loveland-symmes fire department
loveland-symmes fire department
2014 3rd Quarter Report LOVELAND-SYMMES FIRE DEPARTMENT Introduction The 3rd quarter of 2014 for the Loveland-Symmes Fire Department proved to be busy and productive. Please join us in congratulating 8 new part-time firefighters for succesfully completing the LSFD Recruit Class. Crews from the LSFD are going door to door during October as they do our Annual Smoke Detector Blitz. These crews are offering to change the batteries in the homes smoke detectors, and will install smoke detectors when neccesary. Residents of the City of Loveland and Symmes Township that need help changing the batteries in their smoke detectors, or need a smoke detector placed in their homes can contact the District Chief on duty at 583-3001 to set up a time to have a crew stop by to assist you. Smoke detectors and batteries are provided at no cost to the homeowners. Fire Chief Ott Huber Contents Statistics • Preface • 3rd Qtr. Activity Summary • 2014 3rd Quarter Statistics • Performance Measures • Looking Forward • 3rd Qtr. Fire Prevention Activity • Emergency Calls by Neighborhood Neighbors Serving Neighbors Loveland-Symmes Loveland-Symmes 2014 1st. 3rd Quarter Activity Summary Why Are The Totals Different? Total EMS Calls represents the number of EMS incidents that occured in the quarter. An auto accident is counted as a single incident, regardless of how many people were injured. EMS Type of Call represents the number of patients treated during the quarter, subsequently, the same auto accident could be counted multiple times depending on how many people sustained injuries. In addition, both Total Fire Calls and Total EMS Calls represent the total number of incidents that occured in the City of Loveland, and Symmes Township. Calls by Type include any mutual aid requests the LSFD received during the quarter as well. EMS Type of Call 562 Total FIRE Type of Call 359 Total Fire Department Performance Calls by Type Measures Cardiac Arrests Loveland-Symmes LOOKING FORWARD 2014 3rd Quarter Fire Prevention Activity Looking Forward Fire Department C HANGE YOUR CLOCK,2014 CHANGE THE BATTERIES IN YOUR SMOKE DETECTORS Loveland-Symmes 1st. Quarter Fire Prevention Activity 2014 Annual Smoke Detector Blitz in October Crews will be out in the neighborhoods of Loveland and Symmes Twp over the course of the next few weeks conducting our Annual Smoke Detector Blitz. With the time change coming up, it’s important to replace the batteries in all your smoke detectors, and if they are 10 years old or more they may need to be replaced. Smoke detectors save lives, and nothing is more important than the safety of our residents. Our crews are making the rounds replacing the batteries in smoke detectors, and replacing the unit if needed. This is done at no cost to the home owners. If by chance we miss you please feel free to stop at our 126 S. Lebanon Rd. station & we’ll be glad to assist you. Swift Water Rescue Smoke Detectors Save Lives, Take Care Of The Equipment That Takes Care Of You. The LSFD conducted an intense Swift Water Rescue training this quarter for all of the Fire and Rescue personnel. Instructor Grant Light lead this training on the Little Miami River concentrating on the areas within the department’s jurisdiction that have the highest potential of risk. Loveland-Symmes LOOKING FORWARD Congratulations ToLargest Our New Captains LSFD Citizens Fire Academy 2014 Class Yet! Captain Todd Holt Captain Matt Stelle Fire Department Welcome Our New Recruits What’s New? Part-Time Firefighter Mitch Caito Part-Time Firefighter Stephen Bosko Part-Time Firefighter Matt Anspack Part-Time Firefighter Jon Godby Part-Time Firefighter Brian Webb Part-Time Firefighter Jason Chin Part-Time Firefighter Sean Weldon Part-Time Firefighter Chris Miller Loveland-Symmes Fire Department Neighbors Serving Neighbors for Loveland-Symmes Fire Department 126 S. Lebanon Rd., Loveland, Ohio 45140 Phone: 513-583-3001 Website: ©2014 Loveland-Symmes Fire Department – All rights reserved. No reproduction or other use without the explicit written permission of the Loveland-Symmes Fire Department Inc. 75 Years
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