Agenda - Monday, April 21, 2014
Agenda - Monday, April 21, 2014
TOWN OF WEAVERVILLE NORTH CAROLINA AGENDA ● APRIL 21, 2014 Town Council Chambers Regular Meeting 7:00 PM 30 SOUTH MAIN STREET WEAVERVILLE, NC 28787 Mayor Dottie Sherrill Town Council Member Doug Dearth Town Council Member Doug Jackson Town of Weaverville North Carolina Vice-Mayor John Penley Town Council Member Town Council Member Walt Currie Gene Knoefel Generated: 4/14/2014 2:14 PM Page 1 Agenda Mayor and Town Council I. CALL TO ORDER II. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA III. PUBLIC COMMENT IV. CONSENT AGENDA April 21, 2014 a. Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Budget Amendment #3 b. Approval of FY 2014-2015 Strategic Plan c. Mayor and Town Council - Planning Retreat - Mar 7, 2014 9:05 AM d. Mayor and Town Council - Regular Meeting - Mar 17, 2014 7:00 PM e. Mayor and Town Council - Workshop Meeting - Apr 7, 2014 3:00 PM V. OLD BUSINESS VI. NEW BUSINESS a. Fire Rating Information b. DOT I-26 Agreement c. Swaploader Truck Replacement & Budget Amendment 5 d. Intent to Permanently Close Unopened Portion of Chestnut St. VII. STAFF REPORTS a. April Town Manager's Report b. April Police Department Report c. April Fire Department Report d. Zoning Report 4-21-14 e. Public Works Activity Report f. April Tax Report VIII. CLOSED SESSSION IX. ADJOURNMENT Town of Weaverville North Carolina Page 2 Mayor and Town Council 30 South Main Street Weaverville, NC 28787 SCHEDULED ACTION ITEM (ID # 1027) Meeting: 04/21/14 07:00 PM Department: Finance Department Category: Amendment Prepared By: Michael Boaz Initiator: Jim McMillan 4.a DOC ID: 1027 Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Budget Amendment #3 BRIEF SUMMARY: This budget amendment would appropriate the money to replace the police car that was totaled in January. This amendment was originally approved at the Planning Retreat. However due to a procedural error on my part Council needs to re-approve this amendment. MOTION FOR CONSIDERATION: To approve FY 2013-2014 Budget Amendment #3 FUNDING SOURCE: Insurance money and fund balance. MANAGER’S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: I recommend that Council approve this budget amendment. ATTACHMENTS: Budget Ammend 3 - April 2014 (DOCX) Updated: 4/4/2014 1:33 PM by Michael Boaz Page 1 Packet Pg. 3 Attachment: Budget Ammend 3 - April 2014 (1027 : Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Budget Amendment #3) 4.a.a BUDGET AMENDMENT - 3 REPLACE POLICE VEHICLE APRIL 21, 2014 INCREASE REVENUE INSURANCE FUNDS-010-004-00300-09043 APPROPRIATED FB - 010-004-00310-09900 TOTAL 8,500.00 16,000.00 24,500.00 EXPENSE 431 – POLICE DEPARTMENT CAPITAL EQUIPMENT – 010-430-431-50500 TOTAL 24,500.00 24,500.00 Packet Pg. 4 Mayor and Town Council 30 South Main Street Weaverville, NC 28787 SCHEDULED ACTION ITEM (ID # 1030) Meeting: 04/21/14 07:00 PM Department: Administration Category: Agreement Prepared By: Michael Boaz Initiator: Michael Boaz 4.b DOC ID: 1030 Approval of FY 2014-2015 Strategic Plan BRIEF SUMMARY: The Council met on March 7 and 8 and decided on strategic goals for the coming year. Attached is the draft Strategic Plan document created by our facilitator. MOTION FOR CONSIDERATION: To approve the FY 2014-2015 Strategic Plan FUNDING SOURCE: N/A MANAGER’S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: I recommend approval of the plan document. ATTACHMENTS: Weaverville Strategic Plan 2014 - 2017 (DOCX) Updated: 4/9/2014 2:42 PM by Michael Boaz Page 1 Packet Pg. 5 Strategic Plan 2014-2017 Attachment: Weaverville Strategic Plan 2014 - 2017 (1030 : Approval of FY 2014-2015 Strategic Plan) 4.b.a DRAFT Town of Weaverville Packet Pg. 6 4.b.a Executive Summary The purpose of this strategic plan is to provide a framework, overall direction and guidance. At the Board previous retreat in 2013, the Town Council revised the town’s vision statement and created a new mission statement. These two statements continue to be the foundation for the 2014-2017 strategic plan. At the 2014 retreat, The Town Council first gathered data and assessed the strategic issues impacting the town. The Town Department Heads presented reports on both the current conditions and future needs of their departments. This was followed by the Town Manager report that presented important issues of the town. Next, the Town Council worked together to list the opportunities and challenges/threats around the following four strategic issues: (This list found in Appendix A.) Water System Recreation Economic Development Budget The Town Council then created five goals. The five goals established are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Maintain High Quality Services Evaluate current recreation opportunities and determine approach Strive for Economic Development Prioritize capital improvement needs and develop financing plan. Implement UDO in keeping with land use plan. Recreation, Economic Development and Budget are reflected directly in specific goals, while the Water System issues resonate in several of the goals. The Town Council then added objectives to these five goals based on this strategic issues list of opportunities/challenges/threats, a review of the previous strategic plan, and the individual views of each council member. Strategies to accomplish objectives have been added by the Town staff based on the goals and objectives and guided by the list of opportunities/challenges/threats developed. The Strategic Plan will be monitored by Town Council quarterly and formally in a retreat in 2015. Town of Weaverville Strategic Plan 2014-2017 1 Packet Pg. 7 Attachment: Weaverville Strategic Plan 2014 - 2017 (1030 : Approval of FY 2014-2015 Strategic Plan) The Town of Weaverville Council, with support from staff, met on March 7 and March 8, 2014 to create this Strategic Pan for 2014-2017. 4.b.a Vision and Mission Town of Weaverville Vision Attachment: Weaverville Strategic Plan 2014 - 2017 (1030 : Approval of FY 2014-2015 Strategic Plan) Weaverville will strive to retain its small town atmosphere, while actively managing the growth that is inevitable near a large city. Our town will be attractive to both young and old with a wide range of housing choices. We will reserve areas for neighborhoods and businesses while buffering one from the other. We seek an attractive town that is well-landscaped and accessible to pedestrians. We will create a favorable atmosphere for the right types of business and industry, those that are environmentally friendly and provide a good living for our residents. Town of Weaverville Mission Maintain small town atmosphere while encouraging and managing growth through high quality municipal services and the proactive use of economic development and management tools. Town of Weaverville Strategic Plan 2014-2017 2 Packet Pg. 8 4.b.a Goals and Objectives with Strategies Goal 1: Maintain High Quality Services. Examination should include: Taxes User fees Grants General Fund Enterprise Fund Other sources and methods Strategy 1A (1): Identify financial options and make recommendations. (Budget process for fiscal year 2015). Strategy 1A (2): Explore grant funds for specific projects (ongoing). Strategy 1A (3) Benchmark peer cities/towns and similar governments on solid waste fees. Project solid waste user fees. (Budget process for fiscal year 2015). Goal 2: Evaluate Current Recreation Opportunities and Determine Approach. Objective 2A: Inventory and determine if current recreation approaches are adequate. Discuss in April, 2014. Objective 2B: If decision is reached by Board to proceed, develop a Recreation Master Plan with schedule. Strategy 2B (1): Develop RFP by August 1, 2014, for Consultant to create the Master Plan. Strategy 2B (2) If decide to Implement Greenway plan begin phase 1. Strategy 2B (3) Develop plan for land near Lake Louise by January 1, 2015. Strategy 2B (4) If NCDOT grant received, create Bike/Pedestrian Plan by end of calendar year 2015. Goal 3: Strive for Economic Development Objective 3A: Determine if The Town of Weaverville will continue to be a member of Buncombe EDC. Objective 3B: Conduct land and infrastructure inventory by June, 2014 Town of Weaverville Strategic Plan 2014-2017 3 Packet Pg. 9 Attachment: Weaverville Strategic Plan 2014 - 2017 (1030 : Approval of FY 2014-2015 Strategic Plan) Objective 1A: Examine alternate financing of services including 3 to 5 year projections. 4.b.a Objective 3C: Continue to enhance Town website to attract new business. Strategy 3C (1) Work with Asheville Buncombe EDC for recommendations on website improvements. Meet with Buncombe EDC by May 2014. Evaluate and implement preferred recommendations from EDC by October 1, 2014. Attachment: Weaverville Strategic Plan 2014 - 2017 (1030 : Approval of FY 2014-2015 Strategic Plan) Strategy 3C (2) Work with WEDAB to structure a message geared towards small business/entrepreneurship by December 2014. Objective 3D: The Town Council will prioritize Phase I Evaluation. Strategy 3D (1) Present inventory to WEDAB for priority recommendation (June 2014) Present WEDAB recommendation to Town Council for final decision (July 2014) Conduct Phase I evaluations ( by June 30, 2015) Objective 3E: Attract new businesses and maintain and expand current businesses. Strategy 3E (1) Work in collaboration with Asheville Buncombe to visit existing industrial businesses. Strategy 3E (2) Study how lack of property issues can be addressed. Town of Weaverville Strategic Plan 2014-2017 4 Packet Pg. 10 4.b.a Goal 4: Prioritize capital improvement needs and develop financing plan. Objective 4A: Develop 3 to 5 year needs list. Objective 4C Develop a financing plan. Goal 5: Implement UDO in keeping with land use plan. Objective 5A: Review the associated fee structure. Strategy 4A (1) Benchmark with similarly situated cities and towns by June, 2014 Strategy 4A (2) Propose new schedule of fees (SOF) by July 2014. Objective 5B: Establish an architectural review process. Objective 5C: Develop a building inspections process. Strategy 5C (1) The Town Manager will determine feasibility, job description and funds needed for possible building inspector. The Town Manager will present these findings to the board for their review by December 31, 2014. Town of Weaverville Strategic Plan 2014-2017 5 Packet Pg. 11 Attachment: Weaverville Strategic Plan 2014 - 2017 (1030 : Approval of FY 2014-2015 Strategic Plan) Objective 4B: Develop options on how to proceed. 4.b.a Appendix A: Opportunities/Challenges/Threats of Strategic Issues The Board discussed the opportunities and challenges/threats of these four strategic issues. These are not listed in order of priority. Attachment: Weaverville Strategic Plan 2014 - 2017 (1030 : Approval of FY 2014-2015 Strategic Plan) 1. Water System Opportunities Ample capacity, how can the town market this capacity? Evaluate and determine the future rates and capital costs Evaluate: Does the town wish to maintain or turn over water system? Local agreements, explore when appropriate Identifying outlying properties: What is expense to reach and serve? Challenges/Threats Loose the water system, because of factors such as: legislative or political NC Legislature placing constraints Potential downstream legal challenges Raw water source state permit Large company, large water user is added: How adapt and plan for? A maintenance catastrophe Potential expansion needs? 2. Recreation Opportunities Create a plan for recreation Create a unified approach Community Center, What? How? Potential of grants Explore potential of new recreation programs Work more with schools YMCA as partner? As satellite? Places to consider: Dry Ridge Museum, Vance Birth Place Library Parking lot? ( with potential CRA funding) Challenges/Threats Prioritizing group and people served Challenges created by lack of action such as effects on town growth Lack of funds: Can we expand recreation? If recreation is expanded: How would this affect staffing? Are there ways to encourage volunteer participation? Town of Weaverville Strategic Plan 2014-2017 6 Packet Pg. 12 4.b.a 3. Economic Development Opportunities Widen and deepen tax base Town’s Land Use Plan can be used as a guide Develop Product Encourage Small Business Growth Revolving land fund How can the town attract more young people? Is the town a victim of its own success in regards to its high standard of living? Expand conversation on incentives Continue to work with Buncombe EDC? Continue to improve Town website Attachment: Weaverville Strategic Plan 2014 - 2017 (1030 : Approval of FY 2014-2015 Strategic Plan) Challenges/Threats Lack of available land High cost of living No pumping stations/challenge/challenges of working with current leadership Challenge of maintaining current businesses and attracting new businesses 4. Budget Opportunities Should the council raise taxes? Are there operational efficiencies? Shifting cost from General Fund to Enterprise Fund? User fees? Excess land, property available Economic development success Explore voluntary annexation, with careful consideration of impacts and consequences Challenges/Threats Lower value of properties due to Revaluation Capital needs, need to evaluate NC Legislature’s change in attitude toward cities and towns: more unfriendly Transfer of responsibilities from state to cities/towns, often without funding Challenges related to NC Legislature in regards to land use planning Limits of cities ability in regards to franchise tax Challenges associated with change in abilities of towns and cities in NC to annex Town of Weaverville Strategic Plan 2014-2017 7 Packet Pg. 13 4.c TOWN OF WEAVERVILLE TOWN COUNCIL RETREAT Minutes March 7 & 8, 2014 Present: Mayor Dottie Sherrill, Vice Mayor John Penley. Council Members Walt Currie, Doug Dearth, Doug Jackson and Gene Knoefel. Town Manager Michael Boaz, Taylor Gupton, Tony Laughter, Greg Stephens, Terry Malone, and Shelby Shields. Visitor: Chris Aycock, The Aycock Group. Mayor Sherrill called order, and welcomed Mr. Aycock, as Facilitator, to the Retreat. Budget Amendments: Replace Police Vehicle: The motion was made by Council Member Dearth to adopt the Budget Amendment to the Police Department in the amount of $16,000 from Appropriated Fund Balance, to replace the police car, (Capital Equipment), seconded by Council Member Knoefel and unanimously approved. The money received from the insurance company will pay the balance of the cost. Architect fees - Clubhouse: There was a discussion on appropriating an additional $18,500 from the Appropriated Fund Balance for additional architect fees to further study the renovation(s) on the Club House. After further discussion, the Council delayed the budget amendment until after they decide what to do that would be the most potential use of the building/property. Introduction of Retreat and Ground Rules: Mr. Aycock explained the procedure and ground rules for an effective group Retreat. Department Head Reports: Police Department: Police Chief Greg Stephens gave an overview of the longevity and education of the officers; their activities and the percentage of time involved in the various activities; the increase of the areas and activities due to the growth of the Town. Fire Department: Fire Chief Terry Malone discussed the need of a replacement for Engine 8-2; breathing apparatus replacement and turn-out gear. He would like to be pro-active in setting up a 15 year truck 1 Packet Pg. 14 Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Mar 7, 2014 9:05 AM (Consent Agenda) The Town Council for the Town of Weaverville held a Retreat on Friday, March 7, 2014 from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, and Saturday, March 8, 2014 from 9:00AM until 12:30 PM, at the Fire Station, 3 Monticello Road. 4.c Public Works Department: Tony Laughter, Public Works Director, reported that they are moving forward with evaluating all departments and how the services are provided. 1. Streets - over taxing the Powell Bill - have more Council provided funds. 2. Sidewalks - connect North Main to Weaver Village. 3. Recreation - aging playground equipment; request for equipment needs. 4. Sanitation continue the tilt garbage can program in the Central Business District, and the expansion of the tilt cart program to other areas; and evaluate moving sanitation to an enterprise fund. 5 - The L.T. Sprinkle Jr. water treatment plant is 17 years old. Treatment plant components have a limited life expectancy, they will need to start looking at replacing them. Mr. Laughter encouraged Council to move toward implementing the recommendations from the MartinMcGill water system financial study. Planning: Taylor Gupton recapped the work that has been done on the updating the UDO, the final draft could possibly be ready for public information meetings by May. She reported on the Greenway environmental study, identifying phases to move forward, funding, engineering, acquisition, etc. Bike and Pedestrian - applied for grant, working on plans that need to be updated and identify needs. Park and Recreation master plan; acquiring additional land for recreation; and components of the EDAB. Manager’s Overview: Mr. Boaz reviewed the accomplishments over the last year: adding the planning department; updating the UDO; changes at the Fire Department; water system; and becoming a part of the Asheville-Buncombe Economic Development Board. Mr. Boaz also gave the update for the Finance Department in the absence of Mr. McMillian. The expenses and revenues are on tract in the budget year. The Fund Balance is projected to be 54% of the General Fund. Economic Development - the need to conduct a study of properties that are or could be available for development. Recreation - the need to develop a plan for future needs; Greenway, Main Street Nature and Lake Louise. Implement a Strategic Water System Plan. Balance General Fund Budget - implement plans to reduce pressure on the General Fund. Possibility of applying for grants. 2 Packet Pg. 15 Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Mar 7, 2014 9:05 AM (Consent Agenda) replacement, and a 10-15 year replacement for smaller vehicles. Chief Malone stated that he should be hearing from the Insurance Department on reclassification on the fire ratings for the Town and NB District. Council Member Currie would like to see the benefits of the insurance and felt that those benefits should also be publicized for the people of the Town and District the see. 4.c Assessment of Strategic Issues - Challenges and Opporunities: Water System: There was a lengthy discussion on the Water System: evaluating the necessity of future rates increases to cover capital cost; possibility of spreading out; major capital infrastructure to develop economic development, and continuing maintenance of the system. Assessment continued of strategic issues: Economic Development. Continue to work with Asheville-Buncombe Economic Development. Industrial and commercial incentives. Continue to improve website to state what the Town has to offer. Challenges: lack of available land, high cost of living, lack of sewer lines and pumping stations work with Buncombe County and MSD on extending sewer in north end. Balance Budget discussion on revenue challenges: State Legislature - cannot annex, unfunded mandates, possible loss of privilege taxes. County Government - tax base and assessment. Increase in on going operational expenses. Opportunities to improve the budget - raise taxes, sell excessive property, operational efficiencies, economic development success, voluntary annexation, shifting garbage collection to an enterprise fund, outsourcing, borrowing money, cut services. Develop priorities/goals: Developing priorities for the next three to five years. Each Council Member did their list of 3 -5 priorities, the lists were categorizes and discussed to reach a consensus of priority. Priorities are as follows: 1. Maintain High Quality Service. 2. Evaluate current recreation opportunities and determine direction to follow. 3. Economic Development. 4. Budget. The discussion was continued until Saturday morning on ways to accomplish the priorities and goals. Budget Amendment - cont: Architect Fees - Clubhouse: Professional Service for further studies on plans. The motion to adopt the Amendment of $18,500 from Appropriated Fund Balance for Professional Services to pursue further architectural study was made by Council Member Dearth, seconded by Council Member Penley. Council Member Currie wanted to see what the architect has to offer before he makes a decision to appropriate additional funds. Council Members Jackson and Knoefel each want to see plans first. Council Member Dearth moved to table the motion, with the approval of Vice Mayor Penley, until the following morning. The motion was made by Council Member Currie to recess the retreat until 9:00 A.M. the 3 Packet Pg. 16 Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Mar 7, 2014 9:05 AM (Consent Agenda) Break for Lunch: 4.c following morning, March 8, 2014. The motion was seconded by Council Member Jackson and unanimously approved. Mayor Sherrill called the Town Council Retreat to order on March 8, 2014 at 9:30 A.M. at the Fire Station at 3 Monticello Road. Present: Mayor Sherrill, Vice Mayor Penley, Council Members Walt Currie, Doug Dearth, Doug Jackson, and Gene Knoefel. Michael Boaz, Greg Stephens, Tony Laughter, Terry Malone, Taylor Gupton and Shelby Shields. Visitor: Chris Aycock, The Aycock Group, Facilitator for the Retreat. Develop Measurable Objectives for Goals: Goal 1 - Maintain High quality Services. Goal 2 - Evaluate Current Recreation Opportunities and Determine Approach. Goal 3 - Strive for Economic Development. Goal 4 -Prioritize Capital Improvement Needs & Development Financing Plan. Goal 5 - Implement UDO in keeping with Land Use Plan. The Town Council added objectives to the goals based on the strategic list. There was a discussion on goals and objectives from the 2013-2014 Strategic Goals and objectives. The Town Council, Mr. Boaz and Department heads each gave their opinion and evaluation of the Retreat. Mayor Sherrill thanked Mr. Aycock for facilitating the Retreat, and felt it was beneficial and helpful for everyone. Budget Amendment cont.: Council Member Dearth moved to proceed with the motion on the table to adopt the Budget Amendment to appropriate $18,500 from the Appropriated Fund Balance for professional services to pursue further architectural structural study on the Lake Louise Club House. The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Penley. Council Member Jackson had problems with not knowing what has been done to date. Council Member Currie felt the same, and would like to 4 Packet Pg. 17 Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Mar 7, 2014 9:05 AM (Consent Agenda) TOWN COUNCIL RETREAT cont. Minutes - March 8, 2014, 9:00 A.M. - 12:30 P.M. Breakfast from 9:00 thru 9:30 A.M. 4.c see the schematics and architect recommendations before making a decision. He also felt that the Committee was extending their position. The motion to adopt the Budget Amendment to increase the architect fees for the Club House failed by a vote of 3 - 2. Council Members Currie, Jackson and Knoefel cast the opposing votes. Mr. Boaz will ask for a full blown cost estimate, etc., and have all the information available to the Town Council by the April 3, 2014 Workshop. He will also get the schematics printed and get to the Council as soon as possible. There being no further business, the motion was made by Council Member Penley, seconded by Council Member Currie, and unanimously approved to adjourn the Retreat. Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Mar 7, 2014 9:05 AM (Consent Agenda) ______________________________ Shelby Shields Town Clerk 5 Packet Pg. 18 4.d TOWN OF WEAVERVILLE TOWN COUNCIL Minutes - March 17, 2014 Present: Mayor Dottie Sherrill, Vice Mayor John Penley. Council Members Walt Currie, Doug Dearth, Doug Jackson and Gene Knoefel. Attorney Patsy Brison, Town Manager Michael Boaz. Staff: Terry Malone, Greg Stephens, Tony Laughter and Shelby Shields. Visitors: Steve Rotundo, Doug Theroux, Terry Dawson, Judy Glicken, Bob Kitchen, Jill Britton, Kevin Kopp, and several other citizens. Mayor Sherrill called the meeting to order. Approval of the Agenda: The motion to approve the Agenda as presented was made by Council Member Currie, seconded by Council Member Knoefel and unanimously approved. Public Comment: Steve Rotunda, Vice President of the Weaverville Business Association, speaking in behalf of the Association encouraged the Town Council to add more business representatives on the Weaverville Economic Development Advisory Board. Consent Agenda: Council Member Dearth made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda and each item as presented. After a seconded from Vice Mayor Penley, the Consent Agenda and following items were unanimously approved: a. Town Council Workshop - February 20, 2014 at 4:00 P.M. b. Town Council Public Hearing - February 24, 2014 at 6:45 P.M. c. Town Council Regular Meeting - February 24, 2014 at 7:00 P.M. New Business: a. Approve Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Audit Contract: The motion was made by Vice Mayor Penley to approve the Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Audit Contract, prepared by the Gould-Killian CPA Group. P.A., in the amount of $22,750, which is the same as the current year. The motion was seconded by Council Member Jackson and unanimously approved. Staff Reports: Manager’s Report: Packet Pg. 19 Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Mar 17, 2014 7:00 PM (Consent Agenda) The regular meeting of the Town Council for the Town of Weaverville was held on March 17, 2014 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers at 30 South Main Street. 4.d Mr. Boaz stated that each Council member has a copy of the plans of the three potential designs for the Community Center, as promised at the Retreat. The plans will be discussed at the April 3, 2014 Workshop held at 4:00 P.M. in the Community Room at 30 South Main Street. 1 The Town will hold its seconded citizen’s academy this spring. The first class is will be on April 3rd immediately following the Council Workshop in the Community Room. The contractor has finished Oakland Street paving, which completes this year’s paving projects. The work on grading for the Pine Street Parking lot is projected to begin by the end of the month with the completion on the grading and rock work by the end of June. It is hoped to hold the dedication ceremony in conjunction with the Arbor Day Celebration, they will know closer to the time. The Tree Board will be working with Asheville Greenworks to hold a garden tour in Weaverville on Father’s Day. Department Report: The reports for Police Department, Fire Department, Public Works Department, Zoning Department and Tax Report are included in the February Agenda package. There being no further business, the motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Council Member Currie, seconded by Council Member Jackson and unanimously approved. _________________________________ Shelby Shields Town Clerk Packet Pg. 20 Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Mar 17, 2014 7:00 PM (Consent Agenda) The contractor will be starting on the Weaver Boulevard sidewalk project by the end of the month. 4.e TOWN OF WEAVERVILLE COUNCIL WORKSHOP Minutes - April 7, 2014 The Town Council for the Town of Weaverville held a Workshop on April 7, 2014 at 3:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers at 30 South Main Street. Mayor Dottie Sherrill, Vice-Mayor John Penley. Council Members Walt Currie, Doug Dearth, Doug Jackson and Gene Knoefel. Town Manager Michael Boaz, and Shelby Shields. Mayor Sherrill called the meeting to order. Mr. Boaz gave an update of the current amenities in the Town’s park/recreation areas: Lake Louise has the walking trail, picnic area with tables and grills, and a playground. But, the lack of an area just for toddlers, which there is a need. A brief discussion on how this could be archived. The Main Street Nature Park is mainly walking trails and designed basically as a passive area. Lake Louise/Fire on the Lake used for the July 4th celebrations, and other large gatherings needs a new layout and design to accommodate larger events. Additional property: Should the Town decide to use additional property for recreation, a plan would be needed to go forward, should there be more tables/picnic area expansion, or used for activities, basketball, tennis, etc? Club House: The Council members have a copy of a proposed addition and renovations to the existing rock building. The current building is in need of a new HVAC system, renovated to meet the ADA standards and additional restrooms and electrical upgraded to meet the Building and Electrical Code, plus the kitchen is small and inadequate. There was a discussion on renovations of the Club House building, and possibility of pursuing additional ideas from the architect. Council Member Jackson asked what the intention is for the next 3 to 5 years at the Lake. Council Member Knoefel asked about using the existing structure and bring it up to code. Mr. Boaz explained that the proposed plan is in two phases. After further discussion, Council Member Dearth asked “what is it that the Town wants to do?”, and felt that a ‘recreation master plan’ is needed, then decide what to do. There was further discussion on a master plan and to set aside the Club House plans until a decision is made on what to do. Packet Pg. 21 Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Apr 7, 2014 3:00 PM (Consent Agenda) Present: 4.e There was a further discussion on a grant procedure, and a RFP for a master plan. The consensus of Council was for Staff to proceed with writing a proposal for a RFP for someone to prepare a master plan, and have it ready for the April 21st Council Meeting. The question was asked “how is the architect to proceed?” Council Members Currie, Jackson, and Knoefel wanted to see the ‘master plan’ before the architect does anything. Mr. Boaz stated that he will get a draft of the RFP and copies of other master plans by April 21st, and the Budget Amendment could possibly be approved in May. There being no further business, the motion was made by Vice Mayor Penley, seconded by Council Member Jackson and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting. _____________________________ Shelby Shields, Town Clerk Packet Pg. 22 Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Apr 7, 2014 3:00 PM (Consent Agenda) Council Member Dearth asked the status of the Budget Amendment proposed for the additional architect’s fee in the amount of $18,500. Mayor and Town Council 30 South Main Street Weaverville, NC 28787 SCHEDULED INFORMATION ITEM (ID # 1037) Meeting: 04/21/14 07:00 PM Department: Fire Department Category: Presentation Prepared By: Michael Boaz Initiator: Terry Malone 6.a DOC ID: 1037 Fire Rating Information ATTACHMENTS: Fire Rate Info Letter (PDF) Updated: 4/4/2014 1:32 PM by Michael Boaz Page 1 Packet Pg. 23 Attachment: Fire Rate Info Letter (1037 : Fire Rating Information) 6.a.a Packet Pg. 24 Mayor and Town Council 30 South Main Street Weaverville, NC 28787 SCHEDULED ACTION ITEM (ID # 1034) Meeting: 04/21/14 07:00 PM Department: Administration Category: Agreement Prepared By: Michael Boaz Initiator: Michael Boaz 6.b DOC ID: 1034 DOT I-26 Agreement BRIEF SUMMARY: The DOT is planning to resurface I-26 from the Town limits to US 23. They have asked that we approve this agreement that will require us to move any utility lines that are in the way. Our water lines cross I-26 in 4 different places. The estimate to move these crossings is about $250,000 each. However, Rick Tipton the Division Maintenance Engineer does not anticipate any need to move the water lines as a part of this project. MOTION FOR CONSIDERATION: To approve the agreement between the Town of Weaverville and NCDOT FUNDING SOURCE: N/A MANAGER’S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: I recommend approval of this agreement. ATTACHMENTS: NC DOT Agreement NC DOT Email Re I26 Resurface (PDF) I-5321 Project (PDF) (DOCX) Updated: 4/3/2014 10:43 AM by Michael Boaz Page 1 Packet Pg. 25 Attachment: NC DOT Agreement (1034 : DOT I-26 Agreement) 6.b.a Packet Pg. 26 Attachment: NC DOT Agreement (1034 : DOT I-26 Agreement) 6.b.a Packet Pg. 27 Attachment: NC DOT Agreement (1034 : DOT I-26 Agreement) 6.b.a Packet Pg. 28 Attachment: NC DOT Agreement (1034 : DOT I-26 Agreement) 6.b.a Packet Pg. 29 6.b.b Michael Boaz Calloway, Michael K <> Tuesday, March 25, 2014 3:46 PM Michael Boaz FW: I-26 Resurfacing Project I-5321 Project.docx Mr. Boaz I have been asked by Rick Tipton to forward you a map indicating the project limits for the I‐5321 Interstate Rehabilitation project. (See Attached). Also, since this project will be limited to pavement repairs and resurfacing of the roadway, no utilities should be impacted by the project. If you have any other questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you, Mike Mike Calloway Project Manager NCDOT, Division 13 828‐251‐6171 x.216 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law (GS 132) and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized state official. From: Tipton, Ricky A Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 3:34 PM To: Calloway, Michael K Subject: FW: I-26 Resurfacing Project Mike Would you send Michael a map and let him know that we do not expect that any utilities will be relocated as part of this project. Thanks, Rick From: Michael Boaz [] Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 3:28 PM 1 Packet Pg. 30 Attachment: NC DOT Email Re I26 Resurface (1034 : DOT I-26 Agreement) From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: 6.b.b Rick, I recently got an agreement from DOT regarding the planned resurface of I‐26. The letter and the agreement say that the project is to resurface from the Weaverville Town limits to US 23. The Town agrees to move any utility lines (I am assuming that this means water lines as these are the only ones we own) that are required to be moved by the project. I have some concerns about this. First, do you have a map of the proposed project area? From the Weaverville Town limits to US 23 is not terribly descriptive as I26 is US 19‐23 and a part of it runs through the Town limits. So is it the northern Town limit or the Southern? We have 4 places where our water main goes under I‐26. The rough estimate to move those crossings is about $250K EACH. Before we talk with Council about this agreement I need to understand the project area and what expectation we have for being required to move these crossings. Thanks, Michael Boaz Town Manager Town of Weaverville 828‐484‐7001 (Direct) Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 2 Packet Pg. 31 Attachment: NC DOT Email Re I26 Resurface (1034 : DOT I-26 Agreement) To: Tipton, Ricky A Subject: I-26 Resurfacing Project Attachment: I-5321 Project (1034 : DOT I-26 Agreement) 6.b.c I-5321 I-5321 Description: I-26 from US 23Bus to bridges over SR 1882 (New Stock Rd) Length: 3.1 miles Packet Pg. 32 Mayor and Town Council 30 South Main Street Weaverville, NC 28787 SCHEDULED ACTION ITEM (ID # 1038) Meeting: 04/21/14 07:00 PM Department: Public Works Category: Budget Prepared By: Michael Boaz Initiator: Tony Laughter 6.c DOC ID: 1038 Swaploader Truck Replacement & Budget Amendment 5 BRIEF SUMMARY: Several weeks ago we had a vehicle damaged in an accident. The vehicle was parked on Hillside Street with the parking brake set while the employees were out of the vehicle chipping brush. There was a failure of the parking break system and apparently the weight of the vehicle was too great and it rolled downhill and struck a tree. Due to the age of the truck and the costs for repairing the vehicle the were enough that the insurance company is totaling the vehicle. Staff is recommending that we keep this vehicle, take the swaploader equipment off of the truck and put this equipment on a new truck. We can then either sell the engine and transmission or keep them for our later use and scrap the body of the truck. This will come out cheaper than buying a totally new truck as you can see on the attached spreadsheet. MOTION FOR CONSIDERATION: to approve budget amendment 5 FUNDING SOURCE: Fund balance and insurance settlement MANAGER’S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: I would recommend that Council adopt the budget amendment and approve Tony's plan for replacing this equipment. ATTACHMENTS: Budget Amend 5 - April 2014 (DOCX) Swaploader Cost Comparison (XLSX) Swaploader Truck Quote (PDF) Updated: 4/9/2014 2:40 PM by Michael Boaz Page 1 Packet Pg. 33 Attachment: Budget Amend 5 - April 2014 (1038 : Swaploader Truck Replacement & Budget Amendment 5) 6.c.a BUDGET AMENDMENT - 5 REPLACE SANITATION TRUCK APRIL 21, 2014 INCREASE REVENUE PROPERTY INS CLAIM - 010-004-00310-09043 APPROPRIATED FUND BAL - 010-004-00310-09900 TOTAL 25,300.00 63,800.00 89,100.00 EXPENSE 471 – SANITATION CAPITAL EQUIPMENT – 010-470-471-50500 TOTAL 89,100.00 89,100.00 Packet Pg. 34 6.c.b Swaploader Truck Replacement Cost Evaluation Truck Cost Swaploader Cost Ins. Settlement $ $ $ 75,000 35,600 (26,800) Total Cost Net Costs $ $ 110,600 83,800 Attachment: Swaploader Cost Comparison (1038 : Swaploader Truck Replacement & Budget Amendment 5) New Truck & Body New Truck & Reuse Body Truck Cost $ 75,000 Swaploader Trade $ 14,100 Ins. Settlement $ (25,300) Total Cost Net Costs $ $ 89,100 63,800 Packet Pg. 35 Attachment: Swaploader Truck Quote (1038 : Swaploader Truck Replacement & Budget Amendment 5) 6.c.c Packet Pg. 36 Attachment: Swaploader Truck Quote (1038 : Swaploader Truck Replacement & Budget Amendment 5) 6.c.c Packet Pg. 37 Mayor and Town Council 30 South Main Street Weaverville, NC 28787 SCHEDULED RESOLUTION (ID # 1044) Meeting: 04/21/14 07:00 PM Department: Planning Department Category: Report Prepared By: Taylor Gupton Initiator: Taylor Gupton 6.d DOC ID: 1044 Intent to Permanently Close Unopened Portion of Chestnut St. Grove Park Properties, LLC/Kevin Kopp has requested that the Town permanently close an unopened portion of Chestnut Street pursuant to 160A-299. The portion of the street in question is 4,341 SF, 22' wide, and 193' long. Closure of this unopened portion of the street does not impact ingress/egress to adjoining properties. If Council chooses to pursue closure of the unopened portion of Chestnut Street, it will adopt the Resolution of Intent which sets a public hearing to consider the road closure. ATTACHMENTS: Letter to Town requesting street closure (PDF) Kopp Survey rd closure Intent to Close Portion of Chestnut Resolution (PDF) (DOC) Updated: 4/14/2014 10:58 AM by Taylor Gupton Page 1 Packet Pg. 38 Attachment: Letter to Town requesting street closure (1044 : Intent to Permanently Close Unopened Portion of Chestnut St.) 6.d.a Packet Pg. 39 Attachment: Kopp Survey rd closure (1044 : Intent to Permanently Close Unopened Portion of Chestnut St.) 6.d.b Packet Pg. 40 RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO PERMANENTLY CLOSE A PORTION OF CHESTNUT STREET WHEREAS, N.C. Gen. Stat. sec. 160A-299 sets for a procedure for permanently closing streets and alleys for cities and towns in North Carolina; and WHEREAS, the statute requires the Town Council first adopt a resolution declaring its intent to close the street or alley and calling for a public hearing on the question. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF WEAVERVILLE THAT: Section 1. The Town Council hereby declares its intent to permanently close an unopened portion of Chestnut Street with said portions described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 7 of the R.P. Brittain property shown on that portion of the plat recorded in Deed Book 101, Page 309, in the Buncombe County Registry; thence running South 87 deg. 58 min. 10 sec. East across a portion of Chestnut Street (unopened) a distance of 21.49 feet to a SMNS at the northwest corner of Lot 6 as shown on said plat; thence running with the western line of said Lot 6, South 01 deg. 45 min. 02 sec. West 192.00 feet to a #4 rebar with “McAbee” identification cap set at the southwest corner of Lot 6; thence running South 88 deg. 35 min. 47 sec. West, crossing a portion of Chestnut Street (unopened) a distance of 4.39 feet to a ¾” iron pipe found, said iron pipe also being located at the northeast corner of the property now or formerly owned by Charles Ervin as described in Deed Book 1420, Page 725, in said Registry; thence continuing the same course 19.22 feet to a #4 rebar with “McAbee” identification cap set at the southeast corner of Lot 7 as shown on said plat; thence with the eastern line of said Lot 7, North 02 deg. 22 min. 10 sec. East 193.41 feet to the point of beginning; and being shown more particularly delineated as “Chestnut St. (unopened)” on that survey by Eric S. McAbee,, P.L.S., License #L-4095, being survey drawing No. G-13-3182, dated December 18, 2013, attached hereto as Exhibit A. Section 2. A public hearing on the question of permanently closing a portion of Chestnut Street as shown in Exhibit A will be held at 6:45pm on May 19th, 2014, in the Council Chambers at 30 South Main Street, Weaverville, N.C. Section 3. This resolution shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in Buncombe County, North Carolina, once per week for four successive weeks prior to the aforesaid public hearing on May 19th, 2014, a copy of this resolution shall be sent by registered or certified mail to all owners of property adjoining the street or alley as shown on the Buncombe County tax records, and a notice of the closing and public hearing shall be prominently posted at least two places along the street or alley. Read, approved and adopted the _____ day of ________, 2014. Town Clerk Mayor Packet Pg. 41 Attachment: Intent to Close Portion of Chestnut Resolution (1044 : Intent to Permanently Close Unopened Portion of Chestnut St.) 6.d.c Exhibit "A" Attachment: Intent to Close Portion of Chestnut Resolution (1044 : Intent to Permanently Close Unopened Portion of Chestnut St.) 6.d.c Packet Pg. 42 Mayor and Town Council 30 South Main Street Weaverville, NC 28787 SCHEDULED INFORMATION ITEM (ID # 1035) Meeting: 04/21/14 07:00 PM Department: Administration Category: Report Prepared By: Michael Boaz Initiator: Michael Boaz 7.a DOC ID: 1035 April Town Manager's Report Weather has delayed the beginning of construction on the Pine Street Parking lot. The Contractor hopes to begin as soon as possible. The sidewalk project on Weaver Boulevard is on hold until the contractor has prepared the site on Pine Street for concrete work. He plans to use the same sub-contractor on both projects and so he wants to coordinate the projects. We have completed the process to acquire the Rolling Acres Water System from its current owners. We have also completed the setup for these customers. They will see their average water bill cut by 50% because the Town took over the system and directly bills the customers now. he work has begun on the road at the new development at the corner of Reems Creek Road and Dogwood. This involves the construction of a new road that will be offered to the Town upon its completion. The road is being built to Town standards and Town staff are observing and monitoring the construction. As I reported at last month’s meeting, the contractor has completed the work on the FY 13-14 paving project. Due to the diligent work by Rick Harper the Town saved over $69,000 off the contract price for this project. I personally offer my thanks to Rick for his work on this project and ask that Council do the same. Staff would like to use these leftover funds to finish the sidewalk on Weaver Boulevard. While we had hoped for DOT to fund this portion of the sidewalk, the pot of money that had been used for this type of project has dried up. Therefore I think it is in the Town’s best interest to push to get this project designed, bid, and hopefully under construction before June 30. This is possible if we start immediately but it will be a very quick turnaround. Updated: 4/14/2014 10:30 AM by Michael Boaz Page 1 Packet Pg. 43 Mayor and Town Council 30 South Main Street Weaverville, NC 28787 SCHEDULED INFORMATION ITEM (ID # 1041) Meeting: 04/21/14 07:00 PM Department: Police Department Category: Presentation Prepared By: Greg Stephens Initiator: Greg Stephens 7.b DOC ID: 1041 April Police Department Report ATTACHMENTS: MARCH 2014 Monthly Report (DOCX) Updated: 4/14/2014 10:27 AM by Michael Boaz Page 1 Packet Pg. 44 WEAVERVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT 7.b.a Month of: March 2014 CALLS FOR SERVICE BY TIME OF DAY 7:00 AM – 12:59 PM 1:00 PM – 6:59 PM 571 458 7:00 PM – 12:59 AM 1:00 AM – 6:59 AM 4,089 579 5,697 *POLICING ACTIVITY REPORT Activities February March 2013 Total YTD 2014 Vehicle crashes 24 25 266 80 Parking Citations 2 0 53 3 Written Warnings 18 40 368 70 Verbal Warnings 10 14 115 32 Misdemeanor Charges 35 27 333 79 Felony Charges 19 2 93 21 Officer Assist 84 102 1,330 254 Alarm Response 20 22 287 72 Disturbances 68 82 775 205 Escorts / Deliveries 107 91 1,198 258 Business Checks 3,698 4,171 49,471 11,678 Residential Checks 405 426 3,981 1,255 Unsecured Buildings 31 30 328 86 Pedestrian Assist 69 63 654 185 Citizen Checks 123 107 1,971 333 Assist Motorist 10 9 145 31 Suspicious Person/Vehicle 48 58 731 158 Traffic Safety 54 97 594 209 Citations Issued 15 27 273 58 Drug Charges 0 1 29 1 D.W.I. Charges 1 1 20 4 Reports Taken 45 58 607 144 Court Appearance 1 7 21 9 Investigation Follow-up 61 60 791 148 Vehicle Stop 31 63 573 120 C.O.P.P.S. Activities 197 207 2,286 599 * A majority of business security checks is conducted between the hours of 7:00 pm – 12:59 am Packet Pg. 45 Attachment: MARCH 2014 Monthly Report (1041 : April Police Department Report) TOTAL CALLS FOR THE MONTH WEAVERVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT 7.b.a The following chart(s) breaks down the number of calls by day and by hour. Attachment: MARCH 2014 Monthly Report (1041 : April Police Department Report) Calls For Service (Day) 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Calls For Service (Hour) 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 7 am - 12:59 pm 1 pm- 6:59 pm 7 pm- 12:59 am 1 am- 6:59 pm * A majority of business security checks is conducted between the hours of 7:00 pm – 12:59 am Packet Pg. 46 WEAVERVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT 7.b.a Part I Offense February March +/- % Change Murder 0 0 0 0% Rape 0 1 1 - Robbery (Commercial) 0 0 0 0% Robbery (Individual) 0 0 0 0% Assault 0 0 0 0% 0 1 1 - Breaking & Entering 2 0 -2 -100% Residential 0 0 0 0% Non-Residential 1 0 -1 -100% Commercial 0 0 0 0% Other 1 0 -1 -100% Larceny 16 11 -5 -31% Auto Theft 0 0 0 0% Arson 0 0 0 0% Property Total: 18 11 -7 -39% Violent Total: Attachment: MARCH 2014 Monthly Report (1041 : April Police Department Report) PART I OFFENSES Packet Pg. 47 WEAVERVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT 7.b.a Part II Offense February March =/- % Change Drug 0 1 1 - Assault Simple 2 1 -1 -50% Forgery/ Counterfeit 1 2 1 100% Fraud 2 4 2 100% Embezzlement 1 0 -1 -100% Stolen Property Incidents 0 0 0 0% Vandalism/Damage to property 5 2 -3 -60% Weapons Offenses 0 0 0 0% Sexual Offense 0 0 0 0% Gambling 0 0 0 0% D.W.I. 1 1 0 0% Liquor Law Violations 2 3 1 50% Disorderly Conduct 0 0 0 0% Obscenity 0 0 0 0% Kidnap 0 0 0 0% All Other Offenses 4 6 2 50% PART II Total 18 20 2 11% Attachment: MARCH 2014 Monthly Report (1041 : April Police Department Report) PART II OFFENSES Packet Pg. 48 WEAVERVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT 7.b.a TRAFFIC CRASH DATA Department personnel investigated 25 traffic crashes during the period which included the following: Property Damage $29,050 Fatalities Attachment: MARCH 2014 Monthly Report (1041 : April Police Department Report) Persons Injured 0 0 RESPONSE TIME TO 1. DISPATCHED CALLSMinutes *High priority calls……………………………….. 4.64 **Average priority calls………………………….. 5.84 ***Low priority calls ……………………………….. 7.98 * Response to the scene is urgent (in progress calls, weapons, assaults, etc.) ** Response to the scene necessary but not urgent *** Action on this type of call is sometimes handled by telephone thus the short response time. 1. This applies only to the calls dispatched by the Buncombe County Sheriff’s Department to the Weaverville Police Department by radio dispatch. However, a majority of our calls are phoned in directly to the Weaverville Police Department and the officer responds to the scene of the call. Packet Pg. 49 Mayor and Town Council 30 South Main Street Weaverville, NC 28787 SCHEDULED ACTION ITEM (ID # 1043) Meeting: 04/21/14 07:00 PM Department: Fire Department Category: Report Prepared By: Terry Malone Initiator: Michael Boaz 7.c DOC ID: 1043 April Fire Department Report BRIEF SUMMARY: MOTION FOR CONSIDERATION: FUNDING SOURCE: MANAGER’S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ATTACHMENTS: april14 (XLS) Updated: 4/14/2014 10:26 AM by Michael Boaz Page 1 Packet Pg. 50 7.c.a Fire Inside City Property Loss Outside City Property Loss Brush / Woods 1 0 2 0 Vehicle 0 0 1 2,000 Structure 0 0 1 2,000 Investigation 8 0 14 0 Haz-mat Incident 0 0 0 0 Mutual Aid 0 0 26 0 Fire Alarm Activation 6 0 3 0 Public Assistance 7 0 10 0 TOTAL (Fire) 22 0 57 4,000 MVA \ MCA 3 0 6 0 EMS \ FR \ Rescue 38 0 37 0 Mutual Aid 0 0 0 0 Search 0 0 0 0 TOTAL (Rescue) 41 0 43 0 TOTAL Fire & Rescue 63 0 100 4,000 Rescue Remarks: Total Fire\Rescue Alarms: 163 Total Fire Loss: $ 2000 Total Saved: $ 318.990 Total Inspections: 29 NB - 37 ETJ 18 Woodfin 19 Date: 4/14/14 TM Packet Pg. 51 Attachment: april14 (1043 : April Fire Department Report) Weaverville Fire Department April 21, 2014 Activites Mayor and Town Council 30 South Main Street Weaverville, NC 28787 SCHEDULED INFORMATION ITEM (ID # 1040) Meeting: 04/21/14 07:00 PM Department: Planning Department Category: Report Prepared By: Taylor Gupton Initiator: Taylor Gupton 7.d DOC ID: 1040 Zoning Report 4-21-14 ATTACHMENTS: ZR 03-10 to 04-07-2014 (DOCX) Updated: 4/7/2014 2:24 PM by Taylor Gupton Page 1 Packet Pg. 52 7.d.a ZONING REPORT Permits Issued March 10 – April 07, 2014 Multifamily Residential Residential Addition 63 & 65 Creekside View (out) 41C Creekside View Dr (out) 12 & 14 Craftsman View (out) 32, 34, 36, 38 Loftin St (in) Resident ial Misc. Mobile Home 25 Brinwood (replacement – out) Signs Commercial Commercial Misc. Industrial Industrial Additions 179 Reems Creek (Cormark – Out) 29 Church St (in) 22 Alexander Rd (in) Attachment: ZR 03-10 to 04-07-2014 (1040 : Zoning Report 4-21-14) SF Residential 52 Hamburg Dr (in) 173 S. Main (in) Packet Pg. 53 Mayor and Town Council 30 South Main Street Weaverville, NC 28787 SCHEDULED INFORMATION ITEM (ID # 1042) Meeting: 04/21/14 07:00 PM Department: Public Works Category: Presentation Prepared By: Tony Laughter Initiator: Michael Boaz 7.e DOC ID: 1042 Public Works Activity Report ATTACHMENTS: COUNCIL032014pwactivityreport (XLS) Updated: 4/9/2014 3:10 PM by Tony Laughter Page 1 Packet Pg. 54 7.e.a TOWN OF WEAVERVILLE PUBLIC WORKS ACTIVITY SHEET March 2014 Water Maintenance Work Orders Completed 34 Water Leaks Repaired 6 New Wate Taps 1 Water Quality Complaints 0 Meter Re-Read Service Calls 32 Water Door Tags Delivered 83 Water Line Locate Utility Service Calls 84 Water Meter Service Calls 43 Reservoir-Pump Station Site Checks 147 Attachment: COUNCIL032014pwactivityreport (1042 : Public Works Activity Report) WATER MAINTENANCE: Water Line Construction Site Supervision/Inspections: ALDI FOOD STORES GORILLA CAR WASH REEMS CREEK COTTAGES 21ST CENTURY ONCOLOGY WEAVERVILLE WATER PRODUCTION: 1. Water Treatment Plant 13,975,000 GALLONS 0 GALLONS A. TOTAL WATER PRODUCTION (1+2) 13,975,000 GALLONS B. TOTAL METERED FOR BILLING 10,029,100 GALLONS 1,353,021 GALLONS 11,382,121 GALLONS 2,592,879 GALLONS 183,590,642 GALLONS 6,107,028 GALLONS 2. Water Purchased from Asheville C. Metered and Non-Metered/Non-Billed Use D. Total Accounted For Water (B+C) E. TOTAL UNACCOUNTED (A-D) UNACCOUNTED FOR RUNNING ANNUAL AVERAGE: 1. Finished Water Pumped to System 2. Unaccounted for Water Packet Pg. 55 7.e.a 3. Unacounted for Water as a Percentage 3.3 STREET MAINTENANCE: Streets General Information: Oakland Street Resurfacing was completed this month. Asphalt curbing was installed on Church St., Brown St., and Oakland, which concluded our 2013-2014 FY Streets Resurfacing Program. We removed and replaced 1024.34 square feet of cracked and crumbling asphalt on Yost Street. Utilizing our Vibratory Roller and crews we realized a $ 5,900 (after deducting labor and materials) savings in comparison to contracting out the repairs. The ability to perform such tasks in house also improve the street's Street Assessment Rating and prevent compounded deterioation. Street Maintenance Work Orders Completed 23 SANITATION DEPARTMENT Garbage Collection Points: Residential Collections Points 7,306 Business Pick Ups 228 Residential Set-Outs 208 TOTAL 7,742 Total Tons to Landfill 83 Sanitation Work Orders Comleted 37 Pounds Per Collection Point: 23.52 Sanitation Organic Waste: Cubic Yards - Yard Waste Cubic Yards - Brush Chipped Cubic Yards - Leaves 72 154 0 PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITY MAINTENCE DEPARTMENT P&R Work Orders Completed 11 Packet Pg. 56 Attachment: COUNCIL032014pwactivityreport (1042 : Public Works Activity Report) Street Patching - Staff Performed: Mayor and Town Council 30 South Main Street Weaverville, NC 28787 SCHEDULED INFORMATION ITEM (ID # 1036) Meeting: 04/21/14 07:00 PM Department: Administration Category: Report Prepared By: Michael Boaz Initiator: Michael Boaz 7.f DOC ID: 1036 April Tax Report ATTACHMENTS: april tax report (PDF) Updated: 4/14/2014 10:27 AM by Michael Boaz Page 1 Packet Pg. 57 Attachment: april tax report (1036 : April Tax Report) 7.f.a Packet Pg. 58 Attachment: april tax report (1036 : April Tax Report) 7.f.a Packet Pg. 59 Attachment: april tax report (1036 : April Tax Report) 7.f.a Packet Pg. 60 Attachment: april tax report (1036 : April Tax Report) 7.f.a Packet Pg. 61