End of School Year 2014 - Kenwood K-8 Center - Miami


End of School Year 2014 - Kenwood K-8 Center - Miami
Kenwood K-8 Center
Volume 5, Issue 4
Kenwood Times
End of School Year
Please visit this site for updates:
Kenwood Café
News, UA Band and
Choir News
Principal’s Corner
Mrs. Moraima Almeida-Perez
Dear Parents/Guardians
With the end of the 2013-2014
school year upon us, the time
has come to acknowledge the
hard work, dedication and excellence of our students, parents, faculty and staff. We
have maintained the tradition of
excellence that has always
defined our school. It is my
great pleasure to congratulate
each and every one of you for
this year’s accomplishments.
The end of a school year also
marks the beginning of new
journeys. We applaud the hard
work of our eighth grade students and congratulate them as
they move on to high school, as
well as our fifth grade students
who are continuing their journey
into middle school. We also
thank all the wonderful parents,
volunteers and staff whose constant support and enthusiasm
have contributed to our success.
Inside this
Once again, thank you for
your dedication to the students of Kenwood K-8 Center. We wish you a restful and
re-energizing summer, and
look forward to working with
you next school year.
We encourage our students to Moraima Almeida-Perez,
continue their learning during Principal
the summer months. One of the
best things students can do over
the summer is to keep reading.
Included in this newsletter and
on our school’s website are recommended summer reading
Have a wonderful, safe
lists and activities for students at
summer break. We will see
all grade levels.
you on
Monday, August 18th.
FEA‘s “Teacher For A Day”
submitted by Teresa Cereijo, Third Grade Teacher & Florida’s Future Educators of
America (F.E.A.) Sponsor
Future Educators of America celebrated their last event of the
year as “Teacher for a Day” on Wednesday, May 21, 2014. Out
of 100 registered FEA members, 70 members took part in this
culminating activity.
The students were able to see what it was like to be a teacher.
It was a really fun day for everyone and
it’s been a great year for
our club!
Arthur Noriega, FEA “Teacher
For A Day” showing what Memorial Day is all about with Mrs.
Rosenthal’s 5th graders!
Elementary Art
Counselor’s Cor4
ner, Student of the
Box Tops, Media
Center 4th Grade,
Student of the
Second and Third
Grade News; Send
Off” to 5th Grade
Cheerleader 20142015 News; Elementary Music
Mrs. Jackson and
Mrs. Rosenthal
Kenwood K-8 Center Info; Reading
PLUS info
Special points of interest:
 8:30-2:30 during the
summer, please feel
free to pick up Kenwood’s crest for your
child’s uniform...just
$3.00 each.
 August 15th: 9:30 am
Kindergarten Cookie
 August 18th-new year
begins! Get a colored
calendar at:
 2014-2015 Grade level
summer reading lists
see the on-line newsletter
 2014-2015 Grade level
school supplies listssee the website
From the Kenwood Café
submitted by Linda Boccio, Kenwood K-8 Center’s Food Service Manager, and Staff
As this school year comes to an end, we would like to thank you for your support of our Child Nutrition Program. Miami-Dade has
been ahead of the nation in providing healthy and nutritious meals for our students. The Department of Food & Nutrition, which
oversees every aspect of the meals served to our students, has a great website www.nutrition.dadeschools.net. I encourage you
to log on. Once there you will find information on the nutrient content of our menu items, the guidelines followed when purchasing
from the vendors, a listing of foods which contain ingredients which may cause allergic reactions to some of our students as well as
interactive nutrition lessons which your child can participate in.
As this year comes to a close, please check on the status of your child’s meal account. Please pay any money owing before the
year ends. Any balance (POSITIVE or NEGATIVE) will transfer over to next school year as long as your child remains in a Miami
Dade Public School.
Over the summer, you may also complete the paperwork on-line to apply for meal benefits for next school year. Only one application per family needs to be completed. Please be sure to include all of your children’s names and information on the application.
Incomplete applications will not be processed. If you prefer to complete a paper form, these will be distributed in the opening of
school packet the first week of school.
I encourage you to take advantage of our FREE BREAKFAST to students offered daily. Breakfast is the most important meal of
the day. There should be no reason a child does not have breakfast every day when it is conveniently served in their school café.
Enjoy your summer! Make better choices, stay healthy, keep hydrated, and be active!
Thank you again for your support of our program.
The Staff of Kenwood’s Café
Upper Academy Band and Choir News
submitted by Ms. Jezabel Joa, UA Band and Choir Director
On Friday, April 11th, Kenwood's Own Concert Band had its Annual Music Performance Assessment at Ronald Reagan Senior High
School. The first part of the evaluation, students had to perform three prepared pieces in front of three judges from the Florida Band
Master Associations The second part of this evaluation, the students had to sight read two pieces they haven’t ever seen or played
before. Students did an amazing job obtaining Straight Superior ratings in all five songs performed. Kenwood's Own Concert Band has
obtained straight superior ratings for six years consecutive years.
Wednesday, May 21st, was a magical and extraordinary night. Band and Choir students from the upper academy had their Spring
Concert Night. Beautiful decorations from Mr. Lacayo added to the amazing band the choir performances, and a great violin interpretation to a wonderful narration by Ms. Dwyer. That evening was an unforgettable night for all of us.
On Thursday, May 29th, band and choir students had their Band and Choir Award Ceremony.
Congratulations to all students for a memorable and outstanding year!
Annual Music
at Ronald
Reagan Senior
Extraordinary evening at Kenwood
Page 2
Kenwood Times
Elementary Art News
The following 5th grade students had their
drawings accepted into the 32nd Museum
Educa on & Art Technology Programs
Student Exhibi on which opened Saturday, May 10, 2014, from 2PM- 4PM at the
Rubell Family Collec on in
Wynwood: Sofia Mayari’s drawing from
the Vizcaya fieldtrip, Emma Lopez’s drawing from the Wolfsonian-FIU/Lummus
Park fieldtrip, and Denise Salinas’s drawing from the Cape Florida fieldtrip.
2nd grade
won first
place for
her poster represen ng
District 7 (Kenwood’s) in
the sixth annual Every Drop
Counts Poster Contest.
Luna and Ms. Goldhagen
were invited to a end the
awards ceremony honoring
the winning students
from each District.
Luna Parada with
The awards ceremony
Mayor Jimenez
was at the MiamiDade Board of County Commission Chambers, Tuesday, May 20, 2014, at 8:30 a.m.
The 2013-1014 Fairchild Challenge
Awards Ceremony at Fairchild Tropical
Botanic Garden took place May 28, 2014
from 5:50-7:30 p.m. Second grade student, Nolan Sequiera, and 3rd grade student, Sabrina Mulroy, had their ecosystem collages on display.
submitted by Ms. Alice Goldhagen
Students from grades second thru fi h received ckets to a end the May 31st Ft. Lauderdale Strikers
soccer game for their poster entries in the Ft. Lauderdale Striker Poster Art Contest.
Kevin Rincon
showing his collage
on the top
Luna Parada
showing her award
The following students received two soccer ckets
each for their poster entries in the Ft. Lauderdale
Striker Art Contest. The soccer ckets are for the Ft.
Lauderdale Striker vs. New York Cosmos game in Ft.
Lauderdale on May 31, 2014, at the Lockhart Stadium
in Ft. Lauderdale at 7:30 p.m.
Second grade students
are: Bryce Henry, Nelson Fleites (not in picture), Marina
Tsuijumoto, Michael Rivera,
Isabella Sosa, Jeri Rose Kirsten,
and Luna Parada.
Third grade students
are: Brian Shirley,
Maddox Gonzalez,
Sofia Tirvino, Jalen
Sco , Nicole
Dominguez, Tara
Llorente, Ma hew
Hernandez, and Ryan
Marina Tsujimoto
showing her collage
Nitsa Hernandez
showing her collage
Fourth grade students
are Michael De Paz,
Sophia Fresco, and
Kevin Contreras.
The Elementary Art Show took place at 7 p.m.,
Thursday, May 22, 2014, in the Kenwood
Annex Hallway. Various art projects were on
display from grades 2- 5.
“The weak can
never forgive.
Forgiveness is the
attribute of the
(answer on page 10)
~Mehmet Murat
Joke #1
Why did the teacher wear
Fi h grade students are: Amanda Calero, Andro
Pereda, Isabella Alvarez, Kevin Jorge, Mia Lopez,
Isaiah Morales, David Del Valle (not pictured), Nicole
Sevilla (not pictured), Anthony Valino, Kirsten Osborne, and Sofia Mayari.
Congratula ons to all of these
Mehmet Murat ildan
Brian Shirley, from
3rd grade, attended
the Striker game on
May 31, 2014.
Volume 5, Issue 4
Page 3
From the Counselor’s Corner
submitted by Mrs. Ariana Gutierrez and Dr. Lois Schumacher, School Counselors
Parent Summer
Resources and Ideas
Summer is a time to relax, renew and recharge. Here are some ideas and resources to help students and parents make the most of their Summer Break.
-Read a book (visit your nearest public library for special free programs)
-Take your child to a public pool or beach
-Camp in your backyard
-Go on a scavenger hunt
-Start an exercise group with kids from neighborhood (walking/biking club)
-Use sidewalk chalk to practice math facts or just be creative
-Cook with your child and incorporate math skills
-Encourage your students to take advantage of apps available through the MDCPS student portal to review academic
-Have your child create a summer bucket list
For more ideas on how to make the most of your summer please visit these family friendly websites:
Wishing you a happy and safe summer 2014!
“We must learn to live together as brothers or we
are going to perish as
Joke #3
Joke #2
Why did the student
with the flu have to
stay after school?
~Martin Luther King, Jr.~
Martin Luther
(answer on page 6)
King, Jr.
April Student of the Month: Cooperation
Ms. Batista: Daniela Garcia-Menocal
Ms. B. Garcia:
Alexander Decareau
Ms. T. Garcia:
Amber Castillo
Ms. Ortega:
Christopher Bidetti
Ms. Rodriguez:
Melanie Rabelo
Ms. Velazquez:
Abbey McKenna
First Grade
Ms. Arevalo:
Hannah Ancheta
Ms. Cartagena:
Erin Audain
Ms. Diaz-Escoto:
Vivian Cleveland
Ms. N. Garcia:
Emily Reyes
Ms. Gonzalez:
Emily Monzon
Ms. Henry:
Kaylie Rodriguez
Ms. Salum:
Arthy Perez
Page 4
Second Grade
Ms. Calzadilla :
Gustavo Mustelier
Ms. Manresa:
Daniel Leal
Ms. Montero: Christian Castellanos
Ms. Pascau:
Andy Pinero
Ms. Pedrique:
Logan Owen
Ms. Sanchez:
Alejandro Asper
Third Grade
Ms. Cepero:
David Vazquez
Ms. Cruz:
Eva Noriega
Ms. Granda:
Sophia Bustinduy
Ms. Leal:
Sophia Chavez
Ms. Sampedro:
Daniel Campbell
What did the
computer say when
the student asked it a
homework question?
(answer on page 10)
submitted by Dr. Schumacher
Fourth Grade
Ms. Fong:
Priscilla Hermida
Ms. Guthrie:
Kamila Romero
Ms. Jackson:
Karla Gonzalez
Dr. Model:
Alicia Silva
Ms. Serrano:
Victoria Echemendia
Fifth Grade
Ms. Albert:
Emely Cuervo
Ms. Ancheta:
Rosa Maticorena
Ms. Cereijo:
Michael Waddell
Ms. Mitchell-Smith:
Adelina Silva
Ms. Robles:
Lia Pitti
Ms. Rosenthal:
Gabriella Melo
Kenwood Times
2013-14 Box Tops Final Report
Media Center
submitted by Monica Vigues-Pitan,
Kenwood K-8 Center Box Tops Coordinator
submitted by Mrs. Angela Cover, Elementary Music Teacher
Faculty and Students,
Congratulations on a great year! We collected more than
$1,800 in box tops for Kenwood. Ms. Solis’ Pre K class
was the highest collecting class for the whole year and
will be rewarded with a pizza party. Mr. Bernabe’s class
collected the most box tops for the 4th quarter grading
period and had a cupcake party to celebrate their hard
Students in grades 1-5 who have met their Accelerated
Reading goals for two out of three nine week grading
periods were awarded an end-of-the-year party in the
Media Center!
Congratulations to all of our dedicated readers!
I want to thank all the students, parents and teachers
that worked on the campaign and submitted box tops.
Remember to collect over the summer to bring in a
lot for next year.
Have a great summer!
Rebecca Serrano Artwork, “If you don’t like to read, you
haven’t found the right book”,
by J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter series author
News from 4th Grade Catalysts
submitted by Dr. Sanda Model, 4th Grade Teacher
Dr. Model’s 4th Grade Catalyst, Alicia Silva, won third place in the Miami-Dade County
Schools for The Biscayne Bay Cleanup Day T-Shirt Baynanza. She was presented a Framed Art Picture
Trophy by Linda Bell.
Can Collectors
Fairchild Environmental Action Challenge was the final success
for the “Catalysts’ Can Collectors”. As Catalysts, the students
took action to raise Environmental awareness and conservation
in their homes, school and our community. Some Catalysts
worked alone, while others worked in groups to implement environmental action efforts that were solution-oriented with measurable outcomes. Catalysts were able to share their conservation
ideas with family, friends and neighbors.
Alicia Silva and Dr.
Catalysts and family members celebrated at the Awards
Assembly from 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. on May 28th.
May Student of the Month: Fairness
Ms. Batista:
Aiden Durden
Ms. B. Garcia:
Fabian Martinez
Ms. T. Garcia:
Ian Hills
Ms. Ortega:
Madison Saez
Ms. Rodriguez:
Joseph Blandon
Ms. Velazquez:
Mia Flores
First Grade
Ms. Arevalo:
Michael Medina
Ms. Cartagena:
Jordan Sanchez
Ms. Diaz-Escoto:
Katalina Torna
Ms. N. Garcia:
Christian Kruger
Ms. Gonzalez:
Zahira Mercedes
Ms. Henry:
Ethan Bek
Ms. Salum:
Lexy Lopez
Volume 5, Issue 4
Second Grade
Ms. Calzadilla :
Ms. Manresa:
Ms. Montero:
Ms. Pascau:
Ms. Pedrique:
Ms. Sanchez:
Third Grade
Ms. Cepero:
Ms. Coca:
Ms. Cruz:
Ms. Granda:
Ms. Leal:
Ms. Sampedro:
Model with trophy
submitted by Dr. Schumacher
Fourth Grade
Ms. Fong:
Aiden Castro
Ms. Guthrie:
Noah Lopez-Calleja
Ms. Jackson:
Anthony Figueroa
Dr. Model:
Derick Fiallo
Ms. Serrano:
Matthew Ryan
Fifth Grade
Ms. Ancheta:
Andro Pereda
John Bek Ms. Cereijo:
Lucas Caporale
Michelle Guillou Ms. Mitchell-Smith: Brianna Jackson
Nathalia Szynkarski Ms. Robles:
Aleeya Elder
Marco Santana Ms. Rosenthal:
Nicolas Otalora
Suhaila Hssayane
Julilen Ancheta
Javier Escobar
Kevin Rincon
Naomi Gonzalez
Kayla Dominguez
Camila Perez-Osorio
Lucas Mora
Page 5
Second Grade News-Hammocks Update
submitted by Karen Picciano
Over the course of this 2013-14 school year, students from Killian High School,
mostly from the Science Honor Society, were worked at Kenwood’s Hammock
for 123 instances (1 student x 1 showup = 1 instance) of work, each time at
about 3 hours. Added to that, Mrs. Pedrique's seventeen 2nd grade students
came faithfully once each “good-weather week” throughout the year, and on
occasions other classes joined them. In all, these students definitely surpassed
1000 hours of volunteer effort in support of the Hammock and Butterfly Garden
this year! They have our most sincere thanks!
(Joke #2)
(on the right) Bryce Henry, from
Mrs. Pedrique’s class, wrote about his
His nose kept
Hammock experiences.
running in the halls.
Third Grade-Personal News-Mrs. Granda’s Son
Mrs. Granda's son, Ryan, was selected as the Pitcher of the Year! Click on the link below
and view a achment to see the great news.
Congratula ons to Mrs. Granda and her family for this amazing accomplishment!
(on the top left corner) Ryan
Granda in The Miami Herald.
To Our Outgoing 5th Grade Students
We would like to congratulate all of the 2013-2014 5th grade students going into
6th grade. We wish you good luck in middle school and all your future endeavors. We are very proud of you and your accomplishments.
Love your 5th Grade Teachers:
Ms. Albert
Ms. Chehab
Ms. Gonzalez
Coach Pierre
Page 6
Ms. Ancheta
Mrs. Cover
Ms. Guthrie
Mrs. Guzman-Robles
Ms. Batista
Mrs. Garcia-Suris
Mrs. Mitchell-Smith
Mrs. Rosenthal
Mrs. Cereijo
Ms. Goldhagen
Mrs. PG
Coach Thompson
We are so very
proud of you!
Kenwood Times
2013-2014 Cougar Cheerleaders
Arcia, Mia
Azel, Alejandra
Bayard, Arielle
Becerra, Samantha
Calero, Alyssa
Calero, Amanda
Cisneros, Natalie
Cisneros, Nicole
Del Cueto, Sophie
Delgado, Ariana
Dominguez, Alyssa
Fernandez, Kathleen
Garcia, Sandra
Hamzavi, Mitra
Iglesias, Salma
Leon, Jackie
Lindsay, Amanda
Lopez, Emma
Millares, Lynsey
Munoz, Madelyn
Ortega, Karina
Osborne, Kirsten
Rosas, Nataly
Saez, Josie
Silva, Traciann
Uribe, Camila
Vega, Alexa
Ventura, Nicole
Wishne, Isabella
2013-2014 Mini Cougar Cheerleaders
Aguiles, Jasmine
Alford, Carissa
Alonso, Yesenia
Argote, Adanya
Arredondo, Isabella
Bermudez, Miah
Bustinduy, Sophia
Chapman, Jayda
Escoto, Jalyssa
Fernandez, Isabela
Flores, Claudia
Garcia, Cecilia
Gonzalez, Karla
Hermida, Priscilla
Herrera, Katherine
Elementary Music News
submitted by
Mabel Granda & Amber Kraft,
Cheerleading Co-Sponsors
Larrea, Annie
Lavina, Emily
Majail, Mia
Masi, Alessandra
Mayor, Emily
McNally, Danika
Melo, Isabella
Nyberg, Linnea
Palacios, Ericka
Rembisz, Kristen
Romero, Kamila
Sanchez, Emily
Silva, Loriann
Soto, Ashley
Szynkarski, Nathalie
Congratulations to
our new 2014-2015
Kenwood K-8 Center
submitted by Mrs. Angela Cover, Elementary Music Teacher
The Elementary Music Spring Concert was presented at Kenwood K-8 Center on May 13, Mrs. Cover’s Recorder Ensemble
2014, at 7:00 p.m. in our Annex Café. The Recorder Ensemble performed pieces comprising
various styles of music from folk, Latin and Middle Eastern to rock and an Elvis Presley inspired
song. Fifth grader, Michael Arevalo,
shared his talents on the drum set as
he accompanied the recorder ensemble during one song. The choir performed a selection of songs from
Broadway musicals, including
Grease, Annie, Rent, The Music Man
and Hairspray. Our talented and
energetic students were featured in
singing, dancing and numerous speaking parts. The soloists, Sabrina Mulroy
and Eva Noriega, both did a fantastic job! Thank you to all the parents,
Mrs. Cover’s Choir Ensemble
teachers, staff and administration that made this a special evening for the students.
Volume 5, Issue 4
Page 7
A Note from Mrs. Dewana Jackson
Kenwood Family,
My tenure here at Kenwood has been one I will always remember. Some of you, I
had the opportunity of knowing better than others but, each of you have shown me kindness one
way or another. Past principals, Mrs. Perez, Dr. Quintero and Mrs. Hauser…THANK YOU. I am grateful for your kindness, love, and every treasured moment. I do hope that I have made a positively
lasting impression and impacted Kenwood K-8 Center in some way or another.
Although retirement is at hand (unbelievable), a real and dedicated teacher will never stop teaching. It is a profession I have enjoyed for the past 33 years of my life and it is deeply rooted within
me. My goal was to teach, train, and love the children that I was entrusted with… I have enjoyed
this wonderful profession.
Continue to touch the lives of innocent and inquisitive minds; not giving up. Special congratulations to my friend, Mrs. Susan Rosenthal. It is my prayer that The Kenwood Family will be in good
health and that God will continue to shine His face upon each of you.
Love You
A Note from Mrs. Susan Rosenthal
Kenwood (my extended family forever):
As the retirement phase of my life approaches, I reflect on the past 30 years I taught at Kenwood
K-8 Center (since 1984). I began my teaching career in 1974...this means 35 years of teaching in
Miami-Dade County Public schools. What an wonderful journey! Thank you for allowing me the
opportunity to educate your children during this adventure. I thank every one of my students for
all the wonderful memories. I thank my student’s parents for all of their support. Remember it
takes a village to help one child.
I may be gone from the Kenwood roster, but I am not gone from Kenwood. You will see me around
as a helper, a facilitator, a listener or as a friend-that’s what families do. When I am not around,
picture me with my grandchildren (Finley, Bryson and Drew) helping them learn.
The village continues on, right?
Finley (on
the left),
Drew (on
the right),
in the
Page 8
With Love...I will see you around.
Kenwood Times
submitted by Mrs. Michelle Escobar, Kenwood PTSA President
Dear PTSA Members,
As the year comes to an end, I would like to thank the administration, teachers, staff, and volunteers for all their
hard work and support throughout the 2013-2014 school year. Our successes could not have been possible without each and every one of you. I look forward to working with you to make our next school year even more successful.
Your membership is an essential part of what makes Kenwood such an exceptional school.
Have a great and safe summer!
2014-2015 PTSA Executive Board
President – Michelle Escobar
1st Vice-President – Liz Alvarez
2nd Vice- President – Mercy Manning
3rd Vice -President – Ely Alvarez
Recording Secretary – Linda Noble
Corresponding Secretary – Evie Mayor
Treasurer – Lourdes Mendes
Volume 5, Issue 4
Page 9
Kenwood K-8
9300 S.W. 79 Avenue
Miami, Florida 33156
Kenwood K-8 Center’s Mission Statement
Kenwood’s mission is to foster each student’s academic,
social and emotional potential in the pursuit of life long
learning and effective citizenship. Growth and excellence
in reading, writing, and mathematic competencies are
emphasized across the curriculum.
See us at:
We will see you on Monday,
August 18th.
Remember, you can pick up
(Joke #1 )
your crests
during the summer.
Because his class was so
Did You Know That
Everything Is on Our Website?
Did you know that you can visit our
school site on the web 24/7. Visit us at
You can print out this newsletter in color, too! Just go to the events tab on
the left hand side and it will bring you
to another page The middle one says
“School Newspaper”! Remember,
we are trying to go “green”!
Direct link is: http://
The 2014-2015 school year supply list
for each grade level will be there. Also
on there, is the required summer
reading list!!! This is the direct link to
the summer reading list: http://
Wherever you go this summer,
remember to read!
ReadingPLUS Info
During the summer, please have your child visit Reading PLUS through
their portal on www.dadeschools.net. You are able to even use the program on an iPad! Any problems with logging in-just email:
info@goreadingplus.com during the summer in case your child gets suspended or if there are any other error messages you may be receiving. The
ReadingPLUS team is always there to help you.
According to IRA (International Reading Association) it has been
found that some students who do not read during the summer may
lose almost one and a half years of reading progress. Don’t let this
happen to your child!
Check out this site:
Joke #3
Search me!
“To err is human, to
forgive, divine.”
~Alexander Pope~
Page 8
Kenwood Times