why the hammered bracelet could not be flown over
why the hammered bracelet could not be flown over
Helen Mead-Parks VORTEX OF OUR FOLLOWER SOLAR SYSTEM: SUN IS CENTRAL These illustrations answer one question I had, and at the same time CONFIRMS Z. Sitchin’s work My question was this: “Why did Ala.Lu and E.a not simply fly over the Hammered Bracelet”? In this case, the Öort Cloud, since the planets of Mars-Tiamat incident had not yet happened and we still had a planet between Earth and Mars at this time. Tiamat had formerly been the Earth, but split asunder forming the two separate planets. (Raising the question – was this a result of Ala.Lu blasting?) In their attempts to approach our early Earth, there was much discussion regarding Ea’s decision to ‘blast a path through the Hammered Bracelet using water and not nuclear power’. Ea was fully aware what damage nuclear (Weapons of Terror) would do not just to our solar system – but to other universes too. Indeed, Ala.Lu had already done this. The sages were aghast; with Weapons of Terror Alalu on Nibiru more havoc caused, With Weapons of Terror a path through the Bracelet he blasted! Once in its circuit Nibiru that region passes, calamities Alalu is amassing! “Beyond, like a boundary, the Hammered Bracelet the Sun encircled; [encompassed] As a guardian of the heaven's forbidden region with havoc it protected Other children of the Sun, four in number, from intrusion the bracelet shielded. The atmospheres of the five greeters Enshar set out to study. EA: “Let me in a chariot to Earth journey, a path through the Bracelet with water, not fire, I shall fashion. On Earth, from the waters let me the precious gold obtain; to Nibiru back it will be sent.” The word “atmospheres” would have applied to Venus, Earth, Tiamat, Mars and maybe Mercury or Jupiter. But Saturn was once a sun to Earth too. Do we call the gas giants (greeters) atmospheric? They are not five these days, but four. The obsolete name for Saturn is The Shield. The texts say that Saturn will once again be our sun, and the Hopi prophecy rock does show Earth ‘falling’ off our orbit and travelling outwards. There is also thought that Venus has not always been where she is.JnoCook.net Here is the answer although the Hammered Bracelet was and is still a Belt, its pathway is all encompassing! The following models also explain why our sun still rises in the east (more or less) and yet the Milky Way (with its Southern Cross) moves, lately from an east to west feature where the Southern Cross was pointing to the south, to relocate to a north to south aspect, causing the Southern Cross to face between the west and the north-west! One other detail I noticed: The great pyre-amid at Giza currently has its corners and 8 faces almost perfectly aligned to the cardinal points (when I say ‘almost’, the difference is about 5 centimetres). We have seen that the astronomical clock inside the ‘air shaft’ tells us the date of 9,200BC. Because our computers have all been reset at 2000 (Y2K) and are out by 324 years, this date would in reality be around 9,500BC. This means that in the three shars of Nibiru between then and now there has not been an Earth shift of any kind. The promise made in Enki’s Clay Tablet 10 has been kept. But see in Part 6 of LEONARDO & MARDUK where I asked “has there been a perfect roll over in these three shars because the Giza pyramids still face true north south... 4 95 3 Les deux Vestales contre rebelleront, R.O. (Andr. Cncl) SUBTLE RELATEDNESS EXCELLENT perfect LAST BUT ONE OLDER REVERSES OVER (poles shift) SO MAYBE IT WAS In later pages is a table of the real zodiac ages, with the date of this ‘roll over’ being ca 5,630BC which fits with the ca 7,000 year old climate mystery of Peru, and also fits with sudden urbanisation NINMAH'S OATH “On my oath, the annihilation of Mankind shall never be repeated!” Enki tablet 10 1 Helen Mead-Parks https://www.google.com.au/search?q=RUSSIAN+%22VORTEX%20SOLAR+SYSTEM%22&espv=2&biw=1024&bih=770&tbm=isch& tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=s9K6VPvbCMaWmwW1gIHgCw&ved=0CFEQsAQ#imgdii=_&imgrc=nxEcseqmyWuhbM%253A%3B An33SDqMj_VBTM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.feandft.com%252Fwpcontent%252Fuploads%252F2013%252F07%252F87. gif%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.feandft.com%252Fthe-cosmological-implications-of-2012%252F%3B638%3B342 http://www.resistance2010.com/forum/topics/thought-experiment-3-looking-down-thru-4-dimensions 2 Helen Mead-Parks THE DISTANCES THE PLANETS ARE APART IN THE FIBONACCI EQUATION – ONE WAY OF KNOWING THERE SHOULD BE A PLANET BETWEEN MARS AND JUPITER AND THAT THE GAS GIANTS HAVE MOVED (JnoCook.net) PHI – GOLDEN MEAN OF THE ORBITS BETWEEN THE PLANETS AS “FOLLOWERS” Gary Meisner Gary Meisner - Phi 1.618: The Golden Number www.goldennumber.net/author/phipoint/ ... Divine Proportion. October 23, 2014 by Gary Meisner 1 Comment ... Common Core Curriculum Math Standards for the Golden Ratio. August 3, 2014 by Gary ... The helical model - our solar system is a vortex - YouTube ► 3:21► 3:21 www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jHsq36_NTU Aug 24, 2012 - Uploaded by DjSadhu ++ Can anyone in Japan provide Japanese subtitles? ++ ++ If you want to share, just use the share button ICE AGE 2015 2035 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbRTGqnEJLw In the Clay Tablets of Enki, by Z. Sitchin – there are remarks which seem to be contradictory, such as the moon we have now being in place when Ala.Lu first found the Earth meanwhile creating havoc as he did. There are people who have been interviewed by Project Camelot who have stated the moon only arrived ca.12,500 years agoduring a sharcoinciding with damage to Mars, the Great Flood, Younger Dryas and ice age. It is quite possible that the greys who gave this information to those persons were lying... Both ideas are the most probable, with the exception that the moon spoken of by Ala.Lu is very likely not the same one we have now. In the quatrains, it is Mercury which does the shuffle to eclipse our sun from us. 4:29 We have seen the crop circle in which our moon is clearly seen on the same ‘plane’ but in opposition to Earth. On the other side of a sun. The gas giants have not always been where they are now JnoCook.net. It is the incoming second sun which disturbs these planets (according to the texts and the quatrains of Nostradamus) and that quite soon, Earth will be amongst the gas giants with one of them being “vexatious” to all the others. The one which already lies on its side? 4 29 Hermes is another name for Mercury 4 29 Le fol cache eclipse par Mercure, Ne fera mis que pour le ciel fecond : De Vulcan Hermes fera faite pafture : Sol fera veu pur rutilant & blond. The Sun hidden eclipsed by Mercury Will be placed only second in the sky: By Vulcan [Nibiru] Hermes will be made into food, The Sun will be seen pure, glowing red and golden. 4 29 in CENTURIES 12 & NIBIRU SOLAR SYSTEM 4 29 1 Le fol cache eclipfe par Mercure 4 29 2 Ne fera mis que pour le ciel fecond 4 29 3 De Vulcan Hermes fera faite paftures 4 29 4 Sol fera veu pur rutilant & blond. MercureVulcanHermes MUCH CLEVERER SURNAME the suffix is e.YAH (where the prefix is ‘lord’) CLEVER MENU SURE CHARM Here, we are being told where these hidden texts come from, and that E.Yah/Enki is much cleverer than his former Anu 4 29 1 Le fol cache eclipfe par Mercure CAREFUL, CREEPIER CHEF CLAMP [you] CHEERFUL, [Nostradamus] PEER H.C.P. ACHES, H.C.P. COMPILEƒ CLEAR PREFACE, COMPILER REPLACES ‘‘FACE’’ The only place ‘’face’’ appears in the recent forum PREFACE TO CESAR is in the word ‘’preface’’ so the pointer here is PRE FACE which is before Scorpio = October. This month features highly in the Epistle to Henri, when everyone will think the ‘‘Earth has lost her gravity.’’ CHIEF in PRE-FACEdate Iƒ CRUELLER FACILE LEO-LEECH FEMA CAMP, PREACH MERCIFUL, CREEP FECAL. CRUEL FILM FARCE LIE : ACE CHR. (Christ rapture holograms) see 6:30:2 c+f EXSANGUINATION (beheading) 3 Helen Mead-Parks UNDER THE YEAR 1559 = 2017 November 16 1. Poer,glas,grand pille. paffer mer, croiftre re-1. gne (Gen) 2. Sectes,Sacrez outre mer plus polis 3. Pefte,chaur,feu. Roy d'Aquilon l'enfeigne. Yellouuftone 4. Dreffer trophec. cite d'HENEIPOLIS. 1. SELF EFFACING GREAT PRIMER R.O PREPARED ROLL/ Earth] SMALL OFFICER [grey] PREPARING FLAG DEEPER TERROR, R.O SMARTER PREPARED REPELLING FLAG OFFICER GEN[greys] 2. R.O. [Andromeda Council] UP: SPELL-CASTERS SEIZE ELITE CUSTOMER STRESSES LOCALIZE SUPERCOMPUTER,NWO SIZES measures SCRUPLES… R.O. COOLS TEMPERATURE (ice age) 3. AS PREFACED ENQUIRIE, INNER YELLOUUƒTONE IS 3. seems to be saying ''AS advises the enquirer Yellowstone is nigh. This Presage holds the date clues for November 2017, yet line HUGE, IS NIGH almost RISEN IN SHIN, I EQUINE month ED: PRE FACE AS I RIG SIGN SUNG IN HENRIQUE PRE FACE means before Scorpio, that is, late October Rising in shin/Aquarius-Libra of/to I/solstice (same date as the forum for Canary Islands stated) the months of the horse (white horse June 10 – July 7; mare/July 8 – Aug 4; Libra & Scorpio). Edit Pre Face (October is 'pre Scorpio') as I (Nostradamus) built the song for Henri (the Epistle) the sign for the 'great translation' was in October…face is also the first ten days of a Celtic zodiac. Add “pre” Edit meaning to alter the date. Recall the Black Knight sasared Mars 4. IS CHEESED-OFF R.O. REDIRECTED DOLPHINS OFF DEPTH OF FIELD* RECIPIENT CRIPPLED THE INTERIOR, CORRESPONDED THREE-PIECE FILTHtriad, HOPED FOR CHESTERFIELD DIRECTION. FIELD* Marcabians, one of the triad of the ‘treaties’... depth of magnetic fields being altered in interior/core of Earth CHESTERFIELD – INDIANA and MISSOURI jump room Oct. 2014 causing the elite to change their agenda. HENEIPOLIS: HEINOUS LEO HIP [Chertan] SINE PILE Alcyone SINE the sine waves is the directed energy [weapon] PILE are the front-men Alcyonese (noting apheses used. The ''U'' is a silent letter) d’HENEIPOLIS: PHONIES HIDE IN IDOLidolatry, LIED ‘HELP IONISED’ SPIEL, SPOILED Earth IN SHEEP. HIDES IN POLE (Antarctica) HE IN ONE SHIP IDLES EON, HOPED HIS LINES HELPED, DONE: SIPHONED, NIP OILED LIE chemtrails SIDELINES POSHelite LOSE. IODINE HELPS IN I, DIEVirgo SEE DOLPHINS IN SHIP, HOPE IN ISLE.planet treaty LINES HID POE human combustion IN SHIELD DISH: DELHI SIN- “SHED IDLE HINDI, SINDH” eugenics... see killer heat in India end of May 2015. This is saying it is caused by a space craft/satellite. ISON DOE-HIND ‘stag’ means Orion LIES IN ‘DISH IONS’ - haarp HELD NISI SIN takes effect after conditions are met – part of the treaty EPSILON HENGrus HID SONS IN PELE, LEO HIP Chertan HIDE LIE SOLD POSH: DO SENILE INSIDEdna POSH, SEE OLD POSH DIE IN SHEEP OLD PIE Nostradamus HE IN NEL, SHE IN LONE PINE DOES ODE ENDS IN OLD LINES,quatrains PEN IDOL OPENS LID IN NEL DOLL clone POD SHE SLEEPS: LIES IN DIPLOE POD IN PELOID: PILL repair. PIPE NEL IN IDIOPHONE/ bell, sonic gong – stage gate • DIPLOE the spongy part which lies between the inner and outer part of the skull pod • PELOID therapeutic mineral clay. Does this ring a bell with anyone (pardon the pun) regarding the making of mankind? LION HIP (Anu) IDLE IN PHI LOOP/orbit POLE: PENS = fema • HIDE LIE SOLD POSH: the ‘deal’ the elite thought they were getting was immortality via 12 strand DNA. Recall ‘Anu dump elite’ • HID SONS IN PELE the missing children are taken under volcanoes The oldest [citation ] picture of Pied Piper copied from the glass window of Marktkirche in Goslar Lower Saxony, Germany, Wiki This is why the Visconti coat of arms speaks of an event in Italy in the 5th century A.D. where children were eaten feet first by reptiles and I would not be surprised if the Pied Piper of Hamelin wasn’t a similar event in 1284 Before Its News Where Will FEMA Take Your Children? 4 29 1 Le fol cache eclipfe par Mercure (‘L’ is the rune for in Pisces) CHEERFUL FEMALE PARCS COMPERE POEMƒ FORMULAE CAREFUL, LEO-LEECH CREEP MALICE. ‘L’ CLUE CHOICE ICE ‘L’ is Jan 21 – Feb 17 which is very true for America 2015, but also means the Tau Cetians of the Elohim 4 29 2 Ne fera mis que pour le ciel fecond U.N. PREFERENCES M.E. (Directed Energy Weapon/HAARP the Medusine device) QUALIFIED AS ‘COOL’ does this mean they are thrilled by the Magnetic Energy Weapon (directed energy field, as a tool) AYSE PREFERS QUALIFED ‘COOL U.N.’ READ OUR MEEK PARCS DEFINES KEEN FLU: DEFINES SINE FIEND LEO CLUE (IS FELINE DUNCE), IS DEFENCE FLEE MILES NUKE FUEL, D.E.F. MENU. MUFFLE UP IN KEEN ICE OR DIE. SEE FLUKE IODINE MEDICINE ... uncertain if this iodine medicine is one for the parasite called liver fluke, but it is certain that iodine repairs radiat. as does turmeric, which might be the ‘lucky’ medicine. The « keen flu » is the flu not a flu, an auto-immune illness caused by nano-bots placed in urban drinking water, needles and chemtrails. Please do your own research on this. 4 29 3 De Vulcan Hermes fera faite paftures READ : SUFFER SERVE TURMERIC. FURTHEREST MILE IS SAFE DEFEATED FEARED NUCLEAR FARE TRIUMPHS DNA AS EVALUATES PURCHASE [obtain] DIFFERENT PARAMETER FRAME [orbit] SELF EVIDENT CHAUFFEUR [self driven] This belongs with 1:75:3 NAMED A (Cassiopeia/Eloim who) MEASURED ANNUAL, EXCEED MORE an entire forum here it is saying to take turmeric probably with the iodine against radiation poisoning 4 Helen Mead-Parks 4 29 4 Sol fera veu pur rutilant & blond. DULL UNFORTUNATES [elite with] UNNATURAL DRIVES FLOAT PULVERISABLE, AS PROVERBIAL ‘‘BULLET PROOF’’. something tells me that the elite, or at least certain ones, are not really planning on using the d.u.m.b.s., but are planning on selling them to those who can afford to buy – see the word FLOAT followed by what the elite have learned in these texts is “NOT bullet proof”... but could also mean a satellite 3 1555 Ianuier. JANUARY 3 2015? Le gros airain qui les heures ordonne, Sur le trespas du Tyran cassera. Pleurs, plaints et cris, eaux, glace pain ne donne V. S. C. paix, l'arme passera. TARYN = TARYN means... ROCKY HILL GAELIC THUNDER NORSE CELTIC OF THE EARTH LATIN TOWER ENGLISH/Planetoid/PYRAMID THE REAPER GREEK WILD GOAT HEBREW – Capricorn – Goat = 2015 TO CARRY ARABIC-BORNE, carried away YOUNG/NEW SANKSRIT QUEEN GRECO ROMAN/CASSIOPEIA LITTLE PRINCESS-SCANDINAVIAN - ANDROMEDA FROZEN RUSSIA FAR TO GO WELSH – INTO NEW ORBIT The big bronze one (our sun) which arranges the hours of the day This is referring to two things: ‘hours’ is Mercury & our spin/orbit Upon the wild goat passing, the placement far to go : in Capricorn Tears, laments and cries, waters, ice, without bread/no crops Peace, the V.S.C. the arm (Black Knight/King of kings) gone by V=ANDROMEDA S=URSA MAJOR EAST (LEECH) & date Willow April 15 – May 12 C=OPHIUCUS & date is Nut – March 22 – 31 and in August ARM=CEPHEUS as a date arms means in Gemini This is saying our sun turns “orange” which the Cassiopeians told an abductee – see Karen Turner The placement of our Earth ~ far to go, just as the Hopi ‘prophecy’ rock tells us THIS WAS AT JANUARY 3 2015 2 88 The circuit (orbit) of the great ruinous deed, NIBIRU The seventh name [Earth] to the fifth will be: Earth is the 7th(rock) to the fifth place counting from Pluto Of the third greater stranger vexatious: URANUS the ‘third’ greatest - Jupiter – Saturn - Uranus Sheep (the year), Paris, [in April] Aix (Auriga) will not guarantee. PARIS = IN APR. IN SHEEP 2015 Auriga/Charioteer with victim kids – part of the second coming, the dates are early in Pisces (the Band) and the last ten days in Taurus as the tamed (or broken) charioteer (pilot). Auriga, Telescopium near Gemini, party to the negatives. In the myth – Myrtilus murdered by Pelops (half man/sea creature) became Auriga, those from Auriga are also Oannes 2 88 Monton, Lutece, Aix MI CONTEXTUAL ONE TOOL EXACT MENU ~IN NAIL NEXT OUTCOME. EXCEL TO MOUNTAIN ~ TEXTUAL (writing) CONTINUE EXAMINE LOT… NO MOON, NICE. NO INCOME: CLUE TEXTUAL "MICE [hide], NOON" TAX (taxing time) CONTINUE MOLE (hide mice like) EXULTANT (high) ION COME, NEXT MINUTE COOL A (Dec. solstice ‘Day After Tomorrow’) ON[Oannes] EXCEL MUTATION, MAN LOT EXECUTION …[you] EMULATE NON TOXIC (Nuclear?) MUTATE LEXICON basic DNA. [you] NOT TO EXAM NUCLEI (CERN) COXMEN [cockerel=Mantids] NOT EXIT… MOUNT EXOTIC LANE O [orbit]. Mabus, reptoids of Phil Schneider EXAMINE C LOUT EXOTIC METAL NOUN ormus NOT ALONE not the only ones with ormus INEXACT LOOM weaver/Ariadne asteroid MEANT LEXICON TUNE OUT. the meteorite/s will cause the termination of these texts ANU TAX TIME spin of day NOONcentral TIME CLUE COL TONNEAUX ice cover, Col can mean Taurus. NEXT A.U. orbit distance COOL TIME. The Astronomical Units being changed causes an ice age – to ‘sixty nine’ see 6:30 TAXI EARTH TO SIXTY NINE AUG. COUNT AXLE ONN [first equinox new time] TIME NUT TO TIME LEO NUT - ON COX [highest/upper] is August 18 CUT LOAN OXEN [COL/neck/Taurus] TIME have your debts paid out by Taurus 5 Helen Mead-Parks ALE TO NUT TIME (the 'height' of ale/brew May 13 – June 9 is May 26.) Noting that ‘Ale’ (Celtic Brew) is in Taurus too Walnut tree Apr 21 to Apr 30 Walnut tree Oct 24 to Nov 11 C HAZEL NUT Mar 22 to Mar 31 (is Luna) ….Aug 5 – Sep 1 Hazelnut tree Aug 5 – Sep 1 Sep 24 to Oct 03 (is Salmon) Wednesday Chestnut tree May 15 to May 24 … Nov 12 to Nov 21 5 :14 BUG CUBE UP : [Mantis] DEEP CURVE, CONVERGENCE ZONES in MARE. (beginning in the month of Mare July 8 – August 4 [Cancer] or in the year of the Horse 2014) VERGES joins MARE CUSP DOZEN EVEN PURGES [DOZEN] (Anakim) CON Mare is two dates, the month for Mare is July 8 to August 4, but here it says ''MARE DOZEN'' 12 months, so also the year of Horse 2014. Or add twelve days to the cusp of Mare date, July 20, late in Cancer. Or in a dozen months from this Mare ''Cusp'' and ''verges'' year also fits with ''Os'' in Capricorn, so from 2013 into 2014 and/or 2014 into 2015 to 2016. 2 88 4 Monton, Lutece, Aix ne garantira. R.O. NAME EXTRA LARGE CONTINUATION [of humans] INTO MAIN IN AIM ALTER GENERATION AT MANUAL EXTRACTION IN AIM altering generations by manual extraction/abductions – see Bridget Nielsen videos, Here we are being told explicitly why people have been taken and have had embryoes removed. The incubus and succubus explained. We have been told by Alex Collier that the human genome has been tweaked 22 times in the distant past, according to the R.O : Andromeda Council. Currently there are beautiful children being seen like the bright blue eyed Chinese boy. There is one hint here which people should take as a sign. The example I will give is the death of the guard who was supposedly guarding Putin when Putin disappeared for ten days in 2015. The Elohim do not need to kill people so when one hears about people being killed in propaganda situations such as this – it was not the Elohim Creators. NOR ANU EXECUTING [doing in] MA. ANU ARGUE – CORRELATION relates TO TRUNCATE EXTENUATING EXTERNAL ION CONTAMINATION cutting short the chemtrail pollution and or the H A A R P which needs the chemtrails .....(Anu are saying that the humans are contaminated genetically – caused by them, so they would know – and they do not want to assist this generation being manually assisted) [You]EXAM ENTERING GRAIN EXTENT: TAX NEURO, ANATOMICAL (using genetically altered grain & chemical nano particles) ANU LOCATING finding EXTRA ENUMERATION (reasoning) INEXACT [not truthful] ARGUMENT ON RATIONALE .....(of why humans should be eating genetically altered grain) RELUCTANT ORANGE ON (Vatican) NATION INTER-CALCULATING AUXANOMETER, growth rate IGNORE EXTERNAL CATAMOUNTAIN Obama (American Puma/Leo) and or the Sphinxlike Leonines or even Ninurta NOTE EXAMINATION EX outside-ANIMATION RECTANGULAR [craft] – COURAGE – EXULTANT AT NEGATION AMERICAN NOT MAINTAIN EXTERNAL this can be taken a few ways. Someone is pleased the Americans were « negated » or someone is pleased that the Americans finally negated the genetically altered food foisted on them via false laws (in other lines) or the ANIMATION EX (outside) RECTANGULAR - the Golden Ratio of the orbits being put into motion, or the craft cannot maintain external. 2 88 The circuit (orbit) of the great ruinous deed, NIBIRU The seventh name [Earth] to the fifth will be: [moved] Earth is the 7th (rock) to the fifth place counting from Pluto The stranger vexatious of the third greater: SATURN (vexed by Nemesis/Nibiru - 3rd greatest one from outward) Sheep (the year), Paris, [is Apr] Aix (Auriga date) can-not guarantee Aix is also a date, either the first ten days in Pisces and or the last ten days in Taurus, possibly 2016 as a result of Nibiru leaving. You are not going to believe this: but the meaning of the date of April not being guaranteed, nor the other dates is due to the new orbit WHICH MEANS NEW TIME LINES and a result of 1 27 3 which did state SOLAR ECLIPSE TENEBROUSNESS APRIL FIFTEEN not eventuating, although NIBIRU ALONGSIDE IN MAY seems to have come true, seen end of May 2015 in South Africa. When I questioned this after the APRIL event did not happen; almost ready to throw in the towel then 10 97 4 appeared: UNTRAVELED PECULIUM* IN APRIL EVENTUAL CLUE PROVIDED C+F 10 97 4 *special provisions [prophecy] not used for its task The clue being the October 2013 enlargement of our orbit fulfilling the Preface to Cesar in that timelines are not set in stone ...to paraphrase with the reason also being stated. I laughed out loud when I saw the reason. Hint: what have the elite been depending on? At this juncture people who have been slavishly following all the “signs” in Revelation of the bible, should realize the same that Nostradamus was told, which he passed on in his Preface to his son Cesar- that time lines change when the urgency calls for it. We have seen several instances of this already, such as the erzats 2012 “calamity” which was avoided by moving Earth at 20 minutes each time, twice in 2011. The 2012 event was the Gulf Stream reversing. 6 Helen Mead-Parks 1555 publication 2 88 1 Le circuit du grand faict ruineux ... the ruinous deed of the circuit (electrical)‘ f ’ is also ‘ s ’ TELLINGER CUT CRUCIFIXcymatic AURA : UNDID ACIDIC FRAUD IN UTU CRUX (see the gong cross of Shamesh-Utu here) when working with ormus in conjunction with sasar, it is an alkaline field required, this could relate to the lines about zinc. ANT (Mantis) CULTURED ARID (dry) IS UNEXCRUCIATING, REFUTING ACIDIC = CRUDE LUXURI • It seems to me this is saying to become as alkaline as possible – before a stargate trip CANDID U.N. ELUCIDATINGrecognisesIS ADDICT RUDE CRUCIFIX ART/ the Baphomet on the chest of Jesus in the Eucharist. TRUCULENT ELITE IS CURTAIN hide CRUX (Grus/Crane/Heron) GURU IS CRUEL ‘GUARDIAN’ / keeper 2 88 2 Le nom feptiefme du cinquiefme fera: The seventh name[Earth] to the fifth will be:[moved] ‘q’ = ‘k’ FIFTEEN: SEE MEAN ELITE MIMICKER LEO EMPIRE FEED PREMIUM DEFIANCE, FOULED UP KID. PUKE UNMELODIC, IS MERE only FAME. This unmelodic is the hertz of radio wave frequencies which were all changed in the early fifties, what a coincidence ! Shortly after Eisenhouer signed the late 1951 Off World ‘treaty’. UNMELODIC MAKE PUKE – the extra low frequencies sent from g w e n towers FIFTEEN: SEE LUCKIER PEACEFUL COFFEE-MAKER collator MNEMONIC MEAD PICKED PREMIUM FAMED DEFT FORMULAE OF MEMO’S EFFICIENT ELOQUENCE the quatrains, IS RIDE UP OFF FARM IMMUNE, KEEP CAREFUL QUEEN/Cassiopeia MERIT FEMININE FEMALE, the matriarchal. QUEEN AIM AFFECTED ELITE FELON, LIFETIMES OF IMPRUDENT C.E IMPEDIMENT, PRIDEFUL COMMIE FAME. A FEUU PRINCE/Sirius ELITE FIREMEN MIMICKER FAKE MEN AND NASA MADMEN IS MOCK ‘FREE’ METEOR CRIME*, FAMED FEMA FENCES OFF the MEEK recall in Monstre d’Abvs the line LETTERED FIRE BRIGADE – GUILLOTINE – DEAD for one thing, & those lines regarding the FBI not being real humans did also say that they were part of the Sirius agenda. although all these lines may seem repetitive, they always add an extra little bit of detail! METEOR CRIME* SEE 10 67 1 ‘DYNAMITE’ it seems those off worlders within NASA cause a meteorite IS MI DOCTORED PIQUED shortened CALENDAR POEM FEE, cost IS FEUU MEEK elect SEE FIFTEEN CERN MOMENTUM result DAL LEARN LANCE CLEAN CERN C.D. RAD (radioactive CERN drive ?) which CRANE Grus LED 2 88 3 D’vn tiers plus grand l’eftrange belliqueux. 2 88 2 SEE CERN MOMENTUM FIFTEEN ( ? ) this is one very spooky photo indeed, some one having placed an arrow pointing at the anomoly which is under the clouds. the inset must be the negative image the most intriguing part is the equatorial ‘ring’. This came from the face book page of Robert H Evans Jnr and I did ask ‘where was it’ but no answer yet, only that it was in the end of May 2015 TELLINGER BEARDED VULTURE’S banksters VANDAL KINGS who SPAN spread GUILEFUL : VEXEDNESS FLUX flow EXPANDS TELLINGER’S SPUNK BRAVES DREADFUL BRUTAL KINDwhoDRANK PIXELSormusEXULTING SKILFULormusSUBTERFUGE T.V. BRAGS VERBAL STRAUU FLAG FLAUU IS – STARK GULF DRAUUNplanned the Gulf of Mexico spill was a false flag QR. DAL, ‘N’ (Erid.anu) EA KNEUU DR., Nostradamus DREUU UP VERB BELLS warnings DELINQUENT SLUGGARD PREFIX’S/lord’s DUPLEX VENTURA FLEXES RUGGED, SPURTS GRAND LEGEND, STRANGE DRILLS PLUS FLEXIBLE fit GENTLE VENTURA PEDDLING TELLINGER’S TRANQUIL QUARRELS SPELLBINDS PLEB, STUNS G.masons DRAB DARK KING president BUNGLERS Masons, FIGURED FUEL, motivate FIGURED ABLE VENTURA IS FALSER BLANK SLATE noting the word PLUS the other Ventura. The word ABLE is a problem, meaning ‘not lame’ or meaning ‘the fit’ one. In other lines the ‘lame one’ keeps fit and is the gentle smart version. The answer lies in the word ‘falser’. DEFT ILL-BRED LEUUD GMasons, BLURT BLEUU UUELL-RUN FERVENT GRAVEL BLIND DULL ENGLAND BULL SIXTEEN DARLING ‘NEVER DAUUDLING’ PARKS GIRLEloiseRENTAL:UUALL/~ BUGS VERB voice activationFENDS GRAND EVIL IN SIXTEEN • ‘NEVER DAUUDLING’ a very good description of Eloise, described as ‘adroit’. She was in the S.E.S & named in 2:4:4. 6 85 1 GRAAL ADORES ADROIT GIRL HAST LEGS RASH (from MMR vaccine) 4 15 1 FINER FAIR MAIDEN, ADROIT S.E.S. FIREMAN... ALA.LU, ENLIL QUEER SEX BUGGERSpunsPERVERTS TRANQUIL AGE – VEXED, SPUN TALE FAT ELITE PLUNDERERS, FERVID PEST FUNDED QUEER G Masons SPIV GET KINDERGARTEN, GIFTED KIDS DRUGS, PERVERTED DRUNK KIDS EXPERT QUEEN’S KIND BUGS VEND FEND, ANU QUIT 2 88 4 Monton, Lutece,Aix ne garantira. R.O. GROAN: ORANGUTAN Sirius ELITE NEXT MANIAC, AN EXOTIC ARROGANT U.N. ‘N’ Erid.anu MAN : MAGNA CARTA NEUROTOXIN mentally disables the constitution [you] IGNORANT ON ACUTE MARXIAN MATRIX ANU IN U.N. NOT TAX UN-AMERICAN ANAGRAM TORN exposed CAN EXOTIC U.N. ANU. TO EXTRACT EXACT NORMA IN ORANGUTANSirius ROMANvatican ELITE EXULTANT ORME AGE INCARNATION RATE, ELITE trying TO GET EXACT ANNUAL INTEGRATION. relates to 7 73 1 using false timelines UNCERTAIN ANGEL ATTAIN TOXICANT ATTENUATION, TAXATION AREA AIR, RAIN. U.N. TAXING ETNA LACERATION ANU RATIONALE: INTEGRATE ULTRA NEGATION ANNUAL: AN INEXACT ANNUAL EXTENUATING TOXIC, ARC NATIONAL 7 Helen Mead-Parks saying the Anu had the 324 years removed in order to create inexact knowledge nationally EXTENUATING TOXIC causing dating problems which are crossing all nations – such as the Shroud of Turin & computer programs which were all reset assiduously at the year « 2,000 » which was not 2,000, but 1676A.D. thus causing all astronomical clock programs to be incorrect, including the year 2012 and Age of Aquarius, which is not due for another nine centuries. The main feature of this deception being the clause in Treaty IX which contained the words for 2014 (which was really 1690) ratifying the « trade in men » clause = rapture. The sadder part of which is that the Off Worlders in these treaties are not obeying these clauses anyway, and if brought to task regarding their ‘breach’ would only say ‘that was some other off worlders’ and what could the idiot military industrial complex do about it ? the post-it you see on the original quatrains is my reference to where, in which forum, the quatrain line appeared. It being a copy will not be a working post-it. 1562 edition 2 88 1 Le circuit du grand fait ruineux, 2 88 2 Le nom feptieme du cinquieme fera : 2 88 3 D’un riers plus grand l’eftrange belliqueux, 2 88 4 Meuton, Lutece, Aix ne garantira. 2 88 4 Monton, Lutece,Aix ne garantira. 1555 publication TELLINGER CAUTION:ANU ARE TOXICANT O’ MAN, ARE ACUTE MARXIAN, CON MEN ANNEX AUTOMATIC TAXATION R.O. ROUTE, AXE OANNE MOUNTAIN CAT/CAT-O-MOUNTAIN sphinx/Obama-American Puma/ formerly Amenhemhat IT IS NOT AN AURAURA when it happens it will look like an Auraura 1562 edition 2 88 1 Le circuit du grand ƒait ruineux, IS CRUDE ELITE LUXURIENCE INGRATITUDE, ELITE GURU FAULTIER DRUID CRETIN UUINƒ DIRE ING* ACCIDENT ART CUTTING LIT REX CREATURE Leon : FLEUU INTRIGUEƒ ; CRUCIFIED TRUE DNA RADIANCE, FLIRT FLEX IN IX9 UURIT. Treaty Nine. IF LIERƒ UUERE FATE REFIT FIXED - UUERT NIL, UURITE TRIFLE. FINER Xten/Elohim UUILT will If the FATE REFIT if calendars/time lines had been repaired, there would be no chemtrails killing our DNA *ING ACCIDENT sounds like someone is going to be in the wrong place at the wrong time RANCID GURU ELITE UNIT RIDICULE TEXAS: ACIDIC FRIGID ICIER UUINTER RAIN IS INDICATED see flooding of Texas May 2015 TELLINGER : AUDIT AN URDU anu giant’s CRUCIFIXcymatic. UNDID CRUDE AIR CURRICULA INTRIGUE TELLINGER : ADD A UTU CRUX cymatic RUIN URANITIC CURATRIX CRAFTED AIR CURTAIN RAID This Urdu giant is Utu-Shamesh with the gong showing a sonic cross on it which also has a similar crop circle – it seems that the sonics required for this cymatic will « undo » certain chemtrails ! CURATRIX woman who ‘cures’, in this case the female off worlder/URANITIC in the U N who pushes chemtrails AINU FRAUD: IRRADIANT ADRIATIC, IRAN, TRINIDAD It is important to notice these are not identical cymatics, but I believe they are both indicated in 2 88 1 2 88 2 Le nom feptieme du cinquieme fera : NEL PARCƒ PIQUEƒ RUDE COMMIE, QUEEN FAME UP IT DEFINE MAD COMMIE = R: reptilian MAD COMMIE meaning the anti christ. This was stated in the Cassioepian Files of Laura Knight-Jadczyk ARE UUIMPƒ DECIMATE MEEKER ELECT / QUEEN IS KEEN UUIFELIKE UUOMEN CREEP IN PERFECTvb EFFEMINATE (female) LIFETIME (matriarchal age) = ENEMA DEMONwho IMPERILMENT MI UUEAKENED COFFEE-MAKER COMPILER NEL PARCƒ. COFFEE-MAKER one who finds all the ingredients OF MALE-MEN LIFETIMEpatriarchal age IS A QUEER IMPUDENCE MEDIOCRE UUIMPƒ KNEEL TO EFFEMINATE TIME matriarchy • QUEEN FAME UP = Cassiopeia. = R: is Draco and other Reptilians • ENEMA DEMON : get rid of, clean out ‘commie/Marxist’ demons NEEDLE MODULE IS OPTIMUM MENACE, AIM IMPEDIMENT OF FEMALE, IS PREMIUM SINE DEFILEMENT • SINE = frequencies (of DNA) FEMININE MERIT IS PEACEFUL ICE COLD MINUTE-TIME as in the Day After TomorrowDEFEATS QUEER DEAF-MUTE REPTILIAN POLICEMEN 8 Helen Mead-Parks 2 88 3 D’un riers plus grand l’eftrange belliqueux, SIX [unholy six] GRINDS AXE, UUED GRAIN [gmo]: BREUU ANGST D E.D. UUARNS : DELUXE RUDE ELITE BURGLARS banksters BRING AUUFUL, FEND PARKS – TELLINGER’S FLEXIBLE UUIN FLEXIBLE UUIN this relates to the attempt by banksters to defame Tellinger using a (flexible) copy of Credo Mutwa IS ELITE DUNG UURANGLED BLUNDERFUL BLUNDERERS BUNGLE, FUDGE FEND ‘BURN FLUX UUANES’ SUUEARING UUREN AGED SIXth (sixth day of Celtic Wren) plus left over letter D = June 10 – July 9 = June 16 (is confirmation) o o JUNE 10 - JULY 9 OAK tree “D” date Gemini WREN PORTAL EYE OF GOD - EPONA WHITE HORSE Wren Date: is also December 23 – The Nameless Day Celtic Birth Animal: WREN Ruling Planet: The Universe Key Words: Humility, Cunning, Protection BREW is also a date of May 13 – June 9th, the date of ‘brewing’ the angst prior to “Wren” which follows immediately 2 88 4 Meuton, Lutece, Aix ne garantira. RE : MI NON AU NATUREL TOXIC TEEN AGE ELITE CONTAMINATE EXTRA LULU – IT ENRAGE UR EA. GENUINE CREATOR MENAGERIE (Elohim) AIM AT EAGER ANU MEAN GRACE TO INTONATE (sasar) CREATURE EGOMANIA EXULTANT IN LUXATE AIR ENIGMA : TAX NEUROTIC. ALERT TELLINGER AGAIN : NUMERATE AN AMATEUR EXECUTION, ON A TAXI (recall the ‘drone’, traffic jam line) A U MOUNTAIN AIM CUE AUTOMATE TAXI ROUT AREA, TELLINGER EXACTvb TRUE MENU CAUTION UET OUT U MOUNTAIN uranite Mountain is Ninurta or the president/cat-o-mountain TELLINGER CAUSE PROPER CAUTION REGARDING MANNER OF TRAVEL MENU i.e. alter timing, & how CONTAMINATE EXTRA LULU the elite keep saying Earth is over populated, Lulu being the derogatory Anu term 8 15 Vers Aquilon grans efforts par hommasse Presque l'Europe & l'univers vexer, Les deux eclipse mettra en tel chasse, Et aux Pannons vie & mort renforcer. Great exertions towards the North by a man-woman (Androgyne) ‘‘All living with the great Capon (eunuch/Androgyne) Presage to vex Europe and almost all the Universe. The two eclipses will put into such a rout [due to 9:44 CERN ? (sack cloth of Revelation caused by Nibiru passing over They [the cause of the eclipses] for the Hungarians will reinforce life & death (see 6 59 3 SERBIAN BASIN ALIVE, a super volcano under Hungary) UNDER OCTOBRE 2020 (1562 plus 458) 1. Parle Legat du terreftre & marin The Law of One speaking of Earth and seascape (quantum physics) 2. La grande Capon tout s'accommoder. All living with the great Capon (eunuch/Androgyne) 3. Eftre a l'efcoute tacite N. (Erid.anus) RIVAL R.O. RIVAL R. ON/ANU, ORAN VRIL NOR VIRAL AVRIL. Tacitly listening to Oran Orion V r i l B e i n g Aiwazz It was Aleister Crowley who was ''tacitly listening'' in 'viral Avril' producing the book of the Law Of One 4. Qu' a fon adois ne voudra accorder That was not his parting wish granted (who – Aiwazz?) 1 42 Vril Did Crowley misinterpret The Law of One? 14 By the universe will be made a king (New World Order?) who will have little peace and a short life. At this time the ship [Earth] of the papists will be lost, governed to its greatest detriment [by reptilians] 1 4. In OANNES, CHEMTRAILS in the Hidden Texts 1.Par l’Univers fera fait un Monarque, 2.Qu’en paix & vie ne fera longuement : 3.Lors fe perdra la pifcature barque, 4.Sera regie en plus grand detriment. MONARQUE OAR, UR EA, MANURE (Pile/Pleiades) NUKE, M.E., M(Orion), NORMA QUE MAKE OAK RUN URN UNIVERS MONARQUE UNIQUE ‘N’ NOUN OVER MARS VENUE, QUEERER SIX, EVEN OUR UNIQUE QUEEN’S QUIN NOV. 1.Par l’Univers fera fait un Monarque, PRIME UNNATURAL MAN-LIKE RUFFIAN FREAK IS RAPTURE – SALIVATE RAVENOUS. U.N. EFFUSIVE RANK RARE SNAKIER MANIPULATOR VALIANT (Valiant Thor) UP, UNPURE MARS MONK, VIRULENT VIPER. VENTURA AIM OPEN QUASI-NORMAL ELITE MAFIA RUFFIANS QUARREL, EQUAL PRIMES ORAN (Orion) RUFFIANS 1 4 1 Par l’vniuers fera faict vng monarque, LUTE May 13 – June 9 TRANQUIL VAN [UAN/Oannes] RE-TRANSFORM CURVE OF FIVE [inner planets] AQUAPLANING VACANT [space] LUTE SAVING [planets] REQUIRING MARVEL … RE-FORM PERU in FACE (Scorpio – the Canary Islands forum had one date: it was I in 9 Helen Mead-Parks Halloween which is in Scorpio, so both will go at the same time) [The] TRANQUIL SAVING FROM RAVEN (12 -22 Aug to) FACE/Scorpio. EQUIVOCAL VAN (Uan/Oannes, the negative) TRANSFER [people] FARMING PERU – this is a “harvest” event. 1 4 2 Qu’en paix & vie ne fera longuement : QUEEN(Cassiopeia) NAMING EXPONENTIAL QUEUE FEVER (a debilitating zoönotic disease) EXAMINATION PER VULGAR ARRIVALS FREQUENT CAMPAIGN OVER AFRICA [Marines/the W.H.O] ~ leading up to Ebola and refugees etc VENGEFUL Ʃ [Zeta greys] PANISM FREQUENT visit OVER SUN. EVEN GENIAL UR EA, QUEEN(Cassiopeia) ANGEL AIM EUREKA EMPALING UNLOVING U.N. APE-MEN APRIL SIXTEEN, AVENGE EVIL MEAN VAGUE MAN-LIKE U.N. LEO APESirius AMOK. AGILE KNAVEBlack KnightMENU EVOKE ONE GENUINE PERU MARVEL NONEƒ OF APRIL SIXTEEN, KNAVE MANAGE ELITE VENAL OANNEƒ ELEVEN NUKE IN GALE. NAME VALUE: KING Cepheus in black knight GUILE ON ENEMA clean out UNFAIR VENOM, AN NUNAlcyone OAKtime gate GEEK teenager.MAN-LIKE AN MAKE UNGENIAL OVEN POE GLUM NAÏVE GOON. LAME GENUINE VENTURA FIXING TO KEEP ON, FINE GEEK UP IN OXENTaurusSIXTEEN IS KEEN EXPUNGE EUXINE ENNUI EXPUNGE to remove something unpleasant EUXINE the Black Sea 1 4 3 Lors fe perdra la pifcature barque, AFFORD [verb MADE] IRREPLACEABLE QUARTERS [Earth] UP, BUFFER in EARS, Virgo COPPER Libra. BAREFACED QUADRUPLET “insane four” of SAMAROBRIN LIARS PULPS FORE [front] QUARTER. QUADRILATERALfour planets OFF PAR BEER, SPRUCE The one out of the four (and a half in other lines) planets which is in “front” would be either Mars at one end or Mercury at the other. Since Mercury is one day going to “eclipse” one of our suns, it must be Mars which is going to cop it. Spruce and “beer” Ale dates. ALE May 13 – June 9 Spruce Pine tree Feb 19 to Feb 28: Aug 24 to Sep 02 : Sept 2 – Sept 29 1 4 4 Sera regie en plus grand detriment. E.D. INTERRUPTING INTERPRETER: GUARD MEANING…REPRESENT LESS SIMULATED copied from MEDIA LUST.(!) telling the collator to steer clear of main stream media, or even to spend less time on alternate news, & it is a ‘lust’ GARDENER [Ea] AS GLEAMING PARAMETER (haloed) LARGE MINDEDNESS, AGREES ENGINEER, MEDDLE R INTRUDER – GUARANTEES DISGRUNTLED the ING rapture ENTERPRISE. The “Gardener” is Enki/E.Yah R INTRUDER draco & reptilians EVEN CROP CIRCLES ARE TELLING US THAT THE REPTILIANS ARE “PLAGIARISING” THE JESUS ICON The letter “j” was not seen until the middle of the 1500’s. Coincidentally along with the quatrains. We need only go back to the bible prior to King James (of the 1600’s) to see that “Y” predates “J”. Where Yuya (Egyptian spelling), Yussef was Joseph the vizier and ‘father’ to pharaoh. Hebrew Pharaohs of Egypt by Ahmed Osman There seem to have been two ‘Jesus’ prophets one named Yeshua and one named Jesus. Yeshua the son of the seed of Enki sent to prop up the ten commandments. The other being his shape shifted replica. There is evidence in the bible that the apostles could ‘not recognise’ Yeshua at times, and this was the real reason for the kiss of recognition proffered by brave Judas. The crop circle above reiterates the the shapeshifting. Please go to footnotes regarding 1APPONO ASTOS 10 Helen Mead-Parks Braban Liege EAGLE ALGEBRA BRAIN ABLE EARN BIG IN RABBLE ERA BE BIBLE NAG AGE. RIB E.B.N ANGEL A.I. BRIBE BANE IN BARGE boat/Earth BIG LEAN BEAR Ursa LIE, GRAB BEAN pulse BE AGILE NABBER raptor, ARAB GLEE, BRAG RAN BIBLE AGE. AN ABLE RAGE BIG GALE IN BAR, (Cancer) BE (Virgo) BIBLE ANGER GENIAL EA EAGLE ALGEBRA BRAIN would be Enlil/YHWH, RIB Chertan EBEN BRIBES are the BANE of Earth/shadow “govt” when the greys bribed the military with technology 6 30 1 Par l’apparence de faincte ƒainctete, [is the “guy”] APPRECIATES ADEPT PARKS TALENT... PERFECT(vb) PATIENCE. PENITENCE CREEPS READ [Anton] PARCƒ:~ SINE ALIEN RACE ADAPT LACERATE INFANTILE, EAT IN FATAL DAN ATEN meteorite EPIC, AN E.T. SATAN ELITE: ACE KIDNAPPER, RANSACKER APPEND TENDER FAT INFANT TAKEN –ICE AT PEN (FEMA camps) 6 30 2 Sera trahy aux ennemis le ƒiege: see FEMA CAMP 4 29 1 pg 3 FIERY ISLES FRIES, FIXES ANU SIR (Marduk) IFFY LIES, EXSANGUINE MERE small EARTH HUMAN TEENAGER MEAL. NAUSEATE, EAGER SEXIEST GRIM FEAR INHUMANELY (see “trade in men” and “sex slaves for extra terrestrials’’) MI ASEXUAL FEATHERY HEALER ANXIETY, USING ENGINEERS IS Y YEAR SIXTEEN YAH RISES LIFE SAFE – EXITING TAXI EARTH TO AUG. SIXTY NINE FEATURES HYGIENE Earth cleaned up SUN, YES IGUANA, ASEXUAL FEATHERY would be “non gender” Aquila/Eagle – an Elder? HEALER is normally Chiron, or Ninmah Y would be Yew Tree day: Halloween (or a solstice) Notice these two lines speak of the same thing the Zulu people, Iguana exists in a Zulu person 6 30 3 Nuict qu’on cuidoit dormir enƒeurete, FUNKIER artificial ICE CONDITIONED TRUE TUMOUR causes cancer [these] DOCUMENTƒ ROUTE FUNKIER U.N. ERUDITION UUORK MURKIER NEUROTIC MURDER OUT-OF-TUNE IDIOTIC DR. MENU... ICON INTRUDED NT. [north] FOURTEEN 11 Helen Mead-Parks 6 30 4 Pres de Braban marcheront ceux de Liege BAT-EARED RED ARCHON GRUMBLES –SCRUBBIER EXAMPLES DEGENERATED, EXCEEDING PARAMETER, PENRE DIED ELS BLUE ELDERS RUBBED with MOTHER RUSSIAN EXC Putin, IMPREGNABLE HARD SECTOR: RUBLES RULED SEEDS, EBBS BULB BRED EXUBERANCE, this BLURB (genetic manipulation) RARE ENCUMBRANCE BLEEDS U.S., SUED EARTH BUrsa RDraco. GIBED [Ursa Draco] EXECRABLE IMPREGNATOR UUHO DEBAUCHES EARTH: U.N EXPLODES U.S. RED HOT. BURNED ELITE CHARMERS, PONG EXPANDED EXCEED DANGER, BUNG DEEP SCUM. SUN MERE EARTH SCORCHER CUBE: RARE BOX (Mantids), CHE’RUB EXPEND MODERN GRACE: RAMPAGES DRENCH ARAB ELITE DREDGED DENS NAMES CUP’S CHE’RUBS, CHEER - EXPANDED EARTH GEM’S CORNER (orbit) – AMEN CUP aka Cassiopeia aka the Holy Grail, allied with the Mantids from Argo. BLUE ELDERS – from Arcturus? Part of the Elohim alliances, or the ‘’tuna’’ coloured Andromedans (says Alex Collier) We can see now why they call our orbit a “corner” '' It was an assertion by an astronomer that something had affected the Earth’s orbit at the time that ISON was a big deal and he calculated that, for this year, the Earth would have a 377-day orbit. Here is the Link: http://www.oocities.org/br/kikolivros/new_earth_orbit.htm And here is the formula these guys use: http://www.telescope.org/nuffield/pas/solar/solar7.html Of all the lines warning us of a larger orbit, which means larger years – this one says it the clearest So far as “formulae” goes, one only needs to watch the sun and see where it should be on the day. The Inuit have been telling the world for a while now, that the sun is not on its normal pathway. 1 75 3 Les deux armees par la marque d'Ancone (Q=K) READ MEAD-PARKS: NAMED A (Cassiopeia/Eloim who) MEASURED ANNUAL EXCEED MORE (377 days currently) AND NUMEROUS LANE AREAS the other planets EXCEED USUAL MANNER in ANNUAL MEASURE: larger years R.O. (Andr. Council/E.D.) EXCEEDED MANNER in MA (October) this must be October 2013, & four lines did state the 10th/11th SOMETIMES I SIMPLY WONDER AT MY OWN STUPIDITY, these texts in the template form have been with me for nine years and I never clicked that the word “planet” and “follower” indicated the solar system, so entrenched are we in the fixed model... it took a question of my own “why did the Anakim not simply fly over the asteroid “belt” to lead me to this. Plus the beauty of the answer to this question fully vindicates Sitchin – who was himself subject to the same solar system model we have all been taught. Why did he not raise this question? 2 91 4 Allan Webber’s program Par glaive, feu, faim, mort las attendants By double edged sword, fire, famine, death awaiting them. GRAAL MORTALISM IMMORTAL STATE - the Elohim AIM ATTEND LAST M (Orion) GRAIL ATLAS – the Nibiru system, but might refer to the ORION ME title at google earth MI MM I (21st century) ATTENDANT FIGURES PAST A.A PLANET, GRASPS ASTRAL 2 91 4 Par glaiue,feu,faim,mort les attendants. READ: INFAMOUS PETULANT LEO RUFFIAN SATAN MUTATE-DINOSAUR shape shifting ANU MANIPULATES LIES: AMPUTATES cuts off the FAT TELLINGER FAME, EATS MULTIPLE TEENAGERS, MAFIA TRAP INFATUATED SANE TELLINGER. UNPOLITE METAL MADMEN ELITE: TEAM MUTATE PLAGUE gmo – IS INFERTILE APPLE/Yule A FAMED PTAH Enki SAINT STAFFS AMATEUR non professional TELLINGER’S UTOPIAN FARM MAP, IS PTAH AIMED SAFE FEAT AT UNAMUSED FATSO. (the shape shifted Tellinger) U.N. SINFUL ALIEN FEMALE TEDIUM – POLLUTES PATRIOT IS GENTEEL NOSTRADAMUS SAGE FEELING FIFTEEN FLAIR:TRUE GEMEarthALERT IN ORNAMENT AGE FATAL ATEN IMPALE ETNA ERUPTING ON GUILTI ELITE, AMPUTATE PLATE FAULT LEAPT FERTILE ANGLE ETNA here could mean any major volcano, just as ATEN means ‘an asteroid’ ELITE DISPARAGEGEM, STIMULATE FATEFUL FATIGUED STRIFEFUL FAULT FRAGMENTATION MALADIES STIMULATE FATIGUED FAULT FRAGMENTATION= a direct reference to fracking, are they doing it with intent? MEAD GRATEFUL NOSTRADAMUS SELF REPUTATION STAMINA, OUTLASTING MALFEASANT PUTRIFIER MEAD STARGATE D, MEET FAMOUS ELOIM REPTILIANe.YAH, M’ASTER UP, ANT TERMINATES FOUL PAINFUL INFLATES GROUUS IN USEFUL PATIENT SOUL MEAD, INFLUENTIAL INFORM ALL FORMULAE IN FAINThard to see FINE FLUENT LATIN LINES.DA UINCI ART FAME AGAIN AFTER A MIRROR’D TEMPLATE FATE TENDED TO ORNAMENT in Libra D in June MEAT FEAT: false rapture NOSTRADAMUS FEELS AMPUTEE LEG, LUTE-LyRAN RAMPstage gate AMPUTATES APE/SiriusFLEET MEAT FEAT, LEFT When the word “feels” is used, I notice the event so far has always come true. Amputee leg – that seen in Hieroglyphs –Pegasus blue-grey 12 Helen Mead-Parks 5 62 4 nefs parfondreées & prins le Tridental FOND OF INTER-DENTAL * SEER PRINTS LINES PRESENTED FOR FAR~PLANETS INTERSPERSED PRIEST POPE ENDORSES NITRATED Ʃ PRETENDERS SEND FOR RED TRIDENT ON ENTERPRISE We can see what appear to be printer’s errors in the 1562 publication, where quatrain 62 (LXII) appears as XVII (17) and ‘parfondreées has three ‘e’s. Nostradamus was alive and proof-reading the work himself, having searched for a printer who would publish the works with the erstwhile errors, making the number “17” of huge importance. The collator did not program the Template for the texts, Allan Webber did 10 82 3 SQUARE, (Pegasus) XL, (40/Pleiades) U (Uranite) Ʃ (greys) SQUARE, XL, (40) U Ʃ ELUXATE PLANETS ELUXATE (polar dislocation) [Earth] PLATES U (Dec. between solstice and) ULE PARQS USE PLANET ARQ X jointly PARQS REPORTS OF PLANET PLANES PROOF 27 Entre plufieurs aux ifles deportes, L'vn eftre nay a deux dens en la gorge (gullet) Mourront de faim les arbres efbrotes Pour eux neuf roy nouel edict leur forge. c iiij 2 7 INTER-DENTAL * SEER PRINTS LINES 27 Amongst several () deported to the isles (convicts/Australia) One to be born with two teeth in her mouth…inter-dental They will die of famine the trees stripped For them a new leader issues a new edict (Obamba/Abbott) Yes* the Australian collator was born with two teeth high in the roof of her mouth which never descended... 5 83 4 Webber’s program BILATERAL PLANET BIBLE TABLE BELIAL LAND, ABRADANT LIBERAL LIBERIA SPLURGE DATA LABEL DATABLE LIBRA (October 10/11) QUIBBLE EQUANT PLANET CIRCLE A.I. ALLELE BI BIBLE A.A. BUBBLE 8 20 4 Webber’s program PRICE PERIMELE AVANT IMPEL PRIME, REACTIVEATE PRO NATURE: RECOMPILE CREATION ACT I CORN ONCE NOMENCLATURE PLANETERIUM TRUE ACCRETION NOT CIRCA INTERACT CATENATIVE 8 39 4 Webber’s program FLAUNTS UNSAFER FILARIAL FILIAL Morgellon’s FAIL SPELT PLANET UNSAFE LETS SPOUSE (Nibiru, see 10 39) TEARFULNESS ILL NEARER YULE 9 39 4 Derrier mur vieux & neuf palais gripper. Seizing the old and the new palace behind the wall DIPPER GRAILS ALIAS FIGURES [shape shifters] NEXT PREPARED GERM VIRUS AIL PLANET GRAILS ALIAS GRIPS ISRAEL: AXE, EXPIRE – EATEN UP. UNITE, EXIT UP AT ETNA, FEUU DIRER - EERIE INTENT 10 84 4 En empliant & pendant tous son temps. U.N TAUTON (CERN) IMPEL ROTATED. PLIANT STOUT PATTERNED PLANET ON TIME IMPLEMENTS PENS. (fema) IMPLANTED PATIENT, PATTERNED PARENT: DEPART (no longer) MEN 10 97 4 Cupid de voir plaindre au vent la plume. PALL IRELAND: EVENTUAL CLUE PROVIDED (later). ODDER ERIDANU V.I.P (the U.N.) UNTRAVELED PECULIUM (special fund not used for its task) IN APRIL READ: RED PLANET PLAIN ordinary AVENUE passage OVER NINMAH'S OATH “On my oath, the annihilation of Mankind shall never be repeated!” 13 Helen Mead-Parks 10 97 4 Anxious to see the plume (smoke/feather) wail in the wind. The ‘plume’ being the wind direction and strength for sailing ...or for dodging [planetary/volcanic/nuclear ?] pall fallout... (the Earth is the ‘ship’, which IS anxious at the moment) but the real explanation for these words is the altering of our orbit This ‘special fund’ could be the black operations budget which was used for building dumbs, - which are not going to be used for their task. BECAUSE : the « red planet » Nibiru does NOT create the utter havoc imagined by the public... plus the elite were acting on false time-lines ... 10 97 Triremes Mantids full of abductees of every age, past & future Good times golden age for bad, the sweet for the bitter: Prey to the hasty Barbarians banksters they will be too soon, Anxious to see the feather wail in the wind. Anxious to see the plume (smoke/feather) wail in the wind. 10 97 4 Cupid de voir plaindre au vent la plume. Scorpio The ‘plume’ being the wind direction and strength for sailing ERIDANU ODD VIPER LAND DAN REAPER PERIL ordinary passage or for dodging [volcanic/nuclear ?] pall fallout READ RED PLANET PALL PLAIN AVENUE This ‘special peculium fund’ is probably the black operations budget which was used for building dumbs, not used for their task PARALLEL IRON URIA’ PLANET DIN IN LEAP Scorpio UNTRAVELED PECULIUM* IN APRIL EVENTUAL CLUE PROVIDED (*special provisions not used for its task) DA[H]L IRE: RALLIED TIME PLAN TO RID ALL ELITE PANEL APRIL TIME PLAN LED LEO LIAR LEARN ILL READ – AN ADDER ALDER PILL – A DRILL ILL PLANNED BECAUSE : the « red planet » Nibiru does NOT create the utter havoc imagined by the public... plus the elite were acting on false time-lines. Anyone feel the Nibiru influence on its inward journey March 2012 ? No. This is due to our new orbit There is much more to this which explanation follows, since the APRIL FIFTEEN TENEBROUSNESS failed to happen ?? the consistent mention of a great solar eclipse in April 1 27 3 hidden texts statement made but did not eventuate (1 27 3) yes, when collating the word ‘tenebrous’ to see why it did not happen and if I had made an error, the clue was cached in that collation : the new orbit/s of Earth Dal (real name Dahl) are part of the Elohim alliances a Leo is Obama, run by those from Leo and Jade Helm drills were planned these dates in fifteen ! as we have seen, the Earth is the ‘ship’ sailing. We have also seen that the Mantids come from Argo/trireme (sailing ship with oars) causing Earth to sail accordingly, since our orbit is our ‘time’ reference for everything, including the climate Adder date Feb 18 – Mar 17 Alder date Mar 18 – April 14. APRIL TIME PLAN UNTRAVELED PECULIUM EVENTUAL CLUE (reason) PROVIDED the reason for this event not happening was to lead the elite to act a certain way in response, and there WAS a CEO exodus DA[H]L IRE: LED LEO LIAR LEARN ILL READ AN ADDER ALDER PILL ‘Anxious to see the plume (smoke/feather) wail in the wind.’ The ‘plume’ being the wind direction and strength for sailing or for dodging [planets/volcanic/nuclear ??] pall fallout 10 97 3 Barbares (‘barbara’ means ‘strange-alien- foreign’) BE AS, RA BARS RARE BAR CancerARABS BEARS UrsaSABRE NibiruREARS SEAS: ARESgenocide ABBR. [abbreviate, cuts short] BASER BARBER bankster BASE [dumbs] EARS [in Virgo] EBBS BARBERS [elite banksters] BRASS [October] 10 97 4 Cepid de veoir plaindre au vent la plume 1562 MI UPPER-LEVEL A VALUED IDEA: VOLCANO VENT DRIED-UP EVIL, REMEDIAL APE UP, IMPAIRER IDLE DEEP DEAD MEDIEVAL PEER DUUELL PIE Provence DIED RIDE UPPER IDEAL PUP: (puppis/Mantids) DEPRIVE PUERILE MAD ELITE who VALUED IMPAIRED, Earth DEPRIVE AIR. EL Elohim UUEEP, UUIPED LEUUD ELITE UUED ILL. EL REPELLED PROUD AND MANIPULATIVE VIPERINE DEMONIC DEVIANCE, DECEPTIVE PRIMEVAL EVIL ONE IMPENITENCE PLUNDER, MALEDICTIVE VULPINE fox LOVED VIRULENT DEADENER IMPUDENCE IN ADORE/October VIOLENCE POPULAR MEDIEVAL APPEAL – UNDERLINE PRODUCTIVE (PRODUCTIVE LINE UNDER Australia) PERTINANT TO 2015: watch this video, and what he says explains something which did puzzle me back in April. The moon for four days at 8pm was in the exact same position in the same phase. I did wonder how that could be, and this video explains it. But it is only an explanation – because what appears on the Planetarium is false (see later here) Also if you keep watch of a night, you will see the Earth is revolving – the Milky way has become facing north to south lately – normerly it is ever only east-west with our Southern Cross pointing south. This also puzzled me since the sun still rises more or less inthe eastern direction. The answer to that is that we are in a vortex system with all the planets NOT on the same plane we are. (google RUSSIAN VORTEX SOLAR SYSTEM and go to "images") https://gnostiek.wordpress.com/2014/09/21/the-helical-model-our-solar-system-is-a-vortex-bekijken-op-youtube/ MAKING THIS VIDEO A FARCE http://worldtruth.tv/planetary-alignment-suggests-huge-9-8-quake-california-28th-may/ 14 Helen Mead-Parks 1 45 2 befteentheatredrefseleieufcenique EQUATED BLUE [Andr. Cncl.] INTERFERE: QUEUED THE FEASIBLE INTERFERENCE FEET Pisces IN FIFTEEN (see 1 1 1 – "OTHER FEET" – Pisces, but this interference involves the plans of the elite) or CHE'ESE che-rub noetic entities INTERFERE BLUE EARTH CHEESE (Moon) IN FIFTEEN. (2015) INTERFERENCE THE QUEUES (orbit of the moon) or CHE E.B.E Zeta45 QUEUES INTEFERENCE THE BLUE (chemtrails) FEEL QUEUED EARTH NICE BENEFITS THEREAFTER… (see vignette with black scorpion & sheep leaping over the golden mean. Even the word LEAP means in Scorpio, and the sheep (which is NOT a ram, nor a lamb) but means the year of the sheep 2015) CELEBRATE FIFTEEN, THE QUEUES (orbits) REDEFINED (and see PLAIN AVENUE of Nibiru 10 97) ELITE REFERENCE THE BAD QUEUES IN FIFTEEN. EFFETE (DAHL) RELEASED TECHNIQUE FREE TUBE (time portals) 1 45 2 SEE SECURE DEBUNKER ELITE LINE 10 97 4 above: EARTH BUNKER FEE cost ELITE KEEN NUKE EARTH IN FIFTEEN, [EERIE CLUBFEET REDEFINED THE QUEUES] CLUBFEET EUREKA NEEDIEST HERE CURES EARTH’S FEEBLEST meek/elect • “Clubfeet” refers to the little greenish greys from Arcturus of the Elohim CRUDE FEEBLE ELITE THIRTEEN families SEDUCED, CHIEF SUCKED IN “BETTER USE NEEDLE SCHEDULE BENEFIT EARTH” FEEDS BRUTE TEE (Ursa Major rune) Ʃ (Zeta45) ENTELECHIES*. ‘E’ is also a date, September equinox (the new one) *ENTELECHIES:the vital principle guiding the function of a system or organism - aka the agendas of the Anu from Ursa Major or those behind the Anu of Ursa Major = the Leonines CENSURE DIET, SEETHE ULCERED, EDIT ETHNIC: BENEFIT “TRUE SEED” IS FEEBLE NEED, THE CRUELTIES BEEN FED FED: a pun here on the ‘government’ being the culprit 10 67 1 Le tremblement fi fort au mois de May,9 83 Sol vingt de Taurus si fort de terre trembler, May 13 2008 the exact day MOBS RUMOR: LATE DAY TIME ELM YEAR FIFTEEN ORME BLURS ROME. M. (Orion) R. (Draco) ÖLM (Oannes) BUS, /motivate MOMENTUM LOB SOME METEORS. MERIT OF DYNAMITE. FULL BLAME IS MAIMED, TEARFULLY ENTOMBED, ELITE MAFIA TREMBLED: BLAME MATERIALITY, BRUTAL ARAB DEMON DEFTLY LIE MUTATE, gmo MORBIDLY, DEFILE FEMININE, EAT FETID MEAT halal OFFENDS ELO’IM M'ASTER MANTIDS: who TERMINATE ARAB DAEMONISM ENTITY... this is Alla-Lu, the living dead IS F.B.I. M.E sonic tool AUM frequency FAME microwaves TORMENTED YOU ALL. Mind kontrol via g.w.e.n. towers • FIFTEEN ELM? Elm is Sept 1 – 29 and the 15th is a day named in bibles • ORME BLURS ROME. there are many quatrains which speak of the Vatican disappearing due to an old portal there (.6:6) "There will appear toward Susa, Siena, Boeotia, Eretria the North - N o t fa r fro m Ca nc e r: the bearded star: NIBIRU also comes from Cancer T h e g re at o ne o f Rom e wil l die , t h e nig h t o ve r." ( C . 6 : 6 ) T he H o ly Se e wi ll be p ut i n a not h e r pl ace ( C . 8 : 9 9 ) m ov e d by tect o nic pl at es "T he g re at sta r wi ll burn fo r se ve n days - T h e cl o uds wil l ca us e t wo s uns t o a pp ea r o r “wh e n th e g rea t p o nti ff’s co unt ry c hem t rai ls W he n t h e g re at p o nt i ff wi ll c ha nge c ount ry ." ( C . 2 : 4 1 ) c ha nges ” [ E a r t h ] Sp asms fold Ces a r's a rt ramp (Vat ica n) fi ft e e n ( 2 : 7 7 : 3 ) S e e a l s o “ T u s c a n y , P i e d m o n t , P a r i s , P i c a r d y t h e w o r s t ” ( C . 9 : 4 5 ) Dis rup tio n at Re ims , L o ndo n, a nd dest ructi o n i n Tusca ny ( C . 1 : 2 6 ) h a d t h e c l u e o f S E D U M N O S “ s t o n e c r o p s ” i n i t C 9 : 4 5 10 67 2 Saturne, Caper, Jupiter, Mercure au beuf: SUPER FAME CUBE UP/ Elohim FUSE BEAM BURN-UP, INJURE FIERCE ABUSE ART CREATURE (in Da Vinci's art) JEERS MANURE (Pleiades) IS UP IN CUBE. RENUMBER SAFE UP* JEUUS PICK UUIPE J.C. • *True, only today once they had said the Sasquatch are part of the Elohim alliances did I understand that the number having always been twenty, does not include the Cassiopeians, so they must be part of the Andromeda Council. The Sasquatch always tell Keeaunee that they belong off world. • 9 41 1 Le grand Chyren foy faifir Avignon, • IS ORDINARY HELEN: SANG VIGOR OF FANCY FRAGRANCY IS IN DNA • (see ‘’circular molecular phenomenon’’ in 8 40 4 AND • the mention of Dr. Fred Bell’s comment regarding “aural stench” which prevents true channelling...) • FINDS IFFY CORONARY RAVAGING HELEN true • IS OANNE DO VARYING DNA FRAGRANCY. • IF YOU ARE VOID OF DNA FRAGRANCY [YOU] ARE ANGRY • (eating meat causes this, in particular halal killed meat) • SINE VIGOR GRAND CANYON COLORADO RIVER, HALF FIERY – • IS IFFY HAVEN FOR EVIL HORNY RIVER (Erid.anu the horned helmet) GIRAFFE (Camelopardalis = Anakim) • Sine vigor – the sasar tool • FRINGE OF FAIR HOLY HEAVEN FIVE-FINGER (Elohim) GLORY VERIFY HAIRY FREE-LIVING (Sasquatch) • saying the Sasquatch are part of the Elohim and the Living Library 15 Helen Mead-Parks 10 67 3 Venus auffi, Cancer, Mars, en Nonnay, (Nonnay: key word for the Pleiades, but meanin ‘not of’, so Alcyone) CAVERNOUS RUFFIANS/reptilians MENACE NANNY/Alcyone in the Pleiades YEAR MANURE CONNIVANCE SNUFFS ANU. UNCANNY FURNACES volcanoes ARES manslaughter VAIN elite MEN who ANNOUNCE FAN FANCY OF UNSAFE VIRUS ON NAÏVE AMERICAN’S NAVY SONS NonNay-not-nanny: NOT NANNY: those from Alcyone have been infiltrated via DNA to look like Nordics but are mostly reptilian, yet still have kept love (say the texts). These are with the SS Nazis. Those others of Pleiades (Manure) avenge them ... 10 67 4 Tombera grefte lors plus groffe qu'un euf. ... hail falling greater than an egg POUUERFUL FLAKES, (ice age) TORMENTERS BUGGER OFF. REPELS MASTERFUL NETUUORK OFF POUUERFUL GLOOM BETTER [than] REGRET SUFFER'NG FREAKS OF UURONGFUL KERNEL TORMENT. g m o THE VIDEO anyone watching this video here needs to understand a couple of things. 1) all Planetarium computer programs were set at Y2K, which is 324 years out. We are in 1691, not 2015 2) The planetary alignment in 10 67 is for 3473AD – PROVIDING THAT the Nibiru solar system passover does not move any of the current planets 3) none of the planetarium programs allow for the VORTEX planetary system and have all the planets ON THE SAME PLANE 4) CONCLUSION any erzats earthquake happening May 28/29 will be man made, simply due to QUANTUM ASTROLOGY in which all cause and all affects are separated by a lag, being effected sometimes up to an Earth orbit [year] later. 5) ERGO if an event does happen - it is a FALSE FLAG The "major earthquake" spoken of will be man made, same as the Fukushima one was. When you see the Richter scale given as 9.2 - it is really a 10.2 (which is mind-blowing) because "they" down graded the Richter scale back in 2011 I think it was, in order for people to not realize just how bad the earthquakes are going to become with the passing of the Nibiru solar system (some effect of which we will feel come the end of September 2015) '' http://worldtruth.tv/planetary-alignment-suggests-huge-9-8-quake-california-28th-may/ In this video the narrator says: '' Nostradamus also apparently predicted the planetary positions for the day in a mysterious quatrain, where he writes: The trembling so hard in the month of May, Saturn, Capricorn, Jupiter, Mercury in Taurus: Venus also, Cancer, Mars, in Virgo, Hail will fall larger than an egg. 10 67 here is how most Nostradamus "experts" have it Le tremblement si fort au mois de may, Saturne, Caper, Iupiter, Mercure au boeuf: Venus aussi, Cancer, Mars, en Nonnay, Tombera gresle lors plus grosse qu'vn oeuf. A very mighty trembling in the month of May, Saturn, Capricorn, Jupiter, Mercury in Taurus: Venus also, Cancer, Mars in Virgo, Hail will fall larger than an egg. “Ominously, Nostradamus used a similar method of planetary positions to pinpoint the year to end his predicted annals of Mankind: A mighty earthquake, in the month of May Saturn, Capricorn, Jupiter (,) and Mercury in Taurus Venus also in Cancer, Mars(,) in Virgo Hailstones, larger than eggs, will then fall” X/67 ‘’The date indicated by this quatrain is 3797AD’’. GIVE OR TAKE 324 YEARS = 3473AD, (850 years into Aquarius) Collator’s comments: There are several problems with this quatrain: The upcoming passing of Nibiru will cause ALL OF THE PLANETS TO NOT BE WHERE THEY ARE positioned in everyone's computer Planeterium Not to mention that ALL computers have been programmed from the Y2K reboot Nor that problem with the missing 324 years which were removed July 676AD by prince Ottö (and made edict in Constantinople late 676AD) which then commenced as 1000 AD... Of course, the only earthquakes happening at the “prophecied” time were those expected to occur due to the passing of the Nemesis system. HERE IS THE ORIGINAL QUATRAIN 16 Helen Mead-Parks 10 67 Le tremblement fi fort au mois de May, (noting the Eng. spelt Mai) Saturne, Caper, Jupiter, Mercure au beuf: Venus auffi, Cancer, Mars, en Nonnay, Tombera grefte lors plus groffe qu'un euf. The guy doing this video was quite correct when he said to go to the original quatrain Yet, if it is only Mercury in Taurus – where is Saturn, Capricorn and Jupiter supposed to be? in his scenario. To me this quatrain this is saying that all of these planets are to be within Taurus, a fairly crowded view! Now, it is interesting that word "Nonnay" is used for Virgo instead of "Vierge" – normally this is to accommodate the required anagrams, but this also means something else... RIGHT – GOT IT: Nonne means 'nun' in French, but it does not mean a virgin (most nuns were not virgins) and the clue is in the latter part of the word "nay" – meaning not an earthly nun, but is the key word for the Pleiades, whereas in Latin "nonne" has an automatic ? meaning "is this not the case?" then to verify what I have just said, the word "nae" in Latin means "verily" or 'truly' or 'assuredly' and 'indeed' (there was no "y" in Latin). Actually, here is the weird part. The Pleiades are right under the 'tail' of Taurus, considered the most important part – the pile or heap of manure (which is what the Pleiades do look like). If we take this as a date it would be very late in Aries to very early in Taurus – so not even near the 28th of May. The yellow circle is around the Pleiades aka Atlas, Nan-Nun and the seven sisters equals nine named stars with at least 40 in the constellation The progress or “Precession" travels from right to left In the days when it was named the Pile and the Heap, manure was much in demand and is still valuable, more so because of the artificial fertilizers being used are inclined to trap aluminium in the soil. See the ‘pile’ under the ‘tail’ of Taurus – not to be confused with the Egyptian “Hind Leg of the Cow” which is what they called Ursa Major So when you hear the likes of people like Bauval saying the Pleiades are "above the head of Orion"... well... Orion is above left of Taurus, so not even in the picture Here is a more concise table of the length of the Zoödiac “Ages” in terms of our years with one important note in 705BC the Chinese records tell us that the year/orbit changed from 360 days to 365 the Mayan records have a memory of a 260 day orbit/year – which most likely happened at a time of a pole shift and it is even possible we can consider the 705BC date a time of an Earth movement sideways but 4 95 3 tells us a perfect roll occurred “last but one” shar (each of 3660 +/- our years) and here is another reason we cannot calculate the Nibiru orbit in relation to our own years, because ours have altered more than once. Since we have a shar due any time now (1691AD/2015) then the last shar was ca 1970BC - 1969 so the shar which caused the perfect flip was in around 5,630 5629BC in the age of Gemini. In the forum SHARS OF NIBIRU & THE ZODIAC AGES the average of each age period was used, now one can see why. The date of 5630BC or just over 7,000 years ago fits with the evidence of extreme and long term flooding in Peru a climate change so severe that this is also the time of “sudden urbanisation” out of the blue so to speak ⬆ FROM & TO 10,373 BC to: 7,565 BC to 6,053 BC to 4,109 BC to 1,445 BC to 1695 BC/C.E to ca 1690 A.D. to 2,587 A.D. ⬆ FROM ‘’LEO RISING’’ LEO 9290/9614BC shar CANCER 7320 yrs ago GEMINI 5630BC shar TAURUS* 3114/3438BC asteroid ARIES PISCES NOW 2015 *1970BC last shar 17 Quite unwise to use average numbers LEO RISING 873 years into Leo = ca 9,500BC⬆ 7565 BC add LEO 2808 years ⬆ 6053 BC add CANCER 1512 years ⬆ 4109 BC add GEMINI 1944 years ⬆ 1445 BC add TAURUS 2664 years ⬆ 5 BC add ARIES 1440 years ⬆ 1691 C.E. (2015) PISCES ⬆ AQUARIUS commences end of Pisces 2,587 A.D Helen Mead-Parks AGE NAME Length of Years @ 365 days Number of Degrees crossing each house Each degree is ca 72 years/Earth orbits 1,440 ca 20 Age of Marduk: about 1445 BC to 5 BC Aries, a short house Age of Taurus 4109 BC to ca 1445 BC ca 37 Taurus includes the Pleiades 2,664 ca 27 Age of Gemini 6053 BC to 4109 BC Gemini 1,944 ca 21 Age of Cancer 7565 BC to 6053 BC Cancer, a short house 1,512 ca 39 Age of Leo 10,373 BC to 7565 BC Leo one of the largest 2,808 ca 44 Age of Virgo 13,541 BC to 10373 BC Virgo/Boötes ca 3,168 ca 23 Age of Libra 15,197 BC to 13541 BC Libra ca 1,656 ca 25 Age of Scorpio 16,997 BC to 15197 BC Scorpio AND Ophiuchus ca 1,800 ca 34 Age of Sagittarius 19,445 BC to 16997 BC Sagittarius, ca 2,448 ca 28 Age of Capricorn 21,461 BC to 19445 BC Capricorn ca 2,016 ca 26 Age of Aquarius 23.3333 BC to 21461 BC Aquarius ca 1,872 ca 36 Pisces ca 2,592 started ca 5BC, take 5 from 2592 = 2587 C.E. 3600 ca 25,920 MILLWHEEL the Great Millwheel of the Precession Pisces started ca 5BC, take 5 from 2592 = 2587 Current Era begins in Pisces (=2587 of Pisces -1691 of Pisces = 896 years still to go before Age of Aquarius) my opinion: Capricorn & Aquarius need reversing in house size. Source Norton's Star Atlas charts show the 1930 IAU constellation boundaries extended by multiplying each degree by 72 years If we take Enki’s Clay Tablet #10, which states that the Giza Plateau complex was completed in “Leo Rising” and the astronomical clock within the ‘air shaft’ of the great pyramid does measure ca 9.500BC, then that is ca 870 years into Leo, with still around 2,000 years to go in Leo – thus “in Leo rising” is correct. We are currently in Pisces Declining with still almost 900 years to go and no where even near the cusp of Aquarius. so if we take ca 3,660 (some say it is closer to 3.660 years each shar at the moment) but it is OUR years which keep changing in length – not those of Nibiru and deduct the current Shar @ 1,691 takes us back to 1969BC or thereabouts [324 years corrected] people are saying 3,660 minus 2015 takes us back to 1645BC, thus placing Santorini/Thera volcano here, but I need to keep repeating that all our computers are out by 324 years, plus in 1969BC our year was 360 days. The event of June 29 3127BC (3114BC of Hancock, allowing for recovery time) which was an aten class asteroid episode – (hitting in Austria but wiping out Sodom & Gomorra) these dates are really 3451BC & 3438BC COMPUTER PROGRAMS WERE USED TO GET THESE DATES, ERGO THESE DATES NEED 324 YEARS ALTERATION may have been the day changer from a 260 day orbit to a 360 day year, which then became 365 in 705BC. It would be interesting to research what Earth changing event caused that in 705BC – and being Chinese records; this number does not need to be corrected by 324. The bible speaks of the sun standing still then reversing “up the stairs” and whatever that occasion was, it was likely the same date 705BC. (no wonder the bibles say “no man shall know the day nor the hour”) If we take a shar happening 1969BC then go back another 3,660 = 5,629BC (or thereabouts) for the “one but last” shar and ‘perfect flip’ of 4 95 3 happened in the age of: GEMINI the excuse makers who say each zodiac crossing is "2000" years are using the Moon (by 13) & not the Sun chart, and this gives them their ‘’26,000’’ year great cycle, already we can see things are not as neat as that. • Thus the 5th Dynasty door lintel was in the time of Snefru/Marduk with the Apis title changing to Aries the Ram with the previous age of Taurus being associated with Apu/Ninurta, not Apis • to my eye, Capricorn does not seem as large as Aquarius as a crossing of the sun's path goes, it seems to me these should be reversed. • Virgo, Boötes and Libra are intertwined, some say Boötes is part of Libra, and some say part of Virgo between the three is 4824 years, making a mean age of 2412 years for Virgo and Libra • to get the return of the age of Aquarius first a few things need to be squared up: a) to go get the true age of Snefru/ these texts say isMarduk, Amon Ra, 4th - 5th dynasty and ruler of Aries/Ammon, established in • Isa 7:9 ... Jer 42:5 Mazzaroth After the asteroid in Taurus, around 3114/3438BC along came Aha/Nemes, whose date of ca 3000Bc now needs looking at... We know now that the 4th/5thdynasty was in the Age of Apis the Bee aka Aries from the Abydos door lintel no earlier than ca 1450 IF it was Marduk who reigned in the Age of the Ram. IF the stele in the Br. Museum with the aerial refueller really is “5th” dynasty... Ninurta owned the Age of Taurus/Apu, the Twins/(great)/Mas-Tab-Ba-Gal-Gal of Gemini: Inanna and Utu Prof S.Lessin 18 Helen Mead-Parks Cancer the Scarab 6053 BC to 7565 BC. Gen 49:11 John 10:28 Hebrew name; Sartan, who holds, or binds Mazzaroth SCARABAEUS: HOLDING THE POSSESSION which is what Cancer is all about - possessions then Ninghizzida/Thoth/Hermes way back in Leo This does NOT fit with the dynasty time scale, since the 18th dynasty is supposed to have been in the 13th to 14th century BC. from the Mazzaroth of Miss Frances Rolleston in the nineteenth century: “It is generally admitted that the date of a system of astronomy is to be ascertained from the place among the signs from which the beginning of its year is reckoned. As the Mexicans began theirs from Capricorn, it is to be inferred that the winter solstice had passed into that sign at the time of their emigration, which is supposed to have been from Egypt. Age of Capricorn 21,461 BC to 19,445 BC The records of the Persian and other Oriental nations indicate a far earliersic origin, beginning their year from Taurus, so referring to the time when the vernal equinox was in that sign. Age of Taurus 4109 BC to ca 1445 BC I have no idea why Miss Rolleston is placing the ages in reverse order Age of Virgo 13,541 BC to 10,373 BC Above all in antiquity is to be ranked the Jewish year, which primitively began in Virgo, when the summer solstice took place about the time assigned as the era of the creation of Adam, as deduced from the book of For the creation of the Adamu and the Adam see Prof. Sasha Lessin and see the Clay Tablets of Enki/Endubsar. The Great Flood of Noah was in Leo Rising Genesis. A great similarity has been observed between the Mexican and the Tartar constellations, the solar and lunar zodiacs being traced in both. The Mexicans have a cycle of such wonderful accuracy, as to indicate that they received it from a nation, probably Egypt*, more deeply versed in science than themselves. The Toltec tribes, to whom is attributed 500 years' priority to the Astec sic, are also said to preserve great similarity in their computations of time, and in the signs of the zodiac, with Tartar and Buddhist astronomy, thus indicating a common origin, as from their ancestor Noah. The Mexicans have a tradition of the deluge, and of a patriarchal family, saved in a barque, adding that when the Great Spirit Tescalipoca ordered the waters to withdraw, he sent out first a vulture that did not return, and then a humming-bird, which brought back a sprig of leaves. After the deluge, men were said to be dumb till tongues were distributed among them by a bird, in the shape of leaves”: *See the forum ANCIENT ECUADOR, ANCIENT EGYPT which shows a pharaoh wearing the first crown of Egypt in a hieroglyph found in Ecuador a) Pisces commenced about 7 – 3 years BC, so let us say 5BC, add 2592 years to get the end of Pisces therefor the cusp of Aquarius = 2587AD b) We are in 1691 @ 2015, so we still have 896 years to go for the Age of Aquarius 2) This Shar of Nibiru is due in 1691-2 – now 3) All our computers were re-set assiduously in the Year 2000 scam – to 2,000AD. Hence ALL ASTRONOMICAL CLOCKS are out by 324 years inside the computers! When the forum THE REAL AGE OF THE PYRAMIDS AT GIZA was done, that little detail escaped me, hence the date of 9,200BC give or take should really have 324 years added, making it ca 9,500BC including my primary table on the very first page of THE SHARS OF NIBIRU & THE ZODIAC AGES Helen Mead-Parks 11 44 1. ARGUMENT CONFUSED, CURVES orbit CLUNG DIFFERENTLY. SURVEY: VARY UNFORMATTED DESTRUCTIVE DIFFERENCES MOURNING CURVEthe new orbit AFTER-EFFECTS ice age SUDDENLY ENDANGER climates. 2. UNEXPLAINED PRESENCE OF"MIND" TROUBLES AS, [Ayse] RESPECTS UNEXPENDABLE FOUR DIMENSIONAL. END OF EXCEPTIONAL U.N. SUPER FORMIDABLE.NESS. IS FOUNDERS [Anakim] PROFOUNDEST RESEMBLANCE TO US | EXPRESS UNENDURABLE PLANET URIA’ ION REPLACEMENT 3. SUBSEQUENT FLUXUAL DEADEN AUXANOMETER [growth rate] CUE OF EXTENDED TRANS.SEXUAL BAD MENU DEFORM SEX 4. VIRULENT UNPALATABLE IN "ANT" HIBERNATION. (see Da Vinci U.N. ENABLE [HAARP] AVAIL HOTTER. INTERNATIONAL HABIT UP (I.S.S.) VULNERABLE, BURN. PLANET BEHAVIOUR, BUT IN INTERNAL~ UNABLE VIRTUAL PLANET HIBERNATION DUMBS THOREAUVIAN BRAIN BULLETIN THOREAU – nineteenth century philosopher, naturalist author. 1. The blond son of Cythera 1. Le blond fils de [Gk island] (tall blond) Cythere 2. Enters the wave clere/cles = 2. Entre dans l'onde key/low key/invisible clere claie=hurdle 3. De la Nymphe au 3. Nymph of the beautiful hair beau crin Berenices/tail of Leo 4. En fortit Androgyn: 4. Androgyn in fortit : small fort 5. Vne part eft du pere, 5. ƑET [SET] seventh hand of the 6. L'autre il a de la mere father, (Elohim . Cassiopeia: 6. The other has the mother C 3/triad. C/Mabus CythereNympheAndrogynC PHONEY HYPER TRENCHANCY (distinction), = DRY GEM MERRY DECENCY (Procyons) HANG GORY PYTHON-MEN GYRO MONTH NG (Scorpio) – GOAT YEAR DRENCH EGYPT* GREY REGENCY reptilian C Ophiuchus/M’Abvs DENY EARTH *June 2015 (goat) meteorite is slated, Etna & tsunami also 9 33 1 HerculesRoyRomeAnnemarc R.O. LAUNCHES ORMUS-HOURS time gates : CLEANS MERCENARY, MOANS ‘‘CRY RENAME RE-HEAL CURRENCY’’, HE SURREAL NECROMANCY NORMA Leo Minor ON Oannes IS CARPENTER (Jesus) CHANGER 9 41 Rome Chanignon Carpentras, 1562 ed. CHANI, GNAT Mantids ORME CONCERN CARP OANNES PIRANHAS, ANON anonymous RANCOR SAP GEM how appropriate – ‘anonymous’ means ‘no name’ and that is the modus operandi of the Oannes ‘Gem’ is always the Earth NINMAH'S OATH “On my oath, the annihilation of Mankind shall never be repeated!” Enki tablet 10 U.S. CHRONONAUT & PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE ANDREW BASIAGO CITES EVIDENCE... [THE EVENT WHICH CAUSED NOAH’S FLOOD] DECIMATED EGYPTIAN - MARS CIVILIZATION 19 Helen Mead-Parks APPONO ASTOS a crop ‘circle’ in answer to a person writing in a crop “TALK TO US” and here was the immediate reply http://archives.nd.edu/words.html 1 appon.o V 3 1 PRES ACTIVE IND 1 S appono, apponere, apposui, appositus V TRANS [XXXAO] place near, set before/on table, serve up; put/apply/add to; appoint/assign; ast.os N 4 1 GEN S M Archaic uncommon astus, astus N M [XXXCO] craft, cunning, guile; cunning procedure/method, trick, stratagem; My interpretation: "that set up before is cunning trickery" [H Parks] The internet sites stated that this crop circle writing is archaic Masonic. This is feasible for the Elohim, since Yeshua was an archaic stone mason, and one of theirs. Not to be confused with the Freemasons of the big “G”. Appono Astos | Crop Circles cropcircles.net/gift.htm Appono Astos. “We Are Opposed To Cunning And Deceit”. Despite the disinformation campaign performed by the British government to quell public interest in crop circles ... But this message response was about the likes of the reptilian Jesus crop circles and from http://www.esotericonline.net/profiles/blogs/what-one-crop-circle-is-saying 20 Helen Mead-Parks 21
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