The Tartan Ta rtan - Tartan Fields Golf Club Community
The Tartan Ta rtan - Tartan Fields Golf Club Community
The TartanTimes The official newsletter of Tartan Fields Homeowner’s Association November 2009 1st Place- Pam Kirk & Pam Barnard Precious Pet for November Tartan Garage Sale Update Meet the Tartan Swingers 11 7 16 2 The Tartan Times November The Holidays... wedgewood golf & country club 9600 wedgewood blvd powell, ohio 43065 614.793.2600 they aren't too far away. Wedgewood Golf and Country Club can host a small party of 15 people up to a large party of 300 people. Whether you are planning a party for a corporation or hosting a private gathering, please call today to learn more about how to ensure that your guests will enjoy excellent cuisine, great service, and spectacular assistance!!!! 3 November The Tartan Times TARTAN FIELDS BOARD OF DIREC TORS © 2009 Neighborhood Networks Publishing, Inc. Bill Kloss President Don Griffin Treasurer Teri Slick Architecture Review Board Jon Fligner Vice President Tartan Fields Property Manager NAI Ohio Equities, LLC 605 S. Front Street Columbus, OH 43054 Angel L. Gee, CMCA, AMS Manager 614-939-8600 Jason Taggart I M P O R TA N T P H O N E N U M B E R S SCHOOLS: 614-764-5913 Dublin city Schools 614-873-7377 Jerome High School 614-798-3569 Grizzell Middle School 614-798-3570 Eli Pinney Elementary 614-733-0012 Glacier Ridge Elementary 614-718-5825 St. Brigid of Kildare School 614-841-0050 Village Academy LOCAL NUMBERS: 911 Fire Emergency 911 Police Emergency 614-889-SWIM (7946) Dublin Community South Pool 614-792-SWIM (7946) Dublin Community North Pool 614-939-8600 NAI Ohio Equities LLC 740-833-2810 Delaware County Sheriff 937-645-4100 Union County Sheriff 614-722-2000 Children’s Hospital Main 614-554-8000 Dublin Methodist Hospital 614-760-1600 Nationwide Children’s Hospital Dublin UTILITIES: 740-833-2240 Del Co Water 800-633-4766 Ohio Edison Electric 800-344-4077 Columbia Gas 800-344-4077 SBC 614-833-9155 Waste Management 614-481-5320 Time Warner DISCLAIMER: The paid advertisements contained within this magazine are not endorsed or recommended by N2 Publishing. Therefore, this group may not be held liable or responsible for business practices of these companies. ™ AREA DIRECTOR John E. Zimmerman 614-207-3589 COLUMBUS AREA EDITOR Monika Torrence CREATIVE TEAM Robb Hotchkiss Christie Joyce Erich Nickens Amber Rogerson PHOTOGRAPHY Adam Squier, Squier Photography For advertising information please contact John Zimmerman at or 614-207-3589 4 NeighborhoodNews The Tartan Times November What’s Up Tartan Fields? The holidays are right around the corner. Before you know it, Thanksgiving will be here, then the December holidays! Do you have any neighborhood pictures from last year celebrations? Send them in. Planning a block party for Thanksgiving? Maybe a Hanukah, Christmas, or Kwanzaa celebration? All need to be documented! Remember to take lots of pictures and submit them to me at ruary cover. It should be a drawing or painting on 8 ½ X 11” paper (vertical or portrait – not sideways) that you scan and email to us. When scanning the artwork please save it at the highest resolution (most pixels) so that it is very clear. Include child’s name and age. The topic is “Tartan Fields in February” as they see it. The more vivid the colors and clear the images, the better it will be as a cover for the magazine. We are currently compiling all pictures for the End of Year publication as well, so make sure you and your neighbors are represented. We need pictures from your vacations, graduations, births, wedding, block parties, birthdays, etc. The Tartan Times 2009 Year in Review is coming soon! Weight Watchers success story? Are you a Weight Watchers member that has reached their goal? Would you like to share your story with our readers? We are looking for a resident who has experienced success with Weight Watchers for a January story. Please contact me at Submit your favorite holiday recipe Introduce your neighbors to your favorite holiday recipes. Do you have a gingerbread recipe that is the hit at every party? How about a fantastic latkes recipe or a Kwanza dish your family eats every year? Give your neighbors a glimpse into your special celebrations by sharing your recipes. Tips for Submitting Pictures for The Tartan Times... Pictures from the neighborhood make the newsletter! We love when we get photos from community events. The one problem is, some of the pictures are unusable because of the size of the file. This can be easily remedied by using the following tips. This way, your wonderful memories can be documented in your neighborhood publication. Thank you for your submissions and keep them coming! Please email us if you have any further questions at Do You Have A Love Story For the Ages? Is your love story unforgettable, unique, or just plain sweet? Do you want to show your Valentine a how much you care? Share your pictures and Valentine story by emailing me at with your information. Kids’ Artwork We’re having a contest for a resident child (under age 18) to create our Feb- 1. Make sure your digital camera is on the highest resolution setting. Whatever you are taking the pictures for, the higher the pixels, the clearer your pictures are going to be. All cameras are different in the quality options. You want to look for the largest image size setting or the high- est resolution setting (at least 300dpi). If you don’t have an owner’s manual, you can go online and find instructions for your camera. Refer to “Image Quality,” “Resolution,” or “File Size,” to find out how to get the best quality images. 2.The larger the file size, the better the quality will most likely be. To check file size: • Right click the image file and go to the properties • A decent photo for the inside will generally be 700 kb and above • For the cover needs to be at a file size of 2MB or higher 3.When you save the pictures onto your computer, make sure you put them in a folder on the computer itself and not saved in a folder with the software for the camera. The reason this happens is, the camera software compresses the pictures (makes the file smaller), which is good for email, but is not suitable for printing. We need the original, un-edited photo file straight from the digital camera, with no manipulation. See you around the neighborhood! Monika Torrence 5 November The Tartan Times We’ve got a secret! For a limited time only, NorthPointe Dance Academy is offering a ten year anniversary special on some of our most adorable classes. Classes for 4 and 5 year olds on Mondays and Fridays will be offered at 10% off for the entire year for students who register before October 23. We invite you to come see and experience the difference at NorthPointe. Visit our website: 500 Orange Point Drive, Lewis Center, Ohio 43035 (Conveniently located near, State Route 23 and Powell Road) (740) 548-4600 One FREE Dance Class! New Students Only, Must Mention This ad. FREE North Pointe Dance Bag New Students Only, Must Mention This ad. 6 The Tartan Times November The White Glove Solution Our professional cleaners will leave your home sparkling “white glove” clean. For a free estimate call: 614.718.3325 A Dublin small business – licensed and insured November The Tartan Times NeighborhoodNews 7 Tartan Fields Garage Sale a Success! Thanks for your Time, Treasure, and Talents! The Tartan Cares garage sale was a huge success! We raised over $3,200! The proceeds from the garage sale will be used to purchase holiday gifts for teens and their caregivers identified by Angel Tree. The success of the garage sale was the result of the generous donations of the Tartan community. A special thanks to everyone who contributed their time, treasure, and talents! Thank you! 8 NeighborhoodNews The Tartan Times November Tartan Fields Homeowner’s Association FALL LEAF CLEAN UP SCHEDULED The Tartan Fields Golf Club Community Homeowners Association is pleased to announce the 2009 schedule for leaf clean up. Please place leafs on curb; no later than the evening of: November 15 for pick up to begin on Monday, November 16 (weather permitting). Leaves placed on curbs after the service has been completed on your street will not be picked up until the next scheduled service. Please do not block street drains or intersections. Please do not place leaves in bags. Bagged leaves will not be picked up. If you have questions regarding this service, please feel free to contact NAI Ohio Equities management at 614-939-8600. dublin learning academy_12_oct.pPage 1 9/2/2008 11:13:39 AM C M Y CM MY Come see the difference a private school can make. CY CMY K Dublin Learning Academy Full-Day Kindergarten • Half-Day Kindergarten Enrichment Pre-School & Pre-Kindergarten • Infant & Toddler • Curriculum-Based Program Summer Fun Camp • Large Indoor Muscle Room 614-761-1800 5900 Cromdale Drive · Dublin, Ohio 43017 November The Tartan Times 9 10 The Tartan Times November NeighborhoodNews November The Tartan Times 11 PreciousPets DJ turned five years old on September 22, 2009. He is a small Sheltie with a sweet disposition. He loves other dogs, talks when asked, loves to play football and lacrosse with the boys and take many walks. Family contact information: Kort, Linda, David and Jordan Gatterdam Archer Lane Pet’s name: D.J. What kind of animal/breed is it? Sheltie Is it male or female? Male How old is your pet? Five years old How long have you had your pet? Since he was 10 weeks old How/where did you acquire your pet? Got him from a breeder in Marion, OH Anything special or unusual about your pet? Have you trained it to do something? Was it easy/difficult to train? How did you do it? DJ can do the usual dog tricks and even talks when you ask him to, but is smart enough to act dumb when someone’s trying to teach him something he doesn’t want to do. One trick that is a little unusual is he will wipe his wet paws (when asked and he thinks a treat is coming next) upon entering the house. Mom taught him that after the wood floor was completely full of dog prints one day. She took his paws and wiped them on the door mat inside the house and repeated the words, “wipe your paws.” Every winter, he hears the words again and starts prancing on the rug or stretching and dragging his paws. Either way, he dries them off and won’t leave that spot until he hears, “good boy!” Who is your pets’ best buddy? DJ’s best buddy is Jordan. Jordan wanted a dog since he could talk. He has always loved dogs and dogs instinctively love him. He was told he could have one as long as he took care of it. Once he was old enough (10) to handle the responsibility he got his wish. And much to DJ’s happiness, Jordan has only forgotten to feed him just a few times! What would you recommend to another family interested in a pet like this? Shelties are awesome dogs. They love to fetch and play Frisbee and football. They have a lot of energy, a lot of hair and a lot of love! young entrepreneurs Name Jordan Gatterdam Age Phone 15 Babysit? 614-364-6050 yes Mow Lawns? yes Shovel Snow? Pet Sit? yes yes Other? Holiday decorations, odd jobs, references available, 4 years experience This new section is designed to highlight Tartan’s industrious youth and provide them a spotlight in which to advertise their labor! If you are under 21 and in school full time then you may submit a listing. Email to: 12 NeighborhoodNews The Tartan Times November TARTAN FIELDS Golf Club News Tartan Fields Annual Kite Workshop Couples Invitational Results 1st Place- Phil & Dee Skinner with Guests Bill & Becky Radebaugh Bartender Robinson Cooper worked behind the bar to raise money for the Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund at the James Cancer Hospital Medical Center Maximus Clark takes a break from flying his kite to test his speed Events at the Club for November Wednesday, November 4th 6pm Pizza Buffet Night Sunday, November 8th 1pm Mother-Daughter Tea Party Wednesday, November 11th 6pm Tartan Fields Holiday Jubilee Friday, November 13th 7pm Holiday Wine Tasting Wednesday, November 18th 6pm Pizza Buffet Night 2nd Place- Bill & Diane Dawson with Guests John & Tanya Rhodes Friday, November 20th 8pm Member Holiday Party NeighborhoodNews November The Tartan Times Doggie Pool Party! 13 Ladies Member – Member Results 1st Annual Doggie Pool Party was a great success! Columbus Zoo made a visit to Tartan Fields Pam Kirk and Pam Barnard 2nd Place- Rhonda Benson and Lynne Schneider PreciousPets Family contact information: Michelle LoParo 791-1661 Pet’s name: Cheese What kind of animal/breed is it? Boston Terrier Is it male or female? Male How old is your pet? Three months How long have you had your pet? Five weeks How/where did you acquire your pet? Breeder – Middletown, Ohio Anything special or unusual about your pet? Have you trained it to do something? Was it easy/difficult to train? How did you do it? He loves to play “Cheesy in the middle,” our version on monkey in the middle/fetch. Who is your pets’ best buddy? Our son Sal What would you recommend to another family interested in a pet like this? We would recommend this breed, he’s a wonderful pet. We love him. We are very glad we got him. Each month we try to feature a Tartan Fields resident’s pet titled “Precious Pet” in the Tartan Times. If you would like to have your pet highlighted in a future issue of The Tartan Times, please provide information and attach a few high-resolution photos of your pet(s) to Thank you for your involvement in your neighborhood newsletter! 14 The Tartan Times November November The Tartan Times 15 16 NeighborhoodNews The Tartan Times November Tartan Fields Neighborhood Directory! LAST CALL – we publish next month! If you haven’t already done so, please send the following by email immediately so that you aren’t left out! Make sure you’re included in the directory by sending an email to Monika Torrence at with the following information: You and your spouses’ first and last names Street address and street name. Your phone number, cell phone number too if you like, Email address, Kids names and ages (ex. Emma 9, Sam 4) In the email subject line please specify: Tartan Fields Directory. We will publish this by last name and also by address so you can easily find your neighbors! tartan fields residents on St. Brigid Golf Team The St. Brigid golf team teed off the season with some great drives and putts. The team is open to boys and girls entering 7th and 8th grade who attend St. Brigid of Kildare School or are members of the parish. Our golf team competes against several other Diocesan teams at golf courses around Columbus. The Wolfhound golf team, which was formed in 2003, has had many former members go on to compete successfully at the high school level. The Wolfhound golfers are coached by Dave Shepherd. Team members include Tartan Fields residents Brad Kanney, David Shepherd and Billy Watts. Labor Day Bike Parade 2nd Annual Tartan Swingers Golf Tournament The August 15th event paired husband and wives on separate four person teams in this Shambles event. A progressive scoring format was used as well as a “Red Ball” competition. In the event a team scored a net bogie, they were required to do a jello shot. Following golf a potluck picnic was enjoyed. All three teams ended up within one stroke on their final scores. A fun time was had by all! Participants included the Barnards, Howes, Kubics, Millers, Probsts and Wilkies. 17 November The Tartan Times Bringing Grout & Tile Back to Life • • • • • Tile Repair Grout Repair Clean & Seal Stain Caulk Replacement Call today for your FREE estimate! 614-557-4206 Locally owned & operated Residential & Commercial • • • • • Water Damage/Wall repair Shower/Tub Regrout Countertop Regrout Loose/Hollow Tile Repair Floor Regrout $50 Gift Card Offer good on any service or combination of services totaling $500 of greater. $25 off any service $200 or greater. Card must be presented at time of estimate. 18 AreaNews The Tartan Times November November The Ballantrae Banner Dear Residents We want and need your involvement. We are looking for several types of articles to be submitted each month. Please read through some of the ideas below and let us know if you are willing to submit something. Or maybe you know someone who would be great for one of the topics below. Pictures – WE LOVE PICTURES!!! Pets, parties, graduations, kids playing, picnics, swimming… One of the best parts about your new newsletter is their involvement from residents. Pictures are an easy way to help support the look of the newsletter as well as bring smiles to your fellow residents. Digital photographs with high quality capability are the way to go here! The more pixels the better! Simply send an email with any pictures to Monika Torrence at . Get in the habit of passing cute pictures along when you take them! Neighborhood News- Any activity going on in the neighborhood or surrounding area such as parades, block parties, barbecues, neighborhood clean-ups, school picnics, fund raisers, pool parties or golf events. We want to let you know what is going on and what has happened with these social events! Business Beat- This is a popular section where we highlight you as a business owner. Yes, you must be a resident of the neighborhood. It is an opportunity to let your neighborhood know the specifics of what you do, and services you can offer, as well as a background of who you are and where you are from. If you own a business or know someone who does, email to find out what you need to do. Precious Pets- Here is an award winner! If you have a pet and want them to be famous, just get them in the Precious Pets section. This is where we can spotlight your pets and family! Pets are our pride and joy so let us know who they, and you, are! Past famous animals have been turtles, birds, horses, dogs, cats, a pig, and much more, so have fun with this one. Kids to Kids- This is my favorite. This is where we give one of your youth a chance to be a reporter for the month. Their assignment is to write an article about another child in the neighborhood. The idea is to highlight two of your youth! It gives one child a chance to write about another child’s accomplishments whether it’s school, sports, dance, piano or volunteer work. Recognize Your Kids – Parents, do you want another way to recognize or congratulate your kids about any sport, academic or other activity achievement? Use your newsletter. This should include pictures along with what they achieved. Examples include; Black Belt, honor roll, straight A’s, scholarships, state champs, volunteer work, graduation, music, theatre, or just wish them Happy Birthday. AreaNews November The Tartan Times Resident Recipe- This is where you can let some of your cooking secrets out to the public! All that is required is the ingredients and preparation advice, but a photo is always nice too! This really spices up things a bit from the ordinary Mac and Cheese. Yard of the Month- If you have an outstanding yard or garden or know a neighbor who does, we want to know about it. All you have to do is snap a picture and email it to mtorrence@ Please include names so we can give you the proper credit for all your hard work. Family Focus- This is where we get to spotlight one of the neighborhood families each month. Have you always wished you knew your neighbors more than you do? Well, here is a great way to get to know them. Each family is able to tell us whatever they would like, but some popular questions to answer include: How long have you lived in the neighborhood? Where is your hometown? What’s your education? What are your hobbies and interests? What is your career? Just email mtorrence@ to find out what to do. 19 Take a Break- If you or anyone you know has gone on a vacation and would like to share their experience, then this is the place to be. This gives your friends and neighbors the chance to feel your experience and see if it would be a good fit for their own vacation! Pictures can be included as well. Please let us know about your vacation and you could be famous for a month in “Take a Break.” Just email to find out. Better yet, send us a picture of you on vacation holding The Ballantrae Banner ala Dispatch! New Arrivals- This is a new section designed to welcome new babies into the neighborhood as well as congratulate those proud parents. Please include basic birth information as well as those baby photos!! Kids’ Corner- Send in your child’s poem or artwork! Our goal is to help your neighborhood have the best newsletter possible. We always keep your needs in mind, so if you know of anyone, or if you want to fill one of these articles yourself just make sure you let us know. Thank you for your participation! Monika Torrence, Editor Dublin Youth Athletics Dublin Youth Athletics (DYA) is an association of parent volunteers providing sports programs for kids. DYA is a community recreation and travel sports organization providing programs for over 3,300 youth participants in Dublin, Ohio. The organization is the joint effort of parent volunteers (including over 500 parent volunteer coaches), the City of Dublin Recreation Services Department, and the Dublin City Schools. Sign-up on line starting in December for 2010 baseball, softball, tee-ball and lacrosse. Check the web site for other sports and sign up information. 20 The Tartan Times November Resident BusinessGuide November The Tartan Times Tartan Fields Resident Business Guide 21 To find out how to get your business listed for FREE - email John at AUTO DETAILING Speedy K’s Mobile Detailing Specialists Kevin Schatz 614-425-8861 CHAIR REPAIR Benetti Woodworks Joe Benetti-owner 614.441.3497 Corporate Apparel & Promotional Products M! Specialty Advertising Inc. Ken Mlicki 614-435-1429 CUSTOM CABINETRY, WINE CELLARS AND BUILT-INS Crowne Custom Woodworks Doug Hoyng 614-348-4110 Custom Murals “Painted Dreams” Custom Murals Larissa Swayne 614.783.6416 DESIGNER JEWELRY Baubles Elaine Renaker 614.792.7989 EQUESTRIAN Highmark Farm Ltd.-Equestrian Amber Mustafaga 614-395-7188 Highmark Farm Ltd – Equestrian Laurie Elsass 614-571-2292 Financial Planning Pension Design Group Dave Schafer 614.789.9472 Smith Barney – The Stewart Group Jeffrey L. Stewart 614-798-3212 Runnymede Capital Advisors, Inc. James Arnold 614.457.6096 Carrie Klingel Coldwell Banker King Thompson 614-565-3284 Steinhaus Financial Group Richard J. Martin 614.431.4305 INVESTIGATION PROTECTION RECOVERY State of Ohio Licensed Investigators 614-878-8200 Chryssa Gartner Dominion Homes 614.402.3269 FITNESS Fitness Spectrum Matthew Hickey 614-425-5016 FITNESS & NUTRITION Individual Fitness Solutions Julie Schoch 614-390-7139 Home Decor Crave Designs Susan Lehman 614.791.1299 INSURANCE Haughn & Associates, Inc. Michael Haughn, President 614-789-6800 Whalen Insurance Agency, Inc. Tim Whalen 614-764-0966 Interior Design Colours by Design Jodi Homsi 614.496.0385 Lorraine Curley Interiors Lorraine Curley, ASID - Owner 614-791-0600 Investments Ken McMahon Wells Fargo Advisors 614-596-4054 MEDICAL SPA Spa Medico 614.798.8990 Other Dublin Elite Martial Arts and Boxing Saul Hernandez, Owner 614-572-3020 “Every Dog’s Day” Dogsitting Fran Call 614-761-0242 Golf Greens Fore U David Shepherd 614- 496-3264 Locker Soccer Academy Steve Locker 614-760-5522 PERFORMANCE AUTO SPA 7640 COMMERCE PLACE PLAIN CITY, OH 43016 614-873-4800 614-348-8468 CELL WWW.PERFAUTOSPA.COM PHOTOGRAPHY/VIDEOGRAPHY Ryan W. Sebastian 614.296.4597 REAL ESTATE Brad Yates Manor Homes (614) 841-1800 Dee Ann Couche Coldwell Banker King Thompson 614-923-2700 Jon & Pam Kirk Remax Premier Choice Direct: 614.791.2011 Email: Pamela Smith Keller Williams Consultants Reality 614-226-9595 Sandi Pica Oak Park-Hallmark Homes 614-873-1363 Taggart Management & Real Estate Services LLC Jason Taggart 614-876-4848 TRAVEL AGENT Creative Vacations Patty Frazier 614-792-0220 TUTORING Experience. Success. Results. Shaayak Sen 614.440.3465 Wine Tasting Parties Wine Shop At Home Barbara Humphrey 614-799-9464 22 SoldProperties The Tartan Times November Featured properties may not be listed by the office/agent presenting this brochure. Source Multiple Listing Service. All information herein has not been verified and is not guaranteed. Supplied by Jon & Pam Kirk Address Neighborhood List Price Sale Price Sold Date DOM Beds Baths SqFt Parking 7114 Brodie Blvd Tartan Fields $399,999 $391,500 08/27/09 55 4 3.5 3,839 3 CAR GAR 9914 Archer Ln Tartan Fields $494,900 $450,000 01/23/09 175 4 3.5 3,701 3 CAR GAR 7286 Brodie Blvd Tartan Fields $469,900 $471,008 07/27/09 33 4 2.5 2,654 3 CAR GAR 7080 Robertson Ct Tartan Fields $519,900 $480,000 05/05/09 78 5 4.5 3,976 3 CAR GAR 6952 Rob Roy Dr Tartan Fields $500,000 $485,750 07/27/09 56 4 2.5 3,033 3 CAR GAR 6989 Rob Roy Dr Tartan Fields $579,900 $530,000 05/29/09 71 4 3.5 3,847 3 CAR GAR 7773 Tillinghast Dr Tartan Fields $650,000 $537,500 06/25/09 226 4 4.5 4,125 2 CAR GAR 6605 Brodie Blvd Tartan Fields $627,990 $543,295 03/30/09 68 4 3.5 4,344 3 CAR GAR 9818 Cape Ct Tartan Fields $559,000 $548,000 08/21/09 99 4 3.5 4,335 3 CAR GAR 7755 Tillinghast Dr Tartan Fields $690,000 $555,000 06/10/09 134 3 3.5 3,360 3 CAR GAR 6919 Brodie Blvd Tartan Fields $648,500 $599,900 03/13/09 126 4 3.5 3,531 3 CAR GAR 10079 Archer Ln Tartan Fields $649,900 $602,500 06/12/09 112 4 3.5 4,194 3 CAR GAR 9851 Archer Ln Tartan Fields $679,900 $650,000 02/27/09 131 5 4.5 5,574 3 CAR GAR 7777 Seay Ct Tartan Fields $799,500 $679,000 07/16/09 757 3 3 3,401 2 CAR GAR 6890 MacNeil Dr Tartan Fields $774,000 $784,000 02/27/09 641 6 5.5 6,174 4 CAR GAR 6835 Macneil Dr Tartan Fields $885,000 $820,000 07/24/09 199 5 5.2 5,877 3 CAR GAR 7938 Tartan Fields Dr Tartan Fields $949,000 $855,000 05/07/09 20 4 4.5 3,772 3 CAR GAR November The Tartan Times SoldProperties 23 24 CouponSection The Tartan Times November FREE Delivery restrictions apply Advertise 614-889-2989 Here 58 South High St, Dublin $10 off of $25 purchase Not valid with any other offer or coupon. Restrictions apply see store for details. Expires 9/30/09. Petland Powell located next to Kroger 614-336-8635 Are you feeding the right dog food to your dog? Bring in your bag and compare. here Advertise Air Duct Cleaning Is Our Business! AIR DUCT CLEANING + TAX Includes 12 vents, 1 return, 1 main and complete system inspection. $10.00 for each additional vent. A percentage of each job will be donated to the Not Valid With Any Other Offers. A & M RESTORATION SERVICES 614.793.8444• YoungLife November The Tartan Times Dublin City Schools Calendar 2009-2010 November 11/11 HCHY Family Night 11/20 End of first elementary trimester 11/25-27 No School, Thanksgiving Break February 2/10 HCHY Family Night 2/12 No School, Professional Development Day 2/15 No School, Presidents’ Day December 12/21-1/1 No School, winter break March 3/4 End of second elementary trimester 3/5 No School, teacher conference time or conference comp time 3/25 End of third nine weeks 3/26-4/2 No School, spring break January 1/1 No School, winter break 1/14 End of first semester 1/15 No School, teacher work day 1/18 No School, MLK Jr. Day 25 St. Brigid of Kildare School 2009-2010 Calendar November 2, 2009 November 13, 2009 November 19, 2009 November 25-29 ,2009 December 18, 2009 December 19-January 3, 2010 January 18, 2010 January 21, 2010 February 15, 2010 February 18, 2010 March 18, 2010 March 19, 2010 No School – Teacher Work Day No School – Parent Teacher Conferences Early Release 1:30 Thanksgiving Break Early Release 1:30 Christmas Break No School – Teacher Work Day Early Release 1:30 No School – President’s Day Early Release 1:30 Early Release 1:30 No School – Teacher Work Day We're Back! New Management. Come see the difference "Petland Powell located next to Kroger" We are the dog food experts. Bring in your bag and compare. 614-336-8635 26 ClassifiedAds The Tartan Times November All Ads Are Free! and will run for 1 month To place a FREE classified, submit new listings to by the 28th of the month. Click on “Submit Info” at the bottom of the homepage then “Items for Sale” and fill out the required information. WANTED: Someone who loves kids and can be consistently available to babysit during meetings for mothers (every other Friday, Sept.-May, from 9:00a.m.-noon). Please contact Anne Spillman at 614-336-4203 BABYSITTER: 13 year old St. Brendan School honor student with two years experience available for babysitting in Ballantrae neighborhood. References available. Please call Megan at 614-659-9320. WANTED: Looking for experienced full time nanny 5 days a week for 9 mo old son and 3 yr. old daughter. Exp with cpr, developmental delay. Comfort and experience giving meds with reliable trans. Please call 614-7981422. Jennifer Keener BABYSITTER NEEDED: We are in need of a full-time sitter for our 3-month-old daughter beginning in March. Experience with infants a must. If interested, please call 614-507-0701. FOR RENT: Sanibel Island, FL house (Yellow Bird is her name) located on the quiet east end of the island (lighthouse end) for rent. Pool with hot tub, 2 bedrooms on first floor with an additional sofa sleeper. 614.738.9284. FOR SALE: Whirlpool Microware-white. 6 years old. works great, mounts over stove. $50. OBO. 740.917.9437 FOR HIRE: Summer Nanny! I am a freshman at Ohio State from Dublin. I am looking for a part-time summer nanny position. I love kids and have a lot of experience with every age. Please contact Maggie at 614-5306247. I hope to meet your family soon! FOR HIRE: OSU junior is interested in babysitting! I have a big heart for kids and lots of experience. I have weeknights, weekends, and some weekdays available. My rate is $10 an hour. Please contact Bethany at 561.578.1958. I look forward to meeting with your family! W I Y T V H HOME STAGING: Take the extra step and make a great first impression on prospective buyers; stage your home! Staging can make the difference between a quick sale or months on the market. Statics prove staging increases your homes value! Call for more information; Mary Shepard 761-8939. Ten years experience and references available. WANTED: Childcare needed for two sisters, ages 3 months and 19 months, part-time, one day a week. Starting July/August. Call 614-499-6783. BABYSITTER: 15-year-old enjoys being with children. References available~ Alison Newton 760-5577 DOG WALKER: I have been taking care of neighbors’ pets while they are on vacations. I can do this for you too! References available~ Jacob Newton 760-5577 FOR SALE: NordicTrack CX 1050 Elliptical Machine, like new/hardly used, featuring 19 programs including 4 heart-rate driven programs, EKG chest and grip sensors. Call 614-537-6285. 6419 Old Avery Road .. November The Tartan Times 27 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID WILMINGTON NC PERMIT NO. 40
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NAI Ohio Equities, LLC
605 S. Front Street
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