fEr,astarcls LIVE MUSIC EVERY SATURDAY 9:3oPM Chef Specials - April I 1 -17,2$I fi NO COVER CHARCEI ltull{s,SP.E.{JALI rlz i{am Sardwfclr/ C-rp of Sanp: choose from our delicious sor-p selections- soup of the day (ask your server!), baia eruhflada, chili" 6-Is, &V&fLASLE UNTIL3:Pftt @ro$anfuic} Critled 6yr* meat'Eerv*d on pita bread with lettuce, tor,eatoqs, red.onions and cucurnber sa{Jce. Senved with sweetpotato fries and cuclsnber sauce. Fishir-Chtll* Battered andfried whitefish pi.eces ser.ved $7.5 withfries, coteslaw, tartar sau{e and lemron' *&5o iltl&sr Chickenrbreast strirps batt€red ffid fried served with {rench fries, coleslaw and a side of honeymustard dressf,ng" $e"5;tr ftic*em F'@Crilledchickenbreasttoppedwithspinaehartichoke'rnixandparrnesanc.hee*e" veggies. Served with yellow r,ice and sautded $E.5o CouttEy-Fried CHEke& Hand b e*ded, fried and B{led cn'top sf our r:edskia mashed potatoes and srnothered [n our homemade country grary, Served $rith mash€d potatoes and gr,een bsans" *8.95 *F.rgxh,!Sp; Freshty $iced roast b*ef served hot with melted with Freneh fries, pickles andrAuJus" t8.54 Sr*yiss che*se on a toasted haagie btliL Served ;ler.k(hlc&en.L€ttufiel#rsps Seassned ch*cken in a {resh ror,naine leaf, to.pped witJntor,nato, avocado, and a zesty yqgrt saure. Served with a side of mangs pineapp{e chutney. g;}5 f*eadeaf: 6uston's meatloaf ".-opped wfth brown gravy served with nna:hed potato€s andgreen beans &go Portobdfo Strdd, E{sio** overstu Sutet{*m$ddl d ravic}i tossed ina fresb rnade b*sil pestc. Served with t$ast. ,t-gi$ delicicus iurn, s{iced in hqrs€ with canta,lor"lpe, stratrrfuwris, ar*d peaches a{l sf tar,rgyrasp.berry vinaigrette. g.5o senv,ed fresh on bed of baby spinach with a side fe-rff*kf Bef: Slicd tenderloin with bracedi, tonrator artd water chestnuts in a s,veet teriyaki $aze atop a bed !o.Ss white rice Caju-n Ee-M-gwT.r,grr-k ro oz caiun seasoned rainbow tr.otrt servedwithydlovrr rice and.sat$€ed veggiec. tr"gg ;r;; ; I rus c-oru$sy F-u.-G ER I or rHr llooz chuckpatty with cheddar cheese topped | with caramelized onions and Ar steak giamt on.a kaiser stuffed a *nianrin6 Serued bur:t with lettue*,onion, tcrnato, , wEEt< isance *runnmgo gro,5o '. - . - .'pickles and tater tots. BuncEH rs frtCIT orr rI{E rroiEg M6Hr spEc},A[* *sr rou* $G3Hf** i r' :r r : yr_u *&ilrTffr* nGffiffi**t rffmm*a*,s3sEEilms! {l ir" +,*'{ifl * $y n;:,H*1.*j,::j,i".:r*J":fj::._ Hy in rea€t yotr b--E risk sf foodbtrne illf,lesr, erpe€iafiy lf ]ou have cstaln mrdicalcgndltbn