15-06 June 2015 New Beginnings - Renaissance at Raritan Valley
15-06 June 2015 New Beginnings - Renaissance at Raritan Valley
New Beginnings at Raritan Valley VOluME 10 • NuMbEr 6 • J u N E 2 0 15 See You On The Beach CLUB MEETING DATES: VETErANS’ CLUB NO MEETING THIS MONTH WoMEN’S TENNIS CLUB NO MEETING THIS MONTH SINGLES CLUB June 5th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00pm MEN’S GoLf CLUB June 9th & 23rd . . . . . . . . . . . 2:30pm WoMEN’S CLUB June 17th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00pm MEN’S CLUB June 23rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00pm oPEN BoArD MEETINGS: CoA NO MEETING THIS MONTH HoA NO MEETING THIS MONTH MASTEr BoArD June 16th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00pm TAy L o r M A N A G E M E N T T E A M CoMMUNITy MANAGEr Terry Wagner twagner@taylormgt.com 732-568-0999 LIfESTyLE DIrECTor Debbie Clark dcclark@taylormgt.com 732-448-9180 After Hours Emergency 1-888-499-9832 * Be advised that an emergency is defined as danger to life and/or property. remember our Website Address: Please note: The articles, opinions and other information contained in this newsletter do not necessarily express the opinion or position of the Renaissance at Raritan Valley Master, HOA and COA Associations, its Boards of Trustees or management. WWW.rrVSoMErSET.orG T O W N E S Q UA R E R E A L T Y .U"JSZ3PBEt#BTLJOH3JEHF/+ We’re by your side so your loved one can stay home. Whether W het he r you you are a r e looking look ing for ffo or someone someone to help he lp an a n aging aging loved loved one one a few ffeew hours to hour s we e k , orr need ne ed more mor e comprehensive compr e he nsi ve a week, a ssis t a nce , Home H ome Instead I ns tead can c a n help. help. assistance, Companionship Companionship Personal Care Care Services-by Services-by 'IVXM½IH,SQI,IEPXL%MHIW 'IVXM½IH,SQI,IEPXL. %MHIW ^LIMQIV´W8V EMRIH'%6)+MZIVW SM %PP^LIMQIV´W8VEMRIH'%6)+MZIVW 1 I HMGEXMSR6IQMRHIVW 1IHMGEXMSR6IQMRHIVW M e al Preparation P re p a r a t i o n Meal 0MKLX,SYWIOIITMRK 0MKLX,SYWIOIITMRK 7LSTTMRK )VV ERHW 7LSTTMRK )VVERHW -RGMHIRX EP8V ERWTSV X EXMSR -RGMHIRXEP8VERWTSVXEXMSR Each E a c h Home H o m e Instead I n s te t a d SSenior enior C Care a r e ® franchise fr a nchise o office f fic fi e iiss iindependently ndependently owned ow n e d and a n d operated.©2015 o p e r a t e d .©2015 Home H o m e Instead, I n s t e a d , IInc. nc. Call C all ffor or a free, f re e , no-obligation no - oblig at ion appointment appoint me nt 7 732.271.5100 32 .271. 510 0 2 2.PMGIRWI,4 .PMGIRWI,4 Barbara Kalmus Sales Associate $FMM &NBJMCBSCBSBLBMNVTOK!HNBJMDPN Anne L. Cohen Sales Associate $FMM &NBJMBOOFDPIFOSFBMUPS!HNBJMDPN ASREP Specialist &YQFSJFODFEr,OPXMFEHFBCMF Serving Serving Somer Somerset set County We Are Residents in Reniassance and Canal Walk r.BSLFUJOHr4UBHJOHr4FMMJOH )FMQJOH:PV5P.PWF0O , ,SQI-RWXIEHGSQWSQIVWIXGSYRX]RN S Q I - R W X I E H G S Q W S Q I V W I X G S Y R X ] R N (EZMHWSR%ZI7YMXI ( EZ MH WS R%ZI 7 YM X I SSomerset, o m er se t , New New Jersey Jer sey Call Us For An Appointment Each office is Independently Owned and Operated Patient-Centered Care… When You Talk, We Listen • 5 Board-Certified Internal Medicine Physicians, 2 Nurse Practitioners, and a Registered Dietician • All Physicians Have Admitting Privileges to Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital and St. Peter’s University Hospital • State-of-the-Art Diagnostic Laboratory for On-Site Blood Draws • We Are a Patient-Centered Medical Home (Team-Based Approach Led by Your Doctor to Increase the Quality, Access and Coordination of Care at the Patient Level) • Walk-In and Urgent Care Seen in Our Somerset Office During Office Hours for Established Patients Page 2, June 2015 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley • Physicians On Call 24-Hours A Day • Evening Hours Available • Languages Spoken: Urdu, Mandarin, Hindi, and Italian 2 Convenient Locations: Somerset 75 Veronica Ave, Ste 204 732-828-0002 Monroe 111 Union Valley Rd, Ste 203 609-655-2255 www.cjima.com sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 RRV Website Has Newsletter Content Are you aware that back issues of New Beginnings are available on the RRV website? If you miss a copy, just go to: www.rrvsomerset.org. If you need help in this regard, please let us know. E-mail For Submissions Please send your submissions for New Beginnings to: newsletter@rrvsomerset.org For simplicity's sake, we are now making the eighth of each month the deadline for submissions. Also, note that if you’ve had an item published that you’d like to have repeated the next month, please resubmit it to us with the current month’s submissions. This will ensure that a past instruction will not be overlooked. Special Thank You As we all are aware, our remote access to enter the RRV gate stopped functioning and we had to order a new receiver. In order to reactivate the system, the information for the entire community’s black remotes had to be re-entered at the gate and then tested. This monumental task was done thanks to the extraordinary volunteer work of RRV residents Tony DePalma, Clem Giamundo, Bob Pettinato, Ken Rachford, John Reilly and John Young. Dave Bialick, Don Nelsen and Cheryl Palent assisted in the procedures. The following distribution teams took over on four shifts to make sure everyone received their remotes back: • Annette Berkowitz, Jerry Berkowtiz, Lou Mugnano and Elly Viquez • Betty D’Angelo, Roberta Goldstein, Janice Jacobson and Lou Marinucci • Jacky Goss, Rita Kasoff, Carmen and Rose Trimarchi and Rae Jean Zollitsch • Tony DePalma, Nancy Herman and Angela Shea All of the above people deserve our sincerest thanks for stepping up to help make sure this process was accomplished in an orderly, quick and efficient manner. Their commitment resulted in a hefty cost saving – for which we are most grateful. Thanks also to Debbie Clark and Terry Wagner for their leadership in coordinating all of the details from start to finish. If we neglected to cite someone who contributed to this project, rest assured your involvement was appreciated. That includes those residents who were good enough to bring coffee out to the gate for the guys at work! sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 TABLE OF CONTENTS Taylor Management Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cover Club And Board Meeting Dates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cover RRV Website Has Newsletter Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 E-mail For Submissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Special Thank You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 A Place Just For Dad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Thank You Note . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Our Country ‘Tis of Thee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Deli Invitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Celebrating This Month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Celebration Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Upcoming Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 7 Landscape Advisory Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Singles Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Architectural Review Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 RRV’s Bocce Season Is Back! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Kebarts on the Quantum of the Seas… Again . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Find the Differences Contest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 9 What’s Happening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Men’s Golf Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Women’s Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Women’s Club Sunshine Notification List . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Community Charity Walk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Dine to Donate Flyer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Presentation Photos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Meet the Author Night Photo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Bingo Night Photos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Soup to Nuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Where’s the Humor? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Spring Fling Photos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Animal Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 19 Renaissance Wildlife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Read & Reviewed By Harvey Silverman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 RRV Men’s Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Men’s Club Goodwill Notification Chairperson . . . . . . 21 Photos from April’s Presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Tech Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Say It Like It Is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Cinco de Mayo Celebration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Movie Night . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Red Hats April Luncheon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Kartoon Kingdom by Danny Schwartz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Crossword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 A Bit of Humor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 The D’Alessios Celebrate April Birthdays . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Words of Wisdom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Remember When . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 From the Pen of…Don DeBonis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Fit For Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Reservation & Refund Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Editorial Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Guidelines for Photographs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Renaissance Ballroom Rental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Renaissance Condo Reps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley June 2015, Page 3 A Place Just For Dad We many not shower him with praise Nor mention his name in song, And sometimes it seems that we forget The joy he spreads as he goes along, But it doesn’t mean that we don’t know The wonderful role that he has had. And away down deep in every heart There’s a place that is just for Dad... ––Author Unknown HAPPY FATHER’S DAY Thank You Note We wrote the following email to thank Ronnie Bayer of Canal Walk: Dear Ronnie, Please know that we truly appreciate your willingness to share your work with us. Your compilation of “What’s Happening” events was very well received by our resident readers. We plan to continue its publication monthly at Renaissance. You give a great summary in an easy-to-use format for those of us looking for nearby entertainment. Thank you again, The Newsletter Staff of Renaissance at Raritan Valley “New Beginnings” Our Country ‘Tis of Thee The days of past months of June were filled with events of importance to our country: • June 6, D-Day - Allied Invasion of Europe (1944) • June 14, U.S. Army founded (1775) and Flag Day celebrated • June 22, Pledge of Allegiance Recognized by Congress (1942) and the GI Bill Signed into Law (1944) • June 25, The Korean War Began (1950) and • June 30, Post-9/11 GI Bill Signed into Law (2008) Every month our country stands proud, particularly due to the men and women who have given their services and often their lives, to secure life, liberty and freedom for us all. SOMERSET FAMILY PHYSICAL THERAPY A brand new, state of the art physical rehabilitation center that provides physical therapy services utilizing the most current therapeutic techniques. SPECIALIZING IN TREATING n Joint Replacements n Knee Reconstruction n Foot Surgeries n Tendonitis n Cervical Spine n Lumbar Spine n Hand Injuries n Arthritis Deli Invitation On June 21st summer officially arrives! Even as we were going to press, we noticed more and more walkers in the community and people in the Clubhouse. RRV is blossoming into a vibrant neighborhood once again. Enjoy the season everyone! Part of the enjoyment should come from not having to worry about what to make for lunch. Our RRV Deli is ready to serve. You will be sure to find something good to eat at a reasonable price, plus the company of RRV friends. Remember, too, that if you'd like to change up your routine while enjoying the camaraderie in the Deli section of the Clubhouse -- we need you. Help keep our Deli operating efficiently by volunteering to be a cashier or food handler. If you have a few hours a week to give to this important project, we will train you. Please contact Debbie Clark. Located only minutes from your community! Celebrating This Month 732-356-5363 14 Worlds Fair Drive, Suite M Somerset, NJ 08873 http://somersetfamilypt.com/ BIRTHDAYS Toby Marks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 2nd Anthony (Tony) DePalma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June12th Liz D’Alessio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 18th ANNIVERSARIES Leo and Liz D’Alessio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 17th Medicare approved & accepted, as well as most major insurance companies. Page 4, June 2015 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 CELEBRATION FORM Please note that even if your birthday and/or anniversary celebration date(s) have been published in previous newsletter issues, we ask that you re-submit this information. As noted in prior “Celebrating This Month” sections, we want to keep this section current to avoid a repeat of the publication in the past of outdated information. Thank you. OUTDOOR POOLSIDE EVENT When: June 19th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Food Truck – 5:00pm Adult Entertainment – 7:00pm–9:00pm CoST: Food truck purchase only, menus will be posted later. *** “FINDING NEVERLAND” BROADWAY PLAY BIRTHDAY(S) Address Upcoming Events ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Name ________________________________________ Month _______________________ Day_____________ Name ________________________________________ Month _______________________ Day_____________ ANNIVERSARY Names ________________________________________ Month _______________________ Day_____________ Any special “milestone” events you’d care to mention? No_______ Yes______________________________________ When: June 24th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bus Leaves RRV – 10:00am CoST: $125.00 pp (includes orchestra seats and transportation) *** OUTDOOR POOLSIDE EVENT KIDS’ ENTERTAINMENT When: June 27th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:00pm–4:00pm CoST: Ice cream and/or hot dog purchase if applicable. *** 4TH OF JULY BBQ (DETAILS COMING SOON) When: Saturday, July 4th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:00pm–8:00pm *** HUNTERDON HILLS MATINEE SHOW “TWIST AND SHOUT” When: Saturday, July 25th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:30am CoST: $57.00 pp - Includes full meal and show. This is a carpool event. *** Continued on page 7 A Jewish Community with Quality Care Fullfilling the Promise All the comforts of home including: A community where life continues in all its vitality, with daily support to match personal needs. Ask us about coming for a TriAl STAy! www.southsidegrille.com Call Today: 1-800-574-5760 for weekly specials RESERVATIONS SUGGESTED Join us Sunday, June 7th @ 1pm for an Antique Car Show 2-6 Main Street, South Bound Brook, NJ • 732-667-3727 Open 7 Days A Week • 11:00am–2:00am Buy 1 Dinner Get 2nd Dinner FREE Buy 1 Dinner Get 2nd Dinner FREE Good up to $13.00 Good up to $13.00 Expires 6/30/15 Expires 6/30/15 $2.00 OFF Any Lunch Sandwich Expires 6/30/15 sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley June 2015, Page 5 There Are 3 Things To Know Before Choosing An Auto Care Center Call 732-873-8900 for details! State of New JerSey INSpectIoN ceNter Wilf at Home offers you an innovative membership program — that includes a concierge level service and special member only pricing in the areas of: • Home Care • Prescription drugs delivered at a competitive rate • Transportation • Home modifications • Paperwork and Bill Management • FREE Home Safety Assessment and Medicine Review And much, much more! Join Now and Save $100 Dollars and be eligible to participate in the Wilf Campus Israel trip.* Voted “Best of the Best” *(Israel trip participants must be medically and physically eligible based on availability.) 2013 & 2014 FREE SHUTTLE SERVICE AVAILABLE Family Owned & Operated For 69 Years Resta’s Trusted Since 1946 Total Car Care & Rental Call or visit us online to schedule an appointment! 732-873-8900 • www.restas.com ON THE CORNER OF AMWELL & CEDAR GROVE LANE $ 25 OFF Any Purchase of $100 or More. DESIGNER BLINDS AND CUSTOM DRAPES Cannot Be Combined. Expires 7/15/15. 2 Clerico Lane, Suite 211, Carriage Farm Hillsborough, NJ 08844 $ 908-829-4378 • Pleated Shades • Mini Blinds • Vertical Blinds • Skylight Shades • Duettes • Drapes 65 OFF Any Purchase of $250 or More. Cannot Be Combined. Expires 7/15/15. Go With The Pros! $ 125 OFF Any Purchase of $500 or More. Cannot Be Combined. Expires 7/15/15. $ Our Discounts Are On Retail Prices...We Will Not Be Undersold! • FREE Measurements • FREE Installation • FREE Shop-At-Home 250 OFF Any Purchase of $1,000 or More. Cannot Be Combined. Expires 7/15/15. Page 6, June 2015 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 UPCOMING EVENTS Continued from page 5… OUTDOOR POOLSIDE EVENT When: August 7th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Food Truck – 5:00pm Adult Entertainment – 7:00pm–9:00pm Cost: Food truck purchase only, menus will be posted later. *** JEWISH HERITAGE MUSEUM WITH LUNCH AT NYC’S KATZ DELI When: August 8th . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bus Leaves RRV – 10:00am Cost: $40.00 pp (includes transportation and guided museum tour) *** OUTDOOR POOLSIDE EVENT KIDS’ ENTERTAINMENT When: August 30th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:00pm–4:00pm Cost: Ice cream and/or hot dog purchase if applicable. *** LABOR DAY CELEBRATION (DETAILS COMING SOON) When:September 7th *** 4:00pm–8:00pm NEW YORK DINNER THEATRE: THE HONEYMOANERS “ALICE & RALPH KRAMDEN’S BIRTHDAY BASH” (DETAILS COMING SOON) When: October 17th The ARC has resumed regular monthly meetings on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month. Our meetings begin at 7:00 P.M. If you have an issue you wish to discuss with the ARC, please contact the Community Manager and request that your name/issue be placed on the agenda for the evening, so you may be given the time you need. These requests, as well as applications, should be given to the office by the Tuesday prior to our meetings. Your cooperation is appreciated. The ARC AAA Express Transportation Limo & Car Service Airports • Prompt • Reliable • Professional BEST SERVICE • BEST PRICE Owner - Julian: AAAExpressLimoAndTaxi@yahoo.com 908.392.2519 • 732.868.0023 *** Landscape Advisory Committee The LAC held its first meeting of the season on April 28. Discussion included a review of the spring list developed at the end of last season. This list included, among other items, the landscaping in the front of the development (Weston fence), plantings at the fence edge at the pool, and gazebo plants at the bocce side of the Clubhouse. Members were asked to walk the community and look for winter damage at the ponds, cemetery, parking lots, and gatehouse. The next meeting will be May 26. If you have any concerns regarding the Master property, please contact me at 732-873-8518. Submitted by Donna Scher, Chair Singles Club May came in and went out with a BANG! Our meeting on Friday, May1st had us munching pre-ordered subs and a buffet of fresh fruit and baked goods followed by a fun game of trivia facts to keep our minds active. Plans for future events were discussed. On Sunday, May 31st, 12 members went to the State Theatre in New Brunswick to enjoy a Broadway Spectacular with the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra conducted by Todd Ellison. Mr. Ellison is hailed by the New York Times as one of Broadway’s electric conductors, and he led a sizzling program of favorites from such Broadway hits as Carousel, Monty Python’s Spamalot, Shrek the Musical, and 42nd Street. On stage were three of the hottest talents on the stage today: Beth Leauel, Christopher Sieber, and Katherine Guthrie. This made for a sparkling program of show tunes. It was an unforgettable afternoon. Submitted by Toby Marks sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 Architectural Review Committee We’re Searching for Hospice VOLUNTEERS For more information call or email Sara Culang at: (732) 227-1212 sculang@wilfcampus.org “As a hospice volunteer, I’ve seen firsthand the comfort, love and respect hospice brings to all the people they care for. There is nothing I am more proud or passionate about than being a part of hospice.” – Torrey DeVitto, Actor, Advocate, Hospice Volunteer New Beginnings at Raritan Valley “Volunteering for a hospice turned out to be one of the most life changing experiences I’ve ever had. I don’t need an M.D. to change people’s lives, I’ve already started. It’s not for everybody but I can guarantee it will touch your heart.” – N. Carty, Student June 2015, Page 7 RRV’s Bocce Season Is Back! THE WEATHER IS BEAUTIFUL AND WE’RE READY TO PLAY! A time-honored tradition at Renaissance at Raritan Valley needs new life! Rules and procedures are in place already, and we’re anxious to see this great activity come back strong! Our volunteer coordinators from the last few seasons did a fantastic job, and they are taking some well-deserved time off this season. We need new faces to organize and run this fun activity! Won’t you consider being our Captain or End Captain? If you think you might be interested, please come to the Clubhouse and pick up a “How to play Bocce” flyer which will give you some general tips on the game! Two or three folks, a little effort, and we can have a wonderful Bocce season! Monroe Kebart has offered to help the new members with his vast knowledge of the game and answer any questions you may have. He can be contacted at (732) 873-1972. Ciao! Terry C. Wagner, Community Manager Kebarts on the Quantum of the Seas… Again Susan and Monroe Kebart pictured here (far right) on the Quantum of the Seas with friends from Illinois and Arizona with whom they have sailed many times over the last twelve years. Find the Differences Contest Elaine Greenberg is the lucky lunch winner! She correctly identified the changes made to the May picture submitted and photoshopped by Debra Calie. This month, Debra has pictured four very intent Mah Jongg players deep in thought. Are you able to find the twelve differences in the revised picture? If you can and you are the first to bring in the circled locations of the changes, you, too, will receive your prize voucher for lunch at our RRV Deli. If you haven’t won this contest in the last 90 days, you are eligible to give it a try. See next page for June Contest. Page 8, June 2015 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 JUNE FIND THE DIFFERENCES CONTEST sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley June 2015, Page 9 Quality Foot Care Center Keeping feet healthy since 1977 Harvey R. Jacobs, D.P.M. Diplomate American Board of Podiatric Surgery Fellow American College of Foot Surgeons The Professional Center at Somerset 25 Clyde Rd., Suite 101 Somerset, NJ 08873 (732) 873-1111 www.qualityfootcarecenternj.com What’s Happening NJ STATE THEATRE 15 Livingston Avenue, New Brunswick – (732) 246-7469 •WestSideStory June 1 ............................2:00 PM & 8:00 PM •CirquedelaSymphoniewiththeNJSO June 8 ......................................3:00 PM •KennyWayneShepardBandandRobertRandolph& TheFamilyBand June 17 .....................................8:00 PM •TheTajMahalTrio&TheBlindBoysofAlabama June 18 .....................................8:00 PM •DirtySexyFunnyfeaturingJennyMcCarthyandFriends June 27 .....................................8:00 PM HUNTERDON HILLS PLAYHOUSE (DINNER SHOW) 88 Route 173 West, Hampton – (800) 447-7313 •BetterWithaBand June 3 – August 14 Matinees: Monday – Saturday ..................11:30 AM Sunday ............................3:00 PM Evenings: Saturday ...........................6:30 PM VILLAGERS THEATRE 415 DeMott Lane, Somerset – (732) 873-2710 •AnythingGoes June 6 – 22 Friday & Saturday ............................8:00 PM Sunday .....................................2:00 PM Hair House International & Day Spa The Celebrating our 32nd Anniversary! Mary Tabbit Owner •Appointments Preferred •Walk-ins Welcome •Private Parking •Handicap Access CVS Plaza • 333 South Main St. Manville, New Jersey 08835 908-722-3024 Visit us on the web at: www.HairHouseInt.com Specializing In: • Haircuts • Color • Foil Highlights • Keratin Smoothing • SO.CAP. Hair Extensions • Styling • Perms • Manicures & Pedicures • Waxing • Facials & Massages Our Stylists Speak: English, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, Spanish % OFF 10 ALL SERVICES Limit 1. Not to be combined with any other offers. Expires 7/31/15 CIRCLE PLAYERS 416 Victoria Avenue, Piscataway – (732) 968-7555 •DefyingGravity June 13 – 29 Friday & Saturday ............................8:00 PM Sunday .....................................3:00 PM PAPER MILL PLAYHOUSE Brookside Drive, Millburn – (973) 376-4343 •Grease May 28 – June 29 Wednesday – Sunday ..........................7:00 PM Matinees: Thursday, Saturday & Sunday ..........1:30 PM MCCARTER THEATRE CENTER 91 University Place, Princeton – (609) 258-6500 Matthew Theatre •DavidSedaris June 4 ......................................7:30 PM •PorgyandBess June 22, 27 & 29 Sunday .....................................3:00 PM Friday ......................................8:00 PM SOMERSET VALLEY PLAYHOUSE 689 Amwell Road (Route 514), Hillsborough – (908) 369-7469 •WeddingSecrets June 6 – 22 Friday & Saturday ............................8:00 PM Sunday .....................................2:00 PM Compiled and Submitted by Ronnie Bayer, Canal Walk OPEN: Tue, Thu, Fri 9am-9pm • Wed 8am-3pm • Sat 9am-5pm Page 10, June 2015 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 AFFORDABLE DENTAL IMPLANTS, SMILE MAKEOVERS, VENEERS, & TOTAL DENTAL CARE DENTAL IMPLANTS $1,999 Each Complete Reg $3,500 Includes implant surgery, crown/cap, most bone grafts & abutment. Offer expires 7/31/15. TOTAL DENTAL CARE / TOTAL SMILE MAKEOVERS Bridges & Veneers as low as $99 per month Pending credit approval. Offer expires 7/31/15. ON AS SEEN TVs NO INSURANCE? NO PROBLEM E EXTREMER V O E K MA CALL 732-247-7417 We Offer Flexible Payment Plans CALL FOR FREE CONSULTATION! FREE X-Rays and FREE Exam We Service the Design Trade SmileDesigns101.com Second Opinions Welcomed 900 Easton Ave • Ste 31 • Somerset, NJ 08873 Located in the same strip mall as Boston Market & Ihop. Dr. Kosmas Kasimatis, D.M.D. sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley June 2015, Page 11 Men’s Golf Club Golf season is under way at Renaissance and it seems like the weather is cooperating. Our first meeting, held on April 28th, was well attended and decisions were made regarding the upcoming season. We all agreed to have two fun tournaments at our home course, Mattawang Golf Club, this season followed by catered luncheons and probably two “outings” at nearby golf courses on Thursdays. Our first official playing date was May 5 on a wonderfully sunny day with a large attendance. We are making arrangements for our first Scramble Tournament of the season to be held on July 7th with a luncheon to follow. Some of us got together for a small outing at Beaver Brook Golf Club in Clinton, N.J. on May 14th. We are always open to welcoming new golfing members during the season so if you have any interest please let any one of our members know and come join us. Submitted by Ken Stern, President Women’s Club Women’s Club membership begins on June 1. Recently, in order to provide a year-end report, I’ve given quite a bit of thought to what our dues provide for our members as well as how the Women’s Club benefits the Renaissance Community as a whole. For our membership, the organization holds 11 meetings each year which include programs and refreshments. In 2014-2015 some of our programs in- cluded a fashion show, a karaoke night and Viennese dessert table, a folk singer and musical theater from the Villagers. We also held the Paid Up Membership luncheon with Broadway entertainment. All the programs mentioned and more helped us to live up to the Club’s Statements of Purpose which are, “to provide a social and supportive atmosphere for the women of our community” and “to offer social, educational and other activities of interest to our members.” For our Renaissance community residents, we provide many activities for all to enjoy. Who can forget the Chef’s Night where we filled our bellies with restaurant donated food and took our chances to win goods and services at our service auction? We also made available an author’s luncheon where we heard about the writing of Orphan Train and, more recently, the author of Forgiving Maximo Rothman spoke to us. Of course, we held our recent Bingo night which was enjoyed by all who attended. The RRVWC also provided our annual flu-clinic, allowing residents to receive their inoculations conveniently on site. In addition to our programs and community activities mentioned, the Women’s Club sponsored many charitable events where we were able to raise $10,825 to donate to The Somerset Home for Temporarily Displaced Children. Our last event for that charity was the very successful plant sale. During the year we also collected eyeglasses and soda tabs, Walked for Charity, Dined for Charity, and Stuffed the Bus. The aforementioned activities are ongoing. As always, we appreciate the support we receive from our members and the residents of our Renaissance Community. These events help us to fulfill another of our Statements of Purpose: “To support worthy community service activities as sponsors or volunteers.” Our activities for June include a NY bus trip, on June 4, to The Museum of the Moving Image and The TDF Costume Collection. We also will hold the charity walk on June 6, Dine to Donate at Confectionately Yours on June 9 and our membership meeting, featuring a Bollywood Dance Group on June 17. I’m looking forward to seeing you at many of our events. Sue Dreifus, RRVWC President RESIDENT OF SOMERSET RUN Turning Age 65 Soon? Don’t Do A Thing About Medicare Supplement Insurance Until You Talk With Me. Make a fully informed decision. Robert (Bob) Nachman Licensed Insurance Agent Phone: 201-681-0790 cell Medicare Supplement Plans are underwritten by Colonial Penn Life Insurance Company, an affiliate of Bankers Life and Casualty Company. Colonial Penn Life Insurance Company, Bankers Life and Casualty Company and their licensed agents are not affiliated with or sponsored by the US Government or the Federal Medicare Program. CPL 04-B019 Page 12, June 2015 WOMEN’S CLUB SUNSHINE NOTIFICATION LIST – CONDOLENCES & ILLNESSES Condo Representative: House Representative: Ina Spero . . . . . . . . . .732-828-0099 Louise Porter . . . . . . .732-873-3343 RRV WOMEN’S CLUB COMMUNITY CHARITY WALK Saturday, June 6, 2015 9:00 Light Breakfast At The Clubhouse 9:30 Walk Begins • The Walk is open to residents, family and friends. • This is the first fundraiser for the Resource Center of Somerset. • The registration fee is $15 per person pre-paid and $20 on-site. • Registration forms are in the Clubhouse, your condo lobby & home mailbox slots. • All who register are invited to the Donut, Bagel and Coffee Social at 9:00 AM. • Walk as much or a little as you wish. Feel free to make a donation without walking and just join us for bagels, donuts and coffee. If you cannot be there, your sponsor list would be happily accepted. Continued on page 13 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 WOMEN’S CLUB Continued from page 12… DINE TO DONATE 2015 – 2016 The Woman’s Club would like to thank the RRV community for the generous support and participation given to our “Dine to Donate” benefit events. With your help and healthy appetites we were able to aid Somerset Home for Temporarily Displaced Children in their mission to help abused, neglected and homeless youth. June is the beginning of the fiscal year for the Women’s Club and we will continue our ‘Dine to Donate’ events to benefit our chosen charity of 2015 – 2016, The Resource Center of Somerset. There is a wonderful feeling of warmth and friendship at the restaurants. If you haven’t experienced a ‘Dine to Donate’ event yet, please consider joining us soon. Continued on page 14 RRV Women’s Club next DINE TO DONATE at CONFECTIONATELY YOURS Tuesday, June 9, 2015 11:00 am to 9:00 pm 3391 Route 27 • Franklin Park, NJ 08823 (Stein Mart shopping center) 732-821-6863 Come join us for eats, sweets and treats!!! A great place to grab a bite and top it off with a yummy dessert. YOU MUST HAVE THIS FLYER WITH YOU 20% of your bill will be donated to the Resource Center of Somerset! sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley June 2015, Page 13 WOMEN’S CLUB Continued from page 13… PRESENTATION PHOTOS In April the Women’s Club was given three presentations by nominees for its 2015-2016 charity. The winning vote went to The Resource Center of Somerset. WOMEN’S CLUB MEET THE AUTHOR NIGHT The author was A.J. Sidransky who wrote Forgiving Maximo Rothman. WOMEN’S CLUB BINGO NIGHT A Love Affair With Every Room Inspired by you! Tom Sfisco President and Creative Director The Design Studio features a chic mix of traditional and contemporary décor with pops of modern accessories for results that are simply timeless. A unique shopping experience awaits you in downtown Somerville, the best kept secret in the tri-state area! Let us help you create interiors that capture your sense of style. Call our design experts to schedule an in-home consultation, visit our showroom, or shop online today. 67 West Main Street • Somerville, NJ 08876 • Phone 908.685.1921 • www.design-sos.com Page 14, June 2015 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 Soup to Nuts Dijon Potato Salad Makes 4 1/2 cups INGREDIENTS 1 cup mayonnaise 2 Tbsp dijon mustard 2 Tbsp chopped fresh dill or 1 1/2 tsp dried dillweed 1 tsp salt 1/4 tsp pepper 1 1/2 lbs small red potatoes, cooked and quartered 1 cup sliced radishes 1/2 cup chopped scallions Marcela’s House Cleaning DIRECTIONS • Combine first 5 ingredients. • Stir in remaining ingredients. • Cover and chill. BON APPETITE! learned that we do not have to be together all the time, which makes for a terrific retirement. He comes home from lunch with his buddies and he tells me all about his time with his “buds.” I, too, am busy with my friends, Mah Jongg twice a week, while Irv plays cards twice a week. The together time is really precious when we see each other at the end of the afternoon or evening. After getting used to retirement, we both found out that getting to know each other all over again is a wonderful way to spend these later years. Soooooooooooooooooo as the years have passed and we have gone through different stages, our life has evolved into something very special and comfortable; spending it with the person who has turned into my very dear friend............................ See you next month..................... Submitted by Roz Breier Family Business • 15 Years Experience Submitted by Ferial Breyer ¸ Residential ¸ Windows ¸ Heavy Cleaning ¸ General Housekeeping Great References Free Estimates 908-205-3889 Where’s the Humor? The month flies by all too quickly. And what is even more a little peculiar, I am writing this column the beginning of May but it won’t be in the bulletin until the beginning of June. So, please keep in mind I wrote this a month ago. Right now it is May and we are finally experiencing some spring weather. By the time you read this we will be enjoying some late spring, truly warm weather. OK. Here goes. This month I am going to deal with a topic near and dear to most of us: RAYMO D SALON RETIREMENT When we are at the beginning of our married lives, we are sooooo busy going to work, coming home, making dinner and falling into bed to get up the next morning to repeat the day........ We did not spend too much time together. The secret to a wonderful marriage in those early years was that we both went to work and spoke to each other during the day, if possible. We really didn’t see each other that much. Then the children came along and I was busy with babies, then nursery school, then “real” school. During those early very busy days, Irv and I didn’t see each other all that often. As years passed, by the time I woke up Irv was long gone and I had my jobs to do getting the kids dressed and out to school. I think that is why a lot of marriages last a long time: He came home from work, we ate dinner then watched TV. We spent a total of 4-5 hours together, then Irv went to sleep to get some rest for the next day of work. The years literally flew by. We did have occasional vacations. By the the time I was getting a little annoyed with Irv hanging around, vacation was over and we resumed our normal schedules. Then, all of a sudden, 35 years had passed, my “kids” were off to college and came home only during holidays and summer. Then Irv retired and was home. The first two weeks are just fine, but then I realized Irv wasn’t going back to work. This is it......He will be home and we will be together many, many, many hours, days, months and, if we are lucky, years. I can understand why some marriages do not last through those early retirement years. I had to get used to having Irv around ALL the time. It took a couple of years to get used to this constant oneness and togetherness. Now that we are living here in Renaissance, we have sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 N SPA Don’t forget Dad on Father’s Day... Massage makes a great gift! Remember the graduate in your life with a gift certificate! • Expert Color & Hair Design • Indulge Yourself with a Facial • Relax with a Massage 1685 Amwell Road, Somerset 732-568-1999 raymondsalonNspa.com Gift Certificates Available Father’s Day Graduations New Beginnings at Raritan Valley June 2015, Page 15 31 Frelinghuysen Avenue • Raritan, NJ 08869 www.benchfashionfloors.com • 908-725-6466 • Carpet • Hardwood • Area Rugs • Tile & Stone • Laminate • Resilient-Vinyl • Bamboo • Cork • Radiant Heating A Continuum of Care… A Generation of Caring… • Short Term Respite Stays Available • Secured, Specialized Memory Care Program • Advanced Standing Distinguished Assisted Living Communities Hillsborough 908-874-7200 Bridgewater 908-707-8800 • Free In-home Measurement • Installation • Floor & Carpet Cleaning • Floor Refinishing • Post Acute & Skilled Nursing Care • Therapy provided by Kessler.Core 7 Days Per Week • Specialized Rehabilitation Programs for Orthopedics, Cardiology, and Neurology Hillsborough 908-281-4400 Bridgewater 908-722-7022 www.BridgewaySeniorCare.com Page 16, June 2015 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 Birthday Boy, Bill Majeski, celebrated his 70th birthday at the Spring Fling! Quality Painting Services for Over 20 Years Prompt – Professional – Dependable Powerwashing • Deck Staining • Wallpaper Removal & Installation • Sheetrock Repair Residential & Commercial Interior & Exterior Painting FULLY INSURED • FREE ESTIMATES Middlesex, NJ 732-259-5568 sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley June 2015, Page 17 Animal Corner Make your time more productive! LUBE & LUNCH Bring and enjoy your lunch on our outdoor patios while we service your vehicle indoors. $7 OFF Signature Service Oil Change OR 15% OFF N7 Any Additional Fluid Services Most vehicles. Redeemable at the Bridgewater or Franklin locations. Cannot be combined with any other offers. Expires 7/31/15. BRIDGEWATER FRANKLIN 1316 Route 22 East 1503 Route 27 South (908) 231-9800 (732) 828-6116 Located at Morgan Lane Between Cozzens Lane and Bennetts Lane NO HIDDEN FEES! No shop fees. No disposal fees. No environmental fees. FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED FOR 25 YEARS JandG.JiffyLube.com HOURS: Monday-Friday 8am-7pm Saturday 8am-5pm; Sunday 9am-3pm Jiffy Lube, the Jiffy Lube design mark and Jiffy lube Signature Service® are registered trademarks of Jiffy Lube International, Inc. © 2015 Jiffy Lube International, Inc. WHEN FIDO AND FLUFFY GO EXPLORING It happens in a flash – the front door opens for a package delivery and your beloved pet races out the door and is gone. Ensure that your past smart decisions and current actions will help bring Fido or Fluffy home. Have a pet id ‘chip’ embedded in your pet by the vet and put your cell number on the animal’s collar (in addition to your home phone number) so you can be contacted while you’re out looking for your pet. Always have a pet picture handy that can be copied onto flyers to circulate in the development. Contact your management office personnel to help spread the word. Call the Franklin Township Animal Shelter (732-873-2500, ext. 6255) so they can be on the lookout – whether at the Shelter or as they patrol the area. If you have an association only email site – post the lost animal information. Great news – Fluffy and Fido have been found and home safe! Continue the good decisions by taking your pet to the vet to be checked out to ensure no lasting effects from their adventure. Compiled from www.petfinder.com THAT WAS EMBARRASSING Your cat just hissed at a visiting granddaughter but why? Fluffy is usually such a sweet and gentle cat – what happened? It’s all about scent – that granddaughter doesn’t smell and act anything like you. Unfamiliar smells are a big deal to animals. Try ‘scent sharing’ by petting Fluffy with the child’s article of clothing (like a sock) or stash cat treats in the child’s pocket. Reward Fluffy when she snuggles up to the child. Above all, be patient. WARM WEATHER WALKS WITH FIDO Pesky bugs can ruin even the most scenic of walks so before you head out, tie an insect shield bandana around Fido’s neck to repel mosquitoes, ticks, ants and more ($11 at www.doggles.com, $7 at www.MotleyMutt.com). BUYING NEW FURNITURE – AGAIN? Is your darling Fluffy having a good time scratching your furniture? Stickey Paws ($15 at www.pioneerpet.com) states that when this product tape is applied to furniture and other off-limits areas, it creates a sticky barrier to help deter cats from shredding the furniture. Or you might want to try this (free) tip that has worked for me in the past. Place/conform a piece of tin foil (yes, ShopRite’s brand is fine) on couch or chair arms to repel Fluffy. Cats aren’t fond of its noise and texture and after a couple of weeks, you can even take it off for good. Fluffy will probably remember this ‘no touch’ zone. Oh, and don’t forget to quickly pull it off when guests are knocking at the door. Continued on page 19 Page 18, June 2015 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 ANIMAL CORNER Continued from page 18… QUESTION OF THE MONTH Why does Fido drink from the toilet when his water dish is full? Yuk, but there’s a good reason and even knowing the water is usually safe to drink. Porcelain keeps liquid cooler than his plastic bowl and the elevated basin is more comfortable for big dogs to drink from. Here’s a way to keep Fido in the kitchen instead: ensure that his water bowl is washed daily and filled with fresh water. Add ice cubes for a cool drink during the day. And … keep the lid down on the toilet bowl. DID YOU KNOW? Nearly 58% of cats and 53% of dogs are overweight or obese, according to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention. Extra weight can up the risk for diabetes and arthritis. Instead of a bagged bacon treat or salmon cat treat, reward Fido and Fluffy with 10 minutes of play, which also burns calories. forever families at the Shelter. Want to be part of this movement of openhearted giving? Please donate dry dog/puppy/cat/kitten food and toys, clean/worn towels/blankets/sheets, paper towels/sponges, flea medications, Q-Tips, catnip and bleach. You can visit the Shelter: Tuesday – Friday, noon to 3 PM and Saturday noon - 6 PM. There is now an easy way to drop off your generous donations at the Shelter when it’s closed. A large wood box to the left of the Shelter front door is available for after hours’ donations. If you cannot get to the Shelter, please contact me for help in getting your donated items to the Shelter at (732) 356-0023 or at bagelsandhoney@comcast.net. Please add your name and address to the package for a tax contribution response letter. Thank you for caring and sharing. Submitted by Judy Gottlieb, Canal Walk PRISTINE THE FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP ANIMAL SHELTER, located at the Municipal Complex on DeMott Lane, (732-873-2500, ext. 6255) appreciates the generosity of Renaissance residents who have steadily increased their contributions to the adorable dogs and cats waiting for Maintenance Landscaping, LLC Our Company is dedicated to creating beautiful landscapes, fine design & elegant outdoor spaces. We offer Residential and Commercial Services Specializing in: Renaissance Wildlife Schedule your complimentary consultation and price quote today. Kebarts and O'Hearns attempt to save 5 or 6 baby rabbits from the mower. Their mom made a nest for them between the houses. Call THE FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP ANIMAL SHELTER sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 ß Landscape Design & Installation ß Custom Paver Patios, Walkways & Driveways ß Poolscapes ß Landscape Lighting 908-823-0822 pmldesign@embarqmail.com New Beginnings at Raritan Valley June 2015, Page 19 Read and Reviewed by Harvey Silverman MONSTER BLIND N SHADE SHOP DISCOUNT WINDOW COVERINGS HERE IS OUR HISTORY We have been Hunter Douglas and Graber dealers for thirty years. We discount everything we sell every day. We are prompt, courteous, and efficient. Professional in every aspect. Quick to deliver and dedicated to providing our clients with the products and services they need at affordable prices. OUR PRODUCTS: Custom Window Coverings • Silhouettes • Vignettes • Duettes • Verticals • Design Studio • Panel Blinds • Roman Shades • Luminettes • Skylight Blinds • Plantation Shutters • Wood Blinds Cornices • Top Treatments • Metal Blinds • Pleated Shades • Sheers • Decorative Hardware • Screen Shades • Woven Woods • Swags and Jabots • Fabric Valances • and more… RRV Men’s Club 908.359.0600 blindnshade.com SAVE UP TO 70% 435 Amwell Road, Hillsborough, NJ 08844 BEFORE YOU BUY, GET THE REAL PRICE CALL US TODAY Page 20, June 2015 by Jonathan Kellerman Dr. Alex Delaware and Detective Milo Sturgis team up to solve several murders. A doctor treating a patient has disappeared. She was later found dismembered and horribly mutilated. One of the patients she treated in an institution for the criminally insane has given a clue. However, he doesn’t speak. So how did he know what was going to happen? Someone who had access to the inside of the institution, someone who may have been trusted by this criminal and the institution personnel may have been engineering the crime. Many people died in the history of this story. The maze that begins years before is solved at the end by the earnest detective work of the two gentlemen. There is a lot of interesting interaction between them and the characters in the story. There are a lot of characters in it to keep the reader’s mind working to solve the crime ahead of Alex Delaware and Milo Sturgis. Let’s see if you can. Many of our snowbirds have returned from Florida and while it was a bit nippy outside, it was very warm inside the Renaissance Clubhouse on Saturday morning April 25. More than 30 members of our RRV Men’s Club turned out to partake of a delicious breakfast of eggs, bacon, lox, etc. catered by Siclari Catering of Jackson. Breakfast was followed by a very interesting and educational talk and multimedia presentation on the Delaware and Raritan (“D & R”) Canal given by Linda Barth. Following a 25 year career as a fourth grade school teacher, Linda has served as curator of a Canal museum in the village of Griggstown, has led Canal tours throughout the Northeast, has been on the board of the Canal Society of New Jersey and has written two books about the D & R Canal. The talk spoke of how the Canal was built and that it was lined with clay so that the water wouldn’t seep back into the ground. We learned about the people who built the Canal and those who lived on the side of the Canal. The D & R Canal carried more tonnage in 1866 than the more famous Erie Canal. Linda told us how coal was transported on the Canal and how the coal was off loaded at various towns. We saw pictures of the mules carrying the boats along the Canal. The Canal was a major source of water supply and energy for homes and industries, and such Companies as Johnson & Johnson, Roebling, and Fleischmann’s Distillery all had their start along the D & R. The attendees listened very intently as they learned about the bridges, the locks, and the aqueducts that made the Canal work. This waterway closed down to industry in 1932 and was in essence replaced by the railroad. The Canal, now the centerpiece of a popular state park, transported men and supplies between New York and Philadelphia. It was 44 miles in length, and there are still land posts showing the different number of miles from one town to another. The RRV Men’s Club thanks Linda for this very interesting and enlightening presentation. We also thank Siclari Catering for their assistance. Please stay tuned to learn of all the upcoming RRV Men’s Club programs and events. Submitted by Marc Hilton Continued on page 21 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 RRV MEN’S CLUB Continued from page 20… MEN’S CLUB GOODWILL NOTIFICATION CHAIRPERSON Illnesses & CondolenCes Burt Friedberg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .732-873-1255 PHOTOS FROM APRIL’S PRESENTATION Men’s Club Past & Present Presidents: Larry Karlin, Harvey Silverman, Irwin Fishman, and Mel Braverman Guest Speaker, Linda Barth Lou Schaefer, Jerry Berkowitz, Jerry Goldstein, Irv Breier, and Pat O’Hearn Landscaping of Central Jersey, Inc. Creating beautiful environments that add pleasure to your life and value to your property. Phil Cox, Sy Grossman, George Kornberger, Roger Sternberg, Dave Jacobson, and Marc Hilton www.defeoslandscaping.com info@defeoslandscaping.com • Landscape Design & Installation • Custom Paver Patios, Walkways & Driveways • Decorative Stone Walls/Retaining Walls • Landscape Lighting Lou Mugnano, Steve Stein, Dave Bialick, Bob Kawalek, and Art Schneier sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 CALL FOR A CONSULTATION • FULLY INSURED NJ CONTRACTORS #13VH02885200 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley June 2015, Page 21 Tech Tips We are happy to tell you we have an additional source of material for New Beginnings! Techlicious.com is a site that supplies valuable information for experienced and not-so-experienced users of today’s technological devices. As required by the Terms of Use of the website, we wrote to the founders of the site for permission to reprint some of the tips they provide. We were subsequently given permission, with understandable restrictions not to reprint entire articles or reproduce any of the site’s images but to provide a link where readers can find the full article. Also, we were asked to give credit to Techlicious.com and not to redistribute any articles from their site that are not written by Techlicious but by one of their content partners. These limitations are scant compared to the volume of information we can glean from the site. We know that many of you enjoyed the columns written in the past regarding your electronics and hope that you find the items in this new feature not only useful but interesting also. Techlicious.com’ s website describes it as a site that aims to help you make better informed buying decisions and get more out of the products you already own – whether for work, family or fun. Since many Renaissance residents have the traveling “bug” we thought the following offering of The Best Flight Search Services would provide some helpful data to many of you. Most of these services can be accessed on iOS and Android products and some can also be found on Windows, Kindle and possibly Blackberry. The best search engines to find the best flights at the best prices according to Techlicious.com are: Kayak, Skyscanner, Seat Guru, Hipmunk, Momondo and Google Flights. It is warned that most fares found by these search engines don’t include the baggage fees charged by some airlines or, in some cases, they don’t include fuel taxes and/or other surcharges. (Since some airlines don’t put their fares on metasearch sites, look up the airport you are interested in on Wikipedia and see which airlines fly to it. Then search for fares on these airlines’ pages.) A study on the lowest fares found in a year’s worth of search data revealed that the best day to leave the US for Europe is Wednesday and returning on a Tuesday with booking done six months’ in advance. Since fares change from day to day, search on different days of the week. As soon as you find a fare that seems reasonable – lock it in and then start planning what you’ll do once you arrive at your destination! Facts taken from article written by Natasha Stokes, Techlicious.com website, April 6, 2015 (in Travel, Computers and Software, Phones and Mobile, Travel & Entertainment, Tips and How-Tos) Please note that Techlicious.com offers a free subscription to their daily newsletter. “The Friendly Store of Value” 908.725.1566 1.800.794.7124 118 West Main Street • Somerville, NJ www.RedelicoPaint.com Jennie, Eva, Randy, & Wendy HOURS: Mon-Wed, Fri.... 7:30am–5:30pm Thursday........... 7:30am–8:00pm Saturday............ 8:00am–5:00pm Sunday ............................. Closed To entice you to come in and meet us... Bring in this coupon & receive 20% OFF 908.725.1566 or 1.800.794.7124 Sale, net items & Aura excluded. Coupon must be used at point-of-sale. Expires 7/4/15. OT Page 22, June 2015 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 47 YEARS THE MOST TRUSTED NAME IN REMODELING Spend Your Next Adventure With An Easy-To-Drive RV Camper HOME REMODELING CENTER 123 N. WASHINGTON AVE. DUNELLEN INNING AWARD W TOR L CONTRAC “NATIONA R” OF THE YEA FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED THE PONTI FAMILY • WINDOWS • DOORS • SIDING • ROOFING • SEAMLESS GUTTERS • DECKS 732-752-0313 WEATHERTEKNJ.COM FREE ESTIMATES N.J. LIC. NO. 13VH00343600 SENIOR CITIZE N DISCOUNT • HANDYMAN SERVICES Perfect for touring the highways or zipping through towns. With all the conveniences of home during a short getaway or extended trip. Included are a fridge-freezer, microwave, stove, sink, tv, dvd player, hot water heater, generator, toilet, shower, and bed for two. And yes, there’s room for small grandchildren! The powerful Chevy gas engine is more economical than larger RV’s and will move you along effortlessly as you relax and peacefully enjoy the scenery of the great outdoors. • ALL TYPES OF HOME IMPROVEMENTS • Weekly & Longer-Term Rental • PATIO DOORS • STORM DOORS • KITCHENS • BATHS • Fully Insured, Fuel Efficient 10% OFF • SCREENS ANY HOME IMPROVEMENT • AWNINGS • RAILINGS Maximum Discount $250 Invalid on present contracts. Expires 7/15/15. Canal Walk Residents • 24-Hr Roadside Assistance CamperToGo@aol.com • 908-507-5707 • Furniture • Home Accessories • Wallpaper • Rugs/Carpeting • Full Service Interior Design Studio 340 Millburn Avenue Millburn, NJ 07041 973.376.7700 signaturespacesnj.com FREE Decorative Gift with In-Home Consultation sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley June 2015, Page 23 MOVIE NIGHT LET’S MEET AT THE CLUBHOUSE Cinco de Mayo Celebration Showing on “The Big Screen” “Big Eyes” Friday, June 26th, 7:00 PM Julie Hallberg, Judi Lerer, Elly Viquez, Janice Jacobson, Janet Goldberg and Sue Dreifus stand ready to serve! Cornerstone Dental www.CornerstoneDentalNJ.com John D. Beckwith, D.M.D. F.A.G.D., a.F.A.A.I.D. Arlene O’Brien, D.M.D. Implant, Cosmetic, Periodontal & General Dental Care • Accredited Member of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry • Implant Surgery & Restoration Performed On Site • 26 Years Experience • Over 5000 Dental Implants Restored • Fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry • Cone Beam C.T. Scan on Site for Immediate Diagnosis • Veneers and Cosmetic Bonding • Implant-supported Dentures • Root Canals and Extractions • Invisalign & Braces 485 Amwell Road Hillsborough, NJ 908.359.2121 Page 24, June 2015 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 Nathalie’s Cleaning Commercial & Residential ASK YOUR NEIGHBORS! You don’t need expensive interior designers to make your home look this beautiful! Homes • Apartments • Condos • Offices Reasonable Prices Free Estimates Satisfaction Guaranteed 732-648-7674 732-648-6243 natsanso@hotmail.com • Full Service Interior Design • Hunter Douglas Shading $250 off 732-438-0096 Call Nicole now and be on your way to the beautiful home that you & your friends will love! purchase of custom window treatments or blinds over $2500. Not to be combined with other offers. Expires June 30, 2015. Visit www.DDNNJ.com to view our design gallery. Enter To Win A Dinner For 2! Entry Form for the “Dinner For 2” Promotion PLEASE PRINT AS CLEARLY AS POSSIBLE (Your information will NOT be shared) Name __________________________________________Date____________ Address _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Phone _________________________________________________________ Email _________________________________________________________ Signature _________________________________________________________ q YES, we would like to receive RESTAURANT PROMOTIONS! q NO THANK YOU. SIGN-UP FOR OUR FREE NEWSPAPER! q YES, please send the SOMERSET COUNTY DIRECT COMMUNITY NEWS Each month, About Our Town Newspaper will draw one entry (entry is selected from all current Dinner for 2 promotions) and award a $50 Dining Certificate that may be used in selected local restaurants (tax & gratuity not included). Winners will be announced in the “Somerset South/Somerset County Direct Community News” and will also be notified by mail. There is no purchase necessary. Just fill out the blank & mail it in. Good luck! sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 FREE every month. q NO THANK YOU. DATE__________ There is no connection between requesting the Somerset County Direct Community News, a free monthly newspaper, and Restaurant Promotions. MAIL TO: About Our Town Dinner For 2 2 Lakeview Avenue, Suite 312 • Piscataway, NJ 08854 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley June 2015, Page 25 Red Hats April Luncheon Elly Viquez, Evelyn Majeski, Janet Reilly and Dorothy Grossman are seated at the luncheon. Standing center is Ferial Breyer, flanked by other members of the Red Hats Society. It was a great luncheon and a good time was had by all. 337 Grill is a Mediterranean grill featuring • kebabs • steaks • seafood • pasta • chicken CHECK OUR DAILY SPECIALS! ONLY $8.95 Canal Walk/Renaissance VIP Coupon % 20 OFF Total lunch or dinner check. Max 6 people. Cannot be used on Daily $8.95 Specials 337 Grill • 337 N Main St • Manville 908-393-5240 • www.337grill.com Page 26, June 2015 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 11. *Tyrone Power in "The Sun ___ Rises" 12. Unknown power 15. "The Thief of ____" 20. Varnish resin 22. Printer's need 24. Belligerent course 25. Betty Ford Center, e.g. 26. Manila hemp 27. Prods 29. *Alan Alda in "Same ____, Next Year" 31. *"Coming to America" star 32. Uniate, alternative spelling 33. Impulse transmitter 34. Southeast Asia association 36. Police informer 38. Action word 42. Grassy plain 45. *"American ____," starring Kevin Spacey 49. "Give it a go!" 51. *John Candy in "Summer ____" 54. Ancient measurement unit based on forearm length 56. Derive 57. Khaled Hosseini's "The ____ Runner" 58. Mosque prayer leader 59. 1,000 grams 60. Stupid person 61. *Director of 1944's "Laura" 62. Vegas lights 63. Jack-in-the-Box restraint 65. *Howard of "American Graffiti" 67. Old English for before Solution on page 30 A Bit of Humor THEME: AMERICAN MOVIES ACROSS 1. Lip ____ 6. Military operations, for short 9. Breakfast raisin companion 13. Pizazz 14. *Bruce Willis in "____ Hard" 15. Constructed 16. *Lon Chaney was the Phantom at it 17. "____ the fields we go" 18. Discompose 19. *Chris Kyle, "American ____" 21. *Richard Gere role 23. Salon product 24. Move 25. *Music genre in "8 Mile" 28. Stiff hair 30. Big ____ or V.I.P. 35. Jet black 37. Type of missile 39. "Homeland" actress Claire 40. Rugby team's dance 41. Motivate 43. Plural of lira 44. Tart 46. Below a marquess and above a viscount 47. Etna output 48. Woven container 50. Skier's transport 52. *Heston starred in "The ___ Commandments" 53. Foot part 55. Clinton ___ Rodham 57. Bantu people of Kenya 60. *American Werewolf's whereabouts 63. Calculus calculation 64. Male friend, informal 66. Tutor's student 68. *Setting of Clooney's "The American" 69. Debt acknowledgement 70. SAG member 71. Audition tape 72. It knows drama? 73. *"Once Upon a Time in America" director DOWN 1. "____ Goo Dolls" 2. Snips 3. *Damien's prediction 4. Serving of parsley 5. Geometrical objects 6. CO lacks this 7. *1999 comedy "American ____" 8. Twilled woolen fabric 9. Plague symptom 10. Iranian coin sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley June 2015, Page 27 Nana Liz with four of their six grandchildren at “Pop’s” party. Emme Haddad, Juliana D’Alessio, James Haddad, and Michael Leo Scimeca. The D’Alessios Celebrate April Birthdays April 2nd surprise birthday celebration at “Maggiano’s Little Italy” in Bridgewater, NJ for Leo D’Alessio. Pictured with family are Guy of Staten Island, NY, Leo of Renaissance, Denise of Metuchen, NJ, Dawn of Staten Island, NY, and Liz of Renaissance. Leo and his two brothers. Al on the left and Joe on the right. Emme and her Nana, Liz. Apri 15th Liz and Leo D’Alessio’s granddaughter, Emme Elizabeth, celebrated her 11th birthday. W Window Accents and Flooring Duette® Architella® Trielle™ Shades Provide ciency inHoneycomb Every Climate, Every Season. Energy Efficiency in Every Climate, Every Season. ciency in Every Climate, Every Season. 40% SUMMER BENEFIT WINTER BENEFIT Architella® Trielle™ semi-opaque shades can reduce unwanted heat through windows by up to 80%. Architella Trielle semi-opaque shades can reduce heat loss through windows by up to 40%. 284 US Highway 206 Ste 1 Hillsborough NJ M-F: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Sat: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Sunday Closed 908-281-1802 www.windowaccentshillsborough.com F * For tax credit details and restrictions and a list of qualifying products, see the Manufacturer’s Certification Statement and FAQs at hunterdouglas.com/taxcredit. FHunter Douglas and its dealers are not tax advisors. Consult a tax professional regarding your individual tax situation and ability to claim a tax credit related to the purchase of the qualifying Duette Architella honeycomb shades. © 2015 Hunter Douglas. All rights reserved. All trademarks used herein are the property of Hunter Douglas. Page 28, June 2015 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley Follow Us At Facebook or Twitter 50723 sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 PARKER PARK PA R KER K E R 443 R River iver Road Road,, H Highland Park ark att Stonegate a Ston Ston negate ne gate Assisted A ssisted L Liv Living ivving ing C Comm Community omm munity unity “There is good reason they call these ceremonies ‘commencement exercises’. Graduation is not the end; it’s the beginning.” 443 R River iver Road Road,, H Highland ighlan ghlan nd P Park ark Orrin Hatch, U.S. Senator for Utah, born 1934– Continuum of Care Community with Extensive Services and Amenities Continuum Care Community C ontinuum of C are C ommunity with t ervic omes studios omenities ne- and two· SpacioEx us, tinensiv viting seuiS Extensive Services Amenities andtoA bedroom apartments, the co rts of home with roo r from studios to one- and two· Spacious, inviting suites, fr tots, yourbeodr wonom perapsoarntm alen ucth. he comfforts of home with room fo for per ontayl touceh.als per d y ried menus served in · Threyeour resotwanura nst-s ee ares taurangt-s V Vaaraiereddmben vederint chefs. y uosurserexp o · Thrrm l dinin rotyolemmoeralbsipsterrod,apy.rep our fo formal dining room or bistro, prepared by our expert chefs. ith an extensive acti ty calendar o ing a · Fil ur d · Fill yo your days with an extensive activity calendar off ffer ering a variet y of choices. Regularly scheduled activities, trips, outings, variety of choices. Regularly scheduled activities, trips, outings, seassoenasaolnpaal rptaies, mm ovoie gs,gagardenin rdenin l ets. vents. rties, viesscr creeenin enings, g agnadnsdociso alcievaen t inoour urin indoor, heeaatetdedpopooloalnadnffu ull ser · Sta·yShtaeyahltealthynadnfidtfiin ll vsice ervice fi t n es s cen t er . Th era p eu t ic r e h a b i li t a t io n s er v ices a r e a l s o fitness center. Therapeutic reh ilitation services are also ialavabilelabolenosintsie.te. · Easy access to our beautifful campus, with outdoor activiities, · Easyinacces ur bega,utot keep l caym s, ewtoithnaotur utedo . or acti ties, cludinsgto gaordenin oupculos including gardening, to keep you close to nature. · · A dedicated and professional staff provide exceptional care and smile 24/7tio nur A deser dicvices atedwaitnhdrespproect, co siomnpaalsssio tanffapnrdoa ide ex. cep nasin l cgare and care ava available. services with respect, compassion and a smile. 24/7 nursing car ilF able. C C For FCor TTours ours & IInformation nformation Call CAall 732-565-2422 A A w w.FrancisEParker.com www.FrancisEParker.com w Parker Park rker er Home® A Tradition TTrradition of Exceptional, Exceptional Exc eptional,, Affordable Affordable Long-Term Long-Term Care Care Sinc Ca Sincee 1907 C sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley A June 2015, Page 29 CROSSWORD SOLUTION P A I D A D V E R T I S E M E N T Health News & Views The “Aging” Lower Back Kevin Mclean Plumbing & Heating P.O. Box 1017 Edison, NJ 08817 Lic#: 11737 732.407.0934 Low back pain (LBP) can arise from many causes. Nearly everyone has or will suffer from LBP at some point in time, though it is most common in the 30-year-old to 50-year-old group and it affects men and women equally. However, what about the elderly population and low back pain? Let’s discuss back pain unique to the geriatric population... We’ve all heard of the “wear and tear” factor as it applies to clothing, automobiles, shoes, and tires, but it affects our bones and joints too! A condition that none of us can fully avoid is called osteoarthritis (OA). OA is the “wear and tear” factor on our joints, particularly the smooth covering called hyaline cartilage located on the surfaces of all moving joints. It’s the shiny, silky smooth surface that we’ve all seen at the end of a chicken leg when we separate it from the thigh. Osteoarthritis is the wearing away of that shiny, smooth surface and it can eventually progress to “bone-on-bone” contact where little to no movement is left in the affected joint. Bone spurs can also occur and be another potential generator of back pain. OA is NOT diagnosed by a blood or lab test but rather by an accurate history, physical examination, and ultimately, an x-ray. However, when the low back is affected by OA, it may not even hurt! Yes, in some cases, there may be a significant amount of OA on an x-ray and that patient may not have significant problems. Or the opposite can occur and some patients with very little arthritis can have a lot of back trouble. It’s FREQUENTLY very confusing. The “take-home” message with OA is that, in and of itself, it does not always generate pain. This is why the history, physical examination, and the response to treatment (chiropractic adjustments, exercise, and possibly some lifestyle changes in diet and activity) are MORE important than the amount of arthritis found on the x-rays. Ultimately, we will ALL get OA sooner or later. It’s usually a slow, gradual process that may slowly change our activity level. Ironically, KEEP MOVING is the best advice we can give to the patient with OA. There are a number of conditions associated with OA that affect the spine and respond well to chiropractic treatment. Degenerative disk disease (DDD) is one of those conditions found in association with OA. In fact, another name for OA is “degenerative joint disease” (DJD)! The normal anatomy of the intervertebral disk (IVD) consists of a thick, tough outer layer of fibroelastic cartilage and a central “nucleus” that is more liquid-like and allows the IVD to function like a shock absorber. As we age, the water content gradually “dries up” and the shock absorbing quality is lost. As chiropractors, we address OA (DJD) and DDD with a number of HIGHLY EFFECTIVE treatments but most important (in many cases) is the use of spinal manipulation or adjustments. “Exercising the joint” with manipulation and mobilization reduces the tightness and stiffness associated with OA and DDD. Exercises are also important and can give the OA/DDD patient a way of controlling this condition on their own. Diet, activity modification/encouragement, and periodic adjustments help a lot! We realize you have a choice in whom you consider for your health care provision and we sincerely appreciate your trust in choosing our service for those needs. If you, a friend, or family member requires care for back pain, we would be honored to render our services. Dr. Perry Wolk-Weiss is the author of “Ten Commandments for a Healthy Lifestyle” and has been providing short-term, effective care for neck, back pain and headache relief at The Get Well Center in Bound Brook, NJ since 1980. To find out if you are a candidate for care call 732-356-1155, for a complimentary consultation. To learn more about neck and back pain relief as well as other health issues visit Dr. WolkWeiss’s blog: www.drperrywolk-weissblog.com. Page 30, June 2015 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 Historically, the black rhino had a large range across central and western Africa. Widespread sport hunting in the first decades of the century quickly decimated rhino populations. Then farmers and ranchers at the time viewed them as pests and dangers to their crops. The slaughter continued!! So-called traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) came next as powdered rhino horn was believed to cure everything from fevers to cancer. That’s when poachers descended on Africa. Between 1960 and 1995 an astonishing 98% of black rhinos were killed by poachers. In certain parts of the world, if you gave a man a gun he was in business...the business of poaching! Soon thereafter the rhino population had shrunk to about 135 remaining. By 1997 the population had fallen to an estimated 10 final rhinos. In 2011, with no sightings in a decade, the International Union for Conservation of Nature formally declared that the Western Black Rhino had become extinct. Will we learn the lessons of this animal’s extinction? Only time will tell. Maybe within this time people will begin caring about endangered wildlife and take action before another species is threatened with extinction. Submitted by Don DeBonis Artwork by Sandy and Don’s daughter, Nanci Iovino From the Pen of… Don DeBonis THE WESTERN BLACK RHINO---HOW IT WENT EXTINCT--- My artist, my daughter, my Nanci, has decided on drawing various species of wildlife with elaborate decorations. (Never question an artist.) With her permission I will be including one or two of them in my upcoming articles. At the beginning of the 20th century an estimated one million black rhinos roamed the savannahs of Africa. By 2001 that number dropped to about 2300 black rhinos. This is the tale of how we lost the Western Black Rhino. It is a story of greed, indifference, hope and despair. Tomorrow is based on what you do today. No matter what happens in your future, you need to be ready for it. You need to set goals for it, save for it and invest carefully. You need to make fiscal responsibility a personal value. Most of all, you need a strategy. The Goldberg Group at Morgan Stanley Michael B. Goldberg Senior Vice President Financial Advisor As Financial Advisors we’ll work with you to create a strategy — one based on the realities of both your life and the financial world. Meet with us and let’s get your future started. Zachary Z. Goldberg, CFP® Financial Advisor 150 J.F. Kennedy Parkway, 4th Floor Short Hills, NJ 07078 973-912-7744 800-526-4931 www.morganstanleyfa.com/goldberg zachary.z.goldberg@ms.com The appropriateness of a particular investment or strategy will depend on an investor’s individual circumstances and objectives. Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. owns the certification marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and federally registered CFP (with flame design) in the U.S. © 2013 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC. sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley GP11-01362P-N09/11 7507223 MAR003 03/13 June 2015, Page 31 Rogeria’s J. Cleaning Services 15 Years of Experience Roman Limousine 732.873.2356 since 1998 www.romanlimo.net romanlimousine@aol.com Call Today for a FREE Estimate on your Home/Apartment/Office “Guaranteed on time… Everytime” References Available 862-371-5673 RogeriaJCleaningServices@gmail.com Page 32, June 2015 Senior citizen discount available. Locally Owned & Operated New Beginnings at Raritan Valley Roman Cell: 732.688.9828 sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 Reservation Policy Guidelines for Photographs SiGN-uPS ArE rEquirED FOr ALL EvENTS AT rENAiSSANCE AT rAriTAN vALLEy. If you are taking photos with a DiGiTAL CAMErA, iPAD, or SMArT PHONE, please use the highest camera setting possible so that the details in the pictures can be the most visible. A proper camera setting will also ensure that, should the printer want to enlarge some pictures, the results will be photos that are sharp and of high-quality. Also, please send no more than two pictures in one e-mail as file becomes too big with more. Send to newsletter@rrvsomerset.org. Make sure to include a brief caption AND your full name in the body of your e-mail. if you are SCANNiNG a photo, please scan it AT LeAST 300 dpi and save as a high resolution JPeG. There is no need to adjust your photo. The Publisher has Photoshop and can adjust it accordingly. ALSO: When submitting hard copies, please DO NOT put postits on the front of your photos. It can possibly damage your photo! • each event such as dance party, holiday party, bus trip, theater, etc., requires sign ups and prepayment with check payable to “RRVA Activities.” • Residents at Raritan Valley will have first opportunity to reserve a space for an event. • The event will be opened up to guests of residents providing that the event has not been sold out. Notice will be given when the event is open to guests. • As always, each event is first-come, first-served. Refund Policy refunds will ONLy be given under the following circumstances: 1) The resident is hospitalized. 2) There is a death in the immediate family. 3) Renaissance Clubhouse Activities finds it possible to resell the ticket or bus seat. 4) The event is cancelled by Renaissance Clubhouse Activities. New Beginnings at Raritan Valley New Beginnings is published at the beginning of each month and is mailed free to residents of Renaissance at Raritan Valley. Additional copies are available at the Clubhouse. EDITORIAL News articles and columns may be submitted by e-mail to newsletter@rrvsomerset.org. If an e-mail contains an attachment, the attachment must be a Microsoft Word document. All photos and other hard copy submissions should be given to Debbie Clark in the Management Office. (See NeXT guideliNes foR photogRAphs.) If submitting photos of people, please correctly identify the subjects in the order shown. Residents should be listed using their first and last names. YOUR NEWSLETTER STAFF Debbie Clark Marsha Friedberg Pat Grande Marge Kawalek Susan Kebart Submissions by RRV residents for New Beginnings are welcomed at any time. All written material must be signed with name clearly legible. No unsigned or anonymous material will be considered for publication. We reserve the right to edit submissions for spelling, grammar, news style, good taste and for space available. PLEASE NOTE: the deadline for items intended for our JuLy issue is JuNE 8th. To advertise, please call Ron Chilson at About Our Town • 732-968-1615 sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 Renaissance Ballroom Rental If you have an event for which you need to rent a room, where else should you have it but right in your own beautifully decorated clubhouse? The Clubhouse Ballroom can hold up to 90 guests comfortably at tables and has a stage for entertainers or DJ. You can bring in your own caterer or ask Debbie Clark for recommendations. Since March 1, 2009, the Ballroom Rental fee is $400. This charge includes the four-hour Ballroom rental fee, use of the Ballroom kitchen, a security guard and a cleaning maintenance person. There is also a security deposit required of $500. This check is refunded after the event and the facilities have been inspected for no damages. You will need your own insurance to cover the day of your event. Please consult your homeowners insurance company for details. Guests are allowed to use the men’s and ladies’ rooms. Guests are not allowed to use other Clubhouse amenities. No parties can be held for children under the age of 18. Liquor is now ALLOWeD at all ballroom rental events provided your insurance includes “Host Liquor Liability Insurance.” see debbie Clark for applications and more information. Renaissance Condo Building “Reps” The People Who Have Keys to the 1st Floor utility rooms in Case of Emergency: Building #1 . . . . . . . . . . . .Harvey Silverman . . . . . .732-873-3209 Building #2 . . . . . . . . . . . .Dominick Minni . . . . . . .732-873-0756 Building #3 . . . . . . . . . . . .Mike Kalmus . . . . . . . . . .732-873-1550 Building #4 . . . . . . . . . . . .Paulette Matis . . . . . . . . .732-873-1151 Building #5 . . . . . . . . . . . .Ira Williams . . . . . . . . . . .732-873-0656 Building #6 . . . . . . . . . . . .Barbara LaPenter . . . . . .732-873-0597 Community Manager . . . .Terry Wagner . . . . . . . . . .732-568-0999 Lifestyle Director . . . . . . .Debbie Clark . . . . . . . . . .732-448-9180 if you need emergency access to a utility room and your building “rep” is not home, please call one of the other building “reps” or call the Community Manager. New Beginnings at Raritan Valley June 2015, Page 33 Stretch Class Dancercise 12:00pm 29 Stretch Class Dancercise 22 Stretch Class Dancercise 15 Singles Wine Tasting SUMMER BEGINS FATHER’S DAY FLAG DAY Stretch Class Dancercise 9:00am 9:45am 9:00am 9:45am 9:00am 9:45am 9:00am 9:45am 8:00pm 2:30pm LAC 30 7:00pm Men’s Golf 2:30pm Men’s Club Meeting 7:00pm 23 MA Open 16 Men’s Golf ARC 9:30am 25 9:00am Stretch Class WC Steering Committee 7:00pm WC Meeting 18 ARC 11 RECYCLE RECYCLE WC Astoria Trip 4 7:00pm 7:00pm THURSDAY 24 9:00am 9:30am Stretch Class 17 Stretch Class WC Steering Committee 9:00am 10 WC Dine to Donate 11:00am–9:00pm Newsletter Submissions Deadline & Committee Meeting 9 3 8 2 WEDNESDAY Safety and Security Meeting 4:00pm 9:00am TUESDAY Stretch Class 9:00am WC Community Service Committee Meeting 9:30am Stretch Class 1 MONDAY 28 21 14 7 SUNDAY Renaissance New Beginnings Calendar of Events 2:00pm 9:00am terry Wagner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 732-568-0999 Debbie Clark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 732-448-9180 office Fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 732-628-0547 the Deli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 732-227-1230 Gatehouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 732-568-0302 WWW.rrvsomerset.orG Be advised that an emergency is defined as danger to life and/or property. after Hours emergency . . . . . . . . . . 1-888-499-9832 * 7:00pm Movie Night Children’s Outdoor Poolside Event 27 20 13 WC Walk 6 SATURDAY Important numbers 9:00am 9:45am 11:30am 5:00pm 9:00am 9:45am 9:00am 9:45am 11:30am 7:00pm 9:00am 9:45am Stretch Class Dancercise Krafty Klatch 26 Adult Outdoor Poolside Event Stretch Class Dancercise 19 Stretch Class Dancercise Krafty Klatch 12 Singles Meeting Stretch Class Dancercise 5 FRIDAY June 2015 NO FEATUW RIN Blue Cor al Spra G y Wax $ 10.99 plus tax with pu rc of any hase wash HAVE YOUR CAR SIMONIZED FOR THE SUMMER TO PROTECT IT FROM THE ELEMENTS DELUXE SERVICE CAR WASH $ 1299 $ 30 OFF Limit 1. Cannot be combined with any other discounts. Exp. 9/1/15 Limit 1. Cannot be combined with any other discounts. Exp. 9/1/15 Limit 1. Cannot be combined with any other discounts. Limit 1. Cannot be combined with any other discounts. Limit 1. Cannot be combined with any other discounts. Limit 1. Cannot be combined with any other discounts. Limit 1. Cannot be combined with any other discounts. Exp. 9/1/15 Exp. 9/1/15 Exp. 9/1/15 Exp. 9/1/15 Exp. 9/1/15 Caffe Piazza Restaurant & Catering Stop & Shop Centre • 649 Route 206 • Hillsborough, NJ 08844 Like Us on Facebook Caffe Piazza Restaurant and Catering Get a FREE Bruschetta Catering (908) 359-9494 www.caffepiazza.com • caffepiazza@comcast.net For all your special events! Buy 1 Entree Get 2nd Half Off * 15% off Every Tuesday & Wednesday** Call To Book NOW: 908-230-8749 www.cpcaterings.com Canal Walk’s first choice in catering! Clubhouse events included Discount on food only. Not applicable on wait staff charge. *Of equal or lesser value **Holidays Excluded. Reservations Recommended. 1/2 Price Chicken Night Every Thursday* *Holidays Excluded. Reservations Recommended. sales@aboutourtown.com 732-968-1615 New Beginnings at Raritan Valley 15% OFF TOTAL CHECK FRIDAY & SATURDAY (take-out or dine-in) Caffe Piazza Restaurant & Catering (908) 359-9494 One offer per customer. Must present coupon. Offer may not be combined. Holidays Excluded. Reservation Required. Expires 6/30/15. June 2015, Page 35 About Our PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. Postage TOWN PAID New Brunswick NJ Permit No. 727 2 Lakeview Ave, Suite 312 Piscataway, NJ 08854 RENAISSANCE AT RARITAN VALLEY 732-968-1615 POSTAL CUSTOMER MAKE CELEBRATIONS MORE SPECIAL WITH Whatever the celebration or occasion America's Florist has the perfect gift of flowers for that special person. Send flowers for • Flag Day June 14 • Father’s Day June 21 • Independence Day July 4 • Graduations • Anniversaries • Birthdays Be Happy Bouquet AT43-1B America The Beautiful T163-2A ORDER TODAY $ 00 5 OFF Living the Dream T15F105A ANY PURCHASE With this coupon through June 30, 2015. May not be combined. Mention code “CWSP15”. Local, National & Worldwide Delivery Visit us at: www.americasflorist.com 1-800-872-3567 • 732-469-7673 scan to visit AMERICASFLORIST.COM 227 W. Union Avenue • Bound Brook, NJ 08805 Rt 287 Exit 13, to Rt 28 E • STORE HOURS: M-F 8-5pm, Sat 8-1pm
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