Press kit Swarovski Kristallwelten Store Innsbruck


Press kit Swarovski Kristallwelten Store Innsbruck
Swarovski Kristallwelten Store Innsbruck – Modern look in historical garb
The diversity of Swarovski Kristallwelten Store Innsbruck in detail
Artists Biographies
General Information
Editorial notes
May 16
Swarovski Kristallwelten Store Innsbruck is a sparkling attraction in the old town that surrounds
Innsbruck’s Goldenes Dachl (Golden Roof). It features a luminous, modern shopping ambience
presented in combination with centuries-old structural elements, some of which date back as far as
the Gothic period. In addition, thanks to installations by major contemporary artists such as Thomas
Feuerstein and Jean Paul Gaultier, Swarovski Kristallwelten Store Innsbruck has become an
incomparable place of wonder.
The old town of Innsbruck—capital of Tyrol and thus, capital to the home of Swarovski crystal—is living
testament to an eventful history. Both proud and not afraid of change, it has lost none of its dynamic spirit to
this day. Just a few meters from the Goldenes Dachl (Golden Roof), Swarovski Kristallwelten Store Innsbruck
is located in the main center of the town, in a landmark with a rich history. For centuries, it was home to the
“Die Goldene Rose” guest house. Today, visitors will find one of the largest Swarovski stores in the world, as
well as an extraordinary shopping atmosphere: With its avant-garde appearance, which ties in with the
historical flair of the old town, and framed by one of the oldest buildings in the area, it offers a combination of
history and forward thinking, of the product range and contemporary art.
Fascinating combinations
The initial encounter with art takes place in the entrance area: IM FACETTENREICH (In the Realm of Many
Facets) is the name of the three-part series of works by Tyrolean artist Thomas Feuerstein, which presents
the complexity of the world through the motif of the fruit fly and an oscillation between art and science. It
comprises the pieces SUPERFLY, PHANTOM, and PARS PRO TOTO. Inspired by Swarovski Crystal
Worlds, and in reminiscence of the principle that gave rise to these venues of crystalline enchantment,
Swarovski Kristallwelten Store Innsbruck proudly unveils its own Chamber of Wonder. Since September 2015
the French designer Jean Paul Gaultier is staging the exhibition spaces of the two Swarovski Kristallwelten
Stores Wien and Innsbruck in his own inimitable manner. The result is a unique combination of art and haute
couture. Furthermore, in many places over the two floors, you will find almost legendary innovations made
out of and using crystal. The Crystal Stairs and the famous “Cascade” chandelier are just some of the eyecatching highlights on display. Just like in a crystalline prism that reflects the colors of the rainbow, many new
ideas and motifs merge at Swarovski Kristallwelten Store Innsbruck. The history of the company and of the
town accompany a modern shopping and design concept – it is in every sense a location of timelessness
and the joy of beauty.
Avant-garde with a touch of history
Swarovski Kristallwelten Store Innsbruck was designed by architects Daniel Süß and Hanno Schlögl, who
are also responsible for the unmistakable architectural concept of Swarovski Wien. They achieved the
balancing act of integrating a modern image within the fabric of a historic building. The resulting spaces are
light, spacious, and clearly designed, sensitively incorporated into the historic building, which is due in no
small part to the close cooperation with the local office for historical monuments. Despite all the avant-garde
ideas, however, the old wrought-iron tavern sign and the impressive barrel vault architecture remind us that
these rooms, which used to house the “Die Goldene Rose” guesthouse, have many a story to tell.
Many facets at Swarovski Kristallwelten Store Innsbruck
As soon as you enter the entrance foyer, the series of works by Tyrolean artist Thomas Feuerstein encourage
you to consider what the world would look like if seen through different eyes—the eyes of an insect. Inspiration
for the three cohesive works, which come under the title of IM FACETTENREICH (In the Realm of Many
Facets), was a small fly of great scientific importance. In biological science, and especially in genetics, the
fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) serves as a pivotal model organism and has today been more researched
than humans. It is because of this that, in a very particular way, it has come to represent the observation of
human life through the form of the body of an insect. For Thomas Feuerstein, this thought assumes a concrete
form: the highly complex structure of the world is broken down into countless facets in the eyes of the fly—
just as we would observe the different perspectives of the world, be it through a camera, a video recorder, or
a microscope. People don’t just see the fly, they also see themselves and gain a puzzle-like self-perception
that appears pixilated in the insect’s eye. IM FACETTENREICH (In the Realm of Many Facets) comprises
three objects of gradually increasing size, creating a more microscopic and detailed view. While SUPERFLY
is a naturalistic study of the drosophilia at 500 times magnification, PHANTOM zooms in on the insect’s body
and reproduces the abstract head of the fruit fly: perceptive and reflective at the same time, it creates a
mixture of near and far that doesn’t offer a detailed view of the world, but rather symbolizes a temporal flow
of movements and color gradients. Finally, PARS PRO TOTO, which literally means “one part stands for the
whole,” spans two floors and stylizes a pair of eyes with thousands of crystals fitted with LED lamps. They
are sensitive and react to movements and shapes in the room, changing color according to body outlines and
gestures. Thomas Feuerstein, whose works oscillate between fact and fiction, between art and science, and
who already has an item displayed at Swarovski Crystal Worlds, allows the fly to tell an actual story. It literally
opens its oversized eyes to reveal countless facets, the building blocks of life, and with it the underlying
Crystal for all the senses
Inspired by Swarovski Crystal Worlds, and in reminiscence of the principle that gave rise to these venues of
crystalline enchantment, Swarovski Kristallwelten Store Innsbruck proudly unveils its own Chamber of
Wonder: The installation of Jean Paul Gaultier welcomes visitors with a glance at haute couture creations
from recent years. The models are dressed in unconventional designs, each serving as a perfect backdrop
to the crystals. The low-ceilinged space intensifies the drama of the mannequins' setting, positioned
diagonally before the visitors. Through the art installations in the two Swarovski Kristallwelten Stores, Jean
Paul Gaultier once again highlights his image as an ingenious enfant terrible who has stirred up the
international fashion scene for more than 40 years. This glimpse of Gaultier’s past works and current
productions and creations is proof that the designer has always remained true to himself and to his own
headstrong charm.
Brilliant paths
Swarovski crystal is a success story spanning more than one hundred years, and encompassing lifestyle,
fashion, close personal collaborations with artists, and technological evolution. Ensconced within the
impressive Mirrored Wall in the entrance area is an array of fascinating crystal creations and legendary pieces
of history, summarized in the permanent exhibition “Timeless,” which relates to the eponymous area at
Swarovski Kristallwelten (Swarovski Crystal Worlds) in Wattens. From Daniel Swarovski to Atelier Swarovski
– and from Edelweiss to Marios Schwab: This singular exhibition is devoted to the artwork that emerged from
Swarovski’s creative synergy with the most brilliant minds in the design scene, and made from Swarovski
crystal. It begins with the earlier methods of product distribution under the tutelage of the company’s founder
and continues to the current exemplars from collaborative endeavors in design. The result is a fascinating
120-year odyssey through a sparkling brand universe. At the same time, this museum-like journey highlights
the capacious entrance and reception areas of the Swarovski Kristallwelten Store. A trip up to the first floor
will take you up a vast crystal staircase, which is made of more than 20,000 crystals and is lit from underneath
by the Cascade chandelier, created by Vincent van Duysen for Swarovski Crystal Palace. The attention to
detail and visual judgment of effects continues in unexpected places. Whether on the trail of Swarovski crystal
tradition or the path through the crystalline interior, Swarovski Kristallwelten Store Innsbruck breaks new,
sparkling ground.
Refreshing and multifaceted
The bar offers post-shopping refreshments, or tantalizing incentives in anticipation of your shopping
experience. International award-winning wines from Gernot Langes-Swarovski’s traditional Argentinean
winery, Bodega Norton, are available for your enjoyment. Satellite photos of Athens, Perth, Rio de Janeiro,
Pretoria, Johannesburg, New York City, Dubai, Milan, Modena, Reggio Emilia, and Philadelphia taken by
NASA cameras show the cities with their numerous illuminated buildings. They appear to be surreal and
imposing, and are an expressive symbol of global networks.
Wandering between different worlds: The entire array of Swarovski brands
A visit to Swarovski Kristallwelten Store Innsbruck is to discover and shop among sparkling design and vibrant
culture. It is also to immerse oneself in the shimmering atmosphere that emanates from Swarovski and its
product range, and that Swarovski Kristallwelten Store Innsbruck unites in one space: elegant jewelry, crystal
figurines, modern design, and accessories for stylish lifestyles.
The thematic worlds demonstrate how diverse crystal is as a material and artistic medium, how vast
Swarovski’s innovative power is, and how strong the partnership with the fashion and design scene is.
Anyplace where fashion is made, Swarovski crystal is present. These thematic worlds offer a broad selection
of trendy, extraordinary fashion, and couture pieces—some created by world-famous designers. Each piece
of jewelry is expressive, glamorous, and highly contemporary. At the same time, Swarovski crystal also
possesses the extraordinary power of stopping the hands of time. With its classic, timeless elegance,
crystalline jewelry becomes a radiant accompaniment in any situation. One thing makes it unmistakable: the
clear handwriting of Swarovski. Precise cuts, brilliant purity, stylistic refinement. However, Swarovski crystal
also offers the opportunity for creative minds to craft exquisite jewelry with their own signature. Charms,
beads, and loose components can be combined into individual creations. Wherever the desire, mood, season,
or time of day takes them: Crystal is a vibrant material for creative minds to indulge in the unrestrained joy of
experimentation, and in the stories they have to tell.
Swarovski crystal cheers the hearts of collectors, fans of crystal, technical experts, and anyone else who love
giving glimmering gifts, or who love receiving them. They all turn up again in the thematic worlds. This
promises a vast selection of gift ideas and souvenir pieces—for any occasion, for any age, for any personality,
for any wallet size. Unique pieces of art, in the form of the famous figurines, glimmering ideas for spatial
design, technical precision instruments from the Swarovski Optik brand that make it possible to rediscover
seeing. There are also countless smaller, delicate products, made from and of crystal, that add even more
beauty to each day.
Thomas Feuerstein
Thomas Feuerstein, born in Innsbruck in 1968, studied art history and philosophy, and since 1997 has held
various professorships and positions as a guest professor at institutions such as the University of Innsbruck,
the Mozarteum in Salzburg, and the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. He is a multimedia-based artist, and
his work comprises installations, drawings, objects, sculptures, photographs, Internet art, and much more. In
terms of content, they are dedicated to the contradictory space between art and science, between fact and
fiction, and between individuality and community.
The artworks are displayed in individual and group exhibitions at international art institutions around the world,
and in fall 2011 at the 4th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art. His sculpture “Leviathan” can be seen at
Swarovski Crystal Worlds.
Selected individual exhibitions
MANIFEST, Kunstraum Bernsteiner, Vienna
WHERE DEATHLESS HORSES WEEP, Galerie Elisabeth and Klaus Thoman, Innsbruck
Planet Paradies, Galerie 401contemporary, Berlin
INVISIBLE HANDS, Galerie Nicola von Senger, Zurich
DAIMON, Kunstverein Augsburg, Augsburg
Trickster. Politiker, Dämonen, Parasiten, Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum,
Focus Utopia, Galerie Lelong, Zurich
fiat::radikale individuen – soziale genossen, Leopold Museum Vienna and Ar/ge Kunst Galerie
Museum, Bolzano
Jean Paul Gaultier
Jean Paul Gaultier was born in a suburb of Paris in 1952 and began his career at Pierre Cardin on the day
he turned 18, in the year 1970. After working with Esterel, Patou, and then back again with Cardin, he decided
to start his own fashion label, sending his first collection down the catwalk in Paris in 1976. Critically
acclaimed, economic success was quick to follow: By the early 1980s, he was already one of the circle of
young fashion designers that the whole world was talking about. From the very start of his career, Jean Paul
Gaultier strove to show that beauty has many facets and can often be encountered in places where we are
least likely to expect it – in a simple tin can for instance, which first became a bracelet and finally turned into
the packaging for his extremely successful perfume. In 1984, he introduced his first men’s collection under
the title “Male Object” and in 1997, with “Gaultier Paris,” he fulfilled his dream of launching an haute-couture
collection. Between 2004 and 2011, he was artistic director of women’s fashion at Hermès.
In the course of his long career, Gaultier has also worked with dance, music, and film. His costumes for
Madonna’s “Blond Ambition” tour left an unforgettable impression on pop culture. In 2014, after 39 years of
ready-to-wear collections, Gaultier decided to concentrate on haute couture and perfumes.
Swarovski Kristallwelten Store Innsbruck
Herzog-Friedrich-Straße 39
6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Tel. +43 512 573 100
Fax +43 512 573 530
Opening hours
Monday to Sunday, 8:00 to 19:30
Closing November 2, 2016 at 18:00; closed all day November 3, 2016
Press Contact
MMag. Marion Plattner
Mag. Magdalena Trojer
PR & Media Communication Senior Professional Lead
PR & Media Communication Professional
D. Swarovski Tourism Services GmbH
D. Swarovski Tourism Services GmbH
Tel. +43 5224 500-3372
Tel. +43 5224 500-1032
D. Swarovski Tourism Services GmbH
Swarovski crystal fascinates people throughout the world. In 1995, on the 100th anniversary of the company’s
founding, a special place opened that turned crystal into a living experience: Swarovski Kristallwelten
(Swarovski Crystal Worlds). Together with the Swarovski Kristallwelten Stores Innsbruck and Wien, they
collectively form D. Swarovski Tourism Services GmbH. As sparkling places of wonder, they combine art,
lifestyle, and Austrian traditions with an internationally successful model for tourism. Under the guidance of
Managing Director Stefan Isser, a team of 380 employees devote themselves to ensuring that visitors can
constantly enjoy new interpretations of the crystalline. In line with this, 2015 will see the expansion of
Swarovski Crystal Worlds into a unique place of wonder. D. Swarovski Tourism Services GmbH is always
surprising and always modern – a reliable partner for the tourism industry and an ongoing attraction for
travelers through Austria. More than 13 million visitors from all over the world have visited Swarovski Crystal
Worlds, making it one of the most popular attractions in Austria.
Swarovski Kristallwelten Store Innsbruck
Located in close proximity to the Goldenes Dachl (Golden Roof) in Innsbruck’s old town, Swarovski
Kristallwelten Store Innsbruck presents a captivating combination of history and future-oriented thinking at
the heart of Innsbruck. A modern shopping ambience bathed in light, and at the same time one of the largest
Swarovski Stores in the world, with the entire range of products from the internationally renowned traditional
Austrian company, blends with centuries-old structural elements that can be traced back as far as the Gothic
period together with works by important contemporary artists.
Swarovski delivers a diverse portfolio of unmatched quality, craftsmanship, and creativity that goes beyond
the manufacturing of crystal. Founded in 1895 in Austria, Swarovski designs, manufactures, and markets
high-quality crystals, genuine gemstones and created stones, and finished products such as jewelry,
accessories, and lighting. In addition, Swarovski Crystal Worlds was established as a unique venue dedicated
to showcasing artistic interpretations of crystal. Swarovski Entertainment collaborates with established
industry partners and exceptional talent to produce international feature films, while the Swarovski
Foundation supports creativity and culture, promotes wellbeing, and conserves natural resources. Now run
by the fifth generation of family members, Swarovski Crystal Business has a global reach with approximately
2,480 stores in around 170 countries, more than 24,000 employees, and revenue of about 2.33 billion euros
in 2013. Together with its sister companies Swarovski Optik (optical devices) and Tyrolit (abrasives),
Swarovski Crystal Business forms the Swarovski Group. In 2013, the Group generated revenue of about 3.02
billion euros and employed more than 30,000 people.