the river po
the river po
Promoting tourism in the River Po area Laura Schiff Technical Seminar Spiaggia Romea, 9 September 2010 The R iver Po: cros s -reg ional pers pective • 4 Regions: Emilia-Romagna, Lombardy, Piedmont, Veneto • 13 Provinces • 474 Municipalities 15.258 km2 (17% of the territories of the 4 regions involved) – 183 coastal 6.197 km2 – 291 non-coastal 9.061 km2 Fonte PSS Valle del fiume Po – Valutazione Ambientale strategica – Rapporto ambientale 2 THE R IVER PO • The river runs throug h the mos t s ig nificant demog raphic and economic area of the country and one of the mos t important in the whole world • The his toric cities of C remona, Piacenza, Turin, Pavia, Mantua, Ferrara and Venice, located along the banks of the river or in its proximity, are among the mos • t The river ins pired the work of many important cultural artis ts , writers , painters , compos ers : centres in the world Verdi, Zavattini. B acchelli, G uares chi, B as s ani, Lig abue… etc • The natural environment of the river is full of s urpris es and hos ts thous ands of rare birds , plants and unique s pecies . • The area around the river has a unique 3 g as tronomic offer, rich in local products Touris m in the R iver Po area • The River Po area can be an extremely interesting new tourist product, the ideal destination for - Those who love natural environemnts still unknown to mass tourism - Those who see holidays as an opportunity to practice sport - Those who want to enjoy good food and wine - Those who are interested in culture, architecture and landscape - Those who want to discover new, unexpected places - Those who love the real “slow tourism” • The demand for river tourism, sport tourism and environmental tourism has been growing steadily since the eighties, especially on the international market • In terms of tourism, the River Po can now reach the same levels of other great European rivers, like the Danube, the Thames, the Seine 4 Our common g oals • Work together with local stakeholders and enterpises to create a coordinated and qualified tourist offer capable of meeting the different needs of our guests. 5 R eg ion Emilia-R omag na: res ources allocated to touris m in the Po area • • Programme for the area of the Po – River of Europe Programmes for the southern area of the Province of Ferrara 8 million euros set aside for •Cycling paths (about 150 km ), which now make up the cycling route running along the right bank of the Po in the Emilia Region •River mooring facilities, which foster the development of boating •Support to hosting facilities and tourist services •Drawing up itineraries and routes •Improving the tourist offer with road signs, geen areas, resting areas, etc 6 A river s hared by four R eg ions • Each Region, each area crossed by the River Po offers its own tours and itineraries, which, however, do not make up a homogeneous tourist offer yet. • What is missing is a new vision encompassing the entire geographical region crossed by the river and its different territories. 7 The cros s -reg ional project “Promoting Touris m in the R iver Po Area” LN/135/2001 Partners Emilia-Romagna (leader), Lombardy, Piedmont and Veneto Technical coordination Department of Tourism and Quality of Tourist Areas of the Region Emilia Romagna Duration February 2005 - December 2010 Actions A) Cross-regional actions carried out jointly by all Regions B) Regional carried out by individual Regions 8 OBJECTIVES 1.P romoting touris m in the R iver P o area and in the neighbouring areas 2. Building up s ynergies and cooperation among R egional adminis trations and other ins titutions involved 3.C arrying out joint actions aimed at improving tourist acces s 4. C arrying out joint actions to promote tourism in the P o area in all its as pects (river tours, gas tronomy, culture, sport, etc.) MACRO ACTIONS 1.Improving the tourist offer of the regions 2.E nhancing s ervices and profes sional res ources 3.C arrying out ad-hoc s tudies 4.P romotional actions 9 Action 1 improving the touris t offer Cross-regional actions S IG NPOS TING ALONG THE R IVER • About 50 signs shall be set up in the main landing places along the river, from Pavia to the river mouth and near the river’s tributaries and other places of tourist interest • The signposts shall provide useful information on: - Boating • Mooring places, refuelling stations, directions - Landscape and the environment • fauna, flora, villages, landmarks, geographic infomation - Tourist information • Information centres, emergency numbers, etc. 10 Action1 improving the touris t offer Cross-regional actions WINE AND FOOD ITINER AR Y - Study on the networking of wine and food resources of the area in a single, structured itinerary 11 Action 1 improving the touris t offer Cross-regional actions C YC LING R OUTES ALONG THE PO - Analysis and connection of existing cycling routes through common signposting 12 Action 1 improving the touris t offer Cross-regional actions ITINER AR IE S OF THE MUS E UMS ALONG THE PO - Analysis and networking of existing museums (ethnographic, historical, naturalistic museums) M us eo dell’Ingegno P opolare di C olornoM useo della C iviltà C ontadina di Zibello C as a Natale di G iuseppe Verdi di R oncole VerdiC entro del Bos caccio di D iolo 13 Cross-regional actions Action 2 improving s ervices and profes s ional res ources TR AINING • Three training seminars for professionals of the tourist sector (tourist guides, staff of tourist information offices, tour operators, etc.) – One educational boat tour in Boretto, one seminar in Turin, one educational boat tour in Mesola • 120 participants in total • 21 hours of training • 4 trainers • When: spring 2009 14 Action 4 Promotional activities Cross-regional actions Tour g uide and theme exhibition • Tour Guide published by The Italian Touring Club in Italian and English with maps of the area from the river head to the Delta – 34 cross-regional itineraries with information on fauna, flora, environment, villages, history, museums, gastronomy, etc. • Theme exhibition in Milan: “Itineraries along the River: the River Po and its history from 1811 to 13 march 2005” 15 Action 3 Ad hoc s tudies Cross-regional actions K PL s tudy and s urvey 4 research reports • • • • Desk analysis and categorisation of the tourist product of the Po International benchmark analysis on river tourism in Europe Stakeholder audit in 4 Regions Report on the international analysis on the demand for tiver tourism 1. Desk analysis 2. International benchmarking 1 international database • Database of all the tour operators of central and northern Europe potentially interested in the River Po area 3. Stakeholders Audit in the Po area 4. International market analysis 16 The latest action carried out jointly by all the Regions The cross-regional web portal of the River Po KPL information The cross-regional web portal of the River po Emilia-Romagna – Lombardy Piedmont - Veneto content • • • • • objective Promotion of the common touris t offer of the Po area, from Mount Monvis o to the Delta, providing information on the characteristics of the whole area and enhancing the role of ins itutions and private stakeholders. Local res ources of touris t interes t (culture, wine and food, s port, local his tory, etc.) A databas e of all the Tour operators of the 4 reg ions (river touris m, hotels and res taurants , culture, etc. with about 6,500 entries ) E vents and initiatives of touris t interes t Us ers ’s pag es – C ommunity “A mici del Po” (Friends of the R iver Po), to s hare the objectives of the portal and pos t pictures , videos , etc. Ins titutional pag e with the lis t of participating R eg ions , a des cription of the C ros s -reg ional Project for the promotion of the R iver and of all the res ults of the s tudies , plus a res tricted-acces s pag e for the exchang e of confidential documents . 17 Action 1 improving the touris t offer Regional actions: EMILIA-ROMAGNA ifras tructural interventions Building of: • River mooring place in the Municipality of Berra • River mooring place in the Municipality of Bondeno • Reconditioning of the embankement and mooring place in the Municipality of Ferrara • Reconditioning of the access area to the river mooring place in the Municipality of Ferrara • River mooring place in the Muncipality of Mesola • Safety refurbishment of the floating museum Mulino sul Po 18 R eg ional actions Action 1 improving the touris t offer Regional actions : EMILIAROMAGNA S upporting local enterpris es • Sponsoring local tourist enterprises in the Provinces of Piacenza, Parma and Reggio Emilia to finance the refurbishment of accommodation facilities or tourist servicies, in particular: – Restructuring accommodation facilities, – Repairing boats and vessels, – Refurbishing ports – Purchasing motorboats – Building mooring places, – Bike deposits, – Parking lots, – Purchasing equipment. 19 R eg ional actions Action 2 promotional actions Regional actions: EMILIA-ROMAGNA MUS IC EVENT “UN PO DI MUS IC A” • Two years, 2008 e 2009 • The first, great “Italian music tour” that took place along the right bank of the River Po in the Emilia Region • Creation of the web site • 4 Provinces, 27 Municipalities, over 100 events involving music, gastronomy and river tours in 2008 and 2009. 20 R eg ional actions Action 2 promotional actions Interventi regionali: EMILIA-ROMAGNA ADVER TIS ING AND PR OMOTION • • • Insert “Un Po di Musica” in the magazine Bell’Italia May 2008 Promotional campaign on all the media : radio, tv, newspapers, specialist magazines, advertising bills and distribution of promotional material. Il Po si Racconta: promotional video. Publications: • Itinerari d’autore lungo le sponde del PO – Cultural itineraries along the River Po: itineraries linked to famous historical and cultural figures of the Po area in the Emilia Region • Fiabe e ricette delle rive del Po – Tales and recipes of the local tradition • Antichi sapori della terra e dell’acqua – Collection of traditional local recipes. 21 Strategic analysis and research project KPL - Knowledge PO Leadership SUMMARY OF THE RESULTS Lidia Marongiu “Progetto KPL - Knowledge Po Leadership” è un’azione di indagine internazionale del Progetto Interregionale di “Valorizzazione turistica Fiume Po” What is KPL ? • It is the first big s trategic research project on river tourism carried out by all the 4 R eg ions cros s ed by the G reat R iver. • It is an accurate research work combining data, analyses and statistics on offer and demand for river tourism on the P o into a single source of information for institutions and private stakeholders of the whole area. © S tudio G iaccardi & As s ociati - C ons ulenti di Direzione 23 Why KPL? • To understand wether and how the R iver Po can become an attractive, s ucces ful and competitive touris t des tination at international level • To guide choices and strategies aimed at fostering the bus ines s of river touris m in the P o area. • To understand better international demand and the •Theneeds KP L res earch tudy was done by the cons ulting of stourists S tudio G iaccardi & As s ociati in the framework of the C ross -regional P roject on the P romotion of Tourism in the R iver P o Area carried out by the R egions E miliaR omagna (leader), Lombardy, P iedmont and Veneto. •C oordination: D epartment of Touris m and Q uality of Touris t Areas of the R egion E milia R omagna © S tudio G iaccardi & As s ociati - C ons ulenti di Direzione 24 Business approach The KPL working model G oal: (unders tand wether) is it pos s ible to do bus ines s with river touris m in the Po area? Market s urvey C us tomer analys is . What are the available res ources /products / offer? dentification of targ et market and cus tomers Des k analys is What can we learn from others ? What do other river s ys tems do? B enchmark Audit – lis tening to s takeholders What do local s takeholders think? Lis ten to them and benefit from their common knowledg © S tudio G iaccardi & As s ociati - C ons ulenti e… di Direzione 25 KPL output 4 research reports • • • • Des k analys is and categ oris ation of the touris t product of the R iver Po International benchmarking on river touris m in Europe S takeholder audit in the 4 R eg ions R eport on the international s tudy on river touris m 1 common database • Databas e of central and northern European tour operators potentially interes ted © S tudio G iaccardi & As s ociati - C ons ulenti di Direzione 1. Desk analysis 2. International benchmarking 3. Stakeholder audit in the Po Delta area 4. International market analysis 26 1. Il prodotto turistico del Po • A ) OPERA TORI FLUVIA LI crociere plurigiornaliere, noleggio di houseboat (roulotte galleggianti), noleggio di imbarcazioni da diporto, escursioni giornaliere in battello, pescaturismo, TO e A dV • B ) A TTIVITA ’ S PORTIVE IN A C QUA E A TERRA canottaggio, kayak, cicloturismo, trekking, turismo equestre • C ) PA RC HI NA TURA LI S ede, caratteristiche, attività, servizi, sito web • D) ENOG A S TRONOMIA E PRODOTTI TIPIC I S trade del gusto, vie dei sapori, prodotti tipici etc. © S tudio G iaccardi & As s•ociati C ons ulenti di C Direzione E) -OFFERTA ULTURA LE Musei, personaggi famosi del Po 27 La promozione del Po nei portali istituzionali di Province e Regioni rivierasche © S tudio G iaccardi & As s ociati - C ons ulenti di Direzione 28 • A ) OPERA TORI FLUVIA LI crociere plurigiornaliere, noleggio di hous eboat (roulotte galleggianti), noleggio di imbarcazioni da diporto, es curs ioni giornaliere in battello, pescaturis mo, TO e AdV • B ) A TTIVITA ’ S PORTIVE IN A C QUA E A TERRA canottaggio, kayak, cicloturis mo, trekking, turis mo eques tre • C ) PA RC HI NA TURA LI S ede, caratteris tiche, attività, s ervizi, s ito web Per mappare questa offerta di prodotto sono state consultate oltre 110 siti web! tra istituzioni, operatori pubblici e privati, associazioni e reti, portali di promozione turistica, etc. • D) ENOG A S TRONOMIA E PRODOTTI TIPIC I S trade del gus to, vie dei s apori, prodotti tipici etc. • E) OFFERTA C ULTURA LE Mus ei, pers onaggi famos i del P o © S tudio G iaccardi & As s ociati - C ons ulenti di Direzione 29 Evidence 1. Desk analysis: categorisation of the tourist product in the River Po area • 110 s ites have been involved and analys ed to collect touris t information on the R iver P o • There is no common touris t promotion s ite in the R iver Po area • Touris t promotion is frag mented and carried out mainly by ins titutional s ites • There is no updated yearbook of river operators • The river offer is not explicitely advertis ed and is ofted “mas ked” as environmental touris m, green tourism and “itineraries ” • Plenty of environmental, cultural, gas tronomic res ources that can be turned into an all-s eas on touris t offer Result Mapping and listing local resources of the Po area to create a crossregional tourist product © S tudio G iaccardi & As s ociati - C ons ulenti di Direzione 30 2. Benchmark internazionale Il turismo fluviale in Europa. Best practices Che cosa hanno (o cosa fanno) di più o di diverso i sistemi fluviali d’Europa I casi analizzati 1. Il s istema fluviale francese 2. La regione della Borgogna (Francia) 3. La regione della C amargue (Francia) 4. L’Alto R eno (Germania, Francia, S vizzera) 5. Il Tamigi (Inghilterra) 6. L’E bro (S pagna) 7. La regione del Brandenburg (Germania) 8. Il D anubio (Germania, Aus tria, S lovacchia, Ungheria, C roazia, S erbia, R omania, B ulgaria, Ucraina, Moldovia) © S tudio G iaccardi & As s ociati - C ons ulenti di Direzione 32 Evidence 2. International benchmarking • • • • • • • • 8 river touris t des tinations in Europe were s tudied (S eine, Loire, R hone, E bro, R hine, D anube, R ivers of B randenburg, Thames) E uropean rivers are jointly promoted on the web and web sites are multiluingual and updated E ach river s ystem has a web portal providing information on accommodation opportunities, landmarks of the area and navigability The coobination of river touris m and cycling touris m is well es tablis hed The web portals provide data, s tatis tics and analys es on demand trends and cus tomer profiles in river tourism Foreig n touris ts amount on averag e to 60% of the total and exceed 80% in B urgundy (France) The river s ystems adopt s trateg ic development plans with a duration of 7to 10 years A new environmetal-friendly model of boating using also solar-energy boats is becoming increas ing ly popular Result Guidelines, information and best practices to define and promote the tourist offer of the Po area at European level © S tudio G iaccardi & As s ociati - C ons ulenti di Direzione 33 3. Audit degli stakeholder del sistema Po Allo stato attuale il Po attrae flussi turistici? 80,0 75,0 70,0 60,0 64,5 57,9 valori % 50,0 40,0 sì 36,8 no 16,7 20,0 10,0 non so 29,0 30,0 5,3 8,3 Stakeholder pubblici Stakeholder privati 6,5 Totale • Nota bene: • P er l’80% degli intervis tati i flus s i turis tici attuali s ono rappresentati principalmente da es curs ionis ti che vis itano i luoghi nell’arco di una giornata s enza pernottamenti © S tudio G iaccardi & As s ociati - C ons ulenti di Direzione 35 Evidence 3. Audit involving 50 local stakeholders from the 4 Po Regions • 80% of the touris t flow in the P o area cons is ts of one-day trips (no night stays ) • 67% of the interviewed believe that the local touris t offer is mainly connected to the land rather than the river • R iver touris m is s een as a product for g roups and families (whereas the s urvey on the demand gave the oppos ite res ult: river touris m is 90% individual tourism!) • 97% of the s takeholders s ee the need to promote the Po Area as a s ing le touris t product by creating a joint web portal for the 4 R egions • The web is the main s ource of information for river touris ts – Ironically, none of the stakeholders stated that the Result web is a s elling tool for the local tourist product opinions, suggetions and proposals to build up an integrated crossregional tourist offer © S tudio G iaccardi & As s ociati - C ons ulenti di Direzione 36 4. Sintesi dell’indagine di mercato internazionale verso intermediari specializzati in turismo fluviale e verde nell’Unione Europea Il target di indagine 153 s og g etti intermediari europei 47 impres e aderenti • 67% è composto da operatori di turis mo fluviale (TO e AdV specializzati, organizzatori di crociere ed escurs ioni giornaliere, noleggiatori di houseboats e imbarcazioni da diporto, ass ociazioni sportive in acqua, etc.) • 31% del target ha partecipato all’indagine, con divers i livelli di ades ione in bas e all’area di provenienza e alla tipologia di offerta • 33% è composto da org anizzazioni s pecializzate nel turis mo verde e attivo (TO , AdV e ass ociazioni di cicloturismo, Francia escurs ionis mo, s port all’aria aperta, circuiti eno-gastronomici e culturali, S pagna etc.) G ermania Austria e Svizzera UK e Irla nda B enelux Totale Valori ass oluti turismo turismo turismo verde e Totale fluviale fluviale attivo 13 1 14 35,1 7 6 13 18,9 7 2 9 18,9 4 1 5 10,8 5 5 13,5 1 1 2,7 37 10 47 100,0 © S tudio G iaccardi & As s ociati - C ons ulenti di Direzione Valo ri % turismo verde e Totale attivo 10,0 29,8 60,0 27,7 20,0 19,1 10,0 10,6 10,6 2,1 100,0 100,0 38 Cosa intendete per offerta turistica fluviale? Quale tipologia di prodotto turistico trattate? UK E IR LANDA • C rociere plurig iornaliere • Noleg g io hous eboats e imbarcazioni da diporto • Trekking e pass eggiate a piedi lungo il fiume • E s cursioni giornaliere suRmotos cafiE GE MANIA FR ANC IA • Noleg g io hous eboats , peniches hotels , imbarcazioni da diporto • C rociere plurigiornaliere • E s curs ioni giornaliere • Hotellerie e ris torante a bordo • Locazione battelli da diporto S PAG NA • Itinerari culturali e naturalis tici, vis ite g uidate • Es curs ioni g iornaliere • Trekking , cicloturis mo, pas s eg g iate a piedi e altre attività all'aria aperta • K ayaking e torrentis mo • C rociere plurigiornaliere • Noleggio hous eboats e B E NE LUX In g ras s etto le ris pos te più frequenti © S tudio G iaccardi & As s ociati - C ons ulenti di Direzione • C ombinazione cicloturis mo + battello-barca • Noleg g io di hous eboats • Es curs ioni g iornaliere • C rociere plurigiornaliere • C rociere fluviali + AUS TR IAculturali E S VIZZE R A itinerari Noleg g io hous eboats • C anottaggio • C ombinazione ciclotouris mo + battello/barca • Tour fluviali in tutta Europa 39 Matrice competitiva del prodotto turistico fluviale per le 5 macro-aree mercato (A) G ermania e B enelux Francia Aus tria e S vizzera Attività a terra Attività in acqua Attività a terra Attività in acqua C iclo-turis mo fluviale P archi e oasi naturali, birdwatching, etc E venti, s pettacoli e ras s egne mus icali C rociere plurigiornali ere C ircuiti culturali E s curs io ni giornalier e Attività s portive Noleggio hous eboats Trekking e pass eggiate S agre e fes te tradizionali E quitazion e C ircuiti enogas tronomici B attelli e imbarcazioni tipiche e antiche P esc a © S tudio G iaccardi & As s ociati - C ons ulenti di Direzione Importanza dei contenuti di prodotto nelle s celte di acquis to > 60% preferenze Tra 50 e 60% preferenze Tra 30 e 50% preferenze < 30% preferenze 40 Matrice competitiva del prodotto turistico fluviale per le 5 macro-aree mercato (B) UK e Irlanda S pag na Attività a terra Attività in acqua Attività a terra Attività in acqua C iclo-turis mo fluviale E venti, s pettacoli e ras s egne mus icali C rociere plurigiornali ere E s curs io ni giornalier e P archi e oasi naturali, birdwatching, etc C ircuiti culturali Noleggio hous eboats Attività s portive Trekking e pass eggiate S agre e fes te tradizionali E quitazion e C ircuiti enogas tronomici B attelli e imbarcazioni tipiche e antiche P esc a © S tudio G iaccardi & As s ociati - C ons ulenti di Direzione Importanza dei contenuti di prodotto nelle s celte di acquis to > 60% preferenze Tra 50 e 60% preferenze Tra 30 e 50% preferenze < 30% preferenze 41 Evidence 4. International market analysis on the demand for river tourism in Europe • • • • • • • • 47 stakeholders interviewed: tour operators and travel agencies s pecialis ed in river tourism and/or green tourism in 5 market macroareas (Austria/S witzerland, France, G ermany/Benelux, S pain, UK/Ireland) 30% of the interviewed link the R iver Po to Venice and the R eg ion Veneto; 28% to northern Italy in general; 15% to’E miliaR omagna, 9% to Lombardy and only 6% to P iedmont 40% of the operators s tated that the web is their primary s ale channel : 64% s ell on-line, 21% of which make 80% of their s ales on line 90% of the touris ts in the 5 macro-areas are individual tourists , org anis ed g roup tours account for 10% only 70% do not s ell the Po area as a touris t product nor have any relations with its touris t s ys tem or its territory Profile of the European river touris ts : they travel as couples or with friends ; average age 45; travel mainly by car or train; choos e cycling as a way to dis cover new places; holidays have an average duration of one week; they prefer s mall accommodation facilities with cus tomis ed s ervices (bike depos it, s huttle service, etc); they combine s port activities with cultural and gas tronomic interes ts , vis it s mall villages and want to dis cover the material culture of places . 3 driving concepts in the choice of a river des tination : authenticity and typicality, outdoor activities , s lownes s Result Guidelines, proposals and opinions of international operators on tourist demand to build up the right offer and provide contacts for commercial agreements © S tudio G iaccardi & As s ociati - C ons ulenti di Direzione 42 Competitive matrix of the Po tourist product © S tudio G iaccardi & As s ociati - C ons ulenti di Direzione 43 The team “KPL Project - Knowledge Po Leadership” is an international research study of the cross-regional project “Promotion of tourism in the Po area” C ross-regional P roject “P ormotion of tourism in the P o Area” Leader: R eg ion E milia-R omag na, R eg ional C ouncil for Touris m, Trade, Touris t S ervices and Quality of Touris t Areas • • • Laura S chiff (responsible for the project) Lorenzo B aldini Antonio M anes R eg ion Lombardy • • S tefania Tamborini Luca M ambretti R eg ion Piedmont • • M arzia B aracchino Gaetano D i B lasi R eg ion Veneto Prog etto K PL -K nowledg e Po Leaders hip • • P aolo R osso Alessandra S egato Project, cons ulting , s urveys , adta proces s ing and reporting on res earch S tudio G iaccardi & As s ociati Lidia M arongiu Andrea Zironi S erena P eana and S tefania D eiana G iulia Torella © S tudio G iaccardi & As s ociati - C ons ulenti di Direzione 44 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Progetto, modello, elaborazioni, azioni e metodologia sono un prodotto originale dello Studio Giaccardi & Associati - Consulenti di Direzione © KPL, All rights reserved, Ravenna novembre 2009 www.g iaccardias s