The Bedford Historian - Bedford Historical Society


The Bedford Historian - Bedford Historical Society
The Bedford Historian
N o ve m b e r 2 0 0 5 “Bustles & Bloomers” Costume Exhibit will be
Special Event of 2005 By Richard Farrell “Bustles & Bloomers,” the costume exhibit scheduled for November 18 ­ 27 in Historical Hall really began back in 1916 when the Society was founded and began to collect important examples of Bedford history, including costumes worn by or with a direct relationship to Bedford residents. As the costume collection grew, interesting items were displayed from time to time. Now, skip ahead to 2001 when the Board decided to re­ visit its insurance coverage. One task was to place a value on the costume collection and to get an accurate appraisal. The Society took the recommendation of advisor, Valdemar Jacobsen, to identify a specialist in the field. He suggested Caroline Rennolds Milbank, an antique clothing specialist, museum curator and author, to help inventory and value the collection. Working with the Collections Committee of Jackie Farrell, Nancy Vincent and Linda Wilson, Ms. Milbank thoughtfully evaluated each item, including its construction, provenance and estimated worth. Some 500 garments were studied, cata­ loged, photographed and carefully stored in acid­free papers and boxes. Keeping all these treasures under wraps wasn’t what the Collections Committee wished to do. They wanted to make the collection available to all those with a love of Bedford and its history. Planning for a comprehensive costume exhibit started in 2002 when the Committee received a positive endorsement and initial funding from the Society’s board. Based on Caro­ line Milbank’s work, the committee moved ahead. The Bedford Historical Society Difference The Board and chairs decided on a unique approach: seek out and use the counsel of top people across the decorative arts field; present only those items with a direct relationship to Bedford; limit the time period to the 1850 – 1920 eras of ele­ Co n tin ued o n p. 2
A dressing gown, c.1890. Cotton. Monogrammed. Likely for a trousseau.
1829 School House
Restoration Continues By Ben Branch
Phase Two of the School House restoration began with the selection of the contractor to perform the foundation underpin­ ning and correction of the listing south east wall. Scobbo Con­ tracting from Port Washington, LI whose project history in­ cluded stabilization of coastal lighthouse foundations, was our first choice but Scobbo’s backlog of commitments did not al­ low them to get to Bedford before the end of the summer. The success of the process once they arrived justified the wait.
C o n t i n u e d o n p . 4 T h e B e d f o r d Hi s t o r i a n Pa g e 2
Bustles & Bloomer s, cont .
gance; document all of their research in a catalogue of the exhibit that would be both a guide for exhibit visitors and a permanent, valuable reference source; agree that the Exhibit would be free, in order to encourage attendance, and that special events would either be free, or presented on a break­ even basis. Finally, as Nancy Vincent said early on: “Have fun!” Susan Weber Soros, founder and director of the Bard Graduate Center for Decorative Arts, provided excellent ideas and guidance plus the valuable assistance of a graduate studies intern, Evelyn Leong. In addition to the Bard Gradu­ ate Center, the Metropolitan Museum of Art donated manne­ quins and Caramoor and John Jay Homestead loaned manne­ quins. The Rye Historical Society generously loaned cos­ tumes with connections to the Edgar family and Bedford. Some 50­60 costumes will be shown, most grouped by year or by vignette, including a Victorian wedding scene. Each costume has been fully documented for age, materials and provenance. Restoration Hardwork Most of the valued garments needed restoration, a time consuming and very expensive process. Although one of the country’s outstanding restoration workshops, Textile Conser­ vation Workshop, is located in South Salem, the cost of re­ storing was prohibitive except for two garments that needed serious attention. The answer? Recruit “Restoration Hard­ workers” ­ a dedicated team to carefully, accurately and lov­ ingly prepare the garments, some over 150 years old, for ex­ hibition. Those who spent (and continue to work) hundreds of hours in the barely heated, sparsely air conditioned attic of Historical Hall included Gracemarie DellAngelo, Jean Di­ Micco, Jackie Farrell, Gloria Hughart, Barbara Podlach, and Marcia Thomas. Special Events The Victorian Tea Party With tea, goodies, games and presentation by the Royal Tea Company, the Tea should be a major highlight for all ages. The tea is scheduled for November 17 from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Designed for ladies, children, family and friends, the 2:30 p.m. start may appeal to adults, prior to the 3:30 p.m. arrival of school children. A fun event from a by­ gone era for the children has been promised. Limited in at­ tendance, reservations are a must. $15 for adults; $5 children (under 12). The Cocktail Reception Aided by the ever­helpful Arthur Wunderlich of Bedford Wine Merchants and catered by Anne Neto, the November 18 reception, 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., will be held amidst all those ladies dressed in their very best Victorian costumes, with bloomers, camisoles and drawers here and there. Reser­ vations are a must. $50 per person. Adjusting details on two Bustles & Bloomers stars are these Restoration Hardworkers. Left to right: Barbara Podlach, Gracemarie DellAngelo and Jean DiMicco . Docent Tour with Caroline Rennolds Milbank We are very fortunate to have the continuing advice and very professional skills of Caroline. Strongly recommended to evaluate the Society’s collection, she systematically exam­ ined, classified, dated and arrived at the Collection’s value of approximately $100,000. Her credentials are extraordi­ nary. Author and antique clothing specialist, she has been the curator of costume exhibits or the costume segments at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Fashion Institute of Tech­ nology, The Bruce Museum, Clark Art Institute and Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. Those interested in taking advantage of Caroline’s knowl­ edge and talent should plan to be part of the Docent’s Tour, Saturday, November 19 at 9:30 a.m. Free. The Program Guide The exhibit program guide is essentially the work of Varner Redmon, co­author of the book, Caramoor. Her self­ described “helper” has been Louise Talbot, with additional assistance by Bard graduate intern, Evelyn Leong. As the co­chairs know, and Louise insists, it’s Varner who drove the project. When completed in time for the exhibit opening, the pro­ gram guide will contain detailed and accurate descriptions of each garment, history of the Bedford wearers, and be accom­ panied by a photo to ease identification now and research
T h e B e d f o r d Hi s t o r i a n later on. Photography was uncertain before The Natori Com­ pany said it would provide a very generous grant to make it all possible, and for that strong assist, the Society is grateful. Invitations “Elegant,” “Dramatic,” are just two adjectives that have described the “Bustles & Bloomers” invitations. Both the design and graphics were by co­chair Linda Wilson, with production by co­chairs Jackie Farrell and Nancy Vincent. Marcy Furman of Furman Printing was extremely helpful. The hard work of mailing was done by the elite “Helping Hands” group. (see box) Pa g e 3
bara Plunkett of Houlihan Lawrence will underwrite the Vic­ torian Tea Party; Joanna Rizoulis of Julia B. Fee is helping to underwrite the Cocktail Reception; as noted, Ken and Josie Natori of The Natori Company provided a substantial grant to make possible the development and production of the ex­ hibit program, certain to become a research document for generations ahead. And those magnificent invitations were underwritten by Jim Renwick of Renwick & Winterling. Make sure that you mark your calendar to take advantage of all the wonderful events surrounding “Bustles & Bloomers.” Underwriting and Grants The Board guaranteed funding for the exhibit and turned to potential underwriters to make possible a “no charge” ex­ hibit, as well as to provide for further restoration and cata­ loging. Additional funding was also sought to help renovate the existing Court House Museum for dedicated space for future costume exhibits, and to house a portion of “Bustles & Bloomers” for permanent display. First to answer the call were Jon Chase and Tim Nuland of Merrill Lynch. Located in Ridgefield and well known to Bedford clients, the Nuland Chase Group is the lead under­ writer for the exhibit. Also supporting the exhibit is Garson Property Management. Tyra Cole of Coldwell Banker helped kick off “Bustles & Bloomers” by sponsoring the October 15 Victorian Lady presentation; Martha Stewart Living Omni­ media will underwrite Caroline Milbank’s docent tour; Bar­ “Bustles & Bloomers” Open Daily November 18 – 27 (Closed Thanksgiving Day) 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Victorian Tea Thursday, November 17 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Reservations, please. The Cocktail Reception Friday, November 18 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m Reservations, please. The Docent Tour with Caroline Rennolds Milbank Saturday, November 19 9:30 a.m. Reservations, please. All events at Historical Hall Reservations and information at 914­234­9751
Many Thanks to the
Helping Hands
Dick Farrell receives a check from Nuland Chase Group, Merrill Lynch—Tim Nuland, Frank Collins & Jon Chase Who stuffed & tied & stamped & sealed invitations
Sherry Beckman , Gabriele Burns, Jean Corgan
Karyn Henschel, Vicki Marwell, Liz Seibert
Board of Directors & Staff Jeffrey C. Tweedy, Chairman Shirley L. Bianco, President Peter R. Ehrlich, Vice President Nancy B. Borner, Treasurer Nancy M. Vincent, Secretary Roy L. Boe, Jr. Benjamin C. Branch, Jr. Dina L. Clason Jaclin B. Farrell Nancy D. Joyce Keith R. Kroeger Walter D. McVicar Peter T. Michaelis Eric S. Reimer Diane E. Tingue John J. Stockbridge, Town Historian Lloyd B. Cox, Jr., Director Emeritus Evelyne H. Ryan, Executive Director Lucy Montgomery, Properties & Admin. Brenda Vanecek, Bookkeeper Pa g e 4
T h e B e d f o r d Hi s t o r i a n School Hous e, cont…. Pits were dug to the foot of the shallow foundations and the exposed sections of stone were cleaned and regrouted. Helical piles to depths of over 20 feet were sunk and to these piles were attached thick steel plates that had been inserted under the base of the foundation. With all the roof load taken off and interfering rocks re­ moved from the two joints, the settled section of wall between the two windows at the SE corner was lifted and rotated toward plumb…..very slowly. Most impressively, the East wall did arrive back to within an inch of its original vertical position. The whole process had to be carefully monitored. When some stress fractures began to be observed, the decision was made to discontinue the jacking. The Society is very grateful to Joe Marchetti of Marchetti Engineers of Cornwall, CT. for his donation of consulting and design services for the above and below grade stabilization work.
Steve Hoyt and his crew from Tecumseh Woodworks did the preparation and accompanying work for Scobbo Contract­ ing and rebuilt the several sections of walls below the gable rafter and both windows. By the last week of October, the ceiling had been reframed and Mark Butkovich had finished the scratch coat of the parging on the interior walls. Still to be completed is the plastering of the ceiling, finish carpentry, installation of the new underground electrical ser­
S o u t h wa l l p r i or t o f ou n d a t i on w or k — f o u r i n ch g a p a t t op s h o ws e x t e n t o f wa l l m o ve me n t vice, moisture proofing of the crawlspace and restoring and reinstalling a portion of the floor. During the excavation for the piles, vestiges of a flat stone walkway were discovered about six inches below the existing grade along the south wall. Future archaeological investigation there might throw some light on the nature and extent of these stones. S c o b b o C on t r a ct i n g a t w o r k on t h e 1 8 2 9 S ch o o l H o u s e
S o u t h wa l l a ft e r f ou n d a t i on s t a b i l i za t i o n a n d r e ­ p l u mb i n g o f s ou t h e a s t c or n e r T h e B e d f o r d Hi s t o r i a n
Pa g e 5
T hank you Jim & Deborah Walker are neighbors to the Sutton Clock Tower and members of the Clock Winders. They graciously donate the electricity to light the tower at night. They have also donated a fresh coat of paint to the trim and the fence that was recently repaired by the Town of Bedford.
Buildings & Grounds In addition to the routine maintenance on our build­ ings, the following major repairs were accomplished since the last newsletter:
E a s t W a l l a ft e r r e s t or a t i on
HELP - Volunteers Needed
· Become a docent at the Court House or School House Museums
· Help with office administration and mailings
· Work with a committee for a Special Event
· Become a Tour Guide, School Mistress, Justice of the Peace, Constable, Jailer or Witness for our Education Program.
· We are specially in need of a Volunteer Coordinator and a Newsletter Editor. · Complete roof replacement at Post Office & Lounsbery Building
· Installation of new kitchen floor at Historical Hall
· Extensive repair of porch and exterior painting at General Store
· Contracted replacement and painting of side porch deck and stairs including restoration of door sill at Court House for Town of Bedford.
If you’d like to become involved, please call the office and express your area of interest. We’d love to hear from you. New Acquisitions Estate of Wilhelmine Kirby Waller—Vintage clothing and hats, photographs, and documents James Wood—Wedding dress belonging to Anna Travilla Speakman worn October 16, 1890 and a wood jigsaw puzzle map of the United States, c. 1810 Mrs. William O’Donoghue—Beers Atlas map of Bedford showing the proposed New York­Housatonic Northern Railroad that would have run right through Bedford Village. Mrs. Marilen Tilt—Two Sulkies—see back cover
N a t h a n Ah o p r u n e s t h e cr a b a p p l e t r e e s a t t h e B e d f or d 1 7 8 7 C ou r t H ou s e Pa g e 6
T h e B e d f o r d Hi s t o r i a n
Watch A Classic ~ Save A Classic
“Farr on Film” to benefit
1829 School House Restoration John and Olivia Farr love Bedford and they love movies, John especially. After a successful career in advertising, John decided to do what he loves most, watch, review and write about movies. And thus began his new venture, a website enti­ tled Farr on There you can get movie reviews, sug­ gestions and even write in your own opinions on films. In ad­ dition to Farr on John also writes a column called the DVD Detective for the Stamford Advocate/Greenwich Times newspaper. When John and Olivia heard about the extensive renova­ tions that were to take place at the “Stone Jug” school house as it has been affectionately called for years – no one quite knows why, except that it is stone and relatively small, like a jug?! ­ they wanted to help. They had always loved Historical Hall and thought it was a great place to show movies. Why not use Historical Hall to show some great films, introduced by John, and charge a fee to members and their guests? Why not give all the proceeds to the School House restoration fund? Why not, indeed! But first, we wanted to kick this off with a free movie night and we planned to show Yankee Doodle Dandy on Friday, July 2 in celebration of Independence Day. We planned cookie decorating for the kids and an elaborate outside screen to show
the move right on the Village Green so everyone could bring a blanket and a picnic and sit with their neighbors and friends and watch this classic patriotic film. Despite the rainy forecast that moved the viewing inside, people still came out to Historical Hall where popcorn abounded and James Cagney gave a performance in a role we don’t typically think of for him. It was a success! Over the summer, we planned four more movie nights. The idea grew ­ and board members offered to have guests to cocktails at their houses, near the Village Green and then everyone head over to Historical Hall for the movie. New Board member, Sam Boe and his wife Karol, were the first to host a party before the viewing of Goodbye Mr. Chips, 1939 chosen for its schooldays theme and shown on September 16th. Again it rained but our stalwart movie goers came out regardless and enjoyed Greer Garson in her first screen performance. The Haunting will be shown during press time for The Bedford Historian and the next movie night will be November 11 when we’ll be viewing Paths of Glory in honor of Veteran’s Day with cocktails at the home of Selby and Peter Ehrlich. Reservations are a must so call the Historical Society if you’d like to attend.
The Bishop’s Wife—1947 Watch A Classic—Save A Classic To be shown Friday, December 9 at Historical Hall Call to reserve T h e B e d f o r d Hi s t o r i a n
Pa g e 7
The Victorian Lady
Calendar of Events November 11, 2005 “Best Movies by Farr” To benefit the 1829 School House Restoration Paths of Glory, 1957 November 17­27, 2005 Costume Exhibit at Historical Hall see related article & listing December 9, 2005 “Best Movies by Farr” To benefit the 1829 School House Restoration The Bishop's Wife, 1947 May 3, 2006 Annual Meeting Speaker to be announced
A n t i q u e s S h o w October 15 & 16, Historical Hall was filled with art and antiques as patrons at­ tended this charming country show—one of the foundations of our annual fundraising. On October 15, at the Bedford 1787 Court House, Kandie Carle presented her one­woman show, The Victorian Lady, to help launch our "Bustles & Bloomers" exhibit at Historical Hall. Kandie is shown with Victoria Groner, 8, daughter of Sue and Bill Groner of Bedford. Victoria is wearing an original 1890's cotton and silk party dress, one of 60 costumes in the exhibit. Dina Clason & Dookie Tingue co­chaired the show with support from their dedicated committee of Lynn Babcock, Kathie Dixon, Mary Eschen, Helen Feid, Lisa Hennessy, Sallie Mundy, Robin O’Brien, Ellen Reimer, Missy Renwick, Kathy Sheppard and Linda Wilson. Despite the rainy weather, we had good attendance on both days and the dealers felt the show was successful and reported good sales.
The addition of the final set of new pan­ els, conceptualized by Linda Wilson and fab­ ricated by Bedford resident, Steel Swift and his company, Tangram International, com­ pleted the attractive layout that allows the dealers to display easily and elegantly throughout the hall. A n t i q u e s fi l l Hi s t or i c a l Ha l l O c t obe r 1 5 & 1 6
T h e B e d f o r d Hi s t o r i a n
Two Sulkies, similar to the one shown above, were donated to the Historical Society by Marilen Tilt. The sulkies are cur­ rently stored in a barn at Hilltop Hanover Farm until we find a suitable place store and show them in Bedford. The above photo shows Mr. Edward S. Munro driving “Saddlebags” at the Tanrackin Horse Show in 1935. The photo is from the al­ bum of Mrs. Wilhelmine Waller, now in the collection of the Bedford Historical Society.
Bedford Historical Society
38 Village Green P. O. Box 491
Bedford, NY 10506
Phone: 914-234-9751 Fax: 914-234-5461
Hours: Monday-Friday 9:30-5:30
Non Profit
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White Plains, NY
Permit # 6065