July 2009 - Navy Supply Corps Foundation


July 2009 - Navy Supply Corps Foundation
The Oakleaf
Nearly 100 scholarships awarded from record number of applicants
By CDR Jack Evans, SC, USN (Ret.), Chief Staff Officer
In May, 95 students were awarded Navy Supply Corps Foundation
scholarships, worth $233,500, for the
2009-2010 academic year. This group,
which includes children and grandchildren of Supply Corps officers
and Supply enlisted personnel, was
awarded 17 one-year $5,000 scholarships, 47 one-year $2,500 scholarships,
31 one-year $1,000 scholarships, one
$2,500 memorial scholarship, and one
$2,000 continuing scholarship. Since
1971, the Foundation has awarded
1,786 scholarships valued in excess of
Selection board members included:
CAPT Tom Billings, SC, USN
(Ret.) (Retired chair)
CDR Kristen Acquavella, SC,
USN (Active Duty chair)
CDR Chuck Parker, SC, USN
(Reserve chair)
Lasher, USN (Senior Enlisted
Mrs. Mimi Prendergast (Spouse’s
Club chair)
CDR Jack Evans, SC, USN (Ret.)
The selection board carefully
screened 224 applications during the
three-day meeting. Applicants were
ranked on scholastic ability, character,
leadership, and financial need. The
names of the applicants were blacked-
Inside this issue ...
Scholarship profile:
Jessica Nebre ........................ 4
In the Supply Corps family:
Taylur DeWolfe .................... 5
Supply Corps
heroes of WWII ................... 7
Scholarship winners ................ 8
Association profile:
Naples Area ....................... 12
Sprinting to the Finish .......... 15
.... and more
Continued on page 2
New items in the Foundation’s Ship’s Store
Navy Supply Corps School 13 oz mug. White
mug with blue Navy Supply Corps School
crest, Athens, Ga., on both sides of mug.
Navy Supply Corps School, Athens, Ga.
Ornament (3x3 in) can be hung or displayed
on stand. Colorful pictures of eight buildings
on the Navy base. Included is a card with history of each of the buildings.
Navy Supply Corps “Military style” 11 oz
mug. Natural color mug with blue Ready for
Sea crest on both sides.
Visit the Navy Supply Corps Foundation’s Ship’s Store at www.usnscf.com for Supply Corps gifts and memorabilia.
The Oakleaf
July 2009/
Greetings from the Chairman
Included in this issue are the results
of this year’s scholarship selection
board (see page 8) A big “congratulations” goes to all the awardees! The
Foundation Board has had an objective
to increase the number of applicants
and I am happy to report that we had
a record number this year. I also want
to thank the members of the selection
board who had an extremely difficult
task in making the selections.
This year we saw a significant number of scholarship applicants who were
grandchildren of Foundation members.
We think this is a good thing and also
fits into our target area for membership in the Tench Francis Society. The
Tench Francis Society is for all members who include deferred gifts to the
Foundation in their estate planning.
I would like to encourage all of us to
consider the benefits of deferred giving
to the Foundation. A small percentage
of an estate or trust is a very easy way
to help the Foundation to continue our
successful programs.
The Foundation Fund Drive, “Taking
Care of Our Own,” is nearing completion. Our current efforts are to get
contributions and pledges in a “Sprint
to the Finish.” With all your generosity,
I am confident that we will reach our
goal of $1 million by December 2009
and that our deferred giving program
will assist us in future fundraising
efforts. Thanks to all of you for your
outstanding support.
Our investment advisory committee continues to actively manage
our assets in this difficult financial
period. In comparison to most all
other Foundations, we have proven
more successful with our investment
strategy. We should all thank these
volunteers who have done a really
good job with our finances.
Our next Board meeting will be in
October in Athens, Ga. I look forward
to seeing as many members as possible
at the meeting.
RADM Don “Smoke” Hickman
SC, USN (Ret.)
Scholarship winners announced
out on the application in order to
remove any bias in the selection process. Of the 95 recipients selected
this year, 41 are currently attending
college and 54 will be entering college or university for the first time.
There were 69 females and 26 males
selected with 87 percent (83) being
from the officer community, and 13
percent (12) selected from the enlisted community.
Next years applications will be
available on the Foundation web site
at www.usnscf.com after Jan. 10, 2010.
Listed below are the recipients, along with the name of their
scholarship, their hometown, sponsor, and the school they will be
The Foundation is looking for volunteer mentors for each recipient.
Members who would like to mentor
a student (maybe someone attending
your alma mater?) should contact
Jack Evans at evans@usnscf.com.
See Scholarship winners on page 8
The Newsletter of the
Navy Supply Corps Foundation
1425 Prince Avenue
Athens, Georgia 30606-2205
(706) 354-4111
E-mail: Evans@usnscf.com
2009 Board of Directors
RADM Donald E. Hickman,
SC, USN (Ret.)
Vice Chairman
CAPT John L. Kizer, SC, USN (Ret.)
CDR Kristen Acquavella, SC, USN
CAPT Mike Kalas, SC, USN (Ret.)
Chief Staff Officer CDR Jack Evans, SC, USN (Ret.)
RADM Jim Allan, SC, USN (Ret.)
RADM Steve Maas, SC, USN (Ret.)
RADM Donald G. St. Angelo,
SC, USN (Ret.)
RDML Nick Kalathas, SC, USN
RDML Jack Prendergast, SC, USN
CAPT Tom Billings, SC, USN (Ret.)
CAPT Doug Chin, SC, USN (Ret.)
CAPT Mike Plunkett, SC, USN (Ret.)
CAPT Lee Singleton, SC, USN
CDR Betsy Jackson, SC, USN
LCDR Dennis Collins, SC, USN
Charlie Sigety
Gil Osnos
Ad Hoc
CMDCM James Collins
Mimi Prendergast
Access the Foundation web site at
The Oakleaf Staff
Liz Van Wye, Writer/Editor
Linda Hall, Graphic Layout
The Oakleaf deadlines:
September 15, 2009, for
November 2009 issue.
January 15, 2010 for
March 2010 issue.
Submit news and ideas to
The Oakleaf
July 2009/
Making difficult times a little easier through planning
By Peter Parady, Foundation Giving Advisor
Many of us do not plan for death,
often causing confusion and heartache for those we leave behind.
Saying goodbye to those we love is
never easy, but helping them to be
prepared with enough information is
one way we can help. Here is some
information that might prove useful:
•The location of your will and family trust with a brief explanation of
its contents.
•The name of your attorney, accountant, and financial advisor.
•Banking information including
the name of your personal banker,
account numbers, location of bank
statements and cancelled checks.
•Insurance policies, including life,
homeowners, auto and medical.
•Investments, account numbers,
broker’s name, and phone numbers.
We would be pleased to send
you a free wills preparation guide
and provide information on
estate planning.
•Other important documents including the deeds to your home and real
estate investments, automobile titles,
birth certificates, income tax informa-
tion, military records, and passports.
•Lockbox information, as well as
keys and locations.
•Social security information.
•Funeral/memorial service
If you would like some assistance with planning for your loved
ones, please contact us. We would
be pleased to send you a free wills
preparation guide and provide information on estate planning.
For additional information, please
visit our web site pages on planned
giving at www.usnscf.com, or call
Peter Parady at (603)768-3366.
In Memoriam
The Oakleaf is aware of the following members of the Supply Corps community who passed away over the past few
months. Names are also listed on www.usnscf.com along with available obituaries. Please let us know of those who have
passed away for this column by forwarding information to TheOakleaf@comcast.net.
CAPT Stuart William Copeland, SC, USN (Ret.)
March 1, 2009
CDR Earnie R. Breeding, SC, USN (Ret.)
February 27, 2009
CAPT John M. Weigle, SC, USN(Ret.)
February 25, 2009
CAPT Thomas P. Fitzgerald, SC, USN (Ret.)
February 19, 2009
LCDR John L. Adams SC, USN (Ret.)
February 8, 2009
CAPT Rex S. Coryell, SC, USN (Ret.)
January 22, 2009
LCDR Harry V. Parsons, SC, USN (Ret.)
January 21, 2009
CDR John W. Nolan, SC, USN (Ret.)
January 8, 2009
CAPT William N. Leonard, SC, USN (Ret.)
December 30, 2008
CDR Willis Thorne MacKinnon, SC, USN (Ret.)
December 10, 2008
CDR Philip P. Aldridge, SC, USN (Ret.)
December 8, 2008
LCDR Frank M. Oslislo, SC, USN (Ret.)
October 16, 2008
CDR John J. Tracy, SC, USN (Ret.)
October 28, 2008.
LCDR Raymond L. Sittig, SC, USN (Ret.)
October 25, 2008
CDR Carl David “Dave” Divelbiss, SC, USN (Ret.)
September 28, 2008
CDR Wallace D. Smith, SC, USN (Ret.)
January 26, 2008
CAPT William M. McAdams, SC, USN (Ret.)
January 2, 2008.
CAPT John W. Phillip, SC, USN (Ret.)
October 8, 2007
CDR Jesse Ellis Howell, SC, USN (Ret.)
March 2007
LCDR Francis (Frank) William Davee, SC, USN (Ret.)
December 10, 2006
CAPT Joseph E. Spalding, SC, USN (Ret.)
October 2, 2005
LCDR George C. Whitley, SC, USN (Ret.)
CAPT George C. Nelson, SC, USN (Ret.)
CDR Donald L. Moore, SC, USN (Ret.)
The Oakleaf
July 2009/
Scholarship profile
Jessica Nebre balances school and motherhood thanks to scholarship
Jessica Nebre, recipient of a San Diego
Supply Corps Association Scholarship,
qualified for a Foundation scholarship
through her grandfather, retired Supply Corps LCDR Bill Mitchell. But she
earned the award through her own efforts, as a dedicated student and also
as an Army wife and mother.
Nebre is a freshman at Fayetteville
State University in North Carolina,
majoring in history. No stranger to the
Navy, she grew up on Whidbey Island
in Washington, surrounded by Navy
activities. Graduating from Oak Harbor High School in 2001, she says she
thought she might want to go to college at that time, but wasn’t sufficiently
Without the scholarship
“I would not have had a
chance to go,” to school.
Jessica Nebre
motivated to make it happen. Instead
she worked as a secretary for several
years until her marriage in 2005 to fellow Oak Harbor graduate Phil Nebre,
then stationed in California.
The birth of their daughter Allie and
her husband’s deployment to Iraq a
month later was a real test of her
strength, Jessica recalls, and one
she passed with flying colors.
“My husband came back from a
war, and I felt like I had just won
a battle. I accomplished a life
changing deployment that has
given me the confidence to do
things on my own,” she said.
The dream to go to college
seemed now more than just a
dream, Jessica said. “I had the
courage to step out of my comfort
zone and start college,” she said.
In 2008 Jessica found that
she was eligible to apply for a
Foundation scholarship, as the
granddaughter of a member.
With her husband safely returned from Iraq and the family
now assigned to Fort Bragg (her
husband is an E-5 in Special
Ops), she enrolled at Fayetteville
She works her schedule around her
daughter’s day care, and especially
enjoys her American and military history classes. She hopes to go on for a
master’s degree and eventually teach
history. Being a good role model for
her daughter motivates her as well.
Without the scholarship provided by
Jessica Nebre
the Foundation, “I would not have had
a chance to go,” Jessica says. “I couldn’t
have afforded it.”
She is especially grateful for the
generosity of the members of the Foundation. “It’s great to know that people
are so generous. Thank you for giving
me this opportunity.”
Combined Association/Foundation web site under discussion
By CDR Jack Evans and Linda Hall
At last October’s meeting in San Diego, several Association Presidents
and representatives asked how the
Foundation could help with web site
support. Those present expressed an
interest consolidating servers and
maintenance resources to save money
and time for all. Since that time we have gathered
ideas about what the site should include from the associations. Some of
the suggestions were a secure blog
for officers to post questions to fellow
members, a calendar with descriptions
of upcoming events for all associations,
membership registration and data
collection; locale information and
resource links that can be of help to incoming members, online payment for
registering for events, bios for association presidents and senior officers, and
photo albums for each association.
Our next step is for a working group
to draft the functional requirements of
such a site, and make a recommendation to the Board on how to proceed.
We expect this project to be accomplished by e-mail, teleconference, and
perhaps a face-to-face meeting at a location convenient to the group. Association representative names
we have so far include CAPT Craig
Herrick, Mechanicsburg; LCDR Lillian
Abuan, Monterey; LCDR Bruce Begley,
Washington Area; CDR Kristen Fabry,
St. Louis Area; LCDR Bill Barich, Hawaii; LT Brock Walaska, Northwest; LT
Jeff Carideo, Jacksonville; CDR Spence
Moseley, San Diego; and CDR Colleen
Salonga, Philadelphia Area. If your Association has not provided
a volunteer for this project yet and
would like to be involved, contact CDR
Jack Evans (Ret.) at evans@usnscf.com.
The Oakleaf
July 2009/
In the Supply Corps family
Taylur DeWolfe recognized in state and national VFW essay contest
Last fall, fourteen year old Taylur
DeWolf, an 8th grade student and
daughter of retired Supply Corps Lieutenant Harry DeWolf, learned she had
been named the Oregon State winner
of the Veterans of Foreign Wars “Patriot’s Pen” essay contest.
Taylur’s winning essay, representing all VFW posts in Oregon, was
forwarded to the national level competition with 53 other State and Territory
winners. At the National level Taylur
came in 11th place and in April she was
awarded $2,500 in savings bonds.
The essay contest, open to all 6th,
7th, and 8th grade students, was based
on the theme “Why America’s Veterans
Should Be Honored.”
Taylur says her experience growing up with an active duty Navy dad
really made the difference for her in
addressing the essay topic. “My dad’s
experience in the Navy really affected me,” she says. “He was in the Navy
until I was 5. Having him home after
that really made me appreciate the
time I have with him and helps me
understand just what he sacrificed.”
“The military is not just an occupation,” Taylur wrote. “It defines a
veteran’s very being. They serve their
country wholeheartedly, giving themselves completely with no regrets and
Taylur DeWolf read her winning essay to 300 Oregon VFW members this winter.
no holding back. Because of this, many
veterans, even after they leave the
military, are still ready to serve if their
country asked. My father retired from
the Navy when I was five, and when
I was nine he was asked to go to Iraq.
His absence gave me just a glimpse of
what life would have been if he had not
retired. I missed him dearly while he
was gone.”
Taylur went on to write, “America’s
veterans sacrificed in countless ways
during their service; one sacrifice I
personally experienced was time. My
father was away serving in the Middle
East when I was born, and he missed
many parts of my early childhood,
including first steps and first words.”
For their sacrifices on our behalf, she
concluded by saying “We as citizens
must thank and honor our veterans at
every opportunity.” Searching for an “old yellow pay record”
Were you on active duty anytime until the mid-70s? Do you still have files of papers from your active duty
career? If so, you may have a blank or sample copy of the old yellow pay record used in the disbursing office, and retired Rear Admiral Don Hickman, Foundation Chairman, would like to talk to you!
The Foundation Heritage committee has been hard at work putting together museum displays aboard
USS Midway Museum and at the Navy Memorial to recognize the contributions of the Supply Corps over
the years. But one piece of memorabilia is missing…that “old yellow pay record.”
“We’d like to locate a blank copy of one of these records, like we used in training,” said Hickman, “to give
the real flavor of what it was like in those days, before electronic pay records came on the scene.”
Anyone with a blank copy of this pay record is asked to contact Foundation Chief Staff Officer Jack Evans
at evans@usnscf.com or (706)354-4111.
The Oakleaf
July 2009/
New communications link for Associations
By CAPT Tom Billings, SC, USN (Ret.)
As one of the new members of the
Board of Directors of your U.S. Navy
Supply Corps Foundation, I was asked
to serve as Chairman of the Association Relations Committee, relieving
Board Vice Chairman John Kizer, who
has done an exceptional job in this
role. That means that I will function
as our Associations’ communications
“link” with the Board. I’m hoping that
this column will aid in fostering that
communication, and will become a
meaningful dialogue, giving me the
opportunity to provide information
helpful to you, and giving you a channel to ask questions of me that may be
of interest to others as well.
In this first column, I’ll introduce
myself. I was commissioned from the
Naval Academy in 1959, and chose the
Supply Corps as my service selection.
Over the course of a 28-year career,
I served here and abroad, culminating in a tour as Commanding Officer
of what is now Fleet and Industrial
Supply Center Yokosuka, where I was
also President of the Supply Corps
After retirement from the Navy in
1987, I worked in management at Sci-
ence Applications International until
2000, when I retired for the second
and final time. Now I’m active with
Foundation and church work, and still
laboring to play a decent game of golf
(never happen). This year I will have
been married to my wife, Shirley, for
50 years, and we have been blessed
with three kids, six grandchildren and
one great-grandson (so far). We love to
travel, and life is great!
The one message I have for our Associations at this time is – get your
Association and Volunteer of the Year
nominations in by the end of July!
In 2008, the Foundation Board established these programs and this is
your opportunity to gain recognition
for your local organization and/or a
deserving member in your area. The
Board needs your help to make these
programs meaningful.
What can I do for your Association?
Let me hear from you. Call or e-mail
me at (760)798-2669 or tomsfree@cox.
net Give me your questions, comments, requests for help, advice, etc. I
will try to answer directly and in the
next column.
And get your nominations in!
Don’t Forget! Nominations for
Association of the Year
Volunteer of the Year
are due July 31.
Association Presidents
CAPT John Titus
Northeast Georgia
CAPT Todd Friedlander
Cleveland, Ohio
CDR Chuck Parker
Great Lakes Area
CAPT Steve Kinskie
Hampton Roads
CDR Matt Ott
CDR Kes Townsend
Naples, Italy
CAPT Karl F. Rau
LCDR Rod Gayton
CAPT Craig Herrick
LCDR Anthony Seifert
CAPT Steve Shapro
CAPT Thomas A. Musick
Patuxent River
CDR Colleen Salonga
CAPT Dave Watt
San Diego
CAPT Bill Withrow (Ret.)
San Francisco Bay
CAPT Carl Weiss
St. Louis
CAPT Dave Kless
Washington, D.C.
The Oakleaf
July 2009/
The heroic story of three WWII Supply Corps officers
By CAPT George H. White, SC, USN (Ret.)
After reading a story in the July 2008
The Oakleaf by RADM Dan McKinnon,
on his nostalgic trip back to the Philippines, I thought back upon my days there
in the mid-1950s and the frequent references during that time to the sinking of
the Oryoku Maru in Subic Bay during
World War II. More importantly, the story
reminded me of a conversation with then
CDR Robert Granston when he visited
the University of Michigan while LT Van
Edsall and I were MBA students.
It’s a story of heroics during WWII
on the part of three Supply Corps officers. When starting this story, I had only
CAPT Granston’s description of events
during our conversation, plus a couple
of books describing the tragic saga of the
Oryoku Maru. I started searching the internet and found that not only was CAPT
Granston a victim of the Oryoku Maru,
but that VADM Kenneth Wheeler and
Chief Warrant Pay Clerk Othello C. Bruun were also aboard that ship, which has
often been referred to as a “Hell Ship.”
Having had a personal relationship
with one of the participants in this tale of
unspeakable horrors, I feel compelled to
LTJG Wheeler, a strong swimmer
in spite of his emaciated health,
saved a number of other prisoners
who either couldn’t swim or were
too sick to swim.
write it up. What follows is a condensed
version of the longer article on www.
usnscf.com, the Foundation’s web site.
The story is about three Supply Corps
officers stationed at the Cavite Navy
Yard Complex, a few miles south of Manila, when the Japanese started WWII.
The Cavite Navy Yard was the headquarters of the U.S. Asiatic Fleet. Ensign
Robert W. Granston was the Disbursing
Officer of the Receiving Station. Chief
Warrant Pay Clerk Othello C. Bruun
was the Disbursing Officer for the Navy
Yard itself, and Ensign Kenneth R.
Wheeler was Officer in Charge of the
cold storage depot.
and CWO Bruun
both received Navy
Crosses for their
actions during the
massive Japanese
bombing of the
Cavite Navy Yard,
two days after the
Dec. 7, 1941, attack on
Pearl Harbor. They
are perhaps the only
two Supply Corps
Oryoku Maru. Source www.oryokumaru.net
officers in history
to be awarded that
medal. When forced to abandon Cavite ated health, saved a number of other
two weeks later, all three men retreated prisoners who either couldn’t swim or
to Marivelles on the Bataan peninsula. were too sick to swim. He was awarded
LTJG Wheeler (he’d been promoted that a Bronze Star for his actions.
month) became a platoon leader of sail- The 1,300 survivors then sat 10 days in
ors assigned infantry duties using WWI the sun on a tennis court, and received
rifles, repelling a Japanese landing force. one spoonful of uncooked rice per day.
By the end of January 1942 they retreat- They were then taken to the northern
ed to Corregidor. After Corregidor fell, tip of Luzon and loaded aboard another
the three men endured years of brutal ship. As the ship reached Taiwan, the
hardship in several prison camps, in the Americans sank that ship. A bomb was
dropped into the hold where the men on
Philippines, Japan, and Korea.
In late 1944 all three men were “select- each side of ENS Granston were killed.
ed” as part of a group of 1,619 prisoners Eventually placed on another ship, the
to be sent to Japan for slave labor. For the men reached Japan in bitter cold weather, wearing rags. Both men lived through
trip, they were jammed by brutal force
brutal treatment, starvation and disease
into the cargo holds of a converted Japato be among fewer than 400 of the originese cruise ship, the Oryoku Maru where
nal 1,619 prisoners aboard the Oryoku
conditions were unspeakably horrid.
Maru to survive the war.
Soon after the ship got underway from These two remarkable men, after sufManila, American carrier aircraft found fering unspeakable hardships, seldom
it. As it passed the entrance to Subic Bay, spoke of these experiences and resumed
the ship was strafed and bombed. It their lives to become highly successsank in Subic Bay, 300 yards in front of ful naval officers—truly Supply Corps
what became the postwar Naval Supply heroes. LTJG Wheeler became VADM
Depot Subic.
Wheeler; ENS Granston became
Two hundred fifty prisoners died, in- CAPT Granston.
cluding CWO Bruun, either from a bomb Editor’s Note: For Captain White’s
landing in the hold or from drowning. complete historical account, along with
Both ENS Granston and LTJG Wheeler photos, go to https://www.usnscf.com/
were able to jump overboard and swim news/index.aspx. Artifacts from VADM
to the Subic seawall. LTJG Wheeler, a Wheeler are now being held in the Supply
strong swimmer in spite of his emaci- Corps Museum.
The Oakleaf
July 2009/
2009-2010 Foundation Scholarship winners announced
Miss Emily R. Baumgardner
CAPT T.B. Hagen, SC, USN (Ret.) Scholarship
Christopher Newport University
CDR Charles R. Baumgardner, Hampton, Va.
Miss Cassandra R. Daum
Jacksonville Supply Corps Association Scholarship
University of Florida
CAPT James A. Gillespie, Pensacola, Fla.
Miss Victoria M. Bestercy
Navy Supply Corps Foundation Scholarship
James Madison University
CAPT Robert J. Bestercy, Chesapeake, Va.
Miss Cara M. Deedy
RADM Ray Sareeram, SC, USN (Ret.) Memorial Scholarship
Boston College
CDR Kevin Deedy, Foxborough, Mass.
Miss Kathryn E. Bianco
RADM Charles Mayfield, SC, USN (Ret.) Memorial Scholarship
LCDR Thomas A. Bianco, Jr., Clayton, N.J.
Mr. Christopher P. DesJardins
Dr. Howard J. Burnett, Distinguished Alumni Scholarship
Carneigie Mellon
LCDR Kenneth T. DesJardins, Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Mr. Ryan A. Black
CAPT Gene & Marie Auerbach, SC, USN (Ret.) Scholarship
Athens Technical College
CAPT Max Black, Elberton, Ga.
Miss Katherine J. Drerup
Clementi Holder Honorary Flag Officer Scholarship
University of Georgia
CAPT John W. Drerup, Athens, Ga.
Mr. William J. Bowman
Navy Supply Corps Foundation Scholarship
Indiana University
LT Sheila M. Bowman, Bloomington, Ind.
Miss Jerris E. Egge
Navy Supply Corps Foundation Scholarship
LCDR Walter B. Egge, Hemet, Calif.
Miss Megan E. Brady
RADM Frank E. Raab, SC, USN (Ret.) Scholarship
University of Washington
CDR Scott A. Brady, Gig Harbor, Wash.
Miss Meredith J. Egge
RADM John A. Scott, SC, USN (Ret.) Scholarship
Northwest Nazarene University
CDR David W. Egge, Mililani, Hawaii
Mr. James M. Brazas
RADM Robert H. Spiro, SC, USN (Ret.) Scholarship
Bob Jones University
CAPT Anthony P. Brazas, Virginia Beach, Va.
Mr. Nicholas H. Erdenberger
VADM Edward M. Straw, SC, USN (Ret.) Scholarship
Johns Hopkins University
CDR Michael J. Erdenberger, Chester, N.J.
Miss Courtney E. Bruun-Andersen
CAPT William E. Redman, SC, USN (Ret.) Memorial Scholarship
University of North Carolina
CAPT Robert W. Hecker, Apex, N.C.
Miss Ashleigh M. Erickson
Northeast Georgia Supply Corps Association Scholarship
University of Georgia
CAPT Roger C. Erickson, Acworth, Ga.
Miss Breanne R. Burleson
Navy Supply Corps Foundation Scholarship
University of Mobile
SKC William H. Evers, Satsuma, Ala.
Mr. Sterling R. Ericsson
Roger T. Staubach Distinguished Alumni Scholarship
LCDR Philip Coyle, Frisco, Texas
Miss Anessa F. Caalim
Henry F. Trione Distinguished Alumni Scholarship
University of Virginia
SKC Armando C. Caalim, Virginia Beach, Va.
Miss Megan M. Ettus
CDR Ronald Roskowski, SC, USN (Ret.) Scholarship
University of Virginia
CAPT Douglas E. Ettus, Williamsburg, Va.
Miss Melissa K. Cheston
Great Lakes Area Navy Supply Corps Association Scholarship
Cedarville University
CAPT Mark E. Cheston, O’Fallon, Ill.
Miss Francis Theona H. Floresca
San Diego Supply Corps Association Scholarship
University of California, Riverside
SKCS Franklin Floresca, Ridgecrest, Calif.
Miss Amber L. Copp
CAPT John C. Herron, SC, USN (Ret.) Scholarship
Eastern Michigan University
SKC Cheryl A. Copp, Gibraltar, Mich.
Mr. Scott S. Funck
Mechanicsburg Supply Corps Association Scholarship
Bridgewater College
CDR Steven S. Funck, Etters, Pa.
The Oakleaf
Miss Ariana M. Hajmiragha
Del Rey Systems & Technology, Inc. Scholarship
Brandeis University
LT Edward H. Savage, Jr., Redmond, Wash.
Miss Sarah K. Havens
Booz Allen Hamilton, San Diego Office, Scholarship
Brigham Young University
LCDR Michael E. Havens, Dupont, Wash.
Miss Ansley C. Haynes
CAPT Fran A. Derby, SC, USN, (Ret.) Scholarship
University of Washington
CDR Jonathan B. Haynes, Bremerton, Wash.
Mr. Thomas A. Heckelman
Hampton Roads Supply Corps Association Scholarship
CAPT Loren V. Heckelman, Virginia Beach, Va.
Miss Kelly L. Henderson
RADM Linda & CAPT Robert Bird, SC, USN (Ret.) Scholarship
CAPT Bernard D. Dunn, Athens, Ga.
Mr. Gary M. Hendricks
RADM Frank J. Allston, SC, USNR (Ret.) Scholarship
LT Kelly W. Hendricks, Mason, Ill.
Mr. Timothy A. Hennelly
Leonard A. Lauder, Distinguished Alumni Scholarship
University of Pennsylvania
CAPT Kathleen G. Hennelly, Cinnaminson, N.J.
Miss Lauren M. Hickman
CAPT Michael Kalas, SC, USN (Ret.) Scholarship
CDR John R. Hickman, Herndon, Va.
Mr. Colin O. Hill
CAPT Walter Douglas, SC, USN (Ret.) Memorial Scholarship
CAPT Kenneth C. Hill, Cazenovia, N.Y.
Mr. Sean M. Holden
Patuxent River Supply Corps Association Scholarship
CDR Scott H. Holden, Huntingtown, Md.
Mr. Christopher M. Jernigan
LCDR Robert E. Riley, SC, USN (Ret.) Scholarship
Butler University
SKC Walter W. Jernigan, Carmel, Ind.
Mr. Travis H. Jones
VADM & Mrs. Kenneth R. Wheeler, SC, USN (Ret.)
Memorial Scholarship
Brigham Young University
LCDR Leon Jones, Kennewick, Wash.
Miss Catherine B. Karnas
LCDR Dennis Collins, SC, USN Scholarship
LCDR Henry P. Karnas, Burlington, N.J.
Miss Samantha L. Keating
RADM David P. Keller, SC, USN (Ret.) Scholarship
University of Virginia
CDR Robert A. Keating, Virginia Beach, Va.
July 2009/
Miss Caitilyn E. Kilkenny
Navy Supply Corps Foundation Scholarship
Niagara University
LCDR George W. Kilkenny, Seville, Ohio
Mr. Joshua P. Kim
San Diego Supply Corps Association Scholarship
University of California
CAPT Sidney J. Kim, Korea
Mr. Andrew D. Kirst
Washington Area Navy Supply Corps Association Scholarship
University of Virginia
CAPT Todd D. Kirst, Stafford, Va.
Miss Katheryn E. Kuczmarski
RADM & Mrs. Donald G. St. Angelo, SC, USNR (Ret.)
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
LCDR Joseph P. Kuczmarski, Rhinelander, Wis.
Miss Rebecca L. Lacey
CDR Lowell & Mary Reade, SC, USN (Ret.) Memorial Scholarship
University of New Orleans
CAPT Howard Lacey, Metairie, La.
Miss Amy G. Laughlin
Navy Supply Corps Foundation Scholarship
College of Charleston
CDR Larry M. Laughlin, Aiken, S.C.
Miss Julianne B. Leon
RADM Steven W. Maas, SC, USN (Ret.) Scholarship
Elon University
LCDR John A. Leon, Greensboro, N.C.
Miss Molly A. Lindsey
CDR Lowell & Mary Reade, SC, USN (Ret) Memorial
University of Oklahoma
CDR Claude D. Lindsey III, Jenks, Okla.
Miss Whitley B. Lucio
Washington Area Navy Supply Corps Association Scholarship
LT John Lucio, Washington, D.C.
Mr. Andrew M. Martin
RADM Joseph L. Howard, SC, USN (Ret.)
Memorial Scholarship
Stanford University
CAPT Leslie D. Martin, Honolulu, Hawaii
Mr. James R. Mathew
CAPT Hale N. Tongren, SC, USN (Ret.) Scholarship
LCDR Paul Mathew, Bellevue, Neb.
Miss Jane E. Mathew
San Diego Supply Corps Association Scholarship
Creighton University
LCDR Paul Mathew, Bellevue, Neb.
Miss Amy K. Mills
Navy Supply Corps Foundation Scholarship
University of North Carolina at Wilmington
SKC Michael K. Mills, Moyock, N.C.
The Oakleaf
Miss Rebecca K. Moberly
CAPT Norma M. Batchelder, SC, USNR (Ret.)
Memorial Scholarship
DePauw University
LT Robert Moberly, Plymouth, Ind.
Miss Kristen T. Moore
CDR Jesse J. Armentor, SC, USN (Ret.) Scholarship
Mississippi State University
LCDR Richard C. Moore, McComb, Miss.
Miss Kelsey M. Moran
Navy Supply Corps Foundation Scholarship
Tulane University
CDR Michael D. Moran, Gulf Breeze, Fla.
Miss Danielle W. Noriega
Hampton Roads Supply Corps Association Scholarship
LT David Noriega, Chesapeake, Va.
Mr. Forrest C. Obnamia
RADM & Mrs. Donald G. St. Angelo, SC, USNR (Ret.)
Ohio State University
SK2 Numeriano P. Obnamia, Dublin, Ohio
Mr. John J. O’Brien
CAPT John & Kapi Kizer, SC, USN (Ret.) Scholarship
CAPT Ernest E. Fava, Charlotte, N.C.
Miss Katherine M. Obst
Gilbert C. Osnos, Distinguished Alumni Scholarship
Harvard College
CDR Anthony K. Obst, Summit, N.J.
Miss Alexandra E. Ondik
RADM & Mrs. Donald G. St. Angelo, SC, USNR (Ret.)
CDR John S. Ondik, Havertown, Pa.
Mr. John S. Ondik
Old Philadelphia Area Retired Porkchops Scholarship
Georgetown University
CDR John S. Ondik, Havertown, Pa.
Miss Anya-Faye R. Pacleb
Hampton Roads Supply Corps Association Scholarship
Virginia Tech
LT Theodore Pacleb, Chesapeake, Va.
Miss Samantha K. Parker
Kevin M. Twomey, Distinguished Alumni Scholarship
Elon University
LT Michael L. Parker, Fishersville, Va.
Mr. Adam W. Parker
RADM Bernard S. Browning, SC, USNR (Ret.)
Memorial Scholarship
New Mexico State University
CDR Bradford W. Parker, Rio Rancho, N.M.
July 2009/10
Miss Courtney R. Pearson
VADM Keith Lippert, SC, USN (Ret.) Scholarship
University of Mississippi
CDR Kerry L. Pearson, Bartlett, Tenn.
Miss Lindsey Pellegrin
Navy Supply Corps Foundation Scholarship in Memory of LT
Corinne J. Pellegrin
George Mason University
Spotsylvania, Va.
Miss Sydney Pellegrin
Navy Supply Corps Foundation Scholarship in Memory of LT
Corinne J. Pellegrin
Virginia Tech
Spotsylvania, Va.
Miss Amanda M. Pierson
Navy Supply Corps Foundation Scholarship
Gonzaga University
CAPT Roger C. Erickson, Port Orchard, Wash.
Mr. Michael H. Powell
CAPT Brian L. McDonnell, SC, USN (Ret.)
Distinguished Alumni Scholarship
University of South Carolina, Beaufort
CAPT Curtis D. Knight, Guyton, Ga.
Miss Keri K. Prescott
Navy Supply Corps Foundation Scholarship
Kirkwood Community College
CDR Robert L. Robinson, Waverly, Iowa
Miss Linda M. Rackauskas
CAPT Elmer & Ann Maiman, SC, USN (Ret.)
Memorial Scholarship
Catholic University of America
CAPT Alfredo E. Rackauskas, McGuire AFB, N.J.
Miss Catherine E. Ricci
Navy Supply Corps Foundation Scholarship
Roger Williams University
SKC Lynette E. Ricci, Portsmouth, R.I.
Miss Jennifer L. Rickel
Bruce Atwater, Distinguished Alumni Scholarship
Coastal Carolina University
CMDCM James D. Rickel, Newport Center, Vt.
Miss Megan A. Robinson
RADM Robert M. Moore, SC, USN (Ret.) Scholarship
McDaniel College
CDR Robert L. Robinson, Hanover, Pa.
Miss Brooke D. Rogers
CAPT Robert R. Young, SC, USN Memorial Scholarship
University of Texas
CDR David D. Rudko, Williamsburg, Va.
Miss Samantha M. Roth
Josephine Wenzel Memorial Scholarship
College of William and Mary
CDR Randall E. Webber, Yorktown, Va.
The Oakleaf
Miss Tara B. Ruiz
CAPT Jackson L. Schultz, SC, USN (Ret.)
Distinguished Alumni Scholarship
CDR Richard P. Ruiz, California, Md.
Miss Korinda N. Rusinyak
National Industries for the Blind and NISH Scholarship
Virginia Wesleyan College
SK1 Robert A. Rusinyak, Virginia Beach, Va.
Miss Tiffani C. Rusinyak
Henry F. Trione Distinguished Alumni Scholarship
SK1 Robert A. Rusinyak, Virginia Beach, Va.
Mr. Roland J. Shaw
Navy Supply Corps Foundation Scholarship
George Washington University
CAPT Harold M. Shaw, Albuquerque, N.M.
Miss Taylor N. Sheppard
Paul M. Wythes, Distinguished Alumni Scholarship
St. Mary’s College
CDR Theodore J. Sheppard, Wailea, Hawaii
Miss Kathryn M. Sinclair
CAPT Norma M. Batchelder, SC, USNR (Ret.)
Memorial Scholarship
James Madison University
LTJG Kerry-Martin Sinclair, Virginia Beach, Va.
Mrs. Heather A. Skelton
LCDR Copley Burkett, SC, USN (Ret) Memorial Scholarship
Miami University Hamilton
SK2 Raymond C. Skelton, Liberty Township, Ohio
Miss Cara M. Smith
Navy Officer Spouses Club of Hawaii Scholarship
Texas Christian University
LCDR Walter P. Smith, Waipahu, Hawaii
Miss Morgan A. Stephens
CDR Norman A. Maier, SC, USN (Ret.) Memorial Scholarship
College of William and Mary
LCDR Mark W. Stephens, Moyock, N.C.
Miss Kelly M. Stout
LCDR Arthur A. Briggs, SC, USN (Ret.) Memorial Scholarship
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
LCDR Roger W. Stout, Cherry Hill, N.J.
July 2009/11
Miss Lauren M. Surdyke
Kevin M. Twomey, Distinguished Alumni Scholarship
University of Florida
CDR Terry Surdyke, Orange Park, Fla.
Miss Elisabeth M. Thorpe
CDR Jack & Annette Evans, SC, USN (Ret.) Scholarship
LCDR Frederick G. Thorpe, Middlebury, Conn.
Miss Erin R. Tillson
Hampton Roads Supply Corps Association Scholarship
Trevecca Nazarene University
CAPT Patrick Tillson, Wilmore, Ky.
Miss Kelly R. Tillson
RADM Don & Libby Hickman, SC, USN (Ret.) Scholarship
Trevecca Nazarene University
CAPT Patrick Tillson, Wilmore, Ky.
Miss Jessica-Marie A. Tisak
LCDR Clyde E. Tudor, SC, USN (Ret.) Memorial Scholarship
CAPT Francis X. Tisak, Triangle, Va.
Miss Samantha M. Wadge
Military Spouses Club of Philadelphia Scholarship
Ohio State University
CAPT Roland G. Wadge, Amherst, Ohio
Miss Christine N. Waymire
RADM E. Robert Chamberlin, SC, USN (Ret.) Scholarship
Virginia Tech
CAPT Kurt E. Waymire, Virginia Beach, Va.
Miss Mary K. Wiechelt
CAPT & Mrs. Tom Billings, SC, USN (Ret.) Scholarship
George Mason University
CAPT Thomas F. Wiechelt, Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Miss Ashleigh L. Wilkins
CAPT Richard A. Harrison, SC, USNR (Ret.)
Memorial Scholarship
Palm Beach Atlantic University
CAPT Timothy H. Wilkins, Crofton, Md.
Miss Michelle L. Wojciechowicz
RDML & Mrs. Nicholas Kalathas, SC, USN Scholarship
CDR Michael J. Wojciechowicz, Rydal, Pa.
Mr. Dylan W. Strother
CDR Kenneth W. Epps, SC, USN Scholarship
University of Pittsburgh
CAPT Russell Strother, Severna Park, Md.
Mr. Mark C. Strother
Harvard World War II Mid-Off Group Scholarship
University of Maryland, College Park
CAPT Russell Strother, Severna Park, Md.
The Oakleaf
July 2009/12
Association profile
Naples Area SC Association small but active
For a small overseas organization, annual golf outing to raise money for the support of senior leadership.
the Naples Area Supply Corps Asso- the Foundation scholarship programs. “We don’t have the same network
ciation has a big impact on the lives of In addition, the Association softball as we did back home,” he says, “so
its members. team participates in a recreational the network of our own wardroom
According to CDR Luther (Kes) league and this year the NASCA bowl- is very important.”
Townsend, Jr., President of the Asso- ing team emerged victorious over the In addition to Townsend, the NASCA
ciation, “our association is composed Surface Warfare Officers in the local board includes CDR Stan Crozier, Vice
of about three dozen, primarily ac- bowling tournament.
President; LT Jon Leung, Secretary;
tive duty members, with a couple of Professional activities include host- and LTJG Chris Smith, Treasurer. “As
reservists and retired supply officers ing the annual Officer Personnel a group, we see each other often, but
as well.” The Naples, Italy, geograph- Road Show and whenever possible, since a third of our members may be
ic area is roughly the size of the city Townsend said, “we try to leverage traveling at any one time, e-mail is the
of San Diego.
visits of senior leaders and logisti- fastest way for us to communicate,”
Members come from one of several cians to keep us informed on key Townsend says.
commands in the region, including professional issues.”
For more information on NASCA
the NATO Joint Forces Command; Townsend says that some of the contact CDR Townsend at Luther.
Commander, Naval Forces Europe- strength of NASCA comes from their Townsend@eu.navy.mil or LT Jon Leung
Africa-Sixth Fleet; Commander Navy overseas location, as well as having at jonathan.leung@eu.navy.mil.
Region Europe, Africa and Southwest
Asia; and two detachments (base supply and
contracting) of Fleet
and Industrial Supply
Center Sigonella.
sponsored by the Association as well as the
newly active Spouses Club. The Supply
Corps Ball, held in
conjunction with FISC
Supply Corps Officers
Conference, brought
out 75 attendees, more
than twice the total
Association membership. “We’re lucky to
have the support of the
Italian Navy Exchange
vendors and the husbanding
in the area as well,”
Townsend said.
In April NASCA assisted at the Naples Overseas Spouses Club thrift store. Pictured above are CDR Betsy
proJackson, LT Jon Leung, LCDR Chip Elliott, LT J.P. Tamez, LCDR Mike Benedetto, and CDR Kes Townsend.
The Oakleaf
July 2009/13
Member News
Rear Admiral Mark D. Harnitchek
was selected for promotion to Vice
Admiral. His new assignment
is as Deputy Commander, U.S.
Transportation Command, Scott
Air Force Base, Ill. Harnitchek
is currently serving as Director
for Strategy, Plans, Policy and
Programs, J4/J5, U.S. Transportation
Command, Scott Air Force Base, Ill.
Rear Admiral (Lower Half)
Kathleen M. Dussault and Rear
Admiral (Lower Half) Mark F.
Heinrich have been selected for
promotion to the rank of Rear
Admiral (Upper Half). RDML
Dussault is currently serving as
Commander, Joint Contracting
Command-Iraq/Afghanistan and
RDML Heinrich is currently serving
as Director, Logistics Operations
and Readiness (J3/4) for the Defense
Logistics Agency.
Reserve Rear Admiral (Lower
Half) Sean Crean, was selected
for promotion to the rank of
Rear Admiral (Upper Half). Rear
Admiral Crean is currently serving
as Deputy Assistant Secretary
of the Navy for Acquisition and
Logistics Management.
Captain Kurt Kunkel and Cap-
Maritime Strategy posters available online
A series of posters ready for printing
depicting the Navy’s Maritime Strategy are
available at the Navy web site at
tain Jon Yuen were selected for
promotion to the rank of Rear Admiral (Lower Half). CAPT Kunkel
is currently serving as Chief, Strategy Division, Director for Supply
Logistics (J4), The Joint Staff. CAPT
Yuen is currently serving as Chief of
Staff, Joint Contracting Command
Iraq/Afghanistan in Baghdad, Iraq. Reserve Captain Ron J. MacLaren
has been selected for promotion to
the rank of Rear Admiral (Lower
Half). He currently serves as the Assistant Chief of Staff, Special Projects
for Navy Expeditionary Logistics
Support Group, Williamsburg, Va.
The Oakleaf
July 2009/14
“Buddy Poppy” tradition continues at Navy Supply Corps School
By LT Wendell K. Stephens, SC, USN
Public Affairs Officer, Navy Supply Corps School
In May, CAPT John D. Titus, Commanding Officer, Navy Supply Corps
School (NSCS), continued the NSCS
CO tradition of providing the first donation for the “Buddy Poppy” flower
program from the local Veterans of
Foreign Wars (VFW) post. The selling of “Buddy Poppy” flowers by the
VFW dates back more than 75 years
and has raised millions of dollars in
support of the welfare of veterans
and their dependents.
The “Buddy Poppy” evokes the
memories and emotions of war; the
flowers are distributed by VFW Posts
throughout the Nation during the
weekend prior to Memorial Day. The
red poppy became associated with
war after the publication of “In Flanders Field” written by Colonel John
McCrae. The poem describes blowing
red fields of poppy among the battleground of the fallen.
Pictured above, CAPT Titus was joined by Heidi Davison, Mayor of Athens, Ga.;
Mike Ginn, Commander, VFW Post 2872; Melanie Cox, President VFW Post
2872; Rich Slaney, Quartermaster VFW Post 2872; and Ann Zelley, Americanism
Chairwoman VFW Post 2872.
Looking for a former shipmate?
Lost track of a former shipmate?
If so, write to the Foundation and
we’ll try to put you in touch.
Send an e-mail to
or call (706) 354-4111.
The guided-missile cruiser USS Gettysburg (CG64) conducts an underway
replenishment with the Military Sealift Command fleet replenishment oiler
USNS Walter S. Diehl (T-AO 193). USN photo by MC2 Matthew J. Diendorf
The Oakleaf
July 2009/15
“Taking Care of Our Own”
“Sprinting to the Finish” by the end of the year
In 2006, the Foundation set an
ambitious goal – to raise one million dollars over the following three
years – its largest fund drive ever.
The effort followed the approval of
the organization’s most comprehensive long range plan and was designed to support the Foundation’s
goal of “Taking Care of Our Own.”
After nearly three years, with the
generous support of many members,
the Foundation is within $100,000 of
this $1 million goal. RADM Don St.
Angelo (Ret.), Chair of the drive, has
announced a “Sprint to the Finish,”
encouraging those members who
can contribute to do so, to wrap up
this drive by the end of the year. The
coupon below is provided to help
achieve that goal.
The effort is supporting increased programming in four
broad areas:
• Scholarships: Expanding the
number and value of scholarships
awarded, including funding individual memorial scholarships for
the dependents of Supply Corps
personnel who die while on active duty .
• Heritage: Partnering with existing museums like Midway or the
Navy Memorial to build awareness
of Supply Corps heritage and offering regional and national reunions
for members.
• Recognition: Building on the
Distinguished Alumni program,
the Foundation has developed programs that recognize individuals
and associations demonstrating
support for Foundation goals, such
as the Tench Francis Society, 21st
Century Club and the Association
and Volunteer of the Year.
• Regional Associations: Expanding support to the nearly 20
worldwide regional associations,
with training, communication
and resources.
Help us “Sprint to the Finish” of the fund drive!
Send your contribution in the enclosed envelope today! Your contribution supports the
continued work of the Navy Supply Corps Foundation and is tax deductible.
I’m helping “Sprint to the Finish” of the fund drive with my contribution of $_________
Navy Supply Corps Foundation
1425 Prince Ave
Athens GA 30606-2205
Supply Corps Foundation
1425 Prince Avenue
Athens, GA 30606-2205
July 2009/16
Navy Supply Corps School Newport to be completed next summer
Site preparation is complete with the destruction of the old Fire Station (Building 55). H.V. Collins, the general contractor, is proceeding with foundation work. The picture above shows the site with active work ongoing. The Supply Corps School building is currently
projected for completion in the summer of 2010.