BFCC e-Caller July 2016 - Bedford First Christian Church
BFCC e-Caller July 2016 - Bedford First Christian Church
July 2016 BFCC e-Caller CHURCH STAFF: Pastor: Rev. Bruce Ervin E-Mail: Music Ministry: Choir Director: Guy Rumsey Organist: Mary Ruth Yates Administrative Assistant: Mitzi Flynn E-Mail: Custodian: Steve Harrell We are pleased to announce that Rev. Bruce Ervin has accepted the call to BFCC to be our Interim Pastor. Pastor Bruce Ervin was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, but Indiana was the second of the 49 states that he’s been in, so he’s happy to consider himself an adopted Hoosier. An ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Canada for more than 35 years, he has served ministries in Mooresville, Bloomington and Martinsville, Indiana since returning to the Midwest in 2011. History, baseball and travel are among his passions. He is honored to be serving as the Interim Pastor here at First Christian Church-Bedford. Pastor Bruce’s first Sunday is July 3. Please join us as we welcome Pastor Bruce to the family of Bedford First Christian Church. Sunday, July 3, immediately following worship. Please bring a dish to share. It can be sweet or it can be savory or it can be both. Examples would be fruit or veggie tray, sandwiches, boiled eggs, deviled eggs, cheese ball, salads, desserts, nothing is off limits. Make you way to the Fellowship Hall to enjoy some delicious food and meet, greet and welcome our new Minister, Pastor Bruce. LIFE FOOD PANTRY The following items are needed for LIFE Ministries: Peanut Butter and Jelly You may leave your items in the baskets located in the front foyer. 2016 BEDFORD CHRISTIAN CAMP DATES It's almost time for July 6 - July 8: New Beginnings camp! Mark your (grades 2-3) calendars now for July 11 - July 16: Chi Rho the 2016 camp (grades 6-8) season. July 18 - July 20: Grandparent and Me (grades K-3) HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY We hope everyone has a safe and fun filled holiday. We will re-open with the new office hours on Tuesday, July 5. The new hours are: Monday: 9:30 am-12:30 pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 9:00 am-12:30 pm Closed Friday If you have any questions, call the office, 812-275-4497. July 2016 Sun 3 Mon 4 8:45 am Elder’s Meeting 9:30 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship Noon Fellowship Hour 10 Tue 5 Church Office Closed 11 Wed New Hours Start Mon 9:30 am-12:30 pm Tues, Wed, Thurs 9:00 am- 12:30 pm Closed Friday 12 Thu 6 7 Fri Sat 1 2 8 9 7:30 pm Board Meeting New Beginnings - Camp Bedford 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 28 29 30 9:30 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship Chi Rho - Camp Bedford 17 18 19 20 9:30 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship Grandparents and Me - Camp Bedford 24 25 26 27 9:30 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship 1 pm Homebound Communion Moravian Illiana Jr Camp - Camp Bedford 31 9:30 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship 7:00 pm Outreach Committee Meeting July 03 - Jessica Bellush 07 - Jovy Dixon 08 - Barbara Bunch 09 - Mona Miller 12 - Jamie Blackwell 15 - Kevin Robbins 18 - Jerry Byrd 18 - Guy Rumsey 19 - Lakota Wilkerson 25 - Linda Smith 26 - Suzanne Coleman 28 - Donna Myers 31 - Addyson Bunch Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear friends, Happy Birthday to you. Please let our office know if we don’t have your birthday. SERVING SCHEDULE: JULY Elders: Don and Nancy Mains SERVING THE CONGREGATION: Ginny Jones *Kevin Jones *Cathy Allman Suzanne Coleman Lee Waltz If you cannot serve, please contact another Deacon and arrange to trade dates. GREETERS 15th St: K St: Canopy: Bonnie Duncan Steve Harrell Lee Waltz *If you are unable to be a greeter, please find a replacement and let Sally Allen know. If you would like to be a Greeter, contact Sally Allen or the church office. A MORNING PRAYER: Dear God, as I begin this day, keep my actions holy, my thoughts blameless, and my intentions irreproachable. Amen. AN EVENING PRAYER: Lord Jesus, the labors of the day are over and the evening rest begins. If I have been busy with too many things, return my thoughts to what is needful. Let me sleep in your peace and awaken with renewed attentiveness to your presence. Amen. We remember the following friends and loved ones, as well as many others, in our prayers. Jan Adams, Ginger & Bill Arnott, Cohen Austin, Lowell Bailey, Chester Baker, David Barlow, Corey Beasley, Francena Beasley, Kendall Beasley, Vincent Billberry, Doodle Briscoe, June Briscoe, Betty Jo Brooking, David Bunch, Bob Bunch, Dawson Bunch, Megan Burton, Rita Busch, Tiffany Byford, Jerry Byrd, Gloria Canada, Amy Hawkins Cassady, Nada Christensen & family, Kim Collins, Gaye Conner, John Cook, Sherry Davidson, Scott Douglas, Diane Douglas, Joyce Douglas, Larry Drude, Dyan Duncan, Aaron Evans, Farmer Family, Debbie Tollerton Fish, Pat Fisher, Becky Franklin, Bonnie George, Arian Gilbert, Jim Gratzer, Bill Gross, Mary Hancock, Barb Hantel, Victor Harrell, Mabel Henderson, Bryan Hennigan, Walter Howell, Shirley Ingalls, Larry Jenkins, Mary Jerrells, Anthony Jewell, Charlie & Ruth Johnson, Kimberly Johnson, Landon Jones, Molly Jones, Pat Kay, Troy & Reba Kennard, Matt Kesterson, John Kudla, Bobby Lee, Judy Lewis, Alan Lewis, Linda Livingston, Kristen Lundberg, Thomas Mallett, Mike Malong, Phil Marlott, Susan Maxwell Lewis, Shirley McMunn, David & Cindy McVey, Laverne Meadows, Judy Merchant, Fred Merritt, Carol Mifflin, Bill Miller, Frank Miller, Harmony Mosier, Mac Muldon, Troy Moyes, Merle Neeley, Brooklyn Alicia Newman, Nick Nighswander, Ruth Oertel, Tom Oke, Mr. Owen, Beth & newborn son Page, Alicia Parker, Ed Parrish, Family of Kevin Paxson, Myron Rainey, Teresa Reynolds, Betty Richards, Kay Riester, Pat Robbins, Lydia Roberson, Karen Roberts, Liz Rogers, Mike & Georgeanne Ruland, Guy Rumsey, Josie Sargent, Glen Schory, Mike Seiler, Janell Sides, Nora Sides, Naomi Sides, Natalie Sides, Nelson Sides, Ruby Sides, Dee Sivey, Janet Smith, Nancy Sowders, Mark Starr, Dorothy Stone, Jerry Story, Nancy Strunk, Gene Swain, Candace Sykes, Dennis Terrell, John Terry, Mary Tolbert, Carolyn Tumey, Betty Wagoner, Sharon Waggoner, Jamie Wigley, Morgan Wilcoxen, Luke & Lakota Wilkerson, Marion Williams, Mary Williams, Matt Wilson, Maurice Wilson, Merle Wilson, Morris Wilson, Kelly Wingo, Waylon Wolka, Renee Wortington. Those unable to be with us in Worship: Janet Cooper, Jacob Householder, Jimmy Waggoner, Mary Baker, Marilyn Olson, Warren Smith. Those away from home serving the church, in military and civil service, for education and work. Please advise Elder Jack Maxwell, or the church office of any new prayer concerns, as well as any corrections, updates to the list. First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 1101 15th Street Bedford, Indiana 47421 812-275-4497 Return Service Requested CHURCH OFFICE HOURS: Beginning Tuesday, July 5, the new office hours are Monday: 9:00 am-2:30 pm Tuesday: 9:00 am-2:30 pm Wednesday: 9:00 am-2:30 pm Thursday: 9:00 am-2:30 pm Closed Friday Closed 12 - 12:30 for Lunch SOCIAL MEDIA Web Page: Facebook: First Christian Church Bedford - DOC Camp Facebook: Bedford Christian Camp