
Fratelli di San Gabriele, ROMA, sginfo@stgabrielinst.org
« Of Gods and Men »
The General House
African Provinces
Province of Canada
Province of Delhi
Province of Spain
Province of France
Province of Hyderabad
January 2011
n° 157
Province of Malaysia & Singapore
Province of North-East India
Province of Pune
Province of Ranchi
Province of Senegal
Province of Trichy
Province of Yercaud
Departed of the Montfortian Family
“Of Gods and Men”
On 4th November 2010, some of the Brothers from Generalate, Rome, went to watch a French
movie, ‘Des Hommes et des Dieux’ (Of Gods and Men). It was screened only for the Religious and
the Priests. The movie followed a presentation by an expert on ‘Inter-religious dialogue’ drawing
the inspiration from the movie.
‘Of Gods and Men’ is based on events that took place in Algeria in the mid-1990s. This was the
period in the country’s history when Islamic fundamentalism had started to introduce severe
instability. Among their many victims, roving militants were targeting foreign nationals. As a result,
a Cistercian Abbey, a benign remnant of French colonialism in a village called Tibhirine in the
Atlas Mountains about 60 miles from Algiers, came under threat, and for three years the small
group of eight monks lived in fear of their lives.
The monks are contemplatives, who pray and work in silence and earn their sustenance. In spite of
being contemplatives they do have strong bonds of friendship with the Muslim community around
them. They are invariably invited to attend the village celebrations. Being French expatriates the
monks are increasingly viewed with suspicion by the government as well as by the terrorists. As
more foreigners are killed the monks are urged to leave, and they deliberate slowly and carefully
over this. In the movie, Brother Christian (Lambert Wilson), plays a major role in decision-making
as the Superior of the Community. Finally the monks unanimously decide to stay in solidarity with
their Muslim friends.
Towards the finale, Brother Luc (Michael Lonsdale), who runs a medical clinic for the villagers, is
shown serving wine and playing a record of Swan Lake during their evening meal. The camera
gently moves around the table playing on the smiles and tears on their faces. This is a scene which
is the moral and emotional heart of the remarkable film. The centre of the film, however, is the life
of the monks and their preparation for death.
As Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel, we can draw the following insights into our own religious life.
 We are called to live in God with our Brothers in the community. In the film, during the
trials and troubles, the community was united and cheerful. Everyone had the freedom to
share their inner struggles. The prayer and dialogue among the monks were powerful means
of their bond of love.
 ‘We can do no great things, only small things with great love.’ The monks in the film were
committed to the service of God, the Church and men. They were indeed united in ‘making
differences together’.
 They lived a simple and exemplary religious life. It reminds me the first Christians of the
Acts of the Apostles.
Finally, this movie drives home for simplicity and renunciation. Therefore, this movie is very
dynamic and challenging to reflect on one’s religious life. It is, indeed, a Christian cinema at its best
- beautifully filmed with a gripping human story that deals with faith, community, inter-religious
dialogue and the meaning of vocation. (Bro. Jayapaul Reddy SG)
A young religious belonging to the Congregation of St. Therese of
Lisieux, Fr. Jaimon Vengacheriyil, born in 1974 in Kerala (India), is
the Chaplain of the General House , since January 2011.
Jaimon is a priest for 8 years and is currently studying the Theology in
Pastoral Care of Migrants at the Pontifical University of Urbanianum,
Rome. The Congregation of St. Therese of Lisieux was founded in
1931 by Father Basilina Panatta for rural development. It has about 300
Maintenance work is underway in the guest rooms
on 3rd floor, under the leadership of Brother Marcel
Bregeon. Brothers Arogyam, Ambroise Ndougou and
Jayapaul Reddy help when their other duties permit
them to do so.
The Chapter Preparatory Committee for the
General Chapter of 2012 (Bros. Jean Friant,
Varghese, Paulraj and Jean-Marie Thior) met in the
General House, from 18th to 25th January, 2011.
The sessions of the Committee alternated between
meetings in the Committee and joint meetings with
the members of the Central Administration.
St. Gabriel’s College, Manga was opened in 2007. The Brothers began with an orientation
program for the parents and the students so that everyone understands the importance of these years
of schooling and take them seriously.
The Brothers are also involved in parish ministry : Legion of Mary, Vocation Promotion, Biblical
Apostolate, Scout, French Choir, CVAV, Missionary Childhood, Preparing couples for Christian
Marriage, Liturgy, Parish Youth, Chaplain of High Schools and Colleges
The Novitiate of Brazzaville has 12 Novices: 4 Novices from the Province of Brazzaville, 7
Novices from the Province of Kinshasa, 1 Novice from the Province of Senegal.
The Novitiate was visited by Brother Superior General and Bro. John Kallarackal, Assistant
General. “We were impressed by the simplicity of the Superior General who gave us a hope
unlimited in following Christ” (Constant Guella, 2nd year Novice, Province of Brazzaville)
Responding to the invitation of the Provincial and the Committee in charge of celebrations, 51
Brothers and 3 Nurses taking care of the Brothers in the Nursing Home, experienced a day of
fellowship and prayer, games and meals at the Provincial House. Even the Brother centenarian
was there with the group!
On 9th September, nearly 50 Brothers gathered at the Provincial House, to pay tribute to all
those who worked in Haiti… And they were many!!! From Canada, France, Africa, who were there
for several years, or for two months, three months or more, or for one visit or one session, or for
reasons of responsibility…
On 24th November we were summoned for a time of spiritual encounter in the wake of the
canonization of Brother André Bessette on 17th October. «Brother André, a friend, a brother, a
saint ». An introduction to the discovery of the unique contributions of this man’s testimony in the
Church of Quebec, and the inspiration it can bring us today. What’s intriguing about this man is that
he had everything to be nothing…
Brother Hubert Forest communicates news about Poland. « It is not the snow that we miss! It
started snowing on Saturday, 27th November, and there are not many days when we did not receive
a little or a lot… Presently we have with us Father Mihovil, a Croatian Montfortian, who came to
learn Polish, in view of a possible foundation »
Bro. Jose Thottiyil, Vicar General, and Bro.
Robert Thiaw, Assistant General, have visited different
institutions of Delhi Province.
St. Gabriel’s Tec. Sec. School, Kiunga, PNG: 198 Grade-10 students sat for their national
examinations on 5 – 15 October, 2010. This is the first batch which sat for the examinations based
on new curriculum called Outcomes Based Education (OBE).
Two of the FIHM Sisters, Sr. Sheela and Sr. Mary, left this mission field on 11th December after
serving the school for the last seven years. They have gone back to India for thier final profession.
After seven years of mission work in PNG (two years as the financial administrator and five years
as the principal, Bro. Kata Bartholomew is returning to India. (Bro. Kata Bartholomew)
Montfort, Lucknow : Vicar General Bro. Jose Thottiyil, Assistant General Bro. Robert Thiaw
and Provincial Bro. Mani V. J. visited us from 8 to 10 of November ’10. On 23rd Nov. 2010, the St.
Louis’ Orchestra (by the visually challenged) from Chennai, headed by Bro. Octavian, performed
here to the admiration of all. ( Bro. Patras Kujur )
Montfort, Harinagar : 99.43% children between 9 and 10 years of age were given injection on
10th December to mark the Human Rights Day and also to make them immune to diseases.
(Bro. Sunil Soreng)
St. Gabriel’s, Roorkee : A grand function
was organised on 30th Oct., as Bro. Cyriac N.T.
completed his 25 years of religious life. A short
entertainment programme was organised in the
school. A silver lamp with 25 diyas specially
designed for the occasion was placed in the
middle and was the main attraction. The presence
of the Provincial Superior added special hue to the
jubilee celebration. ( Bro. Joji Joseph)
Vidyadeep, Bangalore : In order to realize the struggles of the poor people we, the second year
students of Vidya Deep College, went for an exposure programme. 17 Brothers and 2 Sisters of the
group lived in a village in Adoni town of A.P. It is beautifully surrounded by the rocky hills and
cotton and groundnuts fields. People of this village are very welcoming and have profound faith in
Jesus and Mary. Though people are illiterate, they are maintaining a beautiful shrine on the hill
which implies solidarity among the people.
As part of the earn-and-live experience we were working in a farm. The working hours were 8.30
am to 5pm with one hour of lunch break. The daily wage was Rs. 100 and we had to make a living
out of it. Our main work was to collect the cotton from the field and to gather groundnuts. We
visited a few Catholic, Hindu and Muslim families. Our entering into their houses and praying a few
minutes with them was accepted as a big blessing. (Bro. Edmond Soreng)) P
75th Anniversary of the Brothers’ Martyrdom:
During the Summer of 2011, we are going to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the martyrdoms.
The first imprisonments and the first
martyrdoms took place in July and
August 1936, reaching their peak on
7th November of the same year.
From that date, 44 brothers and their
chaplain were kept imprisoned at Can
Valls; five of them, for being French
citizens, were freed from the St. Elías’
prison. Thanks to the intervention of
the French Consul in Barcelona; the
others were to be murdered in the
Montcada cemetery.
On our fifty venerable confreres, we can remark : their devotion to Mary, in accordance with the Montfortian spirituality. They used to
renew the Marian consecration every year on 25th March, on the feast day of the Lord's
Incarnation, and they were to sign such renewal with their blood: each renewal was like
a sign of their martyrdom;
their generous devotion to the apostolate in education, in the seven schools they were
running in 1936 ;
their deep spirit of poverty and self-denial, as we can read in their biographies;
their love of schools, agricultural work and houses of formation; it lasted all through
their life span.
The Spanish Bishops’ Conference, through its Office for the Cause of Saints headed by Doña
Encarnita González Rodriguez, organized a Conference from 27th to 29th October 2010. The global
theme of the conference was ‘THE SAINTS AS EVANGELIZERS.’
His Eminence Msgr Angelo Amato promised he would appoint more reporters for the causes of
saints, so that both the approval to be granted to the positions and then the beatification or
canonization processes to proceed more quickly. We hope to witness the beatification of our 50
presumed martyrs. During this time of expectation before the beatification, he advised us to
dedicate ourselves to a faithful prayer to the martyrs. (F. José Paniégo)
The swimming pool of San-Gabriele Sports Centre at Vasto,
opened last month already has over 450 enrollments. It comes to
respond to a long awaited expectation of the people, because it
offers a swimming school for children and adults, and the water
aerobic. The babies can bathe there in full safety. The pool also
welcomes the sick for whom the bathing room is recommended.
The Province of France announces the creation of its new website: www.freres-saintgabriel.org .
The site aims to become a communication tool among the Brothers of the Province. The News
bulletin available on the site (news, photos) will provide access to the news from the Province.
The CAPP of Passos (Brésil) has launched new sections: Circus School, Battery, Reactivation
of Vocational Training, Poultry… We hope to give a breath of fresh air to the budget of their
The Superiors of the Communities held a General Assembly at La Pommeraye-sur-Loire. The
first session was to capture the last Council of the Institute.
The second session enabled some sharing around certain information: the project of the
international community at Saint-Laurent-sur-Sèvre, to set up the route for the discoveries of
Montfortian and Gabrielist places, the life of the trusteeship (Tutelle), in association with the
Ploërmel Brothers and the Daughters of Wisdom.
The document prepared by the French Commission on « The Theology and Spirituality of
Brotherhood » was a good opportunity to examine how the fraternal communion is cultivated in the
communities of the Province, and the place it is given in implementing the educational projects in
our schools.
Brother Rafaël Fouquet has left Kinshasa for good, after spending 57
years in Congo. He has left as a happy man and leaves behind great works,
such as the broadcasting system (RTU). He got himself involved in his
works in order to improve the lives of his colleagues, his students, and the
people around him.
Brother Marcel Ulenaers made one last visit to Kinshasa, prior to
accompanying Bro. Rafael during his journey back home. Brother Marcel
joined him in the community of Boechout, near his family.
Montfort ITI, Ballarsha: In the midst of growing ecological crisis and dwindling of farm
products, Montfort has initiated organic farming and the products from the farm will be certified by
a goverment approved agency. The new venture is aimed at creating awreness among the farmers
about the importance of organic farming and to empower them to turn towards sustainable farming
Montfort Associate Movement has been further strengthened with regular prayer meetings and the
members themselves have taken the initiative of conducting the prayers. A few more members have
joined in our movement from last month and we look forward for a greater praticipation from the
Catholics of our area. (Bro. Don Dominic)
Montfort School, Khammam inaugurated ‘Montfort Associates Movement’ on 19th September,
2010 by Bro. T.A. Joseph. A core group of 23 members was formed consisting of all our catholic
teachers and a few from the parish.
St. Montfort’s Novitiate, Mikese, Tanzania was inaugurated by Bro. George Le Vern,
Assistant General, on December 7, 2010.
Brothers Erasmus Marando and Ajay Anugrah Murmu made their Final Profession on December
7, 2010 at Montfort Novitiate, Mikese. Also, three of the novices belonging to East Africa Mission
Saturnino Corneli Marandu, Andrew Shadrack Mabau and Robert Hiza Alfred - along with the
novices for the Kigali Sector, made their First Profession on December 7, 2010. We congratulate
and welcome them into Montfortian family.
My Experiences as a Montfort Associate: ‘Montfortian Charism, a Path to Holiness’
(Mrs. Bella Rajan, Headmistress, St. Gabriel’s Sr. Sec. School & President, Montfort
Associates, Jabalpur)
I am a ‘Montfortian’ i.e. one who shares the Charism – mission spirituality of the
Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel. To me and to many other Associates at St. Gabriel’s
Sr. Sec. School, Jabalpur, Montfortian Charism is a path to holiness.
The role of Mary in the eternal plan of God for the Human Salvation
Following Montfort’s path we have understood the role of Mary in the eternal plan of God for the
human salvation and that she is the surest and easiest way to reach Jesus, the Immaculate Wisdom.
Montfort in his book ‘Love of Eternal Wisdom’ n° 203 recognizes this singular privilege of Mary
and says, “No one but Mary ever found favour with God for herself and for the whole human race.
To no other person was given the power to conceive and give birth to Eternal Wisdom. No one else
had the power to incarnate Him with the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Striving for Growth in the Characteristics of Montfortian Spirituality
We often come together to pray and to share our life and mission and to consecrate ourselves
completely and fully to Jesus Christ through Mary. We do acknowledge our responsibility that we
become ‘Montfortian’ to the extent we are able to share in the characteristic elements of
‘Montfortian Spirituality’ namely, Montfort’s deep God experience, God alone, to possess and be
possessed by the Eternal Wisdom, Mystery of the Cross, Marian Devotion and love for the poor.
We are grateful to God for calling us to share in this great Charism. May this charismatic saint and
his Charism continue to inspire us thereby transforming our lives and the lives of many who come
in contact with us.
It was in full hope that the hostel
would be completed before January 2010.
To our dismay and frustration, the main
factor for the delay is the weather. The
rainy season hampered the external works
of the extension.
Boys’ Town Fraternity, Singapore: Boys’ Town was left in suspend for the nomination of the
Local Superior succeeding Bro. Dominic Yeo Koh. And now the candidate selected is Bro.
Emmanuel. He takes over the responsibility from 2nd January, 2010.
Ground-Breaking Ceremony for New Boys’ Town Building:
On 30th November 2010, Boys’ Town held the groundbreaking
ceremony for the new extension building to be built. The new
complex will be built on the existing premise and will replace some
of the older facilities.
The current buildings at Boys’ Town Home were built in the 1950’s
and early 1960’s. Periodic checks by the Building Control Authority
requires those buildings to go through major repairs and upgrading
to meet modern building standards. Rebuilding and upgrading is
expected to take 20 months and will allow Boys’ Town to better
serve the diverse needs of our youth-at-risk today.
Montfort on Outreach Mission: On 27th November 2010, a group from Montfort Youth
Training Centre (MYTC) set out from Kinarut on an outreach mission to Keningau and Tenom.
The objectives of the outreach were three-fold:
1. to pay visits to families of the four trainees staying around the areas of visit;
2. to explain to the youth (and their parents) in St. Anthony’s Church, Tenom, the vision
and mission of MYTC and how the Centre might be able to help them, and
3. to introduce the spirituality of the Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel to young men in
Tenom who might feel called to be Religious Brothers.
As a whole, the mission was accomplished. The seeds were planted, and it was hoped that the Lord
would touch their hearts so that they could answer to the call to be Religious Brothers or be among
the next batch of trainees in the programmes drawn up for them in MYTC beginning on June 2011.
Sisters’ Collaboration at Chabua and Jonglapara
The Sisters of Charity have agreed to collaborate with us at Montfort School, Chabua from this
academic year 2011.
The Augustinian Missionary Sisters of Spanish origin have agreed to collaborate with us at
Montfort School, Jonglapara from this academic year 2011. The Sisters are expected by the first
week of February 2011.
Hyderabad: To draw out the innate
talents of our students, we set apart
one week each to celebrate the
Cultural the Literary weeks. The
students competed in dance, drama,
singing, rangoli, flower arrangements,
vegetable carving, instrumental music,
debate, elocution, dictation, essay
writing, general knowledge and quiz
awards.(Bro. P.T. Joseph)
Montfort Centenary School, Kuppam :
We are constructing a grotto just by the side of
the school. You can have a look at the picture.
The construction of the grotto is likely to be
completed before Christmas. (Bro. M. Joseph)
St. Alphonsus’ School, Nalgonda : The Eenadu Daily News Paper conducted some painting
competitions for the students and our students got all the prizes. There were 20 schools that
participated and had about 100 participants. Bro. Superior General had launched our website
officially on 10th October, 2010. Our website is www.stalphonsusnlg.com. For further details,
kindly visit our website. (Bro. Peter of Verona)
Snehanilayam, Suryapet : We had the installation of Statue of St. Montfort on the roof top of
the dining hall of inmates, which looks impressive to look at as one enters the compound and
nearing the dining hall.
Bro. Shajan Anthony, Rector of All Saints High School, along with staff members and a few
students of the school, paid a visit to sensitize them about the inmates of Old Age Homes and the
need to be aware of the poor and abandoned ones of the society thus to be in solidarity with them.
Bro. Anthony Reddy and a few students with staff members from Little Flower High School, Uppal
paid a visit to the inmates to acquaint themselves
personally about them.
Saint-Gabriel, Kazipet : On the occasion of
Children’s day, a full-fledged new Science Lab was
inaugurated on 13th November by the parents of IIT
2010 topper, Jeethender Reddy Anumola, one of
proud Alumnus. (Bro.George Joseph)
The much awaited Montfortian Associate
Movement(MAM) took off in the Province on the 17th
October in a colorful function at All Saints High
School, Hyderabad.
MAM began with a short
introduction by welcoming the members followed by
the lighting of the lamp and garlanding of the statues
of St. Montfort and Mary by the Vicar General Bro.
Jose Thotiyil, Bro. M.A. George, the Provincial
Superior of Pune province, Bro. Paul Raj, the
Provincial Superior of Trichy Province and also the Covener for Montfortain Associate Movement
in India.
The mission at Shirdi is into its 10th year. The last ten years have seen years of plenty and
times of adversity. Our effort to develop this mission with Sensorially Handicapped children is a
sign of our commitment to the needy and most disadvantaged group of children and youth – a
heritage we are blessed with. (Bro. William D’Mello)
Bro. Thomas Thanickal received a national award
for distinguished service in the field of education. The
award was given by the Chief Guest, Smt. Sheila
Dikshit, the Chief Minister of Delhi, during the
National Conference of the heads of the Educational
Institutions on 13th December 2010 at New Delhi. He
is extremely happy that his contribution in the field of
education is acknowledged.
The school campus of St. Joseph’s School, Kanke, is sealed off from all the four sides. The
thoroughfare is blocked with high walls after opening a road for the people at the back side of the
school building.
Inspired by the curriculum of Community College, IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open
Unversity) is in the process of accrediting Community College at Lacharagarh. Bro. Sushil Toppo
has inspired the authorities to formulate an appropriate curriculum for community college. He is
specially invited to Delhi to attend a conference organised by IGNOU. His hard labour has been
recognised. He has brought credit to Montfort Brothers. (Bro. Frederick Soreng)
St. Aloysius’ School, Ranchi: Mrs. Susanna, biology teacher of St.Aloysius' H.S., made a
difference in the celebration of Deepawali. She motivated the students of her classes and asked
them to celebrate a pollution free Deepawali without crackers and asked them to contribute the
money for the poor children who have no uniform and find difficult to pay the fees. The boys
collected more than Rs. 3000. She helped ten children with the money collected. We appreciate her
innovative idea to save the environment.
Pratyasha had sent six women to Hyderabad under the patronage of 'JHARCRAFT' (Jharkhand
Silk & Textiles Corporation) to get training on ornament making. Hyderabad is famous for precious
stones. Pratyasha is expected to start production in the month of January 2011. (Bro. Jacob
Cambridge School, Cuttack organized a science exhibition on 10th of December in an extra
ordinary manner. It was inaugurated by Bro. P.T. George, the Provincial Superior of Ranchi
Province. The students displayed their innovative ideas and inventions according to their abilities
and capabilities. This exhibition was organized, keeping in view of their curriculum, which calls for
experimentation and innovative practices. (Bro. Aquinas)
St. Gabriel’s, Novitiate,
Sitagarha: The ceremony of
the entering into the canonical
year was held on 8th Dec. We
had a solemn Eucharistic
celebration during which Bro.
P.T. George, the Provincial of
Ranchi admitted us into the
canonical year on behalf of all
the Provincials of the Indian Provinces. It was a memorable day for us as we have become the
members in this great Montfortian family. (Cyprien and Suleman Beck, Province of Ranchi)
Brother Superior General visited the communities of Guinée-Konakry and the schools under
their charge. (F Janvier, Manga)
The communities of the Province of Senegal by and large live in the bliss of welcome. In the
interest of collaboration and the sense of the Church which still exists, they have accepted the
requests of Bishops and the major superiors for the accommodation needs of their staff posted for
their graduate studies in Dakar, in diverse fields like specialization in neurology, electronics and
auto mechanics.
Two Brothers of the Province of Brazzaville are welcomed for their studies in Dakar (Genenal
Education and Computer). Two Brothers of the Holy Family and three diocesan priests (Burkino
Faso) are also students in Dakar, Senegal, with a diocesan priest.
Major road works are underway in Dakar, for several year. We are directly affected because
piles of rubble, sand and construction equipments have been deposited in the parking lot of our
large sales showroom that we built to improve the budget of the Province. Access is no longer
possible, and so our tenant has discontinued his contract.
The finances of the Province, which drew 15% of its budget from this rent paid faithfully every
month, are heavily penalized by this situation. And this is so, especially because we have not fully
paid back the loan taken for the construction of this building.
With the construction works progressing at a low pace, the situation is likely to last long. And we
are not sure of finding a new contract with conditions as favorable.
Bro. John Kallarackal, Asst.
General, visited the institutions in
Trichy Province.
The Second Annual Retreat held at Dindigul in December 2010 was appreciated by
all the participants. There were 47 participants and the Preacher, Fr.Dominic Veliath, SDB
offered beautiful reflections and has appreciated the way the Brothers of our Province took
part in the Retreat.
Bro. Robert Thiaw, Asst. General, Bro. Pierre
Girard, the General Bursar & Bro. Innocent
Munyanziza, the Sector Superior, Kigali visited
most of our communities in the Province from
19th Nov to 5th Dec 2010
Deshayes Mount School, Yercaud :
Our new School! “Deshayes Mount School
is named after Fr. Gabriel Deshayes in
order to perpetuate the memory of this
great missionary, who is considered as the
second founder of Montfort Brothers of
St.Gabriel. This pioneering project was
initiated by Bro. George K J, our
Provincial, in the year 2008-2009, and
finally it took shape in April 2010.
( Bro. John David)
Sampurna Montfort College : The Post Graduate Counselling students of Sampurna
Montfort celebrated Children’s Day this year at Maria Niketan grounds on 14.11.2010. It was a
life time experience for 500 orphan children who had gathered there.
(Lalitha Ganapathy)
St. Thomas Mount Community: Bro. Patrick who is known for his selfless service
towards the needy, actively collaborates in our mission. He celebrated the world disabled
day celebration on 3rd December, having nearly 2000 differently-abled children in a meaningful
way. Our sincere appreciation and prayerful support goes to him. (Bro. Francis Xavier)
Montfort School, Yercaud: October 24, 2010 was a sad day for Montfort community, as Bro.
K.V. Thomas met with the car accident. At present he is undergoing physiotherapy at CMC Vellore.
Bro. Thomas is making steady progress. Please, continue to pray for his complete recovery.
(Bro. Biju K.J.)
Rev. Bro. Robert Thiaw, Assistant General, visited the Province of Yercaud.
On November 27th we had the Meeting of all the South Pacific Community Brothers with
Bro. George Kalangod, the Provincial Superior. We had a sharing on the mission works that have
been carried out by the Brothers in Fiji. The provincial officially appointed the District Superior
Rev. Bro. Thomas K.M. and his Councilors. He also thanked Rev. Bro. Thomas V.U. the former
District Superior and his Councilors.
Rev. Bro. George K.J, the Provincial Superior visited Montfort Community, Suva on 26th
Nov., and spent a week with us here. He inspired the graduates in his message during the
graduation ceremony. The Chief Guests of our graduation were His Excellence Epeli
Nailatikan, the President of the Republic of Fiji and his wife Adi Koila, the Ambassador of
Marshal. The Bishop of Suva, His Grace Petero Mataca, also was present to bless us.
Rev.Bro. Provincial conversed upon the Monfortian Education that is been given to the
students. The President recounted how the Monfort Brothers came over and how effective is
their presence here. All the Brothers of the district of South Pacific were present here for the
graduation. (Bro. Joni)
Company of Mary
Fr. François Gayot (83 yrs), December 19, 2010 - Rome (Italy)
Daughters of Wisdom
Sr Madeleine Bourumeau (94 yrs), November 16, 2010 - Saint-Laurent-sur-Sèvre (France)
Sr Geneviève Freytag (90 yrs), November 17, 2010 - Saint-Laurent-sur-Sèvre (France)
Sr Gemma Cazzaro (78 yrs), November 21, 2010 - Valperga (Italy)
Sr Edwige Sanvito (89 yrs), November 22, 2010- Clusone (Italy)
Sr Juliette HOREAU (93 yrs), December 13, 2010 - Saint-Laurent-sur-Sèvre (France)
Sr Maria Philomena Weerts (88 yrs), January 12, 2011 - Houtem (Holland)
Brothers of Saint Gabriel
November 2010
12 Br. Paul Dousset
25 Br Henri Guittonneau
La Hillière
La Hillière
December 2010
08 Br. Francis Babonneau
La Hillière
86 yrs
79 yrs
70 yrs of religious life
72 yrs of religious life
87 yrs
70 yrs of religious life
Monseignor François Gayot
He was born on July 12, 1927 at Port-de-Paix (Haïti). He entered the
Novitiate of the Missionaries of the Company of Mary at Celles-sur-Belle,
in France, on September 8, 1948 where he pronounced his first vows on
September 8, 1949. After his theological studies at Montfort-sur-Meu, he
was ordained a priest on February 7, 1954. From 1954 to 1956 he was
successfully Assistant and then Parish Priest at Jean-Rabel in the diocese of
Port-de-Paix. From 1957 to 1966 he was a missionary in Port-au-Prince,
then, from 1966 to 1974, Provincial of Haiti, years interrupted by studies in
France. On November 22, 1974 he was appointed Bishop of Cap-Haïtien,
and consecrated on February 2, 1975. Bishop Gayot became Archbishop of
Cap-Haitien on April 10, 1988.
Having reached 75 years, he
resigned on November 4, 2003.
Bishop Gayo was in Rome last
November for a meeting of the
Migration. This is where the disease
sprang a surprise. He was
hospitalized for two weeks at
Gemelli Hospital in Rome, for
complications in the liver. After a
few days of convalescence at the
General House, he was rushed to the
Gemelli Hospital on the night of December 15 and 16. There he died on December 16.
Providence had designed it that his funeral Mass will be celebrated in Rome on December 18,
which is precisely the International Day of Migrants. Bishop Gayot was buried in Haiti, his
Brother Paul Dousset
was born on February 23, 1924 in France.
After 8 years as head of the Juniorate at Bourrelière, it was to the mission of
Madagascar that he gave 36 years of his life, until serious health problems
forced him to return to France.
He liked to improve the climate of peace, prayer, fraternal community life
wherever he was placed, and he took delight in that. He loved to use his
musical talents by joining the choirs during the liturgical or family or
community celebrations. One of his greatest joys was to bring Holy
Communion to his Brothers.
He placed his complete faith in Christ!
Frère Henri Guittonneau
was born on December 18, 1921 at Perrier (France).
He used pressure on the will of his father and entered the novitiate. This attitude
of stubborn behavior had left a mark on his life.
His professional life had been a long application of his graduate studies in
mathematics, calculus, mechanics, electricity and thermodynamics. So he spent
most of his life in institutions of technical education: Pont l'Abbé and SaintLaurent-sur-Sevre.
The mathematician-physicist now knew all the secrets encrypted and
scattered throughout the Bible, God and History.
Frère Francis Babonneau
was born April 20, 1923 at Bouguenais (France).
After his novitiate in Peruwelz (Belgium) and La Tremblaie (France), he joined
the seminary of La Mothe-Achard for the service of a cobbler. His whole life
was lived in the middle of shoes and pots, jobs in which he was well liked by
his colleagues.
But his deep secret lies in the deep appreciation of the superior of his
community to his application for admission to perpetual vows: "Observe the
Rule and its demands, although the rule of silence is often violated. " Above
all, Brother Francis has been a good servant.