PAGE 14 - Hope Channel
PAGE 14 - Hope Channel
Quarter 1 | 2015 Los Angeles PAGE 14 RARE BROADCAST CHANNEL THE FRAGILE TEACUP p.4 JACKPOT OF OPPORTUNITIES p.6 p.7 Message from the President New Year, New Opportunities! Nothing invites creativity like a blank sheet of paper. And I am glad God gives us the new year wrapped up in the bright, blank paper of new beginnings. But what will we do with it? You, our loyal partner, have prayed and supported Hope Channel since we began in 2003. As we start our twelfth year, we believe what God has done in the past is but a token of what He has planned for the future! Let me share with you some of our goals for 2015. Sharing Jesus. Hope Channel looks forward to continuing to influence people to seriously consider Jesus Christ and the Bible truths crucial to the times in which we live. In 2015 we look forward to tens of thousands of people accepting Jesus and eagerly awaiting His Second Coming. Adding new programs. Our goal is to be the best in Christian television. Why? Because God gave His best in Jesus Christ and we can do nothing less. You will be thrilled with Revolutionary: Jesus Then, Jesus Now, a program to be released in 2015. We strive to improve our programming so you can always have an enjoyable viewing experience at Hope Channel. with the rest of the channels in the Hope Channel Network, these new channels will air contextualized programing in local languages. This expansion represents millions of potential new viewers. Additionally, we will be adding Los Angeles to the list of major U.S. cities where Hope Channel is on free-to-air television (see p. 14 for details). Space and time do not allow me to mention more of our plans, but there are two key concepts that describe Hope Channel: sharing Jesus and growing our broadcast network! We intend to push forward boldly to fulfill the mission of Jesus Christ to take the Gospel to the entire world. Hope Channel’s ministry is possible only because of your support and God’s blessings. Thank you for being a partner in prayer and financial support for this broadcast ministry. Your friend, Brad Thorp Improving our service. As part of our commitment to excellence, in 2014 we installed a new broadcast delivery system to stabilize and expand our cable and Internet distribution, enabling us to provide you with a better variety of programs in 2015. This upgrade will make Hope Channel available to hundreds of thousands of more homes! Extending distribution. In 2003 we began with one Hope Channel. Today we have thirty-three channels broadcasting full time. In 2015, we will be adding five new channels: three in Inter-America; one in Fiji; and one in New Zealand. As 2 QUARTER 1 • 2015 | A N I N S P I RAT I O N A L N E WS M AG AZ I N E F R O M H O P E C H A N N E L | HOPELINK What Viewers are Saying Chairman, Board of Directors Pardon Mwansa My friends and I have been getting together once a week for many years to have a meal and support one another through all the problems we go through. Recently one of my friends suggested that we watch Let’s Pray together before we talk about our problems. What a difference Let’s Pray has made to our little support group! We now have others besides ourselves for whom to pray. —Rachel President Brad Thorp Vice Presidents Derris Krause Gabriel Begle Gideon Mutero Kandus Thorp I made the best entertainment decision ever—I cancelled my cable subscription and bought a Roku stick.* Now I get to watch all my favorite television channels, including Hope Channel, and don’t have a monthly cable bill. —Yvette Flipping through the channels, I found Hope Channel quite by accident. GOD? was playing, and I loved it. Some of the questions about life that I’ve been wondering about for many years have been answered by that show. I love it and will be sharing it with my friends. —Sherman My day is not the same when I don’t watch Hope Channel. It is always playing in the background when I’m getting ready to leave for work and whatever I hear helps me have a better day. —Arthur For as long as I can remember, my mother has been depressed and has refused to get help. I started watching Cross Connection with her Tuesday evenings just as something to do. The show uplifted her spirit so much and she has finally made an appointment to see a doctor. —Joseph I am a nurse and love good health shows. Dr. Oz is my favorite. Go Healthy for Good on Hope Channel is my second favorite. I love everything about it. And even though I am a health professional, I learn new things from Hope Channel all the time. —Fred Quarter 1 January - March 2015 Every time I hear about a new Hope Channel starting in another part of the world, I feel so glad I support a ministry that shares the good news of Jesus Christ. —Mary-Joe *Roku sticks can be purchased for under $50 at retail stores such as Target, Walmart, and Best Buy. There are no monthly fees. Directors Cable Distribution, Joe Sloan Customer Care, Susan Marcellino Marketing, Fylvia Fowler Kline Editor Fylvia Fowler Kline Design Travis Holman Printing Pacific Press Publishing Association Product Orders and Donations Support this viewer-funded television ministry with your donations. USA PO Box 4000 Silver Spring, MD 20914 Canada 1148 King Street East Oshawa, Ontario, L1H 1H8 Call toll-free in North America: 888-4-HOPE-TV (888-446-7388) International calls: 269-471-6050 Contents Message From the President...................................2 Hope Church Channel Program Guide.................11 Viewer Comments....................................................3 Happenings........................................................... 12 Yu: The Fragile Teacup.............................................4 Los Angeles: We’re Almost There......................... 14 Rare Broadcast License...........................................6 Hope Channel Resources..................................... 15 Jackpot of Opportunities........................................7 Everyone Needs a Will...........................................16 To support Hope Channel through wills, trusts, annuities, or other planned giving instruments, please call 888-339-PLAN (7526). Adventist® and Seventh-day Adventist® are registered trademarks of the General Conference Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists® Hope Channel Program Guide..............................10 HOPELINK | A N I N S P I RAT I O N A L N E WS M AG AZ I N E F R O M H O P E C H A N N E L | QUARTER 1 • 2015 3 The Fragile Teacup “See you tomorrow!” Yu called out as she waved goodbye to her friends as they left her home to return to their own homes and responsibilities. They had spent the afternoon watching TV, sipping tea, and sharing stories of how God was working in their lives. Looking back, Yu recollected the twists and turns that had led her to this point. Eighty-four years old, she was still in awe at how God had used her quiet introverted spirit in such a miraculous way; at how, of the billion and more people in China, He picked her to start a ministry. Gathering up the dirty teacups to wash, she remembered how it all began so many years ago. 4 QUARTER 1 • 2015 | A N I N S P I RAT I O N A L N E WS M AG AZ I N E F R O M H O P E C H A N N E L | HOPELINK It began when she retired. After years of hard work, Yu was slowing down. She didn’t have the stamina she once had, and she wasn’t excited about moving into a retired life of puttering around her home, being unproductive. Yet there she was, months into retirement, doing nothing but puttering around the house and watching a lot of television. Tiring of one channel, she would switch to another and then another and yet another. And that’s how she stumbled upon Hope Channel China one day. Intrigued by all the new things she was learning about a healthy, balanced Christian lifestyle, she left her television on all day, tuned to Hope Channel. A few times a week, she walked to the local village market to buy fresh vegetables and groceries. But other than that, Yu was confined to her home. There were a few women at the marketplace with whom she exchanged pleasantries, but other than that, she had no one she could call a friend. Every day was the same as the day before. She was definitely not enjoying retirement. One bleak winter afternoon, Yu was watching Hope Channel and wishing the sun would linger a little longer and delay the long, lonely night ahead of her. Just then there was an unexpected knock on the door. Unprepared for a visitor, Yu made a feeble attempt at straightening out her wrinkled apron as she opened the door. It was Tien, a woman she had met at the market a few months earlier. She didn’t know Tien very well. In fact she knew very little about her except that she lived a few villages over. What could she possibly want, Yu wondered. Seeing the puzzled look on Yu’s face, Tien said, “Please, I need your help. Something tells me that you can help.” Before Sister Yu could even invite her in, Tien was walking toward the couch, talking excitedly about a conversation she had overhead at the market, in a quiet corner behind the butcher’s HOPELINK | stall. The people were talking about a holy book called the Bible and were sharing stories that they read in that book. She wanted to know more, but was afraid to show any interest. And just then, something inside of her said, “Go talk to Yu. She will help you.” The feeling was so strong that Tien immediately set out to find Yu’s home, asking many people along the way for directions. Yu was so shocked by what she was hearing that she had no words. By watching Hope Channel all these months she felt she was a Christian in her heart, but she absolutely did not have the confidence to share her new faith. To add to her discomfort, she remembered hearing stories all her life of Christians being persecuted, some of whom even mysteriously disappeared. Yet, from somewhere inside of her, she felt the uncontrollable urge to help Tien. So, gathering up her courage, she spoke softly, “I don’t know how to explain how and why I believe in God, but I can sit with you in my home as you watch Hope Channel. I am sure you will find all your answers there.” The television was already tuned to Hope Channel. Together they watched several shows. Tien was excited and had much to think about when she returned home that evening. And with that began Yu’s television-watching ministry. First it was just Tien, but now there is a group of seven women who meet at Yu’s home regularly to sip tea, watch Hope Channel, and support one another with both their personal lives and their spiritual growth. Putting her clean tea cups back in her cupboard, Yu realized how retirement was the best thing that could ever have happened to her. Her life had a new purpose. Like the fragile china teacups that she brought out every week for her new friends, God had used her fragile spirit to feed the souls of her new friends. A N I N S P I RAT I O N A L N E WS M AG AZ I N E F R O M H O P E C H A N N E L | QUARTER 1 • 2015 5 HOPE CHANNEL RUSSIA GETS RARE BROADCAST LICENSE R ecent events in Russia, the likes of which were improbable, if not impossible even twenty years ago, could lead to a faith revival unseen in this vast country. After centuries-long controls over religion, Russia began loosening its grip on communities of faith in the early 1990s. It is within this context that God has provided Hope Channel with its newest channel. On October 1, 2014, the Russian government issued Hope Channel a rare television broadcast license that permits a 24/7 signal across all eleven time zones to its nearly 145 million citizens. From two studios (with more in development), Hope Channel Russia is currently producing programs on biblical and lifestyle topics. There are enough programs on file to start broadcasting today. However, there are still a few administrative and technological hurdles to overcome. Hope Channel’s Roots in Russia Why Russia Needs Hope Demographers report* some very bleak statistics: • Roughly 75 percent of Russia’s population lives in crowded big cities • Only 30 percent of Russian babies are born healthy • 25 percent of Russian men die before age 55, many from alcoholism • The damaging effects of cheap vodka and cigarettes are rampant. In some areas as many as 90% of youth between 15 and 17 drink vodka regularly • Russia has more heroin addicts than any other country In general, since the collapse of the Communist regime in 1991, Russians of all religions have enjoyed a relative freedom of worship. Large numbers of abandoned or converted religious buildings have been returned to active religious use. It is into these circumstances God has arranged for Hope Channel to tell of His love and forgiveness; to share His principles for a happy, healthy life; and to prepare millions for the world to come. This broadcast license couldn’t have come at a more divinely-appointed time. Since that time, the unthinkable has miraculously transpired: In 1992 Hope Channel board vice chairperson Pastor Mark Finley presented a series of gospel and proph- *The Numbers Vladimir Putin Doesn’t Want You to See, Maureen Orth, Vanity Fair, March 31, 2014, accessed 11/21/14 I am a medical student in Russia. I was baptized in 2003, but the years that followed were of rebellion. Two years ago I made a decision to leave the life I was living and follow Christ. Now my friends and I have started a group that studies and teaches as Hope Channel does. –Viktor God has used the teachers on Hope Channel to appeal to me! I want to fill my mind with the Word of God as I need genuine conversion. I want to preach the Gospel among my native Chuvash people if it is God's will. – Anatoly 6 ecy seminars from the Kremlin. From 2005 to 2013, Hope Channel Europe carried Russian programming across borders to teach the gospel and healthful living. In 2013 Hope Channel Ukraine began its 24/7 broadcast and today carries Russian and Ukrainian language programs by satellite, cable systems, and over-the-air stations. QUARTER 1 • 2015 | A N I N S P I RAT I O N A L N E WS M AG AZ I N E F R O M H O P E C H A N N E L | HOPELINK Jackpot of Opportunities S avvy entrepreneurs, Lazarrenna and Melwert have a keen eye for new opportunities. More impressive is the level of risk they are willing to take in pursuit of the vision they have for their future. This is who they are—both in their business and their faith. And this time, it looked like they hit the jackpot! The first opportunity was a stone quarry for sale in Palau. There were many questions and doubts about the stone quarry business that caused their family a lot of concern. But Lazarrenna and Melwert pressed on with their plans. From their personal study of people in the Bible—Moses, Gideon, and others—they knew that their stone quarry and their lives would be used mightily for God. Lazarrenna’s risk-taking, adventurous spirit continues to be restless. She now feels the calling to open a lifestyle center and a vegetarian restaurant in Palau. She believes her faith and her partnership with God will somehow make this happen too. Keep Lazarene and her Hope Channel ministry in your prayers. When the quarry was ready to be opened, they realized they had a problem—their little island did not have the labor force they needed. So, they began recruiting workers from the Philippines and from Bangladesh. But they ran into another problem—accommodations for their new employees. Miraculously, another opportunity came their way—a large building that could easily be converted into a hostel for their employees. Not only did it have comfortable living accommodations, but it had a large common area perfect for meals and socializing. Within weeks, the new employees moved into their new home. Lazarrenna placed a television in the common area and left it tuned to Hope Channel all day long. When the men were not at work or in their rooms, they gathered to watch Hope Channel. When they missed their families back home, Hope Channel kept them company; when they needed an uplifting message, Hope Channel was there. And Lazarrenna quickly became their “quarry mom.” Observing a change in their spirits caused by Hope Channel, Lazarrena took her role as quarry mom to the next level. She decided to fix dinner for all the men every Friday. Cooking for thirty or more was not an easy task, but she strongly believed that God had more in mind for her than providing housing for the them. Her Friday dinners slowly grew into a tradition. Over dinner, questions would often be asked about topics learned on Hope Channel, and the questions soon grew into Bible studies. Out of courtesy and not wanting to seem like they were taking advantage of the free meal, even the Muslim employees participated in the Bible study. Over the next three years, twenty Filipino employees accepted Jesus as their Savior through Hope Channel. And Lazarrenna and Melwert helped them start their own church so they could praise and preach in their own language. And recently three of the Muslim workers have asked Lazarrenna for Bible studies! HOPELINK | A N I N S P I RAT I O N A L N E WS M AG AZ I N E F R O M H O P E C H A N N E L | QUARTER 1 • 2015 7 FRIDAYS ON HOPE CHANNEL SERIES PREMIERE FRIDAY, JANUARY 23 | 7 PM EST LOVE IS WHO YOU WALK WITH #WALKCLOSER 10 MST 1:00am 1:30am 2:00am 2:30am 3:00am 3:30am 4:00am 4:30am 5:00am 5:30am 6:00am 6:30am 7:00am 7:30am 8:00am 8:30am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 12:30pm 1:00pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:00am 12:30am PST 12:00am 12:30am 1:00am 1:30am 2:00am 2:30am 3:00am 3:30am 4:00am 4:30am 5:00am 5:30am 6:00am 6:30am 7:00am 7:30am 8:00am 8:30am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 12:30pm 1:00pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm QUARTER 1 • 2015 | A N I N S P I RAT I O N A L N E WS M AG AZ I N E F R O M H O P E C H A N N E L | HOPELINK Fish Bowl Edge TV Hope Sabbath School Real Family Talk Beginnings A Closer Walk Animal Encounters Amazing Facts Presents Missions Today Adventures in Mission Maranatha Mission A Closer Walk Animal Encounters Cross Connection My Story, My Song IIW Canada Mission Today Everlasting Gospel Doug Batchelor A Closer Walk Breath of Life It is Written Jesus 101 God? David Asscherick Real Family Talk Natural Lifestyle Cooking God? David Asscherick Beginnings Cliff! Cross Connection My Story, My Song God? David Asscherick Beginnings Cliff! Footsteps of Jesus Forest Lake Church AWR - Making Waves Loma Linda 360 Cross Connection Let's Pray! Hope Sabbath School Experience the Power Walter Pearson Beginnings Jesus 101 Scenic Praise Global Faith & Freedom It is Written: Revelation Today Animal Encounters Real Family Talk It is Written: Revelation Today Animal Encounters Missions Today My Story, My Song Cross Connection Sabbath School Study Hour Mission 360 Adventist News Cross Connection My Story, My Song Hope Sabbath School Breath of Life It is Written A Closer Walk Adventist News Hope Sabbath School Sabbath School U Adventures in Mission IIW Oceania Amazing Facts Presents Discoveries in Revelation's Prophecy Parker’s Puzzle Seeds of Greatness Natural Lifestyle Cooking Let’s Pray! My Story, My Song Naturally Gourmet Remodeling Your Life Mad About Marriage Lighthouse Adventures Unhooked It is Written: Revelation Today Creation Health FRIDAY Scenic Praise It is Written Global Faith & Freedom Sabbath School U Amazing Discoveries Revelation Speaks Hope Mark Finley Pastor Brian McMahon Unhooked Natural Lifestyle Cooking Janice’s Attic Parker’s Puzzle Real Family Talk Maranatha Mission Sabbath School U Go Healthy…For Good! Cross Connection Soldiers of Destiny Remodel Your Life Unhooked THURSDAY Revelation: Hope, Meaning & Purpose New Perceptions Natural Lifestyle Cooking Club Zone Let’s Pray! Daily Hope Cross Connection Signature of Praise Footsteps of Jesus Amazing Discoveries Mark Finley Daily Hope Experience the Power Walter Pearson Go Healthy…For Good! Experience the Power Walter Pearson Cliff! Lighthouse Adventures Lifestyle Magazine AWR - Making Waves Hope Sabbath School Let's Pray! LIVE Unhooked Jesus 101 WEDNESDAY Lifestyle Magazine Cliff! New Perceptions Dwight Nelson Go Healthy…For Good! Cookin' Up Good Health Jesus 101 AWR - Making Waves Janice’s Attic It is Written: Revelation Today Master’s Brush God? David Asscherick Hope Sabbath School Remodel Your Life Global Faith & Freedom Club Zone TUESDAY Revelation Speaks Hope Pastor Brian McMahon Life's Beat It is Written: Revelation Today Real Family Talk Ministry in Motion Global Faith & Freedom Adventures in Mission Heart Quest/Life Quest Scenic Praise Breath of Life Ministry in Motion Amazing Discoveries Mark Finley MONDAY Breath of Life It is Written Experience the Power Walter Pearson Hope Sabbath School Revelation: Hope, Meaning & Purpose Everlasting Gospel Doug Batchelor It is Written Breath of Life Amazing Discoveries Mark Finley Higher Ground Cliff! Life and Teachings of Jesus SUNDAY Hope Concert Series New Perceptions In Focus God? David Asscherick Family Reunion Mission 360 Missions Today Adventist News Animal Encounters Beginnings Jesus 101 Remodeling Your Life Maranatha Mission God? David Asscherick My Story, My Song A Closer Walk Animal Encounters God? David Asscherick Breath of Life It is Written New Perceptions Hope Sabbath School Mission 360 Scenic Praise Breath of Life Sabbath School U Hope Sabbath School Everlasting Gospel Doug Batchelor It is Written Adventist News Experience the Power Walter Pearson SABBATH 2:00am 2:30am 3:00am 3:30am 4:00am 4:30am 5:00am 5:30am 6:00am 6:30am 7:00am 7:30am 8:00am 8:30am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 12:30am 1:00pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:00am 12:30am 1:00am 1:30am CST 3:00am 3:30am 4:00am 4:30am 5:00am 5:30am 6:00am 6:30am 7:00am 7:30am 8:00am 8:30am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 12:30pm 1:00pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:00am 12:30am 1:00am 1:30am 2:00am 2:30am EST DIRECTV Channel 368 | Glorystar Channel 104 | Hope Channel App | Through Roku | Streaming online at Hope Channel Program Guide – Jan-Mar 2015 CHECK OUT OUR NEW ONLINE PROGRAM GUIDE at MST 1:00am 1:30am 2:00am 2:30am 3:00am 3:30am 4:00am 4:30am 5:00am 5:30am 6:00am 6:30am 7:00am 7:30am 8:00am 8:30am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 12:30pm 1:00pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:00am 12:30am PST 12:00am 12:30am 1:00am 1:30am 2:00am 2:30am 3:00am 3:30am 4:00am 4:30am 5:00am 5:30am 6:00am 6:30am 7:00am 7:30am 8:00am 8:30am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 12:30pm 1:00pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm SUNDAY HOPELINK | A Man for All Time Mark Finley A N I N S P I RAT I O N A L N E WS M AG AZ I N E F R O M H O P E C H A N N E L | Gift of Light Happy Family Cliff! His Word Alive Forest Lake Church Higher Ground Ministry in Motion My Alaska Bible Faces Village Church Bradshaw/Venden Cliff! Victory in Jesus Mission 360 Everlasting Gospel Doug Batchelor QUARTER 1 • 2015 Revelation Speaks Hope Brian McMahon Everlasting Gospel Doug Batchelor Adventist Classics Prophecies Decoded Ron Clouzet God? David Asscherick Encounters of Jesus Bill Liversidge Everlasting Gospel Doug Batchelor Victory in Jesus Mission 360 Happy Family Adventist News Network Village Church Bradshaw/Venden New Perceptions Dwight Nelson Prophecies of Hope Gary Gibbs Encounters of Jesus Happy Family Adventist News Network Daily Hope Cliff! His Word Alive Ministry in Motion A Time of the End Ken Cox Gift of Light Ministry in Motion God? David Asscherick A Man for All Time Mark Finley Discoveries of a Lifetime Mark Finley Heart Quest Mike Tucker Higher Ground Everlasting Gospel Doug Batchelor Victory in Jesus God? David Asscherick A Man for All Time Mark Finley Breath of Life Bible Faces Mission 360 My Alaska Life on the Edge Adventist Classics Prophecies of Hope Gary Gibbs Encounters of Jesus Bill Liversidge Daily Hope His Word Alive Forest Lake Church Adventist News Network Breath of Life Home Series CD Brooks His Word Alive Forest Lake Church Life on the Edge TUESDAY Forest Lake Church Adventist News Network Revelation Speaks Hope Brian McMahon Prophecies Decoded Ron Clouzet God? David Asscherick Everlasting Gospel Doug Batchelor Everlasting Gospel Doug Batchelor Everlasting Gospel Doug Batchelor Experience the Power Walter Pearson Life & Teachings of Christ MONDAY His Word Alive Forest Lake Church Breath of Life Wait a Minute Pastor His Word Alive Forest Lake Church Seven Signs Jose Rojas THURSDAY Life on the Edge The Appearing Shawn Boonstra Wahroonga Church Happy Family It is Written A New Song Elizabeth Talbot Encounters of Jesus Cliff! Bible Faces Forest Lake Church SDA Heritage Series Wahroonga Church My Alaska Breath of Life It is Written Momentum Cliff! His Word Alive Forest Lake Church French Programs It is Written It is Written Bible Faces Adventist News Network Life on the Edge Discoveries of Prophecies Mark Finley Encounters of Jesus Hope 2010 Jesus is Coming Again Evidence from London Dwight Nelson The Appearing Shawn Boonstra Adventist News Network Ministry in Motion A Man for All Time Mark Finley Momentum His Word Alive Forest Lake Church Brighter Hope Happy Family Cracking the Genesis Code Stephen Bohr Discoveries ‘08 Mark Finley Momentum Ministry in Motion Happy Family New Perceptions Dwight Nelson Cracking the Genesis Code Stephen Bohr Wahroonga Church Happy Family SDA Heritage Series Discoveries of a Lifetime Mark Finley Heart Quest Mike Tucker Mind the Gap His Word Alive Forest Lake Church Camp Meeting Downunder WEDNESDAY Forest Lake Church Adventist News Network Millennium of ProphecyDoug Batchelor Higher Ground It is Written Encounters of Jesus Bill Liversidge It is Written: Revelation Today Hope Sabbath School A New Song Elizabeth Talbot God? David Asscherick Mission 360 My Alaska Bible Faces It is Written Prophecies Decoded Ron Clouzet Higher Ground Cliff! A New Song Elizabeth Talbot Millennium of ProphecyDoug Batchelor Hope Sabbath School God? David Asscherick Prophecies of Hope Gary Gibbs Hope 2010 Jesus is Coming Again His Word Alive Forest Lake Church Evidence from London Dwight Nelson FRIDAY New Perceptions Dwight Nelson Everlasting Gospel Doug Batchelor Higher Ground Adventist News Network Wahroonga Church Gift of Light Brighter Hope Faith for Today - Tucker Encounters of Jesus Bill Liversidge Cliff! His Word Alive Forest Lake Church Victory in Jesus A New Song Elizabeth Talbot Discoveries 2010 Mark Finley Everlasting Gospel Doug Batchelor Experience the Power Walter Pearson Seven Signs Jose Rojas New Perceptions Dwight Nelson Adventist News Network Victory in Jesus Hope Sabbath School Discoveries 2010 Mark Finley It is Written: Revelation Today Discover Cliff! His Word Alive Forest Lake Church Higher Ground Adventist News Network SABBATH 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:00am 12:30am 1:00am 1:30am 1:30pm 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 12:30pm 1:00pm 8:30am 2:00am 2:30am 3:00am 3:30am 4:00am 4:30am 5:00am 5:30am 6:00am 6:30am 7:00am 7:30am 8:00am CST 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:00am 12:30am 1:00am 1:30am 2:00am 2:30am 2:30pm 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 12:30pm 1:00pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 9:30am 3:00am 3:30am 4:00am 4:30am 5:00am 5:30am 6:00am 6:30am 7:00am 7:30am 8:00am 8:30am 9:00am EST Glorystar Channel 124 | Hope Channel App | Streaming online at Hope Church Channel Program Guide – Jan-Mar 2015 Now you can customize your schedule by day, week, and your local time zone. Plus you can still print monthly schedules in both Excel and pdf files. 11 Happenings Book a Hope Channel Speaker A re you looking for ways to be a more integral part of your community? Do you want your church to be the place your community comes to with their needs? Then consider partnering with Hope Channel. We have many free resources you can use to share your faith and to be more involved in your community. Additionally, Hope Channel hosts and staff are available to speak and train at your church or local event. Hope Channel President, Brad Thorp, in Glen Burnie conducting a series of presentations on the character of God You can use the varied experience and knowledge represented among Hope Channel staff and hosts to prepare your church members to be active and effective witnesses in their community—meeting needs and making a difference. Access Hope Channel’s speakers bureau online at hopetv. org/speakers-bureau, read through the bios of the available speakers and their topics, and then contact them directly. For more information about Hope Channel resources, email SOME OF THE TOPICS OFFERED: HOME-BASED TREATMENTS YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY OVERCOMING ADDICTIONS PRAYER-DRIVEN LEADERSHIPDISCOVERING GOD’S CALL IN YOUR LIFE USING MEDIA IN EVANGELISM WOMEN’S HEALTH THE POWER OF PRAYER THE CHARACTER OF GOD BECOMING THE EVERYONE’S FAVORITE CHURCH HIGH QUALITY TV ON A LOW QUALITY BUDGET APPLYING PROPHECY TO THE SECULAR WORLDVIEW THE EIGHT NATURAL DOCTORS SUCCESSFUL CHURCH BRANDING 12 QUARTER 1 • 2015 | A N I N S P I RAT I O N A L N E WS M AG AZ I N E F R O M H O P E C H A N N E L | HOPELINK Happenings Meet Gabriel Begle M eet Gabriel Begle, Hope Channel’s vice president for programming, production, and broadcast. Raised in Argentina and other South American countries, Begle’s education and experience are in broadcast media, ministry, and healthcare. While new to this position, Gabriel is not new to Hope Channel. For the past three years he has been the producer of Hope Channel’s Go Healthy for Good! Recognizing’s Begle’s skills and experience, Hope Channel president Brad Thorp says, “Gabriel is just the right person to continue leading Hope Channel in its quest to become the premiere Christian television network.” When asked what he envisions as Hope Channel’s future, Begle says, “Modern TV is all about stories, and we’ll work diligently to make Hope Channel the best storyteller in Christian media. It’s about making a connection with a world of people who are looking to God for a better life.” He summarizes the existence of television ministry as one that strives to accomplish five goals: • Alleviate the ever-growing spiritual, mental, and physical • Minister and touch people at a personal level by connecting television viewers to a local church community • Expose the beauty, truth, and values of the Gospel message • Present the wholeness and advantages of a biblical Christian lifestyle • Prepare everyone for Jesus’s Second Coming Hope Channel is excited about the future of its programming and production under Begle’s vision, passion, and leadership. With him, we see on the horizon many more relevant programs that help you live a balanced Christian lifestyle. needs of people Change in Broadcast System A s of January 2015 Hope Channel will discontinue its broadcast services of eleven years in California and will begin broadcasting directly from its headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland. To effectively manage this change and its future broadcasting needs, Hope Channel has purchased an advanced broadcast system that is highly automated, customizable, and one that requires less in staff resources and labor cost than the option used thus far. The benefit of this new investment will be seen in better programs, current and informational spots, higher quality images, and ultimately a high-definition broadcast. program schedule. We apologize for the inconvenience this transition may cause you. But please stay with us through this temporary period of positive change, and we promise that at the end of it you will be blessed by a new and improved Hope Channel experience. During this transition period, if you can’t find your favorite program being broadcast, you will most likely find it or another great Hope Channel program on our website where you can stream shows at any time, at your convenience. Just go to for our video-on-demand service with hundreds of Hope Channel’s best programs. However, during this process viewers may experience some interruption in service or notice changes in the HOPELINK | A N I N S P I RAT I O N A L N E WS M AG AZ I N E F R O M H O P E C H A N N E L | QUARTER 1 • 2015 13 Los Angeles H ope Channel is in the final stages of launching a new over-the-air television broadcast in Los Angeles and outlying Southern California areas. Los Angeles is the second largest television market in North America with a population of more than 14.4 million. In this metropolitan city one out of every four people watch free, over-the-air television. Los Angeles will be the newest addition to Hope Channel’s network of successful big city broadcasts already airing in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, and Tampa. With Los Angeles, Hope Channel will be blessed with 24/7, lifechanging television programs in three of the five largest television markets in North America (see for complete list of local, free-to-air Hope Channel stations). This incredible opportunity to broadcast in Los Angeles and Southern California is possible for just 15 cents per potential viewer. However, 15 cents per viewer quickly adds up to 500,000 dollars. Over the past few months, Hope Channel has received many generous donations from its supporters but still needs $100,000 to move forward with the project. 14 QUARTER 1 • 2015 | Hope Channel programs touch the hearts of people regardless of their age, economic status, or culture. For example, Go Healthy for Good is an excellent program for the many people in Southern California in search of a healthy lifestyle; Unhooked addresses the needs of those who suffer with addictions and compulsive behaviors; and Hope Sabbath School introduces viewers to ways of faith and a relationship with God. Hope Channel has a show for everyone in Southern California. This opportunity, however, will affect more than just the people of Southern California. With Los Angeles being the media capital of the world and with Hollywood next door, we believe that the reach of Hope Channel will go beyond the ordinary, everyday people of the city. We believe that even the people in the entertainment industry will discover a new way of living that could affect their creative productions. Join Hope Channel in sharing with the people of Los Angeles the good news about Jesus Christ. To find out more information about Hope Channel in Los Angeles or to make a donation, please visit or call 888-446-7388. A N I N S P I RAT I O N A L N E WS M AG AZ I N E F R O M H O P E C H A N N E L | HOPELINK 10 DVD SERIES Resources Faith “ I did not know how to cope with pain and I never found a way to stop cutting until I found God.” Arazeli, age 22. 10 DVD SERIES 1 Addictions 101 2 Pills, Booze and Drugs 3 One Drink Too Many 4 Betting on a Losing Game to Grow and Share Your on common addictions and 6 Porn and Sex unhealthy behaviors. Hear 7 Me, Myself and I clinical experts explain behaviors and treatment 9 Abuse, Recovery and Wholeness Jesus who brings emotional options, and pastors point to and spiritual strength. If you 10 Unhooked: Hope for Healing and Recovery are fighting an addiction or if more to support a loved one, this program will bring you the understanding and tools Addictions 101 Addictions 101 David Asscherick unravels the mystery and questions about God. Using contemporary events and writings, he explains simply and logically topics such as the importance of church, the relevance of the Bible, and the role God plays in our lives. Book #425786 $19.95 12 DVD Set #458015 $49.95 The Seventh Day Natural Lifestyle Cooking Revelation’s Great Themes • Addictions Overview • Addictions OverviewRelapse • Managing • Managing Relapse • Legal Consequences of Addictive Behaviors • Legal Consequences of Addictive Behaviors DiscDisc 1 1 you need. Donna Green-Goodman, MPH, is a home economist and health educator who inspires thousands to better health and believes that positive lifestyle choices are the best way to health. Whether you are a vegetarian or not, you will find recipes you like and enjoy making them a part of your life. 5 DVD Set #457400 $89.95 WE can only bE unhookED fRom SIn WIth GoD’S hElp. GEt unhookED toDay! you are interested in learning God? An exposé of the Seventh-day Sabbath, supported by the testimony of more than 50 historians and theologians with Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, and Jewish perspectives. A study that challenges common assumptions, reconnecting the Judeo-Christian holy day to its biblical, cultural, and traditional roots. PASTE OFA TAG HERE PASTE OFA TAG HERE survivors tell their stories, 8 Family Impact Cookin’ up Good Health by Donna Green-Goodman COLOR: PRINTS: 1 of 3 COLOR: COLOR: 2 of 3 PRINTS: 1 PRINTS: of 3 COLOR: COLOR: 3 of 3 PRINTS: 2 PRINTS: of 3 COLOR: PRINTS: 3 of 3 Unhooked is a series focusing 5 The Plate of an Addict by David Asscherick Funds from the Unhooked series are used for production of resources to help people walk the path to recovery. NOTES: NOTES: Unhooked Series A series focusing on addictions and unhealthy behaviors. Hear survivors tell their stories, clinical experts explain behaviors and treatment options and pastors point to Jesus who brings emotional and spiritual strength. 10 DVD Set #500555 $39.95 The Gospel of John By Ernestine Finley Ernestine “Teenie” Finley’s prized cooking tips can be yours! Tastetested recipes from her popular seminars… and the Finley family kitchen! Hardcover, spiral binding, full-color pictures, and easy-to-follow recipes. Book #425896 $24.95 A meticulous recreation of Jesus’ time on earth that changed the course of history. Starring Henry Ian Cusick as Jesus, and narrated by Christopher Plummer, and with a cast of over 2500. DVD Set #425793 $19.95 1844 Made Simple Hope Channel Lapel Pin While full of imagery and prophecy, the Book of Revelation can be synthesized into five major themes. In this series Mark Finley unveils these overarching themes and reveals the timelessness of their message even after thousands of years. Discover the significance of the year 1844 and the events surrounding it. Goldstein makes sense for the confusing maze of beasts, dates, and kingdoms in the Book of Daniel while revealing the truth about 1844 and the investigative judgment in stunning clarity and unashamed passion. Cute little metal pin that stands an inch tall. Use it to embellish your tie or collar while sharing your love for Hope Channel. 2 DVD Set # 458035 $19.95 Book #417627 $9.95 Pin #425787 $1.95 Babylon Rising Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing Messiah By Mark Finley by John Bradshaw Is “Babylon” a shadowy secret society, an out-of-control government, or a dictator who rises in the Middle East? Or could it be that many people today are looking for Babylon in all the wrong places? Book #427629 $2.49 by Cliff Goldstein By Jerry D. Thomas The essence of the teaching of Jesus presented to His disciples, this book covers the revolutionary ideas that still pack a powerful punch in today’s world. A contemporary adaptation of Ellen G. White’s The Desire of Ages. Thomas’ style amplifies the beautiful message seen through the life of Jesus—a source of inspiration for millions around the world. The book is sure to leave its mark on future generations because it lifts up the Man who kept the Promise and changed the world. Book #425817 $2.49 Book #425814 $9.95 By Ellen White Order by Phone or Online Today! 888-4-HOPE-TV (888-446-7388) Shipping and handling apply to each purchase HOPELINK | A N I N S P I RAT I O N A L N E WS M AG AZ I N E F R O M H O P E C H A N N E L | QUARTER 1 • 2015 15 PO Box 4000 Silver Spring, MD 20914 Everyone needs a will Resolve to start on yours in January 2015 Hope Channel makes it easy for you: • Go to • Watch the helpful videos • Click “Create a New Account” and follow the prompts • Print out your completed form and take it to your attorney or select one from our network All your information is secure, confidential, and password-protected. Thank you for considering Hope Channel as a beneficiary of your estate plan. May God bless you in 2015 Call 888-4-HOPE-TV or email