TOUR DE FAT IS BACK! - Midtown Greenway Coalition
TOUR DE FAT IS BACK! - Midtown Greenway Coalition
A NEWSLETTER OF THE MIDTOWN GREENWAY COALITION TOUR DE FAT IS BACK! Don’t miss the pedal-powered FUNdraiser on July 28th Longfellow Cedar Isles Dean Tour de Fat, the traveling bike-themed carnival put on by New Belgium Brewing, is coming back to Minneapolis on July 28th in Loring Park. The event includes odd costumes, wacky bikes, live music, and a parade that you (and your bike) can participate in. And of course, beer! East Isles East Phillips It’s an event where buying beer in the park makes you a philanthropist. Proceeds from the Tour de Fat support local biking advocacy organizations, including the Midtown Greenway Coalition, Minnesota Off-Road Cyclists, and the Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota. So far, New Belgium has raised over $2 million for bicycle advocacy groups across the country through the Tour de Fat! Tour de Fat is FREE event (but you have to buy your own beer). Here’s the schedule: CARAG 9 AM – Parade registration 10 AM – Parade begins 11 AM – Music and more! 1:30 PM – Slow ride 2:30 PM – Bike Trade 3:30 PM – De Finale WANT TO VOLUNTEER? The Midtown Greenway Coalition needs around 100 volunteers to check IDs, sell beer tokens, and assist with set-up and clean-up. Volunteers get a Tour de Fat t-shirt and two free beer tokens. Visit to view available shifts, and email to sign up or if you have questions. Also, don’t miss the TOUR DE FAT PRE-PARTY! Thursday July 26, 6 PM at Burrito Loco in Dinkytown (418 13th Avenue SE). Whittier Lyndale CANDO M Ph l il i ps W e st w to d i n P l hi li w Po ps de o rh o rc o C rn ra n < inside East Calhoun Another feature of the Tour de Fat is the car-for-bike trade, where one lucky person will hand over their car in exchange for the bike of their dreams, built specially for them by the local bike shop of their choosing. To read up on the car-for-bike trade (and to apply!) check out www. Seward Lowry Hill East PROSPECT PARK West Calhoun Volume 17, Issue 3 k July, August, September 2012 Message from the Executive Director A Streetcar in the Greenway? Northern Spark and Greenway Glow: A Sparkling Success New Membership Benefits The Coalition Would Like To Thank . . . 2 Message from the EXECUTIVE dIRECTOR Dear Friends of the Greenway, It’s been quite a summer on the Greenway, with more exciting events still to come! On June 9th we launched the first annual Greenway Glow, which raised more than $20,000 for Greenway programs. More than 80 riders dressed up in costume and decked out their bikes in lights for the 5-mile night-time bike ride on the Greenway. Also on June 9th, the Greenway was host to Northern Spark, the all-night festival of public art. More than 1,500 people attended the event in the Greenway, which featured music, dance, puppets, sparklers, and even a pirate movie! While it doesn’t take place on the Greenway, one of our largest events this summer will be the Tour de Fat, scheduled for July 28th in Loring Park. This whimsical bike carnival and fundraiser, organized by New Belgium Brewing, raised more than $10,000 for the Midtown Greenway Coalition last summer. The best part? You can help raise funds at the event by drinking beer! (We get the proceeds from beer sales.) We also need volunteers, so please visit our website for more details. We’re also busy planning our Progressive Dinner and other events, so watch our e-newsletter and Facebook page for the latest updates. All of our events help fund programs that protect and enhance the Greenway. Our new Crime Prevention Task Force is working on safety enhancements, and we are pleased to report that the Trail Watch safety patrol has been out biking the Greenway every night – watch for them in their new bright green/yellow vests. This past May we also launched our membership benefits program. New and renewing members now receive a membership card, good for discounts at more than 20 local merchants. Members also receive a spoke card for their bike, and those who donate $10+ per month ($120 per year) receive a special Midtown Greenway Coalition t-shirt. Our thanks to all of our members, partners, sponsors, and volunteers. Thanks to you, we are protecting and enhancing the Midtown Greenway. See you on the Greenway! Soren R. Jensen Executive Director WHO WE ARE The Midtown Greenway Coalition is a coalition of neighborhoods and individuals who love the Midtown Greenway. We’re the organization that got the Greenway built by public agencies, and now we work to protect and enhance it. We grow stronger with each new member. Join us to help protect YOUR Greenway and make it even better! Midtown Greenway Coalition Board Members The Coalition board of directors consists of one seat for each of the 17 neighborhoods along the Lake Street-Midtown Corridor, and four at-large seats. Holly Buchanan CARAG Glen Christianson East Calhoun Janet Court Powderhorn Park John DeWitt Prospect Park Neighborhood Amanda Dlouhy Phillips West Neighborhood Seth Doorn West Calhoun Neighborhood Jo Ann Musumeci Whittier Neighborhood Kelly Wilder Midtown Phillips Neighborhood Gabriel Hoffman Seward Neighborhood Michael Nelson Lyndale Neighborhood Michael Wilson CIDNA Deborah Kermeen East Isles George Puzak At Large Margaret Kirkpatrick East Phillips Neighborhood Jane St. Clair Corcoran Leslie Modrack Lowry Hill East Neighborhood Karl Stoerzinger At Large Margaret Wunderlich At Large We are currently seeking volunteer board members to represent the following neighborhoods: oLongfellow oCentral For a list of board members’ roles and responsibilities, visit www.Midtowngreenway.Org. Click on “the coalition,” then “Board of Directors,” or call 612-879-0105 2834 10th Avenue South, Greenway Level, Suite 2, Minneapolis, MN 55407 • • Fax: 612-879-0104 3 A Step Closer to a Streetcar in the Greenway? Midtown Corridor Alternatives Analysis Kicks Off We are excited to say that Metro Transit’s Midtown Corridor Alternatives Analysis (AA) is on track for a kick-off later this summer! This study will look at enhanced bus, bus rapid transit, streetcar, and light rail transit options for both the Midtown Greenway and Lake Street, and the Midtown Greenway Coalition is continuing to work towards getting a streetcar for the Greenway. This spring the Midtown Greenway Coalition has worked hard to inform neighborhood organizations about the study, and to talk to them about our vision for a Midtown Greenway Streetcar. Numerous organizations along the corridor have passed resolutions in support of our grassembedded track streetcar vision. We also held a planning workshop in May where citizens from throughout South Minneapolis came together to talk about the challenges of fitting transit in the trench and connecting it to Lake Street. The most important conclusion was that through innovative design, development and signage, the Midtown Greenway Streetcar could truly unite the Lake Street-Greenway corridor into an even more vibrant community and destination for our city. Metro Transit’s AA has a projected kick-off date of July 30th. The entire study has an approximate 12-18 month timeline. There will be public meetings as part of this study, and the Midtown Greenway Coalition will be working hard to get you, your neighbors, and all the community members along the Midtown Corridor to attend. We believe that a Midtown Greenway Streetcar would be good for the Greenway, good for the neighborhoods along the corridor, and good for our city. We hope that this Alternatives Analysis will be the first step towards getting it built! Mission We empower communities to develop, improve, protect, and enjoy the Midtown Greenway as a green urban pathway to improve people’s lives. Grass-embedded tracks in Frankfurt. Photo by Faith Cable Kumon. ¶ Midtown Greenway Coalition Staff Soren Jensen, Executive Director 612-879-0105 Michelle Beaulieu, MN GreenCorps Member 612-879-0103 Rebecca Spurr, LVC Administrative & Outreach Coordinator 612-879-0106 Misión Nosotros habilitamos a las comunidades a desarrollar, mejorar, proteger y disfrutar del sendero urbano Midtown Greenway para mejorar la vida de la gente. 4 Northern Spark and Greenway Glow: A Sparkling Success We are thrilled to report that our first annual Northern Spark and Greenway Glow events on the Midtown Greenway were a huge success! More than 1,500 people attended Northern Spark on the Greenway, part of the city-wide, all-night art festival. Close to 20 artists and organizations presented a variety of art projects and performances on the Greenway, featuring puppets, live music, poster-making, dance performances, movies, and more! Our Greenway Glow fund-raising event raised more than $20,000 for Greenway programs. More than 80 riders donned costumes and decorated their bikes with creative lights, then headed out for a 5-mile ride on the Greenway, visiting Vine Arts Center and Northern Spark art installations, and concluding with an after-party at Intermedia Arts. Thanks to everyone who biked in the Greenway Glow and made donations, including our sponsors: Allina Health, Bryant-Lake Bowl, Penn Cycle, Freewheel Bike, New Belgium Brewing, CIVIA Cycles, DERO Bike Racks, and HDR. Thanks also to our food donors, including Punch Pizza, Common Roots Café, Butter Bakery Café, The Donut Cooperative, Seward Coop, Breadsmith, Isles Bun & Coffee, and Keefer Court Fortune Cookie Factory. Photos by Charles Lyon. Street access e. abbott e r io ls e xc lake calhoun lake st. 5th I-3 lyndale bryant girard Calhoun Village lake st. 5W Stairway access nep hen of La ke sT rai l in Ramp access Ch Ken Dean Parkway lake of the isles ain ilw ort h Tra il av cedar lake nicollet © ip pi y. lake st. 38th 30th 29th 27th 26th iss w pk ha ha ne min 34th er iv .r w cedar 18th bloomington 13th a th wa hia Midtown Exchange 12th 11th Bike Center and Coalition Offices chicago columbus park 10th 5 m iss ri ve r Thank you 6 to our MEMBERS, Donors and Volunteers! (3/1/2012-6/10/2012. Please call if we have missed you!) GRANTS Allina Health Eric Mueller and Burt Coffin Michael Nelson and Fidelity Charitable Gift Marcy Cheeseman Fund Rachel Orville and Health Partners Amy Short Lerner Foundation Sarah & Bill Oyler George and Diane Cheeseman Donald Kahn Mary Moore Dan Sullivan Nathan Kalkwarf Barb and Jack Morris Ellen Sullivan Ian Morris Kathleen Sullivan and Mark Ambroe Drs. Alessandra Shirley Kaplan Chiareli and Michael Robert Kasak Haase Ochen Kaylan Laura Christensen Mary Jo Morrison Rebecca Morse Denise Mueller SUPERVALU Nicohle Schluender Laura and John Crosby Will Kemper Michelle David-Hample Wood Kidner BUSINESS AND ORGANIZATION MEMBERS AND DONORS Markus and Tricia Silpala Daniel and Deborah Day Philipp & Laura Muessig Jan Kleinman and Fadil Clareyse Nelson Santosa Jennifer Sippel Heather Day Kaia Knutson Karl Stoerzinger Britt Dougall Allina Health Jen Wendland and Justin Kader Sheri Doughman and Joe Larson Hans Koch & Amelia Kennedy Kelly Wilder Sara Downes Michael Wilson David DuBois Balance Fitness Studio David Abramson and Associates, LLC ECCO Freewheel Bike HDR QUARTERLY SUSTAINING MEMBERS Mary Arneson and Dale Hammerschmidt Holly Buchanan Matthew Dahlquist Randall Dietel Amanda Dlouhy Seth Doorn Chris Erickson Doug and Ann Duea Sarah Eichberger Mark and Sonja Elias Sarah Obermueller Patrick O’Connor Janelle Waldock Ruth and David Olkon Deb Warren Katy Olson Jill Warren Grace O’Neill Steve Wedig Lisa Paradis David Wee Michael Pederson Alan Weinstein Jean Pelletier Gerry Weisberg Robbie Perl and Richard Garon Chip Welling and Barb Thoman Jennifer Peterson David Peterson Dick and Sandra Westby Chrissie and Brian Mahaffy Cathy Peterson James Young Jodi Petrich Mark Young Maury Malanaphy Emmett Pokorny Susan Priem Bob & Julie Young Walser Derrick Lewis Rachel Lewis and Ismail Akharas Scott Likely Mark and Susan Little Matthew Love Dan Lussenhop Charles & Rebecca Lyon Richard and Diane Madlon-Kay Molly Martin Liz Genovese Andy Martinson Jullonne Glad Patrick Massey Jean Bolin Erik Bonnett Mace and Audrey Goldfarb Naomi Goloff and Amirav Davy Patrick Gustafson Walt Handschin Mimi Hartung Annette Hedblom Matthew and Shelly Hendricks Jean Hendricks Doug Hill Susan Hoch David Hong Marjorie Huebner Jim Johnson Sonya Johnson Alexander Van Dyke Alison Leudtke Marcia and Jack Fry Jena Boen Jess Uhlenkamp Costas Voulgaropoulos and Yianna Apostolidou Kurt Froehlich Benjamin Blaugrund Walter and Laura Treichel Peter Nichol Eric Berger and Maia Twedt Rob Biddleman Carla Tollefsrud Thomas Kottke, MD, MSPH Kent & Nanette Malcomson Amy Bergquist Michael Tillotson Aimee Nelson Alena Finsky Athena Fotiadis Paul Thuras David Koehser George and Lee Barthel Diane Boushek Christina Foy and Sean Philip Bradley and Scanlon Janice Frankman Matt Frank Frank Braun Hans Gasterland Charles Breer Don Greeley Jeremy Brezovan Gayle Groebner Peter Brower Eric Hart Camille Burke Thatcher Imboden Jeff Byers Soren and Sasha Scott Campbell and Jensen Lacey Doucet Kathy Koch William Casey Kristen Milner Maren Misner John and Vicki Nelson k INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS AND DONORS Rev. Howard and Sarah Jake and Lisa Encinas Abts L. Peter & Karen Longfellow Erickson Community Council Shari Albers & Steve Miller Edward Eroe New Belgium Brewing Dave and Eileen Erik Esse Penn Cycle Andersen Brett Feldman and SRF Consulting Group, Scott Anton Elizabeth Haugen Inc. Hans Arlton Barbara Finch and Phil Welna Hardware Blenski Susan Arndt MONTHY AND Frank and Annliv Bacon Kaia Findlay Lomarado Group Robert and Ellen Nelson Molly and Mike Thornburgh L Raynor Erik Rigelhof Stephen Rogness Carla Zeller Margaret (Meg) Zeller Volunteers David & Claire Ruebeck Steph Abbas James McCarthy and Edith and Edward Carmelle Abron Gloria Peterson Ruthardt Andres Altamirano John McClure Richard Sandeen Mike Amos Michael McCoy and Richard & Jean Sanford Sarah Kennedy Brett Arenz Anne Sawyer-Aitch Margaret McGlynn Janet Arones Mike and Elise Stephen McHenry Neal Axton Schadauer Deb McKinley and Pete Glen and Sue Beltt Susan Schonfeld Nelson Amy Bergquist Mark Seaburg Gwen McMahon Anna Black Nathan Selstad and Annie-Laurie McRee Karla McCall Garth Black Allissa Mehr Kimberlee Sinclair Jean Bolin Mike Menner Nancy & Keith Sjoquist Kelsey Bosch and Margaret Grosspietsch Britton Smith Green Bouzard Katy Miller Patrick Sorensen Frank Boyce Annie Modesitt John and Barbara Sullivan Jim Cahalan Ester Montalbano Scott Campbell 7 Paul Caspersen Nicole Lindgren Donell Cherry Jerome Lindsey ADOPT-AGREENWAY Teri Christensen Dan Lussenhop Albert’s Organics Dana Colestock Charlie Lyon Andy Cook Lucy Lyon Biota Landscape Design and Build Firm Bob Corrick Elyse Lyon Birchwood Cafe Amy Cusick John Maciejny CARAG Jessica Dalbec Janae Marshall Abbey Dibble Natalie Martin Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of MN Seth Doorn Kate Mayer Lacey Doucet Bryana Mayer Melinda Driscoll Scott McGillicuddy Julia Eagles Brett McGraw Madeline Edwards Tim McGuire Abby Finis Mike Mendez Robert Francis Sarah Morgan Matt Frank Liz Nee Kurt Franke Diana Neidecker Claire Fromme Caroline Olsen Mary Gaytan Katy Olson Tim Gearing Hillary Oppmann Doug Gerlach Richard Parnell Mary Gibney Andrew Paule Ani Goodenberger Daphne Payne Meghan Graham Pallavi Penumetcha Don Greeley Anna Peterson Seward Co-op Grocery and Deli Harry Greenberg Rose Ramsey Soul Revolution Kim Hanna Timothy Rand Rich Harrison Callie Recknagel Surly Brewing Company Ed Hassler Mike Ruedy Ray Hastings Kathleen Ryan Trustone Financial Federal Credit Union Aleks Hindin Michelle Schroeder Viterra, Inc Steve Hirsch Suzanne Schwartz Jamie Hofmeister David Sieberg Jim Holm Aaron Smith West Calhoun Neighborhood Council Tom Holm Kathryn Spotts Megan Holm Rick Stafford IN-KIND DONORS AND PARTNERS Paul Holt Kurt Stafki Breadsmith Nelson Inz Anna Suhring Bryant Lake Bowl Andrew Jansen Kathleen Sullivan and Mark Ambroe Butter Bakery Amanda Swearinger Common Roots Cafe Micah Thompson DERO Bike Racks Chris Thorson The Donut Cooperative Michael Vegell Intermedia Arts Pieter Ver Steeg Isles Bun & Coffee Co. Greg Vinson Costas Voulgaropoulos Keefer Court Fortune Cookie Factory Blake Ward Northern Spark Jen Wendland Old Chicago Uptown Tracy Lawler Brianne Whitcraft Peace Coffee Elizabeth Lienesch Hokan Seward Co-op Yvonna Vine Arts Center Dero Bike Rack Co Erik’s Bike Shop First Christian, Lyndale UCC, and Salem Lutheran Church First Unitarian Society Green Team HCMC - Whittier Clinic Lake Country School Metamorphosis Midwest Lock & Safe Minneapolis Jaycees Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day Thank you to our Trail Watch Superstars (2012 Quarter 2) Volunteered for 10+ Rides: Volunteered for 6+ Rides: Rick Stafford Jim Holm Paul Holt Kathy Koch Neal Axton Andres Altamirano Mark Ambroe Scott Campbell Dana Colestock Amy Cusick Aleks Hindin Gabriel Hoffman Andrew Paule Tim Rand Kathleen Sullivan Hokan trail watch sponsors: Bikes and Pieces LLC Bryant Lake Bowl Common Roots Cafe Freewheel Bike Galactic Pizza Green Mill Uptown New Belgium Brewing Pizza Luce k Jeremy Janssen Sasha Jensen Amy Johnson Kelsey Johnston Mike Jones JJ Kahle Tom Kern Emily Kittleson Kathy Koch Adam Lagason Sarah Lawrence-Lupton Daniel Wilder Curtis Wilson Bill Lewis Nick Lienesch Rebecca Lightfoot North Prairie Tileworks Phillips Garden Saint Mary’s University Civia Cycles Punch Pizza Rye Deli WANT TO VOLUNTEER WITH TRAIL WATCH? Email trailwatch@ New Membership Benefits! When you renew your membership this year (or become a new member) you will receive brandnew benefits! All members will receive a spoke card for their bikes, as well as a membership card, good for discounts at local restaurants and retailers. Members who make monthly online donations of $10+ (or $120+ per year), will also receive an exclusive Midtown Greenway Coalition member t-shirt. ¶ Sustaining members receive an exclusive t-shirt, featuring our logo on the front and “I bike Midtown Greenway” on the back. Thanks to all of our members for supporting our work to protect and enhance the Midtown Greenway! 2834 10th Avenue South Greenway Level, Suite 2 Minneapolis, MN 55407 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Phone: 612-879-0103 Printed on 30% recycled material Clip and post on fridge Membership and Donation Form Name __________________________________ Address ________________________________ City, State, Zip ____________________________ Phone, E-mail _____________________________ m $250 – Greenway Angel m $100 – Greenway Patron m $50 – Greenway Advocate m $25 – Greenway Sponsor m Business $__________ m Any amount comfortable for you $__________ m Yes, I want to volunteer My main interest is: _________________________ Please make your check payable to: “Midtown Greenway Coalition” and mail to: Midtown Greenway Coalition 2834 10th Avenue South, Greenway Level, Suite 2 Minneapolis, MN 55407 or donate at calendar of events TOUR DE FAT STREET TEAM POSTER PARTY Tuesday July 10, 6 PM - 8 PM Help promote the Tour de Fat! Contact for info. MIDTOWN GREENWAY COMMUNITY BIKE FESTIVAL Saturday July 14, 12 PM – 5 PM, outside Freewheel Midtown Bike Center TOUR DE FAT Saturday July 28, 9 AM – 3:30 PM, Loring Park BOARD OF DIRECTORS Fourth Thursdays, 6 PM – 8 PM July 26, August 23, September 27 GREENWAY IMPROVEMENTS COMMITTEE Second Thursdays, 6 PM – 8 PM July 12, August 9, September 13 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Third Thursdays, 6 PM – 8 PM July 19, August 16, September 20 GREENSPACE COMMITTEE Second Tuesdays, 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM July 10, August 14, September 11 Unless indicated, all meetings are held at the Midtown Greenway Coalition’s office (2834 10th Avenue South, Greenway Level, Suite 2, Minneapolis, MN 55407).
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