2015 Dec - PT. Jurong Engineering Lestari
2015 Dec - PT. Jurong Engineering Lestari
Oct—Dec 2015 Issues P T. J U R O N G E N G I N E E R I N G L E S TA R I I N M D INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Message From P.D 1 Finance Department 2 Human Resource Department 3 Material Control & Procurement Department 5 EHS Department 7 Projects Update 9 F P O P TJ E L Last year 2015 we have gone through a successful re-structuring of PT.JEL. We are back on track and profitable again a er last year re-structuring. During the re-structuring we focus on grooming our exis ng poten al, capable, loyal and young staffs. As such, we have developed a training program for our staff in order to pursue their career path in PT.JEL. Both management and technical staffs are considered. PT.JEL will have more jobs coming as we are supported by our parent company, JEL (Singapore) therefore we need to groom and grow ourselves in PT.JEL in order to support the growth of JEL Group, be it in Indonesia or outside Indonesia. This year we have two on going projects. They are Ulubelu#3&4 Geothermal Power Plant equipment Installa on project and SMI Ethylene Booster Compressor Installa on project to be completed this year. One new Banggai Ammonia Plant Piping Work project to be started this year and to be completed by 4th quarter of year 2017. We are expec ng to secure more projects within this year in order to sustain our growth to beyond 2017. Therefore, we need to focus on performing our exis ng project with safety as first priority. We need to ensure our projects are performed with high produc vity and quality. Last year much improved performance is very much due to our more commi ed and cohesive Project Management team. It is also due to more energe c and responsive Site Management team. In order to repeat our last year performance we need to con nue to search, iden fy and groom our younger and poten al staffs. We need to recognize our staff performance by merit. Let's move forward together with pride and achieve another successful year! Yap Chee Lung President Director 10-Feb-2016 P age 2 Volume 1, Issue 1 H.O Finance Team General Introduction We would like to warmly introduce our PTJEL Finance teams which basically consist of 2 departments. 1) Accounting Department to support for the monthly reporting to JEL HQ and maintain proper filling on accounting documents. 2) Treasury and Tax Department to support for Company’s operation and tax related matter. PTJEL Finance team is led by Mr. Jack Putra as Finance Head of Department. Currently we are using SAP-ERP system for the monthly financial reporting. And for upcoming financial year in 2017, there will be change for PTJEL Finance team members (from left to right): the financial year end from (January Delis, Yenny, Andrias, Jack, Mutiara and Farha December) to (April – March) as in compliance with JEL HQ. Every year our staffs attend Seminar and Training to improve our knowledge and capability to keep up on any update of regulation related to finance, accounting and tax . Site Finance Officer Announcement For New Project Secured We are pleased to announce our Site Finance Officer for our ongoing Ulubelu 3 & 4 – 2x55MW Geothermal PP Project is Mr. Sigit as shown in photo on the left. “Finance Department” Mr Sigit Suparjiyanto We are also pleased to announce our Site Finance Officer for our newly secured Banggai Ammonia Plant Utility Piping Work project is Mr. Wawan Setiawan as shown in photo on the right. Mr Wawan Setiawan I n te r n a l N e w s l e t t e r SELECTED P age 3 S TA F F F O R T E C H N I C A L T R A I N I N G Mr. Sukowiyono joined PTJEL since 26th January 2012 as Site Document Control Officer for NSI Project. On the 5th February 2013 he was assigned as Site Document Control Officer and assisting to prepare technical progress report at Bontang Kaltim 5 Project. On the 4th May 2015 he was assigned as Site Document Control Officer at CAPECCx Project at PT. Chandra Asri Petrochemical Plant in Cilegon. On 13th November 2015 he was assigned as Welding Checker for QC Department at ECR – TAM Project in PT. Chandra Asri Petrochemical Plant in Cilegon. On the 5th January 2016 he was assigned as Cost Controller Assistant at Ethylene Booster Compressor Installation Project at PT. Styrindo Mono Indonesia – Cilegon. He has performed well consistently for 6 projects consecutively. Our management recognized his good work performance. Therefore he is selected to be trained as a certified Welding Inspector at University of Indonesia’s Resource Center of Material Science (RCMS). Congratulation to Mr. Sukowiyono! Mr. Sukowiyono “Human Resource Department” Site HR Officer Announcement for New Project Secured PTJEL secured a new Project from PT. Rekind for the Utility Piping Work at Banggai Ammonia Plant Project (BAP) in Central Sulawesi. Therefore we are pleased to announce Mr. Benny Sulaeman as Site HR Officer to lead Site Human Resource Department. Mr. Beny Sulaiman We are also pleased to announce Mr. Syahril Hamidi as GA & Community Development Officer to assist Mr. Benny Sulaeman. Mr. Syahril Hamidi P age 4 Selected Staff for Management Training in JEL Group. We are pleased to announce that PT.JEL is par cipa ng JEL’s Group Development Program. JEL Development Program’s purpose is to train our poten al Engineers as our next generaon of Site Managers and Leaders. PT.JEL’s Management has selected 3 most suitable and qualified PT.JEL’s staffs to a end this Development Program which will be couched by training providers like Cegos, SIM University, MDIS and Kaplan. This Development Program will take 3 years to complete. In the near future, PT.JEL will start to have our own Development Program for our next badge of next genera on of Site Managers and Leaders. Congratula on to the below selected 3 staffs!!! Mr. Gatot Widiyanto is our Site Manager at PT. Styrindo Mono Indonesia’s Ethylene Booster Compressor Installation Project at Cilegon. “Human Resource Department” Mr Gatot Widiyanto Mr. Antos Sriandi was our Site Manager at CAPECCx Project in PT. Chandra Asri Petrochemical Plant. He has also just completed the PT.CAP HGPI project & Major Inspection GT#11 at PLTGU Sengkang. Antos Sriandi Mr Antos Sriandi Trisna Gunawan is our Site Manager for Banggai Ammonia Plant Utility Piping Installation Project at Central Sulawesi. Trisna Gunawan Mr Trisna Gunawan I n te r n a l N e w s l e t t e r P age 5 NEW SAP DATA ENTRY FOR MATERIAL CONTROL MODULE, MS SRI LUKMIATI SARI SAP is a software used in our company to support business process integration. In this MM Module’s data entry is to create purchase requisition and good receipt release on system. The data entry is used to be performed by Mr. Khuluq but is now performed by Ms Sri Lukmiati Sari. This task was handed over by Mr.Khusnul Khuluq to Ms.Sri Lukmiati Sari. Mr. Khuluq’s present task is to provide support to Ms. Sari if there is any problems. Mr. Khuluq’s primary new task is to complete the inventory of PT.JEL’s tools and assets in Tools Center in Cilegon. Mr.Ngadirin Has Obtained SIOP For Operating Crawler Crane We are pleased to announce our Tools Center supervisor Mr. Ngadirin has obtained (SIO) license to operate crawler crane operator on 1st January, 2016. He is certified to operate crawler crane up to 50T capacity “Material Control & Procurement Dept.” Mr Ngadirin’s SIO Site Material Control Officer Announcement For New Project We are pleased to announce our site material control officer for our newly secured Banggai Ammonia Plant Utility Piping Work project is Mr.Merlang Indra. He is trained and briefed about PT.JEL’s Material Control Procedure and Policy prior to mobilizing to Banggai site Mr Khuluq Training Mr Merlang Indra Material Control Procedure for Banggai Ammonia Project I n te r n a l N e w s l e t t e r P age 6 PT.JEL’S STANDARDIZE OFFICER CONTAINER APPEARANCE We are pleased to announce our PT.JEL’s Standardize Office Container Appearance as per below sketch. “Material Control & Procurement Dept.” P age 7 INTRODUCTION OF PT.JEL’S NEW HSE’S COORDINATOR & AUDITOR, MS. NOVALIA ZAHROINI (NOVA) “EHS Department” Ms. Novalia, Mr. Novitra, Mr. Erry , Mr. Arif Hakim (from right to left) In order to improve and ensure all site complies to PT.JEL’s EHS Plan, we have an introduction meeting to introduce our new EHS’s Coordinator and Auditor, Ms. Nova on the 3rd February 2016 at PT. Jurong Engineering Lestari’s Head Office in Jakarta. The meeting was conducted by PT.JEL’s President Director, Mr. Yap. This meeting was attended by Safety Representative from all PT.JEL’s Project. They are Mr. Erry Gunawan Safety Coordinator from Ulubelu Project, Mr. Arif Hakim Safety Coordinator from SMI Project and Mr. Novitra Safety Coordinator from Banggai Project. The first agenda for this EHS meeting is to introduce PT. JEL’s New EHS Coordinator & Auditor, Ms. Novalia Zahroini (Nova). She will replace Mr. Job Purba. For functional job, all site safety must reported direct to EHS Coordinator & Auditor. . After lunch we are continue meeting about PT. JEL’s EHS Policy & Procedure briefing conducted by EHS Department Coordinator & Auditor. JEL EHS Policy & Procedure must be share to all Site Safety. The Last Agenda is about EHS Best Project selection Criteria Formulation, quarterly we will choose one EHS Best Project. The Criteria has been agreed for selection and is in compliance to PT. JEL KPI (Key Performance Indicator), Near Missed Incident must be reported, project program compliance. P age 8 Contractor Safety Management System ( CSMS ) By PT.REKIND Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS) is a standard provides requirements which management level, contractor and subcontractor must meet and follow when engaged by company for any work. Company’s objective is for contractor to be working to a satisfactory standard meeting all company and legislative regulation. CSMS is evidence that PT. Jurong Engineering Lestari (JEL ) committed to the management of safety, health and environment. This standard provides guidelines that all parties must follow to ensure OEHS (Occupational Environmental Health a nd Safety) is managed during the course of business. We must proud to announce that our CSMS score for PT.REKIND has improved from 57% in year 2014 to 76% in year 2015. With a 76% score, our company is qualified to participate in PT.REKIND’s Oil & Gas Project too. We must keep increase our qualification and implementation for environment, health and safety. If we want our project to complete safely, create solid safety specifications. Every job should begin with a thorough risk assessment where the applicable hazards and risks are identified, analyzed and prioritized. Then we can implement specifications to make sure risks are reduced to acceptable levels. “EHS Department” CSMS is arguably the most important part of our management. This can be accomplished through looking for a combination of lagging indicators (e.g. AFR (Accident Frequency Rate), ASR (Accident Severity Rate, incidents rates etc.) and leading indicators (looking at the management systems that are in place, internal training programs, tool box meeting, etc) Certificate Contractor Safety Management System ( CSMS ) By Rekind I n te r n a l N e w s l e t t e r P age 9 Newly Secured Project: Banggai Ammonia Plant, Banggai, Luwuk, Central Sulawesi Project Name Client Owner Location : : : : Duration : Site Manager Scope of Works : : Banggai Ammonia Plant Project PT Rekayasa Industri PT Panca Amara Utama (PAU) Banggai, Luwuk, Central Sula wesi 18 Months ( 1 March 2016 – 31 August 2017) Trisna Gunawan Utility Package #3, Piping Work Fabrication and Installation. Our BAP Project Team In PT.JEL H.O ON GOING PROJECT: GT 11 C-INSPECTION MAJOR OVERHAUL SENGKANG COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT Project Name Client Location Duration Team Leader : GT 11 C-Inspection Major Over haul : PT Consolidated Electric Power Asia : Sengkang Combined Cycle Power Plant Jln PLTGU Ds Patila,Kec Pammana, Kab Wajo,South Sulawesi : 1 Month ( January 2016 – February 2016 ) : Antos Sriandi. “PROJECT U P DAT E ” Our Sengkang Project Team ON GOING PROJECT: ULUBELU UNIT 3 & 4 GEOTHERMAL POWER PROJECT, 2 X 55 MW ON ULUBELU, TANGGAMUS, LAMPUNG, INDONESIA Project Name Client Owner Location Duration Site Manager Scope of Works : : : : : : : Ulubelu Unit 3 & 4 Geothermal Power Project, 2 x 55 MW PT Rekayasa Industri PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) Ulubelu, Tanggamus, Lampung, Indonesia 16 Months ( 24 August 2015 – 24 December 2016) Deny Wahayu Susanto Mechanical erection for 2 x 55MW Our Ulubelu 2 x 55MW Geothermal Power Plant Project Team I n te r n a l N e w s l e t t e r P age 1 0 ON GOING PROJECT: INSTALL NEW ETHYLENE BOOSTER COMPRESSOR PULOAMPEL – SERANG – BANTEN Project Name : Client Location Duration Site Manager Scope of Works : : PULOAMPEL – SERANG – BANTEN : 7 Months ( October 2015 – April 2016) : Gatot Widiyanto : Install new ethylene booster compressor INSTALL NEW ETHYLENE BOOSTER COM PRESSOR PT. STYRINDO MONO INDONESIA (PT.SMI) SMI Project Team C P : T ECR PIPING PACKAGE 1 TAM-CAP ANYER - CILEGON Project Name : ECR PIPING PACKAGE 1 TAM-CAP 2015 Client “PROJECT U P DAT E ” : PT. CHANDRA ASRI PETROCHEMI CAL TYPE OF PROJECT : TURN AROUND MAINTENANCE Location : Sengkang Combined Cycle Power Duration : 5 Month ( August 2015 – December 2016 ) Team Leader : Gatot Widiyanto Our ECR Piping Project Team COMPLETED THE WORK ON PROVIDE DESTINATION LINE PV8701B, PV-8702B, PV-8703B TO LP FLARE ANYER, BANTEN Project Name : Client Location Duration : : : Site Manager : Provide Destination Line PV8701B,PV-8702B, PV-8703B to LP Flare PT. Chandra Asri Petrochemical Anyer, Banten - Indonesia 1 Month and 3 Weeks (July 5th, 2015 ~ August 30th, 2015) Arche Husni Our PV Line Project Team I n te r n a l N e w s l e t t e r P age 1 1 Completed Project: GTG Hot Gas Path Inspection Chandra Asri Petrochemical Plant – Anyer – Cilegon Project Name Client Location : : : Duration : Site Manager Scope of Works : : GTG Hot Gas Path Inspection Alstom Service – Surabaya Chandra Asri Petrochemical Plant – Anyer – Cilegon 1 Months ( October 2015 – November 2015) Antos Sriandi Hot Gas Inspection & Electri cal/ Instrument Work . Our Team GHPI COMPLETED PROJECT: WORK ON IMPROVEMENT OF HP ETHYLENE PIPE AT RAGAS BRIGDE ,KAMPUNG RAGAS - BOJONEGARA, BANTEN Project Name : IMPROVEMENT HP ETHYLENE PIPE AT RAGAS BRIGDE Client : PT. CHANDRA ASRI PETROCHEMICA Location : Kampung Ragas - Bojonegara, Banten Duration : 1 Month ( October 2015 – “PROJECT U P DAT E ” November 2015 ) Team Leader : Maman Surahman Lowering New Pipe Spool COMPLETED PROJECT: STG & BOILER BATU BARA PLANT PROJECT PALEMBANG, SOUTH SUMATERA, INDONESIA Project Name : STG & Boiler Batu Bara Plant Project Client : PT Rekayasa Industri Owner : PT PUSRI Palembang Loca on : Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia Dura on : 8 Months ( 27 October 2014 – 8 July 2015) Site Manager: Deny Wahayu Susanto Scope of Works : Underground and RWI Piping Work Project Completion dinner PT. JURONG ENGINEERING LESTARI C PROJECT: WATER TREATMENT & WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT CHANDRA ASRI Head office: 10th Floor Maspion Plaza Jalan Gunung Sahari Raya Kavling 18 Jakarta 14420, Indonesia Project Name : Water Treatment & Waste Water Treatment Plant Client : Toyo Engineering – IKPT Location : Chandra Asri Petrochemical Plant – Anyer – Cilegon Duration : 12 months (Dec’14 to Nov’15) Scope : Installation of Mechanical Eqpt., Structure & Piping. Site Manager : Antos Sriandi We’re on the Web! www.ptjel.com A Subsidiary of Jurong Engineering Limited Our WT & WTP Project Team WT & WTP Project Tool Box Meeting C P P PROJECT: P 1 Y M 1 55MW G P Project Name : Patuha 1 x 55MW GPP 1st Year Maintenance Project Client : Toshiba Corporation (under Marubeni Corporation) Location : Patuha, Ciwidey, Bandung, Indonesia Duration : 1 Month ( 1st – 30th September 2015) Scope : Modification Mechanical Work and Assist Toshiba Site Manager : Arief Khoirudin Replacement Work In Progress
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