Climate variability in the SE Alps of Italy over the past 17000 years
Climate variability in the SE Alps of Italy over the past 17000 years
s -.I Climate variability in the SE Alps of Italy over the past 17000 years reconstructed from a stalagmite record SILVIA FRlSlA, ANDREA BORSATO, CHRlSTOPH SPÒTL,IGOR M. VILLA AND FRANCO CUCCHI ~ BO DV ~ AC , r:;/ Frisia, s., Borsato, A., Spotl, C., Villa, l. M. & Cucchi, F. 2005 (November): Climate variability in the SE Alps of Italy aver tbe past 17000 years reconstructed from a stalagmite record. Borea.\',Vol. 34, pp. 445-455. 0s10. ISSN 0300-9483, Stalagmite SVI from Grotta Savi, located at tbe SE margin of tbe European Alps (Italy), is tbe first Alpine speleotbem tbat continuously spans tbe past c. 17kyr. Extension rate and o 180crecord far tbe Lateglacial probably reflect a combination of temperature and rainfall, witb rainfall exerting tbe dominant effect. Low speleotbem calcite 0180c values were recorded from c. 14.5 and 12.35kyr, during GI-1 (Belling-Alleroo) interstadial, which, in our interpretation, was warm and wet. Tbe GS-l (Younger Dryas) was characterized by a shifl to heavier 0180c,coinciding witb 013Ccenrichmentand extremely low extensionrate «811m/year). Tbese characteristics indicate tbat GS-l climate was cool and dry in tbe SE Alps. Calibration using historical data revealed tbat tbere is a positive 0180JdT relationship. A 1°C rise in mean annual temperatureshould correspond to c. 2.85%0increase of SV-l 0180c. We reconstructeda slow and steadytemperature rise of c. 0.5°C since IO kyr BP, in broad agreement witb reconstructions from pollen data far SE Europe. Stalagmite SV1 indicates tbat climate variability in tbe SE Alps has been influenced by tbe Mediterranean Sea far tbe past c. 17kyr. Silvia Fri.l'ia (e-mai/: jri.via@mt.\'n,tn,it)and Andrea Borsato (e-mai/: borsato@mt.l',Mu.veoTridentino di Scienze Natura/i, via Ca/epina 14, 1-38100 Trento, Ita/y; Christoph Spat/ (e-mai/: Chri.ltoph.Spoet/@uibk., ln.vtitut fiir Ge%gie und Pa/iiont%gie, Leopo/d-Franzen.v-Universitiit,lnnrain 52, A-6020 lnn.vbruck, Austria; 19or M, Vi/la (e-mai/: igor@geo,, Diparlimento di Scienze Ge%giche e Geotecn%gie, Università di Mi/ano-Bicocca, 1-20126 Mi/an, Ita/y, and ln.vtitutfiir Ge%gie, J.votopenge%gie, Unive1;l'itiit Bem, Er/ach.vtra.vse9A, CH-3012 Berne, Switzer/and; Franco Cucchi (e-mai/: t"Ucchi@univ.trie.vte.ittl;4Dipartimento di Scienze Ge%giche, Ambienta/i e Marine, Universita' di Trie.vte,Via Wei.vs, 2, 1-34127 Trie.vte,Ita/y; received 20th October 2004, accepted 21st Apri/ 2005. J The European Alps is a region very sensitive to climatic change (Beniston & Jungo 2002), and it is important to extend the existing climate records as far back in rime as possible to detect any anthropogenic climate signals. At present, there is a large set of palaeoclimate and climate data from the CentraI and Western Alps, but a fragmentary record from the Eastern Alps (cf. Davis et al. 2003 and references therein). A stalagmite record from northem ltaly (McDermott et al. 1999) suggested that the CentraI. Alps had a similar Rolocene climatic evolution as the JUTaMountains and the French Alps. The easternsec..eograp tor of the ltaltan Alps ltes at the boundary betweenthe CentraI and Southern European climate regions as defined by pollen data (Davis et al. 2003) and, therefore, may show different climate evolution with respect to the CentraI and Western Alps. The Eastern ltalian Alps bave great pre-history importance, which is documented by abundant archaeological evidence for both indigenous and imported cultural 'packages' (Mithen 2003). In the Dalmeri Shelter site, at 1240m a.s.l. in NE ltaly, a unique finding of painted stones dated at c. 13cal.kyr BP, which show lberian naturalistic influence (Dalmeri et al. 2004), seems to support Mithen's (2003) hypothesis that the Younger @ ~~~;~~~Cis Dryas (YD) marked the end of the Palaeolithic paintersoA better insight into the climate evolution of the SE European Alps from the Last Glacial Maximum would greatly improve our understanding of Alpine history. Rere we present an exceptional c. 17kyr speleothemrecord from the southeasternmargin of the ltalian Alps. . Samplmg and analytlcal G h . l tI procedures ' lca se mg The 27-cm-high, candle-shaped,stalagmite SVI was sampled in Grotta Savi, a cave located at 441 m a.s.l. north of Trieste (4S03ios"N, 13°S3'10"E) (Fig. l). The outer surface of the stalagmite was whitish, translucent and wet, a typical feature of active stalagmites from the southem watershed of the Alps. At the time of removal, SVI was fed by a constant drip (c. 10drops/min) from a stalactite growing about 30m above the stalagmite. The Savi cave is cut in fissuredlimestoneoverlainbythin«SOcm)grassland soil cover, a situation which optimizes the potential for a rapid responseto climate changes.The present-day DOI: 10.1080/03009480500231336 @ 2005 Taylor & Francis I , 446 Silvia Frisia et al. BOREAS 34(2005) dissolved spike. an Th ion and equilibrated and U were exchange using the (2000) to were low were (7 to a 103), of 1.3% -24, the SVl-22) linear -27, (Table 1). expressed before in the up age years (yr) 2000 or (Fig. al. (from ratios contamination. detrital of Th the error) to (see Fig. ranging 17% for model (SVI-BI based on corrected thousands 3 from subsamples is the by detrital fraction between year content initial Th et activity (2a The interpolation U ratio detrital by Cheng corrections -28) highest calculated detrital far yields -229Th containing in low activity which (SVI with suggesting corrected 1.34+0.31/-0.25 Appendix), were 230Th/232Th 230Th/232Th component ages had the 23~ columns reported samples and therefore utilizing e AlI ppb) a mixed in The constants I). 220 Ages and re sin. decay (Table 146 with separated of a ages years (kyr) 3). Stableisotopes Samples for were 37mm In the r ~ 1. Location position of Savi Cave of stalagmite map shows SVI tbe location and Soreq Cave (S), witbin ofthe geological Caverna setting and Morpurgo Late Palaeolithic addition, the axis stable using 250 m Fig. In originaI passage. Dalmeri an The Shelter (D) (Sq). I .. c 1mate ized 1S su by cool and temperatures Below zero dry auturnns. afe +1.5°C mean ear ( 1terranean, winters, Mean winter +17.5°C, are re~o~de.d 1841 to 1996) II). using 19 NBS to 1a (1IOmm), a~ut SVI started highest (126mm) almost h standard, Vienna Pedee precision of and d recor O age mo th ~ lor SVI was cut paraI to (265 its vertical mm slabs and thin sections base. The rime scale 18 U/Th inductively ICPMS) University calcite specimen ages coupled at the of (Fig. plasma Berne, lying Subsamples SVI with mass of in axis, on is an of in growth on t e pas results are Belemnite ~180 16.6 to + 0.5 the by reported (YYDB) and ~13C kyr BP stan- values is and I w 10.6 extension 1S to ~e first continuous e t a. l 19gemann composrte slow (~1 C. t a . (N from very From highest presento preserves 17kyr C. BP. (MC- 150 to axial part U/Th dating the were 5.7 to c. relatively is jlm (2003) samples). O jlm/yr) c. 7.5kyr rate (32 there was thick tively possibility Il of 2000) (Fig. (24 at composed et al. BP growth stabilized translucent resolved 4.4 kyr fast rate (Frisia brown, 250mg of c. SVI a 50 Geochemistry, on for its impure based spectrometry the and examined multiple-collector Isotope Switzerland, drilled 2). was of measured Laboratory subsamples growth high) (clastic) of system accompl1shed The to up BP,SVI to 43 jlm/yr). . polished total The e leI portion the that a record rate was its From centraI (Fig."2). preparatio~ the at up 10.6:t0.22kyr l fonn speleothem records an from were measured equipped with was and continuously D . d ~arb?nate bit. laY~!l .-.gre .. prov1ded d levels Standard1zatton to 1S November (105mm). The lnner part ofthe cave as a t t d t t tur f 12 3+0 2 C cons an alT an wa er empera e o -extens1on t . a mg different isotope compositions XL mass spectrometer were drill \ 7.0 m Tneste with October . samples 0.2-mm growth top interval. Results European September at five the The a individuaI the fixed isotope using dry y m sampled automated (Gasbench mm), by summer respectively. f~r 265 a 0.3-mm of aracterand and l prec1p1tatton we on-line to analysis axis lessthanO.l%o. c wann and annua ears .y h ' e and wet The mml values Md temperatures days/year. 044 l -conttnenta long summers 1 . (37 isotope centraI using intervals laterally relative b part l-mm C and O a Deltap1US dardo the stalagmite lower at stable along ofthe drilled O high-resolution micromilled 28 visible Each lamina jlm/yr), (Fig. elongated with 4). to jlm/yr another columnar growth consists sublayer, and a portion. The growth and some optical of precise laminae lamina 0.5 are microscopy, counting. then calcite laminae calcite by and 3). luminescent low, penod 1 to of a thicker, to 4 jlm rate too which These thin, is thin relato hinders groups be the of . '. 448 Silvia Frisia et al. .I BOREAS 34(2005) . . Table J. Results of Urrh ana~ses (errors are quoted as 20-standarddeviations). Ages were corrected far detrita! thorium by utilizing the 2~232Th va!ue of 1.34 +0 1/-0.25(20- errars). U 234Uf38U 2~238U 23~23~ 234U/238U(t = O) Age Age COlf kyr kyr . i Dist. Sample mm SVI-BI SVI-21 SVI-22 SVI-B4 SVI-23 SVI-B5 SV1122 SVI-B6r SV1-172 SVI-207 SVI-24 SVl-25 SVI-26 SVI-238 SVI-27 SVI-249 SVl-28 SVI-258 14.5 18.5 27.5 52.5 62.3 83.8 103.0 127.0 172.0 207.0 214.0 215.0 230.0 238.0 239.2 249.0 250.0 257.5 Ppb Activity ratio 172.5:t0.49 178.9:t0.46 195.9:t0.56 176.5:t0.46 163.3:t0.41 220.8:t0.56 192.4:t0.54 168.5:t0.84 154.9:t0.48 168.6:t0.49 160.4:t0.42 175.9:t0.46 151.1:t0.40 179.5:t0.47 193.2:t0.50 159.6:t0.40 188.1:t0.48 146.3:t0.40 0.9735:t0.0034 0.9729:t0.0034 0.9690:t0.0039 0.9732:t0.0030 0.9745:t0.OO28 0.9870:t0.0018 0.9856:t0.OO55 1.0103:t0.Oll0 1.0002:t0.0070 1.0020:t0.OO53 0.9835:t0.0042 0.9883:t0.0044 0.9895:t0.0039 1.0039:t0.0032 0.9971 :t 0.0036 1.0130:t0.0036 1.0076:t0.0027 1.0184:t0.0041 0.0139:t0.00ll 0.0178:t0.0009 0.0258:t0.0008 0.0406:t0.0015 0.0431:t0.00ll 0.0523:t0.0012 0.0704:t0.0014 0.0771:t0.0020 0.0859:t0.0016 0.0959:t0.0014 0.0926:t0.0018 0.0940:t0.0017 0.1196:t0.0020 0.1282:t0.0015 0.1266:t0.0017 0.1469:t0.0020 0.1331:t0.0015 0.1589:t0.0028 from c. 10.6 to 2.5 kyr BP it is 23 to 95 years (mean resolution=28 years), and from 2.5kyr BP to the present it is 18 to 25 years. The O180cvalues show a tendency toward lower values during the Lateglacial, from 16.6 to 10.6kyr BP (-4.45%0 at 16.6kyr to -6.65%0 at 10.6kyr). The Lateglacial is characterized by O180c minima at c. 15.4, 14.5 and 12.3kyr BP 7.5:t0.57 13.1:t0.64 7.6:t0.25 27.4:tl.02 39.2:tl.03 28.2:t0.65 18.1:t0.38 29.6:tl.62 25.9:t0.51 30.9:t0.50 69.7:tl.51 50.0:t1.08 27.0:t0.58 53.9:t0.71 86.3:tl.32 11.6:t0.17 103.3:t2.24 11.8:t0.22 0.9735:t0.003 0.9728:t0.003 0.9688:t0.004 0.9729:t0.003 0.9742:t0.003 0.9868:t0.002 0.9853:t0.006 1.0110:t0.Ol1 1.0002:t0.OO7 1.0021:t 0.006 0.9829:t0.004 0.9879:t0.005 0.9890:t0.004 1.0040:t0.003 0.9969:t0.004 1.0136:t0.004 1.0080:t0.003 1.0194:t0.004 1.57:t0.13 2.02:t0.l0 2.95:t0.l0 4.65:t0.17 4.94:t0.13 5.95:t0.13 8.10:t0.17 8.67:t0.26 9.80:t0.19 10.98:t0.18 10.80:t0.23 10.92:t0.21 14.07:t0.26 14.92:t0.19 14.83:t0.22 17.11:t 0.26 15.47:t0.20 18.51:t0.37 1.29+0.17-0.19 1.81+0.14-0.14 2.43+0.21-0.24 4.43+0.21-0.24 4.78+0.16-0.17 5.66+0.21-0.19 7.52+0.30-0.33 8.28+0.33-0.33 9.32+0.29-0.32 10.53+0.27-0.30 10.66+0.25-0.25 10.64+0.26-0.28 13.41+0.40-0.43 14.57+0.26-0.28 14.62+0.25-0.27 15.26+0.69-0.85 15.33+0.22-0.22 16.57+0.79-0.96 (Fig. 5). In the Lateglacial, the interval from c. 12.0 to c. 11.4kyr BP is marked by higher O180cvalues, and there is a drop of about 1%0from c. 11.4kyr to c. 10.6kyr BP (Fig. 5). During the Holocene tl\~O180C trendisaslow,steadyriseofvalues.o180cmirlimaare recorded from c. 6.4 to 6.0kyr BP, at c. 4.5kyr BP, from c. 3.0 to 2.5kyr BP and from 0.2 to 0.6kyr BP. 200 O un(X)rrected 15 ~ -0-1.340 _1.646 i O 30 ~ ~ 45 ~ 30 220 c:5 --60 E ~ g E .9 230 ~ g .,g 120 Cl. E .c 90 E o 8 i ~ f -'-1.092 210 I .:= 150 240 G) -g ~ S 180 1/1 5 250 210 240 A 260 210 10 11 12 13 14 15 U/Th age (kyr) 16 17 18 19 O 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 UfTh age (kyr) Fig. 3. A. Age mode1 far SVI. Triang1es= uncorrectedages; dots, open circ1esand asterisks indicate the corrected ages ca1culatedwith a 23"Thf232Thactivity ratio far the detrital component of 1.092, 1.340and 1.646,respective1y.The 20- errar bars afe p1ottedonly far the 1.34 corrected series. B. Age mode1and mean annua! extension rate far SVI. Triangles=uncorrected ages; open circ1es=ages corrected far 23~h/232Th activity ratio ofthe detrital component of 1.34 +0.31/-0.25'The corrected ages afe plotted with 20- errar bars. .", ",,'.".c'- ..I 450 Silvia Frisia et al. BOREAS 34(2005) ...+- +- +- +- -+-.- -] #o I -4 ~ I -5 > -- Q Q. O ~: ~60 -9 ~J~\~~vvJJ\V'l/'~f\JV~~V--t-~~~~ # -10 .8 G Q -11 A. ~ =U -12 A eo -13 O 1 2 3 4 5 I 6 7 8 9 Age[kyfBP] 10 11 12 13 14 15 L 16 17 ~ .5 \ .I~N j,.j.rAl\. 1-10 ~Vl"f '\Al' vr' ,... G ,lI.. V\f'J A \l'V , AI ..AA- A~. ~\JV~'~. -V ~ J.ti. # B,... J -6 l '-\J '--'L"'\r~\"\I~r"~' -7 =.o "' .~.ll ~ ~ -8 eo -12 O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Age [kyr BP] Fig. 5. A. Carbon and oxygen isotopic variability far the past c. 17 kyr measuredalong the growth axis of SVI with the position ?f the um ages shown with 20" error bars (top). The grey area between 12.1 and Il.3 kyr HP corresponds to a honey-coloured layer in the stalagmite. The Holocene portion of the stable isotope profiles shows muted variability with respect to the Lateglacial. B. Enlargement showing the muted stable isotopes variability far the Holocene. annual temperature (over 25 years) COlTesponds to a 2.85%0 increase of the SVI &180c (over 25 years). Because the Holocene portion of the stalagmite has formed in quasi-isotopic equilibrium it is reasonableto assume that the present-day relationship between &lSOc and &lSOw remained similar throughout the Holocene. A shift toward higher &lSOcvaluestherefore indicates warmer mean annual temperatures, as already observed in an Alpine speleothem from NE Italy (McDermott et al. 1999). By coupling the modero relationship between &lSOp and mean annual air temperature of 0.60/ooI°Cfor mid-Europe (Rozanski et al. 1993) with the calcite/water fractionati°n.' which, at the mean annual temperature of the cave 1S-0.220/00/ °C (O'Neil et al. 1969), a net positive shift of &1Soc of c. 0.38%o1°Cis obtained. This theoretical value is lower than that obtained throu~ the calibration. The dampened sensitivity of SVI & Oc with respectto the theoretical &lSOc-temperature relationships depends on several factors. One is the resolution of the &lSOc data, which, for the past 500 years in SVI is 25 years. An improved resolution would allow &lSOc peaks to be detected that are smoothed (see, for exampIe, McDermott et al. 2001). We were, however, at the limit of the present state of our analytical technique. The second factor is the damping effect of the MeditelTaneanon rainfall oxygen isotope composition with respectto the Alpine and CentraI Europeanvalues (Darling 2004). Proximity to the sea seems to bave protected the karst area of Trieste from much temperaturechange. Holocene temperature variability in the SE Alps Although we are not fully confident of the accuracy of temperature estimates based on the present day calibration, which does not account for changes in storm tracks and 'amount etfect', we reconstruct a slow temperaturerise of c. 0.5°C since IOkyr BP. The trend indicates close agreement with the temperature .. BOREAS34 (2005) Climate variability in SE Alps 451 . ! 0.8 .5 -A ~ O4 E >. .: 0.8 I cJ Y -6 i3' \ 9: ~ pq Ò 0.3371x (j () ~\/~j~ = 1.9782 B R2 = 0.3776 :- ~ + I 0.4 i O O § ~ I-i 0.0 \ tI r~ -0.4 .W \~ ~ .7 ~ il lì. M ~O -8 g 0.0 ;;::-::-:~ O!- ~-O.4 citU iO O O O 00 O O O00 O O -0.8 -0.8 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 -1.5 -7.0 -6.5 Age (years AD) I ~ -6.0 -5.5 6180 (VPDB) ~ -10,5 "I C -11.5 ~~~"""""'/'"-I'\ ~~hJ"~i\.-"", '00 LlA -12. 5 MW2 \ ~ ~ ~ MC2 MW1 ~ "~ /~ , MC1 -5 RWP ~1\;fI ~vJ~y-'~,-.I\/ -6 ~ òJ ~ \ -7 G O , .. ..-r() ... 2000 1500 -8 1000 500 O ~500 -1000 Age (years AD) r:ig. 6. R~construction cm1es) Wlth 1ine). B. each loC for of the Co1d 3 (time Periods; RWP MW = 1 and reconstruction for inferred rise could local climate throughout the pollen et Holocene RWP in or in Fig. RWP 6C). slightly of past McDennott structure for Fig. from Carolingian 6C), c. and AD medieval c. 450 700 values afe to c. AD (MWl . c. 850 in the BC ofthe the to the & Jones complex warming been 6C). the second McDennott as by Northern (MW2 in structure is (McDennott et speleothem 'Medieval' Mann al. data interval about & climate c. seem of AD Jones 800 (2003), instability (at to was least in Hemisphere). records from (Mann from today from by respect temperatures Regional reconstructed characterized records occurred of single conditions for period stalagmite the record 1000, with temperature Irish recorded AD -0.2°C those 2004). that warm SVI years the The temperature which complex by indicate actually to similar bottom. reconstructions warming for Medieva1 0180 year of 1400, the was reference similar A recorded 2001; the AD = SVI proxy instrumental c. at temperature second ofSVl MC2 6C) the anomaly The whereby records 1100. about high-resolution to bave at (2004), and Fig. AD surface 2003). 1400, in spell open continuous detai1s). in to al. bars for with years; isotope error text 900 temperature moderately phase cold O (line 25 et and 20" (see Sl80c = MCl (MC2 AD 1961-1990 1150 with years mean a thus (MCl The on also with 6C). a C Periods; p1otted c. SV1 mean erbacher C. Period from based to afe Cold SVI Lu Warm 100 of rng S180c. Medieval past iO~ from in ages the global RWP 2001; cool first of which Fig. to al. a 700 Uffh today similar first AD = :E 2004; anoma1y MW2 AD in of (coinciding Fig. 400 those also The by the Period, shows c. of and those Ca1ib al. of2.85%o indicate et record followed most temperature identifies distant A. et Medieval the in (McDennott to km record. enrichment by reconstruction, 0180c climate. AD was Empire) our to SVI the This Warm similar Ireland years The the from (Roman to SW 100 2004). occurred between The from the reached AD to on the an corrected intracontinental temperatures were warmer. to afe the isotope (Luterbacher MWl but 20 warmest O of effect respect According stalagmite those c. temperatures even a and Age; lower. (about that lce data, SVI years in simi1ar damping Europe The ago) the 500 and positions 0.5°C with SE Litt1e pollen Sea probably years the to Adriatic 2003). were (2400 due the for al. from from past resu1ts temperatures about kyr variations = The by is Holocene) archives (Davis be of LlA Periodo the mean years): Europe SVI 3 S.80c present-day characterized SE from discrepancy 25 Warm were SV1 the = Roman 2 1ast for between from reso1ution RWP and the reconstrucl1on re1ationship deviation kyr ove~ anoma1y temperature 1ast variabi1ity temperature Reconstructed the c1imate the AD 1450 coldest to period 1800, which of coincides the past 2000 with the .. 452 Si/via Frisia et a/. Little Ice Age (LIA). In the period AD 1650 to 1750, which broadly coincides with the Maunder Minimum (MM; 1645-1715) coldest phaseofthe LIA in Europe and in the Alps (Wanner et al. 2000; Luterbacheret al. 2004), the estimated temperature anomaly with respect to the presentis c. -1°C for the extremes.Becauseof the resolution (25 years) and the damping effect of the Mediterranean, SVI does not record the extreme temperature anomaly of -3.7°C reconstructed by Luterbacher (2001) for the coldest years of the MM in CentraI Europe. In SVI, the decade centred at AD 1840 is the last coldest phase of the LIA. In the past 100 years, temperature rose sharply (Fig. 6A) and followed the Northem Hemisphere temperature trend reconstructed by Mann et al. (1999), which is also recorded by a stalagmite from Alps ofNE Italy (Frisia et SV al 12003) h S ows H o locene mean u~13Cc va lues o f -11.44:.t 0.22%0, which afe typical of continental carbonates and speleothernsdeposited in equilibrium with the C3 vegetation of temperate regions (Cerling et al. 1991; Baker et al. 1997). Stalagmite growth rate in temperate settingsis controlled by temperature, the amount of CO2 available in the soil and drip rate (Kaufrnann 2003; Kaufrnann & Dreybrodt 2004). Drip rate can limit growth at slow dripping sites. In our experience, however, we observed that changes in drip rates in Alpine stalagmites commonly resulted in fabric changes (Frisia et al. 2000). In particular,' columnar fabric, which is typical of constant drip rate, is replaced by microcrystalline or dendritic fabric if drips show strong seasonalvariability. SVI consists of the same elongated columnar fabric. We, therefore, assumethat drip rate variability was not a limiting factor. In recent Alpine stalagmites, temperature controls growth rate via the duration of winter ftozen soil conditions (Frisia et al. 2003). SVI records its highest extension rate in the time period c. 10.6 to c. 7.5 kyr BP, when the Ò180cvalues were lighter than today and, ifthe ò180c-temperaturerelationship observed for the past 500 years stili held, mean annualtemperatures could have been lower than at the present day, but winter temperatures may bave been relatively mild. The Early Holocene winter temperatures reconstruction for SW Europe based on pollen data indicates temperature anomalies up to c. + 2°C with respectto present-day (Davis et al. 2003). Bar-Matthews et al. (2003) showed that in the Early Holocene the annual rainfall in the Eastem Mediterranean was higher than today, and therefore we do not exclude influence of the amount effect on both Ò180c and growth rate ftom c. 10.6 to c. 7.5kyr BP. In SVI, growth rate slowed to c. 11 J.lmlyr after 4.4kyr BP, when Holocene temperature reconstruction based on the Ò180ctemperature calibration indicates warmer conditions. Early Holocene extension rates were high in stalagmites from the NE Italian Alps, SW Ireland and Sauerland . . BOREAS 34(2005) (McDennott et al. 1999; Niggemann et al. 2003) in a period for which pollen data indicate cooler temperaturesthan after 6kyr BP (Guiot et al. 1993; Davis et al. 2003). It is, therefore, possible that the extension rate-temperature relationship did not hold for the Early Holocene, when the Mediterranean region was characterized by wetter conditions (Bar-Matthews et al. 2003). Orbital variations may be a fundamental cause of this phenomenon.Higher summer insolation in the Alps may bave resulted in enhancedrainfall and stronger seasonalcontrast than today (Crucifix et al. 2002; Bradley et al. 2003), which shifted the stalagmite growth season.Extension rate in the Early Holocene might bave been controlled by summer temperaturesand rainfall. Al. l . l l .. ateg acla c Imate m the s'v L pS L The calibration with the presentmay not hold true for the Lateglacial, when climate was stili in a 'gIaci al mode' (Kolodny et al. 2003), the cave was located 500 to 300km north ofthe coastline (Lambeck et al. 2004) in a more continental setting, and speleothemdeposition may not have occurred in isotopic equilibrium (Fig. 2). SVI extension rate was very slow up to c. 10.6kyr. The drop in Ò180csince 16.5kyr BP ,correlates with the sharp drop observed in spel8~ems from Soreq cave (Israel) starting at c. 17kyr BP (Bar-Matthews et al. 2003), which were attributed to a temperatureincrease and ice-sheetmelting during the last deglaciation (Bar-Matthews et al. 1999). The structure of the last deglaciation differs ftom that in Greenland,however, where it is characterized by two major abrupt wanning spells at 14.6 (B0l1ing) and 11.6kyr BP (Blunier et al. 1998), and Antarctica, where temperatureincreasedfrom at least 18.5kyr BP (Blunier et al. 1998). The last interglacial palaeoclimate changes in the SE margin of the Alps appear compatible with both the early ending of fuIl glacial conditions in Antarctica and the steps toward full interglacial climates recorded in Greenland. By contrast, a composite speleothem record ftom NW Germany spanningthe last 17.6kyr shows connections with Greenland, i.e. no deposition during the cold phasesGS-2 and GS-1 (YD) and a very short depositional stage in GI-Ia (B0l1ing-AlIer0d) (Niggemann et al. 2003). The extension rates and Ò180crecord for the late deglaciation in SVI afe interpreted here as a combination of temperature and rainfall, with rainfall exerting the dominant effect (Bar-Matthews et al. 1997, 1999). According to the model proposed by Bar-Matthews et al. (1997), the Ò180cdepletion at c. 14.5kyr BP is interpreted as reflecting warm and wet conditions. The GS-I (YD) is characterized by a shift toward higher Ò180cvalues, coinciding with Ò13Ccenrichment of up to + I %o(Fig. 7) ftom 12.0 and 11.4kyr BP, while the extensionrate is extremely ..I BOREAS34 (2005) Climate variability +.-+- +- in SE Alps 453 +- I I YDI B-A I -44~ I -42 o ~ -40! r 'I AI 8 -4 ~ lJJ.. J. ~5 ~ ~~M1a,1~1-""~'~'~'~v~ """ -38 ~It{v: N ~ .r.hl 8 I ~\,Nr' -36~o I 1-34 ~ . 984-6 > N Q. CI) o mO-7 ... 2 00 ~ ~ -~ Q Do -8 ~ -4 r .. -6 O '" O m -8 "'00 O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO Age (kyrBP) Il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ..~ Fig. 7. Comparison between the SVI oxygen isotope record, the Greenland GISP2 ice care 0180(note inverted scale -Grootes et al. 1993) and the 0]80c speleothemrecord from Soreq Cave in lsrael (Bar-Matthews et al. 2003). The position of the Urrh ages of SVI are plotted with 2a error bars at the top. YD = Younger Dryas; B-A = B011ing-Allernd interstadial. (Last Glacial and lnterglacial Greenland event-stratigraphy from Lowe et al. 2001). low «8~m/yr). These characteristicsindicate that the YD was most probably characterizedby cool and arid conditions, which is consistentwith pollen data (Guiot et al. 1993). Lake level records in the Jura mountains provide evidence far climatic drying during the late GS-I and the GS-I to Preboreal transition (Magny et al. 2003). By contrast, the relatively high lake levels in the YD at Gerzensee(Switzerland) were interpreted as due to reduced percolation ofwater into the shallow groundwater as a result of frozen soil conditions, which increased direct runofI in the lake (von Grafenstein et al. 2000). Similarly, reduced percolation due to prolonged frozen soil conditions, associated with decreasedprecipitation may bave diminished the recharge of the karst aquifer in the Savi cave area during the YD. The 013C~~eak far the YD, which is better defined than the O Oc, can be interpreted as reflecting cold and arid climate, which yielded a short duration of active soil condition and the related decreaseof soil COl production (cf. Frisia et al. 2003; Genty et al. 2003). The 0180cpeak recorded by SVI in the YD broadly coincides with a similar 0180c peak at Soreq Cave (Bar-Matthews et al. 2003), supporting a connection betweenthe SE margin of the Alps and the Eastem Mediterranean. Bar-Matthews et al. (2003) calculated high 0180 values ofrainwater far the YD, at c. 5kyr and far the last 3.5kyr. They did not provide palaeo-annual rainfall calculations far the YD, but associatedthe high 0180 at c. 5.1 kyr with an abrupt drop in average rainfall amount and, similarly, estimated low average rainfall amounts far the past 3kyr. The high 0180cvalues recorded in the YD may, therefore, reflect a combination of low rainfall amount and high rainfall 0180. A comparison with the 0180 record of GISP2 ice care (Grootes et al. 1993) shows that shifts to depleted oxygen in Greenland (cold) correspondto high 0180cvalues in the SVI and Soreq 0180c profiles (dry) (Fig. 7). Bar-Matthews et al. (1999) hypothesizedthat the higher 0180 values ofthe Lateglacial portion of the Soreq cave record indicate a major change in the way the Mediterranean Sea affected rainfall. Similarly, in SVI the 0180c values afe higher in the Lateglacial and may reflect a close connection betweenthe SE margin of the Alps and the Mediterraneanregion. The isotope record of SVI indicates that the Lateglacial climate in the SE Alpine region was dominated by shifts from arid to humid periods. The marked glacial climate instability observed in the SVI speleothem supportsthe hypothesis that Late Palaeolithic Alpine alt was a consequence of these harsh conditions, which required a deep knowledge of the ",.,~.'.=-: .454 Silvia Frisia et al. environment need proposed for C to be BOREAS34 (2005) transmitted by paintings such by Mithen knowledge (2003). anyAfter more.the YD there as was no SVI . d prOVI th fu es . e st E cont~uous l .B., uropean c Stocker, Imate C. proxy record &om a stalagmite for the past c. 17 kyr BP, and the first evidence for the different effects of the glacial and the Holocene climate modes in the SE Alpine region. 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Science 303, 1499-1503. Alps. Erdkunde (Earth Science) 54, 167-175. Appendix For the present study, we applied a Dovei strategy for therefore the sensitivity of the correction is mostly U/Th dating when stalagmites show detrital contami- tuned bJ the discrepancy of this pair. The calculated nation. In SVl, detrital Th contaminationcharacterized 23~2 Th activity ratio of the detrital component alI the samples, even though high Th contamination that eliminates the age discrepancy for the SVI-249/was detected in only two specimens at the bottom of 28 pair is 1.34+0.31/_0.25 (95% confidencelimits). The the stalagmite. We used the ISOPLOT code calculation accounts for the fact that SVl-249 was Th-correction function (Ludwig 1999) on three pairs of taken 1 rom above SVI-28: this distance coJTesponds quasi co-genetic specimens (SVI-24/-25; SVI-238/- to 60 years at the estimatedgrowth rate of 17 ~m/year. 27; and SVI-249/-28) to calculate the 230Th/232Th The calculated ages, which coJTesponded to the 95% activity ratio of the detrital component that minimizes confidence limits of + 0.31 and -0.25, were utilized to the age discrepancy of the two cogenetic samples ~ropa~ate the eJTors in the corrected ages. The within each pair by successive iterations. The pairs 30J1J32Th activity ratio of 1.34+0.31/_0.25 optimizes SVI-24/-25 and SVI-238/-27 bave a high and similar 230Th/232Thactivity ratio. By contrast, the ~air SVI249/-28 is characterized by very different 2 Th/23~ the age agreementfor the SVI-24/-25 and SVI-238/27 pairs, and eliminates the age inversion for the SVI-207. This value falls within the range ofthe mean activity ratios (11.8 and 103.3, respectively), and bulk Earth value of 0.8:t0.8 (see Ludwig 2003). 4 ";.;:"'.,.::~- I I