December 2010 Whippet News


December 2010 Whippet News
President.... ............................................Russell McFadden 505-753-6782
Vice President.... ....................................Connie Brunkow 217-431-8972
Treasurer... ............................................ .David Samuelson 651-454-4174
Secretary ..........................................................Cindy Scott 719-594-9974
................................. 3655 Cragwood Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Class of 2011……….Lisa Costello, Donna Lynch, Cindy Scott
Class of 2012: ….Connie Brunkow, Russ McFadden, Kay Nierengarten
Class of 2013:…….Henry Heil, Christine Hopperstad, David Samuelson
Bleu Poodles, Logan, Oh.; Dorothy Lindmier, Douglas, Wy.;
Bethany Moore, Austin, Tx.
Anna Mari Andersson, Valkeala, Finland; Erin Campbell, Santa
Clara, Ca.; Douglas Conrad, Raleigh, NC; Cathryn Day,
Aurora, Co.; Nancy DeChant, Graham, Wa.; Tuija Elomaa,
Lahela, Finland; Marita Furu, Iksmo, Finland; Johanna
Gustafsson, Salo, Finland; Robert Gunderman, Eugene, Or.;
Virginia Hopkins, Wilmington, De.; Mary Huff, Cokato, Mn.;
Jaana Jylanto, Turku, Finland; Marianne Klinkowski, Cupertino, Ca.; Mary Lake, Sandord, Fl.; Jan Leikam, Snohomish,
Wa.; Nilla Lindholm, Esbo, Finland; Heidi Lonnakko, Lautiosaari, Finland; Pia Mannila, Vantaa, Finland; Johnstone
McLeod, Dunlop, Ayreshyire, UK; Kathy Mittler, San Antonio,
Tx.; Kari Naukkarinen, Kuopio, Finland; Julia Pieper, Las Cruces, NM; Jaana Porkka, Kerava, Finland; Martha Reed, Pascagoula, Ms.; Nancy Temple, Rainier, Or.; Nina Viskari, Vantaa,
Finland; Meri Wilenius, Kotka, Finland
Jessica Brown, Wiebke Heron, K & R Hutchinson, Donna Rotman-Miner, Patricia Shiley, Norman Smith, Paula Snell, Mrs.
Fukie Yoshimoto
Board of Directors:
AKC DELEGATE.… ............................ …..Donna Lynch 508-636-0705
ASFA DELEGATE:…………………………... CJ Foxx 303-424-5144
Archives ......................................................... Bo Bengtson 805-646-3151
Health................. Drs. Connie Austin, Connie Brunkow, Lisa Costello
Futurity .......................................................... Kathy Slater 618-585-4677
Judge’s Education ........................................... Mary Dukes 704-843-7195
Membership .......................................... Kay Nierengarten 218-729-8003
Parade of Honors ............................ Alice VandenBussche 315-945-2672
Performance Events ............................... Dr. Lisa Costello 815-695-1930
ROM Program .................................................. Gail Boyd, 919-362-4427
Show ................................................................Cindy Scott 719-594-9974
Top Twenty ............................................ Linda Waggoner 541-347-2171
Versatility ..................................................John Heffernan 413-369-4399
Whippet Health Foundation ............... Mary Beth Arthur 414-355-4776
Whippet Rescue, WRAP ............. Dr. Barbara Henderson 301-490-6598
Applications for AWC membership may be obtained either on request from
Membership Chair Kay Nierengarten, 5654 Chalstrom Dr., Saginaw, MN
55779, or emailed to
AWC website:
Breeder Referrals: Mary Downing
Newsletter Editor ...................Christine Hopperstad, 130 34th Ave. E.,
Seattle, WA 98112 206-322-5872
Assoc. Editor ……………….Kirsten Hopperstad,
Annual Editor ............................ Wendy Clark, 5088 Breckenhurst Dr.,
Hilliard, OH 43026 614-777-0124
One year subscription rate for monthly newsletter & annual:
online only $25.00, print $45; foreign: online only $25, print $60
Advertising (on a space available basis):
Full page, one photo -- $50.00, each additional photo $10.00
Full page, camera ready -- $40.00
Text only, no photos: Full page -- $35.00, Half page -- $25.00
Photographs should be originals and will be returned.
Pedigrees must be typed in standard pedigree format.
Subscription and advertising payments may be made by PayPal at —
DEADLINE — The first day of the month for that month’s issue.
THE WHIPPET NEWS ANNUAL Current issue: 2009. Back issues
available for 1986-2008 (except 1987 & 1990 through 1992). Cost: $25.00
each ($30.00 foreign), which includes shipping; all funds in U.S. dollars,
payable by check or money order and mailed to Annual Editor Wendy
Clark (address above). Purchase can also be made through PayPal at:
The American Whippet Club and The Whippet News assume no responsibility for
statements or claims made in the letters to the editor or advertisements that appear
in its publications.
COMMENTS regarding applicants may be sent to AWC Membership Chair Kay Nierengarten, 5654 Chalstrom Dr., Saginaw, MN 55779 or
emailed to: and should be sent no later than 30
days after the applicant has been published in the WN.
Dear Readers,
Please make note…as of 1/1/2011 my email address will
change to — 40 years ago when I was first
interested in Whippets, I met Doris Ringer who had been
showing and racing and occasionally breeding Whippets for a
number of years in this area. Over the years we spent untold
hours talking dogs and she proved to be a very good friend
and full of enthusiasm and joie de vivre. Doris is still with us,
in her 80’s now, and currently recovering from a medical
emergency. If you’d like to send her a card her address is
11515 – 17th NE, Seattle, WA 98125. — Purina recently an
interview with Kerrie Kuper and her husband Neil Barthelette
about their KARASAR Whippets and family a couple of months
ago and the article is now online and can be found at http:// — Condolences to Linda Larson for the
loss of Ch. Plumcreek Come Fly With Me, and to Cheri Boutelle
for the loss of Ch. Queenie’s Hearts of Fire; both great dogs
and both incomparable companions. — — Greetings of the
season, may all of you and your dogs be Happy, Healthy and
Successful at all you do throughout the New Year!!!
National Show Chair Cindy Scott
Eastern Harriett Lee 434-295-4525
Midwest Pat Richey 330-735-2486
N. Central David Samuelson
651-454- 4174
S. Central Kathy Rasmussen
Southern David Howton 770-345-2120
Western Pam Magette, 562-598-8717
The Eastern Specialty is moving to March, 2011
with the Celtic Cluster in York, Pa. There will be
five days: Wednesday, March 16 Judge Mr. Whitney Coombs; Thursday, March 17 Judge Ms. Carol
Esterkin; Friday, March 18, Philadelphia Area Whippet Ass’n Support, Sweeps - Lelia D. Anichini, Breed
Iva Kimmelman; Saturday, March 19, Eastern
Specialty, Sweeps Diane Arner-Motzkus, Breed
Mrs. Cindy Scott; Sunday, March 20, Judge Ms.
Anne O'Reilly. Superintendent
AWC 2011 National Specialty, 4/2/12—4/9/11
Lexington, Kentucky, Breed Judge Harriett Nash Lee
AWC Support Sunday, December 12, 2010 in
Winston-Salem, NC for the Christmas Classic Cluster. Breed Judge Paula Nykiel, Sweeps Judge Calvin
G. Perry. Friday - Breed Judge Donald Gill, Saturday— Breed Judge Marilyn Spacht
Western Specialty July 29, 2011 Breed judge
Thomas Munch (Flic Flac Whippets, Germany),
Sweeps judge Kathy Rasmussen (Harmony Whippets)
Greater San Diego Whippet Association
Designated Specialty within the Inland Empire
Hound Club of Southern California Show, Friday,
January 7, 2011, Empire Polo Grounds, Indio, CA.
Sweeps Judge - Mary Dukes (DELACREME), Breed
Judge Kathy Forbes (SKYLINE Beagles). Kennel
Club of Palm Springs shows follow: Saturday, Breed
Judge Robert L. Robinson; Sunday, Breed Judge
Donna Francis
AWC Board of Directors
President Russ McFadden...505-753-6782
Vice President Connie Brunkow...217-431-8972
Secretary Cindy Scott…719-594-9974
Treasurer David Samuelson...651-454-4174
Board Members:
Lisa Costello...815-695-1930
Henry Heil...619-445-1777
Christine Hopperstad...206-322-5872
Donna Lynch...508-636-0705
Kay Nierengarten…218-729-8003
The Whippe t News  December 2010
President’s Message
PLEASE take the time to read this. There really is some useful
information in this column sometimes.
The time frame for commenting on the proposed By-Laws
changes has passed so I (acting as liaison for the Board) am
going to start the formal process of working with AKC to get the
changes approved so that they can go out to the membership
for a formal vote. A couple of questions concerning the different
types of memberships that would be offered did arise that I
would like to address for clarification. On the topic of foreign
memberships, foreign members who are already members of
the AWC would be grandfathered in and therefore always be
regular members as long as they maintain their current membership. It would only be those whose citizenship is not that of
the US that would apply for and be non-voting foreign members
after the changes to the By-Laws are passed. US citizens are US
citizens regardless of where they may be living and therefore
would apply for and be considered regular members. Honorary
memberships and lifetime memberships can be bestowed by the
Board or by a majority vote of the membership at an annual
meeting or by the majority vote of a nomination brought to the
membership in a special vote.
The By-Laws changes include the term limits clause that the
membership voted on a couple of months ago. As I have mentioned previously, implementation of term limits required a ByLaws change (on which we were fortunately already in the middle of working); they couldn’t be established by simply changing
Club policy to enact them. Therefore, until the By-Laws changes
are approved (hopefully by mid-2011), current Board members
who have served three or more than consecutive terms are still
eligible to run for another term in office if they so desire.
From the pictures I’ve seen and what I’ve heard the Meet the
Breeds booth at the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship
Show was a resounding success and captured fourth place in
the hound group. This was the first time the booth had won a
placement in this competition. Congratulations to Rachel Amado
and everyone else in her hard working crew for a job well done.
Look for Rachel’s report elsewhere in this issue. Regarding this
topic, the AKC/Eukanuba show moves to Florida next year so
the Board will be looking for someone in that area of the country to take the reins and continue the work that has been so
aptly handled in California for many years.
The other tremendous news that came from this show involved several Whippet people. Debbie Butt of Sporting Field’s
fame was named AKC’s Breeder of the Year. She had already
won Breeder of the Year for the Hound Group prior to having
this ultimate honor bestowed upon her. Whippet and IG breeder
Carol Harris of Bo-Bett fame won the Toy Group Breeder of the
Year. Congratulations to both of these ladies. The other occurrence of note was that Ch. Starline’s Chanel won the breed and
the Hound Group there. Congratulations to her owners Carey,
Lori and Nicole Lawrence and her handler Lori Wilson on this
prestigious win.
Last but certainly not least, before I close I would like to welcome new members Suzi Bender, Debra Borton, Christine
Heath, Jill Hopfenbeck, Karen Rogers, Annique Smith, Paula
Snell, and Patricia Spinazzola to the club.
Wishing everyone Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
From the Treasurer
Please Note
Dues must be received by January 1, 2011
and may be paid online at using PayPal
or sent to:
David Samuelson, AWC Treasurer
9468 Tyne Lane,
Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077
Phone 651-454-4174
2011 Dues – Online Newsletter $30.00 individual,
$45.00 two-person household
2011 Dues — US Mailed Newsletter $40.00
individual, $55.00 two-person household
Membership Pin - $7.00
The Whippet by Bo Bengtson $35.00 + shipping
(Shipping cost $6 US,
$20 Canadian, $20 International)
WRAP activities during the AWC National:
Once again, AWC has graciously invited Whippet Rescue and Placement (WRAP) to have the Parade of Rescues during the 2011 AWC
National in Lexington, KY. The Parade will be held on Friday evening at 7:00 PM All rescue Whippets, regardless of where they
were rescued from, are invited to participate.
All rescue Whippets will be winners in this event! Master of Ceremonies for the event will be Dr. Barbara Henderson, VMD, President
of WRAP. Donations for the Whippets and registrations for the Parade are now being accepted. If you have items to donate for the
rescue Whippets or wish to register your Whippet for the Parade,
please contact Ruth Beall, We will need your
name, your Whippet's name, and a short bio that can be read while
you and your rescue Whippet are in the ring.
This year, WRAP will be joining AWC and the Whippet Health Foundation with a joint fund-raising table, and the proceeds will be split
three ways. Mary Alderman,, is
accepting items for the joint activity.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me, either by e-mail,, or phone (260-452-5275).
Best regards,
Ruth Beall
Summit City Sighthounds
Whippet Rescue and Placement (WRAP)
The Nominating Committee will be sending me a slate of candidates for the 2011
Board elections and, in accordance with
Article IV Section 4 (a), will be sent to all
members between January 1, and January 15 2011.
Subsection (b) states that additional
nominations of eligible members may be
made by written petition addressed to the
Secretary and received at her regular address on or before February 15. If you
are interested in doing this, please refer
to this subsection in the AWC by-laws for
the process.
There is quite a bit of info in Whippet
News this month and also on our
website at It’s
just 4 months away so start making
your plans to attend the 25th anniversary of our National Specialty.
AWC Top Twenty
January 1 to November 18, 2010
Listed in alphabetical order
Ch. Andauer Porsche Carrera GT
GCh. Ch. Bo-Bett’s Speed Demon
GCh. Ch. Bohem Bianca Of Jubilee
GCh. Ch. Counterpoint Painted By Bohem
GCh. Ch. Cove Creek Minuette
GCh. Ch. Emerald’s A Thief In The Night JC
GCh. Ch. Harmony’s Van Gogh
GCh. Ch. Kamada’s Happy Hour
GCh. Ch. Kamada’s Instant Millioniare
GCh. Ch. Karasar’s Par Excellence
GCh. Ch. Krislyn Debmar Buckle Bunny
GCh. Ch. Nysa Hill Serendipity
Ch. Oxford Sunbeam Sleepless In Seattle
GCh. Ch. Snow Cap’s Patent Leather
GCh. Ch. Snow Hill Onyx at Stoneledge SC
GCh. Ch. Sonsteby’s In A Pickle
GCh. Ch. Sporting Fields Bahama Sands*
Ch. Sporting Fields Tiger Lily
GCh. Ch. Starline’s Chanel
GCh. Ch. Windborn N Oxford Twilight At Starline
GCh. Ch. Winway Redford With A Splash
* Past winner/ineligible
The Whippet News  December 2010
AKC Communications December 14, 2010
The seven finalists for the “Breeder of the
Year” award at AKC/Eukanuba show in Long
Beach this month were introduced in the
ring right before BIS. Present were Whippet
breeders Debbie Butt, Sporting Fields, and
Carol Harris, Bo-Bett, who was there representing Toys through her Bo-Bett Italian
Greyhounds. Debbie was announced as the
winner. Debbie is also nominated as
“Outstanding Breeder” at the Dogs in Review ShowDogs of the Year awards dinner
in NY before Westminster.
Debbie Butt was literally born into dogs.
Her parents used the Sporting Fields prefix
when registering Spaniels as early as 1945,
long before Debbie was born. Whippets
were added in the late 1960s; the purchase
of the Canadian-born Ch. Winterfold’s Bold
Bid in 1970 and the English import Ch.
Charmoll Clansman three years later put
Sporting Fields at the top of the Whippet
charts. Clansman’s son and namesake, Ch.
Sporting Fields Clansman (“Buoy”), won the
Hound Group at Westminster in 1981. His
58 AKC all-breed Best in Show wins remains
an all-time record for the breed
The Sporting Fields dogs were initially
shown by Robert Forsyth, but Debbie
started handling early and took her first BIS
win with Bold Bid in 1976, when the dog
was nine and Debbie herself was barely a
teenager. She also handled Buoy to his last
wins, including BIS at the American Whippet
Club specialty in California in 1984.
In the 1990s Debbie showed Buoy’s great
-grandson Ch. Sporting Fields Kinsman to
51 AKC all-breed Best in Shows and the
AWC National in 1992. Among the the 21st
century winners, Kinsman’s grandson Ch.
Sportingfields Jazz Fest [NB spelling!] became one of the world’s most influential
stud dogs, and Jazz Fest’s grandson Ch.
Sporting Fields Rock On has won more
Bests at specialty shows than any other
Whippet, including the AWC National in
Throughout the years Sporting Fields has
maintained a broad breeding program and
produced several hundred champions, many
co-bred with other fanciers. A record five
different Sporting Fields dogs have won the
AWC National Specialty. Most recently, Rock
On’s great-granddaughter Ch. Sporting
Fields Bahama Sands won the 2010 AWC
National, handled by Debbie’s daughter
Amanda Giles.
Sporting Fields has also achieved great
success with several other breeds, including
Greyhounds, Scottish Deerhounds, Smooth
Fox Terriers and — most recently — Border
The Whippe t News  December 2010
Award Presented at AKC/Eukanuba National Championship in New York, NY. Debbie
Butt of Toms Brook, Virginia was honored with the 2010 AKC Breeder of the Year
Award for her Sporting Fields Whippets at the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship
on Sunday, December 5, 2010. The annual award honors those breeders who have
dedicated their lives to improving the health, ttemperament and quality of purebred
"Debbie has bred all-purpose Whippets for more than 30 years and her name has
become synonymous with great hounds that are beautiful, capable and healthy," said
AKC Chairman of the Board Ron Menaker. "With this award, we recognize the years of
dedication and work that she has invested in her breed and the sport of dogs and the
example she sets for both new and more experienced breeders alike. We're also
proud that Debbie, along with the other Breeder of the Year group honorees, is an
AKC Breeder of Merit - part of a select group of AKC breeders that truly are the backbone of the sport and the foundation of our organization. Each year, one honoree is
chosen from each of the seven groups: Sporting, Hound, Working, Terrier, Toy, NonSporting, and Herding. From those seven, one Group winner is selected as “AKC
Breeder of the Yea” during the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship, which was held
this year in Long Beach, CA. The Breeder of the Year ceremony will be included in the
show's telecast on ABC television on Sunday, January 23, 2011.
The Sporting Fields prefix was used as early as 1945 by Debbie Butt's parents when
registering Spaniels. Whippets were added in the late 1960s; with the purchase of the
Canadian-born Ch. Winterfold's Bold Bid in 1970 and the English import Ch. Charmoll
Clansman three years later putting Sporting Fields at the top of the Whippet charts.
Clansman's son Ch. Sporting Fields Clansman (“Buoy”) won the Hound Group at Westminster in 1981 and 58 AKC all-breed Bests in Show throughout his career.
Debbie started handling early and took her first BIS win with Bold Bid in 1976,
when she was barely a teenager. She also handled Buoy to his first and last BIS wins,
as well as BIS at the American Whippet Club (AWC) in 1984. In the 1990s Debbie
showed Buoy's great-grandson Ch. Sporting Fields Kinsman to 51 AKC all-breed Best
in Shows and the AWC National in 1992. Among Sporting Fields' 21st century winners,
Ch. Sporting Fields Rock on has won more Bests at Specialty shows than any other
Whippet. Sporting Fields has maintained a broad breeding program and produced
several hundred champions, five of which have won the AWC National Specialty, including in 2010.
As the 2010 AKC Breeder of the Year recipient, Debbie will be honored with a commission from a canine portraitist to memorialize a prominent dog from her kennel and
her name will be inscribed on a perpetual trophy. They will remain on permanent display at the AKC headquarters in New York City. All seven Group honorees were presented with medallions during the show on December 5, 2010. Group winners included:
Sporting: Gregory Siner - Clifton, NJ - Pooles Ide Irish Water Spaniels
Working: Michelle Santana - Sunny Valley, OR - Foxfire Doberman Pinschers
Terrier: Margery Good - Cochranville, PA - Goodspice Sealyham Terriers
Toy: Carol Harris - Reddick, FL - Bo-Bett Italian Greyhounds
Non-Sporting: Joanne Reed - Santa Rosa, CA - Windrift Keeshonden
I am pleased to announce that Mr. Calvin Perry has been voted the 2011 Futurity
Judge. The 2011 Futurity will be held in Louisville, Kentucky, on Tuesday, April 5,
2011. Thank you to the six finalists: Mary Alderman, Linda Buchholz, Jackie Hubble,
Calvin Perry, Karen Roberson and Jamie Souza Bartlett for supporting the Futurity
with your participation. Karen Roberson is the first runner-up and as such would
step in if Mr. Perry isn’t able to fulfill the assignment. As an interesting bit of history,
this will be the second Futurity Mr. Perry judges. He also judged the 1998 Futurity.
Please note that the new CERF requirements are in effect. CERF examinations
must be completed prior to the breeding.
Please include the registered name of the bitch on all correspondence. As always, I
will acknowledge receipt of all nominations so, if you don’t get an acknowledgment,
drop me an email. Best of luck with your puppies!
Kathy Slater, Futurity Chairman
25th American Whippet Club National Specialty
Tentative Schedule
Friday evening, April 1 -- welcome workers
Madison County Fairgrounds-- pot luck at pavilion
AKC stakes split
Saturday, April 2—National Specialty Agility Trial competition Sharonville, OH
This is official competition for Versatility
AKC Lure Coursing Trial — roll call 6:30 am, Madison County Fairgrounds
Saturday night, April 2 Madison County Fairgrounds
barbecue dinner for field trial folks on site after AKC ribbon ceremony
ASFA stake split
tickets for food TBA
Steve Curry Field Trial Chair for both trials
205 Elbert Frankum Rd. Columbia, KY 42728
Reservations for barbeque after January 1st please
Sunday, April 3—National Specialty ASFA Lure Coursing Trial
roll call 6:30 am Madison County Fairgrounds
Sunday, April 3 Agility trial competition in Sharonville, OH
Official Trial for Triathlon/Versatility
Sunday, hotel after 3 pm, vendors set up
Sunday, hotel after 3 pm, CGC testing
Sunday afternoon after ribbon ceremony
There will be prizes for workers who stay to clean up and pack up field trial
Sunday night, April 3, 6 pm
early bag pick up in main ball room
come and give us a hand putting the room together
or help in one of many other exciting areas and get your bag early!
Monday, April 4
Whippet Health Foundation
AWC Cardiac clinics Monday thru Friday in rooms adjacent to ballroom
We need volunteers for the table in lobby to distribute welcome materials etc.
Obedience competition begins, Rally competition in the afternoon, time is TBA
contact Jan Curry at
Triathlon conformation judging
The Whippet News  December 2010
Tuesday, April 5
Overflow Obedience
Presentation of Triathlon and Versatility competition Top 10
prior to the start of Futurity judging.
BAER testing
CGC testing
Tuesday evening Blue Grass Pavilion
Welcome party Whippet Idol strikes again!!
plus the Kentucky Hat Society secret drive by shooting!
Wednesday, April 6
Dog judging begins
CERF testing 9-5
Wednesday evening stud dog/brood bitch
brace and team classes
Veterans Sweeps
wine and cheese
Thursday, April 7
AWC Annual Meeting
7:30 am to 9:30 am, Quorum check in: Yes, you can attend in your pajamas!
10 am Bitch judging begins
Thursday evening Top 20
Friday, April 8
Bitch judging continues
Friday golf tournament Marriott Griffin Gate Resort
Veteran dogs and bitches/Lure Coursing dogs and bitches/ Race dogs and bitches
Parade of Rescues
Parade of Honors
Altered classes
close down health rooms
Saturday, April 9
WRA racing Madison County Fairgrounds
Jr. Showmanship competition
Best Puppy
Best Bred By Exhibitor
Best Veteran
Best Performance (Wistwind Memorial)
After the conclusion of judging, prizes will be offered for helping with
the breakdown and packaging of the ballroom to get ready for the banquet.
Please stop and help!!
Vendors need to break down before 5 pm
6:30 pm cocktails and 7:30 pm Annual Awards Banquet
Silent auction tables for all regions
Carol Curry Education Scholarship Silent Auction
Silent Auction AWC
Sunday am WRA racing Madison County Fairgrounds
For those who dare, help close down ball room & grooming rooms ,
pack up remainder of stuff and go home!!!!
The Whippe t News  December 2010
Parade of Honors
Deadline is March 02, 2011, Entry Fee if $50.00
Please submit the following information as soon as possible:
Eligibility rules are as follows: (Please circle the specific accomplishments that apply)
BOB or BOS at any AWC Specialty
BOB at any Specialty in the United States
BIS at a Hound Group show
AKC All Breed Best In Show Winner
AKC Champion and any one of the following: ORC, SORC, RCH, SRCH, WRCH, WRCHX, ARX, SRA
AKC Dual Champion (Breed and Field Championships)
AKC Champion & LCM or LCX
AKC Obedience Trial Champion (OTCh)
AKC Champion and CDX, UD UDX
High in Obedience Trial at any AKC All Breed Show or AWC National Specialty
AKC Champion & TDX or VST )Variable Surface Tracking)
AKC Champion & MX or AX (Master Agility Excellence or Agility Excellent)
AKC Champion & FMCh. Or FGDCh. (Flyball Master Champion, Flyball Grand Champion)
Whippet ranked #1 by a nationally recognized system
Entrants will receive: Half page catalog ad, exhibition in the parade, giant commemorative rosette and
inclusion of photo in the AWC library.
Name of Whippet:
Birth Date:
Breeder (s):
Owner (s):
Telephone number and email address:
Address with City, State and Zip:
Please submit with your entry: This form, 50 words or less on another sheet of paper, a 4 generation
pedigree and a photo which will remain in the Parade Library after use in the catalog and a $50.00 check
payable to AWC.
Send information to : Alice VandenBussche, 12591, Old Rt 31, Savannah, NY 13146, email: or phone evenings 315-945-2672. Entries received on or before the deadline date
will be confirmed by email, if received late, they will be returned. Questions are welcome.
The Whippet News  December 2010
AWC National Specialty Judge’s Education
Tuesday April 5 – Saturday April 9, 2011
The AWC National Judge’s Education program will be an all day event on
Saturday, April 9, 2011. Please plan accordingly and expect to spend the
entire day with us. Seminars in the morning (presentations and demos
with live dogs) followed by ringside mentoring with numerous mentors
during BOB judging, followed by a “hands on” with the major award
winners and discussion with the Specialty Judge, Harriett Nash Lee.
There will be no charge, however, attendees must complete the entire
day’s activities to obtain certificate of completion for use in AKC Judge’s
Application process.
Griffin Gate Marriott
1800 Newton Pike,
Lexington, KY 40511
(800) 228-9290
AWC 2011 Rooms available beginning May 1, 2010
Booking Code: AWC 2011 Specialty
Standard Room Rate $109.00
$50.00 Non Refundable Pet Fee per ROOM for the week
$30.00 for Room Upgrade to Concierge Level
No Pets Allowed in this section of rooms
Ringside mentoring will be available EVERY DAY for those who are
interested beginning during the Futurity classes, Tuesday, April 5.
Please email the following information to Mary Dukes -
or, no later than March 15, 2011
e-mail address
Presently an AKC Judge?
If so, what breeds?
Would you like to purchase a show catalog?
Questions???? Contact Mary Dukes via e-mail above or (704) 843-7195
The Whippe t News  December 2010
The Whippet Health Foundation will be conducting health clinics in conjunction with the 2011 AWC National Specialty. CERF, BAER
and cardiac echocardiogram clinics will be held as well as AKC DNA Profile and Myostatin deficiency testing. The Whippet Health
Foundation will be subsidizing a portion of the per dog cost for BAER, cardiac, and myostatin testing for those dogs participating in the
WHF database. In addition, this year we will be acquiring blood samples for a WHF-subsidized thyroid study that will determine normal
thyroid values for our breed. Please see below.
All test results subsidized by and released to the WHF Database will be public record.
Eye Clinic: Wednesday, April 6th. This clinic will be conducted by Dr. Erica Tolar, DVM, ACVO. The cost is $30 per dog. The
CERF (Canine Eye Registration Foundation ) exam is a yearly test that examines your dog’s eyes for inherited eye disease. The exam
will require pupil dilation and takes approximately 15 to 20 minutes. This test is required for all sires and dams of futurity nominated
litters. The clinic will run from 9AM until finished.
BAER Hearing Clinic: Tuesday morning, April 5th. This clinic will be conducted by Dr. Susanne Hughes. The cost is $45 per dog.
The BAER (Brain stem Auditory Evoked Response) test is a once per lifetime test to definitively determine if your dog can hear from
both ears. The test usually takes 10-15 minutes and sedation is not necessary. If you are willing to enter both your dog and the
BAER result into the WHF database, we will subsidize $20 of your cost, so you will only pay $25. These results will be
acquired the day of the test. Additional exam time will be scheduled, if needed, later in the week.
Cardiac Echocardiogram Clinic: Monday April 4th through Friday, April 8th. This clinic will be conducted by Dr. Rebecca Stepien
and the cardiology team from University of Wisconsin, Madison. There will be two clinics…the first for dogs already enrolled in the
cardiac study and the second for dogs not enrolled in the study where the owners want heart clearances. All exams will take 30
minutes. Please read the following carefully so you know which clinic to sign up for and what the cost is:
1. Cardiac Study Recheck Clinic: This exam is for those dogs already enrolled previously in the cardiac study. The cost of the
recheck exam to you is $50 (the WHF will subsidize the additional $50 for the full $100 fee). All dogs over 7 are FREE. When you
send in your sign up form, be sure to mark the RECHECK box. All rechecks will be given priority in the cardiac clinic.
2. Cardiac Clearance Clinic: This exam is for anyone wanting a pre-breeding or health clearance check on a dog not in the above
study. The cost of the exam is $175. If you are willing to enter both your dog and the echocardiogram result into the WHF
database, we will subsidize $50 of your cost, so you will only pay $125. These results will be acquired the day of the test.
Only one whippet will be allowed per owner to pre-register but more will be accommodated if time and space allow.
AKC DNA Profile test: (DNA cheek swab test): $30/sample, mailed in with all samples following the national. Swabs will be available
during the national from Dr. Lisa Costello or you can mail them to her no later than April 15th for submission to AKC as a group. All
swabs must be mailed in TOGETHER to qualify for this special not send to AKC on your own!
Myostatin Deficiency test: (DNA test for the double muscle gene): $48/sample ($28 for database participants), mailed in with all
samples following the national. Swabs will be available during the national from Dr. Lisa Costello. If you will not be attending the
national, the swabs from DDC and payment can be mailed directly to Dr. Costello and will be submitted with all samples following the
national specialty (they must be submitted together). These samples must reach her at the address on the health clinic sign up form no
later than APRIL 15th, 2011. If you will not be attending the AWC national and need to order sample collection kits directly, call 1-800625-0874, or email
Thyroid Study: You are invited to have your Whippet donate blood for inclusion in the WHF subsidized Thyroid Hormone Study. The
WHF will be collecting blood from healthy whippets throughout the week of the AWC national for the purpose of constructing normal
thyroid hormone reference intervals for the breed. We will be working with Dr. MaryDee Sist at the Michigan State University
Endocrinology Laboratory. At the conclusion of the study, each participant will receive a full thyroid hormone profile from MSU with
interpretations of individual test results. These results will also be archived in the WHF data base for future reference (and therefore
made public). This test will be at no cost for dogs who qualify for the study! Study dogs must not be hypothyroid, have health issues,
or be on medications that would alter normal thyroid hormone values. You can find the sign-up form on the WHF website: Please indicate below how many dogs you would like to volunteer for the study and you will be contacted for
further information once the health clinic sign up is received.
DEADLINE TO PRE-REGISTER IS Friday, March 25th, 2011
The Whippet News  December 2010
Address _______________________________________________________________________________
Zipcode: ___________________ Phone:_____________________________________________________
E-mail: _______________________________________________________________________________
Please check the box for all tests requested
CERF Testing (include # of total dogs):
□CERF: ……………………………..# of Dogs for CERF testing: ____________
@ $30 ea = __________
BAER Testing (check one box only, include # of total dogs):
□BAER testing:
□BAER testing:
results released to WHF database….# of Dogs :__________ @ $25 ea =___________
results remain confidential………..…..# of Dogs :__________ @ $45 ea =___________
WHF Cardiac study Recheck Exams: (Fill in the number of dogs in the correct spot):
□ Recheck under 7 years; ………………… …………..# of Dogs :__________ @ $50 ea
□ Recheck over 7 years; ………………………………....# of Dogs :__________ @ FREE
Please choose your preferred day: (you will be contacted for an appointment time prior to the national)
□ MON, April 6th □ TUE, April 7th □ WED, April 8th □ THUR, April 9th □ FRI, April 10th
Cardiac health clearance/pre-breeding ECHO exam (limited to ONE DOG PER OWNER):
□Echocardiogram results released to WHF database……..……………………... $125 ea
□Echocardiogram results remain confidential………..……………………………...$175 ea
Please choose your preferred day: (you will be contacted for an appointment time prior to the national)
□ MON, April 4th □ TUE, April 5th □ WED, April 6th □ THUR, April 7th □ FRI, April 8
AKC DNA Proile Testing (include # of total dogs):
□AKC DNA cheek swab test……………………..…..# of Dogs: ____________@ $30 ea
= __________
Myostatin Deficiency Testing (include # of total dogs):
□Myostatin DNA test : results released to WHF database….# of Dogs :_______ @ $28 ea
□Myostatin DNA test : results remain confidential….…..# of Dogs :__________ @ $48 ea
Thyroid Hormone Study:
□Yes, I would like to have the following number of dogs included in the thyroid study:
# of Dogs :_______
Make checks payable to the Whippet Health Foundation, Inc (or WHF) in US funds, and mail this form and with payment to:
(you can also use PayPal at
Dr. Lisa Costello
14855 Newark Rd.
Newark, IL 60541
The Whippe t News  December 2010
compete in and receive scores in all three events. To this end, the top
10 awards will reflect the spirit of the competition.
The Triathlon Chairman will handle the automatic entry in the Triathlon
Conformation Class. Entries in any regular Conformation, Obedience or
Lure trial stake are the responsibility of the owner.
NOTE: There will be a $10 entry fee required for the Triathlon. Please
send with the entry form below. This must be received by the entry deadline of March 2nd or your dog will not be eligible to
compete in the 2011 AWC Triathlon.
17th Annual AWC Triathlon
The AWC Triathlon competition was developed to recognize Whippets that
excel in three areas of competition: conformation, lure coursing and obedience. The 17th annual competition is open to all Whippets entered in eligible Conformation, Obedience and Lure Coursing Stakes at the 2011 AWC
National Specialty in Lexington, KY. To acknowledge the dogs that excel in
all three areas of competition, there will be 10 placement awards.
Triathlon Trophies
First Place in Triathlon: 10 inch commemorative plate
Second through Tenth Place: 8 inch commemorative plate
First through Tenth Place: Two-tone martingale collar and lead with a
brass plate on the collar with placement engraved. Designed by Bolduc
Leather and offered by Cora Miller of Hound Hill Whippets.
First through Tenth Place: Rosettes.
2011 AWC National Triathlon Rules and Scoring
The total raw scores for all three events will be added together. At the completion of all three events, the dog with the highest point total will be declared the 2011 Triathlon Champion.
Conformation: The base score for conformation is determined by the
judge in the Triathlon conformation class. A numeric score will be given
utilizing a Conformation Score Sheet based on the breed standard having a
perfect score of 100. The 4 top scoring dogs will be ranked first through
fourth place. The high scoring dog will be High Score in Conformation
(HCS). This is not an actual award but is utilized in the case of breaking ties
as listed below. Upon receipt of your entry form, entry into the Triathlon
Conformation class is automatic. This year's conformation judge will be Dr
A. Todd Miller. Handlers with multiple dogs will need to find helpers to bring
their dogs into the ring initially and for a final class evaluation at the end.
Otherwise, you may handle each dog during the individual inspection.
Lure Coursing: The ASFA trial that will be held on Sunday, April 3rd, is the
official AWC trial and should be used in the Triathlon. The base score for
lure coursing is the total final score of points.
Obedience: The base score for obedience is the highest total points earned
in any single-dog entry Obedience trial class. NOTE: Non-qualifying scores
are utilized in calculating the total score. The base score for obedience is a
perfect score of 200 points. Only one obedience class will count toward the
final triathlon score and that class must be declared on the entry form below. For example, if you are entering a dog in the Veteran Class and Novice
B class, you can only count one score for your obedience points. You cannot
participate in both events and choose the highest score. Rather, you must
declare the class to be scored for Triathlon on your entry form and this will
be the only score used for this portion of the event.
Bonus Points
There will be no Bonus Points awarded for placements. The total of the raw
scores will be used. In the case of a tie, placements will be utilized for tie
breaker points. Placements will be given points of 4, 3, 2, and 1 for First
through Fourth place in a four-dog or more class. Only 1 point will be
awarded for a one-dog class, 2 points and 1 point for a two-dog class, and 3
points, 2 points, and 1 point for a three-dog class. BIF, HIT and HCS will be
utilized as final tiebreakers in that order, used only after all placement tiebreaker points have been awarded. To qualify for triathlon placements, dogs
must compete in all three events. If a dog does not compete in an event or
receives a 0 score from an event, they are automatically disqualified from
the Triathlon. The triathlon competition is designed to reward dogs who
The Whippe t News  December 2010
Dog’s Call Name:
Dog’s Registered Name (please be sure to include all titles):
Telephone [____] __________________
E-mail: ______________________
Obedience Classes entered
Lure Coursing classes Entered
Please mail entries to:
Sami Hirko • 14705 Calamity Ct. • Corpus Christi, TX 78410
Contact Information: Sami Hirko •
E-mail entries are acceptable but a check and entry must be
received (not just postmarked) on the date of closing for your
dog to be eligible for competition.
ENTRIES CLOSE Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011 (same day as
regular class entry closing date)
Whippet Racing
WRA RACING: A weekend of WRA racing is scheduled for April 9th and 10th at the Madison County
Fairgrounds (same site as lure coursing). This will be
hosted by the Bluegrass Whippet Racing Club. For
further information contact Carolyn Perkins at:
AWC Versatility Competition
The AWC Versatility Competition was developed to recognize whippets that excel in four areas of competition: conformation, lure
coursing, rally, and agility. The competition is open to all whippets
entered in eligible conformation, rally, agility classes, and lure trial
stakes offered at the 2011 AWC National Specialty in Lexington, KY.
Teams may enter both the Triathlon and the Versatility Competition.
2011 AWC National Versatility Competition Rules & Scoring
Teams will be given ranks based on their scores in the respective
competitions. The ranks will be averaged with the lowest total average winning.
Conformation: The raw score for conformation is determined by
the judge in the Versatility conformation class. A raw score will be
given utilizing a Conformation Score Sheet based on the breed standard having a perfect score of 100. Dogs will be ranked according
to the raw score received. This year's conformation judge will be
Dr A. Todd Miller. Handlers with multiple dogs will need to find
helpers to bring their dog into the ring and for a final go around.
ILP dogs may compete in this class.
Lure Coursing: Dogs will be ranked based on their total raw score
regardless of stake entered with the versatility competition dog
getting the highest score receiving a rank of 1, the second highest
score receiving a rank of 2, and so on until all competitors are
ranked. Teams must enter the ASFA trial on April 3, 2011.
Rally: Dogs that qualify will be ranked according to their class and
then their raw score. Qualifying dogs competing in Rally Excellent A
and B will be ranked first, then qualifying dogs in Rally Advanced A
and B, and finally dogs in Rally Novice A and B. Non-qualifying
dogs will be ranked by class with all NQ dogs in the same class receiving the same rank. Dogs that compete in both Rally Advanced
and Rally Excellent must declare which class they want scored on
their entry form; only ONE class is allowed for scoring and must be
declared at the time of entry.
Agility: Dogs must enter both the Standard and Jumpers classes.
Qualifying dogs will be ranked in the same manner as rally according to class (Excellent, Open, Novice in that order) and then raw
score. Non-qualifying dogs will also be ranked as in rally. Dogs
entering preferred classes will be scored in the corresponding class
(Excellent, Open, Novice.) However, dogs that normally run in
regular classes many not enter a preferred class solely for the purposes of this competition. The raw scores from the Standard and
JWW classes will be added together and divided by 2 to get a final
agility ranking. Teams must enter the Whippet Specialty trial on
April 2, 2011.
Ties: For tie scores, each dog will receive the same rank with the next highest scoring dog receiving a lower rank depending on how many dogs tie.
For example, if dog A and dog B receive a score of 285 and dog C receives a
283, dog A and B would receive a rank of 1 and dog C would receive a 3.
Overall Placement: The ranks from lure coursing, rally, agility, and conformation will be added together and divided by 4 to receive the final score
for overall placements. In the case of ties, raw scores will be used in this
order: Lure Coursing, Conformation, Agility, and Rally.
All dogs must be handled by their owner in all sports
(including conformation).
First Place Versatility Competition: Large Rosette and Silver Photo
Album (The Calvin Prize)
Second through Tenth Place: Rosette
The Calvin Prize is awarded annually to the winner of the Versatility Competition in honor of BIF, DC, UGRCH, UAGII, UCD Appraxin
Callaban Kristobel, CD, MC, LCM3, V-FCH, NA, NAJ, OJP, NAP, CGC,
CAVX by Fred and Bobbie Lutz. It is a silver photo album with
space for the winner to engrave their dog’s name.
Belaya Whippets, Carol Chittum and Celeste Carter, offer the
TJ Challenge Trophy in honor of the first winner of the AWC
Versatility Competition ( April 2007), DC Can. Ch. Belaya
Cirquedusoleil SC AX AXJ RN CGC FCh, Registered Therapy
Dog. The trophy is awarded for the overall Winner of the AWC
Versatility Competition and is a wooden plaque with a solid
brass bas-relief standing Whippet and a brass plate for the
engraving of each year's winner. The trophy will be retired
when it has been won by the same owner-trainer for 3 years,
not necessarily consecutively, and not necessarily with the
same dog.
The Versatility Competition Chairman will handle the automatic
entry in the Versatility Competition Class. Entries in any regular conformation, rally and agility class and lure coursing stakes
are the responsibility of the owner.
There is $10 entry fee required for the Versatility competition.
Dogs must compete in all their events. Dogs must also compete in the Versatility Competition Conformation class, which is
for Versatility Competition entrants only. Upon receipt of this
entry form, entry into the Versatility Competition Class is automatic.
Dog’s Call Name:
Dog’s Registered Name (include all titles including non-AKC
Owner’s Name:
Telephone # ______________
E-mail: __________________________
Agility Classes Entered:
AKC Rally Class Entered:
ASFA Lure Coursing Stake Entered:
Please mail entries to:
John Heffernan
99 North Hill Drive, Conway, Massachusetts, 01341
413.369.4399 or
The Whippet News  December 2010
2011 AWC National Specialty Catalog Advertising
The ads for the National Specialty catalog with be a finished size of 4.5” x 7.5”. The cost will be $60.00 per page
with one photo. Additional photos will be $10.00 per photo. All photos must be identified on the back – DO NOT use
ball point pen. Type or print all information clearly on a sheet of paper that you wish to have in your ad. Please use
high quality photos; these will be scanned before sending on to the Superintendent. Photos printed on plain paper
will not be accepted. NO ads will be accepted without payment in full.
Make all checks payable to the American Whippet Club.
Please include a stamped, self addressed envelope if you would like your photo returned.
Catalog Advertising
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Breeders Directory
We will also offer a Breeder’s Directory that will appear in the catalog. The listing fee is $15.00. No photos or logos.
Kennel Name_________________________________________________________________________________
Owner’s Name________________________________________________________________________________
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please send ads, payment and any special instructions to:
Chris Durance-Watkins
AWC 2010 Catalog Advertising
1488 Crabapple Hollow Rd
Hull, GA 30646
Contact Information
Phone: (706) 208-5221
The Whippet News  December 2010
ShowDogVideoPros will provide complete video coverage of the spectacular 2011 Whippet
National Specialty, including Lure Coursing (1-day), Obedience (1-ring), Rally (1-ring), Triathlon/
Versatility Conformation Judging, Futurity, Veteran Sweeps, Dogs, Bitches, Best of Breed, Stud
Dog, Brood Bitch, Extended Generations Judging, Non-Regular Classes (Veterans, Racing and
Coursing), Junior Showmanship and the fabulous Top Twenty!
NEW FOR 2011
Video of the Conformation and Performance events taking place in the ballroom at the hotel will be
streamed live to the Internet! Members and guests at home (or work) will be able to watch the National
on their computers LIVE, ON-AIR and in real time (please adjust for your local time zone). Price: $9.95
for a day pass; $34.95 for a week pass.
Did you miss the LIVE broadcast? Would you like to 'rewind' or review a segment of the show? No problem! Show video will be loaded to a streaming server for On-Demand viewing from the Internet each day
of the show. Please note that video is loaded AFTER judging is over for the day. Price: Included with
your Live Streaming Video Pass. OR, purchase just the On-Demand Video pass anytime during or after
the show, literally 24/7/365, from the ShowDogVideoPros website @ $9.95 per day; $34.95 per week.
****Video on DVD****
Don't want to watch video on your computer? Looking for gorgeous video of this historical national on
DVD, with every dog labeled on screen by name, sire and dam? Or, do you just want to see the dogs and
the people? No problem! We will offer a large selection of both conformation and performance videos
just like last year, with multi-disc discounts and FREE shipping! Watch our website for more info.
Website links:
Main Website:
Irvin B. Krukenkamp, MD,
Show Dog Video Pros
"Best in Show Video for your Show Dogs"
TOLL FREE: 888-808-0870
Testimonials for Show Dog Video Pro —
I am so glad that you are having Show Dog Video Pros video the National again in 2011. I was so impressed on how it was so professionally done in 2010. I did not have any Whippets entered at the show giving me time to speak many of my friends and exhibitors. I spoke to the gentleman doing the filming and what a nice pleasant person he was. He showed me exactly how he
would be filming and explained that each Whippet would be named along with sire and dam. He also said that when time permitted any exhibitor was welcome to review their Whippet in its class. I frequently went back and looked at his work. All I can
say is exceptional. I purchased the entire show package that he offered at the show.
When the DVD's arrived I was not disappointed. I have watched the National again and oh what I missed. A great review of a very
nice show of quality whippets. I will certainly be first in line to purchase the 2011 National show package. After all it will be our
25th year!!!!!!!!!
Barbara Henderson, VMD
Dr. Irv Krukenkamp's attention to detail, commitment to quality and timeliness of production are unparalled in my experience
with dog show videographers. He and his wife June are longtime Dalmatian breeders and both have extensive experience producing videos of many breed national specialties. In other words, Irv and June are talented techno folks who really 'get' what
we need and want in our National Specialty video.
Susanne Hughes, DVM
The Whippe t News  December 2010
cottonwood whippets
Mary Martin in Peter Pan?
Sally Field in the Flying nun?
hilary Swank in aMelia (earhart)?
Multiple SBIS GCh. Snowcap’s Patent Leather
(Ch. Wildcard N Snowcap’s Sovereign JC x Ch. Snowcap Taliesin Felicitations)
Photo by Justin Knight
how about lesley and Patti in CanField?
thoSe two know how to Fly!
Harriet Vincent & Dianne Reimer
Expertly Piloted by
Lesley Ann Potts
Marty Wilson & Dianne Reimer
Calebs First Major!
Ch. Classic Streets of Pure Gold, CRX2, OTRM, DPC x Ch. Cherche’ Nothing Else Matters, FCh
Willabe Cowpoke Caleb, CGC
Caleb was Winners Dog and Best of Winners for his first points under breeder Judge Mrs. Denise Tatro at the
Greater Chicago Whippet Club Specialty November 27th.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Mrs. Tatro!
He is elegant, smooth and moderate with a big personality in a nice, small package.
Dr. Lisa Costello
Dick and Jean Schroeder
A New Companion Dog!
Marmot finishes in style by winning the Novice B class on each of the last
two legs of his CD. He is now officially known as
Vitesse Deep Powder, WRCh, ORC, CD, FCh, SC, AV*
Dr. Lisa Costello
Mary Cutherell
* pending AWC approval
Patrick Burlingame
Vitesse Whippets
The musT-have
book for every
WhippeT lover!
from renowned Whippet breeder, judge and
historian bo bengtson comes the kennel Club
Classic’s The Whippet — an authoritative
look at the breed’s past, present and future.
This book features detailed chapters on the
breed’s development worldwide from the 1800s
up to the early 2000s, its accomplishments in
dog shows around the world, and participation
in coursing and racing events. it is the most
important and beautiful book ever published
on this sighthound breed, exceeding every
expectation for a breed book and raising the
bar for the kennel Club Classics series to new
With an added in-depth health chapter written by
lisa Costello, Dvm, ms and special contributions
about the multi-purpose Whippet by lisa Costello
(u.s.) and Gay robertson (u.k.).
“This new book is truly an amazing piece of literature
… I can’t believe that any other breed of dog could
possibly have a publication that could match The
Whippet.” — Cindy Scott, American Whipet
Club national specialty show chairman, judge
and breeder
“The author’s lifetime of devotion to this breed
shines through … written in Bo’s distinctive
“Bo Bengtson has done it again. Lucky indeed is
any breed of dog which can find an author whose
knowledge of every aspect of his subject is so
complete, and who, as a bonus, can write as well.”
— Simon Parsons, associate editor Dog World (UK)
The Whippe t News  December 2010
The book is also sold by the
Whippet Health Foundation
Available Now - Order your
book today!
and easy to read style, this is a book for anyone
interested in the breed.” — Betty-Anne Stenmark,
AKC Hound Group and Whippet specialty judge
350 pages
Approx. 300
Call 1-800 PET BOOK TM
BowTie Press/Kennel
Club Books
The WHF is the only place to get
autographed copies! Or simply buy
the book via the Internet through www. Sorry, the book is not
available through the author.
Ta b l e O F c O n T e n T S
Part I: A Breed Is Born
Chapter 1: Early History of the
Chapter 2: Establishing the Breed
Chapter 3: The Modern Era in
Part II: The Worldwide Whippet
Chapter 4: Early America
Chapter 5: The Modern American
Chapter 6: Whippets “Down
Chapter 7: Whippets in Canada
Chapter 8: Whippets on the
Chapter 9: Whippets in
Chapter 10: And Beyond
Part III: The Quest for Greatness
Chapter 11: Whippet Breed
Standards through the Years
Chapter 12: Showing and Judging
Chapter 13: The Multipurpose
Part IV: Today’s Owner
Chapter 14: The Ideal Puppy
Chapter 15: In Good Health
Epilogue: A Breeder’s Personal
SBIS GCh. Counterpoint Painted by Bohem
(Ch. Bohem Bon Vivant x Can. Ch. Counterpoint Winning Colors)
No. 1 Whippet Male 2010
Few Whippet males can consistently compete successfully with the bitch specials. Viggo is one of them, having taken
most of his wins in major competition against some of the country’s top bitches.
Shown 20 times from September through early December, Viggo won 19 BOB and 15 Hound Group placements, including
several 1sts and Hound Club Best in Show.
This is in addition to his first Group 1st and an AWC Specialty Best in Show during the summer.
*AKC Breed statistics through Nov. 12, 2010.
Scott Mazer • Los Angeles, CA
Bo Bengtson •
B r e e d e r S : John Ross & Trudy Taphorn
H a n d l e r : Paul Lepiane
Ow n e r :
C O - Ow n e r :
The AKC Eukanuba National Dog Show was held on December
4th & 5th in Long Beach, California for the last time for a few
years. It was our last chance to showcase Whippets in the Meet
The Breeds event here, so we wanted it to be something special
that folks would really remember. We succeeded by our own
standards and even caught the eyes of the judges and were
awarded Fourth Place in the Hound Group. This was the first
award we’ve received and not easy to come by.
Some of the breeds go all out and even have professional movers moving in stage scenery for their booths.
We always have a great group of volunteers and this year was
no exception. Kerrie Kuper gets the award for travelling the
furthest, followed closely by Christine Heath and Carol and Ryan
Zienert from Alabama. Our Southern California contingent was
there in full force, but it was nice to have these “outlanders”
there. Now they know just what to do when it’s in Florida next
One of the things that made this year so special was the fabulous 8 x 10 backdrop that Pam Magette designed and had
made. She took a photo of one of her beautiful paintings and
worked some computer wizardry by putting draperies on either
side and a small table with a vase of ivy below. It looked like
you were entering an elegant living room and the table was so
realistic that people kept trying to set things on it. One corner
had a charming fireplace with a flickering fire (electric, of course)
and an inviting red leather wing chair sat in the other corner. Thanks to Sharon Sakson who loaned us some of the artwork from her booth in New York, we flanked one wall with art
posters by Yvonne Sovereign showing the diversity of Whippet
activities. Another spectacular banner by Yvonne served as the
skirt for the front of our booth.
Thanks to Daniel Lockhart and Jo Rufing, we had a variety of
Whippet sculptures and artifacts to help set the mood. Nancy
The Whippe t News  December 2010
Volin, President of Pampered Pet Treats, donated treats for all the
dogs and we also took care of the humans by keeping a fresh supply of chocolate at hand. Our slide show had over 250 photos of
Whippets of every possible age and engaged in every possible activity running constantly for folks to enjoy.
The Whippets and their owners sat in front of the table and interacted with the public. When they got tired (the Whippets, not
the people) they could come inside the booth and lounge on strategically placed cushions and throws as only Whippets can do. We
handed out or had available a variety of reading materials including, “The Whippet,” “A Dog Buyer’s Guide,” “What’s The Truth
About Sighthound Puppies” and “Reasons NOT To Get A Whippet.”
Henry and I left Sunday night with a good feeling of accomplishment knowing that we educated and entertained a lot of people —
some of whom had never heard of a Whippet and others who are
hoping to add one to their family.
Rachel Amado
Manning the The Meet the Breeds booth —
Harriett Lee, Henry Heil, Rachel Amado and Kerrie Kuper.
(MSBIS NSBOS Am/Can Ch. Red Cloud Quintessence JC, ROMX x BIS SBIS Ch. Moongaze Jomyr Some Splainin Ta Do)
Already earning a 5 pt. major and a 4 pt. major towards his championship.
Now winning his Bred By class at the AWC Southern Specialty and onto
Reserve Winners under Hound Judge Madison Weeks.
All this before his 1st birthday.
Barbara Wayne
dr. Todd Miller
donna Pardi
WRAP Report: Paulie's Gift
By Brigitte Greenberg
When Paulie, the fawn and white Whippet, came into Rescue
about nine years ago, there was no way to know that he had the
special gift of being able to detect cancer. People have written
about this unique ability that some dogs have, but Paulie had
been chained outside and left there for most of his life without
socialization. The 3-year-old Whippet had been taken to a vet to
be euthanized because he had killed the owner's cat. Whippet
Rescue and Placement (WRAP) volunteer Linda Stewart, of the
central coast of California, took Paulie in and made earning his
trust her project. He was so frightened that it took almost two
weeks for him just to learn not to run from her, and after he was
neutered, she had to work to rebuild his trust once again. Michal
Moni already had one rescue who had just died and so he was
looking for another. Stewart knew immediately that it was a
good match because Moni had experience with a Whippet with
trust issues. Sure enough, Moni, a nurse by profession, and
Paulie developed a special bond. “It took several years of love
and reassurance, but the end results were amazing,” Moni said.
Over the course of the years, Moni and his husband, John Bizell,
grew ever closer with Paulie, but it wasn't until one night in late
September of 2010 that Paulie demonstrated his ability to detect
Paulie had always been enamored of friend Michael King,
dancing and jumping around when he saw him, but this evening
was somehow different. King came over to Moni and Bizell's
home in Indio, California, for dinner and Paulie did his usual
jumping dance. Then suddenly, Paulie lunged and nipped Mike's
shin. “Needless to say, we were all horrified, and being a nurse I
jumped in and cleaned and bandaged Mike's leg, apologizing
profusely, and there's Paulie walking around wagging his tail like
nothing had happened,” Moni said. “Dinner went on as planned
but throughout the evening Paulie never left Mike's side, and the
shin wound not stop bleeding.” Moni and Bizell urged their guest
to call his doctor in the morning and have him take a look at the
leg and to please send them the bill.
“We received a telephone call the next evening from Mike
stating that he was heading into surgery. Panic raced through
our minds at that moment, until Mike explained that he had indeed gone to see his doctor that morning and his doctor took
one look at the bite and said it was strange because Paulie had
just lifted a flap of skin and that underneath was a strange looking lump.” An emergency biopsy determined the lump was a
rapid spreading cellular cancer, a return of the non-Hodgkins
lymphoma that King had had before.
“The doctor said that had I waited another week or two it
could have very well have gone into the bone and if not my life,
at least my leg, would have been lost,” King said. “Had it been a
couple of weeks later, I would have had to have my left leg amputated below my knee.” After surgery and chemotherapy,
King's cancer is once again in remission. “How do dogs know?
That was so amazing,” King said.
Moni called it, “the last and most precious gift Paulie could
have given.” Paulie subsequently died from lymphoma. “It has
been decimating because I had gotten Paulie as a scared little
Whippet,” Moni said. “He was a mess when I got him, and he
turned out to be the most loving animal I could ever have
In addition to Moni and Bizell, King said he, too, is heartbroken and mourning the loss of Paulie, whom he credits with saving his life.
For information on how you or someone you know can
adopt a Whippet in the Rescue program, please visit the
WRAP website at, where you will
find a list of Whippets who need homes. If you cannot adopt,
please consider making a donation to WRAP. Donations may
be mailed to WRAP Treasurer Jean Schroeder at 17502 S.
750 W. Wanatah, IN 46390.
Adoptions for the month: Peter and Susan Wright of MD
adopted Til; Kenneth Washington of GA adopted Woofie;
D.D. and S.L. Russell of CO adopted Callie; Gregory Kerry of
OR adopted Sissy; David and Tamara Milliken of WA adopted
Molly; Christy Kinderman of PA adopted Molly; Todd and Carrie Coleman of CT adopted Sadie; Erin Huesler of MA adopted
Biscuit; Gerarda Cedrone of NY adopted Frank and Sandy;
Ryan Hunsberger and Samantha Sheesley of PA adopted
Dinah; Nancy Johnson of CA adopted Jarvis, who is now
Charley; Pamela Morford of PA adopted Tutelle, who is now
Piper; Peter Poulos of CT adopted Sadie; Mary Kay Baer
adopted RJ; Ronald and Kathleen Clark of CA adopted Raspberry; Linda Sliech and Donald Salva of MA adopted Palo,
now Shelby; Barbara Lecky of NY adopted Gracie.
Thank you to the following people for making donations:
D.D. and S. L. Russell $50; Larry and Deborah Carlson $200
to help with Sissy; Jennifer Lofquist and Andrew Lee $20 in
honor of Larry; Ellen Brilliant and Scott Ingvoldstad $50 in
appreciation of Jennifer Hime; Leland and Christine House
$100, Thank you to all the volunteers; Dan and Lisa Fitzgerald $1263.14 to cover the dental work needed on our Utah
rescue Buster; Donna Evans $50 in honor of Bella; Twin Cities Obedience Training $54; Charity Gift Certificate $544;
AWC Western Regional $300 for the wonderful work that
WRAP does for our beautiful Whippets; Julie Bolt and George
Williams $250 to help with Fred.
In honor of Dr. Tom Sooy, a longtime Whippet fancier,
friend and supporter of WRAP — Fred and Roberta Lutz $50;
A. Kramm $100; Dr. Barbara Henderson $100; Virginia Hopkins $100; David and Mary Stofa $100; Carey and Lori Lawrence $500; Damara Bolte $50; Jane Lodge $50; Harriet Nash
Lee $100; Harry and Anna Fink $50; Mary Waggoner and
Henry Morgan $20; David and Lee Ann Frederick $160; David
Markus and Rob Lindey $75.
Michal & Paulie
The Whippe t News  December 2010
Start the New Year Right!
Greater San Diego Whippet Association
Unbenched Designated Specialty Show and Sweepstakes
within the Inland Empire Hound Club
of Southern California Show
Friday January 7, 2011
Empire Polo Grounds, Indio, California
MAJORS are anticipated on Friday, Saturday and Sunday
in conjunction with the Kennel Club of Palm Springs Shows
GSDWA Specialty Judge: Kathy Forbes, Urbanville, IA
Sweepstakes Judge: Mary Dukes, Raleigh, NC
Saturday Whippet Judge:
Mr. Robert L. Robinson, Phoenix, AZ
Sunday Whippet Judge:
Ms. Donna Francis
Superintendent: Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows
Show closing date:
Noon (PST) Wednesday, December 22, 2010
The Whippet News  December 2010
2010 AWC Whippet News ANNUAL
Another great Annual is coming! Take note of some rate reductions below!
INSIDE BACK COVER - AVAILABLE - Contact Wendy (see below)
FULL PAGE AD - Black & White :................................................................................................................... $ 150.00
FULL PAGE AD - COLOR.:.................................................................................................................................. $ 400.00
HALF PAGE AD - (B&W).:.................................................................................................................................. $ 90.00
PEDIGREE SECTION PAGE:,.dog’,.color,.sex,.height,,.date.whelped.
and.FOUR GENERATION PEDIGREE,.owner’,,.and.breeder’, BAER and/or
include.all.necessary.information!..And.please.SEND.LEGIBLE.PEDIGREES!!..[]......... $ 70.00
KENNEL LISTING: .,,.mailing.address,.phone.number,.email./.web.address.
If.accompanying.other.advertising:......................................................................................................... $
Kennel.Listing.only:........................................................................................................................................ $ 10.00
Please READ and help us by following these GUIDELINES FOR SUBMITTING ADS:
3.. DO NOT CUT YOUR PHOTOS!!“dog.only”.or.“dog.and.handler.only”“dog.only”)...LABEL.the.back.of.each.
click.“Annual Advertising & Back Issues”
We will gladly set up your ads for you at NO extra charge, but if you wish to submit
CAMERA READY ARTWORK, please follow technical requirements as specified on following page!
CLUB PAGES.-..Regional Whippet clubs are invited to send a one-page report on their 2010 activities to be included in the
Annual at no,,,.2011...Don’t be left out!
You may also send an Independent Specialty results page and BOB photo.
As.always,.your.CANDID PHOTO SUBMISSIONS.are.most.welcome!..(Everybody.loves.them!!).
PLEASE PUT YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS ON ALL PHOTOS (including candids & CDs), so that they may all be returned.
CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Whippet Annual (PayPal, see #5 above)
MAIL TO: Wendy Clark, 5088 Breckenhurst Drive, Hilliard, OH 43026 USA
2010 AWC Whippet News ANNUAL
2010 AWC Whippet News ANNUAL
Another great Annual is coming! Take note of some rate reductions below!
We will gladly set up your ads for you (there is no additional charge), but
INSIDE BACK COVER - AVAILABLE - Contact Wendy (see below)
FULL PAGE AD - Black & White :.................................................................................................................. $150.00
FULL PAGE AD - COLOR : ............................................................................................................................... $400.00
HALF PAGE AD - (B&W) : . .............................................................................................................................. $ 90.00
This formatted section includes photo of dog, dog’s name, color, sex, height, call name, date whelped
and FOUR GENERATION PEDIGREE, owner’s name, address and phone, and breeder’s name. You may
also note if your dog has been checked clear for CERF, BAER and/or HEART anomalies. Be sure to
include all necessary information! And please SEND LEGIBLE PEDIGREES!! [ONE dog per page ]. ...... $ 70.00
YOUR PAYMENT must be received by the advertising deadline of JANUARY 15, 2011.
With your payment, include your name, mailing address, and either a phone number or email contact for
ALL ARTWORK must be received BY THE END OF JANUARY, 2011.
SOFTWARE supported: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, QuarkXpress and Corel
Draw. Please include PDF proof, along with all fonts and images. Color files must be CMYK.
Fonts must be TYPE 1 or OpenType fonts; send the fonts even if they are embedded.
PDF files: We will accept PDF files as camera ready art, but they must be saved as high resolution PDF’s
(“press quality”) with fonts embedded. If in color, they must also be saved as CMYK. We would prefer
that the native file that the ad was created in also be included, along with all support files and fonts, in
case the PDF isn’t correctly made or there is a problem with it. This will enable us to use the original files
to ensure correct output.
WNAnnual final trim size: 8.5” x 11”
MARGINS of .5” (1/2”) should be allowed on all sides of page for anything deemed important (text,
dog parts, etc). I would recommend allowing .75” (3/4”) on the bound edge for anything important.
BLEEDS must be +.125” (1/8”) on all sides (8.75” x 11.25”), however original margins requirements still
apply (see above)
Black and white ads must be submitted in GRAYSCALE, whether they are hard copy originals or digital
Color ads must be submitted in CMYK.
Include a hard copy, jpg, or pdf PROOF of your ad, so we know what it’s supposed to look like.
LABEL ALL ELECTRONIC FILES with the advertiser’s NAME (not kennel name), the page number
and position; for example: “Smith p1L.pdf”, “Smith p2R.pdf” If a file contains more than one page, be
sure to specify whether the ads begin on a LEFT or RIGHT side page.
Sorry, but FILM is longer accepted. The printer has had too many problems with provided film. Please
submit files as specified, or let us do the set-up for you.
Pedigree Section pages cannot be submitted as camera ready.
Includes kennel name, your name, mailing address, phone number, email / web address.
If accompanying other advertising: ...................................................................................................... $ 5.00
Kennel Listing only: . .................................................................................................................................... $ 10.00
Please READ and help us by following these GUIDELINES FOR SUBMITTING ADS:
1. TYPE your ad copy. If you cannot type it, then PRINT CLEARLY! (especially pedigrees!!!) Proof your copy carefully.
Try to keep your copy short. The best ads are the simplest.
2. Send good quality photos. Send either black & white or good quality color photographs. Avoid pebble finish prints. DO NOT SEND COLOR PHOTOCOPIES OR INKJET PRINTS!! Send the original photo or digital image instead. If you are
sending DIGITAL IMAGES for your ads, the resolution should be 300 dpi (ppi) AT THEIR FINAL SIZE (the size they will be
3. DO NOT CUT YOUR PHOTOS!! All you need say is “dog only” or “dog and handler only” or whatever. Or you can indicate special cropping on a paper overlay if you prefer (remember Pedigree Section photos are all “dog only”). LABEL the back of each
photo with a gummed label, including your name and address and the dog’s name (do not write on the back with a pen or a
felt marker - it can show through on the front and ruin your photograph). If you are including several photos, number them
and put corresponding numbers on your layout page. All photos will be returned with your advertiser’s copy of the Annual.
4. PLACEMENT - Individuals who wish to be placed together should clearly indicate BY ADVERTISER NAME (not kennel name, or
dog’s name) who they wish to be with, and in what order, when sending advertising or payment for ads. Every effort will be
made to accommodate these requests.
5. All ads must be paid in U.S. funds by check or via PayPal (see link on AWC home page:, then
click “Annual Advertising & Back Issues” along left menu bar).
We will gladly set up your ads for you at NO extra charge, but if you wish to submit
CAMERA READY ARTWORK, please follow technical requirements as specified on following page!
• • • All covers are reserved on a first come basis / contact me by phone or email for availability • • •
• • • • You do NOT have to be a member of the American Whippet Club to advertise in the AWC Whippet News Annual • • • •
CLUB PAGES - Regional Whippet clubs are invited to send a one-page report on their 2010 activities to be included in the
Annual at no charge. Send your page, TYPED or camera ready, and submitted by January 15, 2011. Don’t be left out!
You may also send an Independent Specialty results page and BOB photo.
As always, your CANDID PHOTO SUBMISSIONS are most welcome! (Everybody loves them!!)
Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have questions!
E-mail: / Ph: 614.777.0124
MAIL TO: Wendy Clark, 5088 Breckenhurst Drive, Hilliard OH 43026
PLEASE PUT YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS ON ALL PHOTOS (including candids & CDs), so that they may all be returned.
Or by PayPal - see link on AWC home page:
then click “Annual Advertising & Back Issues” along left menu bar
CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Whippet Annual (PayPal, see #5 above)
MAIL TO: Wendy Clark, 5088 Breckenhurst Drive, Hilliard, OH 43026 USA
E-mail: DUNBERRY@SBCGLOBAL.NET / Ph: 614.777.0124
Christine Hopperstad, Editor
130 34th Ave E
Seattle WA 98112
Sha ron Ph il l ips