TuTorial #1: THE NEW DoMaiNSaTCoST.Ca HoMEPaGE This
TuTorial #1: THE NEW DoMaiNSaTCoST.Ca HoMEPaGE This
Tutorial #1: THE NEW DOMAINSATCOST.CA HOMEPAGE This bright and detailed tutorial is designed to help you seamlessly integrate into our new website! Found in this tutorial is a screen capture of our coming soon newly-redesigned Domainsatcost.ca site. And on the screen capture, you’ll see arrows pointing to specific and important features found on the site. These arrows will help you become familiar with where the features are located on the site. And below the screen capture, you’ll also find corresponding text including helpful descriptions of what the highlighted features are all about. So let’s get started! A. Search Box At Domainsatcost.ca, you can search for a domain name in any extension that we offer quickly and easily, right from our homepage. And now, we have enhanced our search capabilities to allow for bulk domain registrations which allow you to search for one domain, many domains or even upload a whole list of them! It is located conveniently in the centre of our homepage, to make it as easy as possible for you to search and register the domains you want. B. Login Box We want you to be able to login to your Domainsatcost.ca account as easily as possible. You can now login to your account directly from our homepage, and we have also included a “Secure Login” link should you need to access your account in a public place. Located in the header of our website, you can easily and safely login at anytime. C. Quick Links Our “Quick Links” box containing a list of helpful links is a handy resource for any important information related to domain registration, hosting and management. It is now found on the left hand side of our newly-designed homepage in an easily accessible location next to the Customer Support link. D. Customer Support Domainsatcost.ca’s Customer Support staff is ready to help you with any questions you may have. Now located on the left side of our website is the link that directs you to the information you need in order to contact us. But not only that, through this link you can also easily access our comprehensive FAQs, helpful Ask-A-Question forum and our Live Chat console. E. Live Chat NEW! Domainsatcost.ca now offers Live Chat assistance where you can now get help from our Customer Service staff right when you need it! Just click on the Live Chat link found on the header of our webpage, and login to chat instantly with a representative who can help you answer your questions right away. F. Domain Manager NEW! Own more than just a few domain names and having trouble keeping a handle on them? Domainsatcost.ca now has an industry-leading domain management interface – the Domain Manager, where you will find all your registered domains as well as the ability to sort, categorize and perform bulk edits on them! No longer do you have to scroll through an endless list of domains to find the one you’re really looking for. G. Domain Watch NEW! Domainsatcost.ca’s innovative and all-new Domain Watch tool lets you track your domains registered at other registrars for FREE! Gone are the days of maintaining an Excel spreadsheet to keep track of where your domains are registered and when they expire. For those of you who are hooked on Excel, we will even let you export your list into an Excel file. This tool will definitely be very useful to you if you are managing domains at multiple registrars, so we have included a direct link in our header navigation!
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