Summer 2003 - College of Osteopathic Medicine


Summer 2003 - College of Osteopathic Medicine
Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine
Summer 2003, Volume 30, No. 2
Volume 30, Issue 2
Copyright 2003, Michigan State University
College of Osteopathic Medicine. Published three
times per year by the Office of Public Relations,
A306 East Fee Hall, East Lansing, MI 48824-1316.
To Contact Public Relations:
(517) 353-0616
Pat Grauer, M.A.
Steven D. Bevier
Annmarie Y. Cook
Steven D. Bevier
Annmarie Y. Cook
Harley Seeley
David Neff, D.O.
Dennis Paradis, M.P.H.
Katie Donnelly
Martin Furey, M.A.
Thomas Angott
Melvin Larsen
Gary Lynd, D.O.
Donald Newport, Ph.D.
Patricia Roy, D.O.
Claud Young, D.O.
Ex Officio:
Dorothy Carnegie, D.O.
Edward N. Hodges III, J.D.
Max T. McKinney, D.O.
Dennis Paradis, M.P.H.
Susan Sevensma, D.O.
Roger Spoelman
William D. Strampel, D.O.
MOMAB Support:
MSUCOM was built and sustained by the gifts of
those visionaries dedicated to preserving the future
of the osteopathic profession. Many of these gifts
are material. Many, however, cannot be deducted
on a Schedule A, such as enthusiasm, advocacy and
voluntarism for the college. All are important. All
have brought us to today’s level of excellence, the
most recent reminder of which is U.S.News & World
Report’s recently ranking us as fourth among all
primary care medical schools in the nation.
This issue of Communiqué celebrates the role of
development – the gifts and grants to MSUCOM
that keep us vital. Two of Merriam-Webster’s definitions of “to develop” are
particularly useful: “to work out the possibilities of” and “to make active or
promote the growth of.” Those whose names are listed on our honor roll
(pages 8-13) are providing economic lifeblood for our college, without which
we would not be celebrating the successes we have today.
As you know, the situation is fragile at the moment. With the deep cuts
to higher education because of the state’s economy, Michigan’s public
universities are bearing large reductions in their budgets. (This 6.5% cut,
combined with the 3.5% already taken for this fiscal year, means a 10%
reduction, more than $39 million for MSU.) Though we don’t yet know
specifically how this will impact our college, there’s no doubt that it will
be painful. But if we take the initiative, keep positive, work together,
communicate precisely, plan carefully and remain flexible, we can minimize
the damage.
As your dean, I have two major priorities in dealing with this crisis.
First, we will do everything in our power not to compromise the quality of
education offered by MSUCOM. We are producing professionals who will
make life and death decisions each day, and we have a moral obligation to
train the best physicians possible. Second, we will do all we can to minimize
the human impact of these cuts among our faculty, staff and students.
There’s much you can do to help. Please educate yourself as much as
possible about Michigan’s budget problems, and keep abreast of news about
higher education funding, especially for MSU. Consider a timely donation
to MSUCOM, or augmenting your gift. Our development officer, Sharon
Snyder, (517) 355-8355, will be happy to assist you.
Thank you for all you are and for all you do. Thank you for your gifts
– material and nonmaterial – to MSUCOM. Thank you for remaining active
with us in creating a positive and healthy future.
William D. Strampel, D.O., Dean
The Power of Giving .................................................................... 2
MSUCOM relies on generous donations from its alumni and the community in order
to serve the needs of its students. Communiqué examines how those gifts contribute to
the development of the college and the osteopathic profession
The Science of Medicine ..........................................................6-7
The Medical Scientist Training Program celebrates its 25th year. Here’s a look at the
program and its goal to create highly qualified physician-researchers.
The MSUCOM Honor Roll ...................................................8-13
The College of Osteopathic Medicine recognizes those individuals who have made
donations in support of the college and its commitment to excellence.
From Student to Doctor ............................................................ 19
Another school year comes to a close as the Class of 2003 is honored at the annual
hooding and commencement ceremony.
The Michigan State
University College of
Osteopathic Medicine is
ranked fourth among all
medical schools in the
nation for primary care
education, according to
U.S.News & World Report’s
annual evaluation of the
top graduate schools in
the United States.
The rankings are
based on a variety of
factors including peer
assessments, student
achievement, school
selectivity, and — in this
particular category — the
number of graduates who
go on to work in primary
Some of the MSUCOM
students who have received
scholarships for the 2003/2004
academic year. (From l. to r.)
Front Row: Eryn Hart, Julia
Rosebush, Danielle Tanis, Yanny
Lau, Harit Desai. Second
Row: Kalpana Injety, Nathanael
Brady, Karen Estrine, Stanley
Forfa. Third Row: Gloria
VanKlompenberg, Justin May,
Vladimir Cortez, Esteban
Ramirez. Back Row: Michael
Brennan, Anthony DeLuca,
Edward Markman, Roger D.
Jackson, Jeremy O’Shea
MSUCOM Profiles ....................................................................2-5
Research .....................................................................................6-7
Staff Matters................................................................................ 15
MOA ........................................................................................... 16
Alumni Network ....................................................................17-18
Student Life ................................................................................ 20
Calendar of Events .............................................. inside back cover
MSUCOM appreciates the generous and continuing support for
COMMUNIQUÉ offered through the Michigan Osteopathic College
Foundation. Thank you!
The Power of Giving
by Steven D. Bevier
The MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine was built on the contributions of the
community that it serves and the doctors it created. Development has always been
a vital component of the college’s growth and maturity. The college would literally
not exist were it not for the Michigan Osteopathic College Foundation, which was
established by donations from D.O.s across the state. (See page 16.) MSUCOM is a stateassisted school, but it relies on the generous donations of alumni, faculty, staff, students,
doctors, patients and grateful members of the community. This issue of Communiqué
highlights just some of the examples of development gifts that have enriched the
college, improved the quality of education and promoted the osteopathic philosophy.
Focusing on the Individual
Medical Scholars. The program identifies undergraduates
who have a strong interest in osteopathic medicine, and
offers them conditional acceptance to MSUCOM upon
completion of the program. Norma Baptista, Ph.D.,
faculty adviser for the Scholars, says the program has
been successful, but she would like to do more. “Part of
the osteopathic philosophy is the focus on individuals,”
she explains. “We want to be able to give the students
more attention and really make them feel like a part of the
The choice to earn a D.O. degree requires a tremendous
commitment of time and energy. It is also expensive, with
the cost of a four-year degree running well over $150,000.
As part of the new Campaign for MSU, the College
of Osteopathic Medicine has recently targeted several
funding areas that would be of great benefit to the student
One goal is the
establishment of more
student scholarships to help
with the growing cost of
medical school. “We have
many scholarships available,”
says William Falls, Ph.D.,
associate dean for student
services, “but none exceeds
$5,000 and only one follows
a student for four full
years.” He adds that more
scholarship money could
serve as a recruitment tool
for students who are worried
that the cost of medical
school may be prohibitive.
MSUCOM is committed
to attracting the best and
brightest. One program that
The current group of Osteopathic Medical Scholars, with
does this is the Osteopathic
their faculty advisor, Norma Baptista, Ph.D.
4 Highlights
college.” She agrees that scholarship opportunities would
be an effective way to attract a larger pool of talented
Attracting the Best and the Brightest
Mario Alvarado was a student at the University of
California-Berkeley when he began to think about his
postgraduate plans. “I was always interested in science,”
he says, “but I wanted to do something where I would
have contact with real people.” He began researching and
found that a D.O. program and the study of osteopathic
manipulative medicine was just what he was seeking. That
led to the decision to attend Michigan State.
One of the hardest challenges medical students face is
simply finding a way to pay for their education. For outof-state students like Mr. Alvarado, the challenge is even
greater. In order to ease his burden, he chose to take a big
risk. He delayed his admission to MSUCOM for one year
and moved to Michigan to establish in-state residency.
“I had just gotten married, but I came here by myself to
find a job and a place to live,” he explains. “I didn’t know
anyone. I didn’t even have a car. All I had was my bike to
get around town.” It was a tough transition for him and his
wife, but they found work, while he waited to begin medical
school. Mr. Alvarado settled in and eventually joined the
Class of 2004.
The move was a big gamble, and he had to delay the
start of his education for a full year, but he says he would
do it again. “It was a long process and I had to be very
careful to make sure all the details were taken care of. But it
was definitely worth the wait.” He has since advised other
out-of-state students to follow the same path, but with one
caution. “If you’re absolutely sure that this is the right place
for you, then I would recommend it.”
Mr. Alvarado made the choice to attend MSUCOM no
matter the sacrifice, but for others the choice is not as easy.
“Cost is the number one thing,” says Dr. Falls. “It makes it
difficult to recruit students, especially minority and out-ofstate candidates.”
Scholarships have helped many students – including
Mr. Alvarado – but the college is eager to encourage more
opportunities. “Many of our scholarships are started by
alumni,” Dr. Falls adds. “They know what students go
through, because they’ve been through it themselves. It’s an
excellent way for them to give back.”
Student scholarships also serve another goal of
the college, which is increasing student diversity.
MSUCOM already has several scholarships targeted to
underrepresented minorities. But Dr. Baptista says the
college needs more opportunities to avoid losing students
to other schools. “We’ve had several qualified candidates
that have unfortunately gone to other schools because of the
cost. We need more financial incentives to attract the best
Mario Alvarado is entering his fourth year at MSUCOM and is
currently doing rotations at Ingham Regional Medical Center.
Giving Back to the Alma Mater
While a student at MSUCOM, Robert G.G. Piccinini,
D.O., F.A.C.N., spent six weeks in Italy on an overseas
study trip. The trip was a particularly meaningful one for
him. “It really gave me an appreciation for how medicine can
be practiced in other cultures,” he says. The trip was also
special for another reason. He got to see a part of the world
that is close to his family’s heart.
Dr. Piccinini, Class of 1992, had two grandparents who
immigrated to the United States from Italy: his maternal
grandmother, Ida Amici, in the 1920s, and his paternal
grandfather, Amedeo Piccinini, in the 1960s.
Both grandparents greatly influenced Dr. Piccinini’s life.
“They taught me an appreciation and respect for other
cultures,” he says. “My grandfather used to remind me
about a doctor he knew who spoke five languages. He was
impressed that the doctor could treat patients in any of
those languages.” A farmer in Italy before he came to the
U.S., the grandfather taught himself to read and write in
Dr. Piccinini has planned two scholarships in
honor of his grandparents Amedeo Piccinini
and Ida Amici.
That encouragement and love for learning inspired Dr. Piccinini to
become a doctor himself and also to give back to the community and
to his alma mater. A practicing clinical psychiatrist, he is the regional
coordinator for clinical faculty in the Detroit area and he serves on the
MSUCOM Alumni Association Board.
In addition, Dr. Piccinini recently made a substantial gift to the
college. A portion of the money will be used to establish the Amedeo
Piccinini Endowed Scholarship in honor of his grandfather. The
scholarship will assist students who wish to travel overseas while
in medical school, so that others can have the same experience he
enjoyed. A second endowed scholarship will be named in honor of Dr.
Piccinini’s grandmother and his mother, Filomena Amici.
“It’s important to understand that our ways are not the only ways,”
says Dr. Piccinini. “Not every culture approaches illness in the same
way, and knowing this can make a better doctor-patient relationship.”
Endowments, like the ones established by Dr. Piccinini, are an
important part of the college’s strategy for the future. “All donations
to the college are appreciated,” says Dean William D. Strampel, D.O.,
“but endowments are especially valuable. They are a legacy for the
college and for the osteopathic profession.”
At MSU, if a fund reaches $30,000 within the first five years, it
becomes fully endowed. The money is invested and only the interest
is spent while the principal remains in perpetuity. This is why Dr.
Strampel has made it one of his priorities to increase the number of
endowed chairs and scholarships. They not only provide funding but
also can serve as recruiting tools for students and faculty.
“Anything that improves the reputation of the school improves the
reputation of its graduates,” says Dr. Strampel. “For alumni, that makes
their degrees even more valuable.”
Honoring a Classmate
Stefan H. Kobiljak, D.O., was fresh out of medical school when
a tragic car accident cut short his life. However, the Class of 1985
graduate will not be forgotten in the halls of MSUCOM.
In fact, the Kobiljak name has become ubiquitous to MSUCOM
students, thanks to two rooms – the Kobiljak Computer Center
and the Kobiljak Resource Center – that have become entwined
with the students’ daily lives. The centers were established in 1991
by a substantial gift from the Kobiljak family. The facilities provide
computers for student use, high-speed Internet connections for
mobile computing, software, required readings and a host of other
resources that are a vital part of MSUCOM students’ education. They
also serve as hubs of student social and study activity, providing both
quiet areas and collaborative group spaces for student interaction.
The centers recently received another gift and, once again, the
Class of 1985 was a part of it. When the class graduated, there was
a small amount of funds left over from various class activities. The
person in charge of the money was class treasurer Larry Kage, D.O.
“The funds were put into a money market account and it was
basically forgotten about,” he explains. “Several years later, I was still
getting the statements, and I realized it had become quite a significant
amount.” In the 17 years since the class had graduated, a couple
6 Highlights
hundred dollars had grown
into $7,500.
Dr. Kage, who has a
family practice in Flint, ran
into a few of his classmates
at alumni functions and
mentioned the money to
them. However, no one was
sure what should be done
with it. Finally, Dr. Kage
decided that best thing to
do was give the money back
to the alma mater. It was
only natural,
he thought,
that the
support the
legacy of Dr.
“I was
and very
pleased to
be contacted
Students take advantage of the many resources
available in the Kobiljak Centers.
by Dr.
states Mark
Notman, Ph.D., executive director of medical informatics
at MSUCOM. “With recent college efforts to promote
medical informatics throughout our curriculum, the use of
computer-mediated instruction has expanded quite a bit and
all the resources we can garner to support and expand this
are important,” he adds.
“When I got the e-mail I was almost in tears,” says
Debbie Porter, director of the Kobiljak Centers. “It means
a lot that the students are willing to give back to the school
and in honor of their classmate.” Mark Hodgins, who
oversees the computer lab, agrees. “This is their facility. We
work hard to be responsive to the students’ needs.”
That can be a challenge, especially when it comes to
keeping pace with the rapid changes in technology. In a time
of shrinking budgets, that challenge becomes even harder.
“It’s going to be impossible to keep up without these types
of gifts,” said Mr. Hodgins.
A portion of the $7,500 has been spent on some
necessary minor repairs. The remainder will be used, as
needed, to purchase equipment or software in support of the
college’s curriculum. Ms. Porter says the staff is careful to
spend the money wisely, so that they can make the most out
of this opportunity.
“It is an honor to be a part of a facility that was built as
a memorial to one of our former students and is such an
integral part of daily life at MSUCOM,” says Ms. Porter. “I
feel a lot of pride of working here.”
Devoted to Supporting
Osteopathic Medicine
The osteopathic profession has a rich tradition of helping
the community. The majority of graduates from MSUCOM
go on to work in primary care and community medicine.
That’s one reason why it is especially rewarding when the
community gives back to the profession.
There are several local foundations in Michigan that
are devoted to supporting osteopathic medicine. These
foundations have become important partners with
MSUCOM and have helped to fund various programs and
scholarship. Their generosity helps encourage osteopathic
students and fosters cooperation between the college and
the community.
Some recent gifts include the Riverside Osteopathic
Hospital Guild Endowed Scholarship and the Riverside
Medical Staff Endowed Scholarship. Another scholarship
was established by the Sinai Medical Staff Foundation, which
is associated with Sinai-Grace Hospital in Southfield.
Another partner is the Muskegon General
Osteopathic Foundation. The foundation provides
funding for Muskegon-area students who participate in
OsteoCHAMPS, a program designed to give high school
students an introduction to medicine and the osteopathic
OsteoCHAMPS explore
the anatomy lab
Dynamic Dual
Medical Scientist Training Program
by Steven D. Bevier
In the 1970s, the College of Osteopathic Medicine was a young organization. The
college’s first dean, Myron S. Magen, D.O., was charting a course for this new academic
institution. He recognized that the osteopathic profession needed more D.O.s who could
add to the body of scientific knowledge.
It was that idea that led to the creation of the Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP),
a unique dual-degree program in which graduates receive both a D.O. and a Ph.D. in their
chosen field of biomedical science. The goal is to create a new generation of physicianresearchers, who can combine the research skills of a scientist with the knowledge of a fully
trained osteopathic doctor.
With the support of Dean Magen, MSTP was officially launched in 1979 under the
leadership of Philipp Gerhardt, Ph.D., the associate dean for research and graduate studies in
the college, who led the program through its formative years. He recruited the first students
and helped to develop their courses of study.
MSTP, says that today
Veronica Maher, Ph.D., current associate dean for graduate studies
there is
a greatofneed for
more physician-scientists.
“These persons are in a
unique position to focus
on the basic mechanisms
of disease,” she says. “The
more a physician knows
about how disease affects
the human body, the better
he or she is able to treat the
This marks the 25th year
of MSTP, and a dinner was
held in May to honor the
occasion. MSTP students
past and present were
invited back to campus for
a trip down memory lane.
Dr. Gerhardt presented a
history of the program, and
several faculty members,
students, staff and alumni
were recognized for their
contributions. Since MSTP
began, 25 people have
earned both a Ph.D. and a
8 Research
D.O. degree within the program
The number of graduates may seem small, but MSTP
is very demanding. It generally takes students seven to
eight years to complete the requirements. Not only do
they undergo the full complement of osteopathic medical
education, but they also take graduate courses required for
the Ph.D. degree and under the guidance of their major
professor, for several years conduct independent scientific
research into an unsolved biomedical question.
Justin McCormick, Ph.D., associate dean for research,
agrees about the need for more physicians who are able
and willing to do scientific study. “When we bring new
D.O. faculty members here, they often lack the basic
research background that can be very useful at an academic
One student who answered the challenge was John
Goudreau, D.O., Ph.D. Dr. Goudreau received his Ph.D.
from MSUCOM in 1994 and his D.O. in 1995. He then
went on to complete six years of residency and fellowship
training at the Mayo Clinic.
In early 2002, Dr. Goudreau was recruited by
MSUCOM to take a joint faculty position in the
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology and the
Department of Neurology and Ophthalmology. He is
a perfect example of the professional academic medical
scientist that MSTP creates. He has set up a laboratory
where his research focuses on dopamine neurons and the
treatment of Parkinson’s disease. He complements that
work by seeing patients at MSU’s Parkinson’s Clinic,
giving his research immediate impact. To top it all off, Dr.
Goudreau is in the classroom, teaching the osteopathic
students at MSUCOM.
“Dr. Goudreau is a marvelous role model for the
students in the Medical Scientist Training Program,” says
Dr. Maher. “We are very pleased that he has returned to
Why did Dr. Goudreau take on such a demanding
career? “I love what I’m doing,” he says. He adds that
his research training allows him to study medicine with
more depth, to learn the “nuts and bolts” of disease and
treatment. Earning two graduate degrees, followed by
post-doctoral education at the Mayo Clinic took a lot of
time and effort, but he says, “I would do it over again a
million times.”
Dr. Maher says that MSUCOM is committed to
growing the program, and Dean Strampel has made it
one of his top priorities, providing significant funding to
maintain it even in a period of financial stress. Students
receive financial support from the college, but the full
cost associated with seven-to-eight years of intensive
study can be a strain on students. One source of support
is the Phyllis K. and Walter P. Dell Endowed Scholarship,
All the current and former MSTP
students who attended the twenty-fifth
anniversary celebration.
Phyllis and Walter Dell pose
with winners of the Dell
which is awarded to a student in MSTP each year. The Dells
were also recognized at the recent MSTP dinner for their
contribution to the program.
MSTP has continued to expand, and as of Fall 2003
nine students will be enrolled and working toward their
degrees. For prospective students considering the dualdegree program, Dr. Goudreau offers one piece of advice.
“Be absolutely sure that it’s the right thing for you,” he says.
“It’s long road, but if you love what you’re doing, you won’t
regret it.”
John Goudreau, D.O., Ph.D. at work in the laboratory.
Honor Roll
Advancing Knowledge. Transforming Lives.
The Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine would like
to thank the hundreds of donors whose contributions and service provide the
backbone of our institution and have secured the future of osteopathic education
for years to come.
In the past thirty years, the College of Osteopathic Medicine has grown
from humble beginnings to become one of the finest medical schools in the
country. Through their generosity, the donors listed here have created a legacy of
excellence in education, research and community health. On behalf of the faculty,
students and staff of the college, I offer our sincerest thanks.
William D. Strampel, D.O., Dean
W. K. Kellogg Foundation
($1 MILLION TO $4,999,999)
The Dow Chemical Company
E. I. DuPont De Nemours & Co., Incorporated
Philip E. Greenman, D.O. and Patricia B. Greenman
Michigan Osteopathic College Foundation
SBC Ameritech - Michigan
Wolverine World Wide, Incorporated
($500,000 TO $999,999)
Myron S. Magen, D.O. and Ruth Magen
($250,000 TO $499,999)
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Foundation
Walter P. Dell and Phyllis K. Dell
Donald Victor Whipp Jr. and June Whipp
($100,000 TO $249,999)
3M Foundation
American Physiological Society
Apple Computer, Incorporated
Kay J. Boggs
The Edna McConnell Clark Foundation
John H. Dodge and Diane L. Dodge
10 Honor Roll
Neil J. Farkas, D.O.
Fifth Third Bank
Richard Hahin, Ph.D.
Ingham Regional Medical Center
Kristine S. Jacobs
Johnson & Johnson
Johnson Controls, Inc.
Stefan H. Kobiljak, M.D. and Kurt M. Kobiljak, Esq.
Donald F. Koch, Ph.D. and Barbara J. Sawyer-Koch
Eli Lilly and Company Foundation
David K. MacIntosh, D.O. and Lorah L. WrightMacIntosh, D.O.
Wilford E. Maldonado, M.D. and Sarah S. Maldonado,
Merck Company Foundation
Michigan Department of Ladies Auxiliaries to VFW
The National Osteopathic Foundation
Pfizer Warner Lambert Division
Pharmaceutical Research
Sinai Medical Staff Foundation
Sally A. Swiss
Jason D. Woolley and Danica L. Woolley
($50,000 TO $99,999)
James C. Beachum Sr. and Carmen Joan Beachum
Kenneth Elmassian, D.O. and Georgia M. Elmassian
Anthony G. Fabaz, D.O. and Candace Fabaz
Philipp M. Gerhardt, Ph.D. and Vera M. Gerhardt
Mark F. Guilfoyle, D.O. and Toula Milios Guilfoyle,
Algirdas A. Juocys, D.O. and Ewa Matuszewski-Juocys
Gill-Chin Lim
Ronald J. Markert, Ph.D.
Robert G. G. Piccinini, D.O., F.A.C.N.
Lawrence Sierra, Ph.D. and Arlene Evelyn Sierra
Robert L. Snyder, D.O. and Shelley A. Snyder
Charles H. Webb, Ph.D. and Philippa M. Webb
Katherine E. White, Ph.D.
($25,000 TO $49,999)
Henry E. Beckmeyer III, D.O. and Virginia Beckmeyer
Kelly C. Cahill and Mary L. Cahill
Atis K. Freimanis, M.D. and Ilga Freimanis
David A. Gift and Debra R. Meyka Gift
Oliver W. Hayes III, D.O. and Deborah Hayes
Randy D. Hicks, M.D. and Jeanne M. Hicks, M.D.
Dan L. Hunt, D.O. and Mary Hunt, D.O.
Janet M. Johnson, D.O.
John W. Jones, M.D. and Margaret Z. Jones, M.D.
Jon J. Kabara, Ph.D. and Betty Kabara
David I. Kaufman, D.O. and Laryssa N. Kaufman, M.D.
Sandra A. Kilbourn and Gary R. DiStefano, D.D.S.
Carolann K. Kinner, D.O. and Hugh J. Kinner
Richard D. Kustasz, D.O. and Robin E. Kustasz
Jon A. Lacey, Rel.D. and Melba S. Lacey
Paul C. Linnell, M.D. and Patricia L. Linnell
Timothy M. McKenna, D.O. and Catherine L. McKenna
Gene L. Miller and Adelia M. Miller
Ronald C. Miller, D.O. and Diane K. Miller
Stanley H. Miller, D.O. and Eileen A. Miller
Gail D. Riegle, Ph.D. and Barbara J. Riegle
Winifred H. Rome
Herbert E. Ross, D.O. and Theresa A. Ross
Eugene R. Sherrod, D.O. and Joyce A. Sherrod
Harvey V. Sparks Jr., M.D. and Barbara T. Sparks, R.N.
William D. Strampel, D.O. and Leona J. Strampel
Michael and Melissa Straus
John E. Tower, D.O. and Kelly A. Allen, Esq.
Robert E. Tubben, D.O. and Rhonda S. Tubben
John L. Wang, Ph.D. and Lucille D. Fallon
Robert C. Ward, D.O. and Helen E. Ward
Linda L. Welch, D.O.
($10,000 TO $24,999)
Gerald R. Aben, M.D. and Jean M. Aben
Michael T. Andary, M.D. and Ellen Andary
Thomas V. Angott and Nancy J. Angott
William A. Athens Sr., D.O. and Angie R. Athens
William A. Athens Jr., D.O. and Lisa J. Athens
Michael E. Bens and Kathleen M. Bens
Jerusha H. Bonham
Vence L. Bonham Jr., J.D. and Angela J. Bonham
Richard H. Borman
Ronald H. Bradley, D.O. and Patricia Bradley
Earl L. Burhans II, D.O.
Eugene T. Conte, D.O. and Michele A. Conte
Richard D. Curle and Hilary M. Clayton, Ph.D.
Carmella L. D’Addezio, D.O. and Jeff E. Whalen
Betty A. Davis
Eric A. Deal, D.O. and Sherrie L. Deal
Charles B. Dehlin Jr., D.O. and Jill O. Dehlin
John G. DeSantis, D.O. and Deborah DeSantis
Julie K. Dixon, D.O.
Richard P. Elsesser, D.V.M. and Rebecca J. Elsesser
William M. Falls, Ph.D. and Jan L. Falls
Margaret J. Fankhauser, D.O. and Willie F. Longshore
Albert I. Fill
William A. Grimsley, D.O. and Diane Grimsley
M. James Grosenbach Jr. and Susan A. Grosenbach
Robert J. Guerreso, D.O. and Julie A. Guerreso
Celia B. Guro, Ph.D. and Igor Guro
Terry A. Hagan, Ed.D. and Linda L. Hagan
Glen Hatcher Jr., D.O.
Michael A. Henderson, D.O.
Robert A. Henry Jr., D.O. and Elizabeth A. Henry
Martin J. Hogan, Ph.D. and Margaret J. Kingry, Ph.D.
Beverly S. Holen
Elizabeth L. Holmes
Lon A. Hoover, D.O. and Carolyn H. Hoover
Raymond J. Hruby, D.O. and Karen L. Hruby
Asbjorn S. Jensen and Cheryl L. Jensen
William L. Johnston, D.O.
Judith A. Joslin-Page, D.O. and David J. Page
Catherine A. Kerschen, D.O.
Gene E. Kielhorn, D.O. and Rebecca J. Kielhorn
Margaret J. Knapp, M.D. and Richard L. Knapp
Adalbert Koestner, D.V.M. and Adelaide Koestner, M.D.
Richard J. Kotch and Phyllis Kotch
Roman T. Kulich and Janet K. Kulich
Isabel Leader
Toshiyuki Maeda, Ph.D.
Christopher J. McClure and Barbara J. Ball-McClure
Dorothy M. Metaj
Walter C. Mill, D.O. and Jeanne G. Mill
Carol L. Monson, D.O. and Frank D. Warden Jr.
Carl Morath and Irene R. Morath
David R. Neff, D.O. and Elizabeth L. Holmes
James W. Patenge, D.O. and Holly S. Patenge
Evangelos A. Petropoulos, M.D.,Ph.D. and Panayota E.
Petropoulos, D.D.S.
William W. Phillips, D.O. and Alicen Phillips
Gary W. Pilchak, D.O. and Therese Pilchak
Ronald L. Rhule, D.O. and Sally C. Rhule
Kathleen M. Rollinger, D.O. and George D. Rollinger
Barbara Ross-Lee, D.O. and Edmond Beverly
Michael A. Shelden, D.O. and Kathleen A. Shelden
Richard G. Shillinglaw, D.O. and Dorothy E. Carnegie
Shillinglaw, D.O.
Michael D. Simms, D.O. and Sandra M. Smith
David A. Simpson, D.O. and Anne M. Pawlak-Simpson,
Robert W. Soutas-Little, Ph.D. and Patricia SoutasLittle
Donald F. Stanton, D.O. and E. Jane Stanton
Marvin Tanner and Joyce Tanner
John E. Thornburg, D.O. and Trena E. Thornburg
Jo Ann VonSteeg
Joseph L. Walkiewicz, D.O. and Anne Marie Walkiewicz
Ralph T. Walsh, D.O. and Patricia L. Walsh
Charles W.C. Wang, D.O. and Doris M. Wang
Lynne C. Weaver, Ph.D.
Gary L. Willyerd, D.O.
Douglas L. Wood, D.O. and Janet F. Wood
Walter P. Dell and Phyllis K. Dell
Philip E. Greenman, D.O. and Patricia B. Greenman
Richard Hahin, Ph.D.
Jon J. Kabara, Ph.D. and Betty Kabara
Ronald D. Kregel and Suzanne Kregel
David K. MacIntosh, D.O. and Lorah L. WrightMacIntosh, D.O.
Myron S. Magen, D.O. and Ruth Magen
Ronald J. Markert, Ph.D.
Sam H. Miller and Kay M. Miller
Carol L. Monson, D.O. and Frank E. Warden Jr.
Gary W. Pilchak, D.O. and Therese Pilchak
Deborah A. Porter
Sally A. Swiss
Joseph L. Walkiewicz, D.O. and Anne M. Walkiewicz
Aventis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Michigan Osteopathic College Foundation
Muskegon General Osteopathic Foundation
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company
Riverside Osteopathic Hospital Guild
Riverside Osteopathic Hospital Medical Staff
Sinai Medical Staff Foundation
St. John Health System
Wolverine World Wide, Incorporated
Wyeth-Ayerst Pharmaceuticals
Walter P. Dell and Phyllis K. Dell
Anthony G. Fabaz, D.O. and Candace Fabaz
Philip E. Greenman, D.O. and Patricia B. Greenman
Friends of Allen W. Jacobs, D.O.
Algirdas A. Juocys, D.O. and Ewa Matuszewski-Juocys
Myron S. Magen, D.O. and Ruth Magen
Robert G. G. Piccinini, D.O., F.A.C.N.
Robert L. Snyder, D.O. and Shelley A. Snyder
Jo Ann VonSteeg
Donald V. Whipp Jr. and June Whipp
Jason D. Woolley and Danica L. Woolley
DONORS OF $5,000 TO $9,999
Botsford General Hospital
Fifth Third Bank
Genzyme Corporation
Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians
Ingham Regional Medical Center
Benard L. Maas Foundation
Merck & Company, Incorporated
Merck Company Foundation
Michigan Osteopathic Association
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Pfizer, Incorporated
Mark F. Guilfoyle, D.O. and Toula M. Guilfoyle, D.O.
MSUCOM Class of 1985
Carl Morath and Irene R. Morath
Michael M. Morison and Gloria G. Morison
Gail D. Riegle, Ph.D. and Barbara J. Riegle
Richard G. Shillinglaw, D.O. and Dorothy E. Carnegie
Shillinglaw, D.O.
Robert C. Ward, D.O. and Helen E. Ward
DONORS OF $1,000 TO $4,000
Alcon Laboratories - Optic Division
Allergan Pharmaceuticals
Arthritis Foundation
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals
Botsford General Hospital
Carteret Pathology Associates P.C.
DesignWrite Enterprises L.L.C.
Detroit Osteopathic Hospital Corporation
Elsevier Science USA
Harcourt Health Sciences
Jack and Jill of America, Inc.
Eli Lilly and Company Foundation
Medical Media Communications
Medical Trainer College
Michigan Association of Osteopathic Directors of
Medical Education
Mt. Clemens General Hospital
National Catholic Aids Network, Incorporated
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation
Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceuticals
Pontiac Osteopathic Hospital
Rachor Family Foundation Ltd.
Saginaw Community Foundation
Serono Biochemistry Immunology Systems
Michael T. Andary, M.D. and Ellen Andary
Mary Beth Anderson, D.O. and James B. Anderson,
Thomas V. Angott and Nancy J. Angott
William A. Athens Jr., D.O. and Lisa J. Athens
Michael E. Bens and Kathleen M. Bens
Robert E. Biedermann, D.O.
Jerusha H. Bonham
Thomas H. Brand, D.O.
Jeffrey M. Bruner, D.O.
Michael C. Chabot, D.O. and Victoria H. Chabot, D.O.
Mark Cummings, Ph.D and Marion Cummings, Ph.D
Charles B. Dehlin Jr., D.O. and Jill O. Dehlin
John G. DeSantis, D.O. and Deborah DeSantis
Robert H. Dickason, D.O. and Frieda Dickason
Douglas P. Dietzel, D.O.
Julie K. Dixon, D.O.
Robert A. Durham, Ph.D.
William M. Falls, Ph.D. and Jan L. Falls
Divyakant B. Gandhi, M.D.
Robert J. Guerreso, D.O. and Julie A. Guerreso
Celia B. Guro, Ph.D and Igor Guro
Glen Hatcher Jr., D.O.
Michael A. Henderson, D.O.
Robert A. Henry Jr., D.O. and Elizabeth A. Henry
Brent L. Himes, D.O. and Tenley A. Himes
George E. Himes, D.O. and Barbara A. Himes
Dan L. Hunt, D.O. and Mary Hunt, D.O.
Kristine S. Jacobs
William L. Johnston, D.O.
John Stewart Jones, D.O. and Sharon A. Jones
James M. Jordan, D.O. and Mary J. Chisholm, D.O.
Michael M. Jugan, D.O. and Carol A. Jugan
Jon J. Kabara, Ph.D. and Betty Kabara
David I. Kaufman, D.O. and Laryssa N. Kaufman, M.D.
Terri L. Keegstra, D.O.
Amy J. Keenum, D.O.
Stephen E. Kessler, D.O. and Virginia M. Kessler
Honor Roll 11
Sandra A. Kilbourn and Gary R. DiStefano, D.D.S.
Carolann K. Kinner, D.O. and Hugh J. Kinner
Margaret J. Knapp, M.D. and Richard L. Knapp
Mark J. Kopel, D.O. and Christine Kopel
Richard J. Kotch and Phyllis Kotch
Gill-Chin Lim
Paul C. Linnell, M.D. and Patricia L. Linnell
David K. MacIntosh, D.O. and Lorah L. WrightMacIntosh, D.O.
Thomas E. McCurdy, D.O. and Lynn S. McCurdy, D.O.
Timothy M. McKenna, D.O. and Catherine L. McKenna
John Meulendyk, D.O.
Christopher W. Miars and Meredith Miars
Stephen P. Mihalich, D.O. and Nina K. Mihalich
Stanley H. Miller, D.O. and Eileen A. Miller
David R. Neff, D.O. and Elizabeth Holmes
Eugene A. Oliveri, D.O. and Elena Oliveri
Judith A. Joslin-Page, D.O. and David J. Page
William W. Phillips, D.O. and Alicen Phillips
Paul D. Ponstein, D.O. and Mary Ponstein
John E. Ratliff, D.O.
Matthew S. Reeves, D.O. and Olivia Y. Reeves
Craig A. Reynolds, D.O. and Theresa Reynolds
Kathleen M. Rollinger, D.O. and George D. Rollinger
Leonard C. Salvia, D.O. and Sandra M. Salvia, R. N.
Michael B. Shaw, D.O. and Harriet A. Shaw, D.O.
David A. Simpson, D.O. and Anne M. Pawlak-Simpson,
William D. Strampel, D.O. and Leona J. Strampel
Michael and Melissa Straus
Stephen M. Swetech, D.O. and Grozda Swetech
Marvin Tanner and Joyce Tanner
Terrie E. Taylor, D.O.
John E. Tower, D.O. and Kelly A. Allen, Esq.
Mary J. Voelpel, D.O. and Lawrence Voelpel
Kay E. White, Ph.D.
Gary L. Willyerd, D.O.
Kenneth Elmassian, D.O. and Georgia M. Elmassian
Margaret J. Fankhauser, D.O. and Willie F. Longshore
Riccardo Giovannone, D.O.
Eric J. Gloss, D.O. and Sandra J. Gloss
John P. Goodridge, D.O. and Marjorie G. Goodridge
Patricia Grauer, M.A. and Charles D. Grauer, M. Div.
Joanne M. Grzeszak, D.O.
Mark R. Gugel, D.O. and Amy Y. Gugel
Robert D. Gunnink, D.O.
Rosemary J. Havey, D.O.
Oliver W. Hayes III, D.O. and Deborah Hayes
Theophil A. Jantz III, D.O.
Catherine A. Kerschen, D.O.
Gene E. Kielhorn, D.O. and Rebecca J. Kielhorn
Roman T. Kulich and Janet K. Kulich
Madhav R. Kulkarni, Ph.D. and Hiramani M. Kulkarni
Jon A. Lacey, Rel.D. and Melba S. Lacey
Karen M. Lane, D.O.
Barton M. Lev, D.O.
Dimitrios A. Linos, M.D. and Athena Linos, M.D.
David W. Luginbill, D.O. and Linda K. Luginbill
Brian F. Miller, D.O. and Lauri K. Miller
Jeffrey Nestor, D.O. and Lynn F. Nestor
Ralph F. Otten, D.O. and Ethel M. Otten
James W. Patenge, D.O. and Holly S. Patenge
J. John Pysh, D.O. and Deborah A. Pysh
Robert K. Reuter, D.O. and Kathleen M. Reuter
David S. Schneider, D.O.
Lawrence Sierra, Ph.D. and Arlene E. Sierra
Donald W. Smith, D.O. and Beverly A. Smith
Elaine C. Smith, D.O. and David J. Smith
Jeffrey M. Sonenshein, D.O.
Kenneth C. Taylor, D.O.
Robert E. Tubben, D.O. and Rhonda S. Tubben
Colleen M. Vallad-Hix, D.O.
Ronald J. Varcak, D.O. and Lynn M. Varcak
David C. White, D.O.
DONORS OF $500 TO $999
DONORS OF $250 TO $499
Aventis Behring L.L.C.
Classic Travel, Incorporated
Fujisawa Healthcare, Incorporated
Genesys Regional Medical Center
Irwin Union Bank
Lansing Ophthalmology, P.C.
Ligand Pharmaceuticals
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Medtronic Foundation
Mid-Michigan MRI, Inc.
Miotech Orthopedic
Oakwood Healthcare System
Saginaw Valley Section
Shelbydale Medical Clinic, P.C.
Sigma XI
TEVA Neuroscience, Incorporated
W. L. Gore & Associates - Co.
Wayne County Osteopathic Association
Margaret I. Aguwa, D.O. and Okechukwu C. Aguwa,
Ruth L. Anker, D.O.
Ellen K. Athens, D.O. and Thomas D. Lasky
Michael R. Austin and Julie S. Austin
James C. Beachum Sr. and Carmen J. Beachum
Glaucio H. Bechara, D.O.
Henry E. Beckmeyer III, D.O. and Virginia Beckmeyer
G. Lynn Brook, D.O. and Donald O. Brook, Ed.D.
John R. Carney, D.O.
Sandra M. Cifor, D.O. and John M. Connor, D.O.
James H. Deering, D.O. and Jodi S. Flanders, D.O.
Gary P. Dion and Nancy J. Dion
Robert W. Dorr, D.O. and Amy Vannatter-Dorr
12 Honor Roll
American Medical Association Foundation
American Osteopathic Foundation
Comfort Inn, Okemos
Florida Osteopathic Medical Association
Green Bay Packers
Henry Ford Health Systems
The Industrial Athlete, Inc.
Kheder & Associates, Inc.
Life Systems, Incorporated
Michigan Health Council
Ortho McNeil
Radisson Hotel of Lansing
Sanofi-Synthelabo Incorporated
Shiawassee Anesthesia Service
St. Joseph’s Mercy of Macomb
Archie B. Attarian, D.O. and Patricia Attarian
Janet M. Bach, D.O. and Edward Chlystek
Michael S. Barry, D.O. and Linda D. Bair-Barry
Edna R. Bick, D.O.
Edward D. Boudreau Jr., D.O. and Susan D. Boudreau
Randall E. Bowsman, D.O.
Paul W. Buza, D.O.
Peter J. R. Cobbett, Ph.D. and Susan M. Cobbett
Eugene T. Conte, D.O. and Michele A. Conte
Duane J. Corsi, D.O. and Jeanette S. Corsi
William J. Cosgrove Jr., D.O. and Kathleen A. Cosgrove
Lorane M. Dick, D.O.
Mary E. Donohue, D.O. and Hadley Donohue
Glenn V. Dregansky, D.O. and Melodie J. Dregansky
Kennyon D. Edwards, D.O. and Louise O. Olson-
William G. Elliott, D.O.
Peter G. Ernster and Catherine G. Ernster
Martin A. Finkel, D.O. and Bonnie Finkel
Jared W. Flood, D.O. and Kathy M. Jackson, D.O.
Ian H. Fox, D.O. and Shawn Bolton, D.O.
Susan G. Freel
Philipp M. Gerhardt, Ph.D. and Vera M. Gerhardt
John W. Gobel, D.O.
Sherman Gorbis, D.O. and Lori Gorbis
Ruth Simms Hamilton, Ph.D.
Daniel R. Harber, D.O. and Kimberly A. Harber
Daniel P. Hearld, D.O. and Teresa L. Wainscott
Timothy M. Heilman, D.O. and Christine L. BrattonHeilman, D.O.
Edward N. Hodges III, J.D. and Beatrice V. Hodges
Michael L. Jensen, D.O. and Becky Jensen
James J. Jesko, D.O. and Catherine J. Jesko
T. Reid Kavieff, D.O.
Stephen R. Knazik, D.O. and Carla’nne Dukes, D.O.
David M. Komasara, D.O.
Richard D. Kustasz, D.O. and Robin E. Kustasz
William M. Lane, D.O.
Gary G. March, D.O. and Darlene March
Tedd L. March, D.O. and Debra March
Jayne H. Martin, D.O. and John R. Martin
Walter J. Martin and Norean A. Martin
Connie Jo McCarroll, D.O.
Christopher J. McClure and Barbara J. Ball-McClure
Max T. McKinney, D.O. and Marilyn McKinney
Kay E. McMillan, D.O. and Richard W. Nicholas
Dale E. McNinch, D.O. and Martha McNinch
J. Wesley Mesko, M.D. and Kathleen L. Mesko
David K. Michael, D.O. and Mary R. Michael
Walter C. Mill, D.O. and Jeanne G. Mill
Thomas J. Mohr, D.O. and Laura A. Mohr, Ph.D.
Linda A. Morrison and Thomas W. Morrison
Donald L. Newport, Ph.D.
Steven P. Niergarth, D.O. and Heidi P. Niergarth, D.O.
Mark E. Notman, Ph.D. and Fidelia J. Notman
Ralph A. Olechowski, D.O. and Martha Olechowski
David B. Pinelli, D.O. and Michele T. Pinelli
Richard G. Potts, D.O. and Karen M. Potts
James J. Rechtien, D.O. and Mary A. Rechtien
George S. Renton, D.O.
Richard M. Ryan Jr. and Ethel E. Ryan
David S. Sciamanna, D.O. and Mary M. Sciamanna
Sue Seyfarth’s 2001-2002 3rd Grade Class
Pierce M. Sherrill, D.O. and Carrie M. Sherrill
Steve J. Sobasco Jr., D.O. and Jeanne Z. Sobasco
Peter J. Rodin, D.O. and Laura J. Spangler-Rodin
Donald F. Stanton, D.O. and E. Jane Stanton
Lora A. Stephens, D.O.
Victoria A. Swegles-Globke, D.O. and Robert A.
Clyde A. Turner Jr., D.O. and Davida L. Lee-Turner
Paul M. Urbanowski, D.O. and Kimberly A. Urbanowski
Michael J. Valle, D.O.
Don J. Walbridge, D.O. and Stephanie Walbridge
David Z. Wang, D.O. and Li Juan C. Wang, M.D.
Betty D. Wei, D.O. and William Wei
Larry A. Wickless, D.O.
DONORS OF $100 TO $249
A - T Land Company
Back to Normal Physical Therapy, Incorporated
Bay Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery PA
Blanco & Associates, P.C.
Buffalo Rehab Group
Candlewood Suites
Canfield Family Practice
Capital Area United Way, Incorporated
Capital Insurance Medicine Association, P.C.
Carson City Hospital Staff
Certified Emergency Medicine Specialists
Clark Hill PLC
Downriver Eye Specialists
Edward Via Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Emergency Medical Associates, P.C.
Garden City Hospital Osteopathic
Glassen, Rhead, McLean, Campbell & Schumacher
Glendale Neurological Association
Grand Rapids Ophthalmology Eye Care
The Hair Place
Ingham County Association of Osteopathic Physicians
Ingham County Osteopathic Auxiliary
Junior League of Lansing, Michigan, Incorporated
Lakeside Medical Group, P.C.
Lansing Lugnuts
Marriott Hotels
Mid Michigan Surgeons, P.C.
Mission St. Joseph’s Health System, Inc.
National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners,
Oakland County Urologists P.C.
The P. Enterprises Family
POH Medical Center
Pediatric Professional Associates
Placid & Emmanuel, P.C.
Qualitycare Physicians Group, P.C.
Rehabilitation Specialists of Monroe, P.C.
Rochester Knee and Sports Medicine, P.C.
Roentgen Consulting Associates
Rossman Martin & Associates
Sheraton Lansing Hotel
Sparrow Health System
Sundance Jewelry
Surgicare Sheridan Surgical Services PLC
T.E.A.C.H. - P.E.A.C. H.
University Club of MSU
University of Health Sciences College of Osteopathic
Vanderveen & Associates
Williamston Sunrise Rotary Club
Gerald R. Aben, M.D. and Jean M. Aben
Mary Alonzi, D.O.
Walter J. Ambrose, D.O. and Mary A. Skiba, D.O.
Maynard J. Amelon, D.O.
Isidro A. Amigo, D.O. and Deborah Amigo
William G. Anderson Sr., D.O. and Norma L. Anderson
Emily M. Andrews
Kathleen Anzicek, D.O. and Mark Leventer, M.D.
Jerry A. Appel, D.O.
Joseph Armovit, D.O.
Mark W. Armstrong, D.O. and Susan D. Armstrong
William A. Athens Sr., D.O. and Angie R. Athens
Kurt A. Aurand, D.O. and Lora L. Aurand
Michael J. Bacon, D.O.
Roderick J. Baltzer, D.O.
Keith R. Barbour, D.O.
John E. Barnas and Patricia Lloyd Barnas
John C. Baumann, D.O. and Sally T. Baumann
John R. Behm, D.O. and Leslie M. Behm
Bonnie S. Benefield
Todd C. Bennett, D.O. and Adrienne E. Bennett
Charles H. Bill II, M.D. and Maria C. Bill
Christine A. Blakeney, D.O. and David A. Breck
Kristine E. Bobish, D.O. and Kenneth J. Foot
Angela B. Borders-Robinson, D.O. and Aaron Robinson
David B. Bosscher, D.O. and Mary B. Bosscher
Lori Boyajian
Robert M. Brenner, D.O. and Linda Hollingsworth
Brenner, D.O.
David H. Brogan and Patricia S. Brogan
Per G. Brolinson
Ronald Buckley, D.O. and Tracy I. Buckley
Michael J. Bueche and Rhonda G. Bueche
Kevin P. Bur, D.O. and Debra J. Bur
Michael G. Burry, D.O. and Tina M. Burry
James A. Burtka, D.O.
William A. Bush, D.O. and Diane M. Bush
Angela K. Butchbaker, D.O. and Al Butchbaker
Daniel T. Carrel, D.O. and Bonny Carrel
Stephen H. Castleman, D.O. and Nancy M. Castleman
Larry O. Chamberlain and Jane L. Chamberlain
Howard Tien-Haw Chang and Patricia M. Chang
Isabel A. Chapello, D.O.
Roxana L. Chapman, D.O.
Terrence J. Cherwin and Susan L. Cherwin
Jerome V. Ciullo and Susan F. Ciullo
Michael R. Clark, M.D. and Joanne H. Clark
Kelly P. Coffey, D.O.
Christopher C. Colenda III, M.D. and Kathryn W.
Barry J. Collins, D.O. and Jennifer L. Collins
Gregory S. Collins, D.O. and Cynthia E. Collins
Patricia A. Connally, D.O. and Bruce A. Connally,
D.V.M., M.S.
Andrew P. Conner and Sandra D. Conner
Gerson I. Cooper and Carol R. Cooper
Kenneth E. Corey and Marie J. Corey
Dennis H. Cotcamp and Nancy G. Cotcamp
M. Beth Courey and Roger N. Courey
Kevin D. Cranmer, D.O. and Joan L. Cranmer
John B. Crosby, J.D.
Celia C. D’Erico, D.O.
Stephen C. Dalm, D.O.
Sally A. Davidson
Richard E. Dean, M.D. and N. Christine Dean
John S. DeMare, D.O.
Robert E. DeMercurio, D.O.
Olan C. Dombroske, D.O. and Sara E. Dombroske
Scott O. Donnelly, D.O. and Janet R. Donnelly
David L. Dora, D.O. and Sara J. Myers-Dora, D.O.
Joseph M. Dougherty, D.O.
Nedra J. Downing, D.O. and Howard G. Downing Jr.
Michael L. Dunkelberger and Susan Dunkelberger
John S. Dunn, M.D. and Judith K. Dunn
Bonnie J. Eddy
John A. Ellis, D.O. and Kathleen L. Ellis
Anthony A. Emmer, D.O. and Julie Emmer
Bart Q. Eng, D.O.
Ronald R. Ernst
Judith M. Fedewa
Howard K. Fertel, D.O. and Natalie Fertel
Lawrence I. Finkel, D.O. and Joni A. Finkel
Brenda R. Fortunate, D.O. and C. Edward White Jr.
John J. Frederick, D.O. and Valerie S. Frederick
Harold M. Friedman, D.O. and Karen L. Friedman
Friends of H.W. Ajunwa
Germaine R. Fritz, D.O. and Jeffrey L. Fritz
Ronald R. Gaber and Elsie J. Gaber
Robert C. Gallee, D.O.
Raul J. Garcia, D.O. and Jasmine M. Widmer
Richard Gargulinski, D.O.
Kevin L. Gietzen, D.O. and Teresa L. Gietzen, D.O.
Jennifer Nowak Gilmore, D.O. and Michael S. Gilmore
Jerel H. Glassman, D.O.
Richard D. Gloor, D.O. and Suzanne Gloor
Geron D. Turke, D.O. and Kimberly A. Godfrey Turke,
Mary G. Goldman, D.O.
Robert M. Goodman, D.O. and Linda Goodman
Robert J. Gordon, D.O. and Lori Roberts Gordon
Glenn A. Gradis, D.O.
Nancy L. Graesser, D.O.
Robert K. Gramenz, D.O. and Carol J. Ramm-Gramenz
Steven Grejda and Elaine F. Grejda
Donald L. Griffiths
Michael W. Grof, D.O.
Richard F. Grzybowski, D.O. and Cathy Voita
Mark A. Halonen, D.O.
Christopher D. Hambrick and Nanci J. Hambrick
Gregory D. Harrington III, D.O. and Jane E.
Jane K. Harris, D.O.
Todd D. Hartgerink, D.O. and Rebecca L. Hartgerink
Marlene Ann Harvey, D.O.
Gerald J. Hausler, D.O. and Karen B. Hausler
James K. Haveman Jr. and Barbara Haveman
Jennifer S. Hawkins
Charles D. Hernandez, D.O. and Charlene Hernandez
Gary M. Hollander, D.O.
Janet M. Schroeder-Holmes, D.O. and Richard L.
David D. Horner and Iris O. Horner
Kari A. Hortos, D.O., F.A.C.O.I. and Patrick Hortos
Robert C. Hottentot, D.O.
Jill S. Hough
Lisa A. Hughes, D.O.
Howard Hunt and Ramona Hunt
Ndubisi E. Izima, D.O. and Diane Abby-Izima, D.O.
James Jacobs and Rosalie Jacobs
Beverly A. Jarema, D.O.
Asbjorn S. Jensen and Cheryl L. Jensen
John A. Jerome, Ph.D. and Jaye L. Hamilton, Ph.D.
Julie K. Johnson, D.O.
Charles M. Jones, D.O. and Earline R. Jones
Dorothy Harper Jones, Ph.D. and J. Theodore Jones
John W. Jones, M.D. and Margaret Z. Jones, M.D.
Debra E. Johnson-Jordan, D.O. and Charles Jordan
Dennis M. Jurczak, M.D. and Dianne M. Jurczak
Wanda B. Kalencki, D.O. and Joseph F. Golubski
Robert M. Kalet, D.O. and Nancy Kalet
Kevin B. Karikomi, D.O. and Valerie A. Karikomi
Michael Karkkainen, D.O. and Tammy L. Karkkainen
Michael L. Kasavana and Holly L. Kasavana
Julius A. Kato, D.O. and Jill P. Kato
Michael A. Kellams, D.O. and Amy M. Kellams
Samuel H. Kelman, D.O.
John J. Kemerer, D.O. and Beverly K. Kemerer
John M. Ketner, D.O. and Janet K. Ketner
Michelle C. Klanke, D.O. and Robert H. Klanke
Mary Janet K. Knapp, D.O. and Robert A. Knapp
Colleen K. Kniffen and Ronald J. Kniffen Jr.
Donald F. Koch, Ph.D. and Barbara J. Sawyer-Koch
Edwin T. Kornoelje, D.O. and Amy Kornoelje
Laura Kovalcik, D.O. and Richard Kovalcik
Jeffrey R. Kovan, D.O. and Jessica T. Kovan, Ph.D.
Andrew C. Kraus and Ellen L. Kraus
Michael T. Sam Ku, D.O.
Steven R. Kujacznski, D.O. and Lucinda F. Kujacznski
Paul E. LaCasse, D.O. and Annette C. LaCasse, D.O.
Leslie G. Lafer, D.O.
John A. Lemke, D.O.
Nicolo Leone, D.O. and Jill D. Leone
Jeffrey P. Letzer, D.O.
John A. Lindo and Michelle M. Lindo
Andrew C. Liu, D.O. and Vivien L. Liu
Denice M. Logan, D.O. and Judge Benjamin H. Logan
Edward A. Loniewski Sr., D.O. and Mary J. Loniewski
Arnold S. Loo, D.O.
David L. Louwsma, D.O. and Dorothy Louwsma
John C. Lucio, D.O.
Kenneth J. Mahoney, D.O. and Barbara E. Mahoney
David T. Malicke, D.O.
Ronald V. Marino, D.O. and Carol L. Marino
Linda E. Marklund
Michael H. Maser, D.O. and Cynthia A. Maser
Donald E. McBride, D.O. and Mary E. McBride
Frank J. McDevitt, D.O.
James R. McDonnell, D.O. and Ann K. Kuenker, D.O.
Kathryn A. McLeod
Dennis M. McMahon, D.O.
Margaret A. Mcquiston, D.O.
Wayne C. Meech, D.O.
Sigrid E. Messana, D.O. and Stephen A. Messana, D.O.
Andrew W. Messenger, D.O. and Vicki L. Messenger
Joyce E. Michael, D.O. and Michael J. Trumbull
Gary R. Mikula, D.O. and Cynthia Mikula
Sally A. Miller, D.O.
Honor Roll 13
Gene L. Miller and Adelia M. Miller
Joseph J. Mittner, D.O. and Cristina L. Torres, D.O.
Keith J. Moody, D.O. and Mary J. Moody
John H. Morrison Jr., D.O. and Karen L. Morrison
Raymond H. Murray
Tawfiq E. Nakhleh, D.O. and Maria N. Kossak, D.O.
Ella M. Noel-Evans, D.O. and Lloyd A. Evans
Nancy C. Nyquist
Timothy G. O’Callaghan, D.O. and Mary E.
O’Callaghan, D.O.
Reginald E. O’Neal, D.O. and Bernita O’Neal
Matt Obi and Stella Obi
John P. Ockenfels, D.O. and Cindy A. Ockenfels
Alphonsus Okwereogu, D.O.
Deborah M. Ondersma, D.O. and Donald J. Iverson II
Michael I. Opipari, D.O. and Susan E. Opipari
Charles R. Palm and Donna M. Palm
Jim Papazian and Barbara B. Papazian
Dennis M. Paradis and Janet D. Olszewski
Prafulchandra J. Patel
Rolland W. Patenge and Mary C. Patenge
Joseph T. Paupore, D.O. and Tamara S. York
Gregory W. Petersburg, D.O. and Nancy A. Petersburg
Debra L. Peven, D.O.
Thomas W. Pfennig, D.O. and Christine M. Pfennig
Ruth A. Pickering, D.O.
Richard A. Pokriefka, D.O.
Deborah A. Porter, M.L.S.
E. James Potchen, M.D. and Geraldine Potchen
Gregg S. Potter, Ph.D. and N. Alison Potter
George J. Pramstaller, D.O. and Marilyn J. Pramstaller,
William R. Raminick, D.O. and Miriam R. Raminick
Lee A. Rea, D.O.
Lawrence N. Redd, Ph.D. and Betty A. Redd
Ronald Reeves and Kay Reeves
David G. Reis, D.O. and Michelle Reis
Michael J. Renner and Elizabeth A. Renner
Charles D. Rice, M.D. and Koyne Rice
Christina A. Richardson, D.O.
Andrew S. Riemer, D.O. and Lori A. Riemer
Myral R. Robbins, D.O. and Gerald F. Robbins, D.O.
Max H. Robins, D.O. and Judith S. Robins
Patricia J. Rodgers, D.O. and Foster B. Morris, P.A.-C.
Winifred H. Rome
Dr. David and Mrs. Ann Brodsky Rosenberg
Terence J. Ross, D.O. and Patricia A. Ross
George Rowan
John W. Rowda, D.O. and Carol Rowda
Elizabeth A. Sagady, D.O.
Jagneswar Saha, D.O. and Kamala Saha
John A. Sauchak, D.O. and Gayle A. Sauchak
George T. Sawabini and M. J. Sawabini
Frederick A. Schaller, D.O. and Amy P. Schaller
Richard H. Schiappacasse, M.D. and Dee Ann L.
Marcia C. Schlinger, D.O. and Daniel W. Gerry
Marilyn T. Schneider, D.O. and Sam P. Copeland, D.O.
Frederick C. Schreiber, D.O. and Linda A. Schreiber
Daniel C. Schultz, D.O.
David A. Scott, D.O.
Alice K. Shanaver, D.O. and Paul Shanaver
Michael E. Sheehy, D.O. and Tracy Sheehy
Tian-Chu Shih, D.O. and Tim Caldwell
Janice K. Shimoda, D.O.
Dean A. Shoucair, D.O.
Lynn M. Sikorski, D.O. and John Scales
Anthony J. Silvagni
Sidney K. Simonian, D.O. and Michael Rubin, D.O.
Barbara S. Sinclair
James Sitek, D.O. and Shannon L. Sitek
Mark A. Sloane, D.O. and Michelle M. Sloane
Kenneth G. Smithson II, D.O. and Inge Smithson
Kevin T. Snyder, D.O. and Kathleen M. Snyder
Margaret Sorrel, D.O.
Orlando Spagnuolo and Gloria J. Spagnuolo
James D. Spaniolo and Sarah A. Spaniolo
14 Honor Roll
Harvey V. Sparks Jr., M.D. and Barbara T. Sparks, R.N.
Roger W. Spoelman and Jan C. Spoelman
Michael G. Stampar, D.O. and Cathy L. Criss-Stampar,
Andrew J. Stasevich, D.O.
Carl W. Steele, D.O. and Bonnie D. Steele
Stace Stegman and Sandra Stegman
Sheldon Stolman, D.O.
Robert A. Swor, D.O. and Diane H. Swor
Nancy J. Taylor, D.O. and James A. Taylor
John E. Thornburg, D.O. and Trena E. Thornburg
John K. Throckmorton, D.P.M. and Sandra
John D. Tilden, D.O.
Fred C. Tinning, Ph.D. and Janet E. Tinning
Cynthia M. Trosin, D.O.
Lawrence Usher, D.O.
Charles R. VanderRoest, D.O. and Ellen L. VanderRoest
Wilfred L. VanderRoest, D.O.
Shanon D. VanMeter, D.O. and Jeffrey A. VanMeter
Michael Vandewalle and Greta Vandewalle
Marcy D. Verplanck-Kanitz, D.O. and Michael G.
Michael C. Vredenburg, D.O.
Todd L. Wagner, D.O.
Nita B. Weber, D.O.
Jim Weigel and Jill Weigel
Mark B. Wein, D.O. and Tracy Wein
Nan T. Wernette, D.O.
Gary M. Wetstein and Judith A. Wetstein
Jeffrey M. Wilseck, D.O.
R. Dale Wilson, Ph.D. and Emily J. Wilson
Terry L. Wolf, D.O. and Linda M. Wolf
Douglas L. Wood, D.O., Ph.D. and Janet F. Wood
Joann Riggins-Woodhouse, D.O. and Michael
Katherine A. Worden, D.O.
W. Madison Wyrick and Vivian J. Wyrick
Barbara L. Yakes, D.O. and Richard A. Jankowics
Bartley G. Yee, D.O. and Jane D.W. Yee
Kurt R. Young, D.O. and Marcia L. VanderBroek, D.O.
Douglas J. Zakolski, D.O.
Kenneth M. Zisholz and Kirsten M. Miller-Zisholz
Bennington Golf Course
Board of Water & Light
Boarshead Theater
Bottoms Up
Bucks-Mont Dermatology Associates, P.C.
Burcham Hills Retirement Center
The College Store
Cuppa Java
Downriver Cardiology Consultants P.C.
Essex Hair Design
Fabiano’s Homemade Candies
Fast Eddies Car Wash & Oil Change
Forest Akers Golf Course
Hawk Hollow Golf Course
Honey Baked Ham
How Sweet It Is Fudge and Candy Co
Michigan Athletic Club
Neuro-Ophthalmic Services, P.C.
Rooker Psychiatric Services, P.C.
San Diego Sports Medicine
South Florida Eye Center, Inc.
Steven L. Marvin Salon & Wellness
Timber Ridge Golf Course
Dwight B. Adams
Peter B. Ajluni, D.O. and Judith L. Ajluni
Randall F. Alder and Lisa M. Martinez
Abel Alfonso, D.O. and Lourdes Alfonso
Robert F. Allum, D.O.
Robert H. Amsler, D.O. and Ilona A. Amsler
Darnita D. Anderson Hill, D.O. and Gary R. Hill
Terry G. Arnold and Patricia B. Arnold
Scott A. Ashmann and Lori S. Ashmann
Agatha K. Atko, D.O.
Sheryl L. Avery-Meints
S. Bruce Badaglialacqua, D.O. and Donna
Harris Baderak, D.O. and Janet M. Baderak
R. Dean Bair Jr., D.O. and Kristie Bair
Thomas R. Bannow, D.O.
Norma I. Baptista, Ph.D. and Jay C. VanderKlok
Janice L. Barker
Christopher R. Barnes, D.O.
Susan S. Barnes, D.O. and Robert C. Barnes
Michelle M. Bauer, D.O. and Anthony Sandusky
Jason R. Beckrow, D.O. and Kathryn C. Beckrow
Timothy L. Beechnau, D.O. and JoAnn M. Beechnau
Keith A. Bellovich, D.O. and Deborah L. Bellovich
Marian Bennett
Kimberly J. Betts and Michael Betts
Douglas M. Bez, D.O. and Maureen Bez
Ronn W. Blodgett and Gordon D. Masters
David M. Bracciano, D.O. and Julie M. Bracciano
Robert B. Breckenfeld, D.O.
Doris Brewer
Donald G. Brunder, Ph.D and Mary J. Brunder
Timothy M. Burandt, D.O. and Alice M. Burandt
Connie E. Burch and Raymond Burch
Lori Burkow
Karen V. Busch, Ph.D. and Prof. Lawrence M. Busch
Mark S. Carducci, D.O. and Marie G. Carducci
Charles N. Carter Sr. and Tura H. Carter
Kevin Cawley and Annette M. Cawley
Robert L. Chadwick, D.O.
Kuo-Chuan Chou, Ph.D.
Gregory M. Cibor, D.O. and Anne M. Cibor
P. Anthony Civitello and Betty Civitello
Thomas V. Claringbold II, D.O. and Kimberly A.
Bradley J. Clegg, D.O. and Sandi Clegg
John P. Coleman, D.O. and Joanne A. Coleman
Frank V. Colton and Linda K. Colton
Joseph N. Cook, D.O. and Leslie DeVille Cook
Annmarie Y. Cook and Ronald D. Cook
Thomas G. Cooper and Tampa A. Cooper
Andrew D. Corner and Nancy A. Corner
Kara R. Corwin
Nancy N. Cotten, D.O.
Charles D. Crane and Gail A. Shafer-Crane
Philip L. Creps, D.O.
Donald J. Cullen and Patricia Cullen
Frank M. D’Itri, Ph.D. and Patricia A. D’Itri, Ph.D.
Christopher P. Daisy, D.O.
Joseph F. Damore and Julia R. Damore
George N. Darah, D.O.
David D. Dargis, D.O. and Julie K. Dargis
Angela Dawson
Anthony H. Dekker, D.O. and Patricia Roe
Edna C. Dennis
Lynn J. Denovich and Debra M. Denovich
Gail F. Denuccio, D.O. and Mark A. Denuccio
Shirin E. Doshi, D.O.
John R. Downs, D.O. and June P. Downs
Douglas A. Doyle, D.O. and Shawn B. Doyle
Jesse W. Duranceau, D.O.
Gary D. Dylewski, D.O.
Terry L. Easterbrook and Linda L. Easterbrook
Virginia L. Ederer and Rodger T. Ederer
Leslee A. Emerson, D.O.
Jeffrey C. Evans, D.O. and Pauleen Evans
Sheri L. Ewing, D.O. and Paul C. Ewing
Eugene B. Farnum and Joan A. Farnum
Ralph E. Faulhaber and Wendy Faulhaber
Frances L. Faverman
Lauren J. Fisher, D.O. and Jonathan Fisher, M.D.
John M. Flood and Bonnie M. Flood
Patricia J. Florence, D.O.
Therese A. Fossum
Joel Foudy and Kristi A. Foudy
Janie M. Fouke, Ph.D.
Joseph W. Frentzel and Tonya M. Frentzel
Gail M. Gagnon, D.O.
Ruth N. Garlinger
Harold Gendelman and Arlene G. Gendelman
Audrey G. Gift and James J. Gift
Elisa Ginter, D.O.
Roy L. Goddard Jr., D.O. and Cindy Goddard
Alex Gottschalk, M.D. and Jane R. Gottschalk
Mary Beth Grey, D.O. and Abu-Lughod Grey
Kristine A. Groskopp-Lynd, D.O. and Daniel B. Lynd
Richard H. Gubitz, D.O. and Betsy A. Gubitz
T. Douglas Guiley, D.O. and Barbara Guiley
John R. Haapaniemi, D.O.
Kenneth H. Haller, D.O.
Richard Hallgren, Ph.D.
Brian S. Hanna, D.O. and Belinda B. Hanna
Andrew M. Hansell
Sue A. Hansen and Ross L. Hansen
Donald F. Harker III and Susan A. Harker
Willie Harris, D.O. and Donna E. Harris
Beverly Hartman and J. R. Hartman
Robin C. Hastings
Darin Haug, D.O.
Nanine S. Henderson, D.O.
Kenneth S. Hendrian and Janelle H. Hendrian
Donald A. Herrington and Gloria M. Herrington
Francis J. Hinsberg, D.O.
Thomas E. Hoffmeyer and Ethelyn M. Hoffmeyer,
Lori D. Holland, D.O.
Robert S. Holm, M.D. and Carol D. Holm
Lon A. Hoover, D.O. and Carolyn H. Hoover
Walter J. Hoppe, D.O. and Patricia A. Hoppe
Jennifer M. Hoppe
Patricia Horn
Ronald N. Horowitz, M.D. and Carol R. Horowitz
Brock W. Horsley, D.O. and Donna M. Horsley
Robert B. Hughes and Dolores L. Hughes
Tara Humphrey
Sharon S. Husch
Robert L. Idalski and Nancy S. Phillips-Idalski
John J. Jacobowitz and Roberta E. Jacobowitz
J. Jason James
John R. Johnson, D.O.
Robert M. Johnson, D.O. and Mary A. Johnson
Russell L. Johnson and Helen Johnson
Gregory S. Jonesku and Margaret T. Jonesku
Anthony J. Kawa, D.O.
Graham M. Kelly, D.O. and Carolyn K. Erhart-Kelly
Alfred S. Kingdon
Raymond C. Kinzel, M.D.
Christopher Kling
Donald J. Koepsell, D.O.
William M. Kokx, D.O.
Michelle M. Kost
Eric A. Kovan, D.O. and Carrie Malkin-Kovan
Donald C. Kowalewski, D.O. and Catherine L.
Nellie F. Krause
Ronald D. Kregel and Suzanne Kregel
Donald E. Kring Jr., D.O. and Cynthia A. Manninen,
Mary L. Krinock
Christopher Krpan, D.O.
Kelly M. Krueger-Buckfire, D.O.
Fred Kuhlman and Linda Kuhlman
Kenneth W. Lageroos, D.O. and Nancy Lageroos
Penelope L. Laggis
Marilyn J. Lautzenheiser and Jeffrey L. Lautzenheiser
Kevin H. Lee, D.O. and Shurle R. Lee
Dale G. Leffler, D.O.
Robert C. Lehman
Ellen and George Leroi
Daniel K. Liechty, Ph.D. and Jill K. Liechty
Joseph F. Lopiccolo and Catherine Lopiccolo
Paulette D. Lovell, Ph.D.
Linda L. Lowers and Roger Lowers
Patricia M. Lowrie and Charles T. Lowrie, D.V.M.
Jorge D. Luna, D.O. and Bernice C. Luna
Richard W. Lyles, Ph.D. and Judith S. Lyles, Ph.D.
Frazer A. Mac Kenzie, D.O. and Joan Mac Kenzie
Keith A. MacKenzie, D.O.
Charles D. MacKenzie, Ph.D. and Khale MacKenzie
Chijindu C. Maduka
Rosa S. Maira, D.O.
Amaar M. Malik, D.O.
Deepa Malineni, D.O.
Thad Manning and Nicole Manning
Pericles Markakis and Georgia Markakis
T. Roy Massin, D.O.
James E. McCartney and Mary B. McCartney
Kristin L. McFadden, D.O.
James S. McGrail and Carolyn A. McGrail
Curtis B. McMillin and Karen A. Ammarman
Floyd T. Meachum, D.O.
Wayne Merchant and Lorraine Merchant
Rex A. Miller and Clarisa M. Suarez-Miller
Mary A. Mizga
Margarita L. Montgomery
Eddie A. Moore and Marilyn M. Moore
Donnell Moorer and Glynda A. Moorer, M.D.
Kyle D. Morgan, D.O.
Jon D. Murray and Deborah B. Murray
Kenneth E. Murray, D.O. and Irene M. Murray
Henna Mussani, D.O. and Raufi Mussani
Sreekant S. Nair, D.O.
Bernard C. Neller
Karen J. Nichols, D.O. and James B. Nichols
David L. Noe and Karen M. Noe
George W. Noel, D. D. S. and Mary M. Noel, Ph.D.
Patricia M. Novak, D.O. and Wayne C. Ellis
George S. Nugent and Marilyn P. Nugent
Thomas J. O’Neil, D.O. and Lisa M. O’Neil, D.O.
Henry F. Olen, D.O. and Patricia A. Olen
Thomas E. Olencki, D.O. and Rebecca S. Olencki
Ann G. Olmsted, Ph.D.
Isoken N. Olomu and Adesuwa B. Olomu, M.D.
Princewell U. Onwere, D.O.
Ngozi Onyekwere
Robert J. Osterhoff and Laura M. Osterhoff
Richard A. Ozog, D.O. and Judith M. Edge, D.O.
Anthony T. Paganini and Lisa Paganini
Mark R. Palazzolo, D.O.
Dmitriy I. Pales, D.O.
Charles A. Papp, D.O. and Christine J. Papp
Helen L. Parker
Kevin G. Pearson and Jennifer A. Pearson
Robert Pedowitz, D.O. and Laura Pedowitz
Sun F. Pei, D.O.
Ken Peters
Evangelos A. Petropoulos, M.D.,Ph.D and Panayota E.
Petropoulos, D.D.S.
Gina M. Piazza
John Piccinini and Nida Piccinini
Stephen E. Pinaire and Beverly Pinaire
Joyce F. Pines, D.O. and Mark D. Goret
Brenda L. Plonski, D.O. and Ken Plonski
Nancy H. Pogel and Larry N. Landrum
Kimberly K. Poglese, D.O. and John Poglese
Christopher A. Pohlod, D.O. and Angela C. ClarkPohlod
Christine M. Post, D.O. and Steven E. Post
Douglas A. Powell, D.O. and Angela L. Powell
Don H. Powell, D.O. and Linda M. Powell
Monica G. Powers
David W. Poxon and Janet E. Poxon
Nancy A. Meachum Provan, D.O. and Christopher N.
Todd A. Pryor, D.O.
Philip Pumerantz and Harriet K. Pumerantz
Robert J. Rabias and Joellyn H. Rabias
Leon D. Rademacher and Nancy I. Rademacher
Darryl R. Reaume, D.O. and Kim M. Muster-Reaume,
C. Adinarayana Reddy and Sasikala C. Reddy
Sheila Rettig
Ann F. Reutter and James L. Reutter
Julie Richards
Shelly Riddell
Beverly A. Ridenour
Rowland J. Rivero, D.O.
Lawrence H. Robbins and Pat Robbins
Cecile T. Robes, D.O.
Kevin C. Robinson, D.O. and Kelly R. Lemiesz
Calvin F. Roff, Ph.D. and Barbara A. Roff
Debra K. Roggow, D.O. and Louis F. Smith
James P. Rosbolt, D.O.
Sydney P. Ross and J. Sue Ross
Lowell F. Rothert, Ph.D. and Marilyn L. Rothert, Ph.D.
Jacob J. Rowan, D.O. and Wendy Sylvester-Rowan
Jayaraj Salimath, D.O.
Melvin B. Saltzman, D.O. and Louise Saltzman
Raymond W. Satterlee and Kathleen J. Satterlee
Neil L. Schechter, D.O. and Carlota Schechter
Patricia A. Schmidt, D.O.
Mary L. Schneider
Lloyd Schneiderman, D.O. and Maria M. Schneiderman
Selwyn Shillinglaw
John P. Shonerd, D.O. and Laurie V. Shonerd
Gary L. Shrewsbury and Gretchen E. Whitmer
Thomas Sidlik and Rebecca Boylan
Shirley Siew, M.D.
Mark E. Sikorski, D.O.
Daniel P. Singer, D.O. and Sharon O. Singer
Robert E. Sippola and Suzanne K. Sippola
Hugh C. Sloane and Naurine M. Sloane
Robert D. Smith, D.O. and Ellen M. Shaw-Smith
Webb A. Smith Sr. and Patricia A. Smith
Loudell F. Snow, Ph.D.
Stephen C. Sokolowski, D.O.
Theodore H. Sondag and Pauline A. Sondag
Orest J. Sowirka, D.O.
Richard Speer and Helen Speer
Gordon C. Spink, D.O., Ph.D. and Jane M. Spink
Karen L. Spodarek, D.O.
Kurt D. Spriggs, D.O. and Judith L. Spriggs
Joseph W. Stella and Darlene F. Stella
Jeffrey M. Stevens, D.O.
Robert A. Stevens and Sylvia S. Stevens
Thomas J. Stout, D.O. and Judith A. Stout
Jeffrey B. Stowitts, D.O. and Sulayne Stowitts
Richard J. Strabbing, D.O.
Kenneth D. Stringer, D.O. and Nancy A. Stringer
Sarah E. Strong, D.O. and Andrew J. Blake
Terri M. Stuenkel, D.O.
Sherrill Sutton
Gregory A. Szyperski, D.O.
Peter E. Tanguay, M.D. and Margaret F. Tanguay
Mia A. Taormina
Pauline M. Thomas
Pamela M. Thompson and John R. Thompson
Edwin S. Tobes, D.O. and Harriet R. Bakalar
Sue C. Tobin, D.O.
Kathleen L. Todd, D.O. and Andrew D. Todd
Keith D. Tracy and Carole Y. Tracy
Audrey T. Trainer, D.O.
Vincent G. Valente and Heather M. Stamat-Valente
Christine A. VanDeuren and Christopher J. VanDeuren
Eric VanderHaagen, D.O. and Julie VanderHaagen
Bruce A. Vandop, D.O.
Cozette E. Varg
Mary G. Veremis-Ley, D.O.
Honor Roll 15
Embracing Diversity
through College Programs
by Steven D. Bevier
Amina Khalil speaks to the college about Islam and
what it means for doctors with Muslim patients.
An analysis of diversity in the curriculum, studies of best
practices, research on attitudes and beliefs about diversity among
students, and a diversity speaker series are all part of a new Diversity
Education Project at MSUCOM.
The project, developed by Sandy Kilbourn, executive director
of external programs, and Pat Grauer, director of public relations, is
funded by a $17,000 grant from the Office of the Provost.
The speaker series was developed through feedback from
students, faculty, and staff. Certain themes – poverty, justice,
sexuality, Islam, and Hispanic and African-American cultures – were
identified as being of the highest interest, and experts were asked to
come and share their knowledge.
The series began in January with a celebration of Martin Luther
King Jr. Day. The Reverend Russell McReynolds, D.Min., senior
pastor of Central United Methodist Church in Lansing, spoke about
the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. and his commitment to peace
and justice.
Since then, speakers from various backgrounds have come to
speak about diversity. Kathy Kleinert, D.O., Class of 1992, shared
her story about opening a health clinic for the poor in inner city
Detroit. Amina Khalil discussed Islam and issues that arise when
working with Muslim patients, and El Paso educator Rosa Guerrero
gave a presentation on Latino culture and health issues that included
dance, music and poetry. Additional programs are being planned on
the topics of gender and sexuality.
Check our Web site,, for updates on
future speakers.
The Visiting Minority Faculty Lecture Series has entered its third
year at MSUCOM and the program has already become a smashing
success. The series titled, “From Slavery to Freedom: An American
Odyssey,” brings distinguished speakers to the Michigan State
campus, to deliver lectures about African-American history and the
Civil Rights Movement. The series has developed a loyal following
and hundreds of people came out to listen and learn from this year’s
Coinciding with Black History Month, each Thursday in February
16 Diversity
provided a unique opportunity for the
community to learn about the struggle for civil
rights from the people who lived it. This year’s
guests included
 Dr. Bernice Johnson Reagon: A scholar,
singer, composer, producer and the
founder of the world-renowned a cappella
ensemble Sweet Honey In The Rock, Dr.
Reagon shared her vast knowledge of the
roots of African-American music, sang
songs of protest from the civil rights era,
and challenged the audience to take the
risks necessary for justice
 The Reverend Dr. W. Franklyn Richardson:
The senior pastor of Grace Baptist Church
in Mount Vernon, NY, with a congregation
of over 4,000 members, Rev. Richardson
spoke about the struggle for educational
and economic opportunities for black
people in America and the goal of ending
the inequality in our country
 Dr. William Anderson: A clinical professor
of osteopathic surgical specialties at
MSUCOM, Dr. Anderson demonstrated
the importance of Black History
Month and the need for people of all
races to understand and appreciate the
contributions that African-Americans have
made to society
 Mr. Tom Hayden: A Freedom Rider during
the 1960s, Tom Hayden served 18 years in
the California Legislature, representing the
city of Los Angeles. Mr. Hayden discussed
the history of his Irish ancestors and the
struggles of underrepresented minorities
throughout our country’s history.
In addition to giving their presentations,
the visiting scholars take time to teach to
MSU students on campus. The fourth Visiting
Minority Faculty Lecture Series is scheduled
for February 2004.
COM Staff
Christine VanDeuren at work in
the development office.
by Pat Grauer
Have you heard the old story about the two men interrupted
at work one day? Asked what he was doing, one answered that
he was digging a hole. The second, however, replied that he was
building a cathedral.
Christine VanDeuren’s vision of her job is of the cathedralbuilding variety. Development assistant at MSUCOM, she
works with Sharon Snyder, director of development, to ensure
that the donation process to the college is as smooth, easy and
efficient as possible.
“My favorite part of the job is to see how happy people
are when they make their dreams come true through their
philanthropy,” she says, providing a breadth of perception that is
reflected in the product. She doesn’t just work with computers
and lists and letters and phone calls. She’s working with people
– people with dreams who have toiled hard to develop the
resources to make them a reality.
She began her career at the university in 1996, working
for the MSU Foundation/Planned Giving and the Major Gifts
units at University Development before coming to MSUCOM
in 1999. Raised in Lansing, she received her B.A. in business
management from Northwood University.
In her position she handles a multitude of tasks, including
maintaining records, sending out acknowledgment letters,
handling deposits and compiling reports.
Outside the office Ms. VanDeuren enjoys her family, bike
riding, scrapbooking, gardening at their new Williamston home,
and water aerobics.
What’s her message to those considering donations to
MSUCOM? “Every dollar counts,” she says. “Every donation
helps to fulfill the dreams of a future doctor.”
Author, legislator and civil rights activist
Tom Hayden.
Staff Matters 17
MOCF: MSUCOM’s Private Partner
Dennis Paradis
By Dennis M. Paradis, M.P.H.
MOA Executive Director
The year was 1959. Alan Potts, D.O., was being
installed as president of the Michigan Association of
Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons. In his presidential
address, Dr. Potts announced that Michigan would be the
home of the next college of osteopathic medicine. This
was a daunting task considering that no new osteopathic
schools had been opened for 30 years. But in an effort to
make Dr. Potts’ predictions come true, the osteopathic
profession created a charity named the Michigan
Osteopathic College Foundation (MOCF).
The first contribution to MOCF was a $1,000 check
from the Detroit Osteopathic Hospital Auxiliary. Soon
after that, the Michigan Association of Osteopathic
Physicians and Surgeons membership voted to tax
themselves $2,000 (payable over 10 years) to create a
trust fund, and a large number of Michigan’s osteopathic
physicians contributed. With the support of MOCF,
the Michigan College of Osteopathic Medicine was
established in 1969 in Pontiac, Michigan, and became part
of Michigan State University in 1971.
Michigan State University’s College of Osteopathic
Medicine (MSUCOM) has grown to become one of the
nation’s most respected medical schools for primary care.
During those 32 years of growth, MOCF has remained
MSUCOM’s private partner. Each year the MOCF trust
fund supports student grants or scholarships as well as a
variety of MSUCOM programs for which other funding
is not available. Examples of these projects include the
Kobiljak Computer Center, the Osteopathic Manipulative
18 MOA
Medicine Fellows Program, Communiqué and portions of
the MSUCOM convocation, graduation and Silverfest
programs. In 1997, MSU President Peter McPherson
presented the MOCF board with the Frank S. Kedzie
Award in recognition of $1 million in contributions to
MOCF is a shining example of what is best in the
osteopathic family — a willingness to reach out and
support the next generation of osteopathic physicians.
It started in 1959 when osteopathic physicians agreed
to tax themselves to create a trust fund that would serve
as a catalyst to build MSUCOM. Their leadership,
vision and generosity have benefited every student that
has attended MSUCOM. But that commitment didn’t
end 25 years ago. It continues to the present day. Each
time MOA members pay dues, they are asked to make a
contribution to the MOCF. Each year, the osteopathic
physicians of Michigan are asked to purchase tickets to
a dinner-dance to support the MOCF, and each year
Michigan osteopathic physicians reach into their pocket
or pocketbook and make a contribution to support the
next generation of osteopathic physicians.
As the executive director for MOCF, I hope that
you will participate in the great osteopathic tradition of
helping the next generation by supporting MOCF. In
these difficult economic times MSUCOM students and
programs need the support of their MOCF private partner
more than ever.
Upcoming Events
August 22:
Wharton Center
September 26:
Osteopathic Open
Hawk Hallow
Bath, Michigan
September 26-27: Silverfest Weekend
Please keep us informed of
recent moves or changes in your
practice. It is important for
college reports, grant writing,
etc., that we have up-to-date
information on our alumni.
Changes to your information
can be made on the MSUCOM
website under the alumni section
or by calling (877)853-3448
MSUCOM Alumni Office
A310 E. Fee Hall
East Lansing, MI 48824
(517) 432-4979 or
toll free (877) 853-3448
Silverfest Alumni Weekend invites MSUCOM alumni, faculty, staff, students, Statewide
Campus System community partners, and friends to come together for a weekend filled with
golf, a dinner dance, CME course, pre-game tailgate and a football game.
The weekend is a chance to get reacquainted with friends, colleagues and classmates.
Silverfest celebrates MSUCOM’s 25-, 20-,15-, and 10 year anniversary classes. This is a time
to remember the uniqueness of each of our classes, and to celebrate all their accomplishments.
MSUCOM Alumni Association
Board of Directors
President David Neff, D.O.
Class of 1980
Mary Hunt, D.O.
Class of 1988
Mitzi Amelon, D.O.
Class of 1989
Robert Piccinini, D.O.
Class of 1992
Tammy Born, D.O.
Class of 1986
Myral Robbins, D.O.
Class of 1976
Steven Dupuis, D.O.
Class of 1976
John Sauchak, D.O.
Class of 1989
Jeff DeWeerd, D.O.
Class of 1997
Michael Weiss, D.O.
Class of 1978
Glen Hatcher, D.O.
Class of 1975
Alumni Network 19
Alumnus of the Year and
Dean’s Award for Meritorious
Each year we like to recognize some of the individuals
that make notable achievements in the field of osteopathic
medicine. The MSUCOM Alumni Office is seeking
nominations for the Alumnus of the Year Award and the
Dean’s Award for Meritorious Contribution. Both will be
awarded at the MSUCOM Alumni Luncheon at the AOA
Convention in September.
Applications can be found on our Web site at http://www. or by calling (877) 853-3448.
Alumnus of the Year Criteria
• Commitment to the osteopathic profession exemplified by
the practice, teaching or research of osteopathic principles
and techniques
• Commitment to public service demonstrated by active
leadership in the community
• Outstanding achievements, including those leading to
better understanding of key clinical issues in the practice
of medicine.
Dean’s Award Criteria
• An alumna or alumnus of MSUCOM
• Nominated by MSUCOM alumni, faculty, staff or
students and selected by the dean
• Exemplary positive achievements, either in professional or
personal life
• Recognized as either a personal or professional role model
for others
From Student to Doctor
Alumni Office On-line
by Steven D. Bevier
Making it simple! The MSUCOM Alumni office has
put the change of address/information forms, membership
applications and Silverfest bio information on the web. Take
a moment to help us keep our records up to date.
Just a reminder, for every member of the MSU Alumni
Association who chooses the College of Osteopathic
Medicine as their constituent association, our alumni office
receives funding to help support our programs throughout
the year.
Steven Pitt, D.O., Class of 1986, shares his
experience with the graduates.
Dean William D. Strampel, D.O., opened the ceremony with
a greeting followed by an introduction of the keynote speaker,
Steven Pitt, D.O., MSUCOM Class of 1986. Dr. Pitt shared
stories of his years of experience as a forensic psychiatrist
and offered advice for the graduates on the importance of
communication and cooperation in the medical world.
Greetings MSUCOM alumni!
That includes the most recent
addition to our association – the
Class of 2003. After having met
many of you throughout the last
year and on the stage at graduation,
I am certain that the future of our
profession is in good hands.
This is an important time for our alma mater. The college
is taking on new challenges and the field of osteopathic
medicine is growing. At the same time, economic issues are
challenging MSUCOM to develop new ways to serve the
needs of its students, faculty, staff and alumni.
It’s more important than ever that we keep the lines of
communication open. We are moving to continue a “twoway street” after graduation. Just this month we began
dialogue on enhancing CME activity online, so it can be
available anywhere, anytime for D.O.s worldwide. While
these discussions are underway, consider checking out the
CME opportunities that already exist at our current Web site
at Click on “CME Online”
in the left menu bar and find “Visualization of Osteopathic
Principles and Practice,” an online CME program by Rick
Hallgren, Ph.D.
20 Alumni Network
Keep us informed about what’s happening in your world
and we will keep you up-to-date on all the opportunities that
MSUCOM and the Alumni Association have to offer. To
help with this effort, we’ve established a new e-mail address: Use it to send us your e-mail address
and that will make contacts between the school and alumni
quicker and easier.
Finally, I urge you to get involved. As we remember
where we were given opportunities in our professional
career path, it’s just as important to “pay it forward” with
new opportunities for students who will be the future of the
college and the D.O. profession. As members of the current
profession, consider how you might find a way to donate
your time or money to ensure our future tomorrow and for
generations to come.
There are a number of different ways that you can
contribute and make the college stronger. Contributions of
your time, expertise and/or money will benefit us all. To find
out more on how you might be able to contribute, contact
Sharon Snyder at the MSUCOM Development Office either
at (517) 355-8355 or
Until next time – GO GREEN!
James VanHuysen, D.O., was hooded by his
99-year-old grandfather, Robert Simpson, M.D.
Dr. Pitt’s address was followed by the presentation of
student awards. William Sanders, D.O., received the Richard
L. Alper Memorial Award for his distinguished community
service. The Judith K. Weiswasser Memorial Award, recognizing
an outstanding woman graduate, went to Mia Flor Wimberley,
D.O. The Dean’s Recognition Award was given to Nikolai
Butki, D.O. and the MOA Outstanding Graduating Senior
Award was presented to Jamil Rizqalla, D.O. Dr. Rizqalla,
who is also the class president, then addressed his classmates,
congratulating them on their accomplishments and wishing
them luck for the future.
William Falls, Ph.D., associate dean for student services,
then presented the degree candidates. With friends and family
cheering them on, each of the graduates strode across the
stage to receive the coveted green hood, the symbol of their
doctorate degrees. Then the new D.O.s recited the osteopathic
oath, officially signaling their arrival into the community of
David Neff, D.O., President, MSUCOM Alumni Association
The journey was long and difficult, but the dreams of
131 determined men and women were finally realized. The
students became doctors as the Michigan State University
College of Osteopathic Medicine held its annual hooding and
commencement ceremony at the Wharton Center on Thursday,
May 1. Hundreds of family, friends and supporters came out to
witness the occasion as the graduates were minted with their
new D.O. degrees.
New doctors Camelia Merati, D.O., and
Asra Hamzavi, D.O.
Highlights 21
Visitors listen to presentations about the
life of a medical student.
A “hands-on” introduction
to OMM.
MSUCOM held its annual Open House on Friday,
March 28. Hundreds of people visited Fee Hall and
A guest receives a
got a closer look at the world of osteopathic medicine.
free blood screening
Prospective students were given tours led by current
from a MSUCOM
MSUCOM students, spoke with admissions counselors
and academic program advisors, and were treated
to a presentation on “A Day in the Life of a Medical
Guests of the college also received free health assessments and hands-on
demonstrations in the Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine lab and listened to medical
case presentations from MSUCOM faculty.
The Open House also included an art exhibit featuring numerous works by
students, faculty, staff, and even some grateful patients.
22 Student Life
CME: Muscle Energy: Level I. Kellogg Center, East Lansing. 40 hours of Category IA credit. Tuition is
$1,250; $900 for residents and interns. Course chairperson is Carl Steele, D.O. Contact the Office of
CME: (800) 437-0001, or (517) 353-9714;;
Silverfest Alumni Weekend. Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Class of 1978, and reunions for the
Classes of 1983, 1988, and 1993. Friday: Osteopathic Open Golf Tournament & Dinner dance. Saturday:
CME course, tailgate party and MSU vs. Iowa football game. Contact Kim Camp, External Programs; (877)
Norma Baptista, Ph.D., with
an example of her stainedglass artwork.
The students of MSUCOM pulled off another big success at the 9th Annual Charity Raffle and Roaring ’20s Dance,
sponsored by the Michigan Osteopathic Association. The event was held on Friday, February 7, at Hawk Hollow
Clubhouse in Bath. Nearly 100 faculty, staff, students and guests attended the dance, most of them dressed in the fashion
of the Great Gatsby era. The guests enjoyed food, music, and dance lessons.
The event raised over $8,000, of which $5,000 was donated to this year’s selected charity, Eve’s House. Founded as
the Council Against Domestic Assault (CADA) 25 years ago, Eve’s House provides shelter and supportive services for
the victims of domestic violence in the community, while seeking to end domestic violence through public awareness and
community education. The remainder of the proceeds went to the MSUCOM Student Council, which hosted the event as
their yearly fundraiser.
Students hit the dance floor in their
best flapper outfits.
Convocation and White Coat Ceremony. Wharton Center, East Lansing.
National Osteopathic Medicine Week.
Sponsors included:
•Michigan Osteopathic Association, primary sponsor
CME: Principles of Manual Medicine. Kellogg Center, East Lansing. 40 hours of Category IA credit.
Tuition is $1,250; $900 for residents and interns. Course chairperson is David Grimshaw, D.O. Contact the
Office of CME: (800) 437-0001, or (517) 353-9714;;
CME: Exercise Prescription as a Complement to Manual Medicine. Kellogg Center, East Lansing. 32 hours
of Category IA credit. Tuition is $1,000; $750 for residents and interns. Course chairpersons are Philip E.
Greenman, D.O., and Mark Bookhout, M.S., P.T. Contact the Office of CME: (800) 437-0001, or (517)
CME: Direct Action Thrust: Mobilization with Impulse. Kellogg Center, East Lansing. 32 hours of
Category IA credit. Tuition is $1,000; $750 for residents and interns. Course chairperson is Carl Steele,
D.O. Contact the Office of CME: (800) 437-0001, or (517) 353-9714;; http://www.
•Mark Cummings, Ph.D., associate dean, Statewide Campus System
•William Falls, Ph.D., associate dean, Student Services
•Margaret Fankhauser, D.O., chairperson, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
•Mike Friar, Pratt & Whitney AutoAir, Inc.
•Sandra Kilbourn, M.A., executive director, External Programs
•Robert Milewski, CEO, Mount Clemens General Hospital
•MSUCOM Class of 2005
•MSUCOM Class of 2006
•E. James Potchen, M.D., chairperson, Radiology
•Barbara Reamer, Summit Community Bank
•William D. Strampel, D.O., dean
•Joy and Tom Thrun, Classic Travel, Inc.
CME: Craniosacral Technique: Level II. Kellogg Center, East Lansing. 40 hours of Category IA credit.
Tuition is $1,250; $900 for residents and interns. Course chairperson is Philip Greenman, D.O. Contact the
Office of CME: (800) 437-0001, or (517) 353-9714;;
CME: Principles of Manual Medicine. Kellogg Center, East Lansing. 40 hours of Category IA credit.
Tuition is $1,250; $900 for residents and interns. Course chairperson is Lisa Vredevoogd, D.O. Contact the
Office of CME: (800) 437-0001, or (517) 353-9714;;
For a complete listing of MSUCOM events
check out our Web calendar:
Calendar of Events
As you may be aware, Michigan State University and the College of Osteopathic Medicine are
facing serious challenges as a result of ongoing budget cuts. Therefore, Communiqué will be undergoing
some changes. One consequence is a change in the look and feel of the magazine, which can be seen
in this issue.
In addition, we will be lowering our circulation. However, all of the magazine’s content will
continue to be available online. To read Communiqué online or to access our other Web features, please
visit To join our e-mail list and receive periodic updates, send
a message to If you do not have online access, please contact us and we will
be happy to send you a printed copy of the magazine.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during this current situation. If you have any
concerns or comments, please let us know.
Office of Public Relations, Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine
A306 East Fee Hall, East Lansing, MI 48824
Phone: (517) 353-0616, E-mail:
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