15-02 February 2015 New Beginnings
15-02 February 2015 New Beginnings
New Beginnings at Raritan Valley VOluME 10 • NuMbEr 2 • F E b r u a ry 2 0 15 CLUB MEETING DATES: MEN’S CLUB NO MEETING THIS MONTH MEN’S GoLf CLUB NO MEETING THIS MONTH VETErANS’ CLUB NO MEETING THIS MONTH WoMEN’S TENNIS CLUB NO MEETING THIS MONTH SINGLES CLUB February 13th . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00pm WoMEN’S CLUB February 18th . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00pm oPEN BoArD MEETINGS: CoA NO OPEN MEETING THIS MONTH HoA NO OPEN MEETING THIS MONTH MASTEr BoArD February 17th . . . . . . . . . . . . .8:00pm TAy L o r M A N A G E M E N T T E A M CoMMUNITy MANAGEr Deborah Shelley dshelley@taylormgt.com 732-568-0999 LIfESTyLE DIrECTor Debbie Clark dcclark@taylormgt.com 732-448-9180 After Hours Emergency 1-888-499-9832 * Be advised that an emergency is defined as danger to life and/or property. remember our Website Address: Please note: The articles, opinions and other information contained in this newsletter do not necessarily express the opinion or position of the Renaissance at Raritan Valley Master, HOA and COA Associations, its Boards of Trustees or management. WWW.rrVSoMErSET.orG Barbara Kalmus Sales Associate Cell: 908.295.8653 Office: 908.901.0085 Fax: 908.766.2254 Email: barbarakalmusnj@gmail.com Towne Square Realty 580 Allen Road Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 Each office is Independently Owned and Operated We’re by your side so your loved one can stay home. Whether W het he r you you are a r e looking look ing for ffo or someone someone to help he lp an a n aging aging loved loved one one a few ffeew hours to hour s we e k , orr need ne ed more mor e comprehensive compr e he nsi ve a week, a ssis t a nce , Home H ome Instead I ns tead can c a n help. help. assistance, Companionship Companionship Personal Care Care Services-by Services-by 'IVXM½IH,SQI,IEPXL%MHIW 'IVXM½IH,SQI,IEPXL. %MHIW ^LIMQIV´W8V EMRIH'%6)+MZIVW SM %PP^LIMQIV´W8VEMRIH'%6)+MZIVW 1 I HMGEXMSR6IQMRHIVW 1IHMGEXMSR6IQMRHIVW M e al Preparation P re p a r a t i o n Meal 0MKLX,SYWIOIITMRK 0MKLX,SYWIOIITMRK 7LSTTMRK )VV ERHW 7LSTTMRK )VVERHW -RGMHIRX EP8V ERWTSV X EXMSR -RGMHIRXEP8VERWTSVXEXMSR Each E a c h Home H o m e Instead I n s te t a d SSenior enior C Care a r e ® franchise fr a nchise o office f fic fi e iiss iindependently ndependently owned ow n e d and a n d operated.©2015 o p e r a t e d .©2015 Home H o m e Instead, I n s t e a d , IInc. nc. ASREP Specialist RENAISSANCE RESIDENT AND FRIEND Call C all ffor or a free, f re e , no-obligation no - oblig at ion appointment appoint me nt 7 732.271.5100 32 .271. 510 0 2 2.PMGIRWI,4 .PMGIRWI,4 Serving Serving Somer Somerset set County , ,SQI-RWXIEHGSQWSQIVWIXGSYRX]RN S Q I - R W X I E H G S Q W S Q I V W I X G S Y R X ] R N (EZMHWSR%ZI7YMXI ( EZ MH WS R%ZI 7 YM X I SSomerset, o m er se t , New New Jersey Jer sey r*OUFHSJUZ r&YQFSJFODF r$PNNJUNFOU r$PNNVOJDBUJPO r5SVTU r4VDDFTT Call 908-295-8653 or email barbarakalmusNJ@gmail.com for an appointment AMERICA’S FLORIST For All The Right Reasons ORDER TODAY FOR VALENTINE’S DAY 1-800-872-3567 732-356-9377 227 W. Union Avenue Bound Brook, New Jersey 08805 Rt 287 Exit 13, to Rt 28 E STORE HOURS: M-F 8-5pm, Sat 8-1pm WE DELIVER! Visit us at: www.americasflorist.com ORDER TODAY $ 00 OFF 5 ANY PURCHASE Scan to visit americasflorist.com Complete Romance VDRBC Page 2, February 2015 Dance with Me ATEV12-5B New Beginnings at Raritan Valley With this coupon through February 28, 2015. May not be combined. Mention code “CWSP15”. sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 New Indoor Pool Hours of Operation In December 2014 we were cited and fined by the Somerset County Health Department for not complying with the Recreational Bathing Code as related to testing of the pool water. Specifically, we were not testing and properly maintaining a log, as required, of the test results for pH and chlorine while the pool was open for resident and guest use. The code requires these tests be performed every two hours when the pool is open. In order to comply with the code, we must alter the hours that the indoor pool is open. These hours must coincide with the times that we have personnel available to perform the required tests. As of January 15, 2015, the non-holiday hours of operation for the indoor pool will be as follows: • Monday through Friday: 9:00 AM to Midnight • Saturday and Sunday: Noon to 10:00 PM The pool doors will be locked outside of these times. New signs will be posted. The Clubhouse will remain open from 5:00AM to Midnight. A lifeguard will be on duty Saturdays, Sundays and Franklin Township School Vacation days from Noon to 4:00 PM so that children age 16 and under may enjoy the use of the pool. Other holiday times the pool is open will be announced via e-blast. Please remember that children age 16 and under (toilet-trained) may use the indoor pool ONLY when there is a lifeguard on duty. No one under the age of 16 may use the whirlpool or saunas. A resident must accompany all guests and remain present whenever the indoor pool is used. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause our residents. We will continue to monitor and assess the situation in an effort to provide a safe environment for all. The Master Board of Trustees Mayday! Mayday! Several of our Deli volunteers have “jumped ship” in favor of seeking a warmer climate. We certainly can’t blame them, but their departures have left our Deli floundering for substitute staff members. Please rescue us! Call Debbie Clark as soon as possible and offer your services so that we can avoid not opening the Deli due to lack of food preparers and/or cashiers. Job details are: 1) Short hours: Any weekday, Monday through Thursday, noon to 2:00 PM (TWO HOURS!) 2) We will train you in the easy process to be a cashier or a food preparer. 3) Will provide you with the satisfaction of knowing you are helping to continue our Deli’s operation. Helping Hands Helping Hands is a community-based service, providing local transportation to our residents. It is manned by your neighbors and friends. When transportation needs arise (e.g., doctors, shopping, etc.), please reach out to us. Remember to give us some advance notice. Diane Foss 732-649-3425 Debbie Clark 732-448-9180 If anyone has medical equipment (wheelchair, walker, cane) and is willing to loan it out to a resident in need, please call Debbie Clark. sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 New E-mail For Submissions Please send your submissions for New Beginnings to: newsletter@rrvsomerset.org TABLE OF CONTENTS Taylor Management Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cover Club And Board Meeting Dates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cover New Indoor Pool Hours of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Mayday! Mayday! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Helping Hands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 New E-mail For Submissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Important Notes About Article & Photo Submissions . . . . . . 4 Welcome BACK to the Neighborhood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Note of Thanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Celebrating This Month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Celebration Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Building 2 Holiday Party . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Birthday Luncheon at “Confectionally Yours” . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Singles Meeting, January 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Architectural Review Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Find the Difference Contest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7 Valentine’s Day Humor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Women’s Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11 Women’s Club Sunshine Notification List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Scottos, Nortons and Fishcos On Vacation In Aruba . . . . . 11 Call For Recipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 From the Pen of…Don DeBonis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13 DeSimones and Hallbergs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Resident Travels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-15 New Year’s Eve At Renaissance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-17 Men’s Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Men’s Club Goodwill Notification Chairperson . . . . . . . . . 18 Animal Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,19, 21 Aunty Acid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Yiddish Club Chanukah Party . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Dine to Donate Flyer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Friedman’s Fit for Life Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Read & Reviewed By Harvey Silverman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Words of Wisdom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Say It Like It Is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 New Arrival: Bill & Evelyn Majeski’s Granddaughter . . . . 27 Reservation & Refund Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Editorial Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Guidelines for Photographs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Renaissance Ballroom Rental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Renaissance Condo Reps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley February 2015, Page 3 Important Notes About Article & Photo Submissions Please read the Guideline for Photographs and the Editorial Block which is always near the end of each issue. The following information should be followed: • Hard copies of photos should go to Debbie Clark in the office. • E-mails should contain photos according to the Guideline instructions and must include caption(s) with the photo(s) in that e-mail. • Photos of people: Please correctly identify the subjects in the order pictured. Residents should be listed using their first and last names. • Digital Photos: Please use the highest camera setting possible so that the details in the pictures can be the most visible. Note of Thanks Dear Friends and Neighbors, Your sympathy and thoughtfulness will always be gratefully remembered and deeply appreciated. Sincere thanks from the family of Janet Cuomo Celebrating This Month BIRTHDAY Shirley Kabat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . February 18 Welcome BACK to the Neighborhood ANNIVERSARY Joan and Richard Norton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . February 6 Congratulations on 50 YEARS! BARBARA MELICK 4202 Avery Court Celebration Form SOMERSET FAMILY PHYSICAL THERAPY A brand new, state of the art physical rehabilitation center that provides physical therapy services utilizing the most current therapeutic techniques. Please note that even if your birthday or anniversary celebration date(s) have been published in previous newsletter issues, we ask that you re-submit this information. As noted in prior “Celebrating This Month” sections, we want to keep this section current to avoid a repeat of the publication in the past of outdated information. Thank you. CELEBRATION FORM BIRTHDAY(S) Address _______________________________________ SPECIALIZING IN TREATING n Joint Replacements n Knee Reconstruction n Foot Surgeries n Tendonitis n Cervical Spine n Lumbar Spine n Hand Injuries n Arthritis Located only minutes from your community! _______________________________________ Name _______________________________________ Month ______________________ Day_____________ Name _______________________________________ Month ______________________ Day_____________ 732-356-5363 ANNIVERSARY 14 Worlds Fair Drive, Suite M Somerset, NJ 08873 http://somersetfamilypt.com/ Names _______________________________________ Month ______________________ Day_____________ Any special “milestone” events you’d care to mention? No_______ Yes___________________________________ Medicare approved & accepted, as well as most major insurance companies. Page 4, February 2015 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 Building 2 Holiday Party Anne L. Cohen, Sales Associate MY SERVICES INCLUDE: • Free Staging Consultation • Professional Photography • 100% Commitment to You Office: 908-359-0893 Cell: 201-788-7617 SomersetCountyHomesite.com annecohenrealtor@gmail.com Canal Walk Neighbor DECEMBER 19TH 2014 BACK: Jimmy Stephens, Ellen Stephens, Joanne Sullivan, Gloria Kowalski, Cheryl Palent, Deanna Lineen, Sheri Berkowitz, Larry Berkowitz, Luis Velazquez, Anne Scott, Narendrakumar Patel. FRONT: Mary Minni, Debra Calie, Yiyun Zhou, Dominick Minni, Lou Marinucci, Stuart Schwimmer, Gail Schwimmer, Amira Gergis, Amir Girgis. Birthday Luncheon at “Confectionally Yours” 31 Frelinghuysen Avenue • Raritan, NJ 08869 www.benchfashionfloors.com • 908-725-6466 • Carpet • Hardwood • Area Rugs • Tile & Stone • Laminate • Resilient-Vinyl • Bamboo • Cork • Radiant Heating Having lunch at “Confectionally Yours” to celebrate Angela Shea’s birthday are (L-R): Addie Bolster, Elaine Ziff, Angela Shea, Jo Pocchia and Liz D’Alessio. Angela Shea celebrating her January 2nd birthday at lunch with her friends on December 30th. sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 • Free In-home Measurement • Installation • Floor & Carpet Cleaning • Floor Refinishing New Beginnings at Raritan Valley February 2015, Page 5 Singles Meeting, January 9 Find The Difference Contest For all of you who love good food, our January meeting was a dream come true! Our great chefs prepared selections for our Pot Luck dinner with something for every taste. Get ready! There were appetizers, salads, meatballs, vegetarian and regular lasagna, eggplant parmesan, a variety of chicken dishes and, of course, desserts! Pies, cakes, cookies, and my famous Monkey Bread! Did I just hear Emeril say “BAM!”? Thank you to Linda Swartz and Betty Goldfarb for planning and organizing this great evening! Submitted by Toby Marks Congratulations to John Young! John now holds the record for not only attacking January’s contest practically “hot off the press,” but in correctly identifying all of the fourteen differences in the two pictures of Debbie Shelley at her desk! By doing this, John won lunch at our RRV Deli. This month’s photo (next page) presents an even greater challenge as created by Debra Calie. Debra made twenty changes to the original photo taken in our Library! Will you be the first one to correctly circle all the changes in picture two? Bring in your markedup photo to Debbie Clark for confirmation of your success and you’ll receive a lunch voucher. Remember, if you have recently won this contest, you are not eligible to submit another entry for 90 days. That doesn’t stop you from practicing your skills until next time. Architectural Review Committee The ARC will not be meeting for the months of January and February. Our next scheduled meeting is March 12, which will be the only meeting in March. Regularly-scheduled meetings will resume in April on the second and fourth Thursdays at 7:00 PM. Should you have an issue regarding an exterior alteration application during this hiatus, please contact the Community Manager. Remember to file an application for any exterior alteration. Our motto is: “If in doubt, fill it out”. Your cooperation is appreciated. Submitted by Donna Scher Page 6, February 2015 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 FEBRUARY’S CONTEST sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley February 2015, Page 7 Valentine’s Day Humor Four-year-old Sam loved candy almost as much as his mom Sally did. He and Daddy had given her a beautiful heart-shaped box of chocolates for Valentine’s Day. A few days later Sam was eyeing it, wishing to have a piece of it. As he reached out to touch one of the big pieces, Sally said to him, “If you touch it, then you have to eat it. Do you understand?” “Oh, yes,” he said, nodding his head. Suddenly his little hand patted the tops of all the pieces of candy. “Now I can eat them all.” * * * A young woman was taking an afternoon nap. After she woke up, she told her husband, “I just dreamed that you gave me a pearl necklace for Valentine’s day. What do you think it means?” “You’ll know tonight,” he said. That evening, the man came home with a small package and gave it to his wife. Delighted, she opened it–only to find a book entitled The Meaning of Dreams. * * * AAA Express A guy walks into a post office one day to see a middle-aged, balding man standing at the counter methodically placing “Love” stamps on bright pink envelopes with hearts all over them. He then takes out a perfume bottle and starts spraying scent all over them. His curiosity getting the better of him, he goes up to the balding man and asks him what he is doing. The man says, “I’m sending out one thousand Valentine cards signed, ‘Guess who?’” “But why?” asks the man. “I’m a divorce lawyer,” the man replies. * * * Transportation …AND THE MORE SERIOUS SIDE OF VALENTINE’S DAY… Limo & Car Service Airports Love doesn’t make the world go ‘round, love is what makes the ride worthwhile. Elizabeth Browning • Prompt • Reliable • Professional BEST SERVICE • BEST PRICE Owner - Julian: AAAExpressLimoAndTaxi@yahoo.com 908.392.2519 • 732.868.0023 The Hair House International & Day Spa Celebrating our 32nd Anniversary! Mary Tabbit, Owner Specializing In: • Haircuts • Color • Foil Highlights • Keratin Smoothing • SO.CAP. Hair Extensions • Styling • Perms • Manicures • Pedicures • Waxing • Facials • Massages •Appointments Preferred •Walk-ins Welcome •Private Parking •Handicap Access CVS Plaza • 333 South Main St. Manville, New Jersey 08835 908-722-3024 Visit us on the web at: www.HairHouseInt.com Our Stylists Speak: English, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, Spanish % OFF 10 ALL SERVICES We’re Searching for Hospice VOLUNTEERS For more information call or email Sara Culang at: (732) 227-1212 sculang@wilfcampus.org “As a hospice volunteer, I’ve seen firsthand the comfort, love and respect hospice brings to all the people they care for. There is nothing I am more proud or passionate about than being a part of hospice.” – Torrey DeVitto, Actor, Advocate, Hospice Volunteer “Volunteering for a hospice turned out to be one of the most life changing experiences I’ve ever had. I don’t need an M.D. to change people’s lives, I’ve already started. It’s not for everybody but I can guarantee it will touch your heart.” – N. Carty, Student Limit 1. Not to be combined with any other offers. Expires 2/28/15 OPEN: Tue, Thu, Fri 9am-9pm • Wed 8am-3pm • Sat 9am-5pm Page 8, February 2015 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 Quality Foot Care Center Keeping feet healthy since 1977 Harvey R. Jacobs, D.P.M. Diplomate American Board of Podiatric Surgery Fellow American College of Foot Surgeons The Professional Center at Somerset 25 Clyde Rd., Suite 101 Somerset, NJ 08873 (732) 873-1111 www.qualityfootcarecenternj.com A Jewish Community with Quality Care Fullfilling the Promise All the comforts of home including: A community where life continues in all its vitality, with daily support to match personal needs. Ask us about coming for a TrIAL STAy! Call Today to Find Out More 1-800-574-5760 P A I D A D V E R T I S E M E N T Health News & Views Low Back Pain In The Older Adult Last month, I addressed low back pain (LBP) in the younger patient (age 30-60), so it only seems appropriate to continue the discussion for those over the age of 60. As previously mentioned, back pain does NOT discriminate when it comes to age. In fact, chiropractors see many children and teenagers with LBP as well as 90+ year-olds! Let’s take a look at the “usual” differences... In the younger adult, facet syndrome and disk derangement are common conditions, and though this can still occur in the older adult, it becomes less common after age 60. The primary reason is because our disks become dehydrated or “dry up” as we age, making them less likely to herniate compared to a young, well-hydrated disk. During this “dehydration” process, the disks gradually narrow and bulge outwards. Therefore, in the 60+ year-old adult, disk-related pain is typically NOT from the soft liquid center herniating through the tough outer “annular” layer as it does in the younger patient. Rather, it’s from a combination of conditions. These conditions combine together and result in narrowing of the openings through which the nerve root exits the spine (called the neuroforamen). The multiple conditions that contribute to this process include (but are not limited to): narrowing and bulging of the disk, osteoarthritis, or spurring extending off the vertebral endplates where the disk attaches, facet joint arthritis resulting in “hypertrophy” or enlargement, calcification of ligaments, and more. WHEN the neuroforamen narrows to the point of pinching the nerve root, symptoms occur. This condition is called “spinal stenosis” (SS), which literally means, “narrowed spinal canals” with entrapment of the spinal cord and/or nerves. Classic symptoms associated with SS include low back pain and stiffness. Most importantly, SS causes a gradual reduction in the amount of time that people with this condition can tolerate walking. Restricted mobility is initially subtle, but after months and years, walking may become more and more limited. That is, every time a certain time frame is reached (like 5 or 10 minutes of walking), the symptoms become significant to the point they force the SS patient to stop and sit or bend over often for one to two minutes, after which time they are able to resume walking for a similar amount of time. Another common feature is that bending forwards HELPS (because it opens up the neuroforamen), and many SS patients walk bent over as their “norm.” When walking in a grocery store, they may lean forwards on the grocery cart because it allows for a longer, less painful walk. Other symptoms common with osteoarthritis (which always precedes SS), include morning stiffness, stiffness and pain when rising from sitting, decreased range of spinal motion or flexibility, localized painful joints, and others. As mentioned previously, degenerative joint disease or osteoarthritis is a slow, smoldering process that can often be traced back over the past 5, 10, and even 20 years. As chiropractors, research demonstrates we can improve spinal joint flexibility and slow this process down. Give chiropractic a try as back pain in our elderly years DOES NOT have to be disabling! Dr. Perry Wolk-Weiss is the author of “Ten Commandments for a Healthy Lifestyle” and has been providing short-term, effective care for neck and back pain relief in Bound Brook, NJ since 1980. To find out if you are a candidate for care call 732-356-1155, for a complimentary consultation. To learn more about neck and back pain relief as well as other health issues visit Dr. WolkWeiss’s blog: www.drperrywolk-weissblog.com. sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley February 2015, Page 9 Women’s Club DECEMBER WOMEN’S CLUB MEETING WOMEN’S CLUB PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE At the Women’s Club December meeting Rob Porter, son of member Louise Porter, sang and led the participants in karaoke. Women’s Club in winter is a fun place to be. Hope you’ll join us on February 18 when we’ll have a Comedy Tonight meeting showing on the big screen. Look for details in e-mails and on the bulletin board. Also at the February meeting we will be asking for ideas for next year’s charity. If you have a charity to suggest, please let us know and try to include some information. Call Barbara Hirschman with ideas. Remember that our Dine to Donate fundraiser is ongoing. It’s a fun way to spend an evening with friends while supporting the Somerset Home for Temporarily Displaced Children. Our February place and date is Jozanna’s on Wednesday, February 25th. Look on page 24 for the flyer, and be sure to make a reservation. Stay warm everyone! Sue Dreifus-Fink. President WOMEN’S CLUB SUNSHINE NOTIFICATION LIST – CONDOLENCES & ILLNESSES Condo Representative: House Representative: Rob Porter and his mom resident, Louise Porter. Elly Viquez and Janet Goldberg. Louise Porter and Dorothy Sobelsohn. Barbara Cohen and Julie Hallberg. Ina Spero ..........732-828-0099 Louise Porter ......732-873-3343 is a new and exciting program dedicated to helping mature adults live safely and independently through connecting them to a Community of Support. Wilf at Home offers you an innovative membership program — that includes a concierge level service and special member only pricing in the areas of: • Home Care • Prescription drugs delivered at a competitive rate • Transportation • Home modifications • Paperwork and Bill Management • FREE Home Safety Assessment and Medicine Review And much, much more! The perfect service to help older adults who have adult children living out of the area and/or have work or child care obligations Marilyn Chirichella, Kay Goldie and Barbara Hirschman. Barbara Cohen and Julie Hallberg. For more information, contact us today at (732) 649-3509 • athome@wilfcampus.org www.wilfcampus.org Page 10, February 2015 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 Scottos, Nortons and Fishcos On Vacation In Aruba Janet Goldberg, Elly Viquez and Dorothy Sobelsohn. Rob Porter, Irmgard Schranz, Julie Mugnano, Kay Goldie and Marilyn Chirichella. A Love Affair With Every Room Inspired by you! Tom Sfisco President and Creative Director The Design Studio features a chic mix of traditional and contemporary décor with pops of modern accessories for results that are simply timeless. A unique shopping experience awaits you in downtown Somerville, the best kept secret in the tri-state area! Let us help you create interiors that capture your sense of style. Call our design experts to schedule an in-home consultation, visit our showroom, or shop online today. 67 West Main Street • Somerville, NJ 08876 • Phone 908.685.1921 • www.design-sos.com sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley February 2015, Page 11 Call For Recipes Tax Offices Of Do you have a favorite, easy recipe that’s low on number of ingredients and high on nutrients? If so, please share it with your neighbors by submitting it for our newsletter. On second thought, even if your recipe is just plain delicious – send it in to us! Carletta O. Beckwith, CPA Tax Preparation Services Get Ready For Tax Season No More High Tax Preparation Franchise Prices ¸ Experienced CPA ¸ Expert in Tax Preparation with OVER 20 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE ¸ Offering Quality, Timely, and Affordable Tax Preparation Services ¸ Check Out Our Low Rates ¸ Convenient PICK UP and DROP OFF Services Available ¸ Free E-file Call us today for a FREE Consultation 732-873-0902 or 908-902-0739 This Valentine’s Day, Treat Someone Special to a Massage or Facial… From the Pen of… Don DeBonis IT’S ALL ABOUT A SNOWFLAKE It was at a family Thanksgiving gathering when the question arose, “When do you think we will get our first snowfall?” That’s when the idea for this article first began to germinate. I immediately approached my three youngest, bright and beautiful granddaughters and asked for their help. They readily agreed. What follows is their contribution to this story: By Andrea DeBonis Snowflakes falling down One by one without a sound Each unique in it’s own way Light up the sky on a gloomy day Every flake so fragile and small With different patterns throughout them all What a lovely sight to see As they fall from tree to tree They send a sign that winter’s here A time of family, love and cheer As each one dances thru the night It leaves the earth covered in white By Malorie Iovino Valenti nes Snowflake Haiku white feathers dancing flurries falling from the sky graciously landing the winter solstice the beginning of snowflakes swirling round in the wind Gift C ertifica tes Affordable Luxury… Priceless Beauty • Expert Color & Hair Design • Indulge Yourself with a Facial • Relax with a Massage February & March $50 OFF KERATIN STRAIGHTENING TREATMENT!!! 1685 Amwell Road, Somerset 732-568-1999 CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE raymondsalonNspa.com WINTER SAVINGS AT RAYMOND SALON N SPA $1000 OFF your next appointment during February with Nicole and Brenda By Rachel Vazquez Snowflakes drifting to the ground whiteness closes in all around the world gives out a peaceful embrace snowflakes fall like pieces of lace All is quiet as the snow falls the sound of silence fills the halls A soft white blanket everywhere a joyful spirit fills the air The earth at peace and standing still the howling wind sends out a chill the moon fills the sky with light Snowflakes bring a silent night Must present ad. Excludes retail purchases. New customers only. Cannot be combined with any other offers. Expires 2/28/15. Page 12, February 2015 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley Continued on page 13 sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 DeSimones and Hallbergs FROM THE PEN OF…DON DEBONIS Continued from page 12… There was a time my young grandson asked me, “Papa, what makes a snowflake?” The teacher in me responded, at certain temperatures the moisture in the air crystalizes to form a six-sided blue white flake. Some people think that no two are alike.” “Well, how many snowflakes in a snowfall?” he asked. I answered, “The number would be more than anyone could count.” He added, “Like infinity?” I quickly nodded trying to change the subject, “Yes, that’s it.” He wasn’t finished yet. He countered with, “How about infinity and beyond?” The only answer I could come up with was “How about some milk and cookies?” Submitted by Don DeBonis Drawing by Don and Sandy’s daughter, Nanci Iovino The DeSimones and Hallbergs enjoyed their annual Christmas visit to Congress Hall, Cape May, New Jersey. The Cape May Winery, Christmas Lights Trolley Tour, a Christmas Carol sing-a-long at the Cape May Playhouse & the 47th annual Cape May Christmas Parade were a few of their favorites. Caffe Piazza Restaurant & Catering Stop & Shop Centre • 649 Route 206 • Hillsborough, NJ 08844 Like Us on Facebook Caffe Piazza Restaurant and Catering Get a FREE Bruschetta Catering (908) 359-9494 www.caffepiazza.com • caffepiazza@comcast.net For all your special events! Buy 1 Entree Get 2nd Half Off * 15% off Every Tuesday & Wednesday** Call To Book NOW: 908-230-8749 www.cpcaterings.com Canal Walk’s first choice in catering! Clubhouse events included Discount on food only. Not applicable on wait staff charge. *Of equal or lesser value **Holidays Excluded. Reservations Recommended. 1/2 Price Chicken Night Every Thursday* *Holidays Excluded. Reservations Recommended. sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley 15% OFF TOTAL CHECK FRIDAY & SATURDAY (take-out or dine-in) Caffe Piazza Restaurant & Catering (908) 359-9494 One offer per customer. Must present coupon. Offer may not be combined. Holidays Excluded. Reservation Required. Expires 02/28/15. February 2015, Page 13 Resident Travels ROTONDI AND KEBART QUANTUM TRIP In December, the Rotondis and Kebarts enjoyed a wonderful cruise on the new Royal Caribbean ship, Quantum of the Seas. It was nice getting out of the cold and the ship was beautiful and very different. The ship was beautiful. The look was modern and light with an Asian flair. Check-in was quick and easy even though we hadn’t uploaded our pictures or arranged for our credit card account. Everything was high tech. Orders were taken on tablets. Everyone had a wristband that substituted for the traditional Sea Pass card (which we also had). You could unlock your cabin door, pay for things and identify yourself to your slot machine with it. You did need your Sea Pass card to get on and off the ship. The internet works well. It was as fast as WIFI at home. There is an app that Royal Caribbean encourages you to download to your smart phone or tablet (Royal IQ) that gives you all the information that you can get from the TV in the room (a 50 inch flat screen, by the way). This includes your calendar and your account. It comes in handy and is available without paying for WIFI. The digital bar was very cute. Bottles of liquor were hanging from the ceiling. You ordered your drink on a tablet and one of the two robots would make it taking the appropriate liquor, ice, etc. and put it in a shaker, shake it and pour it into a glass. You would go up to the bar, scan your card and the drink would slide to you. A “DJ” type could make the robots dance to rhythms when no drinks were being made. We decided to take an inside cabin this trip just to see the “virtual balcony.” It was touted to give you the view that you would see if you had an outside or balcony cabin. Although it did keep you feeling less closed in and kept you oriented in the dark of the night (we left the curtains open just enough to use it as a night light), the view was anything but what you would see from your real window or balcony. We were towards the front of the ship and we saw the wake as though we were at the very back. When we were docked, we did see structures and boats passing but I don’t know if it was the view we would have seen from our window. It never looked sunny, either, so we could not determine the weather from our cabin. The cabin was a little different from others that we have had in the past. It was square and didn’t have the couch area. I’m not sure it was a typical inside cabin since the entry was different from most. The bathroom was on a side wall and was about the same size as most ship bathrooms but the shower was bigger. We each had a closet (one on each side of the bed) with two nice drawers underneath. They adapted the European hotel card slot. You have to put a Sea Pass into the slot to use the lights. I guess it’s an energy saver. Dining on the Quantum has mixed reviews. I liked going to different restaurants each night but there was much less socializing than Roman Limousine 732.873.2356 since 1998 www.romanlimo.net romanlimousine@aol.com “Guaranteed on time… Everytime” Senior citizen discount available. Locally Owned & Operated Page 14, February 2015 when you have a main dining room. I thought lunches could have been handled better. If you wanted a “sit down” lunch, you had to go to the American Icon restaurant or pay for lunch. Like all the restaurants, it had a menu that didn’t change from day to day or from lunch to dinner. The menu wasn’t large and was mostly “comfort food” and you might not want that every day. American Icon was also the only “sit down” breakfast venue. Breakfasts were similar to the “main dining room” breakfasts without the breakfast bar that was available on the Explorer or Allure and other ships. There were several other places for breakfast and lunch and we found ourselves at the Windjammer buffet which we hardly ever visited on other ships. Even the Windjammer didn’t have a good salad bar, however. The Café Two70 is a place where you line up for sandwiches, soup, salads, etc. The hot roast beef sandwich is worth getting on line for and the lines move fast enough. After you get your food, you have to find a seat in the Two70 theater which isn’t always easy. There are other places for lunch like Sorrento’s for pizza or the Promenade Café for little sandwiches. As far as the restaurants were concerned for dinner, I particularly liked Chic which is a French restaurant and Silk, the Chinese restaurant. The Grand, which was formal, had good food but small portions. If you asked for a vegetable or potato, you got a decent meal. The molten chocolate cake made the restaurant worth going to. I did not care for American Icon. The only specialty restaurant we went to was Jamie’s Italian and we enjoyed it very much. As a Diamond Plus member we got to use the Concierge Lounge which was much larger than the one on the Explorer or Allure. They had drinks, hot hors d’oeuvres, and specialty coffees between 5:00 and 8:30 and I believe they had continental breakfast in the morning. We were also able to get up to three drinks at most of the bars between 5:00 and 8:30 every evening. They also have a Diamond Lounge for Diamond members. There was no special dining room for breakfast. Mamma Mia was wonderful. It was exactly like the Broadway show as was required when they got permission to do it. It was 2½ hours long with a 15-minute intermission. The headliners were soso but I assume they change from voyage to voyage. The other two shows, Sonic Odyssey and StarWater were different. I liked Sonic Odyssey and thought StarWater was long but worth experiencing for its strangeness. We went on the North Star which lifted us high above the ship. We went at night so saw mostly the ship’s pool area all lit up. When we went on it, it did not rotate but sometimes it did. I think it was dependent upon the weather. We stood in line the first night (and it was cold) and got on in about ½ hour. They had a few times during the trip that you could get tickets for a future day. You had to wait in line for those too but not in the cold. We didn’t go on the bumper cars although we did sit in them and take a picture. There were specific times that they were open for everyone or just 17 years or younger. The area they were in was called the SeaPlex and it was used for basketball, tennis and other sports so there was limited time for bumper cars. Departure from the ship was very typical. You waited in a designated place (the theater unless you were Diamond and above) and waited for your number to be called. They did get us off very early (before 9:00). They have built a new terminal so no busses are required to get from the terminal to the ship. The only problem is that there is no sheltered area to wait for your transportation. You could not go back in to the customs inspection area and you could not go in to the main terminal building because that was for the new passengers for the next voyage. It was very cold and we had to wait an hour. In the summer it will be very hot. I found this ship to be a different experience. I am not sorry I am going on it again in April but will also look forward to more traditional trips. Submitted by Susan Kebart Roman Cell: 732.688.9828 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley Photos on page 15 sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 RESIDENT TRAVELS Continued from page 14… How COLD will this winter be? Is your vehicle ready? Vehicle maintenance is an INVESTMENT not an expense. Let us take care of your vehicle so you can RIDE WITH CONFIDENCE. Standing are Lou Rotondi and Monroe Kebart. Seated are Lucille Rotondi and Susan Kebart. ¸ Radiator Check /Antifreeze ¸ Fuel System Cleaning Replacement ¸ Wiper Blades Complete Fluid Maintenance ¸ ¸ Cabin Air Filters Tire Rotation Services ¸ ¸ AND MORE! The beautiful Quantum of the Seas. $7 OFF Signature Service Oil Change OR 15% OFF N7 Any Additional Fluid Services Most vehicles. Redeemable at the Bridgewater or Franklin locations. Cannot be combined with any other offers. Expires 3/31/15. BRIDGEWATER FRANKLIN 1316 Route 22 East 1503 Route 27 South (908) 231-9800 (732) 828-6116 Located at Morgan Lane Between Cozzens Lane and Bennetts Lane No Appointment Necessary Family Owned & Operated For Over 24 Years JandG.JiffyLube.com HOURS: Monday-Friday 8am-7pm Saturday 8am-5pm; Sunday 9am-3pm Susan is ready to go in a bumper car. Monroe is seated at the Bionic Bar where robots make and serve you drinks. sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley February 2015, Page 15 New Year’s Eve At Renaissance Continued on page 17 Page 16, February 2015 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 NEW YEAR’S EVE AT RENAISSANCE Continued from page 16… (-, #%%+ (*(-!" ,*# # % + # %% 0 "(& + *(/ * )* + ', ,#. + *(/ *"(& , +# sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley ',+ ( ' % & . *#1(' ' , %$ #' February 2015, Page 17 Men’s Club Animal Corner MOVIE AND PIZZA NIGHT save the date: tuesday, March 10, 2015. All residents, friends and family are welcome to attend this Movie and Pizza Night sponsored by the Renaissance Men’s Club. The film presentation will be the Greatest Game Ever Played. This 10yearold flick, starring Shia Laboeuf, is based on the early life of golf champion Francis Ouimet, the first amateur golfer to win a US Open. Pizza and soft drinks (sorry, no popcorn) will be provided. This event is FREE to all Men’s Club members, however, there is an admission fee of $5.00 for all others. Look for the signup sheet on the Clubhouse bulletin board. Due to an expected large turnout for this event, we are asking for all movie goers to sign up no later than March 5th. Submitted by Irwin Fishman, RRVMC President SHOW FIDO LOVE ON A COLD VALENTINE’S DAY Massaging petroleum jelly into paw pads before you head outside in the snow helps guard them from salt and chemical agents. Also, moisturizing your pet’s paws after you clean them aids the healing process when they’re chapped. www.aspca.org CONTINUE THE LOVE WITH FLUFFY TOO Carrots, sweet potatoes, string beans and cauliflower are healthy meal choices for cats – and dogs. These veggies are best served mashed. More safe treats are apples, peaches, melon, mango, pineap ple, blueberries, strawberries and pumpkin; but all must be well MEN’S CLUB GOODWILL NOTIFICATION CHAIRPERSON Illnesses & CondolenCes Burt Friedberg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .732-873-1255 Continued on page 19 AFFORDABLE DENTAL IMPLANTS, SMILE MAKEOVERS, VENEERS, & TOTAL DENTAL CARE Don’t Go To The Dealer! Resta’s Performs ALL Manufactures Scheduled Maintenances... At A Minimum of 23% Less Than Dealers’ Costs! DENTAL IMPLANTS $1,999 Each Complete Reg $3,500 Includes implant surgery, crown/cap, most bone grafts & abutment. Offer expires 3/31/15. TOTAL DENTAL CARE / TOTAL SMILE MAKEOVERS Bridges & Veneers as low as $99 per month (All Makes and Models Serviced) Pending credit approval. Offer expires 3/31/15. ON AS SEEN TVs NO INSURANCE? NO PROBLEM E EXTREMER V MAKEO CALL 732-247-7417 We Offer Flexible Payment Plans CALL FOR FREE CONSULTATION! FREE X-Rays and FREE Exam SmileDesigns101.com Second Opinions Welcomed Call or visit us online to schedule an appointment! 732-873-8900 • www.restas.com Family owned & operated for 68 years. Located in the same strip mall as Boston Market & Ihop. Trusted Since 1946 Resta’s Total Car Care & Rental Dr. Kosmas Kasimatis, D.M.D. ON THE CORNER OF AMWELL & CEDAR GROVE LANE 900 Easton Ave • Ste 31 • Somerset, NJ 08873 Page 18, February 2015 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley state oF new Jersey InspeCtIon Center sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 ANIMAL CORNER Continued from page 18… mashed. Be certain to remove all seeds and pits. Be aware that citrus can irritate the stomach lining and raisins and grapes are toxic – according to Karen Fazio, professional dog trainer, Keyport, NJ. Compiled from www.nj.com/inside-jersey FLUFFY NEEDS A BATH With her built-in grooming tools (tongue and teeth), your fastidious feline is well equipped to tackle her own hair care needs. But if she is very dirty or gets into something sticky or smelly, you may need to give her a bath. Here are some tips to ensure minimal stress and maximum efficiency. Schedule baths when your cat’s at her most mellow. A play session with a cat dancer or other toy of choice can help tire out even the friskiest of felines. For your own protection, ASPCA experts recommend trimming Fluffy’s claws and a good brushing to remove any loose hair and mats. Gently place some cotton in her ears to keep the water out. Place a rubber bath mat in the sink or tub so she doesn’t slip. Fill with three to four inches of lukewarm (not hot) water. Use a hand-held spray hose taking care not to spray directly in her ears, eyes and nose. (A plastic pitcher or unbreakable cup works great too.) Gently massage your pet with a solution of one part cat shampoo (human shampoo can dry out her skin) to five parts water, working from head to tail, in the direction of hair growth. Take care to avoid the face, ears and eyes. Thoroughly rinse the shampoo off with a spray hose or pitcher; again, be sure the water is lukewarm, taking care that all residue has been removed, as it can irritate the skin and act as a magnet for dirt. Use a washcloth to carefully wipe your pet’s face - plain water is fine. Wrap Fluffy in a large towel and dry her with it in a warm place, away from drafts. If your kitty doesn’t mind the noise, you can use a blow dryer - on the lowest heat setting. Carefully untangle Fluffy’s fur with a wide-toothed comb. Your little bathing beauty deserves endless praise and her favorite treat! Compiled from www.aspca.org BATTLE OF THE BULGE Obesity is one of the most common cat diseases that vets treat and it increases your cat’s chance of developing other illnesses, too, including diabetes, arthritis and liver problems. But Dr. Karen, Vet Behaviorist at Purina, suggests feeding 2-3 small meals a day to help keep Fluffy at a healthy weight. Understanding that cats associate eating and hunting together; try placing dry kibble in a manipulative toy for her to get the food out. Check out www.catchow.com for more tips. YOU NEVER KNOW There are no laws against Fido hanging his head out of a car window while you drive, according to the Franklin Township Police Department, but consider that he could be injured if struck by debris from the roadway. Compiled from Franklin Times, Winter 2015 “BIJOU’S LAW” WOULD REQUIRE DOG GROOMERS IN NEW JERSEY TO BE LICENSED Under Bill A2264, groomers would have to be at least 18, pass an exam approved by the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners, and “be of good moral character.” Applicants would have to pay a fee that would be determined by the Board. According to Assemblywoman, Valerie Vainieri Huttle (D-Bergen), the bill’s sponsor: “There have been multiple injuries and deaths related to dog grooming. And when you look at the rest of the professions, whether they Continued on page 21 For Sale By Owner at The Enclave in Somerset 5107 Enclave Circle, Somerset, NJ 08873 www.southsidegrille.com for weekly specials RESERVATIONS SUGGESTED 2-6 Main Street, South Bound Brook, NJ • 732-667-3727 Open 7 Days A Week • 11:00am–2:00am Buy 1 Dinner Get 2nd Dinner FREE Buy 1 Dinner Get 2nd Dinner FREE Good up to $13.00 Good up to $13.00 Expires 2/28/15 Expires 2/28/15 $2.00 OFF Any Lunch Sandwich Expires 2/28/15 sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 Immaculate, brand new Bayberry model for sale. The unit is on the 1st floor. It has upgraded kitchen and bathroom cabinets and upgraded granite countertops. Available Immediately. Asking $300,000 OPEN HOUSE: Sunday, February 8th from 12pm 3pm and Sunday, March 1st from 12pm - 3pm. Please call Stacey for an appointment at (908) 500-5849 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley February 2015, Page 19 P A I D PARKER PARK PA R KER K E R 443 R River iver Road Road,, H Highland Park ark A D V E R T I S E M E N T Ten Qualities of a Great Assisted Living Residence By Fern Marder, Parker Home An assisted living residence is a good option for seniors who need help with some aspects of daily living, such as cooking meals, taking medication, cleaning the house, and traveling to appointments. The community also provides a secure environment with emergency call systems in place. When you need more assistance that your family, friends and 443 R River iver Road Road,, H Highland ighlan ghlan nd P Park ark in-home help can provide, you should consider moving to an assisted living residence. There are ten qualities you should keep in mind while visiting assisted living residences: 1. Contentment – When visiting an assisted living community, speak to the people who live there and find out how they feel about the home. Do you see people socializing and laughing? Are the residents participating in activities and clubs? Do they like the environment and the food? Is the home located near your family and friends? 2. Homelike – The assisted living residence is clean, comfortable and nicely decorated, with plants and artwork. The dining room uses real dishes and silverware – no paper and plastic. There are areas where small groups can gather and enjoy activities together or watch TV. 3. Autonomy – The residents should be treated with respect and dignity. They have the freedom to do whatever they can for themselves. Their choices and wishes are encouraged and respected. Continuum Care Community C ontinuum of C are C ommunity with ea n d t w oSpacioEx u s, in v i t in g s ui t o m s t udios t o o n 4. Amenities – The assisted living community has a health and wellExtensive Services Amenities tensive S ervices and A menities ness center where you can exercise and learn about wellness, a hair bedroom apartments, the co rts of home with roo r from studios to one- and two· Spacious, inviting suites, fr salon, a library, an area for worship similar to a chapel. It should be yourbeodr wonom perapsoarntm alen tots, ucth. located close to other amenities like restaurants, theaters, shopping he comfforts of home with room ffoor malls. The home provides transportation for group outings. per ontayl touceh.als per d y ried menus served in Threyeour resotwanura nst-s 5. Plants, Pets, and Children – There is greenery both inside and outee ares taurangt-s V Vaaraiereddmben vederint chefs. side the building, with lovely grounds and areas to walk and socialo · Thrrm l dinin rotyolemmoeralbsipsterrod,apy.rep y uosurserexp our fo formal dining room or bistro, prepared by our expert chefs. ize. Residents can have small to mid-sized dog or cat living with Fil ur d ith an extensive acti ty calendar o ing a them. Many great assisted living residences have visits from local · Fill yo your days with an extensive activity calendar off ffer ering a children to brighten up the residents’ day. egu l a r l y s c h e d u le d ac t i v i t ies, t r i ps, o u t in gs, variet y o f c h o ices. R variety of choices. Regularly scheduled activities, trips, outings, 6. ovoie l ets. vents. Excellent Nutritious Food – For health and for pleasure, dining toseassoenasaolnpaal rptaies, mm gs,gagardenin rdenin rties, viesscr creeenin enings, g agnadnsdociso alcievaen gether with friends is an important social experience. When you visit an assisted living community, ask to try the cuisine. The food t inoour urin indoor, heeaatetdedpopooloalnadnffu ull ser Sta·yShtaeyahltealthynadnfidtfiin ll vsice ervice should be high-quality, nutritious and freshly prepared. fi t n es s cen t er . Th era p eu t ic r e h a b i li t a t io n s er v ices a r e a l s o fitness center. Therapeutic reh ilitation services are also 7. Bedroom or Suite – The suite should be comfortable and include a ialavabilelabolenosintsie.te. kitchenette and a bathroom with a shower. Privacy is important and · Easy access to our beautifful campus, with outdoor activiities, the resident should be in control of his personal space and time. Easyinacces ur bega,utot keep l caym s, ewtoithnaotur utedo . or acti ties, 8. Personalized Plan – The residence should have a team that sets up a cludinsgto gaordenin oupculos including gardening, to keep you close to nature. personalized plan for residents that meets their physical and emotional · A dedicated and professional staff provide exceptional care and needs, and accommodates for any disabilities that they may have. smile 24/7tio nur A deser dicvices atedwaitnhdrespproect, co siomnpaalsssio tanffapnrdoa ide ex. cep nasin l cgare and9. Additional Assistance – If a resident require a higher level of care, are ava available. such as taking medication, assistance with bathing, or dressing, servservcices with respect, compassion and a smile. 24/7 nursing ices are available. The goal is to allow people to “age in place” as car ilable. much as possible. 10. Social Activities – There should be interesting activities and events available daily, including nights and weekends. One of the main reasons seniors move in to an assisted living community is to ease the loneliness they experience living alone. A There are some excellent resources on the Internet that will assist A you in finding the best assisted living residence for you. LeadingAge.org provides news and case studies about assisted living on their website. A Alfa.org provides a checklist of traits to look for in an assisted living community. NewLifestyles.com and SeniorBlueBook.com are free reParker Park rker er Home® A Tradition TTrradition of Exceptional, Exceptional Exc eptional,, sources which offer additional information about assisted living residences in the area. With patience and persistence, you will find the Affordable Affordable Long-Term Long-Term Care Care Sinc Ca Sincee 1907 perfect residence for you! att Stonegate a Ston Ston negate ne gate Assisted A ssisted L Liv Living ivving ing C Comm Community omm munity unity Continuum of Care Community with Extensive Services and Amenities · · · · · · CF C For FCor TTours ours & IInformation nformation C Call all 732-565-2422 www.FrancisEParker.com www.FrancisEParker.com C Page 20, February 2015 A New Beginnings at Raritan Valley sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 Aunty Acid ANIMAL CORNER Continued from page 19… are nail salons or any type of profession that serves the public, there needs to be oversight.” Huttle said that pet groomers are unregulated, and that no state has such a law; though she said New York City and Miami-Dade County, Fla., do regulate them. Pet grooming businesses would also need to prove they have liability insurance and keep “incident files” and submit them annually to the Veterinary Board. Their workplaces would have to be sanitary and have water for the animals. And the groomers would be barred from using drying cages. Compiled from The Star-Ledger FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP ANIMAL SHELTER FIDO AND FLUFFY ARE SO LUCKY TO HAVE YOU ON VALENTINE’S DAY BUT THE ANIMALS AT THE FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP ANIMAL SHELTER ARE NOT. The Shelter, located at the Municipal Complex, DeMott Lane (732-873-2500, ext. 6255) would love your help by donating dry dog/puppy/cat/kitten food and toys, clean/worn towels/blankets/sheets, paper towels/sponges, flea medications, Q-Tips, catnip and bleach. You can visit the Shelter from: Monday – Saturday, noon to 3 PM. and Thursday 7:30 -9:30 PM. If you cannot get to the Shelter, please contact me (Judy Gottlieb) for drop-off of your donated items at (732) 356-0023 or at bagelsandhoney@comcast.net. Please add your name and address to the package for a tax contribution response letter. The Shelter appreciates the generosity of Renaissance residents. Thank you for caring and sharing. Submitted by Judy Gottlieb, Canal Walk “The Friendly Store of Value” 908.725.1566 1.800.794.7124 Catering • Pizzeria OwnedFamily Deli • Restaurant Over 2&0 OYeaperrsated Full Service Butcher Shop 118 West Main Street • Somerville, NJ www.Joes-Meatmarket.com www.RedelicoPaint.com 732-356-4557 Jennie, Eva, Randy, & Wendy HOURS: Mon-Sat .... 8:00am-5:00pm Closed ..................... Sunday To entice you to come in and meet us... Bring in this coupon & receive 20% OFF Quality! Fresh & Homemade! We Deliver! 15% OFF All Catering Orders Savings good through 03/15/15. Hours .................... Mon-Thurs . . . . . . . . 7am-9pm Fri-Sat . . . . . . . . . . 7am-10pm Sunday . . . . . . . . . . 8am-8pm 28 Main Street So. Bound Brook, NJ 8880 Mention This Ad For: EVERY NIGHT PIZZA PASS 300 OFF $ 4pm9pm any large pie dine-in • take-out • delivery 908.725.1566 or 1.800.794.7124 Sale, net items & Aura excluded. Coupon must be used at point-of-sale. Expires 3/7/15. OT sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 Mention This Ad For: 2 Pie Limit. Savings good through 03/15/15. New Beginnings at Raritan Valley February 2015, Page 21 Retirement isn’t an end. It’s just the beginning. A long and successful career should be followed by a long and happy retirement. But it won’t happen on its own. You have to be sure you’re investing properly to help you reach it, and then follow a solid strategy both now and through your retirement years. The Goldberg Group at Morgan Stanley Michael B. Goldberg Senior Vice President Financial Advisor Zachary Z. Goldberg, CFP® Financial Advisor 150 J.F. Kennedy Parkway, 4th Floor Short Hills, NJ 07078 973-912-7744 800-526-4931 www.morganstanleyfa.com/goldberg zachary.z.goldberg@ms.com As Financial Advisors, we have the experience and tools to help you develop a strategy that is right for you, to adjust your investments as needed and to manage your wealth through all the potential changes to come. Call to arrange an appointment today and let us help you keep your wealth working for you. Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. owns the certification marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and federally registered CFP (with flame design) in the U.S. © 2013 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC. Page 22, February 2015 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley NY CS 7507230 04/13 sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 Yiddish Club Chanukah Party Be sure to m your Vale ake ntine Reservatio ’s ns! 337 Grill is a Mediterranean grill featuring • kebabs • steaks • seafood • pasta • chicken CHECK OUR DAILY SPECIALS! Renaissance VIP Coupon % 20 off Total lunch or dinner check. Max 6 people. 337 Grill • 337 N Main St • Manville 908-393-5240 • www.337grill.com sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley February 2015, Page 23 ! % ! "# $ & % ' ( )! !* Page 24, February 2015 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 RENAISSANCE @ RARITAN VALLEY Jan/Feb 2015 CLASSES DATES COST 8 SESSIONS 1/5-2/23 $64.00 HEALTHY BONES* 8 SESSIONS 1/6-2/24 $64.00 WEDNESDAY 9:30-10:30am AQUA AEROBICS*** 8 SESSIONS 1/7-2/25 $64.00 SATURDAY 9:00-10:00am CIRCUIT TRAINING 9 SESSIONS 1/3-2/28 $72.00 MONDAY 9:00-10:00am AQUA AEROBICS*** TUESDAY 10:45-11:45am *Need 2lb or 3lb weights ***Need water noodle and water weights (buoys) January/February 2015 Class Dates: MON: AQUA AEROBICS: PLEASE FILL OUT BELOW, CUT HERE, AND INCLUDE WITH CHECK Name: _________________________________________________ 1/5, 1/12, 1/19, 1/26, 2/2, 2/9, 2/16, 2/23 (8 SESSIONS) Phone: _____________________________ Amount: $___________ TUES: HEALTHY BONES: CIRCLE your class(s) 1/6, 1/13, 1/20, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10, 2/17, 2/24 (8 SESSIONS) WED: AQUA AEROBICS: 1/7, 1/14, 1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 2/25 (8 SESSIONS) Mon. Aqua Aerobics Tues. Healthy Bones Wed. Aqua Aerobics Sat. Circuit Training SAT: CIRCUIT TRAINING: 1/3, 1/10, 1/17, 1/24, 1/31, 2/7, 2/14, 2/21, 2/28 (9 SESSIONS) ASK YOUR NEIGHBORS! PAYMENT IN FULL IS EXPECTED BEFORE OR ON THE FIRST DAY OF CLASS. You don’t need expensive interior designers to make your home look this beautiful! Make Checks Payable to: Friedman’s Fit for Life. THERE IS A FIT FOR LIFE BOX FOR CHECKS IN DEBBIES OFFICE. Please do make-ups within the current session. Any questions contact Charyl at (732)742-3514 or charyl.friedman@gmail.com Kevin Mclean Plumbing & Heating P.O. Box 1017 Edison, NJ 08817 Lic#: 11737 • Full Service Interior Design • Hunter Douglas Shading $250 off 732.407.0934 732-438-0096 Call Nicole now and be on your way to the beautiful home that you & your friends will love! purchase of custom window treatments or blinds over $2500. Not to be combined with other offers. Expires Feb. 28, 2015. Visit www.DDNNJ.com to view our design gallery. sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley February 2015, Page 25 Read & Reviewed By Harvey Silverman THE HEIST by Daniel Silva The latest in the spy mystery series stars Gabriel Allon as a master art restorer as well as a spy. He, of course, is the good guy spy. The one with a heart. A moral person. This story takes place in Austria, Corsica, Geneva, Holland, Israel, Italy, Switzerland and London and Paris. An ancient Caravaggio painting, “Nativity With St. Francis and St. Lawrence” has been stolen and Gabriel who lives in both the art world as a world-renowned masterpiece art restorer and secretly as the upcoming chief of Israeli Intelligence is asked to go to Switzerland to talk to a man who may have information on the missing work. He is unable to complete the task because the gentleman he went to see is no longer alive. He has been brutally murdered. So begins “The Heist.” In the art world there are many pieces taken from art museums and sold for sums of money beyond the reach of all but the ultra-rich. Some of these people, without scruples but plenty of money, contract with people who live below the meas- ure of morality, are very adept at their “profession.” Gabriel Allon with the help of his team in Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv discover the massive hidden underworld of art theft. This is an interesting addition to the Gabriel Allon series. It is well paced and contains surprises throughout. Mr. Silva does an enormous amount of research for his work. Due to the author’s knowledge, we walk down the streets of cities and discover hidden palazzos and country estates. Mr. Silva also takes the reader to the underbelly of cities and the characters that live there. The book is designed to be read easily and quickly with developing characters fleshed out through Mr. Silva’s prose. Read and Reviewed by Harvey Silverman Words of Wisdom “There are always flowers for those who want to see them.” Henri Matisse French artist 1869-1954 Cornerstone Dental www.CornerstoneDentalNJ.com John D. Beckwith, D.M.D. F.A.G.D., a.F.A.A.I.D. Arlene O’Brien, D.M.D. Implant, Cosmetic, Periodontal & General Dental Care • Accredited Member of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry • Implant Surgery & Restoration Performed On Site • 26 Years Experience • Over 5000 Dental Implants Restored • Fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry • Cone Beam C.T. Scan on Site for Immediate Diagnosis • Veneers and Cosmetic Bonding • Implant-supported Dentures • Root Canals and Extractions • Invisalign & Braces 485 Amwell Road Hillsborough, NJ 908.359.2121 Page 26, February 2015 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 Bill and Evelyn Majeski’s granddaughter, Mia Grace Yoon, was born on 12/1/14 into a welcoming family. Mmmm. Delicious. 1.50% 0.75% 1.15% APY* 30-Month CD APY† APY** Fee-Friendly Premier Checking 18-Month CD WELCOME HOME. 877.821.BANK • firstbanknj.com Somerset Branch 225 DeMott Lane • 732.649.1999 *The Annual Percentage Yield (APY) of 1.50% available only on new 30-month certificates of deposit. The APY is accurate as of 1/9/15. Minimum deposit and balance of $500 required to obtain current APY. Withdrawal of interest may reduce APY. Early withdrawal penalty may be imposed. At maturity, the CD will automatically renew to the same term and the current rate in effect at that time. **The APY is accurate as of 1/9/15 and is subject to change without notice after the account is opened. Minimum daily balance of $500 required to open account and avoid monthly service fee. †The Annual Percentage Yield (APY) of 1.15% available only on new 18-month certificates of deposit. The APY is accurate as of 1/9/15. Minimum deposit and balance of $500 required to obtain current APY. Withdrawal of interest may reduce APY. Early withdrawal penalty may be imposed. At maturity, the CD will automatically renew to the same term and the current rate in effect at that time. Fees may reduce earnings. FDIC insured. CnlRenSP_Pie_30CD_PreChk_18CD sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley February 2015, Page 27 A Continuum of Care… A Generation of Caring… • Short Term Respite Stays Available • Secured, Specialized Memory Care Program • Advanced Standing Distinguished Assisted Living Communities Uh Oh! Better Get LIZE WE SPECIA IN LEASE EPAIRS TURN-IN R For All Your Cosmetic and Collision Needs. Professional Workmanship & Budget Pricing! HILLSBOROUGH • (908) 526-3013 Hillsborough 908-874-7200 Bridgewater 908-707-8800 38 Old Camplain Road (Off Rte 206, 3 Miles South of Somerville Circle) Family Owned & Operated For 36 Years We Have A Paint Service To Meet Your Needs & Budget! LIMITED TIME OFFERS • Post Acute & Skilled Nursing Care • Therapy provided by Kessler.Core 7 Days Per Week • Specialized Rehabilitation Programs for Orthopedics, Cardiology, and Neurology Hillsborough 908-281-4400 Bridgewater 908-722-7022 SPECIAL DISCOUNT 10000 OFF $ Email Us At: maaco190@aol.com www.maaco.com/hillsborough Our Standard Paint Service Valid at Hillsborough Location Only Monday–Friday 8:00am–5:00pm Saturday 9:00am–12:00pm Not valid with any other. Vans, Trucks, SUVs & Commercial Vehicles by estimate. Exp 2/28/15. COLLISION REPAIRS SAVE 10% UP TO 500 $ GUARANTEED! www.BridgewaySeniorCare.com Bring us your Collision Estimate and we’ll beat it by $50 to $500 FREE COLLISION ESTIMATE S With or Without Insurance Valid at Hillsborough Location Only With coupon. Coupon must be presented at time of estimate. Not valid with any other. Exp 2/28/15. $ 25 OFF Any Purchase of $100 or More. DESIGNER BLINDS AND CUSTOM DRAPES Cannot Be Combined. Expires 3/15/15. 2 Clerico Lane, Suite 211, Carriage Farm Hillsborough, NJ 08844 $ 908-829-4378 • Pleated Shades • Mini Blinds • Vertical Blinds • Skylight Shades • Duettes • Drapes 65 OFF Any Purchase of $250 or More. Cannot Be Combined. Expires 3/15/15. Go With The Pros! $ 125 OFF Any Purchase of $500 or More. Cannot Be Combined. Expires 3/15/15. $ Our Discounts Are On Retail Prices...We Will Not Be Undersold! • FREE Measurements • FREE Installation • FREE Shop-At-Home 250 OFF Any Purchase of $1,000 or More. Cannot Be Combined. Expires 3/15/15. Page 28, February 2015 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 Reservation Policy Guidelines for Photographs SiGN-uPS ArE rEquirED FOr ALL EvENTS AT rENAiSSANCE AT rAriTAN vALLEy. If you are taking photos with a DiGiTAL CAMErA, iPAD, or SMArT PhONE, please use the highest camera setting possible so that the details in the pictures can be the most visible. A proper camera setting will also ensure that, should the printer want to enlarge some pictures, the results will be photos that are sharp and of high-quality. Also, please send no more than two pictures in one e-mail as file becomes too big with more. Send to newsletter@rrvsomerset.org. Make sure to include a brief caption AND your full name in the body of your e-mail. if you are SCANNiNG a photo, please scan it AT LeAST 300 dpi and save as a high resolution JPeG. There is no need to adjust your photo. The Publisher has Photoshop and can adjust it accordingly. ALSO: When submitting hard copies, please DO NOT put postits on the front of your photos. It can possibly damage your photo! • each event such as dance party, holiday party, bus trip, theater, etc., requires sign ups and prepayment with check payable to “RRVA Activities.” • Residents at Raritan Valley will have first opportunity to reserve a space for an event. • The event will be opened up to guests of residents providing that the event has not been sold out. Notice will be given when the event is open to guests. • As always, each event is first-come, first-served. Refund Policy refunds will ONLy be given under the following circumstances: 1) The resident is hospitalized. 2) There is a death in the immediate family. 3) Renaissance Clubhouse Activities finds it possible to resell the ticket or bus seat. 4) The event is cancelled by Renaissance Clubhouse Activities. New Beginnings at Raritan Valley New Beginnings is published at the beginning of each month and is mailed free to residents of Renaissance at Raritan Valley. Additional copies are available at the Clubhouse. EDITORIAL News articles and columns may be submitted by e-mail to newsletter@rrvsomerset.org. If an e-mail contains an attachment, the attachment must be a Microsoft Word document. All photos and other hard copy submissions should be given to Debbie Clark in the Management Office. (See NeXT guideliNes foR photogRAphs.) If submitting photos of people, please correctly identify the subjects in the order shown. Residents should be listed using their first and last names. YOUR NEWSLETTER STAFF Debbie Clark Marsha Friedberg Pat Grande Marge Kawalek Susan Kebart Submissions by RRV residents for New Beginnings are welcomed at any time. All written material must be signed with name clearly legible. No unsigned or anonymous material will be considered for publication. We reserve the right to edit submissions for spelling, grammar, news style, good taste and for space available. PLEASE NOTE: the deadline for items intended for our MArCh issue is FEbruAry 5th. To advertise, please call Ron Chilson at About Our Town • 732-968-1615 sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 Renaissance Ballroom Rental If you have an event for which you need to rent a room, where else should you have it but right in your own beautifully decorated clubhouse? The Clubhouse Ballroom can hold up to 90 guests comfortably at tables and has a stage for entertainers or DJ. You can bring in your own caterer or ask Debbie Clark for recommendations. Since March 1, 2009, the Ballroom Rental fee is $400. This charge includes the four-hour Ballroom rental fee, use of the Ballroom kitchen, a security guard and a cleaning maintenance person. There is also a security deposit required of $500. This check is refunded after the event and the facilities have been inspected for no damages. You will need your own insurance to cover the day of your event. Please consult your homeowners insurance company for details. Guests are allowed to use the men’s and ladies’ rooms. Guests are not allowed to use other Clubhouse amenities. No parties can be held for children under the age of 18. Liquor is now ALLOWeD at all ballroom rental events provided your insurance includes “Host Liquor Liability Insurance.” see debbie Clark for applications and more information. Renaissance Condo Building “Reps” The People Who have Keys to the 1st Floor utility rooms in Case of Emergency: Building #1 . . . . . . . . . . . .Harvey Silverman . . . . . .732-873-3209 Building #2 . . . . . . . . . . . .Dominick Minni . . . . . . .732-873-0756 Building #3 . . . . . . . . . . . .Mike Kalmus . . . . . . . . . .732-873-1550 Building #4 . . . . . . . . . . . .Donna Pelkey* . . . . . . . .732-873-0860 Building #5 . . . . . . . . . . . .Ira Williams . . . . . . . . . . .732-873-0656 Building #6 . . . . . . . . . . . .Tom Cuomo . . . . . . . . . . 732-873-0832 Community Manager . . . .Deborah Shelley . . . . . . .732-568-0999 Lifestyle Director . . . . . . .Debbie Clark . . . . . . . . . .732-448-9180 * Chairperson for all Building Reps. if you need emergency access to a utility room and your building “rep” is not home, please call one of the other building “reps” or call the Community Manager. New Beginnings at Raritan Valley February 2015, Page 29 tuESDaY 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00am 9:30am 9:00am 7:00pm 9:00am 9:00am WEDnESDaY Stretch Class WC Steering 25 Stretch Class Women’s Club 18 Stretch Class 11 Stretch Class 4 26 19 12 5 ChinESE nEW YEaR RECYCLE RECYCLE thuRSDaY Renaissance New Beginnings Calendar of Events MOnDaY house Comm SunDaY 2 GROunDhOG DaY Stretch Class 9:00am Dancercise 9:45am 10 3 1 9 Master assn. Open Meeting 9:00am 9:45am 16 PRESiDEntS’ DaY Stretch Class 9:00am Dancercise 9:45am 24 Stretch Class Dancercise 15 23 9:00am 9:45am Be advised that an emergency is defined as danger to life and/or property. after Hours emergency . . . . . . . . . . 1-888-499-9832 ImPoRtant numbeRs Stretch Class Dancercise 22 17 8 * Deborah shelley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 732-568-0999 Debbie Clark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 732-448-9180 office Fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 732-628-0547 the Deli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 732-227-1230 Gatehouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 732-568-0302 WWW.RRvsomeRset.oRG 6 SatuRDaY 7:00pm Please refer to Friedman’s Fit For Life schedule on page 25 for classes. 28 Mardi Gras Celebration 21 14 7 February 2015 9:00am 9:45am 9:00am 9:45am 9:00am 9:45am 9:00am 9:45am 11:30am 7:00pm FRiDaY Stretch Class Dancercise 13 Stretch Class Dancercise Krafty Klatch Singles Club 20 Stretch Class Dancercise 27 Stretch Class Dancercise Regular attendees for Water w/Liz at 11am, feel free to come and go through routine. NO FEATUW RIN Blue Cor al Spra G y Wax $ 9.99 plus tax with pu rc of any hase wash HAVE YOUR CAR SIMONIZED FOR THE WINTER TO PROTECT IT FROM THE ELEMENTS Limit 1. Cannot be combined with any other discounts. Exp. 2/28/15 Limit 1. Cannot be combined with any other discounts. Exp. 2/28/15 Limit 1. Cannot be combined with any other discounts. Limit 1. Cannot be combined with any other discounts. Limit 1. Cannot be combined with any other discounts. Limit 1. Cannot be combined with any other discounts. Limit 1. Cannot be combined with any other discounts. Exp. 2/28/15 Exp. 2/28/15 Exp. 2/28/15 Exp. 2/28/15 Exp. 2/28/15 TIRED OF DEALERSHIP MAINTENANCE COSTS? Just because you bought a new car, doesn’t mean you have to go back to the dealer. At MIKE’S AUTO SERVICE, we perform ALL THE MANUFACTURER’S MAINTENANCE Services, for LESS than the dealer! WE ALSO SERVICE DIESELS – FORD, GM, INTERNATIONAL Call NOW or stop by today 908-722-2122 643 East Main St. • Bridgewater sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 mikes-autoservice.com New Beginnings at Raritan Valley FREE TOWING WITH REPAIRS Within 5 miles. Keep this postcard to redeem. FREE CHECK ENGINE LIGHT DIAGNOSIS* *With repair February 2015, Page 31 About Our PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. Postage TOWN 732-968-1615 RENAISSANCE AT RARITAN VALLEY POSTAL CUSTOMER Order Form For the “Restaurant Treasure” Book PLEASE PRINT AS CLEARLY AS POSSIBLE. (Your information will NOT be shared) Please Send ( ) Restaurant Treasure Books to Name ______________________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Cost is $20 per book plus 7% sales tax. Total = $21.40 per book Make checks payable to About Our Town To pay by credit card, please call 732-968-1615 MAIL TO: About Our Town - Restaurant Treasure 2 Lakeview Avenue, Suite 312, Piscataway, NJ 08854 CW Back Cover RT 02-15 2 Lakeview Ave, Suite 312 Piscataway, NJ 08854 PAID New Brunswick NJ Permit No. 727
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15-06 June 2015 New Beginnings - Renaissance at Raritan Valley
while enjoying the camaraderie in the Deli section of the Clubhouse -- we need you. Help keep our Deli operating efficiently
by volunteering to be a cashier or food handler. If you have a few