it`s beginning to happen - Christian Rods and Customs


it`s beginning to happen - Christian Rods and Customs
14742 Beach Blvd. #415
La Mirada, CA
Our members have begun reserving rooms, sending money for breakfast tickets
and entering their cars in the Route 66 Car Show. If you have not done so, get on
board! You will have a great time. Remember, all roads lead to Little America Resorts, 2515 E. Butler Ave., Flagstaff, AZ, for our 25 year reunion. Little America has
worked with us to make the costs reasonable. Those who attended the 20 year event
know that the venue is spectacular and the food is great. The reunion activities are:
Thursday, September 4. Little America check in. Cruise to dinner at Freddy’s
Steakburger. Prayer circle in the pines.
Friday, September 5. Reunion Breakfast at Little America. Route 66 car show
check in. Cruise to Williams for shopping and dinner.
Prayer circle in the pines.
Saturday, September 6. Route 66 Car Show. Prayer circle in the pines.
Sunday, September 7. Devotional time in the pines and travel home.
Room rates: $119.00 + tax
Reunion Breakfast tickets: $22.00 per person
Hotel reservation number: 1-800-435-2492, ask for Christian Rods & Customs room
Reunion Breakfast tickets may be purchased in advance by mailing your name and
$22.00 to Christian Rods & Customs, 14742 Beach Blvd, #415, La Mirada, CA 906384259. Tickets purchased at the event will be $25.00 per person.
You will get more specific times and descriptions of the reunion events when we
send your breakfast tickets.
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2nd QUARTER 2014
For over 20 years CR&C has conducted the
chapel service at The West Coast Kustoms show,
formerly in Paso Robles, and now in Santa Maria,
The cars at this show are some of the wildest
Kustoms you’ll ever see. Also, the Who's Who of
the car culture are there—Barris, Winfield, Blackie,
etc.,etc. We saw many folks lined up to get autographs and a chance to shake the hand of one of
their heroes.
Floyd and Becki Dutton from our Oklahoma City
chapter drove their Edsel to enter this show and it
was a highlight of our CR&C exhibit. See article on
Page 7.
On Sunday we conducted our chapel service for
small but prayerful crowd. Be in constant prayer for
our CR&C Worship Team of Dave Smith, Buddy
Wymore, Ralph and Karen Provost and those supporting members who man the booths, help in set
up and give encouragement.
Lots of good information is shared when the guys
get together.
Karen and Yolanda found the jewelry lady early
on. If you want a great shopping day be here.
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Since 2002 CR&C has been conducting a chapel
service for the huge LA Roadsters Father’s Day
Show at the Fairplex in Pomona, CA.
If you are a roadster fan, you would be in heaven
at this show. Limited to Roadsters, this is the best
show in the country if you love hot rods—T’s, A’s,
32’s, 34’s 36’s—every shape, color and combination.
The Smiths, Provosts, and Wymores were up
before sunrise in order to drive a hundred miles or
more to gather at the front gate and enter the Pomona Fairplex to get everything set up for the chapel
service to be held at 9:30 AM.
CR&C is blessed to have the opportunity to
share word and song with the faithful every year.
Karen Provost opened the service with several worship songs and then Dave, Buddy and Karen led the
congregational singing. Buddy sang his “Second
Chance” reminding us that God will always forgive
and give us that second chance. Karen and Dave,
with Buddy for backup, did a brilliant rendition of “It
Ain’t Nobody’s Fault But Mine.” (Check this song out
on You Tube.)
Ralph told us of his experience and frustrations
in building out a couple of 50’s—yes, I said a
“couple” - all at one time. He said that he was often
frustrated and disappointed in himself when things
didn’t go exactly as he had planned. Surely, you
can relate. But he reminded us that no matter what
our circumstance or situation, God is always there
to love and care and pick us up when we ask. We
just have to ask.
We saw lots of dads and kids sharing time together and looking at the vast array of gorgeous
Thanks to the LA Roadster crew for allowing us
to share God’s “good news.”
The following pictures are compliments of Rod Authority. For full
coverage of The Roadster Show go
Page 4
The Annual Super Cruise was held on April 12th
beginning with a great breakfast at the Woodward
residence in Riverside. It takes many hardworking
hands to prepare for and cook all the goodies for
this event. Can’t say enough “thanks” to them all.
There were approximately 15-20 cars in attendance and we left on the cruise at 9:30 a.m. We
took the scenic route to Tom’s Farms and what a
treat that was. We toured the shops, checked out
the cars and motorcycles, ate some goodies, staying for about an hour before getting back on the
We then drove through the back roads to Menifee. Many of us had never been in this “back country” so enjoyed the landscape. We arrived at the
Spurbeck’s where we were treated to a lovely salad
bar and soft drinks. After much visiting and relaxing, we left for a cruise to Bob’s Big Boy Restaurant
in Norco for an early dinner. This was a special
treat because a van/van conversion truck show featuring 60’s and 70’s vans was being held at the restaurant and we were able to peruse these vans before placing an order for our dinner.
The weather was excellent and our prayers
were answered regarding good food, fellowship and
traveling mercies. We forgot to pray for no one to
get lost and that did happen but the lost party did
find their way. We won’t mention any names, or
initials either…….
In His Service—Jim and Linda Spurbeck
Our brothers and sisters in Canada have started
a new chapter of CR&C—Christian Rods and Customs, Alberta, Canada. Please pray for them as
they begin their endeavors there.
President: Lowell Ross
Vice-President—Gerry Sinkler
Treasurer—Arnold Ott
Secretary—Barbara Ross
General Members: Ernie Eggert, Harry Hoyer,
Douglas Haberstock, Bill Wright, Ken McConachie,
Jim Moss, Milton Mellott.
July 11—CR&C Club Night, Cruisin’ Grand,
Escondido, CA
July 26—Annual Beach Cruise at Doheny State
Park. San Juan Capistrano, CA
August 11—12– Big Bear Show
August 29-31—Great Labor Cruise, Orange County
Fairgrounds, Costa Mesa, CA
September 4-7—25 Year Reunion, Flagstaff AZ
October 6—Veterans Benefit Show
October 4—5—Bishop Fall
. Colors Show—CR&C
will do chapel service here.
CR&C WEBSITE—http://
All organizations have founders and pioneers.
Al and Kathy Roberts, Christians and hot rodders,
felt the Lord’s call to unite Christians with an interest in old cars. Early in 1985 Al wrote Street Rodders Magazine indicating he wanted to start a
Christian car club. The letter was printed and Al and
Kathy began to receive responses.
They decided their hobby needed “church” at
their car shows, drag races, etc. since so many
events happen on Sunday. They formed United
Christian Street Rod Association and began holding
worship services at events throughout the western
U.S. As the years passed a newsletter was developed, special events planned, and many more
chapel services held at major events.
After some time the name was changed to
Christian Rods & Customs and, as you know,
CR&C is celebrating 25 years as an international
We are sad to report that Al Roberts died in a
motorcycle accident May 21, 2014. Our prayers
and condolences to his family and friends. Following is a note from Kathy Roberts.
“Just a note to let you all know that the founder
of CR&C was killed in a motorcycle accident
5/21/2014. I’m still in disbelief. It is such a shock.
“We had not planned ahead so I am praying I
can keep the house. Please pray for me.
“Thank you for the good job you’re doing with the
association. God bless you all!
Kathy Roberts
PS. Al had such a love for the Lord. He was doing a
Christian blog on the internet until his death. He
sang a solo Easter Sunday—”He Lives.”
The site has been updated and continues to receive many hits. Please check it out. If any info about your
chapter is incorrect, please email Jerry Spear at
Page 5
Often I write on the issue of staying focused.
There are always moments when incidents and
conversations distract us. Events out of our control
and distractions of this world can take us away from
God’s agenda. Recently, however, I found myself
in the middle of a day that was totally out of my control, but meant for God’s glory.
I decided to travel from Fresno to San Diego on
Amtrak, my first train excursion in more than two
decades. I’m sitting in Fresno when I hear the announcement that my train has been delayed because of “traffic congestion on the rail.” A second
delay was announced. I finally boarded the train
and everything was going smoothly until I reached
Los Angeles only to discover I had missed my train
to San Diego.
I rushed to the customer service counter where I
ran into what I can only describe as an “iceberg.”
After telling her my plight, she looked at me, pointed
her finger to a sign above the counter and asked if I
could read. I quickly retreated from what I considered the “customer intimidation counter,” bought a
sandwich and found a seat while waiting for the
next train.
A young man with a child was sitting across from
me. We began a conversation and in just a few
minutes, Elmer, an immigrant, opened his heart
filled with pain. It seemed his wife had left, he was
out of work and was caring for his three-year-old
Elmer was on his way to visit his parents. The
only thing I knew to do was share God and His comforting grace, even in what seemed a desperate and
hopeless situation.
Elmer told me he was a believer, but had drifted
far from God. I told Elmer that the Father is waiting
for his return. Elmer said he knew and understood
that, but asked for my continued prayers. As he and
his son walked away to catch their train, I knew why
I missed my connection. All my frustration that day
was part of God’s plan to share hope with Elmer
and his son.
Please don’t forget that your detour may be an
opportunity to connect with a stranger in the middle
of a frustrating day. My emotions that day were raw
and I was ready to take on Amtrak’s administration.
Instead, God used me to remind Elmer to “Cast
all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.”
All around us there are agendas. My agenda is
to do the will of Him who called, sent and encourages me to take a moment at a train station to tell
Elmer about a loving Father who cares a great deal
about him.
I encourage you to fill each conversation with the
hope we find in God’s Word. Do not allow anyone to
highjack your conversations by imposing their agendas on your mission to share Christ. Remain faithful!
In June we were having a good time driving down to Dubbo for the V8Nationals. But, as luck would have
it, we got a flat tyre after leaving Gunnedah. There was plenty of support (see picture 1 below), so I put the
spare on. We traveled along merrily until I began to hear a slight sound in the motor after we left Tamworth.
We kept going and arrived in Gilgandra, where the guys said that it was a big End Bearing gone bad.
Luckily, a friend removed his ’49 Ford from his trailer and put the ’34 on it to take to Dubbo, where it went on
We had driven over 500 miles and the car was traveling well, but was losing oil out of the transmission
when we stopped. When we pull the motor, we will have to look at the transmission again.
Fortunately for us, a doctor cousin of mine who lived in Dubbo wanted a Toyota Camry brought to Brisbane to his brother, so we had a good trip home. So you can see that the Lord provided not only to get the
‘34 back to Brisbane, but also a car for us to drive home. It is nice to be back home again and slowly getting
back to normal.
Trevor and Pam Poulsen
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In preparation for our Flagfstaff event, Molly and
I had some CR&C business to conduct with NSRA’s
Chaplain Jim Rowlett so we drove up to Bakersfield,
Ca for the NSRA show there. We met Molly’s son
Eric and his wife on Sunday and we all attended the
church service along with over 120 other car folks.
NSRA supports Chaplain Jim’s work at their various
shows across the country and through NSRA’s
Street Scene Magazine and Jim’s “Thy Rod” column. God bless NSRA for helping to spread the
The CR&C International Picnic was held in Vista,
CA. Due to high gas prices attendance was down,
but that didn’t dampen the spirits of those attending.
Weather was great; we experienced joyful fellowship; cars were judged with much enthusiasm. Below you see Dave Smith presenting the trophy for
the People’s Choice.
These vehicles are just two of the over 1200 cars
that were in attendance at this event. We were very
impressed with the professional quality of all the
vehicles we saw there.
Chaplain Jim Rowlett and Roy Patrick preaching and singing at the Chapel Service.
You’ve never seen a ‘58 Edsel two door wagon? Well, if you have a chance to check out the Dutton’s blue
and white beauty, you are in for a treat. They are touring the country in this great car and grabbing trophies
along the way. It’s chopped, modified, and is an engineering marvel from the power plant to the satellite radio antenna. While attending the Santa Maria show, the photographers went crazy trying to capture it on film.
In the June issue of NSRA Street Scene, page 84, there’s one of the many shots you will see in any number of magazines to be published soon.
Floyd and Becki are on the CR&C International Board and we truly appreciate their service.
We had a great two weeks with Floyd and Becki Dutton. During their stay with us, we took Floyd’s Edsel
to two local cruise nights—Ruby’s diner in Whittier, Ca and Bob’s Big Boy, or more famously known as “The
Broiler”,in Downey, CA. His car was a hit garnering at least one trophy. We also toured the Petersen Museum
and Kugel Komponents.
The stay culminated with a cruise to Santa Maria for the West Coast Kustoms “Cruisin’ Nationals.” Again
the Edsel trophied. We cruised up with Rick and Mary Hibbard in their fine 1956 Chevy. Becki helped with
the praise singing and we had a glorious time.
Dave and Margaret Smith
We are a non-denominational association of Christian car enthusiasts and these are our beliefs:
1. We believe that there is one God in the form of three persons; The Father, and The Son, and The Holy Spirit.
2. We believe in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ as God the Son, His virgin birth, His death at Calvary in our place on
the cross,
His resurrection from the dead and His forthcoming return.
3. We believe that the Holy Bible is the inspired and infallible word of God, that all are sinners and in need of salvation,
and that
the only hope for redemption is the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
4. With all of these truths in mind we proudly bear the title of CHRISTIANS, committing ourselves to the Lord Jesus
bound together with the love of the Savior, our other members, and our fellow man.
For all of you who have expressed a desire to be members of the Christian Rods & Customs, if you agree with this Statement of Faith, please fill out the CONFIRMATION APPLICATION form below as a confirmation of your love and continued interest, and your desire to be aligned with us. Happy and Safe Cruising!
1. Acknowledge that you are a sinner. (ROMANS 3:23) “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD.”
2. Repent of your sin. Repent means to have a change of mind. (LUKE 13:3) “Except ye repent, ye shall likewise perish.”
3. Confess all known sin. (1 JOHN 1:9) “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us
from our unrighteousness.”
4. Ask Jesus into your heart and ask Him to save you. (ACTS 2:21) “All who call on the name of the Lord shall be
5. Believe. (MARK 16:16) “He that believes and is baptized shall be saved.”
After you have accepted Jesus as Your Lord and Saviour, find a good Bible preaching church and start
Attending. Also read your Bible daily. Welcome into the Family of God.
I agree with the above statement of faith. Signature ___________________________________________
Be a part of what God is doing
Through Christian Rods & Customs!
Join our fellowship.
You’ll be glad you did!
Name: ____________________________________
Address: __________________________________
City: _____________________________________
State: ________ Zip: ________
Phone: (____) ____________________________
Newsletter supported by $25 min. family/yr. Donation
Christian Rods & Customs
14742 Beach Blvd. #415
La Mirada, CA 90638-4259
The site has been updated and continues to receive many hits. Please check it out. If any info about your
chapter is incorrect, please email Jerry Spear at