MAY-JUNE 2012 Kenwood K-8 Center Newsletter FINAL


MAY-JUNE 2012 Kenwood K-8 Center Newsletter FINAL
Kenwood K-8 Center
Kenwood Times
Volume 2, Issue 4
May/June 2012
Please visit this site for updates:
Principal’s Corner
Inside this issue:
Mrs. Moraima Almeida-Perez
Upper Academy. We honor
Ms. Carla Gordon on her
As we approach the closing of retirement, with gratitude for
the 2011-2012 school year,
her many years of service to
we once again take time to
our students, school, and
acknowledge the hard work, community. We also thank all
dedication and success of our the wonderful parents, volunstudents, parents, faculty and teers and staff whose constaff. It has been a challeng- stant support and enthusiasm
ing year, and yet we have
have contributed to our succontinued to maintain the
traditions of excellence and
achievement that have alWe encourage our students
ways defined our school. It is
to continue learning during
my great pleasure to conthe summer months. One of
gratulate each and every one
the best things students can
of you for this year’s accomdo over the summer is to
keep reading. Included on
our school’s website are recThe end of a school year also ommended summer reading
marks the beginning of new
lists and activities for stujourneys. We celebrate the
dents at all grade levels.
hard work of our eighth grade
students and congratulate
Once again, thank you for
them as they move on to high
your dedication to the stuschool, as well as our fifth
dents of Kenwood K-8 Cengrade students who are conter. We wish you a restful
tinuing their journey into our
Dear Parents/Guardians:
and re-energizing summer, and
look forward to working with you
next school year!
Moraima Almeida-Perez,
Principal Have a wonderful, safe
summer break. We will
see you on
Monday, August 20th
2012-2013 Miami-Dade County Public Schools
Hours For Opening and Closing of School
Elementary Schools
K - 8 Centers
Kenwood Café
Art News
Counselor’s Corner, Student of
the Month-April
Synergy, FEA,
Student of the
Honored Teachers; FCAT Pep
Rally;“Send off”
to 5th Grade
Kenwood K-8
Center Info;
Reading PLUS
Special points of interest:
• 8:30-2:30 during the
summer, please feel
free to pick up Kenwood’s crest for
your child’s uniform...just $3.00
Grades Pre-K, K,1
8:20 a.m. – 1:50 p.m.
Grades 2 - 5/6
8:35 a.m. – 3:05 p.m.
• August 17: 9:30 am
Kindergarten Cookie
Grades Pre-K, K,1
8:20 a.m. – 1:50 p.m.
• August 20th -new year
begins! Get a colored
calendar at:
Grades 2 - 8
8:35 a.m. – 3:05 p.m.
On Wednesdays, all elementary and K-8 students are dismissed at 1:50
Middle Schools
Grades 6 – 8
Senior High Schools
Grades 9 – 12
9:10 a.m. – 3:50 p.m.
7:20 a.m. – 2:20 p.m.
• 2012-2013 Grade
level summer reading lists see the online newsletter
• 2012-2013 Grade
level school supplies lists-see the online newsletter
From the Kenwood Café
Wow! Here we are, down the final stretch. How quickly a year passes. Before it comes to an end, I want
to pass along some information which may be helpful to you.
Student Meal Balances:
Students remaining in the Miami-Dade County Public Schools will have their balances, positive or negative, carried
over to the new school year. This applies to students remaining in Kenwood as well as those moving on to high
school and those who will be transferring to another public school within the county.
Free or reduced meal status:
For those currently approved, these benefits will carry over for the first 30 days of the new school year. A new
application is required every year. To expedite this process, I encourage you to go on line at http:// to complete a new application before school begins. New meal applications will be included in the “Opening of School” packet which will be sent home with your child(ren). I encourage all of you to
complete this application and return it promptly so that it can be sent out for processing. Please note that one application can be completed for all your children registered in Miami-Dade Public Schools even if they attend different
Just a reminder, please monitor the balance in your child’s meal account. You are responsible for ensuring there are
sufficient funds to cover the cost of their meal. Siblings may not use each other’s meal number at the register. If
one child has extra funds you would like transferred to the brother or sister, this can be done by simply calling
me to make the transfer.
Thank you for supporting our program. I hope those of you who don’t take advantage of school food service will give
us a try. We offer a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables daily, our offerings are low fat and low sodium. Remember breakfast, THE MOST IMPORTANT MEAL OF THE DAY, is FREE to all students.
Enjoy your summer. Eat healthy, get moving, stay hydrated and have fun!
submitted by Linda Boccio,
Kenwood K-8 Center’s Food Service Manager, and Staff
Joke #1
Why couldn’t the monkey catch
the banana?
(answer on page 8)
Mrs. Carla Gordon Retiring
Most people look forward to retirement, but for me, this is a very bitter-sweet time in my life. Everybody knows I love
teaching and that I can't wait for the summer to be over so I can go back to school.
Kenwood has been a huge part of my life. Many years ago, and we won't say how many, I interned at Kenwood and
started my teaching career here. After I raised my children, I came back to Kenwood-my home away from home.
Although my husband and I plan to move to the Boca area, a part of me will always be here at Kenwood. I just love the
super kids I've had the pleasure of teaching, and their super parents whom I've had the pleasure of meeting.
I will try and keep busy with traveling, visiting my grandchildren and shopping, and shopping, and shopping but you can
be sure I will be back to visit all of you here.
Thank you all for my wonderful memories. I have been truly blessed to have Kenwood, and all of you - children, parents,
co-workers - a part of my life.
submitted by Carla Gordon
Kenwood K-8 Center will miss you terribly!
Page 2
Kenwood Times
Elementary Art News
Samantha Quincoses (third grade)
May 12- 30.
Some of Ms, Goldhagen’s photos were se-
and her sister, Zarabeth Quincoses,
Holly Velli-
lected for the Dade Art Educator’s Summer
(4th grade) had their art projects ac-
gan- 2 pro-
At Teachers Show. The show is at the
cepted in The Annual Countywide Stu-
jects, Caro-
Marjorie Stoneman Douglas Biscayne Na-
ture Center and is from May 20 through
Eliot Tamer’s projects
dent Art Show. The exposition was held
at the Artworks Student Gallery/ Bake-
Quinones- 2 projects, Eliot Tamers- 2
house complex. The opening was May
projects, and Adriana Coto. Their pro-
11, 2012.
jects were inspired from field trip visits
The following fifth
to the Cape Florida Lighthouse, South
the summer. Exhibit on view daily.
Ms. Goldhagen has donated two of her photographs to Ocean Bank
Florida Arts center, and The Wolfsonian-
and The Education
Fund Auction-Art of
Ms. Goldhagen’s Art
students Grades 2-5
Carolina Quinones’s
Coto’s project
participated in the
Fine Arts Elementary Program on
May16. The Art dis-
grade Art students have their art proth
jects accepted into the 30
play was in the
Annual Mu-
seum & Technology Education Programs
Student Showcase: The exposition is at
the Bass Museum on Miami Beach from
Rafaella Chavez and
Kamila Romero by
their projects
Annex hallway
One of
Ms. Goldhagen’s
the Found Objects. The auction
took place on May 24
that was selected
at the Moore Building
in Wynwood at six PM.
Congratulations, Ms. Goldhagen!
by Ms. Alice Goldhagen,
and began at 6:30 submitted
Elementary Art Teacher
MORE Art News-Fairchild Challenge (FC) Awards
In the fall for the Fashion
The following fourth grade Art students make calls to his fellow peers, collects
Design entry – the Parade of
from Ms. Goldhagen’s class received
Animals- included Julian
certificates for their Environmental So- He takes pride in his environment one
Sierra and Zarabeth Quin-
cans, and crush cans was self motivated.
lution Action projects Part 4: Patrick
can at a time. Gabriel’s fine example by
coses from Dr. Model’s 4th grade Syn-
Valerius, Scarlett Sanchez, Amelie
his actions has encouraged our Catalysts
ergy class. These students used recycled
Alvarez, Lynsey Millares, Vanessa
(Environmental Student Body of Synergy)
missed media materials to create their
Gordon, Gabriel Diez. Jonathon
to daily find ways they can make a differ-
Dominguez, Tyson Reifenberg,
ence. He always reaches out toward oth-
Gianpaul Asper, Sophia Rojas,
ers to offer a helping hand.”
The 2011-2012 Fairchild Challenge for
Zarabeth Quincoses, Julian Sierra,
Elementary School had three of Ms. Gold- Paula La Mendola, Dylan Petit, Pat- The FC Challenge for Elementary
Schools selected Dr. Sanda
hagen’s fourth grade art students- Paula rick Martin, Alex Batista, Brian
La Mendola, Emory Sharkey, and Patrick Martin Art projects showcased at
the FC Elementary Awards Ceremony. The theme was Beautiful Blooms
Catalyst Can Collectors
Environment Action
Model’s 4th grade Synergy studentsNicole Cisneros, Paula La Mendola,
Dylan Petit, and Tyson Reifenberg.
Teacher. Throughout the year
Honorable Mention for his project.
Power. The winners were from Dr.
mental Role Model
mas and Tomas de la
of Florida. Patrick Martin received an
The poetry entry theme was flower
Model as the Environ-
Gutierrez, Mica Tho-
Dr. Model’s 4th Grade Synergy
students (listed above) collected recycled cans to adopt a
Challenge Five entry was
award winning for
Gabriel Diez. The
FC for Elementary
cheetah- King George- from Zoo
Miami. Congratulations, Ms. Goldha-
Gabriel Diez
Schools selected Gabriel Diez as a
student Environmental “Role
gen and Dr. Model!
submitted by
Ms. Alice Goldhagen and Dr. Model,
Elementary Art Teacher and Synergy
Model”. Gabriel’s daily dedication to
Volume 2, Issue 4
Page 3
From the Counselor’s Corner
A few congratulations are in order for our Kenwood Upper Academy Students. First, congratulations to: Nicole Arevalo
Marlon Calvo
Carolina de la Huerta
They were participants in the 2011‐
12 Duke TIP 7th grade Talent Search.
The Duke University Talent Identifi‐
cation Program (TIP) identified these academically promising 7th graders based on the standardized test scores they achieved on the FCAT while in 6th grade. They were invited to take the SAT as 7th graders, which allows them greater insight into their academic abilities. In addition, they gain valuable benefits and re‐
sources through their 10th grade year. A special congratulation’s goes to Nicole Arevalo with a qualifying score for state recognition and the Academy for Summer Studies. Secondly, a special congratulation’s goes to 6th grader, Naomi Gomez. She was nominated by her teachers and selected as an Exemplary Student Nominee for the Haitian Heritage Cul‐
tural Month Opening Celebra‐
tion. Congratulations and keep up the good work! Lastly, congratulations to all Kenwood students and parents for making it through another successful school year! To the class of 2012 we wish you much luck as you move onto high school. Remember this quote below:
Marlon Calvo, Nicole Arevalo
and Carolina de la Huerta
Naomi Gomez
“The future belongs to those
who believe in the beauty of their
Submitted by Mrs. Ariana Gutierrez,
School Counselor
Eleanor Roosevelt
Joke #3
Why do scientists
“Laughter is an
love baseball?
instant vacation.”
(answer on page 8)
Milton Berle
Milton Berle
April Student of the Month: Cooperation
Ms. Diaz:
Ashani Lillie
Ms. T. Garcia:
Camila Junco
Ms. Matamoros Samantha Benimeli
Ms. Noble:
Frederick Geronimo
Ms. Rodriguez:
Marina Tsujimoto
Ms. Velazquez:
Aiden Alonso
First Grade
Ms. Arevalo:
Gianna Robles
Ms. Cartagena:
Zoe Hendershott
Ms. N. Garcia:
Zion Cabral
Ms. Gonzalez:
Ashley Arguello
Ms. Henry:
Stephanie Diaz
Page 4
Second Grade
Ms. Calzadilla :
Ms. Funcia:
Ms. Manressa:
Ms. Mayor:
Ms. Montero:
Ms. Pascau:
Ms. Pedrique:
Third Grade
Ms. Cepero:
Ms. Cereijo:
Ms. Cruz:
Ms. Granda:
Ms. Leal:
Ms. Sampredo:
Armando Mantilla
Derick Fiallo
Rafaella Chavez
Jayda Chapman
Ke’Asia Swint
Jade Marquez
Carmel Koch
Salma Iglesias
Alexa Escobar
Bryain Almonte
Amanda Calero
Estrella Anciani
Lucas Caporale
submitted by Dr. Schumacher
Fourth Grade
Ms. Batista:
Kevin Zeng
Ms. Fong:
Sabrina Portuondo
Ms. Guthrie:
Ian Valdes
Ms. Jackson:
Emily Simkovsky
Dr. Model:
Brian Gutierrez
Ms. Sanchez:
Paula Lamendola
Fifth Grade
Ms. Albert:
Destiny Martinez
Ms. Gordon:
Nayla Oliva
Ms. V. Herrera:
Andrew Mitchell
Ms. Kraft:
Julian Lacayo
Ms. Mitchell-Smith:
Daniel Gimenez
Ms. Robles:
Emily Diaz
Ms. Rosenthal:
Julian Dominguez
Kenwood Times
FEA‘s “Teacher For A Day”
This year’s “Teacher for a Day” event was
a great success. The teachers enjoyed
having these wonderful F.E.A. members
take over their classes on May 9th
Ivanna Perez helped
Mrs. Rodriguez’ s
Future Educators of America is a service
club that involved our entire school.
These club members helped our teachers
once a week, our school by promoting
events, volunteering at the PTSA Winter
Festival, and they helped our community
by bringing awareness to find a cure for
juvenile diabetes. I would like to thank
them for all their hard work and dedication. It has been an honor to sponsor such
an incredible group of students.
submitted by Teresa Cereijo,
Third Grade Teacher &
Florida’s Future Educators of America
(F.E.A.) Sponsor
kindergarten class.
The Kenwood
F.E.A. “Teacher for
a Day” students
get rewarded for
having spent their
day as teachers.
Andrew Minchola helped
Ms. Herrera’s fifth grade
News from 4th Grade Catalysts
Joke #2
What kind of bow is
impossible to tie?
(answer on page 6)
This is the time of year Synergy’s
Catalysts share their endless, priceless and treasured memories of Educators and Staff who have made “A difference in
their Education”. Throughout May and June, Catalysts will reveal their revered memories of their
parents which bring about a lifetime of joyful thoughts: “Mom even if you could live to be one hundred and fifty years old, I would want to spend a lifetime with you.” “Dad without you I would have
less than I deserve.”
As the year 2011-2012 comes to an end, I thank the Catalysts and Parents for these cherished
submitted by Dr. Sanda Model, 4th Grade Synergy Teacher
“The discipline of writing
something down is the first
step toward making it happen.”
Lee Iacocca
May Student of the Month: Fairness
Ms. Diaz:
Dylan Calero
Ms. T. Garcia:
Brandon Decareau
Ms. Matamoros:
Angel Fernandez
Ms. Noble:
Maiya Clough
Ms. Rodriguez:
Alani Alonso
Ms. Velazquez:
Anthony Vila, Jr.
First Grade
Ms. Arevalo:
Alessandra Masi
Ms. Cartagena:
Isabella Almeida
Ms. N. Garcia:
Emily Lavina
Ms. Gonzalez:
Dianelys Sanchez
Ms. Henry:
Anthony Ventura
Ms. Montero:
Samantha Sanchez
Volume 2, Issue 4
Second Grade
Ms. Calzadilla :
Ms. Funcia:
Ms. Manressa:
Ms. Mayor:
Ms. Pascau:
Ms. Pedrique:
Third Grade
Ms. Cepero:
Ms. Cereijo:
Ms. Cruz:
Ms. Granda:
Ms. Leal:
Ms. Sampredo:
Abigail Hernandez
Miah Bermudez
Isabella Oropeza
Jhoan Chavez
Isabella Reyes
Karla Gonzalez
Gabriella Melo
Nicole Sevilla
George Sandoval
Rohan Prasad
Enzo Pineiro
Rileigh Robert
submitted by Dr. Schumacher
Fourth Grade
Ms. Batista:
Geoffrey Woodman
Ms. Fong:
Nicolas Monteagudo
Ms. Guthrie:
Connor Spillman
Ms. Jackson:
Isabela Rodriguez
Dr. Model:
Scarlett Sanchez
Ms. Sanchez:
Micha Thomas
Fifth Grade
Ms. Albert:
Nicolas Gonzalez
Ms. Gordon:
Adriana Diaz
Ms. V. Herrera:
Melyssa Rabelo
Ms. Kraft:
Amaiya Snoke
Ms. Mitchell-Smith: Marianna Salvat
Ms. Robles:
Ronald Chavez
Ms. Rosenthal:
Alec Rodriguez
Page 5
Four Teachers from Kenwood are DRC’s “Educators As Heroes”
Ms. Alice Goldhagen, Dr. Sanda Model, Mrs. Maria “PG”, and Mrs. Susan Rosenthal were honored on Saturday, May 12 at Royal Palm Elementary during Dade Reading Council’s Breakfast Membership Board Meeting. Only 28
teachers were nominated throughout the county this year.
As an added bonus, fourth grade student, Patrick Martin, nominated Ms. Goldhagen for the Dade Reading Council’s
“Educators as Heroes” Award. Ms. Goldhagen attended the Awards and Installation Celebration which was held May
12 at the Royal Palm Elementary cafeteria.
(Joke #2)
A rainbow
Scenes From the FCAT “Pep Rally”
Let’s Rock
that FCAT!
The FCAT Student
“Let’s Go,
To Our Outgoing 5th Grade Students
We would like to congratulate all of the 2012-2013 5th grade students going into 6th
grade. We wish you good luck in middle school and all your future endeavors. We
are very proud of you and your accomplishments.
Love your 5th Grade Teachers,
Ms. Albert
Ms. Goldhagen
Ms. Loyd
Mrs. Guzman-Robles
Mrs. Chehab
Mrs. Gordon
Mrs. Mitchell-Smith
Ms. Rojas
Mrs. Cover
Ms. Herrera
Mrs. PG
Mrs. Rosenthal
Mrs. Fox
Mrs. Kraft
Coach Pierre
Coach Thompson
We are so very
proud of you!
Page 6
Kenwood Times
2012-2013 Cougar Cheerleaders
Michelle Alvarez
Natali Andrade
Nicole Arevalo
Alejandra Azel
Arielle Bayard
Natalia Benavides-Forte
Kimberly Canales
Mariana Carbonari
Juliette Castaneda
Ashley Chiron
Megan De Guzman
Hannah Del Cueto
Alyssa Dominguez
Samantha Encalada
Kathleen Fernandez
Samantha Garcia
Kaitlin Gordon
Samantha Grass
Martina Lizano
Sabrina Lopez
Kara McKinney
Keily McKinney
Andrea Pena
Brittany Perez
Victoria Robles
Carolina Ruiz
Jocelyn Saez
Brooke Sanchez
Samantha Urena
Camila Uribe
Stephanie Williams
Tiffany Williams
2012-2013 Mini Cougar Cheerleaders
Amanda Alvarez
Estrella Anciani
Samantha Becerra
Paola Beltran
Alyssa Calero
Amanda Calero
Natalie Cisneros
Nicole Cisneros
Sophie Del Cueto
Alexa Escobar
Salma Iglesias
Jackie Leon
Bianca Lillie
Amanda Lindsay
Karina Martin-Hidalgo
Rosamaria Maticorena
Lynsey Millares
Madelyn Munoz
Gina Ortiz
Carla Pupo
Alyssa Quarrie
Esperanza Ruiz
Emily Simkovsky
Micha Thomas
Nicole Ventura
Sofiya Yevseyeva
Congratulations to
our new
Kenwood K-8 Center
submitted by Mabel Granda, and Isabel
Arevalo, Cheerleading Co-Sponsors
Elementary Music News
Two of the elementary extracurricular groups
performed a concert on May 16, 2012 at 7:00
p.m.. Over fifty members of the Kenwood Recorder Ensemble and Choir performed for family, friends, faculty and administrators in the
Annex Cafe. The recorder ensemble played
pieces in a variety of styles and the choir performed the mini-musical "A Kid's Life".
Congratulations to ALL of the 3rd, 4th and 5th
graders who have come early or stayed after
school to participate in these activities. Your
energy and dedication made this a wonderful
submitted by Mrs. Angela Cover,
Elementary Music Teacher
Volume 2, Issue 4
Natalie Cisneros, Kelsey Frishman, Isabella Vidal, Michael Arevalo,
Kusum Aryal, Patrick Valerius, Victor Uceda, Jacob Canales and
George Samaan
Page 7
Kenwood K-8
Kenwood K-8 Center’s Mission Statement
Kenwood’s mission is to foster each student’s academic,
9300 S.W. 79 Avenue
Miami, Florida 33156-7431
social and emotional potential in the pursuit of life long
learning and effective citizenship. Growth and excellence
in reading, writing, and math competencies are
emphasized across the curriculum.
See us at:
We will see you on Monday,
August 20th.
Remember, you can pick up
(Joke #1 )
your crests
during the summer.
The banana split!
Wherever you go this summer,
remember to read!
Did You Know That
Everything Is on Our Website?
ReadingPLUS Info
Did you know that you can visit our
school site on the web 24/7. Visit us at
You can print out this newsletter in
color, too! Just go to the events tab on
the left hand side and it will bring you
to another page The middle one says
“Newspaper”! Remember, we are
trying to go “green” next school
year! Direct link is: http://
During the summer, please have your child visit Reading PLUS
through their portal on Reading PLUS will
only be opened until August 8th. Your child will be featured at the
beginning of the school year on the morning announcements if they
have logged in and completed 2 sessions or more for 30 minutes
each week. How special is that??? All your child has to do is login to
the portal and Reading PLUS is an icon listed at the bottom of the first
page. Any problems email: during the
summer in case they get suspended or of there are any other error
messages you may be receiving. The ReadingPLUS team is always
The 2012-2013 school year supply list
for each grade level will be there. Also
on there, is the required summer
there to help you.
According to IRA (International Reading Association) it has
been found that some students who do not read during the
reading list!!!
summer may lose almost one and a half years of reading pro-
Joke #3
gress. Don’t let this happen to your child!
They love looking
at slides.
Page 8
Kenwood Times