March 2015 - First Christian Church


March 2015 - First Christian Church
March 2015
At the February 15 Board Meeting, the Board accepted the Pastor Search
Committee’s recommendation to call Randall Beeman as our new Senior
Pastor! At the February 15 service, Board Chairman Jack Manahan announced
a congregational meeting for Sunday, March 1, immediately following the
worship service for the congregation to vote on calling Randy to be our
new pastor.
is a word of
Short prayer
Randy has been pastor of Antioch Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in
Vienna, Virginia since 2009; however, he has served at churches nearby in
the past, including the Edwardsville Christian Church and First Christian
Church in Lawrence. Elsewhere in this Tidings issue, a complete bio, prepared
by Pastor Beeman, is included, and copies will be available in the sanctuary.
Pastor Beeman and his wife Linda will visit the weekend that includes
March 1, and he will be preaching that Sunday. A fellowship dinner has
been scheduled for 5:00 p.m. Saturday, February 28, so the congregation
has an opportunity to meet and talk with Randy. The Fellowship and
Membership Committees are working together to plan that dinner, and
you are urged to come and meet Pastor Beeman before being asked to
vote on calling him to be our new pastor!
This is an exciting time at First Christian Church! I would personally like to
thank the members of the Search Committee for their hard work reviewing
profiles of pastors interested in serving our church.
Jack Manahan
Cell Phone: 913-387-9380
Randy Beeman was born and raised in Independence, Kansas and grew up active in the First
Christian Church of Independence. He was also active in the church camp program in Kansas.
After High School, Randy attended Phillips University in Enid, Oklahoma for his BA. Following
Undergraduate at Phillips, Randy attended Phillips Theological Seminary for his Masters of
Divinity degree.
Randy’s wife of 31 years is Linda Beeman who is a compliance specialist with Dyncorp
International and a graduate of Ottawa University. They have four children: Lori Eisenhour
who lives in Olathe with her husband Curtis and son Clayton, Leslie Beeman in South Bend,
Indiana, Lindsey Beeman in Vienna, VA and Lance Beeman in Vienna, VA.
Randy’s passions and gifts include: Within the church Randy’s passions include Evangelism
and outreach, preaching and teaching and Leadership development. Randy personally loves
many kinds of music, camping and boating, basketball, HAM Radio, reading and travel.
Randy’s vision for ministry: I believe God has given us two clear missions. One is to help people
love God and love one another. The second is to go into all the world and make disciples. Randy
is passionate about helping the church minister with an outward focus to their community.
Randy served as Pastor of Edwardsville Christian Church. There were 35 people in the church
when Randy arrived. Their budget was around $50,000. There were very few children. There
was one traditional worship service. We began a huge outdoor carnival, entered all the parades
in town, and became active in Edwardsville Elementary. We arranged to use part of the Edwardsville
shopping center and developed The Solid Rock Café youth center with full commercial snack
bar and band stage and arcade area. We went from just a couple children to over 200 children and
youth. At the end of the ministry there, we had three worship services with many different
styles and regularly offered community workshops. Our music ministry was led by Ross Woolf
and became a great outreach to people with musical and acting abilities to honor Christ.
Randy was also pastor at First Christian Church of Lawrence. There were 128 people the first
Sunday. We had a homeless food kitchen three days a week for lunch and ended up feeding
about 250 people during the week. We also founded family promise for housing homeless
families in the church for one week every 10 weeks. We had two adult worship services and
the youth group grew from about 8 High school youth to over 30. We had 50 small groups
meeting for bible study. The church became known for its outreach ministries, youth
ministries, college ministries and music ministries. We had two regular praise bands and one
chancel choir. When we left the church was running 350 adults. We had written a leadership
development course and strategic ministry planning process. Some of the outreach ministries
started were Divorce Care, Grief Share, Sr. Adult outreach, Gamblers Anonymous, AA.
- continued on next page -
Randy is currently the pastor of Antioch Christian Church in Vienna, VA. When we came
to Vienna, worship attendance was 12-20 people and NO youth or children. It was an aging
congregation. We immediately became involved in the high school as the chaplain for
the football team and working as chaplain with the police department. We started a
Sunday night youth ministry. We have gone from one service to two worship services,
one contemporary and one traditional. Our worship now runs 45-55 at each service with
about 150 active now in the church. We have hired a children’s director for Sunday
mornings. We have started hosting support groups and have regular all church studies
with small groups. We also have started a local bicycle drive for people at Christmas. One
of our large areas of outreach has been couples wanting to get married. We have also
partnered with an Egyptian ministry to start the third worship service at Antioch for
Coptic Christians. We also host a mission trip once a year to Haiti.
A scripture which guides my life and ministry is Colossians 3:17- And whatever you do,
whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God
the Father through him.
There have been some updates to the previously printed scheduled events. Please be
aware that there could be more changes as times grow closer.
March 4
March 11
March 18
March 25
March 29
April 2
April 3
April 5
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
9:30 am
7:00 pm
1:00-7:00 pm
6:30 am
7:30 am
9:30 am
Bread and Broth followed by “The Passion”
Bread and Broth followed by “The Passion”
Bread and Broth followed by “The Passion”
Bread and Broth followed by “The Passion”
Palm Sunday
Maundy Thursday
Good Friday - Walk-in Communion
Two viewing times for the Movie “The Passion”
Sunrise Easter Service - Led by our Youth
Breakfast in Fellowship Hall
Easter Service
The Ash Wednesday Service was very thoughtful and asked each of us to really consider
what it is that God, the potter, is shaping us to be as we have given Him permission to
mold us into a new shape as we serve Him.
Please prayerfully consider how Christ’s sacrifice and resurrection has changed your life.
We encourage you to invite a friend or neighbor to join us for these times of fellowship
and worship as we honor Christ.
The Worship and Fellowship Committees
Feed his lambs fundraiser!
Sunday, March 8
3:00 - 5:00 pm
$10.00 per person
Sunflower Room
Bonner Springs Community Center
200 E. Third Street
Ages 13 and older welcome!
The Worship Committee
would like to thank
each of you for being
willing to step up and
help where you see a
need. This is a very busy time at our
church. We are searching for a new
pastor, continuing to run the day-to-day
business of the church, coming together
for Bread and Broth, preparing for Easter
as we walk through Lent. This is a time,
as LeAnne said on Ash Wednesday, of
discovering whom we are without our
comforts and for us as a church that
comfort would be a pastor to hold us
together. However, this is also our time
to spend in prayer for each other, for
our neighbors and for our new pastor
yet to come. Take time to lift one another
up and celebrate the strengths that
surround us. Again, we joyfully celebrate
that each and every one of you are willing
to step up and do whatever small or
large task that is asked of you as we walk
through this time of transition together.
30 Years ago Twila Williams organized a group of
singles. We needed a rubber stamp or seal for some
official paper work. Alice Campbell went to the
Chieftain to order it. They asked for the name, Alice
hesitated, and came up with Bonner Edwardsville
Area Singles (BEAS).
Over the years, Twila organized one night out charter
bus trips. She filled the bus, after the singles, with
her relatives and couples from church. A few of
the places we visited were: Boy’s Town in Omaha,
Branson, Bartlesville, Oklahoma, Pella Iowa, St. Louis
and many other places.
We have a potluck on the 2nd Saturday of every
month. We try to have speakers then and occasionally
we play games such as pitch, sequencing, trivial
pursuit, etc. We have an outing each month to a
museum, historic home, concert, etc.
The BEAS have helped various organization with
donations. At the Saturday, February 14 meeting a
$110.00 donation was given to Veronica’s House,
a shelter for women coming from human trafficking.
We have worked with Habitat for Humanity,
Veterans and donated food to Vaughn Trent and
items to others.
Our group is free to all who want to come. We
meet in Fellowship Hall for meals and the church
parking lot for trips. The church used to budget
$50.00 a year for our paper products. Now we pay
for our own products.
We had 26 people at the February 14 meeting. Of
that 26, only 6 are members of the church. The
Singles are another outreach into the community
and we appreciate the church giving us a meeting
Mar 1
Mar 6
Mar 15
Mar 22
Mar 29
Apr 5
Apr 12
Apr 19
Apr 26
May 3
May 10
- 6:30-8:00 pm - Regular Meeting
- 8:30-12:00 pm - Cosmic Bowling
- 6:30-8:00 pm - Regular Meeting
- 6:30-8:00 pm - Regular Meeting
- 6:30-8:00 pm - Regular Meeting
- 6:30 am - Easter Sunrise Service
- 6:30-8:00 pm - Regular Meeting
- 6:30-8:00 pm - Regular Meeting
- TBA - Fun Outing
- Graduation Sunday during Church
- Mother’s Day - No Meeting
The Membership Committee is asking everyone
to make an effort to talk to new visitors or
even someone you’ve seen before but don’t
know. We are a friendly church and we like
to spread Good News and Cheer.
And, when signing the attendance book, it
is helpful to others to write your address,
phone number, e-mail, etc. That helps new
people to do the same. Then we have a
contact source available.
Plus, these days, many people are cutting
the land line cord and just using their cell
number and this will help us update the
church directory. Just put an * by your new
number or address, etc., so it will get noticed
when the attendance sheets get pulled and
entered into the computer.
Thank you - The Membership Committee
It is time to start thinking about making plans for summer camp! We are so very blessed
to have a wonderful camp within 12 miles of our church, Tall Oaks Camp and Conference
Center. It has many great summer camp options. They offer day camps for those that
are just learning about camp to overnight camps for those who are excited to spend
time in a country setting with others learning about how God can help them “Power up!
by Living in the Spirit!” Tall Oaks offers swimming, horseback riding, archery and many
other wonderful activities. The Early Bird Deadline is April 30, 2015 to receive a discount
on the camp fees. First Christian Church pays 50% of the camp cost. If you need additional
assistance you can contact Debbie Lohmann, Tina Ashford, an Elder or the
office and we can work with an additional scholarship program to help
with costs. We really believe camp can change lives, so please do not
let finances be a reason not to experience camp. If you are
interested, there will be information on the tables in the narthex.
Please consider how camp can help you grow in your faith, be a
place to make new friends and have a lot of fun!
Jay & Brenda Miller
John & Kathy Walker
David & Shari DeMato
Polly Stock
Marceline Lee
Ernie Jeffries
Dwain Dewey
Pat Manahan
Clausie Smith
Tina Ashford
Janet Means
Rick Achenbach
Samantha Denman
Office - Shawn VanWagner,
Custodian - Rick Achenbach
Organist - Gisela Weber
Choir Director - George Blume
Music Team Leader - Ron Beach
Nursery Assistant - Alisha Day
Website -
First Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)
148 N. Nettleton Avenue
Bonner Springs, KS 66012
David Oelschlaeger
Gwenneth Nickell
Harold Green
Mallory Borgan
Quinn Sadrakula
Margi Colerick
Kenneth Wolf
Sandy Case
Nick Korosec