Winter 2012 - Midtown Greenway Coalition
Winter 2012 - Midtown Greenway Coalition
A NEWSLETTER OF THE MIDTOWN GREENWAY COALITION Greenway Gets Greener CEPRO Site is Perfect for Picnics Safety always a top priority for the Coalition Last June, a cyclist attempting to use the pedestrian/bicycle crosswalk at 28th Street and the Greenway was hit by a car and seriously injured. Fortunately, he survived his injuries. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the first time someone was hit at that crossing, which is why the Coalition has been working with the City of Minneapolis to improve it. We are pleased to report that late last year, the City agreed to install new medians/islands in the crosswalk, helping to slow down traffic and increase safety considerably. The new medians will also feature native plantings, which will be maintained by volunteers from the Coalition’s new GreenSpace committee. The medians are a significantly victory for safety. Thanks to everyone who worked to support this improvement, including the City of Minneapolis Public Works staff, the Minneapolis Bicycle Coalition, members of the Minneapolis Bike Love community, and City Council Member Gary Schiff. ¶ CEPRO site is a major new green space on the Greenway. Another exciting development is the completion of the east side of the CEPRO site, located next to the Greenway between 10th and 11th Avenues. (CEPRO is the name n of the grain elevators that formerly stood on the site.) ra o This new public green space on the Greenway rc features wheelchair-accessible pathways, Co picnic tables, two gliding benches, two swinging benches, and abundant open rn o space. The site is supported by a rh partnership between Hennepin de w County, the Midtown Phillips Po Neighborhood Association, ps and the Midtown li l i Winter Wonder Walk/Ride Greenway Coalition. Ph Message from the n w Executive Director continued o t on page 2 id Analysis to Study Greenway Streetcar, M Other Transit Options t Recommendations to the Minneapolis es Bicycle Advisory Committee W ps i The Coalition Would Like To Thank . . . l il h P CARAG < inside Cedar Isles Dean New Medians at 28th Street Crossing East Phillips East Isles Bring Safety and Smiles Seward East Calhoun Greenway Improvements Longfellow Lowry Hill East PROSPECT PARK West Calhoun Volume 17, Issue 1 k January, February, March 2012 New medians at the 28th Street and Greenway crossing increase safety. ¶ Whittier Lyndale GreenwayNewsletter_Jan2012_with bleed margin +crops.indd 1 CANDO 12/30/2011 1:55:47 PM 2 Message from the EXECUTIVE dIRECTOR Last July, it was my honor to have been selected by the board of directors as the new executive director of the Midtown Greenway Coalition. As a frequent Greenway user, resident of Longfellow, and active bicyclist, the job is a dream come true! Since my first week here, barely a day goes by without someone telling me how much they LOVE the Greenway. I am inspired by the many stories I hear about people who started biking to work because of the Greenway, as well as the way the Greenway has helped bring economic development to the Lake Street/Midtown corridor. Of course, the Midtown Greenway was made possible by individual members/donors from the neighborhoods along the Greenway and beyond. They supported the Coalition’s work to get the Greenway built by public agencies, and they continue to support programs that protect and enhance it. Your membership is as important today as it ever was. The larger our coalition, the more powerful our voice is when defending and improving the Greenway. Your membership helps us: • • Continue our work to make trail crossings safer. Last October we celebrated our successful effort to get the City of Minneapolis to install new medians/islands at 28th street and the Greenway, making that trail crossing safer for bikers and pedestrians. • Continue to operate our Trail Watch safety patrol, which bikes the Greenway every night to help keep it safe. Thanks to our members and funding partners, we’re also expanding our Immigrant and Refugee Outreach Program, so that all families know that the Greenway is for everyone. New efforts to install more native gardens and public art in the Greenway are also underway. We’re also getting ready for an Alternatives Analysis of the Midtown/Lake Street corridor, which will evaluate new transit options. The Coalition has long advocated for a streetcar or trolley in the Greenway, which will improve safety, connect to the Hiawatha LRT and future Southwest LRT, and support community development. Thank YOU for supporting the Midtown Greenway and our Coalition. With your help, we are creating a world-class corridor that is great for the environment, great for health, and great for Minneapolis. See you on the Greenway! Continue the fight against the proposed high-voltage power lines in the Greenway. That fight isn’t over, and we’re gearing up for (hopefully) one last push to get the lines buried on 28th street, rather than installed overhead along the Greenway. Please visit the Coalition’s website and Facebook page for updates. Mission We empower communities to develop, improve, protect, and enjoy the Midtown Greenway as a green urban pathway to improve people’s lives. Soren R. Jensen Executive Director Misión Nosotros habilitamos a las comunidades a desarrollar, mejorar, proteger y disfrutar del sendero urbano Midtown Greenway para mejorar la vida de la gente. Midtown Greenway Coalition Board Members The Coalition board of directors consists of one seat for each of the 17 neighborhoods along the Lake Street-Midtown Corridor, and four at-large seats. Holly Buchanan CARAG Glen Christianson East Calhoun John DeWitt Prospect Park Neighborhood Amanda Dlouhy Phillips West Neighborhood Seth Doorn West Calhoun Neighborhood Leslie Modrack Lowry Hill East Neighborhood Gabriel Hoffman Seward Neighborhood Jo Ann Musumeci Whittier Neighborhood Deborah Kermeen East Isles Michael Nelson (President) Lyndale Neighborhood Margaret Kirkpatrick East Phillips Neighborhood George Puzak At Large Michael Wilson CIDNA Jane St. Clair Corcoran Margaret Wunderlich At Large Karl Stoerzinger At Large We are currently seeking volunteer board members to represent the following neighborhoods: oLongfellow oCentral Kelly Wilder Midtown Phillips Neighborhood For a list of board members’ roles and responsibilities, visit www.Midtowngreenway.Org. Click on “the coalition,” then “Board of Directors,” or call 612-879-0105 2834 10th Avenue South, Greenway Level, Suite 2, Minneapolis, MN 55407 • • Fax: 612-879-0104 GreenwayNewsletter_Jan2012_with bleed margin +crops.indd 2 12/30/2011 1:55:47 PM 3 Analysis to Study Greenway Streetcar, Other Transit Options Metro Transit is currently beginning the process of improving transit in the Midtown/Lake Street Corridor, a project that could potentially lead to the creation of a Midtown Greenway Streetcar. In October, Metro Transit received federal funds to perform an Alternatives Analysis for the Midtown Corridor. This “AA” will examine various transit improvement options for the corridor, including bus, streetcars, and light rail for the Midtown Greenway or Lake Street. The Midtown Greenway Coalition has supported the creation of this streetcar in the Greenway since 1999. Fifteen neighborhood organizations along the Greenway adopted resolutions in support of the streetcar in 2003-04. The Coalition will be reaching out to neighborhood organizations and community groups for renewed support and for planning input for this potential streetcar line in the coming year as Metro Transit begins its study. The Midtown Greenway Coalition believes that a turfembedded Greenway streetcar would be the best option. By operating in the Greenway, a streetcar would run much faster than on Lake Street. By embedding the tracks in the grass, the streetcar would be the least obtrusive option for the Greenway, maintaining the green aesthetic for the corridor. It would also enhance safety, by bringing more people to the Greenway and having streetcar operators who could alert authorities to any issues. Recommendations to the Minneapolis Bicycle Advisory Committee The Minneapolis Bicycle Advisory Committee (MBAC) has submitted a list of bicycle infrastructure projects to the Minneapolis Department of Public Works (DPW) for further study. These projects will undergo cost estimates and feasibility study before being considered for construction. The Midtown Greenway Coalition recommended five projects be considered, and all five were included in the MBAC’s list of projects for DPW analysis! These projects are: • A 10th Avenue Bikeway between 24th and 31st Streets • Closing the LRT Trail Gap between 28th and 32nd Streets • A ramp at Pleasant Avenue to the Midtown Greenway • A bicycle route on 21st Avenue from the Midtown Greenway to 40th Street • A 38th Avenue bicycle route from 28th Street to 42nd Street in Longfellow GreenwayNewsletter_Jan2012_with bleed margin +crops.indd 3 Thank you to the MBAC for their hard work! The Midtown Greenway Coalition is hoping that many of these projects — if not all of them — will be constructed in the next few years. Midtown Greenway Coalition Staff Soren Jensen, Executive Director 612-879-0105 Michelle Beaulieu, MN GreenCorps Member 612-879-0103 Rebecca Spurr, LVC Administrative & Outreach Coordinator 612-879-0106 12/30/2011 1:55:48 PM 4 IMPROVEMENTS (continued from page 1) New Ramp and Bridge in Uptown Connection to the Greenway Increases Access In case you haven’t seen it, there’s a new ramp on the Greenway at Girard Avenue, increasing access to Hennepin Avenue and the Uptown area. There’s also a new bike/pedestrian bridge on Girard, spanning the Greenway. The project is the result of a partnership between public and private partners, including Hennepin County, the City of Minneapolis, The Ackerberg Group, and Greco Development. The Midtown Greenway Coalition provided input to the bridge and ramp design. The new ramp and bridge are expected to open in February. Please visit the Coalition’s website and Facebook page for updates. New ramp on Girard Avenue increases access to Uptown. © The Midtown Greenway Coalition has an Improvements Committee, which helps guide development and land-use on and near the Greenway. If you would like information about how the join the committee, please contact Soren Jensen, executive director, at 612-879-0105 or WHO WE ARE The Midtown Greenway Coalition is a coalition of neighborhoods and individuals who love the Midtown Greenway. We’re the organization that got the Greenway built by public agencies, and now we work to protect and enhance it. We grow stronger with each new member. Join us to help protect YOUR Greenway and make it even better! Street access Ramp access av Calhoun Village abbott lake st. r sio ex l ce lake calhoun GreenwayNewsletter_Jan2012_with bleed margin +crops.indd 4 lake st. 12/30/2011 1:55:48 PM 5th 5W I-3 nicollet lyndale bryant in nep hen l rai sT La ke of Stairway access Ch Ken Dean Parkway lake of the isles ain ilw ort hT rail e. cedar lake 5 Winter Wonder Walk/Ride February 11th, 2011 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. Join the Midtown Greenway Coalition, Minneapolis Bicycle Coalition, and Bike Walk Twin Cities to celebrate winter on the Greenway! Meet outside of Freewheel Midtown Bike Center at noon to begin your afternoon of winter fun. Fat tire bikes, tricycle trains, obstacle courses, delicious snacks, bike-powered skijoring and more. Don’t miss it! Bring your bike or some good walking shoes, your coldweather gear, and a friend. Register (it’s free!) at http:// Thank you to our Trail Watch Superstars (2011 Quarter III & Quarter IV) Volunteered for 12-20 Rides: Tom Holm Gabriel Hoffman Dana Colestock Kathleen Sullivan Bob Francis Paul Casperson Jim Brennan Paul Holt Brendan Abrams Ted Duepner Volunteered for 21+ rides: Lisa Nemec Hokan Mark Evans Jennifer LEazer Annie Dressen Rick Stafford (53) Jim Holm (48) Andrew Paule (41) Kathy Koch (29) Mark Ambroe (24) Ben Cherland (21) trail watch sponsors: cedar 18th 30th 29th 27th 26th bloomington ri ve r er iv 13th 11th Bike Center and Coalition Offices pi .r chicago ip w columbus iss a park iss th wa 38th y. w pk lake st. ha ha ne min Midtown Exchange 34th 5th m hia W 10th Bikes and Pieces LLC, Bryant Lake Bowl, Common Roots Café, Freewheel Bike, Galactic Pizza, New Belgium Brewing, Pizza Luce, Peacock Groove GreenwayNewsletter_Jan2012_with bleed margin +crops.indd 5 12/30/2011 1:55:49 PM Thank you 6 to our Donors and Volunteers! (6/1/2011-11/30/2011 … Please call if we have missed you!) Christian Andersson Paul and Whitney Andre Achieve! Minneapolis Fran Ankel Allina Health System Katie Anthony and Ben McKnight Foundation Rasmussen The Saint Paul Ioanna Apostolidou Foundation Hans Arlton Wells Fargo Mary Arneson & Dale Foundation Hammerschmidt Scott Arundel BUSINESS AND Anne Attea ORGANIZATION Edward Axt MEMBERS/ Allison Bailey DONORS George and Lee Anodyne Coffeehouse Barthel Birchwood Café Katherine Bass Lerner Foundation Joan Bechtold and Brian Balleria Longfellow Community Council Piotr and Laura Bednarski Northwest Area Foundation Chandra Benjamin Penn Cycle Michael Bennett Quality Bicycle Tom Bennett Products Zoe Benston Smiley’s Clinic Ann Bernstein SRF Consulting Group Barry Bernu Terrance J. Lappin, Inc. Jeanne and Kullen The Lander Group, Inc. Birkeland Wellna Hardware, Inc. Benjamin Blaugrund WW Johnson Meat Michael and Susan Company Blehert Simon Blenski Amy Blumenshine INDIVIDUAL Nathan Blumenshine MEMBERS, Patricia Bohaty DONORS, AND Jean Bolin VOLUNTEERS Jeff Bolte Anna Abbey Robert and Deanna Ross Abbey Bossen Brendan Abrams Lisa Boyd David and Joyce Martha Brand and Abramson Gerald Rosen Carmelle Abron David Brandsness Kenneth Adams Christine Brandt Yasin Alsaidi Jim Brennan Andres Altamirano Shaina Briscox Leonard and Mary David Brown Ambroe Amy Brugh Mark Ambroe Ron Bruns Eileen Andersen William Bryant Allen Anderson Holly Buchanan Beverly Anderson Dave Bucklin Janet Anderson Rachel Anderson GRANTS AND CONTRACTS Steve Budas and Gail Irish Gayle Burdick Camille Burke Marilyn Butler Peter and Mary Calhoun Alicia Cameron Jessica Cameron Kathleen Cameron Michael Cameron Scott Campbell and Lacey Doucet Dave Carlson Thomas Carrillo Paul Casperson Dawn Cassidy Jill Chamberlain George and Diane Cheeseman Ben Cherland Terry Cherner Glen Christianson Pat Ciernia and Beth Hynes-Ciernia Thomas Clark Melanie Clarke Ted Cochran John Cody Ann Cohen Todd Cole Dana Colestock Brad Conley Bill Cook Steve Cook and Michelle Fallon Martha Cooper Bob Corrick and Beth Parkhill Theresa Corrigan Monica Costello Kim Couch Charlotte Crabtree Thomas Crampton Reggie Crawford and Betsy Sohn Jean and Joe Crocker Nick Cross Rachel and Doug Cullen Amy Cusick Jean Dahlke Matthew Dahlquist Tom, Pat, and Claire Darden Daniel and Deborah Day David de la Rocha Donald Degerstrom Ann Delgehausen Becky and Augustine Deltour Demetrios Demetriou Robert Deringer John Dewitt Mary and Michael Dillon Patricia Dillon Ann Dillon-Moran Amanda Dlouhy Mary Dobish Rosemary Dolata Seth Doorn Bill Dossett Lacey Doucet Sue Drehmel Annie Dressen Ron Dubis David DuBois Ted Duepner Phillip Dunn Danielle DuToit Jacquie Dutton J. Phililp Dworsky Nile Ecknoff Kate Edison Nancie Einess Mark and Sonja Elias Rose Elley Susan Elsner Ann and John Elward Judy Enenstein Annie Enneking Richard Erdall Lucas Erickson Timothy Erickson Mark Evans Ilana and Mike Favero Brett Feldman Barbara Finch and Philip Blenski Alena Finsky Peter Fleck Dale and Sara Forsberg Joe Foss Robert Francis David Frenkel Marcia and Jack Fry Lauren and Ben FulnerErickson Christina and Robert Furlone Amy and Aaron Gaalswyk Lynn Gaardsmoe Hal Galvin Anne Gandrud and Brian Daunheimer Susan Garfield Nancy Gaschott and Donald Ritchie Hans Gasterland Mary Gayton Reed Gilkey Jullonne Glad Vanessa Glass Jaimie Gmach Mary Jean Goulet James Graebner Betty Grant Michael Graves Bonnie Gray Dwight Gronlund Thomas Gujer Kathy Gustafson Patrick Gustafson Sara and Dick Haber Kevin and Monica Halstead Aaron Hanauer Walt Handschin Kim Hanna Tim Hanrahan Eric Hart Julie Hartley Ray Hastings Liane Hatch Carol Hausler Gloria Hawkinson Keith Hawkinson Natalie Hayes Jan Heasley and Jeff Morrow Tom Hedberg Gary and Linda Hendlin Matthew Hendricks Doug Hener Susan Henry Jill Hentges k GreenwayNewsletter_Jan2012_with bleed margin +crops.indd 6 Sandy and John Hey Kristian Heyner Meredith Hicks Jacy Hildreth Charmin Michele Hill Doug Hill Aleks Hindin Cecily Hines Tom Hodgson Kate Hoff Kathleen Rose Hoffer Gabriel Hoffman Hokan Andrea Holm Jim Holm Lauren Holm Tom Holm Paul Holt Christine Homsey Maggie Hood Eric Hopp Becky Robb Hotzler Laura Huberty Marjorie Huebner Thatcher Imboden Nelson Inz Erik Jaconson Terry James Aimee Jefferson Soren and Sasha Jensen Carl and LuAnn Johnson Cassi Johnson Craig Johnson Edith Johnson Jenny Johnson Katherine Johnson Leslie and Rebecca Johnson Megan Johnson Nancy Johnston Peter and Margaret Johnston Gail Jones Nancy Jones Donald Kahn Shirley Kaplan Robert Kasak William Katona Eric Kaufman Shirley Keating Margaret Kelly 12/30/2011 1:55:49 PM 7 Thank you Deborah Kermeen and John Grochala Tom Kern Jan Kilton Margaret Kirkpatrick Sarah Kise Jan Kleinman Vicky Kleinman Laura Kling Laura Kluver Peggy Knapp Kaia Knutson Kay Knutson Kathy Koch David Koehser Keely Koenig Sarah Kornmann Thomas Kottke Brian and Emily Kozicki Thomas Kremer Dann Krueger Paul Landgrebe Dave LaPorte Tim Larson Craig Lassig and Lisa Legge Ruth and Herb Lauritzen Jennifer Leazer David Lee Greg Lee Christine Lehman Garrett Leisdon Drew Lettington Kay Lettington Paige Lettington Sandy Leuthner James Levi Nancy Levin Lawrence Levine Kristy Liebaert Dana Lillicrap Mary Lilly Nicole Lindgren Mark and Susan Little Hansel Lo Kirby and Phil Losacker Katy Lowery Don Luce Kelli Ludwig Dan Lussenhop Morgan Luzier Randi Lyders and Scott Kindrick Kate Lynch and Chris Beay Michael Mack Paula Mackey Beverly and Sheldon Mains Maury Malanaphy Kent and Nanette Malcomson Ed Marek Lisa Marquardt Sheryl Martens Molly Martin Angie Martinez Grande Marty Mathis Jane Mauer Bryanna Mayer Bridget McCanna Mary McCanna Maureen McCanna Peter and Mary McCanna Terrance and Kari McCanna Lisa McDonald Margaret McGlynn Regina McGoff Stephen McHenry Peter McLaughlin Gwen McMahon Kristen McQuinn Benedita and Antonio Mello Mr. and Mrs. Memmel Michelle Millar Kimberly Miller JC and Neil Milner Kristen Milner Sharrie Milner Maren Misner Leslie Modrack Kathryn Moe and Jonathan Watson Darlene Moen Lucy Moen Jim Monette Becky Monnens Ben Moore and Victoria Bull Elizabeth Morgan Jack and Barb Morris Melissa Morrow Eric Mueller John and Diana Munger Jo Ann Musumeci Bill and Marcia Nelson Clareyse Nelson Dennis and Marilyn Nelson J.L. and V.G. Nelson Paul Nelson Robert and Ellen Nelson Sarah Abigail Nelson Michael Nelson and Marcy Cheeseman Lisa Nemec Bruce Nestor and Susana DeLeon Conn Newton Lonnie Nichols Claire Nicklin John and Lisa Nicotra Aldon and Carol Norrgard Sally and Jim Novotny Jill Nyberg Jeff Nygaard Meredith Olson Stephanie Oyen and Stephen Kung Sarah and Bill Oyler Ellen Palmer Chad Parish Richard Parnell Denise Pasmanter Nancy Paul Andrew Paule Stacey Peacock Krista Pearson Charles Peck Lee Penn Robbie Perl and Richard Garon Esther Perry Heather and Craig Peterson Jennifer Peterson Amy Pfarr Walker Cynthia Pick and Jonathan Scott M. Brent and Laura Pickett A.F. Pieplow Emmett Pokorny Jonathan Poppele Adam Powell Karen Powell Barbara Pratt Greg and Patricia Pratt Walter and Harriet Pratt Stephanie Prem Susan Priem Patrick Prochaska Sam Pugh George Puzak Maureen Quin Timothy Rand Karen Reid Geoff Reiter Patrick and Kathleen Remington Kevin Resor Suzanne and David Rhees Lynn Richardson Jonathan Riehle Erik Rigelhof Neil Robinson Leah Robshaw Leeann Rock Win Rockwell Katherine Roepke Brian Rosser Wendy Ruyle Todd and Jeanette Sample Richard Sandeen Katherine Sandweiss Deb Schlitz Andreas Schramm Caroline Schultz Daniel Schultz Richard Schuster Sarah Senseman Catherine Settanni Michelle Shapiro Jennifer Sheets Carolyn Shrewsbury Laura Silver Jennifer Sippel Britton Smith Lyndon Smith James Sorenson Brian Sostek Arne and Ellen Sovik Cynthia Sowden Sandra Spieler April Spilde Peter Spilde Ted and Nancy Springer Tim Springer Rebecca Spurr Jane St. Clair Rick Stafford Andre Stephani Helen and Terry Stoerzinger Karl Stoerzinger Paul Strebe Lucy Suits and Brogan Flanaga Kathleen Sullivan Eric Sundberg Dan Sutton Todd Taggart Linda Taylor Sonny Taylor Will Thomas Tom Thul Michael T’Kach Carla Tollefsrud Kyle Torfin Dale Torhaar DeWayne Townsend Carla Truax Shannon Turner Rebecca Ueland Timothy Uren Brian Vaillancourt Mark Vander Schaaf Linda Varvel and Martha Hewett Bill Venne Brad Vifquain Greg Vinson Angela and Tim Virnig Costa Voulgaropoulos Jenna Wade Pat Wagner Bill Wainberg Bob Waitz Liz Walton Michele Beavis and Steve Wardell Edward Weck David Wee Tashia Weisenberg Matt Welbes Heather and Mark West Emma White Nancy Whittlesey Kelly Wilder Chad Wilkins Dan Willemssen Bob Williams Jacob Williams Patrick Williamson Michael Wilson Amy and James Woodworth Margaret Wunderlich Wendy and Tom Wyatt Jeff Zaayer Daniel Zachman AAG Albert’s Organics Biota Landscape Design and Build Firm Birchwood Cafe BLUE Bryant Lake Bowl CARAG Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of MN Dero Bike Rack Co First Christian, Lyndale UCC, and Salem Lutheran Church First Unitarian Society Green Team HCMC - Whittier Clinic Lake Country School Metamorphosis Midwest Lock & Safe Minneapolis Jaycees Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day North Prairie Tileworks Old Arizona Collaborative Peace Coffee Penn Cycle and Fitness Phillips Garden Saint Mary’s University Seward Co-op Grocery and Deli Sheraton Minneapolis Midtown Smith Foundry Surly Brewing Company The Murals of Lynlake The New Congregation (Oakland Church) Transition Plus Reach Team Trustone Financial Federal Credit IN-KIND DONORS Union Avon Venture Sports Viterra, Inc Barbette Restaurant Wedge Community Co-op Breadsmith West Calhoun Caffrey’s Deli and Subs Neighborhood Cedar Cultural Center Council Equal Exchange West Calhoun NRP Freewheel Bike Center Whittier Alliance Galactic Pizza Whole Foods Guthrie Theater Isles Bun and Coffee Co New Belgium Brewing Scandinavian Inn B&B in Lanesboro Seward Co-op The Craftsman Restaurant The Wedge Co-op k GreenwayNewsletter_Jan2012_with bleed margin +crops.indd 7 12/30/2011 1:55:49 PM 2834 10th Avenue South Greenway Level, Suite 2 Minneapolis, MN 55407 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Phone: 612-879-0103 Printed on 30% recycled material Clip and post on fridge Membership and Donation Form Name __________________________________ Address ________________________________ City, State, Zip ____________________________ Phone, E-mail _____________________________ m $250 – Greenway Angel m $100 – Greenway Patron m $50 – Greenway Advocate m $25 – Greenway Sponsor m Business $__________ m Any amount comfortable for you $__________ m Yes, I want to volunteer My main interest is: _________________________ Please make your check payable to: “Midtown Greenway Coalition” and mail to: Midtown Greenway Coalition 2834 10th Avenue South, Greenway Level, Suite 2 Minneapolis, MN 55407 or donate at GreenwayNewsletter_Jan2012_with bleed margin +crops.indd 8 calendar of events MGC Transit Seminars and Happy Hour January 21 in the MGC office 3:00 p.m. Streetcar Seminar 4:00 p.m. Winter Biking on a Budget 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. Open House and Happy Hour Winter Wonder Walk/Ride February 11, 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Board of Directors Fourth Thursdays, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. (January 26, February 23, March 22, April 26) Greenway Improvements Committee Second Thursdays, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. (January 12, February 9, March 8, April 12) Executive Committee Third Thursdays 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. (January 19, February 16, March 18, April 19) Unless indicated, all meetings are held at the Midtown Greenway Coalition’s office (2834 10th Avenue South, Greenway Level, Suite 2, Minneapolis, MN 55407). 12/30/2011 1:55:49 PM
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