homestay families guide


homestay families guide
Avondale College International Department
Telephone: 09 820 1712
Mobile: 021 417 337
| Website:
Thank you for your interest in becoming a homestay family. Avondale College welcomes students from all over the world,
and having the opportunity to live with a “Kiwi” family is an invaluable part of their experience. Our hope is that families will
provide a positive experience for our students and at the same time enjoy the enriching experience of hosting a student from
another culture.
General Requirements
All host parents must be over 25 years old
Must be a host mother in the family
Students must have their own bedroom (cannot share a room)
In the NZQA Code of Practice Avondale College is required to:
Provide a suitable living environment conducive to study and a safe and supportive home life.
Involve a host family in the welfare of a student away from the student’s family and home country.
Assist the student in successfully integrating into the New Zealand lifestyle.
Work towards the peace of mind of overseas parents, knowing that the student is well cared for and happy in New
To meet these responsibilities, the homestay is responsible for providing:
A safe and friendly living and studying environment
Day to day care
Three meals a day and access to snacks
Students bedroom must be within the family house (cannot be a sleep out)
Bed and warm bedding
A study desk and chair
Adequate bedroom furniture to store clothes and books etc.
A lamp and adequate lighting
Adequate heating in winter
Transport arrangements to and from school
Bathing/showering/bathroom access
Broadband internet for students. We recommend an unlimited internet plan. Some ISP’s have these available for
approx. $100 per month. Students should not be charged more than 25% per month of the internet bill and should not
be limited to websites they can use. However, they should not be downloading movies or music illegally.
Further, homestay families must:
Look after the student in their home to the best of their ability
Treat the student with respect
Make the student feel comfortable and part of the family
Advise students of homestay rules from the start. EXAMPLE - time limits on phone calls and showering to be
Be aware of where their student is at all times, and contact address and phone number must be available. It is the
homestay’s responsibility to obtain this information and ensure the student is staying in appropriate accommodation. If
unsure, phone the emergency mobile immediately.
Notify the school immediately when a student is absent due to sickness by phoning the international department
Assist the student to go to the Doctors used by Avondale College International Department (info overleaf)
Notify the school immediately if there are any problems with the student e.g. medical condition, misconduct
In the event of a medical emergency involving the student, obtain medial assistance immediately and liaise with a
homestay coordinator to inform the student’s parents and to obtain consent and directions as appropriate
Notify the school of a student’s plans to travel as soon as possible
Notify the school immediately if the student seems very homesick or depressed
Notify the school if you or the student will be away from the home overnight
Look after the student in their home to the best of their ability
Inform Avondale College International Department of any change in the household (change in family members, move
to new address etc.)
Not leave the student at home alone overnight without a host PARENT present
Any breach of homestay rules on part of the homestay family will result in the immediate removal of
the student from the home.
Payment in lieu of notice to homestay families will be forfeited.
Homestay Families are not expected to:
Pay for toll or mobile phone calls. It is strongly recommended that a toll bar be installed on the homestays phone
(students may purchase prepaid phone cards)
Insure the students goods or pay for property the student damages or loses
Offer accommodation to visiting friends or relatives
Comply with unreasonable requests (Please contact Avondale College International Department if unsure)
The NZQA Code of Practice for International Students (policy) requires that young international students be under
supervision at all times.
The table below outlines the curfew hours to be observed by International Students.
Sunday to Thursday
Friday and Saturday
13 years old
6:00pm to 6:30pm
8:00pm to 8:30pm
14 years old
6:00pm to 6:30pm
8:30pm to 9:00pm
15 years old
6:00pm to 6:30pm
9:00pm to 9:30pm
16 years old
6:00pm to 6:30pm
10:30pm to 11:00pm
17 years old
6:00pm to 6:30pm
11:30pm to 12:00am
18 years and up
6:00pm to 6:30pm
12:30am to 1:00am
Avondale College International Department must be informed of any changes or negotiations made between the student and
homestay family.
Prospective homestay families are required to
Agree to a police vetting check on all persons aged 18 years or over residing in the house, as required by the Code of
Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students. Full details of the Code of Practice can be found on the
NZQA website
Be a registered family under Avondale College International Homestay Programme
Be available for a homestay assessment interview
Agree to the monitoring process as required by the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students.
The homestay coordinator will visit your home every 6 months, at a minimum.
Avondale College International Department reserves the right to decline any application by a
family without explanation. Avondale College International Department also reserves the right to withdraw
a student from the current homestay family without explanation.
Homestay payments are $230 per week, paid fortnightly. Fortnightly payments are one week in advance and one week
in arrears
All homestay payments are made through Avondale College and will be in the form of direct credit into a bank
account provided by the homestay family
No monetary transactions are to be made between the international student and the homestay family
One weeks notice must be given by either the student or the homestay family when there is a change in
placement. It is required that any problem between the student and homestay family be brought to the
attention of a homestay coordinator who will endeavor to resolve any issues. Please note that no notice needs to be
given to families hosting tour groups
When a student is away (during the school year) for a period of 14 days or more, a holding fee of $10 per night will be
paid for the duration of the absence instead of the normal payment
When a student returns home for the Christmas Holiday period a holding fee of $25 per week will be paid
instead of the normal payment, from the day your student leaves until the day they return
Avondale Family Doctors
Dr Rob Stewart
63 Rosebank Road
Ph: 09 828 8410
White Cross New Lynn
2140 Great North Road
New Lynn
Ph: 09 828 8912
Alternatively, you can take a student to your family doctor if easier. Please make sure students keep all doctors and
prescription medication receipts so they can claim back through their insurance.
Please do not hesitate to contact the International Department re International Students.
Keep in mind that the mobile phone numbers are to be used for emergency situations only.
Nicole Grace
Full Time Homestay Coordinator
P: 09 820 1712
M: 021 417 337
Amanda Brophy
Part Time Homestay Coordinator
P: 09 828 7024 ext. 566
M: 021 417 337
Bernadette Clensey
International Manager
P: 09 820 1711
M: 021 967 706