studentersamfundet`s - New Student at Aalborg University
studentersamfundet`s - New Student at Aalborg University
STUDENT HANDBOOK 2016 STUDENTERSAMFUNDET’S Studentersamfundet Aalborg Universitet Dear new students In this very moment you are holding the student handbook 2016 in your hands. Congratulations with being on your way into a new chapter as university student. A lot is new for you right now and therefore we made this book for you. With the student handbook, written by other students, you get insight about university, study life and our lovely city Aalborg. We hope it will help you get a good start. Welcome to Aalborg University and let the party begin! Signe Buchholtz Editor-in-chief, the student handbook 2016 Editor-in-chief Signe Buchholtz Layout Jens Albæk Aarup Photo Lisa Klemm Writers Christina Nielsen Maria Boll Hansen Marcus Birk Maria Lykke Møller Mousing Mikael Juhl Kristensen Peter Floor Kousgaard Rasmus Slot CONTENT AALBORG UNIVERSITY 06 08 12 14 18 22 24 26 WELCOME FROM THE RECTOR YOUR NEW UNIVERSITY ILLUSTRATED WITH CAKE WELCOME FROM STUDENTERSAMFUNDET´S CHAIRMAN THE SITUATION OF EDUCATION POLICY BEING A VOLUNTEER OVERVIEW OF BARS WHY STUDENT POLITICS? AGENDA - YOUR UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE STUDY LIFE Proofreaders Christina Nielsen Maria Boll Hansen Maria Lykke Møller Mousing Sales and distribution Erhvervsgruppen Print Rosendahls 34 40 46 50 PBL – WHAT IS IT? MY SEMESTER IN BERLIN 2016 ASK MARIA! YOU WON’T DIE IF YOU GET A D 9000 AALBORG 58 60 WELCOME FROM THE MAYOR MAP OF AALBORG AALBORG UNIVERSITY WELCOME TO AALBORG UNIVERSITY AALBORG UNIVERSITY gether as a team. This will among other things happen when you solve problems in collaboration with companies or organizations outside the university. It is our experience that by solving problems that are daily tackled by ‘real’ companies and organization, students will be more motivated and committed. For many students the time at their university is an adventurous and epoch-making time of their life. It is here you create your future. This is how I experienced my time at university and I hope that you, in the future, can look back at your time at Aalborg University and think that those were the best years of your life. It is a great pleasure to welcome you as a student at Aalborg University. I hope that this student handbook can help you feel at home at the university and get the most out of your new life as a student. It can be quite overwhelming to start a new education, however you should remember that Aalborg University has about 20.000 students divided between campuses in Aalborg, Esbjerg and Copenhagen, so there is always someone you can ask for advice or share your experiences with. From the university we hope that you will feel welcome as a student at Aalborg University. You will become part of a project group based on problem based learning, as is ordinary at Aalborg University. Through your project group you will soon get in contact with your fellow students so that you can help each other to make your everyday work a bit more clear and structured. Your project group cannot alone help you with your studies, but also with help you feel at home at the university and in your new home city. With the student handbook you can take a shortcut to starting an active and fruitful life as a student at Aalborg University. The student handbook is written by students, who themselves have recently begun their studies at Aalborg University, they will share their experiences with you so that you can relate to how the university is organized both academic and socially. I therefore highly recommend that you use this book to get a head start on your university life. The everyday work in the project groups will function in cooperation with a supervisor, whom on the one hand will provide you with academic guidance and on the other will help you with the project process and group dynamics. The aim of Aalborg University is to offer you, and your fellow students, the tools you need to work to6 Once again – welcome to Aalborg University. Per Michael Johansen Rector 7 AALBORG UNIVERSITY U N IVERS W E N R U I TY O Y AALBORG UNIVERSITY D W E T IT H C A A R T S KE ILLU ORGANISATION CHART OF DEPARTMENTS ORGANISATION CHART OF AAU HUMANITIES UNIVERSITY BOARD Department of Communication and Psychology AND SOCIAL SCIENCES ENGINEERING SCIENCE Department of Department of Sociology and Social Architecture, Design Wok and Media Technology Department of Culture and Global Studies Department of Electronic Systems Department of Learning and Philosophy Department of Civil Engineering MEDICINE Department of Health Science and Technology Department of Clinical Medicine Department of Business and Management RECTORATE AAU SHARED SERVICES Department of Political Science Department of Computer Science Department of Law Department of Energy Technology Department of Physics and Nanotechnology RESEARCH AND EDUCATION • • • • • FACULTY OF HUMANITIES FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE FACULTY OF MEDICINE DANISH BUILDING RESEARCH INSTITUTE Department of Chemeistry and Bioscience Department of Mathematical Sciences Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Department of Industrial Production Department of Development and Planning 19 DEPARTMENTS 11 SCHOOLS 8 Danish Building Research Institute 9 AALBORG UNIVERSITY AALBORG UNIVERSITY D W E T IT H C A A R T S U KE L L I U N IVERS W E N R U I TY O Y HOW MANY ARE WE? INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS 2015 NUMBER OF STUDENTS AT THE FACULTIES 2015 NUMBER OF STUDENTS 5 6 6.00 4.72 5 8.20 Eastern Europe..........1.393 Nordic (excl. DK)...…......399 Asia...…...........................331 Africa.……........................144 Middle East..…..............105 North America................61 Rest of America…….........56 Australia.........…...............18 Undisclosed...................13 1.720 FACULTIES HUM SOCIAL SCI. ENGINEERING AND SCI. MED. NUMBER OF STUDENTS AT AAU IN 2015 20.656 INTERNATIONAL OFFICE “As an international student you have the possibility to engage in international activities both academically and socially. You may choose to study abroad or carry out a traineeship abroad as an integrated part of your full-degree studies or maybe you would like to help a new international student settle in via our Buddy-programme? International Office is a resource for all international students, especially at the beginning of their stay.” 13.730 NUMBER OF STUDENTS 2011 10 - From their website: NUMBER OF STUDENTS 2015 11 AAAALLBBOORRGG UUNNI IA VVE AER LRB SSIOITT REYGT -U - SNSTITV UUEDDREESNN I TTTEYERRSSAAMMFFUUNNDDEETT DEAR NEW FELLOW STUDENTS On behalf of Studentersamfundet, I would like to congratulate you on your admission to a higher education as well as welcoming you to Aalborg University. ne of the first things you will notice when you start here at Aalborg University, will be a lot of hard-working volunteers from Studentersamfundet, who have used their summer to arrange yet another fantastic study start with everything from breakfast at Gammeltorv to the big Study Start Party in Gigantium. I would therefore like to use this opportunity to tell who we are as an organization, what we stand for, and what we can do for you as a student here at Aalborg University. O Studentersamfundet wants Aalborg University to be the best possible place for you to study. We do so through academic, social and student political activities, all of which are intended to create an environment for a great study time for you as a 12 AAAALLBBOORRGG UUNNI IA VVE AER LRB SSIOITT REYGT -U - SNSTITV UUEDDREESNN I TTTEYERRSSAAMMFFUUNNDDEETT Start Party, which takes place on the 1st of September in Gigantium with room for 5.000 students from Aalborg University! You can read more about Studentersamfundet and Aalborg University in the rest of The Student Handbook. Futhermore, you can keep you updated on the next social event or student political action/campaign on Facebook ( Once again welcome to Aalborg University and congratulations with the admission on your higher education. See you for breakfast at Gammeltorv student. We therefore offer a wide range of options for you during your study time. Here, among other things, include a number of social activities such as Friday bars, University parties, LAN-events etc. Further, we are represented in all governing bodies of the University. So if you’re interested in student politics, Studentersamfundet is certainly something for you. Does it sound like something for you? Would you like to be a part of the student voice on campus, save money on the vast majority of our events, as well as be a part of a great community and get to know a lot of new and interesting people, so join us today via our webshop (www.webshop. On the website, it is also possible to buy your ticket for the country’s largest and coolest Study Marcus Birk Chairman - Studentersamfundet at Aalborg University 13 AAAALLBBOORRGG UUNNI IVVA EEA RRLSSB I ITOTER YTG-- U SSN TTU IUVDD EER ENN STITE TEYRRSSAAMMFFUUNNDDEETT THE SITUATION OF EDUCATION POLICY First of all, welcome to Aalborg University, which probably also means welcome to Aalborg. Study start means a lot of exciting and uplifting things, new studymates, new surroundings and new experiences. However, not everything is great. Although Aalborg is the best University City to live in, in relation to price and supply, we still don’t have enough housing. This means, that in the first months of the fall semester, hundreds of students have to live in hostels instead of having their own homes. In 2015, it was so bad that 470 students had to live in containers because there wasn’t even room at hostels despite the city’s accommodation guarantee. In many ways it’s an exciting time when you begin here at Aalborg University. In 2015, the government decided to cut down on the university budgets with 2% every year up until 2019, which means that here in Aalborg we lose more than 100 million danish kroner next year. At Aalborg University we have already started to use our resources better, however it also means fewer opportunities at some areas. Earlier many students had their own group room for their particular group where they could work in private and have black boards etc. for themselves. Unfortunately, it’s rare today and personally I always had to share my group room with other groups. In some buildings you don’t even have the option to book a group room. Here you often have big open areas instead, where you can put up bulletin boards and in that way “build” your own group rooms. In Studentersamfundet, we often work with student organizations from others universities, we work with scientists from these universities and we also work with the rectors to get the cut downs withdrawn, because in our opinion, the quality of our education will only decrease further, if you take away the resources from an already under financed sector. Finally, there’s a debate which regularly comes to the surface - the debate about the economic support from the government, also known as the SU. There’s differCONTINUE 14 >> Do you want a bank for students or a place to start your career? Or both? Optimise your finances Challenge yourself When you’re studying, managing your personal finances can be a challenge. There are many good things to spend money on, but banking isn’t one of them. That’s why we offer you many special benefits at no charge. Call us on 45 130 100 if you want direct access to advisers who specialise in student life and finances. At Danske Bank, we applaud your ambition and want to see you succeed. So consider joining an international organisation of 19,000 people with strong roots in the Nordic region and bridges to the rest of the world. Start your career at Check out AAAALLBBOORRGG UUNNI IVVA EEA RRLSSB I ITO TER YTG-- U SSN TTUIUVDD EEE RNN STITE TER YRSSAAMMFFUUNNDDEETT ent variations of this debate; there should be given fewer monthly SU payments in general, you should only be able to get the SU for your undergraduate or you should take away the SU completely. In addition to this debate, it has also been considered to remove the SU completely from the master program and instead spending the money on counteracting the possible lack of quality we will experience in our educations. The problem with the proposal is that we as students already have an economy under pressure. In 2010, Nordea estimated that in average we are in need of additional 970 kroners per month and since then the actual value of the SU has only decreased, due to the socioeconomic development. That’s a problem because the statistics clearly show, that if we are forced to have a job beside our studies, the completion time rises, our grades drops, fewer students complete their education. It is in many ways just a very bad business to pay for 2 years education only for having the students drop out because they are forced to work instead of using their time to study. Is it so bad? Even though there’s a lot of things which are less good, or are on their way to be it, there are also a few areas where things are going well here at Aalborg University. As a student at Aalborg University, it is likely that you in about 5 years have completed your Master’s Degree, on the contrary to the other universities, where the students on average can end up spending additionally 2 more years. To sum up, we are facing some challenging years on the educational area. So if you want to make a difference within student politics, then read more on page 19 (Why student policy?) or contact me at Rasmus Slot Student Affairs spokesman Studentersamfundet at Aalborg University 16 Danmarks mest attraktive studieforsikring 42% op til rabat Som medlem af Dansk Magisterforening får du op til 42% rabat på DM Forsikring. Sammensæt din egen indbo-, ulykkes- og rejseforsikring med mange indbyggede fordele. Som førsteårsstuderende koster det 0,- at være medlem af både Dansk Magisterforening og Magistrenes A-kasse. Se muligheder Find vores forsikringsberegner på AAAALLBBOORRGG UUNNI IVAVEAERLRSBSIOITTR EYG T --USN STITU VUE DDR EES NNITTTEYERRSSAAMMFFUUNNDDEETT AER LRB REYGT -U I TTTEYERRSSAAMMFFUUNNDDEETT AAAALLBBOORRGG UUNNI IA VVE SSIOITT - SNSTITV UUEDDREESNN Being a volunteer I started as volunteer at AAU when my neighbours and their friends (wearing tiger and bear costume) recruited me to be in a bar. After doing this a couple of times I was recruited to the Study Start Party Committee (SSFU). At the following christmas party by Studentersamfundet I was recruited to the UniRun Committee. I later ran for the Study Board and created Electronic Systems Students (ESS), which is a decentralized council under Studentersamfundet. I also became active in AAU Student Space on my 3rd year. Facts TEXT MIKAEL JUHL KRISTENSEN SSFU Every year there’s a big party for all the new students at AAU. As early as February the Study Start Party Committee begins planning the party, and they meet twice a month in the beginning. The committee consists of a lovely group of people. Since it’s a special event with a lot of money involved, all the people in charge are known people from Studentersamfundet. In 2013 a wise man called Hasse taught me how to be a volunteer and responsible for the security at a party with 4.000 guests. In 2014 I was to handle it on my own, and in 2015 I shared it with a nice guy called Thomas. It’s a joy to do the planning, but in the days before the party there’s always some nervousness involved. In 2015 there was more than 4.500 guests, all new and a bit confused. They have to be guided from from the mid city to Gigantium, where they show their tickets and go inside. And when they’re inside, they have to be kept in certain areas and you have to make 18 Mikael Juhl Kristensen 23 years old 9. semester - Control & Automation From Western Jutland UniRun Study Board I was recruited to arrange the UniRun 2014. The committee begins its work in March, and a lot of the time is spent on finding sponsors but also deciding the shirts, routes and prizes. It’s very cozy. The run is normally happening in the end of September and the last 3 years it has grown to be with 600 participants. Arranging UniRun is different from arranging the parties. The participants aren’t drunk students, but sober people (both students and staff) and there’s a totally different energy, when the run begins. It’s always fun to see if you can get the board of Studentersamfundet to run. I can’t quite remember how I ended up being signed for election but in the spring 2015 I became a part of the Study Board. It’s a really good place to learn about the internal processes of the University. In the spring we went to AAU Esbjerg, a department we normally don’t hear much about in Aalborg. They had some quite nice facilities. Also, Studentersamfundet have a department in Esbjerg and they had posters hanging. Generally we spend our time in the Study Board maintaining the quality of our educations, eating cake, talking about the future teaching and eat a bit more cake. sure they don’t destroy too much. It’s a big responsibility, but each year I have taken a couple of minutes to be in the crowd of people, and enjoy the party and having fun. Hearing them shout out “Cheers” or “Skål” in danish is something that warms an old man’s heart – it’s all worth it. As a chief of the volunteers I also have a lot of contact with all our lovely volunteers. During the party many of them have a good time in our VIP-area, having their own little party. But the real party for the volunteers is a few weeks later. Free booze, beer and food! Let’s just say, those volunteer parties have a tendency to be a bit silly and wild when the clock says midnight. If you would like to be a volunteer just keep an eye on “Studentersamfundets frivillige” on Facebook, and if you want to help arrange The Study Start Party, it’s recommended that you first get some experience in one of Studentersamfundet’s groups, for example in a Friday bar or in UniRun. 19 AAAALLBBOORRGG UUNNI IVAVEAERLRSBSIOITTR EYG T --USN STITU VUE DDR EES NNITTTEYERRSSAAMMFFUUNNDDEETT ESS AAU Student Space In the spring 2015 I created ”Electronic Systems Students” ESS. The purpose was to make relevant events for students who’s studying Electronic Systems and spread information about the activities of the Study Board. In november we had the a rocket enthusiast Peter Madsen coming to AAU to speak about his innovative projects. AAU Student Space is a student based group at the University which works with cubesats. In the beginning of 2014 we were asked to make a cubesat, with the purpose of being sent into space with Andreas Mogensen. The production began immediately. We finished the cubesat and turned it in. Then me and my studymate Brian was elected to go to Houston with the satellite. After spending some days with professional space scientist and using some time on sightseeing, we said goodbye to the satellite. On the 5th of october the satellite was sent into space from ISS, while we held an event at AAU. Here my experience from planning Studentersamfundet’s events helped me a lot. WAYS IN NEED STUDENTERSAMFUNDET IS AL OF NEW VOLUNTEERS WOULD YOU ALSO LIKE TO BE A VOLUNTEER LIKE MIKAEL? VISIT STUDENTERSAMFUNDET.AAU.DK 20 FOR MORE INFO AAAALLBBOORRGG UUNNI IVAVEAERLRSBSIOITTR EYG T --USN STITU VUE DDR EES NNITTTEYERRSSAAMMFFUUNNDDEETT AALBORG UNIVERSITY Gratis det første år derefter 25 Kr. mdr. Bliv klædt på til lægemiddelområdet og få kontante fordele oveni Aalbar • • • • • Aalbar is located in the Create building (Rendsburggade 14) and here you’ll find the best looking students! You can enjoy beer for reasonable prices and hang out with your fellow students to the sound of new and old hits. Arrangementer Fagligt netværk Rådgivning Kendskab til lægemiddelområdet Kontante fordele Læs mere på Bajers Bar The Bajers Bar is the place for health science and technology students every friday between 14:00 and 20:00. But of course everyone is welcome! Find the bar at Frederik Bajers Vej 7E, E-2-104. DE-Klubben Barbaren The best and cheapest bar which is open every thursday. Barbaren is the bar for all students! It’s the meeting point for many students in the city. Find the place at 1st floor, Fibigerstræde 15 in the big canteen. Mærkbar BasisBaren Open every friday. Located at Kroghstræde 1! Paying with MobilePay is possible. BasisBaren is a cozy place in the canteen at Strandvejen 12-14 and gives you good opportunity to bond with other students right from the beginning! 22 23 AAAALLBBOORRGG UUNNI IA VVE AER LRB SSIOITT REYGT -U - SNSTITV UUEDDREESNN I TTTEYERRSSAAMMFFUUNNDDEETT AAAALLBBOORRGG UUNNI IA VVE AER LRB SSIOITT REYGT -U - SNSTITV UUEDDREESNN I TTTEYERRSSAAMMFFUUNNDDEETT Why student politics? Have you ever been at a lecture and thought: “Why am I learning this?”, “There’s always too little room in these lecture halls?” or “should Lene Esper sen be in the board of Aalborg University’s direction?”. Okay - maybe you didn’t think this last one. But it’s all something we should have influence upon as students. This University is made in a way in which students are secured influence on different levels. Who decides which courses you’re having? A group of 50% students and 50% teachers. Who decides how much preparation time the teachers should have? A group of students and staff. Who hires Rector and decides the university’s general strategy? A group of students and staff. 24 As you can see there is a pattern: students are present when the decisions are made because we know how to improve our own everyday life. decide Studentersamfundet’s politics. That could be anything between opi nions on internal censorship at exams to bus transportation in Aalborg. In the fall there’s an election for all of these governing bodies where you have the opportunity to join and directly influence your education. There’s plenty of options to be active and have influence on your study life as a student. If you would like to hear more about theese, you’re more than welcome to contact us at or show up monday 5th of September 17:00 o’clock in the Student House at Gammeltorv (Studenterhuset). But of course it’s not necessary to be in one of these positions to get influence. In many different studies they have established unions that work with improving exactly your study, both aca demically, politically and socially, and you can always contact them if you’re interested. If you want influence from day one there’s a meeting in the Studenterforum every first monday in the month, where all students can participate equally and 25 AGENDA - YOUR UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE WHO ARE WE? Agenda is the university magazine at Aalborg University. The magazine is created by a team of volunteering writers, photographers and proofreaders. We offer the readers study relevant, society relevant and humoristic articles in the hope of making life as a student a bit more colorful. SHOPPING I HJERTET AF AALBORG Do you feel like joining? We are regularly looking for new volunteers: both writers, proofreaders and photographers. So do you have a little journalist hidden in you, are you excellent at spelling or crazy about photographing? Feel welcome to contact us at Velkommen til landets fedeste studieby. Friis Shoppingcenter har et bredt udvalg af butikker indenfor mode og bolig. Du kan tilmed også få stillet din sult med fx sushi eller lækre sandwiches. Har du brug for træning, har vi Fitness World på Plan 3. MELD DIG IND I FRIIS’ER KLUBBEN Tilmeld dig Friis’er Klubben med det samme og opnå masser af fordele. Se mere på Og følg os på Facebook og Instagram ... her har vi masser af konkurrencer og fede events. The magazine runs under Studentersamfundet and is published 8 times a year - both online and printed. Like our facebook page at to get the latest news Also check out our website: Happy reading! DETTE ER BLOT NOGLE AF VORES FEDE KONCEPTER Kind regards Signe Buchholtz Editor-in-Chief 10-19 MANDAG-FREDAG 10-17 LØRDAG 11-16 FØRSTE SØNDAG I MÅNEDEN NYTORV 27, AALBORG FRIISAALBORG.DK #FRIISAALBORG FACEBOOK.COM/FRIISAALBORG Study Start Party Have you heard about the Study Start Party? The Study Start Party is the greatest party for all the students at Aalborg University. 4000 new students from all faculties is gathered in the sport and culture center Gigantium to celebrate the beginning of their University life. To guarantee the best study start, we do whatever it takes to make the best atmosphere including food, cheap drinks, and music as well as free transportation to the party. The doors opens at 5.00pm where the new students are welcomed with dinner. At 7.30pm, the current students will attend – and the live music will begin! On 1st of September, your Tutor will provide you with further information about the party. It is possible to buy a ticket with or without a membership of Studentersamfundet, however as a member you can buy the ticket at half price. NB: BUY YOUR TICKET ALLREADY IN AUGUST! Like us at Facebook and find out more about the party and how to buy your ticket: We are looking forward to see you! Best regards, Studentersamfundet at Aalborg University Læg it til din bachelor Kom foran med digital udvikling og innovation Bliv Læs om 14 på Study life STUDIELIV September 1. 1. 6. 8. 14 og 15. 16. 23. 30. 30. October 6. 8. 14-16. 28. Breakfast at Gammeltorv Study start party in Gigantium Meeting in BasisBaren Grill’n’Greet Study fair Olympic games (ØL) Boatrace & Redbull-saga Free beer for members UniRun Student political party Rusparty (for new students) AAU Lan Free beer for members STUDY LIFE STUDY LIFE PBL – what is it? Text Christina Nielsen At Aalborg University we use the PBL-model, also known internationally as the Aalborg-mo del. A model that Aalborg University gets great recognition for because it’s a special way to work problem-based, which has proven to be something unique and an inspiring way to work. But what is it exactly and how does it work? This is a guided tour through PBL and group work at Aalborg University - what can you use it for, and what happens in practice, when you get in a group? PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING GROUP WORK – HOW DOES IT WORK? PBL stands for Problem-Based Learning. On nearly every semester you write a project which takes its starting point in a real life issue. This is the way we learn about working with real issues that can be observed in the real world. It’s a very good method for learning if you are dedicated. It takes a lot of effort to write a project but on the same time you learn so much! You learn theories you wouldn’t otherwise learn about at lectures, you learn a lot about a field from the real world and get wiser about what’s happening and why. You learn to be critical and reflective in your way of thinking and to work analytically. It’s valuable knowledge when you later are going to write a bachelor project, because you’ve done it before and know very well what it’s about. When you are done with your education and a looking for a job, it can also be a significant advantage because you know a lot more than just what is in the books. You also know more about subjects from reality. The projects are written in groups which can vary in size. During the creating of groups at my semester I got some good advices about group work by Johannes Andersen, Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science, who held a presentation about group work. These advices are the key to a successful group work: 34 THE OTHERS GET PROBLEMS AS WELL No matter where you stand socially or academically, you will run into problems. Whether you start out as friends and afterwards find a common academically interest or you start out with an interest and then get in a group, there will be problems. Everybody has to go through the “storm” - the phase where you get mad at each other, because you disagree and get frustrated about the others, consciously or unconsciously. When you’re through this phase, you can laugh at it and then the work is painless because the rules has become the norm, and you no longer think about it. You have to get through the stormy weather before it’s going to get better. CRITIQUE IS THE KEY If you want to make a great project, then critique is the key. It’s important that everybody takes responsibility and gives critique. When you get critique or feedback for your work, don’t see it as critique of your as a person. It’s important to understand that the critique isn’t pointed at you as a person but at the academic work. The critique should rather be seen as a compliment. The others give critique because they have an interest in the project becoming as good as possible. Through the critique the academic material will be better and better, and at the same time more eyes on the project never hurts. Discussion and critique is what it takes to create a good project, because the material is processed and all your decisions are well considered. HOW DOES IT WORK IN PRACTICE? Now the ground rules are set, but what do you actually do, when you are in a group working with your project? There’s many ways to use your group. Some see the group as extra work force, while others use the group for more discussion-based reflections. Some hand out sections of the project, and then put it all together in the end, while others write it all together. Some rarely meet, others meet every day. It’s about making your expectations clear for each other at the beginning, and making clear rules for how the group work is going to be. It will prevent a lot of conflicts. It can be a good idea to make a time schedule with very clear structure for what you are going to do when and deadlines. It can be done very simply with a totally normal calendar printed from the internet. If you have deadlines, it gives some peace to the mind and the project 35 STUDY LIFE sik ke ni nd – mæ Now you might wonder, how to attend exams and how the examiner (which is the same person as the supervisor) know which amazing sections came from your hand. The person doesn’t know. The group has a collective responsibility for the project, so excuses like, it wasn’t my section and I didn’t write that, is not legitimate. You have to know it gien about disall, which again stressesæmy mapoint m rk cussions. They are important. At the examination the whole group are in the room at once. Mostly it’s like a conversation or a discussion of the project. You can also be asked directly about something, but it often hapu pens if the examiner and censor are in doubt uk m l n– about your grade. Because the grade is given gie a m individually, even though myou’re in there ærk tousik –m d k n i e n gether and made the project together. km – lu usikke n in d 36 ing for the next steps - so it’s in every way worth discussing the project during the process. –m æ rk m agien – luk group. You don’t have to discuss what to do every morning and the deadline won’t surprise you as a thief in the night. It will make your work more structured. The more you do it, the better a sense you will get about how much time every part takes. Since you’re in a group it’s about taking advantage of the potential it is to be several people. When you’re a group, of course there’s more inputs. There’s many people to attend the discussion. Use the group as a resource and ask when you’re in doubt. Use each other to discuss what you wrote. Discuss the theories, and ask yourself, did everyone understand it the same way? By discussing the elements you and your group make sure you have a common understanding, and it’s always an advantage, so your project won’t point in too many different directions. The discussions can also be a collection of the different sections. With discussions you make sure you have a common understand- CONTINUE >> STOR LYD FOR SMÅ PENGE! ien mag k r – mæ usikken ind – mæ n ind e luk m k k r i s k – u magien – luk m en agi m rk e studerend r 30 år og e er i d tt n u le il e b g Un en købe g a d rt e c n kr. kan på ko C til 50 kategori lder eller a r ation fo im it g le kan også Husk . Billetten 75,- for studiekort er prisen så s, le il forudbest tegori C. k billet i ka symfoni.d på aalborg 00 r e rt e c n o Se k t 60 20 30 Køb bille magien – luk musikken ind mærk – d n i ken usik m k – lu Gælder på Zwei Grosse, Aalborg Skal indløses inden kl. 24.00 - Maks. 1 pr. gæst pr. Aften Kan benyttes alle Mandag-Onsdag i 2016 1x GRATIS 1x GRATIS Gælder på Zwei Grosse, Aalborg Skal indløses inden kl. 24.00 - Maks. 1 pr. gæst pr. Aften Gyldig indtil d. 1. december 2016 Gælder på Zwei Grosse, Aalborg Skal indløses inden kl. 24.00 - Maks. 1 pr. gæst pr. Aften Gyldig indtil d. 1. december 2016 ALM. CARLSBERG FADØL ALM. CARLSBERG FADØL 1x GRATIS 1x GRATIS LIVE-MUSIK FRI ENTRÉ DANS PÅ BORDE & BAR 1/2-PRIS..! FLIEGENDER HIRSCH It’s valuable skills, which can make you a great co-worker because you can think and work independently but also in a team. It pays off to put some effort in the projects. FLIEGENDER HIRSCH E N FØRST E VI GI’R D Gælder på Zwei Grosse, Aalborg Skal indløses inden kl. 24.00 - Maks. 1 pr. gæst pr. Aften Kan benyttes alle Mandag-Onsdag i 2016 With this guide through PBL and group work I hope you’ve gotten a better idea of what PBL means, what group work is about and what to remember. Use the group, discuss, give feedback and then you’re likely to have a great project where everybody gets wiser and better. Have fun with the group work! Gælder på Zwei Grosse, Aalborg Skal indløses inden kl. 24.00 - Maks. 1 pr. gæst pr. Aften Gyldig indtil d. 1. december 2016 1x GRATIS To work problem-based gives you strong skills that can bring you first in line at the job market. Graduates from Aalborg University know something others don’t. We can collaborate and think analytically. Maybe you think it sounds like a cliché and little bit silly. It isn’t hard to collaborate, it isn’t hard to work out an assignment. But it’s actually harder than one should think. Through group work, you get to know how to work with a problem, theorize it, analyze it, and make a conclusion. Also, you learn to collaborate with others and be in a group and run a pro ject. It’s not as easy as you might be told in the beginning. It’s hard work but also something you learn a great deal from in a very short time. More than you could learn by just attending lectures. In the process of the pro jects you get valuable skills, learn how to write academically and work with a problem or issue. 1x GRATIS WHAT CAN YOU USE IT FOR? Gælder på Zwei Grosse, Aalborg Skal indløses inden kl. 24.00 - Maks. 1 pr. gæst pr. Aften Gyldig indtil d. 1. december 2016 ALM. CARLSBERG FADØL ALM. CARLSBERG FADØL STUDY LIFE GRATIS ER MM SLpA å zurf SOCIAL HOUR 1/2-PRIS BEER PONG POPCORN HVER AFTEN INDTIL 00.00 38 ZURF BAR, AALBORG #ZURF #STUDIESTART16 Maks. 1 pr. gæst. pr. Aften Skal indløses senest kl. 24.00 Gyldig indtil 01.12.16 GRATIS A COpåRzOurNf Maks. 1 pr. gæst. pr. Aften Skal indløses senest kl. 24.00 Gyldig indtil 01.12.16 STUDY LIFE STUDY LIFE STUDY LIFE STUDY LIFE My semester in Berlin 2016 Text Maria Lykke Møller Mousing As a student at Aalborg University it’s possible to go study abroad for a semester. If you get this opportunity, just take it, because you get 6 months filled with new international friendships and also a lot of new experiences. You will get to see how life as a student in another country is and it’s the best way to learn a new language. Here’s a little view of my months in Berlin. We are only 8 students in my class at Aalborg University and this semester we’re different places in Germany. Heidi and Christina here are both abroad in Düsseldorf. It’s tough not to see each other but then it’s a good thing Skype was invented! #Skype #Friends #Düsseldorf #Berlin #Erasmus Berlin has lots of good bars and there’s not a weekend without dancing until the sun comes up. #Partytime #Berlin #SodaClub #Internationalfriends Sightseeing in Berlin! #Berlin #Memorial #Holocaust #History Berlin, here I come! I’m packed and ready for 6 months in Berlin. #Berlin #Semester #Erasmus #Student #Deutschland #Airport “We are just taking a quick trip to IKEA”, said… nobody ever. ” #Newstuff #Apartment #Berlin #Reinickendorf #IKEA #TookaTAXI 40 This is the university in Berlin. Hochschule für Recht und Wirtschaft Berlin! #Hochschule #HWR #Berlin #Erasmus #Student I live in Reinickendorf in Berlin in an old hotel which is made into apartments. A lot of young students from around the world live here and something is happening every day! I drink too many beers down here.. #Newfriends #International #Home #Berlin #Reinickendorf As you can see, I’m happy. It’s of course because I have a beer in my hand but also because I’m at a big party which is happening in the middle of Berlin for 10 days. #Beer #Berlin #Happy #Party 41 STUDY LIFE STUDY LIFE STUDY LIFE STUDY LIFE Why go abroad? International Pillow Fight Day in Berlin was awesome! In front of Brandenburger Tor more then hundred people showed up to have a pillow fight - even the police joined! Afterwards I looked like a chicken with feathers though. #Pillowfight #Berlin #Fun #Friends … Why not? It’s not all educations where it’s “normal” to go study abroad. But this doesn’t mean you don’t have the opportunity to go. If you can get merit and Aalborg University even has collaborations with other universities around the world then just look into what your opportunities are. The cool thing about Berlin is that something’s always going on. If you’re bored in Berlin, something’s wrong! #Soapbubbles #IloveBerlin A stay abroad makes you stronger in every way! As a person you will become more independent, you will learn more about the country, you will meet new people, it’s easier for you to learn the language, and your resume will even be more interesting to look at. The list of reasons is long. #Peace #Freedom #Berlin Ready for takeoff! This is a closed airport in Berlin where you can take a long walk, bike or just have a good time in the nice weather. One of the hidden places in Berlin that not many tourists know of. #Flughafen #Airport #Tempelhof #Berlin #Ichfliege … And even though you do grow up, don’t forget the childish side of yourself. #liverightnow 42 43 - vi får Aalborg til at smile. Hvad med dit smil? Træn fra 98 kr. Anmeldelser 4,8 4,8 ud af 5 stjerner 61 anmeldelser Gratis oprettelse ÅBEN 06-24 Alle ugens dage. UniFitness hjælper dig med at komme godt fra start. Vi skræddersyr gratis et træningsprogram til dig, uanset om du ønsker at tabe dig, stramme op eller bare komme i bedre form. Alt er inkluderet i månedes prisen heriblandt programlægning og holdtræning. Tilmeld dig i dag på Aalborg Tandplejeteam ved Charlotte Nyby Boulevarden 7 9000 Aalborg Telefon: 98 11 76 16 Besøg os på facebook Vi har fokus på g Smertefri behandlin jtak! Tandlægeskræk - ne god tid Dialog, tryghed og hele livet Tænder, der holder dling Nænsom tandbehan Naturlig helhed AALBORG UNIVERSITET STUDY LIFE STUDY LIFE Ask Maria! The truth about university What do you do in university? Dear Ask Maria I have been very much in doubt when it comes to choosing university because Aalborg University isn’t quite Aarhus or Copenhagen. What can you offer? Regards, The lion Text Maria Boll Hansen Info: This is a satirical feature. Is uni difficult? Hi, I’m starting at uni after the holidays and I heard it’s quite overwhelming and more difficult than high school? What can you tell about it? Regards, The new guy Hey rookie, It’s with uni as it is with pancakes; the first one is always weird and you get a little sad and upset but the rest is awesome and gone too soon. See this comparison in the light of the fact that your first year at uni will be filled with experiences and impressions. Some you will find okay and others will make you want to carry a carton wine under your arm permanently. You are no longer a student, there’s not strict orders to show up and in fact this means that it’s your own responsibility to get something out of your time and lectures. The lectors (not teachers) actually don’t care about you and how you’re doing, in fact they could have several lectures without realizing the room was empty. But it’s not all bad. It’s in university that you’re mature enough to get friendships with substance and you’re in a knowledge paradise which gives you unique knowledge and spirituel nutrition. Hi pseudo science believer, I’m so happy to hear that you chose Aalborg despite your reservations. Because yes, Aalborg isn’t physically neither one city or the other. But I can comfort you with the fact that here in Aalborg we look at the city like the Paris of the North and that’s big words for people like us! However, everything here is cheaper than in the “real” big cities and our university logic with the problem based model is quite alright. Shortly, our PBL-model makes sure that you can collaborate with real companies during your studies and you realize how you can solve a problem (that they might not even know they have). The smart thing about this is that you in your 5 years of studying won’t slowly die of just sitting and reading and write theoretical assignments but you actually do assignments with roots in a real problem. This way you avoid that censor will be bored to death. Also, we love other people at uni. Therefore we made it mandatory that you from day 1 and till you leave university after 5 years know as much about pedagogy (manipulation) AND your own education. Two educations in one! PYRAMID OF KNOWLEDGE Something with skills. ? The ability to work with people you completely disagree with. There’s student discount in places you never thought of. Get yourself drunk BEFORE going to Gaden. 46 47 STUDY LIFE STUDY LIFE Got lost? Hey Ask Maria I’m about to attend university after summer and therefore I will move to Aalborg from a smaller city. I’m excited about getting to know Aalborg, do you have any advice? Hey you and welcome! How lovely with all your enthusiasm. I will teach you a bit about the real Aalborg which will, for you the next 5 years, only be university. To make it easier here’s a map of our buildings because they are quite spread around the city. Most importantly is the campus where most students are getting locked up. Happy room hunting! Bliv medlem på BLIV MEDLEM AF IDA OG FÅ MASSER AF FORDELE I IDA bliver du en del af et stærkt fællesskab, der hjælper dig godt og grundigt igennem din studietid. Vi tilbyder bl.a. billige studieforsikringer, arrangementer på dit studiested, en attraktiv studiekonto, netværk og rådgivning. Herefter koster studiemedlemskabet 20 kr. pr. måned. Og du kan endda blive medlem i dag! Læs mere på 48 49 STUDY LIFE Rute 980 You won’t die if you get a D Frederikshavn Sæby Frederikshavn - Esbjerg Aalborg I samarbejde med Text Christina Nielsen Binderup As a new student at the University you are probably full of expectations and worries. How is it to attend university? Can I make it? How are the exams going to be? Can I get a good grade, and what if I fail? Don’t worry, you will make it. Even though you don’t get straight A’s, it’s okay, don’t worry. Other grades are fine too and you will be alright even though your average grade result won’t be like in high school. I am a witness that nothing terrible will happen if you get a D - so take a deep breath. This summer I got the grade D! I just barely passed. Not amazing and not totally terrible. Actually just average and a bit sad even though it’s not as bad as it sounds. The grade D can be fine, but because of our messed up views upon grades, everything below B has a bad reputation. Objectively D is an okay grade given for the average performance - you did something right but something was missing too. The story and the grade D The story about me getting a D actually goes back to high school, maybe even public school because some people would probably call me straight A girl. I’m the type of girl with the grade A in my Student Cap from high school, and my grades nearly made me able to study International Business at Copenhagen Business School. If there has been a grade I thought I could improve, I always worked to achieve it. Studierabat Karup Herning Grindsted Esbjerg Lufthavn Esbjerg Trafikoplysning: DEN LIGE LINIE TANDLÆGEKLINIKKEN VEJGAARD TORV KIRSTEN RØGILD KNUDSEN However, it was always easier for me than the straight A girls you hear about in the media, whose world ends if they “only” get a B and who cut off all their social life to study. I have never done that. I worked hard without it being too much, and mostly because I knew I could, so why not make the effort? When high school was done and the grade A was in my Student Cap, the race of grades actually ended for me. After high school I turned to AAU. The university of possibilities where everybody who wants attend, can. CONTINUE 50 Viborg >> Vejgaard Torv 1, 1. sal 98 13 42 42 AT B A R E I D U ST lle frie 15-50% På a r ydelse Tæt på Universitetet Tæt på “Ø-Gaden” Tæt på Centrum ger og (fx fyldnin ) bedøvelse STUDY LIFE Even though I wasn’t so focused on grades anymore, I (surprisingly) was able to maintain my good grades, even though I had the expectations that I probably couldn’t achieve as good grades as in high school. I probably expected I had to work my way up and that I would experience to get all the grades on the scale. Even the ones who aren’t that fun. It had to happen. My first grade ever at the University was a C and after that it continued with a B and an A. After that I didn’t think much about the grades, but I just did my best and that was good enough for the high end of the scale. Maybe I was unconsciously getting used to my effort being enough every time? Maybe I just got used to getting a B or higher every time? But in the summer 2015, I got the grade D! That average grade which isn’t impressing but okay after all, objectively. Most surprising was the fact that I didn’t die. The old straight-A-girl didn’t die of getting a D, 52 STUDY LIFE nothing happened! No one was after me, no one said I was stupid, no one said I couldn’t continue my study. Actually no one really noticed. The only thing that happened was that my pride suffered a little bit. I got a wake up call. A wake up call which changed my view upon grades and I got rid of the unconscious thought that it would always work out well for me no matter what. D is alright, the arrow didn’t hit bulls eye, but you still hit the dartboard. You still got points. Sometimes you just miss a little bit. Because my pride suffered that summer I didn’t write the mandatory status on social media “Look at me, I’m done with exams and got an A”. It just doesn’t sound that nice to say you got a D. And what a shame. Why not tell when it’s going less well? Why not tell that we sometimes fail a bit, and why not admit we’re not geniuses at everything? I always said, I’m going to make my way through the whole scale during my study time. It just hits a bit harder when you start at the top instead of the bottom, because you unconsciously got used to the high grades. It wasn’t unfair at all. I’m not proud of getting that grade and if you get the same, you don’t have to be. It’s okay to feel sad, but focus your energy on the critique and feedback, and most importantly, learn from it. To be honest, it happened again six months later. Another D. This time I got a bit sad but when I thought about it after, I quickly realized why I got a D for that assignment. I aimed and missed, and then it was fair enough that I got that grade. So I quickly accepted it and made peace with the fact that this course wasn’t my thing. CONTINUE >> 53 STUDY LIFE LIVE EXPERIENCES You don’t always hit the bullseye Getting the grade D taught me not to expect that I’m good at everything. I can’t hit the bullseye everytime, and it’s okay because you learn from it. You learn what to do differently and it can be a motivation for the next time. Everytime you miss you get better at aiming. Eventually you get wiser about how to throw the arrow in order to hit the bullseye. It takes time and experience, but it’s also incredibly important that you don’t sit down and cry when it’s not working out, so try to reflect a bit instead – what did I do wrong, and can I do it differently next time? My message for you as a new student is: Don’t get disappointed if you get a “bad” grade. Nothing’s wrong with you, you just missed a bit. No one will hit you or say you’re not good enough to attend university. You can learn from it. You can learn how to aim better and one day you’ll hit the bullseye. Not every time, but sometimes. We can’t all be good at everything and there’s nothing wrong with not always being able to get an A. Other grades are fine too, even though the discourse about them are bad. I hope my story gave you something to consider. I hope you won’t break down if you get a D one day. I hope you learned that you can get an A in one course and a D in another, without it making you a bad student. There’s nothing wrong with you, you just don’t hit the bullseye every time, but each time you throw the arrow you’ll get better at aiming. FOR ONLY DKK 80 As a foreign student attending AAU, you can go to Aalborg Theatre for only DKK 80. Experience productions such as Hamlet, Don Juan or the rock musical Hair. We provide unique and intense live experiences – which actually cost less than going to the cinema. The student discount is in effect from Monday to Thursday. Tickets are easy to purchase at NEW: SUBTITLED PERFORMANCES NEW: READING AND STUDY ROOM During the year, we stage selected performances with English subtitles. See which performances and read more about subtitling at During daytime hours on weekdays, you and your fellow students can use our pleasant foyer as a reading or study room. It has free WiFi, of course. Aalborg Theatre is the biggest professional theatre in North Jutland. You will find us near Studenterhuset. 54 AALBORGTEATER.DK/ENGLISH JERNBANEGADE 9-11 9000 AALBORG TICKET OFFICE: + 45 9631 6020 FIND AALBORG THEATRE ON: 9000 AALBORG A big warm welcome … to the city, to the study of your dreams and to some of the best years of your life! The time at university is a fantastic and wonderful time – it is fun, challenging and magnificent at one and the same time. It is the period of your adult life where you will meet the most new people, many of whom are people that have made the same considerations in regards to education as you, and share your interests. I am both happy and proud to welcome you as a student in Aalborg. I am happy because you have chosen Aalborg as the frame of your education and proud because Aalborg is a city that has much to offer – particularly a university that once again has shown itself as a very popular educational institution. In Aalborg we appreciate all the students because every one of you participates in making the city one that is filled with life. We further have a great collaboration between the university, the private business community and the public authorities – a collaboration that benefits the students by creating internships. I hope that you will have a great couple of years in Aalborg. We have created the frame – and I hope that you are prepared to fill it, so that your time here will be the greatest of your life! If you would like to know more about your new municipality I encourage you to visit us at Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or at English. Sincerely, Thomas Kastrup-Larsen Mayor of Aalborg In return we, the municipality of Aalborg, also go to great lengths to be an attractive university city. Our city has in recent years gone through a tremendous development in those regards. 58 ONSDAG DEN 14. SEPTEMBER KLOKKEN 10.00-14.30 TORSDAG DEN 15. SEPTEMBER KLOKKEN 10.00-14.30 CAMPUS, FIBIGERSTRÆDE 15 CREATE, RENDSBURGGADE 14 “ MESSEN ER EN FANTASTISK CHANCE FOR NYE SOM GAMLE STUDERENDE, FOR AT BLIVE INTRODUCERET TIL ALLE DE MULIGHEDER, MAN SOM STUDERENDE HAR I AALBORG 35 VIRKSOMHEDER & ORGANISATIONER We are building student housing like never seen before, even compared to the rest of Denmark. We are expanding our culture and leisure offers; with ‘Musikkens Hus’ and ‘Nordkraft’ most recently. Two buildings that are widely different, but each are unique and together offers great opportunities. There is only one thing to say: visit them, experience them and use them! In Aalborg we work hard to develop our urban space, so that it is a pleasant place for our inhabitants. I can only encourage you to take a walk in the city – I am sure you will experience the uniqueness of Aalborg. STUDENTERSAMFUNDETS STUDIEMESSE 2016 AFHOLDES AF... Photo Lars Horn / Baghuset Ve st er ad og br e er 15 19 17 Peder S Gade erbro krams Øst ade g bro Vest 16 Anneber le va r den gvej MAP OF AALBORG Get to know this city! On this map we present some of the best places in Aalborg Bou 21 22 20 Nyhavnsgade Danmarksgade 18 14 Jyllandsgade 13 Østr e All e 9000 AALBORG 9000 AALBORG 1 AALBORG THEATRE - Jernbanegade 11 Here you’ll get a student discount! 7 THE LIBRARY - Rendsburggade 2 Located in the city center. 8 2 ØSTRE ANLÆG - Bonnesensgade FRIIS SHOPPING CENTER - Nytorv 27 A beautiful park with a lake in the middle. Perfect place to chill or look at ducks. A shopping mall in the city center. 3 KUNSTEN (GALLERY) - Kong Christians Alle 50 Visit this gallery for only 50 DKK as a student - remember your student card! Definitely worth a visit. //Photo Kunsten 9 KAROLINELUND - Karolinelundsvej Old amusement park now used as a public park. 4 10 MUSIKKENS HUS - Musikkens Pl. 1 KILDEPARKEN - Gammel Kærvej 11 The new magnificent concert hall at the harbour! Another beautiful park. There’s singing trees (seriously) - click on them and hear Cliff Richard and many others. This is also where Aalborg Congress & Culture Center is located. AALBORG SYMPHONY ORCHECSTRA Aalborg symphony orchestra are located in The House of Music at the harbour. They offer concerts for small ones as well as grown ups. 5 NORDKRAFT - Kjellerups Torv 1 A culture house with restaurants, concert hall, theatre, markets, secondhand events, fitnesscenter and climbing wall! 6 STUDENTERHUSET (THE STUDENT HOUSE) 11 SLOTSBAGERI (BAKERY) - Slotsgade 2 A great place for buying chocolate buns! Cash only. 12 JOMFRU ANE GADE - Jomfru Ane Gade The place to party! Get on your dancing shoes. You can among others visit Zwei Grosse Bier Bar or Zurf. - Gammeltorv 10 The right place for you! Located in the center of Aalborg. Enjoy a cold beer or hot chocolate here. The student house is run by volunteers and you can join the team if you would like to. 62 13 TANDLÆGEKLINIKKEN VEJGAARD TORV (DENTIST) - Vejgaard Torv 1. 63 9000 AALBORG 14 på de muligheder og problemstillinger, som digitaliseringen bringer med sig i forhold til læring og kommunikation. 9000 AALBORG Forfatterne tilhører alle forskningsprogrammet Didaktik, design og digitalisering - Hasserisgade på Syddansk Universitet. 10 21 HUSET I HASSERISGADE AALBORG TOWER - Søndre Skovvej 30 Visit this tower and get a great view of the city! Isbn nr. 9788759324554 Aalborgs culture house! Concerts, cafés, workshops and gallery. BESTIL HOS FACTUM Books 22 23 24 Vejl. pris MAYOR’S OFFICE - Boulevarden 13 269,- 15 TANDLÆGERNE VED BROEN (DENTIST) - Lille Borgergade 33, 9400 Nørresundby. Aalborg Municipality is located at Boulevarden 13. UNIFITNESS - Fibigerstræde 15 When you need to be active and get to know Campus. otherhaves students! Located in Aud. B on Tilbuddet gælder så længe lager - forbehold for prisændring 16 THE WATER FRONT Another great place to chill! 17 FRILUFTSBADET - Skydebanevej 14 You won’t even have to go to Thailand - just go to Aalborg Open Air Swimming! T: +45 -89Fibigerstræde 37 35 85 FACTUM BOOKS 15 Buy your curriculum books here with student discount! 25 THE HEAD OFFICE OF STUDENTERSAMFUNDET - Fibigerstræde 15 18 CENTRAL STATION - John F. Kennedys Pl. 3 Located at J.F. Kennedys plads next to the bus terminal. 19 AALBORG BOAT HARBOUR - Bådehavnsvej 6 A peaceful place. Located at Bådehavnsvej 6, 9000 Aalborg. 20 AALBORG TANDPLEJETEAM (DENTIST) - Boulevarden 7, 9000 Aalborg. 4 - vi6får Aalborg til at smile. E45 On this map you can see Campus, where UniFitness and Factum Books is located. It is also on the address Fibigerstræde 15 you will find Studentersamfundet’s office. 23 E45 24 25 65 Velkommen til din studieby Find os på: Insta