June/July 2010 - Vegetarian Network of Austin


June/July 2010 - Vegetarian Network of Austin
Vol. XIV Issue 4
June/July 2010
Austin Vegetarian Living
The Newsletter of the Vegetarian Network of Austin
In this issue ...
About The VNA.........................2
Vegetarian Cooking Show ......3
An interview with Katie Brannon
Book Review.............................4
Food Rules by Michael Pollan
News Bites...............................5
Thai Fresh expands
New indoor farmers’ market
New “dirty dozen” produce list
ConAgra modifying sweet potatoes
Web Sitings .............................6
Best Vegan Summer Sweets in Austin
Happy Vegan Baker
Kala’s Kuisine Chutney and Salsas
Vegan Hair Products Austin
VegEZ iPhone app
Community/Nat’l Calendar......8
Greenhouse Indoor Farmers Market
Brendan Brazier local appearances
Save the Seed Benefit Dinner
Natural Epicurean Kitchen opening
Real Ale Brewing Anniversary Party
Vegetarian Summerfest
Local cooking classes
Local Mexican Restaurants ....9
Mexican Cuisine Recipe .......10
Baked Tempeh Enchiladas
Membership Form................11
Classified Ads ........................11
VNA Event Calendar ..............12
Monthly potlucks, restaurant visits,
and bi-monthly board meetings
Peak Produce List............... 12
Do you want to receive
your very own copy of
Austin Vegetarian Living?
See Page 9 for details.
© 2010 Vegetarian Network of Austin
Eating Vegetarian or Vegan
at Mexican Restaurants
By Michael Doss, www.TofuFighting.com
As a long-time vegetarian and
food lover, Mexican restaurants
have always held a special place in
my heart. Rich, full flavors, lots of
customization options, and relative
ease in making meals vegetarian or
vegan. When my vegetarianism got
serious, however, and I started to dig
a little deeper into what I was eating,
it became obvious that Mexican
food wasn’t always the vegetarian
paradise I’d imagined it being.
can be grilled with lard or animal fat
(or share a grill with items that are).
Tortillas used in any dishes can be
dipped in the hot fat fryer to soften
them up, giving them a nice coating
of lard. Even if the restaurant uses
a vegetable oil, one fryer might be
used for everything, meaning your
chips, tacos, papas and tortillas are
cross-contaminated with oil used to
cook a variety of meat dishes.
What does this leave for the strict
The main issue for vegetarians and vegetarian or vegan? Not much. One
vegans in regard to Mexican food, of my most memorable outings as a
just like with
new vegetarian
many types of
was going to a
ethnic cuisine, Austin Restaurants local Mexican
is that animal
friends, and
be well-hidden.
having to order
We sent questionnaires a salad and
to Mexican restaurants
refried and loose,
grilled cheese
are often cooked
sandwich from
in Austin.
with lard, meat
the children’s
stocks, or meat
See page 9 to see
flavorings. Rice,
how they responded.
more often than
not, is cooked
every Mexican
with a chicken or beef stock. Taco ingredient) had an animal component.
shells, tostadas, and chips may be Unfortunately, the more “authentic”
fried in lard for flavor. Traditional a Mexican restaurant (think Mom &
sauces may have meat stocks or Pop vs. Taco Bell), the more likely it
flavorings added. Tamales, even is to use animal products in some or
“vegetarian” ones filled with cheese, all of their ingredients.
can contain lard. And flour and corn
tortillas can be made with lard or Now that you’re thoroughly
convinced that you should never eat
other animal shortenings.
out at a Mexican place again, there’s
There are sneakier places animals good news: there are exceptions to
products can hide, as well. Cheese the rules, and plenty of places have
can be made with animal rennet. great dishes for both vegetarians and
Fajitas (often the only outwardly vegans. Just like at all restaurants, the
“vegetarian” option on the menu)
See Mexican Restaurants, page 7
The Vegetarian Network of Austin
Austin Vegetarian Living is published bi-monthly by the
Vegetarian Network of Austin, P.O. Box 49333, Austin, Texas 78765-9333.
Subscriptions are mailed to paid members.
Leadership Team
Acting Chairperson..................................................................................................................................................Dennis McDaniel
Secretary...........................................................................................................................................................................Rupert Hazle
Treasurer..........................................................................................................................................................................Craig Warner
Communications Director............................................................................................................................................Brendan Good
Events Director ..............................................................................................................................................................Bruce Kravitz
Newsletter Editor, Online Cookbook Manager, Librarian, Historian ..........................................................................Stevie Duda
LSVN Liaison.......................................................................................................................................................................Liz Bruns
Sponsoring Members:
Stanley and Erika Rogala • Chris Delevoryas • Marsha and Randy Streu
About The VNA
Membership in the Vegetarian Network of Austin (VNA) is open to anyone interested in a vegetarian lifestyle. Our organization meets
regularly for food, fun, support and to exchange information and ideas. We host monthly vegan potlucks and patronize local vegetarianfriendly restaurants; non-members are welcome to attend. We also meet for social gatherings and public outreach.
Our website, www.VegNetAustin.org, lists activities and events in which the group participates, as well as contact and other information.
We communicate to members and other interested persons by e-mail via our Yahoo! Group. You can also join our online communities
on Facebook and Meetup, and follow us on Twitter. We also maintain a vegan cookbook on RecipeZaar. See below for the addresses.
We periodically advertise and promote special events, such as the annual Lone Star Vegetarian Chili Cook-Off, and sponsor special
guest speakers.
The VNA is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization consisting of an elected, all-volunteer Board of Directors and dedicated
members like you. Donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.
We and our activities would not exist without your membership dues. Thank you for your support!
Find the VNA online:
website: www.VegNetAustin.org
Yahoo! Group: groups.yahoo.com/group/VegNetAustin
RecipeZaar: www.recipezaar.com/member/585141
We Need
Facebook: www.VegNetAustin.org/facebook
Meetup.com: www.Meetup.com/VegNetAustin
Twitter: @VegNetAustin
Please help us with our Austin Vegetarian Living newsletter!
Email your submissions of all kinds to vna_newsletter@yahoo.com
(please start your subject line with “NEWS” to stand out from the spam):
• Articles (find or write)
• Restaurant Reviews
• Event Photos
• News items
• Web links
• Calendar items (non-VNA events) • Recipes
• Volunteer for a Member Profile
• Cartoons
Newsletter Ads
Austin Vegetarian Living is published six times per year, in February, April, June, August, October, and December.
The print run is 500 copies. The newsletter is mailed to registered members and is distributed to restaurants, grocery
stores, and other locations in Austin.
Advertisements run by the issue or for an entire year with a one-third discounted price. Below are ad sizes and rates. To
purchase an ad or for more information, e-mail our Communications Director at vna_commdir@yahoo.com.
Quarter page: $25 per ad or $100 per year
Half page: $45 per ad or $180 per year
Three-quarter page: $70 per ad or $280 per year
Austin Vegetarian Living—June/July 2010
Interview with Katie Brannon, Vegetarian Cooking Show Producer
Austin vegetarians will soon be able to watch a cooking show with
their interests at heart—and it’s shooting right here in Austin. On
May 31st, we interviewed Katie Brannon, a local vegetarian who is
currently in production on a new vegetarian cooking show.
Brannon: I think simply the fact that I’m making great food that
happens to be vegetables and fruits, I think that in itself promotes
vegetarianism in its simplest form. I’m not using processed foods,
and what I mean by that, I’m not using wheat, I’m not using tofu...
VNA: Tell us about the cooking show and how you’ve gotten started
to this point.
VNA: So you’re really starting from scratch ingredients.
Brannon: Sure, it’s called “Veggin’ Out With Katie”. I’m going to
be cooking whole, real foods, fresh foods... that do happen to all be
vegetarian. For those that are interested a little bit further, they do
include some dairy. But they’re strictly vegetarian meals. My whole
point is simple, exceptional foods. It’s not hard to do. It’s real food,
it’s fresh, and anyone can do it.
VNA: Now you were talking earlier about how you want to orient
this show in such a way so that people who are not vegetarian would
be attracted to it. What’s your strategy?
Brannon: I want to reach everyone, I want to appeal to everyone.
In fact, the way this whole show started, I have dinner parties pretty
regularly. None of my friends that come to my house to eat dinner
are vegetarian. Yet they keep coming, they keep eating it, and they
keep going back for more, they love it. Because basically I’m just
cooking real, fresh foods. So I want to appeal to the mainstream, to
your neighbor, my neighbor. And I just want to introduce how simple
and easy it is to eat real, healthy foods, and feel good about it.
VNA: Do you feel like your show would have any kind of particular
agenda in promoting vegetarianism, or are you going to soft-play
that in favor of just trying to get people to try as many of your recipes
and your foods?
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Austin Vegetarian Living—June/July 2010
Brannon: I’m thinking about nutrition. I’ve been a vegetarian for
twenty years, and I’ve eaten a lot of things that didn’t make my
body feel good. And there are people all over who might be really
happy to introduce really great healthy food into their diet, and feel
good about it. But as far as we vegetarians are concerned, if they eat
another meal that doesn’t include meat, more power to us. So I think
it’s a win-win for everybody.
VNA: What do you have planned so far for how the show will be
distributed? Will it be online?
Brannon: Yes, we are definitely going to edit it down and YouTube
it. We’re going to make it viral. And we’re going to reach out to
every group we’re associated with to distribute it. We’re also going
to submit it to all the national cooking shows and travel shows
around the country. And of course we’d love to have it shown locally
on ChannelAustin.!
Please see www.VegNetAustin.org/podcasts to listen to the rest
of this interview on your computer or download it to your digital
audio device. And see www.VegginOutWithKatie.com to get more
information, learn about the first three guests she has lined up, and
get updates on when and where her show will debut.
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Book Review: Food Rules by Michael Pollan
By John Bassett
Does eating food have to be as complicated as it seems to have
gotten? Not so long ago it would have been rare to hear someone
talk about “antioxidants”, “omega-3 fatty acids”, “polyphenols”,
“probiotics” and many other similar words now in common usage.
Fact 2: Populations eating a wide range of traditional diets
generally don’t suffer from these chronic diseases.
Fact 3: People who get off the western diet see dramatic
improvements in their health.
Michael Pollan who has written five previous books on food He had a somewhat unsettling moment when, after spending
including the best seller In Defense of Food does not think so.
several years researching nutrition for his last book, he realized
that the answer to the incredibly complicated question of what we
A few years ago, feeling as confused as everyone else, he decided
should eat could be boiled down to just seven words: “Eat Food.
to get to the bottom of a simple question: “What should I eat?”
Not too much. Mostly Plants.”
Michael was just a curious journalist and not a nutrition expert
or scientist. He says that usually when he embarks on such an In this short, radically pared down, book he “unpacks” these
investigation he quickly discovers that matters are much more seven words into a set of simple and easy to remember “rules” or
complicated and ambiguous than he realized going in. Not this time. personal policies designed to help us eat real food in moderation
The deeper he dived into the confusing thicket of nutrition science and get off the Western diet.
the simpler the picture gradually became. He learned that nutrition Here are a few of the sixty-four rules in his book:
science, which got started less than 200 years ago, is about where
surgery was in 1650 and scientists know a lot less about nutrition EAT (REAL) FOOD:
• Don’t eat anything your great-grandmother would not recognize
than we might expect.
as food.
He learned volumes about all we don’t know about nutrition and • If it came from a plant, eat it; if it was made in a plant, don’t.
also a small number of things we do know about food and health. • Eat only foods that will eventually rot.
He learned that there are basically three facts we need to know
about the link between diet and health. These three basic facts are NOT TOO MUCH:
not in dispute. All the contending parties in the “nutrition wars” • Buy smaller plates and glasses.
agree on them. But, oddly enough, they are not the center of our • Spend as much time enjoying the meal as it took to prepare it.
• Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper.
nutritional research or public health campaigns.
Fact 1: Populations that eat a so-called Western diet (lots of
• Eat mostly plants, especially leaves.
processed foods and meats, added fat and sugar, refined grains)
• Eat your colors.
invariably suffer from high rates of “Western diseases” (obesity,
• Don’t eat breakfast cereals that change the color of the milk.!
Type A diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer).
Austin Vegetarian Living—June/July 2010
News Bites
Thai Fresh doubles in size
The popular Thai deli in South Austin, Thai Fresh, has expanded
next door, adding twenty seats to the dining room, as well as a tea
bar and bakery case. They’re also offering coconut milk-based
ice creams made with seasonal fruits from farmers’ markets.
Submitted by VNA member Candace d’Obrenovic
New indoor farmers’ market opens in South Austin
Marketplace Austin Westgate has opened a new indoor farmers’
market at their South Austin location. It’s open every Friday from
3 pm to 7pm. See their ad on page 4.
New list of “Dirty Dozen” produce items to buy organic
The Environmental Working Group has released the new list
of the “Dirty Dozen”, the twelve produce items grown with the
most pesticides.
ConAgra working to ‘reinvent’ the sweet potato
Agriculture megacorp ConAgra is targeting sweet potatos for
higher sugar content and a more uniform shape, to make it easier
to process them into french fries for restaurants and the frozen
foods section. They’re working with scientists at the Louisiana
State University Ag-Center to make them sweeter, deeper orange
throughout, and less knobby and twisty in shape so that processing
machines will waste less potato flesh. ConAgra is also building
(in Louisiana) North America’s first plant dedicated specifically
to sweet potatoes.
Startlingly, Hardee’s promoting vegetarian options
Hardee’s, the fast food chain known for their “Monster
ThickBurgers”, has been trying more to please vegetarians and
animal-rights activists recently. In 2007 they started instituting
some animal welfare practices (little ones—“2% of eggs from
non-battery-caged hens”, “25% of pork from non-gestationcrated pigs by 2009”). Now they’re actively promoting the
vegetarian (and gluten-free and low-carb) options they offer. But
they aren’t actual menu items—they’re just regular menu items
with meat removed. So they’re still not very healthy. But even
baby steps can help move our society closer to healthy, crueltyfree, environmentally-sound diets.
Please email news submissions for this page to vna_newsletter@yahoo.com.
Start your subject line with “NEWS” to stand out from the spam.
Austin Vegetarian Living—June/July 2010
Web Sitings
The Best Vegan Summer Sweets in Austin
A run-down of where to find the best vegan desserts
locally, including Beets Cafe and Counter Culture.
Lazy Smurf’s Guide To Life: Veg Tex Mex
An Austin blogger’s recipes and restaurant
recommendations, including a SXSW Vegan Guide.
The Gluten-Free Vegan cookbook
A review of a new cookbook with 150 recipes that
emphasize whole ingredients and natural sweeteners.
Meatless Tweets
A compilation-in-progress of organizations, news
sources and individuals sharing random tweets with a
vegetarian, vegan or eat-less-meat focus.
Happy Vegan Baker
An article about and interview with Inge Jorgenson,
whose vegan desserts are available at the Austin
Farmers’ Markets and Bouldin Creek Coffeehouse.
Kala’s Kuisine Salsas and Chutney
A review of Kala’s Kuisine’s Mango Chutney, CurryChipotle Salsa, and Mirchi-Masala Salsa, all three of
which won prizes at the Austin Hot Sauce Festival.
Vegan Hair Products Austin
An online resource for local vegan haircare products.
VegEZ iPhone app
A collection of 50 recipes by Toni Fiore, host of the
Totally Vegetarian TV show. This app for the iPhone
includes access to 32 videos for the recipes as well.
Please email web link submissions for this page to vna_newsletter@yahoo.com.
Start your subject line with “NEWS” to stand out from the spam.
Austin Vegetarian Living—June/July 2010
Mexican Restaurants, continued from page 1
only way to know for sure what you’re eating is to ask.
reviewing restaurants from a vegetarian perspective,
Even this can be trickier at a Mexican restaurant, though
and many of these will call owners and managers
—a problem specific to some ethnic restaurants is the
instead of relying on what the waitress has to say.
language barrier. It’s much harder to get your point across
to someone when you don’t share the same language or • Find the vegetarian friendly places: plenty of
restaurants do cater to our crowd, sometimes you
cultural meanings: asking if an item is “vegetarian” or
just have to seek them out. A Google search for
“vegan” may not be enough - to some people, if it doesn’t
“vegetarian mexican austin” yields many results.
have large chunks of meat, it’s vegetarian.
So what do you do? Here’s a few things you should Two more words of warning—I’ve been to more than one
remember next time you’ve got a hankering for south- Mexican place that has a “vegetarian” section on their
of-the-border delights. Many of these tips apply to all menu, but serves a non-vegetarian element with the dishes.
Sometimes it’s the tortillas, sometimes
types of restaurants, too:
the rice, sometimes something else. Just
• Ask as you always would, but know
because it says “vegetarian” doesn’t
that you might have to be a little
mean it is. Another thing to remember
more specific: Instead of asking
is that like all restaurants, owners and
if a dish is vegetarian, ask if the
cooks can change over time, meaning
tortillas contain lard, or if the rice
that something that was vegetarian
is made with a chicken stock. And
once may be no longer, and vice-versa.
ask about cooking oil before you
Ask your important questions again if
dig into those chips on the table!
you think there’s been a change.
Ask multiple people your questions:
Sometimes the waitress is new. Sometimes the
line cook prepares the food but doesn’t open the
packaging. It always helps to talk to more than one
person about your issues, if for no reason other
than to see if they’re all on the same page. In a big
restaurant, no one person knows all the answers.
If you’re not conversational in Spanish, bring along
a friend who is: Better yet, bring along someone you
know who’s an expert in Mexican cuisine. In addition
to being able to speak to the wait staff and cooks
(assuming a language problem), they can also point
you toward dishes you might not have considered
Go to websites you trust and search for reviews from
other vegetarians or vegans: Many sites specialize in
Austin Vegetarian Living—June/July 2010
In the end, the sad truth is that many
otherwise delicious Mexican restaurants aren’t thinking
of the vegetarians and vegans when they put their menus
together. But plenty of other places are, and they’ve got
food that rivals or outshines their non-veggie-friendly
counterparts. Mexican food is a varied, wonderful
experience—just make sure you know what you’re
About the author
Michael Doss created the “Liberal Atheist
Vegetarian” blog (lav.freedomblogging.com)
for The Orange County Register, writing it
for two years, and “TofuFighting.com”, a
vegetarian foodie site. He can be reached at
Community and National Calendar
For VNA Events (monthly vegan potluck dinners and restaurant
visits, board meetings, and special events), see back page.
Weekly: Fridays, 3:00-7:00 pm
Greenhouse Indoor Farmers Market & Bazaar
6800 West Gate Blvd. at William Cannon, in the Marketplace Austin
Westgate, the new creative cultural marketplace in South Austin.
Wednesday July 7-Sunday July 11
Vegetarian Summerfest: North American Vegetarian Society
The 36th annual conference in Pennsylvania. Speakers include
Caldwell Esselstyn, Brenda Davis, Melanie Joy, Neal Barnard.
Sunday, June 13th, 1:00-2:00 pm at Whole Foods Market
Sunday, June 13th, 7:00-8:00 pm at Central Market North
Monday, June 14th, 6:00-7:00 pm at Sprouts-Research Blvd.
Wed., June 16th, 10:00 am-noon at Sprouts-Round Rock
Meet Brendan Brazier, vegan pro triathlete and author
Brazier is hosting four book signings and stimulating discussions on
nutrition. You can also sample his Vega line of plant-based foods.
Monday, July 12th, 6:30-8:30 pm
Saturday, July 17th, 10:00 am-12:00 pm
Sunday, July 18th, 2:00-4:00 pm
Friday, July 23rd, 7:00-9:00 pm
Introduction to Conscious Cooking
Enjoy a cooking demo and sample freshly-prepared dishes while
learning the principles of conscious cooking and eating. ($45)
Monthly: Second Mondays, 7:00 pm
Austin Organic Gardeners Meeting
An educational presentation, Q&A session and plenty of informative
conversation. Members often bring seeds or plants to share.
Wednesday, July 14th, 6:00-8:00 pm
How Food Affects Your Health And Emotions
A free cooking demonstration, lecture, and discussion. Find out if
macrobiotics can be useful to you, to improve your health. (Free)
Monday, June 14th, 6:00-9:00 pm
Save The Seed Benefit Dinner
Proceeds support the work of MAMAZ to “Save The Maize Seed”.
Traditional Oaxacan Cuisine at El Sol y La Luna on 6th St. ($35)
Wednesday, June 16th, 12:00-1:00 pm
Lunch Express: Getting Your Greens cooking class
Learn to love fresh greens and cook them to bring out the best of
their unique flavors and textures. ($18)
Saturday, June 19th, 10:00 am-12:30 pm
Savory Indian Brunch cooking class
Learn to create a typical South India breakfast, including idlis, a
savory breakfast dish that is gluten-free. ($65)
Tuesday, June 22nd, 6:30-9:00 pm
Everyday Vegetarian: Tapas cooking class
Create a variety of tempting small bites in the Spanish tapas tradition,
like Piquillo Peppers, Olive Peperonata, and Papas Pinchos. ($65)
Saturday, June 26th, 11:00 am-1:00 pm
Natural Epicurean New Kitchen Grand Opening Celebration
Come on out for delicious food, fun and giveaways at their new
kitchen at 1700 South Lamar.
Saturday, June 26th, 12:00-5:00 pm
Real Ale Brewing Co. 14th Anniversary Party in Blanco
Real Ale, which brews vegan beer, will be unveiling their 14th
Anniversary Ale and lots of other special treats.
Please email calendar submissions
for this page to
Start your subject line with “NEWS”
to stand out from the spam.
Thursday, July 29, 6:00-9:30 pm
Summer Raw Food Dinner
Everything in this class is raw, fresh, and in its most natural form.
Come and enjoy how this food tastes and feels in your body. ($56)
Sunday, July 25th, 10:00 am-12:00 pm
Introduction to Macrobiotic Cooking
Enjoy delicious dishes prepared utilizing macrobiotic principles.
Learn about this healing approach to diet and lifestyle. ($45)
Austin Farmers’ Markets
Saturdays, 9:00 am-1:00pm
Republic Square Park - 4th and Guadalupe
Saturdays, 9:00 am-1:00 pm
Sustainable Food Ctr. Farmers’ Market at Sunset Valley
3200 Jones Road
(Turn onto Pillow Road next to Toney Burger Center)
Wednesdays, 4:00-8:00 pm
The Triangle - 46th and Lamar
Saturdays, 9:00 am-1:00 pm
Barton Creek Farmers Market
(formerly Sunset Valley Farmers Market)
South Capital of Texas Highway, off Mo-Pac
Back side of Barton Creek Square mall parking lot
Neighborhood Farm Markets
www.AustinFarmersMarket.org (click on Other Markets)
Austin Vegetarian Living—June/July 2010
Local Mexican Restaurants Respond
By Stevie Duda, Newsletter Editor
To add a local connection to Michael Doss’ article on our front
page, I decided to quiz some of our local restaurants. I started by
listing all the vegetarian-friendly Mexican restaurants that were
listed as such in the books, The Fearless Critic: Austin Restaurant
Guide and Mexican Food in Austin: The Guide. From there, I went
to the restaurants’ websites and e-mailed the 18 that gave e-mail
addresses. I asked the following questions and got the following
responses from Chuy’s, El Sol y La Luna, and Las Palomas. I
was surprised to learn that El Sol y La Luna has tofu dishes. They
also have vegetarian chorizo grilled with onion, tomatoes, and egg
(which can be substituted with black beans or guacamole).
Chuy’s does not. El Sol y La Luna’s are dipped in oil used for
catfish. Las Palomas’ are dipped in vegetable or olive oil, but
they have a gluten-free menu that includes enchiladas that are not.
Tamales: Are they made with lard/manteca/shortening?
Chuy’s and El Sol y La Luna do not use lard at all. Las
Palomas does not serve tamales.
Vegetarian dishes: Are eggs used as a binder in any of them?
Las Palomas’ do not. Chuy’s uses butter on their cooktops to
sauté vegetables and cook quesadillas.
Chips: Are they house made? Are they deep fried? If so, in lard/ Beans: Are they made with meat or cheese? Are they made with
manteca/shortening or in oil also used for meat dishes?
Chuy’s, El Sol y La Luna, and Las Palomas do not use lard at all.
Chuy’s fries in soy bean oil only. El Sol y La Luna’s are fried in
vegetaible oil that is not used for frying meat. Las Palomas’ are
El Sol y La Luna’s black beans are non-fat, but their refried
beans have bacon grease. Las Palomas’ are not made with meat
or cheese. Chuy’s, El Sol y La Luna, and Las Palomas do not
use lard at all.
Tortillas (corn): Are they made with lard/manteca/shortening?
Rice: Is it made with beef or chicken stock or lard/manteca/
Chuy’s, El Sol y La Luna, and Las Palomas do not use lard.
Tortillas (flour): Are they made with lard/manteca/shortening?
El Sol y La Luna’s is not. Las Palomas’ is made with chicken
broth. Chuy’s, El Sol y La Luna, and Las Palomas do not use
lard at all.
Chuy’s, El Sol y La Luna, and Las Palomas do not use lard.
Cheese: Is it made with animal rennet?
Chuy’s queso cheese is, but their shredded cheese is not.
Vegetables: Are they cooked in butter/grease/lard/manteca/
Are there any other things that vegetarians/vegans should avoid
(besides meat/cheese dishes)?
We received no responses to this question.!
Chuy’s, El Sol y La Luna, and Las Palomas do not use lard at
all, but Chuy’s uses butter on their cooktops to sauté vegetables
and cook quesadillas.
Sauces: Are they made with beef or chicken stock?
El Sol y La Luna’s and Las Palomas’ are not.
Enchiladas: Are the tortillas dipped in oil to soften them? If
so, in oil also used for meat dishes?
Austin Vegetarian Living—June/July 2010
Mexican Cuisine Recipe
Baked Tempeh Enchiladas
1 tablespoon safflower or olive oil
1/2 cup minced fresh onion
1/4 cup chopped green or red bell pepper
1 teaspoon minced fresh garlic
1 1/2 tablespoons chili powder
1 teaspoon cayenne
1/2 cup water
16 oz hot salsa
12 oz tofu sour cream
3 cups chopped poached tempeh (see below)
8 8-inch lard-free whole wheat tortillas
(see Mexican Restaurant articles on page 1 and 9)
Tempeh is made by a natural culturing and controlled fermentation
process that binds soybeans into a cake form. Tempeh originated
in Indonesia (and is unique among major traditional soy-foods in
that it is the only one that did not originate in China or Japan). In
traditional tempeh making shops, the starter culture often contains
beneficial bacteria that produce vitamins such as B12. In western
countries, it is more common to use a pure culture containing only
Rhizopus oligosporus which makes very little B12. It is uncertain
if this B12 is always present and bio-available.
From en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/Tempeh
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Coat a 9x13-inch baking dish with nonstick vegetable cooking spray.
Heat the oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Cut tempeh into chunks and simmer in water for 5
minutes. Add onion, bell pepper, and garlic. Cover and cook 5 minutes or until softened. Stir in the chili
powder, cayenne, 1/2 cup water, and salsa, and cook, stirring, until slightly thickened. Remove from heat and
add the tofu sour cream. Combine 2 cups sauce and the tempeh. Spoon about 1/3 cup (slightly rounded)
tempeh mixture onto each tortilla and roll up. Arrange the tortillas in the prepared dish, top with the remaining
sauce, cover, and bake 25 minutes. Uncover and bake 5 minutes longer until browned and bubbly. Serves
Posted and reviewed at www.RecipeZaar.com/recipe/Baked-Tempeh-Enchiladas-281711
Adapted from Some Like It Hot: 200 Spicy Vegetarian Recipes from Around the World by Robin Robertson
Submitted by former VNA President Ken Jaffe and edited by VNA Newsletter Editor & RecipeZaar Manager Stevie Duda
Austin Vegetarian Living—June/July 2010
Questions and Comments:
Phone: (
Check one:
❑ New member
❑ Renewal
Choose method of receiving bylaws:
❑ US mail ❑ e-mail
❑ neither, I’ll download from VNA website
Choose method of receiving newsletter:
❑ US mail ❑ e-mail
❑ neither, I’ll download from VNA website
Yearly Dues: (circle one)
Student/Senior/Low Income
Sponsoring Member
Mail to: Vegetarian Network of Austin
P.O. Box 49333
Austin, TX 78765-9333
The VNA is a group run solely by its
members. There are many times we
could use your help. Please send this
in with your membership payment and
let us know if we can call on you for help.
I can:
❑ Offer my home for a potluck
❑ Be contact person for events
❑ Volunteer at tabling events
❑ Contribute to the newsletter
❑ Be a member of the board
❑ Help with the Vegetarian Chili
Cook-off (in November)
❑ Provide music at various events
❑ Other:
The VNA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
Donations are tax-deductible to the
full extent allowed by the law.
Listings are free for VNA members and
$10 per issue for non-members (up
to 6 lines; $2.50 for each additional
line). Send your listing by e-mail to
Graphic and web design
Call Brendan Good at 377-9893
Dachshund puppies need home
Two available. Contact Yvonne at
Organic raw superfoods & herbs
Call Roy Wilhite at 797-1906
Yoga & meditation instruction
Call Lisa Davis at 622-4856
Pet portraits from photos in paint,
watercolor, or pencil
Call Michelle at 586-5504
Pop art family portraits on archival
100% cotton canvas
E-mail artsytipe@yahoo.com
Lots of Vegetarian Choices!
All our hummus and baba ganoush have no added oils,
and our dolmas are hand-made fresh, not canned!
Plus hand-cut french fries, salads and wraps, falafel...
and of course our famous tabooley!
Monday - Saturday: 7am-10pm — Sunday: 12pm-6pm
On the Drag — 2928 Guadalupe St.
512.479.7337 — TomsTabooley.com
Austin Vegetarian Living—June/July 2010
Vegetarian Network of Austin
P.O. Box 49333
Austin, TX 78765-9333
Peak Produce
Baby Bok Choy
Fava Beans
Garbanzo Beans
Bell Peppers
Charlin Melons
In July, add:
Treasurer’s Reminder
Please check your renewal date on the mailing label. If your renewal is due,
please mail the form on Page 9 with a check or money order to the address above.
VNA Event Calendar
Saturday, June 12th, 7:00 pm
Vegan Potluck Dinner at the home of Kathy Monte
4519 Depew Avenue, Austin (map on our website), 512-280-0584
You do not have to be a VNA member to attend our monthly
potluck dinners. Come meet up with vegetarians of all ages and
varieties and share your food and friendship. Bring a VEGAN dish
to feed 8 plus a serving utensil, as well as your own plate, utensils,
and beverage. Please bring a list of ingredients used, to help those
with food allergies. Also please bring a list of ingredients for your
Sunday, June 27th, 11:30 am
Vegan Brunch at Casa De Luz
1701 Toomey Road, Austin
Casa De Luz, Austin’s long-standing vegan and macrobiotic
restaurant, is one of the favorite places of most vegans in Austin,
including many in the VNA. The last time we were there was for
dinner, but this time we’ll be going for their wonderful brunch—
especially their famous Spelt Pancakes with Fruit Sauce.
Afterwards, for those who are interested, we have two activities
planned. Some of us will be going kayaking on Lady Bird Lake,
while others will be going over to Barton Springs for a swim. Be sure
to bring your swim suits and sunscreen.
You do not have to be a VNA member to attend our monthly restaurant
visits. Please RSVP by e-mailing vna_rsvp@yahoo.com (start your
subject line with RSVP) to help us and the restaurant plan ahead.
Saturday, July 10th, 6:30 pm
Vegan Potluck Dinner at the home of Candace d’Obrenovic
Board Meeting precedes at 5:30 pm
3808 Arrow Drive, Austin (map on our website), 512-280-0584
Come meet up with our new vegetarian friends and share your food
and friendship. If you’re interested in participating in the VNA
board meeting, come at 5:30. Members are always welcome to
join our board meetings, especially those interested in serving on
committees and helping us plan the VNA’s future. Bring a VEGAN
dish to feed 8 plus a serving utensil, as well as your own plate,
utensils, and beverage. Also please bring a list of ingredients for
your recipe.
Saturday, May 29th, 12:30 pm
Vegan Dinner at Talkhouse Living Foods Café
1221 West 6th Street, Austin
We’re excited to visit John Wegmann’s new vegan and raw foods
restaurant west of downtown called Talkhouse (formerly Borboleta
Gourmet Living Cuisine). Talkhouse is a cozy eatery, with daily
specials including freshly-made juices and smoothies, fresh young
coconut water, plus salads, sandwiches, pizzas and desserts. The
mock-tuna sandwich, the mushroom fajitas, and the “rawsagna”
especially have gotten good reviews on Yelp.com. All 100% glutenfree. BYOB.
You do not have to be a VNA member to attend our monthly restaurant
visits. Please RSVP by e-mailing vna_rsvp@yahoo.com (start your
subject line with RSVP) to help us and the restaurant plan ahead.
Always check www.VegNetAustin.org for updated listings, as events are subject to change.