Farewell to ParkInG tIckets


Farewell to ParkInG tIckets
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April 21 - May 4 , 2007 . Vol.1 Issue 21. www.alaintimesuae.com 2 Dhs
Research Conference of
the UAE University to
discuss 256 new findings
Proudly published by Alpha Beta Publishers ,Al Ain
farewell to parking
FINDINGS Over 50 new parking spaces for
- Ekram Yousef
8th Annual Research Conference
at the UAE University in Al Ain
Special feature on page 2
In Focus
Al Qudra adds golf course
to Ain Al Emarat
Harlem Globetrotters come to U.A.E
Education & Culture
Ask the Vet
Al Ain Theater Society
prepares for the May play
Al Masaood Automobiles
schemes convenient way
to register cars
Life Style
Mom’s Kitchen :
Food Safety at Home – It’s in
Your Hands
World Famous Squad will Play 2 Games
in Abu Dhabi and 4 in Dubai
Win FREE Tickets with Al Ain
Times - details on page 9
“Harlem Globetrotters are
always such a joy to watch,
and what makes them so
unique is their ability to
balance great basketball
with exciting entertainment
and innovation. Following
last year’s phenomenal perfo
formance, we are thrilled
to be bringing the Globeto
trotters back to Dubai and
taking them to Abu Dhabi
for the first time. The Al
Nasr Sports Club has had a
strong reputation of hosting
international basketball
events in the past and the
Globetrotters are looking
forward to a return to the
arena in Dubai. For Abu
Dhabi we decided on the Al
Jazeera Sports Club which
has one of the best indoor
sporting facilities in the
GCC. Their facility allows
us to bring the Globetrotters
to Abu Dhabi and we will
do so ‘in style’,» said Eric
Gottschalk, General Manao
ager of Delwood Sports
Careless Driving
Upcoming Films!
Photo of The Week
Where & When
Al Ain Agenda
Al Ain Cinema
A new parking lot, complete with
grassy areas will be constructed
Winner of
Net City
draw inside
Page 5
Al Ain
By Ola Salem
The Department of Municipalities
and Agriculture in Al Ain initiated a
solution to the traffic problem evident
every day at the municipality. On a
daily basis, hundreds of people from
all over Al Ain come to the municipalio
ity to obtain approvals, permits and
other necessary documentation and
there is no space to accommodate all
their vehicles.
On the 20th April at midnight, a car
accident occurred due to careless
driving and poor judgment under
the Diwan roundabout.
One driver was speeding and trying
to take over the car in front. He
kept flashing the lights to force the
other driver to move over. The secoo
ond driver, confused by the glare,
had little time to react. When he
finally started to move his car into
the right lane the car behind did the
same. The severe collision had the
cars rotate a full 180 degrees.
This is not the first time this happo
pens in the garden city of Al Ain;
nor will it be the last as long as
the reckless driving persists. This
problem keeps growing in Al Ain.
Roads are becoming less safe to
drive in and some drivers persist in
‘tormenting’ others by flashing the
light so brightly that they are not
able to see the road behind them.
This causes blindness for a few split
seconds - critical seconds.
behind the municipality, by the west
The construction company asserts that
the parking lot will accommodate over
50 cars which will save the comers
to the municipality the pain of payio
ing tickets. Many choke up traffic by
leaving their cars in illegal areas while
others parked on the sidewalks and in
the spaces for the handicapped.
The employer promises,
the employee hopes...
Employees all over
Al Ain are overwo
worked and underpo
paid. Even more
atrocious is the cool
attitude with which
employers put off
the payment of salaro
ries one month after
the other.
Stay tuned - next
Issue, the problem
and the solution:
Protecting your
rights in the workpo
Send us your workplace
experiences on
Shocking stories Page 6
April 21 - May 4, 2007
Research Conference of the UAE University to discuss 256 new findings
Sheikh Nahayan to open the 8th Annual Research Conference in Al Ain
H. E. Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al
Nahayan, Minister of Higher Education
and Scientific Research and Chancellor
UAE University, will open the 8th Anno
nual Research Conference of the UAE
University in Al Ain this week.
“Keeping with the theme of the confereo
ence we have invited Dubai Department
of Economic Development for a special
session while on the last day a special
pre-lunch session is reserved for the Al
Ain Municipality,” said Dr. Mohsen.
Titled as “Community Partaking in Reso
search and Development”, the three-day
conference will be attended by some reno
nowned scientists from UAE and abroad
and more than 250 researches conducted
at the UAE University will be presented.
There will also be a special keynote addo
dress by Prof. Georgia Lesh-Laurie, the
Associate Provost of the UAE University.
“The University scientists will present
the results of their studies in areas rangio
ing from cancer and diabetic treatment
to the effect of globalization,” said Dr.
Maitha Al Shamsi, Assistant Provost for
Research of the University while talking
to newsmen.
She said the Research Affairs of the Univo
versity has now become an active partner
of the international research network and
focusing its efforts to forge a strong partno
nership with the private and public sector
of the country.
“The scientific research needs an acto
tive partnership with the industrial and
business sector of the country and we
are proud to develop collaborations with
some of the leading national institutional
including Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commo
merce, Dubail, ADNOC, ADGAS and
many other leading organizations,” says
Dr. Al Shamsi who is also the Chair of
the Conference.
The inaugural session of the conference
will be addressed by Professor Arthur
Bienenstock of Stanford University and
the Special Assistant to the President for
the Federal Research Policy. A delegato
tion from the Belarusian State University
headed by Prof. Vasily Strazhev, the Recto
tor of the University, will also attend the
Professor Abdel-Mohsen, Director
Research of the UAE University told
journalists that 256 research papers will
be presented during 35 sessions of the
conference starting in Al Ain on April 23.
Highlights from the Conference
The UAE University Annual Research
Conference (ARC-8) will include a
special session for presentation and
discussion of the project of Dr. Khaled
A. Al-Sallal, Department of Architectural
Engineering - ‘UAE Demonstration of A
Dynamic Breathing Building’. The projeo
ect is about appying new technologies in
thermal insulation in buildings to save
energy and create a cleaner environment.
EBP, one of the project’s partners in UK,
has been awarded the Shell Springboard
Award for 2007. The award ceremony
and cheque presentation took place in
London on Tuesday 6th March. Springbo
board is a national competition created
by Shell to reward and promote innovo
vative low carbon business ideas from
across the UK
Dr. James Thomas Kunnanatt , departmo
ment of Business Administration,will
be presenting his paper ‘Globalization
–opportunities Or Threats To Developio
ing Countries? The Case Of India’ . The
researcher rewinds the history of globalio
ization and divides its various phases into
three waves of globalization. He introdo
duces the concept of the emerging global
business chain and shows how countries
have formed strategic groups to participo
pate in the global chain as ‘opportunity
exploiters’ and ‘opportunity providers’.
The researcher further points out that
developing countries could act both as
opportunity providers and opportunity
exploiters. Finally, the author highlights
the challenges India will have to face, as
a developing country, in fully exploiting
the fruits of globalization
A group of researchers will preseo
ent a paper about Magnetic Hyperto
thermia for Cancer Treatment. The
overall objective of this project is to
develop an efficient cancer therapy
based on coupling conventional
cytostatic therapy such as radio- and
chemotherapy with targeted drug
delivery and localized magnetic
hyperthermia. The drug delivery
system that operates under localio
ized hyperthermic conditions will
be more efficient in reducing tumors
than classic cytostatic strategies. It
has been reported that a significant
fraction of tumors is from hypoxic
(poorly oxygenated) cells that are much
more resistant to radiation and chemo
therapies than euoxic (well oxygenated)
cells. This constitutes a major obstacle to
successful cytostatic therapies. A group
of researchers at the United Arab Emirao
ates University developed a technique
to overcome this problem - a treatment
technique where radiation and chemicals
are used in conjunction with localized
hyperthermia and chemical agents to enho
hance the treatment response of cancers.
The research group at the UAEU was
able to develop novel classes on magno
netic nanoparticles that can be used
for self-controlled heating. The magno
netic nanoparticles are heated using an
alternating magnetic field device that
was developed by the research group.
Along with these particles, an anti cancer
drug is encapsulated in a thermosensito
tive polymer that melts at a temperature
compatible with that produced by the
nanoparticles under the alternating field,
allowing the drug to leak at the tumor
sustainable tourism in natural tourist desto
tinations in Al-Ain. Through the findings
of the analyses of the selected examples
of urban developments in natural tourio
ist destinations, it has been found that
many of the characteristics of sustainable
urbanism, determined in the theoretical
part of the research, have been partially
or totally neglected and therefore one of
the major elements of sustainable tourism
has been compromised. This inevitably
has threatened the natural tourist destino
nations in Al Ain and their ecosystems.
The research managed to highlight some
major reasons behind this unfortunate
Accordingly, a new conceptual approach
for a proposed strategy aiming at achievio
ing sustainability through urban develoo
opment in natural tourist destinations
has been advocated. This conceptual
approach includes some urban guidelines
for both decision-making process and
end product.
The treatment technique worked by the
researchers at UAEU assists in localizing
the treatment at the site of the tumor.
Dr. Naglaa Eid, Student Development
Department University General Reqo
quirements Unit, will be discussing the
“Impact Assessment of Peer Tutoring
Program On Students Academic Performo
Dr. Khaled Galal Ahmed, and Dr. AlMoataz A Hassan Architectural Engineerio
ing Department, will be investigating
the contribution of the currently adopted
urban development strategies to the
Dr. Bahaa-Eddin M. Mazid, Humanities
and Social Sciences, Program of Translo
lation Studies, will discuss : Problems,
prospects and projects of Translating
Emirati literature into English’
Day 2 Tuesday, April 24th, 2007
Day 1 Monday, April 23rd, 2007
Hall 1
Hall 2
Hall 3
Opening Ceremony & Keynote Lecture
Medicine & Health
Medicine & Health
Hall 3
Hall 4
Harvard Medical School Lecture
+ Medicine & Health Sciences
Humanities and Social
Medicine & Health
Shari’ah & Law
Food & Agriculture
Food & Agriculture
Business &
Medicine & Health
Hall 2
Hall 1
Business & Economics
Special Keynote Lecture (Hall 1)
April 21 - May 4 , 2007
In Focus
Al Qudra adds golf course to Ain Al Emarat
“The golf course at Al Ain Emarat, like the new
community itself, will be extraordinary. This is an
outstanding desert site, overlooked by mountains,
with rolling sand dunes that will be incorporated
naturally into the golf course, also combining HOK’s
innovative canal system. TPL shares HOK’s viso
sion for sustainable design and so there has been a
natural synergy in our discussions for this project.
Both practices believe Al Ain Emarat will be a very
special place,” said Lobb.
An 18-hole golf course will be constructed later this
year in the community envisioned by the Al Qudra
Real Estate (AQRE) be the largest inland city in the
country and the second city in Abu Dhabi.
Ain Al Emarat will house 120,000 people and will
feature a 40,000-seat sports stadium, leisure compo
plex, business district and residential units. It will
also have a 7-kilometre canal system integrated into
the residential community and golf course.
The development will be headed by the Thomson
Perrett & Lobb, an international golf course architecto
ture practice founded by five-time Open Champion
Peter Thomson and partners Ross Perrett and Tim
Lobb. They were appointed by the Hellmuth, Obata
+ Kassabaum (HOK), a global leader in innovation.
“It is definitely boom time for the country’s real
estate business, especially in Abu Dhabi and Al Ain.
We would like to play a crucial role in creating a balao
ance in population distribution in the Emirate of Abu
Dhabi through the establishment of residential and
commercial projects, according to multiple standards
to meet the needs of various social strata. The real
estate industry has become competitive and developeo
ers are building at a chaotic pace to take advantage
of this growing demand. As real estate developers;
we have to be aggressive with our plans to launch
new projects and meet these demands, which is made
possible through the provision of our modern housio
ing projects, integrated residential communities and
commercial real estate developments,” said Ahmed
Al Yafaei, General Manager of AQRE.
By Monique Holtzhausen
he Hope Centre for Children with Special Needs
in Al Ain is touching lives and transforming
destinies of children who would ordinarily have very
little hope of a bright future. As an off-shoot of the
Al Ain Junior School, the Hope Centre opened its
doors for the first time in 2002 as a result of a passo
sion and a dream of Mrs Tanveer Arshad, principal
of Al Ain Junior School and the Hope Centre.
“The opening of the Hope Centre was a natural
progression following on the success of the Al Ain
Junior School and in answer to the needs of our commo
munity”, Tanveer says. “We couldn’t bear to turn
special needs children away who yearned to be set
free from their four walls into the open ... to breathe
the same air as the rest of the children of their age
do”. Specializing in offering individual care for speco
cial needs children, the school today has more than
33 children ranging from 3 1/2 to 18 years old.
At the school’s recent Hope Quest Sports Meet, Al
Ain Times was privileged to witness the love and
commitment shown to the children by the principo
pal and her team of dedicated staff members and
specialist therapists. Says Tanveer: “All our efforts
are directed towards making our “Hope Children”
independent in all aspects of daily life. We work
tirelessly to ensure that each child reaches his or her
maximum academic, social and physical potential
and also help them discover and develop any special
talent they may have”. The success of these efforts
was evident in the smiling faces of the children as
they participated in various sporting activities in
front of an appreciative crowd and proud parents.
Apart from the therapeutic programmes, children
“Unbelievable as it may seem, it is
possible for a person to live up to
seventy days without food, nearly
ten days without water and up to
six minutes without air…
But it is impossible to live without
Al Ain Times would like to encourao
age its readers to stretch out a helpio
ing hand to the community in the
form of volunteer work. There are
many institutions throughout our
Garden City that need a friendly
hand, a warm smile or a financial
contribution to change the life of
somebody less fortunate. The Hope
Centre is run as a charitable establo
lishment and welcomes any assistao
ance the Al Ain community is able
to make. “We don’t turn anybody
away who comes knocking on our
door”, Tanveer says. Many of the
children’s parents cannot afford
also enjoy thematic teaching programmes that
include water plays, clay modeling, sand plays etc.
Yoga is practiced as a group programme for more
than 30 minutes and they are also exposed to many
types of recreational activities such as swimming, ice
skating, shopping and specialized play therapy. “We
also allow periodic interaction with the adjoining
sister concern of Al Ain Juniors Main Stream School
– thereby providing the children with an opportunity
to interact with their peers. These integrated classes
allow the children of the Hope Centre to be part of
a normal stream and they enjoy playing and chatto
ting with their mainstream counterparts”. Because
the Hope Centre adheres to the main stream syllo
labus through various learning modalities and using
different teaching styles, this approach has allowed
selected Hope Centre pupils to be integrated into the
Al Ain Juniors Main Stream School.
“We are very proud of our children at the Hope Cento
tre and what they have accomplished despite their
disabilities and difficulties”, Tanveer says. “There
is no medicine like hope. No incentive so great and
no tonic so powerful as the expectation of a better
the monthly school fees and would
greatly appreciate even the smallest
financial contribution. The school
also welcomes any volunteer servio
ices that will help ease the burden
on its teachers and helpers.
If you have something to give and would
like to become involved in the Hope Centre,
please call (03) 766-0092 or visit Al Ain
Juniors website at alainjuniors.com, and
contact through it’s e-mail (as HOPE centtre’s website is under construction)
April 21 - May 4, 2007
Education & Culture
Ask The Vet
Dear Dr A,
I have just noticed
that my 4 yo male cat
“Jimmy” seems to have
developed a lump on his
neck. My friends think
it might be a growth.
What should I do?
Dear Susan,
Lumps on cats can be
from various causes,
the most common beio
ing an abscess from
a cat fight. If a stray
male cat has attacked
your “Jimmy” a bite or
a scratch will result in a
“cellulitis” (inflammato
tion under the skin) and
the cat will often be
off colour for a couple
of days as an abscess
develops. The lump
will become soft as
the amount of infected
material (pus) increases
and may rupture
spontaneously. Often
however the cat needs
to be taken to the vet to
have the lump drained
and cleaned while
starting on a course of
Growths of the canceroo
ous type would be less
likely in a cat of this
age but if the lump has
been there for someto
time and is firm and
slow growing then a
tumour is a possibilio
ity. In this case Jimmy
might need some tests
such as a fine needle
aspirate (FNA) or a
biopsy of the lump to
determine its cause.
Alternatively your vet
might determine that
a full removal (exciso
sion) of the lump is the
simplest solution to the
-By Monique Holtzhausen
Humanities at AAESS.
Under the watchful eyes
of Haroon Shirwani,
Head of Arabic Studies
and Gareth Mann, a histo
tory teacher at AAESS,
the visitors received five
hours of Arabic lessons
each morning as well
as various cultural trips
and sightseeing expedito
tions. The Eton party
was also lucky to be
invited to various dinners with local
communities in the area.
The visit concluded on a high note
with a gala dinner held at the Al Ain
Rotana Hotel, during which students
from AAESS and Eton College
had an opportunity to mingle, chat,
exchange email addresses and learn
more about their peers’ school and
different way of life. “I have never
experienced anything like Al Ain and
I thoroughly enjoyed my visit here.
I particularly enjoyed the calligraphy
workshops and can’t wait to return
for a follow-up visit as soon as I posso
sibly can”, said Tom Keelan, one of
the visiting Eton College students.
The purpose of the visit was to
expose the eleven boys (aged beto
tween 14 and 18 years old) to true
Arabic and Middle Eastern culture,
history and way of life. “This was
certainly no holiday for them, but
they enjoyed the tough and rewardio
ing program that we had set up for
them”, says Steven Ronald Ronson,
Head of the Faculty for English and
Eton College was founded in 1450
and has retained its air of exclusivio
ity to this day. The school was the
breeding ground of many famous
politicians, statesmen, actors, auto
thors and journalists. Famous ‘Old
Etonians’ include Prime Minister
Clement Attlee, celebrated novelist
and journalist George Orwell and
the current leader of the Opposition,
David Cameron. Although Eton is
very much based upon traditions of
the past, the cultural studies are very
much up to the minute and relevant
and include Arabic.
Fellow Etonians Alexander Ryan and
Jack Roxburgh agreed, stating that
“… we truly valued the opportunity
to visit such a culturally rich place
and to meet with such a great bunch
of students from all over the world”.
All the Eton Students reiterated the
fact that they had gained an immo
mense appreciation of Arabic culture
through their visit and that they were
looking forward to repaying the
favour to Al Ain students wishing to
see the sights and sounds of London.
A department from the UAE
University will be hosting a Literao
ary Evening, April 25, from 5
p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Independent
Learning Center at the UAEUMaqam Campus. for the educato
tional institution’s students, staff
and their guests. The Student
Development Department of the
University General Requirements
Unit (UGRU) aims to contribute
to the culture of reading and to
enrich the participants’ minds
through the poems they would
read to each other, the slide
shows they would see and the
speeches they would hear. Among
the readings would be Experieo
he Al Ain English Speaking
School (AAESS) recently
played host to a number of visitio
ing students and staff from the
prestigious Eton College – one of
England’s oldest and most exclusive
educational establishments favored
by the British royal family.
Literary evening takes shape
Handing over the key of the new bus donated by
H.E.Sheikh Dr. Sultan Bin Khalifa Bin Zayed AlNahyan at Pakistan Islamia Higher Secondary School
Eighth Annual Research Conference
United Arab Emirates University
Community Partaking in R & D
Al Ain Rotana Hotel , 23 - 25 April - 2007
http:// sra.uaea.ac.ae/conference_8/
The grade 12 boys at Al Sanawbar School visit the
Gulf Education and Training Exhibition (GETEX)
on Thursday 12 April 2007.
ence vs. Imagination: Where
Does Creative Thinking Come
From? Aside from the English
and Arabic readings, ILC reading
materials will also be on display,
some Arabic poetry will be put in
exhibit, and used magazines will
be on sale.
For more information, call 03-767-0088
April 21 - May 4 , 2007
Al Ain Theater Society
Lucky Mae F. Quilao
prepares for the May play
Sets audience to see beyond what they think
Written by British dramatist J.B. Priestley,
An Inspector Calls is a play about the into
ter-connectedness of people in the drama
of human existence, reflecting the author’s
socialist views.
The audience can live momentarily in the
early 20th century, with all the costumes
of the characters tailored to depict the
fashions of the time. “I have not changed
anything in the play except that we added
an intermission halfway through it. I want
it to be as naturalistic as possible,”said
Jeff Weiss, Artistic Director of the Al Ain
Theater Society (AATS).
But it is more of the resourcefulness of the
members of the AATS that could encourao
age the Al Ain community to watch the
play. “The play is roughly about a family
having dinner when a police inspector
comes and asks them some questions.
From there, stories come out because the
inspector is asking these questions. In the
end, the audience will be asking themso
selves if ‘Do we look out for other people
or do we look out for ourselves first?
Which is more important?’ That is the
basic question the play presents. I hope it
presents an answer but I [also] hope that
people will talk about it and decide for
An Inspector Calls will be the second play
Weiss directs for the AATS, and the fifth
play in his career as a director. He was
also a veterinarian and trained dolphins
once. “I went to university and studied
theater in Canada in 1996, and I graduated
in 1998. I worked as an actor and then as
a casting director in various films as well.
Since then, whenever there is something
that comes up, I try to get involved. Last
year, Dale Taylor and I thought of buildio
ing this society. And it has been great,
more than we had hoped for last year.”
An Inspector Calls will be presented at the
Al Mutaqa Auditorium on May 3-4 at 7 p.m.
There will be a matinee performance on May
4 at 2 pm.
Tickets : Dh30 for adults and Dh15 for
children. For further inquiries, please contact
Dale Taylor, Managing Director of AATS, at
daleorlando@hotmail.com or Jeff Weiss at
Healing by the Holy Qur’an in Religion And Medicine
By Ola Salem
View Conference
nder the patronage of H.H Sheikh
Mohammad bin Zayed Al Nahyan
crown prince of Abu Dhabi Deputy supo
preme commander of the armed forces
and the leadership of H.H Sheikha
Fatima bint Mubarak, chairman of the
Family Development Foundation the
Healing by the Holy Qur’an in Religion
& Medicine view Conference was held
between 10th and 12th of April at Emirao
ates Palace in Abu Dhabi.
The main issues that were discussed in
this event were : healing by the holy
Qur’an from medical view, differences
and similarities between Doctors and
Ruq’ahs views, the various methods
of Qur’an therapy followed around the
world, healing with Qur’an and new
technologies and healing with Qur’an
and Media.
In this conference there were over 30
speakers and the audience was well
over a thousand. Dr. Mohammed Omar
Salem, Assistant professor at United
Arab Emirates University, Faculty of
Medicine and Health Sciences Departmo
ment of psychiatry presented a workso
shop with the title: «Cognitive Behavio
iour Therapy with Religious content».
In his presentation he started with an
introduction to explaining in a simple
way the various types of psychological
treatments. He focused on the Cognito
tive Behaviour Therapy as a modern
treatment based on scientific grounds.
The therapist assists patients by helping
them to identify their errors of thinking
and the various ways to «restructure»
them. Then he explained the SFA progo
gramme and the project of the Religious
Diary to support the patients, healthy
and positive «core beliefs».
For more information on the conference visit:
Winner !!!
Win two tickets!! Answer the following questo
Who is the most famous English playwright?
Ahmad Mustafa wins with
a. J.B. Priestley
Net City
b. William Shakespeare
c. Christopher Marlowe
mail your answer to :
Wanted in Al Ain
A female Asian driver for an Arab family
Good salary, residency visa and accommodation with the family.
Please call 050-6232424
et City, an Al-Ain training centre
under new management, held an
information campaign in the Jimi Mall
this weekend and concluded it with a
free prize draw.
Anyone interested in taking either
English or ICDL courses was asked to
fill out a ballot for a chance at winning
a free course. At 10:00 PM on Saturday
evening, Ahmad Mustafa, from Al-Ain
Juniors school, drew the winning ballot.
Net City would like to congratulate
Riyab Hassan Abd on receiving the free
course of his choice.
Net City has a new location as well as
new management; it’s located directly
beside the Jimi Mall, approximately a
two-minute walk from the Carrefour’s
April 21 - May 4, 2007
- By Monique Holtzhausen
ccording to Feline Friends, the public also
needs to be educated about the capturing, treatmo
ment and feeding of cats. “We are trying to avoid a
situation where we are making street cats dependent
on humans for their survival. We teach our volunto
teers how to (safely) capture a sick or injured cat,
treat them and then return them to the place where
they were found. Feeding stray cats only aggravates
the state of affairs On the other hand, however,
finding homes for domesticated, previously-owned
cats who have been dumped and are in need of
an owner to take care of them is a major focus of
umerous readers have recently been writing
to the Al Ain Times to raise their concerns
about the plight of cats in our city. Cat lovers from
Burheimi to Maqam all calling for a coordinated
effort to take care of stray, injured or homeless cats
and kittens.
Something urgently needs to be done. Our [domo
mesticated] cats are being poisoned and killed
by irresponsible people who are placing rat poison
in the wadi’s and rubbish bins. We have no idea
who to appeal to or what we can do to stop this from
happening to other cats”, says Marco, a concerned
citizen of Al Ain whose 7 month old cat, Fritzi, died
recently after accidentally ingesting poison. “It was
a long, slow and agonizing death for our much loved
cat. We need to know who is responsible for this
reckless behavior and who to turn to for help”.
ther reports of abuse to cats included pouring
gasoline over a kitten with before setting her
alight. “We found her seriously injured and barely
alive. We didn’t think she would make it through
the night, but she has pulled through and has almost
completely recovered to full health”, says Linda
– another local cat lover who has is often found
rushing stray, injured cats to vets to be treated or
trying to ease their suffering.
oth Abu Dhabi and Dubai have branches of
“Feline Friends”, a non-profit organization that
helps cats in the UAE. Volunteers rescue and rehome stray cats and kittens; promote the control of
street cats by sterilization and re-release and provide
care and relief to sick and injured cats and kittens.
A sad reality…
he evening when my trapping partner and I
were told of a Persian cat [running] loose in
the street was not the first time and, unfortunately,
will not be the last. We pick up a lot of pedigree
and non-pedigree pets from the streets and that is
for many reasons.
People may get a kitten and raise it at home with
their children. Then when the kitten grows up and
turns into season, it becomes noisy and aggressive
so they just release it in the streets. They totally igno
nore the solution to this problem. All they need to
do is sterilize the cat and it will, forever, be sweet,
quiet and lovely.
Pet shops are another problem. People go to the
pet shops and buy their cats from there. They pay
a lot of money for a cat that has been sitting in a
bird cage, not given proper food, not in contact
with people and, definitely, not litter tray trained.
The cat is used to doing its business just anywhere.
They take it home, give it proper cat food and the
first thing that will happen to it is that it will get
diarrhea. And since the cat is not litter tray trained
you can imagine what will happen. The people
know that the pet shop will not take the cat back so
their only solution is to release it in the street. The
solution to this problem is to avoid pet shops. This
will also teach them that if they do not put the cats
and dogs in proper conditions they will never be
able to sell them.
Feline friends always have a variety of cats that are
litter tray trained, vaccinated, sterilized and used to
human contact. You only pay a donation fee which
covers the cost of their vaccination and sterilization
with a big discount. Isn’t it better?
(Letter as posted on www.felinefriendsuae.com)
our operations“, says a volunteer worker of Feline
Friends (name withheld upon request).
number of like-minded volunteers in Al Ain
have begun meeting on an informal basis with
the view of forming a local organization similar to
Feline Friends. If you are interested in becoming
involved and would like to volunteer your time,
money or talents, kindly email your contact details
to: alainfriends@yahoo.com. We would also like
to hear your opinions on the matter. Email us your
comments at : alaintimes.comments@gmail.com
ruelty to animals
is prohibited in
the Islamic Sharia and
UAE’s laws, accordio
ing to scholars and lego
gal consultants. Every
person who maliciouslo
ly and intentionally
maims, mutilates or
tortures a living animo
mal… is guilty of an
offence punishable by
imprisonment of up to
one year, or by a fine
of not more than Dhs
10,000 or by both fine
and imprisonment.
Those offences done
both to free and roamio
ing pet animals can
be reported by any
member of the publo
lic or [by] the owner
of the animal to the
Police, who can refer
them to the prosecuto
tion. The prosecutor
will refer the lawsuit
to the court.
The Islamic Sharia, on
which the UAE laws
are based, also clearly
prohibits maliciously
torturing or the killing
of animals. Islam
does not tolerate the
torture and the bad
treatment meted out to
(Courtesy of Gulf News)
What` s
April 21 - May 4 , 2007
Al Ain Hash Desert
Dinner 2007
a blast
- Lucky Mae F. Quilao
Weddex Wedding & Fashion
Show comes to Al Ain Lucky Mae F. Quilao
The Al Ain 3rd Wedding &
Fashion Show will be dispo
playing products related to
weddings on May 6-11 at the
Celebration Land in Al Ain.
ining in the desert under the
stars , about 40 hashers from
Abu Dhabi and Dubai joined with
some 141 Al Ain Hash House Harro
riers (A2H3), rocking the night
with a DJ who played songs dating
back from the 60s to the present.
Al Ain Rotana served a 5-course
dinner and an introductory drink
while the attendees grooved in
an area belonging to the Al Ain
Camel Safaris. Some of them even
camped on the site until the sun
shone its brightest.
A highlight of the night was a
raffle wherein the A2H3 raised
about Dh3,000 to donate to a local
charity. The main sponsor of the
night, Etihad Airlines gave a free
ticket to winner Amber Cockroft,
KG1 English teacher at the Emirao
ates National School, while Arleqo
quin offered cakes, and a trip to the
desert guided by the Al Ain Camel
organize their wedding day.
All those who have produo
ucts related to weddings
are invited to participate by
booking a stand or joining
the fashion show. This is our
third show and we are tryio
ing hard to make each year
better than the previous for
the exhibitors and visitors.
This is a great opportunity
for exhibitors to expand their
market in Al Ain, show their
latest creation, and find partno
ners in Al Ain and the rest of
the UAE,” said Estrelita Pico
Paguio, Marketing Manager
of Weddex 2007.
The event will be organized
by the Al Bader Exhibition
Organizers and will be parto
ticipated in by manufacturers
of ladies and men>s wear,
lingeries, wedding gowns,
evening footwear, beauty
products, beauty saloons,
jewelers, bride accessories,
Arabian oud, perfumes,
furniture & furnishings,
fireworks, decorations &
collectibles, rent-a-car shops,
video & photography, henna
art designers, wedding planno
ners, hotels, honeymoon
destinations, tent companies,
traditional Gulf marriages,
and leather products, among
others. There would also be
a special daily fashion show
parade hosted by top fashion
designers, and a special
beauty demo on stage.
A member of Al Bader
Group of Companies, Al
Bader Exhibition Organizeo
ers has been organizing
a number of world-class
annual exhibitions in Abu
Dhabi, Ajman, Al Ain, Dubai
and Ras Al Khaimah since
1997. It has agents in Italy,
India, USA and Canada, and
is planning to extend into
Europe and Asia.
“The concept of this event
is to help the future brides
Horizon 6 Pilots Graduation
Horizon International Flight
Academy graduated the seventh
batch of flight instructors on the
11th of April 2007 at Al Ain Into
tercontinental Resort. The class
consisting of already qualified
pilots from Bahrain and UAE
who underwent an intensive
course designed to concentrate
on theory of aviation knowleo
edge and instructional techno
“Theoretical knowledge is not
enough you have to apply it, a
flight instructor is a qualified
professional who transfers his
knowledge systematically, this
is a matter of intellectual disco
cipline”. The general manager
Mr. Mohammed Humaidan Al
Zaabi told the newly graduated
There has been a keen interest
from the military, police and the
civilian sector in the GCC and
the Middle Eastern countries.
Horizon has reacted to customer
needs by expanding its training
By Monique Holtzhausen
“Emerald Elvis”, aka
Mark Leen, thrilled
partygoers at the Al Ain
Rotana Hotel recently
during the aptly themed
“Blue Hawaii” pool parto
ty. More than 200 guests
danced the night away
during a performance
that would have made
the King of Rock proud.
Mark Leen impressed
with his great voice,
stage personality and
true Elvis Presley moves,
while the wide selection
of exquisitely prepared
dishes kept guests comio
ing back for more. To
add even more fun and
excitement to the eveno
ning, Gulf Air sponsored
an “any destination” air
ticket for the best dressed
guest, with many other
rewarding prizes awarded
to the runners up who
dressed in keeping with
the Elvis Presley / Hawo
waii theme. Al Ain Times
managed to capture some
of the fun
-By Ekram youssef
portfolio to match requirements
for the aviation industry in the
In the fourth year of operations,
the academy has so far graduao
ated 95 helicopter pilots and
33 flight instructors from the
UAE as well as Bahrain, Qatar
and Saudi Arabia. Graduates
from Horizon have moved on
to pilots some of today’s most
sophisticated aircraft including
the Apache, Puma, Panther and
Al Masaood Automobiles schemes convenient car registration
Lucky Mae F. Quilao
Exclusive dealers of Nissan and Info
finiti vehicles in Abu Dhabi and Al
Ain have arranged with the Traffic
and Vehicles Registration Departmo
ment of the General Headquarters
of Abu Dhabi Police an easy way
for their customers to legalize the
cars they buy.
Al Masaood Automobiles, which
has two exclusive showrooms in
Al Ain, has launched ‘Customer
Satisfaction Initiative’ wherein
purchasers of Nissan and Infiniti
vehicles can complete all the regio
istration formalities in Najda, the
flagship showroom of Al Masaood
“Customers can now complete new
car registration procedures within
General Motors Q1 sales rise to 17% in UAE
- Lucky Mae F. Quilao
A car company has announced
its registered first quarter sales
of 4,186 from 3,474 in 2006
– thanks to Bin Hamoodah Tradio
ing & General Services, which
distributes Chevrolet, and Liberty
Automobiles Company, which sell
Cadillac and Hummer.
Across the region, General Motors
has marketed 30,679 units, a 16%
rise from the same period last
year. About 3,121 of Chevrolet,
636 GMC, and 415 Cadillac and
HUMMER were sold.
”Success in all of our largest marko
kets is due to the wide appeal of
the 17 models that were launched
in 2006, the impact of which has
been seen more visibly in the first
quarter of this year. We plan 12
further model launches across our
entire portfolio for 2007,” said
Terry Johnsson, Managing Directo
tor of GM Middle East.
Meanwhile, there is also posito
tive growth Saudi Arabia, which
accounts for 60% of GM’s total
regional sales; and an increase of
33% of sales in Oman, 81% in
Qatar, and10% in Bahrain.
“General Motors continues to
stand behind its vehicles with
unique initiatives. We have been
operating in the Middle East for
over eighty years, selling, servicio
ing and operating our business
very close to our customers and
dealers,” he added.
the showroom premises. The preseo
ence of dedicated authorities from
the General Headquarters of Abu
Dhabi Police department, coupled
with existing access to Financing
and Insurance representatives, enso
sures that customers are provided
with a One stop solution. We are
confident that with this dedicated
new car Registration facility, we
have effectively created a diffo
ferential and superior purchase
experience for our customers,” said
David Radcliffe, General Manager
of Al Masaood Automobiles.
Interested Nissan owners can
choose from the brand new Tiida,
Sedan, Hatchback, Nissan Sunny,
Altima, Maxima, 350Z, X Trail,
Pathfinder, Patrol, Armada and
Murano. Customers who wanted
something more vibrant and luxurioo
ous can opt for Infiniti models such
as FX 35 Crossover, QX56, SUV,
G35 and Coupe.
Geology Day
The Geology Department, part of the Collo
lege of Science of the UAE University, will
be hosting its 2nd Geology Day on the 2nd of
May 2007. Under the patronage of H.E. Dr.
Hadef Bin Jouan Al Dhariri, Vice-Chancellor
of the UAE University, the Geology Day will
be centered around various different activities
related to the field of Geology. This event will
be sponsored by ADNOC, ADCO, ADMA,
Schlumberger, Municipalities & Agriculture
Dept. (Al Ain Municipality), JODCO, Global
Scan Technologies, ILLAFTrain.
The Geology Day will open at 9:00 am on
Wednesday, the 2nd of May 2007 at the Al
Mutaqa for male students and Al-Maqam
compus for female students. Key note speakeo
ers on the day will include an opening speech
by the Chairman of the Department as well
as by representatives from ADNOC, Schlumbo
berger, Ministry of Education and JODCO.
April 21 - May 4, 2007
Mom’s Kitchen
- by Amal Tatanaki
1 kg lean minced meat
4 cups soaked burghul (1 1/2 dry)
1 onion minced
1 Salt
½ tsp pepper paprika cumin
½ kilo minced meat
2 minced onions
Ghee – salt – pepper – paprika – cumin
Pine nuts
Stuffing: put 1 Tb ghee in frying pan. Add onions and
let them soften. Add meat and spices. Let it cook (all
water will evaporate). Add roasted pine nuts.
Kebbeh: Wash and soak the burghul. Put onions
and burghul in the mincer and mince. Add meat and
mince again.
Add spices.
Take a medium amount of the kebbeh and roll into a
ball. Use your finger to make a well in the ball. Put
stuffing inside and close the kebbeh. Continue until
all is used.
To Serve
Deep fry the finished kebbeh in hot oil. Serve
Food Safety at Home – It’s in Your Hands
t is very important to make
sure that the food that you buy
and take home to prepare for
yourself, your family or friends
is safe. Food businesses have reso
sponsibility for selling food that
is safe to eat. Government invests
heavily to ensure food safety for
its citizens by preparing food
laws and enforcing them through
a flock of food inspectors and
modern food testing laboratories.
Do you know that there is a role
for you too, to play to make food
safe for consumption? Your reso
sponsibility start from the point,
when you purchase your food at
grocery store, how you take it to
home, how you store it, how you
prepare and serve it, and how you
deal with left over?
What makes food unsafe?
Every day people all over the
world get sick from the food they
eat. This sickness is called food
poisoning. It is caused by dangeroo
ous bacteria and/or toxic chemico
cals from the food that has been
poorly handled, stored or cooked.
The food may look, taste and
smell normal. The symptoms of
food poisoning are nausea, vomio
iting, stomach cramps, diarrhea,
fever, headaches. Symptoms can
occur within 30 minutes after
eating or a number of hours later.
They can be mild or severe.
How to make food safe?:
Here are some rules of thumb of
food safety:
1.Avoid cross contamination:
Contamination means transfer of
dangerous bacteria from some
dirty utensil to a clean utensil or
food. It is called cross because
the harmful bacteria that moves
out from the boundaries, from
something dirty to something
2.Keep the food out of temperato
ture danger zone: Temperature of
5 to 60 °C is called as temperato
ture danger zone because at this
temperature range bacteria grow
in numbers very rapidly. One
should not allow food to stay in
this zone for a long time.
3.Harmful bacteria can be killed
by application of heat: By heatio
ing food products to the core
temperature of 75°C, cells of
harmful bacteria can be deso
stroyed. Remember it is difficult
to destroy bacterial spore, which
is a dormant resistant state which
some bacteria go into when condo
ditions become unfavorable to
them. These spores remain in the
food after cooking and germinate
when the environmental condito
tions are favorable.
Your role to ensure food
In the light of above three basic
rules following course of action
is recommended to consumers
at each steps of food handling
by consumer to ensure the food
Suggested action/precaution
Buy cold food last…Take it home fast!
Don’t wait! Refrigerate.
Don’t contaminate.
Cook it well.
Serve hot food hot and cold food cold.
If in doubt, throw it out!
Consumer process of food handling and important suggestions at each step
When buying food - remember to
•Purchase meat, poultry and dairy produo
ucts (cold food) at last.
•The grocery store should be your last
task when shopping.
•Place refrigerated foods in a cooler
or cold place in a car, especially in hot
weather and if your home is far away
from the grocery.
•Purchase canned products that are free
of dents, cracks or bulging lids.
•Check that all food packages are intact
- no broken seams or tears.
•Select food packages with longest
period of time until expiration.
Proper storage maintains quality and
prevents contamination.
•Freeze meat, fish & poultry immediatelo
ly. Freezers should be at -12 to -20°C.
•Refrigerate dairy products immediately.
Refrigerator should be below 5°C.
•Wash hands with soap and water for 20
seconds before and after handling raw
meat, poultry or seafood products.
•Store canned goods in a cool, clean, dry
place. Put recent purchases in back of
older items.
• Store fresh produce (fruits & vegeo
etables) appropriately. Most should be
refrigerated and not washed until time
to use. Washing with running water is
It is very important to avoid cross conto
tamination at this stage.
•Wash and rinse cutting boards and
knives between uses, especially after
cutting raw meat, fish & poultry. It is
best to use separate cutting boards and
knives for raw meat and vegetables.
•Thaw foods in the refrigerator, never at
room temperature. Plan ahead!
•A microwave oven can be used to thaw
food but food should be cooked immedo
•Don’t let juices from raw meat, poultry
or seafood come in contact with cooked
foods or foods that will be eaten raw,
such as fruits or salad.
•Store raw food in the bottom shelf of
refrigerator below the processed/ready
to eat food.
•Wash your hands before you start food
preparations, after touching raw food
and using toilet.
•Avoid sneezing and coughing towards
Handling leftovers
Follow these steps to ensure safe hando
dling of leftovers:
Thorough cooking destroys harmful
bacteria. Cook food to the recommended
•Divide hot leftovers into small units
and store in shallow containers for quick
•Cook burgers, minced meat, sausages
and food containing egg thoroughly.
•Refrigerate leftover items immediately
after service.
•Use a thermometer for large pieces of
meat, fish and poultry to determine food
have reached a safe internal temperature.
•Wash hands before and after handling
•Avoid interrupted cooking. It is risky to
partially cook products, cool them and
then later finish cooking.
•Use microwave-safe containers when
microwaving foods.
Don’t leave foods, raw or cooked, at
room temperature (temperature danger
zone) longer than necessary and never
longer than 2 hours.
•Choose a serving style where you can
keep hot foods above 60°C and cold
foods below 5°C.
•Products that have been served to
guests should not be reused.
•Wash hands with soap and water before
serving or eating food.
•Reheat leftovers thoroughly to a tempo
perature of 75°C. Bring soups, sauces
and gravies to a rolling boil.
•Don’t keep leftovers more than 7 days.
•If you are in doubt that leftover is conto
taminated, throw it out.
Enjoy your food. But remember it is
up to you to make sure it does not turn
nasty. Businesses and the Government
takes cares of food safety until you buy
the food from the grocery, after that food
safety is in your hands. You should take
proper care of the food at all of the steps
mentioned above to minimize or elimino
nate the chances of food poisoning.
Article By : Abdulkadar Wasesa, M.S.
College of Food & Agriculture United
Arab Emirates University, Al Ain
April 21 - May 4 , 2007
World Famous Squad
ubai, UAE: Delwood
Sports Marketing is set to
bring the excitement and action
of the world famous Harlem
Globetrotters basketball team
to the region once again from
6-12 May 2007. The phenomeo
enal tour will kick off in Abu
Dhabi on 7 May 2007 at the Al
Jazeerah Sports Club for a twoday show, and will be followed
by four games in Dubai from
8 -12 May 2007 at the Al Nasr
Sports Club. Tickets have alro
ready gone on sale and the orgo
ganizers anticipating the shows
to be sold out in advance.
he Al Ain Golf Club recently
hosted a very successful
Men’s Open. Players came from
Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and
Al Ain, and enjoyed two days of
fervent competition, but also fun
and relaxation. The lowest overall
gross prizes went to Bob Driver
(1st), Deano Hopewell (2nd) and
Noel Boardman (3rd). Lowest
overall Nett was scored by Jaques
Schreider. The Etihad Longest
Drive Competition was won by
John Cloete, who will move on
to participate in the countrywide
competition. Other prizewinners
were: Jacques Schreuder and
Andrew Costelow ( Lowest Nett
Day 1 and 2), Andrew Stedman
and Paul McBeth (Best Front Nine,
Day 1 and 2); Jaco Breytenbach
and Paul England (Best Back Nine,
Day 1 and 2) Ralph AL lenand Bob
Driver (Nearest to the Pin) and
Edwin Scheepers and Pierre Cillie
(Longest Drive )
All the players vowed to return for
the 2007 Open.
Diarize the following important
• Saturday 21st April Club
Competition Stablford tee-off
8.00 am.
• Friday 27th April Annual
General Meeting as previously
•Saturday 28th April
Monthly Medal tee-off 8.00 am
Play 2 Games
“Based on the
enthusiasm of the
spectators last
year, we decided
to add two more
shows in Abu
Dhabi. The Globo
betrotters are the
only real family
event in the UAE
where the kids
have as much fun
as the adults. So
we encourage
everyone to get tickets early
to avoid disappointment as we
are anticipating the shows to
be sold out very soon”, says
Farbod Dowlatshahi, President
of Delwood.
The Globetrotters will continue
their tradition of introducing
new amazing ball-handling
and comedy routines whilst
incorporating timeless classics
from throughout their history
as a team. Highlights of the
show will include “the magic
circle” and the figure 8-weave
offense along with pre-game
you know?
he Al Ain Golf Club is
located on the outskirts
of Al Ain in the foothills of
the Hajar Mountains. As the
only Wadi golf course in the
UAE, the unique sand course
was designed around the exio
isting thorn trees and bushes.
After the rains, the course is
covered in a fine shimmer
of green grass … awakening
dreams of a grass surface in
the distant future...
Sponsorships for competito
tions are given by the Al Ain
Hilton Hotel, Coca Cola, PIC
& de Vere, Etihad Airways
and the Al Ain Dairy Farm.
The Golf Club currently has
65 members who actively
participate in the monthly
medal, ball pool, as well as
away matches against other
The next time you are in Al
Ain, come and enjoy play
a round of golf at the club.
You are sure to be impressed
by the most affordable
golf you’ll ever play in the
Emirates (only 50 AED per
round)! Range balls are 15
AED per bucket and you can
enjoy the floodlit driving
range until 8 PM.
For further information contact
the club on (03) 7686808
and half-time promotions,
honorary coach competitions,
handouts and giveaways. The
team mascot, Globie, will
be out in full force at all the
games, providing endless
entertainment throughout the
tour. An autograph session will
also feature at the end of every
game, giving fans an opporto
tunity to meet their favorite
The Harlem Globetrotters team
was founded in 1926 and has
been named the most popular
and exciting professional ento
tertainment team in the world.
Since their inception, they have
traveled to 118 nations, played
before 124 million fans, won
numerous championships and
built bridges between people
and communities around the
As a group of “Goodwill
Ambassadors”, the Harlem
Globetrotters have donated
millions of dollars to charity
organizations such as youth in
South Africa and the tsunami
Abu Dhabi
victims in Asia. The UAE is
no exception to this tradition
as the team has promised its
support to the efforts of the orgo
ganizers to raise funds for the
Dubai Autism Center through
auctions, prize raffles and dono
nations. UAE Corporations are
encouraged to enter a team for
a pre-event basketball tournamo
ment which allows the players
to train with the Globetrotters
and play in front of a large
audience with parts of the entry
fee going to the charity.
charging through the rucks
and the smaller Al Ain players
tackling their hearts out.
They travelled on Friday the
13th without a few of their
big forwards available for the
match and youngsters Alex
Diaper and J.P. Denour really
had to step up to the challenge
if Al Ain were to come away
with the win.
The well drilled Hurricanes
pack scored again and once
more before the end of the
game and the dreams of the
season were in tatters as Al
Ain lost the game by 25 to 12.
Another great try just before
half time by our Morroccan
import saw the game evenly
poised at 12 all at the break.
The second half started just
like the first with the big Hurro
ricanes forwards barging and
Ain Times - 050 - 449 1704,
ITP Ticketline, Box Office ME,
Virgin Megastores, selected
Spinney’s stores and at the
Delwood Office in Dubai
Media City.
For corporate, family and school packaages, please contact Delwood Sports
Marketing on 04-3681548 or visit
For further information, please
Tickets are available from Al
The Al Ain Amblers were
hoping to finish their best
season for the past 3years on
a high and travelled to Dubai
to take on the Hurricanes. Al
Ain had beaten them resoundeo
edly in the first round and a
similar result could see them
finish on top of the ladder.
The Hurricanes scored again
but Al Ain clawed their way
back with a brilliant try by
Michael Hartley after great
lead up work and pass by Jay
George and after 20 minutes
the score was 12 to 7 with Al
Ain on the come back trail.
Rawaj International FZ-LLC
The six shows in the UAE are
sponsored by Chevrolet, Fed
Didem Turkmen / Komal OdhraniEx and Gulf News, and suppo
ported by Dubai Sports Counco
cil, UAE Basketball Associato
+971 4 391 3565
tion, City 7, Radio 1 & Radio
+971 4 391 3564
2, Arabian Park Hotel, Caribou
Coffee, and Oasis Water.
E-mail: komal.m@rawajinternational.
Tickets in Dubai are priced at
AED 195 (VIP courtside seats),
AED 95 and AED 75 (regular
Get one ticket FREE
seating) while in Abu Dhabi at
AED 195 (VIP courtside seats) when you subscribe to Al Ain Times
and AED 95 (regular seating).
Limited Offer : Call 050 - 4491704
Al Ain Amblers
take on the Hurricanes
The game started at a feverio
ish pace and the Hurricanes
scored first with a long range
try down the right wing.
The conversion saw Al Ain
trailing 7 - 0 after only 10
A sickening shoulder charge
to halfback Michael Hartley
that left him dazed and bleedio
ing was the turning point of
the match as the Hurricanes
drew ahead.
The bruised and battered Ambo
blers held their heads high as
they finshed 3rd on the ladder
posting their best finish to the
season in 3 years.
All that is left of the season
is the celebrations. First up is
the Youth team presentation
day down at the club on Satuo
urday April 21st from 4pm.
With a fun day for the family,
bouncy castle, face painting
and gourmet BBQ it is sure to
be a great day.
The Al Ain Rugby Spring
Ball is the presentation and
party night for the Adult
team- a night not be missedis held in the Hilton Ballroom
on April 27th from 7pm. Eveo
eryone is welcome and tickets
are available from the club.
Victorious in Doha
Young Al Ain Rugby Players
by Steve Arnott
Al Ain Under 10 year olds celebrateo
ed a fantastic season with a weekeo
end tour to Doha in Qatar.
The first game between Doha “A”
and Al Ain “A” started with a long
pass to the super fast combination
of Luke Howarth and Eoin Cunno
niffe. Final score 15-0.
The second game was Doha “B
against Al Ain “B”. With Thomas
Bredemus at scrum half they overpo
powered Doha 20-10.
In the third game Al Ain “B” were
narrowly beaten by Doha “A”.
After a short break Al Ain “A”
played their final competitive game
against Doha “B”, and had a reso
sounding 20-0 victory.
Susana Sotutu was named Player
of the Tournament, Cameron
Arnott was the Al Ain Man of the
Match, Elanor Holden was voted
most improved player, and Thomas
Bredemus was voted best new find
of the day. Luke Howarth scored
an astonishing seven tries, his tally
could have been eight tries but
having crossed the try line on one
occasion he then passed the ball to
another player to allow them to get
on the score sheet.
Anyone interested in playing youth rugby in
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April 21 - May 4, 2007
Upcoming Films!
Reviewed by Ola Salem
Perfect Stranger
A Sudoku puzzle consists of a 9x9 grid which has been subdivided into 9
smaller grids. The aim of the game is that each column, row anbox must
hen reporter Rowo
wena Price (Halle
Berry) finds out that her
friend’s murderer may
be linked to Harrison
Hill (Bruce Willis); a
powerful executive in
an advertising agency,
she goes undercover as
contain each of the numbers; one to nine. Meaning you cannot use the same
number twice in any column, row or box!
a ‘temp’ to find out the
truth. She soon discovers
that the closer she gets to
the truth, the harder it is
to find it.
May contain sexual
content, nudity, some
disturbing violent images
and language.
Music and Lyrics
witty, romantic
comedy about
Alex Fletcher (Hugh
Grant), who was a
former pop star back
in the 1980s. Two
decades later, he’s
given the opportunity
to write and record a
duet with diva Cora
Corman. This at first
seems problematic as
Alex hasn’t written
anything new in more
than a decade and his
deadline is one week.
Luck steps in when it
turns out that Alex’s
plant lady; Sophie Fisheo
er (Drew Barrymore),
has a talent for rhymio
ing. She is reluctant to
work with Alex at first,
but he is persistent and
they eventually get
down to the business
of making beautiful
art. May contain some
sexual content.
The Number 23
Picture of the Week
alter Sparrow
(Jim Carrey)
twists his once peacefo
ful life into a blaze of
psychological torture
that may in fact lead
to his death as well as
the deaths of his loved
ones. The story begins
with his wife; Agatha,
giving him a book as a
birthday gift. The book
portrays a murder mysto
tery that seems to echo
Walter’s life in dark and
uncontrollable ways
and soon becomes his
misery. He is left with
no other choice but to
unveil the book’s mysto
teries before he commo
mits the same crime.
Contains violence, disto
turbing images, sexualio
ity and language.
The Painted Veil
Natural History Group, this snake was found in Sharjah
by Maha Tatanaki
at a picnic spot and was over 80cm in length.
The Good Shepherd
starring Matt Damon, Angelina
Jolie and Robert De Niro
The movie captures you from
the start with a mysterious tape
being played repetitively. As
love story set in
the 1920’s about
an English couple Kitty
Matt Damon’s character puts
the pieces together, the story
clears up and the suspense
builds. If you are up fro a depp
and intriguing experience, ‘The
Good Shepherd’ is the movie
to watch this week.
Later they find an uneo
expected chance at happo
piness and love while
on a deadly journey
into the heart of ancient
Some mature sexual
situations, partial nudo
dity, disturbing images
and brief drug content.
Al Ain Times
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Al Ain -U.A.E
Picture of a snake taken by Chrisitan from Emirates
Fane (Watts); a woman
from a wealthy family,
and Dr. Walter Fane
(Norton). They soon
marry after meeting at
a party, although at this
point they are not actuao
ally in love. They soon
relocate to Hong Kong.
There Kitty betrays
him by having an affair
with a British diplomat.