Loop - 2011 03 - March


Loop - 2011 03 - March
St. Louis
Upcoming Section Events
April 6
Meeting Program
Dean Kamen Video, Ole Timers, Section Awards
April 29
Meeting Program
Special Location: US First Robotics Championship
America’s Center
March 2, 2011
French Gerleman
Electric Vehicle
Charging Stations
2023 Westport Center Drive
St. Louis, MO 63146
Adam Ruebsam
of French Gerleman
At the NEW French Gerleman
St. Louis Headquarters Location.
See additional information on
Page 2
South of Page between Lindbergh &
Scheutz Road ( East of I-270 )
4:30-5:30 pm:
5:30-6:15 pm:
6:15-7:00 pm:
Board Meeting
Networking/Social hour
Members $20 / Students $5
Non-Members $25
No RSVP, add $5 at the door.
RSVP & Pay at www.isastl.org
ISA St. Louis Section Valued Vendors
We have several exciting opportunities for you, as a Corporation, to reach out as St. Louis ambassadors
to several different International Audiences this Spring and Early Summer. Our hope is that you find
something of interest in these opportunities and join with our Section in supporting these events and
showing off our great City and its hospitality to our guests.
Opportunity #1:
In the case that you have not yet heard of this highly anticipated event, FIRST is bringing its International Championship to the America’s Center and the Edward Jones Dome April 27th -30th and the St. Louis Section has volunteered to operate as ‘On-demand’ Technical Team of experts in their fields to support the teams competing from
around the World in St. Louis. We are looking for corporations like yours to get behind the Section by extending
your support (financial and/or physical service) to the Technical Team and the event in general. We are specifically
looking for experts on the parts that teams are given for use in their robots (being defined as I write), and generic
industry expertise in areas such as fabrication, electrical, electronics, plc programming, pneumatics, hydraulics,
and many other technical fields. There will also be a plethora of non-technical opportunities available if others in
your company or families want to be a part of supporting this exciting event. Be the FIRST to join the Hometown
Volunteer Army and set YOUR Company apart from your competitors. To volunteer your finances or services to
this endeavor, contact volunteer@isastl.org and we will plug you in to this tremendous win-win opportunity!
Opportunity #2:
As you may have figured out by our lack of communication on the subject…Due to our Section commitment level
this Spring and Summer, the St. Louis Automation EXPO has been put on hiatus this year. However, we have two
scintillating opportunities for you to expose your company to a Targeted International Audience of Industry Experts in its stead. Two ISA Divisions are bringing their Annual Symposia to St. Louis and have each requested that
YOU to show YOUR COMPANY off to them. These two events share the week of June 20-24 at the Chase Park
Plaza Hotel in the Central West End. Division members from around the World representing the Aerospace, Test
Measurement, Propulsion Instrumentation, Process Measurement and Control, Computer Technology, Water &
Wastewater, and Automatic Controls Industries will converge on St. Louis to conduct their Division business and
provide professional and educational opportunities for their Members.
Each Symposium will also operate an on-site Vendor Show that you have been invited to participate in. This is a
unique home-turf opportunity to reach the world’s best and most influential in each of these industries. Each Vendor
Show is managed by the Division operating it, so you will have to contact them to participate. You may download a
prospectus and registration forms for the International Instrumentation Symposium at http://www.isastl.org/
meetings-a-events-mainmenu-15/upcoming-events/international-instrumentation-symposium.html , and the Water
& Wastewater and Automatic Controls Symposium at http://www.isastl.org/meetings-a-events-mainmenu-15/
upcoming-events/water-a-wastewater-symposium.html .
Opportunity #3:
We will be unleashing the Online Directory that we have been promising you for the last two years very soon. While
it has admittedly been a long time in coming, We think you will find it was well worth the wait. If you would like to
participate in the Online Directory, we will be posting information to the Section website within the next month.
While other Sections sponsor online directories, ours will be the only one of its kind within the Society and will be
well worth your involvement as a Corporation. Your participation will afford yet another opportunity to have the
World to come knocking on YOUR doorstep to find the products or services you provide! While the Online Directory
will be replacing our traditional printed Directory, we anticipate that we will still offer a downloadable file of the traditional directory for the foreseeable future. Keep your eyes peeled for the roll out of this exciting opportunity!
We regret to inform you of the passing of two ISA members. Our condolences to the
family and friends.
Melissa Biri, of St. Peters, Missouri, died on Friday, January 28, 2011 at the age of 48.
Devoted wife of Bruce Murphy; beloved daughter of Frank and the late Florence Biri; loving sister of
Cindy (Greg) O'Neill, Lucinda Biri and Terry (the late Betty) Biri; dear stepmother of Meaghan Murphy and Andrew Murphy; beloved aunt, cousin, niece, sister-in-law and friend to many. She is preceded in death by her brother, Chris Biri.
Melissa was a Project Manager / Business Analyst at Reed Elsevier.
Memorials may be made to American Cancer Society.
Paul C. Dodge, 67, died Wednesday, Jan. 12, 2011.
He was born March 25, 1943, in Granville, N.Y., the son of Cecil and Elsie Dodge.
He grew up in Pawlet, Vt., on the family farm, was active in the family dairy business as a young
man and made Eagle Scout as a boy. He graduated from the University of Vermont in Burlington
with a degree in mathematics, and worked in the computer science field.
He was president of Missouri Tech in St. Charles, Mo. Since 1987, past president of Missouri Association of Private Career Schools, and a member of Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian Church.
Survivors include his wife, Cynthia D. Dodge of St. Louis; four children, Cynthia Freed, Michelle
Lawetzki, Jason Dodge and Benjamin Dodge, all of St. Louis; a sister, Elizabeth Dodge of Albuquerque, NM; nieces, nephews and cousins.
Memorial contributions may be made to Foundation Fighting Blindness, PO Box 17279, Baltimore,
MD 21203-7279 (www.blindness.org).
Ole Timers Salute in April
Ole Timers are those who have been members for at least 15 years.
Each year we honor these faithful supporters of ISA by treating them to
a free dinner. April 9 is the meeting, so those of you who are in this
prestigious category, please try to attend.
We would also like to encourage past presidents of the Section to show
up and be recognized. Most of those fall into the Ole Timer category.
It is also note worthy that this applies to past presidents of the Society,
of which we have two that are still active participants.
Don't miss this spectacular family event as ISASTL teams up to support the first of three annual
FIRST Championships in St. Louis on April 27-30, 2011, at the Edward Jones Dome!
The St. Louis Section was recently approached by the Automation Federation and FIRST strategic alliance to lend it's support to the FIRST Robotics Championship at the Edward Jones Dome
and Americas Center in late April of 2011. FIRST leadership has awarded the Championship to
St. Louis for the next three years. We are currently in discussions with FIRST Leadership to define our role in supporting this, and future Championships. As we get information about the 2011
Championship, we will post it here. Be part of the FIRST Automation Wave hitting St. Louis by
helping us support this spectacular event!
St. Louis Section members have an incredible opportunity to see ISA leadership in action this June.
The Society leaders meeting is June 25-28, with 4 days of meetings and activities. Members are
welcome to come and observe nearly all the meetings with few exceptions. A short drive for most
of us, to meet leaders that travel half way around the world.
Check out the information at www.isa.org. Contact any board member and we can help guide you
through the schedule and help you choose meetings that might be of particular interest.
Advertise in the Loop
Reach out to a select audience of Automation professionals in the St. Louis
area by advertising in the St. Louis ISA Loop newsletter. Advertisers also
get their information posted on the Section Website. Postings of advertising
material are published in one issue of the Loop and posted concurrently on
the website for one month.
Rates are as follows:
 1/8 Page (Business Card)
 1/4 Page (3.75” W x 5” H)
 1/2 Page (7.5” W x 5” H)
 Full Page (7.5”W x 10” H)
Deadline for Submittal is the 15th of each month, or next normal business day if the 15th
falls on a weekend. Payment must be received prior to advertisement being publish. Payments may be made online at www.isastl.org Submit artwork via e-mail to newsletter@isastl.org
Completed artwork needs to be in PDF or JPEG format. Orientation of artwork must match the
above dimesnions for width/height. Artwork may be slightly adjusted to fit the required space,
however we will not rotate, make edits, or adjustments in size by more than 20% (larger or
Professional Development Credits
The following are eligible for 1 PDH credit for attending the technical
Attendees for the 12 January 2011 Tour of the Washington University Clean Coal Pilot Plant:
Paul Archambeault, Larry Bares, Dennis Barrow, Brian Bicker, Jeff Blair, Wayne
Brinkman, Bill Cluff, Nicholas Erickson, Don Fitchett, Charlie Forst, Mike Ghobrial,
Mike Gianino, Darryl Gibbons, Darren Goodlin, Ted Jaenke, Tom Kinsella, Cory
Kniepp, Michael Kuszaj, Mark Longrie, Tad Majka, John Mangoff, Jorge, Moreda,
Mark Moss, Mike Phillips, Jim Ramming, Nick Raycraft, Don Reese, Larry Sasfai,
Steve Skikas, Mat Spaniol, Kenneth Suetterlin, Rick Tissier, Donald Wells, Chip
Westaby, Joe Windmiller.
ISA – St. Louis Section
December 1, 2010
Board Meeting Minutes
In Attendance: Tom Glauber, Chip Westaby,
Jeff Blair, Jeff Gamber, Steve Pflantz
The November Meeting Minutes were read.
Old Business: A correction was made regarding the statement that the meetings will be shortened. The overall
meeting time will be less, but the presentation that counts towards Professional Hours will still be 1 hour.
For the McMillan training classes, the books have been purchased from ISA. Extras were purchased in case
needed and can be returned if not needed.
Jeff G: Continued contact with ISA regarding the Division Leaders Conference and the IIS.
Treasurer: Current balance is $7824.07
Membership: Put new members names on the Free Dinner Coupon for clarification
New Rankin Student members should join in January
Possible visits to MoTech and Rankin
Program: Possible topics – End Users Rount Table
Wash. U. Clean Coal Pilot
MSD Tour
Web: The new website conversion will be occurring in the next month.
Newsletter: Deadline 12-31-10
New Business: None
Close 5:52pm
Name that ISA Member
Each month we feature photos from past Section Events and ask you to identify people in the
photo or provide information on the event or activity. The first to respond with the correct answer(s) will get honorable mention in the next month’s Loop. We may also report any interesting guesses and response statistics.
Last Month’s Members in the photos were identified by Bruce Murphy of M&K
Chemical Engineering Consultants, Inc.. His response:
(L) Robert Cox of Cox Valve & Specialties
(R) John Mangoff who was probably working for Shell Woodriver at the time the pic was taken
This Month’s Photo
What is the name of the gentleman on the left in the photo below?
Bonus points if you can name the one on the right?
Please respond with answers to: historian@isastl.org
Tom Glauber
Clark, Richardson & Biskup
Steve Pflantz
Newsletter Editor
Clark, Richardson & Biskup
Cory Kniepp
Emerson Industrial Automation
Jeff Gamber
Web Master
Clark, Richardson & Biskup
Jeff Gamber
Past President / Delegate
Clark, Richardson & Biskup
Ashvin Mehta
Program Chair
Sigma Aldrich
John Mangoff
Membership Chair
Chip Westaby
Assistant Membership Chair
Turner Designs
Missy Knight
Marketing Chair
Automation Service
Jeff Gamber
Publications Chair
Clark, Richardson & Biskup
Tammi McAllister
Golf Outing
Clark, Richardson & Biskup
Dan Pearson
Honors & Awards
Dan Pearson
ISA, St. Louis Section | P.O. Box 1232 | Maryland Heights, MO 63043