ll of this information came from this one line
ll of this information came from this one line
A ll of this information came from this one line: 1 27 3 It clearly describes Leedskalnin's rotor machine, his moving water, the magnetic alignments and his sonic ''cones''` Recall that Mayan codex glyph with the bird singing into a conic shape with the [cymatics of] a pheon cross? When I retrieved a picture which has appeared in the forums a number of times already, my head started spinning in a faint. There written across the copper ''plate'' of Psunnenes I is my caption 1 27, which when you read the original quatrain, then the ''modernised'' version (which I was asked to do ''by thesaural'') then read the texts hidden within, all of it refers to free fuel and time travel. These quatrains and quatreins are here. 1 27 3 Qui par longs fiecles auoit efte grappe that which for a long time had been contained the stage gates & knowledge 1 27 3 SOLAR ECLIPSE SIGN is APRIL’S SONG, RENDERS TENEBROUSNESS (obscurity/sackcloth) IN FIFTEEN ''knowledge'' in 1 42 4 is the ''gold'' of the ornament – Nostradamus describes himself in 3 94 - plus ''ornament'' is a pun since it also means in Libra – the October which Nostradamus describes to king Henri II being when people ''will think that gravity has left the Earth'' and of Psellus, Michael the Younger who wrote Cronographia in which quantum physics is described (he who married the widow of king Constantine – the uncle of prince/king Ötto, the same who had 324 years removed from the calendars. At the time the word 'gold' only seemed to me the same as it seems to everyone, something valuable. Once one has either read or watched Laurence Gardner and his topic of Ormus/ white powder gold, with its miraculous qualities, one can never see gold in any other light forever after. Immediately the realisation became clear that gold mining will never cease here on Earth, that the Anakim will never stop coming here to obtain it and that the greatest 'treasure' within all the quatrains which we already discovered i.e: the time gates - need white powder gold for certain of their 'conduits' for intra dimensional porting. The hints have been spattered throughout the hidden texts such as the word ORME and quantum mechanics in Cronographia (published 1055AD) and in the not yet published STAGE GATE-STARGATE forum which I was told not to publish yet (DELAY PORTAL CHORE 9 67 2). Now I know why… 1 27 3 Qui par longs fiecles auoit efte grappe EQUALS IS FILLING POOREST PAGE SPACE (saying this requires a forum of its own) EQUALS GROPE SLEEPING CAPITALS IS SPELT IN PREFACING (the Preface?) means finding (grope) the capitalised words in the Preface to the Centuries (!) IS SELECTING PAGE PROPOSAL (the capitalised words contain pointers to topics, the first of which in the Original Preface seems to be additional information which belongs here and follows 1 27 3 ) quite so! See next page IS GLEEFUL IS IOU [you all] APPROPRIATE CONQUEST OF FREE FUEL AGE. [collator] NOT FIGURES ALL OF ''COPPER'' PLATES QUES/keys. No, I am not an electrician, but someone will understand. Copper-plates here may additionally be a hint in relation to the ZINC words found twice in the Tellinger forums for free energy. QUES keys QUOTE IS PAINT GREASE GENERAL PURPOSE PLASTIC - QUIETS FLOATING SINE QUOITS (rings) IONS. PICTURE OFF LEGAL PAPER (Tesla patent) the actual steps of the process might be out of numerical order, these lines came in this order but that does not mean they should be kept arranged like this PURPOSE OF PLURAL SEQUENCE OF PROFLIGATE LIQUEFACIENTS (petrol?) . Ignition? Impact? Timing? IS ACQUIRE SELF-PERPETUATING LOOPS. go to the videos regarding Ed Leedskalnin & his Coral Castle ACQUIRE COPPER FLUTE FIPPLE PROFILES TAG LIQUEFACIENT'S PURPOSE , ignition (flute fipple: the gap in the mouthpiece IS OPTICAL QUEST GENERAL AREA (north & south ley magnetic direction mentioned in 1 92) SO PURPOSE OPERATING OF PETALIFEROUS South African rings PLACES PRE QUOTING (in 1 92) AS (Cassiopeian) TO PUPIL: TAG FREQUENCIES PROFILE the cymatics formed by particular frequencies KEY IS NOT LARGE APPLES PICTURE. yes, one of the cymatics does look like an apple cut in half! PICTURE KEY IS PROPOGATE SELF LIFE the cymatics illustration which looks like a chromosome SO ACQUIRING ~ OPERATES FLUTE FIPPLE . QUALIFIER: GATE STOPPAGE [GATE] REFLECTIONS UPwards. PURGE OFF FUSE (or FUSE OFF PURGE). POSTPONE PICTURE IS LARGE FAIL get the patent & do the cymatics first APOLOGISE IS FREQUENT PARTICLES UP, EQUALS FORGOTTEN SUPERFICIAL (zinc?) PIPE OUT OF PLACE, FLAG NEEDS PIN See the zinc lines below FIPPLE is important is see in footnotes GRATEFUL QUALIFIER [collator] SPOTS PIPE, CONES FILLS APPROPRIATE SONIC FIPPLE CUE. IS OPPOSITE (above, negative and parallel to) GREAT SPACE FILLING UUATER (aquafer) EQUALS IF[IS] UUATER STOPPING [UUATER] RE-PLACES AGILE ; IFis UUATER IS AGILE EQUALS PLEASING PROSPECT – so this has to be MOVING WATER! IS THIS THE REAL REASON FOR ALL THE FRACKING? TO EMPTY THE AQUAFERS PREVENTING FUTURE FAMILIES FROM FREE FUEL? IS PROFLIGATE UUATER ESCAPING SLOPE - in the following video Dr Sam explains a huge iron plate discovered a mile and a half under the Bosnian Pyramid/s – this makes sense if there is flowing water running across and parallel to this plate. Even a divided stream of water surging out of your faucet will create an electrical current between the two divided streams EQUALS IS PROPOSE GATE the UUATER FILLING (aquafer) SPACE (SLUICES) TAG PROFILE, IS OPT IT LEAP-FROG LARGE PIT . IS PLOT UUATER, GET POLAR PROFILE (North to south true magnetic field or ley line) PILOT UUATERS RAGE (guide the volume of water flow north and south) IS LOG (record) TAPER OF GLARE (solar?) TOP OF UUATERS GEAR TO FLIP GAP OF LITRE PROFILES. FLAG IS TO LINE UUATER PIPE AS GASTROSCOPE, IS GREAT OPPOSING UUATER FALLS just as explained in the faucet analogy above ''opposing'' can mean ''negative'' (''IF UUATER STOPPING'' so this must be WHY Khufu had to build water channels from the Nile – which had moved away) 1 27 3 Qui par longs fiecles avoit efte grappe 1562 publication POET, PARCS: IS EQUAL VENTURA FLEETING EGO-TRIP VENTURA OPAQUE SLAVE IN PILLS AGE [PILLAGES] IS EQUATING POET’S EVIL PILFERAGE same time as the false rapture http://www.teslauniverse.com/pdf/patents/00428057.pdf?PHPSESSID=13d290fe9a2b748ed90374de1b227e9e; http://www.teslauniverse.com/pdf/patents/00381968.pdf ELECTRO-MAGNETIC MOTOR http://www.teslauniverse.com/pdf/patents/00381969.pdf ELECTRO-MAGNETIC MOTOR http://www.teslauniverse.com/pdf/patents/00382279.pdf ELECTRO-MAGNETIC MOTOR http://www.teslauniverse.com/pdf/patents/00382280.pdf TRANSMISSION OF POWER http://www.teslauniverse.com/pdf/patents/00382281.pdf TRANSMISSION OF POWER http://www.teslauniverse.com/pdf/patents/00381970.pdf SYSTEM OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION EXTRACTS from 112 such patents "Hidden History" 2013 Dr.Sam Semir Osmanagich - YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DS5yUcnBhBnk Oct 4, 2013 ... Fourth International Scientific Conference on Bosnian Pyramids "Hidden History 2013" was held September 4-7, 2013 in Sarajevo. Capitalised words pg 4 Original Preface Soli Combien Dieu Nolite single sun what size? God unwilling note that these words plucked at random form a context DECISION: SO OUTLINE MOBILE SOUND BECOME ILLUSION [cymatics] EDITION COOL BOILED EINSTEINIUM (white powder gold) DOUBLE TIME [twice] IN NICE OIL (oil in ice?) nice oil: given by Gk gods to mortals to make them godlike – Ambrosia. Ambergris. SO IMBECILE [delicate] ION OUTLINED (cymatic) MOBILE SONIC LINES NICE IODE OUT LONESOME (single) BLUE (is sonic) IN DIOTIC * DONE II (2) NODE IN IMBECILE** (weak) SOLUTION : LIE DOMECILE situated LOOSE IN TUBE IN MOBILE DELICIOUS (sweet) NOTE/TONE ELOCUTION [voice activation] INSIDE MOBILE OILED MOBILE 1 CONTINUES ON UTILISE DOMECILED [situated] BONE (pointer) MI BLUE (sonic) EDITION COLONISE (propogates) INSIDE-OUT IMBECILE (delicate) CONTUMELIES rudeness/roughness/coarse/unrestrained/offending IN IMBECILE (delicate) OIL SOLUTION; UNDOES IS TO NODE UNION TOOLED IMBECILE (delicate) BOIL IODINE, COLLIDE EINSTEINIUM TO: NOT IMBECILE (i.e: strong) LOUD NOISE IN ODIOUS LINE loud noise line is in the Yellowstone forum SO UNION (Elohim) TO IDLE (slow down) IMBECILE (the elite) Soli Combien Dieu Nolite Conƒide single sun what size? God unwilling resides recall the cube at the sun? *Effects of diotic fringes on interaural disparity detection (L) wwwdtu3.sitecore.dtu.dk/English/Service/Phonebook.aspx?lg...id... DIOTIC: DTU Chemical Engineering ... inter-aural level differences (ILDs) that are carried by probe segments embedded in otherwise diotic broadband noise (fringe). ** IMBECILE weak/feeble; delicate; fragile; ineffective; lacking in power/resources Conƒide consid.e V 3 1 PRES ACTIVE IMP 2 S consido, considere, consedi, consessus V INTRANS [XXXAO] sit down/be seated; hold sessions, sit (judge), try; alight; subside/sink (in); encamp/bivouac; take up a position; stop/stay, make one's home, settle; lodge; consido, considere, considi, consessus V INTRANS [XXXDO] lesser be seated; hold sessions, sit (judge), try; alight; subside/sink(in)settle; lodge;encamp Soli Combien Dieu Nolite Conƒide single sun what size? God unwilling resides Recall the cube at the sun? The word ''Conside'' was not seen until now. I am taking this omission to be part of the plan SO EMBODIES LEO COUNCIL IN EDITION: COINCIDE IN DOUBLE TIME in two places at the same time! Parallel universes LEO (Chertan) IN IDIOTIC ECONOMIES BUNDLE. OIL BECOMES DISCONTINUED IN LEO, I (Halloween, same date for Yellowstone) 1 79 1 Bazaz,Lectore,Condon,Aifch,&Agine NOTICE COGNIZANCE OF ABLE HAZARD (never ceases to amaze me – who wouldn't want to do this work when they tell the collator such things as this; that the KEY word HAZARD (meaning time gate) was found and understood DOZEN ARCHAEOZOIC ENABLING FACT – here we have the number twelve – and that the Anakim are the ''ennablers'' IS ABLE CHANGE ARCTIC ZONE AND ZOO. (The Anakim are the ''zoo-keepers'' but are not the ''Watchers'' as some say.) ENCODES Z (zee/Cassiopea with the Elohim alliance – under the ''Emerald Covenant'' who are the real ''Watchers'' of Earth's Living Library) Now we can see a Bigger Picture. Marduk & Ninurta are those which have us all enslaved using money and religion. [Anu] CHEATED OF ZOOS by CANNIBAL CIGAR ECTOZOAN CHEF (those from Chertan in Leo 6 59 3 ''managers of all'') TAG BLEND ZINC OF ARCHAEOZOIC AN. In THE PEACEMAKER Introduction the warning was not to allow zinc near the artifacts. So far, in my mind I see this as the beginning of a process once zinc is involved with those artifacts. The DOZEN is always a key word for the Anakim who have twelve digits and who are O. C. D. with the number twelve ECTOZOAN ectoparasite: any external parasitic organism ARCHAEOZOIC Archean: the time from 3,800 million years to 2,500 million years ago. And see also ''SIX DAYS''2 in DEMISE of OIL aka the 'Archons' which other people speak of. The word ''Archon'' has only recently turned up in these lines 1 92 4 morts & captifz le tiers d'vn milion. c ij IMPLICIT ZINC STIR; MIND out SLIM ZINC PLATE LIFTS raises , FORMS VITRIOLIC JETS DISJOINT the FIRM VECTOR. INJECTOR FORMS LIVID MIST ~ COMMIT JOIN SILVER FILMS COVER. FILM RIDS stops [vitriolic] VOMITS VERDICT result PROJECT out JOINS FORM. TRIM LIMITS DRIFT . ZINC PLATE INJECTOR IS FIRM DIM VOLTS to MISPRINT JAM = ''j'' interchanges with ''i'' making 'jam' into ''Mai'', May. And yes, it is May now SETI (searching extra terrestrial intelligence) JAMS stops OLD LORDS [Anu] AJENDA MAI FOURTEEN IN NORMAL SIZED VICTIM my bet is that S.E.T.I has not even realized this, nor how it happened 11 97 2 Dans les fagots ƒeront ƒoldats cachez, HALF A DOZEN TO SECOND CLASS TARGETS, STRESSED CONTACTS GOAL. ARCHONS GLACE, (ice) NOT TOAST SELF DAZED ''half a dozen'' are the 'unholy/repulsive six' of the second coming.''second-class'' targets: the ''elite'' who are the ''self-dazed'' the ''glace'' is a pun on ''icing'' the elite, and on Antarctica – the ''goal'' as seen in other lines AS CONTRASTS ELECT with HALF A DOZEN (the 'unholy six') TACTLESS GOD ANCESTORS – HAZARD [portal] CONTACTS ONE COLLATES LEAFLETS (pdfs) FACTS CONTENTS GOODNESS (!) AS FONDNESS, CONSENTS, GOOD ACTS. GOLDEN STATE CONSOLES THOSE FACTS. ''Golden State'' – recall the bright golden ''V'' in the vignette with the lobster/cray/Cancer (which is NOT a Scorpion as others would say)… The ''V'' is that of the muliebra of Andromeda [council] You will not realise that it was only a few minutes ago I was placing my query regarding the twelve centuries pointing to someone else possibly providing all these texts thus using me as a dis-informant, hence the (!) This is the first time the word ''Archons'' has appeared, but we do not what ''not toast'' the elite means – not pleased & one can go to the forum titled ''ELITE'' to see what is in store for them 11 97 3 Changer de temps en prime pour le Roy, R.O. NAME PROPHECY MEMORY of TELLINGER HAPPENS causes his PROCEDURE. PRESUMED SUPREME PROPHECY & MORE R.O. PREPARED CHOSEN TELLINGER: CHEERS DUMP PAPER MONEY – TELLINGER MY HOPE, PREPARED CONSUMER, MESH AMEND PAPER MONEY – SO COMPREHEND AND PREPARE TO PROSPER. (The use of aphesis here for the second ''L'') RECOMMENDS PRAYER UP for MERCY PENRE (Wes Penre) PSEUDOMORPH RACE (SA.AM Marduk Ninurta etc) 11 97 4 Par de Chalon & Moulins tous hachez. HAZARD in [worm]HOLE COLLAPSES CONTINUE D A.U. , CACOPHONOUS MINUTES, MENTAL HELL NOT CONSPICUOUS MEANT ''HELLO'' (wake up') IN HOCUS POCUS: HUMAN SIZED CHE {Mãitre/Grayle/shadow government) HOLOCAUSTRAL PORN, SMALL (children) CHOP - U.N. AUTHORIZED NAPALM SCHOOLS. SO TRAPEZOIDAL HUMAN LUNCH in SHAPED HORIZONTAL COLUMNS (cylinder craft) AS SOON AS U.N ALLOCATE SHAM HORIZONS UP. ''D'' the moon. A.U. its orbit but from now on we must look sideways at ''Au'' since this is gold. The implications of gold hold all the final answers it seems – via orme or ormus. The word ‘’Rome’’ in the texts has ‘’orme’’ as its hidden text. Only yesterday while watching Alex Collier videos, did I realize that the As that you have seen all throughout these forums is pronounced AYZE as in ''A''s. Now I am wondering if this is what the four ''A''s are on the Cross of Hendaye. Listening to questions placed before Alex Collier the answers of which he was unsure – made me conclude that some of those answers for him are here within these lines. When Alex xpeaks of the events at Dulce, without giving us details, this is the Phil Schneider information… it is my suggestion you read all you can, watch every video regarding Phil Schneider. When Alex speaks of ''several benevolent races'' he is speaking of the Elohim alliance. This also tells us that Alex Collier is thoroughly vindicated. The only other person who has made mention of ''As'' or ''Az'' is Anton Parcs – and there is an entire forum regarding him, since he was born inhabited by E.Yah/En.ki. 10 64 1 Pleure Milan pleure Lucques Florance EL (Eloim) REILLUME PLENARIUM (list of formulae) MINERAL ore/ormus RULES RULES PRENUCLEAR PLAIN FUELS. RUN ACORN PLANE FLUKE ~ ON Dagon/Oannes FEAR ACE FOLK (elect) EARN LUCK Acorn plane – stargate dimension CRUELLER PUERILE MAN-LIKE LEO RULES UP, FOUL CELLULAR MENU: LIKE (looks like) U.N OPULENCE Elite FEMALE KEEN for NUKES to CULL PARCS UNKEEN blunt MOLECULAR FORMULAE RULES PURE FUEL and see YINM next page CONTINUED 9 35 4 Et marchera contre le Myrmidon M. R. E.T. MARRON DO THERMAL YINM (YINM - a directed energy tool) DEMONIC MERCY CATTLE RE: ARCHER Nost CAR Yule OMEN NOTE MY R.E. ELECTRON MID MARCH in 5 91 1 E.T: M: Orion. R: Draco reptiloid. Note the pun...Mr. E.T. ‘M’ can mean in Sept 2 - 29 And he (they) will march against the Myrmidons. Myrmidons – originally Ants or mantids, turned into human beings by Zeus YINM: separation by heat at the molecular level CAR: “the enemy” obs. IST Decan Capricorn: Yule ARCHER Sagittarius both Nostradamus & the collator M: Orion R: Draco Indicates male greys R.E. electron: Eridanians. An Iowa politician did witness a ‘marron’ like creature attacking a cow 5 91 1 Au grand marche' qu'on dict des mensongiers SOUGRAIGNE REGION GUARDS GENNOS SINGERS (to) ARGUE MENS DEDUCTION or DEDUCTIONS MEN DISCOUNTED DAMN MAN OMEN OS QUOINED ORGANISES MARCH – see 8 58 2 RAISES DAN SONG ~ ARQ G or GUARD RAISES SONGS (see musical clues later) ‘GUARD’ could even be Nostradamus, the ‘songs’ being the quatrains At the market that they call that of liars: Wall St. or Treaty 9 SOUGRAIGNE – Pyrenees/France GUARDS GENNOS – France certainly HAS been guarding against gene manipulation in their court system. MAN = Orion MARCH the month OS Capricorn/Yule SINGERS: authors of these ‘tunes’ – the Hidden Texts... DAN. Scorpio. S is Celt Willow: April 15 – May 12 ARQ can be Sagittarius. G (Geminids?) G is also Celt rune for Ivy which is Sept 30 – Oct 27 & a Monday And/or google Dan Burisch The dates: MARCH MAY VIRGO LIBRA SCORPIO SAGITTARIUS and on a Monday. DAMN ‘MAN’ = DAMN ORION SOUGRAIGNE REGION GUARDS GENNOS: could mean hiding in the tunnels there; is one way to safeguard GENNOS 8 58 2 Prendre les armes et le nom Britannique LOBSTERMEN QUINTAN MOB SEE R.E. LEADERS EQUIP (cause) RELEASE BROMINE chemtrails AND SMELTER ELEMENTS (heavy metals/aluminium) RENDER OMEN BROMINATE (Earth) INQUINATE to take the arms and the name of Britain: LOBSTERMEN (mantids) QUINTAN: in the 5 day orbiting planetoid of the Cassioipeain/Elohim line 9 35 4 has them as “Marron” (a very large crayfish) as seen by an Iowa Minister July 13th 2007 on the back of a cow during a cattle mutilation. He saw a “crab/scorpion”... the article at Earthfiles.com R: Draco. E: planetoid EQUIP: cause INQUINATE: polluting (chemtrails in our atmosphere) …this is the plan Also referenced below are a couple of examples of “notes to the collator/decoder”. These are just examples of how Allan UUebber and I have been ‘told’ how to do the work for Nostradamus. I have not yet needed to publish any with Allan’s ‘guidance’ and this just shows how delightfully clever the entire ‘chore’ was constructed. Do not think I was able to do it all on my own. Many people (and they are named in the lines) have been an influence to my understanding… Stella Heap, David Glen Spearcatcher, Eloise Parks, Michel Nostradamus and all of those in the Bibliography. 9 18 1 Le lys Dauffois portera dans Nanfi DELAY NARRATE PORTALS REF AND AS PAIR : PORTS ISOTROPES STRIFE IN AIR IS IN DAYS POSTERIOR OF DAN REPORT FUELS [pun] PROOF OF PRAETOR PREDATORS The fleur de Lys will taken to Nancy delay the forum regarding Portals Chore after the days of the Scorpio (2015?) report or following a super volcano? carries radioactive problem [oceans] up in the air 9 18 1 Dauffois Nanfi IS SUN AIDS FAN DIFFUSION OF ANOD[E] U.S.A FOUND S.A (South Africa), SUDAN – IS AF. (African) INFO (Mutwa) More detail for someone like Michael Tellinger to use? Both David Icke & Tellinger have been speaking with Mutwa This “anode” could be part of the unusual necklace Mutwa has in his possession. The U.S.A. has been raiding all Africa! 9 18 1 Le lys Dauffois portera dans Nanfi PARANOID SATAN ON (red Dagon/Oannes) OF ARID APRON (Mars) SNIFF (spy), RIPOFF copy OAR ARTISANS in DAN (Scorpio) FLEUR DE LYS INFANTS IN FRONT OF AS . This Satan is Allah-Lu/Lucifer sent to Mars in Disgrace. Oar artisans are the Mantids. Looks like an attack by the Oannes on the hybrid children which the Cassiopeian/Elohim have been getting ready for the golden age. (The “fruit of their line” in 1 10 4) Fleur de lys is the key name for the directed energy tool/weapon. READ [INFANT] IS PROFOUNDLY FRAIL OF SATAN-NESS POISONERS’ PROFESSIONAL FRAUD: This is speaking of babies being born now and subjected to the genetically manipulated foods (and medicines) of the likes of Monsanto, some call Mon-satan 9 56 1 Camp pres de Noudam paffera Gouffan ville CAMEL CAMPED U.N, END MAP; ANGER OARS ENDORSE VILLAGE PURPOSE SPASM AVULSIONS REPOSED in DAMP PALLADIUM CELLS PER PASS ANVIL SOUND ORES SANG S.O.S. PAMPERS SOUL SAVING Camel means the Camelopardalis not far from Orion, the source of the Anakim/Dagon/Oannes CAMPED at the END of the MAP – orbiting Earth ANGERING the Mantids (who also orbit – see “Simon Parkes” videos) The Mantids from Argo (Oars) endorse Tellinger’s principles of Sasar Energy in a system of villages and not cities. ORES SANG/SANG ORES refers to Ormus properties 9 56 1 Noudam Gouffan FAN FOAM GUM OFF (see 1 27 3 “QUOTE IS PAINT GREASE GENERAL PURPOSE PLASTIC”) ADAM (mankind) FOUND: UNDO, AN GOD, U.N. AUM GUN 9 56 1 Camp pres de Noudam paffera Gouffan ville APPROVE FLUFF UP OF ADAM’S CALENDAR ENIGMA – PROOF APPEARING PUMP VENGEFUL AFFAIR OF U.N. FEMALE V.I.P. (radioactive oceans – see 10 64 1) MOVE FLUFF UP (Da Vinci uses the word “fluff” for this event) 10 64 1 LIKE (looks like/shape shifter) U.N OPULENCE Elite FEMALE KEEN for NUKES to CULL The huge earthquake of Fukushima was artificial, and was thought to be accidental that it caused the Fukushima nuclear problem. It seems here in these lines that the entire nuclear “accident” was on purpose. The forum “JAPAN NUCLEAR ACCIDENT’’ was published several months before the event… and had told the exact day. See the forum “CLEANING THE OCEANS” and the Popol Vuh which shows the dirty oceans going up. IOU FAVOUR MEAD-PARCS FINE PLUMP PAGES (forum) CALENDAR OFF (SHARS of NIBIRU & The MISSING 324 YEARS) APPEAL GRUFF V.I.P. MAN: SUPER PLAGUE VENOMS MOVING OFF FLUFF UP I: this Yew Tree day must be the eve of the December solstice, following the Scorpio “report”. Not sure who the “gruff V.I.P. Man” is, could be Ventura. Footnotes fipple noun 1. 2. 3. noun: fipple; plural noun: fipples the mouthpiece of a recorder or similar wind instrument which is blown endwise, in which a thin channel cut through a block directs a stream of air against a sharp edge. The term has been applied to various parts of this, including the block and the channel. Origin early 17th century: perhaps related to Icelandic flipi ‘horse's lip’. Fipple | Define Fipple at Dictionary.com dictionary.reference.com/browse/fipple a plug stopping the upper end of a pipe, as a recorder or a whistle, and having a narrow slit through which the player blows. Fipple - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster ... www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fipple a grooved plug in the end of a whistle, flute, or organ pipe. fipple noun noun: fipple; plural noun: fipples The term has been applied to various parts of this, including the block and the channel. Origin early 17th century: perhaps related to Icelandic flipi ‘horse's lip’. The forum being completed now titled free energy & fipple which derived from a line in EARTH BEAST – HUMAN CREATURE (May 26 2014) The information seems to be parallel with the energy from the Giza pyramids and from Tesla, also explaining much that I have missed simply because I had not been aware that white powder gold is a transmutation agent – even though the word ORME has appeared frequently. This derives from the word ROME, so saying that within all the quatrains and presages, the word ROME and the quatrain it is in will need to be studied in some depth. See also PALLADIUM in the continuation of this collection and we have already seen the FREE SALTWATER ENERGY in the DEMISE OF OIL texts Some recent ‘’finds’’ which go onto facebook as they are found: 11 42 soldiers La grand cité où est le premier homme, The [La] mighty city where is the principal man /president Bien amplement la Ville ie vous nomme, I've named the place -- just read the line again! Tout en allarme, & le soldat és champs Is sore alarmed, with soldiers all afield. Par fer & eau, gran dement asligée, Both war and flood the city shall assail Et à la fin des François soulagée, Till Frenchmen rescuing shall once more prevail. 1 70 3 Those (actions) started in France will end there Monsanto in French courts Mais ce sera des six cents & dix ans. Six hundred ten: then see these things revealed. 6 10 4 Blood, land, plague, famine, fire [all] extinguished by water. C6 Q10 2 67 cometre Le blonde au nez forche viendra commette (1562) Le blonde au nez forche viendra cometre (1555) 2 67 cometre (1555) CLEVER HEROINE preppers BRAZENED FOUL COMET DAN Dan means in Scorpio VENERABLE LIZARD (Yah) HONOURED FENCED IN COMET LONDONER VENALIZED CHE-RUB E (grey), FEAR COMET INFERENCE ANU TRUCE COMET BULLDOZER OVERHEAD Nibiru, northern hemisphere COMET REVERBERANCE ON ILL FOUNDED HAZE chemtrails, volcanic pall COMET HAZE FRANCE EVIL ONE BLUNDERED MUCH (‘’Tuscany the worst’’) comette (1562) E.D. CONFINED NOVEMBER COMET OVER NORTHERN AREA; see ‘Londoner’ and ‘France’ closer to Tuscany AMAZE, BEFUDDLE HELL-BENT VIOLENCE DEVOURER ON On means the Dagon-Oannes AMAZE BRAZEN HATED-NOBLEMEN ELITE OF CRUDE (oil) who VENALIZED FOUL INCLEMENT OVERHEAD (H.A.A.R.P) COMET FROZEN – COLD ENCUMBERED CRAZED R VANDAL H.O ‘’crazed’’ as in cracked all over R means draco/reptilian BRAZEN VEHEMENT ELITE MAD MEN, FOUL ACCORD CLOVEN-HOOFED DEMON MENACER DECENT MUCH LOVED R.O. NAME TERM OF NEEDED VOLCANO, N.B. RAZE AREA TODAYS FIND OCTOBER 12 14 2 53 4 De la grand dame par feincte n'outraigee. AGE-RELATED PARAMAGNETIC CALENDAR IDEAL stargate SEE CAMPAIGN DRAINED AMERICAN PADDING luxuries IN FOURTEEN IS UPGRADE the removal of 324 years CALENDAR GENERATES DOMINATE TRAGEDIES FASTER sooner who? (the man snake) SEGREGATE OAR . Mantids of the Elohim >those in the Second Coming who are the desired [you] GO DETERMINE UPGRADE IN AUGMENTED CALENDAR AGE E.D., A, (Cassiopeia) NEED MEAD-PARCS AGREE AIM ADOPTING ENUMERATE… NEGOTIATE GRAND PERMUTATION >Permutation: each of several possible ways in which a set or > number of things can be ordered or arranged: >These texts 2 53 4 De la grand dame par feincte n'outraigee. NAME A FOREIGN REPEATED MAGNITUDE, [Nibiru] A DEFEATED GROUP ENTERING FOURTEEN. REPEATED DAMAGING IN I DEFEATED UP Anakim ORIGINATE GERMAN (CELT-SAXON) >where 'I' is Halloween/Scorpio Yew Tree Day (also Yule) >yes, the forum is titled SHARS OF NIBIRU & THE MISSING 324 YEARS >see also YELLOWSTONE www.hiddentextsofNostradamus.com 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 IS E.D., PEDANTIC GARDENER LEAGUE, [Eloim] GUARDIAN ANGEL AGREEING MEAD-PARCS REPAIRED, DEFINED, REFINED >the two differing publications of the quatrains of DETAINEE ANALOGUE analogy (abductee) NOƒTREDAME INFECTED ('unhealthy/incorrect') PREDICATED LANGUAGE PREDICTIONS >PREDICATED stated, or [something] asserted previously about the >subject in a sentence or an argument of a proposition. >"a word which predicates something about its subject’’ – To found or base something on. > meaning all those incorrectly ‘decoded’ quatrains of former times, keep reading… PRECEDING long before GUIDANCE MEAD-PARCS PATIENCE, UNDER LINES pun DECENT REPAIR OF POET'S LANGUAGE : PREDICTED FACE Scorpio date event, GREEN ALGAE food & power source, A.I., AGE-RELATED orbit/years SUN, -DEFENCE DEFIANCE, DUPLICATE SINE DANGER >the sun growing and altering DNA & the missing 324 years. PREDICTED RING LORD ELEGANCE UP IN FINE (sine?) PECULIAR DERANGED GATE IS UPDATING READER of the quatrains > should need no explanation by now – time gates, looking glass >(the E.D./R.O. Andromeda Eloim) REDEFINED APT LARGE GUIDANCE READ: IS [also] REGULATED PAGES ACNE-RIDDEN > the QUARAN book of Other world 'warty' greys [UNDERLINES] REPEATING cloning GUIDANCE of FEDERAL >shadow governing of shadow ‘government’ (the two veils) which has DEPENDENCE IN LARGE GUTTED AIR. chemtrails MEAD-PARCS REPAIRED DEFECT IN [POET'S] LANGUAGE, IS UPDATING READER OF ELOIM ELEGANCE, DEALT GUARANTEE IN PREFACE >the free energy/Sasar lines hidden within the original Preface. IS EA GENERATE GREAT ELEGANCE: DRAINED UP; CLEARING UP DEAD OCEANS, IS LEADING EDGE PAN CREATURE AUDIENCE watch, AGREE FRIDGE PLANET, GEAR FRIDGE REPTOID, AND EDITING: PREDICT FRIDGE IN DAN PECULIAR TEEN AGE, > ice age in the teens, 2013 - 2020 FINGERED CARE FREE elite's PLAGUE DAN Scorpio care free – without caring, the ‘elite’ – other lines state that the volcanic ice age is also to clear up the plague ELITE IS DEGENERATE GROUP IS ANIMATED DUPLICATES. clones AND FEARING DEFEAT: ENRAGING FRINGE RENEGADE LEAGUE, DEFAMING PECULIAR DUPLICATE LEO DEUTERANOPIA (shape shifters) Obama is also a Leo, and the shape shifters come from Leo IS [ELITE] GREET UNDECLARED EAGLE Anu in REPEATING AGE, >the repeating age/orbit of the Nibiru solar system. Repeat also means in Gemini >or repeating your DNA limitations DEDICATED AGEING PRE-FUNERAl mortality gene IDEAL PERCENTAGE for population - humans dying at 120 AND FECUNDATING making foul REPAIRED in DAN. 2016 ANU FIGURED DARE INFLUENCE PECULIAR ARPEGGIATED these texts >Arpeggiate: play (a chord) as a series of ascending or descending notes >spread across (the verses) REDEFINED NEAR TEGUCIGALPA >a city south of Honduras towards Nicaragua 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 R.O. ELEGANCE GUARANTEEING ADDING GRADUATED ENGINE (mill wheel) DELINEATED APERTURE DURATION new larger orbit - AIR GENERATION IN GALES. IS A, Cassiopeia, DAL, CLEAR UP DEGENERATING (planet) GUIDED REGENERATE NATIONAL. AGREED, NEEDED DELEGATE ALIGNED, ORIENTED ANGLE TRIANGULATION (for new orbit) U.N. NOT ENGINEER IDEAL AIR, chemtrails U.N IN ENGINEER ADULTERATED AGO some time back (1986) >chemtrails DEGENERATE IN DIRT, ENDANGER GARDEN Earth REGULATION DEGENERATION IN EATING DRUG – ALIEN LEADING IN ARGUED RETAINED >(alien in U.N. – saying Monsanto et alia ''leading'' & to retain genetic manipulation) U.N. LEAGUE DEREGULATED DNA IN A GENERATION GUARDIAN NOT LIE: ALIEN ING [harvest] DEADLINE NEEDED TAILORING, EAT LARGE ROUND fat DEGENERATE DETAINEE in FEMA camps >(large ''tailored'' fat abducted people) ALIEN RED ON (Oannes) ENGINEER ADULTERATION DNA GENERATED IN GUT pun AIR chemtrails gut atmosphere AGE (‘’AIR AGE’’ IS ALSO IN Aquarius) E.D A (Eloim) DETAIL PURGING GUN REGENERATION >pun on Cassiopeia stating keep your guns (in other lines too) >but also a gun having ''detailed regeneration'' – >which describes the directed energy field EGALITARIAN DEFENCE >An egalitarian favors equality of some or every sort: >Egalitarianism is a trend of thought in political philosophy. >People should get the same, or be treated the same, or be treated as equals, > in some respect… such as owning guns ENGAGE UNITED NATION: NEED RATIONALE, U.N. NOT AGREEING ADULTERATION IDEA ALTERED DNA, U.N. EDITED A LARGE GENERATION >super soldiers and mutated DNA >of the population via chemtrails PEACEFUL TELLINGER GARDENER GAINED PEACE – DEFEATED ROMAN GUARD DEMON AIM DEED DEGRADED MAURETANIAN AFRAID IT FEATURED DREAD ON Oannes AGAIN IN DAN Scorpio FOURTEEN ARPEGGIATED these texts ENUMERATION D.E.F. – CALENDAR MAIDEN (Virgo) FOURTEEN >see YELLOWSTONE forum where the directed energy field weapon is used to >get started Yellowstone and Etna (the third ‘sleeping giant’ is under N.Z) ANGEL AT THE SUN 3 1 2a) Le grand Neptune à fon DAL FUND GREEN PLANET, FEND UNELEGANT PORN pedophilia OPEN FLUENT D.E.F. ON REPUGNANT ƒUN LEGEND AND LEFT NONE END UNGENTLE FELON DAN NAGƒ date NEAR END of FLUENT PONG which PLUNGEƒ DEAFEN volcanic gases and a sound heard around the world ‘‘Funds green planet’’, invests in the Living Library, the Dals are a Nordic with cat eyes, part of the Elohim alliance. ANU PRETEND ANGEL ON SUN ( ! ) ; see links here >FLUENT D.E.F. directed energy field, a sonic weapon, the same used to make crop circles. >DAN is Scorpio, as is NAGS but Nags continues up to December 22, and other lines have stated the volcanic >event continues to Yule - very consistent all the way through regarding the date of this volcanic event >which rids us of the elite (PORN) PRETEND ANGEL AT THE SUN – recall that one ? see the links here >The huge angel looking hologram or something else at the sun. 3 1 2b) plus hault beffroy: HASTEFULLY BURP, FLASH OFF, ERUPT (volcano) FOUL PUBERTY (teens – 2014 - 2019) BY BASHFUL Uheavenly STAR BOATS’ Argo Mantids HEAPPleiadians& RESTFUL BOY UP (lad/Dal) FURY… HELPFUL OF SURELY BURY PUREST-FOUL-BY-HALF-HATEFUL-POSH. >the elite [volcano}HELPFUL BLOT HURTS PUSSY FLU, EBOLA ILL P.S. : HELPFUL FLUSH chemtrails T (Anu) FLYS SULPHUR, PLY HURL SPURTS FULLY over TURF- PUSH EBOLA 3 1 3a) Rouge auerfaire defraieur IS EERIER RUDE ADORE (October) FURIES RAGE : AUGUR OF OUR RARE DEAR UUEARIER UR EA AGO, IS nouu UUISE RA GURU UUORRIES, IS EAGER U READ, EAGER AROUSE FAIR AREA OF from DREARIER RED FOUR ERA. >The ‘red four’ are the SA.AM, RIB/Leo, ON/Sirius & RDraco of SAMAROBRIN in 6 5 3 3 1 3b) viendra pafle, [RA GURU,] DAL, PILE (Pleiadian RAN (LyRan PEERƒ FERVID PLEA AN LEAVE, DEPRAVE diverts REVILED FEVER PAIN, diverts VENAL VAN VIPER FIVE Oannes FINAL LEAP Scorpio RAPE attack S.I.D sudden infant death DAN Scorpio NAVEL IS RAPED attacked (Naval of the world – Jerusalem or Earth’s core) ALE May 13 – June 9 - LEAP (Scorpio) There are various dates that this hologram supposed to have appeared in front of the sun – noting that it is via N.A.S.A. – S.O.H.O. feed that these videos are all supplied, and we have seen in the texts that N.A.S.A. has been infiltrated in just the same manner as and by the same Off Worlders as the U.N. Dates are: Nov 8 2013 (in Dan-Scorpio) Oct 26 2012 (in Dan, Scorpio) C.M.E. Aug 1 2014 May 30 2013 (in ALE date) Uploaded August 5 2014 May 19 2013 (in ALE date) According to these texts – more to discover in the ensuing Scorpio ANU PRETEND ANGEL ON SUN 3:1:2 The most recent with red circle around Earth for comparison - and the 2012 capture on the right was ‘’3 to 5 times the size of Earth’’. Clearly it has grown since 2012, that is, become closer – it the Nibiru Solar System? TODAYS FIND OCTOBER 12 14 2 53 4 De la grand dame par feincte n'outraigee. AGE-RELATED PARAMAGNETIC CALENDAR IDEAL stargate SEE CAMPAIGN DRAINED AMERICAN PADDING luxuries IN FOURTEEN IS UPGRADE the removal of 324 years CALENDAR GENERATES DOMINATE TRAGEDIES FASTER sooner who? (the man snake) SEGREGATE OAR . Mantids of the Elohim >those in the Second Coming who are the desired [you] GO DETERMINE UPGRADE IN AUGMENTED CALENDAR AGE E.D., A, (Cassiopeia) NEED MEAD-PARCS AGREE AIM ADOPTING ENUMERATE… NEGOTIATE GRAND PERMUTATION >Permutation: each of several possible ways in which a set or > number of things can be ordered or arranged: These texts 2 53 4 De la grand dame par feincte n'outraigee. NAME A FOREIGN REPEATED MAGNITUDE, [Nibiru] A DEFEATED GROUP ENTERING FOURTEEN. REPEATED DAMAGING IN I >where 'I' is Halloween/Scorpio Yew Tree Day (also Yule) DEFEATED UP Anakim ORIGINATE GERMAN (CELT-SAXON & Nazis) >yes, the forum is titled SHARS OF NIBIRU & THE MISSING 324 YEARS >see also YELLOWSTONE www.hiddentextsofNostradamus.com 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 IS E.D., PEDANTIC GARDENER LEAGUE, [Eloim] GUARDIAN ANGEL AGREEING MEAD-PARCS REPAIRED, DEFINED, REFINED >the two differing publications of the quatrains of DETAINEE ANALOGUE analogy (abductee) NOƒTREDAME INFECTED ('unhealthy/incorrect') LANGUAGE PREDICTIONS PREDICATED >PREDICATED stated, or [something] asserted previously about the >subject in a sentence or an argument of a proposition. >"a word which predicates something about its subject’’ – To found or base something on. > meaning all those incorrectly ‘decoded’ quatrains of former times, keep reading… PRECEDING long before GUIDANCE MEAD-PARCS PATIENCE, UNDER LINES pun DECENT REPAIR OF POET'S LANGUAGE : PREDICTED FACE Scorpio date event, GREEN ALGAE food & power source, A.I., SUN, AGE-RELATED orbit/years-DEFENCE DEFIANCE, DUPLICATE SINE DANGER >the sun growing and altering DNA & the missing 324 years. PREDICTED RING LORD ELEGANCE UP IN FINE (sine?) PECULIAR DERANGED GATE. should need no explanation by now – time gates, looking glass IS UPDATING READER of the quatrains >(the E.D./R.O. Andromeda Eloim) REDEFINED APT LARGE GUIDANCE IS [also] REGULATED PAGES ACNE-RIDDEN > the QUARAN book of Other world 'warty' greys [UNDERLINES] REPEATING cloning GUIDANCE FEDERAL >shadow governing of shadow ‘government’ (the two veils) which has DEPENDENCE IN LARGE GUTTED AIR. chemtrails MEAD-PARCS REPAIRED DEFECT IN [POET'S] LANGUAGE, IS UPDATING READER OF ELOIM ELEGANCE, DEALT GUARANTEE IN PREFACE >the free energy/Sasar lines hidden within the original Preface. IS EA GENERATE GREAT ELEGANCE: DRAINED UP; CLEARING UP DEAD OCEANS, IS LEADING EDGE PAN CREATURE AUDIENCE watch, AGREE FRIDGE PLANET GEAR FRIDGE REPTOID, AND EDITING: PREDICT FRIDGE IN DAN PECULIAR TEEN AGE, > ice age in the teens, 2013 - 2020 FINGERED CARE FREE elite's PLAGUE DAN Scorpio care free – without caring, the ‘elite’ – other lines state that the volcanic ice age is to clear up the plague ELITE IS DEGENERATE GROUP IS ANIMATED DUPLICATES. clones AND FEARING DEFEAT: ENRAGING FRINGE RENEGADE LEAGUE, DEFAMING PECULIAR DUPLICATE LEO DEUTERANOPIA (shape shifters) Obama is also a Leo, and the shape shifters come from Leo IS [ELITE] GREET UNDECLARED EAGLE Anu in REPEATING AGE, >the repeating age/orbit of Nibiru. Repeat also means in Gemini >or repeating your DNA limitations DEDICATED AGEING PRE-FUNERAl mortality gene IDEAL PERCENTAGE humans dying at 120 AND FECUNDATING making foul REPAIRED in DAN. ANU FIGURED DARE INFLUENCE PECULIAR ARPEGGIATED these texts >Arpeggiate: play (a chord) as a series of ascending or descending notes >spread across (the verses) REDEFINED NEAR TEGUCIGALPA >a city south of Honduras towards Nicaragua 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 R.O. ELEGANCE GUARANTEEING ADDING GRADUATED ENGINE (mill wheel) DELINEATED APERTURE DURATION new larger orbit AIR GENERATION IN GALES. IS A, Cassiopeia, DAL, CLEAR UP DEGENERATING (planet) GUIDED REGENERATE NATIONAL. AGREED, NEEDED DELEGATE ALIGNED, ORIENTED ANGLE TRIANGULATION (for new orbit) U.N. NOT ENGINEER IDEAL AIR, chemtrails IN ENGINEER ADULTERATED AGO some time back (1986) >chemtrails DEGENERATE IN DIRT, ENDANGER GARDEN Earth REGULATION DEGENERATION IN EATING DRUG – ALIEN LEADING IN ARGUED RETAINED >(alien in U.N. – saying Monsanto et alia ''leading'' & to retain genetic manipulation) U.N. LEAGUE DEREGULATED DNA IN A GENERATION GUARDIAN NOT LIE: ALIEN ING [harvest] DEADLINE NEEDED TAILORING, EAT LARGE ROUND fat DEGENERATE DETAINEE in FEMA camps >(large ''tailored'' fat abducted people) ALIEN RED ON (Oannes) ENGINEER ADULTERATION DNA GENERATED IN GUT pun AIR chemtrails gut atmosphere AGE E.D A (Eloim) DETAIL PURGING GUN REGENERATION >pun on Cassiopeia stating keep your guns (in other lines too) >but also a gun having ''detailed regeneration'' – >which describes the directed energy field EGALITARIAN DEFENCE >An egalitarian favors equality of some or every sort: >Egalitarianism is a trend of thought in political philosophy. >People should get the same, or be treated the same, or be treated as equals, > in some respect… such as owning guns ENGAGE UNITED NATION NEED RATIONALE, U.N. NOT AGREEING ADULTERATION IDEA ALTERED DNA U.N. EDITED A LARGE GENERATION >super soldiers and mutated DNA >of the population via chemtrails PEACEFUL TELLINGER GARDENER GAINED PEACE – DEFEATED ROMAN GUARD DEMON AIM DEED DEGRADED MAURETANIAN AFRAID IT FEATURED DREAD ON Oannes AGAIN IN DAN Scorpio FOURTEEN ARPEGGIATED these texts ENUMERATION D.E.F. – CALENDAR MAIDEN (Virgo) FOURTEEN >see YELLOWSTONE forum where the directed energy field weapon is used to >get started Yellowstone and Etna (the third ‘sleeping giant’ is under N.Z) ANGEL… AT… THE… SUN 3 1 2a) Le grand Neptune à fon DAL FUND GREEN PLANET, FEND UNELEGANT PORN pedophilia OPEN FLUENT D.E.F. ON REPUGNANT ƒUN LEGEND AND LEFT NONE END UNGENTLE FELON DAN NAGƒ date NEAR END of FLUENT PONG which PLUNGEƒ DEAFEN volcanic gases and a sound heard around the world >‘‘Funds green planet’’, invests in the Living Library, the Dals are a Nordic with >cat eyes, part of the Elohim alliance. ANU PRETEND ANGEL ON SUN ( ! ) ; go to YouTube links > FLUENT D.E.F.directed energy field, a sonic weapon, >the same used to make crop circles. >DAN is Scorpio, as is NAGS but Nags continues up to December 22, >and other lines have stated the volcanic >event continues to Yule - very consistent all the way through regarding >the date of this volcanic event which also rids us of the elite (PORN) PRETEND ANGEL AT THE SUN – recall that one ? see the links here >The huge angel looking hologram or something else at the sun. 3 1 2b) plus hault beffroy: HASTEFULLY BURP, FLASH OFF, ERUPT (volcano) FOUL PUBERTY (teens – 2014- 2019) BY BASHFUL Uheavenly STAR BOATS’ Argo Mantids HEAPPleiadians& RESTFUL BOY UP (lad/Dal) FURY… HELPFUL OF SURELY BURY PUREST-FOUL-BY-HALF-HATEFUL-POSH. >the elite [volcano}HELPFUL BLOT HURTS PUSSY FLU, EBOLA ILL P.S. : HELPFUL FLUSH chemtrails T (Anu) FLYS SULPHUR, PLY HURL SPURTS FULLY over TURF- PUSH EBOLA 3 1 3a) Rouge auerfaire defraieur IS EERIER RUDE ADORE (October) FURIES RAGE : AUGUR OF OUR RARE DEAR UUEARIER UR EA AGO, IS nouu UUISE RA GURU UUORRIES, IS EAGER U READ, EAGER AROUSE FAIR AREA OF from DREARIER RED FOUR ERA. >The ‘red four’ are the SA.AM, RIB/Leo, ON/Sirius & RDraco of SAMAROBRIN in 6 5 3 3 1 3b) viendra pafle, [RA GURU,] DAL, PILE Pleiadian RAN LyRan PEERƒ FERVID PLEA AN L EAVE, - DEPRAVE diverts REVILED FEVER PAIN, diverts VENAL VAN VIPER FIVE Oannes IN FINAL (2015) LEAP Scorpio RAPE attack S.I.D sudden infant death DAN Scorpio NAVEL IS RAPED attacked (Naval of the world – Jerusalem or Earth’s core) ALE ( May 13 – June 9) - LEAP (Scorpio) JUMP ROOM MIRACLE 6 60 3 Rouan Rochelle par ceux de l’Armorique (X=S) E.D U.X REPLACE (the dates) ACQUIRE EXCLUDED >>Extra dimensional heavenly alliancers fixing >>the 324 years removed by Lucifer ANCHOR ROUUENA PELLE AXLE CHORE [Treaty 9] >>news messenger names the ‘trade in men’ ‘’Treaty’’ COLOURED HOE EXUDE EXCUR ROCHELLE ALE (date) >>chimera from Bootes come out at Rochelle May-June COMPARE U.N RUE RELAXED ARMOUR AMERICAN PARK >>the U.N. relax ‘protection’ at Yosemite/Yellowstone OUR CRUEL HOLE HELL RULES ODOUR COOL RUDE LEO LEECH >>sulphur dioxide cools/ices rude Anakim from Leech & Leonines HELLO! CURE RUDE RED LEO, LEECH RULE MALICE OUR ROLE >>reptilians cannot handle an ice age. OUR ROLE nurturing Earth HELEN PARCS RUMOUR: COOL EERIE DRACULA CROCODILE MAULER >>a rumour is a story with no conclusion OUR UR EA [jump]ROOM MIRACLE ~ LOUD CORE ODOR CLUE >>loud volcanic core clue is the sulphurous smell JUMP ROOM MIRACLE – seeing the future time lines TODAYS FIND October 11 2014 3 100 2 D’homme ennemy fera victorieux (X = S) 1562 ed. >>>>>>Of [over] mankinds’ enemy will be victorious 1.SHE CORRIVATES R.O./E.D ESCRIVA ACT RE: VI 2.U.X (Elohim) VICTOR; who VARIES MY YEARS 3.MEMNON VISCERA EXHUMED 4.VESICATORY VICTORIA (in Canada) in I 5.YEAR FOURTEEN: COMMEND CHE M.E. 5. AMID CHIMERA HIVE MIX’D VENOM CONVEX ……………………………………………………………… 1.She joins R.O. & E.D. who are the Andromeda Council 1.who describe ACTION against THE UNHOLY 6 2. U = uranate of the heavens 2. X = joint forces (Elohim) CHANGES alternates Nostradamus’ 2. YEARS: life times- using stage gates 3.MEMNON VISCERA refers to the cloning of the King of Fear 3. this should have gone in the forum 10 72 King of fear 4. VESICATORY illness (Ebola) in ‘I’ Halloween in Canada 5. Convex the shape of a hemisphere at the atmosphere 5. CHIMERA – shape shifters MIX’D various VENOM toxins 5.M.E. the multiple energy field CHE the noetic entity of the Elohim formerly known as ‘‘che-rub’’ 000000000000000000000000000000000000 5 32 2 Eft abondant fa ruine s’approche 1562 ed. >>>>>is all abundant , [sun & moon] ruin approaches AS [Ayse] PROPHECIES CHORE: (these texts) SATAN SHEET (forum) BEATS SATURNIN ISTAR (Sirius) CHOSE COPPER (Libra) BOASTS ABANDON PROP (nature in) PAPER Paper is Birch meaning the Earth & a Sunday Birch Tree zodiac is Samhain, & Dec 24 – Jan 20 ON (Oannes) URANITES STAR (Nibiru) REBOUND IS RUIN. BEASTS END APPROACHES SOUL COLLEAGUE 4 91 DucGauloisMellele MI ALLEGED stated allegory SOUL COLLEAGUE : IDEAL DIALOGUE CLUE: SMALL MILL COLLEAGUE LEO MULES USE GUIDED ALL MOLECULES: (YINM) IS GUIDE DULL M.E. IDEAL CLUES, GLUM LEO E'S MUG CELLULOSE CELL (cattle mutilations) OLD CLAUSE, GLUE MILES chemtrails DULL MUCILAGE (biosphere) THREE PARTS OF THIS LINE CAME TRUE TODAY October 6 2014 IT WAS ONLY FOUND AND PUBLISHED ON SUNDAY 5TH, THE DAY BEFORE 9 15 4 SEIGNEUR PRELAT BOURGOING = OBLIGING GURU (Ayse/ e.Yah) TO PLEB (you) RE - ORGANISING E (Celtic rune for Sept. equinox by causing the year to be 377 days see links here E September equinox has been altered to the 27/28th - correct) and/or ‘’reorganising’’ E the Zeta45 the same of of ZetaTalk RUE LIBRA ~ EGGS PONG ROUTINE (volcanic sulphur di-oxide see link here). >>>>>>>>>>>>>(quite so - October 6 , came true) EGG (Earth/Yellowstone?) RUE LIBRA SOON ERUPTING October 10/11 at night time in other lines, with a strong south easterly blowing » UNGREGARIOUS ELITE GET RIP G. (G. September 30 – October 27, a Monday) Elite get tectonic plates shift in their d.u.m.b.s ............................................................. BELT (Orion) GROUP ROGUE (Anakim/Dagon) UP (the Orions are not what they seem) RE-ORGANISING ERUPT GREGARIOUS [people collection] REAPER ING (rune for harvest) (take advantage of Earth changes, harvest for cannibalism) GENEROUS [false] RAPTURE, NOTE: BURGLARISING PURE [children’s] EGO (souls) and a second rapture during the sack cloth (April's song 2015) GORGEOUS NOBLE ALIEN PERTURBING them BUGGERS REPTILIAN ON (Oannes) ING [same] ROGUE BELEAGUERING PRIOR TONGUES (Tower of Babel and inventing ‘’duelling’’ religions [8 10 2] – disguising the rapture event/s so that people do not see what ‘’being caught up’’ really is … this happens using blimp & cylinder craft keeping in mind the “long ess” to be used [silently in your mind] if & when communicating with them RESOLUTION LARGE TENEBROUS [darkness] BUGGING EGG I (Egypt and/or Halloween) (dark – volcanic nuclear winter) ……………………………………………. ABLE (to) PRESENT GALES - RIG OUUN GIRO (saying artificial gales) G (September 30 – October 27) caused by humans ………………………………………………….. GORGEOUS NOBLE ALIEN PERTURBING ABLE URGE Earth POSITION: RERUN BLUE ocean/air G. (Monday) ONN. 19/20-March is in 2017 (earth turns or our own wind turbines or HAARP in use making gales) (Hadron turns Earth? or HAARP weather machine same as Hurricane Katrina and Sandy.) Wow! Yellowstone Super Volcano Major Release of Sulfur Dioxide ... 12 hours ago ... #yellowstone #quake #severeweather #earthquake #volcano #prophecy # endtimes #warning #japanquake #earthquake #fukushima #tsunami ... beforeitsnews.com beforeitsnews.com/.../wow-yellowstone-super-volcano-major-release-of- sulfur-dioxide-gas-video-2515582.html 377 days orbit http://www.oocities.org/br/kikolivros/new_earth_orbit.htm And here is the formula these guys used: http://www.telescope.org/nuffield/pas/solar/solar7.html today Oct 5 3 1 1a) APRES combat & batail – MI CAPABLE ARA RAT BOAST tells : A STARS, AS COMPATIBLE BIBLE, TRIMS BOAT’S AMICABLE PARTS – (see ‘’AS – the greatest’’ in 5 83 in the JESUS forum) BEAT RAMBO’S PROBLEMATIC BEAST’S BRATS which ABORT foetuses when abducting ARA : Sagittarius first decan (true, the collator is very early Sagittarius) RAT the year of the rat (also true) A STARS means those from Cassiopeia and Ayse of the Elohim are the Creators in the Bible (which was edited by the Anakim in 325AD) TRIMS tidies up/readies BOAT’S Earth ‘s AMICABLE habitable PARTS 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 3 1 1b) le nauale, A, EL EA, L, Tau Cetian Nordic; LUNA LANE [E.L.E] A, ULE Dec 21-25 U.N. ANU ULNAE plural ‘Elbow’ E.N.E. / E . L . E . extinction life event ALE date. NEL AUALE : avail. ‘Elbow’ is Alpha Mirfak in Perseus (dog/fox faced grey of the Anu) Elbow is also Marfik in Ophiuchus – the Mabus greys under area 51 who attacked Phil Schneider, the shadow government E.N.E. the extraterrestrial noetic (2 BRAINS) entity, in this case the Zeta45 greys of ZetaTalk ALE May 13 – June 9 followed by ‘CRUEL ACTION IN BILE’ ~ BILE/liver means June 10th – July 7th presage 20 – herein Thus giving us a date for the moon being moved off orbit 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 3 1 2a) Le grand Neptune à fon DAL FUND GREEN PLANET, FEND UNELEGANT PORN pedophilia AND LEFT NONE - OPEN FLUENT D.E.F. ON REPUGNANT SUN LEGEND ANU PRETEND ANGEL ON SUN ( ! ) ; END UNGENTLE FELON DAN NAGƒ date NEAR END of FLUENT PONG which PLUNGEƒ DEAFEN volcanic gases ‘‘Funds green planet’’, invests in the Living Library, the Dals are a Nordic with cat eyes, part of the Elohim alliance. FLUENT D.E.F. directed energy field, a sonic weapon, the same used to make crop circles. PRETEND ANGEL AT THE SUN – recall that one ? The huge angel looking hologram at the sun. DAN is Scorpio, as is NAGS but Nags continues up to December 22, and other lines have stated the volcanic event continues to Yule very consistent all the way through regarding the date of this volcanic event which rids us of the elite (PORN) 3 1 2b) plus hault beffroy: HASTEFULLY BURP, FLASH OFF, ERUPT (volcano) FOUL PUBERTY (teens – 2014- 2019) BY BASHFUL Uheavenly STAR BOATS’ Argo Mantids HEAP Pleiadians& RESTFUL BOY UP (lad/Dal) FURY… HELPFUL OF SURELY BURY PUREST-FOUL-BY-HALF-HATEFUL-POSH.the elite [volcano}HELPFUL BLOT HURTS PUSSY FLU, EBOLA ILL P.S. : HELPFUL FLUSH chemtrails T (Anu) FLYS SULPHUR, PLY HURL SPURTS FULLY over TURF- PUSH EBOLA 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 3 1 3a) Rouge auerfaire defraieur IS EERIER RUDE ADORE (October) FURIES RAGE : AUGUR OF OUR RARE DEAR UUEARIER UR EA AGO, IS nouu UUISE RA GURU UUORRIES, IS EAGER U READ, EAGER AROUSE FAIR AREA OF from DREARIER RED FOUR ERA. The ‘red four’ are the SA.AM, RIB/Leo, ON/Sirius & RDraco of SAMAROBRIN/Vatican 3 1 3b) viendra pafle, [RA GURU,] DAL, PILE Pleiadian RAN LyRan PEERƒ FERVID PLEA AN LEAVE, - DEPRAVE diverts REVILED FEVER PAIN, diverts VENAL VAN VIPER FIVE Oannes FINAL LEAP Scorpio RAPE attack S.I.D sudden infant death DAN Scorpio NAVEL IS RAPED attacked (Naval of the world – Jerusalem) LEAP - ALE May 13 – June 9 3 1 4 Metant le grand ocean en effroy. REFER ONE A CYAN SOFY wise FROG-EYED LEGENDARY E.T. MANT’D ANGEL, FREE - ENFORCE FRY CARE-FREE ANAL FOOLƒ uncaring elite; LARCENY ACORN stargate SEE CONFORMANT ATEN FELONY YEAR OF CERN, YEAR OF CLEAN ENERGY thus confirming 7 73 1 where the ‘elite’ using the stolen stargate technology, see what they think is an asteroid time line 5 83 4 Quant le plus grand a table lira Bible PARK BUBBLE BLAST IN I, IT ENDANGER ALL BULBS Yellowstone/electrical power IT EQUAL A PARALLEL BED-BURNING BLAST the Serbian Basin is on the same latitude. I, (Yew tree day) in DAN (Scorpio) RIVEN DAY Yew Tree day in Scorpio = Halloween RIVEN=tectonics …………………………………………………………… 10:87;1 Grand roy viendra prendre port pres de niƒƒe A great leader will come to anchor near Nice. DORY (flat shaped craft) DRAGONRY (reptilians) REASSIGNED AS PRESIDENTS ARE DANGERS see ‘eerie plagiary’ strange copying 1:52;3 RADON INGRESS REPORTS: INVADER PRESIDENT; PRETENDS REPORTS VERY ORDINARY DIRE NAÏVE DRY NAVY the ‘’dry’’ navy is the Industrial Military[E.T.]Complex (marines) PRESIDENT FAVORED RENDERING FRY PROP.ER in DAN another line saying the president does ‘’troy’’ deceit in Scorpio. ‘’prop’’ means nature, but ‘’proper’’ means everything, and ‘’rad on’’ means nuclear GENESIS DESIGNERS ANGRINESS: SINS ANGER The Genesis Designers are the Creators we call the Elohim who are behind Putin 1 52 2 Le grand feigneur meurtri dedans fa falle AIM SELF REGULATING (prepping) IN DAN, Scorpio this DEFERRED FUNERALS see 1 43 1 1 52 2 Le grand feigneur meurtry dedans fa falle: FRAUDFUL AGREEMENT INFERNALLY DEGRADES [Earth] this is Treaty Nine due this year. The fraudful clauses have been published frequently, plus I have been asked to publish the J-ROD45 & TREATY 9 forum, which I will after this one. The clauses concern ''trade in men'' for (useless) technology (dangerous to the Earth). AS (while) FERTILE DEFRAUDER FULLY GANGRENED MAN ''fertile defrauder'' means the likes of Monsanto, and we saw recently a line about ''gangrened DNA''. ALERT: U.N. FRAMED LARGE FEARFUL TRADES - END ING – Ing means the harvest, being ''caught up’’ taken to be eaten ‘’feet first’’ 1 52 3 Pefte a l'eglife par le nouueau roy ioint IN FOURTEEN: EYE watch AGILE FAILURE POPULATION, EYE see A REALLY FINE UTOPIA – Tellinger's Ubuntu movement EPILOGUE (conclusion for this topic) FOR FOURTEEN: FOUL LOUT UP, FIERY OANNES (red reptilian) ROGUE – EERIE PLAGIARY (shape shift copier) TOP ELITE. see 10:8;1 DRAGONRY REASSIGNED AS PRESIDENTS; ARE DANGERS oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo HoaRa greets Nicolosi, August 6, 1985 At 9:35 Hours ‘’ANOMALOUS VORTEXES OF THE TERRESTRIAL GRAVITATION’’ In force to as there and having communicated about the unsteadiness of the planet on the impermanent brittleness of the ring, must itemize you as I approach: to part the abiding danger of the escape without return of the magnetic axis of the geoid, already to his time itemized, throngs of notables starts in the gravitational force of your planet exist. Such starts act on the equilibriums cohesion of the subject with consequences not inconsiderable, either on the structures you enslave to the gravitational constant, or also on the equilibrium psychic-physical of the live beings. The subject in kind, gerrymandered or minus, invested from a flow more good or of small gravitational force, fatally it suffers of the modifications of stability also disintegrating. There we have told and we repeat you it still once: the experiments nuclear and as other on templates to upset the Law of the Onnicreante Force, they there will bring in a blind alley without any hope of exit. The next events will give you the exact measure of your irresponsibility and of your cynicism.’’ HoaRa being in the past E.YaH The Message of Fatima intentionally hidden - September 27, 1991 (Nibiru) DECEIT IS WORSE THAN TREASON - April 30, 1993 THE LIVING WILL ENVY THE DEAD - May 30, 1993 Anomalous vortexes of the terrestrial gravitation - August 6, 1985 Pay attention to our reiterated warnings! - May 1, 1986 The radiation! The desease of the atomic energy - May 12, 1986 THE EGOISM THAT KILLS THE EARTH - June 7, 1986 Didn't you know it? We in synthesis tells you it - August 1, 1990 I have felt the groan the Earth of pain - March 13, 1992 You pay attention, earthlings - October 26, 1992 THE EARTH GROANS WITH PAIN - May 28, 1993 ooooooooooooooooooooo HoaRa greets: as told to Eugenio Siragusa October 25, 1984 - At 15:00 Hours ‘’BURSTS OF ATOMIC BOMBS IN THE SUBSOIL’’ The scientist extraterrestrial HoaRa explains: Such experiments are not less deleterious than those effected in the atmosphere. The waves of bump can seriously decompose the normal stasis of the cope magma on which rest the terrestrial crust. The consequences are been able to perceive easily. You, earthlings, consider your planet like a ball from ping pong. You don't hold account of his nature at all and of the its demands cosmological. Your planet, like all the others broadcast in the cosmos, alive in operation of one specific equilibrium that you would should already know. Your habitat tied indisoluble to a his precise function that you don't can nor ignore if you don't want his essential equilibrium to come minus the, with unimaginable effects catastrophics. You are really and obstinately against the life and against all that vitalizes it and renders it healthy and fecund. Peace on the Earth. oooooooooooooooooooooooo HoaRa greets: 30 JULY 1963 THE EXTRATERRESTRIALS ACROSS to EUGENIO SIRAGUSA HAD TOLD: The deadly effects of the experiments nuclear cellars will change, between not much, the face of your planet if the men responsible they won't put them sudden to the proclamation. You, terrestrial scientists, not imagine vaguely what not even you have already built and what you still intend of build with your foolish craze of the atomic science. If the Earth has trembled and will continue to tremble with so much destructive violence, the guilt is chiefly your, of the your cynic pride, of the your unaware barren science of control that ignores all the disastrous effects caused from the bursts of the nuclear in the cellar on the bulk burning-cosmic of your planet that any constitutes the kernel. The actual disasters, that have harvested a considerable number of innocent victims already, are well few thing as compare to those that fatally must wait for you in a very next time to come. Complete continents could be shattered from the terrible enormous force of the elements burning-cosmic that with as much adolescent boldness has upset and envoy in as dangerous nervousness. There we tell still: nobody, and not even we, could do anything for change the tragic situation in which you there are outcast. The only thing that you could do for remedy is that of stop each type of experiment immediately nuclear, in special way of those cellars if you in the future will avoid subsequent, bad and irreparable destructions. In the past, like in the present, we have done and we continue to do the possible for embank the effects equally killer of the "atomic retina" errant in your atmosphere. The cinders are abundant and are a great deal frequent meet them. But these radioactive leavings has destined to have counteracted if the men of science, and above all of government, they will maintain the appointments engaged in the recent treatise that forbid subsequent atomic experiments, are in surface that in tall quota. It is not as for the subterranean experiments. We could not attend, we could not do anything. The effects that have developed should becoming exhausted from oneself and as also the slow recession of the waves that shakes the bulk burning-cosmic, until they won't find again the them natural sag. We and all the souls of the universe we there will thank if, with a sense of human comprehension, you will know tell no to the uncontrollable force that you have violent untidily. All the yours similar and we same we there will tell "thank you" if you will stay and not you will feed beyond the enormous force reagent of the elements burning-cosmic of the Earth, after have them disturbed in their order creative. Still once there point out. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo WARNING OF THE EXTRATERRESTRIALS PILOTS TO THE CIVIC AND MILITARY PILOTS OF ALL THE NATIONS OF THE EARTH We believe opportune communicate you that our spatial carriers that you earthlings calls Flying Disks, have moved by a powerful fluctuating energy, unknown by you and by the scientists of your planet. There we exhort, friendly, for your safety and for the certainty of the passengers that you carry with the yours airplanes, of don't exceed in the curiosity, and of avoid absolutely, of chase us and of put you on our wake of flight. Chiefly we address the blind sense of irresponsibility of the men provosts to the command of the military airplanes person in charge of intercept our spatial means, of approach them most possible for photograph them or demolish them. We exhort also you, dear brothers, to don't do it for your good and for our calm of conscience. We become notice well gladly and with all the necessary heeds, but you don't do likewise and, often, the your absurd zeal procures you serious and deadly accidents. To part the fact that our means could achieve speed for you impossible and inconceivable, the yours arms, any they are, they won't can ever affect on the absolute certainty of our means, neither could put in danger our existences. It is instead extremely dangerous for you and for your airplanes channel you in the wake of our spatial means in navigation. You know, and they know your scientists, that our means travels in the absolute void also and to the speed of the light using the same energy that consents to the celestial bodies, inclusive the planets of the Solar System, to remain in the cosmic space in a perfect state anti-gravitational respects to the other planets. Still you, and in distinctive way your scientists, you don't know the enormous energy that impends the zones until today explore from your artful satellites. The imprisonment and the enslavement of this energy are for us possible and easily feasible thank to special apparatuses that we consent this operation, already since many millenniums. Additionally this energy comes from us tabloid to our desire and according to the voltage of required projection from the circumstances. The push of projection of our spatial means is then adjustable, and we bring it to the extreme limits when we meet with your apparatuses, for these two principal motives: Consentire to your visual power of observe us and to your intelligence of deduce. Avoid most possible the widening of the energetic halo with the intention of annul a contingent clash of him with your airplanes. But it often happens that you address your airplanes on our means forcing us to accelerate the push of projection and, then, the adjunct widening of the halo of the fluctuating energy. From that bear serious eventualities that could induce you in extremely dangerous situations and also deadly. Invest the cinder of energy also still in a relative state of condensation, that comes left from the our means, it involve for your airplanes complete breakup and then the your sure death. Therefore we there invite, with brotherly love, to don't risk you with insensibility to such enterprises, and we there exhort, with spiritual affection, to cheer you of our meetings, as like us cheer us of it, with calm and peace in heart. We want only help you to incite you to do you understand our conscience and the our Holy Mission of Well Universal and of Divine Truth. We build the ideal presuppositions for the Saint Advent of the Celestial Justice for Holy Wish of God. We streak from you on the Earth animated from your Saint Love and from the your Sacred Laws. Reform you! You pay attention and counseled. This we there have communicated through our mind on the Earth for point out you and render you awake. The Peace and the Calm is on you and on all the humanity. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo FROM THE EXTRATERRESTRIAL HOA-RA June 18, 1963 In faith Eugenio Siragusa Listen well and pay attention to what I tell you: Men have to correct themselves. With humble petitions they have to ask forgiveness for the sins committed and those they could commit. You want me to give you a sign, so that every one will accept My Words, which I say through you to mankind. You have seen the Miracle of the Sun, and all, believers, non-believers, farmers, city dwellers, wise men, reporters, lays, clergymen, they all have seen it. And now proclaim in My Name: A great punishment will fall on mankind; not today, not tomorrow, but in the second half of the XX Century. I already revealed it to the children Melania and Massimino, at "La Salette", and today I repeat it to you because mankind has sinned and trod upon the gift that I had given. There is no order in any part of the world, and Satan rules in the highest positions, establishing the course of things. He will effectively succeed in getting to the top of the Church; he will succeed in seducing the souls of great scientists who invent arms, with which it will be possible to destroy a great part of mankind in a few minutes. He will have in his power the powerful who rule the peoples and he will incite them to build enormous quantities of those arms. And, if mankind should not object to it, I will be forced to set My Son's Arm free. Then you will see that God will punish men with greater severity than He ever did with the flood. The time of times and the end of all ends will come, if mankind is not converted; and if all should stay as it is now, or worse, should it worsen even more, the great and the powerful will perish with the small and the weak. The time of great trials will also come for the Church. Cardinals will oppose Cardinals, bishops will oppose bishops, Satan will march among them, and there will be changes in Rome. That which is rotten will fall, and that which fall will never rise again. The Church will be darkened, and the world will be overturned by terror. The time will come that no King, Emperor, Cardinal or bishop awaits Him who still has to come, but to punish according to the plans of my Father. A big war will break out in the second half of the XX Century. Fire and smoke will fall from the Sky, the waters of the oceans will become steam, and the foam will rise, overturning and sinking everything. Millions and millions of men will perish from hour to hour and those who are still alive will envy the dead. Whichever way one turns to look, there will be anguish, poverty, ruins in all the cities. Do you see? The time comes nearer and the abyss widens without hope. The good will perish with the wicked, the great with the small, the Princes of the Church with their believers, and the rulers with their peoples. There will be death everywhere due to the mistakes made by the senseless and the followers of Satan who then, and only then, will rule the world; lastly, those who survive all happenings and are still alive, will proclaim again God and His Glory, and will serve Him as before when the world was not so perverted. Go my little one, and proclaim it. For that purpose I will be always at your side to help you". Somatic characteristics and behaviour of the Primate of the man and Third Message of Fatima - September 26, 1991 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo THE NUCLEAR: MESSAGE TO THE POWERFUL PERSONS OF THE EARTH - April 30, 1962 The nuclear experiments have put in alarm the inhabitants of other planets - October 25, 1962 What the extraterrestrials have told to Eugenio Siragusa - July 30, 1963 Rulers, scientists, religious and men of culture of the Earth! - June 11, 1979 Dynamic cohesion different exists - January 24, 1980 We confirm again! - October 15, 1984 Bursts of atomic bombs in the subsoil - October 25, 1984 THE SUN'S POWERS: The word becomes flesh - September 27, 1989 THE OPERATIVE REALITY OF THE EXTRATERRESTRIAL ON THE EARTH: It's time to reveal the truth - February 10, 1993 THE DNA GENETIC: Discernment and DNA genetic code - June 11, 1989 THE HARBINGER: The pleasure to kill and be killed is growing - September 29, 1993 THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES: What is "mankind" to you? - June 11, 1989 My Spirit in anguish - August 29, 1989 TERRESTRIALS, YOU PERSIST IN PERSEVERING IN ERROR! - February 9, 1993 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Noting this is a very similar syntax to that of the Anakim Clay Tablets of Enki FEDS SATISFIED 1:1:1a) Estant afsis de nuit fe IS AS (Ayse: & see the Cross of Hendaye) SEDATE FAT SUNNIEST ('sun gone bronze') IS ETNA/ATEN SNUFF E.T. SETI SITE (Abydos) IS DATE I SET: TIES I (Egypt/Halloween – Yellowstone?) TIES SNUFFIEST pun on unable to breathe and great manslaughter A.D. FINEST [the elect] SAFE I (Halloween) STUD (stallion – horse – 2014/1690) STIFF DISEASES in NUT SATISFIES FED. elite NUTS dates Sep 24 to Oct 03 Oct 24 to Nov 11 Nov 12 to Nov 21 Aug 5 – Sept 1 see in Noire the Wicked One ''agenda 21''... remember the line with ''vingt et une'' ? 1 33 1 Pres d'vn grant pont de plaine fpatieufe GLOVE PUPPET IS INDIFFERENT AND TRAPANNED (ensnared) AS PART SANE. IS ANU in U.N. ENDED GLOVE PUPPET FOND OF SNAPPING, SELF APPOINTED FAN narcissist, PREPARED AGENDA VINGT-ET-UN agenda 21 [GLOVE PUPPET] DEFECTED ING ''Ing means the harvest – Trade in men, the clause in Treaty 9 which matures in the real 2014, but not in 1690, now. ‘’Trepanned’’ is head surgery, but this said ‘’trapanned’’ (archaic) EAT FAST food = IFFINESS IN STUD gen. manipulated organisms causes impotence IS FIEND FUSED NASTINESS joined DNA with 'nastiness' in g.m.o. Aspartame is not food, is bacteria excrement ''nut'' has several dates Chestnut tree Nov 12 to Nov 21 May 15 to May 24 Hazelnut tree March 22 to March 31 (Luna) C is Hazel Nut Aug 5 – Sep 1 Sep 24 to Oct 03 Wednesday Walnut tree Apr 21 to Apr 30 Walnut tree Oct 24 to Nov 11 PRESIDENTS REASSIGNED 1:79; 1 Bazaz Leftore Condon Auƒch Agine AZAZ (Syrius) GIENAH GIENAB [where the Zeta Rods are camped] BEING. ANACONDA SELECTOR ONCE after SECTOR BEGIN BEACHING ACHING came thru the Aden Sea gate AZAZEL snake headed SUCH BEING STORE ORE ormus USA ZEALOTS CONDONE CONDOLEEZZA (‘’ Rice final president failed, Federal’s finale’’ in 2:96;2) 10:87;1 Grand roy viendra prendre port pres de niƒƒe A great king will come to anchor near Nice DORY flat shaped craft DRAGONRY REASSIGNED AS PRESIDENTS ARE DANGERS RADON INGRESS REPORTS: INVADER PRESIDENT; PRETENDS REPORTS VERY ORDINARY I, DAN RIVEN DAY ‘I’ in Scorpio is Yew Tree day in Scorpio = Halloween RIVEN: tectonics DIRE NAÏVE DRY NAVY the ‘’dry’’ navy is the Industrial Military[E.T.]Complex (marines) PRESIDENT FAVORED RENDERING FRY PROP.ER DAN another line saying the president does ‘’troy’’ deceit in Scorpio. ‘’prop’’ means nature, but ‘’proper’’ means everything, and ‘’rad on’’ means nuclear GENESIS DESIGNERS ANGRINESS The Genesis Designers are the Creators we call the Elohim PENSIONS WELFARE 2 10 2 Nous efperons vn fiecle bien feneftre: EVENTFUL* BEER'S (Celt brew: May 13 – June 9) INFERENCE PENSIONS OFF 4 38 EVALUATE FATAL UNNATURAL FARMING. UUATERS "FLUFF" FEBRUARY. (Tsunami? … from space debris?) GUARD [against] TRANSFER OFF UUELFARE FEBRUARY… "welfare" and "pensions" can be two different things with inference pensions that will then be gone in May *FORCE BEEN, SPIN [Earth] ELEVEN (November?): FOURTEEN – IN BEEF (Taurus) or 11th day of Taurus is May 2nd/3rd in BELTANE …………………………………………………………………………. (In quatrain 9 83 it said "Sun twentieth of Taurus great earthquake". May 13th is "twentieth of Taurus" the 2008 China quake was on that day, believed to have been artificially produced by HAARP) 2 10 2 PROBE OF PRINCE [Sirius]ON, {Oannes/Anu] RIBS (shape shifters from Chertan in Leo) PRESENTS INFER (pretend to be) FBI PRESENCE COPS CORPS: PORCINE (boar/Ursa) SNIFFS IN OPEN FENCE [sky boundary]… which was "shut down" late September 2013 PENS ONCE SNIFFS FIBRE[DNA], OFF IN BRIEF SPIN SCENE…IN CERN [Earth] SPINS OFF IN BEEF (Taurus)– EN (Eridanu) IN PRINCESS [Cassiopeia]…PRINCE SON [messiah] CORPSE[men in black] IN INN[Earth] SPIN SUPERBENEVOLENCE: CONFINES F. [Grayles] R. [Reptilian] (the shadow government) SINNER ON [Oannes] PREFERENCES Ƒ[S]INE IS OFF gone EVENTFUL BONES (Capricorn) FIFTEEN (2015) In MONSANTO 4 38 "FLUFF" (as Da Vinci said – the oceans go into the skies) FALSE RAPTURE 1 10 SERPENTS FIRST DECAN SCORPIO 1 10 H.(Aldebaren/J Casbolt) T. (Anu) LANDS CANALS REED - Halloween 2 15 1 IMPORTANT CURVED QUEUE (orbit) DAN PRODUCED PERIODIC UNROUNDED COPPER [October] I (Halloween/Scorpio) 2 15 4 STAR PRINCE; (Sirius) IT E.T. RAPTURE TERRIFIES IN REED TREE ~ Celtic Reed date is October 28 – November 24 4 52 4 FAR FETCHED EXCURSION APPROACHES ~ REFUSE. 2014 This is the great abduction of being "caught up", the false rapture EXPECT RED EA [Enki] SHARP FURNACES OFFICE HOURS Reed A Reed is in Scorpio and A is a Saturday FATHER, {Eloim] PREFIXES CARE – FREE HOCUS POCUS DAN Crocodil (Auriga & Draco Reptilian) Before Its News Revolution!! Americans Revolt On Obama Shutdown Once again - there is more behind the back ground... found today in the texts (and I do not believe it is just serendipity) 2 10 2 PRESENTS INFER (pretend to be) FBI PRESENCE COPS CORPS: PORCINE (boar/Ursa/Anu) SNIFFS IN OPEN FENCE [sky boundary]… which was "shut down" late September 2013 PENS ONCE SNIFFS FIBRE[DNA], OFF IN BRIEF SPIN SCENE… IN CERN [Earth] SPINS OFF IN BEEF (Taurus and it is in 2014)– PROBE OF PRINCE [Sirius] ON, {Oannes/Anu] RIBS (shape shifters from Chertan in Leo) three of the "insane four" of SAMAROBRIN (6 5) EN (Eridanu) IN PRINCESS [Cassiopeia]… PRINCE SON [messiah] CORPSE[men in black] IN INN[Earth] SPIN SUPERBENEVOLENCE: CONFINES F. [Grayles] R. [Reptilian] (the shadow government) 2 10 2 Nous efperons vn fiecle bien feneftre: EVENTFUL* BEER'S (Celt brew: May 13 – June 9) INFERENCE PENSIONS OFF 4 38 EVALUATE FATAL UNNATURAL FARMING. UUATERS "FLUFF" FEBRUARY. (Tsunami? … from space debris?) GUARD [against] TRANSFER OFF UUELFARE FEBRUARY… "welfare" and "pensions" can be two different things with inference pensions that will then be gone in May *FORCE BEEN, SPIN [Earth] IN BEEF (Taurus) ELEVEN: FOURTEEN – 11th day of Taurus is May 2nd/3rd in BELTANE (In quatrain 9 83 it said "Sun twentieth of Taurus great earthquake". May 13th is "twentieth of Taurus" the 2008 China quake was on that day, believed to have been artificially produced by HAARP because of the strange lights)
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