August 2016 Hoofbeat - Tri
August 2016 Hoofbeat - Tri
Tri-Valley School District 49-6 - “Home of the Mustangs” – Colton, SD – August/September 2016 Greetings, I hope you all had a wonderful summer and are ready for a new school year. Our school district once again has had a busy summer with some upgrades to our facilities. New carpet is being installed throughout the building in every area that was not replaced new last year. We are adding several new lockers in the high school and junior high areas to replace the old worn out lockers. Our FACS (Family and Consumer Science) room is getting a major kitchen remodel and being updated. Our main gymnasium and shop area have a new roof and insulation being installed. Finally, our kitchen is getting an HVAC renovation. It has been a busy summer, but I am hopeful everything will be completed by the time students arrive. Each new school year brings some new changes and new faces. Ms. Cheyenne Lambley will now be teaching 1st grade (she previously taught kindergarten here). Lori Jeffers, who worked for our district part-time, is now a fulltime special education director for us. We have added an additional ½ time music teacher, Donna Hamilton comes to us from the Hendricks School District. We have added a Speech Language Pathologist Assistant and Allison Luke will fill this role for us. There will be other new faces around our buildings as well. Katherine Pudwill comes to us from the Sioux Falls School District and will teach special education. James Christensen will be teaching high school social science and comes to us from McCrossan Boys Ranch. We have a pair of new high school language arts teachers, Caitlin Slaba will be in her first year of teaching and Robin Tyler comes to us from the Harrisburg School District. Finally, we welcome Sarah Ekeren as our new 4th grade teacher and this is her first year teaching. We are excited to have added all of these people to the Mustang family, and am confident they will do well. I greatly look forward to a new school year and welcoming both new and returning staff and students. Great things are happening at Tri-Valley, and I am proud to be able to be part of our students’ educational journey. As always, please don’t hesitate to contact me here at the school if you have any questions. Dr. Mike Lodmel, Superintendent REMINDER: The Colton Road (Hwy 149) is currently under construction. Please follow detour signs or use alternate route. IN THIS ISSUE Superintendents News .......................... 1 Detour ................................................... 1 Message from Mr. Pflanz ...................... 2 Greetings from Tri-Valley Elementary... 2 Freshmen & New Student Orientation .. 3 Meet & Greet for Kindergarten.............. 3 School Pictures ..................................... 3 Bussing Procedure................................ 3 Tri-Valley School District Welcome....... 3 Contact Information............................... 3 School Breakfast & Lunch .................... 4 Campus Mobile Portal Installation ........ 8 Teacher of the Year .............................. 4 Art Room Requests............................... 4 Bus Garage Number ............................. 4 Attendance ............................................ 4 Adventure Seekers Wanted .................. 5 My Child’s Teacher ............................... 5 NCRC Dates for Seniors ....................... 5 Parent-Teacher Conferences ............... 5 Discrimination Policy ............................. 5 No School.............................................. 5 6th Grade Vaccination Requirements .... 6 School Closing & Delays....................... 6 Public Complaint Policy ........................ 6 Activity Ticket Policy ............................. 6 Mustang Apparel ................................... 6 Homecoming 2016 ................................ 7 Family Night .......................................... 7 Federal Programs Complaint Policy ..... 7 K-12 Music Dept. Concert Dates .......... 7 2015-2016 Tri-Valley Staff .................... 8 4th Quarter Honor Roll ................. 9 & 10 Physical Fitness 2015 Best ....... 11 & 12 Parental Involvement Policy ............... 13 Notification of Rights for Schools ........ 14 FERPA Notice ..................................... 15 School Supply List .............................. 16 Open House Info ................................. 17 App. For Free & Reduced Meals .. 18-24 August & September Activities . 25 & 26 August & September Menu ........ 27 & 28 2015-2016 School Calendar ............... 29 MESSAGE FROM MR. PFLANZ, 7th-12th PRINCIPAL: Greetings and welcome to the new school year at Tri-Valley. Our Mission Statement reads: “To Provide A Safe Environment Where All Students Can Acquire The Skills, Knowledge, And Character Necessary To Become A Solid Citizen.” One of the skills we want our students to acquire and a skill we hear a great deal about is the skill of critical thinking. We mention developing critical thinking skills all the time, but I’m not sure we clearly explain it and that is the focus of this newsletter. As many of us do to find the definition of a term or phrase, I Googled Critical Thinking and this is the first definition I received: “Critical thinking is purposeful and reflective judgment about what to believe or what to do in response to observations, experience, verbal or written expressions, or arguments. Critical thinking might involve determining the meaning and significance of what is observed or expressed, or concerning a given inference or argument, determining whether there is adequate justification to accept the conclusion as true.” There were many more definitions and I encourage you to Google it yourself, but I feel as though this definition encompasses the philosophy our teachers have when we are trying to develop this skill with your children. When students learn new information, do they try to think about it from different perspectives? If so, they are learning to be critical thinkers. Students who think critically can draw conclusions, evaluate arguments, and analyze what works and what doesn’t work. These critical thinking skills will make them more ready for college or careers and that is our number one focus. Teachers help develop this skill on a daily basis, but parents can help develop these as well. You can help by posing questions that have more than one right answer or you could have them make a choice and explain why they chose the answer. Other ways would be to suggest to your child to come up with positive, negative and interesting points about a question in the news. An example of this would be who to vote for in the upcoming Presidential election and I’m certain they could come up with many positive, negative and interesting points. Finally, developing critical thinking is developing focused thinking. It helps organize thoughts, makes connections to prior knowledge, problem solving, and discovering new information. Critical thinking needs to be used every day and by every person and there are endless possibilities for future successes when this skill is developed. GREETINGS FROM TRI-VALLEY ELEMENTARY Here we go! Welcome back to school! We are very excited to welcome back our returning students and staff and welcome IN our new students and staff to the 2016-2017 school year. Please meet our four new staff members at Tri-Valley Elementary – Ms. Sarah Ekeren (4B), Mrs. Donna Hamilton (K-2 Music), Mrs. Katherine Pudwill (SPED) and Ms. Allison Luke (Speech/Language Assistant). We are so happy you are here! Fun and educational days are ahead! As I have said before, we believe in a strong partnership between school and home. To help with that, Resources for Educators put together some great conversation starters to support your child’s education at home. Asking these simple questions can help you stay involved: “Let’s see what you brought home.” “Show me what you have for homework.” “Describe a book you enjoyed today.” “Tell me what you learned that you’d like to know more about.” I’d like to add to these, “How were you kind or helpful today?” Describe how you were a Bucketfiller.” Cleo V. Swarat’s poem “Unity,” speaks strongly to the partnership needed between school and home, “For behind the parent stood the school, and behind the teacher stood the home!” We appreciate the relationship we have with our families and communication is key to making this partnership work. The first step to a successful year is to meet your child’s teacher and become familiar with his/her school day. Please take time to attend the 1st12th Open House on Thursday, August 18th. Classrooms will be open from 4:00-7:00 pm and your child is welcome to bring his/her school supplies that evening. School pictures will also be taken on this evening. Kindergarten pictures will be taken on August 29th. Thank you for sharing your child(ren) with us. We understand and accept this huge responsibility. We look forward to making this new school year the best school year yet! We will see you soon! Sincerely, Mrs. Johnson, Elementary Principal 2 FRESHMEN & NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION: Thursday, August 18th We would like to invite all incoming freshmen and new students to join us on Thursday, August 18th, for orientation during the all-school open house. Bring your family and get a tour of the facilities by our student leaders, meet your teachers and other staff members, walk through your daily schedule, get set up with our lunch program, find your locker, meet the coaches and advisors of any student organizations you might want to join and meet some new people too. Plus get your yearbook photo taken. To make the tour more personal, we are asking that (if possible) you meet in the Commons during the designated time, based upon your last name. If these times don’t work with your schedule, please feel free to join any other group. We look forward to meeting you and kicking off the 20162017 school year! If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Pflanz, High School Principal. Last Name Begins With Time of Orientation/Tour A-G 4:00-5:00 pm H-M 5:00-6:00 pm N-Z 6:00-7:00 pm BUSSING PROCEDURE – PLEASE FOLLOW Students will be expected to ride their assigned bus unless prior notice is given to Foreman Bus. Please try to provide at least a 24 hour notice, if possible. We will do everything we can to accommodate you and your child/children. Should there be large group of children (ex: birthday party, activity practices, etc.), we may not be able to accommodate depending on the bus route and the number of students already assigned to that bus. Please call 605-366-8777 or 605-446-3482; or email with any bus change requests. It is extremely important to notify us of any changes so that we can best serve you and your child/children. TRI-VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT 49-6 Welcomes you to the 2016-2017 School Year Teacher In-Service, August 17, 18 & 22 1st-12th GRADE OPEN HOUSE THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 2016 4:00-7:00 pm MEET & GREET FOR KINDERGARTEN Kindergarten students will have a scheduled Meet & Greet time on Tuesday, August 23. The first day of classes for Kindergarten students will be Wednesday, August 24th, with school pictures taken on Monday, August 29th. Kindergarten teachers will NOT be available on Thursday evening, August 18th. Please contact the elementary office with questions. SCHOOL PICTURES Photography By Mark will be at Tri-Valley on Thursday, August 18th, from 4:00-7:00 pm for school pictures. Students 1st-12th grade will have their picture taken that day. Kindergarten pictures and make-up pictures will be on Monday, August 29th. KINDERGARTEN SCHEDULED MEET & GREET TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 2016 1st-12th GRADE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 2016 KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS FIRST DAY OF CLASSES WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2016 School Hours: K-6 7-8 9-12 8:23 am – 3:10 pm 8:23 am – 3:15 pm 8:23 am – 3:10 pm CONTACT INFORMATION All calls will be answered in our Central Office. Phone Numbers: 446-3538 446-3207 543-5500 Fax Number: 446-3520 Website: 3 SCHOOL BREAKFAST & LUNCH The school breakfast and lunch program will begin Tuesday, August 23, 2016. The prices for breakfast are: K-12 $1.10 Adults $1.25 The prices for lunch are: K-4 $2.60 5-12 $2.80 Adults $3.30 Extra milk with meals or milk break is $.40/half pint. Extra entrée is $1.35. Ala Carte $1.00. Free and reduced price meals will be available to those who apply and qualify. ART ROOM REQUESTS By Mandy DeWitt, 7th-12th Art Teacher Hello, as always I am willing to help you clean out your closets and take a few items off of your hands that we would love to use in our class. I am willing to take anything that you want to let go of, but I am looking for a few items in particular. If you happen to have any of these things, please feel free to drop them off or send them with your children. o House Paint – always in need of strong colors and white o Rubber Stamps – designs of any kind. Quotes, images, small or large o Stencils – plastic, wall, rubber, paint, nail, letters, etc. o Colorful Tile – small or large, solid or designed o Dishware – old, broken, chipped dishes that you have in storage. Not antiques, I want to break them further. o Picture frames – small and large, with or without glass or plastic For Bus Questions or Concerns Please call 605-366-8777 or 605-446-3482; or email If you do not have a Campus Portal Username/Password, please go to and fill out the online form to request one! Have an account but can’t login? Contact Lori May at or by calling the school at 605-446-3538. ATTENDANCE TEACHER OF THE YEAR Congratulations to Mrs. Kate Haar for being selected Tri-Valley’s 2016-2017 Teacher of the Year. Mrs. Haar teaches first grade. She has taught for 9 years. Attendance is an important part of each students’ permanent record. Colleges and future employers are concerned about high school attendance. Daily attendance of all students who are enrolled in Tri-Valley schools is required, in accordance with state law and school board policy. Consideration will be given by the administration to lengthy illness, serious injury and important family trips. On the day a student is absent parents, or legal guardians, are asked to call the school by 8:30 am. Students with unexcused absences will not receive any credit for the classes missed. 4 ADVENTURE SEEKERS WANTED IN 2018 AND 2020 By Mandy DeWitt, 7th–12th Art Teacher After having an incredible Art Trip this summer I am ready to go again. Are you ready to go with me? I am already signing up history buffs for the 2018 trip to London, Normandy, Paris, Cologne and Berlin. There we will be diving into the history of WWII. We will be checking out Chruchill’s war rooms, the beaches of Normandy, the Eiffel tower in Paris, the bridges of Cologne and the incredible history of how it all started and fell apart in Berlin. If this sounds like your kind of trip, go to my website and follow the link to sign up today. I would also like to announce my 2020 trip called the Britannia which will take us on a tour of Ireland, Scotland and Wales, with a possible 2 day extension to Paris. I know this sounds like forever away, but it will be here before you know it. Unfortunately I can’t start the sign up process for this trip yet, but as soon as I can I would love to get you or your child enrolled. The sooner you do enroll the cheaper the overall cost, the more time to get involved in fundraising and the monthly payments are also lower. If you would love to see the Ring of Kerry and kiss the Blarney stone in Ireland, visit the castles of Scotland and see all of the sites of London, then this trip is for you. If you are interested in either of these trips, please feel free to either sign up for the 2018 or contact me for the 2020. If you let me know you are interested then I can get you involved in any of our fundraising opportunities and I can let you know the second you can enroll. I would love to show you the world! WHAT DO I KNOW ABOUT MY CHILDS’ TEACHER? The federal education law put in place by President Bush called “No Child Left Behind” requires that all parents in a Title 1 school be notified and given the opportunity to request information about the professional qualifications of classroom teachers instructing their child. If you are interested in this information, you may send your request to the building principal who will provide a response. NCRC DATES FOR SENIORS: August 25th from 8:30 to Noon Tri-Valley High School is excited to bring the National Career Readiness Certification opportunity to the senior class. This assessment measures “real world” skills that are needed in the workforce. Unlike other assessments, the NCRC does not measure how prepared individuals are for college or technical shool. Instead, this gives people the opportunity to gauge their readiness for the workforce. Questions are based upon everyday “world of work” situations in the areas of Locating Information, Reading and Math. Based upon these three areas. People are ranked at the Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum levels and will receive a certificate to share with potential employers. Employers use these results to match individuals with careers that best suit their abilities. In addition, the results will allow seniors the ability to do career research that will match them with careers that are well-suited for their workforce ability levels. Ordinarily this test would cost $22, but because of a grant through the South Dakota Department of Labor, this test will be given to all Tri-Valley Seniors, free of charge, on Thursday, August 25th, from 8:30 am to noon. Seniors, look for more information coming to you through your advisor. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Pflanz, High School Principal. PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES Parent-Teacher Conference is a time for communication between parents and teachers for the benefit of your childrens’ education. It is a very important conference. Your attendance, as a parent, will be greatly appreciated. Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held Thursday, October 27, 2016, and Thursday, February 16, 2017, from 2:00-8:00 pm. The Tri-Valley School District 49-6 does not discriminate in its employment policies and practices, or in its educational programs on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, age, sex, disability, national origin, or ancestry. No School Friday, September 2nd Monday, September 5th 5 NEW 6th GRADE VACCINATION REQUIREMENTS By: Deanna Reiff, RN, School Nurse The South Dakota Department of Health (DOH) is now revising its administrative rules to require both the Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis) and MCV4 (Meningococcal ACYW) vaccines for entry into the 6th grade beginning with the 2016-2017 school year. Vaccine requirements for kindergarten entry have been in place for many years but this will be the first such requirement for middle school entry in South Dakota. The change is a direct result of Senate Bill 28, which was passed by the 2016 South Dakota Legislature and signed into law by Gov. Daugaard. SB 28 adds meningococcal infection to the list of diseases specified in South Dakota Codified Law 13-28-7.1 for which Department of Education, based on recommendations for the Department of Health can require vaccination for school entry in South Dakota. With the change, school entry requirements for South Dakota 6th grade students include: • One dose of Tdap vaccine • One dose of MCV4 • The requirements apply only for 6th grade entry and transfer students 6th-12th grade • If a child is 10 years old when entering the 6th grade they have 45 days after their 11th birthday to be vaccinated. Since this is a new requirement, providers should expect an increase in demand for Tdap and MCV4 vaccines. Both of these vaccines are covered by the Vaccines for Children program and most insurance plans should offer first dollar coverage for them as well. While only Tdap and MCV4 are being added as middle school requirements, providers are encouraged to review the entire vaccination status of the patient and immunize for other recommeded vaccines. PUBLIC COMPLAINT POLICY The following guidelines are the proper procedure to be followed by persons with questions or complaints. Matters concerning a student should first be addressed to the students’ teacher. Unsettled matters from (1) above or problems and questions concerning individual students should be directed to the principal of the school. Unsettled matter from (2) above or problems and questions concerning the school should be directed to the superintendent. Whenever a complaint is made directly to the board or to a board member as an individual, it shall be referred to the school administration for speedy and possible solutions. The board will consider citizen complaints when they cannot be resolved by the administration. If it becomes necessary, the administration, the person making the complaint or employee may request an executive session with the school board. The purpose of this meeting will be to hear facts and make a decision on the matter. ACTIVITY TICKET POLICY The Board of Education has established prices as follows: SEASON TICKETS Adult - $40.00 Student (7-12) - $20.00 Student (K-6) - $15.00 Family - $85.00 SINGLE TICKETS Adult - $5.00 Students (K-12) - $3.00 Senior Citizens (65 and over) are free with a courtesy pass which must be obtained at the Central Office. This pass never expires. In the event that the school has to close due to inclement weather or other emergencies, notification will be given over television stations KELO, KDLT and KSFY and a telephone message and/or email will be sent as soon as a decision is made. In all cases, the safety of the students will be the determining factor. The Tri-Valley School District strives to give its students the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in school, the workplace and life.” TRI-VALLEY MUSTANG APPAREL The Tri-Valley Booster Club will be selling Mustang apparel during the open house on Thursday, August 18th. They will be set up in the commons. Come and purchase your Mustang spirit wear! 6 HOMECOMING 2016 By: Amber Fluth, Student Council Advisor Tri-Valley is proud to announce Tri-Valley High School Homecoming 2016 will be held the week of September 19th through the 23rd. Our theme this year is “Mustang Times” and revolves around magazine titles. The dress up days are as follows: Monday, People Sept. 19 magazine— dress up like your favorite celebrity or just get fancy like you’re attending a red carpet event Tuesday, ESPN the Sept. 20 Magazine— dress up in gear from a sport or like any wellknown athlete Wednesday, Forbes Sept .21 magazine— suit up like you’re a CEO or a Wallstreet tycoon Thursday, Sept. 22 Outdoor Life magazine— dress up in outdoor gear (hunting, fishing, safari) or as your favorite animal Friday, Hoofbeat Sept. 23 newsletter— show all your support for the Mustangs (as we take on Lennox) with jerseys, retro Mustang wear, and as much maroon and white as possible Prizes are given each day to the Best Dressed and one person (who dresses up each day of the week) will receive a $20 gift card. Get out there and find the best spirit gear you can to make this “Mustang Times” week memorable! FAMILY NIGHT There will be no school activities scheduled on Wednesday evening in order for families to have a day during the week set aside to schedule their activities. All activities on this day are to be completed by 5:30 pm. FEDERAL PROGRAMS COMPLAINT POLICY Complaints against Titles I, II, IV or V programs and expenditures may be received by the local education agency (Tri-Valley School District 49-6). The expeditious and reasonable handling of these complaints is necessary for the effective conduct of the program as well as to promote community understanding and involvement of the title programs. The following procedures are outlined for use at Tri-Valley School District: • The complaint will be directed to the person in charge of the Federal Programs. • The complaint will be recorded and pertinent information recorded. • The Federal Programs director will try to resolve the complaint • If the complaint cannot be resolved, the Federal Project Director will call for a hearing within 15 days of the complaint. The hearing will be held in front of a committee made up of the federal project director and parents. If the complaint is not resolved at the local level, then either party can appeal to the State Department of Education. K-12 MUSIC DEPARTMENT CONCERT DATES Mon., Aug. 29th Fri., Oct 7th Sat., Oct. 8th Fri., Oct. 14th Sat., Oct. 22nd Thur., Dec. 1st Thur., Dec 8th Mon., Dec. 12th Thur., Dec. 15th Mon., Feb. 27th Tue., March 21st Fri., April 28th Mon., May 1st Fri., May 5th Tues., May 9th 5th Grade Instrument Display Night Marching @ Chester Marching @ Vermillion Marching @ Volga Marching @ HOBO Days, Brookings Kdg-4th Vocal Concert 5th-6th Vocal & Band Concert 7th-12th Band Concert 7th-12th Vocal Concert 7th-12th Vocal Concert 5th-12th Pops Band Concert 7th-12th Vocal Concert 7th-12th Band Concert Kdg-4th Vocal Concert 5th-6th Vocal & Band Concert 7 2016-2017 TRI-VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT STAFF Administration Board of Education Mike Lodmel, Superintendent Leslie Johnson, Chairman Brian Andersen, Business Manager Paul Siemonsma, Vice-Chairman Lori Jeffers, Special Education Director Members: Nicole Pullman Nancy Johnson, Elementary Principal Dan Schlueter Misty Klein, Technology Coordinator Tom VanAsselt Brad McDonald, Assistant Principal, Athletic Director Donna Papke, Office Manager Tim Pflanz, Secondary Principal Middle School Teachers Cyndi Bergh, 5th Grade Office Assistants Michelle Weibel, 5th Grade Joni Bunde, K-6 Secretary Christopher White, 5th Grade Christy Oberg, 7-12 Secretary Bridget Ebert, 6th Grade Dana Sundal, Receptionist Jessica Haneke, 6th Grade Dawn Slowey, 6th Grade Instruction and Support K-12 Steve Bazata, 7-8 Science Mark Acheson, 4-8 PE Lisa Brandt, 7-8 English Renee Anderson, K-6 Guidance Counselor Brandon DeWitt, 7-8 Social Studies Brenda Bahnson, K-3 Music, 5-6 Band Nicole Finnesand, 7-8 Language Arts Sheri Booze, 7-12 Counselor Justin Nihart, 7-8 Math Kay Dahl Hobart, Librarian Mandy DeWitt, 7-12 Art Rob Grady, K-3 PE, 9-12 PE Rachael Hakl, Special Education High School Teachers Donna Hamilton, ½ Time Music Gaye Lynn Beaner, English Julie Hansen, SPED Early Childhood Matthew Bleeker, Science Andrea Harstad, 7-12 Band Jeff Breitkreutz, Science Elizabeth Johnston, Special Education James Christensen, Social Studies Kathleen Justice, Special Education Amber Fluth, Computers Maria Kendle, K-6 Art, Gifted Coordinator Susan Redford, Math Allison Luke, Speech/Language Pathologist Asst. Clark Reider, Math/Science Lori May, Asst. Tech. Coordinator Kimberly Schroeder, Math Megan McAreavey, Speech Therapy Caitlin Slaba, English Deb McGee Langrehr, Homeless/Migrant Coordinator Dan Snethen, Social Studies Barb Meyer, Title I Andrea Soto, Spanish Susan Minnaert, Special Education Rachel Sturm, FACS, Health ED Amber Muller, Reading Specialist Robin Tyler, English Cari Olson, ELL Sarah VanDerVliet, AG/Voc. Ed Rebecca Pester, 9-12 Resource Room Deb Peters, K-8 Computers, Business Katherine Pudwill, Special Education Custodians Jennifer Strom, Title I Kerry Bachman Bernard VanMoer, 4-12 Music Jim Krueger, Groundskeeper Maxon Lyncee Support Staff Daniel Maursetter Lisa Basler, Educational Assistant Carol Mitchell Sara Bicknase, ELL Educational Assistant Jim Mitchell Jaimie Bleeker, ELL Educational Assistant Rod Nelson, Head Custodian Beth Buchheim, Educational Assistant Carla Oyen Stacy Bunde, Educational Assistant Roger VanKekerix Melanie DeJong, Educational Assistant Mary White-Schroeder Lori Jensen, 4th Grade Educational Assistant Kandi Miller, Library Assistant Carrie Noe, Educational Assistant Elementary School Teachers Nicole Oberg, Educational Assistant Laura Jensen, Kindergarten Janet Schmidt, Educational Assistant Allison Moses, Kindergarten Heather Siemonsma, Educational Assistant Ashley Zenk, Kindergarten Heidi Wittnebel, 4th Grade Educational Assistant Arianna Berry, 1st Grade Kate Haar, 1st Grade Cooks Cheyenne Lambley, 1st Grade Stacie Blake Lindsay Mann, 1st Grade Stacy Blow, Food Service Manager Ruth Ann Curriel, 2nd Grade Nancy Cripe Jennifer Groenewold, 2nd Grade Rhonda Ginter Teresa Hillberg, 2nd Grade Cindy Klein Marcia Berkness, 3rd Grade Marcia Theel Betty Froehlich, 3rd Grade Sharleen VanHofwegen Scott Hausmann, 3rd Grade Rose Wilsey Sarah Ekeren, 4th Grade Dan Jewett, 4th Grade School Nurse Deanne Vortherms, 4th Grade Deanna Reiff 8-9-16 4.0 Logan Ellison Nevaeh Grann Lauren Grinde Troy Nebelsick Austin Reuter Ayden Syll Emma Willis 4.0 Isabella Cordell Mya Dissing Katelyn Fritz Noah Haynes Lisa Koopman Brooklyn Rombough 4.0 Owen Besmer Katherin Geary Paige Jewett Joshua Leiseth Jose Mendoza Logan Shatter Olivia Soto Tabor Teel Tyson VanDerVliet 4.0 Logan Colwill Blayne Gacke Jessica Masgai Braeden Miller Ashton Ruesch Grace Schildhauer 4.0 Blake Eldeen Olivia Stieben 4th GRADE – 4th QUARTER HONOR ROLL 3.5-3.99 3.0-3.49 Brody Ahlquist Savanna King Thomas Fish Landon Asche Ella Leiseth Hayden Hastings McKenzie Atwood Chloe Lewis Ivy Haug Brianna Bunde Elijah McFarland Shealyn Hughes Colby Carruthers Jenna Robinson Parker Johnson Quinn Dannenbring Nataliya Shkinder Caiden Jones Hunter Foster Skylar Siepka Isaac Langloss Tyler Groenewold Alexis Weinacht Belinda Larios Hillary Hastings Simon Lewis Kahlen Luthy 5th GRADE – 4th QUARTER HONOR ROLL 3.5-3.99 3.0-3.49 Brady Benson Sierra Kappes Allison Anderson Erica Bicknase Levi Langloss Erika Beck Rachel Boer James Masgai Adria Besmer Joselynn Depaz-Mendez Ava Pearson Keira Bochenek Austin DeVries Brie Peters Stephanie Buchmann Caden DeVries Brookelyn Stieben Ledger Burggraff Kaden Egger Derek Van Asselt Nolan Carls Makaila Fluth Megan Wenzel Madison Dittbenner Kimberly Hall Niyongabo Yohana MacKenzie Fox Mason Hendrixson Shimirimana Gerare Aiden Heitkamp Quaylen Luthy Hailey McNamara Javier Mendoza Moriah Mulamba Nolan Schmidt Angel Sees Hope Suttle Makayla Swier Summer Van Der Vliet Weston VanDerVleit Nicholas Hofer Bailey Humpal Mason Jensen Payton Jensen Beau Keith Abel Kleinsasser Makenzee Kruger Kennedy Krull Bethany Krump Austin McNulty 6th GRADE – 4th QUARTER HONOR ROLL 3.5-3.9 3.0-3.49 Asmeret Abebe Aiden Larson Brooke Andera Will Benson Isaac McFarland Nala Barber Allan Beyer Makayla O’Neill Riley Carlson Michael Beyer Amanda Oberg Matthew Caviezel Carson Carruthers Brooklyn Pester Taylor DeJong Allyson Haga Caden Reuter Hannah Eldeen Landon Hansen Treyton Sanders Cole Focken Lauren Harstad Jaden Siemonsma Francine Irakoze Brandon Havlovic Maggie Skovlund Trinity George Emma Jackson Andi Sonnenburg Alivia Grann Jayden Kruse 7th GRADE – 4th QUARTER HONOR ROLL 3.5-3.9 3.0-3.49 Jayden Asche Brynlee Lokkeberg Kelsey Bruns Sawyer Bicknase Vincent Mitchell Alexandra Evink Austyn Burggraff Kaitlyn Mohnen Riley Haynes Benjamin DeMers Mariam Mulamba Bryce Kienast Daniel Fish Cody Noe Matthew Langley Brady Hall Ellie Pearson Luke Lofswold Nathan Hargreaves Bailey Stotz Andrea Lawrence 8th GRADE – 4th QUARTER HONOR ROLL 3.5-3.9 3.0-3.49 Jackson Blair Aaron Lauer Taylor Benson Andrew Cypher Andrew Nesheim Sidney Bruns Haley Dahl Carson Norgaard Chase Carls Eli Dissing Annabell Oberg Jamison Fox Hayden Fritz Nshimirimana Pascaline Kyra Giegling Carson Hagen Nicole Podzimek Anna Ginter Hunter Hanson Nathan Rombough Jennifer Hotchkiss KyAnn Havlovic Alicia West Emma Keith Cody Winquist Kennedy Kuchta Taylor Mitchell Adysen Papstein Keane Papstein Levi Papstein Ella Richardson Holden Rise Allisyn Ruth Dustin Sees Duncan Snethen Tanner Van Asselt Jenna Hanson Ezra Hofer Dillon Lucas Avere Mack Cory McDonald Rachel Nehlich Mya Rogers Zachary Schroeder-Powell Makayla Simmermon Hannah West Morgan Ludens Mason Mathieu Kazzi Morrison Owen Snethen Abbie Weinacht Preston Wieman Jessica Huntimer Olivia Kanengieter Payton Loiseau Rhegan Oberg Lesya Shkinder Grace Steineke Cameron Timp 9 4.0 Trevor Benson Blake Burggraff Mallory O’Hara Karlee Price Jordyn Reider Tristen Ruesch Skylar Skovlund Jillian Songstad McKenzie Vortherms Samantha Wiseman 4.0 Carter Carruthers Jacob Kasowki Emily McDonald Damaris Waldner 4.0 Brooke Amundson Levi Burggraff Caitlyn Cypher Emily Hargreaves Abigail Keith Brooke Kulzer Holly Sando Will Steineke Madison Swier Madisyn Van Hunnick Taylor Will 4.0 Austin Arends Cassandra Blair Mariah Burggraff Sydney Hausmann Meghan Hoffman Demi Hoover Seth Sando Kaitlyn Schmeichel Samantha Sommer FRESHMAN – 4th QUARTER HONOR ROLL 3.5-3.9 3.0-3.49 Tuyishemeze Alexis Gillian Klein Max Breitkreutz Courtney Anderson Jenna Kruse Lincoln Burggraff Baylee Beaner Rachael Masgai Noah Burke Bailey Brooks Riley Robinson Annalicia Burns Abigale Burkhart Jackson Ruedebusch Casia Connolly Samantha Fox Tanner Schmidt Zakry Connolly Baylee Hoek Grace Suttle Mercedes Flier Marissa Jensen Cassandra Sylliaasen Said Ibrahim SOPHOMORE – 4th QUARTER HONOR ROLL 3.5-3.9 3.0-3.49 Levi Backhaus Dylan Huwe Madysen Blake Qiana Bernal Noah Jewett Lucas Bochenek Sommer Burggraff Noah Jongeling Cassie Hartman Chase DeWitt Chastnee Lamer Joshua Hotchkiss Cade Falor Tijana Pease Saharo Ibrahim Dalton Foster Ioann Shkinder Dylin Kenyon Carter Grinde Allison Sundal Brayden Koopman Zackary Hilbrands JUNIOR – 4th QUARTER HONOR ROLL 3.5-3.9 Bridget Bossman Jacob Leiseth Jacquin Geary Austin Leuning Morgan Haga Paul Masgai Trevor Klinnert Mikayla Richardson Kevin Larsgaard Keturah Swartwout Joan Leiferman Mason Wieman 3.0-3.49 Alec Blackford Aundrea Boer Hanna Boos Aleah Burggraff Jayden Burggraff Kevin Cress Riley Hallman Elijah Heiberger SENIOR – 4th QUARTER HONOR ROLL 3.5-3.9 3.0-3.49 Regan Ahlers Ceylee Lagler Austin Arvin Bryant Alexander-Timp Dylan Martin Lexi Breitkreutz Patrick Boadwine John Miller Dylan Burggraff Bennett Boy Adan Mohamed Terra Carpenter Grant Burggraff Courtney Moffatt MyKendry Clemens Jacob Geary Cassidy Norgaard Zachary-Darren DeGroot Sydney Haga Parker Ramstad Joshua Elledge Danica Hahn Paige Shatter Jena Farr Brenton Hanisch Rachel Sterling Carter Hausmann Hannah Sundal Brady Johnson Rebecca Thom Tye Klinnert Alex Van Asselt Kiana Kuchta Will Kulzer Caden Lamer Erika Langloss Hannah Miller Dominic O’Neill Katelyn Sterling Grace Swartwout Andrew Lythgoe Austin Mader Logan Mathieu Mia Miller Garrison Mulder Peder Vlietstra Christopher Wollman Nicole Krump Abigail McDonald Madison Page Trenton Riggle Alexis Ruedebusch Jordan Sanders Nitanga Sitajoni Kaylee Wingen Alexander Gonzales Paige Harkema BreeAnn Hoek Darian Neuberger Ignacio Pausa Gutierrez Matthew Prather Hunter Stofferahn 10 PHYSICAL FITNESS TEST 2016 BEST PERFORMANCE BOYS GRADE NAME 4th 4th 5th 5th 6th 6th 7th 7th 8th 8th 8th Tyler Groenewold Isaac Langloss Hudson Eldeen Dustin Sees Cory McDonald Lance DeWitt Ronald Cordell David Nikiza Mohamed Ibrahim Blake Eldeen Mohamed Mohamed 4th 4th 4th 5th 5th 5th 6th 6th 7th 7th 8th 8th Elijah McFarland Hayden Hastings Isaac Langloss Braden Oyen Lawson Loiseau Mayson Rise Jaden Siemonsma Isaac McFarland Ronald Cordell Colt Blake Carson Norgaard Cody Winquist 4th 4th 4th 5th 5th 5th 6th 6th 7th 7th 8th 8th Elijah McFarland Carter Sorenson Hayden Hastings Lawson Loiseau Caden DeVreis Braden Oyen Jaden Siemonsma Cory McDonald Ronald Cordell Mikhail Shkinder Mohamed Mohamed Carson Norgaard 4th 4th 5th 5th 6th 6th 7th 7th 8th 8th 8th Elijah McFarland Carter Sorenson Hudson Eldeen Jydin Dahl Jaden Siemonsma Cory McDonald Ronald Cordell Riley Haynes Mohamed Mohamed Mohamed Ibrahim Carson Norgaard 4th 4th 4th Elijah McFarland Simon Lewis Isaac Langloss GIRLS SCORE EVENT GRADE 1 MINUTE ROPE JUMP TIMING 131 4th 120 4th 150 5th 112 5th 145 6th 134 6th 170 7th 159 7th 157 8th 147 8th 147 1 MINUTE SIT-UP TIMING 52 4th 43 4th 43 5th 53 5th 48 6th 48 6th 63 6th 62 7th 79 7th 73 8th 74 8th 69 OVERHAND PULL-UPS 6 4th 5 4th 5 5th 7 5th 5 5th 5 6th 24* 6th 12 7th 30 7th 5 7th 14 7th 11 7th 8th 8th 8th 8th UNDERHAND PULL-UPS 8 4th 7 4th 9 5th 8 5th 21 5th 14 6th 23 6th 8 7th 14 7th 10 8th 10 8th 400 METER DASH 1:15 4th 1:24 4th 1:24 * Fitness Test Record NAME SCORE Hillary Hastings Nataliya Shkinder Bella Cordell Brookelyn Stieben Irkaoze Francine Allyson Haga Kaitlyn Mohnen Blayne Gacke Emma Keith Haley Dahl 113 102 144 131 125 119 146 137 151 144 Lauren Grinde Hillary Hastings Bella Cordell Megan Wenzel Avere Mack Lauren Harstad Katherin Geary (Erin) Jessica Masgai Andrea Lawrence Kennedy Kuchta Emma Keith 49 48 47 45 49 46 46 60 52 66 59 Alexis Weinacht Savanna King Bella Cordell Kennedy Krull Kyrah Iverson Katherin Geary (Erin) Avere Mack Jessica Masgai Jayden Asche Blayne Gacke Felicity Kindvall Abby Underland Anna Ginter Jennifer Hotchkiss Kennedy Kuchta Lesya Shkinder 6 3 4 1 1 10 10 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Alexis Weinacht Savanna King Bella Cordell Stephanie Buchmann Kennedy Krull Katherin Geary (Erin) Avere Mack Jessica Masgai Abby Underland Jennifer Hotchkiss Lesya Shkinder 6 3 4 3 3 15 9 5 3 2 2 Hillary Hastings Ivy Haug 1:35 1:37 11 SHUTTLE RUN 4th 4th 5th 5th 6th 6th 7th 7th 8th 8th Carter Sorenson Elijah McFarland Hudson Eldeen Levi Langloss Owen Besmer Isaac McFarland Riley Haynes Ashton Ruesch Blake Eldeen Ryan Ramstad 9.82 9.88 9.96 10.02 9.28 9.41 8.89 8.94 8.84 9.01 4th 4th 4th 5th 5th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 7th 7th 7th 8th 8th Hayden Hastings Elijah McFarland Brendan Newman Camden Hennings Hudson Eldeen Matthew Caviezel Owen Besmer Riley Carlson Joshua Leiseth Cory McDonald Brayden Glasford Vincent Mitchell Bailey Stotz Carson Norgaard Ryan Ramstad 4th 4th 5th 5th 6th 6th 7th 7th 8th 8th Colby Carruthers Carter Sorenson Jydin Dahl Levi Langloss Owen Besmer Isaac McFarland Gavin Schiltz Ashton Ruesch Jace Hanisch Ryan Ramstad 5.88 5.90 5.96 5.97 5.62 5.75 5.21 5.25 5.03 5.16 5th 5th 6th 6th 7th 7th 8th 8th Braden Oyen Hudson Eldeen Lance DeWitt Joshua Leiseth Ronald Cordell Alex Andresen Layne Bartels Mohamed Ibrahim 6:42 7:14 6:15 6:33 5:56 6:07 5:52 6:08 4th 4th 5th 5th 6th 6th 7th 7th 8th 8th Carter Sorenson Hayden Hastings Dustin Sees Braden Oyen Zachary Schroeder-Powell Owen Besmer Ashton Ruesch Braydon Humpal Ryan Ramstad Mohamed Ibrahim 4th 4th 5th 5th 6th 6th 7th 7th 8th 8th Hillary Hastings Lauren Grinde Stephanie Buchmann Brookelyn Stieben Avere Mack Tabor Teel Jessica Masgai Kaitlyn Mohnen Kennedy Kuchta Emma Keith 4th 4th 4th 4th 5th 5th 6th 6th 7th 7th 8th 8th Jaceana Hanson Brianna Bunde Moriah Mulamba Jenna Robinson Allison Anderson Bailey Humpal Irakoze Francine Brooklyn Pester Kazzi Morrison Mariam Mulamba Alicia West Nshimirimana Pascaline 4th 4th 5th 5th 6th 6th 7th 7th 8th 8th Lauren Grinde Hillary Hastings Stephanie Buchmann Bethany Krump Paige Jewett Jenna Hanson Jessica Masgai Alexandra Evink Kennedy Kuchta Emma Keith 6.22 6.32 5.63 6.14 5.76 5.78 5.58 5.76 5.58 5.65 5th 5th 6th 6th 7th 7th 7th 8th 8th Brookelyn Stieben Stephanie Buchmann Avere Mack Paige Jewett Jessica Masgai Grace Schildhauer Blayne Gacke Kennedy Kuchta Alicia West 7:17 7:17 7:22 7:25 7:28 8:13 8:13 7:17 7:45 4th 4th 5th 5th 5th 5th 6th 6th 6th 7th 7th 8th 8th Hillary Hastings Lauren Grinde Stephanie Buchmann Payton Jensen Makenzee Kruger Kennedy Krull Paige Jewett Katherin Geary (Erin) Tabor Teel Jessica Masgai Kaitlyn Mohnen Emma Keith Alicia West 65 61 76 71 71 71 75 73 73 77 76 79 78 10.51 10.52 9.18* 10.02 9.97 10.02 9.46 9.62 9.62 9.76 SIT AND REACH 0 0 0 5 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 5 2 Measured in Inches 4 3 3 3 6 4 5 5 10 10 5 4 FORTY YARD DASH MILE RUN STANDING LONG JUMP 72 68 77 75 84 82 95 83 95 93 Measured in Inches * Fitness Test Record DISTRICT PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT POLICY Parental involvement is the participation of parents in every facet of education and development of children from birth to adulthood, recognizing that parents are the primary influence in their children’s lives. Federal programs including Title I recognize that parent involvement takes many forms, including parents’ shared responsibilities in decisions about their children’s education, health and well-being, as well as parents’ participation in organizations that reflect the community’s collaborative aspirations for all children. DISTRICT GOALS The goal of the Tri-Valley School District is to ensure the educational success of all students by having high expectations, a commitment to excellence and a comprehensive parental involvement program, confirming the belief that parental involvement increases student achievement and self-esteem and that the difference between a good school and a great school is the involvement of its parents. I. It is the policy of the Tri-Valley School District to involve parents in the joint development of the District Parental Involvement policy by: A. Holding an annual parent meeting in which all parents are informed of the school’s participation in the Title I program, the requirements and their right to be involved. This annual meeting will be held during the first nine weeks of the school year. B. Making it possible for all parents to be involved by holding meetings that accommodate working parents as well as those parents whose dominate language is not English. C. Involving parents in the decision making process for the Title I program. D. Providing training sessions for parents on the curriculum used and the forms of academic assessment used to measure students progress. E. Involving parents in the reviewing and revising of the districts’ parental involvement policy. F. Having an annual parent meeting to discuss, review, plan for and make suggestions to the Title I program. G. Ensuring that all parents understand policies, rules, parent compacts, notices etc. by having them printed in both English and Spanish as well as conducting meeting in the language the parents can understand. H. Providing the parents information regarding the “No Child Left Behind Act”. I. Every effort will be made to ensure that all special populations are involved (economically disadvantaged, disabled, limited English proficiency, limited literacy, migrant). II. Coordination and integration of parental involvement strategies with the Head Start, Even Start and Birth to Three and area preschools. III. The expectations of parental involvement are. IV. A. Increased student achievement due to school-parent-student compacts. B. Increased student achievement due to parent training. C. Increased parental input due to annual meeting. D. Increased awareness of school policies and activities due to parent meetings and the annual meeting for Title I parents. E. Increased school to home communications due to teacher training. Evaluation There will be an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the Title I Parental involvement program and parents will be asked for their input. The evaluation will include an assessment of how much parental involvement is increasing and what barriers to parental participation still need to be overcome. The school district will revise its Parental Involvement policy on the basis of this annual review. 13 Notification of Right for Elementary and Secondary Schools The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students over 18 years of age (“eligible students”), certain rights with respect to the student’s education records. They are: 1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the District receives a request for access. Parents or eligible students should submit to the school principal (or appropriate school official) a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect. The principal will make arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. 2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s educational records that the parent or eligible student believe are inaccurate or misleading. Parents or eligible students may ask Tri-Valley School District to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should write the school Principal, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the District decides not to amend the record as requested by the parent or eligible student, the District will notify the parent or eligible student of the decision and advise them of their right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the parent or eligible student when notified of the right to a hearing. 3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent the FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception which permits disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interest. A school official is a person employed by the District as an administrator, supervisor, instructor or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel), a person serving on the School Board, a person or company with whom the District has contracted to perform a special task (such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant or therapist) or a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility. (Optional) Upon request, the district discloses education records without contest to officials of another school district in which a student seeks or intends to enroll. (Note: FERPA requires a school district to make reasonable attempt to notify the student of the records request unless it states in its annual notification that it intends to forward records on request.) 4. The right to file a complaint with the US Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the District to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA are: Family Policy Compliance Office US Dept. of Education 400 Maryland Avenue SW Washington, SD 20207-4605 14 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Notice for Directory Information The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a Federal law, requires that the Tri-Valley School District, with certain exceptions, obtain your written consent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from your child’s education records. However, the Tri-Valley School District may disclose appropriately designated “directory information” without written consent, unless you have advised the District to the contrary in accordance with District procedures. The primary purpose of directory information is to allow the Tri-Valley School District to include this type of information from your child’s education records in certain school publications. Examples include: • • • • • A playbill, showing your student’s role in a drama production; The annual yearbook; Honor roll or other recognition lists; Graduation programs; and Sports activity sheets, such as for wrestling, showing weight and height of team members Directory information, which is information that is generally not considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if released, can also be disclosed to outside organizations without a parent’s prior written consent. Outside organizations include, but are not limited to, companies that manufacture class rings or publish year books. In addition, two federal laws require local educational agencies (LEAs) receiving assistance under the Elementary and Secondary Act of 1965 (ESEA) to provide military recruiters, upon request, with three directory categories - names, addresses and telephone listings unless parents have advised the LEA that they do not want their student’s information disclosed without their prior written consent. If you do not want the Tri-Valley School District to disclose directory information from your child’s education records without your prior written consent, you must notify the District in writing by November 1, 2016 The Tri-Valley School District has designated the following information as directory information: [Note: an LEA may, but does not have to, include all the information listed below.] • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Student’s name Address Name of student’s parents Telephone listings Electronic Mail address Photograph Date and place of birth Major field of study Dates of attendance Grade Level Participation in officially recognized activities and sports Weight and height of members of athletic teams Degrees, honors, and awards received The most recent educational agency or institution attended 15 School Pictures 1st‐12th Grade Bring your School Supplies! Meet your Teacher Freshmen & New Student Orientation Buy Mustang Apparel Check on your bus route Visit with the School Nurse Pay for school breakfast/lunches Purchase you 2016‐2017 Tri‐Valley Activity Pass Tri-Valley Activities August 2016 Sunday Monday 7 Tuesday Wednesday 1 2 8 9 7th – 12th Boys Golf Practice Starts 14 15 10 16 17 23 1st Day of School for 1st-12th Grade Kindergarten Scheduled Meet & Greet JH FB Practice Starts JH VB Practice Starts 4 5 6 11 12 13 19 20 18 Teacher In-Service Open House 1st-12th Grade 4:00-7:00 pm School Pictures 1st-12th, 4:00-7:00 pm 24 26 1st Day of School for Kindergarten CC @ Madison, 2:00 pm FB @ Elk PointJefferson, 7:00 pm 25 28 29 JV FB @ Elk PointJefferson, 4:30 pm 5th Grade Instrument Display Night, Band Room, 7:00-8:00 pm 30 Boys Golf @ Sioux Falls Christian, 9:00 am CC @ McCook Central, 4:15 pm VB vs. Dakota Valley, Here, 9th 5:00 pm, JV 6:00 pm Varsity 7:15 pm Saturday 7th – 12th Cross Country Practice Starts HS FB Practice Starts HS VB Practice Starts Teacher In-Service Boys Golf Meet @ Dakota Valley, 9:00 am 22 Teacher In-Service Boys Golf @ Dell Rapids, 9:00 am Friday 3 Fall Sports Parents Meeting, Commons, 6:30 pm Boys Golf Meet @ West Central, 9:00 am 21 Thursday 31 27 VB @ Flandreau Alpha IV Tournament 9:00 am 9th FB @ Flandreau, 10:00 am Tri-Valley Activities September 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday MS VB @ Flandreau, 4:00 pm 9th FB vs. Madison, Here 4:30 pm VB vs. Lennox, Here, 9th 5:00 pm JV 6:00 pm, Varsity 7:15 pm 4 5 11 12 JV FB vs. Dell Rapids, Here, 4:30 pm 18 19 Boys Golf @ Vermillion, 9:00 am JV FB @ Canton, 4:00 pm Homecoming Coronation HS Gym, 7:30 pm 25 6 7 Boys Golf @ Madison, 10:00 am CC @ Garretson, 3:00 pm MS FB @ Parkston, 4:30 pm JV FB vs. Parkston, Here, 4:30 pm No School Labor Day 13 Boys Golf @ Madison, 4:00 pm MS VB @ West Central, 4:30 pm MS FB @ Dell Rapids, 4:30 pm VB vs. Beresford, Here, 9th 5:00 pm, JV 6:00 pm Varsity 7:15 pm Boys Golf @ Lennox, 20 3:00 pm MS FB vs. Canton, Here, 4:30 pm MS VB @ Sioux Falls Christian, 4:30 pm VB @ Canton, 9th 5:00 pm, JV 6:00 pm, Varsity 7:15 pm 26 Boys Golf Region Meet @ Madison, 10:00 am CC @ West Central, 4:00 pm MS VB @ Madison, 4:30 pm JV FB vs. Lennox, Here, 4:30 pm 27 MS FB @ Lennox, 4:30 pm 14 21 CC @ Dell Rapids, 2:00 pm Friday 1 3 2 No School FB vs. Parkston, Here, 7:00 pm Booster Club Tailgate 5:00-7:00 pm Boys Golf Meet @ 8 Vermillion, 10:00 am MS VB vs. Garretson, Here, 4:00 pm 9th FB vs. Dakota Valley, Here, 4:30 pm VB @ Vermillion, 9th 5:00 pm, JV 6:00 pm, Varsity 7:30 pm Mighty Mustang 15 Breakfast, HS Gym, 7:30 am CC @ Sioux Falls Christian, 4:00 pm 9th FB @ Dell Rapids, 4:30 pm MS VB @ Tea Area, 4:30 pm VB @ Dell Rapids, 9th 5:00 pm JV 6:00 pm Varsity 7:15 pm 9th FB Jamboree, Here, 9:00 am 16 FB @ Canton, 7:00 pm 17 9th VB Tournament, Here, 9:00 am 23 FB vs. Lennox, Here, 7:00 pm PTO Tailgate, 5:00-7:00 pm Homecoming 29 MS VB vs. McCook Central/Montrose, Here, 4:00 pm 9th FB @ Lennox, 4:30 pm VB vs. McCook Central/ Montrose, Here, 9th 5:00, JV 6:00 pm Varsity 7:15 pm 10 9 FB vs. Dell Rapids, Here, 7:00 pm Band Boosters Tailgate 5:00-7:00 pm 22 MS VB vs. Lennox, Here, 4:30 pm 9th FB vs. Canton, Here, 4:30 pm VB @ Madison, 9th 5:00 pm JV 6:00 pm Varsity 7:15 pm 28 Saturday 30 FB @ Beresford, 7:00 pm 24 VB Tournament @ Milbank, TBA Breakfast Prices K-12 $1.10 Adults $1.25 Lunch Prices K-4 $2.60 5-12 $2.80 Adults $3.30 Mon Extras Milk $.40 Entrée $1.35 Ala Carte $1.00 Breakfast & Lunch Menu August 2016 Tue Wed 1 2 8 22 23 Corn and Pineapple Green Beans and Pears Breakfast– Cereal or Yogurt, Toast Or Egg Omelet K-4 Taco Tuesday– Soft Shell 5-12 Or Chicken Fajita Corn and Pears 18 24 Breakfast– Cereal Or Yogurt, Toast Or Breakfast Pizza K-4 Corn Dog 5-12 Corn Dog or Chef Salad 30 11 17 Breakfast– Cereal Or Yogurt, Toast K-4 Italian Dunkers 5-12 Italian Dunkers or Quesadilla 29 Breakfast– Cereal or Yogurt, Toast K-4 Chicken Nuggets 5-12 Chicken Nuggets or Italian Meatball Sandwich 10 16 31 Breakfast– Cereal Or Yogurt Toast Or Breakfast Pizza K-4 Hamburger or 5-12 Hamburger or Beef Hotdog Fri 4 3 9 15 Broccoli and Pineapple Thu 25 5 12 19 26 Breakfast– Cereal Or Yogurt, Toast K-4 Chicken Patty 5-12 Chicken Patty or Mr. Rib French Fries and Peaches Breakfast– Cereal or Yogurt, Toast Or French Toast Sticks K-4 Stuffed Crust Cheese Pizza 5-12 Stuffed Crust Cheese Pizza or Crispito Carrots and Mandarin Oranges In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.. To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326 W. Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Ave.,SW, Washington DC 20250-9410 or Call 202-720-5964 (voice & TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employ- All Lunches will be served with Milk Choices, Fresh Fruit & Garden Salad Bar. 7-12 Will have the opportunity to purchase ala carte items with their lunch account money er. Breakfast Prices K-12 $1.10 Adults $1.25 Lunch Prices K-4 $2.60 5-12 $2.80 Adults $3.30 Mon Breakfast & Lunch Menu September 2016 Extras Milk $.40 Entrée $1.35 Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 Breakfast– French Toast or Cereal Toast Yogurt K-4 Stuffed Crust Cheese Pizza 5-12 Or Spicy Chicken Patty ******Enjoy Breakfast Pizza EVERY Wednesday and Donuts on Fridays****** 2 No School Green Beans and Mixed Fruit 6 Breakfast– Muffins or Cereal Toast Yogurt K-4 Taco Tuesday 5-12 Or Quesadilla 5 No School 7 Breakfast– Breakfast Pizza or Cereal Toast Yogurt K-4 Chicken Patty 5-12 Or Chef Salad (Ham) and Bread Stick 8 Breakfast– Cereal Toast Yogurt K-4 Spaghetti 5-12 Or Chicken Alfredo 9 Breakfast– Donut or Cereal Toast Yogurt K-4 Italian Dunkers 5-12 Or Meatball Sub *Both items with a breadstick *Both items with a cookie Green Bean and Pears 12 Breakfast– Cereal Toast Yogurt Potato Smiles and Mixed Fruit 13 Breakfast-Egg Omelet Or Cereal Toast Yogurt K-4 Hamburger 5-12 Salisbury Steak K-4 Taco Tuesday– Walking Taco 5-12 OR Quesadilla 19 Breakfast– Cereal Toast Yogurt 20 Breakfast– Cinnamon Rolls Cereal Toast Yogurt K-4 Beef Hot Dog 5-12 Or Quesadilla K-4 Taco Tues.-Taco Burger 5-12 Or Chicken Strips Corn and Pears Baked Beans and pineapple 26 K-4 Hamburger 5-12 OR Grilled Chicken Patty 27 Breakfast– Breakfast sandwich or Cereal yogurt toast K-4 Taco Tues.– Soft shell 5-12 Or Chicken Fajita French Fries and Pears Refried Beans and pineapple Breakfast– Cereal Toast Yogurt 14 Breakfast– Breakfast Pizza or Cereal Toast Yogurt K-4 Mac and Cheese 5-12 Or Chef Salad (Grilled Chicken) and bread stick 21 Breakfast– Breakfast Pizza or Cereal Toast Yogurt 15 Breakfast-Cereal Toast Yogurt K-4 Chicken Strips 5-12 OR Pepperoni Pizza *Both items with a treat 22 Breakfast– Cereal Toast Yogurt K-4 Pizza Boat 5-12 or Hamburger K-4 Chicken Patty 5-12 Or Chef Salad (Ham) Smiles and Mandarin Oranges 29 Breakfast– Cereal Toast Yogurt *Both Items with a Treat 23 Breakfast– Donut or Cereal Toast Yogurt K-4 Corn Dog 5-12 Or Chinese Chicken w/Rice * Both items with a Cookie Green Beans and Mixed Fruit Carrots and Peaches 28 Breakfast– Breakfast Pizza or Cereal Toast Yogurt K-4 Corn Dog 5-12 OR Chef Salad (Grilled Chicken) and bread stick 16 Breakfast– Donut or Cereal Toast Yogurt K-4 Sloppy Joe 5-12 Or Spicy Chicken Strips K-4 Chicken Nuggets 5-12 OR Stuffed Pepperoni Pizza Mashed Potatoes and Mixed Fruit 30 Breakfast– Donut or Cereal Toast Yogurt K-4 Spaghetti 5-12 OR Chicken Alfredo *both with garlic bread Corn and Mandarin Oranges 2016-2017 Tri-Valley School Calendar 08 11 15 17/18 18 22 23 02 05 19-23 21 27 28 23 24 25 22 23-30 02 03 16 Boys Golf Starts VB and FB Start Cross Country Starts Inservice Open House Inservice 1st Day of School No School No School, Labor Day Homecoming Week End of 1st Qtr. 42 days PT Conferences 1:00 pm Dismissal PT Conference Comp Day, No School 1:00 pm Dismissal Thanksgiving Day, No School No School 1:00 pm Dismissal, End of 2nd Qtr., 41 days No School, Winter Break No School Start of 2nd Semester M.L. King Day/ Teacher Inservice, No School August S 16 February M T W Th F 1 2 3 4 5 S S M T 6 W Th F S 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 30 31 26 27 28 29 September S M T W March Th F S 1 2 3 S M T W Th F S 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 26 27 28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 31 October S M T W Th April F S S M T W Th F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 M 20 24-25 9 End of 3rd Qtr. 45 days 9-10-11 State GBB 10 No School, Spring Break 16-17-18 State BBB 17 No School, Spring Break 1 14 17 Prom No School, Good Friday No School, Easter Monday 30 November S 17 PT Conferences, 1:00 pm Dismissal PT Conference Comp Day, No School No School, Presidents, Day State Wr. May T W Th F S 1 2 3 4 5 S M T W Th F 1 2 3 4 5 S 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 31 S M S M T December T W 13 17 Graduation 1:00 pm Dismissal, Last Day of School 45 days June Th F S 1 2 3 W Th F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 January 04 July S M T W Th F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S M T W 1st Qtr. 42 2nd Qtr. 41 3rd Qtr. 45 4th Qtr. 45 = 173 2 PT Conference 4 Inservice Th F S 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Independence Day TRI-VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT 49-6 “Home of the Mustangs” 46450 252ND STREET COLTON, SD 57018-5712 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. Postage PAID Colton, SD Permit No. 3 ECRWSS RURAL ROUTE or BOXHOLDER OR CURRENT RESIDENT/OCCUPANT TRI-VALLEY NEWSLETTER The Tri-Valley Newsletter depicts and discusses programs that are in progress in the Tri-Valley Schools and are of interest to all members of the community. Additional copies are available upon request. Community suggestions and contributions to its contents are invited. Tri-Valley School District 49-6 Welcomes you to the 2016-2017 School Year!
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