Summer 2011 - Vegetarian Network of Austin


Summer 2011 - Vegetarian Network of Austin
Vol. XV Issue 2
6XPPHU 2011
Austin Vegetarian Living
The Newsletter of the Vegetarian Network of Austin
In this issue ...
About The VNA............................ 2
Freebirds Reaches
Out To Austin Vegans................. 3
Texas Vegan Chef
Releases Cookbook.................... 4
News and Notes.......................... 5
New VNA Events Director
Casa de Luz Parking Ordinance Update
Sunny Day Farms Needs Your Help!
Counter Culture Nominated for Award
Hyden Park Supper Club
Mr. Natural’s Gluten-Free Fridays
Restaurant Closures
Sprouts / Sun Harvest Merger
New Progressive Vegetarians Organizer
Community/Nat’l Calendar......6-7
Current/upcoming events, meetings of
local groups, food and cooking classes,
and farmers’ markets
Summer Hydration 101..................8
Recipe: Pineapple
Cornbread Muffins..................... 10
Membership Form..................... 11
Classified Ads........................... 11
VNA Event Calendar................. 12
Monthly potlucks, restaurant visits,
food classes and board meetings
Help support the Vegetarian Network
of Austin by subscribing to
Austin Vegetarian Living
See Page 11 for details.
Vegetarian Network of Austin
Celebrates 15th Anniversary!
By Jerry Amundson and Brendan Good, VNA Officers
This summer, we are celebrating the 15th
anniversary of the founding of the Vegetarian
Network of Austin. The VNA has been proud
to be an active component in Austin’s vegan,
vegetarian, and animal
rights community. Since
1996, our group has
provided opportunities
for people with all
levels of interests
in vegetarianism to
gather, learn about
and find resources for
the movement, and of
course have great food.
to the planning, execution and volunteer
effort for each of the Cook-Offs since then.
This year, we’re happy to be partnering with
the Texas Humane Legislation Network to
present the 23rd annual
Lone Star Vegetarian
Chili Cook-Off on
Sunday, November 13th
in Round Rock.
The members of the
VNA cover a broad
range, from singles to
couples to families,
younger and older
The VNA is actually a
to vegetarians to the
descendant of a previous
veg-curious. Some are
group here in Austin.
more focused on health,
The group was called The original announcement of the VNA’s some on environmental
the Austin Vegetarian founding in Vegetarian Times, July 1996 issues, and others on
Society, and it was
animal rights. We all
founded by previous member Pat Tierra in the end up teaching each other about the many
1980s. Our longest-standing current member, positive reasons for being vegetarian.
Nouzha Swimelar, joined the AVS in 1987.
The AVS was one of the four charter groups Today the VNA is thriving; with the help
of the Lone Star Vegetarian Network, which of Facebook and Meetup we’ve attracted
was founded in 1989 by the late Shirley many new members. We have potlucks and
restaurant visits each month, and recently
some members have started teaching food
Pat’s dedication was instrumental in keeping classes. We have collaborated on many
the group alive until the middle of the 90s, occasions with other Austin groups, like
when she had to move away from Austin. Vegans Rock Austin and the Progressive
At that time, the Austin Vegetarian Society Vegetarians Meetup and other groups, such
was about to shut down. At the last minute, as the Progressive Potluckers, have asked to
about seven or eight determined members join our potlucks. We look forward to seeing
got together to save the group. They you at our next gathering! !
renamed it the Vegetarian Network of Austin
(VNA) and set new bylaws and guidelines,
ensuring that Austin’s only vegetarian group
would not dissolve.
The VNA continued the Austin group’s role
in sponsoring the Lone Star Vegetarian Chili
Cook-Off. We took our turns with the other
groups in Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, and
South Texas to host the Cook-Off annually
until 2004 when the Cook-Off came to Austin
permanently. Our members have been integral
Our recent restaurant visit to Bouldin Creek Cafe
Photo by Stevie Duda
News for Austin’s Vegetarian Community
© 2011 Vegetarian Network of Austin
The Vegetarian Network of Austin
Austin Vegetarian Living is published bi-monthly by the
Vegetarian Network of Austin, P.O. Box 49333, Austin, Texas 78765-9333.
Subscriptions are mailed to paid members.
Leadership Team
Chairperson.................................................................................................................................................................Jerry Amundson
Secretary, Membership Coordinator...............................................................................................................................Rupert Hazle
Treasurer..........................................................................................................................................................................Boris Veltman
Communications Director, Webmaster........................................................................................................................Brendan Good
Events Director........................................................................................................................................................... Brittany Reutzel
Newsletter Editor, Online Cookbook Manager, Librarian, Historian........................................................................... Stevie Duda
LSVN Liaison........................................................................................................................................................................ Liz Bruns
Sponsoring Members
Stanley and Erika Rogala • Chris Delevoryas • Marsha and Randy Streu • Bruce and Kathy Kravitz
About The VNA
Membership in the Vegetarian Network of Austin (VNA) is open to anyone interested in a vegetarian lifestyle. Our organization meets
regularly for food, fun, support and to exchange information and ideas. We host monthly vegan potlucks and patronize local vegetarianfriendly restaurants; non-members are welcome to attend. We also meet for social gatherings and public outreach.
Our website,, lists activities and events in which the group participates, as well as contact and other information.
We communicate to members and other interested persons by e-mail via our Yahoo! Group. You can also join our online communities
on Facebook and Meetup, and follow us on Twitter. We also maintain a vegan cookbook on See below for the addresses.
We periodically advertise and promote special events, such as the annual Lone Star Vegetarian Chili Cook-Off, and sponsor special
guest speakers.
The VNA is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization consisting of an elected, all-volunteer Board of Directors and dedicated
members like you. Donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.
We and our activities would not exist without your membership dues. Thank you for your support!
Find the VNA online:
Yahoo! Group:
We Need
Twitter: @VegNetAustin
Please help us with our Austin Vegetarian Living newsletter!
E-mail your submissions of all kinds to
(please start your subject line with “NEWS” to stand out from the spam):
• Articles (find or write)
• Restaurant Reviews
• Event Photos
• News items
• Web links
• Calendar items (non-VNA events) • Recipes
• Volunteer for a Member Profile
• Cartoons
Austin Vegetarian Living is published six times per year, in February, April, June, August, October, and December.
The print run is 500 copies. The newsletter is mailed to registered members and is distributed to restaurants, grocery
stores, and other locations in Austin.
Advertisements run by the issue or for an entire year with a one-third discounted price. Below are ad sizes and rates. To
purchase an ad or for more information, e-mail our Communications Director at
Quarter page: $25 per ad or $100 per year
Half page: $45 per ad or $180 per year
Three-quarter page: $70 per ad or $280 per year
Austin Vegetarian Living—6XPPer 2011
Freebirds Reaches Out To Austin Vegans
By Brendan Good, VNA Communications Director
We interviewed Ross Abel of Vegans Rock Austin, about
the project they recently participated in with Freebirds
World Burrito, to help them with expanding the vegan
options they have on their menu.
VNA: So tell us how this thing you guys got to do recently
with Freebirds happened in the first place. How did they
approach you?
Abel: Basically we got an e-mail from the Freebirds World
Works, which is the outreach organization of Freebirds, and
they wanted to organize some sort of vegan challenge with
our group because they’re looking for feedback on the kind
of vegan options they have, and looking to improve as they
expand. So they were looking to ramp-up their vegan options
if they got good feedback. So we arranged a meeting with
them based on that.
VNA: So basically you guys were going to serve the purpose
of a sounding board, sort of a consulting thing?
Abel: Yeah, we’ll be their sort of research and development.
VNA: Well that’s a good way to look at it. Now can you say
anything about why they decided that pursuing more vegan
options is something that needed to be a part of that plan.
Abel: At least from what they told me, they were like “we love
vegans, and we know we have options, but we’re not really
sure how satisfying that is to the vegan community.” And so
they really wanted to get the straight word from the actual
vegan community, to see if everyone’s actually enjoying their
options, and try to figure out if there are ways they can make it
better that they just didn’t realize, because they hadn’t actually
reached out in this manner before.
VNA: So how did you go about collecting ideas?
Abel: Yeah, so what they wanted us to do is to initially start
a dialogue on our social networking media like Facebook and
Twitter, and start a conversation with the vegan community,
to start soliciting feedback for what kinds of things people
would like to see on the menu. So we had a Facebook post
going, and we got a few dozen replies from people. Then we
also started a post on our Vegan Austin discussion board as
well. So they wanted to get that feedback initially, and they
let us know that the higher-ups at Freebirds, and even like the
owner, were all aware of this, and the VPs were keeping an
eye on these discussions that were going on, and seeing what
sort of things people were wanting. So that in itself was cool.
VNA: Yeah, that means that it’s not just somebody trying to
get something done on a lower level, that could potentially be
totally shut down once it reaches a higher point. It’s coming
from the top down from the start, so it’s very supportive.
Abel: Yeah, it wasn’t just publicity, at least it doesn’t appear
that way, since it sounds like it got pretty high up there.
VNA: So what were the top results from the suggestions?
Abel: So the big things people wanted were... mushrooms
came up a lot, portobello or white button mushrooms, sauteed
or something. Daiya vegan cheese, that was a big one...
Austin Vegetarian Living—Summer 2011
VNA: Always popular.
Abel: Right, and a mock meat option, a la mock chicken, sort
of like the Gardein or veggie protein kind of stuff. And I think
veggie chorizo, and then like some sort of grounds, like a ground
seitan or something like that. So those were the hot items.
VNA: Were Soy Curls in there?
Abel: Yeah, some people did suggest Soy Curls, but we told
them that we don’t think it gets distribution here right now, but
that it still would be really cool if somehow they were able to
work something out with Butler Foods, who makes Soy Curls.
VNA: So how did you guys go forward with this information?
Abel: So we went to the South Congress Freebirds location,
and we got there and they had chips laid out and all the different
salsas, and they had these vegan cheeseless quesadillas, with
refried beans, and then toppings and stuff like that. So they had
all of that set up, and then they just wanted to talk and get our
feedback, and to find out how we liked the food we were trying.
And just to get down and dirty about the things we wanted to
suggest. I brought my list from home...
VNA: And you brought some of the products with you?
Abel: Yes, I brought a bunch of the products as well, like the
Daiya cheese, veggie chorizo, Upton’s Naturals seitan, and
a veggie protein that’s kind of a mixture of TVP and seitan,
like you can get at Asian markets. I also brought the Food For
Lovers vegan queso, and they actually heated up some of that
for everyone to try, including one of the head managers there,
and some of the other folks that worked there. So I just handed
it over to them in a bag, and I laid it all out to them.”
After our meeting they emailed me and said that they tried out
the Upton’s Naturals seitan, sauteed it up and made some tacos
with it, and she said that they really liked it. I don’t know if
they just did it at their office or what, or at one of their stores.
But they did tell us what they were wanting to do from this, and
what the bare minimum of what they wanted to do was.
VNA: And that would be...?
Abel: Well, they want to add mushrooms, they think that’s easy
and a great suggestion. They want to get a vegan dessert, and
then they definitely want to look at getting a mock meat kind
of option. They think that if they could hit those three points, it
would be great.
VNA: It would be a good starting point.
Abel: And I completely agree with them, that would be
awesome. So we’ll see, you know, and I told them it would be
great if we could get melted Daiya cheese or something.
VNA: I get the feeling that the expense of Daiya cheese might
be a little bit of a higher point of entry for them.
Abel: Yeah it’s pretty expensive, from what I hear it’s about
five bucks a pound, even in bulk, so it’s definitely not the best
of economically feasible options.
To listen to the entire podcast of this interview and our other
podcasts, go to !
Texas Vegan Chef Releases Cookbook
In her new cookbook Blissful Bites: Vegan Meals That
Nourish Mind, Body, and Planet, Dallas vegan chef
Christy Morgan shows us how to make healthy, delicious
meals—without animal products and without a lot of
effort. Her recipes are accessible and delectable for
omnivores, cooking rookies, and vegans alike. Morgan’s
holistic take on nutrition
and food is “blissfully”
It’s been long-assumed
that giving up animal
products also means
sacrificing easy and
but that’s just not true.
Blissful Bites, to be
released in September,
is a reintroduction to
the idea that switching
to a plant-based diet,
See page 10 for a special preview
utilizing locally grown
recipe for Pineapple Cornbread
organic products, can
Muffins. (Thanks to the author!)
be easy and rewarding
for both body and mind. Blissful Bites includes over 175
healthy, unique, and exciting recipes, food prep tips,
kitchen time-savers, helpful cooking techniques that are
growl growl
growl growl
LOCAL growl
great for beginners, and a guide to stocking your pantry
with the needs and wants of a vegan chef.
Known to her online audience as “The Blissful Chef”,
Morgan delivers recipes that are easy for the typical
home cook to follow, making a plant-based diet simpler
and more delicious to implement. Organized by season—
as the fresh produce changes—and labeled with handy
icons for raw, gluten-free, soy-free, low oil, and under-45minute recipes, Blissful Bites helps new and experienced
cooks alike create simple and environmentally friendly
“green” meals without sacrificing an ounce of taste. !
About The Chef
Christy Morgan is a successful
Dallas-based vegan macrobiotic
chef, who trained at Austin’s Natural
Epicurean Academy of Culinary
Arts. With her successful blog at, various online
and offline articles, and now this
new cookbook, she is well-published
in the world of natural foods.
Morgan is coming to Austin on her book tour. She will be
giving a lecture about seasonal eating and a cooking demo
with autumn recipes on Friday, October 7th from 7-9 pm
at The Natural Epicurean. She is having a Book Signing
and Benefit Party for Sunny Day Farms on Saturday,
October 8th from 4-7 pm at Counter Culture.
Go to for more information.
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$XVWLQ Vegetarian Living—6XPPer 2011
Austin News and Notes
Announcing Our New Events Director
We are proud to announce Brittany Reutzel as the new
Events Director for the VNA. She became available
when she and her fiancé, VNA Treasurer Boris Veltman,
decided not to move away from Austin. The VNA thanks
Bruce Kravitz for serving two years in the Events Director
role, and looks forward to his future participation.
Casa de Luz Parking Ordinance Update
As reported in our last issue, Casa de Luz is facing possible closure
if an agreement can’t be made with the city over the requirement that
Casa de Luz have 50 parking spaces. A Municipal Court hearing was
held on August 17th, where the city apparently asked that Casa de
Luz meet some other demands, possibly involving a sprinkler system.
Please write to the City Council members and Mayor Leffingwell to
express what a loss to Austin that Casa de Luz’s closure would mean.
For more information and contacts to email the council:
Sunny Day Farms Needs Your Help!
Since the drought has affected them so terribly, Vegans Rock Austin is
having a Vegan Bake Sale to Benefit Sunny Day Farms on Saturday,
August 27th from 12:00pm to 6:00pm at MonkeyWrench Books.
The Vegetarian Network of Austin is also participating, after their
restaurant visit at Koriente that afternoon. To sign up to participate or
volunteer, see the links below. Also, Brooke Chavez from Sunny Day
Farms was recently interviewed by Dan Skinner from Texas Public
Radio’s Living Green Podcast, which you can hear at the TPR link
below. If you want to tour, volunteer, or help at the Farm, please call
Thanks to Peter Wilson from Vegans Rock Austin
Thanks to Kaz Sephton from San Antonio Vegetarian Society
are the freshest. While their kitchen has grown to include glutenfree cooking over the years, they have expanded their gluten-free
options immensely.
Submitted by VNA Events Director Brittany Reutzel
Restaurant Closures
After a year of operation, Iggi’s Texatarian closed on July
31st. Proprietors Zoja Ülesoo and Becca Strong stated on their
Facebook wall that they’re “young and ready to try new things.”
Also, on August 11th, Dog Almighty closed its doors on South
Lamar. The circumstances of their closure, and their chances of
reopening, are unclear at press time. No statement has been made
on Dog Almighty’s website.
Sprouts and Henry’s / Sun Harvest Farmers Market to Merge
Sprouts Farmers Market and Henry’s Farmers Market/Sun Harvest
Farmers Market have announced plans to merge. The combined
company will eventually operate under the Sprouts name.
Austin Progressive Vegetarians Gain New Meetup Organizer
As reported in the last issue, Kara stepped down as the Organizer.
She passed the torch back to Benjy, who founded this group
in 2007 and organized it for awhile before she took over. The
group gets together regularly to dine, with a particular focus on
contemporary vegetarian cuisine—not just old standbys. They also
have nutrition-related lectures from time-to-time.
Counter Culture Nominated For VegNews Veggie Award
Nominees are based on the people, places, and products receiving the
most votes in the 2010 Veggie Awards as well as nominations made
by VegNews editors. They encourage write-in votes. Entries must be
received by August 31, 2011.
Hyden Park Supper Club
This is a new vegan supper club from a Natural Epicurean graduate.
Some folks are into “nose-to-tail” cuisine, they’re into “leaves-toroots” cuisine and real sustainability. Hyden Park Supper Club is on
hiatus for August, but is planning to return in September.
Mr. Natural Initiates Gluten-Free Fridays
Even though they provide gluten-free items everyday, Mr. Natural
feels that their customers should know when their gluten-free products
Please e-mail submissions for this page to
Start your subject line with “NEWS” to
stand out from the spam.
Austin Vegetarian Living—Summer 2011
Community and National Calendar
For VNA events (monthly vegan potluck
dinners, restaurant visits, board meetings, food
classes, and special events) see the back page.
1st & 3rd Saturdays, 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Action For Animals Austin Group Mtg. (Spider House Cafe)
Join them for coffee, juice, treats, etc.. They will be discussing
current events and planning upcoming actions. Please RSVP.
Sundays, 12:30 pm - 6:00 pm or 11:30 pm
Community Cultivators’ Potluck & Workday (East Austin)
Permaculture community building day: bring gloves and hat and
get hands-on experience applying permaculture principles within
a supportive community. No skills are required. At 6:00pm: Bring
a dish and guitar and join us for a potluck as we develop our
Permaculture community and model Permaculture site.
Most Sundays, 6:00 pm
The Austin Applied Meditation Group Meetup (3321 Hancock)
They will be doing Applied Meditation practices, focusing on
daily meditation practice and the impact it has on daily life.
2nd Mondays except December, 7:00 pm
Austin Organic Gardeners Mtg. (Zilker Botanical Garden)
An educational presentation, Q&A session & plenty of informative
conversation. Members often bring seeds/plants to share.
Sundays, 8:00 pm
The Great Food Truck Race (Food Network)
Seabirds’ Vegan Food Truck brings healthy vegan options to the
streets with their fresh and innovative creations. They’re out to
prove just how delicious vegan cuisine can be.
Wednesday, August 17, 6:00-7:30 pm
Rally Against Ringling Bros. Circus (Frank Erwin Center)
Action for Animals Austin is holding a rally against animal abuse
in Ringling Bros. Circus. This is a peaceful and legal rally with
signs and banners. The more people we have then the better our
new media coverage. We have signs and banners but you may
bring your own but be nice with your signs.
Thursday-Sunday, August 18-21, various times
Leafletting Against Ringling Bros. Circus (Frank Erwin Ctr.)
Action for Animals’ rally against Ringling Bros Circus join us as
we leaflet before each show. Ringling Bros will be hosting seven
shows in Austin. We’ll be along Red River Street on the sidewalk
one hour before each show.
Friday, August 19, 7:30-9:30 pm
Free Movie Night (Counter Culture)
Action for Animals is hosting a free movie night at Counter
Culture, so come early to grab some food and a good seat. The
movie starts at 8:00 pm sharp. The movie has not been announced
at press time, but it will be kid-friendly.
Friday, August 19, 6:30-9:00 pm
Native Nom Nom Grand Opening (Community Renaissance
Center [see ad on page 9], West Gate and William Cannon)
This progressive natural food cafe offers vegan Italian thin-crust
pizzas (and if requested, with gluten-free crust), fresh garden
salads, sandwiches, soups, and tacos. Their grand opening event
helps to benefit Colin’s Hope.
Saturday, August 20, 11:00 am-4:00 pm
2nd Annual Vegan Party Barge (Lake Travis)
Join Vegans Rock Austin for a full buffet lunch provided by Green
Island Catering (see their ad on page 9). 100% delicious vegan
cuisine including BBQ, tater salad, green salad, appetizers, fresh
fruit kebabs and assorted cupcakes. Price per person is $28 which
includes all-you-can-eat vegan buffet (there will be several gluten
free items as well) and 5 hours of fun on the barge/lake. RSVP to
Friday-Sunday, August 26-28, 11:00 am-4:00 pm
16th Annual Austin Fall Home & Garden Show
(Austin Convention Center)
Turn your home and garden dreams into reality! With thousands
of square feet of exhibits, you’ll find the latest in products and
services like plants, landscape displays/materials, and much more.
Austin Vegetarian Living—Summer 2011
Community and National Calendar
Saturday, August 27, 11:00 am-4:00 pm
Green Garden Do-It-Yourself Day: Vegetable Gardens and Rain
Gardens (Zilker Botanical Gardens)
Create, install and maintain a vegetable garden. Build your own
rain garden. Take a tour of the Zilker Green Garden. Cost is $10.
Registration required. Call 512-974-2550.
Saturday, August 27, 12:00 pm-6:00 pm
Vegan Bake Sale For Sunny Day Farms (MonkeyWrench Books)
This bake sale needs bakers, buyers and volunteers in order
to raise funds for Sunny Day Farms, a farm animal sanctuary
near San Antonio. Recently they have hit a financial crisis and
only have enough money for one more month of food. If you
cannot attend, you can also donate directly though PayPal at Donations are tax-deductible.
Saturday, August 27, 11:00 am-1:00 pm
Raw Basics (Beets Cafe)
This class is a perfect fit for those of you who are new to Raw Foods.
You will learn how to make Almond Milk, Creamy Zucchini Soup,
Mediterranean Kale Salad, Not Tuna Pate, Nori Rolls, Zucchini
Noodles Marinara, and Chocolate Mousse. Cost is $65.
August & September Cooking Classes (Central Market North)
Monday, August 29, 6:30-9:00 pm
Easy Indian Cooking ($45) vegetarian
Thursday, September 22, 6:30-9:00 pm
Easy Indian Favorites Paired with Ales & Beers ($50) vegetarian
September Cooking Classes (Whole Foods Market – Lamar)
Tuesday, September 6, 6:30-9:00 pm
Fresh and Simple Vegan ($70)
Friday, September 9, 6:30-9:00 pm
Date Night: Vegetarian ($150/couple)
Friday, September 16, 12:00-1:00 pm
Lunch Express: Healthy Mediterranean ($20) vegetarian
Friday-Sunday, September 23-25
Engine 2 Diet Immersion (Travaasa Resort & Spa)
Over the course of an intensive weekend-long program, E2
Immersion participants join Rip Esselstyn and a group of the nation’s
leading nutrition health experts for an amazing, life-changing
experience. Attendees receive education about the powerful
influence that diet has on the body’s health, as well as extensive
training on implementing a plant-strong lifestyle in their homes.
Monday-Tuesday, September 12-13
2011 Farm and Food Leadership Conference (Pearl, San Antonio)
Join Edible Austin at this exciting gathering of activists, farmers and
ranchers, consumers and nonprofits who care about where our food
comes from. Learn about the latest developments in agriculture and
sustainable food, and get the tools you need to help make a difference!
Austin Vegetarian Living—Summer 2011
Austin Farmers’ Markets
Saturdays, 9:00 am-1:00 pm
Republic Square Park - 4th and Guadalupe
Saturdays, 9:00 am-1:00 pm
Sustainable Food Ctr. Farmers’ Market at Sunset Valley
3200 Jones Road
(Turn onto Pillow Road next to Toney Burger Center)
Wednesdays, 4:00-8:00 pm
The Triangle - 46th and Lamar
Saturdays, 9:00 am-1:00 pm
Barton Creek Farmers Market
(formerly Sunset Valley Farmers Market)
South Capital of Texas Highway, off Mo-Pac
Back side of Barton Creek Square mall parking lot
Bring a friend for the first time and your friend will get two $5
vouchers to use at the market and you will get a $5 voucher.
Get vouchers at the Good Flow Honey/Texas Olive Oil booth.
Neighborhood Farm Markets (click on Other Markets)
Please e-mail calendar submissions for this page
to Start your subject
line with “NEWS” to stand out from the spam.
Other Local Vegan, Vegetarian and
Animal Rights Groups
Action for Animals Austin
Outreach and activism activities like
leafletting, tabling and demonstrations. or
Vegans Rock Austin
Social group with lots of restaurant visits,
potlucks, and other activities; they also
volunteer at Sunny Day Farms. / Austin Vegan Drinks
Outreach and activism activities like
leafletting and tabling; bimonthly meetups
at bars / eateries as Austin Vegan Drinks.
Austin Progressive Vegetarians
Restaurant visits, picnics, and sometimes
cooking classes.
Summer Hydration 101
By Jennifer Fugo, CHC, RYT Certified Health Coach & Yoga Teacher
As soon as the temperatures rise, I get all sorts of questions
about how to stay hydrated in the hot, humid weather from
both the sports enthusiasts and those who simply enjoy being
outdoors. These are some simple tips to keeping your body
hydrated and better equip to adapt to temperature changes.
made versions. Coconut water is a nutritious mix of water,
sugars (but usually no added sugar), minerals and amino
acids that create the perfect liquid for an active body. Drink it
on its own or use it as your liquid base for smoothies. Coconut
water is by far the best “product” your money can buy.
Toss the Table Salt
Reach for the Greens & Grains
I cannot stress enough how bad regular table salt (and even
the kosher table salt) is for your health, both in general and for
staying hydrated. Opt for sea salt (the color or place of origin
doesn’t necessarily matter though the less uniform the color,
the better). Why? Table salt consists of only two minerals
(sodium and chloride) out of the spectrum that the body needs
to properly function. When these two are WAY out of balance
with the rest, they can do a number on your system like
elevated blood pressure, cause water retention, etc. Sea salt
is a complete mix of the necessary minerals (i.e., electrolytes)
which will keep your body better balanced overall.
Does it ever strike you as odd that a nation obsessed with
calcium intake has such a high rate of osteoporosis and bone
fractures? We are a nation of truly acidic individuals. Make
no mistake—acid is no friend of the human body. Your diet,
high stress levels, and vigorous fitness routine add up to a
highly acidic environment in which your body must function
every moment of every day. So, to protect itself, your body
uses its stores of magnesium (muscles) and calcium (bones)
to combat and neutralize the acids. However, as the storage
levels become low due to high acid and low mineral intake,
your body may become overwhelmed by the acidic state
which may lead to other serious health issues. So, the acidic
nature of your lifestyle and diet directly contribute to your
body’s ability to stay hydrated.
Natural Hydration
Mother Nature makes her own electrolyte replacement drink
called coconut water. With a mild coconut flavor, coconut
water is one of the best answers to the hydration puzzle. Many
sports teams and endurance athletes use it because it’s so
much more than just sugar water with sodium and potassium
that will rot your teeth while you are drinking it like our man-
Though it’s easy to believe that sports drinks that focus
on sodium and potassium will take care of this issue, they
completely miss out on providing you the needed calcium
and magnesium. Rather than reaching for a supplement, first
increase your greens and grains. Many don’t know that one
cup of cooked quinoa (the staple food of the Incas) has more
calcium than one cup of milk! Leafy greens such as cabbage,
chards, kale, spinach and broccoli pack a mighty good mineral
punch along with those much-desired anti-oxidants (which
are completely missing from a formulated supplement).
Potassium Giants
Reach for dates and bananas as excellent sources of
potassium. These are easy to carry and both are tasty treats. In
fact, you’ll find many different snack bars on the market now
that use dates as the base because of their natural sugars and
potassium punch. Also look for it in foods such as spinach,
lentils, chickpeas, black-eyed peas, beans, and artichokes.!
About The Author
Named by Philadelphia Magazine as a
Gluten-Free Guru, Jennifer Fugo holds
certifications in Plant-Based Nutrition and
Health Coaching. She can be found online
In the Next Issue
An article about the benefits of coconut water by Dr.
Bruce Fife, a certified nutritionist and naturopathic
physician, director of the Coconut Research
Center, and author of 20 books including Coconut
Water for Health and Healing.
Austin Vegetarian Living—Summer 2011
Healthy Wealthy & Wise Fair
1 weekend monthly!
Arts & Music Events
2nd weekend monthly!
Natural Family Fun Fair
3rd weekend monthly!
Makers & Bakers Bazaar
4th weekend monthly!
Antiques • Collectibles • Vintage Clothes
Local Art & Food • Indoor Farmers Market
Coffee Shop • Restaurant • Live Music
All Natural Apothecary...and so much more!
Serving healthy Taiwanese
vegetarian meals and bubble teas.
1914A Guadalupe
(parking available)
Mon-Fri: 11am - 9pm
Sat, Sun: 12pm - 9pm
Open Wednesday—Sunday
Help stop the persecution
against Falun Gong in China.
6800 West Gate Blvd, Austin, TX 78745
100 million people lost their freedom of believe in
"Truth, Compassion, and Tolerance".
At least 928 practitioners have been tortured to death.
512. 522. 6 1 6 1 o r 5 1 2 . 8 2 7 . 8 8 4 7
Austin Vegetarian Living—Summer 2011
For more info: and
We invite you to discover the extraordinary practice for better health and inner peace.
Pineapple Cornbread Muffins by Christy Morgan (“The Blissful Chef”)
Christy says, “I seriously could eat cornbread every day. I love it that much. This is a breakfast cornbread
muffin that is to die for when topped with Earth Balance and served with a cup of Earl Grey tea. These are
wheat-free, but not gluten-free.”
1 1/2 cups cornmeal
1 cup barley flour (or other whole-grain flour)
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
Dash cinnamon
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/3 cup unsweetened applesauce
2/3 cup unsweetened rice, almond, or soy milk
2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
1/2 cup maple syrup
1 can (14 ounces) crushed pineapple in its own juice (or pineapple chunks)
Oil spray, for pan
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Spray muffin tin with oil or line with cupcake liners.
Mix together dry ingredients in a large bowl. In separate bowl, whisk together the wet
ingredients, then fold in pineapple. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and mix
until well combined. Spoon into muffin tin until almost full. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes,
or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Let sit for 5 minutes then
transfer to cooling rack. Makes 1 dozen.
See page 4 for an article about Blissful
Bites, the new cookbook by Dallas
vegan chef Christy Morgan.
Courtesy of Christy Morgan, from “Blissful Bites: Vegan Meals That Nourish Mind, Body, and Planet”
Austin Vegetarian Living—Summer 2011
Membership Form
Questions and Comments:
Phone: (
Interested in helping the VNA?
We would love your help!
Check one:
❑ New member
❑ Renewal
Choose method of receiving bylaws:
❑ US mail ❑ e-mail
❑ neither, I’ll download from VNA website
Choose method of receiving newsletter:
❑ US mail ❑ e-mail
❑ neither, I’ll download from VNA website
Choose online group to join (if any):
❑ Facebook ❑ ❑ Yahoo! Group
Yearly Dues: (circle one)
Student/Senior/Low Income
Sponsoring Member
Mail to: Vegetarian Network of Austin
P.O. Box 49333
Austin, TX 78765-9333
The VNA is a group run solely by its
members. There are many times we
could use your help. Please send this
in with your membership payment and
let us know if we can call on you for help.
I can:
❑ Offer my home for a potluck
❑ Be contact person for events
❑ Volunteer at tabling events
❑ Contribute to the newsletter
❑ Be a member of the board
❑ Help with the Vegetarian Chili
Cook-off (in November)
❑ Provide music at various events
❑ Other:
The VNA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
Donations are tax-deductible to the
full extent allowed by the law.
Listings are free for VNA members
and $10 per issue for non-members
(up to 6 lines; $2.50 for each additional
line). Send your listing by e-mail to
Counter Culture Vegan Food Trailer
120 E. North Loop at Avenue F
Graphic and web design
Call Brendan Good at 377-9893
Organic raw superfoods & herbs
Call Roy Wilhite at 797-1906
Pet portraits from photos in paint,
watercolor, or pencil
Call Michelle at 586-5504
Pop art family portraits on archival
100% cotton canvas
Yoga & meditation instruction
Call Lisa Davis at 622-4856
Lots of Vegetarian Choices!
All our hummus and baba ganoush have no added oils,
and our dolmas are hand-made fresh, not canned!
Plus hand-cut french fries, salads and wraps, falafel...
and of course our famous tabooley!
Mon.–Fri. 7am–10pm • Sat. 11am–10pm • Sun. 12pm–6pm
On the Drag — 2928 Guadalupe St.
512.479.7337 —
Austin Vegetarian Living—Summer 2011
Vegetarian Network of Austin
P.O. Box 49333
Austin, TX 78765-9333
Peak Produce
for August and September
Bell Peppers
Sweet Potatoes
In September, add:
Treasurer’s Reminder
Please check your renewal date on the mailing label. If your renewal is due, please
mail the form on Page 11 with a check or money order to the address above.
VNA Events for August and September
By Brittany Reutzel, VNA Events Director (
VNA events are free for anyone to attend, but we’d appreciate your support by purchasing a membership. See page 11 for more information.
Potluck Dinners and Board Meetings
Bring a VEGAN dish to feed 8 people, plus a serving utensil, your
plate, eating utensils, and beverage (although sometimes we have
those). Also, please bring your recipe or a list of ingredients to help
those with food sensitivities. You do not need to be a member to
attend our potlucks. Dues-paying members are welcome to attend
our Board Meetings, especially those interested in serving on
committees and helping plan the VNA’s future.
Saturday, August 13, 6:30 pm (Board Meeting at 5:30 pm)
Vegan Potluck Dinner/Party at the home of Nancy Woolley
5107 Crestway Drive (map on our website), 512-323-0544
At this month’s potluck we will be celebrating the Vegetarian
Network of Austin’s 15th anniversary! Gluten-free Chai Cake and
appetizers from Green Island Catering will be provided, but please
bring a vegan dish to share, as usual. Be sure to play our vegan
trivia game to win prizes!
Saturday, September 10, 6:30 pm (Board Meeting at 5:30 pm)
Vegan Potluck Dinner at the home of Candace d’Obrenovic
3808 Arrow Drive (map on our website), 512-280-0584
Join us for a post-Labor Day party! Bring your favorite veganized
American barbecue and picnic foods.
Saturday, October 1: Gathering of the Tribes- Save the Date!
Big potluck picnic at Pease Park. See www.ATx.Vg for information.
Restaurant Visits
Please RSVP by e-mailing (start the subject
line with RSVP), or at
or, to help the restaurant plan ahead.
Saturday, August 27, 1:00 pm: Lunch at Koriente
621 East 7th Street •
Make your way downtown to enjoy a lunch at Koriente. Menu
offerings include a variety of noodle, rice, and vegetable dishes.
Vegan Bake Sale: After Koriente, we’ll go to MonkeyWrench Books
to donate or purchase baked goods, or volunteer at the vegan bake
sale benefitting Sunny Day Farms near San Antonio. See page 5.
Thursday, September 22, 7:00 pm: Dinner at Aster’s
2808 N. IH-35 (southbound feeder) •
Join us for dinner at Aster’s Ethiopian. If you’ve never tried Ethiopian
cuisine, then you’re in for a treat! Their extensive vegetarian menu
includes both mild and spicy options.
Food Classes
Participation is limited, so RSVP at If
you can’t come, please change your RSVP so someone else can.
Sunday, August 28, 2:00-4:00 pm
Raw Food Class at the home of Candace d’Obrenovic
3808 Arrow Drive (map on our website), 512-280-0584
Learn how to make a variety of raw food dishes though this class
presented by members of the VNA.
Always check for updated listings, as events are subject to change.