Poster - Indico
Poster - Indico
The SNO+ Project Laura Segui, for the SNO+ Collaboration, Oxford University, United Kingdom Deck + DAQ SNO+: successor of SNO (Sudbury Neutrino Observatory) • Light water filling now Nucleon decay Located at SNOLAB, in the Creighton mine, Sudbury, Canada • Scintillator loading (summer 2015) Backgrounds • 2070 m (6000 m.w.e.) depth • Pure scintillator phase Backgrounds & solar ν • ~70 muons/day • Te-loaded scintillator (end2015) 0νββ of 130Te Ropes • Class-2000 clean room Acrylic Vessel Primary goal: search for the neutrinoless double beta decay Φ 12 m (0νββ) of 130Te with Te-loaded liquid scintillator 5 cm thick Water shielding: •1700 t inner •5300 t outer Urylon liner: Rn seal ~9500 PMTs 54% coverage ~780 t Liquid organic scintillator + PPO ββ2ν standard process, already observed ββ0ν process BSM, only possible if ν is Majorana ββ0ν would provide crucial information on: • Neutrino nature (Dirac or Majorana) •Neutrino mass hierarchy (inverse or direct) Reactor ν Supernova SNO+ Physics Program and schedule Geo-ν The SNO+ Detector Te-loaded scintillator Mixture: LAB + PPO (2g/L) + wavelength shifter + H20 + Surfactant + + Natural Te : initial phase 0.3% nat. Te (~790 kg of 130Te) Advantages: • Long attenuation length, No inherent optical absorption lines • High light yield (~10000γ/MeV) • α-β separation decay time • Te high natural abundance in 130Te (34%) • 2νββ rate is low Purification Plant and backgrounds • LAB purification plant to reach the following radioactive levels and to be vacuum leak tightness (<10-9 mbar*l/s of He) Backgrounds Purification plant methods 8B solar neutrino and 2νββ: can be reduced improving energy resolution Multi-stage distillation • 6.8x10-18 g/g in 232Th <1 c/day in 208Tl Removes heavy metals ~1.2c/day in 208Ac External: gammas from water, PMTs, PSUP and rock Improves UV transparency • 1.6x10-17 g/g in 238U 13.4 c/day in 214Bi, in 234-mPa Dual-stream PPO distillation and in 222Rn 2 orders of magnitude less than in SNO Fiducialisation & Timing cuts N2/steam stripping • 10-18 g/g in 40K Removes Rn, Kr, Ar and O2 Noble gas impurities target levels Cosmogenics: Te purification (right) & UG cooling time Distillation and Stripping columns Internal U/Th chain Water extraction • 10-25 g/g in 85Kr In-situ analysis: Bi-Po α´s, expected 100% rejection if Bi-Po falls in separated trigger windows. Small fraction pile-up in RoI Metal scavengers Removes Bi, Pb, Ra, Ac andTh (factor 800 in single pass) 0.2% pile up of 214Bi-214Po further reduction factor of 50 based on time structure total rejection >99.99% Microfiltration Scavengers columns Removes dust 69% pile-up of 212Bi-212Po further reduction factor of 50 total rejection of 98.5% RECIRCULATION While the detector is operational scintillator can be recirculated @ 150 LPM (full detector in 4 days) to provide repurification as necessary Pipe model Calibration Systems Source Particle Energy (MeV) Tag AmBe n, γ 2.2, 4.4 Coinc. 16N γ 6.1 Yes • Using external sources and 24Na γ 1.3, 2.7 Yes • Internal backgrounds 48Sc γ 1.0, 1.2, 1.3 No 57Co γ 0.122 No 60Co γ 1.2, 1.4 Yes 90Y β 2.3 No • Characterize the detector response with different particles • Important detailed understanding of PMTs for analysis • PMTs and electronics response • Reconstruction • Energy resolution,…. • Some external sources will only be used in either the water or scintillator phase • Radioactive + optical sources • Source deployment: keep to a minimum TELLIE Optical Calibration • Measure the parameters describing the propagation of light in the detector media (Embedded LED Light Injection Entity) • Can be run continuously (low rate, ~Hz) or at high rate (~kHZ) for calibration runs • Three subsystems (TELLIE, SMELLIE, AMELLIE) The Umbilcal Retrieval Mechanism allows to deploy the calibration source to specific locations in the detector. SMELLIE ELLIE • Inject light from the PMT array to the detector using optical fibres removed by a factor >104 after two passes Commisioning of ELLIE systems in air (March 2014) • 92 PSUP positions, straight across, wide angle emission, • 510 nm LEDs • Timing calibration of the PMTs • Gain calibration and optical transparency • Using external sources 60Co Reducing Radon ingress with a New cover gas system Commissioned Radioactive sources • Understanding of entire detector response for E range (0.1- 10MeV) 1. 2 Surface passes: Dissolve Te(OH)6 in water Recrystallize using nitric acid Rinse with ethanol >104reduction 2. 2 Underground passes: Dissolve in warm water (80°C) Cool to recrystallize thermally >102reduction Purification Removes Ra, K and Bi • 10-24 g/g in 39Ar Te Purification Strategy • 4 injection PSUP positions, 3 angles, narrow angle emission • Laser of 375, 405, 440, 500 nm • Measurement of scattering properties of the detector medium AMELLIE • 4 injection PSUP positions, 2 angles per position • Ultra-fast LEDs of 400, 520nm • Monitoring of optical attenuation length Hit map of the PMT array of a TELLIE commissioning run in air Event display showing the integral of many events for a SMELLIE run in air. The direct, backscattered and reflection in the AV light spots for one laser can be identified Conclusions and SNO+ Future Cerenkov Source Laserball 8Li source from SNO Cerenkov light source Commissioning runs in air show good performance of electronics and calibration systems 8Li 8Be + β- + ν (Qβ ~13 MeV); 8Be 2α Consists of a light diffusing sphere coupled to a N2 laser Water filling on-going β- enters acrylic wall, produces Cerenkov light and stops in the acrylic The wavelengths can be altered by inserting special dyes into the beamline α produce scintillation light tag the event Upgrade SNO design (NIM A 554 (2005) 255-265) PMT hit timing, and direction distributions studies - A prototype has been successfully constructed - The final source is under construction now. Good understanding of backgrounds and rejection techniques studied Future options to increase sensitivity Higher loading Fully synthetic quartz radioactively pure (10 cm diameter) Reduced neck diameter and optimized laser dyes Calibrate PMT (and light concentrator) angular response Scintillator extinction length Increasing light yield energy resolution Improving loading technique - The final laserball is being constructed now Higher QE PMTs Using a low background bag to reduce externals 0.3% 0.5% 1% 3% 5%