2015 NASACT Annual Conference
2015 NASACT Annual Conference
TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S C O N T I N U I N G P RO F E S S I O N A L E D U C AT I O N Greetings from the Governor of Illinois 1 Greetings from the General Assembly 2 Greetings from the Mayor of Chicago 3 Past Presidents of NASACT 4 Greetings from NASACT’s President 5 Association Leaders and Staff 6 Host State Team 7 General Information 8 Past NASACT Annual Conferences 9 Conference Hotel and Meeting Space 10 Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of this conference, participants will be able to: • Recount changes to the roles and responsibilities of state auditors, state comptrollers and state treasurers as these roles have evolved during the past year. • Identify and discuss new standards and rules from the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the U.S. Government Accountability Office and the U.S. Office of Management and Budget. • Apply practical information learned through case studies from peer offices and organizations. • Discuss state government financial management as it relates to the broader national fiscal outlook. Networking and Special Activities 12 Level of Knowledge: Overview Daily Schedule 14 Acknowledgments 21 Guest Activities 22 Advance Preparation: No advance preparation required 2016 NASACT Annual Conference 23 CPE: 14 credits have been recommended for the conference Corporate Associates Directory 24 Biographies 35 Upcoming Events 45 Education or Experience Prerequisite: No prerequisites required Delivery Method: Group-Live The National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www. learningmarket.org. -XO\ July 21, 2015 National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers 1DWLRQDO$VVRFLDWLRQRI6WDWH$XGLWRUV&RPSWUROOHUVDQG7UHDVXUHUV Chicago Marriott &KLFDJR0DUULRWW 540 North Michigan Avenue 1RUWK0LFKLJDQ$YHQXH Chicago, Illinois 60611 &KLFDJR,OOLQRLV Greetings! *UHHWLQJV As Governor of the State of Illinois, I am pleased to welcome everyone gathered for the NASACT $V*RYHUQRURIWKH6WDWHRI,OOLQRLV,DPSOHDVHGWRZHOFRPHHYHU\RQHJDWKHUHGIRUWKH1$6$&7 2015 Annual Conference here in Chicago. $QQXDO&RQIHUHQFHKHUHLQ&KLFDJR Since its founding in 1915, NASACT has dedicated itself to the representation of state interests 6LQFHLWVIRXQGLQJLQ1$6$&7KDVGHGLFDWHGLWVHOIWRWKHUHSUHVHQWDWLRQRIVWDWHLQWHUHVWVLQ in financial management.%\ BySURYLGLQJ providingOHDGHUVKLS leadershipDQG and WUDLQLQJ training WR to state ILQDQFLDO PDQDJHPHQW VWDWHgovernments, JRYHUQPHQWVNASACT 1$6$&7 KDV has fulfi lled its mission of promoting and enhancing effi cient management of state IXOILOOHG LWV PLVVLRQ RI SURPRWLQJ DQG HQKDQFLQJ HIILFLHQW PDQDJHPHQW RIresources. VWDWH UHVRXUFHV NASACT’s efforts thethe nation andand as as such, should be NASACT’s efforts have have been beencrucial crucialtotothe thefinancial financialstability stabilityofof nation such, shoXOGEH commended. FRPPHQGHG I would like to offer my sincere gratitude and congratulations for your hard work over the years. ,ZRXOGOLNHWRRIIHUP\VLQFHUHJUDWLWXGHDQGFRQJUDWXODWLRQVIRU\RXUKDUGZRUNRYHUWKH\HDUV, I extenda ahearty heartywelcome welcometotoallallthose thoseattending attendingthis thisyear’s year’sconference. conference.During Duringyour yourstay, stay,IIencourage extend encourage you to explore and discover the many attractions that Illinois has to offer. \RXWRH[SORUHDQGGLVFRYHUWKHPDQ\DWWUDFWLRQVWKDW,OOLQRLVKDVWRRIIHU On behalf theWKH people of Illinois, I offer my best wishes for an enjoyable and productive 2Q EHKDOIofRI SHRSOH RI ,OOLQRLV , RIIHU P\ EHVW ZLVKHV IRU DQ HQMR\DEOH DQG SURGXFWLYH conference. FRQIHUHQFH 6LQFHUHO\ Sincerely %UXFH5DXQHU Bruce Rauner *RYHUQRU6WDWHRI,OOLQRLV Governor, State of Illinois 1 2 3 PA S T P R E S I D E N T S O F N A S A C T State auditors, state comptrollers and state treasurers have been coming together to discuss issues of common interest since 1916. The first such meeting took place in St. Augustine, Florida. During the next several years, a leadership structure was formalized, and NASACT was born. Today, NASACT works to provide education and training to its members and to serve as a unified voice for the varied needs of its constituency groups − the state auditors, state comptrollers and state treasurers. 2014 James B. Lewis, State Treasurer, NM 1981 Gertrude Donahey, State Treasurer, OH 1947 Jeff B. Bates, State Treasurer, SC 2013 Martin J. Benison, Comptroller, MA 1980 George Robb, State Auditor, KS Ronald L. Jones, Chief Examiner, AL James R. Cobler, Director, Div. of Accounts and Reports, KS 1946 2012 1945 Joseph T. Ferguson, State Auditor, OH 1979 William R. Snodgrass, Comptroller of the Treasury, TN 1944 C. Fred Porter, State Controller, IA 1978 Robert R. Ringwood, Legislative Auditor, MT 1943 F. Gordon Kimball, State Treasurer, NH 1977 Robert S. O’Brien, State Treasurer, WA 1942 F. Clair Ross, Auditor General, PA 1976 Grady L. Patterson, Jr., State Treasurer, SC 1941 Richard E. Talbott, State Treasurer, WV 1975 Grace M. Sloan, State Treasurer, PA 1940 L.B. Maynard, State Auditor, LA 1974 John H. Kelly, State Treasurer, WV 1939 Forrest Smith, State Auditor, MO 1973 W. Hamp King, State Auditor, MS 1938 Cliff Yelle, State Auditor, WA 1937 Walter R. Darbey, State Auditor, NJ 1936 George B. Hamilton, State Treasurer, GA 1935 Matt J. Desmond, Chief Deputy State Auditor, MN 1934 Elbert D. Hayford, State Auditor, ME 1933 Tom Wisdom, State Auditor, GA 1932 Edward Martin, State Treasurer, PA 1931 Sidney H. Blan, State Auditor, AL 1930 William “Pistol Bill” Johnson, State Treasurer, WV 1929 William “Pistol Bill” Johnson, State Treasurer, WV 2011 Nancy K. Kopp, State Treasurer, MD 2010 Glen B. Gainer III, State Auditor, WV 2009 Thomas H. McTavish, Auditor General, MI 2008 Vern L. Larson, State Treasurer, SD 2007 Jan I. Sylvis, Chief of Accounts, TN 2006 R. Thomas Wagner, Auditor of Accounts, DE 2005 W. Daniel Ebersole, Director, Treasury and Fiscal Services, GA 2004 John J. Radford, State Controller, OR 1972 Joe R. Williams, State Auditor, ID 2003 Lawrence F. Alwin, State Auditor, TX 1971 Jimmie “Red” Jones, State Auditor, AR 2002 Barbara Hafer, State Treasurer, PA 1970 Abram M. Vermeulen, State Comptroller, NJ 2001 Robert L. Childree, State Comptroller, AL 1969 2000 Richard D. Johnson, Auditor of State, IA Louis L. Goldstein, Comptroller of the Treasury, MD 1968 J.B. Lancaster, Legislative Auditor, LA 1967 Roy Shapiro, State Comptroller, KS 1966 Minnie Mitchell, State Auditor, WY 1965 Tom Martin, State Treasurer, WA 1999 Steve Adams, State Treasurer, TN 1998 William J. Raftery, State Controller, WI 1998 Robert D. Luth (Aug - Jun), State Accounting Administrator, NE 1997 Margaret Kelly, State Auditor, MO 1964 Val Bjornson, State Treasurer, MN 1996 Marshall Bennett, State Treasurer, MS 1963 Raymond W. Hawksley, State Treasurer, RI 1995 Darrell R. Daines, State Controller, NV 1962 Haskel Holman, State Auditor, MO 1928 Baxter Durham, State Auditor, NC 1994 Douglas R. Norton, Auditor General, AZ 1961 James M. Smith, State Auditor, SC 1927 Joseph T. Tracy, State Auditor, OH 1993 Michael F. Fitzgerald, State Treasurer, IA 1960 C.H. Cavness, State Auditor, TX 1926 Ray P. Chase, State Auditor, MN 1992 Harvey C. Eckert, Deputy Sec. for Comptroller Operations, PA 1959 Sidney C. Day, Jr., State Comptroller, VA 1925 Ray P. Chase, State Auditor, MN 1958 1924 Baxter Durham, State Auditor, NC Edward J. Mazur (Aug - Nov), State Comptroller, VA J. Millard Tawes, Comptroller of the Treasury, MD 1923 Harry B. Salter, Chief Auditor, NJ 1957 Henry L. Bridges, State Auditor, NC 1922 Samuel S. Lewis, Auditor General, PA 1991 Edward Renfrow, State Auditor, NC 1956 C. B. Akers, State Auditor, IA 1921 Harry B. Salter, Chief Auditor, NJ 1990 Mary Ellen Withrow, State Treasurer, OH 1955 John Graves, State Comptroller, AL 1920 J.A.O. Preus, State Auditor, MN 1989 Earle E. Morris, Jr., Comptroller General, SC 1954 Avery G. Hall, State Treasurer, NY 1919 J.A.O. Preus, State Auditor, MN 1988 Thomas W. Hayes, Auditor General, CA 1953 1987 Joan Finney, State Treasurer, KS J. Gordon Bennett, Auditor of Public Accounts, VA 1986 Roland W. Burris, State Comptroller, IL 1952 Jesse James, State Treasurer, TX 1985 Anthony Piccirilli, Auditor General, RI 1951 Frank Durand, State Auditor, NJ 1984 Harlan E. Boyles, State Treasurer, NC 1950 A.S.J. Shaw, State Auditor, OK 1983 John F. Rogan, State Finance Director, WI 1949 J. Edwin Larson, State Treasurer, FL 1982 Joseph H. Burris, Legislative Auditor, LA 1948 Thomas J. Buckley, State Auditor, MA 1992 4 WILLIAM G. HOLLAND President of NASACT Conference Host Auditor General of Illinois Dear Conference Attendee: Welcome to Chicago, Illinois–the Windy City, the City of the Big Shoulders, and the home of the Bears, Blackhawks, Bulls, Cubs and White Sox! I, along with co-hosts Illinois State Comptroller Leslie Geissler Munger and Illinois State Treasurer Michael W. Frerichs, welcome you to the NASACT annual conference in this 100th anniversary year. I would like to thank NASACT’s Program Committee, NASACT staff and staff of the host organizations for their considerable efforts in putting this conference together. You will find the agenda full of programs on trends and topics relevant to the accountability profession. You will meet colleagues and share experiences from your home states. Perhaps most importantly, you will connect or re-connect with all the resources that the NASACT organization can provide to assist in your professional development. I am also excited to share this wonderful city with you. In addition to an outstanding conference agenda, you will enjoy activities designed to give you a flavor of Chicago, from sea level (a 5K run along the shores of Lake Michigan), to sky level (an evening reception at the Signature Room on the 95th floor of the John Hancock Center). Plan on your “spirit” to be moved Sunday during the Gospel Brunch at the House of Blues and again as you board the “Spirit of Chicago” Monday for an evening cruise on the lake. I hope you learn something new, meet some colleagues, and have a great time over the next few days! William G. Holland President of NASACT, 2014-15 Photo Credit: Choose Chicago 5 7 A S S O C I AT I O N L E A D E R S A S S O C I AT I O N S TA F F 2014-15 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE R. Kinney Poynter, Executive Director Pat Hackney, Administrative Assistant Glenda Johnson, Communications Manager PRESIDENT Donna Maloy, Conference Manager William G. Holland Kim O’Ryan, NASC Association Director Auditor General Anna Peniston, Professional Education Coordinator Illinois Sherri Rowland, NSAA Association Director Lori Slagle, Finance Manager Kathleen Young, Peer Review Coordinator FIRST VICE PRESIDENT Calvin McKelvogue Chief Operating Officer Iowa Cornelia Chebinou, Washington Office Director Tanya Grayson, Administrative Assistant Neal Hutchko, Policy Analyst T R A I N I N G & P R O F E S S I O N A L D E V E LO P M E N T C O M M I T T E E William G. Holland (IL), Chair SECOND VICE PRESIDENT Richard K. Ellis Paul Joyce (IN), Vice-Chair Steve Barnett (SD) Calvin McKelvogue (IA) Gerry Boaz (TN) Roger A. Norman (AR) Pola Buckley (ME) Rebecca Otto (MN) Julia Burns (MA) Beth Pearce (VT) Justin Cajindos (IL) Chasse Rehwinkel (IL) SECRETARY Carol Clark (IL) John C. Reidhead (UT) Debra K. Davenport Cynthia I. Cloud (WY) Randy Roberts (AZ) Auditor General Kathleen Davies (DE) Jennifer Smith (PA) Arizona Richard K. Ellis (UT) Anne Vidunas-Gladwell (NJ) Sharon Elston (AL) David A. Von Moll (VA) Manju Ganeriwala (VA) Thomas L. White (AL) John Geragosian (CT) Kim Williams (AR) Chuck Hagopian (IL) Brandon Woolf (ID) State Treasurer Utah TREASURER D. Clark Partridge State Comptroller Arizona IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT AUDITOR REPRESENTATIVES COMPTROLLER REPRESENTATIVES TREASURER REPRESENTATIVES Ronald L. Jones Chief Examiner, Alabama Roger Norman Legislative Auditor, Arkansas David A. Von Moll State Comptroller, Virginia David H. Lillard, Jr. State Treasurer, Tennessee David W. Martin Auditor General, Florida John C. Reidhead Director, Division of Finance, Utah Beth Pearce State Treasurer, Vermont Paul Townsend Legislative Auditor, Nevada 6 Anna Maria Kiehl State Comptroller/ Chief Accounting Officer, Pennsylvania Manju Ganeriwala State Treasurer, Virginia OUR ILLINOIS HOSTS H O S T S TAT E V O LU N T E E R S HOST STATE COORDINATOR CONFERENCE HOST William G. Holland Auditor General President of NASACT Carol Clarke, Office of Auditor General OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL Jennifer Baptist Denise Gladney Jim Panozzo Michael Bradley Ryan Goerres Sandy Sampias Julie Bullard Bill Helton Becky Schlouch Jane Clark Tom Kizziah Mike Stutz CONFERENCE CO-HOST Sarah Cors Karla Kunzeman Rose Tucker Leslie Geissler Munger Jim Dahlquist Lisa McQueen Mark Tucker State Comptroller Terri Davis Paige Morgano Tricia Wagner Katie Devitt Renee O’Neil OFFICE OF THE STATE COMPTROLLER Max Davis CONFERENCE CO-HOST Michael W. Frerichs State Treasurer Cristina Madridejos Mancini Katie Torrence OFFICE OF THE STATE TREASURER David Brongiel Andrew Heffernan Debbie Meyers-Martin Miguel Carlon Veronica Hejna Alice Morales Nikki Giancola Zach Koutsky Bill Nambo Photo Credit: Choose Chicago 7 G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N ATTIRE HOSPITALITY SUITE 5K Fun Run/Walk: Appropriate athletic attire is recommended for the 5K. See old friends and make new ones at the hospitality suite! The hospitality suite will be open during hours when there is no scheduled activity (Room #4608). Guest Program: Casual attire is appropriate. Please wear comfortable shoes for walking. Conference Sessions: Business casual attire is appropriate. Sunday and Monday Night Event: Business casual attire is appropriate for the events at the Signature Room and the Lake Michigan Cruise. Sat 4:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Sun 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Mon 8:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Tuesday Centennial Celebration: Cocktail dress or business attire is appropriate for Tuesday night. INTERNET CONFERENCE OFFICE The Internet cafe will have two workstations with online access and printing capabilities available for your convenience. The Internet cafe will be in the conference office in Printer’s Row (2nd floor). The conference office serves as the center of activities for NASACT’s staff and host state volunteers. The conference office is located on the 2nd floor in Printer’s Row. Conference Office Schedule Sat 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sun 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Mon 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Tue 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Wed 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Internet Cafe Schedule Mon 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Tue 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Wed 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Wifi Conference attendees staying at the Marriott can purchase wifi for $1 per night in guest rooms. Complimentary wifi is available in the hotel lobby. CELL PHONE POLICY LOST AND FOUND Please be considerate of our speakers and other attendees. When you are in conference sessions, please turn off your phone or set it to silent and leave the room if you need to answer a phone call. If you’ve lost it, perhaps we’ve found it! Stop by the conference office to turn in, inquire about or claim lost items. CPE AND EVALUATIONS NASACT is accredited as a provider of continuing professional education by the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy. Don’t forget to fill out your CPE form and turn it in at the end of the conference at the registration desk. Your input helps make the conference better each year, so please also fill out the evaluation form. 8 Hospitality Suite Schedule PHOTOGRAPHY Photo/Image Credit Photos in this brochure are used courtesy of Choose Chicago. Photo Disclosure NASACT takes photos during this conference. By participating, you are granting NASACT permission to use your photo and name in association publications. LOOKING BACK AT PAST NASACT ANNUAL CONFERENCES REGISTRATION DESK Registration Desk Schedule (5th Floor Foyer) Sat 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sun 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Mon 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Tue 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. TRANSPORTATION See descriptions throughout this brochure for transportation information. Transportation sponsors for this year’s events are: • Berry Dunn • Kronos • Plante Moran • Sjoberg Evashenk Consulting SPEAKER BIOS/PRESENTATIONS Speaker bios are in the back of this brochure. Presentations are available at www.nasact.org (all speakers do not make their presentations available to us prior to the conference). QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS Questions or comments may be directed to NASACT staff or a host state volunteer. Written comments may also be sent to NASACT, 449 Lewis Hargett Circle, Suite 290, Lexington, KY 40503. NASACT’s annual conference has been held in many different locations throughout the years. Each year, NASACT’s president has the right of first refusal to host the conference in his or her state. Should the president choose not to host, bids are accepted for a host state. Is it time to host the conference in your state? If you are interested in hosting a future annual conference, let us know! 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 Santa Fe, NM Boston, MA Seattle, WA Burlington, VT Charleston, WV Dearborn, MI Chicago, IL Nashville, TN Omaha, NE Portland, OR Biloxi, MS Harrisburg, PA Oklahoma City, OK Coeur d’Alene, ID St. Petersburg, FL Cincinnati, OH Atlanta, GA Boston, MA Mobile, AL Des Moines, IA San Antonio, TX Baltimore, MD Louisville, KY Pierre, SD Phoenix, AZ Charleston, SC San Diego, CA Hershey, PA Asheville, NC Salt Lake City, UT Williamsburg, VA Kansas City, MO Nashville, TN Chicago, IL 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 Hot Springs, AR Baltimore, MD New Orleans, LA Seattle, WA Charleston, SC White Sulphur Springs, WV Mobile, AL Sun Valley, ID Honolulu, HI Providence, RI Louisville, KY Jackson Hole, WY New Orleans, LA Las Vegas, NV Clearwater, FL Asheville, NC Phoenix, AZ Mackinac Island, MI Honolulu, HI Denver, CO San Francisco, CA Philadelphia, PA Miami Beach, FL Hartford, CT Las Vegas, NV Los Angeles, CA New Orleans, LA New York, NY Phoenix, AZ Seattle, WA Miami Beach, FL Atlantic City, NJ San Antonio, TX 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 Boston, MA San Francisco, CA Miami Beach, FL New Orleans, LA Excelsior Springs, MO New York, NY Dixville Notch, NH San Antonio, TX Seattle, WA Biloxi, MS Duluth, MN Miami, FL Denver, CO Atlanta, GA Chicago, IL Richmond, VA Biloxi, MS New York, NY San Francisco, CA New Orleans, LA Boston, MA Hot Springs, AR Miami, FL Salt Lake City, UT Asheville, NC Denver, CO Atlantic City, NJ Chicago, IL St. Paul, MN Washington, DC New York, NY Saint Augustine, FL Photo Credit: Choose Chicago 9 C O N F E R E N C E H O T E L TRAVEL ASSISTANCE NASACT members in good standing (or their designees) are eligible to receive up to $2,000 in travel assistance to attend the 2015 NASACT Annual Conference. All assistance will be provided in the form of a reimbursement after the conference. The travel reimbursement form is available at www.nasact.org/ annual_materials. 10 CHICAGO MARRIOTT DOWNTOWN The conference hotel is the Chicago Marriott Downtown located in the heart of downtown Chicago, walking distance to world class dining and shopping, on the famous Magnificent Mile! Conference attendees staying at the Marriott can purchase wifi Internet for $1 per night in guest rooms. Complimentary wifi is available in the hotel lobby. C O N F E R E N C E M E E T I N G S PA C E Meeting space at the Marriott is on the 5th floor (the Conference Office and Internet Cafe are on the 2nd floor). DENVER KANSAS CITY HOUSTON PUBLIC STAIRS A B C EXPRESS ELEVATORS FREIGHT ELEVATOR WOMEN D CHICAGO BALLROOM OFFICE/ COATROOM/ REGISTRATION BOOTHS E MEN F PUBLIC STAIRS H G HIGH RISE ELEVATORS LOW RISE ELEVATORS LOS ANGELES MIAMI SCOTTSDALE CHICAGO MARRIOTT DOWNTOWN MAGNIFICENT MILE 540 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611 Phone 312.245.4728, Fax 312.245.6929, ChicagoMarriottDowntown.com 11 N E T W O R K I N G A N D S P E C I A L A C T I V I T I E S SUNDAY, AUGUST 23 SUNDAY, AUGUST 23 5K FUN RUN/WALK ALONG LAKE MICHIGAN PRESIDENT’S NIGHT AT THE SIGNATURE ROOM Must be pre-registered to participate. All attendees and registered guests may participate. 6:15 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. | Sponsored by Deloitte Attire: Athletic Apparel Prizes will be presented to winners of the race at the House of Blues Brunch at 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. 6:15 a.m. Meet in lobby (refreshments will be available) 6:40 a.m. Buses depart for starting line 7:00 a.m. Race begins SUNDAY, AUGUST 23 GOSPEL BRUNCH AT THE HOUSE OF BLUES All attendees and registered guests may participate. 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. | Sponsored by Infor and Mastercard Photo Credit: Choose Chicago Attire: Business Casual Join NASACT President William G. Holland on Sunday evening for a special evening in the Signature Room at the 95th Floor of the John Hancock Center. Music will be performed by Chicago guitarist Joey Edwin. Transportation: The John Hancock Tower is a short walk from the hotel. For those not wishing to walk, continuous shuttles will be available beginning at 5:45 p.m. from the hotel lobby. MONDAY, AUGUST 24 DINNER CRUISE ON LAKE MICHIGAN Photo Credit: House of Blues Attire: Casual All attendees and registered guests may participate. 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. | Sponsored by CGI After the 5K Fun Run/Walk, enjoy brunch at the famous Chicago House of Blues, just a few blocks from the Marriott. Experience live gospel music and an all-youcan-eat buffet featuring breakfast favorites plus carving stations, southern specialties and desserts. Transportation: The House of Blues is a short walk from the hotel. For those not wishing to walk, a continuous shuttle will be available beginning at 8:45 a.m. from the hotel lobby. Photo Credit: Choose Chicago 9:00 a.m. Brunch served beginning at 9:00 a.m. 9:45 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Entertainment 10:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. 5K Fun Run/Walk Awards Attire: Business Casual Prepare for a fabulous evening of music, dining and magnificent views of Chicago’s lakefront and skyline aboard the Spirit of Chicago. Transportation: Meet in the hotel lobby at 6:00 p.m. for a 6:15 departure to Navy Pier. 12 TUESDAY, AUGUST 25 NASACT’S CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION All attendees and registered guests may participate. 5:45 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. | Sponsored by Accenture Attire: Business/Cocktail Attire The State Night Gala in the Ballroom of the Marriott Hotel will feature fine cuisine and wonderful entertainment. In honor of the Association’s 100th anniversary, several special program components have been planned, including: • Visits with famous sports figures from Chicago teams during the reception • Recognition of NASACT’s Past Presidents • The release of a commemorative book celebrating 100 years • The announcement of the inaugural class of the NASACT Hall of Fame You won’t want to miss this very special anniversary celebration! 5:45 p.m. Reception & Autographs w/ Sports Figures 7:00 p.m. Dinner 8:00 p.m. Recognition of Past Presidents and Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony 8:30 p.m. Dancing/Entertainment Music/entertainment will be provided by the popular Chicago area band “Gentlemen of Leisure.” Photo Credit: Choose Chicago 13 D A I LY S C H E D U L E SATURDAY, AUGUST 22 2:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. 8:30 P.M. – 10:00 P.M. HOSPITALITY SUITE (#4608) REGISTRATION (5th Floor Foyer) 4:00 P.M. – 10:00 P.M. HOSPITALITY OPEN HOUSE (#4608) SUNDAY, AUGUST 23 6:15 A.M. – 9:00 A.M. 5K FUN RUN/WALK (Lake Michigan Shoreline) Pre-registration required. Meet in lobby at 6:15 a.m. Buses leave promptly at 6:40 a.m.. 10:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. REGISTRATION (5th Floor Foyer) 9:00 A.M. – 11:00 A.M. GOSPEL BRUNCH AT THE HOUSE OF BLUES Sponsored by Infor and Mastercard Transportation: This event is within walking distance of the hotel; bus transportation will also be available in the lobby beginning at 8:45 a.m. MONDAY, AUGUST 24 7:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. INTERNET CAFE (Printer’s Row, 2nd Floor) 7:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. REGISTRATION (5th Floor Foyer) 7:00 A.M. – 8:00 A.M. BREAKFAST (Salon D) Sponsored by Eide Bailey, SAP and The Hackett Group 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. GUEST PROGRAM (Millenium Park & The Art Institute) Pre-registration required. See page 22 for details. On Monday, guests will enjoy a tour of Millenium Park and a visit to the galleries of The Art Institute, including a three-course lunch. 8:00 A.M. – 8:45 A.M. OPENING CEREMONIES (Salons EFGH) 12:00 P.M. – 1:00 P.M. MEETING OF NASACT’S COMMITTEE ON ACCOUNTING, REPORTING AND AUDITING (Denver/Houston) Opening Remarks William G. Holland, President of NASACT, Auditor General (IL) 1:30 P.M. – 3:30 P.M. MEETING OF NASACT’S EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (Denver/Houston) Singing of the National Anthem & Pledge of Alleigance Jim Cornelison 2:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. HOSPITALITY SUITE (#4608) 4:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. NEW MEMBER RECEPTION (#4608) All new members of NASACT and their mentors are invited to come and meet the Executive Committee and staff and learn more about the association. Special Entertainment & Presentation of Colors Emerald Society, Chicago Police Department Welcome from Illinois Co-Hosts Leslie Geissler Munger, State Comptroller (IL) Michael W. Frerichs, State Treasurer (IL) 8:45 A.M. – 9:35 A.M. GENERAL SESSION (Salons EFGH) GS#1. The Importance of Being Funny: The Role of Humor in Our Private and Professional Lives Field of study: Personal Development 6:00 P.M. – 9:00 P.M. PRESIDENT’S NIGHT RECEPTION AT THE SIGNATURE ROOM (John Hancock Tower, 95th Floor) Sponsored by Deloitte Join NASACT President William G. Holland on Sunday night for a very special event at the Signature Room at the John Hancock Center. Transportation: This event is within walking distance of the hotel; bus transportation will also be available in the lobby beginning at 5:45 p.m. 14 Humor can act as both a sword and shield to defend and protect us against life. Humor can, at times, detox if not completely explain some of the unsolvable mysteries of life. Humor may not be able to offer definitive answers, but it can arrest and defang our certainty. Dr. Gini is convinced that laughter offers perspective, reinforces our humanity, and encourages hope. Dr. Al Gini, Ph.D., Professor, School of Business, Loyola University Chicago Moderator: William G. Holland, NASACT President and Auditor General (IL) 9:35 A.M. – 9:55 A.M. BREAK (Chicago Foyer) Sponsored by CliftonLarsonAllen 9:55 A.M. – 11:10 A.M. CONCURRENT SESSIONS CS#1. Tech Trends in Government (Salons AB) Field of study: Computer Science The recent advances in digital technology are fundamentally transforming the way both private and public sector organizations operate. In this presentation, we outline eight current technology trends that can influence the future of your financial management organizations as part of state government that may help to deliver performance improvements, cost reductions, and efficiency. In addition, we’ll touch on some of the digital trends from the recent Deloitte-NASACT 2015 Digital Transformation Survey that are reshaping government financial management organizations. Bill Briggs, Director, Deloitte Kristin Russell, Director, Deloitte Moderator: David Von Moll, State Comptroller (VA) sector organizations struggled with ERP solutions that did not support their business, were cost prohibitive to maintain and had unpredictable annual costs. What can you do to avoid the mistakes of the past and realize the vast benefits of a modern statewide ERP solution? Join us for insights into real-world examples of how state governments have effectively implemented their statewide ERP solution on-time and on-budget while successfully meeting their needs and positioning them for long-term success. Daniel Keene, Senior Vice President, U.S. State and Local Government Solutions, CGI Mike Smarik, Deputy State Comptroller (AZ) Moderator/Speaker: Clark Partridge, State Comptroller (AZ) 11:10 A.M. – 11:20 A.M. ROOM CHANGE 11:20 A.M. – 12:10 P.M. CONCURRENT SESSIONS CS#4. Independent Verification and Validation– Ensuring Project Success (Salons AB) CS#2. Winning the War for Talent Field of study: Finance (Denver/Houston/Kansas City) Public sector technology projects are getting larger and more complex, and project successes and failures are increasingly more public and impactful. While the adoption of formal project management methodologies and techniques is becoming more common, a significant percentage of public sector technology projects struggle to meet budgets, schedules, or intended functionality. Independent verification and validation (IV&V) is a service provided by an experienced third party that ensures the proper visibility and management of key project success factors such as scope, timeline, resources, and costs, while simultaneously ensuring quality of work products throughout each phase of the project. This session will outline the concepts of IV&V and discuss how one state used this process in a major IT project. Field of study: Personnel/HR All employers–including state and local governments are facing a long-term talent shortage–baby boomers are retiring and the percentage of the population of working age is shrinking. Talent that was plentiful is becoming scarce. A battle for talent is taking place. In this session, you will learn about the nature of the challenge, and whether the traditional talent management model will continue to work. Is there a better model for the future? Suzanne Bump, Auditor of the Commonwealth (MA) William Kilmartin, Director, State and Local Government, Accenture Breck Marshall, Managing Director, Talent and Organization Practice, Accenture Cynthia Dannels, Deputy State Treasurer (SC) Moderator: Rebecca Otto, State Auditor (MN) Julie Batchelor, Director, Grant Thornton, LLP CS#3. Approaches to Successfully Implementing Statewide ERP (Los Angeles/Miami/Scottsdale) Field of study: Finance Today’s state budgets are stretched and government executives require cost-effective strategies for both managing and modernizing their financial and HR systems. Executives want to increase efficiency, transparency and accountability while improving usability and customer service. This also includes the addition of self-service and mobile capabilities. In the past, many statewide ERP implementations faced challenges such as effective governance oversight, significant upfront investments, cost overruns, delays and even outright failures. In addition, many public GS#1. Al Gini, Ph.D., Professor, School of Business, Loyola University Chicago Tony Hernandez, Principal, Grant Thornton, LLP Moderator: Richard Eckstrom, Comptroller General (SC) CS#5. Big Data, Analytics and Lessons Learned (Salon C) Field of study: Finance How is information being leveraged in your organization? Big Data is the new buzz word and focus in the public sector, and advanced analytics is not too far behind. Yet agencies are still grappling with how to approach data and what informed insights they should glean from the potential treasure trove of information. We are seeing cycles to Big Data: hype, deception, and productivity. Organizations need to get ahead of what information is being harvested and how to use it to further your agency’s mission. In this session, lessons 15 D A I LY S C H E D U L E learned and application to the public sector from a case study in the private sector will be presented. CONCURRENT SESSIONS Nick Curcuru, Vice President, Global Practice Leader, Big Data Analytics, MasterCard CS#8. Trends in Information Technology and E-Government Steve Tae, Principal, North American Region Lead, Public Sector, MasterCard Field of study: Computer Science Moderator: Beth Pearce, State Treasurer (VT) This session will address technology trends and how they impact state finance administrators. Overall trends and the experiences of two states, MA and OK, will highlight examples of exciting and transformational activity happening now. CS#6. Moving Government to the Cloud (Los Angeles/Miami/Scottsdale) Field of study: Finance In this session hear the former deputy chief financial officer for the city of Orlando discuss why they moved their entire HCM, Payroll and Financial system to the cloud in one year’s time and the benefits. Key discussion points include: • • • • • 1:25 P.M. – 2:15 P.M. Using a “Cloud-First” policy to provide a sustainable service level Understanding the complete total cost of ownership Improving employee effectiveness through self-service mobile applications Innovating through timely and accurate decision data Ensuring business continuity through effective disaster recovery Sherry Amos, Managing Director, Education and Government, Workday Ray Elwell, Senior Manager, Workday (Former Deputy CFO, City of Orlando) Moderator: Thomas L. White, Jr., State Comptroller (AL) CS#7. Fraud Prevention: Leveraging Technology and Science (Denver/Houston/Kansas City) Field of study: Finance Fraud prevention requires a holistic approach that includes waste, abuse and illegal acts. It is no longer just a management and audit responsibility; there must also be collaborations with IT, cybersecurity, and data science that are dealing with identity theft and insider threat issues. In this session, you will learn how automating manual or fragmented electronic prevention processes by continuous monitoring across multiple systems can enable automated fraud detection, analysis, mitigation, reporting and data science. To demonstrate this, multiple case studies will be discussed where applied technology and data science have been applied for risk mitigation and prevention. J.D. Williams, Executive Director, State and Local Government, Infor Public Sector (Denver/Houston/Kansas City) Brandy Manek, Director of Budget, Policy and Legislative Relations (OK) Bob Sabo, ERP Cloud Strategic Programs Lead, Oracle Public Sector Thomas G. Shack, Comptroller of the Commonwealth (MA) Moderator: Brandon Woolf, State Controller (ID) CS#9. Using Data Analytics in Government to Make Better Decisions (Salons AB) Field of study: Finance Nationally recognized governance and innovation expert and author, Professor Stephen Goldsmith, explores the critical role that data plays in government decision making. Data can help governments build trust and civic engagement, preempt and predict problems, save taxpayer money, and enter a new era of governance. Stephen Goldsmith, Daniel Paul Professor of the Practice of Government and the Director of the Innovations in American Government Program, Harvard Kennedy School of Government Moderator: Anna Maria Kiehl, State Comptroller and Chief Accounting Officer (PA) CS#10. Using the Business Case to Guide a Transformation Procurement (Los Angeles/Miami/Scottsdale) Field of study: Finance A comprehensive business case that includes sufficient detail can be effectively used as a guide throughout a transformation procurement process for a new human resources and payroll solution. The state of Maine will share a business case process that not only provided a sound basis for the development of a transformation future state strategy but also was leveraged as a consistent reference for the procurement process. Joe Arthur, Public Sector IBU Innovation Executive, Infor Doug Cotnoir, State Controller (ME) Moderator: Dianne E. Ray, State Auditor (CO) Mike Russell, Advisory Director, KPMG Moderator: John Reidhead, Director, Division of State Finance (UT) 12:10 P.M. – 1:25 P.M. LUNCH & AWARDS PRESENTATION (Salons EFGH) Sponsored by Oracle Presiding: William G. Holland, President of NASACT and Auditor General (IL) Remarks and Presentation of Awards − President’s Awards & Special Recognition Award Invitation from Next Year’s Conference Hosts/Prize Drawing − Calvin McKelvogue, Chief Operator Officer, State Accounting Enterprise (IA) − Paul D. Joyce, State Examiner (IN) 16 2:15 P.M. – 2:35 P.M. BREAK (Chicago Foyer) Sponsored by Grant Thornton 2:35 P.M. – 3:50 P.M. GENERAL SESSION 8:30 A.M. – 8:35 A.M. OPENING REMARKS (Salons EFGH) GS#2. Emerging Issues Roundtable I (Salons EFGH) William G. Holland, President of NASACT, Auditor General (IL) Field of study: Finance Always one of the most popular sessions of the conference, the emerging issues roundtable provides NASACT members the opportunity to discuss the most pressing, cross-cutting issues of the day. Moderator: Calvin McKelvogue, NASACT First Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer, State Accounting Enterprise (IA) 3:50 P.M. – 4:05 P.M. ROOM CHANGE 4:05 P.M. – 4:50 P.M. BUSINESS MEETINGS Open to Members/Member Staff Only - NASC (Salons AB) - NSAA (Los Angeles/Miami/Scottsdale) - State Treasurers Meeting (Salon C) 6:30 P.M. – 9:30 P.M. DINNER CRUISE ON LAKE MICHIGAN Sponsored by CGI 8:35 A.M. – 9:25 A.M. GENERAL SESSION (Salons EFGH) GS#3. Fiscal and Other Challenges Facing Governments: What Financial Managers Can Do to Make a Difference GS#2. Calvin McKelvogue, First Vice President of NASACT and COO, State Accounting Enterprise (IA) Field of study: Finance Comptroller General Dodaro will discuss some of the major fiscal and other challenges confronting the nation and outline the critical nature of involvement by the financial management community in helping to address these challenges. Gene Dodaro, Comptroller General, U.S. Government Accountability Office Moderator: William G. Holland, NASACT President and Auditor General (IL) 9:25 A.M. – 9:40 A.M. ROOM CHANGE GS#3. Gene Dodaro, Comptroller General, U.S. Government Accountability Office 9:40 A.M. – 10:30 A.M. Enjoy a special evening cruising the Lake Michigan shoreline. CONCURRENT SESSIONS Transportation: Meet in the hotel lobby at 6:00 p.m. for a 6:15 departure to Navy Pier. CS#11. What Does Big Data Mean for You? (Denver/Houston/Kansas City) Field of study: Finance 8:30 P.M. – 10:00 P.M. HOSPITALITY SUITE (#4608) TUESDAY, AUGUST 25 7:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. INTERNET CAFE (Printer’s Row, 2nd Floor) 7:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. REGISTRATION (5th Floor Lobby) 7:00 A.M. – 8:30 A.M. BREAKFAST (Salon D) Sponsored by ISG, Visa and Workday “Big Data” is one of the most frequently heard buzz words in technology today. Uses of Big Data in the public sector, and particularly governmental entities, can include areas within fraud and security and can play a key role in an organization’s finance and operational metrics. How does a governmental organization tackle the challenges and issues of Big Data? How do you know what questions to ask and what priorities to set? How do you set realistic and meaningful measures of success? This session will help you understand what Big Data is and how you can harness it, using practical examples from government agencies around the country. Ernie Almonte, Partner, McGladrey, Northeast Public Sector Leader Michele Juliana, Director, McGladrey, Public Sector Technology Consulting Leader Moderator: Beth Wood, State Auditor (NC) 9:30 A.M. – 2:30 P.M. GUEST PROGRAM (Architectural Tour, Gino’s East Pizzaria, Shopping) Pre-registration required. See page 22 for details. On Tuesday, guests will take a Wendella boat for an architectural tour. Lunch will be at Gino’s East Pizzeria, followed by shopping on Michigan Avenue. 17 D A I LY S C H E D U L E CS#12. The GASB: Past, Present and Future (Salons A/B) Field of study: Accounting (Governmental) GASB representatives will cover a wide range of subjects including a look back at the NASACT and GASB relationship over the past 31 years, a look at the present with a discussion of relevant topics from the current GASB technical agenda, and a look into the future with an overview of the results from the GASB’s financial reporting model research. Come hear the latest on the many GASB projects and activities of interest to the NASACT members, including leases, fiduciary responsibilities, pension implementation issues, and the all-important reexamination of the financial reporting model. David Vaudt, Chair, Governmental Accounting Standards Board Jan Sylvis, Vice Chair, Governmental Accounting Standards Board David Bean, Director of Research and Technical Activities, Governmental Accounting Standards Board Moderator: Alan Skelton, State Accounting Officer (GA) CS#13. Security, Privacy and Identity Theft Issues – Prevention and Detection (Los Angeles/Miami/Scottsdale) Field of study: Finance Cybersecurity and IT security risks are more an issue today than ever before. No company or government is immune from hacks and security risks. Examples of recent breaches will be reviewed, and these examples will include discussion on the impacts of such events. Review of hacking methods, recent trends, and the level of risk exposure will be included. The session will also include discussion of various methods to detect and monitor incidents, as well as aspects of responding to potential security breaches. Lastly, beyond reviewing trends, methods of breaches, impacts, and key risks, this session will include specific discussion and review of control practices, tools, and processes to help mitigate or decrease the risk of breach and security threats. James Kreiser, Principal, Business Risk Services, CliftonLarsonAllen LLP Justin Stowe, Deputy Legislative Post Auditor (KS) Moderator: Roger Norman, Legislative Auditor (AR) 10:30 A.M. – 10:55 A.M. BREAK (Chicago Foyer) Sponsored by McGladrey 10:55 A.M. – 12:10 P.M. CONCURRENT SESSIONS CS#14. Data Transparency in Government: From the White House to the State House (Denver/Houston/Kansas City) Field of study: Finance Since being signed into law in May of 2014, the far-reaching effects of the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act (DATA Act) – an act requiring communicable, universal, and transparent data reporting standards – have begun to emerge. The Treasury Department and the Office of Management and Budget are due to release initial proposed government-wide data standards this year, and the Department of Health and Human Services is undertaking the first large-scale pilot program to discover and test the implementation and use of standardized data reporting. 18 This session will be led by industry insiders who have been closely following the conception and implementation of the DATA Act from both federal and private sector perspectives, and will cover a high-level explanation of the legislation mandates, explain the development of data standards and rollout of the HHS pilot program, and discuss the implications for state financial organizations as well as the actions to be taken right now and over the next five years for the organizations to best position themselves and remain ahead of the data curve. Also during this session, you will also learn about a new transparency initiative launched by the Ohio State Treasurer’s Office, propelling Ohio from 46th to first in government transparency. Now, the treasurer is calling on Ohio’s local governments and schools to post finances online. Hudson Hollister, Executive Director, Data Transparency Coalition Amy Edwards, Senior Advisor, Financial Transparency, U.S. Department of the Treasury Seth Unger, Senior Policy Advisor for Public Affairs, Office of the State Treasurer (OH) Moderator and Speaker: Gila Bronner, President and CEO, Bronner Group CS#15. Economic Report for the States (Salons A/B) Field of study: Economics This session will address a variety of economic trends and emerging issues impacting the states. First, hear an overview of the current fiscal situation in the states and the serious financial management problems state government leaders must face in the coming years. Next, an overview of the states’ long-term fiscal condition will be examined based on a recent report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office. Lastly, Standard & Poor’s will discuss current credit trends and challenges for state governments given the current economic climate. Scott D. Pattison, Executive Director, National Association of State Budget Officers Michelle Sager, Director, Strategic Issues, U.S. Government Accountability Office Robin Prunty, Managing Director, U.S. State Ratings Group, Standard & Poor’s Moderator: Manju Ganeriwala, State Treasurer (VA) CS#16. GASB’s New Pension Standard: Views from the Actuary and the Practitioner (Los Angeles/Miami/Scottsdale) Field of study: Accounting (Governmental) This session will examine the impacts of the GASB’s new pension standard (Statement No. 68). First, an actuary will explore the differences in the nature of actuarial values for pensions on the balance sheet relative to the other discloses of assets and liabilities. The nature, volatility and uncertainty of the net pension liability will be highlighted. Next, you’ll hear practical applications of implementing and auditing this new accounting standard. Ken Kent, Principal Consulting Actuary, Cheiron Eric Berman, Partner, Eide Bailly Lelann Miller, Partner, Eide Bailly Moderator: Gerry Boaz, Technical Manager, Division of State Audit, Office of the Comptroller of the Treasury (TN) 12:10 P.M. – 1:25 P.M. LUNCH (Salons EFGH) Sponsored by Bronner Group 1:25 P.M. – 2:15 P.M. CONCURRENT SESSIONS CS#17. OMB’s New Uniform Grant Guidance: Dynamic Changes Lie Ahead (Salons AB) Field of study: Auditing (Governmental) By now, you’ve heard about OMB’s new uniform grant guidance and 2 CFR Part 200. But, do you know how these federal grant related changes will impact you, your work, and your organization? Come to this session to hear critical information you and your organization should know in order to be ready to tackle these reforms. Presenters will provide key insights into the implementation and give you practical approaches to help you prepare. least compliant with EMV standards. Attend this session to learn what impact this might have on government and lessons learned so far in the private sector. Orson Morgan, Senior Account Executive, Public Sector and Higher Education, Visa, Inc. Julie Tvedt, Senior Global Product Manager, U.S. Bank, Corporate Payment Services Moderator: Richard Ellis, State Treasurer (UT) 2:15 P.M. – 2:45 P.M. BREAK (Chicago Foyer) Sponsored by ACL and CherryRoad Technologies 2:45 P.M. – 3:35 P.M. GENERAL SESSION (Salons EFGH) Michelle Watterworth, Partner, Plante Moran GS#4. Why Washington Rarely Works and Campaigns Never Stop: Looking at How the Elected and the Electorate Have Changed Moderator: Debbie Davenport, Auditor General (AZ) Field of study: Specialized Knowledge and Applications Adam Roth, CEO, StreamLink Software CS#18. State Trends in Benchmarking (Denver/Houston/Kansas City) Field of study: Finance States continue to improve operations and gain efficiencies by benchmarking operations against peers. Today’s session will provide insights on just how states comparably stack up with their peers and top performers and where they are trending for the future. Learn how one state, Wyoming, is using benchmarks to optimize current technology to drive greater efficiencies in finance and human resources. Next, hear from Delaware, which has gone through the NASACT benchmarking process twice, to learn how it improved from the first benchmark to the second. Ron Elving will tap into his experience as a senior Washington editor and correspondent to discuss the current political and legislative environment and what it means for the future. He will focus on the changes to House and Senate processes, the tyranny of money and the media, and the ways constituents and constituencies participate in Washington today. He will cover the 2016 presidential contest and the struggle for control of Congress. Other issues will include the 2017 federal budget process, prospects for another government shutdown, the future of Obamacare, the Iran deal, immigration and social controversies. GS#4. Ron Elving, Senior Washington Editor & Correspondent, NPR News Ron Elving, Senior Washington Editor and Correspondent, National Public Radio News Moderator: Mike Frerichs, State Treasurer (IL) Cynthia Cloud, State Auditor (WY) Kristopher Knight, Director, Division of Accounting (DE) Patty Miller, Senior Director, The Hackett Group Moderator: Diane Langham, Fiscal Management Director (MS) CS#19. New EMV Chip Technology and Compliance Mandate: Are You Ready? (Los Angeles/Miami/Scottsdale) Field of study: Finance EMV is a global standard for chip card payments and acceptance. Chip cards are equipped with microchips that store and protect cardholder data and possess the technology to uniquely authenticate chip-card transactions. In the wake of numerous large-scale data breaches and increasing rates of counterfeit card fraud, U.S. card issuers and merchants are migrating to this technology to protect consumers and reduce the costs of fraud. Effective October 1, 2015, the liability for fraudulent transactions at the point of sale will shift to the party, merchant or issuer, who is 3:35 P.M. – 3:45 P.M. ROOM CHANGE 3:45 P.M. – 4:45 P.M. NASACT BUSINESS MEETING (Los Angeles/Miami/Scottsdale) Open to Members and Members’ Staff Only NASACT members and members’ staff are encouraged to attend the business meeting. Reports will be given by chairs of NASACT’s committees and the 2015-16 Executive Committee will be approved. Presiding: William G. Holland, President of NASACT and Auditor General (IL) 19 D A I LY S C H E D U L E 5:45 P.M. – 11:00 P.M. CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION (Salons DE) 9:50 A.M. – 10:10 A.M. BREAK (Chicago Foyer) Sponsored by Accenture Sponsored by Ernst & Young and Standard & Poor’s Join us as we celebrate NASACT’s 100th Anniversary. Special events for this evening will include recognition of NASACT’s Past Presidents and introduction of the inaugural class of the NASACT Hall of Fame. See page 13 for more details. 10:10 A.M. – 11:00 A.M. GENERAL SESSION (Salons EFGH) 5:45 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Reception Dinner Centennial Celebration Program Dancing/Entertainment WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26 7:00 A.M. – 10:00 A.M. INTERNET CAFE (Printer’s Row, 2nd Floor) 7:00 A.M. – 8:30 A.M. BREAKFAST (Salon D) Sponsored by KPMG and Streamlink Technologies 8:30 A.M. – 8:35 A.M. OPENING REMARKS (Salons EFGH) William G. Holland, President of NASACT, Auditor General (IL) 8:35 A.M. – 9:50 A.M. GENERAL SESSION (Salons EFGH) GS#5. Patterns Matter in Analytics Field of study: Statistics GS#5. Cynthia Storer, Former CIA Analyst Hear how the use of analytics and examining data to find meaningful patterns can make a difference from CIA analyst Cynthia Storer, who was featured in the HBO documentary Manhunt: The Inside Story of the Hunt for Bin Laden. The film chronicles the CIA’s 20-year global chess match against al-Qaida. Storer was a member of “The Sisterhood,” an unofficial term for a group of mostly women CIA analysts who were the first to identify and track al-Qaida and the rise of Osama bin Laden. The group’s work provided evidence of the growing threats posed by the rise in radicalization of the militant organization – well in advance of 9/11. Cynthia Storer, Former Senior CIA Analyst Moderator: Leslie Geissler Munger, State Comptroller, (IL) 20 GS#6. Emerging Issues Roundtable II Field of study: Finance To further discuss issues from the conference’s first roundtable session or to raise new questions, the second roundtable will provide participants another chance to raise issues currently facing their organizations. Moderator: Calvin McKelvogue, Chief Operating Officer, State Accounting Enterprise (IA) 11:00 A.M. – 11:10 A.M. CLOSING REMARKS (Salons EFGH) Calvin McKelvogue, Chief Operating Officer, State Accounting Enterprise (IA) Don’t forget to turn in your CPE forms and evaluation forms at the registration desk! Thank you for your participation in the 2015 NASACT Annual Conference! A C K N O W L E D G M E N T S PLATINUM CORPORATE ASSOCIATES NASACT wishes to acknowledge the supporters of the 2015 NASACT Annual Conference. Thank you for your support! MEDIA PARTNERS Accenture CGI Deloitte GOLD CORPORATE ASSOCIATES Bronner Group Oracle Corporation SILVER CORPORATE ASSOCIATES CliftonLarsonAllen Eide Bailly LLP Grant Thornton Established in 1891, The Bond Buyer reaches more than 40,000 municipal finance professionals, bond issuers, government officials, and investors daily, through its website and printed edition. It provides readers news, analysis, and data regarding municipal finance that is unavailable in its comprehensive form in any other news outlet. The Bond Buyer’s 10 annual conferences are attended by more than 2,000 market participants, and offer in-depth education about cutting-edge publicfinance topics, ranging from local government finance and budgeting to how to raise capital to fund large-scale investments in the nation’s transportation, health care, higher education, and public utilities infrastructure. Infor ISG (Information Services Group) KPMG MasterCard McGladrey LLP SAP Streamlink Technologies The Hackett Group Governing is the nation’s leading media platform covering politics, policy and management for state and local government leaders. Recognized as the most credible and authoritative voice in its field, Governing provides the nonpartisan news, insight and analysis state and local leaders need to make government work better. Visa Workday GENERAL SPONSORS Citi BRONZE CORPORATE ASSOCIATES ACL First Data Wells Fargo Bank Berry Dunn CherryRoad Technologies Ernst & Young Kronos Plante & Moran, PLLC Sjoberg Evashenk Consulting Standard & Poor’s 21 G U E S T A C T I V I T I E S MONDAY, AUGUST 24 TUESDAY, AUGUST 25 MILLENNIUM PARK AND THE ART INSTITUTE ARCHITECTURAL TOUR, PIZZA AT GINO’S & SHOPPING 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Meet in the lobby at 8:45 a.m. Return to hotel by 3:00 p.m. Meet in the lobby at 9:15 a.m. Return to hotel by 2:30 p.m. Today’s activites will begin with a bus ride to Chicago’s Millennium Park near the city’s Lake Michigan shoreline section of Grant Park. The public park, opened in 2004, features four major artistic highlights: the Jay Pritzker Pavilion, Cloud Gate (a.k.a. “The Bean”), the giant faces of Crown Fountain, and the Lurie Garden. A masterpiece of accessibility and green design, the park sits atop a parking garage and commuter rail Millennium Station, and is considered the world’s largest rooftop garden. A short walk from the Marriott Hotel will take you to the Chicago River where you will board the Wendella Sightseeing boats for their fun and friendly Architectural Tour. Led by an expert guide, the focus is on Chicago’s world-renowned architecture on all three branches of the river. From Millennium Park you will walk across the street to the Art Institute of Chicago, named the #1 Museum in America by Trip Advisor in 2014. Founded in 1879, this spectacular Windy City attraction is home to more than 300,000 pieces of art, including the famous “American Gothic” painting by Grant Wood and “Water Lilies” by Claude Monet. In addition to its permanent displays, the museum hosts 30 rotating exhibitions and hundreds of gallery talks and performances each year. After the tour, you’ll head to the famous Gino’s East Pizzeria just off Michigan Avenue and Superior Street. This is the original Gino’s East which opened in 1966 and became an instant legend with local Chicagoans, national celebrities and visitors from around the world. If you’re not in the mood for their legendary deep dish pizza, other tasty fare will be available. After lunch, you will have time to do a little shopping on Michigan Avenue or head back to the hotel to rest before the evening’s event. Please wear comfortable walking shoes! After a 60-minute guided tour, you will enjoy a 3-course lunch in the beautiful Millennium Park Room of the Art Institute. After lunch, you will be able to roam the galleries on your own to find your favorites before the bus heads back to the hotel. Please wear comfortable walking shoes! Photo Credit: Choose Chicago Photo Credit: Choose Chicago 22 NASACT 2016 ANNUAL CONFERENCE August 13-17 | Indianapolis, Indiana Mark Your Calendar for NASACT 2016 in Indianapolis! 23 C O R P O R AT E A S S O C I AT E Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company, with more than 336,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries. By combining unparalleled experience, comprehensive capabilities across all industries, and extensive research on the world’s most successful organizations, Accenture collaborates with clients to transform the way they are delivering public service for the future. ACL has worked with leading government agencies to assist government auditors and financial managers in analyzing vast amounts of data with speed and efficiency, enabling quick identification of areas of high risk, while saving time, effort and money. Learn more at www.acl.com/government. BerryDunn is an independent, objective management and IT consulting and certified public accounting firm made up of experts who have served clients nationally for 41 years. Our Government Consulting Group helps state governments strengthen business processes, reduce risks, and maximize investments in technology through strategic management and IT planning. Bronner Group, LLC is the trusted advisor to governments across America as they develop actionable strategy, implement effective transformation, and meet needs for greater accountability. Woman-owned since its founding in 1987, BRONNER’s reach extends coast-to-coast with 10 offices and over 450 clients. BRONNER professionals are expert analysts, executives, and innovators. As a full-service systems integrator and managed services provider with 68,000 professionals worldwide, CGI delivers complex public sector IT programs with a collaborative approach that is based on shared values with our clients. We provide creative IT solutions that drive government efficiency and cost containment—including our builtfor-government ERP, tax, health and human services offerings. www.cgi.com/stateandlocal 24 D I R E C T O R Y CherryRoad provides comprehensive systems implementations, upgrades, consulting, cloud and hosting services that maximize State Governments’ ERP system performance. For over three decades, CherryRoad has earned a solid reputation for combining our technological, organizational, functional, and vertical market expertise into practical solutions that deliver results to the public sector. Visit www.cherryroad.com. Grant Thornton’s Global Public Sector helps executives and managers at all levels of government maximize their performance and efficiency in the face of ever tightening budgets and increased demand for services. We give clients creative, cost-effective solutions that enhance their acquisition, financial, human capital, information technology, and performance management. www.grantthornton.com/publicsector CLA is a top 10 professional services firm delivering audit, tax, advisory and outsourcing capabilities to our clients through industry focused groups. With more than 40 years of experience, CLA’s state and local government professionals serve more than 1,700 local, county and state government agencies. For more information, visit http://claconnect.com/ government. The Hackett Group is a 20-year global strategic advisory firm and a leader in best practice, benchmarking, and transformation consulting services. Utilizing our experience performing 7,500 benchmarks and having worked with over 20 states we provide best practices and implementation insights to leadership to quickly define and prioritize initiatives. State government today requires the tools to empower its people. At Deloitte, our public sector experience and private sector insights shape understanding and deliver the answers you need to move forward in financial management advisory services, workforce, operations, performance, cost management and technology. As the world’s largest consulting firm, we can help you take decisive action and achieve sustainable results. Infor is the world’s largest industry-focused cloud applications company, helping more than 3,600 public sector organizations improve operations and eliminate silos through a host of government specific solutions including financial management, procurement, human capital management, asset management, and community development. Learn more at infor.com. Professionals at Eide Bailly, a Top 25 CPA and business advisory firm, understand the operational and political aspects of our government clients. Our more than 550 public sector clients experience a high level of involvement from senior-level professionals and a proactive approach to communication and preparing for new accounting standards. EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. ISG Public Sector (formerly STA Consulting) provides independent advice and assistance for public sector clients across the US. Our ERP-related services include: Business Case Development, Requirements Definition, Business Process Mapping, RFP Development, Evaluation and Selection Support, Contract Negotiations, Project Management, Change Management, and Strategic Planning. KPMG’s Government practice helps clients meet their evolving financial management and business needs through a multidisciplinary range of audit, tax and advisory services. We have been serving government clients for over 80 years and have extensive knowledge and experience with important state and local programs. Contact: Manolet Dayrit, Principal, mdayrit@kpmg.com Plante Moran provides independent technology, operational and financial consulting services to over 500 state and local governments. We specialize in helping state and local governments minimize risk and maximize technology investments. We provide the guidance and counsel you need, and you can have confidence in the objectivity of our recommendations. AmpliFund Public Sector helps manage every stage of the grant lifecycle, providing tools to more efficiently meet reporting compliance requirements, generate revenue and increase capacity. See exactly how funds enter and leave a state, county or municipality, including sub-recipient management features for easy monitoring, reporting and auditing of complex grants. SAP is one of the world’s leading providers of business-software solutions. With help from the SAP for Public Sector solution portfolio, which includes analytics, mobile, and cloud technologies, government finance professionals can provide the utmost safety, security, and accessibility through always-on access and the latest technology innovations from SAP. For more than 20 years, Visa has been a trusted partner of public sector organizations. Every day, we help state and local government agencies make payments conveniently and efficiently while increasing transparency and insight. We welcome the opportunity to discuss ways to improve your procure-to-pay and entitlement distribution processes. At McGladrey, we understand the challenges of the public sector. Our dedicated industry team helps government entities across the country improve performance through a comprehensive understanding of their assurance needs, technology requirements, internal processes, objectives and daily realities. That’s the power of being understood. Experience the power at www.mcgladrey.com. Sjoberg Evashenk, a full-service consulting firm specializing in the public sector. Led by former California State Auditor Kurt Sjoberg and Chief Deputy Marianne Evashenk, our innovative, highly experienced, professional teams provide exceptional management consulting, performance audits, program evaluations, and organizational development services to government entities across the Western United States. Workday is a leading provider of enterprise cloud applications for finance and human resources. Founded in 2005, Workday delivers financial management, human capital management, and analytics applications designed for the world’s largest companies, educational institutions, and government agencies. Hundreds of organizations, ranging from medium-sized businesses to Fortune 50 enterprises, have selected Workday. With more than 400,000 customers—including 100 of the Fortune 100—and with deployments across a wide variety of industries in more than 145 countries, Oracle offers a comprehensive and fully integrated stack of cloud applications, platform services, and engineered systems. For more information about Oracle (NYSE:ORCL), visit oracle.com. Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services is the world’s leading provider of independent credit risk research and benchmarks. Our research and opinions about relative credit risk provide market participants with information and independent benchmarks that help to support the growth of transparent, liquid debt markets worldwide. Kronos is the leader in workforce management solutions that enable public sector organizations to more effectively manage their largest and most controllable expense—their employees. Today over 2,000 government organizations use Kronos time and attendance, scheduling, absence management, HR and payroll, hiring, and labor analytics applications. MasterCard, www.mastercard.com, is a technology company in the global payments industry. We operate the world’s fastest payments processing network, connecting consumers, financial institutions, merchants, governments and businesses in more than 210 countries and territories. MasterCard’s products and solutions make everyday commerce activities easier, more secure and more efficient for everyone. 25 26 Built-for-government ERP and collections CGI delivers economies of scale and flexibility to help government reduce cost, increase agility and drive innovation in their ERP and collections programs. Our unique strategy supports government’s current and future needs for deployment options and provider accountability—giving states the power to implement the solutions they truly desire. sStreamline and automate the budget process to improve efficiency and transparency sManaged services reduce risk and costs while improving cost predictability sIntegrated debt collections to increase revenue while minimizing or even eliminating upfront investment 6 of the last 7 states to move forward with ERP modernization chose CGI $3B+ in additional state revenues certified from using CGI solutions 27 Nothing speeds you to efficiency like innovation Our state clients reinvent and reimagine themselves, becoming more efficient and effective on issues ranging from financial reporting to strategic sourcing. Whether it’s cost reduction, performance management, shared services, analytics, or reform, Deloitte brings a distinct blend of public sector experience and private sector insight. Looking to innovate your way to efficiency? Look to Deloitte. Learn more at www.deloitte.com/us/cxo As used in this document, “Deloitte” means Deloitte LLP and its subsidiaries. Please see www.deloitte.com/us/about for a detailed description of the legal structure of Deloitte LLP and its subsidiaries. Certain services may not be available to attest clients under the rules and regulations of public accounting. Copyright © 2015 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 36 USC 220506 28 BRONNER WELCOMES YOU TO CHICAGO AND CONGRATULATES NASACT ON 100 YEARS OF ENHANCING ACCOUNTABILITY IN GOVERNMENT Since 1987, BRONNER has delivered comprehensive, effective, and actionable solutions to over 450 government entities across the nation. Find out more at www.bronnergroup.com. Chicago . Atlanta . Albany . Boston . Ft. Lauderdale . Indianapolis . Los Angeles . New York . Philadelphia . 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We get government. 866.672.4761 CloudSuite™ Business www.eideb a il l y. com CloudSuite™ Public Sector infor.com/cloud 30 Information systems consulting for the public sector Wehaveproudlyassisted19stateswith statewideERPprojects. ISGisyourindependentsourceof ERPandBudgeting strategicplanning,acquisitionassistanceand implementationadvisoryservices. Personal attention National experience Keeping up with evolving challenges takes more than the right system. It takes the right strategy. That’s where KPMG can help. Our end-to-end approach will help you take advantage of disruptive technologies like data & analytics, cloud, and mobility. So you not only implement a system for today, you transform your business for tomorrow. Contact Manolet Dayrit at mdayrit@kpmg.com © 2015 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. NDPPS 392835 System implementation vs. Business transformation. kpmg.com Formoreinformation,contactNathan Frey 512.970.0745xnathan.frey@isgͲone.com http://www.isgͲone.com/web/industries/publicͲsector/ Power comes from being understood.® When you trust the advice you’re getting, you know your next move is the right one. To learn more, contact us at 800.274.3978 or www.mcgladrey.com PublicSector@mastercard.com McGladrey is a proud sponsor of the National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers. ©2015 McGladrey LLP. All Rights Reserved. AP-NT-ALL-GE-0715 31 Get More Out of Your Grants Unify huge volumes of data from disparate sources and perform complex analyses to uncover new insight with analytics solutions from SAP. <-£&!6!$-;@j29<8'316£-!2$'j2$8'!9'ă$-'2$@ Find Recipients Distribute Funds 8'!;'6638;<2-ধ'9 End-to-End Grant Management Find Grants Receive Funds Monitor Cash Flow Report Performance See Adam Roth Present “Dynamic Changes Occurring as a Result of OMB Uniform Grant Guidance” - Session #17 www.amplifund.us Measurable Improvement for State Government The NASACT Benchmark and Advisory Program provides benchmarks and advice in finance, IT, procurement and HR/payroll to help state governments objectively identify the highest-yield areas for process improvement. Make sure your improvement initiatives are based on fact – learn more about the NASACT Benchmark and Advisory Program at http://www.nasact. org/nasact_benchmarking or contact Patrick West, pwest@thehackettgroup.com, or 770-225-7473 Increase efficiency. Decrease costs. Enhance data. Improve transparency. Reduce paperwork. Obtain vendor discounts. Visa Commercial Solutions. Learn how Visa Commercial Solutions can help public servants streamline their agencies’ procure-to-pay processes by contacting Orson Morgan at ormorgan@visa.com or visiting visa.com/commercial. © 2014 Visa. All Rights Reserved. ed 32 Stamp out fraud, waste and abuse by incorporating ACL’s industry-leading One global finance system for large enterprises. data analysis technology into your work. Learn more at www.acl.com/government Real-time analytics. No more “I don’t knows.” GAIN INSIGHT Independent, objective management and IT consultants So you can grow. berrydunn.com workday.com/financialmanagement We are proud to be part of the 2015 NASACT Annual Conference. www.cherryroad.com By working with governments and business to foster sustainable, long-term growth we’re helping build a better future. Proud the Proudto tobe be aa sponsor sponsor of the 2014NASACT NASACT Conference Conference 2015 Visit ey.com © 2015 Ernst & Young LLP. All Rights Reserved. . {A trusted advisor.} For over 70 years, state and local governments have trusted Plante Moran to provide independent technology, operational, and financial services. We provide practical solutions to complex issues, and you can have confidence in the objectivity of our recommendations. government.plantemoran.com 33 LOOKING FOR COST-EFFECTIVE IN-HOUSE TRAINING? CHECK OUT NASACT’S TRAINING SEMINARS PROGRAM! Through the Training Seminars Program, NASACT members can schedule specialized training seminars tailored to meet targeted staff training needs. Experienced consultants conduct the sessions, which can cover topics ranging from auditing and accounting to human resources and information technology. An all-inclusive seminar fee covers consultant fees and expenses, as well as planning services provided by NASACT. The state hosting the training coordinates on-site logistics and provides CPE credit. To find out more, contact Anna Peniston at (859) 276-1147 or apeniston@nasact.org. 34 B I O G R A P H I E S BAGPIPES & DRUMS OF THE EMERALD SOCIETY, CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT The bagpipes and drums of the Emerald Society formed in 1982 to honor fallen police officers and firefighters killed in the line of duty. Besides their primary function, the band has expanded its purpose to promote the appreciation of piping music. To this end, the band performs at numerous parades & special events throughout the year. As members of the Midwest Pipe Band Association, they have been in several movies including Backdraft, The Fugitive, The Package and the Negotiator. This group performed for us at the NASACT Annual Conference in Chicago in 2008, and we are honored to have them return to our 2015 annual conference to celebrate our 100th Anniversary ERNIE ALMONTE is a partner at McGladrey and is a firmdesignated government, notfor-profit and higher education specialist with more than 37 years of experience. Mr. Almonte works in the Boston not-for-profit/public sector industry team. He has managed the audits of numerous public sector and not-for-profit organizations and has provided technical assistance on accounting and financial reporting issues to these organizations. He is a frequent speaker on industry related topics. Mr. Almonte will be focusing on assurance services including audits, information technology solutions, and financial solutions for federal, state and local governments, and universities and school systems. Prior to joining McGladrey, Mr. Almonte spent 16 years as the auditor general of Rhode Island, where he was responsible for the Rhode Island’s financial, performance and fraud audits. In that role, he was responsible for the $8 billion dollar CAFR and overseeing the audits of the quasi-public agencies and municipalities. He has provided training nationally on topics such as the Yellow Book and other accounting standards, and fraud risks for federal, state and local professionals serving government, not-for-profit and NATIONAL ANTHEM SUNG BY JIM CORNELISON Jim Cornelison is the Star Spangled Banner Singer for the Chicago Blackhawks. Jim has been the sole anthem singer for the Blackhawks since the 2008-09 hockey season. Back in 1985, the Blackhawks, wanting to get their team hyped up even before the puck dropped, started cheering all through the American Anthem. The tradition has grown immensely since then. It gained national notoriety during the 1991 Gulf War when Chicago Stadium played host to the NHL All Star Game. The tradition continues to and is revered among Chicago sports fans. As it has grown in popularity, so too has Jim’s rendition. We encourage the Blackhawks tradition of celebrating the National Athem as Jim belts out his version. Jim is excited to get our conference started off with a bang! higher education clients. He has served in numerous positions as chairman of audit committees including universities and the Department of Defense Audit Advisory Committee at the Pentagon. SHERRY AMOS brings over 20 years of experience to her role leading industry strategy for the education and government industries for Workday. She is responsible for working with customers, partners, and industry trend influencers to bring high-value, next-generation, cloud solutions to market. Prior to joining Workday, she led industry strategy teams for SAP for all regulated industries, including state and local government, education, federal government, utilities and healthcare. Ms. Amos has also previously held executive positions with Oracle and Peoplesoft in strategy, product management, and marketing roles. JOE ARTHUR is the public sector IBU innovation executive for Infor. In this role, he is responsible for driving strategic initiatives, key industry partnerships and relationships to enable clients to leverage Infor solutions and services to more effectively serve their customers, constituents, partners, and employees. Mr. Arthur is an active participant in various industry organizations to help government and industry exchange information and collaborate on technology opportunities. Mr. Arthur has over 30 years of experience in both the public and private sectors in a variety of senior roles that focus on emerging technologies and intersections of business strategy and technology. He has worked with federal, state and local, fortune 500 companies, midsize and small business to implement new technologies or establish/expand service offerings in strategic markets. JULIE BATCHELOR is a director in the state and local public sector practice of Grant Thornton. She has more than 25 years of experience in information technology, enterprise financial management and engineering for government agencies. Ms. Batchelor has expertise in information technology strategy, enterprise governance, business process re-engineering, information security and risk management, application development, and large-scale system implementations. Ms. Batchelor has broad experience supporting enterprise financial 35 and engineering operations. She has managed multiple enterprise projects in financial services, engineering, transportation, and shared services. Prior to joining Grant Thornton, she was deputy state controller for the North Carolina Office of the State Controller, where she served as chief information officer. DAVID R. BEAN is the director of research and technical activities for the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. He assigns and provides oversight to the GASB’s research, technical, and administrative activities. Prior to joining the GASB in 1990, David worked in public accounting and government. He served as deputy chairman of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board until December 31, 2012 and currently serves on the IPSASB Conceptual Framework task-based group. He was the lead author on the 1988 Governmental Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting and was the founder of the GAAFR Review. He was the last director of the National Council on Governmental Accounting before the formation of the GASB in 1984. Mr. Bean is a member of the Government Finance Officers Association, the Connecticut and Illinois Government Finance Officers Associations, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Illinois CPA Society, the Association of Government Accountants, the National Federation of Municipal Analysts, and the Municipal Analysts Group of New York. ERIC S. BERMAN, MSA, CPA, CGMA, has over 25 years of governmental accounting and auditing experience and is a partner with Eide Bailly, LLP. Previous to Eide Bailly, LLP, he was a quality control principal with Brown Armstrong Accountancy Corporation in Pasadena, California. His public sector experience includes being a deputy comptroller for the commonwealth of Massachusetts from 1999 to 2010, and the chief financial officer of the Massachusetts Water Pollution Abatement Trust from 1994 to 1999. Mr. Berman is a licensed CPA in Massachusetts and also holds practice privileges (with attest) in California. He obtained an M.S. in accountancy from Bentley University. Mr. Berman represents the Association of Government Accountants as the vice chairman of the Government Accounting Standards Advisory Council and chairs the AGA’s Financial Management Standards Board. 36 He also is a previous chair of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ Governmental Performance and Accountability Committee and is a former member of the AICPA’s State and Local Government Expert Panel. Mr. Berman is frequently called upon to consult and train state and local governments throughout the country on governmental accounting and auditing. He is the author of the Governmental GAAP Guide, the Governmental GAAP Practice Manual, the Governmental GAAP Update Service, Knowledge – Based Audits – State and Local Governments, Knowledge Based Audit Tools – State and Local Governments and Knowledge Based Audit Tools – OMB Circular A-133 Audits, all for Wolters – Kluwer Commerce Clearinghouse (CCH). BILL BRIGGS is chief technology officer of Deloitte Consulting LLP. His 17+ years with Deloitte have been spent delivering complex transformation programs for clients in a variety of industries (including financial services, healthcare, consumer products, telecommunications, energy and public sector). Mr. Briggs is a strategist with deep implementation experience–helping clients anticipate the impact that new and emerging technologies may have on their business in the future, and getting there from the realities of today. In his role as CTO, Mr. Briggs is responsible for helping to define and communicate the vision for Deloitte Consulting LLP’s technology services, identifying and communicating those technology trends affecting clients’ businesses, and shaping the strategy for Deloitte Consulting LLP’s emerging services and offerings. As the former global lead for Deloitte Digital, he was responsible for the launch and growth of a new global practice redefining the vision of a digital agency. Deloitte Digital offers a mix of creative, strategy, user experience, engineering talent, and technology services to help clients harness disruptive digital technologies to redesign “business as usual” – to engage differently with customers, change how work gets done, and rethink the very core of their markets. Mr. Briggs earned his undergraduate degree in computer engineering from the University of Notre Dame, and his M.B.A. from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. SUZANNE M. BUMP is the twenty-fifth auditor of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, one of six constitutional officers in Massachusetts, and the first female to serve in this role in the state’s history. Since being elected to office in 2010, Auditor Bump has made it her mission to make government work better. To her, better government means government that is more effective, more efficient, more accountable and more transparent. To model the behavior she expects in government, Auditor Bump has implemented the highest standards of professionalism and performance for her office and strives for innovation through the use of emerging technologies. Upon taking office, Auditor Bump was able to lead her office in just three years from failing an outside review from the National State Auditor’s Association to receiving its highest rating in 2014. Prior to her election, Auditor Bump served in Governor Deval Patrick’s cabinet as secretary of labor and workforce development and had represented the town of Braintree for eight years in the state’s House of Representatives. In the private sector, she worked as a business advocate, legal counsel, and has sat on the boards of numerous non-profit organizations including the South Shore Chamber of Commerce and St. Francis House. Auditor Bump currently chairs the Municipal Finance Oversight Board, serves on the board of the Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission, the Massachusetts Teachers’ Retirement System, the Executive Committee of the National State Auditors Association, and is a past president of the Association of Governmental Accounting’s Boston Chapter. A native of Whitman, Massachusetts, Auditor Bump is a graduate of Boston College and Suffolk University School of Law. CYNTHIA CLOUD was elected Wyoming’s state auditor (comptroller function) in 2010 and re-elected in 2014. Ms. Cloud serves as the twentieth state auditor, and is the first certified public accountant elected to this office. She is responsible for the preparation of the comprehensive annual financial report on the fiscal affairs of the state. Her duties also include being the chief accountant and payroll officer for state agencies. Ms. Cloud has over 16 years in public accounting and is a successful business owner. In 1991, she graduated magna cum laude from the University of Alabama with a bachelor of science in accounting. DOUG COTNOIR is the state controller of Maine. Mr. Cotnoir began his career with state government in 1984. In his 30 years of service to the state of Maine, he has worked in agency financial management, statewide auditing and financial reporting for five agencies. He holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Maine at Augusta, and professional designations as certified public accountant and certified internal auditor. He is a member of the National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers; Association of Government Accountants; and the Institute of Internal Auditors. NICK CURCURU is the vice president for big data at MasterCard Advisors. He has been consulting for nearly 20 years, delivering advanced analytic data driven solutions. He has applied his experience in developing and deploying enterprise information management strategy to help banks, merchants, health care organizations and governments realize the promise of big data all in a secure environment. Mr. Curcuru joined MasterCard Advisors from the SAS Institute, where he worked across multiple industries: retail, manufacturing, transportation, hospitality, entertainment, media and communications using factbased decision making and hypothesis driven analysis to achieve client objectives. He speaks regularly on turning data into actionable use cases and how to achieve a secure Hadoop environment through people, process and technology. information technology, unclaimed property and college savings program divisions. Prior to joining the State Treasurer’s Office, she held multiple senior level positions while working for SC Housing, the SC Department of Commerce and the SC Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism. Ms. Dannels is a graduate of the University of South Carolina’s School of Business Administration. She received her certified public manager credential in 2005, is a past president of the SC Society of Certified Public Managers and was selected as the 2011 Harwood Award recipient. She is also a past board member of the State Government Improvement Network, served on the Human Resources Committee of the 2003 Governor’s MAP Commission and completed executive training with the Governor’s Excel Leadership Institute and the Notre Dame NCSHA Leadership Consortium. GENE L. DODARO became the eighth comptroller general of the United States and head of the U.S. Government Accountability Office on December 22, 2010, when he was confirmed by the United States Senate. He was nominated by President Obama in September of 2010 from a list of candidates selected by a bipartisan, bicameral congressional commission. He had been serving as acting comptroller general since March of 2008. He has contributed to several books in his career including Arthur Andersen’s Global Lessons in ActivityBased Management, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1999 and The House Advantage Playing the Odds to Win Big in Business, Palgrave McMillan 2010. Mr. Dodaro has testified before Congress dozens of times on important national issues, including the nation’s long term fiscal outlook, efforts to reduce and eliminate overlap and duplication across the federal government and GAO’s “High Risk List” that focuses on specific challenges—from reducing improper payments under Medicare and Medicaid to improving the Pentagon’s business practices. In addition Mr. Dodaro has led efforts to fulfill GAO’s new audit responsibilities under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. He received his M.B.A. from Rollins College Crummer Graduate School of Business and his undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan. He also has certifications in advanced revenue management from Cornell University and the project management professional credential from the Project Management Institute. As Comptroller General, Mr. Dodaro helps oversee the development and issuance of hundreds of reports and testimonies each year to various committees and individual Members of Congress. These and other GAO products have led to hearings and legislation, billions of dollars in taxpayer savings, and improvements to a wide range of government programs and services. CYNTHIA G. DANNELS, deputy state treasurer, joined the South Carolina State Treasurer’s Office in 2014. She oversees administration, In a GAO career dating back more than 40 years, Mr. Dodaro has held a number of key executive posts. For nine years, Mr. Dodaro served as the chief operating officer, the number two leadership position at the agency, assisting the comptroller general in providing direction and vision for GAO’s diverse, multidisciplinary workforce. Mr. Dodaro led the development of GAO’s strategic plans for serving Congress and improving government in the 21st Century. He also played a key role in guiding the agency’s efforts to highlight current and emerging issues that warrant attention from policymakers. Mr. Dodaro, who holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Lycoming College in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, is a fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration and a member of the Association of Government Accountants. Mr. Dodaro has received recognition from numerous outside organizations throughout his career, including the National Public Service Award from the American Society for Public Administration and the National Academy of Public Administration, the Roger W. Jones Award from American University and the Braden Award from the Department of Accountancy at Case Western Reserve University. RON ELVING is the Senior Washington editor for NPR News, directing coverage of the nation’s capital and national politics and providing on-air political analysis for many NPR programs. Mr. Elving can regularly be heard on Talk of the Nation providing analysis of the latest in politics. He is also heard on the “It’s All Politics” weekly podcast along with NPR’s Ken Rudin. Under Mr. Elving’s leadership, NPR has been awarded the industry’s top honors for political coverage including the Edward R. Murrow Award from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a 2002 duPontColumbia University Silver Baton for excellence in broadcast journalism, the Merriman Smith Award for White House reporting from the White House Correspondents Association and the Barone Award from the Radio and Television Correspondents Association. In 2008, the American Political Science Association awarded NPR the Carey McWilliams Award “in recognition of a major contribution to the understanding of political science.” Before joining NPR in 1999, Mr. Elving served as political editor for USA Today and for Congressional Quarterly. He came to Washington in 1984 as a Congressional fellow with the American Political Science Association and worked for two years as a staff member in the House and Senate. Previously, Mr. Elving served as a reporter and state capital bureau chief for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. He was a media fellow at Stanford University and the University of Wisconsin at Madison. 37 Over his career, Mr. Elving has written articles published by The Washington Post, the Brookings Institution, Columbia Journalism Review, Media Studies Journal, and the American Political Science Association. He was a contributor and editor for eight reference works published by Congressional Quarterly Books from 1990 to 2003. His book, Conflict and Compromise: How Congress Makes the Law, was published by Simon & Schuster in 1995. Recently, he contributed the chapter, “Fall of the Favorite: Obama and the Media,” to James Thurber’s Obama in Office: The First Two Years. Mr. Elving teaches public policy in the school of Public Administration at George Mason University and has also taught at Georgetown University, American University and Marquette University. With a bachelor’s degree from Stanford, Mr. Elving went on to earn master’s degrees from the University of Chicago and the University of California-Berkeley. RAY ELWELL is a market advisory program manager with Workday. Formerly, he was deputy chief financial officer with the city of Orlando, Florida. He has an M.P.A. in budget and finance from the University of Baltimore and a B.B.A. from Loyola University Maryland. AL GINI is a professor of business ethics and chair of the Department of Management in the Quinlan School of Business at Loyola University Chicago. He is also the co-founder and long-time associate editor of Business Ethics Quarterly, the journal of the Society for Business Ethics. For over 26 years he has been the resident philosopher on National Public Radio’s Chicago affiliate, WBEZ-FM, and he regularly lectures to community and professional organizations on issues of business and ethics. His books include My Job My Self: Work and the Creation of the Modern Individual (Routledge, 2000); The Importance of Being Lazy: In Praise of Play, Leisure and Vacations (Routledge, 2003); Why It’s Hard to Be Good (Routledge, 2006); Seeking The Truth of Things (ACTA, 2010); The Ethics of Business with Alexei Marcoux (Rowan & Littlefield, 2012); 10 Virtues of Outstanding Leaders with Ronald M. Green (Wiley & Blackwell, 2013). STEPHEN GOLDSMITH is the Daniel Paul Professor of the Practice of Government and director of the Innovations in Government Program at Harvard Kennedy School. He is a nationally 38 recognized expert on government management, reform, and innovation. Mr. Goldsmith currently directs Data-Smart City Solutions, a project to highlight local government efforts to use new technologies that connect breakthroughs in the use of big data analytics with community input to reshape the relationship between government and citizens. Mr. Goldsmith previously served as deputy mayor of New York and mayor of Indianapolis, where he earned a reputation as one of the country’s leaders in publicprivate partnerships, competition, and privatization. He was also the chief domestic policy advisor to the George W. Bush campaign in 2000, the chair of the Corporation for National and Community Service, and the district attorney for Marion County, Indiana, from 1979 to 1990. Mr. Goldsmith has written The Power of Social Innovation; Governing by Network: The New Shape of the Public Sector; Putting Faith in Neighborhoods: Making Cities Work through Grassroots Citizenship; The Twenty-First Century City: Resurrecting Urban America. His new book, coauthored with Susan Crawford, is The Responsive City: Engaging Communities Through Data-Smart Governance. His columns have frequently been published in such newspapers as The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times. Mr. Goldsmith is a graduate of Wabash College and the University of Michigan Law School. ANTHONY (TONY) HERNANDEZ is a principal in the state and local public sector practice of Grant Thornton. Mr. Hernandez has 25 years of experience and specializes in implementation oversight, operations and systems assessment, design, implementation, project management and strategic planning. Mr. Hernandez has managed technology implementation projects in the public sector, transportation, healthcare, higher education, retail, and telecommunications industries across North America including large, complex custom development projects. Mr. Hernandez’s experience spans a breadth of consulting organizations, from global professional services firms including IBM and Andersen to smaller niche consultancies and the United States Department of Defense. HUDSON HOLLISTER is the founder and executive director of the Data Transparency Coalition. The coalition is a trade association of technology companies, nonprofits, and individuals supporting the publication of government data in machine-readable formats. The coalition supports reforms such as the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act, or DATA Act, to transform U.S. federal spending information from disconnected documents into open data. Prior to founding the Data Transparency Coalition, he served as counsel to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform of the U.S. House of Representatives and as an attorney fellow in the Office of Interactive Disclosure at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Before his government service, he was a securities litigator at Latham & Watkins LLP. MICHELE JULIANA is a director in the technology consulting practice of McGladrey, a national assurance, tax, and business consulting firm. She has over 15 years of experience in ERP systems implementations, including business process review, discovery, and project management for many types of organizations, including both private and public sector. Her industry experience includes state and local government, K-12 and higher education, and nonprofit organizations. While Ms. Juliana works with many types of organizations, her primary focus is on the public sector and non-profit clients of McGladrey, focusing on system design and project management for ERP implementations. She was actively involved in the implementation of an enterprise-wide accounting system at the city of Baltimore, leading the discovery and system process, solution-mapping, and ongoing recommendations for best practices and system optimization. Other project experience includes systems implementations at the Boston Public Health Commission, New York City Department of Information and Technology, and the city of York, PA. Ms. Juliana started her career in corporate banking for mid-market companies, providing a strong background in business analysis and management, as well as understanding the needs of growing and changing organizations. Since that time, she earned a master’s degree in school business administration, and worked for several universities and the state of New Jersey’s Department of Education in a fiscal management capacity prior to transitioning to a career in information technology. She worked for Keystone Information Systems for several years, focusing on school districts and governments followed by 12 years with McGladrey’s Technology Business Consulting practice. DANIEL KEENE has over 25 years of experience in the state and local government ERP solutions market. He has held executive positions with Deloitte Consulting, CGI, and American Management Systems. He plays an active role in national associations including the National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers, and Treasurers and the National Association of State Comptrollers. Mr. Keene is currently sector vice president of CGI’s State and Local Government ERP Practice – the AMS Advantage® Program – where he is responsible for marketing and sales, consulting services delivery and product development. Before rejoining CGI, he served on the senior management team at Deloitte Consulting in their State and Local Government ERP organization where he provided executive leadership to the state of New York comptroller’s statewide financial system initiative as well as being instrumental in the organization’s sales and market strategy. Prior to joining Deloitte Consulting, Mr. Keene spent 20 years with CGI’s public sector practice, with his most recent role as a vice president in their state and local government practice. His accomplishments include the successful implementation of the commonwealth of Massachusetts’ statewide financial management solution, executive leadership for the creation of Virginia’s Enterprise Applications Program, and the development of the AMS Advantage web-based ERP solution. Mr. Keene also led ERP implementations for the states of Washington, Arizona, and Illinois as well as the School District of Philadelphia and Orange County, Florida. Mr. Keene earned a bachelor of science from Illinois State University. KENNETH A. KENT, principal consulting actuary for Cheiron, has over three decades of professional, managerial and public service experience working on challenging retirement plan assignments and public policy issues. His expertise in managing the complex financial, regulatory, legal and administrative issues surrounding pension plan design and funding strategies has helped scores of multiemployer, public sector and corporate plan sponsor clients since 1976. Mr. Kent is currently leading the profession as vice president for professionalism for the American Academy of Actuaries working to continue to maintain the high level of integrity that actuarial work produces. His wide-ranging expertise on pension matters led to his being called to testify before Congress on pension reform legislative proposals. He has met regularly with IRS officials to help work out interpretations and processes in an effort to expand the flexibility of plan sponsors in retaining their programs. His volunteer professional activities include having served as vice president of professionalism and vice president of pensions for the American Academy of Actuaries, president of the Conference of Consulting Actuaries, and chair of the Joint Committee on the Code of Professional Conduct. He authored a recent white paper titled Disclosure Under the Code of Professional Conduct -- Concepts on Professionalism. He was a member of a seven-person commission for the actuarial profession which conducted the Critical Review of the US Actuarial Profession. WILLIAM KILMARTIN, director in the state and local government finance and administration industry, has been with Accenture since May 2001. His role is to provide strategic guidance and to develop products and services focused on the needs of state and local governments. A particular emphasis is the improvement of financial and administrative processes using best practices, benchmarking, information technology, optimization of supply chains via strategic sourcing and development of ERP solutions. Bill enjoyed a 21-year career in public service with the commonwealth of Massachusetts, serving as the state comptroller from 1989 to 1999. In this capacity, he directed the commonwealth’s efforts to exploit information technology to transform the statewide administrative and financial processes. Bill’s accomplishments in matters pertaining to public finance and information technology have been acknowledged with numerous awards, including the Achievement of the Year award from the Association of Government Accountants, the National Public Service Award from the American Association of Public Administration and National Academy for Public Administration, the President’s Award for Contributions and Leadership from the National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers, and the George Mitchell Award for Leadership in Electronic Payments from the National Automated Clearinghouse Association. Bill received his bachelor’s degree from Cornell University, and his master’s degree in public administration from Suffolk University and he is a certified government financial manager. He continues to be active in various professional, civic and volunteer activities. KRISTOPHER KNIGHT is the director of the Division of Accounting for the state of Delaware’s Department of Finance. Mr. Knight joined the Division of Accounting in February 2011 from KPMG, LLP in Philadelphia, a leading U.S. audit, tax, and advisory services firm, where he worked for eight years. In his position with KPMG, LLP, as a senior manager, he was responsible for audit engagements of various clients, including the University of Delaware and the state of Delaware. Mr. Knight has a bachelor of science degree in business administration and is a licensed CPA in Delaware. As director of the Division of Accounting, Mr. Knight oversees internal controls, payroll compliance and financial reporting for all state of Delaware agencies. He provides leadership and direction in the management of all financial accounting for the state. He works with the DOA management team in three key areas: (1) ensuring effective controls exist in the daily operations of the 13 modules of Delaware’s Enterprise Resource Planning system, First State Financials; (2) managing state compliance with all payroll laws, rules and regulations; and (3) the release of timely and accurate state financial data to other state management and for public reporting (including, but not limited to, Delaware’s comprehensive annual financial report and single audit report, which together outline the state’s financial activities and balances each fiscal year). JAMES KREISER has over 20 years of experience in the areas of risk advisory services, information technology security and audit, risk management, business process and controls, third party reporting, and internal audit. He is a principal at CliftonLarsonAllen, and currently serves as a national leader for the business risk services group. His primary focus is state and local governments, non-profits, and financial institutions-in the areas of third-party reporting, IT advisory and security, and ERM. He has been a speaker and presented on a variety of topics on IT and ERM for a number of associations and groups. BRANDY MANEK is currently the director of budget, policy and legislative relations. In this role, 39 she assists the director of the Office of Management and Enterprise Services (OMES) in developing policy on fiscal issues to ensure consistency with the governor’s platforms and goals. To that end, the director of budget and policy also monitors and provides input regarding legislation that affects the state of Oklahoma’s budget and helps to manage the implementation of that legislation. Ms. Manek is a graduate of Oklahoma State University, with a bachelor’s degree in business administration and major in accounting. She has served in the budget division under three governors and six OMES directors. Her past experience includes the roles of budget analyst for the subject areas of commerce, human services and general government, as well as budget coordinator and state budget director. BRECK MARSHALL is a managing director in Accenture’s management consulting–talent and organization practice. He has over 22 years of experience with helping clients define desired visions and aspirations and developing and implementing programs that get there. Specific skill sets include performing organization design, workforce transformation, talent management, training, knowledge management, business process re-engineering, change management, communications and leadership development programs. His work at Accenture has spanned several industries with a focus throughout on public sector, health and communications. His background includes a bachelor of arts degree from Middlebury College and a master’s in public administration from American University. LEALAN MILLER has 25 years of experience performing audits and providing other services in the state and local government industry. He is a partner with Eide Bailly LLP, a top 25 accounting firm and is the director of the government services group which oversees the audit process, training and implementation of accounting and auditing standards for all governmental and yellow book audits firm wide. Mr. Miller serves as an instructor for various training sessions, including governmental accounting, financial accounting and auditing updates, fraud, and auditing standards. Mr. Miller is involved with several outside organizations including the Association of Government Accountants, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, and the Idaho Society of CPA’s. He is 40 the chair of AGA’s Financial Management Standards Board and AGA’s representative to the Governmental Accounting Standards Advisory Council. planning, and persistence. He is passionate about performance, customer service, process improvement and public service. PATTY MILLER manages benchmark engagements (including finance, human resources, procurement, IT, and other functions) for both public and private sector organizations for The Hackett Group. She performs analysis on client performance in these functions and provides recommendations for improvement based on Hackett’s extensive knowledge database. Ms. Miller has over 20 years of business experience in a variety of disciplines including business start-ups, business process improvement; cost reduction/management; and organization design. Ms. Miller has worked with numerous states to benchmark G&A performance in comparison to other states and public sector organizations. Mr. Partridge is a member of the Government Finance Officers Association and NASACT. He is a pastpresident of NASC and serves a variety of NASACT and NASC committees. He also serves as a co-chair of the Association of Government Accountants’ Partnership for Intergovernmental Management and Accountability. ORSON MORGAN is a senior account executive for commercial solutions, state and local government, at Visa Inc. In this role, Mr. Morgan is responsible for sales and business development in the state, local and higher education market segments. His responsibilities include strategic partnership, program development, market research and consulting. Prior to joining Visa, Mr. Morgan was vice president, senior card account manager for a national issuing financial institution. Mr. Morgan joined Visa in 2012 after spending eight years on the sales and relationship management side of the card industry, where he was responsible for the strategic development and retention of the corporate and purchasing card programs within the public sector. His responsibilities included helping organizations gain maximum benefit and value from their purchasing and corporate card programs. D. CLARK PARTRIDGE has been with the state of Arizona for 23 years, serving as a supervisor and manager in General Accounting Office, the CFO for the Department of Commerce, deputy state comptroller, and since 2002 as state comptroller. Prior to joining the state, he worked in public accounting for Arthur Andersen & Co. His experience from the public and private sector, as well as the agency and statewide perspectives, provides a variety of insights into operations and problem resolutions. Growing up on a dairy farm, he learned the importance of hard work, He has been a volunteer with the March of Dimes for over 30 years, serving on the board in both Utah and Arizona. Clark attended Brigham Young University on a leadership scholarship, graduating with a bachelor of science degree in accounting, and is a certified public accountant and certified government financial manager. SCOTT D. PATTISON has served as the executive director of the National Association of State Budget Officers in Washington, D.C. since 2001. Founded in 1945, NASBO serves as the professional organization for all state budget officers of the 50 states and U.S. territories. NASBO collects data and publishes numerous reports on state fiscal conditions and organizes meetings and training for budget and finance officials. The organization also provides public officials, the media and citizens detailed information on state financial management and budgeting. Prior to coming to NASBO, Mr. Pattison served for four years as Virginia’s state budget director and also headed the Regulatory and Economic Analysis section of the Virginia Department of Planning and Budget. He previously served in a variety of capacities in the office of the Virginia Attorney General, including as counsel on finance issues. Mr. Pattison has served on numerous boards and has been an adjunct faculty member at the University of Richmond and recently served on the board of Old Dominion University. He is a fellow with the National Academy of Public Administration and is currently vice chair of the Association for Budgeting and Financial Management. Mr. Pattison began his career as an attorney with the federal government serving in several positions at the U.S. Federal Trade Commission in Washington, D.C. including as an attorney-advisor. Mr. Pattison graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the George Washington University in Washington, D.C. and received his law degree from the University of Virginia. Identified as an important “Player” in public policy by The Washington Post, he is frequently interviewed by national news organizations including The New York Times and National Public Radio. ROBIN PRUNTY is a director in the public finance ratings group at Standard and Poor’s Ratings Services. She has been with Standard & Poor’s since 1987 and is currently in the state and local government group. Ms. Prunty is an analytic leader for state credit ratings at Standard and Poor’s and has focused on general obligation, lease, special tax, utility, and short-term debt credit analysis. She is a member of the New York State and New York City credit committee and also has analytic responsibility for the states of Florida, Connecticut, Delaware, North Carolina, Wisconsin and Maryland, as well as local governments throughout the eastern region of the country. Ms. Prunty has a master’s degree in public administration and finance from the State University of New York at Albany and a bachelor of science in economics from Siena College. She is a member of the New York State Government Finance Officers Association as well as the National Federation of Municipal Analysts. ADAM ROTH is the founder and CEO of StreamLink Software, a privately held company at the forefront of automating grant compliance in the public sector. Its grant management software, AmpliFund, was used in the Grants Reporting Information Project to help determine the feasibility of data standardization and grant automation across federal agencies. Mr. Roth formed StreamLink Software in 2008 in response to personally encountering a need for greater process efficiencies during a 15 year career in the nonprofit sector. KRISTIN D. RUSSELL is a dynamic executive with more than 15 years of experience in leading large operations, services, and information technology organizations. She is a director with Deloitte Digital and is the national leader of the firm’s digital government strategy. Formerly, Ms. Russell was appointed in 2011 to serve as the secretary of technology and chief information officer for the state of Colorado, where she was responsible for all IT systems statewide and increasing the effectiveness of government through the use of shared information and technology. Prior to that, she was the vice president of global IT service operations at Oracle where she was responsible for all data centers and computing operations worldwide. Due to her accomplishments, Ms. Russell has received several awards including Government Technology’s Top 25 Doers, Dreamers & Drivers, the Denver Business Journal CIO of the Year Award, and in 2015, she was recognized as one of the Top 25 Most Powerful Women by the Colorado Women’s Chamber of Commerce. as a city manager in New Jersey. After leaving direct government service he continued to work for several private sector companies that provide software and services to government organizations. They included Price Waterhouse, MSA/Dun & Bradstreet Software, Hyperion and PeopleSoft. Mr. Sabo has been with the PeopleSoft, now Oracle’s public sector practice for over 18 years. MIKE RUSSELL is a director with KPMG. He has over 30 years of experience working inside organizations in executive leadership roles, and as a consultant, with a focus on financial and human resources transformations, enterprise applications, strategic collaboration, strategic procurement, shared services and outsourcing, change management and ADM delivery models. Mr. Russell holds a bachelor’s degree from Auburn University and professional designation as certified public accountant. As executive director, Mr. Sabo works with industry groups such as NASACT and others, as well as existing and potential customers. He advises them on current industry trends and how Oracle customers successfully run their operations using Oracle software. His main areas of expertise include financial management, procurement, budgeting and business intelligence. MICHELLE SAGER is a director in the U.S. Government Accountability Office’s strategic issues team. Her current portfolio covers intergovernmental, regulatory, and budget issues. Ms. Sager’s GAO career also includes experience providing assistance to GAO engagement teams on research methods, analysis of international trade commitments, and reviews of higher education issues. Her prior experience includes positions as an adjunct faculty member at Johns Hopkins University’s Institute for Policy Studies and George Mason University’s School of Public Policy. Prior to joining GAO, she served as a research fellow and instructor at George Mason University’s School of Public Policy and Department of Public and International Affairs. Ms. Sager’s experience with public policy issues began while serving as legislative staff in the Missouri House of Representatives and continued in the U.S. House of Representatives. Ms. Sager holds a Ph.D. in public policy and an M.A. in international commerce and policy as well as a B.A. in communications and political science. ROBERT SABO is executive director of public sector solutions for Oracle Corporation. He has worked for or with state and local government for over 30 years. He served in various administrative positions with the city of Trenton and Mercer County, New Jersey. He also served four years Most recently, Mr. Sabo has been leading Oracle’s effort to introduce cloud-based ERP solutions to Oracle’s customers. He works closely with Oracle’s development and product strategy teams to ensure our products meet the needs of Oracle’s public sector market. Mr. Sabo received a bachelor’s degree in political science/public administration from the College of New Jersey and a master of public administration degree from the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University. THOMAS G. SHACK is the new comptroller in Massachusetts. He has served the Office of the Comptroller since 2012, most recently as deputy comptroller and chief financial and operating officer, where he started as a deputy general counsel and later the director of resource management and chief financial officer, managing the commonwealth’s multi-billion dollars per year operating budget. Prior to joining the Comptroller’s Office, Mr. Shack spent eight years as chief of operations, chief financial officer and senior assistant district attorney for the Cape and Islands District Attorney’s Office and served in private practice. He obtained his juris doctorate from New England Law Boston and a master’s of business administration from The American University. MICHAEL SMARIK has a long career of service to the state of Arizona. He has been the deputy state comptroller, within the General Accounting Office, since 2007. However, since March of 2013 he has been serving as the project director for the state’s ERP project. Prior to coming to GAO, he was with the Arizona Department of Corrections, and 41 held several positions during his 20-year tenure there, including the division director of support services, assistant director for administrative service and the chief financial officer. He started his state of Arizona career at the Arizona Auditor General’s Office and from there he went to the Arizona Department of Administration where he held several positions, including the controller, before joining the Department of Corrections. He holds a bachelor of science degree in business administration in accounting from the University of Arizona. He is also a certified public accountant. Mr. Smarik serves as a board member for the Arizona State Committee for Tax Deferred Annuities and Deferred Compensation Plans, as well as the Arizona Department of Corrections, Correction Officer Retirement Plan, Local Board. He also recently served three years as a board of trustees member for the Arizona State Retirement System. CYNTHIA STORER, formerly a senior analyst at the Central Intelligence Agency, was among the “sisterhood” of analysts who first identified and warned about al-Qa’ida in the mid-1990s. Ms. Storer was featured, and talks about this part of her career, in the Emmy Award-winning HBO documentary Manhunt. As an analyst at the CIA, she also researched, wrote, and briefed about Afghanistan, Islamic Extremism, and various other aspects of the “War on Terror” to senior policymakers. Her original model for understanding terrorism was featured as one of the Best Ideas of 2006 by the New York Times Magazine. Since leaving the CIA in 2007, Ms. Storer has been a fellow at the Center for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism at the University of Maryland, provided analysis training and education to U.S. federal, state, and local agencies, and taught intelligence and terrorism courses at Coastal Carolina University. She is currently an adjunct instructor at John’s Hopkins University and is consulting with the International Spy Museum in Washington, DC. JUSTIN STOWE currently serves as the deputy post auditor with Legislative Post Audit in Kansas. In that role, he manages several performance audit teams, the IT security function, and works with individual legislators and legislative committees to develop audit requests. Mr. Stowe received his bachelor’s degree in political science and a master’s of public administration from Kansas State University. 42 JAN I. SYLVIS was named vice chair of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board effective January 1, 2015. Ms. Sylvis has served on the board since 2007. She brings extensive state government accounting and auditing experience to her work at the GASB. She is the retired chief of accounts for the state of Tennessee, a role to which she was appointed in 1995 and retired from at the end of 2014. Ms. Sylvis also served the function of controller and managed the state’s centralized accounting system. Ms. Sylvis is a past president of the National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers and of the National Association of State Comptrollers. Ms. Sylvis, a graduate of the University of Memphis, is a certified public accountant and a certified government financial manager. STEVE TAE is a member of the MasterCard Advisors team where he leads the public sector for North America in the federal, state and the nonprofit sectors. With more than 19 years of experience in customer relationship management, data analytics and performance systems implementations, Mr. Tae has led project teams to help clients solve their most pressing business challenges involving business and financial data, strategy and performance management. Prior to joining MasterCard Advisors, he led the CRM practice at Booz Allen Hamilton and managed a portfolio of accounts across healthcare, law enforcement and other civilian agencies, including financial and revenue collection agencies. While there, he used data analytics to lead projects such as a revenue collection strategy for delinquent accounts for the largest water utility in the North East, a costoptimization project for the largest federal financial regulatory agency, and a portfolio management strategy for a $66B quasi-commercial products and service provider. He has also led strategic engagements for not-forprofit clients including the CDC Foundation and the Philadelphia 76ers Foundation where his teams focused on mission-based initiatives and outreach programs. Mr. Tae received his M.B.A. and M.A. from the University of Chicago, an M.S. from Northwestern University and a B.A. from Indiana University. He holds Top Secret clearance, and also serves as executive director of the New Life Foundation, a nonprofit organization that uses music to provide hope to orphans overseas. SETH UNGER is senior policy advisory for Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel, and has been working on the treasurer’s transparency project since its inception in 2011. OhioCheckbook.com is Treasurer Mandel’s most recent initiative, and propelled Ohio from forty-sixth in the country in government spending transparency to first among the 50 states. Mr. Unger is an Ohio native, but spent 10 years working in California government, including as press secretary for the California prison system under Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and as a spokesman for state legislative leaders. DAVID A. VAUDT was named chairman of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board effective July 1, 2013. Mr. Vaudt came to the GASB after serving the previous 10 years as Iowa’s elected state auditor. Prior to his election, Mr. Vaudt worked for 25 years in the Des Moines, Iowa office of KPMG LLP, including 13 years as an audit partner. Mr. Vaudt has served as president of the National State Auditors Association, chair of the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy, and chair of the Iowa Accountancy Examining Board. He also served on the boards of numerous nonprofit service organizations in Iowa. Mr. Vaudt, a graduate of Upper Iowa University, is a certified public accountant. MICHELLE M. WATTERWORTH is Plante Moran’s lead technical expert in the governmental services group, charged with ensuring audit quality, educating our staff, and increasing our technical compliance. She has more than 20 years of experience with the firm auditing governmental entities including several large governmental pension systems, various cities, townships and other special-purpose governments. Ms. Watterworth is frequently sought after to share her technical expertise with clients and non-clients alike. Michelle’s past experience includes GASB consulting assignments, water and sewer rate studies, five-year financial forecasts, budgeting assistance, and assistance with internal controls. She is also the leader of Plante Moran’s single-audit practice. She is responsible for quality control and implementation of new standards in this area. She has been on the leading edge of the implementation of the new Uniform Grants Guidance, which has provided clients with a leg up in implementing these massive reforms. She has been the speaker at seminars sponsored by the MiCPA, Michigan Government Finance Officers Association, Public Pension Financial Forum (P2F2), MPPOA and the Michigan Townships Association. Her most recent speaking engagements have overwhelmingly focused on the new pension standards (GASB 67/68) and the Uniform Grant Guidance. She not only educates those working in the public sector, but also teaches other auditors and CPAs. Ms. Watterworth is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ State and Local Government Expert Panel, the MGFOA Standards Committee, and is a Leadership Oakland XIII graduate. J. D. WILLIAMS, is the executive director, state and local government, for Infor Public Sector. He retired in 2002 as the elected state controller of Idaho when he chose not to run for a fourth term and return to the private sector. As state controller he was responsible for the financial management of Idaho state government and also operated the state’s Central Computer Service Center. He served as president of NASC and vice president of NASACT. He has been very active in promoting the use of technology in government and has been Chairman of the National Electronic Commerce Coordinating Council and described in Federal Computer Week as, “a nationwide champion for the use of technology in government.” He was raised on his family’s cattle ranch in southern Idaho and is an attorney and a certified government financial manager. He has his M.P.A. from Brigham Young University and a law degree from American University in Washington, DC. His other public service includes being a budget analyst, court fiscal officer, deputy attorney general, county prosecuting attorney and mayor. He has edited and contributed as an author to seven books on leadership, financial management and technology, including Leadership Secrets of Government Financial Managers. 43 UPCOMING EVENTS 2015 2015 NSAA IT Workshop and Conference September 22-25, Hartford, Connecticut 2016 2016 NASC Annual Conference March 16-18, Salt Lake City, Utah 2016 Middle Management Conference April 12-14, Austin, Texas 2016 NSAA Annual Conference June 13-16, Avon, Colorado 2016 NASACT Annual Conference August 13-17, Indianapolis, Indiana 2017 2017 NASC Annual Conference March 15-17, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 2017 NASACT Annual Conference August 19-23, Salt Lake City, Utah 45 Headquarters Office 449 Lewis Hargett Circle, Suite 290 Lexington, KY 40503-3590 P (859) 276-1147, F (859) 278-0507 Washington Office The Hall of the States 444 N. Capitol Street, NW, Suite 234 Washington, DC 20001 P (202) 624-5451, F (202) 624-5473 www.nasact.org