Literature • Dürer • Bibles • Galileo • Medicine • Architecture Pozzo • Turkey • Montaigne • Herbals • Locke • Science • El Cid • Typography • Vitruvius • Theatre • Newton • Euclid Americana • Navigation • Brazil • Costumes • De Br y A H o l i day Miscellany Boccaccio R a l e i g h Literature Pe r s p e c t i ve C l a v i u s D ü r e r Bibles • Galileo • Medicine • Architecture • Pozzo • Turkey Montaigne • Herbals • Locke • Science • El Cid Typography • Vitruvius • Theatre • Newton • Euclid • Americana Navigation • Brazil Costumes • De Br y • Boccaccio Perspective • Raleigh • Clavius • Literature • Dürer • Bibles Galileo • Medicine Architecture • Pozzo Turkey • Montaigne Herbals Science • El Cid • Ty p o g ra p h y Vitruvius • Theatre Americana • Navigation Newton • • Locke Euclid Brazil • Costumes • De Br y Boccaccio • Perspective • Raleigh • Clavius • Literature • Dürer Featured Items Very rare illustrated work relating to brazil, item 3 Nearly spotless copy of mckenney’s indian tribes, item 6 American backstaff signed & dated, philadelphia 1759, item 8 3 works by and/or about dürer, items 16, 17 & 18 Handsome contemporary colored bible with de bry engravings, item 24 English montaigne in contemporary english red morocco, item 29 Early french lace-making model book, item 31 Two first edition works by galileo, items 37 & 38 Newton principia mathematica 1726 in contemporary english calf, item 42 Table of Contents Americana & Travel, Items 1-16 Art & Architecture, Items 17-24 Bibles, Items 25-26 Literature & Humanities, Items 27-30 Model Books, Items 31-32 Medicine, Items 33-34 Science, Items 35-45 Theatre, Items 46-48 The condition of all items in this catalog is guaranteed as de - scribed ; they may be returned for any reason with a week of re ceipt . N ew Y ork S tate residents add 8.875% sales tax. Postage and insurance are extra . P ersons ordering for the first time are kindly requested to submit trade references . V isa , M aster card , and A merican E xpress cards are accepted . to order or inquire: M a r t aya n L a n R a r e B o o k s 7 0 H e ro n T ow e r , S i x t h F l o o r 55 East Fifty-Fifth Street New York, New York Phone: 800.423.3741 or 212. 308.0018 Fax: 212.308.0074 i n f o @ ma r t aya n l a n . c o m Americana and Travel The First Ethnological Treatment of the Indian World 1. ACOSTA, Joseph. The Naturall and Morall Historie of the East and West Indies. Written in Spanish… and translated into English by E.G. London, Val Sims for Edward Blount and William Aspley, 1604. Bound in tan calf by Riviere. $18,500 First English edition of this eyewitness anthropological account of the Americas, chiefly Inca Peru and Aztec Mesoamerica, by the Jesuit father José de Acosta, “a more thoughtful and a more thorough account of the Indian world than anything then available” (Pagden). * Church 328; STC 94; Alden 604/1; Cordier Japonica 120 (1590 Ed.); Pagden, The fall of natural man, pp. 149157. “Best French Chronicle of the American Revolution” (Howes) Illustrated with 7 Maps 2. [AMERICAN REVOLUTION] / LEBOUCHER, Odet-Julien. Histoire de la dernière guerre, entre la Grande Bretagne et les Etats Unis de l’Amerique... depuis son commencement en 1775, jusqu’a sa fin en 1783. Paris, Chez Brocas, 1787. Bound in contemporary quarter calf. With seven maps. $4500 First edition of this comprehensive French account of the American Revolutionary War by historian OdetJulien Leboucher (1744-1826), recounting such pivotal events as the Boston Tea Party and the British capture of Savannah, Georgia, and including a French transcription of the Declaration of Independence (pp. 28-34). * Howes L169; Sabin, 39613. F or full descriptions , please email us at info @ martayanlan . com M a rtayan L an R are B ooks No Copy in America: Processing Sugar in Colonial Brazil With a Folding Plate of a Sugar Mill 3. [BRAZIL / JESUITS] / AMARAL, Prudencio (do). Prudentii Amaralii Brasiliensis De Sacchari opificio carmen. Pesaro, Pasquale Amati, 1780. Bound in old patterned wrappers over boards. $3850 Extremely rare first edition of this Neo-Latin poem describing the construction and design of a water-driven sugar mill, which is depicted in operation in a folding engraved plate. The Jesuit Amaral’s poem offers a précis of the sugar-trade in Brazil before describing the workings of the mill itself. Aside from its extreme rarity—ICCU records only a single institutional copy—the work is also of great documentary value for its depiction of the techniques used to process sugar in Portuguese Brazil. * Borba I.32; Sommervogel I.263-264. Important for the Study of Early Portuguese Contacts with Asia 4. [INDIA] / FREIRE DE ANDRADA, Jacinto / tr. WYCHE, Peter. The Life of Dom John de Castro, the Fourth Vice-Roy of India... Containing also a particular relation of the most famous siege of Dio... London, Henry Herringman, 1664. Bound in contemporary English calf. $8000 First edition in English, first issue, of the most famous biography in the Portuguese language: that of Don João de Castro (b. 1500), a sailor, soldier, scientist and cartographer whose military expeditions revivified Portuguese hegemony in colonial India. The present edition includes a frontispiece portrait engraved by Wm. Faithorne, and a double-page plan of the siege of Diu. * Wing F2155; Alden & Landis 664/81; Innocencio III.240. F or full descriptions , please email us at info @ martayanlan . com M a rtayan L an R are B ooks Funeral Exequies, Including Poems in Peruvian Tongues With a Large Folding Plate 5. [LIMA IMPRINT] / CUENCA, P. Victoriano. Parentacion solemne que al nombre augusto, y real memoria de la Catholica Reyna de las Españas, y Emperatriz de la Indias... Doña Maria Amalia de Saxonia, mandò hacer en esta Santa Iglesia Cathedral de los Reyes, Lima, Corte del Perù, el dia 27 de Junio de 1761. Lima, Pedro Nolasco, 1761. Bound in later vellum. $14,000 An unusually fresh example of the rare first edition of this account of the funeral exequies for Maria Amalia of Saxony (1724-1760), the wife of Charles III. The work contains a large folding plate of the Queen Consort’s catafalque, and is of considerable cultural interest for its collection of funerary texts composed in Basque, Catalan, English (!), and two Native American languages. * Palau 65888; Medina, Lima 1172. F or full descriptions , please email us at info @ martayanlan . com M a rtayan L an R are B ooks 6. [MAGELLAN] / VARGAS Y PONCE, José de. Viage al Estrecho de Magallanes de la fregata de S. M. Maria... Madrid, Widow & Sons of Ibarra, 1788. [Including: Apendice a la relacion del viage al Magallanes de la Fragata de Guerra Santa Maria... Madrid, Widow of Joaquin Ibarra, 1793.] Bound in contemporary quarter calf. $3800 First edition of this account of an expedition that aimed to determine the feasibility of using the Straits of Magellan to enter the Pacific. The present copy includes an appendix published 5 years after the initial report; it is often found wanting. * Sabin 16, 765; Hill I.305; Navarrete II.123ff. Royal Octavo of McKenney and Hall 7. MCKENNEY, Thomas Loraine / HALL, James. History of the Indian tribes of North America... Philadelphia, D. Rice and A.. N. Hart, 1858. Uniformly bound in contemporary gross-grained morocco, with decorative panels on covers. $20,000 Handsome, virtually spotless copy of the royal octavo edition in a luxurious (American) morocco binding: “one of the most important [works] ever published on the American Indians” (Field), containing “the most colorful portraits of Indians ever executed” (Howes). F or full descriptions , please email us at info @ martayanlan . com M a rtayan L an R are B ooks Very Rare, Enchanting Panorama Box of Narragansett Bay & Block Island 8. [Narragansett Bay / Block Island] / [EXCURSION VIEW COMPANY]. Excursion Views of Narragansett Bay and Block Island Published by Excursion View Co. Providence, R.I. [Providence, 1878]. Two chromo-lithograph panoramas, each approximately 33 feet long, in wooden box with two viewing glass surfaces, each 3 1/8 x 9 inches. $20,000 Evocative double-view panorama box of the coastline of Narragansett Bay, including its cities, town and ports, and part of the shoreline of Newport and Block Island as well. The attractive wooden box contains two paper scrolls each 33 feet in length, chromolithographed with attractive, detailed panoramic views depicting the coasts of Narragansett Bay in the full brilliance of midsummer. When the viewer turns the knobs on the top of the box, a scroll rolls from one rod to the other, providing the viewer with a moving panorama through the glass window, as though one were sailing along the coast. It is extremely rare: we know of only two in museum collections (one being the Mellon Collection at Yale), and one in private hands. F or full descriptions , please email us at info @ martayanlan . com M a rtayan L an R are B ooks An Unusually Fine Example of an Early American Backstaff 9. [NAVIGATION] / HAM, James. Backstaff, fruitwood frame with two boxwood arcs [58.5 cm long], decorated with engraved ivory plaques, the largest signed “Made by James Ham in Philad:a” with name of owner below (scratched) “For... Henry Soyers [?] 1759”. $22,500 Rare, early American-made backstaff, one of the principle instruments of navigation throughout the 17th and 18th C. This fine example is signed and dated on an ivory plaque by its maker, James Ham of Philadelphia. Augsburg Picks Up the Genoa Newsbeat 10. [NEWSPAPERS] / [GENOA] / ENDERLIN, Jacob (pub). Die Welt-berühmte sehr Alte, schöne am Ligustischen Meer ligende Haupt-Stadt und Mächtige Republic Genua… Augsburg, Jacob Koppmayer in Verlag Jacob Enderlin, 1685. Bound in later quarter vellum. $3850 Extremely rare illustrated German-language news accounts of recent dramatic or sensational events—wars, fires, natural disasters, political upheavals—in northern Italy, illustrated with views of Genoa, Mantua, and Florence, and with maps of Corsica, Lake Como, and the River Po. * VD17 3:600181L. F or full descriptions , please email us at info @ martayanlan . com M a rtayan L an R are B ooks The Death Sentence of Sir Walter Raleigh 11. [RALEIGH, Walter, Sir] / [BACON, Francis]. A declaration of the demeanor and carriage of Sir Walter Raleigh, knight, as well his voyage, as in, and sithence his Returne... London, Norton and Bill, 1618. Bound in later paneled calf. $6500 Rare first edition, first issue, of the defense of James I’s execution of Sir Walter Raleigh, written by Francis Bacon, a member of the sentencing council, and evidently with “very material” additions by the king himself. The work describes the circumstances surrounding Raleigh’s final voyage to America in 1618, whose purpose was to locate a fabled gold mine; instead, the expedition ended up seizing the island of St. Thomas and killing its Spanish governor, an ostensible act of war against England’s ally. Library (5th series) 3 (1948), 124-34. * STC 20652.5; Gibson, Francis Bacon 369c; Starkey, “The printing of a declaration of the demeanor and carriage of Sir Walter Raleigh 1618,” The An Early Encyclopedia of Russia, in German 12. [RUSSIA] / HEYM, Johann [GEYM, Ivan Andreevich]. Versuch einer vollständigen geographischtopographischen Encyklopädie des Russischen Reichs... Göttingen, Dieterich, 1796. Bound in contemporary half calf and speckled paper over boards. $3850 Very rare first edition of one of the earliest foreign-language reference works on Russia we have located: a geographical and social encyclopedia of the country. * SWB record ; Catalogue des Russica H 792. From Caviar to Gingerbread With a Large Folded map 13. [RUSSIA / MARBAULT]. Essai sur le Commerce de Russie. Avec L’Histoire de ses Découvertes. Amsterdam, n.p., 1777. Bound in contemporary mottled calf. $3300 First edition of one of the first French works on Russian commerce and trade, including a noteworthy early map of Alaska. The text of the work describes in great detail the domestic and international trade of Russia, including tables of all exports, from caviar to gingerbread, and “comptes simulés”—sample receipts for the budding importer. Also of interest are several pages on vodka, which constituted the government’s chief source of revenue. * Lada-Mocarski 26; Howes M 270; Streeter, VI. 3471; Postnikov, The Mapping of Russian America. F or full descriptions , please email us at info @ martayanlan . com M a rtayan L an R are B ooks Eyewitness Account of the First French Embassy to Thailand 14. [SIAM] / TACHARD, Guy / FRESCOT, Casimiro, tr. Il viaggio di Siam de’ Padri Gesviti... Milan, Agnelli, 1693. Bound in early flexible vellum. $3350 First Italian-language edition of an illustrated eyewitness account of the 1685 French embassy to Siam, France’s first official diplomatic mission to the Siamese kingdom, with 10 engraved plates, including a depiction of the Emperor Phra-Narai gazing at an eclipse through a telescope—one of the embassy’s many gifts. The plates also include portraits of indigenous Africans (the Khoikhoi, or “Ottentotti,” and the Namaqua of South Africa and Namibia) as well as native flora and fauna. * Sommervogel VII.1802-3; Mendelssohn IV.455-6; Cordier, Indosinica, 947 & 953; Lach III.254. Ten Centuries of Turkish History With 10 Woodcut Figures 15. [TURKEY / COSTUME]. Neu eröffnetes amphi-theatrum turcicum, worinnen der kern Türckischer geschichten... Erffurth, Funcken, 1724. Bound in contemporary half calf. $4800 Rare illustrated history of Ottoman Turkey, featuring 41 woodcuts of costumed military, religious, political and artisanal figures. * Sabin 52,360; JCB (1) III:333; Palmer 364. Not in Atabey or Blackmer. F or full descriptions , please email us at info @ martayanlan . com M a rtayan L an R are B ooks In Contemporary Red Morocco 16. [TURKEY / OTTOMAN EMPIRE] / SANSOVINO, Francesco (ed). Historia Universale dell’Origine Guerre, et Imperio de Turchi... Venice, Combi & La Noù, 1654. Bound in contemporary red morocco. $4500 Handsome copy of this “important and influential history of the Ottoman Empire, based on an important collection of source material, which includes Leonard of Chios’ letter on the fall of Constantinople, Spandugino’s account of Ottoman life and manners, and the accounts of Giovio, Menavino, Barletius and others” (Atabey 1088). The work first appeared in 1560-61 and saw numerous editions. * Blackmer 1487; Atabey 1088 (1560/1). Deaccessioning? Selling? Contact us at info@martayanlan.com F or full descriptions , please email us at info @ martayanlan . com Art and Architecture With Numerous Woodcut Illustrations 17. DÜRER, Albrecht. Institutiones Geometricarum libris... Paris, Christian Christian Wechel, 1535. Bound in quarter calf c. 1900. $11,500 Second edition of this treatise outlining the artist’s theory of “the work of art as a natural object,” which he both wrote and illustrated and which became an accepted aesthetic dogma until the 19th C. This Latin translation by the humanist Camerarius brought the treatise to the attention of the whole of Europe. * Mortimer, French I.183; Vagnetti E II.b7; Kemp, The Science of Art, 53ff. F or full descriptions , please email us at info @ martayanlan . com M a rtayan L an R are B ooks 18. DÜRER, Albrecht/GALLUCCI, G.P. (tr). Della simmetria de I corpi humani, libri quattro. Venice, Domenico $12,500 Nicolini, 1591. Bound in contemporary limp vellum. A very fresh and attractive copy of the first Italian edition, first issue, of this important handbook for painters, sculptors and anatomical illustrators, translated from the first Latin edition (1528), by Giovanni Gallucci, who added a fifth book. This edition also contains Pirckheimer’s “Life of Albrecht Dürer,” originally appearing in the first German edition, which notes the artist’s relationships with Giovanni Bellini and Andrea Mantegna and his controversial influence on Italian art. “This work embodies the first application of anthropometry to aesthetics, and is technically interesting because it contains the first attempts to represent shades and shadows in wood engraving by means of crosshatching” (Choulant, p. 145). * Mortimer I. 169; Choulant, Anatomic Illustration, pp. 143-47; Panofsky, Dürer, 273ff. Amply Illustrated The First Printed Dürer Bibliography 19. [DÜRER] / SCHÖBER, David Gottfried. Albrecht Dürers, eines der grössesten Meister und Künstler seiner Zeit, Leben, Schriften [und] Kunstwerke. Leipzig und Schleiz, Joh. Gottleib Mauken, 1769. Bound in contemporary paper boards. $2250 Rare first and only edition of this account of Dürer’s life and works, printed as well as graphic, the first to attempt a chronological ordering of the oeuvre, and the first to cast doubt on the authorship of many prints until then erroneously attributed to the artist. F or full descriptions , please email us at info @ martayanlan . com M a rtayan L an R are B ooks With 81 Physiognomic Engravings 20. PORTA, Giambattista della. De humana physiognomonia. Vico Equense, Giuseppe Cacchi, 1586. Bound in 17th C calf. $9850 Scarce first edition, first issue of an early illustrated work on physiognomy by one of the great polymaths of the Italian Renaissance. Della Porta’s exploration of the doctrine of signatures—how facial resemblances between a man and a particular animal are indicative of character—is accompanied by 81 engravings demonstrating specific examples of this phenomenon. Not surprisingly because of its usefulness for portraiture, the book was often owned by artists; Panofsky has shown, for instance, that a copy was in the library of Velázquez. * Mortimer Italian, 298; Garrison-Morton 150 & History, 231; Heirs of Hippocrates, 370. F or full descriptions , please email us at info @ martayanlan . com M a rtayan L an R are B ooks First English Edition Of The Most Influential Jesuit Architectural Treatise Ever Published 21. POZZO, Andrea. Rules and Examples of Perspective Proper for Painters and Architects, etc.... By Andrea Pozzo... in 105 ample folio Plates... London, Benj. Motte, 1707. Bound in quarter calf. $9850 First English edition of this perspective classic. The publication was inspired in part by the three greatest living British architects—Christopher Wren, Nicholas Hawksmoor and John Vanbrugh— for want of any such comprehensive perspective treatise in English. “When it finally appeared, Rules and Examples of Perspective was a triumph of the engraver’s art” (Nash). Sturt only translated the first volume, devoted to theory and practice of perspective; the second volume, treating altars and Pozzo’s designs—including the illusionistic ceiling he painted in S. Ignazio—was never translated. This omission as well as the selective nature of the copying is very likely due to the controversial nature of producing a deeply Catholic book in Protestant England. * Harris, British Architectural Books 703; Nash in Millard, British 58. A Tour of Sansovino’s San Marco 22. [VENICE] / STRINGA, Giovanni. La Chiesa di San Marco capella... Venice, Francesco Rampazetto, 1610. [Including, bound first]: Vita di San Marco Evangelista... Bound in 18th C Italian morocco (re-cased). $3850 Rare first edition of this description of San Marco by its Cathedral Canon, containing an abundance of art-historical detail, especially regarding the relationship between the chief architect Sansovino père and the Procurators of San Marco. * ICCU/VEAE/006305; Cicogna 67, 621. F or full descriptions , please email us at info @ martayanlan . com M a rtayan L an R are B ooks With Numerous Woodcut Illustrations 23. VITRUVIUS POLLIO, Marcus. De Architettura dal vero esemplare latino nella volgar lingua tradotto... Venice, Nicolo de Aristotele detto Zoppino, March 1535. Bound in early manuscript leaf. $18,500 1535 edition of the first illustrated Vitruvius (original 1511) and the first attempt to establish a critical text of the only surviving ancient architectural treatise. “The graphic segment is of course the great breakthrough of Fra Giocondo’s edition. Although seemingly coarse and diagrammatic, the illustration are logical and clear. The woodcut illustrations, based on drawings probably prepared by Fra Giocondo himself, are assumed to have been made by the publisher” (Millard). * Mortimer 545; Cicognara 705; Fowler 399; Millard, Italian, p. 493. Vitruvius in Light of Herculaneum With 25 Full-Page Engraved Plates 24. VITRUVIUS / GALIANI (ed). L’Architettura colla Traduzione Italiana e Comento del Berardo Galiani. Naples, Stamperia Simoniana, 1758. Bound in gilt red morocco. $4500 First edition of the antiquarian Galiani’s bilingual Latin/ Italian edition of Vitruvius, with original engravings made for this edition. * Fowler 424; Millard, Italian/ Spanish 162 & pp. 501-2. F or full descriptions , please email us at info @ martayanlan . com Bibles With 230 Illustrations in Contemporary Flemish Color 25. [DE BRY, J.T.] / BIBLIA SACRA. Vulgatae editionis Sixti V Pont Max iussu recognita et Clementis VIII auctoritate edita. Mainz, Joseph Albinus for J.T. Schonwetter & Jacob Fischer, 1609. Bound in 18th C Spanish calf. With 230 plates in stunning original color. $48,500 Rare first illustrated edition of the Sixto-Clementine Bible, in a highly unusual copy finished in sumptuous contemporary Flemish color. The title page to the present edition proclaims that de Bry executed 140 original engravings for the work, though the total number of illustrations is considerably larger (232). * Paisey, BL German I.B980; Hotchkiss/ Price, Reformation of the Bible, I.14; not in Darlow & Moule, but cf. 6184 for 1592. F or full descriptions , please email us at info @ martayanlan . com M a rtayan L an R are B ooks Mortier’s Large Folio Bible: Calvinism in Contemporary Tan Morocco 26. [MORTIER, Pierre / MARTIN, David.] L’Histoire du Vieux et du Nouveau Testament, Enrichie de plus de quatre cens Figures... Amsterdam/Antwerp, Pierre Mortier, 1700. 2 volumes. Bound in a luxurious contemporary binding: tan morocco, covers triple gilt ruled, spine in 7 compartments with raised bands, 2 black morocco lettering pieces gilt, remaining compartments in a pattern of contrasting zigzag lines, 1 a double-gilt line, the other in a line more thickly tooled golden bars, interior covers gilt. $11,500 First edition, first issue and a magnificent copy of this copiously illustrated large folio “print” Bible (44 x 27.5 cm), commonly known as Mortier’s Large Bible, in which over 400 folio-format engravings are embellished yet further by a sumptuous contemporary morocco binding. The work contains 214 plates, including engravings by such celebrated masters as Jan Luyken and Bernard Picart, showing two subjects for virtually every page of text (c. 428 illustrations). * Brunet III.199-200; Cohen-de Ricci 489 (French); cf. Poortman, Bijbel en Prent (The Hague 1983-86), pp. 98-105; Van Eeghen/Van der Kellen 351. F or full descriptions , please email us at info @ martayanlan . com Literature and Philosophy Early French Translation of the Decameron— The First Done Directly from the Italian, Bound in 18th C French Morocco 27. BOCCACCIO, Giovanni / LE MAÇON, Antoine (tr). Le Decameron de Maistre Jean Bocace Florentin, traduict de Italien en Françoys... Paris, Jean Ruelle, 1572. Bound in 18th C $3850 French red morocco elaborately gilt. Very rare illustrated pocket edition of a popular and influential French translation of Boccaccio’s Decameron, the first done directly from Italian. * Patricia M. Gathercole, “The French Translators of Boccaccio,” Italica 46:3 (Autumn, 1969), pp. 300-309. Early Epic Narrative of El Cid, With Full-Page Heraldic Woodcuts 28. [CID Ruy Diaz de Vivar]. Chronica del Famoso Cavallero Cid Ruy Diaz Campeador. Burgos, Philippe de Junta y Juan Baptista Varesio, 1593. Bound in modern $8500 vellum. Scarce early edition of an epic narrative romance of El Cid, i.e. Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar (c. 1040-1099), the legendary Castilian general. * Palau III.54497; Penney, p. 134; Salvá 2891. Locke Comes to Sweden (in French) 29. [LOCKE, John.] Abregé de l’essay de Monsieur Locke, sur l’entendement humain. Uppsala, Veuve du directeur Jean Edman, 1792. Bound in contemporary half calf. $1250 Rare French edition printed in Uppsala of the abridgement of the Essay on Human Understanding by John Wynne, the format in which Locke’s thought was most effectively popularized at English universities and in Europe. * Hollis record; Attig, John Locke Bibliography. F or full descriptions , please email us at info @ martayanlan . com M a rtayan L an R are B ooks “One of the Most Influential Books Ever Published” In England (Yates) In Contemporary English Morocco 30. MONTAIGNE, Michel de / FLORIO, John. Essayes written in French... Done into English according to the last French edition, by John Florio... London, Melchior Bradwood for Edward Blount and William Barret, 1613. Bound in contemporary English red morocco. $14,000 Scarce second edition, in a luxurious binding of English red morocco, of the first English translation of Montaigne by the celebrated Elizabethan linguist, lexicographer and translator John Florio (1533-1625). *Yates, John Florio: The Life of an Italian in Shakespeare’s England (Cambridge 1934). F or full descriptions , please email us at info @ martayanlan . com Model Books The Beginning of Modern Typographic Design With 100 Calligraphic and Typographic Models And 22 Pages of Hebrew Script 31. FUGGER, Wolfgang. Ein nutzlich und wolgegrundt Formular, manncherley schöner Schriefften... Nuremberg, 1553. [Colophon: Wolffgang Starck, nd but c. 1598]. Bound in half gross-grained green morocco c. 1900. $11,000 Rare 16th C edition of this early German handwriting and typography manual by the Nuremberg writing-master Wolfgang Fugger, exceptional among 16th C calligraphy books as a pioneering effort in typeface design, as it is “the earliest to deal in any way with the design of types” (Carter). Fugger’s heightened emphasis on typography (as opposed to calligraphy) demanded engravings of exceptional clarity: “The specimens are cut in relief, apparently on soft metal, with extreme accomplishment, and in this respect it surpassed earlier writing-books in beauty and clearness. Whoever engraved it must rank as a great master of letter-cutting” (Carter). * VD F-3338; Doede 16; Bonacini 649; Berlin Kat 4793; H. Carter/ F. Plaat, Wolffgang Fugger’s Handwriting Manual (London 1955). No Copy in America: Venetian Lace Comes to Renaissance France With 61 Patterns for Lace-Making 32. VINCIOLO, Federico di. Les secondes oeuvres et subtiles inventions de lingerie. Paris, Jean le Clerc, 1603. Bound in 18th C Italian red morocco. $18,500 Exceedingly rare edition of this highly inventive Renaissance model-book of Venetian patterns for amateur lacemakers, containing 61 leaves of white-on-black patterns for the style of needle lace-making known in France as lacis or poinct conté, of interest for its diverse array of high-quality designs and its witness to the prevalence of Italian fashion in the French court. * Lotz 128e. F or full descriptions , please email us at info @ martayanlan . com Medicine With A New Definition Of “Flower” And Over 1300 Woodcuts 33. DODOENS, Rembert. Stirpium Historiae Pemptades... Antwerp, Plantin, 1583. Bound in contemporary vellum over boards. $7500 First edition of Dodoens’ most important, last “and most comprehensive botanical work, incorporating material from a number of his earlier books, including the Cruyderboeck” (Hunt). The work divides plants into 26 families, introduces many new species, and also marks a stage in the development of plant anatomy. * Nissen 517; Pritzel 2359; Hunt 143; M. Florkin, DSB.IV.138-9. (detail) The Circulation of the Blood, with Full-page Engravings 34. HIGHMORE, Nathaniel. Corporis Humani Disquisitio Anatomica... The Hague, Samuel Broun, 1651. Bound in contemporary stiff vellum. $8500 First edition of a pioneering illustrated work in the history of hematology: the first anatomical textbook to accept Harvey’s theory of the circulation of the blood, first announced by Harvey in 1628. * Garrison-Morton 382; NLM/Krivatsy 5602; Norman 1071; Russell 416. F or full descriptions , please email us at info @ martayanlan . com Science 35. CLAVIUS, Christopher. Algebra. Rome, Bartolomeo Zannetti, 1608. Bound in contemporary calf. $4500 First edition of this classic algebra textbook by the most important Jesuit mathematician of the 16th century, one of the earliest Western attempts to explore practical algebra derived from Arabic sources, as well as the introduction of both the (+) and (-) signs and Stifel’s Cossist algebraic symbols into Italy. * Hadden, On the Shoulders of Merchants (1994); DSB.III, 311-2. 36. EUCLID/COMMANDINO. Euclidis Elementorum Libri XV. Vna cum Scholiis antiquis A Federico Commandino. Pesaro, Francischini, 1572. Bound in 19th C quarter vellum. $2250 First edition of the most authoritative edition of Euclid published up to that time and “the base of almost all other proper translations before... the early nineteenth century” (DSB). * Thomas-Stanford 18; DSB.IV p. 450. Euler’s Theorem 37. EULER, Leonhard. Institutiones Calculi differentialis... St. Petersburg, Royal Academy of Sciences, 1755. Bound in contemporary half calf. $8850 (detail) Rare first edition of this monument of analysis, “the first textbook on the differential calculus which has any claim to be regarded as complete” (Ball), the second installment of Euler’s trilogy summarizing his researches on the differential and integral calculus, and one of Euler’s rarest works. (The three parts were separately issued and—bibliographically distinct entities—were published over two decades, from 1748-1770.) * Norman I.733; DSB IV.477; cf. PMM 196 (Introductio of 1748). With 44 Engravings of Sunspots 38. GALILEI, Galileo. Istoria e dimostrazioni intorno alle macchie solari... Rome, Giacomo Mascardi, 1613. Bound in contemporary vellum over boards, title in ink on spine. $33,000 First edition of one of the great books in the history of science, recording Galileo’s observations of the sun. In his Letters on Sunspots, published at Rome in 1613 and illustrated with many full-page engravings of his F or full descriptions , please email us at info @ martayanlan . com M a rtayan L an R are B ooks observations, Galileo spoke out decisively for the Copernican system for the first time in print. That the sun is the center of the universe—the heliocentric system first espoused by Copernicus—was the most controversial scientific idea of the early modern era and had far-reaching consequences in human pursuits from theology to physics. Kemp has shown that the work is of art-historical interest and informed contemporary debate on the nature of perspective. * Sparrow, Milestones of Science, 77; Cinti 43; Kemp, The Science of Art, pp. 93-81. 39. GALILEI, Galileo. Opere... Bologna, HH. del Dozza, 1655-56. 2 volumes. Bound in contemporary vellum. $33,000 First collected edition of Galileo’s works, of great interest for his 17th C reception: this was the edition in which Newton and later eminent scientists read their Galileo. Included here are not only most of the seminal pieces written and published over a lifetime (Sidereus Nuncius, Saggiatore), but additional publications and letters by both supporters and antagonists. Together in one work they offer a veritable panorama of scientific activity in Italy during the first half of the seventeenth century, and are critical for the history of the formation of Galileo’s text. * Cinti 132; Riccardi I.518-19. F or full descriptions , please email us at info @ martayanlan . com M a rtayan L an R are B ooks “The First Illustrations Prepared with a Microscope That Were Set Forth in a Printed Book” (Singer) 40. [GALILEIANA] / STELLUTI, Francesco / PERSIUS. Persio tradotto in verso sciolto e dichiarato da Francesco Stelluti... Rome, Giacomo Mascardi, 1630. Bound in contemporary flexible vellum. $12,000 First edition of “the first illustrations prepared with a microscope that were set forth in a printed book” (Singer), including the anatomical ‘bee’ engraving made possible with Galileo’s own microscope. Stelluti’s work also makes frequent mention of the ongoing work of the Linceo, including notes on Galileo’s observations of Jupiter and Venus, as well as his recent work-in-progress, the 1632 Dialogo. * Cinti 86; DSB XIII.29-30; Freedberg, The Eye of the Lynx, pp. 161-194; Singer, History of Biology, p. 148. An Alchemist’s Handbook 41. GLASER, Christopher. Traité de la chymie enseignant par une briéve & facile méthode toutes ses plus necessaires preparations... Lyons, Pierre & Benoit Bailly, 1670. Bound in contemporary mottled calf. $1450 Very rare augmented edition (third) of Glaser’s textbook of chemistry: the first part devoted to basic chemistry, the second to medicinal preparations. The Traité contains Glaser’s recipe for his sel antifébrile (potassium sulfate derived from saltpeter and sufur), later known as sel polychrestum Glaseri. The text formed the model for his student Lémery’s Cours de Chymie, the most popular chemistry textbook of the late 17th C. * Partington III.24-26; not in Duveen; Ferguson I. 319-321 (mention). F or full descriptions , please email us at info @ martayanlan . com M a rtayan L an R are B ooks Do-It-Yourself Accounting in Early Modern France (Almost) Entirely Engraved 42. JEAN, Alexandre. Arithmetique au miroir. Par laquelle on peut (en quatre vaccations de demie heure chacune) pratiquer les plus belles regles d’icelle... [n.p.], [n.p.], 1649. Bound in contemporary limp vellum. $2250 Second edition, a reprint of the first (1637), of a curious engraved arithmetical reference-book, designed to facilitate calculation by tailors and merchants selling ells (aunes) of cloth. The lessons encompass not only rules for determining the costs of cloth in livres, solz (sous), and deniers, but also explanations of how the tables can be used to multiply large sums, calculate interest on a purchase, and convert livres parisis into livres tournois, and vice versa. The First Edition to Contain a Portrait Printed in 750 Copies 43. NEWTON, Isaac. Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica... Editio tertia aucta & emendata. London, William & John Innys, 1726. Bound in original paneled calf. $22,000 A good and attractive copy of the third edition of the Principia, the last to be published in Newton’s lifetime, which fixed the text until the modern critical edition of I. Bernard Cohen. This is the first edition to be issued with a frontispiece. Owing to the work’s extraordinary (and purportedly intentional) difficulty of comprehension, it was probably the first edition to receive a generally informed reception in academic circles. * Babson, Newton Catalogue 13; Gjertsen, Newton Handbook, pp. 476-77. F or full descriptions , please email us at info @ martayanlan . com M a rtayan L an R are B ooks The First Star Atlas With 47 Woodcut Star-Charts 44. PICCOLOMINI, Alessandro. La sfera del Mondo. Venice, Giovanni Varisco & co., 1561. Bound in contemporary vellum. $2850 Early edition of the first printed star atlas and “the first handbook for stargazers” (Gingerich): an important development in the form in which celestial knowledge was conveyed. The work introduced the system of stellar nomenclature much of which remains in use today. * Hollis BFM 077/BKS; OCLC; Warner, The Sky Explored, p. 200; Owen Gingerich, “Piccolomini’s star atlas,” Sky and Telescope 62 (1981), pp. 532-4. 45. [RECREATIONAL MATHEMATICS] / PITTONI, Giovanni Battista. Risposte curiose che si danno ad ogni quesito in piu sorti de’ versi italiani, e latini. Invenzione numerica del Pittoni. Venice, Leonardo Pittoni, 1730. Bound in Italian decorative wrappers. $1850 Early edition of this extremely rare book of numerical riddles for the recreation of amateurs, consisting of questions and answers that can be encrypted into numbers with the help of the author’s tables to yield oracular answers to questions like “how long will the present war last?” In his introduction, the author mentions the prevalent fashion for mathematical riddles of varying difficulty and assures the reader that his are of the easier kind, designed not to overly tax the mind but rather to serve as a pleasant pastime on long summer days or winter evenings. Nothing further is known about the author, who is identified on the title page as the son of the printer. F or full descriptions , please email us at info @ martayanlan . com Theatre With 12 Folding Scenographic Plates 46. [FÊTES] / BISSARI, Pietro Paolo. Fedra Incoronata Drama Regio Musicale. Munich, Johann Jäcklin, 1662. Bound in contemporary cartonnato. $14,500 Very rare first edition of the first part of a trilogy of operas first performed in Munich in September 1662 to celebrate the birth of Massimilio Emanuele, first son of Ferdinando Maria, duke of Bavaria and imperial elector, and Henriette Adelaide, Princess of Savoy. It is rare to find the book with all 12 folding plates documenting the sumptuous theatrical machinery and scenography by Francesco Santurini. * Watanabe-O’Kelly, 163; Berlin Kat. 3125 (incomplete). F or full descriptions , please email us at info @ martayanlan . com M a rtayan L an R are B ooks In Contemporary Red Morocco 47. LE BLANC, Jean Bernard. Aben-Said, Empereur des Mogols, Tragedie. Paris, Prault Fils, 1736. Bound in contemporary red morocco. $1350 Rare first edition of this typical enlightenment “history” tragedy, showing a number of typical 18th C themes: insistence that the drama be historically accurate, infatuation with Orientalism, and muted criticism of absolutist rule safely transplanted to a distant land. The plate shows an idealized (?) staging of a scene from the second act. * Conlon, Siècle des Lumières III.538; NBG XXX.94. With Many Full-Page Illustrations 48. TROILI, Guido. Paradossi per pratticare la prospettiva... Cognitioni necessarie a Pittori, Scultori, Architetti, ed a qualunque si diletta del Disegno... Bologna, gli H. H. del Peri, 1672. $3650 First edition and much scarcer than the second edition of 1683. “Troili, a pupil of the quadratura painter Michelangelo Colonna, became scene painter for the Farnese theatre at Parma. Ferdinando Bibiena saw his work there (probably after the artist’s death) and absorbed its influence. This original edition of Troili’s exceptionally handsome book on perspective is one of the real milestones in the history of theatrical scenery: it describes the conscious use of visual deception, the creation of greater `depth’ by means of oblique positioning of the wings, as common practice twenty years before Pozzo” (Breman). In more recent times, the scenic designer Gordon Craig counted Troili as an important influence. * Riccardi II.561; Cicognara 866 (1683); Fowler, pp.277-278; Breman in Architectural Theory and Practice III-B-24. F or full descriptions , please email us at info @ martayanlan . com