Abu Dhabi Film Commission concludes 2010 circle


Abu Dhabi Film Commission concludes 2010 circle
18th Oct., 2010 Vol. 4 Issue 104
by Alpha
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KITAB and Al Ain Reads Book returns to Bawadi Mall
Al Ain Times News:
KITAB (a joint venture
company between the
Abu Dhabi Authority for
Culture and Heritage and
the Frankfurt Book Fair)
is holding the second
Al Ain Reads Book
Fair at Bawadi mall in
co-operation with the
Abu Dhabi International
Book Fair for a week
that begins on 17th
October and shall last till
the23rd of October.
Visitors can enjoy a
large selection of books
and stationery items
from book sellers and
distributors exhibiting
at the event. The Al Ain
Book Show at Bawadi
Mall will feature more
than 35 exhibitors.
There are activities
besides display of
books for visitors of
all ages where they can
understand the art of
reading and enjoying it.
To name a few, to
enchant the younger
group of visitors there
will be a storyteller
sharing Emirati folk
tales and the opportunity
to weave their own
bookmark using
traditional weaving
Monika Krauss, General
Manager of Abu Dhabi
International Book fair,
was excited at the sight
of response from the
school students on the
very first day of the
She says, “This time it
was the publishers and
promoter who were
approaching us and were
deliberately willing to
be part of such an event.
This shows that we
surely left a mark in their
minds and hearts last
She exclaimed, “ Ten
more exhibitors, 35%
of expansion on the
exhibition forum makes
it understand that slowly
and steadily books are
entering lives of people
and they are enjoying
the art of reading.”
Abu Dhabi Film Commission concludes 2010 circle conference
Al Ain Times News /Wam:
Abu Dhabi Film
Commission announced
on Saturday Oct. 16 the
successful completion
of the fourth annual
Circle Conference at
the Intercontinental
Abu Dhabi and split its
$100,000 Shasha Grant
between two filmmakers.
Mohammed Khalaf Al
Mazrouei, Culture and
Heritage Affairs adviser
at Crown Prince Court
and Director General of
ADACH presented the
Shasha Grant prize in
the presence of Sheikha
Al-Zain Al-Sabah from
Kwait and Eissa Saif
Al-Mazrouei, Director
of Special Projects at
ADACH and David
Shepheard Director of
ADFC to the filmmakers
Dima Hamdan and Kasem
Kharsa, for their films The
Kidnap and Shelter. The
Shasha Grant is designed
to showcase rising talent
in film and television
across the Middle East.
Hamdan and Kharsa
were chosen as this
year’s Shasha Grant
recipients from among
six finalists who came to
the Circle Conference to
pitch their projects to a
jury of industry leaders.
Hamdan’s film, The
Kidnap, is the story of
a Jordanian police chief
whose life is thrown
apart when his pregnant
wife is kidnapped. He
embarks on a secret
mission to find her, and
uncovers a dark secret
that threatens his family
and professional future.
Kharsa’s film, Shelter, is
the story of an amnesiac
Iraqi refugee struggling to
survive in Beirut. When
he is arrested and falsely
accused of war crimes, he
is forced to piece together
a violent past, and a gypsy
boy he orphaned who is
now hunting him down.
special prize to finalists
Rana Kazkaz and Anas
Khalaf for their project
Damascenes: a trip to the
37 South Market at the
Melbourne International
Film Festival as part of a
partnership between Abu
Dhabi Film Commission
and the MIFF 37 South
ADFC also presented a
(See page 3)
18th Oct., 2010 Vol. 4 Issue 104
alaintimes@gmail.com, T: 037557506 F: 037557508 M: 0506142004
Published by Alpha Beta Publishers & Media Consultants
AL AIN TIMES NEWS - www.alaintimesUAE.com
Groundbreaking scientific tool developed to help
manage the UAE Ecological Footprint : Env. Minister
Al Ain Times News /Wam:
The UAE has developed
a unique scientific
tool that assesses how
changes in the electricity
and water sector might
affect Abu Dhabi’s
carbon dioxide (CO2)
emissions up to the year
2030, the Minister of
Environment and Water,
Dr. Rashid Ahmad bin
Fahd, announced today.
The tool has been
developed by the partners
in the Al Basma Al
Beeiyah (Ecological
Footprint) initiative
to support sustainable
policy-making by
providing decisionmakers with analysis on
how different policies
can help lower the UAE’s
Ecological Footprint.
“When faced with the
issue of its high per
capita Footprint, the
UAE is taking positive
action,” the Minister
said. “There is no better
time than today to
highlight the urgency
for science-based policy
for Nature, (EWSWWF), said that the tool,
developed by researchers
from the Masdar Institute
and EWS-WWF,
compares a baseline CO2
emissions scenario with
alternative, lower carbon
footprint scenarios. It
does this by assessing the
effectiveness of different
policies to tackle supply
and demand of electricity
and water. Eventually
the tool will convert
CO2 emissions into
Ecological Footprint
terms and it will also
shed light on the impact
of these policies on the
UAE’s overall Footprint.
However, before
implementing these
policies, the Initiative
recommends that socioeconomic assessments
are conducted on the
different scenarios.
Ultimately the aim is to
generate useful, relevant
and robust scientific
analysis that government
leaders can use to
develop targeted policies
that can help make the
UAE economy more
Razan Al Mubarak,
Managing Director of
EWS-WWF, commented
on this achievement:
“The development of
this scenario modelling
tool involved extensive
collaboration and
consultation with several
government institutions,
which provided us with
input, data and expertise.
“While the tool shows
that real footprint
reductions are possible, it
can only guide effective
policy development and
will require continued
collaboration between
government entities,
NGOs and academia.”
The statement noted that
the Ecological Footprint
indicator relates directly
to natural resource
consumption patterns,
and in the UAE, the
household, business/
industry and government
sectors are responsible
for 57%, 30% and
12% of the Footprint
respectively. Over the last
two years, the Initiative
has helped to raise
awareness and promote
sustainable consumption
in these sectors. It
has done this by
developing an animation,
website (www.
educational materials,
awareness and
outreach activities and
a sustainable lifestyle
campaign (‘Heroes of the
UAE’), co-developed by
The Initiative has also
translated the Living
Planet Report 2010 into
Arabic and developed
a complementary insert
that highlights its
energy and water use
play a factor in carbon
emissions and climate
change, which effectively
contribute to the overall
Ecological Footprint.
Government, private
and non-governmental
organisations, as well
as UAE society, need to
come together to ensure
that we are protecting
our environment for
future generations and
promoting sustainable
development.” In
addition to the Al Basma
Al Beeyiah Initiative, the
UAE is also undertaking
a number of ambitious
initiatives, such as
Masdar, development
of green building
codes, a growing public
transport system, and a
push towards renewable
energy and demand-side
management. These steps
are helping to transition
the UAE into a leading
nation in sustainable
development and science.
Majid Al Mansouri,
the Secretary General
of EAD, commented:
“EAD’s initiatives
encourage residents to
play a role in positive
environmental change.
Issues such as excess
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work in the UAE. We
need to understand and
measure the impact of
our development in order
to implement policies
that can effectively tackle
our Footprint.” The move
has been welcomed by
Dr Mathis Wackernagel,
President of the Global
Footprint Network, who
said that: “In contrast to
many other countries,
the UAE is not fearful of
change, but is confident
that it can manage and
adapt to new realities.
We are excited about
our partnership with
the UAE government
and its agencies, and
our collective effort to
develop tools to help
build a prosperous,
resilient economy for
the 21st Century.” A
statement issued jointly
by the Ministry of
Environment and Water,
the Environment Agency
- Abu Dhabi (EAD), and
the Emirates Wildlife
Society in association
with World Wide Fund
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18th Oct., 2010 Vol. 4 Issue 104
alaintimes@gmail.com, T: 037557506 F: 037557508 M: 0506142004
In Focus
Published by Alpha Beta Publishers & Media Consultants
AL AIN TIMES NEWS - www.alaintimesUAE.com
KITAB and Al Ain Reads Book returns to Bawadi Mall
Al Ain Times News:
“Last year, there were
fewer students due to the
spread of Swine flu in
younger children which
made the event a bit shaky
though, this time we are
really happy that students
from all educational zones
have welcomed us with
open arms,” she added
“The exhibition is being
promoted in universities
as well so as to make it
clear that book reading
has nothing to do with
school life only.”
“Nevertheless, the main
target has always been
kids because they are
the future and if seeds of
reading habits are sown
now, then we surely
have intellectual readers
and thinkers in store for
tomorrow,” she added.
Michelle, a language
teacher at Al Hajer Girls
School was emphasizing
on the activities such as
“Book reading” and said
that it would be good
if such activities take
place because this is one
way to attract students
towards story-telling and
exchanging views, even
after the book fair ends.
them learn what they get
attracted to at their age
is our aim,” said Eman
M Darwish from Sheikh
Mohammed Bin Khalid Al
Nahyan Future Generation
“Targeting students of
different ages and making
EPA discusses preparations for
Sharjah’s international book fair 2010
Al Ain Times News /Wam:
Board members of the
Emirates Publishers
Association (EPA)
have held a meeting to
discuss issues related to
publishing and publishers’
affairs, the association’s
activities, as well as other
topics of importance on
the agenda.
Chaired by Sheikha
Bodour bint Sultan Al
Qasimi, Chairperson of
the association’s board,
the meeting covered a
set of important topics
and issues that concern
publishers, with board
members taking the
appropriate decisions
and recommendations
regarding these.
The attendants also
approved the minutes
of the board’s previous
meeting, and reviewed
the association’s financial
During the meeting,
the board discussed the
current preparations
for the association’s
participation in the
Sharjah International
Book Fair, which will take
place from 26 October to
6 November 2010 at the
Expo Centre Sharjah.
Following the meeting,
Sheikha Bodour said:
“The UAE’s cultural
arena is witnessing a
wide dynamic movement
coupled with major
progress that comes
in harmony with its
influential role at all
“The meeting touched on
a host of key issues, the
most important of which
was our participation in
the Sharjah International
Book Fair this year,
which is undoubtedly a
major cultural event,” She
THU RS DA Y, 2 8 t h O C T O B E R
THU RS DA Y, 2 8 t h O C T O B E R
Sharjah World Book Fair 2010
to begin on 26th October
Al Ain Times News /Wam:
The Sharjah World
Book Fair (SWBF)
2010 will begin on 26th
October and will last
until 6th November, it
was officially announced
Making the
announcement at a
press conference,
Chairman of the Sharjah
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The 29th edition of
the SWBF will be a
distinctive cultural
event with several
lectures, seminars,
poetry evenings,
artistic presentations
and publication of new
books, alongside the
book exhibition, al Owais
pointed out.
Abu Dhabi Film Commission
concludes 2010 cricle conference
Al Ain Times News /Wam:
The final day of the Circle
Conference also included
a keynote by producer Ed
Pressman who provided a
colorful overview of his
long and distinguished
career, and his work with
directors from Terrence
Malick to Werner Herzog,
Brian de Palma and
Oliver Stone.
Beat the heat with DJ Turbo’s cool selection of party music at InterContinental
Department of Culture
and Information Abdullah
Mohammed Al Owais
stressed that the emirate
continues its march of
cultural giving guided by
the prudent directives of
HH Dr Sheikh Sultan bin
Mohammed Al Qasimi,
UAE Supreme Council
member and ruler of
The Circle Conference
brought more than 50
industry leaders to Abu
Dhabi October 13 - 15.
It included a keynote
from Tarak Ben Ammar,
and panel discussions
featuring filmmakers,
broadcasters, producers
and production executives
from the Middle East,
Europe, the U.S.,
Australia and Asia.
Additional highlights
were a landmark panel
on Women In Film in the
Middle East chaired by
Rotana Studios President
Dr. Hala Sarhan, and
Education Day, which
attracted more than
200 students from 14
universities across the
“The Circle Conference
highlights the outstanding
efforts being made by the
Film Commission and
its partners to promote
Emirati culture to industry
leaders around the
world,” said Eissa Saif
Al Mazrouei, Director
of Special Projects for
Abu Dhabi Authority
for Culture and Heritage
(ADACH). “This year’s
conference provided
unique insights into the
issues shaping the film
and television business
worldwide, and the many
contributions we can offer
here in Abu Dhabi.” “The
Circle Conference has
once again proven to be a
tremendous opportunity
for high-level dialogue
among the people who
are shaping the future
of the global film and
television business,” Abu
Dhabi Film Commission
Director David Shepheard
said. “By bringing their
insights and global
perspectives to Abu
Dhabi, and by mentoring
aspiring filmmakers from
the region, they’ve played
a big role in helping us
to stimulate a new level
of entrepreneurship in
Abu Dhabi and across the
Middle East.” The Circle
Conference is an annual
event featuring keynotes,
panels and master classes
addressing global trends
in production, finance and
distribution, the impact of
digital technology, and the
development of the film
and TV industry in Abu
18th Oct., 2010 Vol. 4 Issue 104
alaintimes@gmail.com, T: 037557506 F: 037557508 M: 0506142004
AL AIN TIMES NEWS - www.alaintimesUAE.com
Al Kawarazmi College of Fashion Design
Al Ain Times News:
With the Fashion designing
Diploma course just started
this semester students of Al
Khwarizmi International
College, Al-Ain, showed
their keen interest in this
innovative a creative field
and came forward with
their designs and ideas
and displayed them with
great enthusiasm. “The 2nd
semester students from Al
Khwarizmi International
College in Abu Dhabi did
what wasn’t expected by
students who have just
taken off with 8 months of
studies in this field”, says
Mohamad Zein Eddin,
one of the famous Fashion
Designers in Al- Ain.
as a trainee.
First Emirati theatre
actress honoured
Al Ain Times News / Wam:
Dr. Ahmad Ghonim, the
Program Manager of
Fashion Designing, Al Ain
Campus says, “It’s not only
a degree or certificate that
one has to possess at the
end, but, it is the hobby
that should mould into a
With respect to the fashion
show he said,” it was one
way to motivate students
in our campus and show
them what they have to
compete. Such shows
bring forward the creative
skills of students that
usually get wasted if not
given a fair chance.” The
Campus Manager M. Fadi
With respect to
Qaddo, of Al Khwarizmi
international caliber of
International College Al
Fashion Designing he
Ain told us regarding
said, “That students here
the training of students
showcased what came as a
with their academics and
surprise to him and other
getting a chance to do their
spectators and thus he has
internships with designers
a firm believe that these
like Mohamad Zein Eddin
students surely have a long
is what shall motivate
way to go.” In addition to
and inspire students to
the appreciation that Mr.,
do more than what they
Mohamad was giving to
are capable of. Inspired
the students he was also
by senior students was
showing his keen interest in
Reem Al Ka’abi, who
a chance
for the
- HP
is incm
the 1st semester of
students to work under him
Fashion Designing and
Published by Alpha Beta Publishers & Media Consultants
Moza Al Mazroui, the
first Emirati actress who
took the courage to step
into the stage encouraging
several others to join her
in the following years
was honoured today at the
closing ceremony of the
Dubai Festival for Youth
Moza pioneered the
female presence in
the local stage plays
and contributed to the
promotion of the Emirati
theatre movement.
thinks that this field is
sure to stay in business
and she hopes to have a
bright future in it. As she
believes it’s the Creation
of your heart and as long
as you keep loving it you
are not going anywhere
from the limelight.
Ferdinand Macalinao, a
Fashion designer from
la Ain also seemed to be
impressed by the talents
of the students and praised
them all. He was amazed
at the professionalism of
the students who went into
details and took care of
each and everything like
any other professional
Designer shall do. From
Blending of colors to the
cuts everything seemed
perfect he said.
Naima Abdi Omar, who
has not yet enrolled in the
fashion designing course,
got her work displayed in
this fashion show and was
praised and appreciated
by all. She also thinks that
its creativity that flows
and according to her such
fashion shows are one way
to show and learn creative
skills at the same time.
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Moza received Theatre
Personality of the
Year Award from H.H
Sheikh Majid bin
Mohammed bin Rashid
Al Maktoum, Chairman
of the Dubai Culture and
Arts Authority (Dubai
Culture), who patronised
the Dubai Festival for
Youth Theatre, an annual
event that seeks to
celebrate young theatre
talent in the UAE.
At the ceremony held
at the premises of the
Cultural and Scientific
Association, Sheikh
Majid also honoured a
number of Emirati theatre
artists who won prizes in
various categories.
The festival aims to help
enthusiastic playwrights
by providing them with
a base to display their
creativity and skills.
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Email: alaintimes@gmail.com
18th Oct., 2010 Vol. 4 Issue 104
alaintimes@gmail.com, T: 037557506 F: 037557508 M: 0506142004
Books … A lost Asset.
Published by Alpha Beta Publishers & Media Consultants
AL AIN TIMES NEWS - www.alaintimesUAE.com
Al Ain Times News / Mehak Alam:
Almost every one of us
was given a task to write
a paragraph or an essay
on “My Favorite hobby
or Leisure time activity,
“at schools or college
The first thing that
clicked in our minds
was… “My favorite
hobby is…reading…”
but this knowledgeable
hobby has taken a back
seat and these days we
are driven by recreational
and physical activities
to such an extent that
Reading a book seems
time consuming in
addition to boring or an
“Oldie practice”.
“Books are not made
for furniture, but there
is nothing else that so
beautifully furnishes a
Henry Ward Beecher
said these words when
Reading was considered
as a personality trait in
good terms though!
But things have literally
changed since then.
Now-a-days books and
reading is limited to
schools or colleges and
confined to tasks rather
than a self- motivated
practice which is actually
a negative effect of
We met a number of
people; some said that
they still read but can’t
manage to read the whole
novel or story in a span
of some days but, reading
is a pleasurable activity
for us. It helps in relaxing
and refreshing of our
While these people might
spend time in reading
there are some people
who don’t even touch
books to read after they
are out of school. The
reason being simple; they
just can’t resist boredom.
Ali Swab a young boy
who just passed out
his 10th grade, says,
“I would never invest
my time in reading
rather I would like to do
something productive.
Reading a book
consumes time and we
are running short of it
these days.”
We surely get knowledge
and understand human
reactions in different
situations of life when
we read such books but
then its 2010 where
people are going to space
rather than waiting for
the climax of the story
and pondering why
did someone kill his
neighbor or why did
someone behave in such
and such a way,” he
Mina Naik a mother of
two school kids said,
“Reading is not what
flabbergast a kid and
attract them to hold
down a book and read
it, the reason being
sleek and simple we
have really modernized
and one doesn’t prefer
to be friends with a
book instead games and
innovative toys attract
kids before the charm of
the book works on the
Social networking sites
have even added to
the misery of making
book reading a lost
asset. Youngsters in
the age of learning and
understanding things
are motivated to be past
of the over-popular
networking sites that
engage a person badly
into affairs that although
appear recreational and
amazing but are nothing
after you sign-out of the
Sometimes it makes
sense that why would a
student opt for reading
after school when he
already has a load of
books at his back that he
carries on his back.
Sara Ahmed, a 7th grade
student said, “I think
we keep reading many
books at school and we
don’t want to do the same
thing again after we get
free from working the
whole day with them.
It’s always good to
apart from your friend
(book…) for a while in
order to miss it.”
Summing up this issue
is a hard task as some
people still find it a
pastime where you earn
peace, calm and even
a lot of knowledge.
But there are people
who haven’t touched
a book ever since they
passed out of college or
university as they believe
books were part of
school and they shouldn’t
be dragged in their
professional lives or else
when they could do other
activities that could build
up their frame of minds
more as compared to a
tiny-mini book.
Jury of Etisalat Prize announces final shortlist of 5 books
Al Ain Times News / Wam:
The Jury of the Etisalat
Prize for Arabic
Children’s Literature
2010 has announced
the final shortlist of five
books that are in line
to win the prestigious
AED1 million prize.
The shortlisted books
are: Al Noqta Al Sawda
(the Black Dot), Ahlam
Waraqa (A Paper’s
Dream), Ofatesh An
Hewaya (Looking for
a Hobby), Ta’al El’ab
Ma’e (Come Play With
Me) and Farahana wa
Sir Jamaliha (Farhana
and the Secrets of Her
Al Noqta Al Sawda (the
Black Dot), written and
illustrated by Walid Al
Taher and published
by Egypt-based Dar El
Shorouk, encourages
children to work hard
and pursue search for
appropriate solutions to
problems facing them
through an exciting and
novel story. The book,
whose events take place
in children’s playground,
helps teach children
how to face up to the
challenges they face and
overcome them.
Jordan-based publishing
house Dar Noun’s
Ahlam Waraqa (A
Paper’s Dream), written
by Nahid Mohammed
and illustrated by
Reema Nazeer, depicts
the dreams of a white
paper rectangle, which
dreams of being within
a book that is read by
distinguished people.
The book aims to
develop children’s
imagination and
promote their sense of
beauty in all things,
from nature to feelings,
inspired by the paper’s
Ofatesh An Hewaya
(Looking for a Hobby),
written by Samar
Mahfouz, illustrated
by Lina Mirhej and
published by Lebanon’s
Asala Publishers, tells
the story of a little girl
who asks her mother
to help her find an
entertaining and useful
hobby, and deals with
several hobbies in which
children can engage
rather than watching
Published by Palestinebased Tamer Institute,
Ta’al El’ab Ma’e (Come
Play With Me), written
by Safa Omeir and
illustrated by Nadeen
Saidani, deals with the
relationship between
a busy father and his
son. The child, who
desperately wants his
father to play with him,
comes up with many
creative ways to attract
his father’s attention,
resulting in a very
exciting and interesting
The fifth book and
final book to make the
shortlist is Farahana wa
Sir Jamaliha (Farhana
and the Secrets of Her
Beauty), written and
illustrated by Rania
Hussain and published
by Egypt’s Dar Elias
Modern Publishing
House. The book aims
to enhance children’s
self-confidence and their
ability to deal with other
children’s disturbances
in a clever way.
The winner of the prize
will be announced on
26 October 2010, on the
sidelines of the Sharjah
International Book Fair.
Fifty percent of the prize
money will be awarded
to the winning publisher,
while the remaining 50
percent will be divided
between the writer
and illustrator, as per
the Jury’s decision.
Last year, Lebanonbased publisher Dar Al
Hadaeq won the prize
for its book Ana Oheb
(I Love), written by
Nabiha Muhaidali and
illustrated by Nadeen
18th Oct., 2010 Vol. 4 Issue 104
alaintimes@gmail.com, T: 037557506 F: 037557508 M: 0506142004
Published by Alpha Beta Publishers & Media Consultants
AL AIN TIMES NEWS - www.alaintimesUAE.com
Sheikha Fatima named FAO’s
Most powerful Arab woman
Extraordinary Goodwill Ambassador UAE Minister of Foreign not have been possible in order to realise the
Al Ain Times / Wam:
Al Ain Times / Wam:
H.H. Sheikh Fatima bint
Mubarak, Chairwoman
of the General Women
Union, and of the Family
Development Foundation,
has been named an
Extraordinary Goodwill
Ambassador of the
United Nations Food and
Agriculture Organisation
FAO Director General
Dr Jacques Diouf said
Sheikha Fatima was
given the coveted title in
recognition of her efforts
and continuous support for
women’s causes both at
regional and international
levels, in addition to her
decisive role in the areas
of women’s education,
irradiation of illiteracy and
promoting women’s rights
in the Arab world.
FAO’s decision was
announced during a
session hosted by the
international organisation
at its headquarters in Rome
to mark World Food Day.
The session was attended
by Rwandan President
Paul Kagame, UAE
Minister of Environment
‘&’ Water Dr Rashid
Ahmed bin Fahd, UAE
Ambassador to Rome
Abdul Aziz bin Nasser Al
Shamsi and environment
as well as ministers
and officials from 192
FAO’s Extraordinary
Goodwill Ambassador title
is bestowed on worldrenowned personalities.
Sheikha Fatima is the
fourth person to receive
the honour after the first
ladies Suzzane Mubarak
of Egypt, Maria Gloria
Penayo de Duarte of
Paraguay and Margarita
Cedeno de Fernandez of
the Dominican Republic.
New General Manager
takes charge of Mercure Hotel
Al Ain Times News:
Mercure –Grand Hotel
at Jabel Hafeet Al-Ain
welcomes its new General
Manager Mr. Hani Al
Khouly, after bidding good
bye to the ex-General
Manager Mr. Nabil Kahil
on the 3rd of October.
The Ex-General Manager
who worked there for 2
years has new stepped on
to new heights in his career.
A farewell and welcoming
party was thrown by the
hotel to bid a warm good
bye to their ex-general
manager and welcome the
new one.
Mr Nabil Kahil –Ex General Manager (Left side), Mr Hani El Khouly new
General Manager (Right side) Mercure Grand Jebel Hafeet Hotel
Hani Al Khouly, 37, is
from Egypt and he has
long experience in Sales
and Marketing along with
finance, room division
and general management
and who has worked for
International Brands of
Accor and Hilton, now
holds the General Manager
position at Mercure-Grand
Hotel Jabel hafeet.
Food tasting week @ French Cultural Center in Al Ain
Al Ain Times News:
First Time ever, The French
Cultural Center of Al Ain
held an amazing “Food
Tasting Week” where
awareness of different types
of cuisines were given to
people living a busy life
and eating the same kind of
day to day.
The Food Tasting week
lasted for a week (10th
October- 17th October) and
had an amazing response
as people really liked it and
showed their keen interest
in learning how to build
up their appetite and try
cooking new dishes from
different cuisines. Ketty
Laurent, Director of The
French cultural center in
Al Ain, says,” The reason
behind having such a novel
event is to make people
Trade Shaikha Lubna Al
Qasimi has been named
the most powerful Arab
woman and the 70th
most powerful woman in
the world by US-based
Forbes magazine.
According to Forbes’
list of the World’s 100
Most Powerful Women,
Shaikha Lubna is “a
regional power in her
own right” and constantly
works to improve the
UAE’s global status
and bolster the federal
government’s efforts to
diversify the country’s
economy. Her persistent
calls for a trade policy that
is based on openness and
competitiveness helped
put the UAE on the road
to economic recovery
and development, the
magazine said.
Shaikha Lubna is the first
woman to hold a cabinet
position in the UAE:
She is former minister
of economy and current
Minister of Foreign
Trade, having run a
successful online auction
company and worked as
a manager for the agency
charged with automating
the UAE’s federal
government, Forbes
Choosing Shaikha Lubna
in the 70th place on the
list of the World’s 100
Most Powerful Women
was a recognition of
her fight to improve the
rights of women in the
region and humanitarian
efforts for sustainable
development and issues
of children and the youth
in other Arab and Muslim
Shaikha Lubna expressed
gladness at being
recognised by Forbes.
“This UAE global
achievement would
aware that they should eat
healthy and develop the
taste of living.” About the
response from the general
public she told us that
masses responded very well
and in favor of the event.
The cooking classes for
almost all types of cuisines
were full, which makes it
quite clear that people are
in search of such events
where they can learn new
and innovative things
and when it is something
related to food why one
won’t build his appetite.
The aim of such events is
to develop a good sense of
food among people and this
21 year old culture seems
to be there still which
makes it evident that food
shall always be what man
would like to innovate and
create with.
without the ongoing
support extended to
women by the prudent
leadership of the country,
an established tradition
started by the late Shaikh
Zayed bin Sultan Al
Nahyan and continued by
the current leadership to
bolster the role of UAE
women in sustainable
development as well as
their international and
regional status to become
an example to follow,”
she commented.
Shaikha Lubna added:
“This achievement
demonstrates the support
being given to UAE
women by the President,
His Highness Shaikh
Khalifa bin Zayed Al
Nahyan, and His Highness
Shaikh Mohammed bin
Rashid Al Maktoum,
Vice-President and Prime
Minister of the UAE and
Ruler of Dubai, as well
as their keen interest in
advancing women’s role
in social and economic
development. This is a
culmination of the efforts
of Her Highness Shaikha
Fatima bint Mubarak,
Chairwoman of the
General Women’s Union,
to empower UAE women
and develop their abilities
to attain achievements in
educational, development
and governmental work.”
She said: “ I dedicate this
great UAE achievement
to the wise leadership
of the UAE and to Her
Highness Shaikha Fatima
bint Mubarak, Mother of
the Nation, who sets an
example to follow, not
only for UAE women,
but also for all women in
other Arab and Muslim
Shaikha Lubna urged
UAE women to be more
diligent and creative
aspirations of the wise
leadership of the UAE to
achieve further social and
economic development.
Forbes said it chose the
top women from four
groups: politics, business,
media and lifestyle and
then ranked them in
each group against other
groups. Forbes said its
“assessment is based
less on traditional titles
and roles and more on
creative influence and
entrepreneurship. These
power women have built
distinctive companies and
brands and championed
weighty causes,
sometimes through
unconventional means;
in other cases they have
broken through gender
US First lady Michelle
Obama ranked Number 1
on Forbes magazine’s 100
most powerful women
in the world followed
by Kraft CEO Irene
Rosenfeld and talk-show
host Oprah Winfrey,
German Chancellor
Angela Merkel (No 4).
Lady Gaga broke into
the top 10 at Number 7,
while Beyonce Knowels
took No 9 and Ellen
DeGeneres No 10.
Shaikha Lubna came
ahead of the other three
Arab women who made
to the Forbes list of the
world’s most influential
women. They are Qatar’s
first lady Her Highness
Shaikha Mozah bint
Nasser Al Missned who
ranked (No 74), Queen
Rania Al Abdullah of
Jordan (No 76) and
Kuwaiti businesswoman
Maha Al Ghunaim, co
-founder and chairwoman
of Kuwaiti bank Global
Investment House
(No 94).
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18th Oct., 2010 Vol. 4 Issue 104
alaintimes@gmail.com, T: 037557506 F: 037557508 M: 0506142004
AL AIN TIMES NEWS - www.alaintimesUAE.com
MoH holds 1st annual meeting for
school health directors
Al Ain Times News / Wam:
Dr. Hanif Hassan Ali Al
Qassim, UAE Minister
of Health, has underlined
the important role that
school health departments
play in maintaining the
safety, physical and mental
health of students through
following up correct
healthy lifestyles and
physical education.
He said this while
attending a joint meeting
with school health
departments, directors of
primary healthcare centres
and central administrations
of the health policies
sector to discuss the
latest developments and
challenges in the school
health departments.
Dr. Hanif said: “Our
continuous cooperation
with the Ministry of
Education assures our
commitment to create
a healthy environment
for students to achieve
academic excellence
through the development
of school health programs
and healthcare exquisite
for all students”.
Published by Alpha Beta Publishers & Media Consultants
He lauded the efforts
of the school health
departments in the medical
districts in cooperation
with the Ministry of
Education noting that such
cooperation will achieve
its goals for a safe and
healthier environment for
Moreover, he reviewed a
detailed report about the
performance of school
health departments and the
future programs and plans.
He also discussed with the
members of the meeting
the current year’s plan
pointing out the importance
of implementing checkups
for all students, health
swap and following up the
cases which need medical
He urged members of
the meeting to follow the
accurate procedures that
need implementation and
achievements through
enhancing correct
awareness campaigns such
as cleanliness, correct
health behaviours and the
bad impacts of smoking.
Three cups of tea daily cuts heart disease
Drinking three cups of tea daily can protect against heart attacks and stroke.
Al Ain Times News:
Meanwhile Ministry of
Health will organize a
special breast cancer
campaign starting from
tomorrow as part of the
drive against the disease.
A new review study
shows regular drinking
of either black or green
tea can reduce the risk
of heart problems by 11
The campaign will begin
from Al Bustan Rotana
Hotel in Dubai in the
attendance of a number of
healthcare officials from
the Ministry of Health,
government and federal
authorities as well as a
group of doctors and breast
cancer specialists.
It cuts plaque build-up in
arteries - a combination
of dangerous fat and
UAE Minister of Health,
will speak about the
aspirations of the Ministry
of Health to fight this
disease and another
speech for Dr. Hajar
Al Hosani, Director of
Central Administration
for Motherhood and
Childhood Care about the
activities of the national
program to fight breast
The campaign will
continue for one month in
all the medical districts in
the northern emirates.
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In terms of the delivery
of antioxidants, two cups
of tea is equivalent to five
portions of vegetables
or two apples, reports
the journal Molecular
Aspects of Medicine.
The review by researchers
at the University of
Western Australia says the
benefits of tea are largely
due to the flavonoid
content, antioxidant
ingredients that
counteract cardiovascular
disease, according to the
Daily Mail.
One cup of tea provides
150-200 mg of
The review also found
the flavonoid content of
black tea is equal to that
of green tea. Almost 80
percent of Britons are tea
Jonathan Hodgson,
review co-author, said:
“There is now consistent
data indicating that tea
and tea flavonoids can
enhance nitric oxide
status and improve
endothelial function,
which may be at least
partly responsible for
benefits on cardiovascular
Catherine Hood from
the industry-backed
Tea Advisory Panel
said: “Compared with
the US studies, the
cardiovascular benefits of
tea are particularly strong
in European studies.
This includes UK studies
where most of the tea
consumed is black.”
Ministry of Health Organizes Lecture
about Breast Cancer Campaign
Al Ain Times News / Wam:
The Ministry of Health
will organize a special
breast cancer campaign
during the month of
October as part of the
nation’s celebrations
against the disease.
The campaign includes
a lecture about “Modern
Challenges of Fighting
Breast Cancer” to be
attended by 4.5 accredited
training hours from the
continuous medical
education committee at the
Ministry of Health. The
campaign will begin on
Wednesday, 13th October
2010, in Al Bustan Rotana
Hotel in Dubai in the
attendance of a number of
healthcare officials from
the Ministry of Health,
government and federal
authorities as well as a
group of doctors and breast
cancer specialists.
Dr. Hanif Hassan, UAE
Minister of Health, will
speak about the aspirations
of the Ministry of Health
to fight this disease and
another speech by Dr.
Hajar Al Hosani, Director
of Central Administration
for Motherhood and
Childhood Care, will touch
on the activities of the
national program to fight
breast cancer.
The event will also include
several lectures about
breast cancer in the UAE,
MRI usage in discovering
and diagnosing breast
cancer, breast cancer
genes, role of CT scans
in diagnosing the disease,
role of testing in breast
cancer, updates of surgical
and methodological
treatment and social and
physiological support.
The campaign aims to
disseminate awareness,
health education and
information needed
for breast cancer early
detection through using
the latest diagnosis and
treatment methods. It will
also inform the audience
with the services of the
ministry’s hospitals
and health centers that
provide treatment for UAE
nationals and residents.
The campaign will
continue for one month in
all the medical districts in
the northern emirates.
Ministry of Health suspends Sibutramine medicine
& recalls all substances and related Products
Al Ain Times News / Wam:
The UAE Ministry
of Health issued a
circular to the directors
of medical districts,
hospitals, public and
private pharmacies to
recall all products that
contain sibutramine
substance according to
the recommendations of
the US Drug and Food
Administration and
European Association for
Medicine and the request
of the manufacturing
company and agent in
the UAE. This was stated
by Dr. Amin Al Amiri,
Executive Director for
Medical Practices and
Licenses in the Ministry
of Health.
He said: “The
Registration and Drug
Control Department
at the Ministry of
Health continuously
communicates with
competent authorities
and international
organizations and
companies to study
and examine the latest
pharmaceutical updates
and their effects on the
health of community
He stated that
sibutramine substance
has been recalled from
the markets immediately
after the announcement
of its clinical results that
may cause heart attacks
and cardiac arrests. “The
Ministry immediately
took the decision to
suspend the registration
of products containing
sibutramine substance,
importing or exporting
the product at all”, he
18th Oct., 2010 Vol. 4 Issue 104
alaintimes@gmail.com, T: 037557506 F: 037557508 M: 0506142004
Published by Alpha Beta Publishers & Media Consultants
AL AIN TIMES NEWS - www.alaintimesUAE.com
Al Ain Reads Book Show
17 – 23 October 2010
Bawadi Mall
Be a part of the love of reading and learn more
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Emirati Culture and Heritage
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Don’t miss a week of reading,
storytelling, music and
cultural activities.
Entrance is free
Show Timings
Sunday – Saturday
10.00 am – 10.00 pm
5.00 pm – 10.00 pm
Official Media Partner
AL Ain times 260 x 350 en.indd 1
10/4/10 12:39 AM