tes i̇ d electronic industry almanac 2 0 1 3
tes i̇ d electronic industry almanac 2 0 1 3
T E S İ D ELECTRONIC INDUSTRY ALMANAC 2 0 1 3 Publication No: 34 July, 2013 BEKO SMART LED TV SURF ON INTERNET AND WATCHES YOUR BABIES. SMART BEKO MUMS MAKE THE REAL DIFFERENCE. C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Smart LED TV comes with the Babywatch camera system and its superior features. Beko makes your life easy. BABYWATCH SMART INTERACTIVE 2.0 Beko BabyWatch camera system senses your babies movements and voice. It warns you when your baby wakes up or cries by your Beko Smart LED TV. Beko Smart LED TV connects instantly the social networks from Facebook to Twitter, Skype to Youtube. 3D VISION Beko Smart LED TV turns 2D images into 3D images by the image transformer system. REDDOT DESIGN AWARD Beko Smart LED TV brings the elegance and technology together with the design award among 5000 products. TESiD BOARD OF DIRECTORS TESİD ASSOCIATION OF ELECTRONICS & INFORMATION INDUSTRIES OF TURKEY T he Electronic Industries in Turkey are organized in an independent association in order to deal with the common interests of the individual companies. In 2000, due to rapid changes in the high tech industry our Association has decided to widen its scope and include software houses and telecom operators accordingly. productivity as well as the enchancement of the investment opportunities of the industry. d) the improvement of the standard of living of employees, for greater employee satisfaction. MISSION: 4.Supporting the Electronics Industry to develop into a strong, environmentally aware, safety conscious establishment that is an overall positive contributor to the community. It is our wish to develop TESİD into an organisation which is perceived as C. Müjdat ALTAY E. Armağan ŞAKAR Chairman Vice Chairman 3. Concerning policies, strategies, standards and development within the electronics industry. Leading the Turkish Electronics Industry, Information Technologies and related service sectors towards continuous competitiveness and increasing its contributions to the national economy and the people. VISION: • reliable,innovative, • independent, continuous • liberal and participative by its members and the community 1. Encouraging and supporting technological creativity to achieve a common goal among universities, industry and the government so that competitive, flexible, productive and high quality goods and services are produced. Baki ŞENSOY İlter TERZİOĞLU Celalettin DİNÇER Member Member Erkan DUYSAL Nazım ÖZDEMİR Levent ILGIN Member Prof. Dr. B. Sıddık B. YARMAN Member 2. To support: b) the development of a modern, globally competitive electronics industry. c) the expansion of capacity and TESİD: ASSOCIATION OF ELECTRONICS & INFORMATION INDUSTRIES OF TURKEY Bağdat Caddesi No: 439/4 34740 Suadiye - İstanbul Tel : (0216) 463 27 00 Fax : (0216) 463 38 36 VISIT TESİD WEB SITE http://www.tesid.org.tr Member Member Member e-mail: tesid@tesid.org.tr TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 4 5 Enver İBEK Secretary General TESİD SUPREME ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS Cengiz ERGENEMAN Tahsin YILMAZ Hasan SÜEL Ali KANÇAL Erkan AKDEMİR Cengiz ULTAV Erbil PAYZIN Faik EREM CONSTITUTIONAL MEMBERS Prof.Dr. Duran LEBLEBİCİ Dr. Fikret YÜCEL Lütfi YENEL Muvaffak İ.GÖZAYDIN M.Sait GÖZÜM Tahsin KARAN Tanju ARGUN Suat BAYSAN Board Members COMPANY MEMBERS OF TESİD ADAM Elekt. Ltd.Şti. - İSTANBUL ADATEL Telekomünikasyon ve Mühendislik Hizm. San. Tic. A.Ş. - İSTANBUL ALCATEL LUCENT TELETAŞ Telekomünikasyon Endüstrisi Tic. A.Ş. - İSTANBUL ALPPLAS Endüstriyel Yatırımları A.Ş. - İSTANBUL ANELTECH Anel Telekomünikasyon Elekt. Sist. Sanayı ve Tic. A.Ş. - İSTANBUL ANELES Elekt., Üretim ve Pazarlama San. ve Tic. A.Ş. - İSTANBUL ARÇELİK A.Ş. - İSTANBUL ARGELA Yazılım ve Bilişim Teknolojileri San. ve Tic. A.Ş. - İSTANBUL ASELSAN Elekt. San.ve Tic.A.Ş. - ANKARA ASM Telekomünikasyon Hizm. San. Tic. Ltd. Şti. - İSTANBUL ATMACA Elekt. San.ve Tic.Ltd.Şti. - İSTANBUL AVEA İletişim Hizm. A.Ş. - İSTANBUL AYDIN Yazılım ve Elekt. San.A.Ş. - ANKARA BİSEM Telekomünikasyon Ltd.Şti. - ANKARA CANOVATE Elekt. Endüstrisi Tic.A.Ş. - İSTANBUL CASPER Bilg.Sist. A.Ş. - İSTANBUL DEKA Digital Ltd.Şti. - İZMİR DENBA Telekomünikasyon Elekt. Taahhüt İnş. Ltd. Şti. - İSTANBUL DETAKOM Telekomünikasyon Gereçleri San. ve Tic. Ltd.Şti. - İSTANBUL EAS Elekt. San.ve Tic. A.Ş. - ANKARA EGES Elekt. ve Elekt. Gereçleri San.ve Tic.A.Ş. - İST. ELEKTRA Elekt. San.ve Tic.Ltd. Şti. - İSTANBUL ELEKTROPANÇ Elekt. San.ve Tic.Ltd.Şti. - İST. ELİMKO Elekt., İmalat ve Kontrol Tic.Ltd. Şti. ANKARA ELKOTEK Mühendislik ve Danışmanlık Hizm. A.Ş. - İSTANBUL EKON Kontrol Sist. Elek. Müh. Bil.San. ve Tic. Ltd.Şti. - ANKARA EMKO Elekt. San.ve Tic.A.Ş. - BURSA EMPA Elekt. San.ve Tic.A.Ş. A.Ş. - İSTANBUL ENERSİS Enerji Sist. San.ve Tic.A.Ş. - ANKARA ENPAY Endüstriyel Pazarlama ve Yatırım A.Ş. KOCAELİ ENTES Elekt. Cih. İmalat ve Tic.A.Ş. - İSTANBUL ERA Elekt. San.ve Tic.A.Ş. - İSTANBUL ERICOM Telekomünikasyon ve Enerji Teknolojileri A.Ş. - İSTANBUL ERICSSON Telekomünikasyon A.Ş. - İSTANBUL ESİM Test Hizm. San.ve Tic.A.Ş. - İSTANBUL ETA Elekt. Tasarım San.ve Tic.A.Ş. - ANKARA ETC Telekomünikasyon San.Tic.A.Ş. - İSTANBUL ETM Enerji Telekom Mühendisl A.Ş. - ANKARA EXPER Bilg.Sist. San.Tic.A.Ş. - İSTANBUL GATE Elekt. San.ve Tic.A.Ş. - ANKARA HAVELSAN Hava Elekt. San.A.Ş. - ANKARA İLKECELL Bilişim Teknolojileri İnş.Taahhüt San. ve Tic. Ltd.Şti. - KAYSERİ İNFORM Elekt. San.ve Tic.A.Ş. - İSTANBUL İNNOVA Bilişim Çözümleri A.Ş. - İSTANBUL KAREL Elekt. San.ve Tic.A.Ş. - İSTANBUL KARTNET Bilg.San.ve Tic.Ltd. Şti. - İSTANBUL KDE Avrasya Elekt. San.ve Tic.Ltd. Şti. - İSTANBUL KULE Hizmet ve İşletmecilik A.Ş. - İSTANBUL MAKELSAN Makine Kimya Elekt. San. ve Tic. A.Ş. - İSTANBUL MEDEL Paz. Elekt. - Elekt. Makine İmal. San. Tic. Ltd. Şti. - İSTANBUL MEGATEK Elekt. Elekt. San. ve Tic.A.Ş. - İSTANBUL MİKROSAY Yazılım ve Bilg. San. ve Tic. A.Ş. - İST. MOBILTRUST Bilişim San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. - ANKARA MULTİTEK Elekt. San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. - İSTANBUL NETA Elekt. Cih. San. ve Tic.A.Ş. - İSTANBUL NOM Elekt. Cih. San. ve Tic.A.Ş. - İSTANBUL NETAŞ İSTANBUL NOKIA SIEMENS NETWORKS İletişim A.Ş. - İST. NTM Elekt. Elekt. İnş. ve Tic.Ltd.Şti. - İSTANBUL OPTİSİS İletişim ve Bilgi Teknolojileri A.Ş. - ANKARA ÖZAK Elekt. San.ve Tic.A.Ş. - İSTANBUL ÖZAŞ Telekom. Elekt. Elekt. San. Tic. Ltd.Şti. - İST. PENTA Elekt. Telekom. Plastik San.ve Tic.A.Ş. - İST. PETAŞ Profesyonel Elekt. San. ve Tic.A.Ş. - ANK. RAKS Elekt. San. ve Tic.A.Ş. - MANİSA SAVRONİK Elekt. San.ve Tic.A.Ş. - İSTANBUL SUPERONLİNE İletişim Hizm. A.Ş. - İSTANBUL TEKNİM Elekt. San.ve Tic.A.Ş. - İSTANBUL TELESİS Telekomünikasyon Sist. San. ve Tic.A.Ş. - ANKARA TTNET A.Ş. - İSTANBUL TUNİK Elektromekanik San.A.Ş. - İSTANBUL TURKCELL İletişim Hizm. A.Ş. - İSTANBUL TURKCELL TEKNOLOJİ Araştırma ve Geliştirme A.Ş. - KOCAELİ TÜRK TELEKOMÜNİKASYON A.Ş. - İSTANBUL TUSAŞ Türk Havacılık ve Uzay San.A.Ş. - ANKARA VEMUS Endüstriyel Elekt. San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. - BURSA VESTEL Elekt. San.ve Tic.A.Ş. - MANİSA VESTEL Dijital Üretim San.A.Ş. - MANİSA VLE Elekt. Otomotiv ve San. Tic. A.Ş. - KOCAELİ VODAFONE Telekomünikasyon A.Ş. - İSTANBUL YILMAZ KABLO San. A.Ş. - İSTANBUL ZER Elekt. San. ve Tic.Ltd.Şti. - ANKARA TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 6 7 TURKISH ELECTRONIC INDUSTRY IN 2012 Turkish Electronic Industry based on high added value, innovation, creativity and extensive research, develops products not only for local market but for export markets as well. Detailed breakdown of imports and exports by country, by subsector and by GTİP No. are given in the following pages. G.T.İ.P. (Gümrük Tarife İstatistik Pozisyonu) is the abbreviation for Turkish Customs Tariff and Tariiff Classification of Goods. The import and export figures for defence electronics subsector are included in related product subsectors. The sector provides jobs for 50,000 people in production and 100.000 people in related engineering end services. The sector realized 12.5 billion USD sales in produced goods and 18 billion USD in engineering and service • • • • ADATEL - ADANA • AIRTIES - İST. ALCATEL LUCENT- İST. • • ALPPLAS- İST. ANELTECH - İST. ANELES - İST. • ARÇELİK - İST. ARGELA - İST. ASELSAN - ANK. • ASM - İST. • ATMACA (SUNNY) - İST. • • • • • • AYDIN YAZILIM - ANK. AYYILDIZ - İST. BASKI DEVRE - İST. • BE Elektronik - İST. • • • BİSEM Telekom.-ANKARA BURÇ - ANK. CANOVATE - İST. • • • CISCO Systems - İST. CPG - İST. DEKA - İST. DEKA Digital - İZMİR • • • • • • • • • TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 8 9 Alarm & Security Systems Military & Defence Electronics Professional & Industrial Equipments • • BİLGİ Elektronik - İST. • • • AVEA - İST. Power Supplies, UPS Total imports amounted to 16,110 million USD in 2011, decreasing 3.7% compared to 16,726 million USD of 2011. • ADAM Elektronik-İST. Computers Although today Turkish Electronic Industry is not at the point where it should be, the dynamic nature of it makes us to look ahead positively. Today when putting strategies in place for export policies electronic industry is considered as the one with high potential. COMPANY Information Tech.& Software, R & D The exports of the sector since 1990 shows an increase trend, especially the consumer electronics subsector. This is mainly due to implementing R&D and production in accordance with the needs of the export markets. Total exports reached 6,839 million USD in 2012. Telecom Operators Electronic Industry sector nowadays is the one with most employment opportunities. The sector is not important only by its own merits but at the same time it provides means to develop other sectors. Telecommunication Equipments & Cables The R&D expenditures in the sector not including the public expenditures is about 250 million USD which is roughly 2% of the production (sales) volume. This relatively high ratio proves the innovative nature of the sector if one considers that the country average is about 0.8% Consumer Equipments provider services. 6.8 billion USD exports were realized in 2012. lectronic Industry forms the basis of Information Technologies and other technologies which are key to realize a knowledge based competitive economy which in turn makes it possible to maintain a sustainable growth for the country, employment and prosperity for its citizens. Components (coils, transformers, PCBis, connectors, relays,etc) E TESİD MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ELECTRONICS & INFORMATION INDUSTRIES • DENBA - İST. • EAS - ANK. • ERICOM - İST. EDS - İST. • • EGES - İST. EKA - İST. • • ELEKTRO - İST. ELEKTROPANÇ - İST • • • ESİT Elektronik - İST. • • • • • • • ETM - ANKARA • • HAVELSAN - ANKARA • ENEL - İST. ENERSİS - ANKARA ENKO Endüstr.-İST. ENPAY - İST. • ERA - İST. • • GRUPBİM - ANKARA • • • İDEAL TEKNOLOJİ-İST • İLKECELL-KAYSERİ İNFORM - İST. • İNNOVA - İST. • • • • • • • KABELSAN - İST. • KAREL - İST. • • • • • • • • • • • KDE - İST. • KUMTEL - İST. TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 10 11 • • Alarm & Security Systems Power Supplies, UPS • • • • KARTNET - İST. KULE - İST. Computers Military & Defence Electronics Professional & Industrial Equipments Information Tech.& Software, R & D Telecom Operators Telecommunication Equipments & Cables Consumer Equipments ESİM - İST. GEOTEKNİK - ANKARA EMKO - BURSA ENTES - İST. • ESER Telekom - ANKARA GATE - ANK. EMEK - ANKARA EMPA - İST. • ESCORT - İST. FARMED - İST. ELİMKO - ANKARA ELSİS - ANKARA • ETC - İST • • • ELKOTEK - İST. • • • • • • ETA Tasarım - ANKARA EKON - İST. ELEKTRA - İST. Alarm & Security Systems ERICSSON - İST. EEC - İST. EKOM - İST. • ERDEM - İST. DETAKOM - İST. EKİNLER - İST. Components (coils, transformers, PCBis, connectors, relays,etc) TESİD MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ELECTRONICS & INFORMATION INDUSTRIES Power Supplies, UPS Computers Military & Defence Electronics Professional & Industrial Equipments Information Tech.& Software, R & D Telecom Operators Telecommunication Equipments & Cables Consumer Equipments COMPANY Components (coils, transformers, PCBis, connectors, relays,etc) TESİD MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ELECTRONICS & INFORMATION INDUSTRIES • • MAKELSAN - İST. MEDEL - İST. MEGATEK - İST. • • • MİKROSAY - İST. • MULTİTEK - İST. • MOBILTUST - ANK. NOKIA SIEMENS - İST. • • • • NETMON - ANKARA • NTM -ANK. OPTİSİS - ANKARA ÖZAK Elektronik - İST. • • • • • • ÖZAŞ - İST PALMET - İST PAVO - İST. PANEL - İST PENTA - İST. • • PETAŞ - İST. • PLATFORM-A - İST. PROFİLO - TELRA - İST. RAKS Elektronik-MANİSA • • • • • • TESAN İletişim- İST. TUNİK - İST. • • TTNET - İST. TTAF Elektronik - İST. • • TEKNOLOJİ HOLDİNG • • • TURKCELL - İST. • • • TURKCELL TEKNOLOJİ - İST TÜRK TELEKOM. -İST • UKS - ANKARA ÜNAL Elektronik - İST. • • YILMAZ Kablo - İST. • ZER Elektronik - ANKARA • • Alarm & Security Systems Power Supplies, UPS • • • • • Computers • • VESTEL Dijital- MANİSA VODAFONE Tekn.Hizm.-İST Military & Defence Electronics • • VEMUS - BURSA VESTEL Elekt. MANİSA • • VLE Elektronik-KOCAELİ SAVRONİK - İST. Professional & Industrial Equipments Information Tech.& Software, R & D TEKNİM - İST. TÜRK PİRELLİ KABLO-İST • • ROTA - İST. Telecom Operators • SUPERONLINE - İST. VODAFONE - İST. RF SİSTEMLAB • TAI - ANK. TERMAL - İST. • • • Telecommunication Equipments & Cables Alarm & Security SystemS Power Supplies, UPS Computers Military & Defence Electronics Consumer Equipments • TELESİS - ANKARA • • SPD İletişim - İST. • NOREL - İST. • SİSTAŞ - ANKARA • • • • NTM - İST. NETAŞ - İST. • SIEMENS - İST. • NOM - İST. COMPANY SAYOT - İST. • NEL Elektronik-ANKARA NETA - İST. Professional & Industrial Equipments Information Tech.& Software, R & D Telecom Operators Telecommunication Equipments & Cables Consumer Equipments Components (coils, transformers, PCBis, connectors, relays,etc) COMPANY Components (coils, transformers, PCBis, connectors, relays,etc) TESİD MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ELECTRONICS & INFORMATION INDUSTRIES TESİD MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ELECTRONICS & INFORMATION INDUSTRIES • • • • TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 12 13 • DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRONIC INDUSTRY PRODUCTION, EXPORT, IMPORT BY YEARS ELECTRONIC INDUSTRY PRODUCTION IMPORT AND EXPORT BY YEARS PRODUCTION IMPORT EXPORT (1000 $) (1000 $) (1000 $) 2002 2.663.710 4.329.606 2.411.528 2003 3.544.230 5.716.720 2.833.079 2004 6.814.640 8.940.139 4.029.329 2005 8.150.000 10.835.268 2006 9.481.917 10.917.288 2007 9.513.032 14.097.728 4.896.361 2008 9.507.571 13.775.958 5.955.081 2009 9.536.531 12.227.079 4.885.754 2010 11.286.853 14.510.748 5.585.804 2011 12.046.943 16.726.134 6.498.182 2012 12.539.026 16.109.973 6.838.803 YEARS SUBSECTORS PRODUCTION (1000 $) IMPORT (1000 $) EXPORT ( 1000 $) 2010 2011 2012 2010 2011 2012 2010 2011 2012 640.141 680.482 686.742 1.470.745 1.785.583 1.667.334 920.185 960.877 988.798 Consumer Electronics 3.655.753 3.950.753 4.363.607 1.646.886 1.790.775 2.654.237 1.843.062 1.998.151 2.356.572 4.445.489 Telecommunication Equ. 2.112.534 2.280.518 2.319.971 3.623.455 4.255.408 4.069.695 1.932.553 2.488.765 2.624.910 4.420.591 Other Prof.& Ed Equ 2.374.201 2.452.285 2.096.213 4.949.206 5.930.809 4.847.805 769.862 931.930 744.483 950.000 1.040.181 1.190.175 - - - - 1.554.223 1.642.724 1.882.318 2.820.456 2.963.559 2.870.902 120.142 118.459 11.286.852 12.046.943 12.539.026 14.510.748 16.726.134 16.109.973 5.585.804 Components Defence Electronic Computer TOTAL 6.498.182 6.838.803 • The Import/Export figures of Defence Electronics subsector are included in the respective product-based subsectors. BREAKDOWN OF ELECTRONIC INDUSTRY PRODUCTION BY SUBSECTORS PRODUCTION (2012) 12.539.026 000 USD (1000 $) PRODUCTION 2009 2010 2011 2012 597.636 640.141 680.482 686.742 CONSUMER ELECTRONIC 3.265.924 3.655.753 3.950.753 4.363.607 TELECOMMUNICATION EQ. 1.770.929 2.112.534 2.280.518 2.319.971 OTHER PROF.& END EQ. 1.756.138 2.374.201 2.452.285 2.096.213 DEFENCE ELECTRONICS 945.955 950.000 1.040.181 1.190.175 COMPUTERS 1.199.949 1.554.223 1.642.724 1.882.318 TOTAL 9.536.531 11.286.853 12.046.943 12.539.026 COMPONENTS Components %5 Other Prof& End.Equ. %17 Consumer Electronics %35 Defence Electronic %9 Telecommunaciation Equ. %19 Computer %15 IMPORT (2012) 16.109.973 000 USD Components %10 Other Prof& End.Equ. %30 Consumer Electronics %17 Computer %18 Telecommunaciation Equ. %25 TOTAL IMPORT / EXPORT and the SHARE of the ELECTRONIC INDUSTRY (MILLION $) TOTAL IMPORT IMPORT ELECTRONIC IND. % SHARE TOTAL EXPORT EXPORT IN ELECTRONIC IND. % SHARE 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 170.057 201.823 140.926 185.542 240.838 236.545 14.097 13.776 12.227 14.511 16.726 16.110 8,3 6,8 8,7 7,8 6,9 6,8 107.214 132.003 102.129 113.981 134.969 152.478 4.896 5.955 4.885 5.586 6.498 6.839 4,6 4,6 4,8 4,9 4,8 4,5 EXPORT (2012): 6.838.803 000 USD Components %14 Other Prof& End.Equ. %11 Consumer Electronics%35 Computer %2 Telecommunaciation Equ. %38 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 14 15 124.040 DISTRIBUTION OF TOTAL EXPORT and IMPORT by COUNTRIES in 2012 Group Country Ratio % U.S.A. North America European Union Non-EU European North Africa Middle East CANADA OTHER COUNTRIES Subtotal GERMANY FRANCE ITALY ENGLAND CZECH REPUBLIC SPAIN POLAND AUSTRIA BULGARIA ROMANIA HUNGARY NETHERLANDS ESTONIA SLOVAKIA PORTUGAL GREECE FINLAND IRLAND BELGIUM SWEDEN DENMARK OTHER COUNTRIES Subtotal RUSSIA UKRAINE SWITZERLAND SAN MARINO KKTC NORWAY ANDORRA OTHER COUNTRIES Subtotal IRAQ SAUDI ARABIA LIBYA U.A.E 4,94 30,82 1,55 IRAN MOROCCO TUNUSIA QATAR ALGERIA UMMAN EGYPT Import (000 $) Ratio % DISTRIBUTION OF TOTAL EXPORT and IMPORT by COUNTRIES in 2012 Export (000 $) 756.825 53.078 38.341 9 795.175 1.231.865 492.817 1.869 0 54.947 805.333 350.478 4.424.814 276.611 307.582 98.027 615.834 88.928 134.571 118.460 293.819 128.447 56.081 89.032 59.365 8.624 60.094 144.400 30.894 211.676 48.066 27.566 4.965.341 2.959 4.288 204.084 21 162 20.997 6 17.593 250.110 768 941 0 2.580 1.944 20.346 8.765 288 27 151 7.893 0,80 52,95 7,40 197.471 1.047.097 41.291 180.736 72.703 69.005 87.868 75.108 60.570 100.388 3.737 62.162 9.469 51.479 14.810 54.451 104.149 177.016 17.797 38.315 3.621.434 253.678 58.293 38.854 24 47.372 13.751 32 93.940 505.944 615.030 156.075 85.671 70.556 82.166 35.099 30.644 47.717 80.075 12.506 36.015 Group Country Ratio % ISRAEL North Africa Middle East 75 14.795 15 18.297 339 0,71 39.356 21,44 1.466.299 TURKMENISTAN 53 186.232 82 141.264 KAZAKHSTAN OTHER COUNTRIES 6 51.921 48 52.340 844 0,010 1.033 29.600 6,75 461.358 KOSTA RIKA 55.682 317 BRASIL 13.671 7.722 MEXICO 148.316 2.887 3.252 26.308 OTHER COUNTRIES Subtotal 1,37 CHINA 220.922 0,54 6.314.106 37.234 27.797 TAIWAN 652.173 6.809 MALAYSIA 268.913 6.077 1.208.367 9.359 SOUTH KOREA JAPAN 383.045 2.267 THAILAND 166.327 9.934 15.055 SINGAPORE 98.187 PHILIPPINES 54.147 1.689 INDONESIA 67.553 4.272 HONG KONG 14.328 32.845 VIETNAM OTHER COUNTRIES Subtotal 59,32 EGE FTZ BURSA FTZ OTHER FTZS NIGERIA SOUTH AFRICA OTHER COUNTRIES COMPONENTS TOTAL 1.626 370 1.393 9.556.508 1,74 1,01 100,00 119.123 266.878 27.531 2.534 3.722 17.070 9.966 0,27 WINS Subtotal 328.992 2.388 İST. LEATHER FTZ Ara Toplam Other Countries 114.819 AZERBAIJAN Subtotal Free Trade Zones FTZ 142.296 KUWAIT GEORGIA Far East Export (000 $) JORDAN OTHER COUNTRIES Middle and South America Ratio % 70.686 Subtotal Caucasus Middle East Import (000 $) 43.607 33.201 4,67 319.682 12 45.119 2 17.362 4.646 8.600 157.797 181.701 162.457 16.109.973 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 16 17 3,70 100,00 252.782 6.838.803 COMPONENTS SUBSECTOR Imports figure is calculated as 1,667 million USD. The imports for Circuit Components Product Group is 55.1% of total imports. Cathode Ray Tubes is 0.7%, Coils and Transformers is 8.5%, Accustical Elements is • • • • • ASELSAN AYDIN YAZILIM (AYESAŞ) BASKI DEVRE DELRON EKİNLER ELEKTRA ELEKTROPANÇ ENTES EMPA EPAŞ • • • • ETİ Elektroteknik KONDAŞ MEDEL TERMAL TTAF Elektronik TUNİK ÜNAL Elektronik VEMUS • • Industrial Graphic Products, Serigraphy Equipment and Panels Equipment Cables and Accessories Acoustic Elements (Loudspeaker etc) • • • • • • ODAK Elektronik SAR Elektronik • • HOPSAN KABELSAN Power Factor Controllers, Relays Thin Film Circuits Thick Film Circuits (Hybrid) • • ENPAY EMAS • • • EKOM Connectors (switches and connec. Etc) FIRMS Remote Control Devices The manufacturing of chipsets is desired but proved to be extremely difficult due to required high volume, very advanced technology and heavy investments issues. In spite of this the small scale production of some defence industry needs such as the sensors and the microelectronic components categorized as critical items can be considered as rational and an opportunity to enter into this field. Tuners T 8.9%, Printed Circuits is 5.1% and Connectors and Relays is 21.6% of total imports. he industrial activities in the Components Subsector increasingly continued in line with the activities of the other subsectors of the electronics industry in 2012. The exports is 988 million USD in 2012, it was 961 million USD in 2011. Printed Circuit PRODUCT GROUPS Coils and Transformers 2012 Total Production (1000 $): 686.742 2012 Total Export (1000 $): 988.798 2012 Total Import (1000 $): 1.667.334 Circuit Elements (Resistance,cond., diod) COMPONENTS SUBSECTOR • • • • • • • • • ZER TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 18 19 • DISTRIBUTION OF COMPONENTS SUBSECTOR EXPORT and IMPORT by COUNTRIES in 2012 Group North America Country Ratio % U.S.A. CANADA Subtotal 3,85 GERMANY European Union Export (000 $) Group Country Ratio % Import (000 $) Ratio % Export (000 $) 1.415 EGYPT 1.096 7.914 2.122 62 ISRAEL 4.147 4.725 KUWAİT 0 5.960 JORDAN 1 4.516 35 10.138 64.267 0,15 1.477 North Africa Middle East 68.687 FRANCE 76.128 14.852 OTHER COUNTRIES ITALY 75.594 12.410 Ara Toplam ENGLAND 26.935 25.048 TURKMENISTAN 5 30.366 CZECH REPUBLIC 34.333 666 AZERBAIJAN 0 24.469 SPAIN 23.075 4.469 KAZAKHSTAN 0 10.550 POLAND 22.087 3.164 UZBEKSTAN 0 6.701 AUSTRIA 20.223 3.921 10 11.688 Caucasus Middle East 0,50 OTHER COUNTRIES 8.317 41,78 413.122 BULGARIA 4.471 16.000 ROMANIA 10.564 7.436 KOSTA RIKA HUNGARY 6.837 8.207 NETHERLANDS 4.789 8.720 SLOVENIA 3.725 5.294 OTHER COUNTRIES SLOVAKIA 2.368 6.464 Subtotal PORTUGAL 6.935 1.541 CHINA 465.372 GREECE 2.713 5.126 TAIWAN 164.727 753 FINLAND 6.820 662 MALAYSIA 115.628 4.112 IRLAND 4.534 925 SOUTH KOREA 56.782 1.774 BELGIUM 3.677 1.584 JAPAN 40.031 240 SWEDEN 3.517 1.682 MALTA 3.164 1.149 THAILAND 20.123 6.903 OTHER COUNTRIES 4.241 4.565 SINGAPORE 17.157 4.865 PHILIPPINES 18.463 1.264 INDONESIA 7.147 2.039 HONG KONG 3.574 1.218 VIETNAM 2.755 850 35,28 588.196 20,49 201 111.778 UKRAINE 663 35.035 SWITZERLAND 9.121 6.120 CROATIA 6.919 861 ICELAND 5 6.915 NORWAY 192 3.741 KOSOVO 0 3.540 726 8.576 Subtotal 1,07 17.826 17,86 112 143.570 SAUDI ARABIA 436 86.255 LIBYA 0 35.664 U.A.E 5 21.185 IRAN 320 19.894 1.733 15.599 401 16.839 5 17.013 ALGERIA 23 13.461 BAHREYN 1 10.389 TUNUSIA QATAR Middle and South America Far East 0,001 83.774 5 4.582 2.645 MEXICO 6.713 411 274 3,37 56.189 5.527 0,87 İST. LEATHER FTZ 911.928 8.589 5.151 168 54,69 408 2,99 29.577 232 3.440 EGE FTZ 1.001 2.291 TRABZON FTZ 1.504 40 OTHER FTZS Subtotal 386 0,19 NIGERIA Diğer Ülkeler 8,47 BRASIL Subtotal Free Trade Zones FTZ 15 44.620 OTHER COUNTRIES 176.565 IRAQ MOROCCO Subtotal 202.572 RUSSIA OTHER COUNTRIES North Africa Middle East Ratio % 62.145 241.466 Subtotal Non-EU European Import (000 $) DISTRIBUTION OF COMPONENTS SUBSECTOR EXPORT and IMPORT by COUNTRIES in 2012 INDIA AFGHANISTAN OTHER COUNTRIES Subtotal 1,05 COMPONENTS TOTAL 100,00 3.123 2.854 0,87 8.625 11 33.406 14.681 3.007 0 5.378 2.779 22.707 17.472 1.667.334 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 20 21 6,52 64.498 100,00 988.798 COMPONENTS SUBSECTOR IMPORTS and EXPORTS by GTIP No GTIP No PRODUCT 85.04 Electrical transformers, static converters (for example, rectifiers) and inductors 850410201000 850410209000 850410801000 850410809000 850421000000 850422100000 850422901000 850422902000 850422909000 850423000011 850423000019 850431210000 850431290000 850431801000 850431809011 850431809019 850432001000 850432008000 850433000000 850434000000 85.18 Ballasts for discharge lamps or tubes For use on civil aircraft Others Ballasts for discharge lamps or tubes For use on civil aircraft Ballasts for discharge lamps or tubes Others Liquid dielectric transformers Having a power handling capacity not exceeding 650 kVA Exceeding 650 kVA but not exceeding 1600 kVA Of 35 000 volt and less than 2000 kVA. Of 35 000 volt and exceeding 2000 kVA. but not exceeding 10.000 kVA. Others Exceeding 10.000 kVA but not exceeding 50.000 kVA Others For voltage measurement Others Transformers for toys Transformers with ferrite core Others Transformers for toys Other Of an output exceeding 16 kVA but not exceeding 500 kVA Having a power handling capacity exceeding 500 kVA Microphones and stands thereof; loudspeakers, whether or not mounted in their enclosures; headphones and earphones, whether or not combined with a microphone, and sets consisting of a microphone and one or more loudspeakers; audio-frequency electric amplifiers; electric sound amplifier sets 851829309000 851829950000 851830200000 851830951000 851830952000 851830953000 851830959011 851830959012 851830959019 851890003000 851890005000 851890009000 Microphones having a frequency range of 300 Hz to 3,4 kHz, of a diameter not exceeding 10 mm and a height not exceeding 3 mm, of a kind used for telecommunications Microphones of line telephone machines Others Single loudspeakers, mounted in their enclosures Multiple loudspeakers, mounted in the same enclosure Loudspeakers having a frequency range of 300 Hz to 3,4 kHz, of a diameter not exceeding 50 mm, of a kind used for telecommunications For use on civil aircraft Others Others Line telephone handsets For use on civil aircraft Of line telephones Of wired telegraph equipments Used in radio Used in television Others Parts Of loudspeakers Others 85.32 Electrical capacitors, fixed, variable or adjustable (pre-set) 853210000011 853210000012 Dry capacitors Oil impregnated capacitors 851810300000 851810951000 851810959000 851821000000 851822000000 851829301000 COMPONENTS SUBSECTOR IMPORTS and EXPORTS by GTIP No IMPORT (1000 $) 2011 2012 EXPORT (1000 $) 2011 2012 203.676 141.260 610.215 631.414 43 14.639 15 52.418 44 14.194 17 38.001 0 820 2 5.863 10 963 4 3.770 2.140 2.332 73.767 117.428 10.885 85 2.308 1.522 8.694 9.511 1.268 17.801 25 14.365 26.201 8 8.241 12.757 20.751 2.190 0 529 2.009 5.379 5.092 802 3.361 6 13.077 19.645 11 10.196 5.877 18.498 30.763 10.556 58.729 10.710 91.741 245.490 6.941 5.522 1 429 25.866 1 2.714 10.229 30.070 42.818 3.503 50.181 7.766 79.549 230.235 10.115 7.645 2 199 24.296 2 3.804 13.805 35.318 144.415 148.679 3.638 3.957 101 120 2 2 578 8.831 19.542 39.560 216 8.830 15.923 32.211 1 402 225 576 2 558 294 539 15 2 0 0 394 47.997 551 1.485 299 2 763 239 19.557 589 3.132 782 394 51.047 299 2.913 154 3 287 83 32.878 371 1.850 1.096 37 1.514 8 1 2 0 2 10 496 44 70 250 35 1.447 31 41 3 0 4 2 438 17 125 418 105.383 94.025 4.211 3.775 5.403 823 3.165 723 111 52 19 221 GTIP No PRODUCT IMPORT (1000 $) 2011 2012 853210000013 853210000019 853221000011 853221000019 853222000011 853222000019 853223000011 853223000019 853224000000 853225000011 853225000019 853225000021 853225000029 853225000031 853229000011 853229000012 853229000013 853229000014 853229000019 853230000011 853230000019 853290001000 853290009000 Capacitors put in oil Others Tantalum With connection legs Others Aluminum electrolytic With connection legs Aluminum electrolytic Others Ceramic dielectric, single layer With connection legs Others Ceramic dielectric, multilayer Dielectric paper condensers with connection legs Other dielectric paper condensers Dielectric plastic condensers with connection legs Other dielectric plastic condensers Dielectric paper or plastics condensers (mixed dielectric) Condensers Antiparazit kondansatörleri Antijamming capacitors Furnace capacitors having high frequency (more than 50/60 Hz’) Others Variable or adjustable (pre-set) capacitors With connecting legs Others Of fixed condensers Others 199 15.097 1.179 2.051 20.329 3.074 1.690 1.740 17.101 335 2.290 10.159 1.133 5.339 27 4.369 362 3 9.532 109 610 377 2.052 49 12.613 1.330 2.865 16.168 3.262 1.962 1.651 15.702 40 1.954 10.645 1.455 4.864 21 4.752 331 0 8.081 53 478 507 1.356 11 1.177 47 421 289 32 28 17 71 0 2 366 125 22 220 0 39 11 861 41 130 10 128 17 1.282 3 33 130 90 0 26 157 25 1 262 25 31 211 62 4 9 551 20 114 385 96 85.33 Electrical resistors (including rheostats and potentiometers), other than heating resistors 33.142 34.599 6.165 5.411 853310000011 853310000019 853310000021 853310000029 853321000011 853321000019 853329000000 853331000011 853331000012 853331000019 853331000029 853339000011 853339000012 853339000019 853340100011 853340100012 853340100019 853340100029 853340900011 853340900012 853340900019 853390000000 Resistors with carbon compositions (with connecting legs) Other resistors with carbon compositions Film carbon resistors (with connecting legs) Other film carbon resistors For a power handling capacity not exceeding 20 W With connecting legs Others Others Rheostats Potentiometers with legs Other potentiometers Others Rheostats Potentiometers Others For a power handling capacity not exceeding 20 W Rheostats Potentiometers with legs Other potentiometers Others Others Rheostats Potentiometers Potentiometers Parts 214 126 188 542 1.676 13.468 7.650 26 449 237 347 32 241 176 59 682 869 1.963 103 1.125 2.850 120 249 172 166 548 1.801 12.616 8.834 45 170 241 337 27 251 242 58 529 871 2.092 135 1.315 3.781 121 1 2 18 11 10 85 2.670 0 89 6 24 0 314 286 2 3 6 161 3 44 2.358 70 2 9 0 28 7 74 2.830 4 42 12 5 159 342 222 1 5 7 55 9 67 1.473 59 85.34 Printed circuits Consisting only of conductor elements and contacts 87.992 84.834 5.844 2.930 853400110011 853400110019 853400190011 853400190019 853400900011 Multilayer circuits Elastic, flexible Others Elastic, flexible Others Thick film circuits 616 35.356 64 41.629 21 131 33.354 43 40.218 6 11 307 11 4.133 0 3 359 13 1.606 0 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 22 23 EXPORT (1000 $) 2011 2012 COMPONENTS SUBSECTOR IMPORTS and EXPORTS by GTIP No GTIP No PRODUCT 853400900019 Others 85.36 853641100000 853641900000 853649000013 853649000014 853649000019 853649000029 853650030000 853650050000 853650800011 853650800013 853650800014 853650800015 853669100000 853669300000 853669900011 853669900013 853669900018 853690010000 853690850000 85.40 854011000000 854012000000 854020100000 854020800000 854040000000 854050000000 854060000000 854071000000 854072000000 854079000011 854079000019 854081000011 854081000012 854089000011 854089000019 854089000029 854091000011 854091000019 854099000000 IMPORT (1000 $) 2011 2012 10.305 Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits, or for making connections to or in electrical circuits (for example, switches, relays, fuses, surge suppressors, plugs, sockets, lamp-holders, junction boxes), for a voltage not exceeding 1 000 V For a current not exceeding 2 A For a current exceeding 2 A Over current thermic relays Time relays with synchronic motors Other time relays Others Electronic AC switches consisting of optically coupled input and output circuits (insulated thyristor AC switches) Electronic switches, including temperature protected electronic switches, consisting of a transistor and a logic chip (chip-on-chip technology) Complete starters for fluorescent bulbs Starter bulbs for fluorescents Commutators Micro switches For co-axial cables For printed circuits Household type plugs and sockets Others Others Prefabricated elements for electrical circuits Wafer probers Thermionic, cold cathode or photocathode valves and tubes (for example, vacuum or vapour or gas filled valves and tubes, mercury arc rectifying valves and tubes, cathode-ray tubes, television camera tubes) Cathode-ray television picture tubes, including video monitor cathode-ray tubes Cathode ray television picture tubes, including video monitor cathode ray tubes Colour Black and white or other monochrome Television camera tubes Others Data/graphic display tubes, colour, with a phosphor dot screen pitch smaller than 0,4 mm Data/graphic display tubes, black and white or other monochrome Other cathode-ray tubes Magnetrons Klystrons Transportable wave tubes (TWT) Others Valves Tubes Vacuum indicator tubes Other indicator tubes Others Deflection coils Others Others 11.082 COMPONENTS SUBSECTOR IMPORTS and EXPORTS by GTIP No EXPORT (1000 $) 2011 2012 1.382 GTIP No PRODUCT 85.41 Diodes, transistors and similar semiconductor devices; photosensitive semiconductor devices, including photovoltaic cells whether or not assembled in modules or made-up into panels; light-emitting diodes; mounted piezo-electric crystals 948 375.315 360.974 299.461 313.111 5.027 42.313 2.548 195 3.441 79.439 3.775 38.291 4.423 117 3.154 82.641 306 1.073 1.235 4 1.395 27.342 276 1.166 940 14 1.353 28.469 356 194 124 105 1.668 1.920 226 120 2.297 23.439 6.443 4.012 9.836 18.936 13.669 4.436 82.765 2.304 72.192 2.044 22.817 7.043 3.801 6.844 38.237 8.565 4.760 61.918 2.162 68.269 582 13.525 369 29.951 245 313 83.665 173 38.242 63.806 36.884 538 12.565 162 33.091 321 648 94.657 763 42.706 61.402 33.815 22.187 12.305 334 386 6.065 570 1 23 2 33 5.616 0 36 5.825 0 0 24 0 2 49 13 0 0 0 9 220 894 192 920 391 170 782 48 352 5.928 44 14 493 0 216 617 0 581 83 227 722 15 288 2.981 5 9 129 0 23 49 0 0 14 60 13 2 0 113 3 3 29 0 12 63 0 0 6 19 19 0 2 157 8 7 18 854110000011 854110000012 854110000019 854121000011 854121000012 854121000019 854129000011 854129000012 854129000019 854130000011 854130000012 854130000013 854140100000 IMPORT (1000 $) 2011 2012 EXPORT (1000 $) 2011 2012 260.138 269.000 13.512 7.734 761 4.645 20.283 350 2.836 4.754 346 14.313 5.649 5.024 57 3.705 36.998 1.063 4.590 18.499 258 2.589 4.379 226 12.043 4.702 3.716 171 4.003 38.111 6 121 207 0 28 6 0 276 62 259 0 0 2.302 2 77 317 5 0 23 0 153 71 365 0 3 1.823 13.634 12.051 8.478 2.335 4.077 5.350 227 120 854140900013 854140900019 854150000011 854150000012 854150000019 854160000011 854160000019 854190000000 Diodes cut into chips Diodes with legs mounted Others Transistors cut into chips Transistors with legs mounted Others Transistors cut into chips Transistors with legs mounted Others Thyristors Diacs Triacs Light-emitting diodes, including laser diodes Solar cell (solar) (either combined as a module or assembled on a panel) Photodiodes, phototransistors, phototristors or optic couples (photocouples) Varactors Others Semi conductor circuit elements cut into chips Semi conductor circuit elements, legs mounted Others Filters of crystal and ceramic Others Parts 22 5.957 241 206 10.072 1.379 124.258 570 9 5.383 260 170 11.601 1.481 137.603 743 1 791 47 1 125 52 309 213 0 555 22 2 233 43 1.431 153 85.42 Electronic integrated circuits and microassemblies 553.335 521.659 17.497 20.080 854231100000 854231900000 854232100000 854232310000 854232390000 Products mentioned in note 8 (b) (3) to this chapter Others Products mentioned in note 8 (b) (3) to this chapter Memory capacity not exceeding 512 Mbit Memory capacity exceeding 512 Mbit Static random-access memories (S-RAMs), including cache randomaccess memories (cache-RAMs) UV erasable, programmable, read only memories (EPROMs) Memory capacity not exceeding 512 Mbit Memory capacity exceeding 512 Mbit Others Other memories Amplifiers Products mentioned in note 8 (b) (3) to this chapter Others Parts 1.511 346.331 127 20.114 902 1.195 331.829 42 7.388 7.182 80 7.194 2 298 15 76 6.576 0 215 21 891 1.086 2 4 139 8.547 8.860 3.154 18.440 8.589 327 134.546 854 143 10.760 8.878 1.363 10.426 9.451 278 130.784 854 2 55 2 47 865 18 0 8.438 478 4 19 35 57 647 5 1 12.223 196 1.785.583 1.667.335 960.878 988.798 854140900011 854140900012 854232450000 854232550000 854232610000 854232690000 854232750000 854232900000 854233000000 854239100000 854239900000 854290000000 TOTAL TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 24 25 CONSUMER ELECTRONIC SUBSECTOR CONSUMER ELECTRONICS SUBSECTOR 2012 Total Production (1000 $): 4.363.607 2012 Total Export (1000 $) : 2.356.572 2012 Total Import (1000 $) : 2.654.237 C ATMACA (SUNNY) AYYILDIZ • • • • • • • • • ELEKTROPANÇ ESİT FÜZE İES İMPER MEGATEK NETA ÖZAK PAVO PENTA PROFİLO-TELRA RAKS VESTEL YENİÇAĞ • • • • Audio-Video Cassetters Monitors ARÇELİK Microwave Ovens FIRMS Cash Registers Imports figure has increased by 14.8%. The import figure for 2011 was 1,791 million USD Audio The most significant products within the subsector are TV sets as were the case in the past. The share of TV sets is 92% in the exports. 85.7% of the consumer electronics exports are made to European Union member countries. Video, Player Sales volume of Consumer Electronics Subsector has increased to 4,364 million USD in 2012 from 3,951 million USD of year 2011, an increase of 10.5%. Color TV Exports were increased in line with imports. Export figure of the subsector is 2,357 million USD in 2012, 17.9% more than the figure of year 2011. Antenna and Amplifiers and it is 2,654 million USD in 2012. onsumer Electronics Subsector is the driving force of the electronics industry in Turkey. It represents 34.8% of the production, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Elec. Scales, Weighing Machines PRODUCT GROUPS • • • • • • • TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 26 27 • • • • • DISTRIBUTION OF CONSUMER ELECTRONICS SUBSECTOR EXPORT and IMPORT by COUNTRIES in 2012 8.000.000 10.070.299 9.104.348 7.713.368 7.858.936 7.455.945 4.000.000 2.000.000 European Union 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Ratio % 2009 2010 2011 2012 TV PRODUCTION CANADA 0 545.473 232.206 ITALY 12.356 129.456 ENGLAND 14.247 537.565 CZECH REPUBLIC 38.239 25.559 8.269 150.748 POLAND 308.280 44.728 AUSTRIA 23.883 29.328 BULGARIA 1.632 12.862 ROMANIA 9.880 29.492 129.197 28.441 12.217 23.256 HUNGARY NETHERLANDS SLOVENIA 24 4.149 SLOVAKIA 62.448 18.336 PORTUGAL 33.446 4.399 GREECE 525 17.095 FINLAND 357 9.097 56.161 33.796 11.569.674 10.901.033 9.318.657 9.196.547 9.303.486 12.823.732 16.759.044 19.571.277 20.457.292 12.535.354 61 4.353 47.679 123.068 DENMARK 1.636 11.210 OTHER COUNTRIES 2.153 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 31,85 2012 North Africa Middle East 4.714 85,69 2.019.328 85 KKTC 46 8.945 3.108 11.225 26 11.243 0 5.930 1.238 7.415 SERBIA 117 11.335 OTHER COUNTRIES 804 CROATIA BOSNIA ANDHERZEGOV. NORWAY 2011 8.456.306 RUSSIA Subtotal 2000 853 43.378 SWITZERLAND 5.000.000 81 0,04 39.145 Subtotal 10.000.000 772 GERMANY IRLAND Non-EU European 39.372 Export (000 $) FRANCE SWEDEN 8.113.933 15.000.000 8.878.510 20.000.000 15.278.718 Quantity Ratio % 4.435 1,48 LITFANYA 25.000.000 Import (000 $) 34.938 SPAIN 6.000.000 0 Country U.S.A. Subtotal 7.155.925 10.000.000 5.619.247 12.000.000 7.163.930 14.000.000 North America 10.609.463 16.000.000 Group 13.925.459 11.452.001 18.000.000 13.558.852 Quantity 16.416.557 17.829.187 TV EXPORT 0,20 5.425 39.086 22.420 4,99 117.600 IRAQ 125 SAUDI ARABIA 195 2.327 LIBYA 0 11.387 U.A.E 1.273 11.350 IRAN 808 6.274 0 11.887 781 6.905 MOROCCO TUNUSIA 18.229 OMAN 0 746 ALGERIA 0 13.345 LEBANON 1 1.468 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 28 29 CONSUMER ELECTRONIC SUBSECTOR IMPORTS and EXPORTS by GTIP No DISTRIBUTION OF CONSUMER ELECTRONICS SUBSECTOR EXPORT and IMPORT by COUNTRIES in 2012 GTIP No Group North Africa Middle East Caucasus Middle East Middle and South America Far East Free Trade Zones FTZ Other Countries Country EGYPT ISRAEL KUWAİT JORDAN OTHER COUNTRIES Subtotal TURKMENISTAN AZERBAIJAN KAZAKHSTAN GEORGIA OTHER COUNTRIES Subtotal GUYANA EQUATORIAL GUINEA MEXICO OTHER COUNTRIES Subtotal CHINA TAIWAN MALAYSIA SOUTH KOREA JAPAN THAILAND SINGAPORE PHILIPPINES INDONESIA HONG KONG VIETNAM OTHER COUNTRIES Subtotal İST. LEATHER FTZ EGE FTZ EUROPEAN FTZ OTHER FTZS Subtotal AUSTRALIA INDIA GHANA OTHER COUNTRIES Subtotal CONSUMER TOTAL Ratio % 0,22 0,002 0,13 65,34 0,13 0,65 100,00 Import (000 $) 9 2.538 0 1 4 5.736 1 44 1 0 0 46 0 0 3.461 32 3.492 763.482 156.572 25.771 689.307 29.863 15.044 9.240 4.585 15.111 3.085 22.034 164 1.734.257 1.818 183 0 1.472 3.473 549 16.377 0 204 17.130 2.654.237 Ratio % 3,94 2,14 0,02 0,26 2,69 0,23 100,00 PRODUCT IMPORT (1000 $) Export (000 $) 4.778 623 987 1.468 992 92.908 21.324 10.171 10.380 7.929 633 50.438 309 37 4 85 435 3.891 233 17 359 264 21 129 3 18 689 17 470 6.110 865 57.369 3.573 1.626 63.433 651 694 754 3.368 5.467 84.23 Weighing machinery (excluding balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or better), including weight operated counting or checking machines; weighing machine weights or all kinds 842310100000 Household scales 842310900011 Electric or electronic EXPORT (1000 $) 2011 2012 2011 2012 36.883 32.925 10.603 11.566 496 683 141 32 6.676 6.041 301 285 842320000011 Electric or electronic 497 1.903 3.696 3.534 842330001011 Electrically operated or electronic 911 202 130 554 842330009011 Electric or electronic scale and weighing machines 3.066 3.120 62 82 842381100000 Check weighers and automatic control machines operating by reference o a pre-determined weight 1.946 1.862 10 151 842381300000 Machinery for weighing and labelling pre-packaged goods 1.802 961 170 56 842381500011 Machinery for weighing and labeling pre-packaged goods 10.241 7.374 211 418 2.550 2.638 460 2.302 433 701 38 15 353 167 215 200 1.441 1.335 98 162 842381900011 Electric or electronic scale and weighing machines 842382100000 Check weighers and automatic control machines operating by reference of a pre-determined weight 842382901011 Electric or electronic 842382909011 Electric or electronic scale and weighing machines 842389001011 Electrically operated or electronic 842389009011 Electric or electronic scale and weighing machines 7 34 930 865 1.413 552 2.770 1.890 842390000012 Parts and accessories for electric or electronic weighing machinery 2.927 3.978 768 811 842390000019 Parts and accessories for others 2.124 1.373 604 209 84.70 Calculating machines and pocket-size data recording, reproducing and displaying machines with calculating functions; accounting machines, postage-franking machines, ticket-issuing machines and similar machines, incorporating a calculating device; cash registers 118.909 108.562 6.803 2.892 847010000000 Electronic calculators capable of operating without an external source of power and pocket-size data recording, reproducing and displaying machines with calculating functions 4.884 3.326 190 267 847021000000 Incorporating a printing device 847029000000 Others 157 107 10 25 3.362 3.223 44 199 847030000000 Other calculating machines 391 484 54 80 847050000011 POS Terminals 89.431 80.369 1.710 1.613 847050000019 Others 20.684 21.052 4.795 708 84.73 Parts and accessories (other than covers, carrying cases and the like) suitable for use solely or principally with machines of heading Nos. 8469 to 8472 2.465 2.448 135 240 847321100000 Electronic assemblies 95 7 6 23 847321900000 Others 49 155 7 130 847329100000 Electronic assemblies 847329900012 Of cash registers 847329900019 Of other calculating machines 85.19 Turntables (record-decks), record-players, cassette-players and other sound reproducing apparatus, not incorporating a sound recording device 2.356.572 851930000000 Record players 851950000000 Telephone answering machines 851981110000 Dictating machines 208 429 8 8 2.080 1.855 97 80 33 1 17 0 17.432 15.413 385 434 304 446 3 1 12 2 56 4 0 3 1 0 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 30 31 CONSUMER ELECTRONIC SUBSECTOR IMPORTS and EXPORTS by GTIP No GTIP No PRODUCT IMPORT (1000 $) 2011 851981150000 Pocket size cassette players 851981210000 With an analogue and digital reading system 851981250000 Others 851981310000 Players with laser reading systems to be used in motor vehicles usingdises with max diameter of 6,5 cm 851981350000 Others 851981450011 Spool type CONSUMER ELECTRONIC SUBSECTOR IMPORTS and EXPORTS by GTIP No 851981450019 Others 851981510000 Dictating machines not capable of operating without an external source of power 851981550000 Capable of operating without an external source of power 851981610000 Others EXPORT (1000 $) 2012 2011 GTIP No PRODUCT 2011 0 1 852321000000 Cards incorporating a magnetic stripe 2.156 1.720 493 0 1 852329150018 Video tapes 3.799 2.592 26 2 51 30 53 3 852329150029 Other 4.482 4.337 483 48 186 61 3 0 852329310000 For repreducşng phenomena other than sound and image 1.058 367 41 40 1.951 1.480 71 85 0 0 1 0 852329330000 1.112 1.093 379 133 784 1.728 10 20 For reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data processing machine 44 8 0 0 102 160 7 0 852340110011 Laser discs 1 2 0 1 852340110012 Compact Disc (CD) 852329390016 Video tapes 4.509 690 2 132 852329900000 Others 1.411 968 49 379 0 0 852340110019 Others 2 8 852340130011 Laser discs 852340130012 Compact Disc (CD) 0 0 0 2 852340130019 Others Others 180 70 25 30 852340190011 Laser discs 851981950000 Others 9.651 9.199 55 60 852340190012 Compact Disc (CD) 851989110000 Sound reproducing record players 164 173 0 0 851981850000 851989150000 Machines connecting sound to writing 851989190000 Others 587 33 0 Using magnetic tapes on reels, allowing sound recording or reproduction either at a single speed of 19 cm per second or at several speeds if those comprise only 19 cm per second and lower speeds 2012 22 25 851981810000 2011 5 0 Pocket size recorders Others EXPORT (1000 $) 2012 15 27 851981650000 851981750000 IMPORT (1000 $) 2012 0 0 0 0 3.210 1.473 25 32 852340190019 Others 852340250000 For reproducing phenomena other than sound or image 852340310000 Of a diameter not exceeding 6,5 cm 852340390000 Of a diameter exceeding 6,5 cm 48 0 1 0 7.215 0 121 0 324 0 13 0 90 0 0 0 567 0 15 0 10.780 0 25 0 77 0 0 0 546 0 141 0 1.677 0 16 0 61.386 0 2.719 0 6 0 0 0 2.494 0 199 0 851989901000 Cinematographic sound reproducing and recording apparatus 355 58 0 4 851989909000 Others 389 440 72 181 852340450011 Digital video drives (DVD) 32.738 0 709 0 852340450019 Others 23.071 0 1.972 0 Video recording or reproducing apparatus, whether or not incorporating a video tuner 852340510000 Digital video drives (DVD) 85.21 54.755 45.546 2.171 3.526 852340590000 Others 852110200000 Of a width not exceeding 1,3 cm and allowing recording or reproduction at a tape speed not exceeding 50 mm/sec. 852110950000 852190000000 132 237 0 0 Other 2.167 2.239 51 546 Other 52.456 43.071 2.121 2.980 85.22 Parts and accessories of apparatus of heading Nos. 8519 to 8521 26.449 24.654 1.176 1.544 852210000000 Pick-up cartridges 59 26 0 0 852290300000 Styli; diamonds, sapphires and other precious or semi-precious stones (natural, synthetic or reconstructed) for styli, whether or not mounted 10 10 6 1 852290410000 Of apparatus of subheading 8520 20 00 0 0 0 0 852290491000 Of cinematographic sound reproducing apparatus 1 1 0 0 1.436 1.493 63 12 852290499000 Others 852290700000 Single cassette-deck assemblies with a total thickness not exceeding 53 mm, of a kind used in the manufacture of sound recording and reproducing apparatus 0 Single cassette-deck assemblies with a total thickness not exceeding 53 mm, of a kind used in the manufacture of sound recording and reproducing apparatus 63 59 852290801000 0 16 0 5 0 852340910000 For reproducing phenomena other than sound or image 852340930000 For reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data processing machine 8.844 0 15.080 0 19.000 0 11.768 0 345 0 29 0 78.337 0 3.238 0 852340990000 Others 1.820 0 554 0 852341100011 Discs for laser reading systems of a recording capacity not exceeding 900 megabytes, other than erasableLaser discs 0 12 0 59 852341100012 Discs for laser reading systems of a recording capacity not exceeding 900 megabytes, other than erasableCompact Disc (CD) 0 5.264 0 42 852341100019 Discs for laser reading systems of a recording capacity not exceeding 900 megabytes, other than erasableOther 0 247 0 36 852341300011 Discs for laser reading systems of a recording capacity exceeding 900 megabytes but not exceeding 18 gigabytes, other than erasableLaser discs 0 10 0 0 852341300012 Discs for laser reading systems of a recording capacity exceeding 900 megabytes but not exceeding 18 gigabytes, other than erasableCompact Disc (CD) 0 1.368 0 65 852341300019 Discs for laser reading systems of a recording capacity exceeding 900 megabytes but not exceeding 18 gigabytes, other than erasableOther 0 6.648 0 5 852341900011 Other Laser discs 0 82 0 0 852341900012 Other Compact Disc (CD) 0 345 0 174 852341900019 Other 0 1.344 0 181 6.881 852290809011 Video heads 0 13 0 0 852349250000 For reproducing phenomena other than sound or image 0 51.775 0 852290809012 Parts and accessories of video heads 1 3 0 0 852349310000 Of a diameter not exceeding 6,5 cm 0 24 0 9 852290809019 Others 24.880 23.050 1.091 1.525 852349390000 Of a diameter exceeding 6,5 cm 0 1.985 0 158 85.23 Prepared unrecorded media for sound recording or similar recording of other phenomena, other than products of Chapter 37 55.958 852349450011 For reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machineDigital video drives (DVD) 0 45.650 0 1.128 428.698 382.384 59.907 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 32 33 CONSUMER ELECTRONIC SUBSECTOR IMPORTS and EXPORTS by GTIP No GTIP No 852349450019 852349510000 852349590000 852349910000 852349930000 852349990000 852351100000 852351910000 852351930000 852351990000 852352100000 852352901000 852352909000 852359100000 852359910000 852359930000 852359990000 852380100000 852380910000 852380930000 852380990000 PRODUCT CONSUMER ELECTRONIC SUBSECTOR IMPORTS and EXPORTS by GTIP No IMPORT (1000 $) 2011 2012 For reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machineOther Digital video drives (DVD) Other For reproducing phenomena other than sound or image For reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine-readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data-processing machine Other semi-conductor supports, solid state permament stonage devices (not recorded) For reproducing phenomena other than sound or image For reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data processing machine Others With two or more Electronic integrated circuits Proximity cards and tags Others semi-conductor suppors, other cards (not recorded) For reproducing phenomena other than sound or image For reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data processing machine Others Other semi-conductor support (not recorded) For reproducing phenomena other than sound or image For reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data processing machine For reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, and image recorded in a machine readable binary form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data processing machine EXPORT (1000 $) 2011 2012 0 13.927 0 2.478 0 0 0 8.373 19.246 1.147 0 0 0 2.804 10.855 544 0 49.445 0 945 0 2.999 0 4.159 73.692 83.952 1.288 1.502 1.955 1.827 109 129 1.066 2.544 13 139 GTIP No PRODUCT 852791110000 852791190000 852791350000 852791910000 852791990000 852792100000 852792900000 852799000000 Of the cassette-type with an analogue and digital reading system Others With laser optical reading system Of the cassette-type with an analogue and digital reading system Others Alarm clock radios Others Others 85.28 Reception apparatus for television, whether or not incorporating radio-broadcast receivers or sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus; video monitors and video projectors 852841000000 852849100000 852849800000 852861000000 852869100000 8.559 5.835 4.090 57.923 248 267 5.268 5.057 4.055 50.442 328 10 48 393 78 14.150 231 18 160 70 150 16.233 110 5 1.335 1.962 6 22 305 1.110 891 1.030 445 339 798 42 26 357 30 6 1.136 968 401 275 2.396 2.500 4.231 4.926 85.27 Reception apparatus for radio-telephony, radio-telegraphy or radiobroadcasting, whether or not combined, in the same housing, with sound recording or reproducing apparatus or a clock 185.812 166.216 2.755 2.402 852712100000 852712900000 852713100000 852713910000 852713990000 852719000000 852721200000 852721520000 852721590000 852721700000 With an analogue and digital reading system Others With laser reading system Of the cassette type with an analog and digital reading system Others Others With laser reading system Of the cassette-type with an analogue and digital reading system Others With laser reading system 130 8 1.257 0 6.718 818 145.724 11 1.425 4.498 4 81 648 3 4.549 1.688 129.403 7 1.943 4.715 0 253 2 0 117 95 1.731 0 10 31 0 4 2 0 246 7 1.677 0 83 12 852721920000 Of the cassette type with an analog and digital reading system 261 136 0 0 852721980000 Others 2.001 570 42 33 852729000000 Others 1.490 3.022 25 80 852869910000 852869990000 852871110000 852871130000 852871150000 852871900011 852871900019 852871900000 852871910000 852871990000 852872100000 852872200000 852872300000 852872400000 852872600000 852872800000 852873000000 85.29 852910319000 852910659000 852990920000 IMPORT (1000 $) 2011 2012 With cathode ray tube Black and white or other monochrome Cathode-ray tube monitors Colour Cathode ray tube projectors for automatic data processing equipment Operating by means of flat panel display (for example, a liquid crystal device), capable of displaying digital information generated by an automatic data-processing machine Black and white or other monochrome Colour Elect. assemblies for incorporation into automatic data processing machines Apparatus with a microprocessor-based device incorporating a modem for gaining access to the Internet, and having a function of interactive information exchange, capable of receiving television signals (‘set-top boxes with communication function’) Apparatus with a microprocessor-based device incorporating a modem for gaining access to the Internet, and having a function of interactive information exchange, capable of receiving television signals (so-called ‘set-top boxes which have a communication function’, including those incorporating a device performing a recording or reproducing function, provided that they retain the essential character of a set top box which has a communication function) Receivers to receive satellite TV broadcasts Others Other Apparatus with a microprocessor-based device incorporating a modem for gaining access to the Internet, and having a function of interactive information exchange, capable of receiving television signals (so-called ‘set-top boxes which have a communication function’, including those incorporating a device performing a recording or reproducing function, provided that they retain the essential character of a set top box which has a com. function) Other Television projection equipment Receivers equipped with video recording or reproducing equipment With integral tube With a screen of the liquid crystal display (LCD) technology With a screen of the plasma display panel (PDP) technology Other Others, black and white or other mono colored Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the apparatus of heading Nos. 8525 to 8528 Others Others TV cameras falling within subheadings 8525 80 11 and 8525 80 19 and Of apparatus of subheading 8527 and 85.28 TOTAL EXPORT (1000 $) 2011 2012 126 1.053 15.076 42 716 694 234 3.528 20 1.019 13.883 21 650 806 160 2.888 1 4 303 0 13 18 9 102 4 59 62 15 22 6 19 71 890.480 1.000.305 1.879.385 2.179.185 149 538 329 134 87 378 87 325 37 18 173 99 32 77 155 186 56.743 47.349 974 1.670 28 1.916 61 0 1.193 55 4 126 9 5 575 12 7.611 0 897 0 0 4.958 0 1.878 21.042 3.602 502 20.140 4.297 0 8.763 23.465 3.115 13.379 26.266 0 0 9.309 0 61 0 9 42.942 4.612 657.578 63.818 28.861 6 980 2 795.945 10 102.774 6.847 5.562 7 0 28 277.325 185 1.561.205 1.225 1.637 100 1.089 7 299.906 206 1.827.944 214 5.497 27 28.892 875.784 34.831 98.825 3.431 1.045 4.812 692 9.838 2.898 11.250 2.246 24.417 870.281 22.095 85.329 1.790.775 2.654.237 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 34 35 1.998.152 2.356.572 TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT SUBSECTOR TELEKOMÜNİKASYON CİHAZLARI ALT SEKTÖRÜ 2012 Total Production (1000 $) 2012 Total Export (1000 $) 2012 Total Import (1000 $) : 2.319.971 : 2.624.910 : 4.069.695 Turkey has planned to establish a reliable communications infrastructure, became successful and also accumulated knowledge and experience in this field. More importantly research and development activities played an important role in the development of the country and the attained level of competitive power. The sales volume for telecommunications equipment subsector has reached to 2,320 millon USD in 2011 from 2,281 million USD reached in 2011, an increase of 1.7%. The import volume was 4,255 million USD in 2011, it has decreased to 4,070 million USD in There are large companies operating in the fast developing service provider sector, TURK TELEKOM as the various telecommunications services operator and TURKCELL, VODAFONE and AVEA as the GSM operators. There are about 423 licensed operators in Turkey at the end of 2012. The number of GSM subscribers is 67.7 million at the end of year 2012. Mobile subscriber penetration rate in Turkey is 89.5% at the end of 2012 . There are 13.9 million fixed line subscribers at the end of 2012. The number of 3G subscribers is 41.8 million. The number of XDSL subscribers is about 6.6 million and the number of total wide band internet subscribers are 20 million at the end of 2012. ASM • • • • • • • • AİRTİES ALCATEL LUCENT TELETAŞ • • • • • • ANELTECH ANELES ARGELA • ASELSAN • • AVEA AYDIN Yazılım BİSEM Telekomünikasyon • CANOVATE • CISCO Systems CPG Komünikasyon DEKA Digital DENBA DETAKOM • • • • • • • GLOBAL B2B İletişim • • • ERICOM ERICSSON • • • • • • • • • • • GEOTEKNİK ELKOTEK R & D and ITC Services Optical Fiber Cables Telecom Cable (Copper) Mobil and Fixed Wireless Data Modems / Radio Modems Optical Fiber Line Equip. Radyo Link Systems • ADAM Elektronik ADATEL Analog and Digital Mult. Equ. FIRMS Telephone Sets The export volume for telecommunications equipment subsector has shown an increase and realized 2,625 million USD in 2012 from 2,489 million USD in 2011. The main contributor to the exports is export of cables. GSM Telephones Systems 2012. The biggest contributor to imports is the cell phones used in GSM networks. EPABX (Private exchanges) T elecommunications equipment form the basis of both the infrastructure and the user end of the communications world. There are continuous developments in the communication technologies. While the development level of a country was measured by the level of its industrialization before, now what matters is the level of konowledge, use of computers and the capabilities of communications. PTT Type Exchanges PRODUCT GROUPS • ESER Telekom ETC ETM • HES Kablo • HES-FİBEL • • • İDEAL Teknoloji Bilişim Çöz İLKECELL İNNOVA TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 36 37 TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT SUBSECTOR DISTRIBUTION OF TELECOMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT SUBSECTOR EXPORT and IMPORT by PRODUCTS • NTM Elektrik Elektronik • • ÖZAŞ PALMET 697.331 738.841 23.754 36.198 44.758 1.631.809 2.150.859 1.987.432 30.364 50.723 104.937 197.820 211.643 156.577 23.081 25.599 41.986 665.038 819.945 767.668 1.823.754 2.343.888 2.412.465 Telecom Cables 367.971 640.320 442.555 617.084 807.316 772.194 Cooper Cables for Energy 165.171 25.719 158.981 1.148.426 1.481.905 1.568.170 Optical Fiber Cables 131.896 153.906 166.132 58.244 54.667 72.101 3.623.455 4.255.408 4.069.695 1.932.553 2.488.765 2.624.910 (Analog, Digital, Multiplex, TV Transmitters) 4. Transmitter / Receivers Wireless Antennas for Wireless Equipments TOTAL GSM (Mobile) & Fixed Line Subscribers Distribution by Years (thousand subscribers) 70.000 TURKCELL TEKNOLOJİ • TÜRK PİRELLİ KABLO • TÜRK TELEKOM • UKS • • • • • • VODAFONE Teknoloji Hiz. • • 20.000 62.000 52.540 45.700 20.110 35.300 19.800 • TURKCELL 30.000 19.000 • • • • 29.100 • 18.930 • TTNET 40.000 24.500 • • 18.915 • • 50.000 18.900 • • • • 60.000 • TEKNOLOJİ Holding VODAFONE 647.227 3. Transmission Equipment 18.000 • SUPERONLINE ÜNİVERSAL 19.495 18.402 • SPD TESAN 31.872 6. Cables • PLATFORMA TELESİS 31.049 • PENTA SIEMENS 332.782 • • • • • • • • NOM OPTİSİS 324.139 (telephone, telefax, data) 5. Receiver/Transmitter • NETMON NOKIA SIEMENS 369.856 2. User End Equipments 67.700 • 1.269 13.900 • 485 65.300 • 551 15.210 • • • 86.395 61.800 MULTİTEK 51.491 • • • MOBILTRUST NETAŞ R & D and ITC Services Optical Fiber Cables • KULE KUMTEL 111.705 Automatic Exchanges 16.200 • 2012 63.000 • 2011 16.500 • 2010 65.800 • 2012 17.500 • 2011 15.000 KAREL Telecom Cable (Copper) • KABELSAN EXPORT (1000 $) 2010 1. Telephone Mobil and Fixed Wireless Data Modems / Radio Modems Optical Fiber Line Equip. Radyo Link Systems Analog and Digital Mult. Equ. Telephone Sets GSM Telephones Systems EPABX (Private exchanges) PTT Type Exchanges FIRMS IMPORT (1000 $) PRODUCTS 18.300 PRODUCT GROUPS 10.000 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Mobile Subs. 2007 2008 Fixed Line Subs. TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 38 39 2009 2010 2011 2012 DISTRIBUTION OF TELECOMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT SUBSECTOR EXPORT and IMPORT by COUNTRIES in 2012 DISTRIBUTION OF TELECOMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT SUBSECTOR EXPORT and IMPORT by COUNTRIES in 2012 Group Country Ratio % U.S.A. North America CANADA Import (000 $) 6.445 312 1 3,18 GERMANY European Union 0 1,03 FRANCE 79.673 67.770 ITALY 71.030 40.468 ENGLAND 43.565 462.484 CZECH REPUBLIC 58.480 10.081 SPAIN 19.925 19.650 POLAND 24.974 15.271 AUSTRIA 12.418 26.550 BULGARIA 69.781 54.027 ROMANIA 81.295 20.784 HUNGARY 92.326 11.775 NETHERLANDS 50.700 42.319 SLOVAKIA 3.001 35.308 PORTUGAL 13.769 1.665 GREECE 4.146 26.311 FINLAND 13.851 3.847 IRLAND 11.058 18.487 BELGIUM 6.110 96.315 SWEDEN 114.145 51.190 DENMARK 16.355 4.619 ESTONIA 53.572 490 1.260 15.658 25,49 1.037.314 44,58 1.278 76.525 UKRAINE 2.062 12.646 14.769 14.125 CROATIA 31 3.962 ALBANIA 9 5.847 NORWAY 6.847 1.834 42 15.438 196 10.690 K.K.T.C. OTHER COUNTRIES Subtotal 0,62 25.234 5,37 141.067 IRAQ 204 398.840 SAUDI ARABIA 277 52.130 LIBYA 0 34.549 U.A.E 1.138 21.291 IRAN 24 17.953 18.389 5.832 MOROCCO TUNUSIA QATAR 5.556 2.313 14 25.284 2 38.404 ALGERIA North Africa Middle East Caucasus Middle East Middle and South America Far East 1.170.135 RUSSIAN FED. SWITZERLAND Group 27.086 145.066 Subtotal North Africa Middle East 129.577 195.881 OTHER COUNTRİES Non-EU European Export (000 $) 26.774 US SMALL ISLANDS Subtotal Ratio % 123.131 EGYPT 6.453 11.123 ISRAEL 12.175 131.275 Country OMAN KUWAİT JORDAN Other Countries Subtotal TURKMENISTAN AZERBAIJAN KAZAKHSTAN GEORGIA OTHER COUNTRIES Subtotal URUGUAY TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO MEXICO Other Countries Subtotal CHINA TAIWAN MALAYSIA SOUTH KOREA JAPAN THAILAND SINGAPORE PHILIPPINES INDONESIA HONG KONG VIETNAM OTHER COUNTRIES Subtotal Ratio % 1,10 0,02 2,01 65,18 Import (000 $) 149 0 0 245 44.626 1 2 1 5 844 851 0 0 78.661 2.993 81.654 1.964.687 105.681 74.546 130.133 44.040 17.593 9.693 3.816 17.570 2.421 282.471 11 2.652.663 İST. LEATHER FTZ Free Trade Zones FTZ EGE FTZ BURSA FTZ OTHER FTZS Subtotal Other Countries NIGERIA GHANA CAMEROON OTHER COUNTRIES Subtotal Telecommunication Equıpment Total 29,49 9,15 0,58 1,42 Export (000 $) 10.271 6.286 8.231 10.281 774.063 113.574 64.624 18.282 31.520 12.084 240.083 2.825 2.252 195 9.921 15.194 2.916 977 1.102 985 413 1.041 5.109 16 1.089 23.220 181 223 37.273 1 5.849 754 60.503 27.501 903 824 11.081 0,71 29.079 1,69 0 0 0 68.696 68.696 100,00 Ratio % 4.069.695 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 40 41 2,99 78.378 5,40 7.336 14.780 4.707 114.806 141.630 100,00 2.624.910 TELECOMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT SUBSECTOR IMPORTS and ESPORTS by GTIP No GTİP No PRODUCT IMPORT (1000 $ TELECOMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT SUBSECTOR IMPORTS and ESPORTS by GTIP No EXPORT (1000 $) GTİP No 2011 2012 2011 2012 Printing machinery used for printing by means of the printing type, blocks, plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442; ink-jet printing machines, other than those of heading 8471; machines for uses ancillary to printing 3.438 122.258 77 1.465 Printers with fax and copying features, copying speed less than 12 monochorome pages 1.237 0 62 0 844331200000 0 33.280 0 559 844331800000 0 88.073 0 893 2.201 905 14 13 2.917.767 2.830.685 108.475 146.553 84.43 844331100000 844332300000 Fax machines 85.17 Electrical apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, including line telephone sets with cordless handsets and telecommunication apparatus for carrier-current line systems or for digital line systems; videophones 851711000000 Line telephone sets with cordless handsets 851712000011 Portable (cellular) wireless telephone equipments 851712000012 851712000013 851770150000 PRODUCT IMPORT (1000 $ Telescopic and whip type antennas mountable on motor vehicles and portable equipment EXPORT (1000 $) 2011 2012 2011 2012 525 758 4 12 851770190011 Rotary systems for aerial navigation 1.674 258 9 0 851770190019 Others 5.702 5.161 302 205 851770900011 Telephone key set 851770900019 Others 434 476 4 6 17.910 18.044 5.809 1.280 169 851770900021 Of telegraph switchboards 0 0 60 851770900022 Of teleprinters 0 0 4 0 851770900023 Of facsimile machines 1 0 0 0 851770900029 Others 257.799 135.998 21.232 10.783 85.18 Microphones and stands thereof; loudspeakers, whether or not mounted in their enclosures; headphones and earphones, whether or not combined with a microphone, and sets consisting of a microphone and one or more loudspeakers; audio-frequency electric amplifiers; electric sound amplifier sets 11 3 0 4 22.211 19.072 324 324 1.744.294 1.716.548 18.752 29.504 Mobile (Cellular) wireless telephone equipment 364 185 3 970 851890001000 Of line telephones 9 3 0 4 Low power (less than 100 miliwatt) mobile wireless telephone equipment 851890002000 Of microphones of line telephones 2 0 0 0 186 87 3 0 851890004000 Of wired telegraph and wireless 0 0 0 0 85.25 Transmission apparatus for radio-telephony, radio-telegraphy, radio-broadcasting or television, whether or not incorporating reception apparatus or sound recording or reproducing apparatus; television cameras; still image video cameras and other video camera recorders; digital cameras 152.429 39.938 2.398 2.546 739 1.040 431 92 1.829 1.523 28 50 851712000019 Other 851718000011 Automatic 851718000012 With magnetos 851718000013 Pay phones operated with magnetic cards 1.751 1.831 274 404 17.226 13.103 225 296 12 33 2 6 3 3 1 0 851718000014 Table type pay phones 6 7 251 132 851718000019 Others 13.557 14.067 1.448 2.091 852550000011 Transmitters for television broadcasting 851761001000 For Cellular networks 37.523 70.708 96 1.153 852550000012 Transmitters for radio broadcasting 851761009000 Others 13.968 15.686 389 116 852550000013 Transmitters for radio link and satellite (including uplinc equipments) 851762001000 For Cellular networks 60.880 28.969 6.313 847 852550000019 Other transmission apparatus 851762009000 Others 636.451 709.872 29.885 43.911 852560000015 Other transmission apparatus 851769100000 Videophones 8.759 22.542 932 938 852560000017 Radio link and satellite equipments (including uplinc equipment ) 851769200000 Entry-phone systems 4.994 6.248 1.827 2.325 852560000029 851769310000 Portable receivers for search, warning and calling systems 149 166 22 5 85.26 851769390000 Others 17.916 14.339 640 88 851769901011 Wireless telegraphs, for use in sea 0 2 3 0 183 31 11 256 171 Other transmitters, having receivers 114.594 18.211 1.260 1.871 Radar apparatus, radio navigational aid apparatus and radio remote control apparatus 189.261 172.098 9.035 20.509 10 Wireless telegraphs, for use in land 30 0 0 3 0 9 5 14 852610000011 Wireless altimeters 851769909011 Wireless phones, for use in sea 2.371 1.177 17 14 852610000012 Meteorological radars 851769909012 Wireless phones, for use in land 11.830 14.865 276 1.840 852610000019 Others 12 0 0 0 851769909014 851769909015 Wireless microphone equipment 35 27 2 5 2.944 3.023 90 41 13 338 16.798 Wireless telegraphs, for use in land Telex equipments 124 268 60 851769901012 49 MHz low power (less than 100 miliwatt) wireless equipments, transmitting public band (CB) 370 1.813 31.814 851769901019 851769909013 238 3.155 852691200000 Radio navigational receivers 852691800011 Direction (path) finders 852691800013 Satellite navigation wireless receivers 852691800019 Others 403 1.655 5 2.722 2.709 0 2 73.349 48.357 274 11.029 3.540 1.434 11 19 894 519 1.733 1.563 814 885 2 32 67.727 81.079 2.860 4.582 165 154 1.540 5 15 52 0 49 851769909016 Telemetric transmission equipment 105 134 0 0 852692001000 Wireless equipment for remote controlling the toys and scaled models 851769909017 Satellite transmitters for use in sea 972 789 0 1 852692002000 For use in civil aircrafts 851769909018 Amateur wireless phone transmitters 154 222 9 0 852692009011 Door openers 32.670 28.986 597 954 851769909021 Low power and toy wireless equipment (having a power less than 100 miliwatt) 5 108 1 1 852692009013 Remote control equipment working with electro-magnetic waves (remote control 4.919 4.990 448 88 851769909022 Common usage (Trunking) wireless equipment (other than subscriber wireless transmitters - receivers) 0 156 21 44 852692009019 Others 2.043 1.280 1.565 2.176 8529 Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the apparatus of heading Nos. 8525 to 8528 159.685 127.075 15.441 22.928 852910391000 For use on civil aircraft 223 299 1 496 851769909023 Common usage (Trunking) subscriber wireless transmitters - receivers 851769909029 Others 851770111000 For use on civil aircraft 851770119000 Others 0 5 2 2 3.824 2.652 18.846 48.620 4 70 0 0 31.184 13.286 392 401 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 42 43 TELECOMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT SUBSECTOR IMPORTS and ESPORTS by GTIP No GTİP No PRODUCT IMPORT (1000 $ 852910399000 Others 852910651000 Inside aerials for radio or television broadcast receivers, including built-in types For use in civil aircrafts 852910691000 For use on civil aircraft TELECOMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT SUBSECTOR IMPORTS and ESPORTS by GTIP No EXPORT (1000 $) GTİP No 2011 2012 2.360 1.311 568 262 854442100000 Of a kind used for telecommunications 1 71 1 1 854442900000 Others 15 19 49 0 854449201111 852910699011 Radio-television transmission aerials 513 482 588 45 Aerials of satellite and radio link receivers and transmitters 4.802 4.315 907 593 852910699018 Others 6.791 7.166 2.135 1.088 852910801000 For use on civil aircraft Others 852910951000 Other For use in civil aircrafts 852910959011 Rotary systems for aerial navigation 852910959019 Others 852990200011 Parts of apparatus falling within subheadings 8525 60 00, 8525 80 30, 8528 41 00, 8528 51 00 and8528 61 00 Of plastics 852990200019 Others 221 222 528 595 Cables for electricity transfer 184 69 4.403 4.194 77.630 64.113 101.020 75.853 431 152 384 112 Other 854449951111 Ground and submarine cables (equipped with base metal pipings or strips of composition of none than one cable following insulation) With acetate and silikone 158.791 3.864 16.658 145.684 178 2.778 27.159 1.130 4.865 24.635 854449951119 Other 1.816 2.466 127.983 157.309 854449951900 Other 34.674 41.488 513.849 596.501 356 225 186 58 1 7 6 119 13.328 7.996 16.213 14.210 7 1 0 1 97 0 0 99 3.588 5.071 197.830 179.391 16 14 1 137 4.021 11.573 47.424 47.757 854449991100 For a voltage of 1 000 V 854449991911 With acetate and silikone 854449991919 Other 854460101011 Ground and submarine cables With gas isolation 854460101012 With liquid isolation 854460101019 Other 854460109011 With acetate and silicone 854460109019 Other 854460901011 With gas isolation 854460901012 With other conductors With gas isolation 0 8 0 0 640 74 0 5 3.517 724 10.382 17.216 49 116 26 22 3.170 4.983 472 700 854460901019 Other 159 111 0 69 854460909011 With acetate and silicone 77 62 802 59 854460909019 Other 12.504 9.443 11.712 9.671 854470000000 Optical Fiber Cables 25.719 20.447 53.231 47.466 9030 Oscilloscopes, spectrum analysers and other instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking electrical quantities, excluding meters of heading 9028; instruments and apparatus for measuring or detecting alpha, beta, gamma, X-ray, cosmic or other ionising radiations: 12.869 9.970 9.451 18.440 903040001000 Other instruments and apparatus, specially designed for telecommunications (for example, cross-talk meters, gain measuring instruments, distortion factor meters, psophometers) For use in civil aircrafts 4 33 0 30 903040009000 Other 12.865 9.937 9.451 18.410 4.255.408 4.069.695 1.477 1.835 162 101 153.906 138.693 25.723 23.705 661.156 621.984 71 264 2.316.729 2.387.830 92 119 505 718 144.061 133.668 854411900000 Others 14.256 18.027 12.540 12.720 854419000000 Winding wire Other 2.314 4.220 4.430 5.115 Ignition wiring sets and other wiring sets of a kind used in vehicles, aircraft or ships Other 854449931919 428 854430000000 2.295 854449931119 854449931911 20.508 For telephone and telegraph lines 103.683 743 39 190 Others 59.280 179 47 24.567 854420009011 11.330 343 1.961 Coil wire of a diameter exceeding 0,05 mm. but not exceeding 0,1 mm. 854420009019 22.265 2.782 889 90.146 92.337 Other 2 2.569 75.853 109.078 Cables for electricity transfer 5 3.664 2.191 1.005 854449911919 215 51.667 412 2.222 854449931111 51 Others For telephone and telegraph lines 176.457 9.703 854411100012 Others 86.441 205.004 1.944 854411100019 854420001011 68.014 512 20.201 16.668 854420001019 16.091 2.546 10.210 99.760 Coil wire of a diameter not exceeding 0,05 mm. 13.383 Other 11 854411100011 459 Cables for electricity transfer 35 85.44 159 854449911119 1.355 Insulated (including enamelled or anodized) wire, cable (including coaxial cable) and other insulated electric conductors, whether or not fitted with connectors; optical fiber cables, made-up of individually sheathed fibers, whether or not assembled with electric conductors or fitted with connectors 117 854449911911 3.124 Of iron or steel 189 1 852990651000 Connections and contact elements for wire and cables 854449201911 766 1.014 853670005000 14.746 2 919 853690100000 13.652 1.078 9.690 Of copper 345 38 4.649 853670003000 1.372 952 Others Of plastics Others Ground an submarine cables for telegram and telephone and telephone lines 5 Assemblies and sub-assemblies consisting of two or more parts or pieces fastened or joined together, for apparatus falling within subheading 8526 Optical fibers, ceramic connectors for optical fiber bundles/cables 854449201119 628 852990490019 853670001000 33.471 Others 50 853670002000 37.326 Cables for electricity transfer 244 85.36 1.413 854449201919 44 Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits, or for making connections to or in electrical circuits (for example, switches, relays, fuses, surge suppressors, plugs, sockets, lampholders, junction boxes), for a voltage not exceeding 1 000 V 2.011 854449911111 347 Others Ground an submarine cables for telegram and telephone and telephone lines 0 3 852990979000 1.057 85.292 47 473 852990971000 952 117.190 2 21 Other 8.373 149 1.077 2012 138.630 7 Cabinets and cases Of wood 2011 10.507 6.329 Of plastic EXPORT (1000 $) 2012 145.664 15 852990410000 Assemblies and sub-assemblies consisting of two or more parts or pieces fastened or joined together, for apparatus falling within subheading 8526 2011 5.099 852990490011 852990659000 IMPORT (1000 $ 2012 852910699013 852910809000 PRODUCT 2011 899 1.065 1.291 372 3.543 1.114 45.971 35.083 340 419 1.141 2.322 38.115 24.932 55.216 63.570 197.149 206.611 279.053 297.042 TOTAL TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 44 45 2.488.765 2.624.911 OTHER PROFESSIONAL and INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT SUBSECTOR First of all, this subsector contributes a lot and plays very important role in the production mechanisms and in the operations. It can easily be said that together with Information Technology products and systems they control the production processes and moreover determine their technological level. Especially the necessity to increase the level of automation and flexibility of production mechanisms makes this subsector a key. • ALPPLAS Export figure is 744 million USD and import figure is 4,848 million USD in 2012 for this subsector. EAS CEDETAŞ Fire Alarm and Security Systems Audio and Video Systems Electromechanics and Others • • BURÇ Total sales volume in this subsector is 2,096 million USD in 2012 which indicates a decrease of 14.5% compared to 2,452 million USD of 2011. Medical Electronic Test and Measuring Set Taximeter - Tachometer Automotive Electronics Signalization & Alarm • ADATEL CANOVATE The domestic market of Other Professional and Industrial Equipment Subsector is limited to Automatic Control FIRMS Motor Speed Control Equipment T the needs of other production facilities. Most of companies operating in this subsector are Small and Medium Enterprises. On the other hand non - preferential treatment of local suppliers for public procurement is another important factor hindering the development of the subsector. here are peculiar characteristics of Other Professional and Industrial Equipment Subsector differentiating it from the other subsectors of electronic industry. Rectifiers PRODUCT GROUPS Induction Ovens 2012 Total Production (1000 $) :2.096.213 2012 Total Export (1000 $) : 744.483 2012 Total Import (1000 $) : 4.847.805 Uninterruptable Power Suppliers OTHER PROFESSIONAL AND INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT SUBSECTOR • • • • • DEKA • EAE • • • • ECS • EDS • EEC • EGES • • • • EKON EKA • • • • • • • ELEKTROPANÇ • • • ELİMKO • ELKOTEK ELSİS • • • EMEK • EMKO ENEL • • ENERSİS • • ENKO • • • • EPAŞ • ERA • ESİM • ESİT • TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 46 47 • • • • • • • • • • MİKROSAY • NEL • • • NOREL • NORM NÜVE • • OPTİSİS • • • Non-EU European • • PANEL • • • PAVO • PENTA • • • • PETAŞ RF Sistemlab • • • ROTA SAYOT SIEMENS • • • • • North Africa Middle East • SİSTAŞ • TEKNİM TÜMEL UKS North America • KDE ÖZDİSAN Group European Union • KAREL MAKELSAN Fire Alarm and Security Systems Audio and Video Systems Electromechanics and Others • GATE MEDEL DISTRIBUTION OF OTHER PROF. and INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT EXPORT and IMPORT by COUNTRIES in 2012 • FARMED İNFORM Medical Electronic Test and Measuring Set Taximeter - Tachometer Automotive Electronics Signalization & Alarm Automatic Control Motor Speed Control Equipment Rectifiers FIRMS Induction Ovens PRODUCT GROUPS Uninterruptable Power Suppliers OTHER PROFESSIONAL and INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT SUBSECTOR • • • • • VEMUS • • • VLE • ZER • • Country U.S.A. CANADA Subtotal GERMANY FRANCE ITALY ENGLAND CZECH REPUBLIC SPAIN POLAND AUSTRIA BULGARIA ROMANIA HUNGARY NETHERLANDS SLOVENIA SLOVAKIA PORTUGAL GREECE FINLAND IRLAND DENMARK BELGIUM SWEDEN OTHER COUNTRIES Subtotal RUSSIAN FED UKRAINE SWITZERLAND CROATIA BELARUS NORWAY KKTC OTHER COUNTRIES Subtotal IRAQ SAUDI ARABIA LIBYA U.A.E IRAN MOROCCO TUNUSIA QATAR ALGERIA LEBANON EGYPT ISRAEL KUWAİT JORDAN OTHER COUNTRIES Subtotal Ratio % 9,75 41,70 4,10 0,93 Import (000 $) 449.190 23.244 472.434 684.026 285.015 263.325 168.939 59.119 42.074 221.154 30.791 2.575 12.954 27.497 47.841 14.918 18.082 3.838 1.070 35.097 11.948 25.264 15.788 45.018 5.331 2.021.662 1.341 815 176.104 7.635 370 11.951 30 678 198.923 150 33 0 154 522 223 1.898 260 1 4 310 41.407 75 13 53 45.101 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 48 49 Ratio % 2,84 24,03 7,62 22,57 Export (000 $) 19.906 1.268 21.174 38.245 30.275 14.798 19.040 2.221 5.387 6.086 9.061 4.127 17.238 8.038 7.092 1.141 1.992 1.862 2.696 1.134 438 1.188 3.806 962 2.080 178.909 25.493 5.281 7.339 1.101 2.167 737 9.184 5.404 56.706 42.635 14.500 3.936 14.979 36.536 1.506 4.338 5.192 14.730 2.869 11.557 5.456 1.472 3.970 4.323 167.999 DISTRIBUTION OF OTHER PROF. and INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT EXPORT and IMPORT by COUNTRIES in 2012 Group Caucasus Middle East Middle and South America Far East Country TURKMENISTAN AZERBAIJAN KAZAKHSTAN GEORGIA OTHER COUNTRIES Subtotal KOSTA RIKA BRASIL MEXICO OTHER COUNTRIES Subtotal CHINA TAIWAN MALAYSIA SOUTH KOREA JAPAN THAILAND SINGAPORE PHILIPPINES INDONESIA HONG KONG VIETNAM OTHER COUNTRIES Subtotal Ratio % Other Countries GTİP No PRODUCT 8443 Printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442; other printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, whether or not combined; parts and accessories thereof: 107 37 179 45 844391100000 Of apparatus of subheading 8443 19 40 107 37 179 45 84.86 The machines and equipment used solely and essentially for the production of semi conductor discs or substrates, semi conductor setup, electronic integrated circuits or flat panel displays; machines and equipment mentioned in 9 ( c ) of this chapter; parts, pieces and accessories 7.594 17.402 1.154 1.403 638 54 0 1.006 134 266 0 0 0 176 188 0 1 168 75 0 585 327 0 0 0 1.442 0 83 0 0 0 0 2.376 8.423 109 128 450 144.953 848690200000 İST. LEATHER FTZ 1.671 5.864 TRAKYA FTZ 3.631 3.093 OTHER FTZS 1.856 8.257 1,28 40,97 Subtotal INDIA KES COUNT.REGIONAL AUSTRALIA OTHER COUNTRIES Subtotal Other Prof.&End. Equ. Total 0,16 1,11 100,00 7.607 24.645 15.866 6.151 7.251 53.913 4.847.805 9,31 1,72 5,44 21,78 4,69 100,00 IMPORT (1000$) 2011 2012 Export (000 $) 848640009000 848690100000 0,000 44 36 1 34 0 115 9.726 7.120 42.333 2.642 61.821 1.225.553 163.135 19.042 285.727 218.086 32.744 17.622 5.034 14.952 3.571 745 21 1.986.230 Ratio % 16.187 32.076 11.277 6.259 3.478 69.277 88 4.772 2.272 5.677 12.809 14.764 3.766 793 6.187 1.104 1.873 2.597 373 1.115 7.101 573 263 40.509 EGE FTZ Free Trade Zones FTZ Import (000 $) OTHER PROF. and INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT SUBSECTOR IMPORTS and EXPORTS by GTIP No 162.167 10.486 0 695 23.752 34.933 744.483 848610000000 848620100000 848620901000 848620902000 848620903000 848620904000 848620904000 848620905000 848630100000 848630909000 848640001000 848690300000 848690400000 848690500000 848690600000 848690700000 848690900000 Machines and apparatus for the manufacture of boules or wafers Machines operating by ultrasonic processes Ion implanters for doping semiconductor materials Apparatus for wet etching, developing, stripping or cleaning semiconductor wafers or flat panel display substrates Apparatus for coating semiconductor wafers by means of physical deposition Encapsulation equipment for assembly of semiconductor devices Encapsulation equipment for assembly of semiconductor devices Apparatus for the projection or drawing of circuit patterns on sensitized semiconductor materials Apparatus for chemical vapour deposition on liquid crystal devices (LCD) substrates Others Pattern generating apparatus of a kind used for producing masks or reticles from photoresist coated substrates Others Tool holders and self-opening dieheads: Work holders Parts of spiners which are used for photographic emulsion plating covering of LCD layers Parts of deflash machines which are used for cleaning of metal wires before electrplating Parts of apparatus for physical deposition by sputtering on liquid crystal devices (LCD) substrates Parts and accessories for apparatus for dry-etching patterns on liquid crystal devices (LCD) substrates Parts of machines which are used for plating of LCD layers by steam deposition Parts of ultrasonic mahhines Other parts of semi conductor disc, integrated circuit and flat panel displays EXPORT (1000 $) 2011 2012 15 0 0 6 88 53 406 50 0 4 3 1 914 172 5.558 11 32 277 86 224 1 9 0 0 11 2 0 0 10 6 0 0 0 6 0 0 23 19 51 210 1 3 0 0 1.263 1.325 202 333 85.04 Electrical transformers, static converters (for example, rectifiers) and inductors 478.396 458.466 120.624 124.626 850440301011 850440301012 850440301019 850440302000 850440309000 850440551000 850440559000 850440821000 850440829000 850440841000 850440849000 850440889000 850440901000 850440909011 Uninterruptible power supply units (UPS) Stabilized power supplies Others For use on civil aircraft Others For use on civil aircraft Others Rectifiers For use in civil aircrafts Other Of output not exceeding 7,5 kVA For use on civil aircraft For use on civil aircraft Others Of output exceeding 7,5 kVA For use on civil aircraft For use on civil aircraft Uninterruptible power supply units (UPS) 8.558 16.808 4.505 26 35.233 95 24.644 23 20.789 6 51.573 65.796 127 44.172 13.475 12.380 5.311 266 34.557 97 24.294 15 9.833 36 41.278 46.657 139 36.701 2.149 1.058 1.192 0 1.206 1 2.016 1 2.367 1 2.109 2.806 9 36.228 3.432 1.002 1.026 873 1.607 99 2.412 0 3.220 9 2.255 3.517 400 34.637 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 50 51 OTHER PROF. and INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT SUBSECTOR IMPORTS and EXPORTS by GTIP No OTHER PROF. and INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT SUBSECTOR IMPORTS and EXPORTS by GTIP No GTİP No PRODUCT IMPORT (1000$) 2011 2012 850440909012 850440909019 850450201000 850450209000 850450950000 850490050000 850490110000 850490181000 850490189000 850490910000 850490990000 Stabilized power supplies Others For use on civil aircraft Others Others Electronic assemblies of machines of subheading 8504 50 30 Ferrite cores Of toys Others Electronic assemblies of machines of subheading 8504 40 20 Others 13.979 112.364 0 1.937 34.664 274 6.619 0 6.939 2.978 26.286 13.431 142.140 0 1.068 37.091 307 5.168 0 5.045 618 28.558 4.895 11.575 0 178 4.904 2.387 1.631 1 34.403 897 8.611 4.287 14.053 0 61 2.655 1.307 5.682 464 33.920 623 7.085 85.14 Industrial or laboratory electric (including induction or dielectric) furnaces and ovens; other industrial or laboratory induction or dielectric heating equipment 106.467 68.009 56.555 63.814 17.301 3.635 2.085 528 53.427 625 9.919 31.533 2.129 4.018 270 1.003 262 13.269 4.827 793 10.939 125 290 153 2.522 3.534 884 9.706 52 51 90 3.730 4.183 7.483 332 284 14.764 8.043 36.572 45.483 Microphones and stands therefor; loudspeakers, whether or not mounted in their enclosures; headphones and earphones, whether or not combined with a microphone, and sets consisting of a microphone and one or more loudspeakers; audiofrequency electric amplifiers; electric sound amplifier sets 15.213 12.269 844 963 851840300000 851840800000 851850000000 Telephonic and measurement amplifiers Other Electric sound amplifier sets 97 14.102 1.013 61 11.594 614 34 712 99 67 750 145 85.19 Turntables (record-decks), record-players, cassette-players and other sound reproducing apparatus, not incorporating a sound recording device 667 2 4 5 851410800011 851410800012 851420100011 851420100012 851420800011 851420800012 851430000000 851440000000 851490000000 85.18 851920910000 851920990019 Furnaces and ovens, for industrial use Furnaces and ovens, for use in laboratory For industrial use For use in laboratory For industrial use For use in laboratory Other furnaces and ovens Other equipment for the heat treatment of materials by induction or dielectric loss Parts Laser reading systems operated by banknotes, bank cards and other payment means Others EXPORT (1000 $) 2011 2012 0 2 1 0 667 0 3 5 GTİP No 853080000011 853080000012 853080000019 853090000000 292 123 5.547 1.184 216 5.655 1.867 281 436.942 173.354 853110300011 853110300019 853110950000 853120200000 853120400011 853120400012 853120950000 853180200000 853180951000 853180959000 853190200000 853190850000 Gas alarm apparatus Others Others Incorporating light emitting diodes (LED) Color Black and white or other monochrome: Others Flat panel display devices For use in civil aircrafts Other Of apparatus of subheadings 8531 20 and 8531 80 20 Other 2.880 31.010 10.190 31.232 1.722.365 4.031 22.550 2.308 322 13.448 1.618 52.984 2.635 30.654 11.111 31.453 920.932 3.182 18.251 1.333 292 13.674 943 45.431 444 4.010 2.410 2.104 418.650 104 2.991 503 39 1.985 179 3.525 778 4.038 3.528 1.545 155.199 105 1.769 697 177 2.294 118 3.106 85.36 Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits, or for making connections to or in electrical circuits (for example, switches, relays, fuses, surge suppressors, plugs, sockets, lamp holders and other connectors, junction boxes), for a voltage not exceeding 1000 V; connectors for optical fibres, optical fibre bundles or cables: 159 9 28 9 853690200000 Wafer probers 159 9 28 9 85.43 Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter 317.204 317.841 51.000 54.463 854310000000 854320000000 854330000000 854370100000 854370300000 854370500000 854370600000 854370900011 854370900012 854370900013 854370900014 854370900015 854370900019 854390001000 854390009000 Particle accelators Signal generators Machines and apparatus for electroplating, electrolysis or electrophoresis Electrical machines with translation or dictionary functions Aerial amplifiers Sunbeds, sunlamps and similar suntanning equipment Electric fence energisers Mine detectors High frequency (RF) or intermediate frequency (IF) amplifiers Voice combining units Noise reducing units used in voice recording equipments Infrared remote control equipment (remote control) Others Electronic microassemblies Others 1.285 9.560 13.718 887 1.804 493 162 4.969 12.239 6.996 57 36.540 201.952 398 26.144 3.362 7.684 18.660 760 2.124 386 224 6.618 9.868 9.301 186 33.273 199.834 10.840 14.722 28 155 6.626 31 404 14 16 3.924 2.223 257 14 831 19.629 49 16.797 6 474 893 12 388 204 17 4.459 1.996 228 11 881 32.464 16 12.413 90.18 Instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary sciences, including scintigraphic apparatus, other electromedical apparatus and sight-testing instruments 546.878 511.602 65.352 67.670 8.054 1.487 49.665 40.070 14.078 5.193 1.512 61.574 29.761 7.734 424 175 1.120 755 3 581 281 775 1.152 0 19.918 16.911 1.204 686 1.104 1.882 13 169 5.347 7.978 852580110011 852580110012 852580190011 852580190012 852580300000 852580910000 852580990000 Television cameras only for playing videos Television cameras for playing videos and sounds Television cameras only for playing videos Television cameras for playing videos and sounds Digital cameras Only able to record sound and images taken by the television camera Others 1.046 158 53.441 21.106 127.488 18.949 12.362 1.316 736 57.570 19.902 122.452 17.757 16.417 14 33 1.393 581 1.157 695 1.474 81 2 1.376 1.001 2.254 888 2.377 85.30 Electrical signaling, safety or traffic control equipment for railways, tramways, roads, inland waterways parking facilities, port installations or airfields (other than those of heading 8608) 85.920 39.150 7.474 8.013 901811000011 901811000015 901812000000 901813000000 901814000000 87 901819900011 901819100000 235 2.910 1.662 12.025 9.264 1.079.891 236.150 13.290 2.477 2.800 45.007 8.572 1.894.937 234.551 27.065 Electric equipments for automatically controlling and managing traffic in harbors and airports Of highway traffic equipments Others Parts EXPORT (1000 $) 2011 2012 Electric sound or visual signaling apparatus (for example, bells, sirens, indicator panels, burglar or fire alarms), other than those of heading No 8512 or 8530 Transmission apparatus for radio-telephony, radio-telegraphy, radio-broadcasting or television, whether or not incorporating reception apparatus or sound recording or reproducing apparatus; television cameras; still image video cameras and other video camera recorders; digital cameras Equipment for railways or tramways IMPORT (1000$) 2011 2012 85.31 85.25 853010000000 PRODUCT Electrocardiographs Apparatus Parts and accessories Ultrasonic scanning apparatus Magnetic resonance imaging apparatus Scintigraphic apparatus Monitoring apparatus for simultaneous monitoring of two or more parameters Electroensephalograph instruments (EEG) TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 52 53 OTHER PROF. and INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT SUBSECTOR IMPORTS and EXPORTS by GTIP No OTHER PROF. and INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT SUBSECTOR IMPORTS and EXPORTS by GTIP No GTİP No PRODUCT IMPORT (1000$) 2011 2012 901819900012 901819900013 901819900014 901819900019 901819900025 901820000011 901820000015 901890300011 901890300013 901890300019 901890300025 901890400011 901890400015 901890500011 901890500015 901890750000 901890840012 901890840018 901890840019 901890840045 Fiberoscops (with or without monitoring camera) Fonocardiograph and cardioscops Electromiography (EMG) Others Parts and accessories Apparatus Parts and accessories Kidney machines Dialysis and fistula sets Others Parts and accessories Diathermic apparatus Parts Instruments Parts and accessories Apparatus for nerve stimulation All kind of Scisels Apparatus for inside the uterus Other instruments and appliances Parts 256 0 1.253 22.203 23.746 4.156 832 20.624 28.013 1.632 1.828 4.583 3.296 12.122 7.529 1.406 1.872 557 235.426 41.167 672 27 1.175 19.793 22.275 6.037 1.095 17.573 22.658 1.446 1.836 4.396 3.305 11.733 8.567 1.828 2.052 797 220.382 39.389 19 0 4 1.539 3.595 107 210 605 693 1.134 1.891 99 184 179 1.447 51 44 121 41.947 7.789 5 1 0 1.390 3.701 188 54 548 2.339 665 2.619 106 112 285 1.667 26 162 146 41.938 8.074 90.22 Apparatus based on the use of X-rays or of alpha, beta or gamma radiation, whether or not for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary uses, including radiography or radiotherapy apparatus, X-ray tubes and other X-ray generators, high tension generators, control panels and desks, screens, examination or treatment tables, chairs and the like 238.783 220.030 6.240 12.732 902212000000 902213000000 902214000000 902219000000 902221000000 902229000000 902230000000 902290100000 902290009011 902290009012 902290009019 90.24 902410110000 902410130000 902410190000 902410901000 902410909000 902480110000 902480190000 902480901000 902490001000 902490009000 Computed tomography apparatus Other, for dental uses Radiography instruments For other uses Radioscopy (fluoroscopy) instruments For other uses X-ray tubes X-ray fluorescent screens and X-ray intensifying screens; anti-scatter shields ad grids Of radioscopy (fluoroscopy) instruments Of X-ray instruments Other Machines and appliances for testing the hardness, strength, compressibility, elasticity or other mechanical properties of materials (for example, metals, wood, textiles, paper, plastics) Machines and appliances for testing metals Electronic Universal or for tensile tests For hardness tests Other Other Electrically operated Other Electronic For testing textiles, paper or paperboard Other Electrically operated Of electrically operated or electronic Others 90.25 Hydrometers and similar floating instruments, thermometers, pyrometers, barometers, hygrometers and psychrometers, recording or not, and any combination of these instruments Thermometers and pyrometers, not combined with other instruments 902511200000 Clinical or veterinary thermometers EXPORT (1000 $) 2011 2012 40.827 10.225 111.952 30.721 4.829 2.099 17.836 32.224 10.123 96.746 28.114 6.550 3.236 20.476 31 118 1.682 500 132 65 1.574 4.688 39 1.595 1.201 83 183 1.919 1.796 2.057 43 104 41 10.469 7.988 3 14.375 6.124 0 1.399 696 0 1.518 1.401 39.041 45.356 7.494 6.216 4.151 5.484 147 178 2.568 6.594 2.294 963 5.958 9.858 1.022 1.185 4.448 3.194 6.572 446 2.055 7.388 12.810 1.820 2.917 2.669 215 1.512 96 1.224 408 1.692 1.145 175 880 366 445 147 1.338 103 728 1.180 143 1.589 53.216 53.707 11.239 9.043 37 16 14 8 GTİP No PRODUCT IMPORT (1000$) 2011 2012 902511800011 902511800019 902519201100 902519201911 902519201919 902519802100 902519802211 902519802219 902519802300 902519802900 902580201000 902580209000 902580409000 902580802000 902580809000 902590001100 902590001900 902590002111 902590002112 902590002113 902590002119 902590002900 Ovulation thermometer (glass monobloc , with mercury) Others Electronic For use in civil aircrafts With recording capability Others For use on civil aircraft With recording capability Others Pyrometers Others Barometers, not combined with other instruments Electronic or electrically operated Others Electrically operated Other For use in civil aircraft Of electrically operated or electronic Others Sensors for resistant thermometers(RTD) Sensors for optical pyrometers Termocouple Others Others 17 1.314 20 3.822 9.994 25 406 1.001 82 6.922 110 549 3.252 202 3.211 18 15 275 119 5.617 1.745 14.462 73 1.462 82 3.845 10.282 35 324 885 317 7.209 139 728 3.541 454 2.944 24 179 432 34 7.609 2.010 11.085 18 148 0 40 281 2 15 80 8 1.904 5 20 91 13 400 0 0 46 9 3.215 827 4.101 6 210 1 63 572 9 8 75 40 2.107 4 13 102 10 326 2 33 76 7 1.981 1.269 2.123 90.26 Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking the flow, level, pressure or other variables of liquids or gases (for example, flow meters, level gauges, manometers, heat meters), excluding instruments and apparatus of heading No 9014, 9015, 9028 or 9032 182.194 182.827 15.427 19.457 902610211000 902610219000 902610291000 902610299000 902610891000 902610819000 902610899000 902620201000 902620209000 902620409000 902620801000 902620809000 902680201000 902680209000 902680801000 902680809000 902690100000 902690009000 Flow meter For use on civil aircraft Other Others Flow meter Others For use on civil aircraft Others Others For use in civil aircrafts For measuring or checking pressure Electronic Spiral or metal diaphragm type pressure gauges Others Others For use on civil aircraft Others Others For use on civil aircraft Other instruments or apparatus Others For use on civil aircraft For use on civil aircraft Others Parts For use in civil aircraft Others 55 19.358 312 20.823 4.675 183 23.055 79 26.441 5.771 36 23.582 57 22.710 3 13.138 177 21.739 162 18.986 270 17.570 4.038 130 17.665 320 25.680 5.509 29 21.371 71 39.941 10 11.366 168 19.542 2 1.083 12 1.258 509 5 3.591 139 1.154 384 12 2.784 0 656 1 1.434 18 2.386 71 1.185 425 1.734 681 10 3.070 388 1.585 269 1 2.261 16 985 54 2.963 2 3.759 90.27 Instruments and apparatus for physical or chemical analysis (for example, polarimeters, refractometers, spectrometers, gas or smoke analysis apparatus); instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking viscosity, porosity, expansion, surface tension or the like; instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking quantities of heat, sound or light (including exposure meters); microtomes 347.729 299.655 14.775 25.507 902710100000 902710900000 902720000000 902730000011 902730000019 902750000000 902780050000 902780110000 Gas or smoke analysis apparatus Electronic Others Chromatographs and electrophoresis instruments Spectrometers Others Other instruments and apparatus using optical radiation (UV, visible, IR) Exposure meters pH meter, rH meters and other apparatus for measuring conductivity 14.918 6.756 18.216 35.355 23.151 37.558 188 5.948 21.434 7.118 12.569 33.064 15.250 36.645 151 4.945 389 1.092 274 762 833 538 189 263 1.029 2.247 1.187 1.389 639 5.393 5 246 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 54 55 EXPORT (1000 $) 2011 2012 OTHER PROF. and INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT SUBSECTOR IMPORTS and EXPORTS by GTIP No GTİP No 902780130000 902780170000 902780910000 902780990000 902790100000 902790500000 902790800000 90.29 902910001000 902910002000 902910009000 902920311000 902920319000 902920381000 902920389000 902920901000 902920909000 902990000000 90.30 903010009000 903020101000 903020109000 903020309000 903020911000 903020919000 903020991000 903020999000 903031009011 903031009012 903032009011 903032009012 903033101000 903033109000 903033911000 903033919000 903033991000 903033999000 903039001100 903039001900 903039002100 903039002900 903082000000 903084009000 903089309000 903089901000 903089909000 903090200000 903090851000 903090859000 PRODUCT IMPORT (1000$) 2011 2012 Apparatus for performing measurements of the physical properties of semiconductor materials or of LCD substrates or associated insulating and conducting layers during the semiconductor wafer production process or the LCD production process Other Viscometers, porosimeters and expansion meters Other Microtomes Of apparatus of subheadings 9027 20 to 9027 80 Of microtomes or of gas or smoke analysis apparatus Revolution counters, production counters, taximeters, milometers, pedometers and the like; speed indicators and tachometers, other than those of heading 9014 or 9015; stroboscopes Electric or electronic revolution counters, for use in civil aircraft Other Speed indicators for vehicles Electronic or electrically operated Others For use on civil aircraft Others Electronic or electrically operated Others Parts Oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers and other instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking electrical quantities, excluding meters of heading 9028; instruments and apparatus for measuring or detecting alpha, beta, gamma, X-ray, cosmic or other ionising radiation Instruments and apparatus for measuring or detecting ionizing radiations Oscilloscopes and oscillographs For use in civil aircrafts Oscilloscopes and oscillographs Cathode ray For use in civil aircrafts Others Electronic For use in civil aircrafts Others For use on civil aircraft Other Electronic Electrically operated Others Electronic Others Electrically operated Electronic For use on civil aircraft Electronic Others Voltmeter For use on civil aircraft Voltmeter Others Others For use on civil aircraft Others: Electronic For use on civil aircraft Others For use on civil aircraft Others For measuring or checking semiconductor buffers or devices Others Electronic Others For use in civil aircrafts Others For apparatus of subheading 9030 82 00 Parts and accessories For use on civil aircraft Others OTHER PROF. and INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT SUBSECTOR IMPORTS and EXPORTS by GTIP No EXPORT (1000 $) 2011 2012 40 45 0 0 66.312 4.831 74.726 1.963 45.517 12.249 53.134 2.846 57.224 1.487 46.724 7.019 2.856 337 5.226 150 1.714 152 2.714 604 5.735 15 3.974 329 95.075 91.599 16.088 15.206 11 2.273 3.422 46.830 29.420 160 7.553 141 431 4.835 29 2.107 2.955 44.258 25.180 200 9.707 57 307 6.799 0 180 710 2.258 9.951 33 300 10 1.549 1.097 0 286 1.522 2.649 9.293 11 402 0 33 1.009 84.082 78.696 6.938 20.014 11.285 6.338 445 519 4 383 2.200 0 618 41 529 4.822 609 593 247 9 23.587 8 504 26 5.723 29 3.584 0 2.538 1.703 3.639 5.245 0 9.693 81 2 6.380 0 920 2.205 0 677 9 255 5.319 1.400 1.095 347 31 25.635 20 638 0 4.037 9 3.692 6 3.410 856 4.394 8.240 6 2.650 72 5 6.429 0 3 43 0 40 0 246 1.073 79 253 34 7 951 0 288 0 290 0 160 0 826 90 261 1.156 0 279 6 0 406 0 1 44 0 11 23 325 1.417 64 261 66 10 6.857 2 435 0 5.917 1 186 0 1.056 4 190 1.294 12 965 0 0 352 GTİP No PRODUCT IMPORT (1000$) 2011 2012 90.31 Measuring or checking instruments, appliances and machines, not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter; profile projectors EXPORT (1000 $) 2011 2012 298.647 343.919 23.340 33.423 6.291 1.356 9.380 7.286 7.105 2.777 15.412 17.188 682 657 64 622 1.464 541 973 904 903190300019 903190851000 903190852100 903190852900 Machines for balancing mechanical parts Electronic or electrically operated Machines for balancing mechanical parts Others Test benches Electronic or electrically operated Test benches Others For inspecting semiconductor wafers or devices or for inspecting photomasks or reticles used in manufacturing semiconductor devices Profile projectors Others For inspecting semiconductor wafers or devices or for inspecting photomasks or reticles used in manufacturing semiconductor devices Planimeters Others For use on civil aircraft Water gauges Others For the measurement or control of geometric magnitudes Planimeters Others Planimeters Others For use on civil aircraft Electrically operated Others For apparatus of subheading 9031 41 00 or for optical instruments and appliances for measuring surface particulate contamination on semiconductor wafers of subheading 9031 49 00 Others Others For use on civil aircraft Others Of electrically operated or electronic Others Others 90.32 Automatic regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus 600.984 520.344 68.545 82.005 903210201000 903210209000 903210811000 903210819000 903210891000 903210899000 903220001000 903220009011 903220009019 903281001000 903281009011 903281009012 903281009019 903289000000 903290001000 903290009000 Thermostats Electronic For use on civil aircraft Thermostats Electronic Others With Electrical Triggering System Others Others For use on civil aircraft Others Manostats For use on civil aircraft Electronic Others Hydraulic or pneumatic For use on civil aircraft Altitude control instruments Automatic smoke sucking regulators from chimneys Others Others Of electrically operated or electronic Others 49 15.976 0 17.702 608 40.509 26 5.224 10.890 219 2.113 268 73.613 406.573 7.525 19.689 33 16.441 20 17.686 2.052 40.822 107 4.926 11.230 423 1.047 313 62.668 341.640 3.386 17.552 1 2.463 4 427 385 11.778 1 63 899 3 377 417 3.123 45.891 741 1.971 10 2.556 0 825 10.106 13.794 115 187 1.093 0 597 181 2.985 44.869 477 4.211 91.01 Wrist-watches, pocket-watches and other watches, including stop-watches, with case of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal Wristwatches, electrically operated, whether or not incorporating a stopwatch facility 35.710 32.178 1.974 2.517 7.471 666 3.866 546 1.329 108 1.198 97 7.455 7.420 260 376 903110001000 903110009000 903120001000 903120009000 903141000000 903149100000 903149900000 903180320000 903180340011 903180340019 903180381000 903180389011 903180389019 903180911000 903180912011 903180912019 903180919011 903180919019 903180981000 903180982000 903180989000 903190200019 910111000000 910119000000 910121000000 With mechanical display only Others Other wristwatches, whether or not incorporating a stopwatch facility With automatic winding 408 694 0 2 1.329 31.639 2.143 32.104 22 689 36 1.022 445 1.037 24 17 911 24.193 473 665 51.640 1.570 231 2.699 149 11.131 1.007 9.512 100.013 1.552 22.332 303 627 60.386 327 0 6.305 112 15.727 318 21.274 110.811 1 937 2 217 2.566 0 0 204 1 1.754 9 1.149 10.227 4 1.646 639 393 3.114 5 0 273 1 1.052 91 1.259 14.238 1.875 690 20 109 211 15 9.632 24.587 114 23 6.247 18.312 37 27 344 3.087 19 0 442 5.179 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 56 57 OTHER PROF. and INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT SUBSECTOR IMPORTS and EXPORTS by GTIP No GTİP No PRODUCT IMPORT (1000$) 2011 2012 910129000000 910191000011 910191000012 910191000019 910199000012 910199000019 Others Electrically operated Pocket watches Electrically operated Chronometers, stop watches Electrically operated Others Chronometers, stop watches Others 20.079 6 14 12 1 6 20.244 0 29 22 4 47 246 0 3 0 0 28 599 0 0 0 2 244 91.02 Wrist-watches, pocket-watches and other watches, including stopwatches, other than those of heading No 9101 226.109 201.953 11.169 12.261 159.581 137.483 6.929 7.806 6.228 5.155 200 153 11.326 8.401 327 793 910229000000 910291000011 910291000012 910291000019 910299000011 910299000012 910299000019 Wrist-watches, battery or accumulator powered, whether or not incorporating a stop-watch facility With mechanical display only Wrist-watches, battery or accumulator powered, whether or not incorporating a stop-watch facility With opto-electronic only Wrist-watches, battery or accumulator powered, whether or not incorporating a stop-watch facility Others Other wristwatches, whether or not incorporating a stopwatch facility With automatic winding Others Electrically operated Pocket watches Electrically operated Chronometers, stop watches Electrically operated Others Pocket watches Chronometers, stop watches Others 91.03 910310001000 910310009000 910390001000 910390009000 910211000000 910212000000 910219000000 910221000000 EXPORT (1000 $) 2011 2012 16.319 21.005 1.470 994 31.499 91 33 168 109 19 736 29.417 44 89 215 17 37 90 2.126 1 1 37 13 1 63 2.358 0 1 39 21 2 94 Clocks with watch movements, excluding clocks of heading No 9104 278 316 370 287 Electrically operated Alarm-clocks Electrically operated Others Alarm-clocks Others 17 195 26 41 5 234 0 76 9 147 3 211 2 115 3 166 91.04 Instrument panel clocks and clocks of a similar type for vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vessesls 6.063 5.819 184 228 910400000011 910400000019 Electrically operated or electronic Others 179 5.884 387 5.432 87 97 145 82 91.05 Other clocks 14.399 10.429 2.090 2.376 910511000000 910519000000 910521000000 910529000000 910591000000 910599000000 Electrically operated Others Wall clocks Electrically operated Wall clocks Others Electrically operated Other clocks 4.764 132 5.823 194 2.474 1.012 3.515 107 3.754 113 2.405 535 80 19 962 512 272 245 93 32 1.209 645 151 248 91.07 Time switches, with clock or watch movement or with synchronous motor 18.231 17.893 428 809 910700000011 910700000019 Electrically operated or electronic Others 12.898 5.333 13.537 4.355 216 213 457 352 91.08 Watch movements, complete and assembled Electrically operated 2.174 2.255 128 60 1.797 1.978 1 2 168 18 48 143 69 76 83 49 2 0 0 125 13 9 0 36 5.930.809 4.847.805 931.930 744.483 910811000000 910812000000 910819000000 910820000000 910890000000 With mechanical display only or with a device to which a mechanical display can be incorporated With opto-electronic display only Other With automatic winding Other TOTAL DEFENCE ELECTRONICS SUBSECTOR T here are various big defence projects in progress in Turkey for some time. The policy in place is that these defence systems and the related electronic parts should be produced in the country with maximum possible local content. been made some important studies to meet the needs of Turkish Armed Forces on planned time frame, meeting the required specifications of performance, security and confidentiality from the local sources in the country to the maximum possible extent. The mission of Undersecreteriat for Defence Industries is not only to meet the system requirements of the Turkish Armed Forces and the government organizations that promote the national defence and security but also to establish and implement the strategy and procedures for the development of defence industry. There are intense marketing efforts towards the international markets. As a result of this, sales were realized to many countries. Very different in nature from other subsectors of electronics, to export in the field of defence electronics also depends on the relationship between the states and the respective political stands. The production was calculated as 1,190 million USD for defence electronics subsector in 2012 which shows an increase of 14.4% compared to year 2011. The leveling up of the capabilities of science and technology and the industrialization in Turkey being the main objective, there has TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 58 59 DEFENCE ELECTRONICS SUBSECTOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES (IT) SUBSECTOR ADAM Elektronik ANELTECH ASELSAN AYDIN Yazılım (AYESAŞ) BARIŞ Elektrik EKA EKON ETA GATE HAVELSAN KAREL MARCONİ SELENİA MİKES NETAŞ OPTİSİS SAVRONİK SIEMENS TAİ THOMSON-TEKFEN TRANSVARO VESTEL SAVUNMA ZER • Other Crypto Equipment Software for Defence Electronic Auxiliary Military Equipment Mine Detectors Simullator and Training Sys. Elect. Warning and Security Sys. Navigation and Avionics Sys. Command Control Terminals Electronic War-Fare Fire Cont. And Guidance Systems Radars FIRMS Electronic - Optic PRODUCT GROUPS Wireless Comm. Systems 2012 Total Production (1000 $) : 1.190.175 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • T he sales volume of Information Technologies (IT) subsector is 1,882 million USD in 2012, an increase of 5.7% compared to 1.643 million USD of year 2011. The imports of the subsector is 2,871 million USD in 2012, a decrease of 3.1% compared to 2,964 million USD of 2011. The exports of the subsector was realized as 124 million USD in 2012, it was 118 million USD in 2011. TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 TESİD-Elektronik Sanayii Almanağı - Temmuz 2013 60 61 DISTRIBUTION OF IT SUBSECTOR EXPORT and IMPORT by COUNTRIES in 2012 Group Country Ratio % U.S.A. North America Import (000 $) 4.212 2.097 146 Country Ratio % Import (000 $) Export (000 $) 14,68 217 90 113 225 18.206 7.862 8.624 5.374 TURKMENISTAN 2 4.781 ITALY 20.176 340 AZERBAIJAN 0 9.924 ENGLAND 22.925 2.959 KAZAKHSTAN 4 1.433 117.321 2.764 UZBEKSTAN 0 704 4.683 483 OTHER COUNTRIES 0 39.340 3.454 1.613 143 56.112 853 8 3,12 GERMANY CZECH REPUBLIC SPAIN POLAND AUSTRIA BULGARIA 89.525 0 3,51 North Africa Middle East 4.358 Caucasus Middle East Subtotal EQUATORIAL GUINEA ROMANIA 3.766 159 37.961 4.109 NETHERLANDS 12.901 19.001 327 47 CHINA SLOVAKIA 3.133 62 DENMARK 1.615 593 PORTUGAL 1.377 2 169 251 GREECE FINLAND IRLAND 3.969 69 60.699 806 BELGIUM 3.186 968 SWEDEN 1.417 114 200 75 OTHER COUNTRIES Subtotal 16,47 TRNC RUSSIA 472.863 40,70 11.526 53 795 UKRAINE 628 146 SWITZERLAND 982 46 SERBIA 238 202 ALBANIA 1 332 NORWAY 769 24 12 937 OTHER COUNTRIES Subtotal 0,09 IRAQ 2.702 177 11,29 SAUDI ARABIA 0 863 LIBYA 0 135 U.A.E 11 1.752 IRAN 270 1.508 0 276 249 MOROCCO TUNUSIA 129 ALGERIA 0 135 SUDAN 0 168 LEBANON EGYPT Subtotal Far East 1 77 26 643 0,62 6 461 0 27 73 17.149 5 129 128 17.766 0,17 206 TAIWAN 62.058 1.080 MALAYSIA 33.926 52 SOUTH KOREA 46.418 55 JAPAN 51.025 245 THAILAND 80.822 97 SINGAPORE 44.476 2.356 PHILIPPINES 22.248 33 INDONESIA 12.773 11 1.677 617 20.987 5 7 28 OTHER COUNTRIES Subtotal 79,12 2.271.430 4,56 5.654 AHL FTZ 187 1.115 EGE FTZ 0 1.762 103 1.595 TUBİTAK FTZ TECH. OTHER FTZS Subtotal 34 0,01 324 PAKISTAN Other Countries 17.786 1.076 VIETNAM Free Trade Zones FTZ 945 14,34 1.895.013 HONG KONG 14.007 11.755 MEXICO OTHER COUNTRIES 50.490 20 0,000 KOSTA RIKA Middle and South America HUNGARY LATVIA 0,38 10.418 0 0 7 11.039 Ratio % 71.347 CANADA FRANCE North Africa Middle East Group ISRAEL KUWAİT JORDAN OTHER COUNTRIES Subtotal Subtotal Non-EU European Export (000 $) 87.420 U.S.A. European Union Ratio % DISTRIBUTION OF IT SUBSECTOR EXPORT and IMPORT by COUNTRIES in 2012 0 INDIA OTHER COUNTRIES Computer Equ. Total 4.444 45 0 351 262 0,18 100,00 7.079 4.984 SOMALIA Subtotal 2.606 5,71 1.414 5.246 5,04 6.254 2.870.902 100,00 124.040 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 62 63 IT SUBSECTOR IMPORTS and EXPORTS by GTIP No GTİP No PRODUCT IT SUBSECTOR IMPORTS and EXPORTS by GTIP No IMPORT (1000 $) EXPORT (1000 $) GTİP No 2011 2012 2011 2012 Printing machinery used for printing by means of the printing type, blocks, plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442; ink-jet printing machines, other than those of heading 8471; machines for uses ancillary to printing 333.813 206.528 12.329 13.771 844331910000 Copying machine using electrostatic printing and scanning equipment 82.095 844331990000 Printing machinery used for printing by means of the printing type, blocks, plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442; ink-jet printing machines, other than those of heading 8471; machines for uses ancillary to printing 15.121 0 844332101000 Ink-jet type printers 51.366 844332109011 Matrix printers 844332109012 844332109013 84.43 IMPORT (1000 $) 847160709011 Optical readers 847160709012 Magnetic code readers 847160709013 Pointers, illuminated EXPORT (1000 $) 2011 2012 2011 2012 21.250 1.660 13.778 821 1.296 991 181 259 1 1 0 10 847160709014 Mouse 31.590 29.319 218 257 0 847160709015 Plotter 1.127 900 243 111 847160709016 Digitizer 347 0 847160709019 Others 847170201000 Main Memory Units For use on civil aircraft 0 164 5 587 49.130 3.182 3.010 847170209000 Others 13.443 9.781 464 496 15.099 11.268 128 29 847170309000 Others 503 690 1 5 Laser printers 62.267 47.140 2.446 3.720 847170501000 Hard disc drives For use on civil aircraft 31.572 20.730 1.550 1.007 Line printers 1.226 2.632 23 24 847170509000 Others 0 9 0 97 847170701000 Others For use on civil aircraft 207.629 236.884 13.473 18.233 0 960 844332109019 Other printers 59.361 46.146 2.662 2.871 844332910000 Copying machine usşng electrostatic printing and scanning equipment 854 569 525 1.264 844332930000 Copying machine usşng electrostatic printing and scanning equipment 333 630 1 8 844332990000 Others 3.861 5.634 109 198 844339100000 Other printers with copying function and equipped with opticak sysem 6.743 5.180 71 146 844339310000 Other copying machine equipped with optical system 720 521 28 22 844339390000 Others 8 159 331 65 844339900000 Others 4.479 6.077 1.046 962 844399100000 Electronic assemblies 844399901000 Of photocoping apparatus with optic system 84.71 PRODUCT Automatic data-processing machines and units thereof; magnetic or optical readers, machines for transcribing data onto data media in coded form and machines for processing such data, not elsewhere specified or included 847130000000 Portable digital automatic data processing machines weighing not more than 10 kg. consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and the display 847141001000 Comprising in the same housing at least a central processing unit and input and output unit whether or not combined For use on civil aircraft 847141009000 Others 847149001000 For use on civil aircraft 847149009000 Others 847150001000 Digital processing unit other than those of subheading 8471 41 and 8471 49, whether or not containing in the same housing one or two of the following types of units: storage units, input units, output units 847150009000 Others 847160601000 Keyboards For use on civil aircraft 847160609000 Keyboards Others 847160701000 For use in civil aircrafts 5.327 5.351 254 188 24.951 26.092 215 1.265 2.197.937 2.361.364 77.666 86.551 1.186.479 1.292.860 19.133 17.724 1.249 936 6 76 19.470 17.947 2.375 5.022 238 196 2 9 47.726 63.430 5.709 5.575 333 532 22 995 408.658 434.324 16.528 13.361 0 0 4 1 21.737 23.965 361 517 0 1 0 177 1.880 1.711 10 344 23.947 22.218 1.867 2.652 847170709000 Others 0 10 0 50 847170809000 Others 55.381 76.169 463 1.395 847170989000 Others 16.608 16.445 631 678 847180000000 Other units of automatic data processing machines 847190000000 Others 84.73 Parts and accessories (other than covers, carrying cases and the like) suitable for use solely or principally with machines of heading Nos. 8469 to 8472 2.310 1.940 353 1.034 76.224 66.489 8.305 8.444 26.920 28.942 4.942 6.141 215.801 154.217 19.392 16.875 847310110000 Electronic assemblies Of machines of subheading 8469 11 00 0 3 0 0 847310190000 Others 51 78 37 18 847310900000 Others 29 17 57 200 847330200000 Parts and accessories of the machines of heading No 8471 Electronic assemblies 165.259 120.223 11.699 12.301 847330800000 Others 49.881 32.934 7.433 4.138 847350200000 Parts and accessories equally suitable for use with machines of two or more of the headings Nos. 8469 to 8472 292 397 1 8 847350800000 Others 289 565 166 210 85.28 Reception apparatus for television, whether or not incorporating radio-broadcast receivers or sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus; video monitors and video projectors 216.008 148.793 9.073 6.842 130.193 73.443 4.914 2.513 1.774 2.931 141 133 852851000000 Other monitors to be used with automatic data processing machines 852859100000 Black and white or other monochrome 852859400000 With a screen of the liquid crystal display (LCD) technology 57.834 50.623 2.162 2.759 852859800000 Other 26.207 21.797 1.855 1.437 2.963.559 2.870.902 118.459 124.040 TOTAL TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 TESİD-Electronic Industry Almanac - July 2013 64 65 The Smart Technology of Beko LED TVs Skype Now you are closer to the ones you love all around the world. The Skype application which allows you to video chat for free is now included in your smart TV. Web Browser Along with a wide range of applications, the Beko LED TV also allows you to connect to the internet. With this feature, you can connect to the internet without a computer or mobile phone. Also you can browse faster on the internet by using your mouse and keyboard. ENERG eHep BEKO NR Y IJA IE IA B55-LEP-6WV A+ A+ A B C D E F ENERGIA ENERGIJA ENERGY ENERGIE ENERGI 86 140 cm 126 kWh/annum 55 inch A+ Energy Efficiency Enjoy the life with the environmentally friendly technology! Beko who has been working many years to reduce the amount of electricity consumption when the TV is on and when it is on sleep mode, maintains its leadership in this field. 2010/1062 - 2013 SRS StudioSound HD Sound quality with the standards of a theatre is now in your living room. Beko which always aims to present good picture and sound quality, is bringing together a visual feast with excellent sound quality for an enjoyable viewing. Due to the sound system with the SRS StudioSound HD technology found in Beko LED TVs, watching TV is now becoming a completely new experience. Due to the perfect sound quality system made up of bass, midtone and sharp speakers, the atmosphere of the cinema is now in your living room. *In the efficiency table showing the classification between A and G of the EU energy tags, the green colour means high and red colour means low efficiency.
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