter 10.3” — 26.2 cm. 12 plates, diameter 8.3” — 21 cm. 12 plates diameter 6.1” — 15.6 cm. 12 soup cups and stands 12 cups and saucers , printed and painted marks, including pattern number 7167 $400—600 $300—500 110 BISTO GREEN GROUND EARTHENWARE JARDINIERE, EARLY 20TH CENTURY printed and painted with flower sprays on a green, ivory, and gilt ground, height 8.4” — 21.3 cm., printed mark in green; painted marks in red and gilt 111 DOULTON CABINET PLATE WITH PORTRAIT OF PSYCHE, C.1900 the rim painted in green, ivory and gilt with a central portrait of Psyche signed F.N. Sutton, diameter 10.2” — 25.8 cm., impressed marks, printed mark in brown, retailer’s mark for Spalding & Co. Chicago & Paris $100—200 $100—200 112 PILKINGTON’S ROYAL LANCASTRIAN RUBY LUSTRE VASE, EARLY 20TH CENTURY the ovoid body moulded with trees and covered with a lustrous red glaze, height 7.4” — 18.8 cm., impressed marks 113 MOORCROFT POMEGRANATE SMALL VASE, C.1925 114 MOORCROFT POMEGRANATE VASE, C.1925 of baluster shape, painted with fruit and leaves on a mottled blue and brown ground, height 3.9” — 9.8 cm., impressed marks of ovoid shape, painted with fruit and leaves on a mottled blue and brown ground, height 6” — 15.3 cm., impressed marks, painted signature in blue $100—200 $200—300 115 MOORCROFT POMEGRANATE VASE, C.1930 of ovoid form with grapes and fruiting vines painted around the shoulder, height 6.9” — 17.5 cm., impressed marks, circular paper label, painted signature in blue $150—250 $75—150 116 THREE PIECE MOORCROFT ‘AFRICAN LILY’ TEA SERVICE WITH TWO DISHES, C1940S 117 MOORCROFT PANSY CANDLESTICK AND A SMALL BOWL painted with pink and yellow flowers on a dark blue and pale green ground, teapot height 5.8” — 14.7 cm., impressed marks including facsimile signature and Royal Warrant, height 6.3” — 16 cm., diameter 4.4” — 11.3 cm., impressed marks, the bowl including facsimile signature and Royal Warrant, candlestick with painted initials in blue Note: spout repaired $150—250 118 MOORCROFT WISTERIA TABLE LAMP, C.1925 the pear-shaped body painted with colourful blossoms and leaves on a mottled blue ground, with cream silk shade, overall height 27.5” — 70 cm. 119 MOORCROFT POMEGRANATE TABLE LAMP, C.1925 of baluster shape, painted with fruit and leaves on a mottled blue and brown ground, with cream silk shade, overall height 33” — 83.8 cm. $250—350 $350—500 $100—200 120 BROOKLIN POTTERY CIRCULAR PLAQUE, THEO AND SUSAN HARLANDER, C.1980 121 BROOKLIN POTTERY WALL CLOCK, THEO AND SUSAN HARLANDER, C.1975 122 BROOKLIN POTTERY WALL CLOCK, THEO AND SUSAN HARLANDER, C.1975 123 BROOKLIN POTTERY MUG, THEO AND SUSAN HARLANDER, 1960S incised and painted with figures harvesting fruit, diameter 11.6” — 29.5 cm., moulded oval studio mark, incised T. + S. HARLANDER . BROOKLIN . ONTARIO . CANADA incised and painted with ochre and brown flowers and leaves radiating from the centre, diameter 11.8” — 30 cm., moulded oval studio mark, incised T. + S. / HARLANDER / BROOKLIN / ONTARIO incised and painted with three figures on the centre, diameter 11.3” — 28.8 cm., moulded oval studio mark, incised T. + S. HARLANDER . BROOKLIN . ONTARIO . CANADA incised and painted with standing female figures and vines, height 4.9” — 12.5 cm., incised TSH monogram, BROOKLIN . ONTARIO $150—250 $150—250 Provenance: Estate of Elizabeth Harlander, Toronto Provenance: Estate of Elizabeth Harlander, Toronto $30—50 $150—250 124 BROOKLIN POTTERY VASE, THEO AND SUSAN HARLANDER, 1960S 125 BROOKLIN POTTERY BOWL, THEO AND SUSAN HARLANDER, 1960S of fluted near-cylinder form, covered with a shaded cream and green glaze, height 6.1” — 15.5 cm., moulded oval studio seal mark incised with abstract radiating panels on a green and buff ground, minor glaze chips, diameter 9.4” — 24 cm., incised marks T. + S. HARLANDER . BROOKLIN . ONTARIO Provenance: Estate of Elizabeth Harlander, Toronto Provenance: Estate of Elizabeth Harlander, Toronto $100—200 126 BROOKLIN POTTERY CIRCULAR PLAQUE, THEO AND SUSAN HARLANDER, 1960S 127 BROOKLIN POTTERY CIRCULAR PLAQUE, THEO AND SUSAN HARLANDER, DATED 1961 incised with three female figures on a brown and green ground, chip, diameter 8.9” — 22.7 cm., incised TSH monogram, BROOKLIN . ONTARIO . CANADA incised with figures ‘MARILYN’ and ‘BOB’ on a green ground, diameter 10.7” — 27.2 cm., incised TSH monogram, TED + SUSAN HARLANDER . BROOKLIN . ONTARIO . CANADA Provenance: Estate of Elizabeth Harlander, Toronto $100—200 Provenance: Estate of Elizabeth Harlander, Toronto $75—150 $75—150 128 BROOKLIN POTTERY CIRCULAR PLAQUE, THEO AND SUSAN HARLANDER, 1960S 129 TWO BROOKLIN POTTERY FIGURAL SOAP DISHES, THEO AND SUSAN HARLANDER, C.1975 incised with figures ‘SALLY’ and ‘MICHAEL SADLIER’ on a brown ground, tiny glaze chips, diameter 10.6” — 26.8 cm., incised TSH monogram, TED + SUSAN HARLANDER . BROOKLIN . ONTARIO . CANADA each formed as a seated woman, incised and painted in colours, condition noted, height 4.9” — 12.4 cm.; 4.4” — 11.1 cm., moulded oval studio marks, incised T. + S. / HARLANDER / BROOKLIN . ONT. Provenance: Estate of Elizabeth Harlander, Toronto Provenance: Estate of Elizabeth Harlander, Toronto 130 TWO BROOKLIN POTTERY VASES, THEO AND SUSAN HARLANDER, 1960S of flaring form, covered with a mottled grey and green glaze, height 6.9” — 17.5 cm.; 6.5” — 16.5 cm., moulded oval studio marks, incised T. + S. HARLANDER . BROOKLIN . ONTARIO Provenance: Estate of Elizabeth Harlander, Toronto 131 BROOKLIN POTTERY HANGING PLANTER, THEO AND SUSAN HARLANDER, C.1970 incised with three women’s faces under a mottled grey and cream glaze, height 7.5” — 19 cm., diameter 8.9” — 22.5 cm. Provenance: Estate of Elizabeth Harlander, Toronto $150—250 $150—250 $250—350 $75—150 132 BROOKLIN POTTERY JARDINIÈRE, THEO AND SUSAN HARLANDER, C.1970 133 THREE BROOKLIN POTTERY SMALL VASES, THEO AND SUSAN HARLANDER, C.1970 incised with stylized human figures under a mottled grey and cream glaze, tiny glaze chips, height 9” — 23 cm., diameter 12” — 30.5 cm., moulded oval studio mark, incised T. + S. HARLANDER . BROOKLIN . ONTARIO . CANADA with incised decoration, minor glaze chips, approx. height 3.8” — 9.7 cm., impressed oval studio seal marks Provenance: Estate of Elizabeth Harlander, Toronto $100—200 Provenance: Estate of Elizabeth Harlander, Toronto $200—300 134 BROOKLIN POTTERY TEAPOT, TWO MUGS, COVERED SUGAR BASIN AND A BOWL, THEO AND SUSAN HARLANDER, 1970S covered with yellow glazes detailed in black, some condition noted, height 8.1” — 20.5 cm., various incised marks and TSH monograms, impressed oval studio seal marks Provenance: Estate of Elizabeth Harlander, Toronto $100—200 135 BROOKLIN POTTERY BOWL, TWO MUGS AND COVERED SUGAR, THEO AND SUSAN HARLANDER, C.1970 covered with green or yellow glazes, minor glaze chips, bowl diameter 6.2” — 15.8 cm., moulded and incised marks Provenance: Estate of Elizabeth Harlander, Toronto $75—150 136 BROOKLIN POTTERY TABLE LAMP, THEO AND SUSAN HARLANDER, C.1960S 137 BROOKLIN POTTERY TORSO VASE, THEO AND SUSAN HARLANDER, 1960S 138 BROOKLIN POTTERY LARGE OVOID VASE, THEO AND SUSAN HARLANDER, 1960S of ovoid shape, incised with stylized faces and covered with a mottled green glaze, overall height 25.6” — 65 cm., moulded oval studio mark, incised T. + S. HARLANDER . BROOKLIN . ONTARIO the female figure painted in green, black and red, neck repaired, height 15.4” — 39 cm., painted TSH monogram in black incised and painted with stylized foliage in shades of green, height 17.7” — 45 cm., moulded oval studio seal mark, incised T. + S. HARLANDER . BROOKLIN . ONTARIO Provenance: Estate of Elizabeth Harlander, Toronto Provenance: Estate of Elizabeth Harlander, Toronto $150—250 Provenance: Estate of Elizabeth Harlander, Toronto $250—350 $150—250 139 BROOKLIN POTTERY FLOOR LAMP, THEO AND SUSAN HARLANDER, C.1970 of tapering form in three sections, covered with a mottled grey and cream glaze, overall height 55” — 140 cm., moulded oval studio seal mark Provenance: Estate of Elizabeth Harlander, Toronto $150—250 140 BROOKLIN POTTERY TILE TOPPED TABLE, THEO, SUSAN AND BEN HARLANDER, 1960S 141 BROOKLIN POTTERY TILE TOPPED END TABLE, THEO, SUSAN AND BEN HARLANDER, 1960S 142 BROOKLIN POTTERY TILE TOPPED MAGAZINE TABLE, THEO, SUSAN AND BEN HARLANDER, 1960S 143 BROOKLIN POTTERY TILE TOPPED COFFEE TABLE, THEO, SUSAN AND BEN HARLANDER, 1960S with under-tier, the top inset with fifteen panels incised and coloured with stylized flowers and leaves, 25.8” x 34.3” x 22” — 65.5 x 87 x 56 cm. inset with nine panels incised and coloured with sleeping cats, 23.8” x 22.2” x 22.2” — 60.5 x 56.5 x 56.5 cm. inset with twenty-four panels incised and coloured with vegetables, fruit, flowers and leaves, 19.7” x 21.3” x 15.4” — 50 x 54 x 39 cm. inset with thirty panels incised and coloured with stylized human, animal and bird forms, 18.5” x 63.4” x 22.2” — 47 x 161 x 56.5 cm. Provenance: Estate of Elizabeth Harlander, Toronto Provenance: Estate of Elizabeth Harlander, Toronto Provenance: Estate of Elizabeth Harlander, Toronto Provenance: Estate of Elizabeth Harlander, Toronto $150—250 $150—250 $100—200 $200—300 144 BROOKLIN POTTERY TILE TOPPED STEP STOOL, THEO, SUSAN AND BEN HARLANDER, 1960S 145 BROOKLIN POTTERY ‘MOSAIC’ TILE TOPPED TABLE, THEO, SUSAN AND BEN HARLANDER, 1960S inset with four cream coloured panels incised with ‘Aztec’ figures, 7.1” x 12.4” x 12.4” — 18 x 31.5 x 31.5 cm. with under-tier, 24.8” x 20.9” x 20.9” — 63 x 53 x 53 cm. Provenance: Estate of Elizabeth Harlander, Toronto Provenance: Estate of Elizabeth Harlander, Toronto $100—200 $50—100 146 BROOKLIN POTTERY TILE TOPPED TWO-DRAWER FILING CABINET, THEO, SUSAN AND BEN HARLANDER, 1960S inset with nine cream coloured panels incised with ‘Aztec’ figures, 25.8” x 19.5” x 19.5” — 65.5 x 49.5 x 49.5 cm. Provenance: Estate of Elizabeth Harlander, Toronto 147 BROOKLIN POTTERY ‘MOSAIC’ TILE TOPPED TABLE, THEO, SUSAN AND BEN HARLANDER, 1960S with under-tier, 25.2” x 33.5” x 18.5” — 64 x 85 x 47 cm. Provenance: Estate of Elizabeth Harlander, Toronto $150—250 $100—200 148 BROOKLIN POTTERY ‘MOSAIC’ TILE MOUNTED MIRROR, THEO, SUSAN AND BEN HARLANDER, 1960S with two drawers to the base, 30.7” x 20.5” x 6.7” — 78 x 52 x 17 cm. Provenance: Estate of Elizabeth Harlander, Toronto 149 TEAK SIDE CHAIR, BEN HARLANDER, 1960S 150 TWO CARVED SOAPSTONE FIGURES, SUSAN HARLANDER, 1960S with cream upholstered seat Provenance: Estate of Elizabeth Harlander, Toronto together with a head, possibly also carved at the Brooklin studio, tallest height 8.3” — 21 cm., the first two with carved SH monograms $30—50 151 GROUP OF SIX VICTORIAN DESK SEALS, 19TH CENTURY including Japanese damascene, carved ivory, agate and mother of pearl handled examples, each with silver table, tallest height 4.3” — 11 cm. $200—300 Provenance: Estate of Elizabeth Harlander, Toronto $150—250 $75—150 152 PAIR OF FRENCH RELIEF CARVED ALABASTER PLAQUES OF ADAM & EVE, AFTER GISLEBERTUS, 20TH CENTURY modelled after the 12th century original Eve (Adam now lost) in the Cathédrale St-Lazare in Autun, Burgundy, each mounted on velvet lined moulded giltwood board, 11.8” x 17.5” — 30 x 44.5 cm. 153 FRENCH ORMOLU MOUNTED GLASS POWDER BOX WITH LIMOGES ENAMEL PORTRAIT, C.1900 154 FRENCH ENAMELLED COPPER BOX LIMOGES, MID18TH CENTURY the lid opens to reveal a mirror, portrait signed Lebrun Limoges, diameter 3.9” — 9.9 cm. decorated with musical scores and lyrics for ‘Loure’, ‘Fanfare’ and ‘Petit Air Serieux’, 1.25” x 3.5” x 3” — 3.2 x 8.9 x 7.6 cm. $150—250 $75—150 $300—400 155 AUSTRIAN ORMOLU MOUNTED MAHOGANY MINIATURE MUSICAL AUTOMATON ORGAN FORM TANTALUS, EARLY 20TH CENTURY the two air music mechanism, activated by keyboard, in turn opens the two glazed doors revealing twin etched decanters, all under sprung hinged glazed lid to removable fitted tray of eight glasses, height 11.8” — 30 cm. $200—300 156 TURKISH OTTOMAN BRASS SCRIBE’S QUILL CASE, 19TH/20TH CENTURY with ink bottle, length 9.25” — 23.5 cm. $50—100 157 AMERICAN PAINTED CAST IRON ELEPHANT FORM CIGARETTE DISPENSER, C.1930 158 IVORY TUSK DESK THERMOMETER, DREW & SONS, PICCADILLY CIRCUS, 19TH CENTURY with howdah form container opening to roller mechanism operated by tail, length 8.25” — 21 cm. height 5.8” — 14.7 cm. $75—150 Note: This item cannot be shipped internationally. $50—100 159 AFTER PAUL DELAROCHE (FRENCH, 1797-1856) PORTRAIT MINIATURE OF HENRIETTE SONTAG AS DONNA ANNA FROM ‘DON GIOVANNI’ gouache on oval ivory panel, in gilt metal frame, 3.3” x 2.75” — 8.5 x 7 cm. $200—300 160 ENGLISH SCHOOL PORTRAIT MINIATURE OF SIR THOMAS WOOLASTON WHITE, 1ST BARONET (1767-1817), 1832 161 BRITISH SCHOOL PORTRAIT MINIATURE OF A GENTLEMAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY gouache on card, in uniform of Lieutenant in the 4th Light Dragoons, in gilt gesso frame with quill note verso: ‘Copied from the orignal painting at Wallingwells by L.W., September 1832, 23” x 22” — 58.4 x 55.9 cm. gouache on paper oval in ebony frame with gilt metal slip, frame 5.5” x 4.5” — 14 x 11.4 cm. $100—200 162 PORTRAIT MINIATURE OF OLIVER CROMWELL, AFTER THE WORK BY SAMUEL COOPER (BRITISH, 16091672), 1791 163 PORTRAIT MINIATURE OF MARINA MINISZECH AFTER THE WORK BY ANTOINE MAURIN (1793-1860), 19TH CENTURY gouache on oval ivory panel, titled, signed J.B. and dated verso, in gilt metal frame, 4.1” x 3.4” — 10.3 x 8.7 cm. gouache on oval card panel, in red leather case, 5.75” x 4.5” — 14.6 x 11.4 cm. $200—300 $200—300 Note: Known also as ‘Marinka the Witch” in Russian folklore, and as a prominent warlord during Russia’s ‘Time of Troubles’. Wife of False Dimitrys I & II. $200—300 164 ENGLISH SCHOOL PORTRAIT MINIATURE OF THE HONORABLE LADY SINCLAIR, EARLY 19TH CENTURY gouache on oval ivory panel in gilt metal bale frame, 4.5” x 3.5” — 11.4 x 8.9 cm. $200—300 165 ENGLISH SCHOOL PORTRAIT MINIATURE OF AN OFFICER, EARLY 19TH CENTURY 166 SCOTTISH SCHOOL PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG GIRL, 1848 167 FRENCH SCHOOL MINIATURE ON IVORY, 19TH CENTURY gouache on oval ivory panel, in black lacquer frame, 6” x 4.75” — 15.2 x 12.1 cm. gouache on ivory oval, depicted in black dress with tartan sash, in black lacquer frame, inscribed in pencil, verso: ‘at 1 year, Dec. 11, 1848’ gouache on ivory roundel, signed Legranc, depicting an 18th century courting couple in a garden setting, in walnut frame with gilt metal slip, 5.25” x 5” — 13.3 x 12.7 cm. $200—300 $200—300 $75—150 168 AFTER WILLIAM-ADOLPHE BOUGUEREAU (FRENCH, 1825-1905) BRISE DU PRINTEMPS miniature gouache on oval ivory panel in titled ormolu frame, 7” x 5.” — 17.8 x 12.7 cm. $200—300 169 GROUP OF THREE PORTRAIT MINIATURES, 19TH CENTURY 170 MISCELLANEOUS GROUP OF PORTRAIT MINIATURES, 18TH AND 19TH CENTURIES 171 TWO FRENCH SCHOOL PORTRAIT MINIATURES ON IVORY, 19TH CENTURY two gouache on ivory panel of ladies, one in ebonized frame, the second in carved oval frame with gilt slip, the third an enamelled oval porcelain panel of a young gentleman, square 6” x 5.75” — 15.2 x 14.6 cm. including 6 gouache on ivory ovals (5 framed together), and an oil on wood panel, 6.75” x 11” — 17.1 x 27.9 cm. including Marie-Louise von Frankreich and another, largest 5.5” x 4.1” — 14 x 10.5 cm. $300—400 $100—200 174 THREE GERMAN PORTRAIT MINIATURES OF LADIES, 19TH/EARLY 20TH CENTURY 175 AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN SILVER MOUNTED MALACCA DOG HEAD CANE, 19TH CENTURY $150—250 172 TWO PORTRAIT MINIATURES: NAPOLEON I AND ARTHUR WELLESLEY, 1ST DUKE OF WELLINGTON, 19TH CENTURY the first, and over-painted lithograph in ‘N’ monogrammed frame, the second a lithograph in, larger 7.75” x 6.75” — 19.7 x 17.1 cm. 173 PAIR OF FRENCH MINIATURE ROUNDELS, LATE 19TH/EARLY 20TH CENTURY each gouache on ivory of Renaissance scene signed Ch. de Chatillon, in giltwood frame, 6.5” x 6.5” — 16.5 x 16.5 cm. the handle in the form of a bull dog’s head, height 35.25” — 89.5 cm. $100—200 $200—300 $200—300 $100—200 each gouache on ivory oval in ivory veneered frame, one with mock tortoishell, another with abalone inlay, 5.6” x 4.8” — 14.2 x 12.2 cm. 176 NEOCLASSICAL BRONZE RELIEF ARCHITECTURAL PANEL, 19TH/EARLY 20TH CENTURY in contemporary giltwood frame, frame 25” x 7.75” — 63.5 x 19.7 cm. Provenance: Toronto Dominion Bank Building, King and Bay Streets, Toronto, demolished 1966 177 VICTORIAN SILVER GILT BRASS CENTERPIECE VASE, C.1870 178 FOUR GERMAN BISQUE HEAD DOLLS, 19TH CENTURY 179 ONTARIO ALPHABET SAMPLER, MARY KINGBORN, VAUGHN, 1845 of naturalistic design with birds and insects amongst foliate grapevines, height 26.5” — 67.3 cm. Armand Marseille #390 - Floradora, after 1890, Alt, Beck & Gottschlack and two open mouth dolls, including one SImon & Halbig, each in vintage clothing, each acrylic cased, each case height 20.5” — 52.1 cm. worked in bright colours on linen, now mounted in glazed mahogany tea tray frame, 16” x 26” — 40.6 x 66 cm. $200—300 $100—200 $250—350 $75—150 180 ADAM AND EVE VERSE SAMPLER, MARY ANN WESCOMBE KNIGHT, AUGUST 13, 1838 181 EAST INDIAN CHAMPLEVE ENAMELLED BRASS FLOOR VASE, MID 20TH CENTURY height 40.75” — 103.5 cm. worked on linen in period giltwood frame, 21.75” x 15.5” — 55.2 x 39.4 cm. $300—400 $75—150 182 PAIR OF VICTORIAN TURNED AND CARVED MAHOGANY TALL CANDLE STANDS, WILKINSON & SON, MID 19TH CENTURY each with table below candle cup, all raised on turned and carved riser to moulded base on paw feet, impressed maker’s mark to base, 8 Old Bond Street, height 37.75” — 95.9 cm. 83 CONTEMPORARY SCHOOL BRONZE FIGURE OF A FALLING NUDE, 20TH CENTURY on red porphyry block base, height 20.5” — 52.1 cm. Provenance: Bergdon Galleries label $500—700 $200—300 184 ITALIAN ALABASTER GROUP, ‘THE LESSON’, A. CIPRIANI, EARLY-MID 20TH CENTURY 185 ITALIAN CARVED ALABSTER BUST OF A YOUNG DUTCH WOMAN, 19TH CENTURY 186 CHINESE BRONZE FIGURE OF GUANYIN, 20TH CENTURY height 13.5” — 34.3 cm. incised signature G. Bragi to base, height 15.5” — 39.4 cm. seated on a rock, height 22.2” — 56.5 cm. $200—300 $300—400 $250—350 187 AFTER P. J. MENE (FRENCH, 1810-1871) 20TH CENTURY JIJI ON A CARPET WITH BALL patinated bronze model of a whippet, signed in the mould, with Susse Freres foundry mark, on rouge marble base, height 6.5” — 16.5 cm. $200—300 188 FRENCH GILT BRONZE EQUESTRIAN GROUP, 20TH CENTURY 190 JAY CONTWAY (AMERICAN, B.1935) ROY ROGERS AND TRIGGER 191 JAY CONTWAY (AMERICAN, B.1935) BRONCO BUSTER modelled as a Louis XV huntsman in tricorn hat on horseback with horn, on marble base, height 11” — 28 cm. patinated bronze equestrian group, signed, dated ©‘74 and numbered 10/15, height 17” — 43.2 cm. patinated bronze equestrian group, signed, dated ©76 adn numbered 10/30, height 13.25” — 33.7 cm. $200—300 $200—300 $200—300 192 AFTER FREDERIC SACKRIDER REMINGTON (AMERICAN, 1861-1909) COMING THRU THE RYE large 20th century patinated bronze equestrian group, signed in the mould on titled marble base, 30” x 30” — 76.2 x 76.2 cm. $300—400 192a HERMANN SCHILCHER (GERMAN, B.1909)) THREE HORSES AT THE GALLOP 193 ERTÉ (ROMAIN DE TIRTOFF, RUSSIAN/FRENCH, 18921990) LA MASQUE patinated bronze equestrian group, incised monogram HS to underside, length 16” — 40.6 cm. cold painted and patinated bronze, signed in the mould Erté, impressed Fine Art Acquisitions ©1986 and numbered 280/375, height 18.1” — 46 cm. polychromed bronze relief signed in the mould, with mirror back and hinged on rotating mirrored base, 10” x 17.25” — 25.4 x 43.8 cm. $800—1,200 $600—800 197 ENGLISH VICTORIAN MINIATURE BRASS LANTERN CLOCK, 19TH CENTURY 198 LOUIS XVI STYLE ORMOLU MOUNTED MARBLE MANTLE CLOCK, C.1900 Provenance: Estate of Elizabeth Harlander, Toronto 194 ERTÉ (ROMAIN DE TIRTOFF, RUSSIAN/FRENCH, 18921990) JOY OF LIFE TABLE MIRROR, 1984 195 LEICA IIF RD RANGEFINDER CAMERA AND ACCESSORIES, 1956 serial no. 799738, with red dial flash synchronization, Elmar 3.5/5cm. lens, leather case, red and green filters, lens hood, and external top mounted 5cm viewfinder, accompanied by manuals and catalogues $200—300 $100—200 196 JAEGER LE COULTRE ATMOS TIMEPIECE, C.1975 the caliber 528-8, serial no. 425235 movement with white chapter ring dial having gilt Arabic quarters and indices in between, in a glass panelled gilt metal case, height 9.25” — 23.5 cm. $400—600 missing striking mechanism and bell, dial height 6.5” — 16.5 cm. $50—100 or architectural form, the drum head supported on two columns surmounted by covered urn, with Samuel Marti movement striking bell, height 22.25” — 56.5 cm. 199 THREE PIECE FRENCH CHAMPLEVE ENAMELLED BRASS CLOCK GARNITURE DE CHIMINÉE, C.1900 the pillared architectural form clock flanked by vase form urns, clock height 11.8” — 30 cm. $800—1,200 $400—600 200 AMERICAN PILLAR AND SPLAT SHELF CLOCK, E. & G. W. BARTHOLOMEW, BRISTOL, CT., C.1830 201 RED JAPANNED ‘GRANDMOTHER’ CLOCK BY ELLIOT OF LONDON, MID 20TH CENTURY with later 8-day brass spring driven movement, height 26.5” — 67.3 cm. with Westminster & Whittington chimes, strike/silent lever and automatic night silence, height 63.75” — 161.9 cm. $200—300 202 FRENCH GILT BRONZE BOUILLOTTE DESK LAMP, MID 20TH CENTURY of typical form with gilt decorated tôle peinte shade, height 30” — 76.2 cm. 203 PAIR OF SILVERED BRASS WALL SCONCES WITH IRIDESCENT GLASS SHADES, 19TH CENTURY converted from gas $200—300 $400—600 $400—600 204 CONTEMPORARY ACRYLIC FLOOR LAMP BY ROUGIER OF CANADA, LATE 20TH CENTURY with three white shell form shades mounted vertically on black base with maker’s label, height 71” — 180.3 cm. 205 SILVER PLATE DOUBLE DESK LAMP, MID 20TH CENTURY with sea shell shades on acrylic block base, height 12” — 30.5 cm. 205a FRENCH ORMOLU MOUNTED PORCELAIN CYLINDER LAMP, EARLY 20TH CENTURY 206 PAIR OF GILT METAL BOUQUET FORM WALL SCONCES, 19TH/EARLY 20TH CENTURY decorated with 18th century court scene, height 32” — 81.3 cm. each back plate issuing five scrolling flowering branches to blossom form candle cups, converted to electricity, height 24” — 61 cm. $50—100 $200—300 $1,500—2,500 $300—500 207 ITALIAN GLASS AND PORCELAIN MOUNTED THREE LIGHT HALL CHANDELIER, MID 20TH CENTURY the foliated and beaded spiral frame hung with pink teardrops and with rose heads., height 25” — 63.5 cm., diameter 15.5” — 39.4 cm. $200—300 208 DUTCH COLONIAL STYLE BRASS SIX LIGHT CHANDELIER, MID 20TH CENTURY 209 AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN LACQUERED BRASS SIX LIGHT CHANDELIER, MID 20TH CENTURY height 37” — 94 cm., diameter 17” — 43.2 cm. 32” x 24” — 81.3 x 61 cm. $200—300 $100—200
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