Chemtrails Photos Information


Chemtrails Photos Information
We have provided this information to help people become aware of the relatively new phenomenon now coined
as "Chemtrails". Chemtrails are large plumes of aerosol that are emitted from military jets that initially look like
naturally occurring contrails except that they persist and either spread out to cover large areas of the sky, or
descend in a smokey streamer.
Below are several pictures of typical chemtrails.
Following is a typical satellite photo depicting this spraying activity:
Where Is This Happening?
This phenomenon is occurring in most industrialized countries of the world including:
United States
New Zealand
(please notify us if you know of others)
Reports about the existence of chemtrails in some countries are notably nonexistent. Included in this list are:
(please notify us if you know of others)
What Do Chemtrails Contain?
Several independent tests in the United States have shown that chemtrails have contained the following
Barium and barium salts
Sharp titanium shards
Mold spores
Unidentified bacteria
These substances being sprayed by in large plumes by silver or white military jets are harmful to human and
animal life. Some of the aspects of this toxicity are covered in a section below.
Mercury is the most toxic non-radioactive metal known. Mercury accumulates in the body and causes a myriad
of toxic effects, eventually leading to chronic, degenerative disease, and eventually death.
Diseases and conditions associated with mercury are:
Autism (contrary to popular belief, there is very strong medical evidence linking autism to mercury)
Nearsightedness & Farsightedness (by altering interocular fluid eye pressure)
Autoimmune Diseases (through methionine mimicry and other processes)
Amylotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Ankylosing spondylitis
Myasthenia Gravis
Parkinson's Disease
Alzheimer's Disease
Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders
Borderline personality disorder
Panic attacks
Leaky Gut Syndrome
Acid Reflux
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Learning Disabilities
Endocrine-Related Issues
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCS)
Manic Depressive Disorder
Hyperacusis (sensitivity to certain sounds)
Photophobia (sensitivity to light from weak iris response)
Heart Arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat)
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Juvenile Arthritis
Lupus Erythematosus
Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
Environmental Illness
Chronic Fatigue
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Crohn's Disease
Sleep Disorders
Anorexia Nervosa
Floaters In the Eyes
Yeast Syndrome/Candida
Uncontrollable Weight Gain
Hair loss (Balding—Elevated DHT)
Flatulence (gas)
Shifted Circadian Rhythm (inability to sleep on a normal schedule)
Multiple Sclerosis
Immune Suppression (weak immune system leading to frequent general illness or numerous
opportunistic infections)
Tinnitus (Ringing In the Ears)
Grinding Teeth While Sleeping (Bruxism)
Excessive Salivating
Enlarged Prostate (Elevated DHT)
Heart Disease
High Cholesterol
Elevated Homocysteine (increases risk of heart disease)
Mole Formation (especially on the neck, underarms, inner thighs, and feet)
Blood in the Urine
Nausea and Vomiting
"Brain Fog"
Dizziness (loss of equilibrium)
Short-Term Memory Loss
White Coating On the Tongue
Oily Skin (Elevated DHT)
General Phobias
Outbursts of Anger
Feelings of Apathy (especially toward property and personal affairs)
Suicidal Thoughts
Social Separation/Isolation
Feeling of a Lack of Self Worth
Spider Veins
Easy Bruising (and other vitamin C deficiency diseases as mercury displaces vitamin C)
Selenium Deficiency
Vitamin C Deficiency
Iodine Deficiency
Magnesium Deficiency
Elevated Blood Calcium
...and many more.
The fact that chemtrails contains mold spores is extremely concerning as mold produces mycotoxins that are
very harmful to human and animal life. Mycotoxins have been studied for their application in biological weapons
and is the cause of disease and even death in mold infested homes.
Barium is toxic to humans and animals and causes a dramatic drop in potassium levels in the body. For this
reason (and others), barium is known to considerably increase the frequency of heart attacks in persons 65
years and older.
Aluminum is toxic to human and animal life. Of particular concern is the fact that most people in industrialized
countries have considerable exposure to mercury through amalgam fillings, coal-burning power plants, tattoos,
and seafood. What is concerning about aluminum exposure is when mercury and aluminum combine in the
body, the combined toxicity is about 100-times then with either substance alone.
Sharp Titanium Shards
Under a microscope, chemtrails are seen as extremely sharp, fibrous shards that embed themselves into lung
tissue and break down the bacterial/viral-resistant properties of the lining that separate the air from the blood.
This is concerning to those who anticipate a flu pandemic because this attribute of chemtrails will likely
dramatically increase the communicability of the virus.
Health Affects
Chemtrails are now commonly associated with certain illnesses. A number of credible reports has demonstrated
that respiratory-related illnesses increase dramatically in the presence of chemtrails. Symptoms that have been
commonly associated with exposure to chemtrails include:
Sinus pain
Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
Muscle aches/pain
Joint pain
Salty or "salty metallic" taste in the air or on the lips
Itchy skin
Eye floaters
Dark circles under the eyes
Brain fog
other miscellaneous symptoms
Certain types of chemtrails have been associated with flu-like symptoms particularly chemtrails that leave visible
fibrous deposits on cars and on other hard surfaces.
Chemtrail Origins
Conventional contrails are trails left by jet engines containing water vapor. They occasionally appear in very
specific atmospheric conditions. They last only 2 to 4 seconds and have a faint, smooth, and whispy
appearance. Observers of contrails will admit that they would be lucky to see more than a couple contrails per
year. They are very rare.
Chemtrails can sometimes look similar to contrails while other times they can appear heavy and more
pronounced. Sometimes chemtrails persist and spread out as they descend. Other times they disappear within
a few seconds. They are not whispy in appearance, but have a visible turbulent structure to them.
It is known that a public law in the United States allows the testing of chemicals and biologics on American
citizens with their consent. Concern arises when we realize the true meaning of "consent" in this context.
Consent can be considered to be a condition that exists when both parties have knowledge of the terms of an
agreement and neither party openly objects to it (Uniform Commercial Code-UCC).*
Because this law is "public" or "available for review" publically, it is assumed that the public is acquiescing to
(agreeing to) the activity stated in the law (under the UCC).* This is why it is often said, "Ignorance of the law is
no excuse". If it is published, it is assumed that you are aware of it. If you are aware of it and you don't openly
object, you are agreeing to it. You have consented.
Health Solutions
After doing some research, we decided to attempt to use natural supplements dealing with what we believe is at
the core of these symptoms: mercury, barium, aluminum and mycoplasma (a type of bacteria). We have found
that the following supplements are helped considerably in reducing the symptoms associated with chemtrails:
Fatigue: Kills Mycoplasma
Yeast/Fungal Detox
Suma Combination
Fatigue: Chelates Aluminum
Fibralgia (Fibro-Malic)
Fatigue: Support for the Thyroid gland and Adrenal Glands
Thyroid Support
Adrenal Support
Helps Stop Joint Pain While Healing Joints
Joint Health, Ayurvedic
Boosts Immune System Activity
Nature's Immune Stimulator
General Protection: Kill Biologics Including Bacteria and Mold
Colloidal Silver
Get Involved
Chemtrails are very real and contain known toxins. The purpose of the aerosol programs that produce
chemtrails is currently under debate, but regardless of their intended function, the terrible health effects on
humans and animals is already taking its toll.
We hope you will get involved in exposing the "aerosol crimes" that are occurring over our heads and are
funded by our own tax dollars. You can being by forwarding a link to this page to people you know. Here is a
short link you can use:
Class Action Lawsuit
You may want to visit this website and share your experience. Perhaps we can stir up enough interest to get a
legal team involved.
This website does ask for a lot of contact information, such as a cell number and address. I would recommend
using a valid email address but just putting 123-456-7890 in the phone number fields to maintain your privacy.
They can contact you by email if someone wishes.
Chemtrails: Don't Talk About the Weather (video)
Don't know about chemtrails? This video provides you with a comprehensive view of the phenomenon called
chemtrails. Please make time for this video as it may be one of the most important ones you watch.
While you watch, please make note of this fact: Although I've been watching the sky all my life, and considering
that I have spend a great deal of my life outside, I know that actual contrails are so rare, that you would be
fortunate to see them 2-to-4 times per year.
It is apparent to me that the ones doing the spraying have now employed methods of spraying that make this
chemical substance disappear more quickly so that they appear more like actual contrails. Please do your
research on this extremely important subject before passing judgment.
Local News Station Confirms Barium In Chemtrails (video)
An actual local news station does an impartial piece on chemtrails in their local area.
Chemtrails and Morgellons: Dr. Hildegarde Staninger Interview (video)
One of the most bizarre and shocking videos you may ever see. Dr. Staninger exposes the connection between
chemtrails and one of the newest and fastest-growing diseases in the world, Morgellons.
Chemical Testing on U.K. Citizens: Zinc Cadmium Sulfide (video)
Another shocking video revealing military chemical testing programs on citizens.
Chemtrails On German RTL-TV (video)
A well-done German video about chemtrails.
A Great Introduction To ChemTrails
Never heard of chemtrails? Watch this first.
Biological Warfare: Experiments on the American People
Are ChemTrails Really Legal?
Astounding U.S. Law Allows Anonymous Chemical & Biological Testing On Citizens
Public Law 105-85
This Is An Excellent Documentary On ChemTrails
A more in-depth investigation of ChemTrails.
Chemtrails Documentary by Clifford Carnicom
Chemtrails In Animated Movies
Mental conditioning for the masses
Over The Hedge —2006, Dreamworks Animation SKG
Cars —2005, Pixar, Buena Vista (Disney)
Open Season —Sony Pictures Animation and Columbia Pictures
Chemtrails in Satellite Photography
The MODIS Rapid Response System was developed to provide daily satellite images of the Earth's landmasses
in near real time. True-color, photo-like imagery and false-color imagery are available within a few hours of
being collected, making the system a valuable resource for monitoring chemtrails.
Live Air Traffic
A German website providing some type of live air traffic mapping.
ChemTrails Hall Of Shame
Barium Contamination Found In Drinking Water
Asheville Magazine Presents: Chemtrails
This is a short article in a local Asheville, North Carolina (NC) magazine:
"The strange-looking streaks in the sky aren't your imagination. They are anti-bacteriological warfare chemicals
being tested by the federal government. And the public has been kept in the dark."
Millions of Bees Die - Are Electromagnetic Signals To Blame?
"Bees in the US are dying of some unknown cause - millions of them are leaving their hives and do not come
back. What is happening? The problem has got a name - colony collapse disorder - but no apparent cause."
The ChemTrails Data Page (Rense)
Numerous Articles and Pictures The World Over
ChemTrail Central
Analyzing ChemTrails and Taking Comments
Don't Chemtrail Me Bro Productions
Another great chemtrail website.
ChemTrails 911 - Exposing Aerial Crimes and Aerosol Operations
ChemTrail Legislation And Legal Information
Aerosol Operations: Crimes and Coverup
The How And Why Of ChemTrails
Inhaled A Chip Lately? Chemtrail's & Government
Micromachining of sound sensors has improved since Air Force 2025 was written. In 2003, the military revealed
that they had a sensor network that could be dropped from the air.
Ethylene Dibromide
EPA Information About This Dangerous ChemTrail Additive
ChemTrail Forums
Intelligent Conversation About ChemTrails
Look Up and See the Pollution Raining Down on You
Pictures, Organizations And Links Against ChemTrails
ChemTrails Over New York
Pictures And Links About ChemTrails Over New York And New Jersey
Canadian ChemTrails
News And Awareness About ChemTrails
ChemTrails Over My House
My Personal Pictures, Jamestown, New York
ChemTrails, Jamestown, New York, 11/14/2005
Numerous Chemtrails Photos, Jamestown, New York
Striking Photos
Are Your Representatives Representing You?
Keep a close eye on your government and your representatives with this invaluable resource:
* This is not legal advice.
Russ of Herb Allure
Today they call you "crazy". Tomorrow they call you "ahead of your time."
The #1 Mercury-Amalgam Book
How To Properly Interpret Hair Tests
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