A modern day fairy tale comes to life


A modern day fairy tale comes to life
Edition 5, Volume 2
The Maverick Informer
News, pg. 2
Graduating? Want
to know the facts?
Feature, pg. 3
Some of the beastiest senior Mavericks got a spot on
this page.
Sports, pg. 4
Maverick athletes
reflect on the defeats, triumphs, and
legacy of their years
at Manvel.
Opinion, pg. 5
Warning: may cause
blood pressure to
Senior Wills,
pg. 6, 7, 8
No, they didn’t die.
They ARE, however, leaving us
Senior Edition
19601 Highway 6
Manvel, Tx 77578
May 2009
A modern day fairy tale comes to life
Erica Amundsen
Staff Writer
After weeks of searching for the right
have a secured photo opp.
dress, the right tux, jewelry, shoes, and
“My date and I ended up forgetting the time
makeup—prom finally came.
we had scheduled to take our picture and we
Dinner reservations, dancing, pictures, and had to come back after I was all sweaty, but
after-prom events took
place as memories were
made. What is considered one of the “most
important nights of every
teen’s life,” turned out
to be an outstanding
evening for the students
of MHS.
The theme of the
night was “As the
Clock Strikes Twelve, A
Modern Day Fairytale,”
with decorations that
included, balloons,
clocks, staircases, and
other fairytale-like things. photo by Jessica Tompkins
With beautiful decora- Royalty of the night
Voted prom queen and king, seniors Kristen Amundsen and Bernie
tions, delicious food,
Talplacido seemed shocked as they smiled for the cameras. Each was
and good dancing music,given a sash and a crown and hat on their heads as the crowd of promstudents say they were goers cheered and clapped for their accomplishment.
“I danced with
everybody and everyone got to dance with
there wasn’t a wait,” senior Destin Webster
everyone else’s date and no one cared. It was
amazing,” junior Jessica Pospisle said.
The DJ played a mixture of hip-hop,
This year, prom was held at Moody GarLatino, country, and techno music, along
dens in Galveston for the junior and senior
with a few slow songs. Students were also
class. Catered by Moody Gardens Banquet
able to request songs of their liking. Slowly
Center, the food consisted of fruit, cheese,
but surely, the dance floor filled up by about
and veggie trays, chilled gulf shrimp, fried
9:00p.m and stayed packed until the night
shrimp, stuffed jalapenos, beef empanadas,
was over.
chicken tenders, buffalo wings, vegetable su“I had a blast,” senior Dayan Sosa said.
shi, southwestern eggrolls, regular egg rolls,
“My goal for the night was to dance with as
potato skins, soft drinks, and tea. While many many people as I possibly could.”
students munched on the food provided,
Not long after the dancing started, the
several others chose to eat at restaurants near
first ever Prom King and Queen of Manvel
Moody Gardens before making their arrival
High School was announced. The winners of
to the ballroom.
the titles were Kristin Amundsen and Bernie
Students were able to sign up for a time
slot prior to the evening of prom in order to
“It was so unexpected,” senior Kristen
Amundsen said. “ I felt so honored and excited. It was definitely a fun night.”
Senior Bernie Talplacido was also extremely shocked by the announcement and title. “I
was really surprised, but I felt grateful,” he
The expenses of this night totaled to
around $20,000 including the reservations,
food and decorations. No profits were made
as all money goes directly to prom. About
400 tickets were purchased for the event.
In charge of organizing the night was
English teacher Barbara Wells and Family/
Consumer Science teacher, Christina Rice.
Through collaboration and tons of hours, the
two were able to arrange an unforgettable
“I thought the students were well behaved
and every bit of the work was worth it,”
photo by Jessica Tompkins
Dance floor friends
Seniors Jay Marsh and Destin Webster dance
to the music while guests look on. “It was no
big shocker to see them dancing like that, senior Emma Hymel said. “That is who they are.”
Wells said.
The students seemed to appreciate the
hard work. “I showed up looking bootylicious and then I danced with every girl,”
senior Ryan Webb said.
Senior night brings in accolades
Money rolls in
Recipients of College academic
Teacher Advice
pg. 9
It’s finally not about
homework. What
are their last words
to the seniors?
Manvel High School
photo by Rawksii Ham
photo by Rawksii Ham
Hopeful smiles
Senior Kathleen Edinburgh smiles for a quick
picture in between recieving the distinuished
student for theater award, the UIL interscholastic
award and the IESI scholarship . Numerous
tecaher awards, armed forces recognitions and
local scholarships were given to seniors based
upon certain critertia.
Navy dreams
Senior Mo Bauer stands with Lieutenant Cornwall as he is recognized
for recieving a scholarship valued at
over $350,000 to the United States
Naval Academy.
St. Agnes Scott College - Decatur, GA:Amy
Bethany Prayer World Center- Baton Rouge
LA: Ashley Boone
Prairie View A&M University: Cameron Clay
Sam Houston State University: Hannah Colvin
Louisiana State University: Michael Costa
Rice University: Jonathan Dietz
Mount St. Mary’s University-Maryland: Tonya
Louisiana State University: Aurel Garza-Tucker
University of Texas - Austin: Tiffany Han
University of Texas - Austin : Eric Huerta
Stephen F. Austin State University: Sara Ihnen
Blinn Community College: Aldo Jefferson
Houston Baptist University: Dayan Sosa
Midwestern University: Stanley Thomas
Texas A&M University: Corps of Cadets...
Devon Tahtinen
Texas Tech University: Travis Wessner
University of Texas - Austin: Ryan Webb
Universal Technical Institute: Hugo Zarate
Senior News
Class of 2009
Jessica Goldgar
Staff Writer
Students rank into top ten
Michael Costa
• Will be attending Louisiana State
•Majoring in mechanical engineering
“A person without confidence is like
a painter without a brush, a conductor
without a wand, or the JabbaWockeez
without their masks. Confidence is
the key to any endeavor and without
it you’re just a regular person.”
Kiara Hermann
•Will be attending University of
•Majoring in environmental engineering
“These past two years have been
amazing. I’ve made friends and
memories I will never forget, but I’m
ready to move on to the next chapter
in my life.”
Hannah Colvin
• Will be attending Sam Houston State
•Majoring in music education
•Plans to be a college music professor
“Live life the way you want, not the
ay others want you to live it, not for
oney and posessions, but for love
nd contentment, and you will find
Ashlee Karg
•Will be attending Houston Baptist
•Majoring in psychology
•Plans to be a children’s counselor
“Try to be happy as much as you can,
have as much fun as possible, and
don’t take for granted the people and
opportunities we have been blessed
Tiffany Han
•Will be attending University of Texas
•Majoring in chemistry with a minor in biology
•Plans to be a pharmacist
“Live in the present, never look back push
yourself now and success you will never lack.”
Johnathan Dietz
•Will be attending Rice University
•Majoring in chemistry & bio-chemistry
•Plans to be a scientist
“Life is like the interstate highway system, which
road you take determines where you end up.”
Stephanie Bynum
•Will be attending Texas A&M University
•Majoring in biomedical science
•Plans to be a pediatrician
“Life is a journey, long and hard, but
totally worth it.”
Aubrey Couvillion
•Will be attending Texas A&M University
•Majoring in business administration
•Plans to own and design a clothing
“I would say that life is fun as long
as you live it to the fullest, always
smile, and live without regrets.”
Monica Garza
•Will be attending Alvin Community
College for her nursing degree
•Will be attending University of
Texas Medical Branch for neonatal
•Plans on being a neonatal nurse
“Live like no one’s watching.”
Kristin Amundsen
•Will be attending University of
•Majoring in interior design
•Plans on being an interior designer
“Cherish the life you are given, take
chances, live happy, and love the
special people in your life.”
Class of 2009 Seniors leave lasting marks Graduation 411
Top 10 percent
1. Tiffany Han
2. Johnathan Dietz
3. Michael Costa
4. Kiara Hermann
5. Hannah Colvin
6. Ashlee Karg
7. Stephanie Bynum
8. Aubrey Couvillion
9. Monica Garza
10. Kristin Amundsen
11. Yulin Qing/
Elecia Wilson
12. Aron Fernandez
13. Aurel Garza-Tucker
14. Parth Patel
15. Daniella Lopez
16. Ashley Joseph
17. Lydia Cotton
18. Jacob Jordan
19. Eric Huerta Gudino
20. Payal Patel
21. Nicole Escobedo
22. Juliet Emelogu
23. Beau Bryan Webb
24. Kara Nugent
25. Krissie Fountain
26. Van Nguyen
27. Kathleen Edinburgh
28. Devon Tahtinen
29. Gillian Howell
30. William Brady Green
Rawksii Ham
Staff Writer
Genine Silverio
Opinion Editor
Manvel High School first opened its
doors in 2006. Since then, new waves of
traditions have constantly been created to
boost school spirit, not to mention compete with our rival Alvin. Here is a list of
the exciting traditions that started with the
help of the first graduating class of 2009:
Homecoming Week
Homecoming week takes place typically during October. Different events
help celebrate the Homecoming game like
pep rallies, themed dress up days, and a
parade that ends with a special bonfire.
In the past there have been contests held
during lunch and an event where a person
could pay $5 to take a hit at a car. After
the football game, there is a semi-formal
dance organized by the Theater Department. This year’s Homecoming Dance
theme was dubbed ‘A Night in the Town’.
“Homecoming week was fun and exciting. I enjoyed the dance,” junior Jessica
Garza said.
Powderpuff involves girls playing
football and boys dressed in cheerleader
outfits encouraging the ongoing game
at the sidelines. Powderpuff is a bitterfriendly football game where junior girls
are pitted against the senior girls. This
year the seniors won. Each member of the
audience paid $5 that went to the support
of Project Graduation.
“Powderpuff is a good tradition for
future students. It’s fun. It’s competitive.
The fighting was funny,” senior Aubrey
Couvillion said.
Project Graduation
Project Graduation will begin this
year. It will be a safe, fun-filled haven
for the seniors to celebrate at. There are
giveaways during the ‘project’, as well as
a mini casino where seniors can gamble
‘Maverick Bucks.’ Additional thrills at
Project Graduation will be sumo wrestling
and a rock climbing wall. “I’m looking
forward to having fun. It’s the last night of
school,” senior Leopoldo Rojo said.
Students generally vote on the theme
of the dance. This year’s theme was kind
of like Taylor Swift’s Love Story. After
all, the decorations were based on ‘As
the Clock Strikes Twelve: A Modern Day
Fairytale.’ This year’s prom took place
at Moody Gardens. What better way to
celebrate then on a fun tourist attraction
island with all your friends?
“Prom is fun and you get to be crazy,”
senior Portia Washington said.
Spring Talent Show/Fundraiser
Those with talents compete for spots
for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place, in addition to
this year’s newest category ‘Fan Favorite.’
The winner for 1st place traditionally gets
free prom tickets and prom pictures.
“It’s a good beginning for new traditions
with everyone coming together to raise
money,” senior Payal Patel said.
Who: Seniors
What: MHS first graduation
When: June 6 at 8 p.m.
Where: Alvin Memorial Stadium
Boys: must wear a white dress shirt(with
a collar), regular dress tie, navy, black, or
khaki colored dress trousers or slacks, and dark
Girls: Girls should wear a dress with a straight
skirt that is of a color that does not show
through or extend below the gown, and dark
colored low heeled dress shoes or sandals. No
high heeled shoes are permitted.
Both: Strict dress code requirement. At
commencement, graduates must wear designed
cap, gown and tassel worn to the left side. No
jeans or denim are permitted.
What to bring: NOTHING! Only car keys are
Rehearsal: There will be a ‘Graduation
Practice’ on Fri., June 5 from 3- 4:30 p.m.
All graduates must attend to walk. Dress for
practice is casual.
Parking: Beside the swimming pool.
Remember graduates, all fines must be cleared
through the district to walk on graduation day.
You must attend the rehearsal in order to walk.
page 2
Beyond brains: What inspires Manvel’s brightest
Genine Silverio
Opinions Editor
Tiffany Nichole Han, first valedictorian in Manvel High School history, and
Johnathan Logan Dietz, first salutatorian,
are young adults with colorful lives who
have overcome obstacles to achieve one
of the greatest scholarly honors.
Good work ethic, a set of values based
on the moral virtues of hard work and
diligence, is one of the attributes that
have proved vital to the two students in
their quest for the top spots of class ’09.
“It’s only recently that I realized that I
could accomplish way more work in the
same amount of time if I just applied myself on that one goal,” Johnathan said.
As for Tiffany, her work ethic stems
originally from the turmoil of the Vietnam War.
“I had to work hard because my dad
came from the Vietnam War and he knew
education was the only way to make a living,” Tiffany said. “He passed his ethics
down to me. He said you always have
to have education. He encouraged me to
work hard and he was my number one
For Johnathan, becoming a salutatorian
required sacrificing the amount of time he
spent “running a pretty side Spellcaster
deck at Yu-Gi-Oh throwdowns.”
Tiffany could also relate to Johnathan
in that she often could not hang out with
friends, spend time with family, watch
her favorite cartoon SpongeBob, or even
get a good night’s rest because she had to
get work done. “I had to sacrifice sleep. A
lot of sleep. Like, an emphasis on sleep,”
Tiffany said.
Truly the hard work from freshman to
senior year paid off, as they will forever
be remembered in Manvel High history
and distinguished among the numerous
applicants for college.
Johnathan will attend Rice University
with plans to pursue nanotechnology, a
generally new field that studies the control of matter in an atomic and molecular
“I want to be a nanotechnician because
it’s a brand new field in science and I
want to discover something new,” Johnathan said.
Tiffany will go to University of Texas
at Austin with a desire to do good for
humanity. She aspires to be a pharmacist
partly because when she was eleven her
favorite aunt died of cancer in Vietnam.
“I decided that from time on that I
wanted to help people,” Tiffany said.
On June 6 graduation ceremony, Johnathan and Tiffany will make their longawaited speeches. These students will say
their last thanks to family and friends, and
are also sure to address the life-changing
experiences high school offered them.
“There is a moment in an overachiever’s life when he realizes that it is not
possible to be perfect,” Johnathan told
the Informer, regarding his memories in
high school. “I decided to believe that
perfection is not something desirable, but
that the ability to strive is. The difference
between the two is that you believe you
are a failure for one even though you’re
not, and that you can only be a failure if
you give up for the other.”
Valedictorian Tiffany Han wants to
convey a different message to the crowds.
“My speech isn’t going to be conventional like, oh, ‘this is what you need to do.’
It’s going to be based more on my personality because I want to remembered most
as a hard worker rather than a straight ‘A’
student,” she said.
Photo by Genine Silverio
Doin’ good
Johnathan and Tiffany relax and reminisce on
their high school success.
Manvel’s finest compete for crown Note from the editor
Brittany Adcox
Staff Writer
Enthusiastic cheers flared up
as six men, who seemed like
an assembly of Chippendale
dancers, took the stage. As
they stood there blinded by the
stage lights, a horde of hungry
women demanded they take off
their shirts immediately.
The mob of ladies seemed to
have echolocated like dolphins
towards the sexy. Followed by
massive applause the candidates
were ready to show the Manvel
crowd they were really bringing
“sexy back.” Devon Tahtinen
was crowned Mr. Maverick,
followed by first runner up Telley Missouria, Mr. Congeniality
Levi Square, and Aldo Jefferson, who won a free tux. Now
they can add professional studs
to their resumes.
Filled to the brim with testosterone, the occasional divas,
and obviously handsome men,
Manvel’s Mr. Maverick Pageant
was nothing short of a highly
entertaining night. The six candidates donned evening wear,
strutted their stuff in swimsuits,
and tackled challenging questions from an esteemed panel of
judges to win the most coveted
first prize: three hundred maverick bucks, a twenty five dollar
gift certificate, and of course
our adoration.
“The pageant was a lot of
fun. It was overall a good competition and a good experience
especially with friends,” senior
Levi Square said, who won Mr.
Congeniality in the pageant.
“I am always willing to do
anything to raise money for our
The night continued to bring
lots of laughs especially during the Q & A portion of the
program. All candidates were
Tonya Feaster
asked what would be their
crowd of less than a hundred
perfect date, which generated
students and wasn’t as successresponses such as taking a girl
ful as anticipated.
out for fried chicken at a bus
“We had hoped to raise quite
stop from Telley Missouria and
a bit more than we did. We
going out with five different
anticipated crowds of 200-250
women at once by Jay Marsh.
like Powder Puff produced.
“I had a really good time
While attendance was very low,
especially during the questions
our participants, the seniors,
and answer part,” said senior
did a fantastic job and had fun,”
Jay Marsh. “It was funny and I
said Judith Hooks, Manvel’s
enjoyed everyone’s answers. It
Project Graduation chairwas great night for everyone.”
Of course, there could be
Poor attendance by students
only one winner from the comand faculty alike was very
petition. After much anticipanoticeable. Without the help
tion and debate, senior Devon
and school sprit from students
Tahtinen was crowned the first
and faculty, these functions
Mr. Maverick, who was “dazwill not be as successful. Even
zling” in his tux for evening
though the pageant night was
wear senior Levi Square said.
not packed with spectators as
“I am pretty excited
about being able to go
down as the first winner of the guy pageant
in our high school’s
history. I was happy
to participate because
I know it goes to a
good cause (Project
Graduation). I congradulate all of the guys
who participated- it
took some practice
and time out of all
our lives to make it
happen. We all came
with our best. That’s
reppin’ senior class
‘09. I was just lucky
to come out on top!”
senior Devon Tahtinen
said, our new Mr.
Howev- Courtesy photo
er, the festive night
Pretty Boys
came a little short
Devon Tahtinen, crowned Mr. Maverick, poses
on sales and attenfor the audience showing his awesome physique
dance. The pageant during the swimwear portion of the pageant.
only generated a
It’s a little difficult
to believe that it is
already the end of
May and that this is
TMI’s last edition for
the year and my last
year as a student at MHS.
The year has truly gone by so
quickly and in a couple of short
weeks we will have our first
graduating class, in three months
an almost completed school, and
in four months a new staff and
editor- in-chief.
The staff has worked extremely
hard this year to make the paper
possible. Many of our staffers
were new to the paper this year
and stepped up to learn and accomplish everything that needed
to be done. Stories were revised
and even re-revised to make them
up to your reading standards.
I’m always going to remember
the fun, crazy newspaper periods
filled with laughter, jokes and
conversation on numerous topics.
Being in both 4th and 5th period
newspaper this year, I was able to
work with all the staffers.
I know there were times when
I had to come down on everyone
about deadlines and assignments
but in the end the staff did a fantastic job! All of my staffers were
very patient with me as the new
editor- in -chief and open to my
opinions and criticism.
I will always remember the
first time in 4th period that I
tried selling an ad and passed the
phone from one person to another
because we were all too scared to
say “hello,” or the numerous “Ms.
Short is short” jokes. I can’t even
count how many times I heard
Glen yell at me in his crazy, sarcastic tone or the countless fights
with Brady and Aaron over getting
a story turned in. I will really
miss the excitement of sending
off the finished paper and the after
celebrations filled with lots of
food and music.
Newspaper truly allowed me to
interact with an amazing, different
group of people that otherwise I
may have missed out on.
The senior edition has been
my favorite edition thus far. This
edition is dedicated to the class of
’09. It highlights many of the accomplishments of our first graduating class and details many of our
seniors’ high school memories.
As a senior myself, I thought
it would be a fun new tradition to
recognize the senior class every
year in TMI’s last edition.
TMI is and hopefully will
always be a voice for the students.
My editors have enjoyed reading
the comments placed in the comment box and hearing new ideas
from the schools students. My
goal is for the paper to continue to
grow and develop in future years.
Being editor-in-chief was a
true privilege this year. I was able
to learn a lot and become better
prepared for college and a career
in communications. It was a lot of
fun working with all the different
personalities that are on this year’s
Thank you for continuously
supporting TMI.
I encourage those of you
who have an interest in writing,
interviewing, or are just curious about what it takes to create
a newspaper, to sign up for the
newspaper staff! I think you’ll be
surprised as to how much you will
learn and how much fun you will
have. Be sure to look out for TMI
next year!
page 3
Despite swine, the shows go on
Glen Wollney
Sports Editor
The deadly pandemic that has killed two people in
Texas shut down all UIL events until May 11. The Swine
Flu caused all athletic events to be postponed including
the baseball and softball playoffs.
The softball team finished their season during district
at 10-4. They competed well and took a high seed into
the playoffs. They only lost to Angleton, Santa Fe, Brazosport, and Texas City. However, they beat a few teams
badly in the process. They run ruled Brazosport, Friendswood, and Dawson twice. Their first playoff game
was pushed up to May 8, due to the Swine Flu scare
settling down a bit. In the first round of the playoffs they
faced the Bay City Bobcats in a one game series. Their
confidence helped them to win and advance into second
round of the playoffs.
In the first round of the playoffs the softball team
overtook their opponent in a grueling matchup 1-0. They
only allowed one runner to get on base the entire game.
In game 1 the girls won 1-0 in a tight game. Beth
Dietrich pitched well, and the girls played solid defense,
in game 2 the team lost 1-0. The girls played well, but
were unable to execute in the field to back up Dietrich.
They made errors in a crucial situation to give up the
lone run. They didn’t drive in runs with runners in scoring position and that was the downfall. In game three the
girls lost 4-1. Dietrich pitched her second game of the
day (3rd of series) and did well. The Mavs scored the
first run and they gave one that same inning. The momentum shifted when they gave up a 3 run double late in
the game. They never rebounded from this, and fell just
short of advancing deeper into the playoffs.
“We stood a good chance of going deep into the
playoffs if we just played to our full potential,” senior
Aubrey Couvillion said.
They have the talent to go to state; they just need to
play together as a team if they want it to actually hap-
spoken of. The game only lasted a mere six innings and
“Even though it didn’t turn out how we liked, we
they were run ruled 10-0. On top of that the team failed
came a really long way as a team and a family, and I’m
to get a runner on base much less a hit, and was thrown
going to miss everybody so much. But they will do great a perfect game.
in the future I know it,” senior Krissie Fountain said.
Game two was a much different story. With the
The baseball team finished the season with an 8-6
previous night’s game fresh on their mind and with the
record losing to the top three teams above them. They
home field advantage on their side the Mavs put up a
finished the season in the number four playoff spot,
fight. Lamar’s star player had two jacks on the night.
and had to face the number two team in the state in the
One barely cleared while the other could have easily
first round. This will consist of a three game series with
gone 500 feet. This did not stop the Mavericks from
Lamar Consolidated, and all three games will be played
doing all they could. In the bottom of the seventh the
here at Manvel. The first of which will be held on May
Mavericks were down 7-3 and it looked like all hope
14 at 7:30.
was lost. They managed to scratch together one run
“We had to fight hard and play nearly flawless if we
and had two runners on base with two outs, and Jay
want to take this series,” senior Jay Lutz said.
Lutz strutted to the plate. The first pitch of the at bat he
Lamar has a pitcher that throws about 90mph and a
smashed a three run bomb over the left field wall. Three
hitter that has hit about 15
more innings of shuthomeruns in a 14 game
out baseball flew by
season. These are the top
and Lamar managed
dogs that Manvel will
to scrape across one
have to look out for when
run in the tenth and
they face Lamar.
shut the Mavs down
“We haven’t played as
in the bottom half.
good as we should have
Jr. Jimenez started
this year, but hopefully
the game and went
it will all come together
through five only
against Lamar,” senior
allowing 5 runs.
John Sevier said.
Brady Green came in
The baseball seaand pitched the last
son was not cracked up
five, and only gave
to what it should have
up I earned run. The
One final triple
been, but they will need
effort was spectacuto fix that to go deep into the Senior Krissie Fountain slides into third base during the second game lar, but the season ended
in a playoff series against Waltrip High. Although hits were hard to
with their courageous,
come by, Krissie managed a triple to try to score a run for the Lady
Game one for the Mavs Mavs.
valiant efforts.
was not one the needs to be
Players recount the beginnings
Brady Green
Senior writer
Over the past the three years, the
seniors of MHS have had many memories of playing their respected sports.
They have worked hard for three straight
years, shedding blood, sweat, and tears
along the way. A few seniors share with
the student body their most memorable
In baseball, John Sevier’s fondest
memory came in last year’s El Campo
tournament when he hit the first ever
homerun in the school’s history.
“Hitting the first homerun in Manvel
High School history will always be one
of my most memorable moments,” Sevier
said. “It feels good to know that no one
else will be able to do what I have done.”
For Robert Love, his most memorable
moment in football came this year when
the Manvel Mavericks beat the Texas
City Stingrays. “Texas City is known
for being one of the top teams around.”
Love said. “When we beat Texas City it
established us as one who can hang with
the big dogs.”
Justin Piel’s most memorable sports
moment came last year when he accomplished the difficult task of completing a
hat trick. “I had never done that before,
and it was really cool doing it,” Piel said.
As for Tennis, Aron Fernandez’s most
memorable moment came when he won
the district tournament his sophomore
year. “The competition was soft but I
district meet when I advanced to the
was worked hard,” Fernandez said. “I
regional meet, after swimming my best
practiced all season long, and in the end it race of the season,” Buchorn said. “The
all paid off.”
Regional meet was a great experience for
Krissie Fountain’s most memorable
me, and
sports moI will
ment came
rememthis year
ber it
when the
forLady Mavever.”
erick beat
the defendgame
ing state
Alvin Yelagainst
low Jackets.
was expectMemoing us to
get killed
by Alvin
to be
because they
won state
Courtesy photos from yearbook staff
last year.”
Working for the rewards
memoSenior athletes cherrish all the memories they have accumulated
said. “We
through their years.
believed in
in his
and beat them. It was a great moment for
basketball career. “The game was on the
my teammates and I.”
line, and I had the ball with only a couple
In swimming, Zach Buchorn’s fondof seconds left on the clock,” Costa said.
est memory came this year in the district
“I put the ball up, and it somehow went
meet. “My best memory came in the
in the hoop. It was the craziest shot I have
taken and made in a game in my life.”
When the Lady Mavericks Volleyball
team beat Terry High School, Ashlee
Karg was especially proud. “We worked
hard all season to make the playoffs, and
it showed after we beat Terry,” Karg said.
“It was a tough game, but we came out
on top.”
Competing in the district meet and
advancing to regionals Nick Guel most
memorable moment in Cross Country.
“Practices were very hard and I almost
died every day,” Guel said. “It felt good
to finally show everything I worked for in
the district meet by going to regionals.”
Last year’s win against undefeated West
Columbia proved to be Stephanie Bynum’s most memorable soccer moment.
“West Columbia went into the game with
a perfect record, and they thought they
had us beat.” Bynum said. “We fought
hard all game, and ended their perfect
run. It was awesome for me and the rest
of my teammates to beat an undefeated
All seniors who have played sports for
MHS have had many great memories just
like these. They have fought hard their
whole high school career to establish a
strong program for their respected sports.
They will carry these memories with
them forever, and always be known as the
first graduating class in history.
Athletes with college scholarships
University of Southern Mississippi:Beth Dietrich, University of Houston: Katherine Ducommun, Western Texas College: Krissie Fountain, University of Mary-Hardin
Baylor:Jacob Marsh, University of Houston: Jacob Jordan, Houston Baptist University: Ashlee Karg, La Tourneau: Jay Lutz, Texas Lutheran University: Justin Piel, University of Mary-Hardin Baylor: Telley Missouria, Missouri Science & Technology: Robert Conley, University of Mary-Hardin Baylor: Xavier Garrett, University of Mary-Hardin
Baylor: Quinton Jones, Kansas Weslyan: Levi Square, Kansas Weslyan: Shelby Stoughton, and Panhandle State University: Kara Nugent
page 4
Songs seniors love
Aron Fernandez
Staff writer/artist
Roxy Ham
Staff Writer
216 seniors voted, and here are the
results: the top 3 songs of choice for each
of your high school years.
1. Ridin, Chamillionaire featuring Krazie
2. Sexyback, Justin
3. Check On It, Beyonce featuring Slim Thug
1. Buy U A Drank,
T-Pain featuring Yung
2. I Wanna Love You,
Akon featuring Snoop
3. Umbrella, Rihanna featuring Jay-Z
Things to do before college
Joe Mancuso
Staff Writer
Summer is coming, seniors, and
though ‘assigned reading’ may not be
on your to-do list, there are a couple
other things you need to do before
you head out to college.
1. Lollipop, Lil
Wayne featuring
Static Major
2. Love In This Club,
Usher featuring Young Jeezy
3. With You, Chris Brown
1. Dead and Gone,
TI featuring Justin
2. Kiss Me Thru the Phone, Soulja Boy
Tell ‘Em
3. Gives You Hell, All-American Rejects
•Open Up A Bank Account
Time is money, money saves time.
It’s the basic rule of survival in this
world. So if you want to think logically, having someone ELSE count
your money takes less time for you.
Add to that the amazing debit card
they often throw in, and suddenly
your trip to the store becomes a lot
shorter at the checkout. Besides, how
else are mom and dad going to send
you extra money?
•Get A Laptop
Technology, meet the average Joe.
Average Joe, meet your new best
friend. On top of serving as an outlet
into the outside world and a communicative device, it also can be used for
taking notes. This is the 21st century
and a lot of people can now type
faster than they can write, so it seems
natural to write and store all of your
notes in one place, not in a couple of
old notebooks.
•Get to Know Your Roommate
Most colleges will send you
information on how to contact your
weeks in
•Take A Trip to
adthe Campus’
Nothing could
of it! Get
be worse than
getting stuck in
learn each
a foreign world.
No friends,
personalNeccessary technology
no family. Not
ity, and
When used with the internet, a computer can be
knowing a decent
make a
used in many different ways. You can order food,
restaurant for
list of
shop for clothes, talk to friends, and become a
the night, where
who is
media center. It is versatile device that can serve
the shopping is
many uses.
the best, what
to do over the
weekend… So take a trip beforehand. will be a limited amount of room,
Get oriented, check travel sites for
and the last thing you need is 2 TVs,
reviews on popular places, and, if you 2 microwaves, 2 refrigerators, and 2
can, try to make some friends.
The Anatomy of A Wallflower
Genine Silverio
Opinion Editor
Using only three words,
how would you describe your
high school life? The words
that you use are representative
of you, your personality.
On my senior will, the three words
that I used to describe my time at Manvel
High School were happy, single, and
mingle. But I only wrote that because it
sounded cool, rhymed, was clever, and
totally reflected my attitude about how
boys suck. If we could use six words, the
other three words I would use to describe
my experience at this school are challenging, angsty, and life-changing. I’ve had
many experiences that pushed me to the
limit, brought out many emotions, and
altered my life.
When I look back upon my first real
relationship, I’m not ashamed to admit to
the world that I feel like crying, smiling,
laughing, or hitting someone. (I’m just a
really emotional, dramatic girly girl.) But
“I wanted to find my life’s purpose.”
I’m glad we got over the break-up.
I had my first boyfriend sophomore
year and it was the coolest/ weirdest
thing ever. It was the first time I really
was close to a guy, but I was so innocent.
We had no idea that going steady was so
challenging. Starting out, we had no idea
of the differences between Filipino and
American perspectives on dating. And as
if getting together for the first time was
hard enough, getting dumped was even
harder to deal with. However, I look back
now seeing the awkward fiasco as one of
the best events in my entire life. I believe
that regret is a denial of God’s plan for
his children. Also, singleness rocks!
Teenage angst. School used to make
me hate myself. High school was more
than just education, friends, and enemies.
It was a fishbowl. Everyone looked at you
and judged you, prodded you until you
couldn’t take it anymore. It didn’t matter
what would happen to you in the future,
whether you graduated. The present was
your whole universe. What mattered was
what you wore, what you did, who you
hang out with, if you had a boyfriend or
not. I thought I was ugly, stupid, thought
that I looked like a guy, thought no man
would ever want me.
I’ve been through it all the indulgence
of a certain lifestyle, feelings of inadequacy. It was after visits to a psychologist, talks with God, love from family and
friends, and fights with the boyfriend that
I realized the glass was half full.
I knew what it felt like to be down,
to be disillusioned, and I wanted to live
so that I could help people who’ve felt
the same way. I wanted to find my life’s
Being involved in different activities
helped me determine what things I liked
and didn’t like.
What I liked this year was the experience of honest journalism and telling the
interesting tales of human beings.
My favorite topic that I wrote about
was on my first column-- the vet that I
met during Hurricane Ike. It was actually a good, positive human interest story
and I enjoyed putting it down on ink the
memory of a man who served our country
well during WWII. I now have a deep appreciation for our military and its history,
some knowledge of Veterans Affairs, and
eye-opening stories that I hope one day
to tell.
High school, for me, was challenging,
angsty, and life-changing. I don’t think
I’ll remember it as the totally best part
of my life, but I’ll always remember it as
my important coming-of-age.
The road I took to become a better
human being, and a mall full of boy eyecandy that I could always see but never
page 5
Senior Reflections
Through the years
Sijourney Porter
Feature Editor
Students remember the past but look foward to the future
The most memorable times of student’s lives are the
ones that are unforgettable. Memories
students want to remember will be embedded in their brains for a lifetime in hopes
of forgetting the bad moments that tend to
just so happen. Memories where a loved
one and you shared countless laughs,
giggles, and smiles together rather than the
day a loved one passes away. Memories of
the times friends played numerous jokes on
substitutes and past teachers.
Remember when MHS only had freshmen and sophomores? They were a total
of 251 sophomores and 382 freshmen.
Not many students attended MHS then.
Now there are a total of 950 freshmen, 460
sophomores, 363 juniors, and 284 seniors.
The hallways are so crowded that students
have to push and shove to get to class on
“Lunch use to be very peaceful and now
it’s like a fight,” senior Shannon Haughton
There where memorable teachers such as;
Mrs. Didier, Ms. Benson, Coach Arthur, and Coach Richard. These teachers had a positive influence on students.
They taught them to study hard as well as run hard.
“I remember Mrs. Didier being nice in a sarcastic way,
she always made corny but funny jokes,” senior Debbie
Kunjachan said. “I had her in the 7th and 10th grade.”
Remember when there was only the B-wing? Most
sophomores were downstairs and freshmen were up stairs.
Only half of the school was in use.
“I enjoyed the school when there were only freshmen
and sophomores,” senior Keresa Bell said. “There was less
drama and everyone tended to their own business.”
Remember when there were only fifteen
girls on the Majestic’s dance team and
seven cheerleaders? Both teams have come
a long way since then. There was no TMI
newspaper staff and the yearbook staff has
grown since then.
“Our squad has grown and matured
since then,” “I hope that the girls continue
to motivate each other in hopes of remaining united” senior Amy Burkhart said.
Remember when there were only JV
teams? Everyone wanted so badly to be on
Varsity, but they settled for JV in hopes of
within the next few years MHS would have
a varsity squad. Although it was students
first year playing they still played challenging 4A schools.
“I played my best even though I was on
JV,” senior Telley Missouria said. “I knew
eventually we would have a varsity team
and become eligible for playoffs.”
All of these events will be cherished in
each senior’s hearts. Seniors will always remember their
years at MHS. Lifetime friends were made, precious
times were shared, and unforgettable stories will be told.
No fluff at powder puff
Seniors win 21-19
Courtesy photo
She’s a soldier
Junior Anne Manioguards the ball in attempt for a touchdown.
The junior class tried to
make plays, but at the
end the seniors were
able to hold the juniors
from scoring so the
senior class could clinch
the win.
Courtesy photo
Pass it on
Senior Kristin Amundsen scans the field for an open pass. “Powder puff was an
amazing experience,” defensive player Tonya Feaster said. “It was great to beat the
juniors, especially because my sister was one of them.”
I, Monica Garza, Leave
the following to my
Friends and Family. To
the friend that’s always
there Tiffany: What can
I say, to you I leave all
those funny moments
with a camera, those
long study nights, and
the French Braid Friday
Night Football Game
P.S. Stay in Touch! And
Tonya: The Drill Team
Moments and the taking
all your pictures on your
phone movie night. To
my parents: I love you.
To Courtney and Bailey:
The mall days and
summer fun days from
long ago. To Scott, My
Love: You Have My
Heart and Always Will.
I, Chelsea Price,
leave the following to
my friends at Manvel
High School. To all of
the Majestics I leave
all of my love and
best wishes for them
all. I want them all to
succeed in life because
I know that they all
can. Stay beautiful girls
and keep dancin’. To
my other friends I also
leave my best wishes.
I hope that you all stay
cool and if you change,
always change for the
better! I will keep you
all in my thoughts and
prayers. Most of all to
Jazmyne Renfro and
Ja’Neal Turner...Thank
you both for being
great friends! Jaz of
course we will keep
in touch and Ja’Neal
though you’ll still be
in high school (LoL...
Lucky You) I will still be
here for you no matter
what! Goodluck MHS
& Congrats to all of
the senoirs! We have
finally made it! (We’ve
waited long enough for
this)! Love Chelsea aka.
I, Elecia Faith Wilson,
leave the following to
my friends:
D.O’s: going over
the railroad tracks,
free bags of ice, &
o’so messy chocolate
icing fights. Best of
all, the well deserved
6th Officer: a.m.
practices, Ritz
crackers, and Texas’
most UNIQUE drill
team! And of course
chocolate covered
the river walk! (lol)
Krii-Marie: I’m going
to miss you like
crazy!! I leave you fun
sleepovers, OTP in
Effect, & BGC! I love
you. -Can you see me
up there? THE SKY IS
S.J & KK:
Uncontrollable laughs,
long conversations
when the tears are
stories of boys and
their drama. Thanks for
always being there!
To YOU: Sorry things
didn’t work out between
us. You are truly an
AWESOME person!
I leave the wonderful
memories we shared
during ELECTION day,
Thanksgiving break
and HALFTIME! I wish
the best for you in all of
your future endeavors.
Keep in touch! Tell
little MAN I said hello!
I, SJ Porter, leave the
following to my friends
and frenemies. Brooke:
All the good times we
had downtown partying
and living it up oh, and
even the sharing! LOL
To all my haters: My
sense of humor and
all the smiles I had on
my face as you stared
and thought I cared.
To Brandon: Our ups,
downs, smiles, frowns,
and mess! LOL, the
text messages helping
me out with you know
who! I love you boy
and I’ll never forget
you! Keresa and Elecia
Faith: I love you girls
and appreciate all the
help and advice you’ve
given me this year.
I would have never
remained sane without
ya’ll. The both of you
know me too well. I pray
that we remain friends
for eternity. And To My
Future <3: Although
most people perceive
you as a “player”, I’m
glad I got the chance
to experience the real
you. I will cherish all of
the memories we have
shared together. 
I, KK Bell, leave the
following to my love
ones, my two girls:
I leave you love,
happiness and hope,
because without it
where would we be.
My love: I leave you my
kindness and my heart,
it will always be yours.
MOM: I leave you all
my accomplishments,
without your love I
never would have made
it. Drea: I leave you my
memories. Brooke: I
leave you laughter and
my credits if you need
them lol. MHS: I leave
you my younger friends
who still have some
years to go I will miss
you all.
I, Zack McKague,
leave the following:
To my friends, All the
times were good. To the
fellow percussionists,
be intensity and don’t
be stupid. To anyone
who lives their music,
keep it up. To all the
metalheads, don’t let
the music die. I leave
you all with this: I am
who I say I am, I believe
what I believe, so get
off my case and let me
be me.”
I, B. Garner, leave the
following to my family,
friends and mentors.
Mother: I leave my
thanks, for without your
love I could succeed in
nothing THANK YOU,
you are my heart and
my world, I LOVE YOU
SO MUCH. “Thank god
we graduated!” Myia:
I leave behind those
CRAZY laughs only
me, you, and Bam got.
And all the pictures
I sent lol. I love you
bro. Thanks for all the
laughs thus far and of
course all the rides.
Erica: Put cha hair in a
high pony tail Bam, lol
[insider], I’m going to
miss those laughs that
were so funny. I love
you lil sis and am going
to miss you like CRAZY.
S.Porter: You’ve made
my high school years
leave behind all the help
and advice I’ve given
you on your sucky love
life with stupid and all
my tears, for I cannot
see myself being so far
away from your crazy
personality I LOVE
YOU GIRL. Mrs. Foster
and Ms. Burks: I leave
behind my appreciation
for all the help you
two have given me
throughout my senior
I, Dro Gonzalez, would
like to thank all my
teachers of the past
but the 3 main teachers
that not only taught
me academics but
also about life, those
teachers being Coach
Taylor, Coach Matt, And
Mrs.Satterweezy, I wish
the best of luck to my
best friend MLP who
is going into the Navy,
and I am truly thankful
for my gf Nasha who
changed my life as of
1-25-09 and I hope for
the best for us in the
coming times.
Seniors ‘09 XD MTX
I, Shannon Haughton,
leave the following to
my friends and family.
To the six chicks: I leave
my eternal love and
best wishes. To Mariela
and Ana: I leave French
class, peanut butter
crackers and Bon Qui
Qui and to Doug: I leave
the valuable stuff.
I, Autria Rusley, leave
the following to my love
ones. To my father
Autry Rusley (rest in
peace) I leave billions
of smiles to replace
the teas. Return our
memories, but most
important for you
to use everyday in
heaven knowing your
1st, last and only chils
“babygirl” made it. I did
it daddy. To my mother
Shanterral Rusley, I
leave my heart. You
are all that I have
now. Just like a heart,
without you life would
be impossible. Im glad
your proud but this is
the 1st of many more.
I, Emma Hymel, leave
my old ballet shoes,
tutus, and tiara to my
pal Oye—secrets out
buddy! That’s all…to
MHS…see ya!
I, Kenneth Oye, leave
all of the memories of
huge muscular men
to Emma Hymel to
know that her dreams
of being huge have
become a little more
tangible because she’s
seen what I have and
it makes my heart sing.
That’s all…to MHS…
one love!
I, Elizabeth Sternberg,
leave the following to
my friends and family.
Mom, I love you and ill
never forget this year.
Thank you. Heather,
you’re like my sister.
Laura, I love sugar
flowers. You’re the first
one I talked to when
I came back. You’re
a good friend. Mrs.
Lairdo, you’re the best.
I will miss you. Mrs.
Lopez’s first period, to
all the arguments. My
senior year, Im done!
I, Justin Cook, leave
to all my friends and
family.. love you and
thank you all for being
there for me. Mom and
dad, you have taken all
of me for 17years and
its greatly appreciated.
Josh Curtis, Jow, Zack
and Levi.. we’ve all had
our good times together
and ill never forget
I, Kara Nugent, leave
the following to my
friends. Ashlee: the
crazy stuff we have
been through together,
jokes and adventures.
Krissie: the funny
fights, good times and
TXRH memories. Kat:
always dance like we
do in yearbook. To my
parents: I love you,
thanks for the support.
I, John Sevier, leave
an open spot on the
baseball team.
I, Flynn, leave behind
all the work and desk,
to all the other classes
behind us. I also leave
behind all the times
we acted bad in Mrs.
Fountain’s class.
I, Mitch Bobbitt,
leave me legacy to
my friends. Bad jokes,
good times, and life
in general, my good
wishes go out to you all.
Sis, thank you for the
wisdom. T.R., thank you
for all the knowledge.
Jessica Andrea Garza,
thank you for your love.
To all my freshmen,
sophomore, and junior
friends in theater, know
that I will continue to
live on through you all.
I, Chris Rodkey,
leave the following to
my friends and family.
Ryan: That night I ran
out of gas in the Lincoln
and you brought me two
gallons of gas to get to
the next station, and all
the other times you’ve
been there for me. Alan:
That night you pushed
the Lincoln when it ran
out of gas and playing
Guitar Hero for hours
on end at your house.
Aubrey: Give yourself a
little more credit geez.
To my parents: Thanks
for support and concern
and putting up with me
and my late nights.
I, Glenn Bartholomew,
made a point of
avoiding as many
people as possible, so
to all new freshman: I
leave the ability to not
give a care about what
others say.
I, Shelby Paoletti,
leave the following to
my friends and family:
Diane Neuman, being
there and giving you all
to be my friend. Soraya
Daniels, you were a
great friend; sorry for
everything. Humaro
Andrade, for be cool
and chillin with me
outside of school. Emilio
Guajardo, for being
there for the 5 years
that we have known
each other. All the
great times we’ve had,
and all the laughs and
embarrassing moments
together, lol. Love you!!
Always. To MHS- I will
visit occasionally, my
sis will be coming here,
good luck.
I, Robert Conley,
leave this statement for
my friends and family.
Gabriel, stay out of
trouble and follow the
rules. Martin Pospisil,
you have been a great
friend for me these
last two years. Jerome
Davis, you were my
best friend at MHS and I
am grateful for that. Tre
Alexander, keep getting
stronger, bro. Sterling
Diggs, when I get some
money, I will get you
some diapers. Good
luck to all of my friends
and family. I’m gone.
I, Donald Sargent,
leave the following: To
my parents-I thank you
for making me what I
am and I love ya’ll. With
a ll my heart. To all my
teachers- I thank ya’ll
for helping me with my
I, Chris Hignight, leave
the following words
to my friends. Diane:
thank you for smiling
and being my friends.
David: Thanks for the
burgers and all the fun
times. To everyone
who remembers me
in theater: thanks for
letting me bang around
and be a part of your
stories. To every girl
friend I have ever had:
thank you for all your
help. To all I leave my
thanks for it is all I have
that I own.
I, Nely Vazauez, leave
the following to my awesome, fantastic incredible friends, cousins and
family. Becky: My awesome little sister, it was
great having you here
with me. Luis: Thanks
for everything; it was
great having you during
my high school years.
Chui, Marco, Omar: ya’ll
are awesome cousins,
wish ya’ll the best.
Dad: sorry for being a
pain in the butt. Jeffrey and Juan: thanks
for being here for me,
ya’ll ROCK. To my
other awesome friends:
Thanks for everything
and couldn’t put your
name, sorry, I love ya’ll.
I, Alex Taylor, leave
Autria all the times we
laughed and talked
about everybody. Being
crazy dancing in the
stores and doing the
stanky leg all night long,
, and getting stalked by
ugly boys that we don’t
want to talk to anymore.
I love you Autria, our
friendship will always
be the same, and you
are truly my best friend
(china doll and baby
doll). To my parents I
leave you all the hard
work you had to put in
for me to get where I
am now. I’m glad you
supported me even
though there were times
when I did mess up. I
love you mom and dad.
page 7
Wills, cont’d
I, Hannah Colvin, leave
the following fun times
and memories to my
wonderful friends! Taylor: I leave you our good
times singing RENT at
the tops of our lungs.
Aurel: Our 7th period
advice sessions and the
amazing fun and sense
of accomplishment
of making All-State.
Rochelle: All the good
times we’ve had and all
the good to come- Eat
‘em Up Kats! Brittany: I
leave you an unlimited
supply of grapes! LOL
thanks for being an
amazing best friend.
TO my band directors:
Guacamole Fest, my
incompetence and my
undying gratitude for all
you two have done.
I, Tonya Feaster,
leave the following to
my friends, family and
everyone else.
Ashlee: All of our crazy
v-ball times, the nights
out, ”our get together”
(lol) and the ups and
downs of high school.
I’m gonna miss you so
Destin: the crazy phone
calls, hang outs , fights,
and “inside” jokes.
Sammie: the constant
laughs, jokes and fights.
Kara and Gabby: The
late nights, crazy text
messages, and fun
hang outs.
Levita: Be good and
enjoy being the only
child for a year…luv ya!
Mom and Dad: Thank
you for always being
there and supporting
me. I know I wasn’t
an easy child to put up
with! Lol
To Boy: Thanks for all
the fun, crazy times we
had! Too bad it didn’t
work out…
To everyone else:
Thanks for an amazing year….I know there
have been rough times
but we made it through!
Look for me in the
I, Justin Piel, leave the
following to my friends
and family.
Family: Thank you mom
and dad for supporting
me throughout all my
high school career, in
academics as well as
extracurricular activities.
Friends: Thank you for
all the hilarious times
you have given me.
Cameron: You are a
disappointment as a
brother, and I expect
nearly nothing from
you. But even though
you have MANY flaws,
I’m sure you will make
someone really happy.
Alex: Kimbo
I, Beth Dietrich, leave
the following to my
friends and family.
Softball girls: I leave
you, pool workouts, running, intensity to go out
and WIN State. Coach
Williams: you are as
hard on me as I am on
myself, I will make you
proud someday, without you I would not get
where I am going. My
parents: I love the both
of you so much, thank
you for never letting
me give up on myself.
Shelbo: you are always
there for me even on
the worst days, no matter how far away- you
have my heart. I love
I, Lydia Cotton, leave
the following gifts and
words to my Friends. To
MHS I leave my father
Jesus Christ, may he
lead you and guide you
forever. To my sisters,
Naomi and Candace, I
leave the wisdom and
power to stay strong
and to be Christians
even when the world is
pulling at you. To everyone I have ever come in
contact with, I pray that
I have helped you to be
a better person. To my
parents, thank you so
very much for always
being there. I know that
it’s been a long 4 years,
and without you I would
not be alive today. To
everyone else, God
I, Kristin Amundsen,
leave the following to
my family and friends.
My sister Erica: that
place in my heart only
you can fulfill. I will miss
you beyond words next
year, but ALWAYS remember there “Ain’t No
Mountain High Enough.”
Big Daddy D: all the
special memories we’ve
shared since 2nd grade,
the emo screamo you
know I hate, and that
day by the pool when
we couldn’t stop laughing. Elecia: all the
laughs we have shared
day in and day out and
One Tree Hill nights!
Glen: October 16,
2016….be there. Cara:
the A.O., Freddy, and
our many, many triple
‘p’ memories. To all of
you: you hold a special
place in my heart, I love
I, Lance Barron, leave
the following to my
friends, family and mentors. Christine: I love
you and thank you for
giving me the reason to
succeed. Mrs. Blades
I know 6th period with
me wasn’t very exciting, but I respect you
for teaching us, so
thank you. Dad: You
are the only person in
this world I look up to
the most; you’re a great
father, and even greater
role model. Love you!
To Manvel: You guys
changed me so much,
so thanks and later...
I, Claudia Mata, leave
the following to my cra-
zy friends. To my best
homegirl Yvette: Thanks
for always being there
for me! I love you and
I’m going to miss you so
much. Sebastian and
Regelio: All those times
ya’ll made me cry because I was laughing so
hard at the stupid things
ya’ll would say or do.
Sergio: “Your gay”,”No
your gay”…she’s your
friend. Peria: Cracking
up REALLY loud on the
bus…in the mornings
while everybody was
sleeping. Samanta:
“Nene”! Uriel: All those
times you tatted me up.
To MHS: duce!
I, Jonathan Ortega,
leave the following to
my friends and family.
The football team: The
good season we had
this year. The O-line:
Those hard fought
battles in the trenches.
Tug: Those good days
of bad. Tori: All those
workouts of getting
swole for all the ladies;.
I, Alquence Doze,
leave the following to
my loving mother and
MHS. Mother: Thank
you for all the time, love
and money you’ve given
me. To MHS: A. Doze is
making his grand exit.
Love to all the teachers
that helped me out and
made school bearable
and on that note I’m
I, Katina, leave behind
so many memories,
good, bad and everything in between. Kelly,
Justin, Ashley, Chanel
and to my other close
friends, ya’ll made my
senior year amazing.
High school was the
best 3 years of my life
especially at MHS. I’m
out! Good luck to all
new coming kids, and
James Ensley, you are
I, Britney Sharp, leave
the following words
to my best friends
and loved ones. Kat:
You will always be my
best friend and I can’t
wait until we become
roommates in college.
Jeannie: I’ll always
remember the day you
drove my mom’s truck.
My v-ball girls: I’m glad
to have friends like ya’ll;
I’m so thankful ya’ll
were there for me the
day I went “crazy”. Tony:
Baby, I love you so
much and I know I could
always count on you for
anything. Moms: Even
though I grew up with 2
moms, I grew up to be a
bright, young lady and I
owe it all to ya’ll.
I, Yoana Saucedo,
leave the following
words to my buddies
and family. To my best
friend Lesli Torres, I
thank God he sent you
to my life; the past four
years have been awesome. To my friend Walter Mendoza I’m going
to miss talking to you in
6th period. Hope things
turn out great between
you and my cousin. To
my family thank you for
being there for me in
my ups and downs. To
my friends at lunch, just
want to let ya know that
I will miss hanging out
with ya. Love all of you ,
take care.
I, Sara Solorzano,
leave the following to
my friends and family. Eva: crazy fun
memories at lunch, loud
music, and Sonic Slushies. Baron (MY favorite
teddy bear): long, warm
hugs and funny jokes.
Chris: long conversations on the phone,
text messages, and
cheesecake. To Mrs.
Piper: My appreciation
for the advice I definitely
needed thanks. MHS:
Detention, write-ups
and SAC’s. I had a blast
I, Walter Mendoza,
leave the following to
my friends and family. To my best friend,
Leticia: no words can
really explain how much
you mean to me, you’re
the best thing that has
happened to me, I
guarantee you that no
one’s going to take your
number on the spot. To
Lyanne: Even though
we are going through
our problems, you still
managed to crack the
list. I leave you my
patience and my ability
to wait. To my family,
thanks yall for showing
me to be independent.
I, Sergio Castro, write
this to my friends. Julio:
To all the days we had
fun in our own way.
Claudia: The one who I
always messed with in
whatever class we had.
Marco: Whom I had a
fun junior year with. Kettler: Who’d always believed in me. To Manvel
High Class of 09’: We
rocked this school out,
and had many laughs.
Wish ya’ll good luck,
we’re taking a big step
in our life. Goodbye all.
I, Morgan Osbon, leave
MHS with the greatest
people in my life. To
Whitney, my best friend
from age 3-18 and
many years to come.
Without you, I would
have never made it
through the sad, happy,
and awesome times
especially at rodeos. I
love you and good luck
at Vet-Tech. Mom and
Dad, thank you for your
loving support; I know
I was a pain! Payton
(Tator), thank you for
being there when I
needed a good listener
and being an awesome
brother, and no you
cannot have my room
when I’m gone! I love
ya’ll so much!
I, Genine May Silverio,
leave MHS a changed
person. Tiffany H.- I told
you good things come
to good people. :D
Rick Rankin- You made
Speech class fun. Think
quickly now. Thanh V.You deserve a better
boy! Nai Kheang- I’m
going to eat you. Mrs.
Didier- You’re one of my
best teachers. Come to
our graduation. Daniela- Boys suck. Luv
ya. Becca- Keep it real,
gurlfriend. Ciro- Don’t
let those mangas influence you too much.
Joe- Good luck on your
plumbing career in the
Sharon: I hope you
don’t get S--------! Other
friends: Let’s keep in
touch! Family: Thanks
for your support. God:
I thank you for the opportunities.
I, Glen Brown, leave
the following… Mike:
Hope it goes well with
the Air Force. I think it’s
a good move and it is
an opening for a great
opportunity. Franko:
Hold your head up. I
don’t know where you’re
going from here on but
you cool people. Don’t
let nobody down you.
Keep smiling. Tay: Do
the right thing bro. Get
ya car back even. Know
you didn’t think about
it but there between us
though I can’t forget
about you. You my
homie, and you good
with me. Can you come
around, you know. I’m
known almost everywhere. Lew: I ain’t forgot about you. Stay up.
Keep it South. That’s
what’s real. Don’t let nobody tell you different.
I, Justin Thomas,
leave this to my friends
and football team. Mavericks: Good season
this year. We fell just
short of playoffs. We
played and worked
hard and it was worth
it. Hoka hey. Alan: BP
champ, second to me.
Ortega: To all the B.A.D.
times. To all my friends:
Thanks for the good
memories and the hard
times. They’ve made us
all stronger today and
taught us to live life to
the fullest.
I, Daniela ‘Vanilla’,
leave the following to
my friends, classmates,
and family. Wendy: That
Feb. 13, 08 when you
saw me crying in the
library and you came in
and helped me. Since
that day we have been
best friends. Mrs. Lewis:
Thanks for being there
for me and helping me
with TAKS tutorials.
Mrs. Blade’s 5th period
class: You made my
Senior year fun and
cool. To the ladies in
the front office: Thank
you for helping me with
things. God bless you
all. My counselors: Luv
ya for helping with my
classes! To my family: I
thank you for being with
me since I was born. I’m
sorry for being a bad
daughter! But I love you
all! To my ex-boyfriend:
I want to say I’m glad
we met you, Hugo
Zarate, my love. You
made me happy. One
main reason I love God
for being with me every
day! Other: I’m going to
miss my homeboys and
homegirls but especially
Torri, Nikki, Kim, Raul,
Jose, and James.
I, Ryan McDaniel,
leave the following to
my friends and family.
Chris, you are like my
brother, bro. Dayan,
twinke twinkle twilight.
Dev and Jake: without
you guys, I wouldn’t
have opened my mind
to half the things I
did. Emma, you are a
true baller and a great
friend. Without you, the
b-b-b-bubbles never
would have existed. “I
thought you were cool,
Emma.” Ladies: thanks
for everything.
I, Estefania Rangel,
leave the following
to my crazy friends.
Debora, that time in precalc when you explain a
problem with pictures of
apples and I still didn’t
get it. Then you told
me to count with bald
people instead of fruits.
Then you started calling
me “pelona” (baldy).
Soccer girls: Whenever
you couldn’t run like you
were supposed to because I would make you
laugh hard. Fatima: For
being “Quack Quack.”
And for all of ya’ll. You
know who you are!
Thanks for being there
for me. I love ya’ll! LucyThank you for helping
me and for giving me
the answers.
I, Juan Cornejo, would
like to thank my good
friends that were there
for me. I have made
some close friends and
some that left. Once
high school is over
we start college. Most
people loose communication after school, me
I’m going to stay a “G”.
Deuce to all my homeboy’s and home girls,
especially Nely, she’s
awesome. Ale: thanks
for being there when
I needed you. Jeffrey,
Emmanuel, Sergio,
Luis: stay tight and see
what things happen.
page 8
Wills, cont’d
I, Jessica Ochoa, leave
the following to my
friends and family.
Heather: sleepless nighters ! Ashley: sore days
and long laughters with
our 1000 stories. Frank:
Freshman and sophomore
year, sun burns and long
conversations on the
phone. Emaleen: Spare
house key and three day
weekends. Amban: dress
up and working days.
Sahm: inside jokes and
our partnership at Scream
World. My brother Pablo:
thoughts and emotions as
I walk across the stage.
Thanks for your encouraging words, RIP I love you.
Mom: long night talks
and much love. MHS: two
fingers up in the sky…
peace out!
I, David Cantu, leave
these words for those who
have yet to graduate. Remember that high school
is barely the beginning
of your llife. Enjoy your
time not only at school,
but with your family and
friends as well. When you
leave this school and start
your life, leave without
regrets and be prepared
for the future. Austin:
Lie get nothing today (?).
Dylan: you still owe me
fifteen dollars. Jenny: wish
you the best of luck with
chris. Steven and Kyle:
Be careful you couple of
I , Cameron Clay, leave
my prized possessions to
my friends and family.
Oye: That crazy day we
had going to the tattoo
shop. I leave you my A
and D tube. Lil Ryan:
Days of laughter trying to
get you a female. I leave
you Franchesca’s phone
number. Corey Munson:
Days of knock-outs, I
leave you my golden
gloves. Zedrik: I leave you
my money, so you won’t
get in trouble. To my parents: I leave all the love
from my heart. To MHS
chunk the Duce!
I, Lucia Guerrero, Leave
the following to my lunch
buddies. Ifreke: Those
funny days at the table
when you laughed so hard
that tears came out your
eyes. Kayla: Kidding
around pretending to be
mean when you’re really
nice. Stephanie: The long
talks you gave and spilling
the milk on Ifreke’s shirt.
Raquel: Your willingness
to listen to me and being
super patient. Janeth: Our
teamwork during physics
and silly jokes. Fanny:
Thanks for making me
laugh with your funny
phrases. To MHS: I’ll
never forget you! And
Mrs. Blades: Thanks for
being a lovely and a wonderful teacher.
I, Julian Ziegeler, Leave
these to my friends and
the underclassmen that
I’m leaving behind.
Lauren: Thanks for being
my ‘sister’ for the past
two years. Alexo: my
mom still thinks you owe
her money. Heather: sitting in the trunk of your
car… Katherine: throwing
grapes and lots of laughs.
Andre: Rock Band at
Walmart, and darts at soda
cans. Underclassmen:
good luck! To everyone
else: see you later!
I, Asia Weary, leave
behind 3 years of playing and being goofy and
acting immature with my
friends, uncooked food
and my off period; certain
teachers who always gave
out work even if it was the
last day of school, messy
boys and girls, the class of
2010 that had some people
who were cool.
I, Kimberly White,
leave the following to my
friends and family. Mom
and dad: all the years
of my life to which you
have raised me and taught
me moral values. Sister:
happiness, laughter, and
deep conversations along
with friendship and trust.
Brothers: thanks for all the
talks on guys! To Emily:
all the fun times we had
last year with you never
stopping from talking and
all our random moments
which unbelievably left
me looking like their insane one. Friends: to all of
you who have been there
for me and shared some
amazing moments with
me, I want to say thank
you for being a good
friend and I wish you the
I, Anthony Rogers,
leave the following to
my friends and family.
Stephanie Foster: You
remember when we went
to the dance together and
you wore that pink dress
including that beautiful
smile you had when you
looked at me? I leave you
my love. Destin Webster:
Just wanna thank you for
keeping me out of trouble
and making sure I always
did the right thing. I leave
you with my friendship.
Levi Square: You remember that game when I
didn’t know what to do on
the field and you came and
showed me what to do?
I leave you friendship.
MHS: I’m gonna miss all
my friends! Much love
I, Shelby Stoughton,
leave the following to
my friends and family.
Football team: an old
season full of lessons and
a new season with a fresh
beginning. Brice: A new
tailgate and gumper and a
warning to watch out for
dear. Cameron: Words
full of advice and a thank
you for showing me the
ropes. Beth: My heart
and my promise. My
brother (Chris): My back
to watch. My parents: a
thank you for always supporting me in everything
I do, I love you. MHS:
Pursue your dreams!
I, Nikki Gonzales, leave
this will to the important
people in my life. Stacey
and Cassie: I’ll miss you
girls. I’ll miss all the
gossips too. Don’t have
too much fun without
me. Hajie: Even if you
always make fun of
me you’re still my best
friend, my brother and my
buddy. Andrew: Thanks
for everything! Chinky!
Janine: Have fun during
senior year. You know you
will miss me. Tracey: I’ll
miss you girl. Thanks for
being there when I needed
someone to talk to. John:
Your bbq gatherings were
really Fun. Learn how to
make smores! David: You
listened to me when I was
telling you my problems.
Thanks for always being
there for me. I’m sorry
things never worked out.
You have two more years
left. Enjoy it! Kim and
Daniela: My two favorite girls, 5th period was
always fun. I LOVE YOU
GIRLS! Txt me. Tori: silly
boy! You better not forget
I, Kat Ducommun, first
off want to say to my best
friend Brit that I love her,
I am so glad we’ve spent
those years together, and
am looking forward to the
years to come. Heather,
baby cakes, Jeannie,
Hector, Editors, all my
volleyball girls, I love you
all and wish you the best
in life ; I am so glad I met
and have great friends like
ya’ll. I leave behind my
history and hope to have
set the bar high for track. I
leave behind the memories
spent and life changing
moments I’ve had in high
I, Raul, leave my appreciation that Kim trusts
me for things that others
don’t know. To Penny:
Even though I stopped
talking to you a lot, I leave
all things we talked about
not wanting to be mentioned. To Conner I leave
my gratitude; you didn’t
bomb the school, “inside
joke”, and common sense
is better than smartness.
To Daneilla or Vanilla: I
leave my stupid way to
make you laugh. Steven
you are still not as good
as me. Finally to coaches;
my respect for what you
did to make me faster and
I, Jose Calderon, leave
the following to my
homeboys and home
girls form Manvel High
School. Jorge, remember
when I bought my sound
system for my truck? I
was so excited! Devore
Escamilla remember when
you helped me to pass all
my TAKS test by studying really hard. Wilbert
and Maria, “oh my god,
such noisy people!” I
was always fighting with
them. I’m going to miss
everybody, especially you
Nikki. lol
I, Travis Vincent, leave
the following to my
friends and family. Ryan: I
leave you every pencil and
piece of paper that I have.
Ashley: I leave you my
face so every time you see
it, I hope it gives you well.
To my parents: I leave you
my love and appreciation
for everything you did for
me. To Flor: I will miss
you, and I will always
remember you. And to
everyone else: I leave a
piece of me in all of ya’ll
I, Charima Grisham,
leave thanks to my parents, friends, and teachers
for all the support. To my
parents, I appreciate all
the hard earned money
spent on me for me to
become the successful
person I am today. To my
friends, most importantly,
Rachelle Roy, I thank you
for being there when I
needed you the most and
last but not least the teachers and staff for being the
wonderful people you are.
You are strict at times, but
there’s always a reason for
it. I will never forget the
schools lunch; more ended
up on the floor instead
of our mouth. The class
of “09” had some good
times, though. I will miss
everyone. Love always,
Charima G.
I, Aurel Garza-Tucker,
leave these memories
to the following people.
My family: Thanks for
supporting me in everything I do and especially
buying the majority of
my bassoon I love you
beyond words. Band
Directors: Guacamole
Fest 2009! Thanks for
pushing me to do better
than I ever thought possible. Mrs. Piper: You're
my favorite teacher of all
time and you're fabulous.
I'll never forget lunch in
your classroom. Taylor:
Thanks for exposing me
to "Taylor the Latte Boy"
and "Wicked". My life
is super fun because of
you! Hannah: I’ll always
remember TMEA (all of
it) and incompetence.
I, Sarah Ihnen, leave to
my friends, family and
loved ones the following: To my brother, even
though we never get along
I will still miss you... To
my parents, I thank you
for all of your love and
support that you have
given me over the years
and I hope there are many
more to come... To Debbie I leave all our SFA
memories even the Drive
Through… To Jevaughn
I leave all the laughs we
had about AFRICA {click
clack click… hehe}… To
Mrs. Hernandez, Thanks
for all the tips, advice and
help about college and just
life in general… To everyone else I leave all the fun
times we had together...
Axe 'Em Jacks!
I, Kindra Whitley, leave
the following to friends
and family. Krysten and
Gene, helping me finish
high school and giving me
a place to live. Nana, Always being there for me.
You’re the only person;
I could ever come to for
I, Myia Hosey, leave
the following; to all my
Manvel friends I will miss
you. I will miss my senior
year the most because a
lot of stuff happened my
senior year, I experienced
a lot. To Brandon, I love
you a lot besty besty. To
my Nook Dog I love you
so much I can you tell
anything. Erica, I love
you. To my parents I love
you so much I appreciate
everything you have done
for me this year.
I, Heather Holloway,
leave the following to
friends and underclassmen. Taryn: The screaming night of PCD and
Brit fan in our free seats.
Jessica: Our 14 a.m.
dancing and doubles on
Saturday. Ashley: The
late times to first period.
Kat and Trine: Getting to
experience your first time
going out. Julian and
Andre: The cramped ride
to the Galleria. Jevaughn:
The Hugs everyday in
3rd period. Christopher:
Thanks for the great times;
sorry for the stress. And
to all the underclassmen:
My only advice to you
is stay single your senior
year. ’09
I, Stephanie Bynum,
leave my senior will. To
my soccer girls: I leave
you my leadership, my
soccer skills =], and most
of all, running errands for
coach! I love you girls!
Believe and you will go
far. To my coaches: I leave
you my appreciation for
all you have done for me!
Best wishes next year, I
WILL be back to watch!
To the lovely ladies of the
P-Z office: I leave you my
OCDness and my hand for
filling out forms! To the
athletes and clubs at MHS:
Put Manvel on the map!
**Never let a win get to
your head**
**or a loss get to your
I, Ashlee Karg, leave the
following to my family
and friends. Kara: confidential thoughts and trips
to Walgreens. Amanda:
Sonic Fridays and Boom!
Pffts. My volleyball girls:
Our wonderful year as
To my parents: My love
and gratitude for putting
up with me and giving
me everything I could
have asked for and more.
Britnee: I leave the Karg
shoes to fill and all of our
“fun” rides to school in
the morning. To my bestie
Tonyer: I will miss my
Aunt Jemima! You mean
more to me than you
know! HOKA HEY!
I Brittany F., leave to
the following Stephanie
to you I leave lots of fun
times and for having my
back the same way I had
yours i.e. the bus, SG
(crazy girl). I hope you do
well in life and know that
whatever you need I will
always be there. Charima
aka Mackason girl...aka
Jake's girl (lol that was me
right J/K) to you I leave
all the good times especially the ones from the
9th grade (the whole nine)
and all the good times to
come. Ja'Quel you owe me
$ 3,000+ dollars in food
charges for all the time
in the hallways, holidays,
and just happening to being the same place @ the
same time. I've had lots of
fun with you over the yrs.
and I know that there will
be many more to follow.
Brandon: I leave you all
of my hair and all the
times you messed it up .To
my family: thank you for
all the love and support
you’ve given over the yrs.
To the class of '09 hope
that u all will succeed in
life and see you in 10 and
to MHS I leave my high
school story.
I, Krissie Fountain, leave
the following will to my
friends and family. Mom
and Dad: thank you for
your support through the
past seventeen years. I
could not do it without
ya’ll. Kim: The best sisters ever, kick butt in the
army! Quinton: you are so
amazing. Thank you for
being there for me through
thick and thin. Varsity
softball: I love how we
have grown close together
like a family. I will love
you guys forever.
I, Michelle Miller, leave
the following will, to
Emilio: a friendship so
close we could be brother
and sister. Alex: a friendship so close we could be
sisters. Danielle: a great
friendship that started
since elementary school.
Martha: a great friendship. Coach Chapa and
Coach Taylor: a friendship
so close that we could be
family. And I hope we
see each other again. Ms.
Flynn: one of the best
French teachers I have
ever had, and I hope we
see each other again.
page 9
from faculty and staff
Art teacher Vicky Satterwhite:
Although you are all ready to move on(
and have been for the last few months),
enjoy your last few days of high school.
You will never have it this easy or have
the amount of love, freedom and
support you have here. The real world
is open and ready for you guys, treat
it with the “handle with care” attitude
and you will have brilliant and bountiful
lives. I have nothing but hope and
pride in the MHS class of 09’- good luck
kittens! Be good.
Principal’s Secretary Ruth Taylor:
Congratulations Class of 2009! When
you leave MHS, don’t forget
why you came...the tassel is
worth the hassle!
Art teacher Lisa Savage:
Life Lesson #37: “Fake
it ‘til you make it” and
work your BIG TEXAS
SMILES all the way there!
Lead Counselor Chenda Moore
Moore: You
have blessed my life! May the road(s)
you take will be ones that your heart
desires. The road less traveled normally
takes more effort...put in the effort.
Business Education teacher Tiffany
Mathews: Congratulations! Enjoy
college, go to class, but enjoy college! It
will be some of the best days of your life
and will give you some crazy stories to
tell your kids!
English teacher Leslie Howell:
Seniors, congratulations on a great
will get you almost
College and Career Counselor Arlene
Hernandez: Travel as much as you
can, especially if you can do it on
someone else’s tab: work assignments,
study abroad scholarships, military
assignments or on your parent’s
nickel. Those memories will serve as
a permanent reference in your mind.
Each travel adventure is like a mini
college course and you will be the more
Government teacher Davon Ruiz: This
is advice my mother gave to me and I
never forgot it.
“Don’t date anyone you would not
marry.” My husband and I
celebrated our 25th Anniversary
earlier this spring.
When discussing whether or
not I should go to college(
yes, I thought about not
going) my mother said, “You
are going to be somewhere
in four years, do you want
to be there with a degree or
without?” I decided “with.” I not
only completed four years of college,
but went on to earn a Doctorate of
-teacher Carol Fountain
Assistant Principal Marisa
Whitfield : Great job Seniors!
My advice is stay in school as long as
someone will pay for it. It’s worked for
me for 34 years!
English I teacher Jennifer Smith: Dream,
Strive, Live! “I may not have gone where
I intended to go, but I think I have ended
up where I needed to be.” (Douglas
English teacher Demetra Page: We are
born weak, we need strength; helpless,
we need aid; foolish, we need reason. All
that we lack at birth, all that we need
when we come to man’s estate, is the
gift of education- Jean Jacques Rousseau
Good Luck c/o 2009!
English teacher Geri Felder:
Congratulations, Graduates! You’ve
completed one journey, and you’re
beginning another - your journey to
independence. It can be an awesome
journey or it can be an arduous one.
You hold the key to determine which
adjective will describe the ride.
Theater arts teacher Jennifer
Thompson-Rogers: To the Class of 2009“Act well your part; There all honor lies.”
That might be our motto in theater but
it applies to everyday life. Do what is
expected. Do it well and you will receive
true honor.
Track coach / business and technology
teacher Jamie McRae : Congratulations
Class of ‘09! Remember that nothing
worth having in life is ever free. You can
do anything that you put your mind to!
Math teacher Kay Grundy: Be
very proud of yourselves, you have
accomplished much. You are a great
first graduating class.
Algebra teacher Donna Stoughton:
When you are hungry, hit Sam’s Club on
Saturdays to get the free samples.
Athletic Director Kirk Martin: Compete
at everything you do! Never ever ever
quit! Do right and everything else takes
care of itself.
accomplishment, and good luck in your
new beginnings! This is your chance to
start new and be whoever you want to
be! Go for it!
Yearbook/ newspaper adviser Jessica
Short-Tompkins: Congrats seniors.
It’s been a privilege teaching some of
the first graduates of MHS. It’s all just
beginning for you. I love words, so I am
going to leave you with a quote from
Arthur Rubinstein, “Love life and life will
love you back. Love people and they
will love you back.”
Geography teacher Tiffanie Grohmanvan Sant : Enjoy college, you have the
rest of your life to live in the “realworld!”
French teacher Marie-Lisa Bonneau:
Never stop learning. Remember there
is an Arab proverb that says: one who
speaks one language lives one life, one
who speaks more lives many lives! Carpe
Biology teacher Teresa Fisher: Travel,
sightsee, and get back to nature every
chance you get. The beauty of our
world will amaze you and just watching
it on the Discovery Channel does not
even come close to being there.
English teacher Kristi Piper: You can’t
go wrong when following the advice of
Dr. Seuss. “The more that you read, the
more things you will know. The more
that you learn, the more places you’ll
go.” Read, learn, and go for all of your
dreams. I’m proud of you!
Art teacher Jennifer Sadleir: Choose
your battles in life wisely - Not
everything is worth a fight. Remember
the small things, because what you
think is BIG, usually is not what you
remember later in life. Have FUN, the
real world will begin soon enough, but
don’t neglect your school-work. Don’t
live with your friend if you want them to
stay a friend! And Yes, after 15 minutes,
and the professor is still a no-show, you
can leave!
I hope my mom’s advice makes you
think, like it did me.
Physics/IPC teacher Elizabeth Ure
:My advice for college bound seniors1) Sit near the front in lectures, it is
statistically shown that students that
sit nearer the front do significantly
better than students in the back. 2)
Always have someone proof read your
papers you turn in!! You forget the little
grammar mistakes you make over time.
Health Science Technology teacherDr.
Lakisha Holloway: At some point in
your upcoming college life you will be
presented with a choice to either party
or do a paper. Always choose to do the
paper first so you can party as much as
you want to with no regrets.
A good joke beats a pill for a lot
of ailments.
10. May you live your life so there
is standing room only at your
I wish only the best for our Seniors of
2009 - go out and make a difference in
the world!
English teacher Pamela Blades:
Graduating seniors, I can no longer say,
“It’s Friday! I love you! Have a great
weekend, and come back and sit in your
desk Monday!” With much pride in
you, I must, instead, say, “I have enjoyed
teaching you, I love you, and I will
miss you!” In parting, I leave to you a
reminder—to recognize happiness when
you see it—that “[o]ur brightest blazes
are commonly kindled by unexpected
sparks.” –Samuel Johnson
Principal Darrell Alexander: What a
journey! You have blazed the trail for
all future Mavericks. As you move to
the next part of your life continue to be
leaders not followers. As principal, I
am very proud of your accomplishments
and the traditions that you have started.
Great job and good luck in the future!!!
Assistant Principal Shawn Williams:
In the very near future, you will have
increased freedom and mobility. Rule
that you’ve lived by for years will no
longer hold you back.It is important to
think slowly and carefully and react in
the same manner. Don’t relax so much
that you regret your level of effort later
in life. Remember, nothing worth having
is easy to obtain. Finally, remember, just
because you have the opportunity to
do something stupid doesn’t mean you
should do it.
AISD Superintendent Dr. Robby
McGowen: I want to thank you for
serving our community as role models,
ground breakers and trend setters. You
are establishing a tradition of excellence
that will serve the Alvin ISD community
for generations to come. I invite each of
you to keep in contact with your alma
mater and let us know the wonderful
things you are accomplishing. We are all
rooting for you!
English teacher Carol Fountain: Things
you’ll need to know after high school:
1. Don’t sweat the small stuff, and
remember, most stuff is small.
2. The most boring word in any
language is “I”.
3. Life is full of
surprises. Just
say “never”
and you’ll see.
4. The best
things in life
are not things.
5. Persistence
will get
you almost
6. Nobody can
make you
happy. YOU
photo by: Brittany Adcox
make you
You say good-bye, I say hello
7. Character
Senior teachers Carol Fountain, Kristi Piper and Davon Ruiz
counts. Family wish the class of 2009 a final farewell. The English and Government teachers have been busy prepping their students all year
for graduation, college classes and life after high school. Read
8. Life is so
their advice and farewell words to the seniors.
much simpler
when you tell
the truth.
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Need a break from school work
and high school drama?
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night from 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm.
Super Crazy Jesus Time (S.C.J.T.) is a time for fellowship,
fun, and good Christian discussions to help you get through
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Time, please contact Rebecca Brodigan
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Come join us in some good Catholic Fun!