Blevins, Bracciano, and Byrne from KQ2 to co
Blevins, Bracciano, and Byrne from KQ2 to co
Blevins, Bracciano, and Byrne from KQ2 to co-chair 2011 Arts Fund Campaign Local KQ2 television personalities Bridget Blevins, Mike Bracciano, and Nathan Byrne are this year’s Arts Fund co-chairs. News Director Blevins says she and her fellow planning crew are very excited to be a part of the fund drive. “We have been involved with the campaign for several years, so we know how generous the community is when it comes to supporting the arts. The money we raise through the drive will keep the arts a vibrant part of St. Joseph by bringing in top acts from throughout the country, while offering a place for local actors to shine and showcase their artwork and talents. We hope the Arts Fund campaign can continue to help St. Joseph be a place that feeds the imagination and welcomes creativity.” The dynamic trio has developed a variety of new activities to help raise funds and bring awareness to the Arts Fund Campaign. This year the Arts Fund drive officially kicks off In This Issue... President’s Chat 2 About the AAC 2 Arts Rely on Support 3 What’s Happening (calendar) 4-5 Spring Art for the Health of It 5 Registry Database 5 Arts Alerts 5 Spotlight 6 Poetry Out Loud Winners 6 Arts Opportunities 7 Board of Directors 7 Donate to Arts Fund 8 “bringing arts and people together.” ers. Free-will donations are welcome and anyone donating $10 or more that evening gets to spin the Arts Fund prize wheel for a chance to win a prize. April 5th at 5:30 with an Arts Fund Social at Legends Sports Club. The party includes live music, light appetizers, and the official announcement of this year’s Trails West!® headlin- Hy-Vee continues its tradition of supporting the arts by hosting Baggin’ Bucks for the Arts on April 13 from 5:30 - 7:30 pm. KQ2 Live at 5 will broadcast live from Hy-Vee and when not on air the news team will pack your groceries for a donation to Arts Fund. Anyone donating $10 or more that evening gets to take a spin on the Arts Fund prize wheel. Prizes continued on page 3 KQ2 and the Allied Arts Council are looking for talent. KQ2 and the Allied Arts Council are hosting a St. Joe’s Got Talent contest to benefit the annual Arts Fund Campaign. The invitation to apply is open to non-professional singers, dancers, bands, soloists, comedians and magicians. KQ2 will accept submissions March 14 through April 8. To enter go to and click on the St. Joe’s Got Talent link. Fill out the entry form and send it along with the $10 entry fee and a CD or DVD of your act to KQ2. There is no age limit and groups are welcome to participate. We ask that your act/ talent be family friendly and that you limit your performance to five minutes. KQ2 will post the acts online where viewers can view and vote for their favorite act. Nathan Byrne and Bridget Blevins will highlight some of the entries on Live at 5 from April 1 – April 22. KQ2 and Allied Arts Council reserve the right to refuse to post a submission on line for any reason or for no reason at all, at their sole discretion. On April 29 at 7:30 p.m., the top vote getting acts will perform live on the Central High School stage. Two awards will be given: the Critics’ Award determined by the judges and the People’s Choice Award. The audience determines the People’s Choice Award by voting for their favorite act with money. Bring your friends, family, and fan club with their change, dollars, and checkbooks! The winner of the Critics’ Award receives $250.00 and a chance to perform on the Family Stage or City Stage at Trails West!®. The winner of the People’s Choice Award receives $250.00. Admission is $5.00 per person, with children 12 and under free. For complete rules and details visit and click on St. Joe’s Got Talent. A chat with your President... As they say, the show must go on. The late February fire brought new challenges to the Allied Arts Council staff and four other arts groups during an already busy arts season. Offices were damaged and the Missouri Theatre taken out of commission. The strong spirit and dedication of the arts world was shown by the determination to move forward despite the obstacles. I want to thank the Allied Arts staff: Teresa Fankhauser, Cathy Ketter and Tammy Santos. They executed Poetry Out Loud and Art for the Health of It, and continued to lay the groundwork for a successful Arts Fund Drive during this time. It needs to be mentioned that our thoughts and prayers are with the neighboring business owners of A to Z Fresh Aire Fare and Pony Espresso. Production, Midwest Artist Association, RiverSong, St. Joseph Community Chorus, and the American Guild of Organists. It is a way to give support in a broad way to a variety of arts organizations. Also, it should be noted that most dollars are collected and solicited by volunteers and that your donation goes directly to the arts groups. The arts groups in St. Joseph do rely heavily on volunteers so every dollar you give to the arts is well invested and stretched even further. Please join us for the Arts Fund Kick Off at Legends on April 5th at 5:30. St. Joseph’s Got Talent is another fun new Arts Fund event this year. Also, watch for a chance to have your HyVee groWhile the Arts Fund Drive is always ceries bagged by local celebrities and crucial to the culture of St. Joseph, it is our Arts Fund co-chairs. particularly important this year in light of the losses many of the arts groups While recovering from the fire, the dedisustained in the fire. Also, as state cated staff also carried on two regularly budget cuts are made in funding to the scheduled Allied Arts programs. First, arts, corporate and private donations the Poetry Out Loud Contest, an annual nation wide contest for high school stuare even more important. dents who recite poetry out loud. This The Arts Fund monies go to support was my first year to attend. I hope various member agencies of the Allied never to miss it again. It was great to Arts Council. The groups which receive see young people reciting memorized funding from the Arts Fund drive are the poetry. I heard new poems and old faAllied Arts Council, Performing Arts As- vorites. sociation, Robidoux Resident Theatre, Saint Joseph Symphony, Creative Arts Congratulations to all the students who entered and to Grant Hartley, the winner of this year’s contest. He will go on to compete in Jefferson City at the state level. The winner from that level will go on to compete at the National Level. Thanks to Cathy Ketter for her organization of this event. The other Allied Arts program which took place was “Art for the Health of It.” This annual visual arts competition is held at the East Hills Library. It was wonderful to see the artwork of local artists. There was a wide range of mediums used including watercolors, pencils, charcoal, and oils. Congratulations to all the winners. Thanks to Tammy Santos who coordinated this art display and competition. This is only a small example of the many arts activities the Arts Fund supports. There are symphonies, choral productions, theatrical presentations, arts camps, arts festivals and more. Saint Joseph is a more livable, richer city because of it. About the Allied Arts Council... The Allied Arts Council of St. Joseph, Missouri exists “to bring arts and people together.” Founded in 1963, the Council is one of the oldest in the State of Missouri and is acknowledged statewide as an arts leader. In 1990, the City of St. Joseph designated the Allied Arts Council as the City’s official community arts agency. Operating with a staff of three and a volunteer base approaching 2,000, the Council takes the lead in our community in organizing, fund-raising, advocating, educating, and servicing the local arts community. The Council provides educational programs, art exhibits, and summer youth arts programs, as well as operating the annual Trails West!® arts festival. Allied Arts Council 118 S. 8th Street St. Joseph, Missouri 64501 Phone: 816-233-0231 Fax: 816-233-6704 Organizational membership in the Council is open to nonprofit agencies who provide arts related activities. Currently sixteen arts and cultural agencies are members. As an umbrella agency, the Council assists with scheduling, funding, and marketing for all member agencies. The Council is also working with the City of St. Joseph to increase marketing for the major performing arts center in the city, the Missouri Theater. Teresa Fankhauser, Executive Director Cathy Ketter, Operations Manager Tammy Santos, Program Coordinator 2 Cover story continued... include tickets to local arts events Of course, all of this fun is for a great including Trails West!®, a television, cause. It is to remind the public that and other prizes. the arts are incredibly important to our community as a whole. The Arts If you can’t make it to Hy-Vee on Fund goal of $200,000 supports the April 13, you can still benefit from programs of the Allied Arts CounHy-Vee’s generosity. A pledge of $50 cil, American Guild of Organists, or more entitles you to a Hy-Vee cou- Creative Arts Productions, Midwest pon good for 10% off your Hy-Vee Artist Association, RiverSong, Robipurchase. doux Resident Theatre, Performing Arts Association, St. Joseph ComOn April 29, the Arts Fund caps off munity Chorus, and Saint Joseph the campaign with St. Joe’s Got Tal- Symphony. ent, a fundraiser highlighting St. Joseph’s local talent. According to Leslie Galbreath of Ri- verSong, “Arts Fund monies support our music education, enhance our performances, and fund leadership development.” There are several ways to contribute to the Arts Fund. Complete a pledge card, pledge on line at or participate in payroll deduction currently offered by KCP&L, Heartland Health System, Missouri Western State University, St. Joseph School District, and the City of St. Joseph. If your company would like to offer payroll deduction contact the Allied Arts Council at 233-0231. The Arts rely on private and public support Everyone has felt the effects of the struggling economy. We’ve all cut back, trimmed our budgets, and dine at home more often. Just like in our personal lives, the arts groups, already the masters of operating on tight budgets, have tightened their belts even more. Although we applaud the cost saving measures taken, many of the programs undergoing budget cuts actually contribute to the mending of the economy. However, in the coming year state funding to local arts groups will be reduced. Although the Governor included $1.2 million dollars in the State’s FY2012 budget for the Missouri Arts Council, House Budget Chairman Ryan Silvey (R-Kansas City) eliminated the item from the budget. “Until the economy starts to improve, the State’s support of the arts is in jeopardy.” according to Teresa Fankhauser, Executive DiSt. Joseph’s arts organizations rely rector of the Allied Arts Council. on private and public support to exist. Fortunately, our local arts orga- Not just proposed funding cuts threatnizations earn approximately 50% en local member agencies. The reof their income through ticket sales, cent fire on February 19 affects some admissions, and concessions. In- of our arts organizations. “The fire dividual and corporate donations was a devastating event that we are plus Arts Fund contributions make trying to respond to as best we can. up approximately 40% of an arts With the help of the city and commuagency’s income with the remain- nity we know that we will forge ahead ing 10% from government support. and make the most of this difficult 3 time,” said Jeff Haney, Executive Director of Robidoux Resident Theatre. Christina Lund, Executive Director of the Performing Arts Association is optimistic about the support the arts receive based on the community’s outpouring of support after the fire. “We were very appreciative of the kind words and assistance provided by so many companies and individuals. Northwest Missouri State University was so accommodating during our temporary existence at their downtown St. Joseph location. The City of St. Joseph, ServPro and Blu Sky were all very professional in their resolution of this unfortunate occurrence.” To help our arts community flourish during these difficult times, Arts Fund supporters are encouraged to increase this year’s donation. What’s Happening... April 2nd Pops and Pasta 10th Spring Anniversary Concert Agency: St. Joseph Community Chorus Celebrating the St. Joseph ComAgency: St. Joseph Community Chorus munity Chorus: 30th Anniversary Second annual Pops and Pasta, a Concert. 3 PM, Fulkerson Center, benefit for vocal music scholarships MWSU, 816-271-4420, $12 Adult; at MWSU. Music and spaghetti din- $10 Senior; $5 Student ner. 5:30 PM. St. Joseph Country Club, 816-271-4420, $10 14-17th 2-3rd & 9-10th Pinkalicious, the Musical Agency: Robidoux Resident Theatre Pinkalicious is based on the famous children’s book of the same title. Bring your children and enjoy a great show performed by adults for children. Can also bring lunch and eat with the cast. Pink cupcakes will be available for purchase! Saturday shows 10 AM and Sunday shows 2 PM, Robidoux Landing Playhouse, 816-232-1778. $10.00 for adults and children. Reservations are highly recommended. 3rd A Second Helping: The Church Basement Ladies, the sequel Agency: Performing Arts Association This sequel is set in 1969. The ladies are struggling with a changing world, Vietnam, equal work for equal pay, and even their own lives keep changing - You’ll laugh until your side dish hurts. 2 PM, Central High School Auditorium, 816-279-1225 $12-$47 9th Mad Hatter Tea Party Agency: Albrecht-Kemper Museum of Art Families are invited to join the Mad Hatter for a tea party set in an “Alice in Wonderland” theme. Children will decorate their own hats and parade them through the museum for all to see. 1 PM, frontdesk@albrecht-kemper. org or 816-233-7003 Ext. 308 $15 per child; Children must be accompained by adults to this event. Gulley and Raymond Feener. 7:30 PM. Cathedral of St. Joseph, 519 N. 10th St., 816-233-7701, $5 - $43 May 5th Cinco de Mayo Agency: Performing Arts Association Celebrate Cinco de Mayo with Performing Arts Association with a taco salad. Free delivery when purchasing 5 or more salads! The Sound of Music Agency: Robidoux Resident Theatre 816-279-1225 or $7.00 per salad The classic story of the Von Trapp family comes to life on the stage! A May 6-22 full orchestra will enhance the cast 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee and story with the beauty that is Agency: Robidoux Resident Theatre Rodgers and Hammerstein. Bring your family for a magical event. This is the story of several young Location TBA. 816-232-1778, $16 kids (played by adults) trying to win adults and $9 students 12 and unthe Putnam County Spelling Bee. der. $2 extra at the door. 816-232-1778. $30 for dinner and show, $16 for show only. Reserva26th tions are required! “Shrew in a Few” Agency: Allied Arts Council Adapted from William Shakespeare’s “Taming of the Shrew,” this play is presented as part of the 10-12th 12th Annual Art in the Park Shakespeare Festival St. Louis’ Visual Art Show and Sale education tour. Agency: Midwest Artist Association, Inc. 7 PM, Potter Hall, 4525 Downs Drive, MWSU, 816-233-0231, free. Art in the Park, now in its 12th year, featuring fine art in a variety of me29th dia and artistic expression is held St. Joe’s Got Talent annually the 2nd weekend in June. Agency: Allied Arts Council Civic Center Park, Downtown. 816-279-3199 email or midwestarLive stage finals of local talent competition will determine the Critics’ Award the People’s Choice Free. Award. Competition benefits the Arts Fund. 7:30 PM., Central High 17th-Aug 28th Marcus Pierson: 25 Years of School Auditorium, 816-233-0231, Art Exhibition $5, children 12 and under free. Agency: Albrecht-Kemper Museum of Art 30th Ode to Joy, an All Beethoven This retrospective of Marcus Pierson’s work covers 25 years and Concert includes what he is best known Agency: Saint Joseph Symphony for, the coyote-man paintings and sculptures. Opening Reception FriOverture to Egmont; Symphony day, June 17, 4-7 pm. frontdesk@ No. 9 “Choral” with the St. Joseph or 816-233Community Chorus and William 7003 Ext. 308. Reception is Free. Jewell Concert Choir, and soloists Susan Carter, Kristee Haney, Ben June 4 24-26th Disney’s 101 Dalmatians Agency: Robidoux Resident Theatre Disney’s classic tale of how the puppies survive the mean spirit of an evil spirit that wants to make a fur coat out of them! Robidoux Landing Playhouse. 816-232-1778, $16.00 for adults, $9.00 for children 12 and under. Ongoing Events The Albrecht-Kemper Museum of Art will be hosting “Beginning Printmaking” for ages 6-12. For 6 weeks students learn how to make a print using different materials and techniques with Carrie Clark Murphy during this educational and entertaining class session from 4:306:00 pm Thursdays between May 5th - June 8th. For more information please contact or 816-233-7003 Ext. 308 The class is $60 for members and $72 for nonmembers. Supplies are included. Art Classes Pre-Registration is required for all A list of upcoming art classes for children and adults can be found at: Preregistration is required. Spring Art for the Health of It winners recently announced The Allied Arts Council recently accepted artwork for inclusion in the Spring Art For the Health of It exhibit and competition. Artwork is currently on display through May 3, 2011 at the East Hills Library. Submissions were judged by a panel of three jurors in the following categories: Painting, Drawing, Photo, and Other Media. include: 1st place, Dot Miriani, 2nd place, Loita Karen Anderson, and 3rd place, Jim Fly. Winners in the painting category include: 1st place Beth Barbosa, 2nd place, Dennis Weiser, and 3rd place, Eleanor Thomas. A $25 cash prize was awarded to the best high school student entry. $75 was awarded in each category, and $100.00 was the cash prize for overall “Best of Show.” Winners will be featured in a future “Art for Business’ Sake” exhibit. A reception for artists and friends was held on March 3, 2011 at East Hills Library. . Winners in the drawing category are: 1st place, Dot Miriani, 2nd place, Beth Barbosa, and 3rd place, Charly Brewer. Winners in the photography category The “Other“ category winners are: 1st & 2nd place, Nancy Clisbee, and 3rd place, Loita Karen Anderson. Winning 1st place in the Student category is Sydney Graves. Best of Show is Beth Barbosa. Arts Alerts Artists invited to join new registry database Have you signed up for email alerts from the Allied Arts Council? The Artist Registry is an exciting new directory program that lists names, addresses, phone numbers, etc. of all participating artists in Northwest Missouri. Join our online arts community and stay up to date with local arts activities and opportunities in the St. Joseph area. Go to and click on “Sign up for Email Alerts” in the upper right hand corner of the homepage and fill out a short questionnaire. Also LIKE us on Facebook at St Joe Arts The directory includes all facets of the arts: visual, performing, and literary artists as individuals and groups, as well as technical expertise such as theatre directors and visual art judges. Artists in Atchison, Andrew, Buchanan, Clinton, DeKalb, Gentry, Holt, Nodaway, and Worth counties in Missouri and Doniphan and Atchison counties in Kansas are invited to join at The Allied Arts Council and other arts groups frequently receive calls from people looking for a band to play a private party, a violinist to play a wedding, or a singer for a special occasion. This registry will provide patrons a usable database through which to find an artist. It also provides a platform in which artists can expand their audience and publicize their work. The registry is free to join and to use! 5 Local Arts Supporter named Executive Director of Best of Missouri Hands Martha Greer, Director of the Center for Community Arts at Missouri Western State University has recently been named Executive Director of The Best of Missouri Hands. support. I am also looking forward to serving more artists and areas of the state by reaching out to underserved communities. It’s going to be very important as this organization moves forward to work with the Board of DiMissouri Artisans Association, rectors to work on establishing the dba The Best of Missouri Hands. goals and priorities,” Greer said. MAA/BOMH is a non profit organization dedicated to the develop- She also believes by having first ment and recognition of Missouri’s hand knowledge of the arts comartists and artisans through edu- muntity in northwest Missouri, she cation, interaction and encourage- can assist local artists as well. ment. Members strive to educate and raise public awareness of “While the organization is fairly well handmade visual arts in Missouri. established in Kansas City, St. LouAssisting artists is a pivotal part is, and other areas, there is very of the mission of the organization. little involvement in this area of the state. I’ve had the chance to talk Martha says her main priority now is to with some really talented artists in become more familiar with members. our area, and many simply aren’t aware of MAA/BOMH. By provid“My priority right now is to become ing a diverse variety of opportunities familiar with the membership. I am for local artists, the local arts comlooking forward to meeting members munity will be enhanced. I would and talking with them about things like to meet with some of the artists that are important to them as artists groups and artists in St. Joe, not just and ways that MAA/BOMH can con- to try to encourage them to become tinue to serve them and provide more members, but to get feedback and Martha Greer pictured here second from right with fellow BOMH members at the annual ArtSmart Conference. input about what would make involvement in the organization beneficial and meaningful to them,” she said. MAA/BOMH is well regarded in the statewide and national arts arena. Juried members are very well respected and many shows and exhibits wave jury fees and even the jury process in order to have artists participate. Greer said she would love to see many of the talented artists in our area display the Best of Missouri Hands alongside their work and benefit from the programs and activities offered through the organization. Winners of the Northwest Regional Poetry Out Loud competition announced Grant Hartley from North Daviess R-III High School took top honors Wednesday, February 23, 2011 at the fifth northwest Missouri Regional Poetry Out Loud Competition. Megan Render from Lafayette High School took second place. Bailey Puckett from Central High School, homeschooled Kristin Hall from St. Joseph, and Raven Wilkinson from Lathrop R-II also competed. Judging the event were Kerry Bunker, Donna Jean Boyer, Cathy Ketter and Dr. Laurel Vartabedian. Hartley was awarded a trophy and $50.00 gift card to Hastings, and traveled to Jefferson City on March 23 to compete for the title of Missouri State Champion. 6 Arts Opportunites in St. Joseph 2010-11 Allied Arts Council Board of Directors Alison Schieber, President TRAILS WEST!® 2011 CALL FOR ARTISTS, FINE CRAFTERS & FOOD VENDORS Midwest Artist Association offering scholarship to high school senior The Midwest Artist Association invites area high school seniors to Trails West!® is pleased to an- apply for the first annual Midwest nounce that we are accepting ap- Artists Senior Scholarship. plications for Artists, Fine Crafters and Food Vendors through April 8, All students entering the competition will be invited to exhibit ex2011. amples of their work at the 12th For rules and entry info visit the annual Art In The Park Visual Art web at or call show in Civic Center Park June 10, Tammy at 816-233-0231 or 1-800- 11, and 12. The winning 1st place artist will receive a $500 scholar216-7080 ship to the college of their choice. Deadline for Entry: May 6, 2011. Contact Deanna Trapp at 816232-0257 or trappart@sbcglobal. net for more information. **SAVE THE DATE FOR ARTSCAPE 2011!** When: Monday through Friday, August 8-12, 2011 Where: Potter Hall, MWSU Ages: Entering 3rd-10th grade (by fall 2011) What is Artscape? A five day arts camp operated by the Allied Arts Council in conjunction with MWSU Departments of Music and Art and the Center for Community Arts, designed to give children a hands-on, integrative arts experience under the instruction of professional artists and teachers in many disciplines. This is the 24th year for Artscape! Fees: $95 for full day or $70 for half day, which includes camp t-shirt. For registration information: call Cathy Ketter at 233-0231, or visit 7 Natalie Leonard-Redmond, 1st Vice President Larry Stobbs, 2nd Vice President Brad Scott, Treasurer Barb Connor, Secretary Shaun Agnew Joanne Anderson Laura Baade Stacey Bradford Terry Camacho Mark Cochran John Cool Richard Crumley Gloria Davis James Fisher Marcy George Kevin Griffin Dan Hegeman Karen Jensen Scott Johnson Evelyn Jordan-Isaacs Dennis Kamp Gordon Mapley Sandy Miller Byron Myers Chris Price Bob Shultz Ray Sisson Tom Smith Donna Turk Shannen White 118 S Eighth Street - St. Joseph, MO 64501 Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit #2247 St. Joseph, MO Return Service Requested Funding for this newsletter was provided in part by the Missouri Arts Council, a state agency, and the St. Joseph Convention & Visitors Bureau. Would you like to help support the St. Joseph Arts Community? Donate to the Arts Fund! Please fill out and return to Allied Arts Council with your payment. Thanks!
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