QUAID-E-MILLATH GOVERNMENT COLLEGE FOR WOMEN (AUTONOMOUS) ANNA SALAI, CHENNAI - 600 002 TAMILNADU NAAC B ++ SELF STUDY REPORT - 2014 1 QUAID-E-MILLATH GOVERNMENT COLLEGE FOR WOMEN (AUTONOMOUS) Chennai – 600002, Tamilnadu, India (Affiliated to University of Madras and Re-accredited at „B++‟ grade by NAAC) Website: Fax: 044-224812-001 Phone: 044-28520793 044-28550198 NAAC REACCREDITATION –THIRD CYCLE STEERING COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON Dr. K.R. Seethalakshmi M.A., Ph.D. Principal Members: 1. Mrs. R. Geetharani Head, Department of English 4. Dr. Mrs. K. Vijaya Head, Department of History 2. Mrs. V. Usha Rani Head, Department of Zoology 5.Dr.Mrs. Ananthi Seshasayee Head, Department of Computer Science 3. Dr. Mrs. A. Uma Maheswari Associate Professor of Mathematics 6. Dr. Mrs. R. Maya Head, Department of Economics &IQAC Co-ordinator ADDITIONAL COORDINATORS-IQAC 1. Dr. P. Sumabala, Assistant Professor, Department of Historical Studies 2. Ms. T.K.Prameela, Assistant Professor, Department of English MEMBERS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ms. Maharasi, Asso. Prof. Department of Commerce Mrs. G. Eswari Prabhu, Asso. Prof. Department of English Mrs. B. Thilagavathi, Asso. Prof. Department of English Mr. N. Balaraman, Managing Director CAM, External Expert Mr. Sanjay Gandhi, Asst. Govt. Pleader, High Court, Chennai, External Expert 2 Department Representatives of IQAC 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Ms. J.Joan Ruby (Hist) Ms. N. Krithika (PB) Ms. R.Jayanthi (CSC) Ms. S. Geetha (Tamil) Ms. K.Kavitha (English) Dr.Santhi (Phy) 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 3 Ms. M.Prabavathy (Eco) Ms. A.Ananthalakshmi(N&D) Ms. Meenakshi (Chem) Ms. M.Rajalakshmi (Comm) Ms. P. Sarala (Zoo) Ms. J.Sujatha (Maths) CONTENTS DETAILS PAGE No. PART I PREFACE PROFILE OF THE INSTITUTION 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 13 PART II CRITERIA-WISE INPUTS CRITERIA I-Curricular Aspects 26 CRITERIA II-Teaching-Learning and Evaluation 34 CRITERIA III-Research, Consultancy and Extension 47 CRITERIA IV-Infrastructure and Learning Resources 60 CRITERIA V-Student Support and Progression 70 CRITERIA VI-Governance, Leadership and Management 81 CRITERIA VII-Innovation and Best Practices 89 PART III Evaluative Report of the Departments 92 PART IV Post Accreditation Initiatives 389 Declaration by the Principal 390 Annexures I – XII 391 4 5 QUAID-E-MILLATH GOVERNMENT COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, (AUTONOMOUS) CHENNAI - 2 SELF STUDY REPORT September 2014 1. Profile of the Autonomous College 1. Name and Address of the College: Name : Quaid –e –Millath Government College For Women Address : # 74, Binny Road, Annasalai City : Chennai Website : Pin : 600002 State : Tamil Nadu 2. For Communication: Designation Name Principal Dr.K.R.Seethalakshmi M.A, Ph.D Vice – Principal Mrs.K.Jothi M.Sc,M.Phil Steering Committee Coordinator Dr.R.Maya M.A,M.Phil,Ph.D Telephone with STD code 044 28550198 044 28520793 Mobile Fax Email 9840369799 28412001 principal@q 04428515200 9940291401 coe@qmgcw .in 9566254696 iqac@qmgc 3. Status of the Autonomous College by management 6 17.10.74 Government 4. Name of University to which the College is Affiliated 5. a) Date of establishment, prior to the grant of „Autonomy‟ b) Date of grant of „Autonomy‟ to the College by UGC) University Of Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 07.09.2004 6. Type of Institution: a. By Gender II For Women Women III Co-Education b. By Shift I. II Regular Day UG -12, PG -10,M.Phil 4,Ph.d -4 UG -3 III Evening C. Source of Funding I. Government Government 7. Is it a recognized minority institution? No 8. a. Details of UGC recognition: Under Section Date, Month & Year i. 2 (f) 17.09.1981 ii. 12 (B) 29.11.1977 Remarks(If any) (Annexure 1: Certificate of recognition u/s 2 (f) and 12 (B) of the UGC Act) b. Details of recognition/approval by statutory/regulatory bodies other than UGC (AICTE, NCTE, MCI, DCI, PCI, RCI etc.) Under Section/clause i. Day, Month and Year Validity 7 Programme/ institution Remarks ii. Iii iv. 9. (Enclose the Certificate of recognition/approval) Has the college recognized a. By UGC as a College with Potential for Excellence (CPE)? Yes No If yes, date of recognition: …………………… (dd/mm/yyyy) b. For its contributions / performance by any other governmental agency? Yes No By Government of Tamilnadu as Grade I institution 10.Location of the Campus and area : Location Urban Campus area in sq.mts or acres 30 acres Built up area in sq. mts. (* Urban, Semi-urban, Rural, Tribal, Hilly Area, Any others specify) 11. Does the College have the following facilities on the campus (Tick the available facility)? In case the College has an agreement with other agencies in using such facilities provide information on the facilities covered under the agreement Auditorium/seminar complex Sports facilities ∗play ground ∗swimming pool ∗gymnasium Hostel ∗ Boys‟ hostels ∗ Girls‟ hostels Residential facilities ∗for teaching staff ∗ for non teaching staff Cafeteria Health centre – 8 * First aid facility * Inpatient facility * Outpatient facility * Ambulance facility * Emergency care facility Health centre staff – * Qualified doctor * Qualified Nurse Full time Full time Part-time Part-time * Other facilities o Bank o ATM o post office o book shops Transport facilities * for students * for staff Power house Waste management facility * The Public Transport system is requested to make concessions for convenient commuting for the student community of the institution. 12. Details of programmes offered by the institution: (Give data for current academic year) SL. NO I 1 2 Progr amme Level UG UG Name of the Programme / Course Historical Studies Duration Entry Qualification Medium of Instruction ThreeYears English Historical Studies ThreeYears Tamil 70 Economics ThreeYears Higher Secondary level Higher Secondary level Higher Secondary level Higher Secondary level Higher Secondary level Higher Secondary No of Students admitted 70 English 70 Tamil 70 English 70 Tamil 70 ThreeYears 3 UG English Literature ThreeYears 4 UG Tamil Literature ThreeYears 9 5 6. UG UG Mathematics I shift ThreeYears II Shift ThreeYears Physics ThreeYears ThreeYears 7 UG Chemistry ThreeYears ThreeYears 8 UG Plant Biology and Biotechnology ThreeYears ThreeYears 9 UG Zoology ThreeYears ThreeYears 10 UG Home Science ThreeYears 11 UG Commerce I Shift A ThreeYears I Shift B ThreeYears II Shift C ThreeYears Computer Science I SHIFT ThreeYears 12 UG 10 level Higher Secondary level English 70 Higher Secondary level Higher Secondary level Higher Secondary level Higher Secondary level Higher Secondary level Higher Secondary level Higher Secondary level Higher Secondary level Higher Secondary level Higher Secondary level Higher Secondary level Higher Secondary level Higher Secondary level English 70 English 40 Tamil 40 English 40 Tamil 40 English 40 Tamil 40 English 40 Tamil 40 Higher Secondary level English English 70 English 70 English 70 English 39 Higher Secondary level Under Graduate Level English 39 English 30 Under Graduate Level Under Graduate Level Under Graduate Level Under Graduate Level Under Graduate Level Under Graduate Level Under Graduate Level English 40 English 30 English 40 English 30 English 15 English 15 English 25 Under Graduate Level Under Graduate Level Post Graduate level Post Graduate level English 40 English 52 English 6 English 6 One Year Post Graduate level English 6 One Year Post Graduate level M.Phil English 6 English 13 M.Phil English 10 Computer Science II SHIFT ThreeYears II 1 PG Historical Studies Two Years 2 PG Economics Two Years 3 PG English Two Years 4 PG Tamil Two Years 5 PG Mathematics Two Years 6 PG Chemistry Two Years 7 PG Two Years 8 PG Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology Animal Zoology &Animal Biotechnology 9 PG Commerce Two Years 10 PG Computer Science Three Years III 1 M.Phil Historical Studies One Year 2 M.Phil One Year 3 M.Phil 4 M.Phil Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology Animal Zoology &Animal Biotechnology Computer Science Historical Studies Three Years Three IV 1 Ph.D 2 Mathematics Two Years 11 3 Computer Science 4 Plant Biology & Plant BioTechnology Information Technology VII Diplo ma VIII PG Diplo ma Any other- IX Years Three Years Three Years M.Phil M.Phil English English 10 6 39 13. Does the institution offer self-financed Programmes? Yes No 14. Whether new programmes have been introduced during the last five years? Yes No yes If yes, ?how many PG 4 M.Phil 3 Ph.D 4 15.List the departments: ( Do not list facilities like library, Physical Education as departments unless these are teaching departments and offer programmes to students) Particulars Number Number of Students Under Graduate Post Graduate 7 5 Research centre(s) 3 2013-14 (580) 2014-15 (598) 2013-2014 (224) 2014-2015 (202) 2014-15 (33) Under Graduate Post Graduate Research centre(s) 4 4 1 2013-14 (390) 2014-15 (420) 140 140 2014-15 (13) Under Graduate 1 2013-14 (210) 2014-15 ((210) Science Arts Commerce 12 Post Graduate Research centre(s) 1 40 40 16. Are there any UG and/or PG programmes offered by the College, which are not covered under Autonomous status of UGC? Give details. No. All courses are covered under Autonomy 17. Number of Programmes offered under (Programme means a degree course like BA, MA, BSc, MSc, B.Com etc.) a. annual system b. semester system c. Other M.Phil - 4 UG (12): B.A.- 4, B.Sc – 7, B.COM-1, PG (10): M.A.- 4, M.Sc – 4,M.COM-1, MCA-1 Ph.D-4 18. Number of Programmes with a. Choice Based Credit System UG -12, PG -10 b. Inter/Multidisciplinary Approach UG- 12, PG-10 ( 5 interdisciplinary papers) c. Any other ( specify ) 19. Unit Cost of Education (Unit cost = total annual recurring expenditure (actual) divided by total number of students enrolled ) a) Including the salary component : Rs. 34202 b) Excluding the salary component : Rs. 454 20. Does the College have a department of Teacher Education offering NCTE recognized degree programmes in Education? Yes No Is the department opting for assessment and accreditation separately? Yes No 21. Does the College have a teaching department of Physical Education offering NCTE recognized degree programmes in Physical Education? 13 Yes No 22. Whether the College is offering professional programme? Yes No MCA under AICTE norms followed by Anna University. Admissions based on TANCET. 23. Has the College been reviewed by any regulatory authority? If so, furnish a copy of the report and action taken there upon. Yes. The UGC, State Government and University of Madras as regulatory bodies review periodically. 24. Number of teaching and non-teaching positions in the College Positions Professor *M *F Teaching faculty Associate Professor *M *F Sanctioned by the UGC / University / State Government Recruited 43 Yet to recruit Sanctioned by the Management /Society or other authorized bodies Guest Lecturers, Admn. Staff Recruited Nonteaching staff Assistant Professor Sanctioned total 138+12 *M 93 17 Technical staff F *M 15 1 17 6 3 23 1 2 Yet to recruit 25. Qualifications of the teaching staff Highest qualification Permanent teachers D.Sc./D.Litt. Post Doctoral Fellow Ph.D. Professor M F Associate Professor M F Assistant Professor M F Total 1 1 20 40 60 M.Phil. 19 51 70 PG 2 3 5 14 F Temporary teachers D.Sc./D.Litt. Ph.D. 4 4 M.Phil. 19 19 26. Number of Visiting Faculty/ Guest Faculty engaged by the College. 23 27. Students enrolled in the College during the current academic year, with the following details: Students UG M From the State where the college is located From other states of India NRI Students Foreign students Total F PG M F M.Phil Ph.D. M M F Integrated Ph.D. F M F D.Litt Certific ./ Dip. ate D.Sc M F M F M F . 7 1226 230 21 58 28. Dropout rate in UG and PG (average for the last two batches) UG PG 0.1 0 29. Number of working days during the last academic year. 30. Number of teaching days during the last academic year 180 180 31. Is the College registered as a study centre for offering distance education? programmes for any University? Yes yes No If yes, provide the a. Name of the University University of Madras, Chennai b. Is it recognized by the Distance Education Council? yes 15 PG Diploma M F M F Yes No c. Indicate the number of programmes offered M.SC Information Technology, Master of Computer Applications, Bachelor Degree in Computer Applications 32. Provide Teacher-student ratio for each of the programme/course offered. Course No of Teachers* No of Students Ratio 14 422 1:30 Economics-UG &PG 10+2 437 1:36 English-UG&PG 18+2 257 1:13 Tamil-UG&PG 15+4 233 1:12 Mathematics-UG,PG& Ph.D 7+5 442 1:37 Physics-UG 9 239 1:27 Chemistry-UG&PG 16 268 1:17 10+1 260 1:24 11 275 1:25 8 147 1:18 Computer Science 9+4 294 1:23 Commerce 5+5 704 1:70 Historical Studies-UG, PG. M.Phil & Ph.D PB&PB- UG, PG & M.Phil Adv. Zoology & Animal Bio technology- UG, PG & M.Phil Home Science Teacher : Student 1: 28 33. Is the College applying for? Accreditation: Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 ye Cycle 4 s Re-Assessment: 34. Date of accreditation* (applicable for Cycle 2, Cycle 3, Cycle 4 and re-assessment only 16 Cycle 1: …… 17.4.2000………Three Star Level Cycle 2: ………21.5.2006 …….B++ 35. a. Date of establishment of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) 2002 b. Dates of submission of Annual Quality Assurance Reports (AQARs) (i) AQAR for year 2009 -10 on 27.8.10 (ii) AQAR for year 2010 -11 on 28.8.11 (iii) AQAR for year 2011-12 on 31.7.12 (iv) AQAR for year 2012 -13 on 30.7.13 17 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Profile & History Quaid-E-Millath Government College for Women (Autonomous), affiliated to the University of Madras, has a commendable history and has its roots in a Madrasa founded by last Nawab of Carnatic, Ghulam Ghouse Khan Bahadur in the middle of the 18th century. In 1901, the Government purchased Umdah Bagh, the present campus, and elevated the Madrasa to the status of a college which was called the Govt. Mohammedan College. The main building (which stands even today) was opened on 29th November 1934 by Lord Erskine, then Governor of Madras. From 1938, the college admitted non-Muslims to the extent of 25%. In the academic year 1948-49 the institution was renamed Government Arts College and admission was thrown open to all. In 1974, it was renamed yet again by the Govt. of Tamil Nadu as Quaid-E-Millath Govt. College for Women in honour of the prominent freedom fighter and philanthropist. In 1974, the institution was converted to a Women‟s College by the Government of Tamil Nadu and Women candidates were admitted from then onwards. It has been recognized by the UGC under sections 2(f) and 12 (B) in 1977 and 1981 respectively. Autonomous status was conferred on the institution in September 7, 2004. The Extension of Autonomous status is granted up to 2017. In June 2007, the college was elevated to Grade I Level by the Government of Tamil Nadu. The institution was first assessed and accredited by NAAC on April 17, 2000 with a 3 Star Grade. The institution was reaccredited with B++ grade by NAAC in its 2nd cycle on May21, 2006. Reaccreditation for the third cycle is in process. The premier institution is headed by the Principal Dr. Mrs.K.R.Seethalakshmi, who is an exemplary researcher with a handful of awards in her field of specialization - music: SangeethaSeva Mani -2010, KanchiKamakotiPeedam, SirandaSadhanaiyalar -2011; Isaipriya, Thiruvarur for 3 consecutive years; DeivaTamizhisaiVani – ThiruvavaduthuraiAdeenam; Best Teacher Award – NaradaGanaSabha; IsaiKalaichelvar – NaradaGana Saba; Mother Terasa Life Time Achievement Award , Lions Club; Award of Excellence from Jharkand Governor MOH Farooq ,2011; Dr.Radhakrishnan Award for Teaching Excellence & Best Paper Award; She has released Casette and CD‟s ; She served as the Peer Committee Member of UGC XII Plan; Subject Expert in many Universities and Recruitment Boards of various States; 10 scholars have completed their Ph.D under her guidance ; She has co-authored a book and has got 12 international and 24 national publications to her credit. She played an active role in the development of subject content for Laptops distributed by the State Government to colleges. She served as the Member of University College Governing Body and Academic Staff College. 18 A brief summary on the highlights of the institutional activities: Curricular Aspects In 1974, the institution as a Government College for Women started with five departments at the UG level comprising few hundreds of students and has grown at present to 12 departments with UG programmes, 10 PG programmes, 4 M.Phil and 4 Ph.D programmes. Four Departments have offered 4 Career Oriented Programmes (COP) under UGC and 3 more programmes are sanctioned by UGC. The Diploma in Information Technology is offered as a dual programme for students of Computer Science. The institution under autonomy follows the Semester pattern for UG and PG courses under CBCS system (Choice Based Credit System) as formulated by the University of Madras. The institution functions in two shifts - Shift I and Shift II. Nine Departments offer UG courses in Shift I and Three Departments offer UG courses in Shifts I and II. The UG programme is structured in 6 semesters with study components-Part I-Language and Part II- English, followed by Core subjects that include Major, Allied and Electives under Part III. Part II –English has been modified to by offering a paper on communication skills so as to impart linguistic competency and fluency to the entire student community to meet the demands of the job market. The institution has well equipped Laboratories: the Practical sessions and hands-on training sessions are conducted by respective Departments. Part IV includes interdisciplinary programmes such as Non-Major Electives in 2 semesters, Softskills papers in 4 semesters, Environmental Studies and Value Education as part of the Curriculum. Non Major Electives are offered by the Departments of Humanities (Arts). The Allied subjects as part of interdisciplinary programmes are offered by the departments of Mathematics, Economics, Physics, Chemistry, PB&PB, Zoology and Commerce to other Departments. 20 papers have been newly introduced, in addition to the newly introduced 3 PG courses, 1 M.Phil , 4 Research Programmes and 7 Career Oriented Programmes; Revisions in the papers taught are regularly carried over and the modules within the papers are suitably modified , to keep in pace with the changing trend in the education sector. The PG programme is offered by 10 Departments under Semester system. The curriculum design includes the core subjects, elective papers and a project work in the major component and the soft skill papers with internship training, taught by experts from external organization through Memorandum of Understanding. 4 Departments have M.Phil programmes and 4 Departments offer Ph.D programmes on Full-time and Part- time basis. UGC funded Coaching Classes for Entry into Services and Coaching Classes for NET/SLET are being conducted that facilitates job opportunities for the stakeholders, mainly from OBC,SC,ST and Minorities in Group Services, TRB, Administrative Service, Banking Service, Railway Recruitment Board, SSC, TNPSC, etc. The Remedial Coaching Classes, funded by UGC and the State Government have been organized to enable the slow learners keep in pace with the co-learners. Bridge courses are conducted to bridge the gap between the secondary and higher education. Teaching, Learning and Evaluation The Controller of Examination designs the curriculum with the advice of the Governing Body consisting of Government representatives, Members of the Autonomy Review Committee, a University Nominee and senior faculty from other institutions. The departments conduct the Board of Studies periodically for the revision and updating of syllabus framework. The examination pattern follows: 80:20 – external: internal (until 2013-14) and currently revised to 75:25.Three Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) tests are done that encompass 19 Assignments, Written tests, Seminars, Presentation sessions, Quiz/Question hour sessions etc. The Semester Examination is conducted in the months of Nov-Dec and April-May and the results are posted on the institutional website within 30 days after the completion of the examinations. Supplementary Examinations are conducted exclusively for final year students within one month after the declaration of results as it ensures prompt entry into higher studies or to achieve better job prospects. To enhance the quality of teaching-learning environment the Feedback is received from the students every year by the IQAC. The College has 136 Permanent Teaching Faculty , 5 holding PG degrees, 70 holding M.Phil Degrees and 60 with Ph.D degrees and a Post-Doctoral Fellow. Five Faculty have submitted Ph.D thesis. 18 faculty have passed NET and 43 with SLET/SLST. There are 23 Guest Lecturers in Shifts I and II with 4 Ph.Ds, 19 M.Phils and 5 with NET qualification. The Institution has a General Library with a college Librarian . As the proverbs states- “A sound mind in a sound body” the Director of Physical Education of the institution has anchored many sports activities to bring out the talents of the students at the National, Zonal, University and Intercollegiate levels through various tournaments. The college has 41 administrative staff. Research, Consultancy and Extension Activities An excellent research ambience is prevalent in the institution which is exhibited through the exemplary academic contributions to the society. Dr.A.UmaMaheswari, Associate Professor, of Mathematics is awarded the UGC Research Award 2012-2014 (Career Award ). 3 UGC Major Research Projects were completed by Dr .A. Uma Maheswari, Dr. K. Vijaya, Dr. K. Jothi Rani. 6 UGC Minor Research Projects have been completed by Dr.A.UmaMaheswari, Dr.AnanthiSeshasayee, Dr. E. Jayanthi, Dr. J. J. Arockia Rita, Dr. K. Vijaya Ramesh and Dr. R. Soruba. 2 UGC Major Research Projects and 7 UGC Minor Research Projects are under taken by Dr. K. Vijaya Ramesh, Dr. RaziaParveen, Mrs. S. Nandhini, Dr. A. Subhashini, Mrs. SumathyKingslin, Mrs .JasminSamraj, Mrs. V. VidhyaPriya, Dr. D. Pugazhendhi and Mrs. R. Jayanthi. Tamil Nadu State Council for Higher Education has granted aid for Minor Projects undertaken by Dr. K. Vijaya Ramesh and Mrs. N. Sowmya& Mrs. N. Malathi. Dr. Jothirani, Assistant Professor in Tamil presented a paper in an International Conference in Malaysia. Dr. K. Vijaya, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Historical Studies Presented a paper at Third International Symposium held at South Eastern University of Sri Lanka. Miss. A. Rajeswari, Assistant Professor, Department of Tamil participated in Management Workshop for Visually Handicapped in Sri Lanka and Nepal. Resource Mobilization is done towards Research and related academic activities through grants obtained from UGC, NADC, TANSCHE, TNSCST, ICHR and other regional organizations. 5 Departments have organized International Conferences.16 National Level Seminars, Workshops and Exhibitions were conducted. A State Level Workshop was conducted by the General Library and the Entrepreneurial Development Cell has organized State Level seminar and exhibition in coordination with the Department of Employment and Training, Government of Tamil Nadu. The faculty is encouraged to participate in FDP, FIP, Orientation, Refresher, Short-term courses, workshops etc. The institution has organized 10 Faculty Development Programmes. There are 16 approved Research Guides. 1Ph.D thesis is submitted. Faculty members have presented 194 Research papers in International Conferences, 281 in National Seminars , 68 in State Level Seminars . Dr.Sasikala, Dr.RaziyaParvin, 20 Mrs.J.Stella and Dr. P. Sumabala, Department of Historical studies, Mrs.PrabaDurairaj, Department of Mathematics, Mrs .G. Meenakshi and Mrs. K. Jayanthi, Department of Chemistry have been awarded “Best Paper Award” in International Conferences. 234 Research papers are published in International Journals, 111 in National Journals and 108 in the Proceedings of International Conferences. Mrs.V.Usha Rani, Associated Professor & Head, Department of Zoology has authored a Text book, published by TANSCHE. Dr.K.Vijaya, Dr.RaziyaParvin, Dr.P.Sumabala, Mrs.Sowmya and Mrs.Ananthalakshmi are the Text book Writing Members for SCERT, Tamil Nadu. 32 books, 21textbooks and 174 as chapters in edited books have been authored by the faculty.Dr. MajeethaParveen, won Gold medal for the best Ph.D thesis, University of Madras, 2008. Dr.Ananthi Sheshasaayee has received outstanding educator and Scholar Award from NFED. Dr.Yazhini Jagadesan and Dr.Ananthi Sheshasaayee won Dr.Radhakrishnan‟s Gold Medal Award for Academic Excellence & Research. The research scholars of the institution have presented 90 papers in the International Conferences and 63 at National Seminars / Conferences. Consultancy/ Sharing of Expertise The Expertise of our Faculty is shared with various HEIs/ Government Organisations/ Recruitment Bodies etc. Honorary roles assumed by the faculty include : Member of the Governing Body, Academic Council, Academic Staff College, University Nominee, Board of Studies, Affiliation Committee, Inspection Committee, Editorial and Scientific Committee, Academic Audit Member, Scrutiny Board, Doctoral Committee, and Scrutiny Board and also as Ph.D External / Viva Voce Examiner, Resource person, Subject Experts, Advisors of Staff Selection Commission, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, Teachers Recruitment Board etc. and as Chairpersons in International/National conferences, Reviewers. Extension Activities NCC: The NCC of the institution has 3 wings namely Army, Navy and Air force, headed by Captain R.Selvi, Associate NCC Officer, who has undergone Three-Months Training at Officers Training Academy, Gwalior and has been commissioned as Associate NCC Officer (ANO). The NCC cadets have brought laurels to themselves and the institution through various activities at the national and state level. Army Wing: Three Cadets attended the RDC and H.Saikaruna (Rank SCUO) attended the Republic Day Camp (RDC) at New Delhi for 2 years. 3 Cadets attended the TSC camps and won Gold and Bronze Medals, I and II prizes in various competitions. 2 cadets won 3 gold medals and one silver medal for Nausanik All India Camp; Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry, Andaman & Nicobar Directorate was placed first in this camp. Navy Wing: Three cadets won silver medal for cultural activities, drill and secured second prize for sailing and semaphore in the Annual training camp; Three cadets won Gold, Silver and Bronze medals in Semaphore. One Cadet participated in Republic day Camp at Rajpath, Delhi. 2 cadets attended camp at Odisha and 5 cadets attended the camp at Kerala. Air Wing: Two cadets participated in the Kanchan Suryan Darjeeling Bagan Trek, Six cadets attended the National Integration Camp at Maihar, 11 cadets participated in the Marina Republic Day Parade in January 2011 and one cadet had led the contingent as Parade Commander. 21 The combined Annual Training Camp of 1(TN) Girls BN NCC was conducted at the college premise from 12 Oct 2013 to 21 Oct 2013. 7 Associate NCC Officers and 500 Cadets from 21 schools and 17 Colleges attended were trained in Military Subjects. NSS : The National Social Service Wing of the institution has 5 units guided by 5 faculty as programme officers and 500 students participate and exhibit their innate urge in social service activities. The students have won accolades through their participation at the national level in competitions. The NSS volunteers involve themselves in rural development, adult education, small-savings scheme, social welfare, preservation of National Monuments, socio-economic census, environmental cleanliness and other such activities. Students who serve as volunteers are issued certificates. Programmes organized by NSS: Eye camps, Blood donation camps, AIDS awareness programmes, Dental camp, Human chain formation for creating awareness on social issues, Pollution control, rain water harvesting, Blood group testing camp, Street plays on social issues, Slum visits, Visit to old age homes and orphanage, Drug Abuse, Traffic Management, Traffic and Road Safety Awareness, Coastal cleaning program, awareness on issues of Hunger and Poverty, Health & Hygiene campaign, Human Rights, Adult education programme and Literacy programme. The college also promotes institution-neighborhood network through NSS in which students acquire service training, which contribute to sustained community development. To encourage the weavers in support of the handloom industry, the handloom sarees worth Rs. 24,00,893/- the second best in the collection among the city colleges, were sold by the NSS students under the scheme "KaittharikkukKaikuduppom". The Principal and the NSS were awarded certificates by the National Service Scheme at the University of Madras for the distinguished service. The members of YRC, RRC, Enviro Club, Leo Club, Consumer Club, Entrepreneurship Developent and Women Development Cell also actively participate in the awareness programs on social responsibilities. With an aim to equip women, the Women Development Cell conducts seminars, debates, social awareness and training programmes and personal counseling. A legal awareness campaign was organized as an initiative to bring in awareness among college students about the existing legal rights, the importance of selfdefense, protection and free counseling available for women. The institution was honoured with the “Best College for YRC Activities” award, 2014. Our students excel in various sports and games conducted at inter collegiate, zonal, University, State and National Level; our students have represented the teams at various levels : National - 11, State - 64, University-40 , Zonal-264 in the following sports and games : Kabaddi, Kho-Kho, Football, Ball Badminton, Cricket, Hockey, Volley ball etc.; Around 15 tournaments were conducted in the College Campus. Infrastructure and Learning Resources The College is located in the heart of the city of Chennai with a campus area of 30 acres. The colonial building consists of Principal‟s Room, Rooms for the Heads and Faculty of the Departments, 10 Gallery class rooms, 5 regular class rooms, Department Libraries, Laboratories for Science Departments, Computer Labs, College Office and Seminar hall, the Zoology Block, Commerce Block, Home Science Block, General Library and Department of 22 Physical Education. The institution is augmenting the infrastructure facilities with the construction of Six rooms from MP fund and Anna Block consisting of 15 rooms, Anna Annexe consisting of 10 rooms, Seven rooms in the Commerce Block, a Lab for Home Science Department and 25 Toilets funded by the Government of Tamil Nadu. A Transformer was installed in the Campus to bear the increased loading and regulating electrical supply. Furniture and Glass Boards in classrooms for the stakeholders were purchased through the 100 crore Project Scheme allotted by the Government of Tamil Nadu. Computer Literacy Programme Lab functioning. The College has a Women‟s Hostel within the campus catering to 250 students hailing from remote distant villages of Tamil Nadu. A new Hostel building consisting of 25 rooms has been constructed with the funds allotted by UGC during the XI Plan period. Reverse Osmosis Plant has been installed in the Hostel. A General Library, with a vast collection of text, reference books, books on general reading, books for Competitive Examinations at State and National level, magazines, newspapers, journals, CDs, etc. enhances the reading venture of the stakeholders; Using the free internet & photocopying facility, Online Applications are filled by students for UPSC, SSC, RBI, Bank Exam and TNPSC Examinations in General Library. The Network Resource Centre in general library, Digitalization under process, Bar coding of Library Books are some of the healthy practices in enhancing the learning resources of the institution; In addition each department has a Departmental Library with subject based books, reference books, books on general knowledge and journals. Student Support and Progression Befitting the motto “Endeavour to Enlighten” the institution is committed to serve the cause of women‟s education in terms of educational enlightenment and social empowerment. The College has been providing education to the womenfolk for the past 40 years to students of all sections of the society and especially made affordable for the socially and economically less privileged sections of the society. The student population has increased to 4048. Students are encouraged to excel in academic and non-academic activities. In 2009-10, the State Government introduced Add on Courses conducted by Polytechnic Colleges for the benefit of the students in 62 Government Colleges. In our college, Office Automation was conducted by Government Polytechnic College, Purasaiwakkam, Chennai and Garment Quality Inspection and Export Merchandise courses were conducted by Government Polytechnic College for Textile Technology, Taramani, Chennai under the Guidance of Government of TamilNadu. Mrs.K.Jothi, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Physics was the Coordinator of the Course. The period of the course is six months. This course was offered for two years and during 2009-10, 30 and 13 students in subsequent years enrolled and completed the courses. 4 students were selected under the Government of Tamil Nadu Study Abroad Program : Ms.S.Muthulakshmi, II M.Com has undergone 3rd Semester at Edge Hill University, UK ;Ms.D.Thenmozhi, II M.Sc. PB&PB is selected to study a semester at Nottingham University, UK, Ms.P.Anuciea, MCA at University of Salford, Manchester, UK and Ms. K. Mahalakshmi, Dept of Zoology at Sheffield Hallam University, UK. Miss.T.Mala, Dept of Physics and Ms.K.Ponvanalakshmi, Dept of Mathematics has been granted UGC PG Merit Scholarship. 23 The research aptitude of the stakeholders is nurtured with grants obtained for students projects from Tamil Nadu State Council of Higher Education (TANSCHE). A significant healthy practice to be noted is that 16 student projects have been funded by TANSCHE, TNSCST and ICHR. Another ICT enabled best practice to be noted is that 33 Papers have been presented by students in NAAC sponsored National Seminar in 2009. The students have represented various Inter Collegiate Competitions and have won laurels in Paper Presentation, Debate, Essay Writing Competition, Drawing etc. They have also won Merit Scholarships from Private Organisations through their achievements. As part of the Add-On course, Office Automation was conducted for two years from which 43 students benefitted. The UGC – HEPSN Programme serves more useful purposes to benefit the students with special needs. Read Aloud Sessions, providing reading materials in audio format, opportunities to develop individual skills have benefitted students from Departments of English, Tamil and Historical Studies. Four Students with special needs have passed TNPSC Group IV Examinations and have been employed in renowned firms. These students have also participated in various inter collegiate competitions and have won laptops as prizes. The institution was awarded “Silver Category” by the National Blind Welfare Association for excellent functioning of HEPSN to serve the cause of students with special needs. A notable healthy practice as part of student progressive activities is Career Counselling and Placement Cell which provide equal opportunity to all students in pursuit of suitable employment by identifying their skills and potentials through Mock Aptitude Tests arranging for interactive sessions with various organizations through seminars and workshops and training programmes. The student support activities are further extended through free scholarship sessions and training programmes for pursuing higher education as well as find suitable employment opportunities. Globally and nationally established Organisations like NHRD, NSIC, NIIT, IMAGE, Infosys BPO, CADD Centre, Ford, CTS, WIPRO, HCL, Igate, Capgemini, Sutherland Global Services, Scope E-Knowledge Centre, Frankfinn Institute etc., have offered training and conducted the recruitment process for the students within the campus of the institution. 528 students have been recruited till date. The International Student Cell is initiated for the welfare of students from Mauritius and they also receive Central Government Scholarships. Group Insurance Scheme was done for all students. E-mail identity is created for each of the students and staff. “National Mathematics Year 2012”, was celebrated by Department of Mathematics where the adopted son of Srinivasa Ramanujan was invited & honoured; a documentary on Srinivasa Ramanujan was released by our faculty. Computer Literacy Programme for non computer students is a sustained healthy practice. Free Courses: Industrial interaction/collaboration – special training in textile dyeing and printing for students (NSIC on MS Office – 2010, NIIT- Call Centre training with stipend – 2010, TREC – STEP Skills academy – 3months front office management with stipend – 2010., Apparel designing – 6 months course 2010, Hindustan Software Limited- Medical transcription , Tally, visual communication and multimedia for 3 years, Infosys, image infotainment on web design, bank clerical examination – aptitude test by career launcher limited. 24 In addition to the curricular achievements, our Students have won honours in extra curricular activities - 80 first places, 86 second places, 79 third places at the inter collegiate events: Quiz, Essay Writing, Dance, Oratorical, Design Creation, Dumb Charades, Ad-Zap, creative writing, Pencil shading, Rangoli, Vegetable carving, face painting, photo editing, online hunt etc. Governance, Leadership, Management The Autonomous Structure includes the Governing Body, Finance Committee, Academic Council and Board of Studies; COE office headed by Controller of Examinations, Additional Controller and Clerical staff. The overall functioning of the institution is decentralized by establishing committees and cells: UGC Committee, Finance Committee, Executive Committee, Building Committee, Hostel Committee, Examination Committee, Sports Committee, Fine Arts Committee, Admission Committee, Library Committee, IQAC, Career Guidance & Placement Cell, Grievance Redressal Cell, Women Development Cell and Entrepreneur Development Cell. Student Oriented Representation in the organizational structure : College Union, Academic Council, Consumer Club, Leo Club , Red Ribbon Club, YRC, Social Service League, Enviro Club, Student Quality Cell. As a Government institution, under the chairmanship of the Principal and Bursar as the Head of the College Office, administration is effectively carried out; The Resource generated through many schemes under UGC and State Government have been properly documented and audited as per the norms. To widen the spectrum of knowledge, the IQAC of the institution has organized various Seminars, Workshops and FDP training programmes for the teaching, non-teaching faculty and stake holders: NAAC Sponsored National Seminar in January 28, 2009, Two National Seminars in 2009 and 2010, Open Forum with faculty- Motivational Programme in 2008, One Faculty Counselling programme in 2009, Two ICT training programmes in 2009 and 2011. 7 Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) have been signed by the institution. Our institution was the first women‟s college to be selected for the BPO training programme funded by Central Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, New Delhi organized by NIIT. Students enrolled-60; Placement offered-14 in TCS and CTS. The programme was coordinated by Mrs. K.Jothi, Associate Professor & Head and Mrs.R.Sumathi, Department of Physics. As a unique honour, Government of Tamil Nadu selected our institution among the Government Colleges in the State, to conduct SAKSHAM – IT Champion Training Programme by Microsoft Corporation India Pvt. Ltd, a State Government initiative, aligning with Ministry of Human Resource Development‟s NMEICT. With Dr. Uma Maheswari, Department of Mathematics as the Nodal Officer, the IT training programme was organized for 10 days. MoUs signed by the institution for the conduct Softskills Training for UG, Softskill& Internship programme for PG students : Sutherland Global Services offered training programme on Information Technology in 2007-2008,The British Council conducted BEC course for the teaching faculty in 2007-2008,NITTANY BPO Ltd conducted internship programme in 2007-2009,TRIMENTUS TECNOLOGIES LTD in 2009-2011, Academic for Career Excellence in 2013-14. The institution signed MoU with EXCELL CAREER INDIA 25 from 2008-2012 for the Conduct of Coaching programme for Entry in to Services and Coaching programme for NET specifically for OBC, SC, ST, Minority students. In collaboration with Microsoft India, the institution has taken initiatives to create meta cloud – a software under the Office 360 scheme that aims to ensure a paperless environment. Innovations and Best Practices Criterion I - Curricular Aspects Papers on Soft Skill, Personality Part I English Paper revised to Enrichment, Environmental Science, incorporate Communication Skills to Communication Skills & Value enhance linguistic competency . Education, Non-Major Electives for I Guest Lecturers/ Invited talk by Year UG Students introduced. experts organized by all departments. 3 UG departments upgraded to PG, 2 CBCS, Semester pattern, with core, PG courses upgraded to M.Phil, 3 PG elective, allied (inter disciplinary), departments upgraded into Research skill based papers / Project in the Centres curriculum Add on Courses :COP, CLP, , Short term courses / training Criterion II – Teaching ,Learning & Evaluation Open , Transparent UG & PG Retotaling and Revaluation for UG Counseling for Admission followed in Students. the Open Air Auditorium. Passing Board is scheduled before the UG & PG Admission- Each Day, One declaration of results by the COE in or Two Subjects are allotted; compliance with the external expert; Counseling dates are announced in the Results are declared in the College Application Prospectus. Website. In the admission process, Reservation Positive growth in pass percentage policy of the State Government is (85%-100%) strictly adhered to, with due Mark sheets are given with imprinted representation for the respective Photographs of the Students. Communities, Minorities, Ex- FDP for teaching and non-teaching Servicemen , Physically Challenged faculty are organized and encouraged and Sports . to participate End Semester Question Paper setting Faculty Promoted into higher cadre by external subject experts. Principals, Regional Joint Director, Supplementary Examination for final Joint Director (Finance) , Director of year students is conducted within a Collegiate Educaion. 26 month to enable the students to pursue Faculty actively involved in the for Higher Studies and for job development of subject content for prospects. Laptops distributed by the State Government to colleges Criterion III: Research, Consultancy and Extension Huge leap in research culture: 21 Research Projects, funded by UGC, TANCHE, TNSCST, among which 9 projects are completed and 12 ongoing Research Award – 1 & Other Awards/ Recognitions for faculty - 20 Membership in Professional BodiesInternational -8, National-45 & Regional-19 Publications-Books-32, Chapter in edited books-174, Textboks-21, Publications in Journals: International-232, National-111, Proceedings: International-108, National-82, State level- 22 Papers presented : International-194, National-281, State Level-68 16 approved Research Guides Publications by research scholars : International – 90, National – 63 Faculty as members of various Academic Bodies- 71, Subject Experts- 108, Research Experts- 65 Faculty as Resource Persons- 81, in Editorial Committees &Scientific Committees - 64 Extension activities encouragedNCC, NSS, RRC, YRC, Consumer Club, Leo Club, Enviro Club, Sports, Competitions Vast playground with facilities for Sports & Games ; Optimal use of the campus Inter Collegiate Tournaments , Inter Zonal Tournaments , a Combined NCC Camp weres conducted in the campus 15 Inter-collegiate competitions organized by the institution. “Best College For YRC Activities”awarded to the institution Funded Student Projects – 16 Criterion IV Infrastructure and Learning Resources Additions to infrastructure facilities- 2 A Micro processor Lab, 2 Computer Blocks & 28 rooms, 2 toilets, 1 room Labs with Wi-fi and LAN for non-teaching faculty, surface floors Computer System and Printers for all re-laid, alternate roof facilities done by departments and office PWD General Library- Using the free NRC in general library, Digitilisation internet & photocopying facility, under process, Bar coding of Library Online Application filled by students Books for UPSC, SSC, RBI, Bank Exam and 27 Audio-visual facilities- LCD, OHP, TNPSC Examinations in General Smart room, TV, Camera, Recording Library. facility, Latest Podium etc. Optimum use of College Campus for Hostel facilities -25 new rooms the conduct of Institute of Distance constructed, 2 halls, fire extinguishers, Education Contact Classes, UPSC, RO plant SSC, Bank, TNPSC, Postal Services English Language Lab, CLP lab for Exams etc. enhancing softskills. Fire Extinguishers placed in vantage Upgradation of science laboratories points in the campus. Criterion V – Student Support and Progression Institutional practices oriented Zero balance account opened ; towards achieving the mission and email id created for each student vision of the college Community Development initiated Orientation sessions for the new through extension activities entrants Placement Services for students Actively involved OSA & PTA in facilitated for recruitment process the quality measures - Feedback from reputed organizations from parents / alumnae obtained 4 students selected for Study Alumni& Student Representatives Abroad Program in UK involved in Curriculum Designing, Off campus MS program with policy changes in Curricular BITS Pilani by 2 students of Aspects. Computer Science Reading Enhancement venture National Mathematics Year 2012 Access to Departmental & General celebrated; a documentary library. released by the Faculty of Endowment prizes & Gold Medal Mathematics. instituted for achievers in both Association activities, participation academic and non-academic in various Inter collegiate events activities bring out the creative & innovative Tutorial sessions- a forum to share skills academic and personal difficulties Fine Arts/ cultural events organized College Students Union - Weekly by the college Students Union. Assembly conducted by the College Student Quality Cell- Feedback Union Representatives. given by the students on curriculum Prayer, thought for the week, talk sufficiency, infrastructure and on values & health related issues, sensitive issues. 28 awareness on burning social issues, International Student Cell – Central announcements and recognizing Government Scholarship to foreign student achievers in academic and students , Women Development extension activities- part of Weekly Cell, Social Service League – Assembly activities. additional supportive cells Meetings with class representatives Adolescent Education on issues pertinent to academic programmes, Counseling& ambience, Discipline & Campus Programmes on Legal issues Cleanliness duty entrusted to organised by Student Counseling College Students Union. Cell. Anti-ragging Committee Grievances Redressal Cell to constituted address the issues of the student 16 Student Projects funded by community. agencies “Silver Category Award” to the Free Laptops to students by the institution by the National Blind Government of Tamilnadu Welfare Association for excellent effectively used for project work, functioning of HEPSN practical sessions, assignments, Scholarships- Government, Private external reading etc Organisations provide financial Coaching classes for Entry into support to meritorious, needy Service Classes to OBC, SC ,ST students and Minorities UGC HEPSN - Read Aloud Bridge courses for UG students, Sessions for Visually Challenged Remedial Classes for the needy students; they participate in inter students, slow learners and below collegiate competitions. par performers. Computer Literacy Programme for PG - Soft skills, internship & non computer students conducted. project much useful & appreciated 245 prizes have been won by the Free training courses organized. students in inter collegiate events Co-operative stores Criterion VI - Governance, Leadership, Management IQAC activities –National Decentralization of college Conferences, Seminars, activities through institution of Workshops, training programs, Committees & Cells FDP, special lectures etc. Autonomous Structure- Governing Constitution of the Student Quality Body, Finance Committee, Academic 29 Council and Board of Studies, COE office headed by Controller of Examinations, Additional Controller and Clerical staff. UGC Committee assists in obtaining / utilizing Financial Grants from UGC under various developmental & merged schemes. Effectively functioning IQAC – quality sustenance and enhancement measures initiated in institutional activities. IQAC –National Seminars, Workshops, FDP, Open forum etc. organized Environment conscious activities Keep the Campus Clean Campaign, Planting of Saplings, Garden Maintenance,, Rainwater Harvesting, Drinking water facility etc. and Social Responsibilities inculcated through extension activities. 30 Cell Student representation in the Board of Studies and Academic Council in view of the year being observed as the “Year of Student Participation” by the NAAC(2007) Administration structure- Principal, Bursar, Superintendent, administrative staff. Students information system maintained through attendance registers, mark registers and tutor ward system. Teaching and non-teaching staff records maintained by the College Office. 7 MOUs signed with organizations for student progressive activities Internal/External audit at the academic and administrative level Government and NonGovernmental scholarships disbursed through the ECS. CRITERION I: CURRICULAR ASPECTS 1.1 Curriculum Design and Development 1.1.1 How are the institutional vision / mission reflected in the academic programmes of the College? Vision: Befitting the motto “Endeavour to Enlighten” the institution is committed to serve the cause of women’s education in terms of educational enlightenment and social empowerment. Mission: To impart quality education viewing future employment and inculcate selflearning so that learning becomes a life-long process with a special focus on the empowerment of the women. Goals and objectives of the college 1.1.2 To provide an environment that facilitates the teaching –learning Process To achieve excellence in education in the sciences, humanities and commerce studies with need based curriculum To inculcate moral and social responsibility through value education To equip students with marketable skills tough add on courses in order to enable them to function in competitive professional sphere. To help the students develop a multifaceted personality by promoting cocurricular and extra-curricular activities. To build a sense of confidence in students through workshops and seminars. To provide an environmental congenial to development of the right attitude towards National integration and values of citizenship through NCC,NSS, YRC and RRC Job oriented courses in curriculum Gender studies and Awareness Programmes initiated. Describe the mechanism used in the design and development of the curriculum? Give details on the process. (Need Assessment, Feedback, etc) 1.1.2. Describe the Mechanism used in the design and development of the Curriculum. Give Details on the Process 31 As an Autonomous college every department designs the syllabus with the help of Board of Studies member‟s comprising University Nominee, from other institutions, Academic Experts from other institutions, meritorious Alumni and Industrialists from the corporate sector. Factors such as 1.Current relevant topics 2.Demands of the industry, 3.Role of students in Nation building and 4. Employment Opportunities are incorporated. 1.1.3 1.1.4 How does the College involve industry, research bodies, and civil society in the curriculum design and development process? How did the College benefit through the involvement of the stakeholders? One of the Members in the Board of Studies is from Industry concerned with the Department. Experts from Industry have the Knowledge about present day requirements of the Corporate Sector. His/ Her Suggestions are taken into account while framing the syllabus How are the following aspects ensured through curriculum design and development? ∗ Employability Syllabus is reframed as expected of the present day requisites of the Corporate Sector. The syllabi includes subjects in the curriculum that are part of the knowledge based on working profile in organizations. ∗ Innovation Subjects like Tourism, Human Resource Management, Biography and Autobiography, Nano Technology, Food Preservation are incorporated as topics in Emerging areas as part of innovative measures. ∗ Research Research Methodology subject is introduced in PG Courses to enable the students to learn the basics in Research work. Projects in various departments are done in final semester of PG courses. 1.1.5 How does College ensure that the curriculum developed addresses the needs of the society and have relevance to the regional / national developmental needs? All Departments modify their subjects according to the relevance of the needs of society at the regional and national level. Some of the papers are Translation Studies, economic development of Tamil Nadu, International relation, Human Rights, etc., 1.1.6 To what extent does the College use the guidelines of the regulatory bodies for developing or restructuring the curricula? Has the College been instrumental in leading any curricular reform which has created a national impact? Non Major Elective Courses, Personality Enrichment, Soft Skills Course , Environmental Studies and Value Education is introduced as per the instruction of the University of Madras. 1.2 Academic Flexibility 32 1.2.1 Give details on the following provisions with reference to academic flexibility. a. Core / Elective options b. Enrichment courses Available Personality Enrichment, Value Education, Soft skill Courses are offered in UG and Softskill courses is offered by Experts (MOU) in the PG Level c. Courses offered in modular form 12 Departments in UG and 10 Departments in PG offer subjects in Modular form d. Credit transfer and accumulation facility Choice Based Credit System –BA &BSc –Pattern per Semester S.Muthulakshmi, II B.Com has been sent to Edge Hill University, UK under the Tamil Nadu Government Study Abroad Program (August 2013) to attend 3rd Semester. She has successfully completed the course. 2014-15 - D.Thenmozhi - II M.Sc. PBPB has been selected to study a semester at Nottingham University, UK. P.Anuciea, MCA has been selected to study a semester at University of Salford, Manchester, UK. K.Mahalakshmi II M.S. Zoology at Sheffield Hallam University, U.K e. 1.2.2 Lateral and vertical mobility within and across programmes and courses NME, SoftSkills and Allied Papers in UG and PG Have any courses been developed specially targeting international how successful have they been? If „no‟, explain the impediments. students? If so, Students from Mauritius have acquired basic knowledge in Tamil Language. The Syllabus covered in the Department of Tamil is of higher potential .The Teachers of Tamil dept. offer adequate coaching for these students to acclimatise with other student community in learning . 1.2.3. Does the College offer dual degree and twinning programmes? If yes, give details. Department of Computer Diploma along with Degree 33 Science offers 1.2.4. Does the College offer self-financing programmes? If yes, list them and indicate if policies regarding admission, fee structure, teacher qualification and salary are at par with the aided programmes? No 1.2.5. Has the College adopted the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)? If yes, how many programmes are covered under the system? UG -12, PG -10 1.2.6. What percentage of programmes offered by the College follows: ∗ ∗ ∗ Annual system Semester system - 100 per cent is offered for UG and PG Trimester system 1.2.7. What is the policy of the College to promote inter-disciplinary programmes? Name the programmes and what is the outcome? The languages, core, allied and elective subjects totalling 30 are offered 54, 20 and 15 credits respectively under the CBCS. Apart from these, other elective subjects like Non-major elective, Softskills, Value Education and Environmental Studies also carry due credits that can heighten the performance ratio of a student. Each paper has been divided into five units of information oriented topics for which certain number of teaching hours have been allotted to each unit. Apart from academic credits, the credits are accumulated through other sources like extension activities such as NCC,NSS, YRC, RRC, Sports, Consumer Club, Enviro Club that helps a student to gain more points in her CGPA. The Non-major Elective courses are offered by Five Departments viz English, Tamil, Historical studies, Economics and Commerce as a separate paper for the First year UG students on the basis of lateral mobility. This paper is based on interdisciplinary stream that help in learning more about other subjects. Even in the academic curriculum, the allied and elective courses are chosen based on inter disciplinary system so that holistic learning is done. Credits are also offered. 1.3 CurriculumEnrichment 1.3.1 How often is the curriculum of the College reviewed for making it socially relevant and/or job oriented / knowledge intensive and meeting the emerging needs of students and other stakeholders? 34 The college offered certificate courses during the year 2009-10. Courses Departments Certificate courses 2005-06 to 2008-09 1. Functional English Dept. of English 2. Human Resource Mgt Dept. of Economics 3. Travel and Tourism/Airticketing Dept. of Historical Studies Certificate courses 4. Air-Ticketing and fare construction Dept. of Historical Studies Information Technology Dept. of Computer Science Office Automation Government Poly technic College Pursaiwakkan Garment quality Inspection and export merchandise Government Polytechnic College Taramani Microbiology, Bio instrumentation and Microbiology Dept. of Plant Biology &Plant Biotechnology Diploma Courses Skill oriented courses Career oriented 1. Actuarial Science courses sanctioned in 2. Introduction to Mass April 2013 media & Mass communication 3. Computerized Accounting Amount sanctioned Rs Five Lakhs Dept.of Mathematics Rs. 10 lakhs Dept. of English Rs. 7 lakhs Dept. of Commerce Rs. 7 lakhs The courses helped the students toimprove their life skills in order to seek job opportunities easily. Moreover these courses have aided them in developing confidence among them to commute and better their lives. Some of them were able to get jobs immediately after completion of the courses 1.3.2 How many new programmes at have been introduced UG and PG level during the last four years? Mention details. . ∗ Inter-disciplinary 5 NME 35 ∗ Programmes in emerging areas Ph.D M.Phil M.A M.Com M.Sc 1.3.3 Historical Studies, Mathematics, Computer Science, Plant Biology and Plant Bio-Technoogy Historical Studies, Mathematics, Computer Science, Plant Biology and Plant BioTechnology, Animal Zoology and Animal Biotechnology Economics,Tamil Commerce Chemistry What are the strategies adopted for revision of the existing programmes? What percentage of courses underwent a major syllabus revision? Syllabus is reframed in every three Years Currently, in the Academic year - 2014- 15, Syllabi is framed by all the Departments for all courses. 1.3.4 What are the value-added courses offered by the College and how does the College ensure that all students have access to them? Enrichmentcourses like Value Education and Environmental Studies as part of Part IV academic studies aid in increasing the credit total of every student. It also enriches the students‟ knowledge based on moral and ethical values. Add on Courses (Career Oriented Programmes funded by UGC) are introduced for the students by few Departments. The classes begin after college hours between 1.30 2.30 pm. These courses enable the students to acquire Knowledge, Experience and also Certificates. Exams are also conducted to evaluate the students‟ knowledge over the subjects. Few Departments have project work for these certificate courses. 1.3.5. Has the College introduced any higher order skill development programmes in consonance with the national requirements as outlined by the National Skills Development Corporation and other agencies? The institution is affiliated to the University of Madras and is subject to follow the pattern offered. The college has chosen subjects that are need based, in emerging areas and become vital sources of information on current concepts as well as provide opportunities for employment. The curriculum satisfies the goals and objectives of the institution in providing wholesome learning to the students. S. No Departments UG /PG Skill Oriented Papers 1 English PG Popular literature, Green studies, Cultural studies, Biography and Autobiography 36 2. Tamil 3 Historical Studies UG UG PG UG PG 4 Economics 5 Commerce 6 Zoology 7 Plant Biology & Plant Biotechnology UG PG UG PG UG PG UG PG Journalism and Translation Studies Journalism Internship on Softskills, Mass media, Computer skills and Translation Archaeology, Archives Keeping International Relations, Human Resource Development and Human Rights Econometrics, Communication in Business Entrepreneurial development and Econometrics Entrepreneurial development Management of Small Scale Business Medical Lab Technology Aquaculture, Medical Lab Technology, Ornamental fish and Aquarium Maintenance Horticulture, Plant Biotechnology Principles of Horticulture, Medicinal Botany and Plant Biotechnology The college offered subjects in all departments based on the scope of employment. The policy of the College to promote inter-disciplinary programmes and the Outcome. Each paper has been divided into five units of information oriented topics for which certain number of teaching hours have been allotted to each unit. Apart from academic credits, the credits are accumulated through other sources like extension activities such as NCC,NSS, YRC, RRC, Sports, Consumer Club, Enviro Club that helps a student to gain more points in her CGPA. The Non-major Elective courses are offered as a separate paper for the UG students on the basis of lateral mobility. This paper is based on interdisciplinary stream that help in learning more about other subjects. Even in the academic curriculum, the allied and elective courses are chosen based on inter disciplinary system so that holistic learning is done. Credits are also offered. Value-added courses like Value Education and Personality Enrichment courses helped the learners on a large scale to better their moral and ethical values. They also aid in performance oriented learning. Cross cutting Departments issues Gender English Subjects Women‟s Writing 37 UG /PG PG Tamil Historical studies Economics Pennaiyam Women‟s Studies Women and Development UG/PG UG UG Human Rights English Historical Studies Climate Plant Biology Change Animal Zoology New Literatures in English Human Rights PG UG/PG Ecology & Phytogeopraphy Environmental Botany, Phytogeography And Remote Sensing Environmental Economics Environmental Studies UG PG Basic Computer Skills & Applications UG Economics Environmental All depts.. Ed. ICT All depts.. UG The Governing Body represented by members of the State Government and the university nominee including senior academicians from reputed institutions and the college council investigate the curriculum and take adequate measures to rectify and improve various viable strategies for enriching the content and the curriculum. The student feedback is also considered for improving the curriculum. The institution offering the enrichment programmes uses certain measures such as Feedback from students and staff to investigate and report their findings that are considered for improvement. Along with these measures, the Outcome of these programmes includes tests (internal assessment and examination (external)), seminars and quiz are conducted to know the effect of the programmes. Based on such results, improvement strategies are applied. 1.4 Feedback System 1.4.1 Does the College have a formal mechanism to obtain feedback from students regarding the curriculum and how is it made use of? The Board of Studies consists a Student Representative and a Alumni Representative of each Department. They represent the student‟s opinion about the Syllabi. Their views are incorporated in framing the Syllabi. 1.4.2 Does the College elicit feedback on the curriculum from national and international faculty? If yes, specify a few methods adopted to do the same - (conducting webinar, workshop, online forum discussion etc.). Give details of the impact on such feedback. The Departments conduct National Conferences, Symposium and International Conferences at least once in Two years. This gives opportunity to meet Eminent Professors. Discussion with them about Current Educational system, Syllabus offered 38 by them enlightens the Faculty and provides an opportunity to introduce in the curriculum. 1.4.3 Specify the mechanism through which alumni, employers, industry experts and community give feedback on curriculum enrichment and the extent to which it is made use of. Board of Studies Members are University Nominee, Subject Expert, Head of the Department, Faculty Members of the concerned Department, Member from the Industry, Alumni Representative and Student Representative. The views are incorporated in framing the syllabus 1.4.4 What are the quality sustenance and quality enhancement measures undertaken by the institution in ensuring effective development of the curricula? The IQAC of the college check the course material and evaluative methods of the institution for quality sustenance. The services of some outstanding alumni of the institution are utilized for the quality enhancement. The executive committee of the college reviews the semester examination results and suggests quality enhancement measures. The college offered subjects in all departments based on the scope of employment. CRITERION II: TEACHING-LEARNING AND EVALUATION 2.1 Student Enrolment and Profile 2.1.1 How does the College ensure publicity and transparency in the admission process? Applications are issued at free of cost for SC/ST candidates and for other Backward Classes a nominal fee is charged. Counselling dates are printed in the application forms itself. Filled-in applications are processed ten days after the results are announced. Rank lists are prepared based on merit and admission dates are announced. Special categories like sports quota, ex-service men quota and physically challenged quota are given due priority. Admissions are effected based on community reservation as per the government regulations. The institution forms a group of committee members to verify the authenticity of the required documents for admission and validated by the Principal. 2.1.2 Explain in detail the process of admission put in place for UG, PG and Ph.D. programmes by the College. Explain the criteria for admission (Ex. (i) merit, (ii) merit with entrance test, (iii) merit, entrance test and interview, (iv) common test conducted by state agencies and national agencies (v) others followed by the College? Courses Admission Process UG and PG Merit and Reservation Quota is Followed M.Phil Merit, Entrance Test, Reservation Quota is followed Ph.D Merit, Entrance Test, Reservation Quota is followed 39 2.1.3 Does the College have a mechanism to review its admission process and student profiles annually? If yes, what is the outcome of such an analysis and how has it contributed to the improvement of the process? Senior members and one co-opt member are committee members for UG and PG courses. Admission process is adapted following the instruction from University of Madras and Government of Tamil Nadu. 2.1.4 What are the strategies adopted to increase / improve access to students belonging to the following categories ∗ SC/ST ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ OBC Women Different categories of persons with disabilities Inclusive of The Reservation Quota Economically weaker sections Inclusive of The Reservation Quota Outstanding achievers in sports and extracurricular activities Reservation Quota is adopted in Admission Process for all Courses. Reservation Quota UG 2.1.5 Categories 2.1.6 BC MBC SC ST 31 30 20 18 1 Furnish the number of students admitted in the College in the last four academic years. 2009-10 SC ST OBC General Others Total OC 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013 -14 2014-2015 Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female 972 1229 1233 1343 1258 23 50 44 42 38 2441 2403 2377 2446 2329 42 36 48 49 3436 3724 3787 3860 Female 3674 Has the College conducted any analysis of demand ratio for the various programmes offered by the College? If so, indicate significant trends explaining the reasons for increase / decrease UG Number of applications 16763 Number of students admitted 1210 Demand Ratio 1:7.2 PG 9244 500 1:5.4 Programmes 40 2.1.7 Was there an instance of the College discontinuing a programme during last four years? If yes, indicate the reasons. No. 2.2 Catering to Student Diversity 2.2.1 Does the College organize orientation / induction programme for freshers? If yes, give details of the duration of programme, issues covered, experts involved and mechanism for using the feedback in subsequent years. The Principal addresses the students on the first day of the College and provides information about the college atmosphere, opportunities for their progress, maintaining Discipline, cleanliness and Anti Ragging issues. The Heads of the Department and Senior Teachers meet the students in their class room and provide information about the course and prospects in studying the course. Fresher‟s Day is celebrated to welcome the newcomers by the seniors. 2.2.2. Does the College have a mechanism through which the “differential requirements of student population” are analyzed after admission and before the commencement of classes? If so, how are the key issues identified and addressed? No. The reason is that the students must not be discriminated on the basis of learning capabilities as notified through a common consensus arrived at by all the government institutions. 2.2.3 Does the College provide bridge /Remedial /add - on courses? If yes, how are they structured into the time table? Give details of the courses offered, departmentwise/faculty-wise? Remedial coaching is offered as part of the curriculum for slow learners. Remedial coaching classes are conducted as per UGC norms. 2.2.4 Has the College conducted a study on the incremental academic growth of different categories of students; - student from disadvantaged sections of society, economically disadvantaged, physically challenged and slow learners etc.? If yes, give details on how the study has helped the College to improve the performance of these students. HEPSN – reading sessions are effected for the visually challenged. 2.2.5 How does the institution identify and respond to the learning needs of advanced learners? Interviews by the Companies are arrears. first offered to the students who succeed without Endowments by University of Madras and other Institutions are given to Meritorious Students. 41 General Proficiency ,Subject Proficiency Prizes and other prizes are given to the meritorious students by various Endowment Instituted by Ministers of the State and Faculty of the College during College Day and Convocation Day every Year. The College Union also awards prizes in the form of books to meritorious students. 2.2.6 How does the institution cater to the needs of differently-abled students and ensure adherence to government policies in this regard? Reservation Quota is adhered in the Admission Process in all Courses. UGC –HEPSN-This Programme is for the visually handicapped students funded by the University Grants Commission. (Rs.3,00,000) Miss.A.Rajeswari, Assistant Professor, Department of Tamil is the Coordinator of the scheme. In 2013-14, around Twenty Two students from Department of English, Tamil and Historical Studies benefit from this programme. Reading Materials and other concessions are given to them. G.Sumathi of II M.A Tamil Literature has won in many competitions. Four Students have passed TNPSC Group IV Examinations and have got appointment. 2.3 Teaching-Learning Process 2.3.1 How does the College plan and organize the teaching, learning and evaluation schedules? (Academic calendar, teaching plan and evaluation blue print, etc.) The College Plans and Organizes the methods that are entered in the Academic Calendar and followed during Exams and Assessments. The Subjects are allotted credits based on CBCS and the evaluation is marked by Internal Assessment – 20 and External Assessment – 80. 2.3.2 Does the College provide course outlines and course schedules prior to the commencement of the academic session? If yes, how is the effectiveness of the process ensured? Yes, in Application form and College Calendar 2.3.3 What are the courses, which predominantly follow the lecture method? Apart from classroom interactions, what are the other methods of learning experiences provided to students? Lecture Method - Arts and Commerce and use of Seminars, Quiz, Role Play Practical Sessions - Science 2.3.4 How is „learning‟ made more student-centric? Give a list of participatory learning activities adopted by the faculty that contribute to holistic development and improved student learning, besides facilitating life-long learning and knowledge management. Activities such as Scrap book, Role play and Dramatics makes it more student- centric. They are encouraged to give seminars and presentations. 42 2.3.5 What is the College policy on inviting experts / people of eminence to provide lectures / seminars for students? Chief Guest for Association Meetings, National and International Experts are invited for Seminars, Conferences Workshops and Symposiums. 2.3.6 What are the latest technologies and facilities used by the faculty for effective teaching? Virtual laboratories, e-learning, Open Educational Resources, Mobile Education, etc. are followed. In the Library e-learning activity is part of the learning programme. 2.3.7 Is there a provision for the services of counselors / mentors/ advisors for each class or group of students for academic, personal and psycho-socio guidance? If yes, give details of the process and the number of students who have benefitted. Counselling Cell, Grievance and Redressal Cell Cater to the needs of Students from the level of academic, personal and social guidance. Most of the students have benefitted. 2.3.8 Are there any innovative teaching approaches/methods/ practices adopted/put to use by the faculty during the last four years? If yes, did they improve the learning? What methods were used to evaluate the impact of such practices? What are the efforts made by the institution in giving the faculty due recognition for innovation in teaching? The faculty follow e-learning methods and evaluation is based on assessment done in classrooms through students performance by the use of Laptops. 2.3.9 How does the College create a culture of instilling and nurturing creativity and scientific temper among the learners? Competitions like Rangoli, Painting are conducted on current issues like Environment, Women ,Rape, Child labour etc. 2.3.10 Does the College consider student projects a mandatory part of the learning programme? If so, for how many programmes is it made mandatory? Yes. TANSCHE has funded for student projects in the college. The faculty act as supervisors to monitors their performance. 1. Department of Mathematics offers Projects for final year PG Students. 43 2. Student Project Funded by Various Agencies Name of the Amt Topic Funded by Guide and Dept. sanctioned 2008 -09 Mrs.J.Vanitha, Socio economic 5000 Tamilnadu State Economics empowerment of Council for Higher urban poo women Education through SHG‟S in Chennai 2009-10 Dr.K.Malarvizhi, Socio Economic 5000 Tamilnadu State Economics Status of Construction Council for Higher Workers (A special Education Focus on Women and their children‟s education) 2008-09 Dr.Hemalatha, Enrayya Pengal 5000 Tamilnadu State Tamil ethirkollum sikalgal Council for Higher Education 2009-10 Dr.Geetha Oodgangalil 5000 Tamilnadu State Vilamrangal Council for Higher Rathinapriya, Tamil Education Name of the Amt Year Class Funded by Student sanctioned 2009-10 S. Silambarasi II M.Sc PB&PB 10000 Tamilnadu State C. Kurinjimalar Council for Higher Education TNSCST 2010-11 K. Amudha II M.Sc PB&PB 10000 Tamilnadu State V. Thenmozhi Council for Higher C. Lakshmi Education 2011-12 B. Ishwarya II M.Sc PB&PB 6000 TNSCST 2012-13 M. Prasanna II M.Sc PB&PB 15000 Tamilnadu State R. Nithya Council for Higher E.M. Nithya Education S.Uma maheswari Year 44 2.3.11 What efforts are made to facilitate the faculty in learning / handling computer-aided teaching/ learning materials? What are the facilities available in the College for such efforts? Faculty are given training in Computer Applications. S. No Conducted by Department 1. Mathematics Title of the Training and Funding Agencies Training given by SAKSHAM Training Programme Funded by Government of Tamil Nadu Microsoft Corporation Date 1.8.13 -14.8.13 2.3.12 Does the College have a mechanism for evaluation of teachers by the students / alumni? If yes, how is the evaluation used in achieving qualitative improvement in the teachinglearning process? Feedback is done by the IQAC and several improvement measures are taken based on the evaluation process. This system is followed to achieve quality teaching learning process. 2.3.13 Does the institution face any challenges in completing the curriculum within the planned time frame and calendar? If yes elaborate on the challenges encountered and the institutional approaches to overcome these. Suspension of work due to weather conditions or any other unavoidable incidents are compensated by working on Saturdays. 2.3.14 How are library resources used to augment the teaching-learning process? Every Department has a Library with books and Cd‟s for the use of faculty and students. Books are given to the students for reference. The General Library has textbooks, reference books, books to preparation for Competitive Exams are given to the students for reference. 2.3.15 How does the institution continuously monitor, evaluate and report on the quality of teaching, teaching methods used, classroom environments and the effect on student performance. The Institution monitors and evaluates the quality of teaching methods from the feedback received from the students. Suggestions are given through the H.O.D to improve teaching methods. 45 2.4 Teacher Quality 2.4.1 What is the faculty strength of the College? How many positions are filled against the sanctioned strength? How many of them are from outside the state? Faculty Strength of the college Faculty from other State 2.4.2 - 136 Nil How are the members of the faculty selected? Teachers Recruitment Board, Government of Tamil Nadu based on qualification, experience and performance in the interview. 2.4.3 Furnish details of the faculty Associate Professor Professor Highest Qualification Assistant Professor Total Male Female Male Female Male Female Permanent Teachers D.Sc/D.Litt Post Doctoral Fellow 1 1 Ph.D 21 40 61 M.Phil 19 52 71 PG 2 2 4 Temporary Teachers D.Sc/D.Litt Ph.D 4 M.Phil 19 PG Part Time Teachers Ph.D M.Phil PG 2.4.4 What percentage of the teachers have completed UGC-CSIR-NET, UGC-NET, and SLET exams? In that what percentage of teachers are with PG as highest qualification? UGC NET - 5% CSIR – 1% SLET – 30% 46 2.4.5. Does the College encourage diversity in its faculty recruitment? Provide the following departments-wise details. Recruitment is done by the Teachers Recruitment Board, Government of Tamil Nadu. Department % of % of % of faculty faculty who faculty who % of faculty who are from are from are from who are from outside the the same within the abroad State college State Historical Studies 100 - - 100 - - 100 - - 98 - - Mathematics 100 - - Physics 100 - - Chemistry 100 - - Botany 100 - - Zoology 100 - - Home science 100 - - Computer Science 100 - - Commerce 100 - -- Economics - English Tamil 2.4.6 2 Does the College have the required number of qualified and competent teachers to handle all the courses for all departments? If not, how do you cope with the requirements? How many faculty members were appointed during the last four years? Yes, Around 25 staff members were appointed from 2009-10 onwards. 2.4.7 How many visiting Professors are on the rolls of the College? Nil 2.4.8 What policies/systems are in place to recharge teachers? (eg: providing research grants, study leave, nomination to national/ international conferences/Seminars, in-service training, organizing national/international conferences etc.) Teachers are undergoing Major and Minor Projects and FIP. International conferences, National, State Level Seminar are organized. Faculty represent as subject experts, resource persons, Chief Guests. They also undergo orientation, Refreshers courses and short term courses, organized by Academic staff college, University of Madras. Teachers participated in workshop and other training programmes. 2.4.9 Give the number of faculty who received awards / recognitions for excellence in teaching at the state, national and international level during the last four years. 47 Dr. A. Umamaheswari, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics received UGC Research Award 2012 -2014 2.4.10 Provide the number of faculty who have undergone staff development programmes during the last four years. (Add any other programme if necessary) Academic Staff Development Programmes 2010 -11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 16 26 14 31 5 21 2 8 28 33 54 39 Refresher courses HRD programmes Orientation programmes Staff training conducted by the College Summer /Winter schools , workshops, etc 11 Saksham –IT workshop 25 Short term Course 9 Workshop 26 Training conducted by the university 3 1 2.4.11 What percentage of the faculty have ∗ ∗ * ∗ ∗ ∗ been invited as resource persons in Workshops / Seminars / Conferences organized by external professional agencies - 5% participated in external Workshops / Seminars / Conferences recognized by national/ international professional bodies - 10% presented papers in Workshops / Seminars / Conferences conducted or recognized by professional agencies - 2% teaching experience in other universities / national institutions and others – Nil industrial engagement - Nil international experience in teaching - Nil 2.4.12 How often does the College organize academic development programmes for its faculty, leading to enrichment of teaching-learning process? ∗ Curricular Development – It is incorporated in the Syllabus ∗ Teaching-learning methods – Through classroom interaction, Remedial coaching etc. ∗ Examination reforms – It is reviewed by Governing Body 48 ∗ Content / knowledge management – The Heads of the Departments, the Heads of the Administrative staff and the heads who hold positions in various committees maintain the system. ∗ Any other (please specify) 2.4.13 What are the teaching innovations made during the last five years? How are innovations rewarded? The teachers use different methods that are suitable to the students needs. 2.4.14 Does the College have a mechanism to encourage ∗ Mobility of faculty between institutions for teaching? - No ∗ Faculty exchange programmes with national and international bodies? - No If yes, how have these schemes helped in enriching quality of the faculty? 2.5 Evaluation Process and Reforms 2.5.1 How does the College ensure that all the stakeholders are aware of the evaluation processes that are operative? The college has provided to every student the college academic calendar that elaborates on the evaluation process which every student must be aware of. The teaching faculty are provided with the syllabus and content and curriculum based directives from which the evaluation process is understood. Moreover, the question paper pattern/ model question papers are supplied to the staff for avoiding any ambiguity in preparing the evaluation process. The Controller of Examinations during the council meetings offers innovative reforms made in the evaluation process and suggestions are considered to a smooth conduct of evaluation during Semester Exams. The college rigorously follows these procedure and schedules strictly as per university norms and the resolutions taken by the college council in meetings. They have proved to be effective for the last four years. The college follows the semester pattern and so under the CBCS, the Undergraduates have to complete 6 semesters and gain a pass to achieve their degree. It applies to all B.A./B.Com/B.Sc courses. The postgraduates have to complete 4 semesters and gain a pass to get their degree. The diplomas are collected from the university that contains the name of the college under which the student has studied. Every student has to gain 75% attendance to appear for her exams and to complete her course. 2.5.2. What are the major evaluation reforms initiated by the College and to what extent have they been implemented in the College? Cite a few examples which have positively impacted the evaluation management system? The evaluation process as per the University norms follows the CBCS method under which we have CIA-Continuous Internal Assessment and Semester Examinations. The 49 internal assessment follows a schedule of marks and credits allotted by the institution through conduct of three tests, seminars, assignments, attendance and model exams. Single evaluation is effected for UG with a minimum pass percentage of 32/80 and for PG percentage of 40/80 in Semester exams. They must pass the internal exams with a minimum of 8/20 to ensure their pass marks in results. So far no failures in internals have been reported since there are certain strict measures used for such assessments. 2.5.3. What measures have been taken by the institution for continuous evaluation of students and ensuring their progress and improved performance? The formative or internal assessment has shown considerable increase in pass percentage in results and has increased the credits and grades of the students to shift from one grade to the next vertically. The increase in grades result in better performance and the chance of students to gain more grades are effectively done. This boosts the morale of the students to achieve more in the academic learning. 2.5.4 What percentage of marks is earmarked for continuous internal assessment? Indicate the mechanisms strategized to ensure rigour of the internal assessment process? To ensure transparency in the awarding of marks and credits for internal assessment, the students as per the curriculum are tested in written, oral, presentation, regularity in attendance, thorough course learning (model exams), practical tests and class room behavior are considered and due weightage given. The marks are shown to the students based on their level of performance and their signatures are duly recorded as a proof of transparent assessment. Any student who has failed to appear for the internal assessment is given due attention by asking the student to repeat all the tests to ensure she passes the internals on time. UG & PG Assignment / Best 2 Model Seminar/ Creative Attendance Total Reduced out of 3 Exam Presentation Test Year 2009-10 onwards 2014-15 1 20 2 20 3 20 40 20 10 10 80 20 20 20 20 40 25 * 10 10 75 25 *Two Assignments and one Assignment on Part A Questions Proportional weightage of continuous internal assessment and final examination Criteria for passing and classification Passing Minimum for UG :32/80 Passing Minimum for PG :40/80 2.5.5. Does the College adhere to the declared examination schedules? Yes If not, what measures have been taken to address the delay? No Delay 50 2.5.6. What is the average time taken by the College for declaration of examination results? Indicate the mode / media adopted by the College for the publication of examination results e.g., website, SMS, email, etc. The results are declared with in One month after the completion of Examination. The results are displayed in the College Website. 2.5.7 2.5.8 Does the college have an integrated examination platform for the following processes? ∗ Pre-examination processes – Time table generation, OMR, student list generation, invigilators, squads, attendance sheet, online payment gateway, etc. - Yes ∗ Examination process –Examination material management, logistics. - Yes ∗ Post examination process – attendance capture, OMR based exam result, auto processing, generic result processing and certification. - Yes Has the College introduced any reforms in its Ph.D. evaluation process? No 2.5.9 What efforts are made by the College to streamline the operations at the Office of the Controller of Examinations? Mention any significant efforts which have improved process and functioning of the examination division/section? The Controller of Examinations and Additional Controller of Examinations with the assistance of two or more clerks conducts smooth functioning of the exams. The evaluation process begins immediately after the completion of the exams. All details are uploaded in the college website. 2.5.10 What is the mechanism for redressal of grievances with reference to evaluation? The results are declared within a month after the last date of the examinations. The students are permitted to apply for re-totalling and revaluation. A photocopy of the answer script is provided to the student to check for any inconsistencies in the evaluation process. The results are declared without any errors and if any mistake has been identified, the Controller immediately rectifies the discrepancy within a short time span to ensure speedy recovery of the results. If any student fails to appear for one semester (drop out), she is offered re-admission to the same semester so that she does not miss out on her timely reception of the degree. Students who are slow learners are identified and adequate coaching is provided. Students who are involved in sports activities and co-curricular activities are given enough support by the respective departments for her timely completion of the course for which she has been admitted. Supplementary exams are conducted for the final year students who have failed in one subject. The Supplementary exams are done within a month of the results and the outcome of the exam is declared within 15 days for the benefit of the students. 51 2.6. Student Performance and Learning Outcomes 2.6.1 Does the College have clearly stated learning outcomes for its programmes? If yes, give details on how the students and staff are made aware of these? The college provides enough coaching for students to gain success in their performance. The 80/20 evaluation process is informed to the students and the staff by which pass in internals does not guarantee a pass in the external and vice-versa. 2.6.2 How does the institution monitor and ensure the achievement of learning outcomes? The Controller conducts Passing Board for all departments to assess and monitor the achievement of learning outcome. The H.O.Ds and the senior faculty are part of the Passing board along with the External Examiners. 2.6.3 How does the institution collect and analyse data on student learning outcomes and use it for overcoming barriers of learning? Remedial Coaching classes are conducted for students who have failed in previous semester/s and timely help is made available for ensuring success in forthcoming exams. The content based teaching is done through lectures, seminars, quizzes and question hour sessions, for understanding the learning potential of the students. The weak students are identified and given more attention in the class by the staff for ensuring success. Further practical classes are done as per the timetable, for gaining better understanding of subjects. 2.6.4 Give Programme-wise details of the pass percentage and completion rate of students. Annexure-VI CRITERION III: RESEARCH, CONSULTANCY AND EXTENSION 3.1 Promotion of Research 3.1.1. Does the College have a research committee to monitor and address the issues of research? If yes, what is its composition? Mention a few recommendations which have been implemented and their impact. The institution offers Full time and Part time research in M.Phil and Ph. D under five departments- Historical Studies, Mathematics, Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology, Animal Zoology and Computer Science. The research committee is formed under the senior faculty members and heads of the departments, Dr.P.Parvathy, Head Department of Mathematics, Dr. A.Uma of Mathematics, Dr. K.Vijaya of Historical studies and Dr. Anandhi Seshasayee, of Computer Science. Their valid suggestions are considered, and implemented periodically. They also prepare certain norms and guidelines for the research scholars to imbibe and follow them. They provide guidelines in research methodology for PG students who undertake projects in their final semester. 52 3.1.2. What is the policy of the College to promote research culture in the College? The college recognizes the requirements of the research scholars and provide them adequate infrastructure facilities and use of resources in the form of laboratories and library services. They are provided with facilities for use of the internet sources to upgrade and update their research. Guidelines are formed for the use of these facilities during the working hours of the college. 3.1.3 List details of prioritized research areas and the areas of expertise available with the College. The prioritized areas are those that are in need of recognition, analysis and awareness in respective disciplines like Women Entrepreneurship, knowledge of self-help groups, problems of adolescence, politicization of women, algorithms and its efficient use for computation, etc. 3.1.4 What are the proactive mechanisms adopted by the College to facilitate smooth implementation of research schemes/ projects? The institution facilitates smooth implementation of research plans or projects by providing a separate cubicle or room for researchers and the faculty who work on major and minor projects. They receive a grant from the UGC and TANSCHE for contingency and seed money for projects. There is autonomy for the principal investigator to utilize the charges as designed in the proposal. The grants are released periodically for judicious use of them in projects and Academic and Financial audit has been done promptly. The utilization certificate has been submitted to the funding authorities within the stipulated time. 3.1.5. How is interdisciplinary research promoted? The department of Computer Science encourages its research scholars to undertake inter-disciplinary research (Maths)and the research departments have collaborated with various organizations like ICHR, TANSCHE for promoting research. 3.1.6 Enumerate the efforts of the College in attracting researchers of eminence to visit the campus and interact with teachers and students? The research departments and other departments aiming for research courses offer a wide platform to their students by conducting frequent workshops related to areas of research and special address, demonstrations, ppt presentations, international and national seminars where eminent researchers are invited as speakers to offer their expertise and authority on certain research oriented issues. 3.1.7 What percentage of faculty has utilized sabbatical leave for research activities? How has the provision contributed to the research quality and culture of the College? Nil 53 3.1.8 Provide details of national and international conferences organized by the College highlighting the names of eminent scientists/scholars who participated in these events. Data included in the Evaluative Reports. 3.1.9. Details on the College initiative in transferring/advocating the relative findings of research of the College and elsewhere to the students and the community (lab to land). Nil 3.1.10. Give details on the faculty actively involved in research (Guiding student research, leading research projects, engaged in individual or collaborative research activity etc.) Refer Evaluative Reports Resource Mobilization for Research 3.2.1 What percentage of the total budget is earmarked for research? Give details of major heads of expenditure, financial allocation and actual utilization for last four years. No 3.2.2 What are the financial provisions made in the College budget for supporting student research projects? The college budget does not provide any provision, but Tamilnadu State Council for Higher Education supports financially for student projects. 3.2.3. Is there a provision in the institution to provide seed money to faculty for research? If so, what percentage of the faculty has received seed money in the last four years? No 3.2.4 Are there any special efforts made by the College to encourage faculty to file for patents? If so, provide details of patents filed and enumerate the sanctioned patents. Whenever application is received for applying for patent, it will be forwarded by the Principal. 3.2.5 Provide the following details of ongoing research projects: Annexure - VII 3.2.6 How many departments of the College have been recognized for their research activities by national / international agencies (UGC-SAP, CAS, DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, ICHR, ICPR, etc.) and what is the quantum of assistance received? Mention any two significant outcomes or breakthrough due to such recognition. – 3 Departments – Department of Computer Science, Historical Studies and Mathematics, ICHR Funded seminar was conducted by the Department of Historical Studies in 20132014. 54 3.2.7 List details of completed research projects undertaken by the College faculty in the last four years and mention the details of grants received for such projects (funded by Industry/ National/International agencies). Annexure VII Dr. A. Uma Maheswari, Department of Mathematics – received grant from UGC Dr. K. Vijaya, Department of Historical Studies – received grant from UGC Dr. Ananthi Sheshasaayee, Department of Comp. Science – received grant from UGCSERO 3.3. Research Facilities 3.3.1 What efforts are made by the College to keep pace with the infrastructure requirements to facilitate Research? How and what strategies are evolved to meet the needs of researchers? The researchers are free to use the library services, labs, e-resources for their research. They are sent to other colleges for workshops and conferences for a better knowledge of research in their respective disciplines. 3.3.2 Does the College have an information resource centre to cater to the needs of researchers? If yes, provide details on the facility. NRC-Net Resource Centre 3.3.3 Does the College provide residential facilities (with computer and internet facilities) for research scholars and faculty? No 3.3.4 Does the College have a specialized research centre/ workstation to address challenges of research programmes? If yes, give details. No 3.3.5 Does the College have research facilities (centre, etc.) of regional, national and international recognition/repute? Give a brief description of how these facilities are made use of by researchers from other laboratories. No 3.4 Research Publications and Awards 3.4.1 Highlight the major research achievements of the College through the following: Many papers presented in regional, national and international conferences, by the faculty and publication is done per faculty regularly. Many faculty serve on the Editorial Boards of National and International Journals. The faculty members are part of the organization committees of international conferences, recognized by reputed organizations / societies. The details are included under Staff Achievements. 55 3.4.2 Does the College publish research journal(s)? If yes, indicate the composition of the editorial board, publication policies and whether it is listed in international database? Nil.` 3.4.3 Give details of publications by the faculty: ∗ number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international)yes ∗ Monographs ∗ Chapters in Books -yes ∗ Editing Books ∗ Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers – Mrs V. Usharani, Asso. Prof.of Zoology and Head Dr. K. Vijaya, Asso. Prof. of Historical Studies and Head Dr.N.Sowmiya, Asso.Prof. and Head Department of Home Science. Dr. Raziya Parvin, Asst. Prof. of Historical Studies. Dr. K.A. Jothirani, Asst. Prof. of Tamil Dr. P. Gowri, Asst. Prof. of Tamil Dr. P. Sumabala, Asst. Prof. of Historical Studies ∗ number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus Yes 6, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) ∗ Citation Index – range / average Yes ∗ Impact factor – range / average-yes Range = 1.6 to 8 Average = 5 ∗ 3.4.4 Indicate the average number of successful M.Phil. and Ph.D. scholars guided per faculty. 1: 1 3.4.5 h-index-yes - 8 Ratio What is the stated policy of the College to check malpractices and misconduct in research? No reports so far 56 3.4.6 Does the College promote interdisciplinary research? If yes, how many inter departmental / inter disciplinary research projects have been undertaken and mention the number of departments involved in such an endeavour. The department of Computer Science encourages its research scholars to undertake inter-disciplinary research with department of Maths and the research departments have collaborated with various organizations like ICHR, TANSCHE for promoting research. 3.4.7 Mention the research awards instituted by the College. Nil. 3.4.8 Provide details of ∗ research awards received by the faculty ∗ recognition received by the faculty from reputed professional bodies and agencies UGC Research Award 2012 -2014 received by Dr. A. Umamaheswari, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics 3.4.9 State the incentives given to faculty for receiving state, national and international recognitions for research contributions. Nil. 3.5 Consultancy 3.5.1 What is the stated policy of the College for structured consultancy? List a few important consultancy services undertaken by the College. Nil. 3.5.2 Does the College have College-industry cell? If yes, what is its scope and range of activities? Nil. 3.5.3 What is the mode of publicizing the expertise of the College for consultancy services? Mention the departments from whom consultancy was sought. Nil. 3.5.4 How does the College encourage the faculty to utilize the expertise for consultancy services? Nil 3.5.5 List the broad areas of consultancy services provided by the College and the revenue generated during the last four years. Nil. 57 3.6 Extension Activities and Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) 3.6.1 How does the college sensitize the faculty and students on Institutional Social Responsibilities? List the Social out- reach programmes which have created an impact on students‟ campus experience. Extension activities include NSS, NCC, YRC, RRC, Enviro Club, Consumer Club, Leo Club, Women Development Cell, Entrepreneurial Development Cell and Placement Cell. A faculty from every department would be in-charge of every club and cell and many students volunteer for such services to gain institutional social responsibilities. 3.6.2 How does the College promote College-neighborhood network and student engagement, contributing to holistic development of students and sustained community development? NSS camp was organized at the slums of Pudupet from 24.02.2011 to 02.03.2011. On 26.6.12 Mrs.K.Shanthi NSS program officer and 100 NSS volunteers attended Rally on Drug Abuse and Traffic Management at Marina beach. From 26.6.12 to 9.7.12 NSS units volunteers along with NSS program officers shifted furniture and cleaned our college library and packed subject books, Urdu & other books shifted to Queen Mary‟s college, Chennai. The presidency college boys also helped to shifting the furniture‟s in library. 18.7.12 NSS and An-noor Eye hospital jointly organized Free Eye screening for our college students. On 12.7.12 Eye camp conducted at Quaid – E – Millat Govt. College by program officers and NSS volunteers. From 21.9.2012 to 22.9.12 beach was cleaned by 200 NSS volunteers under the guidance of Mrs.G.Velmayil, Mrs.K.Shanthi, NSS programme officers. From 22.02.13 to 28.2.13 NSS special camp for 7 days was conducted by Unit I and Unit V on the theme of Environmental Issues at 114th ward, Triplicane, Chennai. On 23.2.13 Free General health camp with the support of Kusthuribai Gandhi Maternity Hospital, Triplicane organized at Navallar Nagar. On 24.2.13 Free Eye Care I Care Thittam and Free cataract Surgery for 100 needy with the support of Udhi Eye Hospital with the participation of 114 ward. On 25.2.13 Two blood Donation camp has organized with the support of Mobile Bus from KMC Haspital at Jam Bazar Market and Kasturiba Maternity Hospital at community College. NCC Traffic and Road Safety Awareness Rally was conducted on 12.1.2013 at Anna Salai and cadets raised slogans on road safety and this was headed by Lt.R.Selvi NCC cadets conducted Road Safety Program in the college on 18.1.2013. Cadets from various college participated in this program. Seminar was 58 organized by the Traffic Warden Faculty Mr. Rajan Sekri and was headed by Guest of honour Lt. Col. Ajay Dhawan, Commanding Officer (ITN ARMD SQN NCC). Old clothes were collected by the NCC cadets and given to the nearby slum dwellers. 24 Hour Famine Run to create awareness on issues of Hunger and Poverty due to famine, held on 25th August at Marina was attended by 20 cadets. 3.6.3. How does the College promote the participation of students and faculty in extension activities including participation in NSS, NCC, YRC and other National/ International agencies? Students who have enrolled in Social Services like NSS, NCC, YRC and RRC are availed credits for their participation. Every department has a member in social services once in two terms by rotation. 3.6.4. Give details on social surveys, research or extension work (if any) undertaken by the College to ensure social justice and empower the under-privileged and most vulnerable sections of society? Aid awareness program was conducted by Mrs. Bhagyalakshmi. Competitions were conducted for the students of Corporation School at Pudupet and prizes were distributed to the winners. Tricycles were donated to three handicapped persons from Pudupet by Mrs. Ponmozhi (Retired Professor of Zoology Department), Dr. Lilly (Department of Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology), and Mrs. Lochani (Department of English). The tricycles were distributed by the Councilor of Pudupet. Service at C.S.I. Hr. Sec. School for the deaf, Mylapore 27.0711 to 28.08.11 Five continuous weekend service at Balavihar, Kilpauk by 15 volunteers from III B.A. Historical studies ,11 NSS Volunteer from Botany Department. 3.6.5. Give details of awards / recognition received by the College for extension activities / community development work. NSS Ms. M.A. Yasimin of II B.A. English Literature had won third prize in the competitions conducted as part of The National Integration Day Celebrations held at the Rani Durga Devi University, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh from 12.7.2008 to 18.7.2008. Ms. Sangeetha (B.Com II year) had participated and won accolades in the National Youth Festival held at Calicut, Kerala. To encourage the weavers and to support the handloom industry, the handloom sarees worth Rs. 24,00,893/- were sold by the college under the scheme "Kaittharikkuk Kaikuduppom" and the college stood second among the city colleges for selling the handlooms, for which Dr. Gomathi the Principal and the 59 NSS officers of the college were awarded and given certificates in a function organized on 23.03.2011 by the National Service Scheme at the University of Madras. On 14.07.11,Mupperum Vizha – „100/100 Pasumai Vazhith Thittum‟, „ Blood donation by NSS volunteers‟, „Sevai Chemmal Award‟ to differently able persons & social workers by Tamilnadu Assembly Honorable Speaker D. Jayakumar. Cash awards were given to students by him. This program was appreciated by him. On 31.12.12 Miss. N. Malarkodihas participated in Republic Day Parade at Delhi and represented University of Madras. She was honoured by ViceChancellor University of Madras. Five students have participated in the India Youth Festival held at Jaipur from 2.2.2010 to 12.2.2010. NCC 3 Cadets attended the RDC and 3 Cadets attended the TSC camps from 23.6.2008 to 4.7.2008. Thal Sanic Camp, Delhi 2008 II Year Cadet V.Poonguzhali of Maths Department attended the IGC – 2008 at Tanjore from 2nd July – 12 July 2008. She was selected and attended the Launch I and Launch II at Periyar University, Vallam, Tanjavur from 6th August to 30th August 2008. 7 Cadets took part in the "All India Trekking Expedition – 2008, Nilgiris from 7.4.2008 to 22.4.2008. SGT T. Vanitha of Tamil Department attended the Army Attachment Camp – 2008 at Secunderabad from 6th July to 20th July 2008 and she won the 1st prize in 100 mts running race. 21 Cadets from our college participated in the inter collegiate competition called "CADOFEST - 2008" which was conducted by D.G. Vaishnav College, Chennai from 29th February to 2nd March 2008 and won 2nd prize in Street Play, 3rd prize in Group Dance, 3rd prize in Individual Medicine, 3rd prize in Flag Area. M. Kavitha, participated in IGC at Madurai, Pre RDC camp at A.M.Jain College, Chennai, Launch I camp at CPRF at Avadi, Chennai, Launch II camp at CRPF Avadi and RDC Camp at Delhi. Including CUO G. Bhuvaneswari, six cadets participated in the Marina Republic Day Parade – 2009, which was held at Marina on 26th January 2009. D.Pourkodee (Rank CUO) attended the Thalsanik camp at Delhi (2009) and won Gold medal in Map reading competition (2009) 2 cadets participated in the National Integration Camp at Jaisalmar (Rajasthan) (2009) 2 cadets participated in the National Integration Camp at Ranchi (Bihar) (2009) H.Saikaruna (Rank SCUO) attended the Republic Day Camp (RDC) at Delhi (2009) 60 H.Saikaruna (Rank SCUO) attended the Republic Day Camp (RDC) at Rajpat, Delhi (2010) 11 cadets participated in the Republic Day Parade held near Marina Beach (MRD) (2010) 3.6.6. Reflecting on objectives and expected outcomes of the extension activities organized by the College, comment on how they complement students‟ academic learning experience and specify the values and skills inculcated? The students gain moral responsibility to handle their personal difficulties, teambuilding skills by supporting one another, inter-personal relationships through student – society interaction and develop confidence at the academic and non-academic level. 3.6.7. How does the College ensure the involvement of the community in its outreach activities and contribute to the community development? Detail the initiatives of the College which have encouraged community participation in its activities. Various programmes were held for forty neglected children in a camp held from 24.2.2010 to 2.3.2010 at Pudupettai. NSS officers Mrs. Lochani and Mrs.Indira were the coordinators for this camp. Eye camp was organized for the students by Uma Eye Hospital. Awareness program on job opportunities for the youth was organized by an organization named "ANEW". Special lectures were delivered on eradication of malaria, women's development, and child rights. Principal has participated in the inauguration and the valedictory function. In another camp held from 4.3.2010 to 10.3.2010 with the coordination of NSS officers Mrs. C.B. Kalavathy, Mrs. Geetha and Mrs. Sangamithirai, temple premises and temple tanks at Tiruverkadu and Kaduvetti were cleaned by the volunteers. Students had drawn Rangolis in the temples. Fourteen people underwent Cataract operations by the doctors of Dr. Agarwal Eye Hospital. Awareness programs on Cancer, Diabetes and Eye donation were organized. These activities won the accolades and compliments of the villagers. Special lecture on "Mental Health and Happiness" was delivered for the students by Mrs. Mary Stella. The camp was inaugurated by the Principal. Unit I and V has arranged NSS Special Camp at Mullikuppam with 100 Volunteers organized by NSS Programme Officers Mrs. J.Stella and Mrs.S. SuryaGandhi .At. Mullikkuppam, Mega Medical Camp launched with the support of NGOs Manju Foundation, Dr. Aggarwal Eye Hospital done Eye Screening and Cataract Surgery for 50 people and donate free spectacles for 50 persons and 10spectacles donated by An Noor Eye Hospital, Egmore; Fortis Malar Hospital gave treatment for Cardiac checkup, BP, Sugar and general checkup; Dental care by Meenakshiammal Dental College and Hospital for Two days (on 19.12.11). Mega medical Camp inaugurated by Tamilnadu Assembly Speaker D. Jayakumar, Mrs. R. Rajalakshmi, MLA, Mylapore and Dean of Dr. Agarwal Eye Hospital, Fortis Malar Hospital, Meenakshi Ammal Dental college and hospital and thousands of public participated and benefitted. 61 SPECIALCAMP 16th to 22nd December 2011 Unit. II, III, IV has arranged NSS Special Camp at Kaladipatti,Thiruverkadu with 150 Volunteers with the guidance of NSS Programme Officers Mrs. Devi kanyakumari, Mrs. G. Velmayil, Mrs. Shanthi. 130 Teak Tree plantation at Ayyanampakkam, and health awareness campaign was arranged. On 3.11.2012 60 NSS volunteers participated in Thithikum Diwali with Gold Trust Foundation with 310 orphanage children at Mysore Mahal, Vyasar. On 8.3.13 Statistics about people affected by kuppaimalai in Athipet village is carried out and submitted to corporation of Chennai, Tamilnadu. 3.6.8. Does the College have a mechanism to track the students‟ involvement in various social movements / activities which promote citizenship roles? 20.1.12,Voter‟s Day Competition conducted in our college and sent the winners list to the University of Madras. - 200students participated On 25.1.12, National voter‟s Day Human Chain, Signature campaign and Essay Competition 300 volunteers with Mrs. J. Stella. G.Velmayil, Mrs. S. Suryakanthi Eighty students have participated in the procession organized by the Tamil Nadu Social Welfare Department on the occasion of International Day of the Girl Child annual celebrations. The World Peace Day celebrated on the occasion of the arrival of Dalai Lama by the University of Madras was attended by hundred students and NSS Officer Mrs. Sangmithirai. Thirty students have participated in the special program organized by the Tamil Nadu Women Commission. The NSS Officers Mrs. S. Lochani, Mrs. Indira and thirty students took part in the awareness camp conducted by the Rajiv Gandhi Vision Care Centre. Eighty students have taken part in the tree sapling planting program conducted by the Tamil Nadu Tourism Development Corporation. On 30.09.2010 World Peace Day was celebrated. 50 tree saplings were planted. Thiru. Karthik P.Chidambaram, the leader of Congress Committee was the Chief Guest. 2010-11 Social Awareness Seminars, HIV Awareness Day, World Mental Health Day, Anti sexual harassment day were observed. On the occasion of the birth centenary of Mother Theresa bushes were removed and tree saplings were planted. National Girl Child Day -100 volunteers with Dept. of Social Welfare 62 30.1.12 on Road Safety Awareness with Lion‟s Club - 200 volunteers/ distribute safety rules pamphlet. 13.2.12 Safety Awareness by Dept. of Police & Preliminary Elocution competition on Handloom Mark On 29.02.12 ,Science Day at University of Madras -100 volunteers with Mrs.G.Velmayil, Dr. Devikanyakumari, Mrs. K.Shanthi NSSPOs On 9.3.12, International women‟s Day, with Mother Teresa women‟s Association 50 students with Mrs. K. Shanthi, NSSPO On 7.10.2012 165 NSS volunteers along with Dr. K. Suriyakanthi and Mrs. J. Stella conducted I care Eye care Rally on world sight day with Vellamal national school. On 8.10.2012 100 NSS volunteers participated in the World Service Day along with NSS programme officers. Lions Club conducted the Eye Camp in our camps to NSS volunteers. The Lions Club members provided Rs.25000 to 5 students as educational aid. On 13.11.2012 Mrs. G. Velmayil, Mrs. K. Shanthi, NSS program officers attended the DenguAwareness program conducted by the government of Tamilnadu. On 26.11.2012 Our NSS program officers conducted the Dengu awareness program in our college campus. On 19.2.13 Inter Collegiate Free Workshop on RTI was organized by Dr. K. Suriyakanthi NSS program officer at QMGC in collaboration with CASA, FACT, Meenakshi Mission and Chennai Metro. 3.6.9 Give details on the constructive relationships (if any) with other institutions in the nearby locality in working on various outreach and extension activities. 20.09-2008 - Students participated in the awareness program organized by the "Mohan Foundation" for body organ donation. The students and the faculty members have participated in the awareness program on Exploitation of Women and Children conducted by Christian Social Service Organization on the same day. Fifty students were trained in the First Aid training given by the members of St. John Ambulance Association. On 29.7.2008 thirty students have participated in the workshop on Diabetes held at the Government Hospital, Royapettah, Chennai. The NSS Officers Mrs. S. Lochani, Mrs. Indira and thirty students took part in the awareness camp conducted by the Rajiv Gandhi Vision Care Centre. 63 NSS Special Camp was held for seven days which was inaugurated by the Principal. Dr. Agarwal EyeHospital conducted free eye camp. On 30.9.2009 NSS and the Government Children's Hospital conducted blood donation camp. NSS Special Camp was held for seven days which was inaugurated by the Principal. Dr. Agarwal Eye Hospital conducted free eye camp. On 30.9.2009 NSS and the Government Children's Hospital conducted blood donation camp. Hundred students have participated in the World Blood Donation Camp held at Kalaivanar Arangam on 1.10.2009. NSS Day, Organ Donation, New Vocational Courses DTP, Fashion Designing & Beautician 23.09.11 Chief guest of the day Hon‟ble Justice Vallinayagam, Saidai. S. Duraisamy, Mr. NanthaKumar,IRS; NSS coordinator Dr. RajaHussaine, Writer Mr.Manushyaputhiran, Miss. Julie Mariappan, Times of India, MrVeerapandian, Sun TV- 8 leading news papers highlighted organ donation programme 3.6.10. Give details of awards received by the institution for extension activities and/contributions to the social/community development during the last four years. On 5.11.2012 QMGCW selected as Best Service Institutional Award from International Lions Club awarded by Hon‟ble Governor of TamilNadu Thiru.Roasiya, at Anna University. 3.7 Collaboration 3.7.1 How has the College‟s collaboration with other agencies impacted the visibility, identity and diversity of activities on the campus? To what extent has the College benefitted academically and financially because of collaborations? Collaboration with Centre of Advanced Studies has been established for the students from Botony. The Chemistry department collaborates with CIPET, IGCAR, EXNORA etc., for the conduct of workshops, seminars and associate meetings. The Computer Science Department establishes rapport with the various IT industries for offering On Job Training for the Diploma students. Also the departments conduct frequent lectures from industries to make the students understand the relevance of the subjects taught in the real world environment. Placements are conducive, thanks to the actions and plans of the Placement Cell of the College. The Department of Historical Studies conducted a National Level Seminar in February 2013 with the financial collaboration from Indian Council of 64 Historical Research (ICHR) and Tamil Nadu State Council for Higher Education TANSCHE. 3.7.2 The students of Department of Home Science attended Fashion Designing Course for a period of Six Months in SMART sponsored by the Government of India. NSS camps are funded by the University of Madras Mention specific examples of, how these linkages promote ∗ Curriculum development – Exposure and practical knowledge. ∗ Internship, On-the-job training – The Computer Science Department establishes rapport with the various IT industries for offering On Job Training for the Diploma students. Wide scope for recognition and realization of the services 3.7.3 Does the College have MoUs nationally / internationally and with institutions of national importance/other universities/ industries/corporate houses etc.? If yes, explain how the MoUs have contributed in enhancing the quality and output of teachinglearning, research and development activities of the College? MoU with orgnisations for softskills training and development. Testing is done and certificates are issued so that it enhances their chances for better job opportunities. 3.7.4 Have the College industry interactions resulted in the establishment / creation of highly specialized laboratories / facilities? Nil CRITERION IV: INFRASTRUCTURE AND LEARNING RESOURCES 4.1 Physical Facilities 4.1.1 How does the College plan and ensure adequate availability of physical infrastructure and ensure its optimal utilization? As the college is situated in the central part of the city, power supply, water supply and hygiene facilities are provided adequately. A transformer has been installed for smooth regularization of power supply to the college. A bore well has been installed in the year 2013 for improvement of water facilities. The Government has provided bus facility to major areas of destination for the students from the college gate. An aavin outlet (nutritious dairy products supplied by the Milk cooperative society of Tamillnadu) has been opened for the students and the faculty. The institute functions under Shift I and with Mathematics, Computer Science and Commerce also in Shift II. The Computer Literacy Programme for all students is conducted in the fully equipped laboratory with 75 systems. The college ground is used for conducting various sports tournaments under zonal and university level and inter collegiate matches. The campus is used by 65 the NCC for ATC activities. Various competitive examinations such as UPSC, SSC, TNPSC, RBI, Postal Examinations, Bank Exams and also used as the centre for Distance Education coaching under the University of Madras. University of Madras conducts regular valuation in the college campus. 4.1.2 Does the College have a policy for creation and enhancement of infrastructure in order to promote a good teaching-learning environment? If yes, mention a few recent initiatives. The institution has successfully constructed under the grant of Rs. 25 lakhs from MPLADS fund the MCA Block with 6 rooms and permission for constructing 2 floors, ANNA Block with 15 rooms in 3 floors, ANNA Annex with 10 rooms in two floors and 2 rooms in the second floor of New Block. The New Hostel facilitates 25 rooms for the out-station students. 4.1.3 Does the College provide all departments with facilities like office room, common room, separate rest rooms for women students and staff? Yes. 4.1.4 How does the College ensure that the infrastructure facilities meet the requirements of students/staff with disabilities? As a part of the NSS activities, five computers were purchased for the visually challenged students, under the scheme of Higher Education for Persons with Special Needs (HEPSN) introduced by UGC to provide special devices to higher educational institutions that will augment the learning experiences of differently-abled persons and to equip higher education institutions with the facilities to provide access to differentlyabled persons. UGC-HEPSN helps in regular conduct of reading and doubt clearing sessions for the visually challenged students in allotted rooms and enable them to write in Braille and by providing recorded lessons in audio cassettes and CDs. Ground floor rooms are arranged during exams for students with physically disabled/ visually challenged abilities. These students are given adequate help by the assistants in the Library, Office Administration and by the teaching faculty. During internal assessments, their needs are taken care by the teaching faculty with similar faculties who help them in evaluating their answer scripts in Braille and ensuring due credit for them. Scribes are appointed by the institution for assisting these students during semester exams and the scribes are paid as per the University regulations. 4.1.5 How does the College cater to the residential requirements of students? Mention ∗ ∗ ∗ Capacity of the hostels and occupancy (to be given separately for men and women) – In a capacity of 40 rooms, 330 students make use of the hostel facility. Recreational facilities in hostel/s like gymnasium, yoga center, etc.- The college gym can be used by the hostel students. Broadband connectivity / wi-fi facility in hostel/s.- The students make use of Television service for their recreational facility. 66 4.1.6 How does the College cope with the health related support services for its students, faculty and non-teaching staff on the campus and beyond? Every year the Physical Education department offers free medical checkup with the support of the Government doctors for the I year students as an initiative in health related support service. From 2010 onwards, a students Group Insurance of Rs.60 will be collected. With the help of Nutrition and Dietetics department, every year free medical camps are conducted with the help of many NGOs in areas like BMI, mammogram, etc. The institution encourages herbal cookery, awareness programmes on cancer, free eye camp, Body composition Analysis with the help of VLCC organization and various health progammes were done. 4.1.7 What special facilities are made available on the campus to promote interest in sports and cultural events? Facilities available for the sports The College has vast play ground with facilities for Hockey field Football field Handball court Kabaddy court Kho-Kho court Basketball field Gymnasium Equipment for different types of sports Facilities for Cultural events 4.2 4.2.1 An indoor auditorium with necessary audio and visual equipment and open air auditorium are available in the college. Department of Zoology is in-charge of Fine Arts and advises the students for the conduct of the cultural events and every year and on stage and off stage programmes are conducted by the students. The Fine Art Secretary of the College Union organizes the cultural events. Endowment prize is awarded to the best performer and first, second and third prizes are also given to the winners. Library as a Learning Resource Does the library have an Advisory Committee? Specify the composition of such a committee. What significant initiatives have been implemented by the committee to render the library, student/user friendly? The Library has an Advisory Committee comprising Senior members of the faculty, Bursar of the college and the librarian. The Committee holds meetings twice in a year, decides and permits the funding of facilities required for the Library under the UGC 67 schemes. Moreover, any activity has to be informed through the committee for further action. The committee is in charge of purchase of new books, replacement of missing books and condemning old books. As per the Committee‟s strategies, the General Library has been digitalized and Bar-coding has been done including the Department Libraries as well. Under the tireless efforts of the Librarian, a state-level workshop was conducted in 2014 to create awareness of the up-gradation of library facilities. Around 100 chairs were purchased in 2009-10 for providing seating capacity for the students and the faculty. The researchers are given the privilege to utilize the digital room in the General Library for procuring information on their subject of research, by collecting resources, secondary and primary, downloading materials for research, and printing and photocopying the materials. They are free to use the internet (Net Resource Centre) available in the Library for their research. 4.2.2 Provide details of the following: ∗ Total area of the library (in Sq. Mts.) – 2100 sq. ft. ∗ Total seating capacity-50 students are expected to utilize the services of the library at the same time ∗ Workinghours(onworkingdays,onholidays,before examinationdays,duringexaminationdays,during vacation)- working hours: 9.30 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. on all working days and the library does not function on holidays and during vacation. ∗ Layoutofthelibrary(individualreadingcarrels,lounge areaforbrowsingandrelaxedreading,ITzoneforaccessinge-resources)- * The library has a room space for general reading purposes, for students to read newspapers or magazines and periodicals. The Net Resource Centre for accessing e-resources and browsing for researchers and non-research students. ∗ Access to the premises through prominent display of clearly laid out floor plan; adequate signage; fire alarm; access to differently abled users and mode of access to collection)- The sign boards are kept as directives to indicate the location of the General Library. Fire equipment is available for emergency purposes. The visually/ physically challenged persons are given due attention and assistance by the librarian and the assistant librarian. The information they look for is provided quickly so as they do not feel any discomfort while they stay in the library. 4.2.3 Give details on the library holdings Total No. a) b) 4.2.4 Print (Books, back volumes and thesis) 14828 Non Print (Microfiche, AV) 155 What tools does the library deploy to provide access to the collection? ∗ OPAC-yes. It offers enough directives for search of books. 68 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.2.7 ∗ Federatedsearchingtoolstosearcharticlesinmultipledatabasesprovides the information through search engines. ∗ LibraryWebsite- yes. The NRC To what extent is the ICT deployed in the library? ∗ Libraryautomation- yes A software called Dolphin has been utilized for automation purposes to digitalize the services. ∗ Totalnumberofcomputersforpublicaccess- 9 computers are provided for the student and the faculty. ∗ Totalnumbersofprintersforpublicaccess- 2 printers are used. ∗ Internetbandwidth/speed ∗ InstitutionalRepository ∗ Contentmanagementsystemfore-learning ∗ ParticipationinResourcesharingnetworks/consortia(like Inflibnet)- Dolphin software for sharing networks and through this software bar-coding has been done in 2013-2014. 2mbps 10mbps 1gb(GB) Provide details (per month) with regard to. ∗ Average number of walk-ins -200 entrants per day ∗ Average number of books issued/returned- 150 issued and 100 returned. ∗ Ratio of library books to students enrolled- ∗ Average number of books added during last three years ∗ Average number of login to OPAC - 50 students per day ∗ Average number of login to e-resources -10 per day ∗ Average number of e-resources downloaded/printed-10 per day ∗ Number of information literacy trainings organized - Workshop conducted in 2013-2014 ∗ Detailsof“weedingout”ofbooksandothermaterials-condemned books listed and recorded in every department. Give details of the specialized services provided by the library ∗ Manuscripts ∗ Reference- yes ∗ Reprography-yes ∗ ILL (Inter Library Loan Service) - Under UGC plan, books purchased by respective departments are to be made an entry in the General Library and then lent to the departments. 69 4.2.8 ∗ OPAC - yes through NRC ∗ Internet Access –yes ∗ Downloads-yes ∗ Printouts-yes ∗ Reading list/ Bibliography compilation – yes. Digital automation ∗ User Orientation -yes ∗ Assistance in searching Databases- yes. An assistant appointed through PTA to help students to download or search for database in applying for Government exams such as TNPSC, UPSC, NET,SLET etc ∗ INFLIBNET/IUC facilitiesDone with the assistance of the Computer Science department. -Autolib software is available for reference. Reprographic facilities are also available. Provide details on the annual library budget and the amount spent for purchasing new books and journals. Existing Newly added Total No. Value No. Value No. 14371 - 457 80,000 14828 139 22,896 16 Value Text Books Reference Books e-Books Journals e-Journals Digital Database CD & Video 3954 155 26850 Others (specify) 4.2.9 Does the library get the feedback from its users? If yes, how is it analyzed and used for improving the library services. Regular suggestions are sought from the students and the faculty regarding service and availability of resources. To encourage the students to use the library resources to the maximum, the librarian has instituted an Endowment Award under the name R.Ranganathan, father of Library Science, for an amount of Rs. 5000 as a gesture of motivating the students. 70 4.2.10 List the infrastructural development of the library over the last four years. Service is rendered free of cost and individual id cards are provided for the students and the faculty for borrowing of books. Photocopying materials and downloading eresources from the NRC for research students are done. Newspapers such as Employment News and magazines of relevance are provided for students to benefit. CD s are given to students for gaining knowledge on their respective subjects of interest. Many CDs are provided on general topics based on General Knowledge, Culture, Health hazards etc. 4.2.11 Did the library organize workshop/s for students, teachers, College to facilitate better Library usage? non-teaching staff of the Yes. The library in collaboration with New Century Book House, the publisher organized an exhibitionfor 3 days between 17.2.14 and 19.2.13 The Library organized under the able guidance of Ms. K. Chandra, the librarian of General Library a one day State-Level Workshop on „Effective Utilisation of Open Access Educational Resources‟for which the Director of Collegiate Education and the Joint Director of Collegiate Education were invited as Chief Guests. Students and Faculty members of this institution and other colleges actively participated. At the valediction ceremony, Dr. A. Ravishankar, Joint Director (Chennai Region) offered a special talk and distributed certificates to the participants. Moreover, the library has been digitalized and NRC under UGC, has been established. The librarian has equipped herself well by attending a Refresher Course at Bharathidasan University and a National workshop conducted at Annamalai University. The researchers are given the privilege to utilize the digital room in the General Library for procuring information on their subject of research, by collecting resources, secondary and primary, downloading materials for research, and printing and photocopying the materials. They are free to use the internet (Net Resource Centre) available in the Library for their research. IT Infrastructure 4.3.1 Does the College have a comprehensive IT policy addressing standards on IT Service Management, Information Security, Network Security, Risk Management and Software Asset Management? Yes 4.3.2 Give details of the College‟s computing facilities (hardware and software). o Number of systems with configuration No. of Computers 37 Configuration Intel Q57 Intel core 15 IC 15, 650 250 ATX 2GB DDRS win T Professional 32D 47cm (18.5) LCD Monitor Trascend 4GB NSB Drive 300 W Speaker Black Hands free Microphone – Black 71 Computer-studentratio • Standalonefacility 1:1 No. of Stand alone Computers 10 • Configuration Intel Q57 Intel core 15 IC 15, 650 250 ATX 2GB DDRS win T Professional 32D 47cm (18.5) LCD Monitor Trascend 4GB NSB Drive 300 W Speaker Black Hands free Microphone – Black LANfacility No. of Computers with LAN facility 5 • Configuration Intel Q57 Intel core 15 IC 15, 650 250 ATX 2GB DDRS win T Professional 32D 47cm (18.5) LCD Monitor Trascend 4GB NSB Drive 300 W Speaker Black Hands free Microphone – Black Internet -1000mbps Speed Wififacility No. of Computers with Wifi facility 10 Configuration Internet -1000mbps Speed BSNL – Broadband , Modem- Wifi Net Gear Intel Q57 Intel core 15 IC 15, 650 250 ATX 2GB DDRS win T Professional 32D 47cm (18.5) LCD Monitor Trascend 4GB NSB Drive 300 W Speaker Black Hands free Microphone – Black 72 • Licensedsoftware Oracle 8i • Numberofnodes/computerswithInternetfacility 10 Computers • Anyother 4.3.3 Whataretheinstitutionalplansandstrategiesfordeploying andupgradingtheITinfrastructureandassociatedfacilities? The primary focus of the institution is to generate man power to cater to the needs of the students with various skills and to provide Quality Education. To fulfill this we require the following enhancements as part of strategies: State of the art facilities which the infrastructure needs (Campus environment) International Standard Laboratories (Equipped Research Labs) Qualified Faculty and technical staff Technology mediated classrooms. In addition to this, Video conferencing facilities for academic hunt and Software for various academic research programs are deployed. The institution plans to encourage all faculty to utilize audio visual facility to the maximum in conducting seminars. Eawareness programme and training on computers to be given to the non-teaching faculty for effective functioning of office machinery. 4.3.4 Give details on access to online teaching and learning resources and other knowledge, and information provided to the staff and students for quality teaching, learning and research. The institution has its own website for sharing information within the departments and the faculty members. Every cell has its own email ids for communication within and outside the institution. The staff members and students of the college make use of NRC facility for learning and research activities. The internet facility is made available to the students and the faculty in the General Library as Net Resource Center for browsing, collection of data, downloading resources and printing. The Computer Literacy Programme provides access to computer and internet facility on the campus for elearning that can gain job opportunities. 4.3.5 Give details on the ICT enabled classrooms/learning spaces available within the College and how they are utilized for enhancing the quality of teaching and learning. Ensuring effective integration of ICT in the education systems, teachers and students have a particularly important role to play. Staff catalyze the paradigmatic shift from Teacher-centered pedagogy to an effective Student Learner- centered pedagogy. There are important parameters are to determine the ICT adoptions in Education sectors like: 73 Appropriateness of technologies Suitability and quality of instruction materials Educational services made available to the students by staff resources. Various representation in learning techniques The department of English conducts activities in the English Language Lab for 100 students simultaneously every week. ICT enabled smart classroom is under construction. In higher education we traditionally assume that high quality means low student faculty ratio and that large lecture/presentation techniques are the only low cost alternatives which were available to us. But after betterments we have adequate learning strategies that offer best results and higher achievability levels. e-Learning and ICT are two broad examples in education models. Interactive media is also used such as analog materials including software programs, application, broadcast and streaming media. Availability of e-books are the backbone of teaching methods to all streams of students. The Net Resource Center has been provided only in the General Library as part of internet infrastructure. 4.3.6 How are the faculty facilitated to prepare computer aided teaching-learning materials? What are the facilities available in the College or affiliating University for such initiatives? The members of the faculty prepare modules on the content based syllabus with which they impart information in the classrooms by the use of laptops. The students make use of the facilities by using individual laptops supplied by the Government of Tamilnadu with which they learn, access information, conduct seminars, do group work and also undergo tests. 4.3.7 How are the computers and their accessories maintained? (AMC, etc.) The institution has taken the AMC from CWINSTECH SERVICES, Chennai from the funds allotted by the State Government and the UGC and regular check has been done once in 60 days. The request for maintenance and repairs are attended within 24 hours and accessories are replaced as and when it is necessary. The printers and other accessories are maintained on ad-hoc basis 4.3.8 Does the College avail of the National Knowledge Network connectivity directly or through the affiliating University? If so, what are the services availed of? The Net Resource Center has been provided in the General Library as part of internet infrastructure. 4.3.9 Providedetailsontheprovisionmadeintheannualbudget forprocurement,upgradation,deploymentandmaintenance ofthecomputersandtheiraccessoriesintheinstitution(Yearwise forlastfouryears) 74 Year 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Non-plan 12,500/50,000/-----25,000/- Ugc xi plan --50,000/NIL Ugc spl. Maintenance Allotment 595062/---4200/-----------4,000/- Part II scheme 11,70467/----- Maintenance of Campus Facilities 4.4.1 Does the College have an Estate Office / designated officer for overseeing maintenance of buildings, class-rooms and laboratories? If yes, mention a few campus specific initiatives undertaken to improve the physical ambience. The sergeant is assigned as the designated officer for overseeing maintenance of buildings, classrooms and laboratories. He maintains cleanliness in the campus, in class rooms and seating arrangements during semester exams. 4.4.2 Does the College appoint staff for maintenance and repair? If not, how are the infrastructure facilities, services and equipment maintained? Give details. The Public Works Department, Government of Tamilnadu, takes care of maintenance and repair of the infrastructure that includes buildings, electrical facilities, water facilities of the college. CRITERION V: STUDENT SUPPORT AND PROGRESSION 5.1 Student Mentoring and Support 5.1.1 Does the College have an independent system for student support and mentoring? If yes, what are its structural and functional characteristics? Students‟ Redressal Cell monitors day to day complaints and grievances of the students. The Students Redressal cell follows the procedure and functions like the Grievance cell. The tutor –ward system help in the growth of the student with the required guidance. The students share their difficulties (academic and personal) with the respective tutors and sought their counsel. The faculty members make themselves available to students at all times and spend additional time to clarify the doubts of the slow learners. HEPSN program is being operated under NSS for the visually challenged students. The placement Cell caters to the needs of the students to seek employment. The cooperative stores in the college caters to the needs of the students 75 5.1.2 What provisions exist for academic mentoring apart from class room work? Remedial coaching for academically weak students was conducted and positive results are observed. Student counseling services were provided for improvement in their performance. 5.1.3 Does the College provide personal enhancement and development schemes for students? If yes, describe techniques employed e.g., career counselling, soft skill development, etc. The college has taken initiatives to provide additional skill-oriented programmes to benefit students to find a suitable career in the job market. Placement and Career Guidance Cell is highly popular among the students. Placement Cell representatives, act as coordinators between the students and the employers. The placement cell pools the data base of the final year students and matches them against the companies and their job requirements. The career guidance and placement cell of our college is effectively functioning from 2002 onwards. The cell is headed by a committee comprising of the Convener and Principal, Dr.K.R.Seethalakshmi, Placement Officer Dr.C.K.Mallika, Asst. Professor of English and Coordinator Dr. D. Pugazhenthi, Asst. Professor of Computer Science In this academic year, more than 50 organizations have visited our college to inform, interact and enlighten the students about various job opportunities through various activities. 01 Aptitude Test, 02 Awareness Programmes, 05 Training Programmes and 04 Seminars were conducted to our students. TNSDC through NFDC offered various courses like Apparel manufacturing technology, Multimedia, Animation, AVID- Digital Non Linear Editing etc. for interested students free of cost in February 2014. Mahindra Pride School offered free ITES course and also provided placements to the students. 174 were placed in 2013-2014, 57 in 2012-13, 58 in 2011-12, 99 in 2010-11, 13 in 2009-10, 3 in 2008-2009, 69 in 2007-08, 55 in 2006-07 The college provides Soft skills paper for UG students and soft skill with internship training for PG students. Special workshops, training programs and courses are also attended by the students on soft skills to equip themselves for better employment opportunities. 5.1.4 Does the College publish its updated prospectus and handbook annually? If yes, what are the activities / information included / provided to students through these documents? Is there a provision for online access? The College Prospectus updated every year, provides details of the courses offered, scholarship available and the fees applicable to the prospective students. The academic calendar (hand book) prepared by a faculty committee, facilitates the coordination and planning of the academic programs. 76 5.1.5 Specify the type and number of scholarships / freeships given to students (UG/PG/M.Phil/Ph.D./Diploma/others in tabular form) by the College Management during the last four years. Indicate whether the financial aid was available on time. Number of students Amount 1.SC /ST Scholarship 1379 73,98,482 2.BC /MBC Scholarship 1958 34,51,893 3.SC/ST Scholarship 66 4,98,000 4.Tamil Medium Fund 240 1,86,000 Financial support from other sources Jaigopal Garodia Scholarship 324 1,62,500 Financial support from institution Financial support from government Number of students who received International/ National recognitions 5.1.6 What percentage of students receives financial assistance from state government, central government and other national agencies? (e.g., Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY), SN Bose Fellow, etc.) About 95% of the students are receiving the State Government Scholarship and all the students (100%) from Mauritius receive the Central Government Scholarships 5.1.7 Does the College have an International Student Cell to cater to the needs of foreign students? If so, what measures have been taken to attract foreign students? Yes. Dr. K. .A. Jothi Rani, Assistant Professor of Department of Tamil is in-charge of International Student Cell. She takes care of the requirements of the foreign students including scholarships. 5.1.8 What types of support services are available for ∗ overseas students Scholarships are provided to the overseas students ∗ physically challenged / differently abled students HEPSN- helps in regular conduct of reading and doubt clearing sessions for the visually challenged students. Ground floor rooms are arranged during exams for students with physically disabled/ visually challenged abilities. These students are given adequate help by the assistants in the Library, Office Administration 77 and by the teaching faculty. During internal assessments, their needs are taken care by the teaching faculty with similar faculties who help them in evaluating their answer scripts in Braille and ensuring due credit for them. Scribes are appointed by the institution for assisting these students during semester exams and the scribes are paid as per the University regulations. ∗ SC/ST, OBC and economically weaker sections Scholarships are provided to the SC/STOBC and economically weaker students. Social service League identifies the economically weaker students and provide them food during the lunch break. ∗ students to participate in various competitions/ conferences in India and abroad Students from all the departments participate in various inter departmental, inter-collegiate and inter-state competitions and won prizes. ∗ health centre, health insurance etc. Group Insurance is provided to the Students by collecting Rupees sixty per head. ∗ skill development (spoken English, computer literacy, etc.,) Computer Literacy program for all the I year students is run in the fully equipped computer laboratory with 75 systems and certificates are issued by the Government of Tamil Nadu on completion of the course. ∗ performance enhancement for slow learners / students who are at risk of failure and dropouts For slow learners extra coaching classes are conducted and are given additional coaching after class hours. Remedial classes are organized for poor performers and the slow learners. Faculty spent extra hours after their regular classes to clarify their doubts. Untiring faculty repeatedly explain the concepts for slow learners. The slow learners and poor performers are assigned a topic every day to train them. Financial assistance from State Government and UGC for remedial coaching classes is fully utilized. ∗ exposure of students to other institutions of higher learning/ corporates/business houses, etc. Students are encouraged to attend and participate in the competitions, seminars and workshops conducted in other institutions and corporates. Internship and on job training programs provide an opportunity for the exposure to the students. ∗ publication of student magazines- students offer their contributions such as jokes, poems, stories, puzzles, proverbs, essays etc in the college magazine. 78 5.1.9 Does the College provide guidance / coaching classes for Civil Services, Defense Services, NET/SLET and any other competitive examinations? If yes, what is the outcome? Coaching classes are conducted for the entry into civil services and NET/SLET. A candidate has passed the SLET examination. 5.1.10 Mention the policies of the College for enhancing student participation in sports and extracurricular activities through strategies such as ∗ additional academic support, flexibility in examinations Yes, extra coaching is given to the students who miss their classe due to sports activities. Alternate dates are given to them to write their Continuous Assessment tests. ∗ special dietary requirements, sports uniform and materials Yes. 5.1.11 Does the College have an institutionalized mechanism for placement of its students? What services are provided to help students identify job opportunities, prepare themselves for interview, and develop entrepreneurship skills? The college has taken initiatives to provide additional skill-oriented programmes to benefit students to find a suitable career in the job market. A six day course on “Cell Phone Servicing” was given to 120 students by BSNL from 22-7-2013 to 27-7-2013. A follow up on this skill was done for six days in the month of September, 2013. The skill training was repeated for 193 students by BSNL in the month of February as a crash course for 3 days. A 235 hour softskills training was provided to 542 students by the organizing Soft skills Creating Opportunity to Employment- SSCOPE in 2013-14. 5.1.12 Give the number of students selected during campus interviews by different employers (list the employers and the number of companies who visited the campus annually for the last four years). The placement Cell Officer contacts various organizations and invites them to present their profile by conducting seminars, and workshops. After the initial preparation of creating awareness of such organizations and their requirements various levels of tests are conducted through which the organizations short list their prospective candidates for personal interviews and recruitment. Throughout these processes, the Placement Cell representative/s, act/s as coordinator/s in bridging the gap between the academic scenario and the job arena. Top organizations such as Ajuba International Pvt Ltd, Xertz Solutions, ISSM Business School, TCSBPS, C&M Digitals Pvt Ltd have recruited students from the institutions and are placed in prospective and challenging career options. 79 A number of 44 students underwent internship at STATE BANK OF INDIA for a month and received a stipend of Rs. 8000/A tie up between the institution and various corporate such as iGate, Cyber Soft Solutions, CADD Centre, NDFC, Oomys Technologies, Vishakaas Solutions and training provided by Mahindra Pride School for placing students in TCSBPO and RRD resulted in students being offered jobs in these organizations. The Career guidance and Placement Cell of the institution functions from 2002 onwards, headed by a committee comprising the Convenor and Principal, Placement officers and Coordinators. More than 50 organisations have visited the college to enlighten the students about various job opportunities through Aptitude Tests, Awareness Programmes, Training Programmes and Seminars. Does the College have a registered Alumni association? If yes, what are its activities and contributions to the development of the College? The Old Student Association/Alumni headed by The Principal, the Head of the Department of English and two members of the faculty organised an informal gathering in the month of July 2013, and Ms. Vidya, M.Sc., Ph.D in Chemistry, Research Officer in Sri Ramachandra Institute of Medical Sciences and a former student of the institution offered a brilliant speech recalling the good old memories of yester years. As a follow up on this gathering, seven former students who are currently the faculty of this institution contributed a substantial amount of Rs. 70,000/- towards providing water facilities for the students. A bore well and a hand pump had been installed and so the water problem is considerably reduced now. The former students who are working at various Research institutions have volunteered to give speeches for the students on safety measures to be followed in laboratories. All the final year students of the college contribute Rs.100/- each as a gesture of acknowledging their appreciation for the institution and the amount deposited under the account OSA in the bank is fruitfully spent for these students on the day of Convocation. The Endowment Prizes instituted by former principals and the faculty as well as the current faculty members in total 400 prizes of different cash amount ranging between Rs. 100 and Rs. 2500 are distributed by the OSA. 5.1.13 Does the College have a student grievance redressal cell? Give details of the nature of grievances reported and how they were redressed. The Student Counseling Cell formed by the members of senior faculty Ms.Shyamala (Nutrition and Dietetics dept.), Ms. Malarvizhi (Economics dept.) and Ms. Sujatha Lamech (English dept.) conducted various awareness programmes for the benefit of the students during the years 2008-2013. The students are offered a friendly platform to talk frankly without inhibitions and several speakers are invited to offer advice on overcoming depression, and to keep away from unhealthy relationships to ensure a successful future. They were directed to individual members to discuss their learning difficulties and were given valuable suggestions to focus on academic learning. The cell also aided in resolving career related concerns. Counselors like Mr. Santhanam, 80 Professor, Dr. Devasan, Dr.Duraisamy and Ms. Inba Subramaniam were invited to address the students during the year 2009-10. Ms. Mary Stella spoke on „A sound mind in a sound body‟ to create awareness on the students‟ physical and mental health in 2010-11. In 2011-12, counseling was given to hostel students followed by an awareness programme on social ills by Mr. David, a social activist. Ms. Sara Karunakaran, Director of Madras School of Social Work and G. Moses, lecturer of the same institution offered counseling and serving the society. A street play was staged by „Mattram‟, a regional organization on legal issues in society and Dr. Kapila Shobini offered counseling on teenage problems. Currently, the cell has been renamed as Students‟ Redressal Cell to monitor day to day complaints and grievances. The Students Redressal cell follows the procedure and function like the Grievance cell. Apart from the faculty members, a member of the police community in the rank of a Sub Inspector is also included in the cell. The issues are few and are not recorded to maintain the anonymity of the student community. 5.1.15 Does the College have a cell and mechanism to resolve issues of sexual harassment? The college is a women oriented institution including the teaching faculty and so no instances of sexual harassment have occurred. If such incidents of eve-teasing are reported outside the college the Redressal Committee takes the responsibility to intimate the police. However such incidents were only a few and they have been addressed immediately. 5.1.16 Is there an anti-ragging committee? How many instances (if any) have been reported during the last four years and what action has been taken on these? Anti-ragging is an integral part of the Student Redressal Cell policy and the members periodically address the students every week to caution them against such an unhealthy practice. There have been no reported incidents of ragging in the last four years. 5.1.17 How does the College elicit the cooperation from all stakeholders to ensure overall development of the students considering the curricular and co - curricular activities, research, community orientation, etc. ? The regular PTA meetings and regular tutor-ward system meetings help in ensuring cooperation from internal and external stakeholders. 5.1.18 What special schemes/mechanisms are in place to motivate students for participation in extracurricular activities such as sports, cultural events, etc? The college has established certain strategies even at the point of admission of students at the undergraduate and postgraduate level by allotting a substantial percentage of students who are already proficient in sports at the state, zonal, district or national level. Moreover the Sports Quota as regulated by the Government of Tamilnadu has been utilized for students who have excelled in various sports are inducted into the institution. Apart from such policies, students who are interested in sports activities are also encouraged to participate by providing professional coaching from Port Trust Organisations and Private Associations. The students are provided with nutritious refreshment and meals for sustaining their stamina and uniforms are offered by the 81 Physical Education Department as measures for enhancing quality in sports and games. During tournaments, the students and Coaches are given Travelling and Dearness Allowances and Attendance is given to the students. Some credits are given for such activities that are mandatory as part of the CBCS System. The committee of faculty members in charge of cultural and co-curricular activities makes frequent announcements and also put up posters and information pamphlets for the students to notice and make their choice of interest. The students are briefed about the events, and a follow up is done based on the information provided. The students who excel are given recognition in the college as a token of appreciation. 5.1.19 How does the College ensure participation of women in „intra‟ and „inter‟ institutional sports competitions and cultural activities? Provides details of sports and cultural activities in which such efforts were made? Various activities through associations formed by the respective departments also help in developing their confidence and communication abilities. The Fine Arts Club provide a common platform for all students to exhibit their latent talents to identify their potential that could help them in a holistic development. Refer Annexure VIII - Sports Achievement Refer Annexure IX - Outside competitions Departments Tamil Associations Seethakkaathi Senthamizh Mandram Activities Inaugural, Special Address and Competitions English Musematrix Historical Studies Histoire Inaugural, Special Address with ppt presentation on the need of English, competitions Inaugural, Special Address and competitions Economics Inaugural, Special Address and 82 Purpose To exhibit the students‟ skills and talents in other areas of learning and make them competent To create an awareness of the necessity of English as part of one‟s learning development and in the workforce. Target achieved Yes. Many students had won prizes. To understand the link between historical facts and actuality in terms of achievement Awareness to understand the Food Protection The students were inspired to follow their goals. Improvement observed in their performance. Students welcomed the current issues that competitions Mathematics Digi maths Physics Aurora Chemistry Plant Biology Vriksha & Plant Biotechnology Inaugural, Special Address, Group Discussion and competitions Inaugural, Special Address and demonstration on experiments fruitful in lfie. Inaugural, Special Address and collage competitions Inaugural, Special Address on Environment Protection Inaugural, Special Address on Adolescent Psychology Animal Zoology Sirushti Homescience Swasthya Inaugural, Special Address and workshop Commerce Commercio Hub Inaugural, Special Address on RBI and its 83 Act to consumer issues The practical side of Maths was discussed are discussed. Competitions to create an awareness of achievements of great scientist of the bygone era. Students inspired by them and promised to follow the footsteps of such achievers Graphic representation of organic and inorganic compounds and their role in human system Students to be enlightened on the importance of environment protection. To ensure protection of lives and methods of doing it. Students excelled in quiz and essay writing. To develop entrepreneurial skills on food preservation. Awareness on self-preservation through programmes on suicide prevention To realize the changing policies of money market and its effects on Students understood the significance of maths in real life. Students expressed their ideas through „seed carpet‟ designs . Students gave poster presentation and rangoli presentation on protection of coral life. Workshop done by students on Soft toy making and food preparation and artificial flower designing. Competitions that exhibited their talents. Computer Science DigiClub Physical Education Sports Activities Library policies Inaugural, Special Address on career development. Sports Day State level Workshop the common man. To update and upgrade the students learning capacities Students participated and won prizes on events that demand better competency in the job market. Students given Students have excellent exposure proved their on physical strengths by activities excelling in all sports at the national, zonal, district, intercollegiate and inter-departmental level. To enhance better Students are aware learning of these facilities opportunities and make use of through better them effectively. methods of access of sources 5.2 Student Progression 5.2.1 Provide details of programme-wise success rate of the College for the last four years. How does the College compare itself with the performance of other autonomous Colleges / universities (if available) Refer Annexure – Pass percentage 5.2.2 Providing the percentage of students progressing to higher education or employment (for the last four batches) highlight the observed trends. Student progression UG to PG 2009-10/ 2010-11/ 2011-12 /2012-13/2013-14 Number 350 Students PG to M.Phil. 2009-10/ 2010-11/ 2011-12 /2012-13/2013-14 90 Students PG to Ph.D. Employed Campus selection Other than campus recruitment 5.2.3 What is the Programme-wise completion rate/dropout rate within the time span as stipulated by the College/University? 2.24 for 2 Years 84 5.2.4 What is the number and percentage of students who appeared/ qualified in examinations like UGC-CSIR-NET, UGC-NET, SLET, ATE / CAT / GRE / TOFEL / GMAT / Central / State services, Defense, Civil Services, etc. 1 in Historical studies 5.2.5 Provide details regarding the number of Ph.D/D.Sc./D.Litt. theses submitted, accepted, resubmitted and rejected in the last four years. Nil 5.3 Student Participation and Activities 5.3.1 List the range of sports and games, cultural and extracurricular activities available to students. Provide details of participation and program calendar. Included in 5.1.19 5.3.2 Provide details of the previous four years regarding the achievements of students in cocurricular, extracurricular activities and cultural activities at different levels: University / State / Zonal / National / International, etc. Details attached. 5.3.3. How often does the College collect feedback from students for improving the support services? How is the feedback used? Once in two years, the Board of Studies consisting of a Student Representative and a Alumni Representative of each Department represent the student‟s opinion about the Syllabi. Their views are incorporated in framing the Syllabi. 5.3.4 Does the College have a mechanism to seek and use data and feedback from its graduates and employers, to improve the growth and development of the College? The College has a formal mechanism to obtain feedback from students and the alumni representatives regarding the curriculum. 5.3.5 How does the College involve and encourage students to publish materials like catalogues, wall magazines, College magazine, and other material? List the major publications/ materials brought out by the students during the previous academic session. The college magazine records the achievements of students in all extension activities like games and cultural events within the college and in other colleges as well. They are offered a platform to excel their latent talents in college magazine by publishing poems, articles, facts and findings, puzzles, paintings, stories, moral anecdotes etc. Years/ pub. 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Poems 7 23 5 6 Articles 4 5 2 4 Paintings 5 - - 5 Puzzles 3 2 1 3 Stories - - - 3 Jokes 2 - 7 5 85 5.3.6 Does the College have a Student Council or any similar body? Give details on its constitution, major activities and funding. UNION The college provides a suitable social platform for the students to identify and acquire leadership qualities by forming the college union through transparent and fair elections voted by all the class representatives who are the mouth piece of the student community. The responsibilities of the union are taken into consideration and so the head of any department takes up the work of regulating the union with the help of the Principal. The posts include President, Secretary, Treasurer, Fine arts secretary, Sports secretary, Social secretary, PG dept. Secretary, Shift II representative, Magazine editor, Planning secretary and Placement cell secretary. The president is honoured with robes followed by oath taking. They represent the problems students face during the functioning of the college by all the union members. They also offer suggestions to the students on issues like cleaning the campus, enviro-friendly issues and counseling. The college funds the activities of the union. The students are awarded medals and competitions are conducted by the union and prizes are given during the college day festivities. The union arranges a freshers‟ day for the newly admitted students of the year. 5.3.7 Give details of various academic and administrative bodies that have student representatives on them. Provide details of their activities. Sports Committee, Hostel Committee, Social Service Committee, Library Committee have student representatives who play a significant role in all activities related to these committees. CRITERION VI: GOVERNANCE, LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT 6.1 Institutional Vision and Leadership 6.1.1 State the vision and mission of the College. Vision: Befitting the motto “Endeavour to Enlighten” the institution is committed to serve the cause of women’s education in terms of educational enlightenment and social empowerment. Mission: To impart quality education viewing future employment and inculcate selflearning so that learning becomes a life-long process with a special focus on the empowerment of the women. 6.1.2 Does the mission statement define the College‟s distinctive characteristics in terms of addressing the needs of the society, the students it seeks to serve, College‟s traditions and value orientations, vision for the future, etc.? Yes, The mission statement has distinctive characteristics in terms of addressing the needs of the society by providing quality education, in guiding students to seek employment opportunities ,to be self reliant which focuses the empowerment of the women. 86 6.1.3 How is the leadership involved in * * * * ensuring the organization‟s management system development, implementation and continuous improvement interaction with stakeholders reinforcing culture of excellence identifying needs and championing organizational development (OD)? The principal who is the head of the Institution ensures a smooth functioning of the college by acting in coordination with Administrative Council is the decision making body. This Administrative Council is the decision making body. The head of the institution calls for periodical meetings of the council, to review the functioning of the college and the minutes are recorded The principal monitors the academic activities and overall discipline of the college by regular visits to the departments. The Principal address the Staff in Staff meeting arranged by Staff Club whenever need arises. The college office also works under the direct supervision of the Principal. The Principal meets the Students Union representatives to fulfill their requirements relating to academic and basic amenities. The Principal instructs the Heads of the Department who in turn delegate the work to the staff members about tutorial system, conducting PTA meetings. The Controller of Examination instructs the faculty about preparation of Syllabus, conduct of Continuous Assessment , Fees Payment details and Examination Particulars. 6.1.4 Were any of the senior leadership positions of the College vacant for more than a year? If so, indicate the reasons. - No 6.1.5 Does the College ensure that all positions in its various statutory bodies are filled and conduct of meetings at the stipulated intervals? The college has various committee s like Admission Committee, Hostel committee, Sports committee, Library Committee, Cooperative Stores Committee. The Senior Members of the College are the Members of the Committees. During the Administrative Council meetings, the members are decided and even if any one retires, the post is replaced by next senior. Regular Meetings are held to monitor into the financial aspects, decision and smooth functioning of the College 6.1.6. Does the College promote a culture of participative management? If yes, indicate the levels of participative management. The College Administrative Council meets regularly and decisions are taken unanimously. One Department of the College is responsible for the College Union. They Conduct elections and guide the students about the activity they have to involve. In the Hostel Committee, involvement of students deciding the menu and other requirements is done. 87 6.1.7 Give details of the academic and administrative leadership provided by the University to the College? The University appoints a senior Faculty from the institution as the Academic Council Member to represent as University Nominee of the College. The administrative leadership is taken care of by the University nominee who is a member of the Autonomy Review Committee. 6.1.8 How does the College groom the leadership at various levels? One Department of the College is responsible for the College Union. They conduct College Elections for five Post namely, President, General Secretary, Treasurer, Social Service Secretary and Fine Arts Secretary. Apart from these five posts there are six nominated posts. The Union guides the office bearers of College Union in conducting Weekly Prayers, Inauguration of the College Union, Independence Day, Republic Day, Sarvodaya Day College Day and Fine Arts Competitions which is held for Two days. The office bearers conduct weekly meeting with the class representatives and discuss about issues the student faces and take appropriate decisions. The office bearers monitor discipline of the College .By the end of the Year ,the Office Bearers have experience in many aspects which would be useful in taking decisions and face real world. 6.1.9 Has the College evolved any strategy for knowledge management? If yes, give details. UGC and IQAC cell of our college is the reservoir of Knowledge Management. The office maintains details of staff students and nonteaching staff .Preparation of Content in Cds in some Departments is undertaken 6.1.10 How are the following values reflected in various functions of the College? ∗ Contributing to national development Students of the college actively participate in creating awareness about Voters Day and other important events. Students Contribute for Flag Day and White Cane Day.NSS ,NCC,YRC,RRC volunteers participate in creating awareness about social issues. These volunteers also perform social service activities. ∗ Fostering global competencies among students UG and PG students have Soft skill courses in the curriculam. Students are trained in various aspects to face the Job Market. ∗ Inculcating a value system among students Value Education is one of the papers introduced for UG courses Students acquire Knowledge and experiences by involving in social service activities like NSS, NCC, YRC and RRC. 88 Consumer Club, Women Development cell Entrepreneurial Development cell create awareness about being independent. Enviro Club create awareness about protecting our environment. ∗ Promoting use of technology Lap top is given to all students at free of cost by the Government of TamilNadu .Net Resource Centre is used in the Library. Students are trained on the usage of powerpoint presentation using LCD for paper presentation. ∗ Quest for excellence Paper presentation by all PG students, encouraging UG students to present papers. Six students presented paper in the National Seminar on “ICT tools for Quality Enhancement in Teaching & Learning Process on 28.1.2009.Training students for Entry into services. 6.2 Strategy Development and Deployment 6.2.1 Does the College have a Perspective Plan for development? If so, give the aspects considered in development of policy and strategy. Yes. ∗ Teaching and learning The perspective plan takes into consideration the taching and learning environment in academic curriculum by arriving at a common consensus between the Head of the institution, the council members and the student union. ∗ Research and development The institution plans to provide infrastructure facilities for research scholars and the faculty who undertakes projects. ∗ Community engagement The student union has to be established emphatically to include more social activities in support of the student community. ∗ Human resource planning and development The college plans to increase the student strength and offer induction programmes for streamlining all academic and co-curricular activities. ∗ Industry interaction Placement cell has taken the initiative to create linkage between the institution and the industry through collaborations for soft skills program and language efficiency programmes (SCOPE). 6.2.2 Enunciate the internal organizational structure of the College for decision making processes and their effectiveness. Organizational chart included- Annexure XI. 6.2.3 Specify how many planned proposals were initiated/ implemented, during the last four years. Give details. 89 In the academic non-major electives, value education, CLP, EVS, PG for three Departments, M.Phil for three Departments and Ph.D. programs in Historical Studies, Mathematics and Computer Science were approved. Under Autonomous Status CBCS at PG level, credit system for UG courses, and modification of internal mark evaluation have been done. Curricular changes were made through flexible innovative programs and revision of need based subjects. The infrastructure is developed by setting instrumentation rooms in many science departments and a gym facility. 6.2.4 Does the College have a formally stated quality policy? How is it designed, driven, deployed and reviewed? The head of the institution ensures quality administration by conducting frequent meetings with the college council, the office in charge, bursar and superintendent and the administrative staff for regularizing the scholarship disbursal procedure. The controller of examinations designs the curriculum based on the syllabus for smooth conduct of examinations and evaluation process. The Autonomy Review Committee and the University Committee review the activities periodically. 6.2.5 How does the College ensure that grievances / complaints are promptly attended to and resolved effectively? Is there a mechanism to analyze the nature of grievances for promoting better stakeholder-relationship? The student redressal committee earlier named as student grievance cell ensures resolution of complaints effectively. 6.2.6 Does the College have a mechanism for analyzing student feedback on institutional performance? If yes, what was the institutional response? The Principal scrutinizes the reports given by various heads of the departments based on the student feedback that has become part of faculty assessment and offers valuable suggestions and directives to improve quality teaching. 6.2.7 In what way the affiliating University helped the College to identify the developmental needs of the College? The Affiliating university ensures the college of its affiliation by providing a certificate and posting online. The University provides funds for extension activities like NSS. It appoints a University Nominee to improve the curriculum design and monitor various committees of the college. 6.2.8 Does the affiliating university have a functional College Development Council (CDC) or Board of College and University Development (BCUD)? If yes, In what way College is benefitted. Yes. The revisions in norms and procedures are briefed to the college periodically. 6.2.9 How does the College get feedback from non-teaching, teaching, parents and alumni on its functioning and how it is utilized? 90 The non-teaching and teaching faculty represents the issues to the principal to undertake necessary measures in terms of rectification, improvement and development. The alumni offer their suggestions during interaction sessions. The parent-teacher meeting helps in collecting feed-back from the parents. 6.2.10 Does the College encourage autonomy to its academic departments and how does it ensure accountability? Through Syllabus, seminars, association, publications, and evaluations the college ensures autonomy. The results and personal achievements of the students and the faculty ensure their accountability. 6.2.11 Does the College conduct performance auditing of its various departments? Yes. It is done by the IQAC. 6.3 6.3.1 Faculty Empowerment Strategies What efforts are made by the College to enhance the professional development of teaching and non teaching staff? The college permits the teaching faculty to undergo orientation, refresher, and shortterm courses to enhance their professional skills as well as facilitates opportunities for undertaking projects (major and minor) as a gesture of empowerment strategy. They are also permitted to attend seminars, conferences workshops, and present papers at National and International level. The faculty members visit other institutions or organizations as subject experts, members of affiliation committee for courses to be approved, as well as appear as special guest speakers. The faculty is empowered to do doctoral and post-doctoral research while in service. 6.3.2 What is the outcome of the review of the Performance Appraisal Reports? List the major decisions. The student feed-back is considered part of performance report. The regular appraisal is sanctioned as per government and UGC regulations. 6.3.3 What are the welfare schemes available for teaching and non teaching staff? What percentage of staff have availed the benefit of such schemes in the last four years? Health Insurance Scheme recommended by the Government of Tamil Nadu is availed by the teaching and non-teaching staff. 6.3.4 What are the measures taken by the College for attracting and retaining eminent faculty? Nil 6.3.5 Has the College conducted a gender audit during the last four years? If yes, mention a few salient findings. Nil 91 6.3.6 Does the College conduct any gender sensitization programs for its staff? Yes. It is done by Women Development Cell. 6.3.7 What is the impact of the University‟s UGC-Academic Staff College Programmes in enhancing competencies of the College faculty? Positive 6.4 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization 6.4.1 What is the institutional mechanism to monitor effective and efficient use of financial resources? The Office Administration ensures allocation of amount collected from the students as fees for various activities and to be and later audited by the end of the academic year. 6.4.2 Does the College have a mechanism for internal and external audit? Give details. The internal audit includes stock taking in all departments, laboratories, office, Departmental libraries, Physical Education department, Cooperative stores, Hostel and General Library by the faculty every year. The auditors represented by the Directorate of Collegiate Education undertake external audit regularly. 6.4.3 Have the accounts been audited regularly? What are the major audit objections and how are they complied with? There have been no reports of objections in the audit system. 6.4.4 Narrate the efforts taken by the College for resource mobilization. The resources funded by the Government of Tamil Nadu are duly allotted to respective departments for maintenance and purchase of contingencies, equipment etc. 6.4.5 Is there any provision for the College to maintain the „corpus fund‟? If yes, give details Nil 6.5 Internal Quality Assurance System 6.5.1 Does the College conduct an academic audit of its departments? If yes, give details. The college conducts an academic audit at the beginning of every semester on the basis of result analysis of UG and PG students‟ performance in the early semesters and appropriate measures and corrections are done. 6.5.2 Based on the recommendations of academic audit what specific measures have been taken by the College to improve teaching, learning and evaluation? 92 Remedial coaching for academically weak students was conducted and positive results are observed. Student counseling services were provided for improvement in their performance. 6.5.3 Is there a central body within the College to continuously review the teaching learning process? Give details of its structure, methodologies of operations and outcome? Controller of Examinations reviews the process by instituting continuous internal assessment every semester till the course is completed. 20 marks awarded for CIA and 80 marks for external examination is structural pattern of learning process. 6.5.4 How has IQAC contributed to institutionalizing quality assurance strategies and processes? The IQAC of the college check the course material and evaluative methods of the institution for quality sustenance. The suggestions given by the Alumni, stakeholders and the advice given by the Autonomy Review Committee are taken into consideration for institutionalising quality assurance strategies and processes. 6.5.5 Does the IQAC have external members on its committees? If so, mention any significant contribution made by such members. The IQAC involves 2 members from the industry and a member from the stakeholder community as external members and senior faculty as internal members and coordinators. 6.5.6 Has the IQAC conducted any study on the incremental academic growth of students from disadvantaged sections of society? The academic audit is proof of the academic growth and remedial coaching for disadvantaged sect of students and their improvement is a vital proof of development. The IQAC monitors these events. 6.5.7 What policies are in place for the periodic review of administrative and academic departments, subject areas, research centres, etc.? The Administrative Council is the decision making body. The Principal in compliance with the Council members consisting of all the Heads of the Departments review the functioning of the academic activities periodically by conducting meetings. The minutes of the meetings are recorded. Under the direct supervision of the Principal, the college office functions with the Bursar as the Administrative in charge and periodic changes are discussed. The Board of Studies periodically review the curriculum based content and offer their valid suggestions for further improvement. The Principal reviews the functioning of the college in consultation with the council and the student union. All developmental programmes are channeled in four directions: Academic, Financial, Infrastructure and Administration related issues. 93 CRITERIA VII: INNOVATION AND BEST PRACTICES 7.1 Environment Consciousness 7.1.1 Does the College conduct a Green Audit of its campus? No 7.1.2 What are the initiatives taken by the College to make the campus eco-friendly? Enviro Club has been inaugurated on 19.10.12. Dr.(Mrs)J.J.Arockia Rita, Faculty Advisor, Enviro Club invited Mr.Hareindharan (Director –Operations),ISHTA Foundation to deliver a lecture on “We Love to Recycle”. Students became aware about the proper disposal of e waste .Student Volunteers created a small flower and vegetable garden in the college campus. Frequent campus cleaning programmes are arranged by the NSS as part of their social activities in maintaining a pollution-free campus. Other students are also encouraged to participate in such events. Moreover, saplings are planted on regular basis to make the place green and healthy. The Botany and Zoology departments monitor the students‟ efforts in keeping the college campus eco-friendly. ∗ Energy conservation - Transformer has been installed for regulating power facility. ∗ Use of renewable energy - ∗ Water harvesting ∗ Check dam construction ∗ Efforts for Carbon neutrality ∗ Plantation – Regular planting of saplings done in the campus. ∗ Hazardous waste management – Hazardous materials are disposed by the cleaning attendants. Wheel barrows and machinery used for campus cleaning. ∗ e-waste management - ∗ any other NSS Activity - the NSS Officers and students have participated in the program on "the role of women in the environmental protection" conducted by the Pollution Control Board. Eighty students have taken part in the tree sapling planting program conducted by the Tamil Nadu Tourism Development Corporation. On the occasion of the birth centenary of Mother Theresa bushes were removed and tree saplings were planted. Campus cleaning followed by Environmental Awareness Programme with 280 NSS Volunteerson 8.7.2011 Campus cleaning with JCP and Truck by Manju Foundation (NGO, Chennai Separated degradable and non-degradable waste on 14.07.11&15.0711 On 4.10.2012 The Lions Club members provided the JCP to clean our college camps. 94 On 5.10.2012 “Pesticide for Mosquito” – an Awareness program was conducted by Lions Club members along with Mrs.G.Velmail, Dr. Devi Kanyakumari and Mrs. K. Shanthi – the NSS program officers. On 6.3.13 Work shop was conducted on Disposing House waste in an ecofriendly way. College campus was cleaned by NSS volunteers along with program officers monthly once. A tree plantation drive under NCC was conducted on 19th October 2013. 7.2 Innovations 7.2.1 Provide details of innovations introduced during the last four years which have created a positive impact on the functioning of the College. Placement Cell coordinating with Companies/Industries by creating awareness about Job opportunities, training students and providing opportunities to find Placement . HEPSN Recorded lessons are being provided to the visually challenged students. The lessons recorded in the form of audio CDs and audio cassettes are provided by the HEPSN. The students volunteered to read out the lessons for the visually challenged. Women Development Cell - The mission of the cell is to inspire and equip women to understand the physical, mental and social potential. The cell conducts seminars, debates, social awareness and training programmes and personal counseling to the women students. Entrepreneurial Development Cell – Work shop conducted in alliance with Tamil Nadu Employment and training department on 28.1.14. An information source proposed by Tamil Nadu Government has been highlighted in the workshop. Consumer Club – Seminar conducted in creating awareness on Consumer Protection Act. A forum on consumer and health has been discussed. College Bazzar – In collaboration with Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women Ltd., Project Implementation Unit an exhibition and sale of products made by women self-help groups, the college provided the venue to create awareness and participation among students. Group Insurance is provided to the Students by collecting Rupees sixty per head. Social Service League is providing free noon meals to the poor students. Best Practices 7.3.1 Give details of any two best practices which have contributed to better academic and administrative functioning of the College. Academic - Tutor Ward System Administrative –scholarship 95 Format for Presentation of Best Practices The Best practices of the institution includes Academic - Tutor-Ward system and PTA The departments under the efficient administration of the controller of examinations conduct periodic meetings between the students and the tutor at least once in a semester. The tutors give guidance for students, who have learning difficulties, with the consensus of the parent so that the triangular relationship of student-teacher-parent is sustained and continued till the students complete their course of study. Administrative –Scholarship distribution The Office Administration under the moral support of the Principal duly disburses the scholarship fund allotted by the Government of Tamilnadu in an efficient manner. The scholarship fund is allotted based on the community quota – BC/MBC/SC/ST and the money is sanctioned to the college under the name of the Principal of the college. The non-teaching faculties consolidate the fund by categorizing the money in terms of the quota and the lists of students are taken. EVALUATIVE REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT 96 JUNE 2006-DEC 2014 1. Name of the department & its year of establishment - TAMIL ,1974 2. Names of Programmes/ Coures offered (U.G,P.G,M.Phil,Ph.D,Integrated Masters;Integrated Ph.D.,etc) - U.G,P.G 3. Interdisciplinary Courses and department - NME - Academic –semester - Non Academic-choicebased 5. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other department - CLP 4. Annual/semester/choice based credit system 6. Number of teaching posts sanctioned and filled (Professor /Associate Professor/Asst.Professors) Sanctioned Filled 5 10 Professors Associate Professors Asst.professors 7. Faculty profile with name ,qualification, designation,specialization, (D.Sc./D.Litt./Ph.D./M.Phil.etc.,) Name Qualification Designation Specialization Dr.C.Hemalatha M.A,B.Ed, M.Phil,Ph.d M.A, M.Phil M.A, M.Phil,DG.Dip in folf-iore ,PG.Dip in Mamuscript M.A,B.Ed,M.Phil,Ph.D Associate professor Associate professor Associate professor C.Pa.Padaippugal oru Paarvai Bharathidasan padalgalil agam „Kilamai‟ novelgalil kudumbam Periya puranathil Iyargai Punaivu Siruvar Ethal Serukathaigal Aaivu Paraiyer Ina Makkalin vazhalkai vatta sadangukal S.Sathyavaty V.Gnanambigai Dr.R.Geetha Rathina Priya Dr.S.Nirmala Dr.K.A.Jothi Rani Dr.T.Parameswari M.A,B.Ed,M.Phil,Ph.D M.A,M.Phil,Ph.D, B.Ed,C.R.PGDJ M.A,B.Ed, Associate professor Associate professor Assistant Professor Assistant 97 Kappiangalil No.of Years Of Experience No.of Ph.D. Students Guided for the last 4 years 30 - 27 - 18 - 13 - 13 - 12 - 7 - Dr.P.Gowri Dr.V.Alamelu Dr.K.Backia Lakshmi S.Geetha E.Rajeashwari P.Murugeshwari Dr.S.D.Sumathi Dr.D.Mekala Ph.d DGN Professor M.A,M.Ed,M.Phil,Ph.D, Assistant Professor M.A,B.Ed,M.Phil,Ph.D,P. G.Dip in Jornalisum& masscommunication, Dip in Manus scriptology M.A, M.A,M.Phil,Ph.D M.A,M.Phil M.A,M.Phil, B.Ed, M.A,M.Phil M.A,Ph.D M.A,M.Phil,Ph.d Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Ethirnilai Pattirangal Bharathin padaippugal Aaraichi valarchi Tamil paviyalil uravaga ani Gnanakkuthan Kavithaigal Aaivu Mangaiyarmalar punaikathaigal Aaivu 18 aam Noottarandu punaikathai Varalatril panditha Sa.Ma.Natesa sasthri Erruvadi .S.R.adhakrishnan in En.Pakkam oru Mathippeedu Venmani Nigalchiyum Ilakiya pathivugal Kannadasan urainadaigalil Nadaigal 7 - 7 - 7 - 7 - 6 - 6 - 6 - 3 - 8. Programme wise Student Teacher Ratio- (U.G&P.G) 75:1 9. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: Sanctioned and filled- NIL 10. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a)national (a) -1 b)international Funding agencies c)Total grants received (c) Rs.5,87,100/- Mention names of funding agencies F.5-132/2012(H.R.P) 11. Publications: *Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers 1. Dr.K.A.Jothi rani -1. Sadangupadalgal-II edition.2014.kavya publication. 2. Dalitppennium Mempattuchinthanaigal,2010,Dept of Tamilnadu Adidravidar social welfare. 2. Dr.P.Gowri-1.Ulagam potrum Thirukkural kuralum Porulum,2010, manora publication. 98 ISBN-978-81-8433-006-9 2. Mahakavi Bharathiyarin Mupperum Padalgal,2013.CIIL,Mysore. 12. Student of projects * Percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with industries with industries/Institutes-NIL 13. Awards/recognitions received at the national and international level by * Faculty-Dr.K.A.JOTHI RANI ,(Ilakkiya Meambadu) Tamilnadu Govt Sc/st Welfare Dept-Best Writer cash Award:20,000 from Chief Minister 2009-2010 *Doctoral-2010- Dr.C.Hemalatha 2011 -Dr.K.Rajeswari 2012-Dr.S.Nirmala 2013-Dr.R.Geetha Rathna Priya 14. Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organized and the source of funding (national/International) with details of outstanding participants,if any. Workshops-K.A.Jothi Rani .Sanga illakiyathil Tamil Panpattu kalai kalin marabou. Seminar-Tamil Dept- Panmuga nokil penngal(2012)International conference & new century Book house 15. Student Progression Student Progression UG to PG PG to M.phil PG to Ph.D Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral Employed *Campus selection *Other than campus recruitment Enterpreneurs Percentage against enrolled 43% - 25% - 16. Diversity of staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates Of the same parent university From other universities within the States From other university from other States 80% 20% - 17. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc.and D.Litt. during the assessment period. -10 99 18. Present details about infrastructural facilities a). Library - one room for the Dept .Lit b).Internet Facilities for staff and students c).Total number of class rooms – 4 with necessary furnitures 19. Number of student of the department getting financial assistance from College. UG /(2006-2014)-512, PG/(2012-2014). 20. Does the department obtain feedback from b.student on staff ,curriculum as well as teaching –learning-evalution and what is the response of the department to the same ? Yes 21. List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) 1.Dr.S.Nirmala 2.Dr.V.Alamelu 3.Dr.D.Megala 22.Give Details of student enrichment programmes (special lecture / workshops / seminar) With external experts.1.seminar 2.workshop 3.Association of tamil (seethkkathi senthamil mantaram) 23. How does the department ensure that programme objectives are Constantly met and learning outcomes monitored? - A magazine (uli) was published by the UG Student (Dep circulation) in the year 2009-2010. 24. Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. - Attached (Student achievement details Attached ) 25. Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. -2projects were done by the dept students with the association of TANSCHE, in the year 2007-2008 26. Detail any five Strengths,Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department –Strength: The Involvement of the students in their studies and a good bond remains between the students and the teacher Opportunities: Students participated in Inter collegiate competitions, and medias. 27. Future plans of the department. 1. A seminar on “Tolkappiyam” will be organized by the organized by the department for the academic year 2014-2015. 2. Fieldwork will be given to the P.G student based on their syllabus, temple art& Inscriptions. 3. A Workshop will be arranged for the acedamic year 2016-2017. 4. Project will be given to the P.G student in the field of mass media & 100 journalism. 5. The department is planning to organize a seminar on the highlights of the Tamil literature. HIGH LIGHTS OF THE DEPARTMENT Academic Linkage 1. A national seminar was conducted by Tamil Dept. in2012 , in collaboration with New Century Book House (Panmuga Nokkil Pengal). 2. A workshop was organized by Dr.K.A.JothiRani on Jan 2013 in collaboration with Chemmozhi Tamizhaivu Niruvanam. Feedback from H.O.D From the feedback it was obtained that the students have a very good opinion on their staffs. The students find utmost fulfillment in the teaching methodology of the staffs; it very much helps them in improving their knowledge about the subject. The relationship between the staff and the students is cordial. All the students show their keen observation in their studies and get good marks. They understand the lessons and reply all the questions which are asked by the staffs. They respect our staff and do all the necessary help in the class improvement. M.O.U 1. SAKSHAM: - Three staffs of Tamil Dept. participated in SAKSHAM (Computer software program) 2013-2014 conducted by Tamilnadu Govt. Name of the staffs: 1. Mrs.V.Gnanambigai 2. Dr.T.Parameswari 3. Dr.P.Gowri 2. I.C.T: - In 2009-2010 nine staffs of our department participated in the Computer education which was organized by University of Madaras. 1.V.Gnanambigai 2.Dr.Geetha Rathina Priya 3.Dr.K.A.Jothi rani 4.Dr.T.Parameswari 5.Dr.P.Gowri 6.Dr.V.Alamelu 101 7.Dr.K.Backia lakshmi 8.S.Geetha 9.P.Murugeshwari 3. IQAC workshop was conducted by QMGC on 1-4-2009 and all our staffs participated and benefited . 4. Our staff Dr.K.A.JothiRani won the Best Writer award for the book “Dalit Penniyam Kotpattu Sinthanaigal”. Association activities Seethakathi Senthamizh Mandram encourages the students of our department, to know the depth of the Tamil language in its long lost history. Every year an eminent Tamil person from all over the state is invited by our department for the Tamil association. Special lectures are given by them to the students and the students benefit in well manner. DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH 1. Name of the Department & its year of establishment English & 1974 2. Names of Programmes / Courses offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., etc.) B.A.English literature and M.A. English literature 3. Interdisciplinary courses and departments involved NME-Vocabulary Extension and Personality Enrichment Courses. Departments of Commerce, Economics, Tamil Literature and Historical Studies are involved. Softskills- all Depts. 4. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system Semester and Choice based Credit System are followed. 5. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departmentsand Non-Major Elective 6. ClP Number of teaching posts sanctioned and filled (Professors/Associate Professors/ Asst. Professors) Sanctioned Professors Associate Professors Asst. Professors 5 13 102 Filled 5 13 7. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization, (D.Sc./D.Litt. /Ph.D. / M. Phil. etc.) Name Qualification Designation R. Geetha Rani, M.A.,Phil G. EswariPrabhu, B. Thilagavathy, M.A., M.Phil., M.Ed., PGDTE (Ling.), Dip. Journalism M.A.,Phil V.P.V. Suganthi M.A.,Phil SugannyaRavichandran M.A.,Phil.,B.Ed S. Lochani M.A., M.Phil., Assistant Professor Dr. C.K. Mallika M.A., Ph.D Assistant Professor Jemima Anita Rani M.A., M.Phil., Dip. Assistant Journalism Professor American Novel- John Updike Dr.SujathaLamech M.A., M.Phil.,Ph.D Assistant Professor Black Literature M.S. Ramamani M.A., Assistant Professor A survey on the syllabus of Madras University G. Vijayashree M.A., M.Phil., PGDCA Assistant Professor SubhaJayaraj M.A., M.Phil., R. Venmathi M.A., B.Ed., M.Phil., Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Afro-American lit. –Tony Morrison&Alice Walker African-American Novel T.K. Prameela, M.A., M.Phil Dr. BalaAgarwal K. Kavitha M. ShanmugaPriya Dr. S. Ruby Ebenezer Associate Professor & HOD Specialization Bibiliographical representation of S.T.Coleridge American Drama- Sam Sheppard‟s plays Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor No. of Experience 32 26 British Novel- A.J. Cronin 23 ELT 20 British Drama-Allen Ackburn 23 AComparative study on the philosophy of Omar Khayyam and Kannadasan American Lit-John Cheever 14 Assistant Professor ELT-Child language Acquisition at the primary level American DramaWilliam Inge M.A., M.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D. Assistant Professor American lit.- Flannery O‟Connor 17 M.A., M.Phil., PGDELT Assistant Professor British& American Pastoral Poetry 15 M.A., M.Phil., Assistant Professor West Asian Women‟s Writings 5 Assistant Professor Translation Studies M.A., M.Phil., M.B.A., M.Phil., M.Ed., Ph.D. 10 17 13 103 no. of Ph.D. guided for the last 4 years 5 4 8. Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information UG- Shift II – General English (Core) subjects-100 Part II and Softskills- 100 9. Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio-UG 70:1 PG- 30:1 10. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned and filled NIL 11. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) national b) international funding agencies and c) Total grants received. Mention names of funding agencies and grants received project-wise. NIL 12. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, etc.; total grants received NIL 13. Research facility / centre with o o o 14. state recognition NIL national recognition NIL international recognition NIL Publications: * number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international)7 * Monographs -NIL * Chapter(s) in Books-6 * Editing Books -NIL * Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers-5 * number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) -NIL * Citation Index – range / average -NIL * SNIP -NIL * SJR -NIL * Impact factor – range / average-NIL * h-index -NIL 104 15. Details of patents and income generated NIL 16. Areas of consultancy and income generated NIL 17. Faculty recharging strategies attending refresher, short-term and orientation courses. paper presentations in seminars and publishing articles in journals 18. Student projects o percentage of students who have done in-house projects including interdepartmental -NIL o percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with industries / institutesNIL 19. Awards / recognitions received at the national and international level by o o o Faculty -NIL Doctoral / post doctoral fellows –NIL Students -NIL 20. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized and the source of funding (national / international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. 1.International Seminar Funded By The College And A Few Sponsors. 2.Workshop on Review Writing for the Chennai Literary Fest Conducted By The University of Madras and Funded by Emerald Publishers, Chennai. 21. Student profile course-wise: Selected Male Female 63 Pass percentage Male Female 93.75 Name of the Course 2013-14 B.A. Applications received 957 M.A. 68 30 86.2 B.A.2012-13 881 64 90.47 M.A. B.A.2011-12 M.A. B.A.2010-2011 M.A. B.A. 2009-2010 M.A. 105 636 51 982 32 970 62 30 65 27 65 18 63 28 79.3 94 89 93 100 94 100 105 22. Diversity of Students Name of the Course % ofstudents from thecollege B.A.English M.A.English 20 % of students from the state 100 80 % of students from other States % of students from other countries 23. How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services, NET, SLET, GATE and any other competitive examinations? -NIL 24. Student progression Student progression UG to PG PG to M.Phil. PG to Ph.D. Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral Employed Campus selection Other than campus recruitment Entrepreneurs 25. Percentage against enrolled/ 100% 2009-12 - 13.11 2010-2013 -15 2011-2014 - 18.5 2009-2011 -20; 2010-2012 - 55.55 2011-2013 - 35; 2012-2014 - 33.33 20 40 Diversity of staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates of the same parent university from other universities within the State from other universities from other States - 60 40 26. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period. 1 27. Present details about infrastructural facilities a) b) c) d) Library -2700 books and reference books. Internet facilities for staff and students -NO Total number of class rooms -5 Class rooms with ICT facility -NO 106 e) f) Students‟ laboratories –YES. LANGUAGE LAB Research laboratories –NIL 28. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from College. 150 from Governmental and Private organizations. 29. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new program(s)? If so, give the methodology. Syllabus Revision of General English for Students‟ better understanding 30. Does the department obtain feedback from a) faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize it? Through periodical staff meetings and feedback on tests conducted for teaching-learning evaluation. Based on the test findings, improvement measures are done. b) students on staff, curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation and what is the response of the department to the same?Feedback Provides a Viable Opportunity to Enchance the Quality of Teaching as well as make use of ICT Tools as part of the Curriculum. c) Alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the department to the same? Suggestions are taken from the Alumni 31. List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) 32. Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) with external experts. 1. Special talk given during the association meetings of the department to enrich the knowledge of the students. 2. Workshop on review writing to create viable opportunities in the job market. 3. International Seminar to develop their skills in Communication and Presentation of Ideas. 33. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. The Faculty use chalk and talk method, Lecture Method, Seminars, Quiz, Group Discussions and ICT Enhanced Methods. 34. How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes monitored? The Department Conducts three Written Assessment tests out of which the two best performance is considered for Evaluation. Regulation assignments and 107 35. projects are given to be submitted for Periodical Monitoring. All these assessments are monitored and marks are awarded. Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. Every Faculty Member is Involved in Various Extension Activities like NSS. LEO Club and the students enroll under these activities to Develop Team Building Skills. The Students are awarded credits for the Extension Activities. 36. Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. 1. Many Members of the Faculty Currently Pursue Doctoral Research as part of their Scholarly Activities. 2. Some of them Periodically submit articles to Journals/E-Journals to upgrade their knowledge. 3. The Faculty also participate in various Workshops/ Seminars and Programmes of other institutions or organisations. 4. The Students Enroll in various club activities like Leo Club, Enviro Club, Consumer Club, YRC, RRC, NSS, NCC and Sports. 5. They also Participate in inter Collegiate Competitions. 6. Staff Development Programmes such as Refresher courses done By 3 Members. 7. Staff Training Programmes by 5 and Winter/Summer School- 1. 37. State whether the programme/ department is accredited/ graded by other agencies. Give details. The Autonomy Review Committee and the NAAC are the agencies who grade the Departments. 38. Detail any five Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department Strengths-Team Building.Coordination, Moral Support, Knowledge Dispersal and Amiable. Opportunities-60% of the faculty are young and Enthusiastic to involve in activities, offer scope for improvement in language skills and dedicated in their work. Challenges-Attempting to impart their updated knowledge through technology. 39. Future plans of the department. 1. A story telling workshop to be conducted in 2014-2015. 2. I year general english book to be reframed for meeting the needs of the students learning capacities. 3. Reading club activities to be introduced. 4. In-house staff workshop on latest development in literature to be conducted in 2015-16 5. An orientation programme on the use of library resources. 6. Guest lectures on topics in emerging areas to be conducted. 7. Theatre workshop for students planned in 2016-17 8. Knowledge on newspaper and print media to be given through education tours or visits. 108 9. Guest lecture on the recent perception of authors on shakespeare PROFILE OF THE DEPARTMENT The Department concerns itself with developing the academic excellence of the students through all available means. Along with lectures, tests and assignments are given regularly; class room seminars are conducted; remedial classes and extra coaching classes are also arranged. The progress of the students is carefully and effectively monitored through the Tutorial System. A close watch is maintained over the students‟ attendance and the parents are kept periodically informed of the same. Special care is taken to ensure that the needy and the deserving students receive financial support by way of scholarships offered by the Government. Dr. A.K. Raju, Former HOD, Department of English, Institute of Distance Education, University of Madras, Spoke on Literary Criticism on 30.9.2009. Dr.Alexander Stephen, Community Outreach Department, Loyola College, conducted a programme on “Learn Skills, Gain Insights” on 28.1.2010. Inter-Departmental Competitions like Turn Coat, Slogan Writing and Drawing were conducted on the first week of February 2010. The English Literary Association was inaugurated by Mr. YogJapee – renowned theatre personality, on 08.01.2011. He highlighted the usefulness of theatre techniques in teaching of drama and poetry. On the same day, Mr. Watson Solomon provided an insight into the ecological significance of interpreting literary works. The English Literary Association, under the supervision of the faculty, regularly organizes meetings, addressed by renowned speakers. It also conducts literary competitions-oratorical, essay writing and quiz programmes designed for personality development and improvement of communication skills. Soft-skills training was introduced in 2009 to enhance the capabilities of the graduates and enable them to garner better positions in the ever-widening but fiercely competitive job market. The course material for this paper was prepared by the faculty of the English department and takes an innovative approach to teach the four basic skills - LSRW – Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. The course includes many chapters on the essentials of language communication, presentation skills, interview handling, group discussions and telephone etiquette. With the mushrooming of IT & ITES, there is no dearth of employment opportunities for our students. There is a great demand for English speaking graduates in BPOs and corporate offices. Our students also find openings in the traditionally established positions as teachers, lecturers, journalists, air-hostesses, software programmers, etc. Some have secured jobs in the railways, corporate offices and public sector undertakings. Undoubtedly, the inclusion of Soft Skills as a separate paper has sharpened the English communication ability of our students. The language lab was established under aegis of the Govt. of Tamil Nadu with an allocation of Rs. 5,56,000/- in the year 2008. This has indeed brought about a new dimension to language teaching. The language lab has 10 computers and a teacher console along with the software “Issues in English”. It helps to impart language learning and to enhance the communicative skills of students. 109 The faculty keep themselves abreast of the changing trends through Orientation and Refresher courses. They participate in workshops, present papers at seminars, publish articles in books and journals. The members of the Department of English have participated in large numbers in training programmes conducted for the teachers like the T.T.T. and Campus Connect by Infosys and the ELF programme. The programme is intended to be rolled out to the students to hone their employability skills. LABORATORY PROFILE ENGLISH LANGUAGE LAB The Language Lab is a boon to students who wish to improve their language skills. It helps to enhance the profile of students especially from rural backgrounds and improve their communicative skills. The language lab was established under the aegis of the Govt. of Tamil Nadu with an allocation of Rs. 5,56,000/- in the year 2008. This has indeed brought about a new dimension to language teaching. The language lab has 10 computers and a teacher console along with the software „Issues in English‟. It helps to impart language learning and improve the communicative skills of students. HARDWARE Ten Computer Server and UPS were supplied by M/s. Acer India Pvt. Ltd., and M/s. Numeric Power System Ltd. SOFTWARE The Air conditioners and the software for the lab were purchased based on the communication RC No. 25092/Q2/2008-5 dated 09.02.2009 as per the Government order. LIBRARY PROFILE Apart from the General Library, the Department of English has an exclusive and wellmaintained library adding new books every year according to the prescribed syllabus. From the day of its inception the collection is done on the basis of quality and research. Students are given easy access to the library so that optimum use is made of the available resources. Title American Literature Reference Books Prose Poetry Novel Miscellaneous Language Indian Writing in English History of English Literature Drama No. of Books 124 84 82 280 278 128 186 313 86 231 110 Criticism 129 Commonwealth Literature 42 Total 2207 I, II, III B.A. / B.Sc./ B.Com. – Part IV (Additional Component) NME – Vocabulary Extension and Etiquette Soft Skills I – Essentials of Language and Communication NME – Advanced Writing Skills Soft Skills II - Essentials of Spoken and Presentation Skills Soft Skills III – Personality Enrichment Environmental Studies Soft Skills IV – Basic Computer Skills and Application Value Education BOARD OF STUDIES The Board of Studies for the year 2009 – 2010 for UG and PG courses was held on 9.9.2009. The subject experts were Dr. (Mrs.) V. Malathi, Queen Mary‟s College, Chennai – 600 005. The university nominee was Dr. MeenakshiHariharan. The Board of studies members of 2011-2012were S. Members No. 1. Chairman, Head of the Department 2. University Nominee 3. Subject Expert - I 4. Subject Expert - II 5. 6. Alumnus Representative from Industry of Corporate Sector / Relating to Placement Name with Designation Ms. Geetha Rani, Associate Professor of English, Head of the Department, Quaid-E-Millath Government College for Women, Anna Salai, Chennai - 2 Dr. Armstrong, Head of the Department, University of Madras. Dr. Mrs. R. Vedavalli, Head of the Department, Department of English, Presidency College, Chennai. Dr. Mrs. P. Kulalmolial, Associate Professor of English, Head of the Department, Queen Mary‟s College for Women, Chennai Ms. S. Sumathy S. J. Premkumar. 111 Details pertaining to the year 2009 - 2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2012-2013 & 2013-2014 S. No. Name of the Students 1. M.A. Yasmin Name of the Class III B.A., Eng. Lit. Nature of Achievement Date and Venue 1. Paper Presentation: National G.S.S. Jain College, Seminar “Women‟s Progress” Chennai, Aug. 2009 2. Oratorical Competition 3. Slogan Writing & Word IT 4. Tamil Kavithai 5. Camp on National Integration (10 Days) Jain College, Thuraipakkm SIET, Chennai S.D.N.B. Vaishnav College for Women, Chrompet. Jaipur Details (Author (s) Name, Year of Publication (in bracket), Title, Books Proceedings collected volume, issue No., Page Number from – to] Sl. Vol./ Author Book Title & Article Issue & Pg. No. Year No. IN/N 1. V.P.V. Suganthi Creativity in classroom English for Empowerment writing through a literature National NCEE. Pg. No. 355-57 2011 based language instruction ISBN No. 9788189843465. 2. S. Lochani, 1.Creativity and Innovations National English English for 2011 in Teaching Writing Empowerment NCEE. Pg. No. ISBN No. 9788189843465. Inter- Sri Venkateshvara college of Arts 2.”Tagore as a Deep national &Science ,Peravurani, Tanjavur. 2011 Ecologist” 2-3, Jan 2011. The Quest of the QuillI Volume I 3. Mrs. T.K.Prameela 1. The life and achievement Pg. no. 28 and 117 Of Catherine Cookson ISBN 978-81-7966-298-4 2. NeuroLinguistic 2010 Programming- a new gesture in language teaching and learning 4. Dr. Mrs. BalaAgarwal 1.Conference on „Sustainable On 15th to 16th May 2010 at Strategies on Technology and Tyndale College , Singapore. Management for Developing Inter- ISBNNO:978-93-80627-15-1 Countries Title- Women national Empowerment In India – Home to Space 2010 2. Presented a Paper on Remedial Teaching in Rural Colleges – A preview on the 5th International and 41st Annual Conference of UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching, 15 & 16 March 2011 (Institute of Distance 5. Dr. S. Ruby Ebenezar Translation-Semantics National 2011 Education & University of Madras, Chennai) (Book with ISBN No. will be released shortly) 112 List of Referred Journal Articles Details (Author (s) Name, Year of Publication (in bracket), Title, Journal / Magazine / Proceedings collected volume, issue No., Page Number from – to] Sl. No. 1 Author Journal Title & Article V.P.V. Suganthi 1. Application of ICT tools for Quality Enhancement in the changing teaching learning environment. 2 SujathaLamech The Archie Comic as a Reflection of the American Dream 3 Vol. M.S. Ramamani Fantasy in Children‟s Literature Issue & Pg. No. Year ICT Tools for Quality Enhancement in teaching and learning process. Pg. 114-117. 28th Jan. 2009. - (Re)reading Classics in Children Literature, Pg. 273-277. 19th & 20th Nov. 2010 - (Re)reading Classics in Children Literature, Pg. 284-287. 19th& 20th Nov. 2010 4 G. Vijayashree Rudyard Kipling‟s: The Jungle Book as a Time – Tested Classic - (Re)reading Classics in Children Literature, Pg. 164-167. 19th& 20th Nov. 2010 5 SubhaJayaraj Gender Issues in Alice in Wonderland - (Re)reading Classics in Children Literature, Pg. 104-109. 19th & 20th Nov. 2010 6 R. Venmathi 1. Gulliver‟s Travels as Children‟s Literature - (Re)reading Classics in Children Literature, Pg. 128-131. 19th & 20th Nov. 2010 2. The Use of Technology in Teaching English 7 T.K.Prameela The Journal of English Language and Literary Studies. ELTAI Journal Oct. 5-7, 2010 Vol-I 1. The Multilingual Issue ii Classroom- Obstacle or Resource? Pg.85-89 July-sep 2011 Proceedings of the UGC sponsored national seminarRedefining feminism: A study of Indian Writing in English. 2. ISBN:978-81-9283850-2 BY V.O.Chidambaram College, Thoothukudi 113 March 2013 S. Name & Authors Title of the Paper Presented No. in Sequences 1. M.A. Yasmin “Women‟s Progress” S. Name & Authors Title of the Paper Presented No. in Sequences 1. V.P.V. Suganthi 1. Application of ICTE Tools for Quality Enhancement in the changing teaching & Learning environment. 2. Integration of ICT in English Language Curriculum Name and Dates of the Conference G.S.S. Jain College, Chennai, Aug. 2009 Name and Dates of the Conference ICTE tools for Quality Enhancement in teaching & Learning process; 28. 01. 2009. ICT in Curriculum on Design & Planning at HEIs; 23. 03. 2010 3. The Panchatantra in the reader‟s Children‟s Literature in mind English; 31. 03. 2010. 4. Psychic Trauma in Yvonne Vera‟s Under the Tongue The inner vision…Psychological insights in contemporary literature; 10. 01. 2011. 5. Creativity in classroom writing English for through a literature based Empowerment NCEE; language instruction. 15. 02. 2011. S. Name & Authors in Title of the Paper Presented No. Sequences 1. M.A. Yasmin “Women‟s Progress” S. Name & Authors in Title of the Paper Presented No. Sequences V.P.V. Suganthi 1. Application of ICTE Tools for 1. Quality Enhancement in the changing teaching & Learning environment. 2. Integration of ICT in English Language Curriculum 3. The Panchatantra in the reader‟s mind 4. Psychic Trauma in Yvonne Vera‟s Under the Tongue 2 Mrs.S.Lochani 5. Creativity in classroom writing through a literature based language instruction. 1. Child as a Site for Mapping Territory 2. Tagore as a Deep Ecologist 3 Creativity and Innovations in 114 Name and Dates of the Conference G.S.S. Jain College, Chennai, Aug. 2009 Name and Dates of the Conference ICTE tools for Quality Enhancement in teaching & Learning process; 28. 01. 2009. ICT in Curriculum on Design & Planning at HEIs; 23. 03. 2010 Children‟s Literature in English; 31. 03. 2010. The inner vision…Psychological insights in contemporary literature; 10. 01. 2011. English for Empowerment NCEE; 15. 02. 2011. Madras University 10-11th Feb‟ 2009. Sri Venkateshvaraya College of Arts &Science ,Peravurani, Tanjavur. English for Nature (National / International, etc.) National Nature (National / International, etc.) National National National National National Nature (National / International, etc.) National Nature (National / International, etc.) National National National National National International International National S. Name & Authors in No. Sequences Title of the Paper Presented Teaching Writing. 1. Dr.C.K.Mallika. Dimensions of Communication in English Through Literature 2 Mrs.SujathaLamech 1. Advanced Teaching Methods for the Technology Classroom 3 M.S. Ramamani Name and Dates of Nature (National / the Conference International, etc.) Empowerment NCEE; 15. 02. 2011. Sri Sankara Arts & Science College, Kancheepuram, 07.01.11 23.3.2010 (QMGC) National 2. Comics as Children‟s Literature Dr. M.G.R Janaki College, Chennai. 31 March, 2010. National 3. The Archie Comic as a Reflection of the American Literature Rereading Classics in Children Literature, 19 & 20 Nov, 2010. Baratha Mata College, Kochi-21. International 4. Redefining Learner Autonomy in the Indian System Feb 18 & 19, 2011 Anna University, Chennai. (Re)reading Classics in Children Literature, 19th& 20th 2010 International 1. Fantasy in Children‟s Literature 2. Advanced Teaching Methods for the 23.3.2010 (QMGC) Technology Classroom 4 G. Vijayashree 5 SubhaJayaraj 6 R. Venmathi National International National 3. English for Science Technology Kongu Engineering College, 9.1.2010 – 13.1.2010 International 4. English for workplace Communication Kongu Engineering College, 9.1.2010 – 13.1.2010 International 5. The theme of the lost self in Willa Cather‟s Selected Novels Rudyard Kipling‟s: The Jungle Book as a Time – Tested Classic Osmania University, Hyderabad. (Re)reading Classics in Children Literature, 19th& 20th 2010 Gender Issues in Alice in Wonderland (Re)reading Classics in Children Literature, 19th& 20th 2010 Gulliver‟s Travels as Children‟s (Re)reading Classics Literature in Children Literature, 19th& 20th 2010 International International International International Details of Members of Faculty of the Department who were invited to give invited talks / Key note address / Key papers / chair sessions in National & International Conferences: 115 S. Name of the Faculty Details of the Events No. member 1. R. Geetha Rani, Convenor, of M.A., M.Phil., The Commission for Affiliation of Br XII English Literature. 2. R. Geetha Rani, Member of the M.A., M.Phil., commission for affiliation of Br XII English Literature. 3. R. Geetha Rani, Member of the M.A., M.Phil., commission for affiliation of Br XII English Literature. 4. R. Geetha Rani, Member of the Board of M.A., M.Phil., Studies. 5. R. Geetha Rani, University Nominee for M.A., M.Phil., the Board of Studies 6. C.K. Mallika Inauguration of Fashion Designing Course – Youths to Business 28.7.2010 7. C.K.Mallika Recruitment – 27-10-09 , 28-10-09, 28--07-10 and 18-10-10 . 8. Dr.C.K.Mallika 27-10-10 and 28-10-10 9. Dr.C.K.Mallika Workshop- Feb – March 2011 10. Dr.C.K.Mallika Purpose Commission for Affiliation of Br XII English Literature Commission for affiliation of Br XII English Literature. Organizing Agency Sri Kanchi Arts and Science College, Kancheepuram Patrician College of Arts & Science, Adyar. Commission for Mar Gregarious affiliation of Br XII Arts & Science, English Literature. Mogappair. Key Note Address BharathiWomens College, Chennai. Queen Mary‟s College, Chennai - 5 AEPC Ministry of Textiles, Govt. India Adviser- Interview Staff Selection Board Commission Confidential Communication Skills Business Correspondence Resume Writing Interview Skills Chief Guest – 08-07-2011 Key Note Address TNPSC. Dr.MGR Educational and Research Institute, Chennai JGV V School, Chennai An International Seminar on “Cultural Studies: Literary / Linguistic Approach” was conducted on 9th and 10th January, 2012 by the Dept. of English. The eminent speakers of the occasion are Dr. Mark Harbold, Professor of Music, Elmhurst College, USA, Illinois. Ms. Vladimir Mariy, Deputy Head & Director Russian Centre of Science & Culture, Chennai and Dr. P.P. Ajayakumar, Director, Institute of Distance Education, Thiruvananthapuram. Around 115 papers were presented by faculty and students of various colleges in India and other countries. The papers were edited with the help of senior members as the Board of Editors and was published in book form with ISBN 978-93-80017-09-9. The English Literary Association for the year 2013-2014 was inaugurated by Dr.Ravichandran, Head of the Dept of English, Dr.Ambedkar Govt. Arts College on 18.02.2014. The department organized a Workshop for Chennai Literary Festival on ReviewWriting on 10.01.2014. The faculty attended the workshop conducted by the Genral Library on “Effective Utilization of Open Access Educational Resources” on 19.03.2014. 116 Participation in Semianrs, Workshops/ Publications/ Resource Persons etc. 1. Tmt. R. GeethaRAni, Associate Professor and Head of the Dept. coordinated an Old Student Association gathering in the month of May, 2014. 2. She published an article in “Eduventure”- a journal run by Queen Mary‟s College, Ch-4 3. She published an article “Negotiating Margins” at Osmania Univ., Hyderabad and published in a book form with ISBN. 4. She was appointed as subject expert in recruitment of English Lecturer, SIVET College. 5. She was appointed as convenor for permitting M.Phil Course Affiliation at Dr. Ambedkar Govt. Arts College, Vysarpadi, Chennai 6. She was also appointed as member by the university for permitting B.A. course Affiliation at Shrine Velankanni College in Chennai. 7. She was appointed as member for M.A. course Affiliation at Chengelput Govt. College. 8. Dr.Mallika, Assistant Professor, participated in Microsoft „Saksham‟ program from 1/8/13-14/8/13. 9. She attended an international conference on „Child and Women Mental Health‟, Institute of Distance Education, University of Madras from 21/3/14-23/3/14. 10. Tmt. Jemima AnithaRani , Assistant Professor, participated in Microsoft „Saksham‟ program from 1/8/13-14/8/13. 11. Ms. M.S. Ramamani, Assistant Professor, attended Refresher Course at ASC, University of Madras on „India Studies‟ from 29/8/13-18/9/13 12. She attended a workshop on „Feel Teacher‟ at Queen Marys College from 26/9/1328/9/13 followed by a Workshop on ELT for teachers at VIT from 27/3/14 to 28/3/14. 13. Ms. G.Vijayshree, Assistant Professor, attended a workshop on „Feel Teacher‟ at Queen Marys College from 26/9/13-28/9/13. 14. She organized various social service activities at MontfordSiragugal. 15. She has appeared as a Subject Expert at the interview panel of ChikayaNaickar College, Erode in December, 2013. 16. Ms. SubaJayaraj, Assistant Professor, participated in Microsoft „Saksham‟ program from 1/8/13-14/8/13. 17. She attended a conference at ICTACT-BRIDGE on 27/2/14. 18. Ms. R.Vennmathi , Assistant Professor, attended a workshop on „Feel Teacher‟ at Queen Marys College from 26/9/13-28/9/13. 19. Dr. BalaAgarwal, Assistant Professor, attended a workshop on „Feel Teacher‟ at Queen Marys College from 26/9/13-28/9/13. 20. She has appeared as a Resource person at AVC college, Mayiladuthurai. She is currently guiding four Ph.D candidates. 21. Ms. K.Kavitha, Assistant Professor attended Refresher course at ASC, University of Madras on „India Studies‟ from 29/8/13-18/9/13 117 22. Dr. Ruby Ebenezer, Assistant Professor participated in a national workshop on Softskills Development at Vel Tech University, Chennai on 15.2.2013. 23. She has published an article on “Translation-absence of Cultural features” with ISBN. SCOPE The Department of English with a sincere intention of motivating the students in communication skills created a linkage with an organization called SCOPE that provided a platform for them to develop themselves. The importance of communication skills to the student community cannot be over emphasized. Communicative skills are fast becoming essential with respect to the students‟ job role or domain. It has become a continuous and integral part of learning so as to enable the students‟ skill to optimize their growth and empowerment. Regular training to acquire communicative skills sharpens their listening, speaking, reading and writing powers. While working as a team, the course not only develops a team spirit but also inculcates and develops self-confidence, individuality and creativity thus giving them a healthy work environment. The communicative and softskills training courses conducted by the Tamilnadu Skill Development mission and the IL&FS Education services have provided innovative and result oriented training to the students through the delivery of practical training classes. The objectives of the courses are based on activity oriented classroom sessions. They emphasized on practical skill developments trying to identify the potential of the students and to harness the best from them. The forthcoming years may prepare action plans to provide the students participation with an opportunity to enhance their knowledge and skills through these type of courses. It acts as a refresher for participants before they begin working on the core subjects. It is to be viewed as an opportunity to become employable in the competitive and task focused work fields of the world. EVALUATIVE REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT 1. Name of the Department & its year of establishment: HISTORICAL STUDIES - 1974 2. Names of Programmes / Courses offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., etc.): UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D. 3. Interdisciplinary courses and departments involved : NME & COP 4. Annual/semester/choice based credit system: SEMESTER WITH CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM 5. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments : NME 118 6. Number of teaching posts sanctioned and filled (Professors/Associate Asst. Professors Sanctioned - 14 Professors Associate Professors Asst. Professors Filled – 14 -3 11 7. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization, (D.Sc./D.Litt. /Ph.D. / M. Phil. etc.,) S. No Name Qualification Designation Specialization 1 Dr. K. Vijaya M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. Women Studies 18 years 2 Ms. A. Girija M.A., M.Phil. HOD & Associate Professor Associate Professor No of Ph.D students guided/guidance for the last 4 years 5 Social History 26 years - 3 Dr. M. Amudha M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D Associate Professor Women Studies 15 years - 4 Dr. M. Raziya Parvin Assistant Professor Women Studies 15 years 2 5 Capt. R. Selvi 14 years - Mrs. J. Stella Social History 10 years - 7 Dr. K. Vatchala Women Studies 9 years - 8 - 11years - 10 Dr. P. Sumabala 18 years 5 Dr. E. Jayanthy Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Archaeology 11 M.A.(His),M.Phil (His), M.Phil.(Edu), M.Ed., Ph.D., Post B. Ed. in School Admn. M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Post-Doctoral Fellow M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. Political Science Archaeology 9 years 9 Dr. B. Indira Gandhi Dr. K. Parvathi Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Social History 6 M.A.(History), M.A.(Soc), MTM (Tourism), M.Phil., Ph.D., PGDHRM, DCS M.A., M.Phil., M.Ed., PGDTM M.A., B.Ed., M.Phil., SDTD M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. Social History 6 years 1 12 Mrs. K. Latha M.A., M.Phil. Assistant Professor Social History 12 years - 13 Ms. Joan Ruby M.A., M.Phil. Assistant Professor Social History 10years - M.A., Ph.D. 119 No of Years of Experience 8. Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information: NIL 9. Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio - 1 : 31 10. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: Sanctioned and filled – Not Applicable 11. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) national b) international funding agencies and c) Total grants received. Mention names of funding agencies and grants received project-wise. 1 – UGC - Rs.7,84,600 12. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, etc.; total grants received NIL 13. Research facility / centre with o state recognition - state recognition o national recognition o international recognition - 14. Publications: * number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international) 18. 19. 20. 22. 70 (Details attached) * Monographs * * * * Chapter(s) in Books * * number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) NIL Citation Index – range / average NIL * SNIP - NIL * SJR NIL * Impact factor – range / average - Details Attached Editing Books Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers - Details Attached - NIL * h-index Details of patents and income generated NIL - NIL Areas of consultancy and income generated- NIL Faculty recharging strategies By attending orientation, refresher, and short-term courses and seminars, workshops and conferences the faculty members recharge their strategies. Student projects o percentage of students who have done in-house projects including interdepartmental NIL 120 o percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with industries / institutes NIL 23. Awards / recognitions received at the national and international level by (Details enclosed) o Faculty o Doctoral / post doctoral fellows 1 o Students 24. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized and the source of funding (national / international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. National Seminar on “Building Skills for Quality History Education in the Changing Scenario” sponsored by ICHR and TANSCHE on 20 and 21 February 2014. 25. Student profile course-wise: Name of Applications No. No. No. Passed Pass Percentage the Course received Selected Appeared Female Female EM TM EM TM EM TM EM TM UG 190 33 62 49 58 43 47 88 81 PG 30 12 14 11 71 2006M.Phil 23 6 5 5 100 07 UG 491 61 63 49 58 43 47 88 81 PG 29 14 12 8 67 2007M.Phil 24 5 5 5 100 08 UG 582 53 61 30 54 30 53 100 98 PG 32 13 13 13 100 2008M.Phil 20 5 5 5 100 09 UG 511 59 61 51 59 50 58 98 98 PG 31 23 12 12 100 2009M.Phil 12 6 3 3 100 10 UG 511 57 55 45 58 44 54 98 95 PG 39 21 20 20 100 2010M.Phil 15 4 6 6 100 11 UG 138 65 63 51 56 51 55 100 98 PG 33 21 18 18 100 2011M.Phil 12 6 6 5 99 12 UG 473 58 52 54 50 45 41 83 82 PG 21 19 16 84 2012M.Phil 6 6 6 100 13 UG 484 65 65 52 57 51 53 98 93 PG 35 25 20 19 98 2013M.Phil 14 6 6 AWAITING RESULTS 14 UG 542 71 71 PG 36 15 2014M.Phil 12 6 15 121 - 22. 23. Diversity of Students Year Name of the % of % of % of Course students students students from the from the from other college state states Historical 100 B.A. Studies M.A. 75 25 M.Phil 75 25 Ph.D. 75 25 % of students from other countries How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services, NET, SLET, GATE and any other competitive examinations? One of our students Ms. Rita Esther Rani was appointed as Guest Relation Executive in Tamil Nadu Tourism Development Corporation, Chennai during 2009. Ms. Aiyampoo passed SLET examination in 2012. 24. Student progression Student progression UG to PG PG to M.Phil PG to Ph.D Ph.D to Post Doctoral Employed Campus selection Other than campus recruitment Entrepreneurs Percentage against enrolled 75 50 25 50 25.Diversity of Staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates of the same parent university From other universities within the State From other universities from other States 79 21 - 26. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period - 1 27.Present details about infrastructural facilities a) b) c) d) e) f) Library - Department Library with 6,000 Books approx. Internet facilities for staff and students Total number of class rooms - 9 Class rooms with ICT facility Students‟ laboratories Research laboratories 122 The Department Library has a collection of 5456 books under different titles such as Indian History, Tamil Nadu History, American History, Historiography, History of Far-East, European History, Civilization, Political Theory, Tourism Management, Women Studies and General Books. The journals and magazines are also subscribed for the up-gradation of current knowledge. The Department also consists of OHP Projector, Computer, Printer and Inverter. Since the Department is in charge of Certificate Course in Air Ticketing and Fare Construction, there is a separate library for this and it consists of 150 books on Tourism Management, Travel Management and Hospitality Management. Every year with the allotted amount the learning resources such as books and journals are being purchased by the Department. 28. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from College - All the students receive the scholarship of Tamil Nadu government 29. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new program(s)? If so, give the methodology. The major motive of the Department is to impart current knowledge by modifying the syllabus from time to time in order to suit the competitiveness of the globalized economy and to make the students employable. Subjects like Public Administration, Human Resource Management, Tourism and Travel Management and History of Modern Journalism has been introduced at the PG level in order to prepare the students to appear for various competitive examinations. At the UG level the subjects like Archives Keeping, Study on Human Rights, Tourism in India and Women Studies is being dealt with in order to motivate the students to take up higher studies in these fields. The modifications in the syllabus are being done by the faculty with reference to the current books and journals and peer consultation from other institutions. The faculty also enrich themselves to teach new subjects to the students and train them to apply their knowledge. There is an upward trend in the success rate during the past five years. 30. Does the department obtain feedback from a. faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize it? HOD analyzes the feed back and offers suggestions to improve academic standards and implement new techniques effectively. b. students on staff, curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation and what is the response of the department to the same? The feed back given by the students on staff and curriculum are analyzed by the HOD and implemented according to the suggestions given by the Governing Body, Academic Council and Boards of Studies. c. alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the department to the same? The syllabus is sometimes modified according to the feed back obtained from the alumni. 123 31. List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) GirijaVaithyanathan IAS Mrs. Leelavathi, Assistant Professor of History, Aringnar Anna government Arts College Wallajahpet Dr. P. Sumabala, Assistant Professor of Historical Studies, QMGC(W) Mrs. Kanimozhi – Lecturer in Sir Thyagaraya College Mrs. Bhuvaneshwari – Superintnendent, BSNL Mrs. Kausalya - Assistant Professor of History, Ethiraj College 32. Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) with external experts. „Histoire‟ Association meetings are held regularly, invited lectures, workshops for students and seminars are conducted regularly. The students of the Certificate Course are given internship training in the travel agencies and get placement if they prove their efficiency. 33. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. Apart from the traditional way of teaching (chalk and talk), the faculty provides the lecture through role play, narration of stories and sometimes employ the method of Power-point presentation. The students are trained in the subjects through the conduction of quiz, submission of assignments and projects, invited lectures and organization of seminars. The staff members closely monitor the students academically through the conduction of Unit tests periodically and make them to submit assignments on important topics. The students are motivated by the faculty to participate in the co-curricular activities in and outside the College. 34. How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes monitored? Continuous assessment for the students is being done by monitoring the regularity of attendance, preparation of assignments and conduction of tests, seminars, quiz and Model examinations. The students are being monitored carefully by the staff members to award the internal marks. The faculty through the ward meetings stress on the importance of the discipline, behavior and values to the students in order to train them as good citizens for future India. Further, counseling is given to the students for personal and academic upliftment. 35. Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. The students of the Department actively participate in all extension activities of the college. Ms. N. Malarkodi Participated in International Level Competition of Silambam held at Chennai and secured Second Place during 2012. She also participated in the NSS Republic Day Parade Camp, New Delhi during the period 124 January 1 – 31, 2013. Ms. S. Revathy, I M.A. Historical Studies won many laurels in sports at the Inter-zonal and University levels. The staff members of the Department of Historical Studies vibrantly participate in all the Extension activities of the College and organize various social welfare activities. Capt. R. Selvi – Assistant Professor acts as the NCC Officer, Mrs. J. Stella – Assistant Professor was a NSS Programme Officer (1unit) and In-charge of HEPSN and Dr.M.Raziya Parvin – Assistant Professor was the YRC Programme Officer. 36. Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. The faculty in order to upgrade their knowledge attend the courses viz., Orientation, Refresher, Short-term conducted by the Universities regularly. The faculty members present research papers in the International/National/State Level Conferences and Seminars. Some of the faculty members also act in the capacity of Resource Persons. The thrust areas of research in the Department are Modern Indian History, Archaeology, Women Studies and Contemporary Social issues. Dr. K. Vijaya, HOD and Associate Professor has completed the UGC Major Research Project on “Transformation in Gender Relations – Impact of SocioEconomic Policies in Tamil Nadu” in 2012. Dr. E. Jayanthi, Assistant Professor has completed the UGC Minor Research Project “Transgender – Physiological and Psychological Parameters” in 2013. Dr. M. Raziya Parvin, Assistant Professor is doing UGC Major Research Project since April 2013 on "Emerging Patterns of Political Participation of Women with reference to the Women Legislators in Tamil Nadu during 1989-2011". The faculty members publish books and write articles for national journals regularly. Dr. M. Raziya Parvin, Assistant Professor received Dr. Prema Kasthuri Endowment Prize for the best article on Women Studies in the 16th Session of Tamil Nadu History Congress Session held at National College, Tiruchirappalli during 9–11 October 2009. She also received Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of extraordinary services to public cause and common good in the International Conference on “Minority Rights and Identities: Challenges and Prospects in an Unfolding Global Scenario” held at Constitution Club of India, New Delhi during 13th – 15th April, 2012. Mrs. J. Stella received National Blood Donation Camp Volunteer Organizer Award and Certificate of Appreciation from Tamil Nadu State Blood Transmission Bank and Tamil Nadu HIV Control Board at Kilpauk Medical College, November 2011. Dr.P.Sumabala, Assistant Professor received Best Paper Awards from Itihasa Vignana Samiti, Hyderabad, for her paper on "Unsung temples", in 2011 and for "unpublished copper plate of Krishnadevarayar" from Cultural History Society, Indore in 2012. Dr. K. Vijaya, HOD and Associate Professor and Ms. Maheswari, Ph.D. research scholar attended and presented paper on Prospects of Tourism through soft ware 125 Industries in India in the International conference held at South Eastern University of Srilanka, Olivil on 6, 7 July 2013 Dr. K. Vijaya, HOD and Associate Professor has published her book titled Gender Relations and Government Policies in 2013. Ms. S. Revathy, I M.A. Historical Studies won many laurels in sports at the Interzonal and University levels. Ms. D. Malathi and Ms. K. Amythi of I M. A. Historical Studies won the I Prize in the Quiz competition conducted by INTACH in 2012. Ms. N. Malarkodi Participated in International Level Competition of Silambam held at Chennai and secured Second Place during 2012. She also participated in the NSS Republic Day Parade Camp, New Delhi during the period January 1 – 31, 2013. The Department of Historical Studies conducted a National Seminar on “Building Skills for Quality History Education in the Changing Scenario” sponsored by ICHR and TANSCHE on 20 and 21 February 2014 Students involve very actively in the association activities of the Department and participate in various Inter-Collegiate competitions held by other colleges and have won several accolades. The Government of Tamil Nadu has approved the Department to conduct Ph.D. Full Time programme. The University of Madras gave approval for the same from the academic year 2011-2012 and a number of students are continuing to enroll for Ph.D. 37. State whether the programme/ department is accredited/ graded by other agencies. Give details. 38. Detail any five Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department Strengths The Department is having highly qualified, experienced and dedicated faculty – One faculty member with Post-Doctoral Fellowship, 7 out of 14, faculty members are with Ph.D. and 6 with M.Phil. The Department is a centre of research from 1994. It was upgraded by offering Part-Time Ph.D. from 2009 and Full-Time from 2012. The Department is in charge of the “Women Development Cell” of the college which was formed with the mission “to inspire and equip women understand their physical, mental and social potential”. In order to inculcate the ideology of empowerment and to create awareness about women‟s rights various InterDepartmental Competitions are being conducted. The students of various departments enthusiastically participate in these competitions. The Department regularly organizes seminars, workshops, training programmes and inter-collegiate competitions for the benefit of the students. 126 Students get to experience an availability to their professors and a personalized learning experience. This benefits the students and allows them to excel in both academic and non-academic activities. Our students have won prizes and brought laurels to the Department. Our faculties, like, Mrs. Anbukodi Nallathambi, Dr.T.S.Gowri, Mrs.Leela Simon, Mrs.N.G.Devakumari, Mrs. Esther Leela, Ms.N. Premavathy and Dr. D. Janaki have contributed to the Department and college by instituting endowment prizes for meritorious students. Weakness Students of various disciplines are opting for History and finding it difficult to orient themselves with the subject till the end of the first semester. Opportunities In order to encourage the students to pursue higher education the Government of Tamil Nadu is providing scholarship to the economically backward students. This has led to a demand for increase in admission. Research scholars of the Department have participated and presented papers in various seminars and one of our research scholars, P. Maheswari, has won the best paper award in the National Seminar held in Thrissur in 2011. The Department offers career oriented subjects like Tourism, Archaeology, Archives Keeping, Performing Arts, Journalism to enhance job opportunities for our students. Regular training programmes are conducted to develop soft skills of the students. The theoretical knowledge of the students is being stimulated by practical experience with the field visit as a part of the curriculum since the Department is offering the papers on Tourism in India and Tourism and Travel Management at the UG and PG levels respectively. The students get the opportunity to participate in various inter-collegiate competitions held by other colleges. The exposure helps the students to hone their skills and talent. Challenges Though students from various disciplines opt for history our faculty members inculcate an interest in the subject and mould them to excel in their examination. Special assistance is provided for differently-abled students to pursue their higher studies. 39. Future plans of the department. To continue to conduct national and international seminars To orient faculty members to undertake major and minor research projects To use ICT tools and enhance the quality of teaching To encourage the research scholars to participate in international conferences 127 DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS 1. Name of the Department & its year of establishment Department of Economics1974 2. Names of Programmes / Courses offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., etc.) UG –B.A Economics from 1974 onwards, PG – M.A Economics from 2012-13 onwards 3. Interdisciplinary courses and departments involved For B.Com Department : Two Allied papers – Business Economics and Marketing for First year and Statistics for the Second year. NME offered for the first UG students –Basics of Economics and Human Resource Management 4. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system Semester system, Choice Based credit system for UG and PG 5. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments Department students attend Non Major Elective offered by Department of Tamil, English, Historical Studies, Commerce Allied Paper - Basic Financial Accounting was taught by Faculty of Commerce Department. 6. Number of teaching posts sanctioned and filled (Professors/Associate Professors/ Asst. Professors) sanctioned 10 + 4 Post Sanctioned Filled Professors Associate Professors Asst. Professors 1 13 9 128 7. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization, (D.Sc./D.Litt. /Ph.D. / M. Phil. etc.,) Name Qualification Designation Specialization Micro Economics,Managerial Economics,International Economics, Indian Economy Macro Economics,Monetary Economics, Indian Economy,Public Finance Micro Economics, Monetary Economics, Indian Economy,Business Economics Monetary Economics, Managerial Economics,International Economics, Econometrics, Monetary Economics, Indian Economy,PublicFinance, Macro Economics Statistics,MathemaicalE conomics, Econometrics, Economic Thought Statistics, Monetary Economics, Economic Development of TamilNadu Monetary Economics. International Economics, Women and Development, Statistics Financial Economics Monetary economics,Statistics, Marketing Micro Economics, International Economics, Public Finance, Economic Thought Dr.R.Maya M.A.,M.Phil., Ph.D Associate Professor and Head J.Vanitha M.A.,M.Phil., Assistant Professor S.Kamala Padmavathi M.A.,M.Phil., Assistant Professor D.Sangamithirai M.A.,M.Phil.,M. B.A Assistant Professor Dr.J.Maheswari M.A.,M.Phil., Ph.D Assistant Professor Dr.K.Parimalam M.A., PGDSM,B.Ed , M.Phil., M.B.A, Ph.D Assistant Professor Dr.M.Padmavathy M.A.,M.Phil., Ph.D Assistant Professor M.Prabavathy M.A.,M.Phil., Assistant Professor Dr.K.Malarvizhi M.A.,M.Com.M. Phil.,Ph.D Assistant Professor M.Leema Rose M.A.,M.Phil.,B. Ed.,M.B.A Assistant Professor No of Ph.D No of Years students guided of for the last 4 Experience years 16 Guiding 5 students part time 25 18 18 17 19 21 20 23 13 7. Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information UG 20 per cent 129 8. Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio UG 1: 33 PG 1 :20 9. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned and filled Non Teaching Staff -1 10. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) national b) international funding agencies and c) Total grants received. Mention names of funding agencies and grants received project-wise. Nil 11. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, etc.; total grants received Nil 12. Research facility / centre with Nil o o o state recognition national recognition international recognition 13. Publications: * Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international) a. b. c. Monographs Chapter(s) in Books Editing Books Two Books Edited by All the Staff of the Department d. Issues and Challenges of Sustainable Development in India Edited by Dr.R.Maya, J.Vanitha, S.Kamalapadmavathi, D.Sangamithrai and M.Padmavathy, published by Serials Publication, (New Delhi)ISBN 978 -818387 -543-1 ,New Delhi First Published in 2012.The book contains 88 articles. e. Socio Economic Perspectives of Issues and Challenges of Sustainable Development in India Edited by J.Maheswari, Dr.K.Parimalam, M.Prabavathy, Dr.K.Malarvizhi and M.Leema Rose published by Serials Publication, (New Delhi)ISBN 978 -81-8387 -544-8 ,New Delhi First Published in 2012.The book contains 96 articles. f. Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers - 80 130 g. number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) h. Citation Index – range / average i. SNIP j. SJR k. Impact factor – range / average l. h-index 15. Details of patents and income generated Nil 16. Areas of consultancy and income generated Nil 17. Faculty recharging strategies The Department has organized National Seminar, National Symposium and Workshop. Faculty Members actively present paper and publish articles in reputed Journals. Faculty members are participating in Refresher Courses, National Seminar, National Symposium and Workshop conducted by other Colleges and Universities o percentage of students who have done in-house projects including interdepartmental Student Project o All students who have completed Human Resource Management Course under UGC Career Oriented Programme have done Projects outside the College and have submitted the reports to the Department. Viva voce is conducted and Marks are awarded on the basis of Performance. The Students belong to various Departments. o o percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with industries / institutes Two Staff Members have guided Student Project Funded by TamilNadu State Council of Higher Education (TANSCHE) 1. "Socio Economic Empowerment of Urban Poor through SHG‟s in Chennai” by V.P.StellaMary,VageethaBanu and C.Sangeetha did the project work in 200809.Rs .5000 was allotted. Mrs.J.Vanitha Assistant Professor ,Department of Economics guided the students. 2. "Socio –Economic Status of Construction Work (A Special Focus on Women workers and their children „s Education )Rs .5000 was allotted.Dr.K.Malarvizhi, Assistant Professor ,Department of Economics guided the students. 131 18. Awards / recognitions received at the national and international level by o o o S. No Name of the Competition 1 Socio Economic Reforms in Emerging India and its Implications –National Seminar 2 Elocution Competition in English conducted by Department of Economics ,Presidency College and Malcolm Elizabeth AdiseshiahTrust,Chennai for Inter Collegiate economics Students in Chennai and neighbouring Districts Elocution Competition conducted by Department of Economics ,Ethiraj College and Malcolm Elizabeth AdiseshiahTrust,Chennai Inter Collegiate economics Students in Chennai and neighbouring Districts 3. 19. Faculty Doctoral / post doctoral fellows Students Place and Date Prizes won Name and Class Guru SreeShanthiVijay Jain College for Women,Chennai 9.2.2011 &10.2.20011 Presidency College Paper presented Rs 1500 G.G.K.Amreen,Sudha and AMsavalli of III B.A EM III Prize Rs 500 G.G.K.Amreen Ethiraj College 2012 II Prise Rs 1000 S.Rajathi Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized and the source of funding (national / international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. 1. State Level Seminar on “Tamil Nadu-Potentials and Challenges in 2020” on Feb 2009 funded by Tamil Nadu State Council of Higher Education 2. National Level Symposium on “Inclusive Global Economic Growth :Implications for India” on 11.12.10 funded by UGC Autonomous Fund Dr.Rukmani Gounder, Associate Professor, University of Massey, New Zealand 3. National Seminar on “Issues and Challenges of Sustainable Development in India,30 and 31 January 2012 funded by Reserve Bank of India, Punjab National Bank, Indian Bank, Foilage Crops India and Bank of Baroda 132 20. Student profile course-wise: Name of the Course MA Economics 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 BA Economics 21. Applications Received 28 28 32 793 1450 1993 1817 2104 1659 1495 1346 1421 Year Selected 13 21 18 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 140 Pass Percentage 85 100 100 98 100 98 99 100 99 Diversity of Students Name of the Course % of the students from the College BA Economics MA Economics 100 99 % of the students from the State % of the students from other States % of the students from other Countries 1 22. How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services, NET, SLET, GATE and any other competitive examinations? Nil 23. Student progression Student progression Percentage against enrolled 20 UG to PG PG to M.Phil. 12 PG to Ph.D. Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral Employed Campus selection Other than campus recruitment Entrepreneurs 133 60 24. Diversity of staff Percentage of Faculty ho are Graduates of the same parent University 60 percent From other Universities within the State 40 per cent From other Universities from other States Nil 25. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period. 1. Dr.R.Maya 2. Dr.K.Parimalam 3. Dr.J.Maheswari 26. Present details about infrastructural facilities a. b. c. d. e. f. Library 3139 Books , 8 CDs and Three Journals Internet facilities for staff and students Nil Total number of class rooms 8 rooms Class rooms with ICT facility Students‟ laboratories Research laboratories Nil N.A N.A 27. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from College. 100 per cent 28. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new program(s)? If so, give the methodology. Through Feedback 29. Does the department obtain feedback from a. faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize it? Yes. Faculty members views are also taken into account while framing the syllabus. b. students on staff, curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation and what is the response of the department to the same? The Head of the Department collects information from the students about curriculum,teaching –learning methods and discusses with the staff members to improve the situation. 134 c. Alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the department to the same? The Alumni of the Department are the well-wishers of the College .They visit the Department to meet their teachers, share their experiences and also suggest about the curriculum and how the students to be trained to face Interview and work atmosphere. One of the Alumni is the Board of Studies Member. The suggestion of the Alumni is taken into account while framing the syllabus and training students to face Job Market. 30. List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Miss.Seethyathal,B.A Sub Inspector of Police,TN Miss .Karpagam B.AConstable,TN Police Miss .LaksmiDELL Miss .R.Kanmani was placed in Infosys in the year 2007-08 Miss.J.Merlin has been placed as Programme Analyst in CTS –Chennai Miss .S.Surya has been placed as Analyst in Accenture –Chennai Miss.B.Mahalakshmi ,has been placed in Cognizant Technology , Chennai Miss .Aditya B.A (Physically Challenged) has passed TNPSC Group IV Examination and working in the Government of TamilNadu 31. Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) with external experts. 1. Entrepreneurial cell and Department of Employment and Training, Government of Tamil Nadu 2. Seminar on Consumer Awareness conducted by Consumer Club, a unit of Department of Economics 32. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. Innovative Teaching Methodology Tools Check in check out-this initiates the dialogue ,makes the syudents to think and recollect what they learnt the previous day and motivataes them to learn day to day lessons Group discussion:this develops group dynamics and communication skill in a open forum. Quiz:this develops conceptual understanding Case study:which develops the problem solving skill Role play:helps the students to understand the concept in detail and to apply the concepts tooand also develops role empathy Peer teaching:develops empathy towards slow learners,develops self confidenceand ability to take responsibility and leadership Assignment:it nutures reading writing and presentation skills Class room seminars:this helps to develop public speaking as well as makes the student to learn the topic in depth to face any type of questions from the peer group. 135 33. Preparation of scrab book:the students get the interest to collect current and subject related informations from news papers and journals and therby they get updated knowledge and also able to presente the same in an innovative way. How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes monitored? Continuous Assessment Assignment Seminar 34. Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. Mrs. S.KamalaPadmavathi,Assistant Professor,Department of Economics is the Coordinator of Red Ribbon Club. Some of the activities of Red Ribbon club are creating awareness about HIV patients. To know about the life HIV patients lead. RRC Volunteers are taken to Hospital Visit and they are explained how to share with them and care about them.Rally about awareness about HIV,Blood Donation are arranged. Mrs.LeemaRose is the Coordinator of NSS from August 2014. World Environment Day was celebrated with Lion Club Members. Around 300 NSS volunteers participated in Awareness programme. Oratorical, Poem, Essay, Drawing, Face Painting Competitions were conducted and students actively participated and won Prizes. 35. Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. The Staff Members of the Department involve in publishing Articles in Journals. 36. State whether the programme/ department is accredited/ graded by other agencies. Give details. Nil 37. Detail any five Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department Strengths :Teachers have experience between 13 years to 25years.4 Teachers have Ph.D. 3 Teachers have M.B.A degree,2 Teachers have B.Ed Qualification, One Teacher has passed UGC NET,Two Teachers have passed SLET. Two teachers have submitted Ph.D Thesis and expecting Viva Voce Examination. Weakness: Need for Statistical Packages to demonstrate techniques, Smart Class Opportunities:Quality Education, Developing Skill oriented Programme like, Statistics, Mathematical Economics, and Econometrics Subjects like Contemporary Economics, Macro Economics Monetary Economics Public Finance and International Economics help the student to appear for Competitive Examination 136 Challenges: Training students in new courses introduced Obtaining cent percent result in all subjects Motivating students to be appear for Competitive Exam, Motivating students to be economically independent, after completing the courses. 38. Future plans of the department. To start M.Phil Degree and Ph.DDegree . To conduct National Seminar and International Seminar. To conduct Workshop on Econometrics To encourage students to do Student Projects under TANCHE and other agencies To motivate students to participate in competition held by other Colleges To motivate the Students to appear for I.A.S, I.E.S and other Bank Exam Any other Information The Department of Economics has Two Units namely Entrepreneurial Development Cell and Consumer Club. Both of them play an significant role in imparting awareness and skills in their respective areas.The Faculty members play an active role in the progress of the Units. Activities of the Entrepreneurial Development Cell On 25.11.12,29.11.12 and 30.11.12 Entrepreneurial Development Awareness and Training Programme was conducted. Mr.Balasubramaniam, I.A.S. Enterpreneurship Development Institute, Guindy inaugurated the programme. Around 100 students were benefited . On.27.1.14, The Department of Economics and TamilNadu Government Employment and Training organised a seminar and Exhibition. Mrs.A.Sundravalli I.A.S, Collector, Chennai District inaugurated the Seminar and Exhibition,Many Senior Officers of the Government Spoke on Employment opportunities in various fields like UPSC, Staff Selection Commission,TNPSC,Army, Government schemes for Entreprenneurs were explained by Mr,Jagadish Joint Director. World IntellectualProperty Day was celebrated on 25.4.14 by the Department of Economics and Intellectual Property Rights Attrorney Association, Chennai, Dr.K.R.Seethalakshmi, Principal gave the welcome Address. Mr.Kunaseelan Nadarajah Consul (Labour),office of Consulate General of Malaysia, Chennai delivered presidential address and released the Journal.Dr.Vanangamudi,Vice chancellor, The TamilNaduDr.AmbedkarLawUniversity, delivered keynote address. Mr.P.SanjayGandhi,Additional Government Pleader,High Court of Madras,IPRAttroney Association president. Narrated the importance of Intellectual Property Rights, An Exhibition was arranged to create awareness about IPR. Students were benefitted by the Programme. 137 CONSUMER CLUB The Consumer Club, a unit of Department of Economics was started during 2012-13. Mrs.J.Vanitha, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics is the Coordinator of the Club. The aim of the Club is to create awareness about Consumer Rights. In 2013, the consumer club has conducted workshop on “Consumer is a King”. Professor.R.Murali M.A, M.Phil. Presidency College has enlightened the students by sharing his ideas related to consumer rights and choices. Quaid-e-MillathConsumer Club in collaboration with Thanjavur ovia Pathukappu Sangam has conducted One day Seminar of “Awareness on consumer Protection”on 18.02.2014. In this seminar, The Principal Dr(Mrs) Rama Seetha Lakshmi M.A, MPhil, welcomed the gathering. P.SanjaiGanthi, Additional Govt Pleader, President. IPR Attorney of Association presented inaugural address. M.V.Sathish, M.A, MBA, Youth Wing President, South, Advocate gave presidential address and distributed the certificates to the members. “Quiz on Awareness on Consumer Protection” was conducted by Mrs.J.Vanitha, M.A, MPhil coordinator, consumer club. Prizes were distributed to the winners by our Principal Dr.R.Seethalakshmi. The function came to an end with the vote of thanks given by Mrs.J.Vanitha,M.A,MPhil,co-ordinator, Consumer Club. Dr.K.Malarvizhi, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics is incharge of Consumer Club from July 2014.Around 200 students have enrolled as members in this Academic Year. ANNEXURE Merit Scholarship received by the students by various organisation Name of the scholarship Year 2013-14 2009-10 2008-09 Goschen Endowment Scholarship – University of Madras for final year students 2007-08 2006-07 2010-11 2011-12 The Hemingway Memorial Endowment Scholarship –University of Madras Shri.M.Bhakthavathsalam Centenary Celebration scholarship (Rs.1000) Prof.A.S.Gnanasambandham Rajammal Trust (Rs .3000) Name of the Student R.Durgadevi S.Kanimozhi N.Manimegala S.Gowri V.Srilekha K.Mohanapriya S.Sangeetha C.Shalini S.Preetha V.Anitha V.K.Gomathy 2008-09 2006-07 2006-07 P.Daisy V.Indirani R.Nandhini C.Sangeetha S.Srividya T.Gajalakshmi 2007-08 S.Dhanalakshmi J.Sangeetha 138 DETAILS OF EMINENT PERSONALITIES WHO HAVE VISITED THE DEPARTMENT Year Eminent Personalities Topic 2008-09 Dr.V.RenukaDevi, M.A,M.B.AM.Phil,Ph.D Foreign Direct Investment in Retail Trade :Its Impact on Employment and Trade On 29.01.09 2009-10 Dr.J.Gnanapushpam M.A,Ph.D Women Participation in Economic Development on 16.12.09 2010-11 Dr.Balasubramaniam M.A, M.Phil,Ph.D,Associate Professor, D.G.Vaishnav College Status of Child Labour in India and Legal ways to bring them back 15.12.10 2011-12 Dr.Villalan M.A, M.Phil,Ph.D,AssociateProfessor, Pachaiyyapas College India‟s Present Growth Performance 15.12.11 2012-13 Dr.S.S.Sugumar M.A, M.Phil,Ph.D,AssociateProfessor,Vivekandha College Human Economics 19.02.12 2013-14 Dr.P.Thiyagarajan M.A, M.Phil,Ph.D H.O.D ,S.I.V.E.T College Challenges Faced by Indian Economy on 19.03.14 2010-11 National Level Symposium on “Inclusive Global Economic Growth :Implications for India” on 11.12.10 Dr.RukmaniGounder, Associate Professor, University of Massey, New Zealand Dr.Balasubramaniam, M.A, M.Phil,Ph.D Associate Professor,D.G.Vaishnav College Dr.ShobanaNelesca M.A, M.Phil,Ph.D Associate Professor,FathimaCollege,Madurai Dr.Vincent Jayakumar M.A, M.Phil,Ph.D Associate Professor, Loyola College 2011 -2012 National Seminar on “Issues and Challenges of Sustainable Development in India,30 and 31 January 2012 Mr.N.S.Viswanathan, Regional Director, Reserve Bank of India,Chennai 139 Inaugural address Paper Published by Dr.R.Maya, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Economics S. Issn /isbn no Title of the paper Name of the book Journal /book Month No Inclusive Growth in Edited By ISBN: 978-931 Opportunities in Food Processing Industry towards Inclusive Growth India An Emphasis Ms.B.S.Catherine, 80697-21-5 on Financial and Dr.AnithaRajendranMs Social Inclusion .C.V.Geetha Department of Management Studies, Women‟s Christian College Chennai Issues on The Indian Economic ISSN 0019 -4662 2 Some Aspects of Trade and Regional Development Among Regionalism and Journal Special Issue DECEMBER SAARC Countries Multilateralism in 2010 International Trade Health Issues and C.Dhandapani ISBN 3 Vitamin A Deficiency In India Challenges 978-81-89630-553 Food Insecurity DR.D.Kumar ISBN 978-814 Impact of Food insecurity on Protein Energy Malnutrition in India 92047-82-9 5 6 7 8 9 Status and impact of Women Entrepreneurs in India Women Entrepreneurs in the Global Economy The Emerging Economic Force Financing Healthcare in India Challenges of Inclusive Growth Issues on enhancing Human Resources for Inclusive Growth, Employment and Welfare The Rising Potential of Rural Inclusive Economic Women in India Growth in India: Issues , Challenges and Implications An Analysis of credit assistance for Global Issues & Agricultural Sector in Tamil Nadu Challenges in Business Scenario System of Rice Intensification in Issues and India Challenges of Sustainable Development in India 10 Enhancing Skill Development for Quality Employment in India Socio Economic Persepectives of Issues and Challenges of Sustainable Development in India 11 Supply Chain Management in Food The Emerging Crops in India landscape of Retail and Impact on Economy 12 A Study on Government Support to Prevention of Cancer Patients in India Diseases in India 140 The Department of Economics SIET ISBN 978-9380499-95-6 The Indian Economic Journal Spec ial Issue ISSN 0019 -4662 DECEMBER 2011 Ms.Sivanandam, Dr.A.Vennila, DrD.Vijayalakshmi, Dr.K.V.Soundaminy Dr.Akthar Begum Dr.Sasikala Mrs .Geetharajan Dr.R.Maya J.Vanitha D.Kamalapadmavathi D.Sangamithirai M.Padmavathy ISBN 978-9380371-15-3 Sept 11 J.Maheswari K.Parimalam M.Prabavathy K.Malarvizhi M.Leemarose DrS.Gurusamy, Mr,P,Murari IAS Dr.RShanthi, R.S.Saravanan Dr.C.Dhandapani ISBN -978 -93 81195- 17 -8 Serials Publication New Delhi,2012,pp. no.157 -165, ISBN 978-818387-544-8 Serials Publication , New Delhi,2012, pp.no354-377, ISBN 978-818387-543-1 MJP Publishers, Chennai ISBN 978 -818091-158-0 Global Research Publications ,New Achievements and Issues 15 A Study in Economic Aspects of Forests in India Environmental Experiences Dr.S.Francisca 16 Madurai Tamil Dr.AVennila,Dr D kanchiilpandyanatinporuladharanilai sevvilalelakiyakagilil Vijayalakshmi,DrEswa poruliyalsenthiaigal ri Ramesh & R KamalakannanPachaiap pan College 17 Regionalism and Multilateralism Aspects of Trade and Anil Kumar Thakur Regional ,DrB.P.Chandramohan Development among SAARC Markets Countries 18 Facilitating Physically Challenged Students in Higher Education in India Quality of Higher Education & Economic Development (HEED) Volume II Dr.S.Narasimhan, Dr.R.Balasubra maniyan & Maj .Dr.M.Venkataramanan 19 Rural Sanitation Facilities in India Facets of Rural Health in India Dr.C.Dhandapani 20 96 Annual Conference of Indian Economic Association National Conference AStudy on Rice Cultivation in Tamil Nadu 141 Delhi ISBN 978-8189630-81-2, 2013 EAST Tirunelveli ISBN 978-81924545-2-8 Queen Marys College Chennai 26.2.13,27.2.13 and 28.2.13 ISBN 978-9381992-04-03 Deep and Deep Publications Pvt Ltd ,2012,pp no.106-122, ISBN 978 -818450-432-3 Institute of Advanced Studies &Research (IASR),ChennaI, pp 217-230, ISBN 978-81923921-0-3, 4.4.2013 Serials Publication , New Delhi,2014, 316 -321 ISBN 978-818387-669-8 Meenakshi University, Kancheepuram , 27 -29,Dec 2013 Papers Published by Mrs.J.Vanitha,Assistant Professor ,Department ofEconomics S. NO Name of the magazine/book Title of the article. Volume, year. 1 Globalisation and its impact on india. Impact of globalisation on indian agriculture. 2010 2 Southern economist Agrarian distress and need for reforms. Feb15 3 Global issues& challenges in Business scenario The impact of mobile handling in E-Commerce 2012 4 Two decades of Economic Reforms in India. Status of inclusive growth in manufacturing sec 2012 5 Sustainable development in India. Socio economic empowerment of urban poor through SHGs in Chennai 2012 6 Sustainable development in India Reforms in Industrial sec towards sustainable development in India 2012 7 Quality of Higher education and EconomicDevelopment Sustainability in Higher education 2012 volume11 8 The Indian Economic Journal. Journal of the Indian Economic Association Special issue on Tamil Nadu Economy Socio economic conditions of domestic servants in Chennai 2013 Papers published by Dr.K.Parimalam,Assistant Professor ,Department of Economics S. NO Name of the Journal 1 International Journal of Applied Management Research, Raja Sarfoji Govt College, Thanjavur. Title of the paper Advanced Data Analysis, Financial Performance of Women Information Technology Professionals in the Chennai city. 2 International Journal of Life after Tsunami in Indonesia. Applied Management Research Raja SarfojiGovt College, Thanjavur. 3 Women Entrepreneurs in the Global Economy-The Emerging Economic Force S.I.E.TCollege for Women, Volume and Date ISSN-09748709, VOL-3,20-21stJune 2011. ISSN-09748709, VOL-3,28th-29th June 2011. P.126-127 Socio-Economic Impact of Women Entrepreneurs in ISBN-978-93-8049995-6, 25TH January 2011 Tirupur. State Level Seminar, Chennai. 4 Inclusive Economic Growth in Women, ICT Work and India: Issues, Challenges and Welfare. Implications Queen Mary‟s College, ISBN-978-9380371-15-3, 16th Sept‟2011 Chennai. 5 International Conference- Utilizing Information Technology to Improve women‟s Current Economic 142 ISBN-978-81- DCS 2011 Activities. 922828-1-7, 29th Oct‟2011 RKM Vivekananda College, Chennai 6 Issues and Challenges Sustainable Development in India National Seminar Policy Issues with reference to Information Technology sector. 30th and 31st January 2012 A study on Environmental pollution with reference to Tirupur City. 30th and 31st January 2012 Quaid E-MillathGovt.College for Women, Chennai 7 Issues and Challenges Sustainable Development in India National Seminar Quaid E-MillathGovt.College for Women, Chennai 8 Health Issues and Challenges Thiruvalluvar University, Occupational Health Hazards on women ISBN-978-81-89630in Information Technology 55-3 344-352, 2012 Professionals in Chennai. Vellore. 9 International Journal of current International Conference on Ecoconservation for Sustainable science Development: Environmental Quaid E-MillathGovt.College Issues and Global Effects for Women, Chennai Quaid E-MillathGovt.College 10 for Women, Chennai. Online Publication ISSN-2250-1770,INT J CURR SCI 2012, 155158,1st to 3rd February 2012 Financial Inclusion-Role and Initiatives of Canara Bank 14th-15th March 2012. 143 DR.J.MAHESWARI, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR S. No. Name Conference Title Title of paper presented Month & Year National / International 1. J. Maheswari Higher Education at Cross Roads Participated 7th to 9th February 2008 National Conference, Loyola College 2. Globalisation Impact, challenges and opportunities Patenting Conventional Knowledge 14th & 15th March 2008 International Conference, Cuddalore 3. J. Maheswari Environmental Challenges Who warms the Globe? A study on nature, impact and control of global warming 27th & 28th March 2008 National Seminar, Salem 4. J. Maheswari ICT Tools for quality Enhancement in Teaching and learning process Edusat - Satellite Based Education in India 29th December 2008 NAAC Sponsored National Seminar, IQAC Quaid-EMillath Govt. College for Women 5. J. Maheswari Tamilnadu Status of Healthcare Economy in 2020 in Tamilnadu potentials and challenges 19th February 2009 Tansche Sponsored State Level Seminar, Dept of Economics, Quaid-E-Millath Govt. College for Women 6. J. Maheswari ICT in Curriculum Design and Planning at HEIs 23rd March 2010 National Seminar, IQAC, Quaid-E-Millath Govt. College for Women 7. J. Maheswari Accelerating Green Growth Economic Revival Strategy for Revival Through Innovation and reform 5th and 6th February 2010 International conference Women's Christian College, ISBN No. 93-80043-76-7 8. J. Maheswari Investment in Human Capital Globalisation of Human Capital - A Study on Externalities of Human Capital Flight from India 8th & 9th International Conference, Dept February 2010 of Economics Loyola College, Chennai. 9. J. Maheswari The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Indian Economy Indian Enterprises growing -rise of outward greenfield investment from India 10th & 11th February 2010 National Conference Dept of Commercial Loyola College, Chennai, ISBN No. : 978-817446-843-7 10. J. Maheswari Global Financial System in the postCrisis Era - Issues challenges and Sub-Prime Borrowers and Global Economic Slump 16th & 17th March 2010 International Conference , Dept of Commerce University of Madras ISBN No : 13:97881-8209-267-9 Alternatives for chalk and Talkdesigning curriculum for economics 144 S. No. Name Conference Title Title of paper presented Month & Year National / International opportunities 11. J. Maheswari Socio-Economic Obstacles to school Book edited by ISB No. : 978-81-8387-382-6 Disparities Among life expectancy K.Ramesh 2010 social groups in India 12. J. Maheswari Inclusive growth in Healthy women and India and social exclusive growth inclusion 13. J. Maheswari Global environment and its sustainability : implications and strategies 14. J. Maheswari 15. J. Maheswari 16. 17. 7th & 8th October 2010 ISBN No.978-93-80697-21-5 Women's Christian College. 07.11.2010 International Conference, GESIS, R.K.M. Vivekananda College. Globalization and Financial Openness its impact of India of Indian Economy : A study of Impact of Globalisation 12.12.2010 ISBN -13-978-81-910561-0-5 D.B. Jain College, Chennai. National, Symposium on Inclusive Global Economic Growth : Implications for India 11.12.2010 Dept. of Economics Quaid -EMillath Govt. College for Women Patenting Indian Medicinal Plants and Products Participated Golden Rice Potentials and challenges Indian Economic From Womb to Association 93rd Tomb - A Review of Annual Conference Missing women through the perspectives of Amartya Sen 145 International Conference, Thanjavur. 27.12.2010 to 29.12.2010 National Conference Chandigarh ISSN 0019-4662 S. N O CONFERENCE TITLE TITLE OF PAPER PRESENTED MONT H& YEAR 1 94TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF INDIAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION CHANGING PARADIGM OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN INDIA 27TH – 29TH DECE MBER 2011 2 ISSUES AND CHALLENGES OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA ENERGY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 30TH& 31ST JANU ARY 2012 3 LIFE STYLE RELATED DISEASESPREVENTION, EDUCATION AND INTERVENTION FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN FOOD PROCESSING INDUSTRY IN INDIA 6TH JANU ARY 2012 4 ISSUES AND CHALLENGES OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA HIGHER EDUCATION STRATEGY DESIGNED FOR HUMAN CAPITAL FORMATION 30TH& 31ST JANU ARY 2012 146 NATIONA L /INTERNA TIONAL 94TH ANNUAL CONFEREN CE OF INDIAN ECONOMI C ASSOCIATI ON, BHARATI VIDYAPEE TH DEEMED UNIVERSIT Y, PUNE NATIONAL CONFEREN CE IN ASSOCIATI ON WITH AET, DEPARTM ENT OF ECONOMI CS, QUAIDEMILLATH GOVERNM ENT COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, CHENNAI. DEPARTM ENT OF HOME SCIENCE, QUAID-EMILLATH GOVERNM ENT COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, CHENNAI. NATIONAL CONFEREN CE IN ASSOCIATI ON WITH AET, DEPARTM ENT OF ECONOMI CS, QUAIDEMILLATH GIVERNME NT COLLEGE 5 ISSUES AND CHALLENGES OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA ENERGY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 30TH& 31ST JANU ARY 2012 6 GLOBAL ISSUES AND CHALLENGES IN BUSINESS SCENARIO ROLE OF BANKING IN MANAGING FINANCIAL CRISIS 14TH& 15TH MARC H, 2012 7 தமிழ்செவ்வியியல்இலக்கியங்களில் 8 த்துப் ொட்டில்சதொண்னைநொட்டி ச ொருளியல்ெிந்தனைகள் ன்ச ொருளொதொரவளம் QUALITY OF HIGHER EDUCATION & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT HIGHER EDUCATION AND HUMAN CAPITAL FORMATION IN INDIA 147 26-022013 TO 28-022013 12TH& 13TH APRIL 2013 FOR WOMEN, CHENNAI. EDITOR, ISBN 97881-8387544-8 NATIONAL CONFEREN CE IN ASSOCIATI ON WITH AET, DEPARTM ENT OF ECONOMI CS, QUAIDEMILLATH GIVERNME NT COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, CHENNAI. ISBN 97881-8387543-1 INTERNAT IONAL CONFEREN CE, DEPARTM ENT OF COMMERC E, QUAIDEMILLATH GIVERNME NT COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, CHENNAI. STATE LEVEL SEMINAR, ECONOMI CS DEPARTM ENT, QUEEN MARY‟S COLLEGE, CHENNAI NATIONAL CONFEREN CE, ECONOMI CS DEPARTM ENT, D.G.VAISH NAV 9 BIOENERGY; A GREEN CHOICE TO SOLVE ENERGY CRISIS 34TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF ASSOCIATION OF ECONOMISTS OF TAMILNADU 10 96TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF INDIAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION MACRO -ECONOMIC DETERMINANTS OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN TAMILNADU 14TH& 15TH DECE MBER 2013 27TH – 29TH DECE MBER 2013 COLLEGE, CHENNAI VELLORE 96TH ANNUAL CONFEREN CE OF INDIAN ECONOMI C ASSOCIATI ON, MEENAKS HI UNIVERSIT Y, THE INDIAN ECONOMI C JOURNAL, SPECIAL ISSUE, DECEMBE R 2013 ISSN 00194662 Papers Published by Dr.K.Malarvizhi,AssistantProfessor,Department of Economics S. NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. 9 10. Title Year Publisher ISBN/ISSN Role of Banks in Empowering Women Apl 2009 ISSN-Vol-1,Number-1 0975-1513 Impact of Global recession on Indian Economy Globalisation and its impact on India Financial inclusion Beyond Micro Credit 2010 Women Empowerment-A Multidimensional Approach Impact of financial crisis on Indian Economy Financial Inclusion-Views and Challenges Impact Of Corporate Governance on Economic development Institutional Efforts in Empowering Women-ASpecial focus on the role of NABARD Issues on Economy of Tamil Nadu-Efforts of Banks in Tamil Nadu-in Financial 2011 KSCMR‟S Journal of Management-KhandalaMumbai Anuragam- publishersChennai D.B.Jain CollegeChennai QMC-VallarPirai Publications-Pvt-LtdChennai Vijay Nicole-Chennai Global Research Publication-New DelhiUnited Publisher 978-81-89630-17-1 2012 Serial Publications-New delhi 978-81-8387-543-1 2012 Serial Publications-New Delhi 978-81-8387-544-8 2013 The Indian Economic Journal 2010 2011 2011 2012 148 978-93-80627-34-2 ISBN13-978-81910561-0-5 ISBN-97893-80371-3 978-81-8209-284-6 978-81-81195178 ISSN-0019-4662 inclusion 149 S. No. 1. Name S. Kamala Padmavathi & M. Padmavathi S. Kamala Padmavathi & M. Padmavathi Conference Title Environmental Challenges of 21st Century 2. Economics Contributions of Women-A multi Dimensional Approach HEALTH AWARENESS AMONG YOUNGER GENERATION (A SPECIAL FOCUS ON STRESS MANAGEMENT AMONG ADOLESCENTS) THE ROLE OF ORGANIC FARMING IN SUSTAINABE DEVELOPMENT OF AGRICULTURE 3. D. Sangamithirai A Conceptual Analysis of Impact of Economic Value Addition on the Stock's Performance ANALYSIS OF MICROFINANCE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Title of paper presented Who warms the world High Powered Women in India Socio Economic Persepectives of Issues and Challenges of Sustainable Development in India Issues and Challenges of Sustainable Development in India Impact of Economic Crisis in Global Business Scenario Finance, Marketing and IT Socio Economic Persepectives of Issues and Challenges of Sustainable Development in India A STUDY ABOUT Issues and JOB RELATED Challenges of STRESS AND ITS Sustainable IMPACT OVER Development in THE India PERFORMANCE OF EMPLOYEES 4. 5. M. Leema Rose Violence Against Eduventure Women with Research Journal special Reference to of Queen Mary's Bridal Burning College M. Leema Rose Co-Author in Rural Rural Qutreach by Development and Madurai District Co- Regional Rural operative Credit Bank bank 150 March 2008 National / International National February 2010 National Month & Year J.Maheswari K.Parimalam M.Prabavathy K.Malarvizhi M.Leemarose Dr.R.Maya J.Vanitha D.Kamalapadmavathi D.Sangamithirai M.Padmavathy Anuregam Publications Serials Publication New Delhi,2012,pp. no.213-222, ISBN 978-818387-544-8 Serials Publication , New Delhi,2012, pp.136-142 ISBN 978-818387-543-1 Edition 2009 J.Maheswari K.Parimalam M.Prabavathy K.Malarvizhi M.Leemarose Serials Publication New Delhi,2012,pp. no.802 -810, ISBN 978-818387-544-8 Dr.R.Maya Serials J.Vanitha Publication , D.Kamalapadmavathi New D.Sangamithirai Delhi,2012, M.Padmavathy 314319,ISBN 978-81-8387543-1 July -December 2008 National National S. Name No. 6. M. Leema Rose Title of paper presented Co-Author in 'A Business Statistical Analysis Analytical and Economic of inflation in India' Intelligence INCOME Issues and GENERATION Challenges of THROUGH Sustainable TOURISM AND Development in SUSTAINABLE India ECONOMIC DEVLOPMENT IN INDIA Issues and Socio Economic challenges of Persepectives of Women Issues and Challenges of Entreprenurship Sustainable Development in India Industry Institute Socio Economic Interaction for Persepectives of Sustainable Issues and Challenges of Development Sustainable Development in India An Analysis of Issues and Women in Challenges of Sustainable Agriculture Development in India Conference Title Impact of TB on Health Issues and Indian Economy and Challenges Government‟s efforts to control 151 Month & Year March 2010 Dr.R.Maya J.Vanitha D.Kamalapadmavathi D.Sangamithirai M.Padmavathy National / International National Serials Publication , New Delhi,2012, 478484, ISBN 978-818387-543-1 J.Maheswari Serials K.Parimalam Publication M.Prabavathy New K.Malarvizhi Delhi,2012,pp. M.Leemarose no.817-823, ISBN 978-818387-544-8 J.Maheswari Serials K.Parimalam Publication M.Prabavathy New K.Malarvizhi Delhi,2012,pp. M.Leemarose no.378-383, ISBN 978-818387-544-8 Dr.R.Maya Serials J.Vanitha Publication , D.Kamalapadmavathi New D.Sangamithirai Delhi,2012, M.Padmavathy pp.no207-215, ISBN 978-818387-543-1 Dr.C.Dhandapani Global Research Publications ISBN 978-8189630-55-3 ARTICLES IN EDITED BOOKS /JOURNALS Name Of The Staff S.No Year Title Of The Edited Books/Journals Title Of The Article Year, Page No Isbn No Internatio nal/ National/ State Dr.R.Maya 1 2010 Inclusive Growth In India An Emphasis On Financial And Social Inclusion Issues On Regionalism And Multilateralism In International Trade Health Issues And Challenges Opportunities In Food Processing Industry Towards Inclusive Growth Some Aspects Of Trade And Regional Development Among Saarc Countries Vitamin A Deficiency In India Isbn: 978-9380697-21-5 National 2 2010 2010, Issn 0019 -4662 National 3 2010 National 2010 Food Insecurity 5 2011 6 2011 7 2011 8 2011 Women Entrepreneurs In The Global Economy The Emerging Economic Force Challenges Of Inclusive Growth Issues On Enhancing Human Resources For Inclusive Growth, Employment And Welfare Inclusive Economic Growth In India: Issues , Challenges And Implications Global Issues & Challenges In Business Scenario Impact Of Food Insecurity On Protein Energy Malnutrition In India Status And Impact Of Women Entrepreneurs In India Isbn 978-81-8963055-3 Isbn 978-8192047-82-9 4 9 2012 Isbn 978-9380499-95-6 State Financing Healthcare In India 2011, Issn 0019 -4662 National The Rising Potential Of Rural Women In India Isbn 978-9380371-15-3 Sept 11 National Isbn -978 -93 81195- 17 -8 National 2012,Pp. No.157 -165, National An Analysis Of Credit Assistance For Agricultural Sector In Tamil Nadu Issues And Challenges System Of Rice Of Sustainable Intensification In 152 Inter National Development In India India Isbn 978-818387-544-8 Socio Economic Persepectives Of Issues And Challenges Of Sustainable Development In India The Emerging Landscape Of Retail And Impact On Economy Prevention Of Diseases In India Achievements And Issues Enhancing Skill Development For Quality Employment In India 2012, Pp 354377, Isbn 978-818387-543-1 National Supply Chain Isbn 978 -81Management In Food 8091-158-0 Crops In India National A Study On Isbn 978-81Government Support 89630-81-2, To Cancer Patients 2013 In India National National இலக்கியங்களில் A Study In Economic Isbn 978-81Aspects Of Forests In 924545-2-8 India மதுனர கொஞ்ெியில் Isbn 978-9381992-04-03 ொண்டியநொட்டின் ச ொருளியல்ெிந்த ச ொருளொதொர னைகள் நினல Aspects Of Trade And Regional Development Among Saarc Markets Countries Quality Of Higher Education & Economic Development (Heed) Volume Ii Facets Of Rural Health In India Regionalism And Multilateralism 2012, Pp 106122, Isbn 978 -818450-432-3 National Facilitating Physically Challenged Students In Higher Education In India Rural Sanitation Facilities In India 2013, Pp 217230, Isbn 978-81923921-0-3, 4.4.2013 2014, Pp.No 316 -321, Isbn 978-81-8387669-8 National 10 2012 11 2012 12 2012 13 2012 Environmental Experiences 14 2013 தமிழ்செவ்வியியல் 15 2012 16 2013 17 2014 18 96 Annual Conference Of Indian Economic Association 153 National National National Conference Name Of The Staff J.Vanitha S.No Year Title Of The Edited Books/Journals Title Of The Article Year, Page No Isbn No 1 2010 Globalisation And Its Impact On India. Impact Of Globalisation On Indian Agriculture. 2010,Pp13, Isbn 13-978-8191056105 2 2011 Southern Economist Agrarian Distress And Need For Reforms. 2011, Pp43, Issn 00384046 National 3 2012 Global Issues& Challenges In Business Scenario The Impact Of Mobile Handling In E-Commerce 2012, Pp33,Isbn 9789381195178 National 4 2012 Status Of Inclusive Growth In Manufacturing Sec 2012,315321,Isbn 97881-922144-1-2 National 5 2012 Two Decades Of Economic Reforms In India. Issues And Challenges Of Sustainable Development In India Socio Economic Empowerment Of Urban Poor Through Shgs In Chennai 2012, Pp95, Isbn 9788183875431 National 6 2012 Issues And Challenges Of Sustainable Development In India Reforms In Industrial Sector Towards Sustainable Development In India 2012, Pp95, Isbn 9788183875431 7 8 Socio-Economic Perspectives Of Issues And Challenges Of Sustainable Development In India 2012 Quality Of Higher Vol11 Education And Economic Development Agro Health Revolution 2013 The Indian Economic Journal, Journal Of The Indian Economic Association Special Issue On Tamilnadu Economy 154 International/ National/ State National 2010, Pp Isbn No: 978-818387-382-6 National Sustainability In Higher Education Pp22, Isbn 97881-923921-0-3 National Socio Economic Conditions Of Domestic Servants In Chennai Pp 415, Issn 0019-4662 National Name Of The Staff S.Kamala Padmavathi S.No Year Title Of The Edited Books/Journals Title Of The Article Year, Page No Isbn No 1 2011 Inclusive Economic Growth In India: Issues, Challenges And Implications 2011, Isbn 978-9380371-15-3 2 2012 Issues And Challenges Of Sustainable Development In India Role Of Agriculture In Promoting Economic Growth In India The Role Of Organic Farming In Sustainable Development Of Agriculture – An Overview 3 2012 Socio-Economic Perspectives Of Issues And Challenges Of Sustainable Development In India Name Of The Staff S. No Year Title Of The Edited Books/Journals D.Sangamithirai 1 2009. Impact Of Economic Crisis In Global Business Scenario Finance, Marketing & It 2 2011 3 2012 4 2012 2012, Isbn 978-818387-543-1. National Health Awareness Among Younger Genaration (A Special Fpcus On Stress Among Adolescents) 2012, Isbn 978-818387-544-8 National Title Of The Article Year, Page No,Isbn No Internati onal/ National/ State National A Conceptual Analysis Of Impact Of Economic Value Addition On The Stock‟s Performance Inclusive Economic Role Of Self Help Growth In India: Group In Issues, Challenges Financial And Implications Inclusion. Issues And A Study About Challenges Of The Job Related Sustainable Stress And Its Development In India Impact Over The Performance Of Employees. 2009, Isbn 978-81907733-9-3 Socio-Economic Perspectives Of Issues And 155 Internation al/ National/ State National An Analysis Of Micro Finance For Sustainable 2011, Isbn 978-9380371-15-3 National 2012, Isbn 978-81-8387543-1. National 2012, Isbn 978-81-8387544-8 National Name Of The Staff Dr.J.Maheswari 5 2011. 6 2013. S. No Year Challenges Of Sustainable Development In India International Journal Of Applied Management Research Vol:3 Indian Economic Journal Title Of The Edited Books/Journals Development. The Study On The Perception Of Freelancers About Medical Tourism In Chennai, Tamil Nadu An Empirical Analysis Of Socio Economic Dimensions Of Members In Self Help Group In Dhamapuri District, Tamil Nadu. Title Of The Article 2011, Issn 0974 8709 Issn 00194662 Year, Page No Isbn No National Internatio nal/ National/ State National 1 2007-08 Empowerment Of Women In India Right To Be Born: A Study On Foeticide In India 2 2009-10 Green Growth Strategy For Revival 3 2009-10 Accelerating Economic Revival Through Innovation And Reform The Impact Of Foreign Direct Investment On Indian Economy Indian Enterprises Growing GloballyRise Of Outward Greenfield Investment From India 2010, Pp 123137, Isbn No: 978-81-7446843-7 National 4 2009-10 Sub-Prime Borrowers And Global Economic Slump 2010, Pp 227238, Isbn No: 13:978-818209-267-9 National 5 2009-10 2009-10 2010, Pp 6472, Isbn No: 978-81-8387382-6 2010, Pp 344347, Isbn No: 978-93-8069721-5 National 6 Global Financial System In The PostCrisis Era- Issues Challenges And Opportunities Socio-Economic Disparities Among Social Groups In India Inclusive Growth In India And Social Inclusion 156 Obstacles To School Life Expectancy Healthy Women And Exclusive GrowthAn Analysis Of Investments For Women‟s Health In India 2008, Pp 107119, Isbn No: 978-81-7708155-8 2010, Pp231233, Isbn No: 93-80043-76-7 Internatio nal National 7 2009-10 Globalisation And Its Impact In India 2010, Pp 210222, Isbn No: 13-978-81910561-0-5 National 8 2011-12 Health EconomicsIssues And Challenges Deep & Deep Publications (April 30, 2011)Isbn978-81-845068-5 2011, Pp 102103, Isbn 97893-80499-95-6 National 9 2011-12 Indian Women Emerging As Global Entrepreneurs – A Few Case Studies 10 2011-12 11 2011-12 Women Entrepreneurs In The Global Economy –The Emerging Economic Force Inclusive Economic Growth In India: Issues, Challenges And Implications Impact Of Economic Meltdown On World Economies Rain Water Harvesting- The Best Technique For Water Security Agglomeration Pattern Of Foreign Direct Investment 2011, Pp 713717,Isbn No 978-93-80371-153 2011, Pp 2938, Isbn 97893-80430-08-9 National 12 2012-13 Food Insecurity Warfare For Welfare-Issues And Challenges For Ending Hunger 2012, Pp 547553, Isbn 97881-920478-2-9 National 13 2012-13 Socio-Economic Perspectives Of Issues And Challenges Of Sustainable Development In India Higher Education Strategy Designed For Human Capital Formation 2012, Pp 362377, Isbn 97881-8387-544-8 National 14 2012-13 Energy For Sustainable Development 2012, Pp 464470, Isbn 97881-8387-543-1 National 15 2012-13 Issues And Challenges Of Sustainable Development In India Global Issues And Challenges In Business Scenario Role Of Banking In Managing Financial Crisis 2012, Pp 267269, Isbn 97893-81195-17-8 National 16 2012-13 தமிழ்செவ்வியி த்துப் ொட்டில் State யல்இலக்கியங் சதொண்னைநொ களில்ச ொருளி ட்டின்ச ொருளொ 2013, Pp 155166, Isbn 97893-81-992-043 யல்ெிந்தனைக தொரவளம் ள் Health Issues And Challenges Maternal Anemia 2012, Pp 207216, Isbn 97881-89630-55-3 Edited Book 17 2012-13 157 Financial Openess Of Indian Economy, Globalisation- A Study On Impact Of Globalisation On Fdi On India Lending A WombThe Story Of Surrogate Mothers State National 18 2012-13 Amartya Sen And Human DevelopmentPoverty, Gender Disparity, Ethics 19 2013-14 20 2010-11 Quality Of Higher Education & Economic Development Patenting Indian Medicinal Plants And Products 21 2010-11 22 2010-11 23 2013-14 24 2013 25 Name Of The Staff S. No Dr.M.Padmavathy 1 Golden RicePotentials And Challenges, Health Economics And Management From Womb To Tomb: A Review On Missing Women Through The Perspectives Of Amartya Sen Bioenergy:A Green Choice To Solve Energy Crisis Macro -Economic Determinants Of Foreign Direct Investment In Tamilnadu Upto Dec Emergence And Role 2014 Of Foreing Capital In India Year 2011 Title Of The Edited Books/Journals Inclusive Economic Growth In India: Issues, Challenges And Implications 158 From Womb To Tomb: A Review On Missing Women Through The Perspectives Of Amartya Sen Higher Education And Human Capital Formation In India 2012, Pp 373390, Isbn 97881-8450-433-0 2013, Pp National Indian Journal Of Science And Technology 2011, 4,Issue 3, Pp 298301,Issn No 0974-6846 2011. 2, Pp 647-650. , Issn No 977097487008 National International Journal Of Applied Mangement Research Edited Book Internatio nal The Indian Economic Journal 2010, Pp 100110, Issn No 0019-4662 National Peninsular Economist Journal Of Association Of Economists Of Tamilnadu The Indian Economic Journal 2013-14, Pp 201-201, Issn 0976-8270 Vol Xxvi , No 1 National 2013, Pp 357366. Issn 0019-4662 National International Journal Of Management And Development Studies July 2014, 2, Issue 3, Pp 44-58, Online June 15, 2014 Issn (Online): 2320-0685. Issn (Print): 2321-423 Internatio nal Title Of Article Isbn/Issn Role Of Agriculture In Promoting Economic Growth In India 2011, Isbn 978-9380371-15-3 Internatio nal/ National/ /State National 2 2012 3 2012 4 2012 Name Of The Staff S. No Year Dr.K.Parimalam 1 2011-12 2 2011-12 3 2011-12 4 2011-12 5 2011-12 Issues And Challenges Of Sustainable Development In India Health Issues And Challenges Socio-Economic Perspectives Of Issues And Challenges Of Sustainable Development In India Title Of The Edited Books/Journals Women Entrepreneurs In The Global Economy-The Emerging Economic Force S.I.E.T College For Women. Inclusive Economic Growth In India: Issues, Challenges And Implications International Conference- An Analysis Of Women In Agriculture 2012, Isbn 978-81-8387543-1. National Impact Of Tb On Isbn 978-81- National Indian Economy 89630-55-3 And Government‟s Efforts To Control Industry Institute 2012, Isbn National Interaction For 978-81-8387Sustainable 544-8 Development Title Of The Article Year, Page No, Isbn/Issn Socio-Economic 2011, IsbnImpact Of Women 978-93Entrepreneurs In 80499-95-6, Tirupur. Internatio nal/ National/ /State State Level Women, Ict Work And Welfare. 2011, Sbn978-9380371-15-3, State Level 2011, Isbn978-81922828-1-7, National Issues And Challenges Sustainable Development In India Utilizing Information Technology To Improve Women‟s Current Economic Activities. Policy Issues With Reference To Information Technology Sector. 2012, Isbn 978-81-8387543-3 P.357 National Issues And Challenges Sustainable Development In A Study On Environment Pollution With Special Reference 2012, Isbn 978-81-8387543-3 National 159 6 2012-13 7 2012-13 India To Tirupur Health Issues And Challenges Occupational Health Hazards On Women In Information Technology Professionals In Chennai. Financial Inclusion-Role And Initiatives Of Canara Bank 2012, Isbn978-8189630-55-3 344-352, National 14th-15th March 2012. National Internatio nal/ National/ State National Name Of The Staff Sl. No Year Title Of The Book Title Of The Article Year, Page No, Isbm/Issn M.Prabavathy 1 2009-10 Social Empowerment Of Women Through Shg Movement 2010 2 2011 Fishing Industry And Its Growth 2011 3 2012 National 2012 Role Of Inward And Outward Foreign Direct Investment In India Growth And Contributions Of Fishing Industry Towards Sustainable Development 2012, Isbn 978-81-8387543-1. 4 Economic Contribution Of Women - A MultiDimensional Approach Inclusive Economic Growth In India : Issues, Challenges And Implications Issues And Challenges Of Sustainable Development In India Issues And Challenges Of Sustainable Development In India 2012, , Isbn 978-81-8387543-1. National 5 2012 Occupational Health Hazards In Fishing Industry 2012 National 6 2012-13 Social Infrastructure Development In India : Challenges And Strategies Life-Style Related Diseases ….Prevention, Education And Intervention Problems And Prospects Of Fishing Industry In India 2012, National Seminar 160 Name Of The Staff Dr.K.Malarvizhi S. No Year Title Of The Book Title Of Article 1 2010-11 Impact Of Global Financial Crisis On Indian Economy Impact Of Global Recession On Indian Economy 2 2010 Globalisation And Its Impact On India Globalisation And Its Impact On Indian Economy 3 2011-12 Inclusive Economic Growth In IndiaIssues, Challenges And Implications Financial Inclusion Beyond Micro Credit Women Empowerment-A Multidimensional Approach Economic Empowerment- Of Women And Micro Credit 2011- Isbn 978-81-8209284-6 4 Isbn/Issn Internatio nal/ National/ /State National 2010, Pp 622-629, Isbn 978-9380627-34-2 2010, -Pp National 22-33, Isbn13-97881-9105610-5 2011, Pp441- National 443, Isbn9789380371-3 National 5 2011 Impact Of Global Financial Crisis On Indian Economy Global Recession And Indian Economy 2011, Pp National 264-267,Isbn 978-8189630-17-1 6 2012-13 Global Issues And Challenges In Business Scenario Financial Inclusion-Views And Challenges 2012- Isbn 978-8181195178 National 7 2012 Socio-Economic Percspectives Of Issues And Challenges Of Sustainable Development In India Impact Of Corporate Governance On Economic Development 2012- Pp-1214isbn 97881-8387-5431 National 8 2012-13 Issues And Challenges Of Sustainable Development In India 2012-Isbn 978-81-8387544-8 National 9 2008 Women EntrepreneurshpA Multi Dimensional Approach, Institutional Efforts In Empowering Women-A-Special Focus On The Role Of Nabard Impact Of Globalisation On Entrepreneurship 2008 Vol 7 State 161 10 2009-10 Kbscmr-Journal Of Management Research Role Of Banks In Empowering Women 11 2013 The Indian Economic Journal Issues On Economy Of Tamil NaduEfforts Of Banks In Tamil Nadu-In Financial Inclusion Name Of The Staff Sl. No Year Title Of The Book M.Leema Rose 1 2008 2 2010 Eduventure Research Journal Of Queen Mary‟s College Business Analytical Economics Intelligence 3 2010 Rural Development And Regional Rural Bank 4 2011 3e‟s Energy Economy And Efficiency 5 2011 Inclusive Economic Growth In IndiaIssues,Challenges&I mplications Tourism As An Engine Of Economic Growth 6 2012 Health Issues And Challenges Booming Medical Tourism In India 7 2012 Issues &Challenges Of Sustainable Development In India 8 2012 Issues &Challenges Of Sustainable Development In India Income Generation Through Tourism &Sustainable Economic Development In India Issuen And Challenges Of Women Entreprenurship 162 2009-IssnVol1,Number-1 0975-1513 2013-Issn0019-4662 National Title Of Article Year,Page No, Isbn/Issn Violence Against Women With Special Reference To Bridal Burning Co-Author In A Statistical Analysis Of Inflation In India Co-Author In Rural Outreach By Madurai District Co-Operative Credit Bank Performance Of India‟s Energy Sector 2008, Pp4347 Internatio nal/ National/ /State National National 2010, Pp103110 Isbn978-9380449-11-1 2010, Pp5165, Isbn 978-81908492-7-2 Internatio nal 2011, Pp 3132, Isbn97881-9095753-3 2011, Pp782, -785, Isbn978-9380371-15-3 National 2012,Pp 117124, Isbn978-8189630-55-3 2012, Pp478484 Isbn978-818387-543-1 National 2012 , Pp817-823, Isbn978-818387-544-8 National National National National 9 2013 தமிழ்செவ்வியி 2013, Isbn978-9381992-04-3 யல்இலக்கியங் National களில்ச ொருளி யல்ெிந்தனைக ள் PAPERS PRESENTED IN CONFERENCES Name Of The Staff No Dr.R.Maya 1 Title Of Article Presented Title Of The Conference Women At Work Competencies And Conflicts Date,Venue National/ Internation al/State Education And Work 25.03.03, Mother Participation In Teresa Women‟s Rural Tamil Nadu University Chennai Campus Women‟s Education 31.3.03, Mother As A Means Of Teresa Women‟s Involving Women In University Decision Making Chennai Campus National Role Of Rural Women In Social Forestry Programme In Tamil Nadu Emerging Issues And Challenges In Tamil Nadu Agriculture 27.3. 08,28.3.08 Periyar University, Salem National 19.2.09, Quaid –EMillathgovernmen t College, Chennai, State Level 2 Autonomy Of Women Through Education 3 Environmental Challenges On 21 St Century 4 Tamil Nadu Economy In2020 -Potentials And Challenges 5 New Frontiers In Agriculture The System Of Rice Intensification In Tamil Nadu 26.11.09 &27.11.09 Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur ,Vellore Dt, Tamilnadu Ugc National 6 Inclusive Growth In India An Emphasis On Financial And Social Inclusion Opportunities In Food Processing Industry Towards Inclusive Growth 7.10.10&8.10.10 Women‟s Christian College Chennai, National 7 Recent Trends In Growth Patterns A Global Perspective Performance Of Human Capital In Global Perspective Department Of Economics, Loyalo College, Chennai 7.2.11 Internation al Conference 163 National 8 Inclusive Growth :Reviewing The Past For Reshaping The Future –Evolving Prescriptions For 12thfive Year Plan Inclusive Growth In Agriculture – Towards A Pointed Focus 11-03-2011, Department Of Economics , Presidency College,Chennai Ugc Sponspored National Seminar 9 Macro Economics And Empirical Studies Impact On Climatic Change On Food Security In India 11th& 12th March 2011, Department Of Economics Ethiraj College For Women, Chennai National Seminar 10 94 Annual Conference Of Indian Economic Association Financing Health Care In India 27 -29 December , 2011, Bharati Vidyapeeth University ,Pune National 11 Lifestyle Related Diseases … Prevention, Education And Intervention Second Green Revolution Diversification Of Crop Pattern And Its Impact On Food Security In India 06-01-2012, Quaid –EMillathgovernmen t College, Chennai National Seminar 24 &25 March 2012, Avvm Sri Pushpam College , Poondi, Thanjavur Dt , Tamil Nadu. Supply Chain Vivanta Taj Management In Food Connemora,Chen Crops In India nai , Organized By University Of Madras In Association With Ficci Tnsc National Level Seminar 12 13 Emphazizing Second Green Revolution For Assuring Food Security In India The Emerging Landscape Of Retail And Impact On Economy 164 Internation al Conference Name Of The Staff No J.Vanitha 1 Poverty Levels In The Era Of Globalisation. 2 Water And Environment:Focusin g On Sustainability 89th Annual Conference Of The Indian Economic Association 3 4 5 6 7 9 14 15 Name Of The Staff No S.Kamala Padmavathi 1 Title Of Article Presented Date,Venue Poverty Levels In India In The Post Reform Period .Health Impact On Water Related Diseases. Poverty And Human Development Profile Of Scs&Sts. Health Care Model. 9th&10thfeb200 6 Loyola College. 30th Aug Presidency College 27-29dec Kurushetra University 1.National 14&15feb Ethiraj College National Reforms Fail To Put An End To Agrarian Distress Thought Of Economic Thiruvalluvar On Thought Of Poverty. Thiruvalluvar. Tamil Nadu Economy Tamil Nadu In 2020.Potencials& Economy As A Challenges. Growth Star Of India. Macro Economics Food Inflation And Empirical And Farmers Studies Fortunes Bio-Degradeable Farm Waste Waste-Environmental Management: Issues Composting And &Sustainability. Recycling. Annual Conference Of .Socio Economic The Indian Economic Conditions Of Association Domestic Servants In Chennai 29th March D.B.Jain College 19th Feb D.G.Vaishnava College. Feb Q.M.G.C National 2011-12 March National 15th&16th Feb Meenashi Govt College For Women. 30th&31st Dec Meenakshi University National Title Of The Conference 1.Health Economics Issues And Challenges. Economic Reforms In India. Title Of Article Presented Title Of The Conference Life-Style Related Diseases-Prevention, Education And Intervention. 165 Organic Farming Apath Way For Sustainable Development Date,Venue January 2012 6th National/ International/ State National National National State National National/ International/ State National Name Of The Staff No D.Sangamithirai 1. Indian Multinational Challenges And Opportunities” 2. Fostering Organizational Talents: Current And Future Challenges Global Business Strategy In Competitive Environment 3. Title Of The Conference 4. Tamil Nadu Economy In 2020 – Potentials And Challenges 5. Impact Of Economic Crisis In Global Business Scenario 6. Inclusive Economic Growth In India: Issues, Challenges And Implications Health Economics And Management. 7 8 94th Annual Conference Of Iea 9 Life-Style Related Diseases-Prevention, Education And Intervention. 166 Title Of Article Presented Date,Venue “Indian Information Technologies‟ Multinational Challenges And Opportunities” “Economic Value Addition As A Tool For Bonus Plan” Feb 2006 National Feb 2007. National Sep 2007. International February 2009 State Level September 2009 International September 2011 National Dec15thand 16th 2011 International Dec 27th-29th 2011 National January 6th 2012 National “Measurement Of Human Resources For Gaining Competitive Advantage In It Sector” “An Analysis Of Fiscal Policy Framework And Action Plan In Tamil Nadu” A Conceptual Analysis Of Impact Of Economic Value Addition On The Stock‟s Performance Role Of Self Help Group In Financial Inclusion. Perception Of Freelancers With Specific Reference To Medical Tourism. A Study On Empowerment Of Impoverished Women Employees For Inclusive Growth In India. Women‟s Awareness Of Nutrition National/ International /State 12 Social Infrastructure Development In India: Challenges And Strategies. 13 Unorganised NonFarm Sector In IndianeconomyEmergining Issues And Policies. 167 A Study On Motivational Techniques In Public And Private Sector Banks For Social Infrastructure Development An Empirical Analysis Of Socio Economic Dimensions Of Members Inself Help Group March 2012 National Dec 27th To 29th 2013 National Name Of The Staff No Date,Venue National/ International/ State Dr. J. Maheswari 1 Knowledge Economy And India India As A Emerging Super Power 31-03-2006 Economics Department , Dharmamurthi Rao Bahadur Calavala Cunnan Chetty‟s Hindu College, Chennai State Level Seminar 2 Human Resource DevelopmentIssues And Concerns Pecuinary And Non-Effects Of Education 11-08-2006 Economics Department , Shrimathi Devkunvar Nanalal Bhatt Vaishnav College For Women, Chennai Ugc Sponsored National Conference 3 Oil Economy Of India-Issues, Concerns And Policies Energy- A Pre Condition For Modern Society 24-01-2007 & 25-012007 Economics Department, 4dwaraka Doss G5overdhan Do6ss Vaishnav Col7lege, Chennai Ugc Sponsored National Seminar 4 27th Annual Conference Of Association Of Economists Of Tamilnadu Economic Growth And Quality Of Life 27-01-2007 & 28-012007 Theivanaiammal College, Villupuram State 5 Environmental Concerns Of Economic Development Radio Active Pollution 23-02-2007 & 24-02-2007 Kakatiya University, Warangal, Andhrapradesh Ugc Sponsored National Seminar 6 Health Economics-Issues And Challenges Nutrition For Health And Development 7 GlobalisationImpact, Challenges And Oppportunities 8 Environmental Challenges Of 21st Century Patenting Conventional Knowledge-A Study On Economic Importance Of Patenting Medicinal Plants And Products Who Warms The Globe? A Study On 14th& 15th March 2007` Economics Department, Ethiraj College For Women, Chennai. 14-03-2008 15-03-2008 Department Of Commerce & Economics, St.Joseph‟s College Of Arts & Science, Cuddalore Title Of The Conference Title Of Article Presented 168 27-03-2008 & 28-032008 Economics Depatment, Periyar Ugc Sponsored National Seminar International Conference National Seminar Nature, Impact University, Salem And Control Of Global Warming 9 Ict Tools For Quality Enhancement In Teaching And Learning Process EdusatSatellite Based Education In India 28-01-2009 Quaid-E-Millath Government College For Women, Annasalai, Chennai Naac Sponsored National Seminar 10 Tamilnadu Economy In 2020-Potentials And Challenges Status Of Healthcare In Tamilnadu 19th February 2009 Quaid-E-Millath Government College For Women, Annasalai, Chennai Tansche Sponsored State Level Seminar, 11 Investment In Human Capital Globalisation Of Human Capital- A Study On Externalities Of Human Capital Flight From India 08-02-2010 & 9-02 2010 Economics Department, Loyola College, Chennai. International Conference 13 The Impact Of Foreign Direct Investment On Indian Economy Indian Enterprises Growing Globally- Rise Of Outward Greenfield Investment From India 10th& 11th February 2010 Commerce Department, Loyola College, Chennai 14 Ict In Curriculum Design & Planning At Heis Alternatives For Chalk And Talk-Designing Curriculum For Economics 23-03-2010 Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Quaid-E-Millath Government College For Women, Annasalai, Chennai 15 Recent Trends In Growth PatternsA Global Perspective Basel Ii Banking A Panacea For Financial Crisis 7th February 2011 Loyola College, Chennai, 16 Macro Macro Aspects Economics And Of Twin Deficit Empirical Studies In India 169 11th& 12th March 2011 Ethiraj College For Women,Chennai National Conference National Seminar International Conference National Seminar, Name Of The Staff Dr.K.Parimalam 17 94th Annual Conference Of Indian Economic Association 18 Life Style Related DiseasesPrevention, Education And Intervention 19 Recent Trends In Micro Finance S. No 1 Year 2006-07 2 3 2006-07 4 Changing Paradigm Of Higher Education In India Foreign Direct Investment In Food Processing Industry In India Financial Inclusion For Inclusive Growth: Issues, Challenges And Policies In India Title Of The Conference Recent Trends In Statistical Methodologies E-Governance Exploring Web Resources In Social Sciences Health Economics: Significance Of Typhoid Fever Immunization With Reference To Pudupet In Chennai City. Sustainable Livelihoods Through Fair Trade 27th – 29th December 2011 Indian Economic Association, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Pune 6th January 2012 Department Of Home Science, Quaid-EMillath Government College For Women, Chennai 10th& 11th 2012 Directorate Of Distance Eduction, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar Date , Venue 16th& 17th March 2006, Presidency College , Chennai-5 3rd And 4th Feb 2006 Ethiraj College For Women, Chennai. 3rd Feb 2007 Madras School Of Social Work, Chennai600 008 14th&15th March 2007. Ethiraj College For Women, Chennai 23rd Feb 2008 Madras School Of Social Work, Chennai 5 2007-08 6 2008-09 Applied Statistical Techniques Using Spss 17th-19th Oct 2008 Presidency College Chennai-600 005. 7 2009-10 Application Of Statistical Tools And Techniques For Researchers 17th& 18th Dec 2012, University Of Madras. 170 National National National Seminar International/ National/State National National Ugc Sponsored Workshop State Level National Interactive Workshop On Sustainable Livelihoods Thro‟ Fair Trade. National Workshop On Applied Statistical Techniques Using Spss. National 8 2012 Inclusive Global Economic Growth Implications For India. 9 2010 Women Empowerment: Directions And Dimensions 10 2010-11 11 2011-12 Economic Contribution Of Women-A Multi Dimensional Approach. Macro Economics And Empirical Studies. Global Climate Change 12 2011=12 13 2011-12 Women Entrepreneurs In The Global Economy The Emerging Economic Force. Life Style Related Diseases Prevention, Education And Intervention -Health Status Of Women It Professionals Inclusive Economic Growth In India: Issues, Challenges And Implications. 11th Dec 2012 Quiad E-Millath Govt.College For Women, Chennai. 08th Sept 2010 Dept. Of Sports Psychology & Sociology Tamil Nadu National 4th Feb 2010 Queen Mary‟s College, Chennai National 11th& 12th March 2011. Ethiraj College For Women, Chennai-8 National 25th January 2011 S.I.E.T.College For Women. National 6th January 2012 National 16th September 2011 National National Workshop 14 2011 15 2012 Life-Style Related Diseases.. Prevention, Education And Intervention It Professionals 30 & 31 Jan 12 QuaidE- Millath College For Women, Chennai National 16 2012 2012 18 2012 30 & 31 Jan 12 QuaidE- Millath College For Women, Chennai 25tht Jan 2012 Quaid-E- Millath College For Women, Chennai. 1st To 3rd Febuary 2012 Quaid-E- Millath College For Women, Chennai National 17 Issues And Challenges Of Sustainable Development In India, Frontiers In Green Chemistry Eco-Conservation For Sustainable Development In India, 171 National International Name Of The Staff No M.Prabavathy 1 2 3 4 Title Of The Conference Title Of Article Presented Date,Venue Economic Contribution Of Women - A MultiDimensional Approach Inclusive Economic Growth In India : Issues, Challenges And Implications Issues And Challenges Of Sustainable Development In India Social Empowerment Of Women Through Shg Movement 04.02.2010 Queen Mary‟s College Chennai 1.Fishing Industry And Its Growth Issues And Challenges Of Sustainable Development In India Growth And Contributions Of Fishing Industry Towards Sustainable Development. 16.09.2011 Queen Mary‟s College Chennai 30.01.2012 & 31.01.2012 Quaid-EMillath Government College For Women Chennai 30.01.2012 & 31.01.2012 Quaid-EMillath Government College For Women Chennai Name Of The Staff No Dr.K.Malarvizhi Role Of Inward And Outward Foreign Direct Investment In India National/ International/ State National Seminar National Seminar National Conference National Conference Title Of The Conference Title Of Article Presented Date,Venue 1 Crm- Customer Relationship Management Crm- Customer Relationship Management M.O.P Vaishnav College 2 Women Entrepreneur In Informal Sector Micro Credit And Women Entrepreneur In Informal Sector Scientific Research Association For Economic And Finance M.O.P Vaishnav College Regional 3 Profitability Of Public Sector And Private Sector Banks With Special Refernce To Housing Loans Emerging Issues In Indian Banking M.O.P Vaishnav College State Level 172 National/ International/ State State 4 Corporates:Manage ment Governance,Issues And Challenges 5 Globalisation And Its Impact In India 6 Women Entrepreneurship-A Multidimensional Approach 7 Global Issues And Challenges In Business Scenario 8 Life Style Deases.Prevention Education Nad Intervention Corporate Governance In India-A Special Focus On Economic Development Impact Of Globalisation On Indian Economy Impact Of Micro Credit On Economic Empowerment Of Women Financial Inclusion Economic Significance Of Women‟s Health In India 28/04/2010Saveetha Engineering College National 12/12/2010D.B.Jain College Chennai 24/03/2011 Kumara Rani Meena Muthiah College For WomenChennai 15/03/2012 Department CommerceQmgcw-Chennai 6/1/2012 Department Home Science- QmgcwChennai National Naational International National PARTICIPATION IN CONFERENCES /SYMPOSIUM /SEMINAR /WORKSHOP Name Of The Staff S.No Topic Place Date Dr.R.Maya 1 Tourism For Economic Growth 9.1.03 2 Globalization And Natural Resource Management 3 Socio Economic Impact Of Diabetes And Its Complications Inclusive Global Economic Growth Implications For India Dept Of Economics &History &Tourism Dept Of Social Work, Stella Maris College, Chennai Diabetes Research Centre, Chennai 12 09.09 International Quaid –EMillathgovernment College, Chennai 11.12.10 National Symposium 4 International/ National/ State State Level 11.12.03, National 12.12.03 5 Frontiers In Green Chemistry Department Of Chemistry ,Quaid – E-Millath Government College, Chennai 25.1.12 National Seminar 6 Emerging Trends In Dossier Management Quaid –EMillathgovernment College, Chennai 8.2.12 Iqac Fdp 173 Name Of The S. Staff No J.Vanitha 1 Name Of The Staff S.Kamala Padmavathi Year Title Of The Conference Date , Venue 2007-08 Economic Reforms In India. Measuring Economic Efficency:Methods And Applications Tamil Nadu Ecinomy In 2020.Potentials And Challenges. Socio Economic Impact Of Diabetes And Its Implications Faculty Counsellin Geffective Handling Of Stakeholders 1.Writing And Publishing Articles In National And International Journals Globalisation And Its Impact On India. 29.03.2008 2 2008-09 3 2009-10 4 2009-10 5 2009-10 6 2010-11 7 2010-11 8 2011-12 9 2011-12 S. No 1 Year 2010 11 2012-13 12 2013-14 2 2012 International /National/State 1.09. 17.02.2009. State Level Seminar 30.01.10, Lisstar Chennai- 34. 12.12.2010. National D.B.Jain College Consumer Protection. 10.10.2012 S.D.N.B.V.Col lege For Women. Consumer Awareness 13.08.12&14. Through Establishment Of 08.12 Consumer Clubs In Indian Universities And Colleges Institute Of Title Of The Date , Venue International/ Public Conference National/State Administratio th Inclusive Global 11 December 2010, National Level n Quaid-E-Millath Symposium EconomicIn Green Growth: Frontiers 25.01.2012 Government College Chemistry Q.M.G.C Implications For For Women Effective Utilisation Of 9.09.2013 India Open Access Educational Q.M.G.C Frontiers In Green 25th January 2012, National Seminar Resources Chemistry 174 Department Of Chemistry, Quaid-EMillath Government College For Women Name Of The Staff Dr.J.Maheswari S.N o 1 Year Title Of The Conference E-Governance Date , Venue 2 2006-07 Exploring Web Reosrces In Social Sciences Higher Education At Cross Roads Applied Statistical Techniques Using Spss Measuring Economic Efficiency: Methods And Applications E-Awareness Programme 03-02-2007 3 2007-08 4 2008-09 5 2008-09 6 2008-09 7 2009-10 Application Of Statistical Tools And Techniques For Researchers Writing And Publishing Articles In National And International Journals 17-12-2009 To 18-12-2009 8 2009-10 9 2009-10 Skill Based Training Programme On “ ELiteracy” Women Empowernment: Directions And Dimensions” 22-02-2010 To 24-02-2010 10 2009-10 11 2009-10 Teaching Of Local Governance 25-10-2010 & 26-10-2010 12 2010-11 Spss For Data Analysis 27-01-2011 To 29-01-2011 13 2010-11 Inclusive Global Economic Growth: Implications For India 11-02--2010 2006-07 175 3-02-2006 & 4-2-2006 07-02-08 To 09-02-08 17-10-2008 To 19-10-2008 11-01-2009 To 13-01-2009 26-03-2009 30-01-2010 08-09-2010 International/National/ State National Conference, Ethiraj College For Women National Workshop, Madras School Of Social Work National Conference National Worshop National Workshop, Madras School Of Economics National Workshop, Iqac Cell, Quaid-E-Millath Government College For Women National Worshop, Department Of Commerce, University Of Madras, Chennai National Workshop, Loyola Institute Of Social Science Training And Research (Lisstar) Loyola College, Chennai National Workshop, Ict Academy Of Tamilnadu & University Of Madras National Workshop, Department Of Sports Psychology & Sociology, Tamilnadu Physical Education And Sports University, E.V.K.Sampath Maaligai, Chennai National Workshop, Rajiv Gandhi Chair For Contemporary Studies, University Of Madras. National Workshop, Loyola Institute Of Social Science Training And Research 14(Lisstar) Loyola College, Chennai National Symposium, Dept Of Economics, Qmgc Name Of The Staff Dr.K.Parimalam 14 2011-12 15 2011-12 16 2012-13 17 20132014 S. No 1 Year 2006 2 Research Think And Create Faculty Development Programme On Emerging Trends In Dossier Management 05-01-2011 Frontiers In Green Chemistry World Ip Day 2014 25-01-2012 Title Of The Conference E-Governance Date , Venue Health Economics: Significance Of Typhoid Fever Immunization With Reference To Pudupet In Chennai City. Sustainable Livelihoods Through Fair Trade 14th&15th March 2007. Ethiraj College For Women, Chennai National 23rd Feb 2008 Madras School Of Social Work, Chennai National 08-02-2012 25-04-2014 International Conference National Workshop, Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Quaid-EMillath Government College For Women, Annasalai, Chennai-2 National Seminar World Ip Day, Iprs Association, Qmgc 3rd And 4th Feb 2006 Ethiraj College For Women, Chennai. International/ National/State National 3 2007-08 4 2012 Inclusive Global Economic Growth Implications For India. 11th Dec 2012 Quiad E-Millath Govt.College For Women, Chennai. National 5 2010 Women Empowerment: Directions And Dimensions National Workshop 6 2010 Economic Contribution Of Women-A Multi Dimensional Approach. 08th Sept 2010 Dept. Of Sports Psychology & Sociology Tamil Nadu 4th Feb 2010 Queen Mary’s College, Chennai 7 2011-12 Macro Economics And Empirical Studies. Global Climate Change National 8 2011-12 Women Entrepreneurs In The Global Economy The Emerging Economic 11th& 12th March 2011. Ethiraj College For Women, Chennai-8 25th January 2011 S.I.E.T.College For Women. 176 National National Name Of The Staff M.Prabavathy 9 2011-12 10 2011 11 201 12 2012 S. No 1 Year Force. Life Style Related Diseases Prevention, Education And Intervention -Health Status Of Women It Professionals 6th January 2012 National 16th September 2011 National 25tht Jan 2012 Quaid-E- Millath College For Women, Chennai. 1st To 3rd Febuary 2012 Quaid-EMillath College For Women, Chennai National Title Of The Conference Date , Venue 2009-10 1.Financial Security And Wealth Creation 2 2010 2.Three – Day Skill – Based Training Program 16.02.2010 M.O.P. Vaishnav College For Women Chennai 22.02.2010 To 24.02.2010 University Of Madras International/ National/State National Seminar 3 2010-11 1.The Key Role Of Financial Institutions For The Sustainable Development In India 4 2010 2. Inclusive Global Economic Growth: Implications For India 5 2011-12 Frontiers In Green Chemistry Inclusive Economic Growth In India: Issues, Challenges And Implications. Frontiers In Green Chemistry Eco-Conservation For Sustainable Development In India, 177 27.11.2010 Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed College For Women, Chennai 11.12.2010 Quaid-E-Millath Government College For Women Chennai 25.01.2012 Quaid-E-Millath Government College For Women Chennai International Ict Academy Of Tamilnadu In Association With University Of Madras International Symposium National Symposium National Seminar 6 7 2012-13 8 2013-14 9 10 Emerging Trends In Dossier Managment 08.02.2012 Quaid-E-Millath Government College For Women Chennai Faculty Development Programme By Internal Quality Assurance Cell Role Of College Teachers In Enhancing Quality In Higher Education 1.Saksham –It Champion Training Programme 24.08.2012 University Of Madras National Seminar 01.08.2013 To 14.08.2013 Quaid-E-Millath Government College For Women Chennai 19.03.2014 Quaid-E-Millath Government College For Women Chennai 25.04.2014 Quaid-E-Millath Government College For Women Chennai Training Programme 2.Effective Utilisation Of Open Access Educational Resources Upto Dec 014 World Intellectual Property Day 178 State Level Workshop Workshop Name Of The Staff Dr.K.Malarvizhi S. No 1 Year 2006-07 2 Title Of The Conference New Generation Entrepreneurs And Tourism Crm- Customer Relationship Management 180days And 360 Degrees Knowledge Management In Higher Education Quality Enhancement Process And Stragies Work Shop On Nuances Of Teaching Accounting 3 2007-08 4 2007-08 5 2008-09 Emerging Issues In Indian Banking 6 2008-09 7 2008-09 8 2009-10 Industry –Institute Partnership For Excellence In Higher Education Role Of Educational Institutions In Promoting Customer Awarness Through Customer Clubs The Key Role Of Financial I Institutions For The Sustainable Development In India 9 2009-10 10 2009-10 11 2009-10 Corporates:Managemen t Governance,Issues And Challenges 12 2009-10 Global RecessionWhere India Goes? 13 2009-10 Economic Contribution Of Women-A Multidimensional Inclusive Growth Of India As An Emerging Economy Through Sustainable Strategies Finanacial Security And Wealth Creation 179 Date , Venue 24th Feb 2007M.O.P.Vaishnav College Chennai 25/2/2006 M.O.P.Vaishnav College Chennai 6th And 7th Feburary 2008 Ethiraj College Chennai International/ National/State National National National 25th Feb 2008 M.O.P.Vaishnav College Chennai 9th Feb 2008.M.O.P.Vaish nav College Chennai 18/03/2009-Sdnb Vaishnav College For WomenChennai 3/3/2009M.O.P.Vaishnav College Chennai State 27/11/2010justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed College For WomenChennai 10/12/2010Dr.Mgr Janaki College For Women-Chennai 6/2/2010. M.O.P.Vaishnav College Chennai 28/04/2010Saveetha Engineering College 12/03/2010 University Of Madras 4/2/2010 –QmcChennai International State National National National National National National National Approach 14 2009-10 Inclusive Global Economic Growth – Implications For India Women Entrepreneurship-A Multidimensional Approach 11/12/2010.Qmgc w-Chennai National 15 2009-10 24/03/2011 Kumara Rani Meena Muthiah College For Women-Chennai 12/12/2010D.B.Jain College Chennai 30/01/20121Qmgcw-Chennai Naational 16 2009-10 Globalisation And Its Impact In India 17 2009-10 18 2009-10 19 2009-10 Issues And Challenges Of Sustainable Development In India Quality Initiatives In Making Higher Education Learner Centric Frontiers In Green Chemistry 31/3/2012M.O.P.Vaishnav College Chennai National 25/2/2012 Department ChemistryQmgcw-Chennai 15/03/2012 Department CommerceQmgcw-Chennai National 20 2009-10 Global Issues And Challenges In Business Scenario 21 2009-10 Life Style Deases..Prevention Education Nad Intervention 6/1/2012 Department Home Science- QmgcwChennai National 22 2012-13 Annual Conference 27th Dec 2013indian Economic Association National 23 2013-14 Intellectual Propert Rights Apiril 2014 Qmgcw-Chennai State 180 National National International Name Of The Staff S.No Year Title Of The Conference M.Leema Rose 1 2009-10 1.Financial Security 16.02.2010 And Wealth Creation M.O.P. Vaishnav College For Women Chennai National Seminar 2.Three – Day Skill – Based Training Program 22.02.2010 To 24.02.2010 University Of Madras 1.The Key Role Of Financial Institutions For The Sustainable Development In India 27.11.2010 Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed College For Women, Chennai Ict Academy Of Tamilnadu In Association With University Of Madras International Symposium 2. Inclusive Global Economic Growth: Implications For India 11.12.2010 Quaid-E-Millath Government College For Women Chennai National Symposium Frontiers In Green Chemistry 25.01.2012 Quaid-E-Millath Government College For Women Chennai National Seminar Emerging Trends In Dossier Managment 08.02.2012 Quaid-E-Millath Government College For Women Chennai Faculty Development Programme By Internal Quality Assurance Cell Role Of College Teachers In Enhancing Quality In Higher Education 1.Saksham –It Champion Training Programme 24.08.2012 University Of Madras National Seminar 01.08.2013 To 14.08.2013 Quaid-E-Millath Government College For Women Chennai Training Programme 2 3 2010-11 4 5 2011-12 6 7 2012-13 8 2013-14 181 Date , Venue International/ National/State 9 10 Upto Dec2014 2.Effective Utilisation Of Open Access Educational Resources 19.03.2014 Quaid-E-Millath Government College For Women Chennai State Level Workshop World Intellectual Property Day 25.04.2014 Quaid-E-Millath Government College For Women Chennai Workshop Name Of The Staff S.No Title Of The Conference Title Of The Article Presented Date,Venue M.Leemarose 1 Development Issues 8 Feb 2005 2 Economic Contribution Of Women-A Multi Dimensional Approach 3 E‟s Energy Economy And Efficiency Inclusive Economic Growth In India:Issues Challenges And Implications Issues And Challenges Of Sustainable Development In India Issues And Challenges Of Sustainable Development In India Forest Resources And Development Women Empowerment On Education National/ International/ State State 4 Feb 2010 National Performance Of India‟s Energy Sector Tourism As An Engine Of Economic GrowthAn Analysis 4 Feb 2011 National 16 Sep 2011 National Issues And Challenges Of Women Entrepreneurship Income Generation Through Tourisn And Sustainable Economic Development In India Women‟s Health In India 30 Jan 2012 National 31 Jan 2012 National 6 Jan 2013 National 3 4 5 6 7 Life Style Related DiseasesPrevention,Education And Intervention 182 ORTENTATION, REFRESHER COURSES ATTENTED Name Of The Staff Dr.R.M aya No Courses Attended 1 Orientation Programme 2 Refresher Course Topic - Women „S Education 3 Refresher Course 4 Special Summer Schools Soft Skills & -2008 Refresher Course Personality Development 5 Name Of The Staff S.Kamala Padmavathi Short Term Courses No 1 International Economic Issues Research Projects (Minor /Major) Venue Date Academic Staff College, University Of Madras, Mothers Teresa Women‟s University,Saidap et Campus, Chennai Academic Staff College, University Of Madras, 14.9.99 To 11.10.99 Academic Staff College, University Of Madras, Academic Staff College, University Of Madras, 23.7.08 To 4.4.02 To 26 .4.02 2.12.04 To 22.12.04 12.8.08 20.09.10 To 24.9.10 Courses Attended Intensive Training Programme Topic Venue Date Tamil Nadu State Council For Higher Education .Madurai Kamaraj University. 26th December 2007 To 24th January 2008 Orientation Course Academic Staff College, University Of Madras University Of Madras From 8th November 2011 To 5th December 2011 183 Name Of The Staff J.Vanitha No Courses Attended Intensive Training Programme Topic Venue Date Tamil Nadu State Council For Higher Education .Madurai Kamaraj University. 2 Refresher Course University Of Madras University Of Madras. 26th December 2007 To 24th January 2008 16.07. To 05.08.09 Chennai. 3 Short Term Course Academic Staff College University Of Madras. 1 Name Of The Staff S.No D.Sangamithirai 1 Name Of The Staff Dr.J.Maheswari Orientation /Refresher /Short Term Courses Specify Short Term Courses Organised By Date And Venue B.S.A.Crescent Engineering College. 2 Intensive Training Programme Tamil Nadu State Council For Higher Education 3 Refresher Course Academic Staff College 4 Orientation Course Academic Staff College 3rd To 15th Of December 2007. B.S.A. Crescent Engineering College. 26th December 2007 To 24th January 2008. Madurai Kamaraj University. University Of Madras From 5th February 2010 To 25th February 2010. University Of Madras From 8th November 2011 To 5th December 2011 No Course Theme Conducted By Period University Grant Commission, Academic Staff College, University Of Madras,Chennai 20-01-2006 To 09-02-2006 1 Refresher Course Ugc Sponsored Refresher Course In Statistics, 2006 (Inter Disciplinary For Science And Social Sciences) Batch Ix, Grade A 2 Orientation Course Orientation Tamilnadu State (Intensive Training) Council For Higher Programme For Education, 184 26-12-2007 To 24-01-2008 Chennai,Ugc Academic Staff College, Madurai Kamaraj University,Madurai University Grant Commission, Academic Staff College, University Of Madras,Chennai University Grant Commission, Academic Staff College, University Of Madras,Chennai University Grant Commission, Academic Staff College, University Of Madras,Chennai University Grant Commission, Academic Staff College, University Of Madras,Chennai 3 Refresher Course Refresher Course In Economics,Batch Xi,Grade A 4 Short Term Orientation Course Research Guides In Social Science, Humanities And Science 5 Orientation Course Ugc Sponsored Orientation Course- Batch 104 6 Refresher Course Ugc Sponsored Refresher Course Name Of The Staff Dr.K.Parimalam The Newly Recruited Government College Teachers S.No 1 Orientation /Refresher /Short Term Courses Specify Refresher In Statistics 2 Orientation (Intensive Training) Programme 3 Refresher Course In Economics 4 Short Term Course In Research Guides In Social Science. 185 10-11-2009 To 30-11-2009 04-10-2010 To 08-10-2010 08-11-2011 To 05-12-2011 10-09-2013 To 30-09-2013 Organised By Date And Venue Ugc-Academic Staff College. University Of Madras,Ch-5 Ugc-Academic Staff College Madurai Kamaraj University 29th To 09th Feb 2006 University Of Madras,Ch-5 Ugc –Academic Staff College University Of Madras,Ch-5 Ugc –Academic Staff College University Of Madras,Ch-5 10th Nov 2009 To 30th Nov 2009 University Of Madras,Ch-5 26th Dec 2007 To 24th Jan 2008. Madurai Kamaraj University 4th Oct 2010 To 8th Oct 2010 University Of Madras,Ch-5 Name Of The Staff Dr.M.Padmavathi No 1 2 3 Refresher Course In Economics 8th Nov 2011 To 5th Dec 2011 10th Sept 2013 To 30th Sept 2013. University Of Madras,Ch-5 Date And Venue Ugc-Academic Staff College Madurai Kamaraj University University Of Madras 26th Dec 2007 To 24th Jan 2008. Madurai Kamaraj University Orientation Course University Of Madras M.Prabavathy 1 Dr.K.Malarvizhi 6 Ugc –Academic Staff College University Of Madras, Ch-5. Ugc –Academic Staff College University Of Madras,Ch-5 Organised By No Name Of The Staff Orientation Course Orientation /Refresher /Short Term Courses Specify Orientation (Intensive Training) Programme Refresher Course Name Of The Staff 2 5 Orientation /Refresher / Short Term Courses-Specify Orientation Refresher Course Economics S.No Orientation /Refresher /Short Term Courses – Specify 1 Orientation Course 186 05-02-2010 To 25-022010 01-02-2012 To 28-022012 Organised By Date And Venue Tamilnadu State Council For Higher Education & U.G.C. Academic Staff College, University Of Madras. U.G.C. - Academic Staff College, University Of Madras(U.G.C. Sponsored) 09.07.2009 To 05.08.2009 University Of Madras 15.11.2011 To 05.12.2011 University Of Madras Organised By Date And Venue Tamil Nadu State 9/7/2009 To Certificate 2 Name Of The Staff No M.Leema Rose 1 2 Refresher Orientation /Refresher / Short Term Courses-Specify Orientation Refresher Course Economics Council For Higher Education And Ugc Academic Staff College.University Of Madras-Chennai-5 Ugc Academic Staff College.University Of Madras-Chennai-5 5/8/2009 University Of Madras CampusChennai-5 09/11/2011 To 29/11/2011University Of Madras CampusChennai-5 Organised By Date And Venue Tamilnadu State Council For Higher Education & U.G.C. - Academic Staff College, University Of Madras. U.G.C. - Academic Staff College, University Of Madras (U.G.C. Sponsored) 09.07.2009 To 05.08.2009 University Of Madras 07.02.2012to 27.02.2012 University Of Madras PARTICIPATION IN WORKSHOPS Name Of The Staff No Dr.R.Maya 1 Intellectual Property Rights 2 Economics Education In The 21 Century Dissemination Of Hd Concepts Among College Students Measuring Economic Efficiency: Methods And Applications Writing And Publishing Articles In National And International Journals Capacity Building Of Women Managers In Higher Education Econometric Methods And Computer Applications 3 4 5 6 7 Topic Place 187 Date National Ministry Of Hrd, Government Of India & Sri. Ramachandra Medical College Research Institute, Chennai Tamil Nadu State Council For Higher Education,Chennai State Planning Commission, Chennai 16.3.04, 17.3.04 Madras School Of Economics, Chennai 11.1.09, 13.1.09 Lisstar, Loyala College .Chennai 30.1.10 Ugc Sponsored –Organised By Anna University ,Chennai 17.12.12 To 21.12.12 31.1.13 &1.2.13 Department Of Econometrics, University Of Madras -5 2.12.05 3.12.05 3.10.07 8 9 10 9 Thseminar On Monetary Policy Initiatives Effective Governance And Brand Building In Higher Educational Institutions 10 Thseminar On Monetary Policy Initiatives Name Of The Staff Year J.Vanitha 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Rbi 2013 Ethiraj College For Women, Chennai 24.2.14 &25.2.14 Rbi May ,9 2014 Title Of The Conference Date , Venue Economic Reforms In India. Measuring Economic Efficency:Methods And Applications Tamil Nadu Ecinomy In 2020.Potentials And Challenges. 29.03.2008 1.09. 3.Application Of Staisticaltools Andtechniques For Researchers 17.`12.200918.12.09.Dep artment Of Commerce,U niversity Of Madras. 17.02.2009. International/ National/ State State Level Seminar 1.04.2009 12.10.2009. 3.Socio Economic Impact Of Diabetes And Its Implications Faculty Counsellingeffective Handling Of Stakeholders 2010-11 2011-12 1.Writing And Publishing Articles In National And International Journals 30.01.10,Lisst ar Chennai:34. 2.Globalisation And Its Impact On India. 12.12.2010. Consumer Protection. 10.10.2012 S.D.N.B.V.C ollege For Women. 13.08.12&14. 08.12 Indian Institute Of 2.Consumer Awareness Through Establishment Of Consumer Clubs In Universities And Colleges 188 D.B.Jain College. Publicadmini stration 2012-13 2013-14 Frontiers In Green Chemistry Effective Utilisation Of Open Access Educational Resources 189 25.01.2012 Q.M.G.C 9.09.2013q.M .G.C NAME OF THE STAFF: S.KAMALAPADMAVATHY 1. Attended A One Days Workshop On, “E-Awareness Programme” Organize By Iqac At Quaid -E-Millath Government College For Women(Autonomous) On 26th March 2009. 2. Attended A One Days Workshop On, “Faculty Counselling-Effective Handling Of Stakeholders” Organize By Iqac At Quaid -E-Millath Government College For Women (Autonomous) On1st April 2009. 3. Attended Two Days Workshop On, “The Application Of Statistical Tools And Techniques For Researchers” Organized By The Department Of Commerce, University Of Madras On 17th And 18th Of December 2009. 4. Particiapted In A National Level Symposium On, “Inclusive Global Economic Growth: Implications For India” Held On 11th December 2010. 5. Attended In A National Seminar On “Frontiers In Green Chemistry” Organized By The Department Of Chemistry, Quaid-E-Millath Government College For Women On 25th January 2012. 6. Attended Three Days Workshop On, “Quantitative Research Methods: Application And Data Analysis” Organized By Lisstar At Loyola College On November 29th And 1st Of December 2012. 7. Participated One Day Workshop O, “Effective Utilization Of Open Access Educational Resources”, Organized By The General Library On19th March 2014 At Quaid-EMillath Government College For Women. 190 WORKSHOPS D.SANGAMITHIRAI 1. Attended A One Day Workshop On The “Design Of Self Learning Materials”Conducted By The Shool Of Humanities On 30th March 2005. 2. Workshop On, “It And Hr Opportunities And Challenges” Organized By Velammal College Of Management Studies And Computer Science On 7th April 2006. 3. Attended A Seminar On, “Sap-Hr Module With Caritor, Bangalore” Organized By Vellore Institute Of Technology (Vit) On 17th October 2006. 4. Attended Workshop On, “Personal Effectiveness Neuro Linguistic Programming (Nlp) Organized By M.N.M. Jain College On 6th And 7th Of November 2006 5. Workshop For Ph.D. Scholars Research Orientation Organize By Mother Teresa Women‟s University On 23rd August 2007. 6. Participated In The National Seminar On Herbal Unani Medicine On The Occasion Of 4th October 2008 Organised By Niamath Science Academy At Sir P.T.Thyagareya Auditorium, T.Nagar, Chennai. 7. Participated In The Planting Of Tree Saplings As A Part Of Eco-Tourism On The Banks Of Cooum River, Island Grounds On 29th August 2008 Organised By Tamil Nadu Tourism Development Corporation Limited. 8. Attended One Day Workshop For Ph.D Scholars Research Orientation Held At Mother Teres Women‟s University On 3rd January 2009. 9. Attended A Three Days Workshop On Measuring Economic Efficiency: Methods And Applications Organize By Madras School Of Economics, From 11th January 2009 To 13th January 2009 10. Attended A One Days Workshop On, “E-Awareness Programme” Organize By Iqac At Quaid -E-Millath Government College For Women(Autonomous) On 26th March 2009. 11. Attended A One Days Workshop On, “Faculty Counselling-Effective Handling Of Stakeholders” Organize By Iqac At Quaid -E-Millath Government College For Women (Autonomous) On1st April 2009. 12. Attended Two Days Workshop On, “The Application Of Statistical Tools And Techniques For Researchers” Organized By The Department Of Commerce, University Of Madras On 17th And 18th Of December 2009. 191 13. Attended A Seminar-Cum-Exhibition Organized By Department Of Management Studies, Crescent Business School On 1st March 2010. 14. Participated In A Illavattam –“A State Level Youth Carnival” For Three Days From 10th To12th Of August 2010. 15. Particiapted In A National Level Symposium On, “Inclusive Global Economic Growth: Implications For India” Held On 11th December 2010. 16. Participated In A Tb Awareness Programme In Connection With, “World Tb Day 2011” On 15th March 2011. 17. Attended In A National Seminar On “Frontiers In Green Chemistry” Organized By The Department Of Chemistry, Quaid-E-Millath Government College For Women On 25th January 2012. 18. Attended Three Days Workshop On, “Quantitative Research Methods:Application And Data Analysis” Organized By Lisstar At Loyola College On November 29th And 1st Of December 2012. 19. Attended State Level Entrepreneurship Conference, Slec-2012, On 21st December 2012, Organized By Entrepreneurship Development Institute, Government Of Tamil Nadu. 20. Participated In World Cancer Day Celebrations On 4th February 2013 Organized By Apollo Cancer Institute. 21. Participated In One Day International Seminar On, “Making Special Education Inclusive From Rhetoric To Reality”, Organized By School Of Special Education And Rehabilitation And Government Of Tamil Nadu, Department Of Higher Education Held On 19th November 2013 At Tamil Nadu Open University. 22. Participated One Day Workshop O, “Effective Utilization Of Open Access Educational Resources”, Organized By The General Library On19th March 2014 At Quaid-EMillath Government College For Women. Name Of The Staff Dr.J.Maheswari S.No Year 1 2006-07 2 2006-07 3 2007-08 Title Of The Conference E-Governance Exploring Web Reosrces In Social Sciences Higher Education 192 Date , Venue 3-02-2006 & 4-2-2006 03-02-2007 07-02-08 To International/National/State National Conference, Ethiraj College For Women National Workshop, Madras School Of Social Work National Conference At Cross Roads Applied Statistical Techniques Using Spss Measuring Economic Efficiency: Methods And Applications E-Awareness Programme 09-02-08 17-10-2008 To 19-102008 11-01-2009 To 13-012009 Application Of Statistical Tools And Techniques For Researchers Writing And Publishing Articles In National And International Journals Skill Based Training Programme On “ ELiteracy” Women Empowernment: Directions And Dimensions” 17-12-2009 To 18-12-2009 08-09-2010 National Workshop, Department Of Sports Psychology & Sociology, Tamilnadu Physical Education And Sports University, E.V.K.Sampath Maaligai, Chennai 2009-10 Teaching Of Local Governance 25-10-2010 & 26-102010 12 2010-11 Spss For Data Analysis 27-01-2011 To 29-012011 13 2010-11 11-02--2010 14 2011-12 15 2011-12 Inclusive Global Economic Growth: Implications For India Research Think And Create Faculty Development Programme On Emerging Trends In National Workshop, Rajiv Gandhi Chair For Contemporary Studies, University Of Madras. National Workshop, Loyola Institute Of Social Science Training And Research (Lisstar) Loyola College, Chennai National Symposiumdept Of Economics, Qmgc 4 2008-09 5 2008-09 6 2008-09 7 2009-10 8 2009-10 9 2009-10 10 2009-10 11 193 26-03-2009 30-01-2010 22-02-2010 To 24-022010 National Worshop National Workshop, Madras School Of Economics National Workshop, Iqac Cell, Quaid-E-Millath Government College For Women National Worshop, Department Of Commerce, University Of Madras, Chennai National Workshop, Loyola Institute Of Social Science Training And Research (Lisstar) Loyola College, Chennai National Workshop, Ict Academy Of Tamilnadu & University Of Madras 05-01-2011 International Conference 08-02-2012 National Workshop, Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Quaid-E-Millath Government College For Name Of The Staff Dr.K.Parimalam 16 2012-13 17 20132014 S. No 1 World Ip Day 2014 25-01-2012 25-04-2014 Women, Annasalai, Chennai-2 National Seminar World Ip Day, Iprs Association, Qmgc Year Title Of The Conference Date , Venue 2006-07 Recent Trends In Statistical Methodologies 16th& 17th March 2006, Presidency College , Chennai-5 3rd And 4th Feb 2006 Ethiraj College For Women, Chennai. 3rd Feb 2007 Madras School Of Social Work, Chennai-600 008 14th&15th March 2007. Ethiraj College For Women, Chennai 2 3 Dossier Management Frontiers In Green Chemistry E-Governance 2006-07 4 Exploring Web Resources In Social Sciences Health Economics: Significance Of Typhoid Fever Immunization With Reference To Pudupet In Chennai City. Sustainable Livelihoods Through Fair Trade 23rd Feb 2008 Madras School Of Social Work, Chennai 5 2007-08 6 2008-09 Applied Statistical Techniques Using Spss 17th-19th Oct 2008 Presidency College Chennai-600 005. 7 2009-10 Application Of Statistical Tools And Techniques For Researchers 17th& 18th Dec 2012, University Of Madras. 11th Dec 2012 Quiad E-Millath Govt.College For Women, Chennai. 08th Sept 2010 Dept. Of Sports Psychology &Sociology 8 Inclusive Global Economic Growth Implications For India. 9 Women Empowerment: Directions And Dimensions 194 International/ National/State National National Ugc Sponsored Workshop State Level National Interactive Workshop On Sustainable Livelihoods Thro‟ Fair Trade. National Workshop On Applied Statistical Techniques Using Spss. National National National Workshop 10 2010-11 11 2011-12 Economic Contribution Of Women-A Multi Dimensional Approach. Macro Economics And Empirical Studies. Global Climate Change Tamil Nadu 4th Feb 2010 Queen Mary‟s College, Chennai 11th& 12th March 2011. Ethiraj College For Women, Chennai-8 National National 12 2011=12 Women Entrepreneurs In The Global Economy The Emerging Economic Force. 25th January 2011 S.I.E.T.College For Women. National 2011-12 Life Style Related Diseases Prevention, Education And Intervention -Health Status Of Women It Professionals 6th January 2012 National 14 Inclusive Economic Growth In India: Issues, Challenges And Implications. 16th September 2011 National 15 Life-Style Related Diseases.. Prevention, Education And Intervention It Professionals 30 & 31 Jan 12 Quaid-E- Millath College For Women, Chennai National 16 Issues And Challenges Of Sustainable Development In India, National 17 Frontiers In Green Chemistry 18 Eco-Conservation For Sustainable Development In India, 30 & 31 Jan 12 Quaid-E- Millath College For Women, Chennai 25tht Jan 2012 Quaid-E- Millath College For Women, Chennai. 1st To 3rd Febuary 2012 Quaid-E- Millath College For Women, Chennai 13 DR.M.PADMAVATHI 195 National International SEMINARS ATTENDED: 1. Attended A One Days Workshop On, “E-Awareness Programme” Organize By Iqac At Quaid -E-Millath Government College For Women(Autonomous) On 26th March 2009. 2. Attended A One Days Workshop On, “Faculty Counselling-Effective Handling Of Stakeholders” Organize By Iqac At Quaid -E-Millath Government College For Women (Autonomous) On1st April 2009. 3. Attended Two Days Workshop On, “The Application Of Statistical Tools And Techniques For Researchers” Organized By The Department Of Commerce, University Of Madras On 17th And 18th Of December 2009. 4. Particiapted In A National Level Symposium On, “Inclusive Global Economic Growth: Implications For India” Held On 11th December 2010. 5. Attended In A National Seminar On “Frontiers In Green Chemistry” Organized By The Department Of Chemistry, Quaid-E-Millath Government College For Women On 25th January 2012. 6. Attended Three Days Workshop On, “Quantitative Research Methods: Application And Data Analysis” Organized By Lisstar At Loyola College On November 29th And 1st Of December 2012. 7. Attended State Level Entrepreneurship Conference, Slec-2012, On 21st December 2012, Organized By Entrepreneurship Development Institute, Government Of Tamil Nadu. 8. Participated In World Cancer Day Celebrations On 4th February 2013 Organized By Apollo Cancer Institute. 9. Participated In One Day International Seminar On, “Making Special Education Inclusive From Rhetoric To Reality”, Organized By School Of Special Education And Rehabilitation And Government Of Tamil Nadu, Department Of Higher Education Held On 19th November 2013 At Tamil Nadu Open University. Name Of The Staff Year Title Of The Conference Date , Venue International/Nationa l/State M.Prabavathi 2009-10 1.Financial Security And Wealth Creation 16.02.2010 M.O.P. Vaishnav College For Women Chennai National Seminar 2.Three – Day Skill –Based Training Program 22.02.2010 To 24.02.2010 University Of Madras Ict Academy Of Tamilnadu In Association With University Of Madras 196 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Upto Dec2014 1.The Key Role Of Financial Institutions For The Sustainable Development In India 27.11.2010 Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed College For Women Chennai International Symposium 2. Inclusive Global Economic Growth: Implications For India Frontiers In Green Chemistry 11.12.2010 Quaid-E-Millath Government College For Women Chennai National Symposium 25.01.2012 Quaid-E-Millath Government College For Women Chennai National Seminar Emerging Trends In Dossier Managment 08.02.2012 Quaid-E-Millath Government College For Women Chennai Faculty Development Programme By Internal Quality Assurance Cell Role Of College Teachers In Enhancing Quality In Higher Education 1.Saksham –It Champion Training Programme 24.08.2012 University Of Madras National Seminar 01.08.2013 To 14.08.2013 Quaid-E-Millath Government College For Women Chennai Training Programme 2.Effective Utilisation Of Open Access Educational Resources 19.03.2014 Quaid-E-Millath Government College For Women Chennai State Level Workshop World Intellectual Property Day 25.04.2014 Quaid-E-Millath Government College For Women Chennai Workshop 197 Name Of The Staff M.Leema Rose S.No Training 1 2 3 4 Organised By Date E-Literacy Skill Based Ict Academy Of Training Program Tamilnadu University Of Madras Quantitative Research Lisstar,Loyala Methods:Application College And Data Analysis Saksham-It Micro Soft Champion Training Corporation India Pvt Program Ltd Effective Utilization General Library, Ofopen Access Quaid-E-Millath Govt Educational College For Resources Women,Chennai Feb22-Feb 24 2010 Nov29-Dec1 2012 1aug-14aug 2013 19 March2014 Evaluative Report of the Departments 1. Name of the Department & its year of establishment- Post Graduate and Research Department Mathematics Ans: I Shift 1974 UG II Shift 2008-09 PG Ph.D. 1993-94 2012-13 2. Names of Programmes / Courses offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., etc.) UG , PG, Ph.D. 3. Interdisciplinary courses and departments involved 198 - 4. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system-CBCS 5. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments Physics, Chemistry and Computer Science for Allied Maths 6. Number of teaching posts sanctioned and filled (Professors/Associate Professors/ Asst. Professors) Sanctioned Filled - - Professors Associate Professors 3 3 Asst. Professors 4 4 7. Facultyprofilewithname,qualification,designation,specialization,(D.Sc./D.Litt. /Ph.D./M.Phil.etc.,) Name Qualification Designation Specialization No. of Years of Experience Dr. P. Parvathi M.Sc., M. Phil., Ph. D Head of the Department & Associate Professor Optimization techniques 30 years Dr. Mrs. A. Uma Maheswari M.Sc., M. Phil., Ph. D Associate Professor 1(FT)+ 4(PT) Dr.Mrs. R. Rama M.Sc. M. Phil., PGDCA,Ph.D Associate Professor Algebra, fuzzy, 18 years Decision making, etc. Differential 23 years equations Mrs. Prabha Durairaj M.Sc., M. Phil. Assistant Professor Cryptography - 199 25 years No. of Ph.D. Students guided for the last 4 years 1 (FT)+ 4(PT) - Mrs. D. Chitra M.Sc., M. Phil. Assistant Professor Algebra 19 years - Mrs. P. Anitha M. Sc ., M. Phil. Assistant Professor Differential equations 18 years - Mrs. J. Sujatha M. Sc ., M. Phil., B.Ed. Assistant Professor Algebra 11 years - GUEST LECTURER (II SHIFT) Miss. R. Sandhiya M. Sc ., M. Phil. Assistant Professor Algebra 4 yrs - Mrs.Cathrine Diana M. Sc ., M. Phil. B.Ed. Assistant Professor Algebra 3 yrs - Miss. Noori Begam M. Sc ., M. Phil. Assistant Professor Stochastic process 1 1/2 yrs - Miss. Rajeswari M. Sc ., M. Phil. Assistant Professor Metric spaces 1 1/2 yrs - Mrs.B.Prasanthi M.Sc., M.Phil. Assistant Professor Operations Research 3 - yrs 8. Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information :B.Sc. ( II Shift ) 100 % 9. Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio UG - 371 : 12 PG - 56 : 7 10. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned and filled - Sanctioned – 1 , Filled – 1 11. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) national b) international funding agencies and c) Total grants received. Mention names of funding 200 agencies and grants received project-wise. Ans : NIL 12. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, etc.; total grants received –NIL 13. o o o Research facility / centre with state recognition national recognition international recognition 14. Publications: o Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international) o Monographs 62 - o Chapter(s) in Books o Editing Books - o Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers o Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) o Citation Index – range / average o SNIP - o SJR - o Impact factor – range / average - 8 o h-index –DETAILS ATTACHED 15.Details of patents and income generated -NIL 16.Areas of consultancy and income generated-NIL 17.Faculty recharging strategies -NIL 18.Student projects o o percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental -100% percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with industries / institutes -Nil 201 19.Awards / recognitions received at the national and international level by o Faculty - UGC Research award 2012-2014 to Dr. A. Uma maheswari 20. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized and the source of funding (nationalinternational) with details of outstanding participants, if any. National Workshop on “Applications of Mathematical Structures in Information Technology” held on Jan 2007 The Faculty of Mathematics organized a two day National Conference on “Recent trends in Fuzzy Mathematics & Applications” held on February,2011. 14. Student profile course-wise: Nameofthe Course/programme (refer question no. 4) 2006 - 2007 B.Sc. Maths Applications Selected received I shift II shift I shift II shift Enrolled *M 922 811 1441 65 65 65 2009 - 2010 1717 65 62 65 2010-2011 1837 65 63 2011-2012 1785 65 52 2012-2013 1386 65 2013-2014 1440 65 1660 70 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 2014-2015 Nameofthe Course/programme (refer question no. 4) 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 Applications received EM 65 65 65 Pass percentage *F I shift II shift shift I II 65 65 52.17 62 91.7 84 65 63 96.6 97.61 65 52 92.18 81.03 53 65 53 90.7 64 65 64 98.44 98 70 70 30 28 30 68 Enrolled *M EM 202 65 93.1 87.9 95.8 Selected 85 194 47 65 90 Pass percentage EM *F EM 30 28 30 84.6 78.3 95.2 M.Sc. Maths 94 27 27 75 100 29 29 96.2 30 30 96.55 2009 - 2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 149 30 29 97 2013-2014 105 30 27 100 2014-2015 122 30 27 - 15. Diversity of Students Nameofthe Course %of students fromthe samestate %of students fromotherStates %of students from abroad B.Sc. Maths 100 - - M.Sc. Maths 100 - - 16. How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services, NET, SLET, GATE and any other competitive examinations? - 2 17. Student progression (in %) 2011-14 2010- 13 2009-12 UGtoPG 30 35 30 32 PGtoM.Phil. 15 - 15 2 16 2 15 - - - 8 15 Studentprogression PGtoPh.D. Ph.D.toPost-Doctoral Employed •Campusselection •Other than campus recruitment Entrepreneurship/Self 20 -employment 10 203 2008-11 2007-10 2006-09 48 30 48 29 - - - - - 8 4 10 10 20 18 12 10 Percentage of faculty who are graduates of the same parent university 72% from other universities within the State 28% from other universities from other States Nil 25. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period. – 1 (2013-2014) 26. Present details about infrastructural facilities a) Library – Department b) Internet facilities for staff and students – General Library c) Total number of class rooms - UG-3, PG-2 d) Class rooms with ICT facility - Nil e) Students‟ laboratories - Nil f) Research laboratories - 1 Infrastructure facilities obtained from autonomous grant Furniture-Student table chairs steel and wood were provided in UG and PG class rooms. Glass boards of fine quality were provided in the class rooms Armed chairs for faculty were provided Storage devices (pen drive / CD) were purchased 204 Manual for Self-study Report Autonomous Colleges 27. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from College. Ans: Nearly 100% students (Government) 28. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new program(s)? If so, give the methodology. – Ph.D 29. Does the department obtain feedback from a) faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize it? - Yes, the department updates the syllabus to keep in pace with the recent trends. b) students on staff, curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation and what is the response of the department to the same? - Feedback from the students were obtained and rectified the problems(if any) according to their wish. c) alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the department to the same? - Every year alumni were invited for the meeting and they discussed about the development of the college. 30. List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) Dr.D.Pugazhenthi(QMGC(W)) Noori Begum(QMGC(W)) Rajeswari(QMGC(W)) Poorani(CTT) Alima(SIET) N.Geetha(Police Constable) R.Kaveri(Junior Assistant IG Office) S.N.Karthiga(Infosys) G.Crystal(Accenture) G.Beena(Anand Plast) 31.Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) with external experts. - The Faculty of Mathematics organized a two day National Conference on “Recent trends in Fuzzy Mathematics & Applications” held on 7th & 8th February,2011. 205 31. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. Power Point Persentation Seminars Group Discussion Periodical Test Evaluative Report 32. How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes monitored? o Feedback From the Students o Evaluative Report o Tutorials o Questioning Session 33. Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. YRC, NCC, NSS, RRC, Environment Club, LEO Club, Consumer Club 34. Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. Quiz Competitions Paper Persentation Collage Ad-zap Dumb-charades Oratorical Essay 35. State whether the programme/ department is accredited/ graded by other agencies. Give details. – The Department has been recognized as Research Centre in the academic year 2011-2012 by the University of Madras. 36. Detail any five Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department Strength: Unity among staffs 100% Result From PG and 98% from UG The Department of Mathematics has been recognized as a ‘Research Centre’ by the University of Madras to conduct Ph.D programme (Full time & Part time) in Mathematics, from the year 2011 -2012 To increase the employability of the students “Career oriented course in Acturial Science” has been approved by UGC with financial assitence of Rs. 10 lakhs Weakness: Under Staff due to conditional PG 206 Opportunities: Tutorial system is effectively implemented; Students share their difficulties (academic & personal) with the respective tutors and sought their counsel; Faculty members make themselves available to students at all times and spend additional time to clarify the doubts of the slow learners; Remedial coaching is also done wherever necessary, to assist the below par performers in academics; Faculty members take sincere efforts to guide the PG students on the project & the project work brings the individuality, creativity, latent skills out of the stakeholders Department of Mathematics has been in charge of UGC activities till 2010; The institution has been consistently obtaining grants from UGC and utilizing the grants successfully for various development schemes of the institution and welfare of the stakeholders, the most significant being the sanction to the tune of Rs.2.10 crore under the current plan period. Tmt.N.Kalaichelvi (2004 – 2009) has efficiently rendered services in the Controller of Examinations office, as UGC Co-ordinator and as admission committee member Dr.T.Senthamizhselvi is rendering fruitful services as: Controller of Examinations (2009 – 2011) Admission Committee Member Dr.P.Parvathi Co-ordinator of UGC University nominee for inspection committee Dean of Research in the college 207 Resource person Admission committee member Subject expert in TRB(Interview) Subject expert in TRB (certificate verification) Question Paper Setter in TNPSC Question Paper Setter in TRB Dr. A.Uma Maheswari IQAC coordinator (2005 -2010) contributed the best towards the enhancement and sustenance of quality measures of the institution Steering committee member for the Re-accreditation by NAAC,2006 Co-ordinator for 7 Seminars / Workshops Co-ordinator for UGC Coaching Programme for Entry into Services for SC/ST & Minorities (2008-2009 & 2009 - 2010) Co-ordinator for the Conduct of Soft Skill Courses for PG students (2008 – 2009) Member Secretary of the Academic Council Member of Academic Audit (Internal) Research committee member Subject expert in TRB(Interview) Subject expert in TRB (certificate verification) Question Paper Setter in TNPSC Question Paper Setter in TRB Dr.R.Rama Social Service League in-charge, 2006 Remedial coaching classes in-charge, 2007 Subject expert in TRB(Interview) 208 Subject expert in TRB (certificate verification) Question Paper Setter in TNPSC Question Paper Setter in TRB Subject expert in Staff Selection Commission Question Paper setter and Evaluator for various Universities in the state Question Paper Scrutinizer for various Universities in the state Subject Expert for Interview Panel(Pachayaippa‟s Trust) Member of Board of Studies Resource Person Chief in Central Valuation(University of Madras) Tmt. Prabha Durairaj Treasurer – Staff Club, 2010 & 2011 Subject expert in TRB (certificate verification) Tmt.D.Chitra Subject expert in TRB (certificate verification) Quiz Program Conductor for various Colleges Resource Person External Examiner for M.phill., Viva voce Question Paper setter and Evaluator for autonomous Colleges Tmt.P.Anitha Question Paper setter and Evaluator for autonomous Colleges Tmt.J.Sujatha Question Paper setter and Evaluator for autonomous Colleges Subject expert in TRB (certificate verification) 209 Campus Interview Easily Placed in Banks, Schools, colleges, IT, Government Concern Avail till Ph.D Carrier oriented Courses Proposed to be introduced 1.Certificate in Financial Mathematics 2.Diploma in Actuarial Science Challenges: To achieve 100% results from UG and PG Ph.D Scholars to be increased 100% Doctrates in Department Faculty 37. Future plans of the department. 1. To start M. Phil. Programme in Mathematics. 2. To facilitate ICT enable Teaching learning . 3. Creating smart class room. 4. To organize International conference on “Recent Trends in Mathematics & Applications” 5. To start a advanced mathematical research Journal on behalf of PG & Research department of Mathematics. 6. To train the students for facing the UGC-CSIR / Administrative Service examinations. 7. To start a student oriented magazine where in the stakeholders are completely incharge, right from presenting, editing and publishing to bring out the latent creative and innovative skills of the students community. 8. Automation of the student and faculty record. 9. To establish MoU with leading industries where in mathematical models can be designed. This will facilitate the Research Scholars to obtain patents for the mathematical algorithms/models in due course. 10. To expand the “Earn while you learn schemes” to more students. 11. Individual hands on training on ICT Tools for both faculty are stakeholders. 12. An advanced mathematics computational laboratory to be created. 13. All faculty will be Doctorates and continue with Post Doctoral Research work. 14. Achieving the target of 100% pass percentage for stakeholders in the examinations with additional remedial teaching and training sessions. 15. To encourage student & faculty to take up research project. 210 STUDENT PROFILE Courses offered B.Sc Mathematics (since 1974) B.Sc Mathematics – II Shift (since 2006) M.Sc Mathematics (since 1993) P.hd Mathematics (Full time and Part time 2012-2013) Student Strength Year 2014-2015 Class I B.Sc(I Shift) (II Shift) I M.Sc I B.Sc(I Shift) (II Shift) I M.Sc I B.Sc(I Shift) (II Shift) I M.Sc OC 1 2 1 - BC 30 31 13 31 29 15 27 24 15 MBC 24 19 10 20 19 8 20 18 8 14 15 3 13 14 6 16 11 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total 70 68 27 65 63 30 65 53 30 I B.Sc(I Shift) (II Shift) I M.Sc I B.Sc (I Shift) (II Shift) I M.Sc II M.Sc 1 1 - 26 21 14 30 27 14 14 15 11 9 18 20 7 7 23 19 7 15 15 5 5 1 1 1 - 65 52 30 65 63 26 26 2009-2010 I B.Sc (I Shift) (II Shift) I M.Sc 1 0 34 22 15 16 20 7 14 18 5 1 1 - 65 62 27 2008-2009 I B.Sc (I Shift) (II Shift) I M.Sc 1 1 30 20 15 11 12 10 19 10 8 1 60 43 35 2007-2008 I B.Sc (I Shift) (II Shift) I M.Sc 2 1 2 24 21 9 14 15 10 11 12 2 - 51 49 23 2006-2007 I B.Sc (I Shift) - 26 12 12 9 4 8 2 (DNC 1) - 49 1 2 9 (SCA 1) 8 2 2013-2014 2012-2013 2011-2012 2010-2011 (II Shift) I M.Sc 211 SC ST 25 21 STUDENTS ACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS Sl. No. Department Name Awards and Achievements Year 1. Mathematics M.Z Anishnisha II B.Sc.Mathematics (Shift –I) Cricket (I Prize) A.M. Jain College, Meenamnakkam, Chennai. (2010-2011) 2. Mathematics M.Z. Faizun Nisha III B.Sc.Mathematics (Shift –I) Cricket (I Prize) A.M. Jain College, Meenamnakkam, Chennai. (2010-2011) 3. Mathematics M.Z Anishnisha II B.Sc.Mathematics (Shift –I) Cricket (I Prize) ZONE A.M. Jain College, Meenamnakkam, Chennai. (2011-2012) 4. Mathematics M.Z. Faizun Nisha III B.Sc.Mathematics (Shift –I) Cricket (I Prize) ZONE A.M. Jain College, Meenamnakkam, Chennai. (2011-2012) 5. Mathematics G. Bhuvaneshwari I B.Sc. Mathematics (Shift I) Cricket (I Prize) ZONE A.M. Jain College, Meenamnakkam, Chennai. (2011-2012) 6. Mathematics M.Jayanthi I B.Sc. Mathematics (Shift II) Rangoli Intercollegiate (III Prize) Loyola College Chennai (2011-2012) 7. Mathematics L. Deepavathi B.Sc. Mathematics (Shift II) Rangoli Intercollegiate (III Prize) Loyola College Chennai (2011-2012) Mathematics S. Kalaiselvi I B.Sc. Mathematics (Shift II) Rangoli Intercollegiate (III Prize) Loyola College Chennai (2011-2012) 9. Mathematics E. Banupriya II B.Sc. Mathematics (Shift II) Kabadi State Level (IV Prize) University of Madras (2011-2012) 10. Mathematics E. Banupriya II B.Sc. Mathematics (Shift II) Kabadi (II Prize ) University of Madras (2011-2012) 8. 212 I 11. Mathematics E. Banupriya II B.Sc. Mathematics (Shift II) Kabadi “B ZONE “ (Winner ) University of Madras (2011-2012 12. Mathematics E. Banupriya II B.Sc. Mathematics (Shift II) Kabadi (I Prize ) QMGC (W), Chennai (211-2012) 13. Mathematics E. Banupriya II B.Sc. Mathematics (Shift II) Kabadi State Level (III Prize ) Ethiraj Women‟s College, Chennai (2011-2012) 14. Mathematics M. Gowthami II M.Sc. Mathematics Geo-Rangoli (I Prize ) QMGC (W) Chennai (2011-2012) 15. Mathematics 1. Sheeba 2. S.Rajeswari II M.Sc. Mathematics Mathematical Quiz (II Prize ) QMGC (W) Chennai (2011-2012) 16. Mathematics M. Fathima Parvaz II M.Sc. Mathematics Paper Presentation (II Prize ) QMGC (W) Chennai (2011-2012) 17. DIGIMATHS 2011- OVERALL CHAMPIONSHIP II Prize QMGC (W) Chennai (2011-2012) Evaluative Report of the Departments (2006 -2014) 7. Name of the Department & its year of establishment PHYSICS & 1974 8. Names of Programmes / Courses offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., etc.) UG 9. Interdisciplinary courses and departments involved Some of the faculty members have organized professional courses like ADD-ON courses, obtained grants from the central ministry in collaboration with NIIT for conducting a job oriented training programme. 10. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system CBCS 213 11. 12. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments * Department students attend Non-Major Elective offered by Department of Tamil, English, Commerce, Economics and Historical Studies. * Two Allied Papers – Allied Chemistry for First year and Allied Mathematics for second year were taught by faculty members of Chemistry and Mathematics Departments Number of teaching posts sanctioned and filled (Professors/Associate Asst. Professors Sanctioned Filled Professors 1 Associate Professors 1 Asst. Professors 7 Number of teaching posts Years 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 June 2014Dec 2014 8. S.G. Lecturer 5 4 3 2 - S.S. Lecturer 1 1 - Lecturer Professor 2 3 6 - 1 1 1 1 Associate Professor 2 1 1 1 1 Assistant Professor 7 7 7 7 7 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization, (D.Sc./D.Litt. /Ph.D. / M. Phil. etc.,) 214 STAFF PROFILE No. of Ph.D. No. of Years Students Years Name Qualification Designation Specialization of guided for Experience the last 4years Tmt. A.S. Suseela M.Sc., M.Phil., H.O.D & Nuclear Physics 36 Years S.G. 7 Months Lecturer Tmt. P. Janagavalli M.Sc., M.Phil., S.G. Nuclear Physics 33 Years Lecturer 9 Months Tmt. K. Janaki M.Sc., M.Phil., S.G. Nuclear Physics 33 Years 2006-2007 Lecturer Tmt.K. Jothi M.Sc., M.Phil., S.G. Solid State 24 Years Lecturer Physics 7 Months Tmt. R. Geetha M.Sc., M.Phil., S.G. Lecturer Solid State Physics Tmt.R.Sumathi M.Sc., M.Phil., S.S. Lecturer Atmospheric Physics Tmt. A.S. Suseela M.Sc., M.Phil., H.O.D & Nuclear Physics S.G. Lecturer Tmt. P. Janagavalli M.Sc., M.Phil., S.G. Nuclear Physics Lecturer Tmt.K. Jothi M.Sc., M.Phil., S.G. Solid State Lecturer Physics 2007-2008 Tmt. R. Geetha M.Sc., M.Phil., S.G. Solid State Lecturer Physics Tmt.R.Sumathi M.Sc., M.Phil., S.S. Lecturer Atmospheric Physics Dr.Mekala Daniel M.Sc., M.Phil., Lecturer Crystal Growth Ph.D., Tmt.R.Poongodi M.Sc., M.Phil., Lecturer Crystal Growth Tmt. P. Janagavalli M.Sc., M.Phil., HOD & S.G. Nuclear Physics Lecturer Tmt.K.Jothi M.Sc., M.Phil., S.G. Solid State Lecturer Physics Tmt.R.Sumathi M.Sc., M.Phil., S.G. Atmospheric Ph.D., Lecturer Physics 2008-2009 Dr.Mekala Daniel M.Sc., M.Phil., Lecturer Crystal Growth Ph.D., Tmt.R.Poongodi M.Sc., M.Phil., Lecturer Crystal Growth Ms.R.Padmavathy M.Sc. ,M.Phil., 215 Lecturer Bio-Physics & Crystallography 24 Years 3 Months - 17 Years - 37 Years 7 Months - 34 Years 9 Months 25 Years 7 Months 25 Years 3 Months 18 Years - 6 Months - 6 Months 35 Years 9 Months 26 Years 7 Months 19 Years - 1 Year 6 Months 1 Year 6 Months 7 Months - - - - Tmt.K.Jothi M.Sc., M.Phil., H.O.D & S.G. Lecturer S.G. Lecturer Solid State Physics 27 Years 7 Months - Tmt.R.Sumathi M.Sc., M.Phil., Atmospheric Physics 20 Years - Dr.Mekala Daniel Lecturer Crystal Growth Lecturer Crystal Growth Tmt.K.Shanthi M.Sc., M.Phil., Lecturer Nuclear Physics Tmt.P.Geetha M.Sc., M.Phil., Lecturer Crystal Growth Tmt.A.Hemalatha M.Sc., M.Phil., Lecturer Crystal Growth 2 Years 6 Months 2 Years 6 Months 1 Year 5 Months 1 Year 5 Months 1 Year 5 Months - Tmt.R.Poongodi M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., M.Sc., M.Phil., Ms.R.Padmavathy M.Sc., M.Phil., Lecturer Crystallography - Tmt.K.Jothi M.Sc., M.Phil., Solid State Physics Tmt.R.Sumathi M.Sc., M.Phil., 21 Years - Dr.Mekala Daniel M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., M.Sc., M.Phil., H.O.D & Associate professor Associate professor Assistant professor Assistant professor Assistant professor Assistant professor Assistant professor Assistant professor Assistant professor H.O.D & Associate professor Associate professor Assistant professor Assistant professor 1 Year 5 Months 28 Years 7 Months 3 Years 6 Months 3 Years 6 Months 2 Years 5 Months 2 Years 5 Months 2 Years 5 Months 2 Years 5 Months 1 Year 9 Months 29 Years 7 Months - 22 Years - 4 Years 3 Months 4 Years 3 Months - 2009-2010 Tmt.R.Poongodi 2010 -2011 Tmt.K.Shanthi 2011 -2012 M.Sc., M.Phil., Tmt.P.Geetha M.Sc., M.Phil., Tmt.A.Hemalatha M.Sc., M.Phil., Ms.R.Padmavathy M.Sc., M.Phil., Ms. S.Kanaka Durga Tmt.K.Jothi M.Sc., M.Phil., Tmt.R.Sumathi M.Sc., M.Phil.,Ph.D., M.Sc., M.Phil.,Ph.D., M.Sc., M.Phil., Dr.Mekala Daniel Tmt.R.Poongodi M.Sc., M.Phil., 216 Atmospheric Physics Crystal Growth Crystal Growth Nuclear Physics Crystal Growth Crystal Growth Crystallography Theoretical Nuclear Physics Solid State Physics Atmospheric Physics Crystal Growth Crystal Growth - - - - Tmt.K.Shanthi M.Sc., M.Phil., Tmt.P.Geetha M.Sc., M.Phil., Tmt.A.Hemalatha M.Sc., M.Phil., Ms.R.Padmavathy M.Sc., M.Phil., Ms. S.Kanaka Durga Tmt.K.Jothi M.Sc., M.Phil., Tmt.R.Sumathi M.Sc., M.Phil.,Ph.D., M.Sc., M.Phil.,Ph.D., Dr.Mekala Daniel Tmt.R.Poongodi 2012 -2013 Tmt.K.Shanthi M.Sc., M.Phil., M.Sc., M.Phil., M.Sc., M.Phil., Tmt.P.Geetha M.Sc., M.Phil., Tmt.A.Hemalatha M.Sc., M.Phil., Ms.R.Padmavathy M.Sc., M.Phil., Ms. S.Kanaka Durga Tmt.K.Jothi M.Sc., M.Phil., Dr.R.Sumathi M.Sc., M.Phil.,Ph.D., M.Sc., M.Phil.,Ph.D., M.Sc., M.Phil., Dr.Mekala Daniel Tmt.R.Poongodi M.Sc., M.Phil., 2013 -2014 Dr.K.Shanthi Tmt.P.Geetha M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., M.Sc., M.Phil., Tmt.A.Hemalatha M.Sc., M.Phil., Ms.R.Padmavathy M.Sc., M.Phil., 217 Assistant professor Assistant professor Assistant professor Assistant professor Assistant professor H.O.D & Associate professor Associate professor Assistant professor Nuclear Physics 3 Years 5 Months 3 Years 5 Months 3 Years 5 Months 3 Years 5 Months 2 Years 9 Months 30 Years 7 Months - 23 Years - 5 Years 3 Months - Assistant professor Assistant professor Assistant professor Assistant professor Assistant professor Assistant professor H.O.D & Associate professor Associate professor Assistant professor Assistant professor Assistant professor Assistant professor Crystal Growth 5 Years 3 Months 4 Years 5 Months 4 Years 5 Months 4 Years 5 Months 4 Years 5 Months 3 Years 9 Months 31 Years 7 Months - 24 Years - 6 Years 3 Months 6 Years 3 Months 5 Years 5 Months 5 Years 5 Months - Assistant professor Assistant professor Crystal Growth 5 Years 5 Months Crystallography 5 Years 5 Months - Crystal Growth Crystal Growth Crystallography Theoretical Nuclear Physics Solid State Physics Atmospheric Physics Crystal Growth Nuclear Physics Crystal Growth Crystal Growth Crystallography Theoretical Nuclear Physics Solid State Physics Atmospheric Physics Crystal Growth Crystal Growth Spectroscopy Crystal Growth - - - - Ms. S.Kanaka Durga Tmt.K.Jothi M.Sc., M.Phil., Dr.R.Sumathi M.Sc., M.Phil.,Ph.D., M.Sc., M.Phil.,Ph.D., Dr.Mekala Daniel Tmt.R.Poongodi June 2014 – Dr.K.Shanthi Dec 2014 Tmt.P.Geetha M.Sc., M.Phil., M.Sc., M.Phil., M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., M.Sc., M.Phil., Tmt.A.Hemalatha M.Sc., M.Phil., Ms.R.Padmavathy M.Sc., M.Phil., Ms. S.Kanaka Durga M.Sc., M.Phil., 218 Assistant professor H.O.D & Associate professor Associate professor Assistant professor Theoretical Nuclear Physics Solid State Physics 4 Years 9 Months 32 Years 2 Months - Atmospheric Physics Crystal Growth 24 Years 7 Months 6 Years 10 Months - Assistant professor Assistant professor Assistant professor Assistant professor Assistant professor Assistant professor Crystal Growth 6 Years 10 Months 6 Years - Crystal Growth 6 Years - Crystal Growth 6 Years - Crystallography 6 Years - Theoretical Nuclear Physics 5 Years 4 Months - Spectroscopy - - - 15. Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information - Nil 16. Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio Year Medium 37 38 31 26 22 30 35 35 26 32 37 36 124 118 123 7 7 6 18:1 17:1 21:1 TM 34 21 21 32 108 6 18:1 EM TM EM TM EM TM EM TM EM TM EM TM 39 32 39 36 38 38 39 38 39 39 40 40 30 34 39 32 36 36 36 36 39 38 39 38 30 33 33 30 38 31 35 31 36 37 39 38 34 35 38 39 39 37 38 37 40 39 42 41 133 134 149 137 151 142 148 142 154 153 160 157 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 17:1 17:1 17:1 15:1 17:1 16:1 17:1 16:1 17:1 17:1 18:1 17:1 TM 22 2007-2008 EM TM 31 24 2008-2009 EM 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 June 2014Dec 2015 Ratio 136 133 Total No. of Staff 6 6 37 35 27 2009-2010 Total No. of Students Allied Chemistry 35 38 I Year EM 2006-2007 Admitted Students II Year III Year 23:1 22:1 17. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned and filled Year 2006-2007 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Sanction 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Filled 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 June 2014-Dec 2015 4 2 18. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) national b) international funding agencies and c) Total grants received. Mention names of funding agencies and grants received project-wise.- Nil 19. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, etc.; total grants received - Nil 219 20. Research facility / centre with o state recognition o national recognition o international recognition Nil 21. Publications: * number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international) Publications Name of the Publisher/Journal S.No. Name of the Staff 1. Dr.( Tmt ) Mekala ELSEVIER/ Daniel Materials Chemistry & Physics 2. Tmt. R. Sumathi International Journal of Current Research International Journal of Physical and Mathematical Sciences 3. Tmt. K. Shanthi 4. Tmt.R.Poongodi Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences (IJBPAS) Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Name of the Paper Studies on Growth and Nucleation Kinetics of Cadmium thioureaSulphate and Magnesium thioureaSulphate Impact Citation Index factor of publication Vol: 114, Page. 18-22 Fractional Dimensional Vol 3, Analysis of Sunspot 11(2011) page Numbers 55-56. Analysis of Variation in respect of Lyapunov Vol 3, exponent for Solar No.1(2012) Indices and Geomagnetic Activity Indices FTIR Spectral Analysis Vol. 1, Issue 4, on Protein Powder Page 171 - 175 Qualitative Analysis on Vol. 1(11) Gertrim Powder – A page 1576Spectroscopic Approach 1586 Effect of precursor concentration and growth Vol. 16 No.9parameters on the 10, pp 1111morphology of ZnO rods 1115 grown by hydrothermal process ELSEVIER/Ceramics Influence of S doping on International structural, optical and Vol. 40 (2014) visible light pp14733photocatalytic activity of 14740 ZnO thin films 220 2.462 - - - Year 2008-2009 2011-2012 2011-2012 2011-2012 - 2012-2013 0.58 2013-2014 2 2014-2015 International Journal of Chem Tech Research 5. Tmt. P.Geetha Enhanced Antibacterial activity of transition metal doped ZnO nanorods on thin films Vol. 6 No.3, pp 2026-2028 0.38 ELSEVIER/ Structural, optical and Ceramics International visible light photocatalytic properties Accepted on of nanocrystalline Nd 2.112 17.12.2014 doped ZnO thin films prepared by sol-gel spin coating method International Journal Growth and of Chem Tech Characterization of LVol. 6 No.3, pp Research Isoleucine based 1647-1650 nonlinear optical single crystals 2014-2015 2014-2015 2014-2015 * Monographs * Chapter(s) in Books * * Editing Books Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers * number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) * Citation Index – range / average * SNIP * SJR * Impact factor – range / average * h-index 21. Details of patents and income generated - Nil 22. Areas of consultancy and income generated - Nil 23. Faculty recharging strategies Mrs.K. Jothi (Present HOD) acted as a University nominee in the Board of studies – Arts college, Nandanam and has also given guidance as a committee member in the workshop entitled “ Physics Education in the 21st century” that was responsible for scrutinizing and finalizing the syllabus. Currently, she has taken charge as the Controller of Examinations of this college and also has been appointed as the University of Madras Academic Council Member Mrs.K.Jothi and Dr.R.Sumathi had the distinguished opportunity to be subject experts in the Teacher‟s Recruitment Board and TNPSC. 221 Mrs K. Jothi has shouldered important responsibilities in various committees – Autonomy committee, Hostel committee and NSS committee. Dr. Mekala Daniel a meritorious candidate in TRB Recruitment 2007 had the privilege and honour of receiving the appointment order directly from the former Chief Minister of Tamilnadu, Dr. M. Karunanidhi. Her contributions to the college as AVE incharge for the past four years and IQAC member for five years need recognition. Mrs. G. Poongodi has taken charge of AVE. Dr. Mekala Daniel and Mrs. G. Poongodi had the opportunity to be involved in the confidential work of the Teachers Recruitment Board. Dr. K. Shanthi has the NSS programme officer for three years (2011-2and served the community at large. Various projects were spearheaded by her for the benefit of the downtrodden. The overall experience and exposure of the NSS volunteers were enhanced through a wide range of extracurricular activities, facilities, services and programmes. Ms. R. Padmavathy had acted as admission coordinator for two year (2011 – 2013). Ms. Kanaka Durga, an alumnus of the Department and M. Sc. First Rank holder had the privilege of joining the department. DETAILS OF FACULTY ACHIEVEMENTS S.No 1. Name of the Staff Tmt. K.Jothi Achievements Date 1. Subject expert in the TRB Interview Panel 19.08.2008 2. University nominee in Board of Studies, Nandanam Arts College 2009 – 2011 3. Workshop at ICT ACADEMY attended e- learning for Administrators. 02. 03.2010 4. Best Teachers award by Sri Krishna Sweets Trust 15.10.2010 5. Syllabus Committee member confidential work in TNPSC 6. University Nominee in Board of Studies, Nandanam Arts College. 7. Academic Council member – University of Madras 8. Controller of Examinations 222 – 27.01.2011 2011 – 2013 2012 – 2015 2013 – 2016 2. Tmt. R. Sumathi 1. Subject Expert in TRB- Interview Panel 2. Subject Expert in TNPSC - Question paper setter 3. Verification Officer in TamilNadu B. Ed Single Window Counselling 2011-2012. 4. Subject Expert in TNPSC – Paper Scrutiny 5. Subject Expert in TRB- Interview Panel 6. Subject Experts in TRB - Interview Panel 7. Confidential work in TNPSC Paper Scrutiny 1. Top Ranker of the TRB Receiving the Appointment from the Honorable Former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu. 3. Dr.( Tmt ) . Mekala Daniel 2. Verification Officer in Tamil Nadu B. Ed. Single Counselling 2011-2012. 3. Confidential work at TRB – DTERT Recruitment Examinations. Paper Scrutiny 4. Confidential work at TRB – PG Assistant Recruitment Examination - Question paper setter 5. Verification Officer in Tamil Nadu B. .Ed. Single Counselling 2013-2014. 6. Subject Experts in the interview Panel of TRB 7. Confidential work in TNPSC Paper Scrutiny 19. 08. 2008 25.10.2010 to 27.10.2010 26.08.2011 02.11.2011 18.11.2011 25.08.2014 & 26.08.2014 19.11. 2014 03.12.2007 26.08.2011 3.05.2012 to 10.05.2012 16.05.2013 31.08.2013 25.08.2014 & 26.08.2014 19.11. 2014 Computer Learning Programme Coordinator 2013-2015 223 4. Tmt. . G. Poongodi 1. Confidential work at TRB – PG Assistant Recruitment Examination- Question paper setter 2. Verification Officer in Tamil Nadu B. Ed. Single Counselling 2013-2014. 23.04.2012 to 3.05.2012 31.08.2013 5. Tmt. K.Shanthi NSS Programme Officer 2011-2014 6. Miss. R.Padmavathy Admission Co-ordinator 2011-2013 DETAILS OF ORIENTATION / REFRESHER COURSES ATTENDED BY STAFF MEMBERS S.No 1. Name of the Staff Member Dr.( Tmt ) Mekala Daniel Topic Organising Agency Duration of the Course 1. Orientation (Intensive Training) Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli 30 Days 2. Refresher Course in Bio – Technology UGC – Academic Staff College, University of Madras, Chennai UGC – Academic Staff College, University of Madras, Chennai Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli. 3. Refresher Course in Nano Sciences (Multidisciplinary) 2. Tmt.G. Poongodi 1.Orientation (Intensive Training) Programme 2. Refresher Course in Nano Sciences (interdisciplinary) 224 UGC – Academic Staff College, University of Madras,Chennai. 21 Days 21 Days 30 Days 21 Days Period 26.12.2007 to 24.01.2008 16.11.2007 to 06.12.2007 11.11.2009 to 01.12.2009 26.12.2007 to 24.01.2008 18.11.2010 to 08.12.2010 3. Tmt.K. Shanthi 1.Orientation (Intensive Training) Programme. University of Madras, Chennai. . 13.10.2008 to 08.11.2008 2. NSS Orientation Programme 4. Tmt. P. Geetha National Service Scheme Empanelled Training Institution(ETI), Madras School of Social Work,Chennai 3. Refresher UGC – Course in Academic Staff Condensed Matter College, Theory in Physics University of Madras, Chennai 1.Orientation University of (Intensive Training) Madras, Programme Chennai. 27 Days 2. Refresher course in Physics 5. Tmt.A.Hemalatha 1.Orientation University of (Intensive Training) Madras, Programme Chennai. 2. Refresher course in Physics 6. Ms.R.Padmavathy UGC – Academic Staff College, University of Madras, Chennai UGC – Academic Staff College, University of Madras, Chennai 1.Orientation University of (Intensive Training) Madras, Programme Chennai. 2. Refresher course in Physics 225 UGC – Academic Staff College, University of Madras, Chennai 6 Days 21 Days 27 Days 21 Days 08.08.2011 to 13.08.2011 17.08.2010 to 06.09.2010 13.10.2008 to 08.11.2008 08.09.2011 to 28.09.2011 27 Days 13.10.2008 to 08.11.2008 21 Days 23.08.2012 to 12.09.2012 27 Days 13.10.2008 to 08.11.2008 21 Days 23.08.2012 to 12.09.2012 7. Ms.S.Kanaka Durga 1.Orientation University of (Intensive Training) Madras, Programme Chennai. 2. Refresher Course in Nano Sciences (interdisciplinary) UGC – Academic Staff College, University of Madras, Chennai. 28 Days 09.07.2009 to 05.09.2009 21 Days 15.11.2012 to 05.12.2012 DETAILS OF CONFERENCES/SEMINARS IN WHICH MEMBERS OF FACULTY PRESENTED PAPERS S.No. Name of Authors Nature of the Title of the Paper Period Conference/Seminar Presented UGC & TNSCST National Level Analysis of Ultraviolet 02.04.2012 Tmt. R.Sumathi Seminar on Advanced 1. B Radiation and & Mathematical Climate Change 03.04.2012 Methods for Climate Research 1.UGC Sponsored Influence of precursor International concentration and 23.08.2012 Conference on growth time on ZnO & Research: Perspective nanorods by 24.08.2012 and Procedures Hydrothermal method Effect of Solvent on 2.Second International Morphological and 28.01.2013 Workshop on Wettability of TiO2 to Advanced Functional thin films on FTO by 30.01.2013 Nanomaterials Hydrothermal method 3.UGC sponsored Synthesis, optical and National Conference photo catalytic 25.02.2014 on Visualize activity of Co doped & molecules & Cognize ZnO thin film by Spin 26.02.2014 coating method 2. Tmt. G. Poongodi crystals Synthesis, structural, 4.National seminar on optical and photo 07.03.2014 Recent Advances in catalytic activity of & Physics Mn doped ZnO thin 08.03.2014 film 5.International Enhanced antibacterial conference on 10.03.2014 activities of Transition Materials and to metal doped ZnO Characterization 12.03.2014 nanorods on thin films Techniques 6. UGC Sponsored Studies on the self07.08.2014 National seminar on cleaning and to Recent Trends in photocatalytic 09.08.2014 Crystal Growth and activities of TiO2 226 3. Nano materials NSCGNM 14 nanorods by hydrothermal method 1. National Conference on New Research Trends in Material Science Quantitative and qualitative analysis on Gastro Intestinal drugs. 2. National Conference on Recent Advances in Physics Quantitative and qualitative analysis on Gastro Intestinal drugs. 01.02.2008 to 02.02.2008 3. National Conference on Perspectives in Lasers and Spectroscopy Quantitative and qualitative analysis on Baclofen Drug 24.09.2009 to 25.09.2009 4. International Conference on Recent Frontiers in Applied Spectroscopy A study on Obesity – A Spectroscopic Approach 22.09.2010 to 24.09.2010 5.Global Environment and its sustainability; Implications and Strategies A study on Obesity – A Spectroscopic Approach 07.11.2010 A study on Obesity – A Spectroscopic Approach 10.02.2011 & 11.02.2011 Analysis on a low fat health drink-A qualitative study 10.02.2012 & 11.02.2012 06.10.2007 Tmt. K. Shanthi 6.National conference on Recent Advances in molecular Physics (NCRAMP‟11) 7. National conference on Recent Advances in Applied Sciences (NCRAAS 2012) 227 8. National conference on spectrophysics (NCONS 2012) 4. Tmt. P. Geetha 5. Vibrational Spectral Analysis on Getrim Powder 07.03.2012 & 08.03.2012 9. International conference on Recent Advances in Physics (ICRAP 2013) Assay of Food Supplement Powders using UV-Visible Spectroscopy 12.08.2013 & 13.08.2013 10. National conference on Advanced Materials 2014 Analysis on Granite Materials by FTIRATR 19.07.2014 1.XVIII National seminar on Crystal Growth Spectrocopic thermal and mechanical behavior of Lisoleucine D – Norleucine single crystals 24.02.2014 to 26.02.2014 2. International Conference on Materials and Characterization Techniques L -isoleucine based on single crystal 10.03.2014 To 12.03.2014 3. UGC Sponsored National seminar on Recent Trends in Crystal Growth and Nanomaterials NSCGNM 14 Growth and Characterization of Nonlinear optical Lisoleucine D – Norleucine single crystals 07.08.2014 to 09.08.2014 1. 41st National Seminar on Crystallography Crystal structure and Supramolecular Frameworks of Succinate salts Hydrogen bonded supramolecular networks in organic Perchlorate salts 08.10.2012 to 10.10.2012 Crystal structure and Hydrogen bonded networks of Malate salts 07.03.2014 & 08.03.2014 2.42nd National Seminar on Crystallography and Ms. R.Padmavathy International Workshop on Application of X-ray Diffraction for Drug Discovery 3. National Seminar on Recent Advances in Physics 228 21.11.2013 To 23.11.2013 S. No. 1. DETAILS OF SEMINARS/WORKSHOPS/ CONFERENCES/TRAINING PROGRAMMES ATTENDED BY STAFF MEMBERS Name of the Organising Duration of Staff Nature Topic Agency the Course Member 1.Workshop 1.Physics Tamil Nadu Education in the State council 21st Century for Higher Education 2 Days 5.10.2006 to 6.10.2006 Tmt. K. Jothi 2. Radiation and Radioactivity 2. Training Programme 3. National Seminar 1.Workshop 2. Period Tmt. R.Sumathi 2. National Conference Dept. of Phy & Chem, QuaidE-Millath Govt. College for Women, Chennai 3.Faculty Counselling – Effective Handling of Stakeholders IQAC., QuaidE-Millath Govt. College for Women, Chennai. E – Governance for Academic Administrators of the college Role of College Teachers in Enhancing Quality in Higher Education Radiation and Radioactivity ICT – Academy of Tamil Nadu Emerging Trend in Crystal Growth and Nano Materials 229 1 Day 29.11.2006 1 Day 01.04.2009 2 Days 2.3.2010 to 3.3.2010 1 Day 24.08.2012 1 Day 29.11.2006 2 Days 28.02.2008 to 29.02.2008 University of Madras Dept. of Phy & Chem, QuaidE-Millath Govt. College for Women, Chennai Dept. of Physics, Loyola College, Chennai - 34 3. National Seminar 4. National Symposium 4. Faculty Development Programme 1.National Conference 2.National Symposium 3. Dr. ( Tmt ) . Mekala Daniel 3. Work Shop ICT in Curriculum Design & Planning at HEIs Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Quaid-EMillath Govt. College for Women, Chennai. 1 Day 23.03.2010 Inclusive Global Economic Growth :Implications for India Dept. of Economics, Quaid-EMillath Govt. College for Women, Chennai. 1 Day 11.12.2010 Emerging Trends in Dossier management Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Quaid-EMillath Govt. College for Women, Chennai Dept. of Physics, Loyola College, Chennai - 34 Dept. of Economics, Quaid-EMillath Govt. College for Women, Chennai. The Royal Society of ChemistrySouth India and Department of Physics and Chemistry, RKM Vivekananda College, Chennai. 1 Days 08.02.2012 2 Days 28.02.2008 to 29.02.2008 1 Day 11.12.2010 1 Day 11.02.2011 Emerging Trends in Crystal Growth and NANO Materials Inclusive Global Economic Growth :Implications for India Frontiers in Materials Science. 230 4. Faculty Development Programme 5. National Seminar and workshop 1.WorkShop 4. Tmt. G. Poongodi Practical Troubleshooting in Electronics, Microprocessor & Microcontroller Experiments Emerging Trends in Dossier management Department of Physics Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai. Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Quaid-EMillath Govt. College for Women, Chennai National Seminar and workshop on Bioinformatics and 3Dstructure determinations of biomolecules. Department of Physics Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai. 1. e-awareness Programme Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Quaid-EMillath Govt. College for Women, Chennai. 2. Faculty Counselling – Effective Handling of Stakeholders 3. International Workshop on Advanced Functional Nanomaterial 231 Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Quaid-EMillath Govt. College for Women, Chennai. Centre for Nano Science and Tech.,Crystal Growth Centre and Centre for International Affairs. Anna University, Chennai 2 Days 01.02.2013 & 02.02.2013 1 Days 08.02.2012 2 Days 27.02.2012 & 28.02.2012 1 Day 26.03.2009 1 Day 01.04.2009 4 Days 21.02.2011 to 24.02.2011 4. Exploring Nano Domain 2.National Symposium 1. WorkShop 5. Tmt. K. Shanthi University of Madras, National Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnolog y , Maraimalai Campus, Chennai 5. Hands on training on Electronics Experiments and Microprocessor Interfacing Inclusive Global Economic Growth : Implications for India. Bharathi Women‟s College, Chennai – 108. 1.Group Theory and its application to Molecular Vibrations PG Department of Physics, Women‟s Christian College. Chennai. 2. Women Entrepreneurial Development National Service Scheme, Queen Mary‟s College, Chennai. Bridge academy for Media studies, ISO Certified Institution 3. Media studies 4.Hands on training on Electronics Experiments and Microprocessor Interfacing 232 Dept. of Economics, Quaid-EMillath Govt. College for Women, Chennai. Bharathi Women‟s College, Chennai – 108. 1 Day 01.02.2012 1 Day 18.02.2014 1 Day 11.12.2010 1 Day 07.10.2011 1 Day 29.02.2012 1 Day 22.02.2012 1 Day 18.02.2014 1. Workshop 1. Gender Sensitisation 2. Quality Initiatives in Higher Education 3. Education and Research 6. Tmt. P. Geetha 2. National Symposium 3. National Seminar 1. National Symposium 7. Tmt.A.Hema latha 2.Workshop 4.Workshop – Hands on training on Electronics Experiments and Microprocessor Interfacing Inclusive Global Economic Growth : Implications for Muthurangam Govt. Arts College, Vellore Muthurangam Govt. Arts College, Vellore. Dept. of Physics, IIT Madras, Chennai Bharathi Women‟s College, Chennai – 108. Dept. of Economics, Quaid-EMillath Govt. College for Women, Chennai National seminar Dept. of on Concepts of Chemistry, Green Chemistry Quaid-EMillath Govt. College for Women, Chennai. Inclusive Global Economic Growth : Implications for India Education and Research 233 Dept. of Economics, Quaid-EMillath Govt. College for Women, Chennai. Dept. of Physics, IIT Madras, Chennai 1 Day 03.03.2009 1 Day 25.03.2009 6 days 20.12.2010 to 25.12.2010 1 Day 18.02.2014 1 Day 11.12.2010 1 Day 16.11.2013 1 Day 11.12.2010 6 days 20.12.2010 to 25.12.2010 3. National Seminar 1. National Seminar 2.Workshop National Seminar on frontiers in green Chemistry Dept. of Chemistry, Quaid-EMillath Govt. College for Women, Chennai. Crystallography Department of Crystallograph y and Biophysics, University of Madras. National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research, Chennai. 1.Instructional Design and Delivery 2.e-awarness programme 8. R.Padmavathy 3. Japanese Technique of „5S‟ Concept 3. National Biophora – 07 Conference& Intercollegiate Technical Meet 4. Training Programme Saksham – Microsoft – IT Champion Training 234 Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Quaid-EMillath Govt. College for Women, Chennai SRM University 1 Day 25.01.2012 3 Days 22.01.2007 to 24.01.2007 5 Days 1 Day 1 Day Dept. of Biotechnology & Bioinformatics, SRM University, Chennai. 2 Days Quaid-EMillath Govt. College for Women, Chennai 14 Days 04.06.2007 to 08.06.2007 26.03.2009 14.12.2007 03.09.2007 to 04.09.2007 01.08.2013 To 14.08.2013 1.Workshop 9. S. Kanakadurga 2. Training Programme 1.Nuclear Energy for National Development and Environmental Sustainability Dept. of Physics, Loyola College, Chennai - 34 2.Frontiers in Materials Science Saksham – Microsoft – IT Champion Training RMK Vivekananda College Quaid-EMillath Govt. College for Women, Chennai 3 Days 19.07.2007 to 21.07.2007 1Day 11.02.2011 14 Days 01.08.2013 To 14.08.2013 18. Student projects o percentage of students who have done in-house projects including interdepartmental o percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with industries / institutes Nil 19. Awards / recognitions received at the national and international level by o Faculty o Doctoral / post doctoral fellows o Students Nil 20. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized and the source of funding (national / international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. DEPARTMENT WORKSHOP/SEMINAR CONDUCTED BY DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS TOPIC SOURCE OF FUNDING DURATION PERIOD Workshop Radiation and Radioactivity Physics & Chemistry Department 1 day 29.11.2006 Workshop Entrepreneurship Orientation Programme and Mobile Phone Maintenance First two Senior Faculty members are contributed 2 days 21.2.2012 & 22.2.2012 NAME OF THE SEMINAR/WORKSHOP 235 21. Student profile course-wise: Name of the Applications received Course/progra mme EM TM B.Sc., Physics 249 2006-2007 23. Selected Pass percentage TM EM TM EM 81 39 39 97 79 2007-2008 938 238 39 39 97 82 2008-2009 992 318 39 39 96 90 2009 - 2010 1037 396 39 39 100 100 2010-2011 280 39 39 85.71 93.93 1323 2011-2012 1771 39 39 97.29 82.75 2012-2013 1153 39 39 100 93.75 2013-2014 1478 40 40 94.8 93.75 Diversity of Students Year 2006-2007 Name of the % of % of % of Course students students students from the from the from other college state states 100 - % of students from other countries - 2007-2008 100 - - - 2008-2009 100 - - - 2009 - 2010 100 - - - 100 - - - 100 - - - 2012-2013 100 - - - 2013-2014 June2014Dec 2014 100 - - - 100 - - - 2010-2011 2011-2012 B.Sc., Physics 236 25. How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services, NET, SLET, GATE and any other competitive examinations? NAME T.Mala D.Pourkodee R. Narmatha P. Thulasi 26. NET/SLET NET NET - TNPSC Group IV Group IV YEAR 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2011-12 Student progression : Student progression UG to PG PG to M.Phil PG to Ph.D Ph.D to Post Doctoral Employed o Campus selection o Other than campus recruitment Entrepreneurs Years Medium TM 38 Percentage against enrolled 26.99 - 13.8 Strength UG to PG 75 20 Percentage against enrolled 26.6 2006-2007 EM 37 2007-2008 35 35 70 16 22.8 2008-2009 26 21 47 19 40.4 2009 - 2010 29 21 50 16 32 2010-2011 30 34 64 11 17.1 2011-2012 38 31 69 27 39.1 2012-2013 34 32 66 25 37.8 2013-2014 36 38 74 5 6.75 Years Medium EM TM Strength Other than campus recruitment 2006-2007 37 38 75 10 Percentage against enrolled 13.3 2007-2008 35 35 70 10 14.2 2008-2009 26 21 47 4 8.5 2009 - 2010 29 21 50 8 16 2010-2011 30 34 64 2 3.1 2011-2012 38 31 69 10 14.4 2012-2013 34 32 66 12 18.1 2013-2014 36 38 74 15 20.2 237 LIST OF PROMINENT OLD STUDENTS UNDERGONE HIGHER STUDIES (FROM 2006 -2007) Year of Passing Name of the Course Institution Student R.Bhavani M.Sc (Med.Phy) Anna University G.Chitra M.Sc A.P.Geetha M.Sc Meenakshi College, Chennai R.Geetha Priya M.Sc (Mat.Sci) Anna University R.Girija M.Sc (Mat.Sci) Anna University S.Jaya Kumari M.Sc (Med.Sci) Anna University S.Kalpana M.Sc C.Kumeraswari M.Sc M.D.Lalitha M.Sc 2006 S.Loganayagi M.Sc QMC R.Maragatham M.Sc QMC D.Mohana Selvi M.Sc QMC D.Padma Priya M.Sc QMC J.Papitha MCA QMGC T.Priya Dharshini M.Sc (IT) Anna University K.Rekha M.Sc University of Madras A.Revathi M.Sc University of Madras S.Santhani M.Sc H.Sharly Devi M.Sc (Med.Sci) Anna University N.Anusuya B.Ed G.Aruna Devi MCA IGNOV S.Deepanj MCA QMGC K.Loganayagi MCA Meenakshi College,Chennai D.Malathi MCA E.Parimala M.Sc Muthurangan college, Vellore N.T.Priya M.Sc QMC P.Punitha M.Sc Ethiraj college Priyadharshini M.Rajeswari MBA University of Madras D.Sankari M.Sc Anna University S.Sarasu B.Ed N.Shobana MCA Meenakshi College N.Subha MCA University of Madras M.Vidhya MCA IRIT,Erode S.Vinodhini M.Sc Ethiraj College St.Charles College of S.Kavitha B.Ed 2007 Education,Thirunagar K.Priya MCA RMD Eng. College Subam College, D.Shalini B.Ed Maduranthagam E.Asta Lakshmi M.Sc QMC Thiruthangal Nadar V.S.Beena M.Sc (IT) College,Chennai 2008 Amma saraswathi college of V.Bhagyalakshmi B.Ed education, Thiruvallur E.Brindha M.Sc Ethiraj college 238 M.Dhanalakshmi S.Mahalakshmi M.Sc B.Ed M.Sc (Medical Physics) M.Sc M.Sc M.Sc B.Ed M.Sc B.Ed M.Sc ( Medical Physics) M.Sc MCA M.Sc M.Sc M.Sc M.Sc (Medical Physics) M.Sc M.Sc (Materials Science) M.Sc M.Sc M.Sc B.Ed MBA M.Sc B.Ed M.Sc B.Ed Meenakshi college B.Ed Meston college B.Ed B.Ed Vinayaga Mission Lady Willington V.Saraswathi. M.Sc D.G.Vaishnav college T.Mala K.Muthumari D.Uma Maheswari D.Shanmuga Priya A.Siva Sudar Arasi V.Nirmala M.Sc M.Sc M.Sc M.Sc M.Sc M.Sc K.Subalakshmi M.Sc QMC -do-doEthiraj College -doPresidency College St. Joseph College, Pondicherry S. Gomathi R.Jayanthi P.Jayanthi G.Kalaivani B.Ed B.Ed B.Ed B.Ed D.Megala S.Sridevi C.Vanitha A.P.Vinithra. G.Amutha A.Anis Fathima D.Anthony Mary D.Kalaivani N.Poongavanam M.Rajeswari M.Malathy U.Mythili P. Nathiya M.Navitha Rija Anil Kumar B.Sakina 2009 2010 P.Salomi G.Sathya S.Sornakumari M.Usha K.Vijayalakshmi J.Arun Pavithra M.Bharkavi P.Jaya Priya M. Mohana Priya A.Preetha Selva Kumari A.Pushpa R.Sangamithirai 239 Anna University A.M.Jain College -doPachaiyappas college ACT College of Education Pachaiyappas college V.S.Issac Christian College Anna University Pachaiyappas college Kauvery College of Eng. University of Madras Anna University Anna University Presidency College Presidency College Lady Willington University of Madras Presidency College 2011 2012 2013 P.Nalini J.Amutha R.Asha A.Mandhakasam D.Shanthila K. Archana J. Beulah M. Gayathri S. Ilakkiya K. Kavitharani D. Pourkodee M. Preethi K. C Rekha E. Kala B.Ed B.Ed B.Ed B.Ed B.Ed M. Sc B. Ed M. Sc M. Sc M. Sc M. Sc M. Sc B. Ed B. Ed V. Nandhini M. Sc S. Vijaya N.Ananthi S.Anju P.Aruna Devi P.GnanaSoundari N.Grace Jennifer Elizabeth M.G.Gunasheelaswa ri P.Kalaivani E.Nandhini M.Niraimathi K.Nirmala N.Rajathi M.B.Revathi M.Sangeetha V.Sangeetha T.Shobana P.Thulasi D.Vaishnavi V.Anusuya R.Divya M.Divya Bharathi R.Elavarasi R.Janaki R.Kalaivani P.Mathiyazhagi M.Parimala S.Pramila E.Tamilarasi Hemalatha.J Jabammal Raj.N Lydia Keziah .D M. Sc M.Sc M.Sc M.Sc B.Ed Madras University Presidency Queen Marys WCC Pachaiyappa‟s college Queen Marys Muthurangan Govt. College, Vellore Queen Marys Queen Marys Queen Marys Pachaiyappas M.Sc Queen Marys M.Sc Queen Marys B.Ed B.Ed B.Ed B.Ed B.Ed M.Sc B.Ed. M.Sc B.Ed B.Ed B.Ed B.Ed B.Ed M.Sc B.Ed B.Ed B.Ed B.Ed B.Ed B.Ed B.Ed M.Sc M.Sc M.Sc 240 Anna University Pachaiyappas Presidency Queen Mary‟s Pachaiyappa‟s Pachaiyappa‟s 2014 Kasthuri.R Mahalakshmi. A Maragathavalli. A Mohanavalli. D Pavithra. J Priya. E Ramya Priya. V Rogini. M Senbagavalli. K Thenmozhi. G Bhuvaneswari. V Deepa. P Divya. R Gayathri. D Nithya. K Priyadharsini. G Sentamil Vasantharani. B Soorya. P Surya Gupta. L Swathi. A Thamarai Selvi. S Vanaja. V. A Divya. G Divya.S Govindammal .L Janani.M Sandhiya.C M.Sc M.Sc M.Sc M.Sc M.Sc M.Sc B. Ed B. Ed M.Sc M.Sc M.Sc M.Sc MBA M.Sc MBA M.Sc Bharathi Womens‟ Queen Mary‟s Queen Mary‟s Queen Mary‟s Pachaiyappa‟s Queen Mary‟s Presidency Presidency LN Govt. Loyola Bharathi Women B. Ed B. Ed M.Sc M.Sc M.Sc B. Ed B. Ed M.Sc M.Sc M.Sc M.Sc WCC WCC LIST OF PROMINENT OLD STUDENT‟S JOB PROFILE (FROM 2006-2007) Year of S.No Name of the Student Current Position Passing S.R.Davamani Project Manager, INFOSYS Technologies 1 Ltd 2 C.Pon Karthika BPO, SPARSH 3 R. Revathy HTMT Company, Chennai 4 P.Sheela ICICI Bank M.Devi Proof Reader, ALDEN PREPRESS Pvt. 5 2007 LTD, Chennai S.Dhatchayani Proof Reader, ALDEN PREPRESS Pvt. 6 LTD, Chennai 7 G.Kalpana Tele Caller, Barclay Chennai 8 S.Mageswari NOKIA 9 K.Uma Maheswari City Bank Shelters 10 C.Subashini ICICI Bank A.Jayalakshmi Testing Engineer, INFOSYS, 11 Mahendra city 12 U.Hemamalini K.L.N Motors (General Motors) 241 13 D.Megala Private polyclinic, Mumbai D.Kalaivani Private polyclinic, Mumbai R.Padmavathy Testing Engineer, INFOSYS, PUNE S.Revathi R.Suganya Networking Engineer, INFOSYS, PUNE ICICI Bank G.Bhuvaneswari Zen data Service Pvt. Ltd. k.Komala 2008 14 15 16 17 18 20 S.Sarala Office Assistant, MARUTHI B.B. Adv. .Films Pvt. Ltd. 21 22 J. Anandavalli E. Devi C. Madhavi BPO, Sutherland Global Service Sausahtra Roadways Bangalore BPO,GENISYS S. Kalaivani Josephine Agnes Livin .J P. Gayathri R. Padmavathy R. Arthi S. Anandhi V. Sudha Rani S. Mani mala K. K. Bhavani OPTIMUS Accountant, Muthu Finance V. Vijayakumari Sub Inspector, Tamilnadu Police Progrmmer, WIPRO Retainer CDE in M.A.G.U.S. ICICI Bank HOV Vertex customer solution (p) Ltd. TNPSC Group IV Teacher Teacher Agarwal Eye hospital Teacher Teacher Sales Co-ordinator, Ralco Synergy HBI Global Pvt. Ltd. PHA India Pvt. Ltd. 19 2009 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2010 Automobile sector, VISTEON BPO, Reliance BPO, Reliance BPO, Airtel Teacher, Vidhya Mandhir Process Executive, CTS Document Specialist RR DONNELLY 32 33 2011 34 35 36. 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 2012 45 46 47 2013 A. K. Durgadevi G.Amrutha C.Anandhi P.Arunadevi K.Kanimozhi R.Narmatha M.Niraimathi K.Nirmala B.Dhanalakshmi R.Elavarsi M.Parimala S. Gayathri B. Usha Nandhini S. Vijayashanthi 242 48 49 50 51 52 53. 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 2014 A. Aiswarya P. R Devagi M. Gayathri S. S. Kalavathi K. Kavitha D. Mariya T. Ramya K. S. Suganya D. Visalakshi P.Ayyammal D.Esther K.Fathima Shabana M.keerthi M.S.Mageshwari M.Nancy R.Priya A.Rekha B.J.Rexline N.Sakthi N.Sasikala N.Shalini M.Suganya R.Suganya R.Tamilarasi Just Dial Teacher Just Dial Teacher Documentation, Pvt. Company Billroth Hospital Blue Chip Corporate Investment Dr. Agarwal Eye Hospital Flextronics Telecaller Title Park HRS company HDFC bank BPO job Saifee Tools Idea show room KPO job KPO job KPO job KPO job Private school teacher Tech India infoway (p) Ltd. Working in TCS Tech India infoway (p) Ltd. 25. Diversity of Staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates of the same parent university From other universities within the State From other universities from other States Year Name 2006-2014 2006-2014 2007-2014 2007-2014 2009-2014 2009-2014 2009-2014 2008-2014 2010-2014 Tmt.K.Jothi Dr.R.Sumathi Dr.Mekala Daniel Tmt.R.Poongodi Dr.K.Shanthi Tmt.P.Geetha Tmt.A.Hemalatha Ms.R.Padmavathy Ms. S.Kanaka Durga 44.4% 55.5% Parent university 243 Other universities within the State 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Other universities from other States - 26. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period. Ph.D – 2 YEAR NAME DEGREE 2014 Dr. R. Sumathi Ph.D 2014 Dr. K. Shanthi Ph.D 27. Present details about infrastructural facilities g) Library Department Library available. No. of Books are available in the library on December 2014 - 2509 books. LIBRARY PROFILE DETAILS OF BOOKS PURCHASED YEAR AMOUNT SANCTIONED UGC NON PLAN Rs. P. Rs. P. 2006-07 - NO OF BOOKS JOURNALS UGC NON PLAN UGC TOTAL COST NON PLAN Rs. P. 3000.00 - 16 - - 2955.00 2007-08 2100.00 4000.00 17 14 - - 6053.55 2008-09 10000.00 2000.00 34 10 - - 11786.00 2009-10 - - - - - - 13 24 - - 6987.50 30 - - - 1989.00 2010-11 2011-12 - 4000.00 2000.00 3000.00 - 244 2012-13 - - - - - - - 2013-14 - 12000.00 - 39 - - 12000.00 June2014Dec 2014 - - - - - - - h) Internet facilities for staff and students Internet facility for students available in the library. Data card provided for the staff. i) Total number of class rooms 3 Class Rooms j) Class rooms with ICT facility - Nil k) Students‟ laboratories – Spacious and well equipped 3 laboratories. l) Research laboratories - Nil S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 LIST OF LABORATORY EQUIPMENTS Name of the Expenditure Incurred No. of ARTICLE ARTICLES UGC Non plan Purchased 2006-07 Logic Module 5400 3 Trainer Melde‟s string 4 9280 apparatus Reading 9 7650 Telescope Stopwatch Digital 8 3088 Microprocessor 1 4785 Operational 1 1620 Amplifier FET Characteristics 2 3100 Apparatus Diffraction 4 5000 Grating Hollow glass prism for 7 1680 spectrometer Joules coil spare 6 360 192 Plastic beaker 24 - 245 2007-08 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 Cathode ray Oscilloscope Digital Balance Super Sensitive Galvanometer Travelling Microscope Travelling Microscope 15 Honda Generator Bifilar Pendulum Spectrometer DC Voltmeter DC Milliammeter Bifilar Pendulum Spectrometer Graduated Spare Glass Tubes for Hare‟s Apparatus Canon Lbp Laser Printer Intel Celron LCA 775PIN 1.8 GHz CPU Scagate 80 GB Sate HOD LCD- Projector 1 2 3 4 Voltmeter Glass Prism Tuning Fork Spectrometer 7 8 12 13 14 S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. 1 - 18,720 2 - 18,500 1 - 1200 2 9640 3 - 14460 2008-09 1 2 2 4 6 144135 - 1900 15,400 2200 3280 4 3800 2 15400 20 - 1 5769 1 2600 1 2200 1 2009-10 10 20 12 1 2010 - 2011 85,990 Name of the No. of ARTICLE ARTICLES purchased Tapped Mutual 2 nos Inductance coil Daniel cell 3 nos substitute Operational 2 nos. amplifier Wish board 10nos Wish board 8 nos. Lechlanche‟s cell 4 nos. Logic Trainer using 5 nos. IC 246 - 1500 5,500 4,300 960 8,200 Expenditure Incurred UGC - NONPLAN 6760.00 - 1170.00 - 3234.00 - 1320.00 880.00 1560.00 6734.00 8 9. 10. 11. Spectrometer and its accessories Tapped mutual Induction coil Logic Trainer Operational Amplifier 5 nos. 50,981.00 3 9750.00 2nos. 3nos. 2590.00 4665.00 2011-12 S.No. 1. 2. 3. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. Name of the ARTICLE purchased Five dial Resistance box Vacuum Cleaner Paper Cutter Magnetometer Compass box Digital Thermometer IC Regulated power supply Centre Tapped Transformer Aluminium Ladder No. of ARTICLES Expenditure Incurred 3 nos. UGC - 1no. 2nos. 5nos. - 2,594.00 375.00 499.00 6nos. - 2,930.00 2 nos. - 4,095.00 10nos. - 1,943.00 1no. NONPLAN 8,014.00 17,750.00 2012-13 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Name of the ARTICLE Purchased Screw Gauge Digital Multimeter Microprocessor kit 8085 Brass wire, AC 107 Transistor Digital Thermometer Thermometer-110-alcohol Beaker 1000 ml PNP Transistor Digital Multimeter Microprocessor kit 8085 12. Meter Scale 13. 14. Transformer 20 nos. IC 350 nos. (7400,02,04,08,32,86,741) S.No. 247 No. of ARTICLES 6 Nos. 2 Nos. 1 No. 650mt. 50 nos. 10 nos. 30 nos. 30 nos 50 nos. 2 nos. 1 . 30 nos. Expenditure Incurred UGC - NONPLAN 1108.00 3560.00 5226.00 3250.00 500.00 4610.00 660.00 5280.00 225.00 3390.00 6583.00 3800.00 2340.00 2013-14 S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Name of the Expenditure Incurred No. of ARTICLE ARTICLES Purchased UGC NONPLAN Tapped mutual inductance 5pairs 17120 coil Thermometer 110ᴼC 10 nos. 320 Joule‟s coil 12 nos. 900 Daniel cell substitute 6 nos. 5248 Leclanche cell substitute 3 nos. 2574 Vernier calipers 8 nos. 1240 Decade condenser box- 3 3 nos. 7011 dial Analog multimeter 2 nos. 1000 Convex lens 11nos. 231 Stop clock 8 nos. 3440 Super sensitive 8 nos. 10160 galvanometer 28. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from College. 100 percent Year Medium EM I Year 27 TM 22 2007-2008 EM TM 31 24 2008-2009 EM 2006-2007 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 June 2014Dec 2015 No. of Students II Year III Year 37 37 35 38 Total 101 95 31 26 22 30 35 35 26 92 81 87 TM 34 21 21 76 EM TM EM TM EM TM EM TM EM TM EM TM 39 32 39 36 38 38 39 38 39 39 40 40 30 34 39 32 36 36 36 36 39 38 39 38 30 33 33 30 38 31 35 31 36 37 39 38 99 99 111 98 112 105 110 105 114 114 118 116 248 29. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new program(s)? If so, give the methodology. Through feed back 30. Does the department obtain feedback from a. Faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize it? Yes. Faculty members views are also taken into account while framing the syllabus. b. Students on staff, curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation and what is the response of the department to the same? The Head of the Department collects information from the students about curriculum, teaching-learning methods and discusses with the staff members to improve the situation. c. Alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the department to the same? The alumni of the Department are the well-wishers of the college. They visit the Department to meet their teachers, share their experiences and also suggest about the curriculum and how the students to be trained to face Interview and work atmosphere. One of the alumni is the board of studies member. The suggestion of the alumni is taken into account while framing the syllabus and training students to face job market. 31. List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) Year 2006-2007 Name of the students S.R.Davamani 2007-2008 R.Padmavathy S.Revathi 2009-2010 2010-2011 T.Mala D.Pourkodee V. Vijayakumari A. K. Durgadevi 2011-12 2009-2014 R. Narmatha P. Thulasi Ms. S. Kanaga Durga 249 Current position Project Manager, INFOSYS Technologies Ltd Testing Engineer, INFOSYS, PUNE Networking Engineer, INFOSYS, PUNE NET NET Sub Inspector, Tamilnadu Police Progrmmer, WIPRO Group IV Group IV Assistant Professor in Physics Department 32. Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) with external experts. o Radiations and Radio activity in collaboration with the chemistry department in Nov.2006 are notable highlights of the department. o Recently, in collaboration with National Small Industries Corporation Limited (NSIC), Government of India, a two days workshop on “Entrepreneurship Orientation Programme and Mobile Phone Maintenance” was organized in Feb. 2012. o The workshop has been primarily organized to hone our graduates with new skills required by the industry. Faculty from NSIC had conducted their tailor-made entrepreneurship Orientation Programme to empower our students to meet the challenges of our society. o On job training in Mobile Phone maintenance was made available for the students at their Guindy campus. The participants were merited with due credentials. “Small Experiments Great Achievements” - a lucrative and simple way of demonstrating underlying principles and wonders of Physics by Dr. Subbiah Pandi, H.O.D of Physics, Presidency College held in January 2014 was a beneficial program to the students. WORKSHOP/SEMINAR CONDUCTED BY DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS NAME OF THE SEMINAR/WORKSHOP TOPIC Workshop Radiation and Radioactivity Workshop Entrepreneurship Orientation Programme and Mobile Phone Maintenance 250 DURATION PERIOD 1 day 29.11.2006 2 days 21.2.2012 & 22.2.2012 ASSOCIATION MEETINGS YEAR 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 DATE 11.10.2006 10.01.2008 22.12.2008 18.12.2009 07.01.2011 15.12.2011 2012-2013 11.01.2012 2013-2014 22.01.2014 INAUGURATED BY Dr. P.K. Palanisamy, Prof. & Head of the Dept. of Physics. Anna University. Dr. Mohammad Kamil,Vice Principal & H.O.D. of Physics, New College, Chennai. Dr. M.R. Safra Begum, Former Principal of Govt. College, Vyasarpadi. Dr. P.R.Subramanian, Rtd.Prof. & Head Dept. of Nuclear Physics, University of Madras Dr. P. Sivakumar, Former Principal, Govt. College, Gudiyatham. Prof C.V.Krishnamurthy, Dept. of Physics, I.I.T Madras Prof. S. Gunasekaran, Prof. & Head, PG Research Dept. of Physics, Pachiyappa‟s College, Chennai. Dr. A. Subbaiah Pandian Prof. & Head Department of Physics Presidency College Chennai 251 TOPIC Holography Particle Accelerators Life science Learn Physics through Poetry Basic Science Research and Technology development. Origins of Colour Self Motivation to Gen Next Small Experiments Great Achievements 33. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. INNOVATIVE TEACHING METHODOLOGY TOOLS: Usage of Audio visual aids like LCD Projector, over head projector and working models for effective teaching is a common phenomenon. PEER TEACHING: Devolps empathy towards slow learners, develops self confidence and ability to take responsibility and leadership. ASSIGNMENT: It nurtures reading, writing and presentation skills. CLASS ROOMS SEMINAR: This helps to develop public speaking as well as make the student to learn the topic in depth to face any type of questions from the peer group. 34. How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes monitored? Continuous Assessment Assignment Seminar Extra coaching classes are taught by the faculty members for the slow learners 35. Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. STUDENT‟S ACHIEVEMENTS 2006 – 2007 Name A.Jayalakshmi A.Jayalakshmi E.Astalakshmi R.GeethaPriya Class II B.Sc (EM) II B.Sc (EM) II B.Sc (EM) B.Sc (EM) A.V.Geetha B.Sc (EM) V.GeethaPriya V.Revathi B.Sc (EM) B.Sc (TM) R.GeethaPriya B.Sc(EM) Name Of the Competition Chart preparationTopic : “Awareness on radiation and radio activity”. Chart preparationTopic : “Discoveries in Physics influenced human perception” Over all rank Part III Over all rank in part III Convocation Prizes Convocation Prizes Part III PhysicsEndowment 252 Conducted By Name Of the Institution / Instituted By Prizes Won IGCAR WCC QMGC QMGC QMGC QMGC Tmt.B.Shantha (Retd.,) HOD of physics, QMGC. I I University Rank Holder-VII University Rank Holder-X I I I V.Revathi B.Sc (TM) Part III PhysicsEndowment D.Mohana Valli B.Sc(TM) Physics PracticalMemorial R.GeethaPriya V.Revathi B.Sc (EM) B.Sc (TM) B.Sc Physics – Endowment R.Usha V.Revathi B.Sc (EM) B.Sc (TM) S.Sarasu S.R.Davamani M.Devi K.Priya III B.Sc (EM) III B.Sc (EM) III B.Sc (TM) III B.Sc (TM) Electricity & Magnetism Memorial Part III PhysicsProficiency Part III PhysicsProficiency Part III PhysicsProficiency Part III PhysicsProficiency Tmt.S.R.Vijayalakshmi (Retd.,) SG Lecturer in physics, QMGC. Staff Members of physics Dept., QMGC. Dr.D.Janaki (Retd.,) Reader in History, QMGC. I I I Tmt.K.Vimala, HOD of Physics I QMGC I QMGC II QMGC I QMGC II 2007 - 2008 Name Of the Competition Name Class A.Jayalakshmi R.Padmavathy A.Jayalakshmi R.Padmavathy E.Brindha S.Mahalakshmi E. Astalakshmi D.Megala III B.Sc (EM) III B.Sc (EM) III B.Sc (EM) III B.Sc (EM) III B.Sc (EM) III B.Sc (EM) III B.Sc (EM) Model presentation. P.Jayapriya II B.Sc Semaphore, swimming, relay(400 meters), pulling. Inter Dept. Competition Conducted By Name Of the Institution / Instituted By Anna Adarsh College QMGC NCC Prizes Won I I, II respectively. I II Semaphore and runner up Sailing III G.Srilekha II B.Sc Western dance CTTE college II A.Tamilselvi III B.Sc(TM) Foot Ball QMGC II 253 S.Sarasu B.Sc (EM) B.Sc Physics - Endowment P.Sumathi B.Sc (TM ) B.Sc Physics - Endowment S.Sarasu B.Sc (EM) S.Sarasu K.Uma Maheshwari B.Sc (EM) B.Sc (TM ) Physics Practical - Memorial B.Sc Physics -Memorial S.Deepanj B.Sc (EM) B.Sc Physics -Memorial P.Sumathu B.Sc (TM ) B.Sc Physics -Memorial P.Sarasu P.Sumathi B.Sc (EM) B.Sc (TM) B.Sc Physics -Endowment E.AstaLakshmi III B.Sc (EM) A.JayaLakshmi III B.Sc (EM) D. Kalaivani III B.Sc (TM) G.Amutha III B.Sc (TM) S.MahaLaksmi II B.Sc Part III Physics -Proficiency Part III Physics -Proficiency Part III Physics -Proficiency Part III Physics -Proficiency Portrait D.Megala III R.Padmavathy E.Brinda Tmt. B. Shantha (Retd.,) HOD of Physics, QMGC Tmt. S.R.Vijaya Lakhmi (Retd.,)SG Lecturer in Physics, QMGC Staff Members Of Physics, QMGC Tmt. K.Vimala , HOD of Physics,QMGC Dr. M.D . Padmini ,Former HOD of Physics, QMGC Dr. M.D . Padmini Former HOD of Physics, QMGC Dr.D.Janaki(Retd.,) Reader in History,QMGC QMGC I I I I I I I I QMGC II QMGC I QMGC II II Oratorical Historical Studies Dept Economics Dept. II B.Sc Quiz Physics Dept. I II B.Sc Quiz Physics Dept. I II 2008 - 2009 Name Class Name Of the Competition T.Mala II B.Sc Wonders of cosmos K.Muthurmari T.Mala II B.Sc II B.Sc Inter class Essay competition Reason trends in opto electronics. 254 Conducted By Name Of the Institution / Instituted By Inter departmental poster presentation. Prizes Won II QMGC I R.Asha K.K.Bhavani D.Shanmuga priya II B.Sc II B.Sc II B.Sc Seed carpet competition Plant biology and plant biotechnology department. II K.Subalaxmi II B.Sc Solo singing QMGC III D.Pourkodee I B.Sc Marina republic parade at Marina Beach NCC Conditional trial D.Pourkodee A.K.DurgaDevi K.C.Rekha I B.Sc (EM) E.Astalakshmi B.Sc(EM) B.Sc Physics -Endowment E.Astalakshmi D.Kalaivani D.Kalaivani B.Sc B.Sc Physics B.Sc(TM) B.Sc Physics -Endowment A.Jayalakshmi B,Sc(EM) A. Jayalakshmi D.Kalaivani B.Sc(EM) B.Sc(TM) Physics Practical -Memorial B.Sc Physics -Memorial D.Megala B.Sc Physics -Memorial D.Kalaivani B.Sc(TM) B.Sc Physics -Memorial E.Astalakshmi D.Kalaivani B.Sc(EM) B.Sc(TM) B.Sc Physics -Memorial S.Sornakumari III (EM) III (EM) III B.Sc (TM ) III B.Sc (TM ) III Part III Physics -Proficiency Part III Physics -Proficiency Part III Physics -Proficiency Part III Physics -Proficiency Part II English -Proficiency G.Sathya R.Sangamithrai P.JayaPriya K.VijayaLakshmi 255 Participation Stella Maris college Tmt. B. Shantha , HOD , Dept Of Physics, QMGC I -(Gold medal) I I Tmt. S.R.Vijaya Lakhmi (Retd.,)SG Lecturer in Physics, QMGC Staff members in Physics Dept. Tmt. K. Vimala , HOD of Physics, QMGC Dr. M.D.Padmini Former HOD Of Physics, QMGC I Dr. M.D.Padmini Former HOD Of Physics, QMGC Dr.D.Janaki (Retd.,) Reader in History, QMGC QMGC I I I I I I QMGC II QMGC I QMGC II QMGC II 2009 – 2010 Name Of the Competition Republic day parade at Marina Beach, Chennai Conducted By Name Of the Institution / Instituted By Name Class M.DivyaBharathy S.Gayathri E.Tamilasari C.NadiyaNavina M.Radhika I B.Sc D.Pourkodee II B.Sc D.Pourkodee II B.Sc V.Nirmala III B.Sc Map reading National level competition at Delhi State level program, Thirunelveli Endowment T.Mala III B.Sc (EM) I & II Major – Endowment J.Beulah II B.Sc (EM) I Major Theory -Endowment S.Vijaya II B.Sc(TM ) I Major Theory -Endowment E.Priya II B.Sc(TM ) II B.Sc Physics T.Mala S.Manimala T.Mala III B.Sc(EM) III ) III J.Josephine Agnes Livin III B.Sc(EM) J.J Endowment Prize Part III Physics -Proficiency Part III Physics -Proficiency S.Manimala III B.Sc (TM ) Part III Physics -Proficiency III B.Sc (TM ) Part III Physics -Proficiency III (EM) Part II – English -Proficiency I B.Sc(EM) Inter dept ., Essay Economics Dept I I II B.Sc(EM) Maths Dept. II D.Uma Maheshwari T.Mala M.B.Revathy A.K . Durga Devi V.Jaya Sree Pot Pouri 256 NCC-Army wing Prizes Won Participation Gold medal TSC NCC (Army Wing) II Tmt.S. Mallika , SG lecturer, Dept Of Tamil, ,QMGC Tmt. Damayanthi Sivaraman , Former HOD Of English, ,QMGC Thiru. V.Srinivasan H/O V.Visalakshi (late) . SG lecturer in Physics, QMGC Thiru. V.Srinivasan H/O V.Visalakshi (late) . SG lecturer in Physics, QMGC Dr.Brindha Ramachandra , Former HOD Of Physics QMGC I I I I I QMGC I QMGC I QMGC II QMGC I QMGC II QMGC T.Mala III B.Sc (EM) Physics Dept II B.Sc (EM) Part II English -JJ Endowment Inter Dept., D.Porkodi J.Josephine Agnes Livin T.Mala III B.Sc (EM) Essay writing Zoology Dept. I III B.Sc (EM) Essay writing Zoology Dept III J.Josephine Agnes Livin T.Mala G.Sathya R.Sangamithirai G.Sathya III B.Sc (EM) III B.Sc (EM) Quiz QMGC I B.Sc (EM) B.Sc (TM ) B.Sc (EM) Convocation QMGC I R.Sangamithirai B.Sc (TM ) R.Sangamithirai B.Sc (TM ) M.Usha B.Sc (TM) R.Sangamithirai G.Sathya B.Sc (TM ) B.Sc (TM ) G.Sathya B.Sc (TM ) R.Sangamithirai B.Sc (TM ) T. Mala J.Josephine Agnes Livin Santhila K.Ananthi R.Jayanthi B. Sc (EM) Physics Practical Tmt. V.Vislakshi -Memorial Prize B.Sc Physics Dr.Janaki – Endowment B.Sc Physics Jayalakshmi Desikan – Memorial WorkShop Mechanical Universe Duration-50 hours II Tmt. B. Shantha (Retd.,) HOD of Physics, QMGC Tmt. S.R.Vijaya Lakhmi (Retd.,)SG Lecturer in Physics QMGC Staff Members of Physics QMGC I Tmt.K.Vimala , HOD of Physics ,QMGC I Dr. M.D . Padmini , Former HOD of Physics ,QMGC Dr.D.Janaki (Retd) Reader in History ,QMGC Dr. M.D . Padmini , Former HOD of Physics, QMGC I Tamilnadu Science & Technology Center Gunidy, Chennai. 257 I I I I I Participation 2010-2011 Name Class A.K. Durgadevi K. Archana III B. Sc (EM) T. Mala IIIB.Sc. (EM) S. Manimala IIIB.Sc. (TM) Name of the Competition/Work shop Workshop-Physics Education & Research Days-6 days Selvi. B. Vimala – Endowment Prize Conducted by name of the Institution/instituted by Indian Institute of Technology, Gunidy, chennai Prizes won Participation Tmt.B. Shantha H.O.D of Physics , QMGC I Selvi S.R. Vijayalakshmi (S.G.) Lecturer in Physics, QMGC I Staff members in Physics Department ,QMGC I Tmt.K.Vimala H.O.D of Physics, QMGC I Dr.M.D.Padmini, Fromer H.O.D of Physics, QMGC I Dr. Tmt. D.Janaki, Reader in Historical Studies, QMGC I T.Mala IIIB.Sc. (EM) S. Manimala IIIB. Sc (TM) T. Mala IIIB. Sc (EM) Tmt. Mangailakshmi Ramaswamy – Endowment Prize Tmt. V.Visalakshmi - memeorial Prize Thiru.K.R.Venkatra m& Tmt.K.V.Seethabai –Memeorial Prize Thiru. Jayalakshmi Desikan -Memorial Prize Dr. Tmt. Janaki – Endowment Prize S. Manimala IIIB.Sc. (TM) Dr. Tmt. Janaki – Endowment Prize Dr. Tmt. D.Janaki Reader in Historical Studies, QMGC I T. Mala IIIB.Sc. (EM) Convocation Prize QMGC I S. Manimala IIIB.Sc. (TM Convocation Prize QMGC I R. Narmatha IIB.Sc. (EM) J.J. Endowment Prize QMGC J. Beulah IIB.Sc. (EM) Subject Proficiency QMGC I P. Saranya IIB.Sc. (EM) Subject Proficiency QMGC II J.Josephine Agnes IIIB.Sc. Livin (EM) 258 I S. Vijaya IIB.Sc. (TM) Subject Proficiency QMGC I P. Geetha IIB.Sc. (TM) Subject Proficiency QMGC II J. Beulah IIB. Sc. (EM) J.J. Endowment Prize QMGC I S. Vijaya IIB.Sc. (TM) J.J. Endowment Prize QMGC IIB. Sc. (EM) I&II year Major only Tridandam Jaggo Rao- Endowment I&II year Major only Selvan. S.Srijith – Endowment Prize I Year Major Theory only Tmt. V.Visalakshi – Endowment Prize I Year Major Theory only Tmt. V.Visalakshi –Endowment Prize Dr. Thirumathi Vijaya Parthasarathi –Endowment Prize J.J. Endowment Prize Tmt. B. Shantha(Retd), H.O.D of Physics, QMGC J. Beulah J. Beulah R. Narmatha IIB. Sc. (EM) IIB. Sc. (EM) K. Senthamarai IIB.Sc. (TM) S. Vijaya IIB.Sc. (TM) T. Mala IIIB. Sc. (EM) 259 I I Tmt. Damayanthi Sivaraman, Former Principal & H.O.D of English, QMGC I Thiru. V. Srinivasan Husband of Latre V. Visalakshi SGL in Physics, QMGC I Thiru. V. Srinivasan Husband of Latre V. Visalakshi SGL in Physics, QMGC I Dr. M.D. Padmini, H.O.D of Physics, QMGC I QMGC I 2011-2012 Name of the Competition/Workshop Conducted By Name Of the Institution / Instituted By Tamil Nadu Science and Technology center in Gunidy Name Class R. MaryKavitha K.Kanomozhi J. Prema K. Soniya R. Janaki E. Tamilarasi M. Divyabharathi M. Jayanthi P. Arunadevi S. Anju S. Gayathiri N. Ananthi V. Sangeetha G. Amrutha P. Divya S. Elakkiya III B.Sc. (TM Workshop- Maths & EM) III B. Sc. (EM) - NSS S. Elakkiya III B. Sc. (EM) III B. Sc. (EM) III B. Sc. (EM) Poem Writing English Department I Portrait History Department I Face Painting QMGC II III B.Sc. (TM Group Singing & EM) QMGC II III B.Sc. (TM Group Dance & EM) QMGC I S. Elakkiya S. Elakkiya N. Grace Jenifer Elizabeth S. Elakkiya T. Shobana D. Vaishnavi M. Revathi S.M. Ismath Haseena N. Grace Jenifer Elizabeth R. Narmatha E. Nandhini R. Divya K. Kanimozhi S. Sumathi R. Rekha P. Arunadevi V. Sangeetha 260 Prize Participaion Best out going Student U. Varalakshmi V. Anusuya S. Gayathiri T. Ramya L. Govinthammal L. Govinthammal P. Ayyammal II B. Sc (TM) Mehandi Zoology Department I II B. Sc. (EM) I B. Sc (EM) I B. Sc. (EM) I B. Sc (EM) Solo Dance QMGC II AIDS- Essay Writing Kavithai Nuclear Reaction - Essay Writing Parade QMGC QMGC QMGC III I II Carrom board Table Tennis Kabaddi Shuttle Volley ball Cricket Hockey Convocation Convocation Dr. Tmt. D. Janaki Endowment Prize Dr. Tmt. D. Janaki Endowment Prize Chief Minister . J. Jayalalitha -Endowment Prize Selvi. B. Vimala Endowment Prize Tmt. Mangailakshmi Ramaswamy Endowment Prize Tmt. V. Visalakshi Memorial Prize Thiru. K.R. Venkatram & Tmt. K.V. Seethabai Memorial Prize QMGC H. Benazir Bhargath M. Uma Mageshwari I B. Sc (TM) J. Beulah S. Vijaya J. Beulah III (EM) III (TM) III (EM) S. Vijaya III (TM) J. Beulah III (EM) J. Beulah III (EM) S. Vijaya III (TM) S. Vijaya III (TM) J. Beulah III (EM) J. Beulah S. Vijaya I B. Sc (TM) III (EM) III (TM) Thiru. Vengadammal Parthasarathy -Memorial Prize Thiru. K.R. Venkatram & Tmt. K.V. Seethabai Memorial Prize 261 CM – Republic day QMGC QMGC Dr. Tmt. D Janaki Former Reader in History, QMGC Dr. Tmt. D Janaki Former Reader in History, QMGC QMGC Tmt. B. Shantha (Retd), H.O.D of Physics, QMGC Selvi S.R. Vijayalakshmi (Retd.,) Lecturer (SG) in Physics, QMGC Staff of Physics Department, QMGC Participation I II II II III III III I I I I I I I I I QMGC I QMGC I QMGC S. Vijaya R. Narmatha R. Narmatha P. Thulasi K. Senthamarai V. Anusuya R. Narmatha K. Senthamarai R. Narmatha R. Narmatha J. Hemalatha P. Soorya Sunitha Lazarus P. Arunadevi III (TM) III (EM) III (EM) Thiru. Jayalakshmi Desikam -Memorial Prize General Proficiency Subject Proficiency III (TM) Subject Proficiency III (EM ) (TM) III (EM) Major only -J.J. Endowment I & II Year Major only Tridandam Jaggo RaoEndowment I & II Year Major only Selvan. S. Srijith Endowment I Major Theory only Tmt. V. Visalakshi Endowment III (EM) II (EM) II (TM) II Chem (EM) III (EM) Narmatha. R B.Sc., Physics E.M. Senthamarai. K B.Sc., Physics T.M. Narmatha. R B.Sc., Physics E.M. Senthamarai. K B.Sc., Physics T.M. I Major Theory only Tmt.. V. Visalakshi – Endowment Allied Physics Theory only Tmt. V. Visalakshi Endowment Dr. Tmt. M.D. Vijaya Parthasarathy -Endowment I QMGC QMGC QMGC QMGC QMGC Tmt. B. Shantha (Retd.,), H.O.D of Physics, QMGC I Sri. V. Srinivasan I Sri. V. Srinivasan I Sri. V. Srinivasan Dr. M.D. Padmini (Retd.,), H.O.D of Physics, QMGC 262 I I Highest Marks scored in Major and Allied in E.M. Convocation Prize Endowment prize I Tmt. Dhamayanthi Sivaraman Principal & H.O.D. of English, QMGC Convocation Prize Endowment prize I I II I II I II Dr. Tmt. D. Janaki, Former Reader in History, QMGC(W), Ch-2. Dr. Tmt. D. Janaki, Former Reader in History, QMGC(W), Ch-2 Highest Marks scored in Major and Allied in T.M. Highest Marks scored in Three Years of B.Sc., Physics (E.M.) Highest Marks scored in Three Years of B.Sc., Physics (T.M.) Narmatha. R B.Sc., Physics E.M. Chief Minister Dr. J.Jayalalitha Endowment Prize Selvi. B. Vimala Endowment prize Thiru. K. Ponnusamy, Former Education Minister and Thiru. M. Kannappan, Former PWD Minister Tmt. B. Shantha Retd. HOD of Physics, QMGC(W), Ch-2 Narmatha. R B.Sc., Physics E.M. Senthamarai. K B.Sc., Physics T.M. Tmt. Mangailakshmi Selvi. S. R. Vijayalakshmi Ramaswamy Endowment Retd. Lecturer (S.G) in Prize, Physics, QMGC(W), Ch-2 Anandhi. N B.Sc., Physics E.M. Tmt. V. Visalakshi Memorial Prize Narmatha. R B.Sc., Physics E.M. Thiru. K. R. Venkatram & Tmt. K.V. Seethabai Memorial Prize, Senthamarai. K B.Sc., Physics T.M. Thiru. K. R. Venkatram & Tmt. K.V. Seethabai Memorial Prize, Narmatha. R B.Sc., Physics E.M. Anitha. G B.Sc., Physics T.M. Thiru. Vengadammal Parthasarathy Memorial Prize Thiru. Jayalakshmi Desikan Memorial Prize 263 Staff of Physics Department, QMGC(W), Ch-2 Tmt. K. Vimala, Retd. H.O.D of Physics, QMGC(W), Ch-2 Tmt. K. Vimala, Retd. H.O.D of Physics, QMGC(W), Ch-2 Dr. Tmt. M.D. Padmini, Retd. H.O.D of Physics, QMGC(W), Ch-2 Dr. Tmt. M.D. Padmini, Retd. HOD of Physics, QMGC(W), Ch-2 Highest Marks scored in Major and Allied Highest Marks scored in Major Physics (E.M.) Highest Marks scored in Major Physics (T.M.) Highest Marks scored in III Years Practicals Highest Marks scored in Electricity & Magnetism and Electromagnetis m in E.M. Highest Marks scored in Electricity & Magnetism and Electromagnetis m in T.M. Highest Marks scored in Electronics & Communication and Integrated Electronics & Microprocessor In E.M. Highest Marks scored in Electronics & Communication and Integrated Electronics & Microprocessor In T.M. 2012 – 2013 Name Of the Competition Name Class 1. Rogini. M III B.Sc., Phy (E.M.) III B.Sc., Phy (E.M.) III B.Sc., Phy (T.M.) III B.Sc., Phy (E.M.) Quiz II B.Sc., Phy (E.M.) Essay Writing 2. Sandhiya.M 3. Rajeswari.S Dilshad Begum. A Ayyammal .P 1. Jabammal Raj.N Essay Writing Mock Interview III B.Sc., Phy (E.M.) Conducted By Name Of the Institution / Instituted By Department of Economics Department of Physics Department of Physics Prizes Won I I II Department of Mathematics II 2. Durga Devi. P Uma Mageswari. M Uma Mageswari. M Uma Mageswari. M Uma Mageswari. M Uma Mageswari. M II B.Sc., Phy (T.M.) II B.Sc., Phy (T.M.) Cricket II B.Sc., Phy (T.M.) Basket Ball II B.Sc., Phy (T.M.) II B.Sc., Phy (T.M.) Hand Ball Volley Ball Kabaddi 264 Department of Physical Education Department of Physical Education Department of Physical Education Department of Physical Education Department of Physical Education II II I I II Uma Mageswari. M Uma Mageswari. M Uma Mageswari. M Uma Mageswari. M Uma Mageswari. M Uma Mageswari. M Vaishnavi. S 1. Kokila. V 2. Kasthuri. R Sakthi. N Sakthi.. N Sakthi. N Sakthi. N Uma Mageswari. M II B.Sc., Phy (T.M.) II B.Sc., Phy (T.M.) II B.Sc., Phy (T.M.) II B.Sc., Phy (T.M.) Hockey II B.Sc., Phy (T.M.) Carrom II B.Sc., Phy (T.M.) I B.Sc., Phy (E.M.) III B.Sc., Phy (E.M.) III B.Sc., Phy (E.M.) II B.Sc., Phy (E.M.) Throw Ball II B.Sc., Phy (E.M.) Volley Ball II B.Sc., Phy (E.M.) Dance II B. Sc., Phy (EM) II B.Sc., Phy (T.M.) Ball Badminton Tennycoit Shuttle Badminton Department of Physical Education Department of Physical Education Department of Physical Education Department of Physical Education Department of Physical Education Shot-put CADO GREEN (Group Singing) Obstacles Department of Physical Education Department of Physical Education Pachaiyappa‟s College, Chennai Pachaiyappa‟s College Chennai B.L.C. Camp, Kanpur B.L.C. Camp, Kanpur CM – Republic day I I I II I I III I II II II Participation Parade Ball Badminton 265 Anna Adarsh College for Women, Chennai II Uma Mageswari. M Uma Mageswari. M Jayabharathi .P 1. Jabammal. N 2. Pavithra. J II B.Sc., Phy (T.M.) Cricket Hindu College, Tiruvallur II B.Sc., Phy (T.M.) II B.Sc., Phy (T.M.) III B.Sc., Phy. Cricket –Selected by University of Madras Inter Collegiate Lyrics Competition University of Pondicherry Group Singing “ANKUR” Culturals University of Madras II Entered the Quarter Finals III 3. Suganya. K. S I 4. Mahabubana Riswana. R 5. Gayathri. D 6. Thamarai Selvi. S 1. Aishwarya. A 2. Priya. E III B.Sc., Phy. „OLD IS GOLD” Dance “ANKUR” Culturals 3. Lalithakumari. J I 4. Ramya. T 5. Roghini. M 6. Dhanalakshmi. G. M 1. Aishwarya. A II B. Sc., Phy. III B.Sc., Phy. Concept Round “ANKUR” Culturals 2. Priya. E 3. Lalithakumari. J 4. Ramya. T III 5. Priyadharshini. G 6. Ushanandhini. B 7. Umadevi. G 8. Dhanalakshmi. G. M II B. Sc., Phy. Dhanalakshmi. G. M II B. Sc., Phy. Solo Singing 266 “ANKUR” Culturals III Priya. E III B.Sc., (E.M.) Hemalatha.J III B.Sc., (E.M.) III B.Sc., (T.M.) III B.Sc., (T.M.) III B.Sc., (E.M.) Soorya.P Lalitha Kumari.J Priya. E Thiru.Sambanda Mudhaliar Endowment Prize Thiru.Sambanda Mudhaliar Endowment Prize Thirumathi. T.S. Gowri, Former Principal I I Chief Minister Dr. J.Jayalalitha Endowment Prize Thiru.K.Ponnusamy, Former Education Minister, Thiru.M.Kannappan, Former PWD Minister I Thiru.K.Ponnusamy, Former Education Minister, Thiru.M.Kannappan, Former PWD Minister Tmt. B. Shantha, Rtd. H.O.D. of Physics, Q.M.G.C. for women, Chennai-2 I Tmt. Damayanthi Sivaraman, Rtd. Principal & H.O.D. of English, Q.M.G.C. for women, Chennai-2 Sri. V. Srinivasan I Tmt. V. Visalakshi Endowment Prize Sri. V. Srinivasan I Tmt. V. Visalakshi Endowment Prize Sri. V. Srinivasan I III B.Sc., (T.M.) Chief Minister Dr. J.Jayalalitha Endowment Prize Priya. E III B.Sc., (E.M.) Tridandam Jagga Rao Endowment Prize Priya. E III B.Sc., (E.M.) Selvan S. Srijith Endowment Prize Rexline. B.J. II B.Sc., (E.M.) II B.Sc., (T.M.) II B.Sc., Chem (E.M.) Tmt. V. Visalakshi Endowment Prize Sargunam. R I I Soorya. P Vijayalakshmi. J Thirumathi. T.S. Gowri, Former Principal 267 I I Suguntha. R II B.Sc., Physics (T.M.) Sri. Annai Endowment Prize Kavipriya. T.R III B.Sc., Physics ( E.M.) Dr.Tmt. M.D. Vijaya Parthasarathy Endowment Prize PRIYA. E B.Sc., Physics E.M. B.Sc., Physics T.M. SOORYA. P Dr.Brinda Ramachandra, Rtd. H.O.D. of Physics, Q.M.G.C. for women, Chennai-2 Dr.M.D.Padmini, Rtd. H.O.D. of Physics, Q.M.G.C. for women, Chennai-2 Convocation Prize PRIYA. E SOORYA. P B.Sc., Physics T.M. PRIYA. E B.Sc., Physics E.M. Chief Minister Dr. J.Jayalalitha Endowment Prize PRIYA. E B.Sc., Physics E.M. Selvi. B. Vimala Endowment prize SOORYA. P B.Sc., Physics T.M. HEMALATHA. J B.Sc., Physics E.M. Endowment prize Endowment prize Tmt. Mangailakshmi Ramaswamy Endowment Prize, Tmt. V. Visalakshi Memorial Prize 268 I Highest Marks scored in Major and Allied in E.M. Highest Marks scored in Major and Allied in T.M. Convocation Prize B.Sc., Physics E.M. I Dr. Tmt. D. Janaki, Former Reader in History, QMGC(W), Ch-2. Dr. Tmt. D. Janaki, Former Reader in History, QMGC(W), Ch-2 Thiru. K. Ponnusamy, Former Education Minister and Thiru. M. Kannappan, Former PWD Minister Tmt. B. Shantha Retd. HOD of Physics, QMGC(W), Ch-2 Selvi. S. R. Vijayalakshmi Retd. Lecturer (S.G) in physics, QMGC(W), Ch-2 Staff of Physics Department, QMGC(W), Ch-2 Highest Marks scored in Three Years of B.Sc., Physics (E.M.) Highest Marks scored in Three Years of B.Sc., Physics (T.M.) Highest Marks scored in Major and Allied Highest Marks scored in Major Physics (E.M.) Highest Marks scored in Major Physics (T.M.) Highest Marks scored in III Years Practicals PRIYA. E SOORYA. P B.Sc., Physics E.M. B.Sc., Physics T.M. PRIYA. E B.Sc., Physics E.M. SOORYA. P B.Sc., Physics T.M. Thiru. K. R. Venkatram & Tmt. K.V. Seethabai Memorial Prize, Tmt. K. Vimala, Retd. H.O.D of Physics, QMGC(W), Ch-2 Thiru. K. R. Venkatram & Tmt. K.V. Seethabai Memorial Prize, Tmt. K. Vimala, Retd. H.O.D of Physics, QMGC(W), Ch-2 Thiru. Vengadammal Parthasarathy Memorial Prize Thiru. Jayalakshmi Desikan Memorial Prize Highest Marks scored in Electricity & Magnetism and Electromagnetism in E.M. Highest Marks scored in Electricity & Magnetism and Electromagnetism in T.M. Highest Marks scored in Electronics Dr. Tmt. & M.D. Padmini, Communication and Retd. H.O.D of Integrated Physics, QMGC(W), Electronics & Ch-2 Microprocessor In E.M. Highest Marks scored in Electronics Dr. Tmt. & M.D. Padmini, Communication and Retd. HOD of Integrated Physics, QMGC(W), Electronics & Ch-2 Microprocessor In T.M. 2013 - 2014 Name Of the Competition Name Class Ayyammal. P III B.Sc., (E.M.) Chief Minister Dr. J.Jayalalitha Endowment Prize Vijayalakshmi. J III B.Sc., (T.M.) Chief Minister Dr. J.Jayalalitha Endowment Prize 269 Conducted By Name Of the Prizes Won Institution / Instituted By Thiru.K.Ponnusamy, I Former Education Minister, Thiru.M.Kannappan, Former PWD Minister Thiru.K.Ponnusamy, Former Education Minister, Thiru.M.Kannappan, Former PWD Minister I Ayyammal. P III B.Sc., (E.M.) Tridandam Jagga Rao Endowment Prize Tmt. B. Shantha, Rtd. H.O.D. of Physics, Q.M.G.C. for women, Chennai-2 I Vijayalakshmi. J III B.Sc., (E.M.) Selvan S. Srijith Endowment Prize I Ayyammal. P III B.Sc., (E.M.) Thiru.Sambanda Mudhaliar Endowment Prize Tmt. Damayanthi Sivaraman, Rtd. Principal & H.O.D. of English, Q.M.G.C. for women, Chennai-2 Thirumathi. T.S. Gowri, Former Principal Suganya. R Vijayalakshmi. J Saranya. K Ponneshwari. S Amudha. M Sargunam. R III B.Sc., (E.M.) III B.Sc., (T.M.) III B.Sc., (T.M.) II B.Sc., (E.M.) II B.Sc., (T.M.) II B.Sc., Chem (E.M.) General Proficiency Subject Proficiency Subject Proficiency Subject Proficiency I Tmt. V. Visalakshi Endowment Prize Sri. V. Srinivasan Tmt. V. Visalakshi Endowment Prize Sri. V. Srinivasan I I Tmt. V. Visalakshi Endowment Prize Punitha. K II B.Sc., Physics (T.M.) Sri. Annai Endowment Prize Kavipriya. T.R III B.Sc., Physics ( E.M.) Dr.Tmt. M.D. Vijaya Parthasarathy Endowment Prize 270 Sri. V. Srinivasan Dr.Brinda Ramachandra, Rtd. H.O.D. of Physics, Q.M.G.C. for women, Chennai-2 Dr.M.D.Padmini, Rtd. H.O.D. of Physics, Q.M.G.C. for women, Chennai-2 I I 36. Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. Mrs K. Jothi has shouldered important responsibilities in various committees – Autonomy committee, Hostel committee and NSS committee. The physics department is in charge of the Audio Visual education of the college and the maintenance of the electrical facility. The AVE section of the department provides a host of modern equipments like LCD Projector, Novel PA system, generators, inverters etc for usage during the college functions, workshops and seminars conducted by all the departments. Mrs. K. Jothi (Present HOD) has effectively for the past six years met all the requirements pertaining to electrical and AVE. Mrs. K. Shanthi the current NSS officer has served the community at large. Various projects were spearheaded by her for the benefit of the downtrodden. The overall experience and exposure of the NSS volunteers were enhanced through a wide range of extracurricular activities, facilities, services and programmes. The staff members of the department involved in publishing articles in Journals. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES BY PHYSICS DEPARTMENT STAFF MEMEBERS YEAR 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 NATURE OF THE WORK Career Guidance and Placement CellCo-ordinator Public Works DepartmentElectrical Audio Visual Education Career Guidance and Placement CellCo-ordinator Public Works DepartmentElectrical Audio Visual Education Add on Courses- Office Automation and Garment Quality Inspection and Export Merchandising Public Works DepartmentElectrical Audio Visual Education 271 NAME OF THE STAFF INCHARGE Mrs. K.Jothi Mrs. K.Jothi Mrs. B.Janakavalli Mrs. K.Jothi Mrs. K.Jothi Dr. Mekala Daniel Mrs. K.Jothi Mrs. K.Jothi Dr. Mekala Daniel 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Add on Courses- Office Automation and Garment Quality Inspection and Export Merchandising Public Works DepartmentElectrical Audio Visual Education Public Works DepartmentElectrical Audio Visual Education National Service Scheme College Administration Co-ordinator Public Works DepartmentElectrical Audio Visual Education National Service Scheme College Administration Co-ordinator Public Works DepartmentElectrical Controller of Examinations Audio Visual Education National Service Scheme Computer Learning Programme - Co-ordinator Mrs. K.Jothi Mrs. K.Jothi Dr. Mekala Daniel Mrs. K. Jothi Dr. Mekala Daniel Mrs .K.Shanthi Miss. R.Padmavathy Mrs. K. Jothi Mrs. G. Poongodi Mrs .K.Shanthi Miss. R.Padmavathy Mrs. K. Jothi Mrs. K. Jothi Mrs. G. Poongodi Mrs .K.Shanthi Dr. Mekala Daniel 37. State whether the programme/ department is accredited/ graded by other agencies. Give details. Nil 38. Detail any five Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department STRENGTHS: Most of the faculty members are experienced persons. 3 faculty members are Doctorates Ph.D. Another 3 faculty members are doing Ph.D. One of Our faculty members has passed SLET. WEAKNESS: Nil 272 OPPORTUNITIES: o Motivation of the department to impart excellent quality education, develop a disciplined and integrated personality has helped them to reach great heights. o Several of them, head government institutions, have established themselves as scientist and professors in renowned educational institutions and research fields. o More than 50% of the students who have completed the undergraduate course, invariably do their post graduation. o Many of our alumni are working in banks, schools, central government offices and IT companies. o To motivate the students to participate in competition held by other Colleges. 39. Future plans of the department. o Proposal for PG course, M.Sc (Physics) will be submitted to the University and the Government for approval. o To enhance pass percentage and achieve 100 % Result. o To conduct National seminar and International Seminar in the next academic year. o Motivate the students to entry into service jobs like IAS, etc. 273 Evaluative Report of the Departments Name of the Department & its year of establishment – Chemistry 1974 Names of Programmes / Courses offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., etc.) B.Sc and M.Sc Chemistry Interdisciplinary courses and departments involved -Nil Annual/ semester/choice based credit system- semester Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments -Nil Number of teaching posts sanctioned and filled (Professors/Associate Asst. Professors Sanctioned 16 Professors Filled - Associate Professors Asst.Professors 4 12 16 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization, (D.Sc./D.Litt. /Ph.D. / M. Phil. etc.,) Name Ms .C.Leelavathy Qualification M,Sc.,M.Phil Designation No of Years Specialization of Experience Associate professor General Chemistry 29 Ms.R.Bhavani M,Sc.,M.Phil Associate professor General Chemistry 16 Ms.J.Arulmoli M,Sc.,M.Phil,,Ph.D Associate professor General Chemistry 16 Ms.S.Vasanthi M,Sc.,M.Phil,,Ph.D Associate professor Applied Chemistry 16 274 No of Ph.D students guided for the last 4 years Dr(Ms).R.Josephi ne Sharmila M,Sc.,M.Phil,,Ph.D Assistant professor General Chemistry 7 Dr(Ms).Devi kanniyakumari M,Sc.,Ph.D Assistant professor General Chemistry 7 Ms.P.S.Geethamal ini M,Sc.,M.Phil,, B.Ed.,PDCAP Assistant professor Inorganic Chemistry 7 Ms.M.Chandraku mari M,Sc.,M.Phil,, M.B.A Assistant professor Analytical Chemistry 6 Ms.G.Meenakshi M,Sc.,M.Phil, Assistant professor General Chemistry 6 Ms.K.Jayanthi M,Sc.,M.Phil,, B.Ed, DCI,MISTE M,Sc.,Ph.D.,B.Ed., M.B.A Assistant professor General Chemistry 6 Assistant professor Physical Chemistry 5 Assistant professor Gen5eral Chem5istry 5 Dr(Ms).R.Vijayala kshmi Ms.S.P.Poongothai M,Sc.,M.Phil, Ms.R.Rajeswari M,Sc.,M.Phil,,Ph.D Assistant professor Applied Chemistry 5 Dr(Ms).S.Deepa M,Sc.,Ph.D. Assistant professor Genaral Chemistry 5 Dr(Ms).J.Kasthuri M,Sc.,Ph.D Assistant professor General Chemistry 3 Assistant professor Physical Chemistry Ms.S.Kanchana 2 M,Sc.,M.Phil,, 3 Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information -Nil 1. Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio - UG - 1 : 16.5 PG - 1 : 1.25 Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned and filled - Technical Staff Sanctioned -2 Filled - 1 Administrative Staff - Nil 275 Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) national b) international funding agencies and c) Total grants received. Mention names of funding agencies and grants received project-wise. - Nil Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, etc.; total grants received Nil Research facility / centre with state recognition national recognition international recognition - Nil Publications: * number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international) - 38 Monographs Chapter(s) in Books Editing Books Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers – 1 (Tsunami- the nature‟s fury, ISBN no: 978-93-80017-52-5, DOP-27.8.2009, Kaviya pathipagam number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) Citation Index – range / average - 4.36 SNIP SJR Impact factor – range / average : 0 .25 to 1.5 / 1.4686 h-index Details of patents and income generated Areas of consultancy and income generated Faculty recharging strategies 276 percentage of students who have done in-house projects including interdepartmental - percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with industries / institutes - 100 % Awards / recognitions received at the national and international level by Faculty - 3 staff members got best paper awards through conferences International level Doctoral / post doctoral fellows Students Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized and the source of funding (national international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. * Organized National seminar on „Frontiers in Green chemistry‟, on 25.01.2012 funding agency TANSCHE, TNSCST, Student profile course-wise: Year 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Name of the Course B.Sc B.Sc B.Sc B.Sc B.Sc B.Sc M.Sc B.Sc M.Sc B.Sc M.Sc B.Sc M.Sc Applications Selected received Male 897 1504 1587 1811 1879 14 1479 69 1732 39 544 99 277 Female 78 78 78 73 78 75 12 78 10 80 10 84 16 Pass Percentage Male Female 79 85 77.46 6 100 93.94 97.2 83 95 90 - Diversity of Students Year Name of the % of % of % of Course students students students from the from the from other college state states 2006-07 B.Sc 50 100 2007-08 B.Sc 50 100 2008-09 B.Sc 50 100 2009-10 B.Sc 50 100 2010-11 B.Sc 50 100 2011-12 B.Sc 50 100 M.Sc 95 100 2012-13 B.Sc 50 100 M.Sc 50 100 2013-14 B.Sc 50 100 M.Sc 50 100 2014-15 B.Sc M.Sc 50 50 100 100 - % of students from other countries - - How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services, NET, SLET, GATE and any other competitive examinations? Nil Student progression Student progression UG to PG PG to M.Phil PG to Ph.D Ph.D to Post Doctoral Employed Campus selection Other than campus recruitment Entrepreneurs Percentage against enrolled 50 50 40 80 90 60 25.Diversity of Staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates 100 of the same parent university 50 From other universities within the State 50 From other universities from other States Nil 26. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period. . Ph.D - 5 staff members 278 27. Present details about infrastructural facilities Library : Around 3000 books Internet facilities for staff and students - Total number of class rooms - 7 Class rooms with ICT facility - 2 Students‟ laboratories - 6 Research laboratories - 1 Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from College. - 70 Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new program(s)? If so, give the methodology. Syllabus, Availability of class rooms, lab, generating funds, Availabiliy of books etc. Does the department obtain feedback from faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize it? Yes, modify syllabus, students on staff, curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation and what is the response of the department to the same? Yes, arranging coaching classes for weak students, other best practices alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the department to the same? List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) 1. Noorul Subhani 2. G.Uma 3. C. Jancy priya 4. T. Manjula 5. B. Tamilarasi 6. B. Divya Bharathi 7. Murugeswari 8. N. Soundarya Devi 9. V. Gayathri 10. S. Padma Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) with external experts. Staff Attended *Orientation courses, 279 * Attended Refresher courses, * Attended Seminars, * Attended Workshops, * Remedial coaching classes are conducted to the weak and economically backwar dstudents List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. * Using ICT tools are incorporated in the curriculum *Getting feedback from the students * Encouraging the advanced learners to participate in seminars , workshops etc. * Provided ICT tools, showing solid models for chemistry classes, conducted demo workshops, giving them seminars for interactive learning. * Conducting science based competitions, association meetings, giving field works, make them to attend seminars, and conferences etc., * Non- major elective, soft skill subjects for blended learning, make them to attend expert lectures in research institutions/universities, arranging for invited guest lectures. * Arranging for e-learning, video classes, models, demo classes How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes monitored? Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. In our department one staff was NSS Programme officer Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. * Encouraging the advanced learners to participate in seminars , workshops etc. * Conducting science based competitions, association meetings, giving field works, make them to attend seminars, and conferences etc., State whether the programme/ department is accredited/ graded by other agencies. Give details. Nil Detail any five Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department Weakness: 280 *Majority of the staff members have finishedPh.D., department is lagging in research due to the lack of infrastructure and lab facilities. Strengths: *60% of the staff members have completed Ph.D and remaining staff will complete Ph.D within three years. Challenges * to make research department * to making all the 16 staff members with Ph.D in three years * to make better infrastructural facilities. * Opportunities *Research motivation from UGC or other funding agencies to promote research *funding organizations are coming forward to organize national/ Inter national seminars, workshops , conferences. Future plans of the department. * getting M.Phil and Ph.D * construction of separate building for chemistry department * getting internet facilities , good library facilities, infrastructure * getting major and minor projects *empowering women in research field 3. Evaluative Report of the Departments 13. Name of the Department & its year of establishment PLANT BIOLOGY & PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY YEAR OF ESTABLISHMENT: 1975 14. Names of Programmes / Courses offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., etc.) UG-PLANT BIOLOGY & PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY PG-PLANT BIOLOGY & PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY MPhil - PLANT BIOLOGY & PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY Ph.D - PLANT BIOLOGY & PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY (CORE and INTERDISCIPLINARY) 15. Interdisciplinary courses and departments involvedYET TO AUGMENT 16. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system SEMESTER-CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM 17. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments SOFT SKILLS 281 18. Number of teaching posts sanctioned and filled (Professors/Associate Asst. Professors Professors Associate Professors Asst.Professors 9. Sanctioned Filled 11 10 Faculty profile with name, qualification, (D.Sc./D.Litt. /Ph.D. / M. Phil. etc.,) Name Qualification Designation M.Sc.,M.Phil Ph.D M.Sc., Ph.D, PG.D.RSA &GIS M.Sc., M.Phil., B.Ed.,Ph.D M.Sc., Ph.D (NET QUALIFIED) Associate Professor A SUBHASHINI N. KRITHIKA D. DORCUS R. SORUBA P. INDRA K. VIJAYA RAMESH T. VIMALA designation, Specialization specialization, No of Years of Experience 15 No of Ph.D students guided for the last 4 years Yet to augment 15 Guiding 1 PT scholar at present Yet to augment Associate Professor Medicinal plant research Phycology Associate Professor Mycorrhizal research 13 Assistant Professor Microbiology-Plant Science – Interdisciplinary research 06 M.Sc., Ph.D Assistant Professor Cytogenetics 06 M.Sc., M.Phil (SLET QUALIFIED) M.Sc., M.Phil (NET QUALIFIED) M.Sc., M.Phil. Assistant Professor 06 Assistant Professor 06 Assistant Professor 04 Assistant Professor 04 Assistant Professor 03 D. S. YASHODA M. M.Sc., M.Phil. ANBUKKAR ASI V. M.Sc., Ph.D HEMAMALIN I 282 FT-4 (Madras University) PT-2 (Madras University) PT -2 (Bharatiyar University) PT -2 (Madras University) PT-2 (Bharatiyar University) Yet to augment 22. Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information 63.3 23. Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio UG-29:1, PG-8:1, M.Phil – 1:1 24. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned and filled SANCTIONED – 3, FILLED -2 25. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) national b) international funding agencies and c) Total grants received. Mention names of funding agencies and grants received project-wise. Name of Staff Funding Agencies K. VIJAYA RAMESH K. VIJAYA RAMESH A SUBHASHINI UGC TANSCHE UGC Amount of fund Progress 10, 79, 800/- ONGOING 1,00,000/- ONGOING 1, 80, 000/- ONGOING 26. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, etc.; total grants received YET TO RECEIVE 27. Research facility / centre with o state recognition o national recognition o international recognition YET TO AUGMENT 28. Publications: * number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international) * Monographs * Chapter(s) in Books * * Editing Books Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers * number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, 283 Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) * Citation Index – range / average * SNIP * SJR * Impact factor – range / average * h-index No. of papers published in peer reviewed journals2012-2013 – 8 papers 2013-2014 – 4 papers 24. Details of patents and income generated YET TO AUGMENT 25. Areas of consultancy and income generated YET TO AUGMENT 26. Faculty recharging strategies Date: 1-2-12 to 3-2-12. International Conference on Eco-conservation for Sustainable Development was organized by the Department. Some of the eminent speakers were: 1. Dr.R.Rangasamy, Director, Centre for Advanced Studies, University of Madras, Chennai-5 2. Dr.R.Annamalai, I.F.S., Addl. Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Chennai 3. Dr. N. Nandhini, Dept. of Environmental Science, Bangalore Univ., Bangalore 4. Dr. D. Rudrappan, Dept. of Economics& Development Studies, Covenant Univ, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria. 5. Dr. Rathinam Raja, Aquatic Energy, LLC, USA 6. Dr. N. Sivaraj, Principal Scientist, NBPGR, Hyderabad. 7. Dr. P.Malliga, NFMC, Bharathidasan Univ., Tiruchirapalli 8. Dr. BalakrishnaPisupathi, Chairman, National Biodiversity Authority, Chennai 9. Dr. Raman Pachiappan, Dept of Biotechnology, Univ. of Verona, Italy. 10. Dr. SanjeeviRajagopal, Dept. of Animal Ecology&Ecophysiology, Institute of Wetland&Water Research, Netherlands. 11. Dr. KetutGede Dharma Putra, Chairman, Centre for Sustainable Development, Udayana Univ., Indonesia 18. Student projects o percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental o percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with industries / institutes 284 7 % of the students undergoing PG and MPhil programme have done project in the department during the year 2013-14 YEAR PG-PROJECTS M.Phil PROJECTS 2009-10 14 5 2010-11 12 3 2011-12 12 3 2012-13 8 3 2013-14 11 3 26. Awards / recognitions received at the national and international level by o Faculty Dr. V. Hemamalini received the Fellow of Association of Biomedical Scientists (FABMS) during the year 2012-13 o o 27. EXTERNAL INSTITUTIONS CAS in Botany, University of Madras, Chennai Poonga Biotech Lab, Choolaimedu, Chennai Poonga Biotech Lab, Choolaimedu, Chennai Biozone Biotech Lab, Teynampet Poonga Biotech Lab, Choolaimedu, Chennai Biozone Biotech Lab, Teynampet, Chennai Instrumentation Lab, Ethiraj college, Doctoral / post doctoral fellows- 4 Staff are in the process of getting their doctorate Students – 4 students have registered FULL TIME under University of Madras. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized and the source of funding (national / international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. A three day International Conference on’ Eco-conservation for Sustainable Development was organized during 1/2/12 to 3/2/12. It was funded by Ministry of Earth Sciences (Central Government), TANSCHE (State Government) and Exhibition on Herbal Garden was funded by NABARD. 28. Student profile course-wise: Year 2012-13 2013-14 Name of the Course UG PG MPhil Applications received 993 64 4 UG PG M.Phil 1322 34 4 Selected Male Female 77 15 4 84 15 2 285 Pass Percentage Male Female 89 90 100 24. Diversity of Students (2013-14) % of students from the college Name of the Course UG –PBPB PG -PBPB M.Phil 66 100 % of students from the state 100 33 % of students from other states % of students from other countries 27. How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services, NET, SLET, GATE and any other competitive examinations? Students yet to clear competitive examinations 28. Student progression Student progression UG to PG PG to M.Phil PG to Ph.D Ph.D to Post Doctoral Employed Campus selection Other than campus recruitment Entrepreneurs Percentage against enrolled 66 33 19 50 25.Diversity of Staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates of the same parent university From other universities within the State 100 From other universities from other States 26. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period. 27. Present details about infrastructural facilities m) n) o) p) q) r) Library – with 1500 books, and 4 national journals Internet facilities for staff and students Total number of class rooms -9 Class rooms with ICT facility Students‟ laboratories -3 Research laboratories -3 286 40. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from College. All the UG and PG students get scholarship for the Tamil Nadu Government 41. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new program(s)? If so, give the methodology. 42. Does the department obtain feedback from a. faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize it? Regular meetings are called for in the department by the Head to review any changes to be made in the curriculum, in the evaluation pattern, disciplinarian pattern etc. the suggestions of the faculty are deliberated and implemented. b. students on staff, curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation and what is the response of the department to the same? Feedback sessions for students are conducted twice a year with a set of questionnaire distributed to the students. Their feedback is discussed with the particular faculty and the needs of the students are met henceforth. Students are also made a part of the committee that sits biennially for formulating the syllabi. c. alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the department to the same? This kind of feedback has to be augmented 43. List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) a) K.C. Uma mageshwari is the Deputy Manager at Quality Controls, Tamil nadu Government, b) Logeswari is presently a teaching faculty at the Department of Biochemistry, Sri Ramachandra Medical College, Porur, Chennai c) Srivani Ramesh is presently the Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, University of Madras 44. Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) with external experts. Every year, a ONE day seminar/workshop entitled,‟VRIKSHA‟ is organized for the benefit of the students. 45. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. UG and PG students are periodically taken for one day or week visit to places where they are taught a part of their syllabi like agricultural field visits, botanical garden and horticultural field visits 287 46. How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes monitored? The department meets formally twice in a year to critically discuss the previous years‟ outcomes and the improvements to be made in the functioning of the department. 47. Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. Extension activities like the NSS, YRC, RRC, NCC, Enviro club are being conducted by the college and the students are compulsorily enrolled in one of each to earn their credits. They attend camps that are periodically arranged by the respective faculty. 48. Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. The department organizes one day academically oriented “VRIKSHA” seminar programmes for the students when any distinguished scientist is invited to ignite the scientific temper among the students. Interdepartmental and Intradepartmental competitions related to the subject like “Seed Carpet Making”, Jewellery Making Using Vegetables, Vegetable Carving”, Sketching etc where students exhibit their talents and win accolades. 49. State whether the programme/ department is accredited/ graded by other agencies. Give details- Not applicable 50. Detail any five Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department Strengths – PG, MPhIl and Ph.D courses are being sought after by the students A well equipped instrumentation room for research A well maintained herbal garden Two of our faculty members are selected for pursuing their doctorate degree by the UGC 60% of our teaching faculty are Ph.D holders WeaknessInfrastructure facilities to be added Insufficient number of teaching and non teaching staff Opportunities and challenges – On getting extra funds, we are proposing to start a Sophisticated Analytical Instrument Laboratory (SAIL) at our department. 51. Future plans of the department. a) Establishing a green house b) A tissue culture laboratory c) ICT teaching methodology 288 DEPARTMENT OF PLANT BIOLOGY & PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY HIGHLIGHTS OF THE DEPARTMENT 1. RESEARCH PROJECTS SANCTIONED Name of the Principal Investigator S.No 1 2 K. VIJAYA RAMESH 3 4 R. SORUBA 5 A . SUBHASHINI Nature of the Project , Funding Agencies ( with Reference No ,Date ) MINOR PROJECT - UGC F-MRP-3475/10 LINK NO. 3475 dated July 2010 MAJOR PROJECT – UGC F-NO. 42-480/2013 (SR) dated 22nd March 2013 MINOR PROJECTTANSCHE D.O.Rc.NO. 1098/2013A Dated MINOR PROJECT-UGC F-MRP3586/11(MRP/UGC/SERO) P.No. 74, dated 8/9/2011 MINOR PROJECT – UGC No. F MRP 4330/12(MRP/UGC SERO) dated 26th March 2012 Amount Sanctioned Duration of Project, Completed/ongoing 1, 20,000/- ONE YEAR COMPLETED 10, 79 800 THREE YEARS ONGOING 1, 00 000/- ONE YEAR ONGOING 1, 35, 000/- ONE YEAR COMPLETED 1, 82, 000/- ONE YEAR ONGOING 2. STAFF WHO ATTENDED GOVERNMENT SPONSORED IT TRAINING SL. NO 1 2 DURATION SPONSORING AGENCY 1/8/2013- 14/8/2013 4 D. DORCUS D. S. YASODHA TN GOVERNMENT & MICROSOFT CORPORATION TANSCHE & UNIVERISTY OF MADRAS 5 N. KRITHIKA COGNIZANT BY NASSCOM 4th -7th AUGUST 2—8 INFOSYS CHENNAI 25th JAN – 1st FEB, 2010 3 3. NAME OF THE FACULTY P. INDIRA T. VIMALA 2009-10 SEMINARS/CONFERENCES ORGANISED BY STAFF a) National Seminar has been organized by the Staff on Herbs and Herb based Products and Exhibition of herbs and herb based products under Prof. Bharati Sethumadavan during the year 2005-2006. b) A National Seminar on Bio-geo challenges was organized by the Staff during the year 2006-07 289 c) Staff of the Department of Plant Biology & Plant Biotechnology, with R. SORUBA as coordinator, have organized a Three Day International Conference on’Eco-conservation for Sustainable Development” during 1st -3rd February 2012. 4. RESEARCH CENTRE RECOGNITION The Department of Plant Biology & Plant Biotechnology was recognized as a research centre and permission was granted to start Full Time Ph.D in the year 2013. TN GOVT. LETTER No. 40199/3/2013 dated 4/3/2013 SL.NO NAME OF STAFF FULL TIME PART TIME 1 K. VIJAYA RAMESH 4 2 A SUBHASHINI 3 R. SORUBA 2 2 2 2 1 AFFILIATED UNIVERSITY MADRAS BHARATIYAAR MADRAS BHARATIYAAR MADRAS 5. EDUCATIONAL TRIPS UNDERTAKEN: 2012-2013 REPORT Final year UG & PG students of PB & PB accompanied by 4 teaching staff were taken for a 4 day educational tour between 21.01.13 & 25.01.13 to Cochin, Ernakulam and Munnar. Plants were collected from these places for taxonomy herbarium. 2011-2012 REPORT About seventy one students of Final year UG and PG and Four staff members went for an educational tour in August to Ooty, Pollachi and coimbatore. The Pg students of Pb&PB were taken to Thandalam, a forest area, for plant collection. "Tree Census" was conducted from 19.08.2011 by Selvi.D.S.Yasodha, Assistant Professor in PBPB in our campus. 2010-2011 REPORT Final year Ug & PG students along with 5 staff members went on educational tour in August 2011 for a week to Madurai, Courtallam and Kodaikanal.They visited Madurai Agricultural University to learn about various research activities in agriculture. final year UG students (63 students) attended a one day UGC sponsored workshop on mushroom cultivation held by Tamilnadu division of TNAU at Annanagar. 2009-2010 REPORT Tha Ist year PG students of PB&PB were taken to Fredrick Institute of Plant Protection &Toxicology, Padappai on the 9th of October. Final year PG students were taken to Rice Research Station in Thirur, in Oct 2014and collected disease affected plants. The Ist year PG students were taken to Madras Christian college campus to collect plants for their herbarium sheets. 290 The UG and PG students (85) accompanied by 6 staff members, went for an educational tour between 26th Feb' and 2nd March to Mysore, Coorg and Talakauvery. They visited the Bannari Amman Sugar Research Station located at Nachakodu near Mysore and learnt about the production of sugar and ethanol. They visited the Centre for Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI) at Mysore. Dr. Vanajakshi, introduced and spoke about the various microbiological and biotechnological techniques involved in food science. REPORT OF ASSOCIATION ACTIVITIES 2012-13 The department association meet "VRIKSHA" was held on 28.01.13. The meet was inaugurated by Dr.Mrs.S.Aruljothi, former HOD, Dept. of PB&PB with an inaugural speech on "Herbal Plants and Quality Control". 2010-11 The department of PB&PB association was inaugurated with an inaugural speech by Dr,K.B.Girivasan, Associate Professor, Dept. of PB&PB, Govt. Men's College, Nandanam. The speech was on "Importance of Plant Sciences as a career". He gave informations about placement opportunities in various private and government sectors and developing career skills. 2009-10 The PB&PB dept. association VRIKSHA held on 1.10.2009was headed by Mr.S.Indrakumar, Head, "Home Exnora". He spoke about "Reducing Global warming" and the ways to reduce house-hold wastes and it's benefits. ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS RECEIVED BY STUDENTS M. PRASANNA, a PG student received the Danish Mission Endowment Scholarship by the University of Madras for the year 2011-12. DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI OF THE DEPARTMENT d) K.C. Uma mageshwari is the Deputy Manager at Quality Controls, Tamil nadu Government, e) Logeswari is presently a teaching faculty at the Department of Biochemistry, Sri Ramachandra Medical College, Porur, Chennai f) Srivani Ramesh is presently the Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, University of Madras 291 NON ACADEMIC PRIZES LIST OF NON-ACADEMIC PRIZES WON BY THE STUDENTS DURING 2011-2012 S.NO 1. NAME OF THE PRIZE WINNER JANET KARUNYA.W 2. MANIMALA.P 3. GOMATHI. R 4. GOMATHI.R 5. KAVIYA. M 6. JULIE CATHREENA.P 7. ELAKKIYA.J . AALIYA.N JULIE CATHREENA.P 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. ELAKKIYA.J . AALIYA.N ADHILAKSHMI.G 13. BHUVANESHWARI.R 14. JANET KARUNYA.W 15. JEEVA. R 16. ABIRAMI.P 17. SUGANYA.J. 18. JANANI.P 19. UMASELVI.M 20. PRISCILLA.T CLASS/ MEDIUM II B.Sc TM III B.Sc TM III B.Sc TM EVENT COLLEGE/ INSTITUTION YRC PRIZE ETHIRAJ COLLEGE SECOND ETHIRAJ COLLEGE SECOND III B.Sc TM III B.Sc TM II B.Sc EM II B.Sc EM I B.Sc EM II B.Sc EM II B.Sc EM I B.Sc EM III B.Sc EM III B.Sc EM II B.Sc TM II B.Sc TM II B.Sc TM II B.Sc TM II B.Sc TM II B.Sc TM II B.Sc TM VEGETABLE CARVING VEGETABLE CARVING BIOLYRICS LOYOLA THIRD LOYOLA THIRD SDNB VAISHNAV FIRST BIOLYRICS SDNB VAISHNAV FIRST BIOLYRICS BIOLYRICS SDNB VAISHNAV SDNB VAISHNAV FIRST FIRST BIOLYRICS SDNB VAISHNAV FIRST BIOLYRICS BEST OUT OF WASTE BEST OUT OF WASTE ORATORICAL SDNB VAISHNAV LOYOLA COLLEGE FIRST THIRD LOYOLA COLLEGE THIRD LOYOLA FIRST ADZAP LOYOLA THIRD ADZAP LOYOLA ADZAP LOYOLA ADZAP LOYOLA THIRD ADZAP LOYOLA THIRD ADZAP LOYOLA THIRD ORATORICALTAMIL FLOWER ARRANGEMENT FLOWER ARRANGEMENT 292 SECOND ACADEMIC AWARDS / MEDALS/ PRIZES/ SCHOLARHIP WON BY THE STUDENTS: S.No Name of the Student Name of the Guide 1 C. KURINJIMALAR K. VIJAYA RAMESH 2. SILAMBARASI A SUBHASHINI 3 AMUDHA A SUBHASHINI 4 THENMOZHI R. SORUBA 5 LAKSHMI D. DORCUS 6 ISHWARYA D. DORCUS 7. S. DIVYA 8 E. M . ANITHA V. HEMAMALINI K. VIJAYA RAMESH 9 M. PRASANNA A SUBHASHINI 10 R. NITHYA D. DORCUS 11 UMAMAHESWARI P. INDRA Nature of the Project ,Funding Agencies ( with Reference No ,Date ) TNSCST-DBT TNSCST/SPS/AR/20092010 dated 24/2/2010 TANSCHE676/2018A/2504 DATED 10/11/2009 TANSCHE 889/2010 A dated 14/12/2010 TANSCHE 889/2010 A dated 14/12/2010 TANSCHE 889/2010 A dated 14/12/2010 TNSCST Amount Sanctioned Duration of Project, Completed/ongoing 10,000/- ONE YEAR COMPLETED 10,000/- ONE YEAR COMPLETED 10,000/- ONE YEAR COMPLETED 10,000/- ONE YEAR COMPLETED 10,000/- ONE YEAR COMPLETED 6000/- TNSCST 10,000/- TANSCHE D.O.Rc.No.570/2012A dated 16/11/12 TANSCHE D.O.Rc.No.570/2012A dated 16/11/12 TANSCHE D.O.Rc.No.570/2012A dated 16/11/12 TANSCHE D.O.Rc.No.570/2012A dated 16/11/12 15,000/- ONE YEAR COMPLETED ONE YEAR COMPLETED ONE YEAR COMPLETED 293 15,000/- ONE YEAR COMPLETED 15,000/- ONE YEAR COMPLETED 15,000/- ONE YEAR COMPLETED NON ACADEMIC PRIZES BY STUDENTS 2013-14 S.No 1 2 Name of the students N.Aaliya(III E.M) B.DuraiSelvi (III E.M) Year 2013 Details of Competition Inter collegiate competition BIOLYRICS Conducted by S.D.N.B vaishnav college for women Prize First 1 2 N.Aalia (III E.M) B.Duraiselvi (III E.M) 2013 BIOLYRICS Queen Mary‟s College for Women (PB&PB Dept) Second 1 2 R.Ruckmani (III E.M) .Leelavathi (III E.M) 2013 Floral Arrangement 1 2 J.Jasmine Mary (IIIE.M V.Renuka (III E.M) 2013 Vegetable Carving 1 2 L.Priya (I E.M) P.Shalini (E.M) 2013 Art out of waste Queen Mary‟s College for Women (PB&PB Dept) First 1 2 S.NandhiniSelvaraj (III E.M) V.UmaMaheswari (III E.M) 2013 Miss Gloriosa Queen Mary‟s College for Women (PB&PB Dept) second 1 2 3 N.Aaliya (III E.M) B.DuraiSelvi (III E.M) L.Devi (IIIE.M) 2013 BIOLYRICS Loyola College (PB&PB-Dept) First 1 2 K.Deepa (III E.M) A.Kalaivani (III E.M) 2013 Flower Arrangement Loyola College (PB&PB-Dept) First 1 2 L.Priya (I E.M) P.Salini (I E.M) 2013 Art out waste Loyola College (PB&PB-Dept) Second 1 J.Anadha Lakshmi (III E.M) A.Kalaivani (III E.M) 2013 Quiz Loyola College (PB&PB-Dept) Third P.S.Padmavathi (III E.M) 2013 Debate 2 1 Queen Mary‟s College for women (PB&PB Dept) First Queen Mary‟s College for Women (PB&PB Dept) First Loyola College (PB&PB-Dept) 294 Third 1 2 3 N.Aaliya (III E.M) B.DuraiSelv (III E.M)i K.Devi (III E.M) 1 2 K.Deepa(E.M) S.Padmavathi (E.M) 2014 BIOLYRICS First Ethiraj College for women (Dept.PB&PB) First 2014 Wealth out of waste Ethiraj College for women (Dept.PB&PB) 1 2 R.Ruckmani(E.M) N.Leelavathi (E.M) 2014 Floral Arrangement First Ethiraj College for women (Dept.PB&PB) 1 J.Anandha Lakshmi (E.M) 2014 Paper Presentation Second Ethiraj College for women (Dept.PB&PB) 1 2 M.Vijayalakshmi (I.M.Sc) A.Kavitha (I.M.Sc) 1 2 P. Pavithra(I. M.Sc) D.Thenmozhi(I.M.Sc) 2014 2014 Inter Colligate Competition Quiz Inter Colligate Competition Bio-Hunt 295 Loyola College (Dept .PB&PB) First Loyola College (Dept .PB&PB) Third EVALUATION REPORT 1. Name of the department & its year of establishments DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY Under graduate course : 1981-1982 Post graduate course : 1993-1994 M.Phil course : 2007-2008 B.Sc.,“Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology” was introduced in the academic year 2007-2008 , instead of, Zoology, to meet the demanding needs in curriculum and the field of Biotechnology . 2. Courses offered: B.Sc.,“Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology” M.Sc., Zoology M.Phil., Zoology 3. Interdisciplinary courses and department involved Interdisciplinary subjects offered to P.G students in 2004 - 2007 Department Title of the paper 1 History 1. Water resource management and water conservation in India 2. Cultural heritage of Tamilnadu 3. Journalism 2 English 3 Maths 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. Communicative skills – 1 Communicative skills – 2 English for competitive examinations Business mathematics Business statistics Resource Management 4 Botany 5 Zoology 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. Entrepreneurs Botanical Application Basic Horticulture Fruit preservation Apiculture Bacterial and Parasitic diseases Human Genetic disorders. 296 Interdisciplinary subjects offered to P.G students in 2007 - 2011 Inter disciplinary paper and Non Major Electives were introduced under choice based credit system for both Zoology and Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology Post Graduate students in 2007 - 2008 . Department Title of the paper 1 Zoology 1. Ornamental fishes and Aquarium maintenance. 2. Human Genetic Disorders and Genetic Counseling 2 Botany 1. Commercial crops and their Improvements. 2. Entrepreneurial Botanical Application Inter disciplinary paper - Classes were handled jointly by the staff of both the departments for Zoology and Botany students 1 Department Title of the paper 1. Basic Horticulture, soil biology and vermiculture. 2. Common Human Diseases and Herbal Remedies Zoology & Botany Inter disciplinary paper for U.G level. - Non major electives DEPARMENT TITLE OF THE PAPER 1 Economics 1. Basic principles of Indian constitution 2. Socio legal rights for women 2 History 3 English 4 Tamil 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 5 Commerce Human resource management Basics of economics Vocabulary extension and etiquette Advanced writing skills Pechukalai Semmozhi tamizh sirappum varalarum 1. Banking law & practice 2. Business organisation 297 4. ANNUAL / SEMESTER/ CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM B.Sc., ZOOLOGY - Syllabus 2004-2007 I YEAR – I SEMESTER S.NO TITLE OF THE PAPER 1 LANGUAGE – PAPER - I 2 ENGLISH - PAPER –I 3 CORE PAPER – 1 : BIOLOGY OF INVERTEBRATES -I 4 ALLIED- I: PAPER I CHEMISTRY – I 5 PRACTICAL – I : BIOLOGY OF INVERTEBRATES -I & II 6 ALLIED – I PRACTICAL I YEAR – II SEMESTER S.NO TITLE OF THE PAPER 1 LANGUAGE – PAPER - II 2 ENGLISH - PAPER –I I 3 CORE PAPER – 2 : BIOLOGY OF INVERTEBRATES -II 4 ALLIED- I: PAPER I CHEMISTRY – II 5 PRACTICAL – I : BIOLOGY OF INVERTEBRATES -I & II 6 ALLIED – I PRACTICAL II YEAR – III SEMESTER S.NO TITLE OF THE PAPER 1 LANGUAGE – PAPER - 3 2 ENGLISH - PAPER –3 3 CORE PAPER – 3: BIOLOGY OF CHORDATES -I 4 ALLIED- II: PAPER I BOTANY 5 PRACTICAL – I : BIOLOGY OF CHORDATES-I & II 6 ALLIED – II PRACTICAL II YEAR – IV SEMESTER S.NO TITLE OF THE PAPER 1 LANGUAGE – PAPER - 4 2 ENGLISH - PAPER - 4 3 CORE PAPER – 4: BIOLOGY OF CHORDATES -II 4 ALLIED- II: PAPER II BOTANY 5 PRACTICAL – I : BIOLOGY OF CHORDATES-I & II 6 ALLIED – II PRACTICAL III YEAR – V SEMESTER S.NO 1 CORE PAPER 5: 2 CORE PAPER 6: 3 CORE PAPER 7: SCIENCES. 4 CORE PAPER8 : TITLE OF THE PAPER CELL BIOLOGY GENETICS BIOSTATISTICS AND COMPUTATION IN LIFE ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY . 298 5 6 7 AOS-1 : MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY AND BIOINSTRUMENTATION- I PRACTICAL – III: CELL BIOLOGY , GENETICS, BIOTECHNOLOGY, MICROBIOLOGYAND ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY PRACTICAL – IV: ENVIROMENTAL IOLOGY , DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY , AOS 1 &2. III YEAR – VI SEMESTER S.NO TITLE OF THE PAPER 1 CORE PAPER 9: ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 2 CORE PAPER 10: DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY 3 CORE PAPER 11: MICROBIOLOGY 4 CORE PAPER 12 : BIOTECHNOLOGY 5 AOS – II : MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY AND BIOINSTRUMENTATION- II 6 PRACTICAL – III: CELL BIOLOGY , GENETICS, BIOTECHNOLOGY, MICROBIOLOGYAND ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY 7 PRACTICAL – IV: ENVIROMENTAL IOLOGY , DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY , AOS 1 &2. B.Sc., ADVANCED ZOOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGYSyllabus 2007-2008 I YEAR – I SEMESTER S.NO TITLE OF THE PAPER 1 LANGUAGE – PAPER - I 2 ENGLISH - PAPER –I 3 CORE PAPER – 1 : INVERTEBRATA -I 4 CORE PAPER – 2 : CHORDATA -I 5 ALLIED- I: PAPER I CHEMISTRY – I 6 PRACTICAL – I : INVERTEBRATA AND CHORDATA 7 ALLIED – I PRACTICAL 8 NME – I VERMICULTURE 9 SBE – SERICULTURE - I I YEAR – II SEMESTER S.NO TITLE OF THE PAPER 1 LANGUAGE – PAPER - II 2 ENGLISH - PAPER –I I CORE PAPER – 3: INVERTEBRATA -I 3 CORE PAPER – 4: CHORDATA 4 ALLIED- I: PAPER 2 CHEMISTRY – II 5 PRACTICAL – I : INVERTEBRATA AND CHORDATA 6 ALLIED – I PRACTICAL 7 VALUE EDUCATION 8 SBE – SERICULTURE - II 299 II YEAR – III SEMESTER S.NO TITLE OF THE PAPER 1 LANGUAGE – PAPER - 3 2 ENGLISH - PAPER –3 3 CORE PAPER – 5 : CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 4 CORE PAPER – 6 : EVOLUTION 5 ALLIED- II: PAPER I PBPB 6 PRACTICAL II: ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 7 ALLIED – II PRACTICAL II YEAR – IV SEMESTER S.NO TITLE OF THE PAPER 1 LANGUAGE – PAPER - 4 2 ENGLISH - PAPER –4 3 CORE PAPER – 7 : GENETICS 4 CORE PAPER – 8 : BIOCHEMISTRY AND TOOLS IN BIOLOGY 5 PRACTICAL II – CELL BIOLOGY, GENETICS, BIOCHEMISTRY 6 PRACTICAL II: ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 7 ALLIED- II: PAPER II PBPB 8 ALLIED- II: PBPB PRACTICAL 9 EVS III YEAR – V SEMESTER S.NO TITLE OF THE PAPER 1 CORE PAPER 9: DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 2 CORE PAPER 10: ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY 3 CORE PAPER 11: BIOPHYSICS , BIOSTATISTICS, BIOINFORMATICS & COMPUTER APPLICATIONS. 4 OPTIONAL PAPER : I – PUBLIC HEALTH AND HYGIENE. 5 PRACTICAL – III : PHYSIOLOGY, DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY , BIOPHYSICS , CLINICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY 6 PRACTICAL – IV BIOTECHNOLOGY , ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY , MOCROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY , BIOSTATISTICS AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS. III YEAR – VI SEMESTER S.NO TITLE OF THE PAPER 1 CORE PAPER 13: ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY AND ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR 2 CORE PAPER 13: MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY 3 CORE PAPER 14: BIOTECHNOLOGY 4 PRACTICAL –III : PHYSIOLOGY , DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY , BIOPHYSICS , CLINICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY 5 PRACTICAL – IV BIOTECHNOLOGY , ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY , MOCROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY , BIOSTATISTICS AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 300 B.Sc., ADVANCED ZOOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGYSyllabus 2008-2010 I YEAR – I SEMESTER S.NO TITLE OF THE PAPER 1 LANGUAGE – PAPER - I 2 ENGLISH - PAPER –I 3 CORE PAPER – 1 : INVERTEBRATA -I 4 CORE PAPER – 2 : INVERTEBRATA -II 5 ALLIED- I: PAPER I CHEMISTRY – I 6 PRACTICAL – I : INVERTEBRATA AND CHORDATA 7 ALLIED – I PRACTICAL 8 NME – I 9 SOFT SKILLS – ESSENTIALS OF LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATIONS I YEAR – II SEMESTER S.NO TITLE OF THE PAPER 1 LANGUAGE – PAPER - II 2 ENGLISH - PAPER –I I 3 CORE PAPER – 3: CHORDATA 4 ALLIED- I: PAPER 2 CHEMISTRY – II 5 PRACTICAL – I : INVERTEBRATA AND CHORDATA 6 ALLIED – I PRACTICAL 7 NME – II 8 SOFT SKILLS – II SPOKEN AND PRESENTATION SKILLS II YEAR – III SEMESTER S.NO TITLE OF THE PAPER 1 LANGUAGE – PAPER - 3 2 ENGLISH - PAPER –3 3 CORE PAPER – 5 : ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY 4 CORE PAPER – 6 : DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 5 ALLIED- II: PAPER I PBPB 6 PRACTICAL II: ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 7 ALLIED – II PRACTICAL 8 SOFT SKILL –III PERSONALITY ENRICHMENT 9 EVS 301 II YEAR – IV SEMESTER S.NO TITLE OF THE PAPER 1 LANGUAGE – PAPER - 4 2 ENGLISH - PAPER –4 3 CORE PAPER – 7 : BIOPHYSICS, BIOSTATISTICS, BIOINFORMATICS AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 4 ALLIED- II: PAPER II PBPB 5 ALLIED- II: PBPB PRACTICAL 6 6 7 8 9 CORE PAPER 8: PRACTICAL II: ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY PRACTICAL II: ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY SOFT SKILL –IVCOMPUTING SKILLS EVS EXTENSION ACTIVITIES III YEAR – V SEMESTER S.NO TITLE OF THE PAPER 1 CORE PAPER 9: ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 2 CORE PAPER 10: MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY 3 CORE PAPER 11: ELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND GENETICS 4 CORE PAPER 12: EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR 5 CORE PAPER : PRACTICAL III: PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 6 7 8 CORE PAPER : PRACTICAL IV: CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, GENETICS, BIOTECHNOLOGY, MICROBIOLOGYAND IMMUNOLOGY ELECTIVE I : MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY- I VALUE EDUCATION III YEAR – VI SEMESTER S.NO TITLE OF THE PAPER 1 CORE PAPER 13:BIOTECHNOLOGY 2 CORE PAPER 13: PRACTICAL III: PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 3 CORE PAPER 14: PRACTICAL IV: CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, GENETICS, BIOTECHNOLOGY, MICROBIOLOGYAND IMMUNOLOGY 4 ELECTIVE II : MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY- II 5 ELECTIVE III: PUBLIC HEALTH AND HYGIENE 6 VALUE EDUCATION 302 2011 - 2012 I YEAR (SEMESTER I) S.No. TITLE OF THE PAPER 1 LANGUAGE – PAPER-1 2 ENGLISH- PAPER-1 3 CORE PAPER – 1 INVERTEBRATA I 4 CORE PAPER –2 INVERTEBRATA II 5 ALLIED – I : PAPER I CHEMISTRY - 1 6 PRACTICAL – I INVERTEBRATA & CHORDATA 7 ALLIED – I PRACTICAL 8 NME I 9 SOFT SKILLS - ESSENTIALS OF LANGUAGE & COMMUNICATION I YEAR (SEMESTER II) S.No. TITLE OF THE PAPER 1 LANGUAGE – PAPER 2 2 ENGLISH – PAPER 2 3 CORE PAPER –3 CHORDATA 4 ALLIED – I PAPER 2 CHEMISTRY - 2 5 CORE PAPER-4 PRACTICAL I -INVERTEBRATA & CHORDATA 6 7 8 ALLIED – I PRACTICAL NME- II SOFT SKILLS – SPOKEN AND PRESENTATION II YEAR – III SEMESTER S.NO TITLE OF THE PAPER 1 LANGUAGE – PAPER – 3 2 ENGLISH - PAPER –3 3 CORE PAPER – 5 : ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY 4 CORE PAPER – 6 : DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 5 ALLIED- II: PAPER I PBPB 6 PRACTICAL II: ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 7 ALLIED – II PRACTICAL 8 SOFT SKILL –III PERSONALITY ENRICHMENT 9 EVS 303 II YEAR – IV SEMESTER S.NO TITLE OF THE PAPER 1 LANGUAGE – PAPER – 4 2 ENGLISH - PAPER –4 3 CORE PAPER – 7 : BIOPHYSICS, BIOSTATISTICS, BIOINFORMATICS AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 4 ALLIED- II: PAPER II PBPB 5 ALLIED- II: PBPB PRACTICAL 6 7 8 CORE PAPER 8: PRACTICAL II: ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY SOFT SKILL –IVCOMPUTING SKILLS EVS III YEAR – V SEMESTER S.NO TITLE OF THE PAPER CORE PAPER 9: ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 1 CORE PAPER 10: MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY 2 CORE PAPER 11:CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND GENETICS 3 CORE PAPER 12: EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR 4 CORE PAPER : PRACTICAL III: PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 5 6 7 8 CORE PAPER : PRACTICAL IV: CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, GENETICS, BIOTECHNOLOGY, MICROBIOLOGYAND IMMUNOLOGY ELECTIVE I : MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY- I VALUE EDUCATION III YEAR – VI SEMESTER S.NO TITLE OF THE PAPER CORE PAPER 13:BIOTECHNOLOGY 1 CORE PAPER 13: PRACTICAL III: PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 2 CORE PAPER 14: PRACTICAL IV: CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 3 GENETICS, BIOTECHNOLOGY, MICROBIOLOGYAND IMMUNOLOGY ELECTIVE II : MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY- II 4 ELECTIVE III: PUBLIC HEALTH AND HYGIENE 5 6 VALUE EDUCATION 304 B.Sc, Syllabus – 2012 -14 I YEAR – I SEMESTER S.NO TITLE OF THE PAPER 1 TAMIL PAPER - I 2 ENGLISH PAPER -I 3 CORE PAPER 1- INVERTEBRATA - I 4 CORE PAPER 2- INVERTEBRATA -II 5 CORE PRACTICAL I : INVERTEBRATA AND CHORDATA 6 ALLIED I - PAPER I- CHEMISTRY 7 ALLIED I PRACTICALS 8 NME SOFT SKILLS- ESSENTIALS OF LANGAUGE & 9 COMMUNICATION I YEAR – II SEMESTER S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TITLE OF THE PAPER TAMIL PAPER - II ENGLISH PAPER -II CORE PAPER - 3 CHORDATA CORE PRACTICALS- INVERTEBRATA & CHORDATA ALLIED - I PAPER II - CHEMISTRY ALLIED -I PRACTICALS NME SOFT SKILLS- SPOKEN & PRESENTATION SKILLS II YEAR – III SEMESTER S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TITLE OF THE PAPER TAMIL PAPER - III ENGLISH PAPER -III CORE PAPER -5 ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY CORE PAPER - 6 DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY CORE PRACTICAL II ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY ALLIED - II- PAPER I PBPB ALLIED II - PRACTICALS SOFT SKILLS - PERSONALITY ENRICHMENT ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES 305 II YEAR – IV SEMESTER S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TITLE OF THE PAPER TAMIL PAPER IV ENGLISH PAPER IV CORE PAPER - 7 BIOPHYSICS, BIOSTATISTICS,BIOINFORMATICS & COMPUTER APPLICATIONS CORE PAPER - 8 PRACTICAL II: ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY & DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY ALLIED II - PAPER II : PBPB ALLIED II - PRACTICALS SOFT SKILLS - COMPUTING SKILLS ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES III YEAR – V SEMESTER S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TITLE OF THE PAPER CORE PAPER 9 : BIOTECHNOLOGY CORE PAPER 10 : MICROBIOLOGY & IMMNUNOLOGY CORE PAPER 11: CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND GENETICS CORE PAPER 12: EVOLUTION & ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR PRACTICAL III ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY, BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY PRACTICAL IV CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, GENETICS , MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMMUNOLOGY ELECTIVE I : MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY - I VALUE EDUCATION III YEAR – VI SEMESTER S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 TITLE OF THE PAPER CORE PAPER 13: ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY CORE PAPER 14- PRACTICAL III: PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY CORE PAPER 15 - PRACTICAL IV: CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND GENETICS, BIOTECHONOLOGY , MICROBIOLOGYAND IMMUNOLOGY ELECTIVE II: MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY - II ELECTIVE III: PUBLIC HEALTH AND HYGIENE VALUE EDUCATION 306 B.Sc., SYLLABUS 2014 – 2015 ONWARDS I YEAR – I SEMESTER S.No TITLE OF THE PAPER 1 2 3 4 TAMIL PAPER - I ENGLISH PAPER -I CORE PAPER 1- INVERTEBRATA - I CORE PAPER 2- INVERTEBRATA -II CORE PRACTICAL I : INVERTEBRATA AND CHORDATA 5 ALLIED I - PAPER I- CHEMISTRY ALLIED I PRACTICALS 6 7 ARTS DEPT ESSENTIALS OF LANGAUGE & COMMUNICATION I YEAR - II SEMESTER S.No TITLE OF THE PAPER 1 TAMIL PAPER - II 2 ENGLISH PAPER -II 3 CORE PAPER - 3 CHORDATA 4 CORE PAPER - 4 -PRACTICAL-I INVERTEBRATA & CHORDATA 5 ALLIED - I PAPER II - CHEMISTRY 6 ALLIED -I PRACTICALS 7 NME - ARTS DEPT 8 SPOKEN & PRESENTATION SKILLS 307 II YEAR – III SEMESTER S.NO TITLE OF THE PAPER 1 TAMIL PAPER - III 2 ENGLISH PAPER -III 3 CORE PAPER -5 ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY 4 CORE PAPER - 6 DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY CORE PRACTICAL II ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 5 ALLIED - II- PAPER I PBPB 6 ALLIED II - PRACTICALS 7 SOFT SKILLS-PERSONALITY ENRICHMENT 8 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES II YEAR – IV SEMESTER S.NO TITLE OF THE PAPER 1 TAMIL PAPER IV 2 ENGLISH PAPER IV 3 CORE PAPER - 7 BIOPHYSICS, BIOSTATISTICS, BIOINFORMATICS & COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 4 CORE PAPER - 8 PRACTICAL II: ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY & DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 5 ALLIED II - PAPER II : PBPB 6 ALLIED II - PRACTICALS 7 SOFT SKILLS- COMPUTING SKILLS 8 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES NSS,NCC,YRC,RRC,SPORTS 308 III YEAR – V SEMESTER S.NO TITLE OF THE PAPER 1 CORE PAPER 9 : BIOTECHNOLOGY 2 CORE PAPER 10 : MICROBIOLOGY & IMMNUNOLOGY 3 CORE PAPER 11: CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND GENETICS 4 CORE PAPER 12: EVOLUTION & ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR PRACTICAL III ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY, BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY PRACTICAL IV CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, GENETICS , MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMMUNOLOGY 5 ELECTIVE I : MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY - I 6 VALUE EDUCATION III YEAR - VI SEMESTER S.NO TITLE OF THE PAPER 1 CORE PAPER 13: ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 2 CORE PAPER 14- PRACTICAL III: PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 3 CORE PAPER 15 - PRACTICAL IV: CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND GENETICS, BIOTECHONOLOGY , MICROBIOLOGYAND IMMUNOLOGY 4 ELECTIVE II: MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY - II 5 ELECTIVE III: PUBLIC HEALTH AND HYGIENE 6 VALUE EDUCATION 309 P.G SYLLABUS FRAME WORK M.SC – ZOOLOGY SYLLABUS – 2004- 2007 I YEAR – I SEMESTER 1 I ELECTIVE ORNAMENTAL FISHES AND AQUARIUM MAINTENANCE 2 II ELECTIVE SOIL BIOLOGY AND VERMICULTURE S.NO 1 2 3 TITLE OF THE PAPER ANIMAL DIVERSITY CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND GENETICS PRACTICAL – 1:ANIMAL DIVERSITY,CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND GENETICS, I. CORE II.CORE III. CORE I YEAR – II SEMESTER S.NO 4 IV. CORE 5 V.CORE 6 VI.CORE TITLE OF THE PAPER BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY PRACTICAL – 2:BIOCHEMISTRY , BIOPHYSICS, MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY II YEAR – III SEMESTER S.NO 7 VII. CORE 8 VIII.CORE 9 IX.CORE TITLE OF THE PAPER ENIVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY PRACTICAL -3: ENIVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY II YEAR – IV SEMESTER S.NO 10 X.CORE 11 XI.CORE 12 XII.CORE 13 XIII.CORE TITLE OF THE PAPER RESEARCH METHODOLOGY BIOSTATISTICS AND COMPUTER APPLICATION DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY PRACTICAL – 4:RESEARCH METHODOLOGY, BIOSTATISTICS AND COMPUTER APPLICATION, DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY ELECTIVE FOR OTHER DEPARTMENT STUDENTS BIOINFORMATICS 3 III ELECTIVE FISHERY BIOLOGY AND AQUACULTURE 4 IV ELECTIVE 310 SUPPORTIVE FOR OTHER DEPARTMENT STUDENTS 5 I SUPPORTIVE APICULTURE 6 II BACTERIAL AND PARASITIC DISEASES 7 III SUPPORTIVE SUPPORTIVE HUMAN GENETIC DISORDERS M.SC – ZOOLOGY SYLLABUS – 2007- 2008 I YEAR – I SEMESTER S.NO TITLE OF THE PAPER ANIMAL DIVERSITY CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND GENETICS BIOTECHNOLOGY I. CORE II.CORE III. CORE IV.CORE LAB COURSE- ANIMAL DIVERSITY,CELL AND MOLECULAR I BIOLOGY AND GENETICS, AND BIOTECHNOLOGY I YEAR – II SEMESTER S.NO V. CORE VI.CORE VII.CORE VIII.CORE LAB COURSEII II YEAR – III SEMESTER S.NO IX. CORE X.CORE XI.CORE LAB COURSEIII TITLE OF THE PAPER BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY BIOTECHNOLOGY BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS,& BIOSTATISTICS,MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY TITLE OF THE PAPER ENIVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY ENIVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY II YEAR – IV SEMESTER S.NO TITLE OF THE PAPER XII.CORE MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY BIOSTATISTICS AND COMPUTER APPLICATION IN XIII.CORE BIOLOGY XIV.CORE DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY XV.CORE MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY, LAB COURSE- BIOSTATISTICS AND COMPUTER APPLICATION IN IV BIOLOGY, DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 311 2008- 2010 I YEAR – I SEMESTER S.NO I. CORE II.CORE III.CORE LAB COURSEI ELECTIVE (MAJOR) ELECTIVE (MAJOR) I YEAR – II SEMESTER S.NO IV. CORE V.CORE VI.CORE III.CORE LAB COURSEII ELECTIVE (MAJOR) II YEAR – III SEMESTER S.NO VII. CORE VIII.CORE IX.CORE XI.CORE LAB COURSEIII ELECTIVE (MAJOR) II YEAR – IV SEMESTER S.NO XII.CORE XIII.CORE XV.CORE LAB COURSEIII XV CORE ELECTIVE (MAJOR) TITLE OF THE PAPER ANIMAL DIVERSITY CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND GENETICS ANIMAL DIVERSITY,CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND GENETICS ORNAMENTAL FISHES AND AQUARIUM MAINTENANCE HUMAN GENETIC DISORDERS TITLE OF THE PAPER BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS,& BIOSTATISTICS MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY BIOTECHNOLOGY BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS,& BIOSTATISTICS,MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY,BIOTECHNOLOGY HUMAN REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY TITLE OF THE PAPER DEVELOPMENT BIOLOGY ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY AQUACULTURE DEVELOPMENT BIOLOGY, ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY, AQUACULTURE COMMON HUMAN DISEASES TITLE OF THE PAPER ENIVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ENIVRONMENTAL BIOLOGY AND RESEARCH METHODOLOGY PROJECT / VIVA VOCE BIOINFORMATICS 312 2011- 2012 I YEAR – I SEMESTER S.NO I. CORE II.CORE III.CORE LAB COURSEI ELECTIVE (MAJOR) ELECTIVE (MAJOR) I YEAR – II SEMESTER S.NO IV. CORE V.CORE VI.CORE III.CORE LAB COURSEII ELECTIVE (MAJOR) II YEAR – III SEMESTER S.NO VII. CORE VIII.CORE IX.CORE XI.CORE LAB COURSEIII ELECTIVE (MAJOR) II YEAR – IV SEMESTER S.NO XII.CORE XIII.CORE XV.CORE LAB COURSEIII XV CORE ELECTIVE (MAJOR) TITLE OF THE PAPER ANIMAL DIVERSITY CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND GENETICS ANIMAL DIVERSITY,CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND GENETICS ORNAMENTAL FISHES AND AQUARIUM MAINTENANCE HUMAN GENETIC DISORDERS TITLE OF THE PAPER BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS,& BIOSTATISTICS MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY BIOTECHNOLOGY BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS,& BIOSTATISTICS,MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY,BIOTECHNOLOGY ANIMAL HUSBANDARY TITLE OF THE PAPER DEVELOPMENT BIOLOGY ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY AQUACULTURE DEVELOPMENT BIOLOGY, ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY, AQUACULTURE MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY TITLE OF THE PAPER ENIVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ENIVRONMENTAL BIOLOGY AND RESEARCH METHODOLOGY PROJECT / VIVA VOCE BIOINFORMATICS 313 2012- 2014 I YEAR – I SEMESTER S.NO I. CORE II.CORE III.CORE LAB COURSEI ELECTIVE (MAJOR) ELECTIVE (MAJOR) I YEAR – II SEMESTER S.NO IV. CORE V.CORE VI.CORE III.CORE LAB COURSEII ELECTIVE (MAJOR) II YEAR – III SEMESTER S.NO VII. CORE VIII.CORE IX.CORE XI.CORE LAB COURSEIII ELECTIVE (MAJOR) II YEAR – IV SEMESTER S.NO XII.CORE XIII.CORE XV.CORE LAB COURSEIII XV CORE ELECTIVE (MAJOR) TITLE OF THE PAPER ANIMAL DIVERSITY CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND GENETICS ANIMAL DIVERSITY,CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND GENETICS BIOINFORMATICS HUMAN GENETIC DISORDERS TITLE OF THE PAPER BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS,& BIOSTATISTICS MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY BIOTECHNOLOGY BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS,& BIOSTATISTICS,MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY,BIOTECHNOLOGY ANIMAL HUSBANDARY TITLE OF THE PAPER DEVELOPMENT BIOLOGY ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY AQUACULTURE DEVELOPMENT BIOLOGY, ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY, AQUACULTURE MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY TITLE OF THE PAPER ENIVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ENIVRONMENTAL BIOLOGY AND RESEARCH METHODOLOGY PROJECT / VIVA VOCE ORNAMENTAL FISHES AND AQUARIUM MAINTENANCE 314 2014- 2015 I YEAR – I SEMESTER S.NO I. CORE II. CORE TITLE OF THE PAPER ANIMAL DIVERSITY CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND GENETICS ANIMAL DIVERSITY, CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND GENETICS III. CORE LAB COURSE-I ( PRACTICALS) ELECTIVE (MAJOR) ELECTIVE (MAJOR) SOFT SKILL 1 BIO-INFORMATICS HUMAN GENETIC DISORDERS COMPUTING SKILLS I YEAR – II SEMESTER S.NO IV. CORE V. CORE VI. CORE TITLE OF THE PAPER BIOCHEMISTRY BIOPHYSICS & BIOSTATISTICS MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY BIOTECHNOLOGY BIOCHEMISTRY , BIOPHYSICS, BIOSTATISTICS, MICROBIOLOGY , IMMUNOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY ENTOMOLOGY VII. CORE LAB COURSE - II ( PRACTICALS) ELECTIVE (MAJOR) SOFT SKILL -2 LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION SKILLS II YEAR – III SEMESTER S.NO TITLE OF THE PAPER VIII. CORE IX. CORE X. CORE XI. CORE LAB COURSE -III ( PRACTICALS) ELECTIVE (MAJOR) SOFT SKILLS -3 DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY AQUACULTURE DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY, ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY AND AQUACULTURE MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY SPOKEN ENGLISH II YEAR – IV SEMESTER S.NO XII. CORE XIII. CORE XIV. CORE LAB COURSE IV ( PRACTICALS) XV. CORE ELECTIVE (MAJOR) SOFT SKILLS -4 TITLE OF THE PAPER ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY AND RESEARCH METHODOLOGY PROJECT / VIVA VOCE TOXICOLOGY LIFE AND MANAGERIAL SKILL INTERNSHIP ( on soft skill) 315 4. Participation of the Zoology department in the courses offered by other departments. 1. Computer literacy program offered by computer science department 2. Non major Elective courses offered by – Tamil , English , history, economics, and commerce departments. 5. Number of teaching posts sanctioned and filled (Professors/Associate Asst. Professors Sanctioned Filled Professors 1 Associate Professors 4 12 Asst.Professors 9 6. Faculty profile Qualification Designation Specialization Mrs. V. Usha Rani M. Sc., M. Phil., Associate Professor Genetics 30 &Microbiology nil Dr.Mrs.M.Shanmuga M. Sc., M. valli Phil., Ph. D Assistant Professor Biotechnology 17 nil Dr. (Mrs). P. Sarala M. Sc., M. Phil., B. Ed., Ph. D Associate Professor Reproductive Biology & Biotechnology 18 nil Mrs. K. Kanmani Vennila Mrs.Thyagarajan Sridevi M. Sc., M. Phil., M. Sc., M. Phil., Assistant Professor Associate Professor Genetics 16 nil Fishery Biology 16 nil Dr. (Mrs) Yazhini Jagadeesan M. Sc., M. Phil., Ph. D Associate Professor Toxicology & Microbiology 14 nil Mrs. S. Kavitha M. Sc., M. Phil., M. Sc., M. Phil., Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Genetics 7 nil Aquatic Toxicology 7 nil Mrs.G.Sharmila 316 No.of years of Experience No. of Ph.D students guided for the last 4 years Name Dr.Mrs.D.Sarasa Dr.Mrs.J.J.Arokia Rita Mrs.S.Nandhini M. Sc., M. Assistant Phil., B. Ed., Professor Ph. D M. Sc., Ph. D Assistant Professor M. Sc., M. Assistant Phil., Professor Physiology 6 nil Environmental Toxicology Toxicology 5 nil 5 nil 29. Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – program-wise information Nil 30. Student staff Ratio U.G – TOTAL no of students = 289/ 11 = 26 / staff -------------------------Total number of staff P.G = TOTAL no of students = 52/ 11 = 5 / staff -------------------------Total number of staff M.PHIL= ONE GUIDE / STUDENT 31. Academic support staff – sanctioned post - 2 Filled – 2 (lab assistants) Administrative staff - Not applicable 32. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) national b) international funding agencies and c) Total grants received. Mention names of funding agencies and grants received project-wise . Minor Projects 1. Year : 2012-2014 (completed in October 2014 ) Total grants received - 1.5 lakhs Funding agencies – UGC 2. Ongoing - from 2014 october Total grants received - 1.75 lakhs Funding agencies – UGC 317 33. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, etc.; total grants received Nil 34. Research facility / centre with o state recognition o national recognition o international recognition M.phil – state recognition 35. A. Total number of papers published in journals – National – 4 International – 24 B. Books Mrs. V.Usha Rani - 1. Text book on Environmental biology and Animal behavior ( in Tamil version published by Tamil Nadu State council for higher education) 2. Translated about 350 topics in British encyclopedia into Tamil in the fields of Zoology , Botany , History and Geography - published by Anandha vikatan groups . 36. Details of patents and income generated 1. Dr.Mrs .Shanmughavalli with three patent Clibanarius clibanarius voucher CCPC COX 1 Gene, Partial Sequence; Mitochondrial Clibanarius clibanarius voucher CCCH COX 1 Gene, Partial Sequence; Mitochondrial Clibanarius clibanarius voucher CLCH COX 1 Gene, Partial Sequence; Mitochondrial 37. Areas of consultancy and income generated 318 Nil 38. Faculty recharging strategies A. Through Faculty development program – two faculty Mrs.Shanmughavalli and Mrs.Thiyagarajan Sridevi have made use of this opportunity and completed their doctoral program . B. Encouragement of faculty to submit Research proposals to various funding agencies – Dr.Arokia Rita and Mrs .Nandhini have received Minor research projects. C. updating their knowledge by attending various National and International seminars / Symposia / conferences. 29. Awards / recognitions received at the national and international level by o Faculty o Doctoral / post doctoral fellows o Students Awards received by staff : 1. S.No 1. Name of the Research Awardee GEPR- Research Association 2. GSHEO-Organisation Dr.Mrs.Yazhini Jagadeesan Nature of the Award Dr.Radha Krishnan Gold Medal Award for Individual and distinguished service in her field Bharat ShikshaRatan Award 2. Dr. M. MAJEETHA PARVEEN – Dr.V.K. MURTHY Endowment award – Awarded Gold Medal for best Ph.D thesis for the year 2008. 30. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized and the source of funding (national / international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. 1. State level seminar on “ Stem Cell and its Application” 2008. Funded by TNSCST 2. National Seminar on “ Biodiversity” – 2012. Funded by TANSCHE. 31. Student profile course-wise: 319 Name of the Course Application received Selected Female B.Sc., 2006-2007 390 78 M.Sc., 2006-2007 48 26 B.Sc., 2007 -2008 591 78 M.Sc., 2007-2008 45 26 M.phil 2007-2008 3 3 B.Sc., 2008-2009 653 78 M.Sc., 2008-2009 37 26 M.phil 2008-2009 18 3 B.Sc., 2009-2010 634 78 M.Sc., 2009-2010 48 26 M.phil 2009-2010 16 3 B.Sc., 2010-2011 685 78 M.Sc., 2010-2011 38 26 M.phil 2010-2011 8 3 B.Sc., 2011-2012 788 78 M.Sc., 2011-2012 43 26 M.phil 2011-2012 11 3 B.Sc., 2012-2013 800 78 M.Sc., 2012-2013 53 26 M.phil 2012-2013 3 3 B.Sc., 2013-2014 876 80 M.Sc., 2013-2014 43 26 M.phil 2013-2014 6 3 B.Sc., 2006-2007 800 82 M.Sc., 2006-2007 32 26 B.Sc., 2007 -2008 8 3 320 DEPARTMENT RESULTS Name of the Course Pass Percentage B.Sc., 2006-2007 76 % M.Sc., 2006-2007 95.45 % B.Sc., 2007 -2008 94.5 % M.Sc., 2007-2008 90 % M.phil 2007-2008 100 % B.Sc., 2008-2009 97 % M.Sc., 2008-2009 100 % M.phil 2008-2009 100 % B.Sc., 2009-2010 97 % M.Sc., 2009-2010 53 % M.phil 2009-2010 100 % B.Sc., 2010-2011 85 % M.Sc., 2010-2011 100 % M.phil 2010-2011 50 % B.Sc., 2011-2012 95.50% M.Sc., 2011-2012 100 % M.phil 2011-2012 100 % B.Sc., 2012-2013 85.91% M.Sc., 2012-2013 87.5% M.phil 2012-2013 100 % B.Sc., 2013-2014 92 % M.Sc., 2013-2014 87 % M.phil 2013-2014 Results awaited 321 22. DIVERSITY OF STUDENTS Name of the Course % of Students from the college % of Students from the state 100 % % of Students from the other state Nil 80 % 100 % Nil 100 % Nil B.Sc., 2006-7 M.Sc., 2006-7 B.Sc., 2007 -8 M.Sc., 2007-8 80 % 100 % Nil M.phil 2007-8 80 % 100 % Nil 100 % Nil B.Sc., 2008-9 M.Sc., 2008-9 80 % 100 % Nil M.phil 2008-9 80 % 100 % Nil 100 % Nil B.Sc., 2009-10 M.Sc., 2009-10 80 % 100 % Nil M.phil 2009-10 80 % 100 % Nil 100 % Nil B.Sc., 2010-11 M.Sc., 2010-11 80 % 100 % Nil M.phil 2010-11 80 % 100 % Nil 100 % Nil B.Sc., 2011-12 M.Sc., 2011-12 80 % 100 % Nil M.phil 2011-12 80 % 100 % Nil 100 % Nil B.Sc., 2012-13 M.Sc., 2012-13 80 % 100 % Nil M.phil 2012-13 80 % 100 % Nil 100 % Nil B.Sc., 2013-14 M.Sc., 2013-14 80 % 100 % Nil M.phil 2013-14 80 % 100 % Nil 100 % Nil B.Sc., 2014-15 M.Sc., 2014-15 80 % 100 % Nil M.phil 2014-15 80 % 100 % Nil 322 29. How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services, NET, SLET, GATE and any other competitive examinations? Nil 24. Student progression Students Progression Percentage against enrolled UG to PG 50 % PG to Mphil 20 % PG to PH.D 2% Ph.d to Post Doctoral Nil Employed Campus selection Other than campus recruitment 50 % Entrepreneurs 10 % Details of students who persuaded higher studies S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Name of the candidate M.VIDHYA R.PRAVEEN KUMARI G.MEENA KUMARI M.JAMUNA E.KALAIYARASI S.NOORE JESHMI J.JENIFER V.DEVI A.NALINI S.JAYASHREE R.JALA JAGANDHI D.THILAGAVATHY S.SUDHA P.SARANYA S.SUVITHA R.SUGANYA DEVI P.ANU DIVYA.N R.DIVYA BHARATHI DURGA.P Details M.Sc in Q.M.G.C M.Sc in Q.M.G.C M.Sc in Q.M.C M.Sc in Q.M.G.C M.Sc in Q.M.G.C M.Sc UNIVERSITY OF MADRAS P.G IN TAMILISAI COLLEGE B.ED M.Sc B.ED M.Sc B.ED M.Sc M.Sc M.Sc M.Sc M.Sc in Q.M.G.C M.Sc., in presidency B.L M.Sc in Q.M.C 323 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 HELAN MARY.S G.KAVI NILAVU. LOGESWARI.E MAGI.S MAHALAKSHMI.A MAYOORI.M NITHYA.M D.NITHYA N.SARAWATHI A.SEETHA SHAKILA.D SHANMUGA PRIYA.K SHOBANA PRIYA.M SUBHA.E SUBHA MALLIKA.E SUDHA.V SUDHA.D SUDHA LAKSHMI .P SUMATHY.M 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 VIDHYA.S EZHILARASI.S JAYA CHITRA.R DEEPA.C DEEPA.N GEETA.T JANAKI.A KAMATCHI.G MADHAVI.T.D MENAKA.S MOBINA.M NITHYA.K PUNITHA.P SAILAJA.K SAKTHI PALLAVI.R SEYED ALI FATHIMA THENMOZHI.N VIOLET RANI.V.R. JENNIFER .S HEMAVATHY.S E. KALIYAMMAL K.MAHESWARI P.MAHALAKSHMI M.Sc-JAYA COLLEGE M.Sc in Ethiraj college M.Sc in Q.M.G.C B.ED B.ED DMLT M.Sc in Q.M.G.C B.ED M.Sc in Q.M.G.C M.SC -UNIVERSITY OF MADRAS M.Sc in Q.M.G.C M.Sc in Loyola college M.Sc in Q.M.G.C M.Sc in Q.M.G.C M.Sc in Q.M.C B.ED M.Sc in Q.M.G.C M.Sc- Biotechnology B.ED M.Sc -Medical Anatomy University oF Madras M.Sc in Q.M.G.C M.Sc in BHARATHI M.PHIL in Q.M.C M.PHIL in Q.M.C M.PHIL in University of Madras B.ED M.S.c.,B.ED M.S.c.,B.ED M.PHIL in Q.M.G.C B.ED B.ED B.ED PH.D- VETERINARY UNIVERSITY B.ED B.ED B.ED M.S.c.,B.ED M.A SOCIOLOGY M.Sc in Ethiraj college B.ED M.Sc in Ethiraj college B.ED 324 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 A.MAHESWARI E.NITHYA R.SUMAYA BANU S.SANDHIYA R.NANDHINI R.RESHMA S.NANDESHWARI K.PATTU G.SWARNALATHA P.ANANDHI JULIET .R R.SENTHAMIZH C.PRATHEEPA M.Sc in Q.M.C M.Sc in Q.M.G. C M.SC M.Sc in Q.M.G. C M.Sc in Q.M.G. C B.ED M.Sc in Q.M.G. C M.Sc in Q.M.G. C M.Sc in Q.M.G. C M.PHIL , CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS B.ED B.ED B.ED 25. Diversity of Staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates Of the same parent University 100 % From other universities within the state Nil From other universities from other states Nil 26. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period Ph.D - 4 STAFF MEMBERS 27. Present details about infrastructural facilities a. Library : Department has library with about 2830 books and 8 research journals. b. Internet facilities for staff and students: Available in the general library c. Total number of class rooms: 6 d. Class rooms with ICT facility : nil e. Students laboratories : 2 + 1 lab cum PG class room f. Research laboratories : 1 325 EQUIPMENTS AND LAB INFRASTRUCTURES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Laminar air flow Digital top balance pH meter Centrifuge Haemocytometer Microscope – Dissection Microscopes, compound microscopes, binocular microscopes. 7. Trinocular Microscope 8. Photomicrography instrument 9. 2 ton AC 10. Double distillation -Water distillation unit 11. Deep freezer 12. Refrigerator 13. Overhead project 14. UV transilluminator 15. Phase contrast Attachment 16. Digital electronic balance 17. Electrophoresis Unit – Disc & Slab 18. Chromatography 19. Spectrophotometer 20. Calorimeter 21. Respirometer 22. Hemoglobin meter 23. Water bath 24. Magnetic stirrer unit 28. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from College Students are benefitted from scholarships & financial aid is provided in the form of Govt scholarships and private bodies 29. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new program(s)? If so, give the methodology Nil 30. Does the department obtain feedback from a. Faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize it? Suggestions made by the staff in teaching – learning – evaluation methods are utilized to frame the curriculum. 326 b. Students on staff, curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation and what is the response of the department to the same? Feed back from the students are encouraged to enhance teaching methods, this helps in tuning the students according to their capacities and needs. c. Alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the department to the same? Alumni are invited for every board of studies meetings. Their suggestions are analyzed from students point of view . 31. List the distinguished alumni of the department 1. Dr.M.Shanmughavalli – Assistant Professor – Quaid-E-Millath Govt for Women. 2. Miss . Anandhi – Police service 3. Miss.P.Jayalakshmi – Police service 4. K.Priya - Principal – Sri Vani Matric Hr.Sec.School. 32. Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) with external experts. CHIEF GUEST TOPIC YEAR Dr. Premavathy Balachandran. Rtd.Principal,Q.M.G.C,Chennai-2. Dr. Devaraj D.Sc., University of Madras, Chennai. “Ladder of Success” 2006 “Kuruthu Anu” Seminar on stem cell and its application. 2008 Dr.Kumanan HOD Of Biotechnology, Veterinary college, Chennai. Dr. Raghunathan Asst.Professsor,Gurunanak college,Chennai. 200th Birth Anniversary of Charles Darwin” Darwin 2000. General Biotechnology Application. Prof.T.Sargunam Stephen, Prof. Emeritus Nandanam Arts College, Chennai. and Recent trends in Aquaculture. Intercollegiate Quiz Competition on Evolution. Life Sciences Today 327 its 2008 2009 2010 2011 Dr.Krishnan Srinivasan Former Scientist ,Zoological survey of India and member of the commission on Ecosystems management,IUCN Conservation of Biodiversity 2012 Dr.Sabu.K.Thomas Insect Diversity Associate Professor ,Department of Zoology St.Josephs college ,Devagiri, Kerala Mr.Kumaran Marine mammal conservation in India Marine mammal consultant 2012 Dr.Munirajan , Associate Prof.Dept of Genetics ,IBMS, Tharamani. Genetic diversity and associated diseases 2012 Dr.N.Vijaya Lakdhmi Associate Professor ,Department of Molecular Oncology, Cancer Institute, Adyar Prof.T.Ambrose Associate Professor ,Department of Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology , Loyola college , Chennai – 34. Biotechnology in caner Awareness 2013 Bio ethics 2014 2012 33. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different program. The department provides good academic ambience for focused learning . Faculty use traditional classroom teaching methods as well as modern teaching skills using OHP,LCD, and computers. 34. How does the department ensure that program objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes monitored? The department promotes faculty - student and student – student interaction. Asking questions during classes and giving tests and assignments. Students learning out comes were monitored. 35. Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities Students are encouraged to participate in competitions conducted by other colleges and institutions .Special considerations were given for permission to participate in competitions. The tests and lab sessions missed by the students during the participation were allowed to write retest and special lab sessions were arranged for the students who represent the college in extension activities. 328 36. Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department Every Academic year the department conducts Associate activities through which various competition are conducted. The department conducted the inter collegiate competition for the students for other city colleges - Quiz Competition . The department conducts Seminar every year to enrich the students and staff members with latest inform in the field of science. Students are encouraged to develop their skill by participating in various extra curricular activities like sports, NCC, NSS, Enviro club , Leo club, YRC,RRC etc. 37 . State whether the program/ department is accredited/ graded by other agencies. Give details Not Applicable 38. Detail any five Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department Strengths - Efficient and dedicated faculty members - courses offered help the students to find a good job. - Apart from teaching curriculum, students are taught about discipline and behavior to make them better future citizens. Weaknesses & Challenges encountered - Due to financial difficulties and poor family back ground ,majority of students are part time employed to help themselves in their studies. They are not able to find more time for other academic and extracurricular activities. Opportunities -Employment opportunities are very vast in the field of zoologist gets equal opportunity as in any other field – to mention a few Teaching at school and colleges Zoology, any Research opportunities – Research organizations prefer zoologist because they study about the biology, anatomy , physiology , cell biology, genetics, biochemistry and physiology of living organism, which makes them to get a better understanding about the living organism. Technicians – Medical Lab technicians , Biotechnologist , Microbiologist Entrepreneursin field of Aquaculture, ornamental fish vermiculture , Apiculture, sericulture etc and Aquarium maintenance, 39. Future Plans of the Department 1. Proposed to conduct certificate / diploma courses – in MLT , Aquaculture , Ornamental fishes and their culture , Vermiculture - to help the students become an Entrepreneur. 2. Planning to organize National seminars 3. Planning to organize workshops to teacher and students. 4. To establish Biotechnology Research unit to improve research activities for PG and M.phil students. 5. The Research unit will organize demonstrations and hands on training for the staff and students 329 4. Evaluative Report of the Departments 19. Name of the Department & its year of establishment - HOME SCIENCE, 1975 20. Names of Programmes / Courses offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., etc.) - NUTRITION FOOD SERVICE MANAGEMENT AND DIETETICS 21. Interdisciplinary courses and departments involved - NIL 22. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system - CBCS 23. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments NME, SOFTSKILL 24. Number of teaching posts sanctioned and filled (Professors/Associate Asst. Professors Professors Associate Professors Asst.Professors 10. Sanctioned - Faculty profile with name, qualification, (D.Sc./D.Litt. /Ph.D. / M. Phil. etc.,) 330 Filled 6 2 designation, specialization, Name Mrs. C. P. Brindha Mrs. Sowmya. N. Qualification M. Sc., M.Sc.,M.Phil., /NET JRF Designation Associate Professor Associate Professor Head of the Department Specialization No of Years of Experi ence No of Ph.D students guided for the last 4 years Child Development 34 Food Service Management & Dietetics 16 Years nil nil Years Mrs. Nisha Solomon M. Sc., / NET JRF Associate Professor Food Service Management & Dietetics 16 Years nil Dr.Mrs. N. M. Sc., M. Phil., PGDCA. Associate Professor Food Science and Nutrition 16 Years nil M. Sc., M.Phil., Associate Professor Food Service Management & Dietetics 16 Years nil M. Sc., M. Ed., Associate Professor Family Resource Management 16 Years nil Malathy Mrs.A Ananthalakshmi Mrs. S.T. Syamala M. Phil., /SLET Mrs. S. Jayanthi M. Sc., / NET JRF Assistant Professor Food Science and Nutrition 16 Years nil Mrs. M. Kalpana M. Sc., M. Phil., / NET Assistant Professor Family Resource Manangement 6 Years nil 39. Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information - NIL 40. Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio – THEORY- 1:50, PRACTICALS – 1:25 41. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned and filled – ACADEMIC – 8, TECHNICAL – 2, ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF - NIL 42. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) national b) international funding agencies and c) Total grants received. Mention names of funding agencies and grants received project-wise. -NIL 43. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, etc.; total grants received DST RS 3,50,000 331 44. Research facility / centre with - NIL o state recognition o national recognition o international recognition 45. Publications: * number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international)- 3 * Monographs - NIL * Chapter(s) in Books –TAMIL NADU TEXT BOOK SOCIETY IN NUTRITION & DIETTICS - + 1 BOOK ( YET TO BE PUBLISHED) * * Editing Books -NIL Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers Food Packaging,978-3-84652579-1 2011 Lambert Publications, USA December * number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) - NIL * Citation Index – range / average - NIL * SNIP - NIL * SJR - NIL * Impact factor – range / average - NIL * h-index - NIL 27. Details of patents and income generated -NIL 28. Areas of consultancy and income generated -NIL 29. Faculty recharging strategies -1 STAFF, FDP( XI PLAN UGC SPONSORED), Ph. D COMPLETED o percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental - NIL percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with industries / institutes -NIL Awards / recognitions received at the national and international level by- NIL o Faculty o Doctoral / post doctoral fellows o Students o 32. 332 Name of the Student Achievement Venue & Period Republic Day Parade- Jan 26th 2009- Marina Beach. H. Sai karuna Won 1st prize as Parade Commander Coimbatore IGC (Inter Group Competition)Tharapuram. 2009-2010. RAJPATH- Republic Day parade attended in Jan 26th 2010Delhi Individual drill27.06.2011 to 06.07.2011 Amudhavalli.K II N&D CATC- Camp, Avadi, Chennai. II PRIZE Open tournament Latha. P II N&D Radhakrishnan stadium, Egmore, III PRIZE 33. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized and the source of funding (national / international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. • Conducted National level Seminar on Life style related Diseases – Prevention, Education and Intervention on 06.01.2012. • Conduct of Entrepreneurial Development Programme through workshops, Exhibition cum sale by Earn While You Learn Project of the department from 2007 till date. • Organised five day workshop on Preservation of Fruits & Vegetables for students from 2007 –till date • Organised Health and Fitness Programme in collaboration with VLCC, 24 September 2011 • One day workshop on Modern Fabric Painting & Dyeing was also conducted on 31.01.2009 • 28 students of III B.Sc. Nutrition, Food Service Management & Dietetics underwent a free two-month training Programme in Food Production at the Institute of Hotel Management & Catering Technology, Tharamani, Chennai during August – September 2010 and 28 students of II BSc attended Hospitality Training Programme for 48 days at Institute of Hotel Management & Catering Technology, Tharamani, from December – February 2012 • Students also attended a 10 day programme from 21.12.12 to 3.01.13 conducted by NSIC- Guindy. This job oriented programme helped in developing their presentation skills, leadership skills, communication skills and problem solving techniques • On 12th August 2013 workshop on awareness programme on Medical coding was organized for III B.Sc students. • On 19.09.2013, a workshop on “Soft Toy making” was organaised • In collaboration with self –help groups College Bazaar was organized for 3 days (23.10.2013-25.10.2013). Stalls were put up and sales were conducted. 333 • Nutritional Assessment including Height, Weight, Blood Pressure, Random Blood Sugar was done for all the staff members. • Organised a workshop on “Artificial flower making” on 30.012014. • A workshop on „Jewellery Making‟ was organised on 27.08.2014 34. Student profile course-wise: For Year 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 25. Name of the Applications Selected Course received Male Nutrition 365 Food 480 Service 300 Management 456 And 362 Dietetics 500 408 600 - Diversity of Students Year Name of the % of Course students from the college 2006-07 Nutrition 2007-08 Food Service 2008-09 Management 2009-10 And 2010-11 Dietetics 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 - Pass Percentage Female 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 % of students from the state 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Male % of students from other states - Female 78 73 77 100 91 91 84 85 % of students from other countries - 30. How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services, NET, SLET, GATE and any other competitive examinations? - NIL 31. Student progression Student progression UG to PG PG to M.Phil PG to Ph.D Ph.D to Post Doctoral Employed Campus selection Other than campus recruitment Entrepreneurs Percentage against enrolled 75 % 10% 5% 50% 334 25.Diversity of Staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates of the same parent university 100% From other universities within the State From other universities from other States 26. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period. - 1 27.Present details about infrastructural facilities s) Library -1000 BOOKS t) Internet facilities for staff and students - NIL u) Total number of class rooms - 3 v) Class rooms with ICT facility -NIL w) Students‟ laboratories-4 x) 52. 53. 54. Research laboratories -NIL Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from College. -150 STUDENTS Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new program(s)? If so, give the methodology. - NIL Does the department obtain feedback from a. faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize it? -CHANGES MADE ON THE SYLLABUS & EVALUATION OF THE STUDENTS b. students on staff, curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation and what is the response of the department to the same? – CHANGES MADE BASED ON THE FEEDBACK c. alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the department to the same? – KEEP IN TOUCH WITH THE ALUMNI, ORGANISE WORKSHOPS, AND LECTURES 55. List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) Sudha vasudevan-Head of Nutrition wing, MV Diabetes, Chennai Indira –Child Development Project Officer(CDPO) in ICDS programme V.Suganthi - HOD, Anna Adarsh College, Chennai S.Jayanthi- Assistant Professor in QMGC, Chennai Shanthi Jacob - Nutritionist, Canada 335 56. S.Sindhu - District Project Nutrition Officer Amudha - Lecturer in Sri Kanyka Parameswari college Vasanthi – Project Officer, Tamil Nadu women‟s Department Bhuvaneswari - Assistant Professor in Ethiraj College, Chennai Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) with external experts. Conduct of college bazaar in collaboration with Tamilnadu Corporation for Development of Women LTD., .This was an Exhibition cum sale of products made by women Self Help Groups. Organised one day awareness programme on “suicide prevention”. Organised one day Entrepreneurial Development workshop on “Soft toy making” Organised four day workshop on preservation of Fruits and Vegetables in collaboration with Ministry of Women and Child Department. Organised one day workshop on Artificial Flower making for II year students Nutritional Assessment including Height, Weight, Blood Pressure, Random Blood Sugar was done for all the staff members. One day workshop on fabric and glass painting in conjunction with Fevicryl. 57. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. - Use of Audio-visual aids, slides, OHP, Field trips, demonstrations, training programmes, workshops, role play and group discussion. 58. How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes monitored? - constant evaluation through tests, projects, assignments 59. Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. 60. NSS, NCC, CHENNAI DIADETIC CAMP BY CORPORATION OF Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. Students assigned with projects, assignments, seminar related to syllabus, extended learning programme State whether the programme/ department is accredited/ graded by other agencies. Give details. 61. 62. By NAAC Detail any five Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department Strengths 336 63. Conduct of food preservation workshops in collaboration with the Ministry of Women and Child Welfare. Exhibition cum sale of home products through „Earn While You Learn‟ programme along with the Self-Help groups. Skill based training in soft toy making, Artificial flower making, Jewelry making , Fabric painting for self employment Training in Food production and bakery in collaboration with catering institute. Placement of students in leading hospitals and clinics. Weakness We offer only under-graduate course in Nutrition and Dietetics. We lack net working facilities Future plans of the department. Collaborate with industries to conduct workshops and provide on the job training for the students Prepare and submit proposals for research projects Equip and upgrade laboratories Visits to hospitals and food service establishments We also proposed to conduct practical training in Bakery for the students. In addition, we plan to interact with SELF-HELP groups to inculcate marketing techniques for the students 337 Evaluative Report of the Departments 25. Name of the Department & its year of establishment – Commerce -1974 26. Names of Programmes / Courses offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., etc.)- B. Com (General) & M.Com (General) 27. Interdisciplinary courses and departments involved -Non Major courses offered to B. A(Engligh), B. A History, B.A (Tamil) & B.A (Economics) 28. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system - Semester 29. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments Commerce students are sent to other Departments for Non Major Electives 30. Number of teaching posts sanctioned and filled (Professors/Associate Professors/ Asst. Professors) Sanctioned- Total -11 Filled Professors Associate Professors Asst. Professors UG-7, P G-4 2 338 3 11. S.No Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization, (D.Sc./D.Litt. /Ph.D. / M. Phil. etc.,) Name and Qualification Designation Specialisation Teaching Experience in Years UG 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Dr. (Tmt.)R.AKTHAR BEGUM, M.Com., M.Phil., (Former HOD –promoted as principal from the A. Y 12-13) Dr. (Tmt.)S.SASI KALA, M. Com., M.Phil., Ph.D Former HOD –promoted as principal from the A. Y 13-14) Dr. (Ms.) M.R. JAYASAKTHI M.Com., Ph.D (Prmoted as principal from the A. Y. 13-14) Tmt. GEETHA RAJAN,M. Com., M.Phil., B.Ed.(H.O.D of Commerce) Head & Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor cum Reader in commerce Associate Professor Tmt. M. MAGARASI,M. Com., M.Phil. Associate Professor Dr. (Tmt). S. SURIYAKANTHI,M. Com., M.Phil. Associate Professor Tmt. M. RAJALAKSHMI, M. Com., M.Phil. Tmt. D. S. Annapoorna, M.Com., M.Phil. Assistant Professor Assistant Professor PG - Management Accounting Banking & Financial Services 32 1 - 32 4 - Auditing 30 2 30 2 26 2 Commercial Law - Income Tax Human Resource Management Personnel Management Corporate Accounting 20 2 - 13 9 13 46. Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information - Nil 47. Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio 1: 70 48. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned and filled - Nil 49. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) national b) international funding agencies and c) Total grants received. Mention names of funding agencies and grants received project-wise. - Nil 50. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, etc.; total grants received Nil 339 No. of Ph.D students guided 51. Research facility / centre with o state recognition o national recognition - Nil o international recognition 52. Publications: * number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international) :3 Dr. S. SASIKALA the previous HOD ,presented the paper in an International Conference held at Sri Ram College of Commerce in New Delhi, her paper was selected as one of the best 15 papers were selected as best papers, and she was the only woman who represented the Tamil Nadu State. o Monographs - Nil * o Chapter(s) in Books – Nil * o Editing Books – Nil * o Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers – Nil * o number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database – International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) – Nil * o Citation Index – range / average – Nil * o SNIP – Nil * o SJR – Nil * o Impact factor – range / average – Nil * o h-index – Nil 30. * Details of patents and income generated - Nil 31. Areas of consultancy and income generated - Nil 32. Faculty recharging strategies - Nil 340 35. Student projects Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including interdepartmental :Nil o 36. 37. 38. percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with - Nil industries / institutes Awards / recognitions received at the national and international level by o Faculty o Doctoral / post doctoral fellows - Nil o Students Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized and the source of funding (national / international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. - Nil Student profile course-wise: Name of the Course (refer question no. 2) Applications received Male 2006-07-4286 B.Com(3 Sections) 2007-08-4199 2008-09-4592 2009-10- 4438 2010-11- 5143 2011-12- 3858 2012-13- 3716 2013-14- 3594 2014-15-3330 M. Com (1 Section) Selected 2012-13 - 39 2013-14 - 60 2014-15 - 104 341 Pass percentage Female Section 210 –UG Female Day-96.8 Eve-95.37 210 –UG Day-100% Eve-91% A-100% 210 –UG B- 95% C-100% 2009- A 98.53% 210 –UG 2010 B 100 % C 100% A 94.12% 210 –UG 2010- B 100 % 2011 C 96.97% A 97% 210 –UG B 98.5% 2011-12 C 98.5% A 100% 210 –UG B 100% 2012-13 C 100% A 100% 210 –UG B 98.5% 2013-14 C 100% 210 –UG 2014-15 97% 26. Diversity of Students Name of the Course (refer question no. 2) % of students from the college % of students from the state % of students from other States % of students from other countries M. Com 2012-13 (Year of introduction) 14% 100 % Nil Nil M. Com 2013-14 15% 100% Nil Nil M. Com 2014-15 25% 100% Nil Nil 32. How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services, NET, SLET, GATE and any other competitive examinations? From year 2006-2007- 30% 33. Student progression Student progression Percentage against enrolled UG to PG 2006 -2007 - 40% 2007-2008 – 45% 2008-2009 - 45% 2009-2010- 50% 2010-2011- 52% 2011-2012- 54% 2012-2013- 55% 2013-2014- 58% 342 PG to M.Phil. 34. Student progression Student progression Percentage against enrolled PG to M. Phil 35. 2006 -2007- 23% 2007-2008 –25% 2008-2009 - 26% 2009-2010- 20% 2010-2011- 22% 2011-2012- 22% 2012-2013- 24% 2013-2014- 25% PG to Ph.D. Student progression Student progression Percentage against enrolled M.Phil to Ph.D 2006 -2007- 6% 2007-2008 –5% 2008-2009– 3% 2009-2010- 5% 2010-2011 -5% 2011-2012- 4% 2012-2013- 7% 2013-2014- 8% Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral Employed Campus 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-20`13 2013-2014 20% 25% 29% 34% 39% 42% 47% 52% 343 Other than campus recruitment 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-20`13 2013-2014 40% 45% 50% 51% 39% 42% 47% 52% Entrepreneurs 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-20`13 2013-2014 40. 20% 22% 19% 24% 19% 22% 13% 22% Diversity of staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates of the same parent university – 60% from other universities within the state – 40% from other universities from other States Nil 41. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period. - A. Y 2009-2010- 1 2010-2011- 1 2012-2013 - 1 42. Present details about infrastructural facilities a) Library - No. of . Books- 4003 No. of Journals - 36 344 b) Internet facilities for staff and students- Nil c) Total number of class rooms - 8 d) Class rooms with ICT facility - Nil e) Students‟ laboratories- Nil f) Research laboratories - Nil 64. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from College. BC, MBC, SC, ST students get the State Govt scholarship every year and the central Govt scholarship on merit basis (Securing 80% above marks in plus two) 65. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new program(s)? If so, give the methodology. M. Com syllabi is framed according to the job market needs of the students The M. Com students are being assigned with the project work to get the experience of corporate field. The department conducts the competitions simulating the corporate roles to be played in the corporate sector. The P.G students were taken to the US library in the city to inculcate and to utilize the various resources for their current curriculum and for their future research work, which was an eye opening session for the students to explore the new areas of acquiring the resources for the seminar , assignment and for their study reference. At the time of introduction of PG course in the year 2012-13 meticulous effort was taken to select the books for P. G curriculum. 66. Does the department obtain feedback from a. Faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize it? At every Board of studies meeting for syllabus framework, the department arranges for the representation of a person from industry and the university nominee to share their ideas about the employability skill. The prevailing changes are incorporated in the syllabus . b. students on staff, curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation and what is the response of the department to the same? Yes. Head of the Department obtains periodical feedback of the staff from the students and the same is conveyed to the respective staff for performance appraisal and improvement. 345 c. alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the department to the same? The department invites the resource persons from the corporate sector, Institute of Cost Accountant and share market to inform the students about the current job market needs and the employability skill expectation by the employer. The alumni who are currently placed in various organisations are invited in a periodical manner to have their interaction with the students and thereby enlightening the present set of students about the changes in the current management scenario, the work culture and the ways to fill up the skill gap. 67. List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) Year Name Designation Organisation 2006-2007 M. Ramya Lecturer Quaid-E-Millath Govt, College for Women, Chennai-2 2006-2007 S. Shanthi Lecturer Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai-2 2007-2010 M. Prashanthini Asst. Manager Repco Bank 2007-2010 C. Subha Process Cognizant Executive 2009-2012 N. Mythili Process Accenture Associate 2009-2012 R. Maheshwari Accounts Shri Ram Chits AssistantInternal Audit Wing 2009-2012 S. V. Vijayshree Project Assistant IIT 2010-2013 R. Sowmya Associate in Tata Consultancy Services F&A 2012-2014 S. Muthulakshmi Doing M.Phil Ethiraj College for Women, (Selected from the Chennai-2 students of Tamil Nadu Govt Colleges for Pursuing Higher Education in UK) 2012-2014 S.Arunneshwari Doing M.Phil University of Madras, (Topper of PG) Chennai-2 68. Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) with external experts. International Conference – 14 th March 2012- Global Issues & Challenges in current Business Scenario. International Seminar - 30 th January 2012- Financial Inclusion – A corner stone in International Business. State Level Workshop- Feb 2013 Mantra Work shop on Art of skilling Jute Business 346 69. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. Class Room Teaching 70. How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes monitored? Every year the students placement in the job market is measured and based on this, the people from the corporate sector are invited to address the students related to the current employment requirement . 71. Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. NSS, NCC, RRC, YRC, SPORTS, ENVIRO CLUB, CONSUMER CLUB, LEO CLUB ETC. In addition to the above mentioned extension activities the college organizes various camps in slums and other areas for social justice and to empower under privileged section. The department of commerce plays its role in sending majority of the students . 72. Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. The department conducted the inter collegiate competition for the students of Commerce, Corporate & Management department of colleges in Chennai under the banner of “Chennai Commerce Comrade”. The department conducted Seminar/National/ Workshop/International Conference. Every Academic year conducts various activities are conducted by the department. The department encourages the students to participate in various sports activities of the college. Many of our students have brought laurels by winning the medals in National and State level competitions. Selvi. Raseena of II B.Com has received the cash award of Rs. 6,000/- from the Honourable Chief Minister in the oratorical competition in “Muperum vizha” and also won the cash award of Rs. 1,000/- for the State level oratorical competition in connection with Birth Anniversary of Thandhai Periyar. M. Mareeswari of III B. Com C section represented as Cadet Under Officer of Army Wing of NCC unit. P. Mythili of II B.Com B section represented the college as an ambassador for NSS unit. 73. State whether the programme/ department is accredited/ graded by other agencies. Give details. - Nil 74. Detail any five Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department Strength: a. The department comprises almost one third of the total college strength. b. Every Year the department receives 5000 applications 347 c. Course is considered to be the multi task course in the job market. After pursuing the B.Com Degree course, the student can enter into the diversified fields. d. Entrepreneurial Development, The Small Business Management, Financial Accounts, Income Tax and Banking Services etc are the subjects wherein the students acquire the practical knowledge about the job environment. e. The department invites the representatives of the corporate sector to address them regarding the current job market , which paves the way for removing the employability skill barriers Opportunities: a. Unlike the other courses the commerce students are not in the need of orienting about the corporate sector, since the subject what they learn encompasses the corporate culture, Hence, fine tuning will make them to acquaint with the corporate culture. b. Majority of the students are from economically backward and the first generation graduates, most of the students are opting for post graduation and higher studies. c. The subjects (Entrepreneurial Development and Small Scale Business)sows the seed of entrepreneurship. d. The following subject of Commerce makes them fit in to various fortpolios Subject Opportunities Cost Accounting Chartered Accountant Financial Accounting Accountant BankingTheoryLaw & Practice Bank Employee Entrepreneurial Development Entrepreneurs Income Tax Income Tax Officer Auditing Auditor Business Management Manager /Administrator of Business Small Scale Business Promoter of a Business with small investment Human Resource Management HR Manager e. The commerce students pursuing MBA perform better when compared to the students from other disciplines, since they had been equipped with business administration and management concepts. Challenges a. Commerce is the dynamic field which adapts to the trend of the current economic, social, cultural and technological factors. Subsequently the department update these dynamic in the curriculum and make the students to get acquainted with it. b. The responsibility of the commerce department to invite the corporate personnel to strike the balance between their theoretical knowledge and pragmatic approach in the corporate sector. c. Commerce is the field which is the basis for the economic development of any 348 nation. The subject is being taught to the students with the aim of effective utilization of available resources and calculate the return on investment etc., directly paves the way to put on the corporate social responsibility. d. The students from the low income group and economically weak background constitutes the major strength, and the students of commerce department is the majority, the department considers this an opportunity as well as the challenge to educate these students and make them academically and equip them to face the competitive world. e. The department of commerce is planning to bring forth the B. Com corporate secretaryship, B. B. A, this courses overlap with commerce, further will pave the way for admitting more students from commerce background. 75. Future plans of the department. The department has the vision of introducing M.Phil, and Ph.D courses and elevating it to Research Department. In order to create more employment opportunities and to reduce the employability skill gap among the students, the department plans to invite more resource person from the corporate field to enrich the students about the present corporate scenario and the employment opportunities . Since the subject Entrepreneurial Development forms part of the commerce curriculum in UG &PG , the department is planning to introduce the Entrepreneurial Developmemt Cell to equip and motivate the students to become the Future Women Entrepreneurs. The employability skills which is the need of the hour- keeping this in view and to make the students get informed about the skill expectation of the employers especially the soft skills and communication skills which are the very essential factors for the employment of commerce students. The department educates the students to equip them with the above mentioned skills and also put forth the endeavor to liaise with prominent personalities to impart the required skills in parallel with academic skills. 349 Evaluative Report of the Departments PG & RESEARCH DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE 31. Name of the Department & its year of establishment : PG & Research Department ofComputer Science (1997 as Department of Computer Science) 32. Names of Programmes / Courses offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., etc.) B.Sc Computer Science – 1997-08 B.Sc. Computer Science – II Shift – 2006-07 MCA – 2004-05 M.Phil. (Computer Science) – 2012-13 Ph.D (Computer Science) – 2012-13 Diploma in Information Technology – 2001-02 33. Interdisciplinary courses and departments involved -NA- 34. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system Semester with CBCS 35. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments Soft Skill – Paper IV- Basic Computer Skills & Techniques 350 36. Number of teaching posts sanctioned and filled (Professors/Associate Asst. Professors Sanctioned Filled Professors - - Associate 05 05 04 04 Professors Asst.Professors 12. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization, (D.Sc./D.Litt. /Ph.D. / M. Phil. etc.,) Name Qualification Designation Specialization No of Years of Experience Dr.Ananthi Sheshasaayee M.C.A., M.Phil.,(C.Sc) Ph.D, PGDET Head & Associate Professor Computer Applications UG-23 years PG-20 years M.Phil -12 years Dr.K. Nirmala M.C.A., Ph.D Associate Professor Computer Applications UG-18 years PG-15 years M.Phil -4 years Mrs. JasmineSamraj M.SC.,(CS), M.Phil.,(CS), currently doing Ph.D part-time in QMGCW under University of Madras M.SC.,(CS), M.Phil.,(CS), currently doing Ph.D part-time in QMGCW under University of Madras M.SC.,(CS), M.Phil.,(CS), currently doing Ph.D part-time in QMGCW under University of Madras Associate Professor Computer Science UG-19 years PG-11 years M.Phil -11 years Associate Professor Computer Science UG-15 years, PG-10 years M.Phil -2 years Associate Professor Computer Science UG-14 Years PG-20 Years M.Phil -11 years V.Vidyapriya Mrs. Sumathy Kingslin 351 No of Ph.D students guided for the last 4 years 6 PartTime 4 FullTime 9 PartTime 1 FullTime Dr.(Mrs.) D.Pugazhenthi M.Pushpa Dr. G.Velmayil R. Jayanthi MCA., M.Phil(C.Sc), Ph.D MCA., M.Phil(C.Sc), currently doing Ph.D part-time in Bharathiyar University MCA., M.Phil(C.Sc), Ph.D MCA., M.Phil(C.Sc), currently doing Ph.D part-time in QMGCW under University of Madras Assistant Professor Computer Science Assistant Professor Computer Applications Assistant Professor Computer Applications Assistant Professor Computer Applications UG-19 Years PG-19 Years M.Phil -9 years UG-10 Years PG-10 Years M.Phil -2 years UG-17 Years PG-18 Years M.Phil -2 years UG-13 Years PG-13 Years M.Phil -2 years 53. Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information 25% 54. Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio 35 : 1 55. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned and filled 01 PERMANENT ( 03 – TEMPORARY) 56. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) national b) international funding agencies and c) Total grants received. Mention names of funding agencies and grants received project-wise. Nature of the Project Minor Project - Duration : 20112012 1 year Investigator Name Dr. Ananthi Sheshasaayee Title of the Minor Project Design of Pedagogical techniques for handling data 352 Name of the Funding Agency UGC-SERO Ref: MRP – 3925 / 11 – MRP-UGC- Total Grant Sanctioned Received Total Grant received till date 80000 80000 80000 Minor Project 2014-2016 Duration : 2 Years Mrs. Jasmine Samraj Minor Project 2014-2016 Duration : 2 Years Mrs. V. Vidyapriya Minor Project – 2014-2016 Duration : 2 Years Mrs. Sumathy Kingslin Minor Project2014-2016 Duration : 2 Years Dr.Mrs. D. Pugazhenthi structures at Undergraduate Level using Educational Taxonomy Design of feedback mechanism for Content Based Image Retrieval using K-means Clustering A Model for optimization of frequently used web pages using Splay trees based on Priority Attributes Design of a Security Based Technique for handling secure SMS in Mobile Phones using Text Steganography Evaluation of Breast percent density in Digital Mammography using Adaptive Fuzzy C-means clustering for earlier deduction of breast cancer 353 SERO dated 2nd August 2012 UGC Sponsored Minor Research Project NO. F MRP5223/14 (SERO/UGC ) DATED MARCH 2014 UGC-SERO Proposal No. 232 200000 162500 162500 175000 147500 147500 Minor Research UGC – SERO Under UGC – XII Plan MRP5222/14(SE RO/ UGC) March 2014 UGC-MINORMRP5221/14(SERO /UGC) MARCH 2014 175000 147500 147500 200000 162500 162500 Minor Mrs. R. ProjectJayanthi 20142016 Duration : 2 Years Parameterised model for Stemming algorithm for Web Text Mining using K-means analysis UGCMINOR RESEA RCH PROJEC T (No.F MRP5220/14( SERO/U GC) March 2014 200000 162500 162500 57. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, etc.; total grants received -NA- 58. Research facility / centre with o state recognition o national recognition o international recognition 59. Publications: * number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international) No. of papers published in peer reviewed journals National International 4 84 * Monographs * Chapter(s) in Books * Editing Books * Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers * Number listed in International Database 354 (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) * Citation Index – range / average * SNIP * SJR * Impact factor – range / average * h-index 33. Details of patents and income generated 34. Areas of consultancy and income generated - NA- -NA- 35. Faculty recharging strategies : Faculties are being sent for various Faculty Development Programs to enrich their technical and teaching skills 36. Student project details: o percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental B.Sc., Computer Science and MCA students are doing their mini projects for their curriculum requirements. o percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with industries / institutes - MCA Students are doing their VI semester projects in IT industries - Diploma in Information Technology requires the students to undergo an On Job Training in their third year of course. 355 37. Awards / recognitions received at the national and international level by o Faculty Name of the faculty Dr. Ananthi Sheshasaayee 38. Award/Recognition Received Outstanding Educator and Scholar Award towards Teaching and Research in Computer Science with a score of 6.2 / 7.0 Dr. Radhakrishnan‟s Gold Medal Award for Academic Excellence in Computer Science & Research o Doctoral / post doctoral fellows o Students National/International level National Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development (NFED), India, September 2014 Individual Achievements & National Developments – Global Economic Progress and Research Association, India., Dec 2012 -NA- –NA- Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized and the source of funding (national international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. 1. Seminar on “Software Testing”, in association with RJ Infotek, October 2006 2. National Workshop on “Applications of Discrete Mathematical Structures in Information Technology”, in association with Everonn Systems India Ltd., 4th and 5th January 2007 3. First International Conference on “Innovations in Contemporary IT Research”, ICITR – 2012 conducted on 17th and 18th February 2012 4. National Workshop on “The Art of Writing Research Articles” conducted on 9th February 2013 5. Second International Conference on “Innovations in Contemporary IT Research”, ICITR – 2015 to be held on 6th and 7th February 2015 and MOU has been signed with Indian Society for Education and Environment to publish the selected articles in Indian Journal of Science and Technology listed in SCOPUS, ELSEVIER, ISI and DOAJ , Indian Journal of Education and Information Management, Indian Journal of Automation and Artificial Intelligence and Indian Journal of Bio-Informatics and Bio-Technology. 356 39. Student profile course-wise: For Year 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Name of the Course Applications received Selected Female 77 Pass Percentage Male Female 100 B.Sc Computer Science MCA 1873 Male - TANCET - 50 - 100 B.Sc Computer Science MCA 1711 - 77 - 100 TANCET - 56 - 100 B.Sc Computer Science MCA 1788 - 76 - 100 TANCET - 48 - 100 B.Sc Computer Science MCA 1523 - 78 - 100 TANCET - 48 - 100 B.Sc Computer Science MCA B.Sc Computer Science MCA B.Sc Computer Science MCA B.Sc Computer Science MCA B.Sc Computer Science MCA 1656 - 78 - 100 TANCET 1663 - 23 78 - 100 100 TANCET 1625 - 53 78 - 100 - TANCET 1635 - 19 80 - - TANCET 1733 - 23 80 - - TANCET - 3 - - 357 22. Diversity of Students Year Name of the Course 2006-07 B.Sc Computer Science MCA B.Sc Computer Science MCA B.Sc Computer Science MCA B.Sc Computer Science MCA B.Sc Computer Science MCA B.Sc Computer Science MCA B.Sc Computer Science MCA M.Phil B.Sc Computer Science MCA M.Phil B.Sc Computer Science MCA M.Phil 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 % of students from the college 10 5 5 10 10 12 8 13 2 13 13 % of % of students students from from other the state states 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 87 100 100 87 100 100 87 - % of students from other countries - 36. How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services, NET, SLET, GATE and any other competitive examinations? NET – 1 Student GATE – 2 Students 358 37. Student progression Student progression Percentage against enrolled UG to PG 27% PG to M.Phil 16% PG to Ph.D - Ph.D to Post Doctoral - Employed Campus selection Other than campus recruitment Entrepreneurs 28% 34% 4% 25.Diversity of Staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates Of the same parent university 4 From other universities within the State 5 From other universities from other States - 26. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period -4 faculty members 27.Present details about infrastructural facilities g) Library No. of Books 2268 No. of Bureaus 15 No. of Tables 4 + 1 computer table No. of Chairs 1 No. of Computers 1 359 h) Internet facilities for staff and students Yes – WiFi facility is available in the Department of Computer Science for staff and students i) Total number of class rooms 9 class rooms j) Class rooms with ICT facility 1 smart room k) Students‟ laboratories Post Graduate - Software – 1 Under Graduate – Software - 1 l) Research laboratories - 2 (M.Phil & Ph.D.) 76. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from College. 98% of students are getting financial assistance through scholarship 77. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new program(s)? If so, give the methodology. No 78. Does the department obtain feedback from a. faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize it? b. students on staff, curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation and what is the response of the department to the same? c. alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the department to the same? 360 79. List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) S.No Name of the student Course Completed 1 Bharath Kamalpriya B.Sc., Computer Science 2 Lakshmi Priya B.Sc., Computer Science 3 Devika Selvaraj B.Sc., Computer Science 4 Rathiga Mohan B.Sc., Computer Science 5 6 Ashwini Vijayakrishnan Raji Krishnamurthy 7 Sethu Lakshmi. M 8 Durga Shri. A 9 Anees Fathima 10 Monisha. C Master of Computer Applications Master of Computer Applications B.Sc., Computer Science B.Sc., Computer Science B.Sc., Computer Science B.Sc., Computer Science Place of work New Edge, BT Frontline, Singapore Web Initiations Inc., New Jersey Wipro Technologies, California Orchid Pharmaceuticals, Mumbai Balmer & Lawrie Co., Chennai VeriStore Systems, Atlanta Wipro, Chennai Wipro, Chennai TCS, Chennai IGATE, Chennai 80. Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) with external experts. SNo Year Date Chief Guest Name Title 1 20062007 15-Dec2006 Mrs. Susha John,Director,Everonn Systems India Ltd E-Learning 2 20072008 9-Jan-08 3 20082009 12-Jan09 Mr. K. Natarajan, Technical Director IMAGE, a concern for Development of multimedia and animation Dr. P. Dhanapalan, Head, Dept. of Bio-informatics, Vetenery College, Chennai 7 361 Innovative Lecture and a Demo on Mobile Gaming Bio-Informatics 4 20092010 23-Sep09 5 20102011 20-Oct10 6 20112012 22-Sep11 7 20122013 9-Oct-13 8 20132014 2-Sep-13 9 20142015 10-Oct14 Dr. Sai Narayanan, Deputy General Manager, ICT Academy of Tamil nadu, Perungudi, chennai Mrs. Asha Murlidharan, Director- HR Technology Frontiers Private Ltd. Chennai P.Sridhar, Director, Growmore Management Consultancy, Chennai. Growth of Software Products in India Women Entrepreneurs in IT Web Applications – Design & Implementations Research Experiences & Gains,NASA Mr. V. Ponraj, Advisor to Projects, Selection Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, New and Training, Delhi involving the experiences of the Guest Speaker with Dr. A.P.J Kalam. Mr. Raman Narasimhan, Career development Asst. Vice President, and opportunities in the field of Computer Cognizant Technology Science Solutions, Chennai Mr. Alagunambi Welkin, Executive Free Open Software Committee member, Free System Software Foundation, Tamilnadu 81. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. The teachers of our department use the advent of technology for lecturing the subjects. The Department has a reputation for good teaching in a friendly environment. Teaching methodologies include practical tools, simulations, internet references, quizzes, discussions and seminars. The Department has the most up-to-date computing equipment with over 112 Computer systems. The Department has 9 faculty members out of which 4 of them have completed their Doctorates in Computer Science, 6 guest faculties, a lab programmer and 3 lab assistants. Graduates have distinguished themselves in professional positions and in graduate study and research all over the world. 362 82. How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes monitored? The members of the faculty normally also arrange frequent, informal discussions to discuss the students‟ academic progress and to identify any areas that need specific attention. The talks include Ward-Tutor system, wherein the staff member is able to easily approach the student to cater to her needs with her job career other than education. Each student is able to identify a friend in her tutor, which is the pride of the department, and hence its success. 83. Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. Academically by seminars and interactive Sessions to sharp the student‟s intellectual capacities and abilities of students. Students are encouraged to participate in institutional and inter –collegiate competitions. They are also allowed to participate in FM radio, TV relative contest Intra departmental competitions especially Mock-interview promotes the self confidence, act as training & boost their morale to face the interviews in future with courage and confidence. Overall participation in sports, NSS, NCC, YRC, and RRC. Credits are given to students for participation. 84. Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. The student organizers of the DIGICLUB consist of five student members from each of the class viz the first, second and the final year of the first and second shift of Under graduate students and the first, second and the final year of Post graduate students. These students bear the positions as Class Representative, Assistant Class Representative, Leave-letters in charge, Library in-Charge and Notice Board in-charge. These forty five students along with the Secretary and the Joint Secretaries form the student organizers or the stars of the DIGICLUB. Thus the students are highly motivated to be responsible citizens in the future, as they are trained to administer the various duties of the department. 363 85. State whether the programme/ department is accredited/ graded by other agencies. Give details. -NA- 86. Detail any five Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department Strengths – Unity is the strength of the department, including both the students and the staff members. The other strengths include our innovative courses, laboratories, smart rooms, state-of-art facilities, and library sources including journals with latest content on the recent trends. The Department also takes a pride in stating that the Department of Computer Science has been completely in charge of the Admission Processing for the past 12 years. This work holds a high responsibility of ranking around 15,000 applications from candidates who have completed their twelve years of schooling based on their options of admission into the various streams of degrees available in our college. The Department also produces posters, rank registers – department wise, community wise, sports-quota wise, physically challenged-wise and all other relevant details pertaining to the Admissions. Weakness – Yet to be identified Opportunities – Every opportunity available has been transformed into a progressive measure. The advent of UGC notices fetched the department with the Diploma Course in IT and the other minor projects for the department. The other opportunities can be listed as the projects offered by AICTE for SC students, conferences, seminars, workshops, etc. Challenges – Every challenge has been made a stepping stone to success. Main challenges were handling the new subjects and practical sessions, reflecting the current state-of-art information technology techniques. 364 87. Future plans of the department. The future plans of the DIGICLUB includes exploring the job opportunities in the prevailing job market and thus preparing the members of the DIGICLUB to face the reality with necessary armaments and hence shine successfully in life, apart from being wonderful human beings. The missions of the Department of Computer Science at Quaid-E-Millath Government College for Women, Chennai, are to: Provide quality and in-depth education at postgraduate and undergraduate levels Be recognized as one of the leading centers in areas such as o Windows Programming, o Multi-media Systems, o Algorithms/Software Engineering, and o Optimization Techniques Produce "well-formed" undergraduate individuals, strong in both technical and interpersonal skills, and to infuse in all of its students appropriate attitudes; Work cooperatively with IT based industries and national and international industrial/professional bodies. In carrying out its mission, the Department strives to optimize the use of its resources, establish appropriate consultation mechanisms within and outside the department, fully participate in other consultative bodies, make use of qualityassurance systems and procedures, nurture its postgraduate and undergraduate students, disseminate its knowledge through publications and software products, and strike a balance between its efforts in teaching, consultancy and communityoriented activities. The Department now focuses on computer networking, interoperability, data storage, performance evaluation, analysis/understanding of image/image 365 sequence/human computer interface, graphic animation, application of multimedia and artificial intelligence technology, formal approaches and the application of algorithms and CASE tools to software engineering. Computer Science at Quaid-E-Millath gives you the capability to use computer and information systems technology to solve real-world practical problems, with an emphasis on practical skills in software engineering, programming and the design of software and algorithms. Practical exercises are important for most of our courses, and the curriculum has been well designed to cater to the needs of today‟s state-of-art, in the field of Information technology. 366 NCC ACHIEVEMENTS 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 Nilgris trekking girls expedition ooty was attended by 8 cadets. National intregration camp held at bahadurgarh (haryana) was attended by 2 cadets. Ooty trekking camp was attended by 5 cadets. Republic day camp(IGC) held at trichy was a attended by our cadet L/CPL M.Dhanalakshmi. Talsanic camp held at delhi was attended by SGT T.vanitha. Combined annual training camp held at avadi mahalakshmi college was attended by 12 cadets. Childfest held at N.k.T national girls hr secondary school(sudharsanhall) was attended by 10 cadets. National intregration camp held at orissa (puri) was attended by 3 cadets. Republic day camp held at delhi was participated by CUO.G.bhuvaneshwari. Marina republic day parade was participated by 3 cadets. Republic day camp (IGC) held at madurai was attended by A.panimalar. Talsanic camp at held at delhi was attended by V.poonghuzhali. Combined annual training camp held at avadi mahalakshmi college was attended by 15 cadets. Ooty trekking camp held at ooty was attended by 5 cadets. All india trekking camp ootywas attended by the 7 cadets. Marina republic day parade was participated by 8 cadets SUO H.saikaruna as parade commander. All india rock claiming camp at kerela by 2 cadets. Talsanic camp held at delhi was attended by CUO V.pourkodee . Tamilnadu government scholarship awarded Rs.1200/- for outstanding Ncc cadets was got by 3 cadets. Combined annual training camp held at avadi mahalakshmi college was attended by 6 cadets. Republic day camp held at delhi was participated by SUO H. saikaruna as a parade commander. Marina republic day parade was participated by 11 cadets. National intregration camp held at ranchi was attended by 2 cadets. De-kitting camp held at royapuram coast guard battery for Governor of tamilnadu&puducherry was attended by SUO H.saikaruna. All india trekking camp ooty was attended by our 4 cadets. Ssb camp held at crpf avadi was attended by 6 cadets. National intregration camp held at jaisalmar was attended by 2 cadets. All india trekking camp ooty was attended by our 5 cadets. Republic day camp (IGC) was held at trichy was attended by 2 cadets. Kanchan surya Darjeeling bagan trekking(girls) camp was attended by 2 cadets. National intregration camp held at maihar(m.p) was attended by our 6 cadets. Marina republic day parade was attended by the 10 cadets and SUO H. saikaruna as a parade commander. Marathon at marina beach was conducted by government was attended by 42 cadets. Marathon “run for rights” at the marina beach conducted by m.o.p vaishnav college was attended by 24 cadets. All india trekking camp ooty was attended by our 4 cadets. National intregration camp held at ahemadabad(gujarat) was attended by 6 cadets. Republic day camp(IGC) held at madurai was attended by our 3 cadets. Marina republic day parade was participated by 5 cadets. Catc Camp held at vel tech multi tech was attended by 27 cadets. Awareness campaign walk alone 2011 was conduted by mssi(tamilnadu) was attended by 12 cadets. NCC Report for the year 2008-2009 Our college has three wings in NCC namely Army, Navy and Air force, headed by Lt.R.Selvi (Assistant Professor, Department of Historical Studies) as Associate NCC Officer. Lt. R. Selvi has gone for the Three-Months Training at Officers Training Academy, Gwalior and Commissioned as Associate NCC Officer (ANO). She participated in the 362 State Level Republic Day Parade held at Marina, Chennai and she led the NCC 3 Girls wing contingent, marched with 50 cadets and in that 6 Army cadets, 5 Navy Cadets from our college have actively participated. Army Cadets Activities: 6 Cadets of Army wing attended the CATC –Combined Annual Training Camp, which was held at Mahalakshmi College, Avadi from 4th June to 14th June 2008. 3 Cadets attended the RDC and 3 Cadets attended the TSC camps from 23.6.2008 to 4.7.2008. Thal Sanic Camp, Delhi 2008 II Year Cadet V.Poonguzhali of Maths Department attended the IGC – 2008 at Tanjore from 2nd July – 12 July 2008. She was selected and attended the Launch I and Launch II at Periyar University, Vallam, Tanjavur from 6th August to 30th August 2008. II year Cadet A. Panimalar of Commerce Department took part in the IGC – 2008 held at A.M. Jain College, Meenambakkam from 6th August to 18th August 2008. 7 Cadets took part in the "All India Trekking Expedition – 2008, Nilgiris from 7.4.2008 to 22.4.2008. SGT T. Vanitha of Tamil Department attended the Army Attachment Camp – 2008 at Secunderabad from 6th July to 20th July 2008 and she won the 1st prize in 100 mts running race. CADOFEST – 2008: 21 Cadets from our college participated in the inter collegiate competition called "CADOFEST - 2008" which was conducted by D.G. Vaishnav College, Chennai from 29th February to 2nd March 2008 and won 2nd prize in Street Play, 3rd prize in Group Dance, 3rd prize in Individual Medicine, 3rd prize in Flag Area. Including CUO G. Bhuvaneswari, six cadets participated in the Marina Republic Day Parade – 2009, which was held at Marina on 26th January 2009. NAVY ACHIEVEMENTS: M. Kavitha, participated in IGC at Madurai, Pre RDC camp at A.M.Jain College, Chennai, Launch I camp at CPRF at Avadi, Chennai, Launch II camp at CRPF Avadi and RDC Camp at Delhi. 3 cadets participated in the Annual training camp at Goa from 24.11.2008 to 4.12.2008. They won silver medal for cultural activities, drill andy secured second prize for sailing and semaphore. NCC ARMY ACHIEVEMENTS: Our college cadets of Army Wing participated in the 'CADOSTAR -09' an intercollegiate competition which was conducted by Stella Maris College, Chennai and won 1st prize in the SW Contingent drill and 3rd prize in the individual drill for Banner Events. 363 NCC Report for the years 2009-2010 Our college has three wings in NCC namely Army, Navy and Air force, headed by Lt.R.Selvi (Assistant Professor, Department of Historical Studies) as Associate NCC Officer. Lt. R. Selvi has gone for the Three-Months Training at Officers Training Academy, Gwalior and Commissioned as Associate NCC Officer (ANO). She participated in the State Level Republic Day Parade held at Marina, Chennai and she led as the Contingent Commander for NCC Army, Navy and Air force girls wing contingent, marched with 50 cadets and in that, 6 Army cadets and 5 Navy cadets actively participated. Lt.R.Selvi had participated in the Pre IGC-TSC at Avadi and IGC-TSC at Kovilpatti. Strength of the Wings Army Wing – 94 cadets Naval Wing – 20 cadets Air Wing – 10 cadets Army Wing Cadets Activities 2 cadets participated in the All India Trekking Camp at Ooty (2009) 2 cadets participated in the All India Rock Climbing Camp at Neeyar Dam, Kerala (2009) 4 cadets attended the combined annual training camp held at Avadi (2009). D.Pourkodee (Rank CUO) attended the TSC-IGC Camp held at Kovilpatti (2009) D.Pourkodee (Rank CUO) attended the TSC – Launch 1 camp at Madurai (2009) D.Pourkodee (Rank CUO) attended the TSC – Launch 2 camp at Nagarkoil (2009) D.Pourkodee (Rank CUO) attended the Thalsanik camp at Delhi (2009) and won Gold medal in Map reading competition (2009) H.Saikaruna (Rank SCUO) attended the Pre RDC Camp at Coimbatore (2009) H.Saikaruna (Rank SCUO) attended the Launch 1 and Launch 2 RDC camp at CRPF, H.Saikaruna (Rank SCUO) attended the Republic Day Camp (RDC) at Delhi (2009) H.Saikaruna (Rank SCUO) attended the Republic Day Camp (RDC) at Rajpat, Delhi (2010) 30 cadets attended the Combined Annual Training Camp at CRPF, Avadi (2009) 3 cadets attended the Republic Day Selection Camp at CRPF, Avadi (2009) 8 cadets attended the Republic Day Selection Camp held at Manivakkam (2009) 6 cadets attended the Social Service Board Camp (SSB) held at CRPF Avadi (2009) 3 cadets attended the Pre IGC Republic day Selection Camp held at CRPF Avadi (2009) 2 cadets participated in the National Integration Camp at Jaisalmar (Rajasthan) (2009) 364 2 cadets participated in the National Integration Camp at Ranchi (Bihar) (2009) 11 cadets participated in the Republic Day Parade held near Marina Beach (MRD) (2010) NAVAL WING‟S ACTIVITIES 3 cadets participated in Semaphore Inter Unit Competition at Puducherry (2009) and won Gold and Silver medals. 4 cadets participated in Boat Pulling IUC at Puducherry (2009) and won Bronze Medal. Cadet E. Lokeshwari participated in Ship Modelling (Nav Sanik) at Visakhapattanam and won Bronze Medal. Cadet M. Jaya Shri participated Sailing (Nav Sanik), Visakhapattanam Cadet G.Savitha participated in Republic day Camp at Rajpath, Delhi (2010) 4 cadets participated in the Marina Republic Day (2010) AIR WING‟S ACTIVITIES Flight Cadet R.Divya Bala participated in Cadostar Competition – II in Contingent Drill (2008) Flight Cadet V. Gayathri participated in Inter Group Competition – I in Contingent Drill (2008) Flight Cadet N. Geetha participated in the Inter Group Competition (IGC –VSC) at Avadi (2009) NCC REPORT 2010-2011 Our College has three wings in NCC namely Army, Navy and Air force, headed by Lt.R.Selvi (Assistant Professor, Department of Historical Studies) as Associate NCC Officer. Strength of the NCC Army, Navy and Air force wings Army wing – 94 cadets Naval wing – 26 cadets Air wing – 10 cadets Activities of Army wing cadet: 5 cadets participated in the All India Trekking Camp at Ooty in May 2010 10 cadets attended the TSC&RDC selection camp held at AvadiMahalakshmi Camp 2 cadets selected for RDC Try Camp III at CPRF, Avadi. 2 cadets participated in the KanchanSuryan Darjeeling Bagan Trek (Girls) in November, 2010 6 cadets attended the National Integration Camp at Maihar, Madhya Pradesh in December, 2010 Army cadets participated in the social activities. Participated in Marathon conducted by Tamil Nadu Government. Activities of Navy cadet: 365 4 cadets participated in the Inter Unit Camp at Pondicherry in September, 2010 1 cadet attended the Sailing Camp at Royapuram 2 cadets attended the Republica Day Camp at Kanchipuram. Activities of Air Wing cadet: 3 cadets participated in the Inter Unit Camp at Sathyabhama Engineering College, 2010 11 cadets participated in the Marina Republic Day Parade in January 2011 and Ms. Sai Karuna of III year Home Science had led the contingent as Parade Commander. NCC REPORT 2011-2012 Our College has three wings in NCC namely Army, Navy and Air force, headed by Lt.R.Selvi (Assistant Professor, Department of Historical Studies) as Associate NCC Officer. Army – 94 Navy – 19 Air force – 12 Army Achievements: The All India Trekking Camp at Ooty was attended by cadets The TSC camp held at Vel tech Multi Tech College was attended by 10 cadets. Cadet K.Amudhavalli and cadet R. Devi piloted Thiru M. Monidenkhan, the Sports Minister of Tamil Nadu at Vepery Vetrinary College on 12.2.2011. CATC camp held at Avadi Mahalakshmi College was attended by 11 cadets. CUO K.Amudhavalli was awarded a medal for individual drill. The NIC at Ahmedabad (Gujarat) was led by Lt.Selvi (ANO and 6 cadets participated. RDC selection camp held at Pallavaram was attended by 13 cadets. 6cadets attended the RDC selection camp held at Tambaram. RDC Training Camp was held at Veltech Multitech College in which 3 cadets participated The RDC – IGC held at Madurai was attended by 3 cadets. CUO K.Amudhavalli participated in the Guard of Honour given to Lt. General P.S. Bhalla at Tamil Nadu Directorate. CATC held at Veltech Multitech College was attended by 27 cadets. CATC held at Veltech Multitech College was attended by 19 cadets. Three cadets CDT A.Divya, CDT D. Nandhini and CDT A. Usha got medals for individual drill. Cadet J.Anandhalaskhmi was awarded the medal for best cadet. 366 Piloting held at Tamil Nadu Directorate for honoring Director General Lt. General P.S. Bhalla was attended by the CUO K.Amudhavalli on 17.10.2011 21 cadets participated in cado green at Pachaiyappa's College. The following prizes were won by our NCC Students Individual drill: SUO K.Amudhavalli – First Prize Obstacles CDT N.Shakthi – Second Prize Solo Dance: CDT J.Anandhalakshmi – First Prize Solo Song: CPL D.Nandhini – Second Prize Group Song: CPL D.Nandhin, CDT K.Deepa, CDT S.Lourdhumary, CDT R.Elavarasi, SGT V.Kokila, SGT . R. Kasthuri - First Prize Navy Achievements All India Trekking camp – Nilgiri was attended by 6 cadets Navsainik Inter Unit Competition was held at Puducherry and attended by 6 cadets. Navsainik Launch – I camp at Puducherry was attended by 2 cadets CATC-RDC selection I camp held at Kanchipuram was attended by 15 cadets. CATC-RDC Pre IGC camp held at Kanchipuram was attended by 4 cadets. CATC-RDC IGC camp held at Kanchipuram was attended by 4 cadets. 4 cadets attended the Annual Training Camp/ RDC IGC held at Madurai 5 cadets attended the All India Girls Atc held at Visakhapatnam. 5 Army cadets and 4 navy cadets participated in the Marina Republic Day Parade in January 2013. Our College has two wings in NCC headed by Lt.R.Selvi (Assistant Professor, Department of Historical Studies) as Associate NCC Officer. Army – 94 Navy – 10 Army Achievements All India Trekking Camp was held at Ooty and 10 cadets attended the camp. Combined annual training camp was held at JRK Matriculation School and 9 cadets attended the camp. SUO K. Amudhavalli was awarded for the Best Camp Senior. Pre-Inter Group Competition Talsanik Camp was held at Bharath University and 2 cadets attended. 367 Inter Group Competition TALSANIK Camp held at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore was attended by following cadets - JUO L. Devi, JUO N. Sakthi. TALSANIK Selection Camp Launch 1 camp held at NGM College at Pollachi was attended by JUO L.Devi. TALSANIK Selection Camp Launch 1 camp held at Kalaingar College was attended by JUO L.Devi. Army Attachment Camp 2012 held at Wellington, Ooty was led by ANO Lt.Selvi and cadet JUO S. Lourdumary attended the 15 days camp. All India TALSANIK Camp held at Delhi was attended by JUO L.Devi and she got Gold Medal in Tent Pitching and Bronze Medal in Map Reading. Basic Leadership Camp held at Kanpur was attended by JUO N.Sakthi , CHM K. Deepa, SGT V. Elavarasi. They got second prize in group dance and volley ball. National Integration camp held at Kumbakonam was attended by SUO K.Amudhavalli, CUO V.Kokila and winner in NIAP. Combined annual training camp held at Vel's Enginnering College was attended by 5 cadets. Cadet M.Mareeshwari got prize in solo song and best parade commander award. National Integration Camp at Sholingalnallur was attended by SGT. Jayapriya, L/CPL P.Durgadevi, CPL R. Padmapriya, CPL K. Sathyadevi, L/CPLR.Rajeswari National Intgration Camp held at Kerala was attended by CQHM E. Manjula, CPL V. Lilly Rose. Marina Republic Day Parade was attended by cadet M. Mareeshwari and cadet B. Priya. Social Activities Traffic and Road Safety Awareness Rally was conducted on 12.1.2013 at Anna Salai and cadets raised slogans on road safety and this was headed by Lt.R.Selvi NCC cadets conducted Road Safety Program in the college on 18.1.2013. Cadets from various college participated in this program. Seminar was organized by the Traffic Warden Faculty Mr. Rajan Sekri and was headed by Guest of honour Lt. Col. Ajay Dhawan, Commanding Officer (ITN ARMD SQN NCC). Old clothes were collected by the NCC cadets and given to the nearby slum dwellers. A seminar for the awareness on the Violence Against Women conducted by Rajiv Gandhi National and Youth Development was attended by the NCC cadets with ANO Lt. R.Selvi on 1.2.2013 24 Hour Famine Run to create awareness on issues of Hunger and Poverty due to famine, held on 25th August at Marina was attended by 20 cadets. "I Care" – Eye care rally conducted by Velammal International School on 7th October 2012 was attended by 20 cadets. 368 Competitions attended by Cadets CADOSTAR conducted by Stella Maris on 23rd and 24th February 2013 was attended by 22 cadets and won third prize in Flag Area. CADO FIESTA conducted by Dr. Ambedkar Law University on 6th and th March 2013 was attended by 25 cadets. and won first prize in group dance and second prize in group song. CADO GREEN conducted by Pachaiyappa's College on 8th and 9th March 2013 was attended by 22 cadets and won first prize in Contingent Drill, first prize in solo song, second prize in group song, second prize in group dance, second and third prizes in cross country, and third prize in social service event. They also won overall runner up prize. CADO_FLORENZIA conducted by VEl Tech Engineering College on 16th March 2013 was attended by 17 cadets and won first prize in group dance, second prize in group song and second prize in cancer awareness event. Navy Achievements All India trekking expedition (Ooty) was attended by 5 cadets. Combined Annual Training Camp held at Avadi was attended by 5cadets. Inter Unit Camp 2012 held at Puducherry was attended by 5 cadets. INS Chilka held at Odisa was attended by two cadets. National Integration CVamp was held at Bharapur and CDT B. Mettilda and CDT S. Padmavathi attended the camp. Annual Training Camp was held at Kerala and 5 cadets attended the camp. Republic Day Training Camp was held at Kanchipuram and CDT. Vinodhini attended the camp. Inter Unit training Camp was held at Tiruchirapalli and CDT Vinodhini attended the camp. In the year 2012-13 NCC cadets enthusiastically participated in all the events conducted by various colleges and our unit was awarded TN Girls (BN) NCC. N.S.S. 2009-10 Programme Officers C.B.Kalavathy –Unit-I (Dept. of History) S.Lochani - Unit-II (Dept. of English) P. Indira - Unit-III (Dept. of Botany) S.Sangamithirai –Unit-IV (Dept. of Economics) S.Geeth a _Unit-V (Dept. of Tamil) 30.09.09 Blood Donation camp with Govt. Children Hospital 369 State Award 1.10.09 5.10.09 2.02.09 World Blood Donation Camp at Kalaivanar Arangam National level programme Joy of giving with street children and orphan children in our college National Youth Programme at Jaipur 100 Volunteers participated 5 volunteers participated 24.202.10 to 2.03.10 Unit – II & III Special Camp at Pudupet slum with 40 orphanage children 100 volunteers participated-Free Eye camp by Uma eye clinic -Job fair for slum women by “ANEW “ (NGO)-Malaria Eradication Programme by Corporation of Chennai- Madras Christian Association conducted women & Child empowerment programmes 4.03.10 to 10.03.10 UNITS - I,IV & V Special Camp at Thiruverkadu 150 Volunteers participated Temple service at Thiruverkadu and Sundaracholapuram Free Eye camp by Dr. Agarwal Eye Hospital Cancer, Eye donation, diabetics awareness “Mental Health and Happiness” counseling by Mrs. stella 2010-11 Mrs. S. Lochani S.Lochani - Unit-I (Dept. of English) Dr. P. Indira - Unit-II (Dept. of Botany) S.Sangamithirai -Unit-III (Dept. of Economics) S.Geetha -Unit-IV (Dept. of Tamil) Mrs. J. Stella - Unit-V (Dept. of History) 3.08.10 “Student‟s contribution in Preventing the social evils” by Advocate, Writer, Director Mr. Prince Ennarasu & Advocate Mrs. Veeramarthini 400 volunteers participated Rs. 73,980/- voluntary fund collected by Mrs. J. stella and handed over to Miss. Bindu Malini (Student‟s co-op. store, QMGCW(A) of her brother‟s medical aid. Environmental awareness by Mr. Appavu, Teacher‟s Exnora President 400 volunteers participated 6.08.11 9.09.10 15.09.10 30.09.10 & 8.10.10 4.01.11 Jan.2011 24.2.11 to 2.3.11 Blood Donation Camp with Kilpauk Medical College Hospital Mrs. J. Stella, received Voluntary Blood donation Organizer Award World Peace Day – Tree plantation followed by campus cleaning with proclainers 5 Computers & 5 Tailoring Machines to vocational Training Centre, RO plant, donated by Lions Club on World Service Day Justice. Jagadeesan & Mr. Karthick Chidambaram as chief guest. Mr. Mannar Jawahar & Thamizhachi thangapandiyan as Chief guest HIV Awareness Programme 400 student volunteers participated. Students & staff donate 3600/-to Two HIV Positives for medical expenses. Mega Project –“ Kaitharikku Kai Koduppom” Sold co-optex products for Rs. 25 lakhs & won II Prize in the Madras University Special Camp at Pudupet slum – Five Units with 250 volunteers Free Eye Screening by An-noor Eye Hospital TB awareness by ICMR, Chetpet Cardiac check up by Dr. Rajkumar, Frontier LifeLine Malaria awareness by Chennai corporation Park Cleaning 370 Census taken 2011-12 Mrs. J. Stella Dr. Devikanya kumari Mrs. G.Velmayil Mrs. K.Shanthi Mrs. S. Surya Kanthi - Unit-I(Dept. of History) -Unit-II (Dept.of chemistry) -Unit-III (Dept. of Comp. Science) -Unit-IV (Dept. of Physics) -Unit-V (Dept. of Commerce) 28.04.11 to 07.05.11 08.07.11 Vacation Free Vocational Training given by Mrs. J. Stella for 10 days 30 students benefitted Campus cleaning followed by Environmental Awareness Programme 280 NSS Volunteers 14.07.11&15.0711 Campus clean with JCP and Truck by Manju Foundation (NGO, Chennai 14.07.11 27.0711 to 28.08.11 6.08.11 7.08.11 8.8.11 15.08.11 16.08.11 Separated degradable and non-degradable waste Mupperum Vizha – „100/100 Pasumai Vazhith Thittum‟, „ Blood donation by NSS volunteers‟, „Sevai Chemmal Award‟ to differently able serve differently able persons & social workers by Tamilnadu Assembly Hon‟ble Speaker D. Jayakumar Hon‟ble Speaker appreciated as “Heartfelt” programme. He has ask questions and Cash Award given to Students by Hon‟ ble Speaker D. Jayakumar Service at C.S.I. Hr. Sec. School for the deaf, Mylapore Five continuous weekend service at Balavihar, Kilpauk 15 volunteers from III B.A.History 11 NSS Volunteer from Botany Higher Education safety Course at Porur Ramachandra University organized by UNO, Disaster Management Team India Mrs. J. Stella attended International Seminar at Auxilium College(A) Vellore Mrs.J. Stella, R. Aswini & R.Shajabeen from III B.Com.; A. Musthiri Begam from III B.A.History participated 21 year old gild Miss. Sasi from Vittalapuram Village, Dindivanam T.k. rescued at Saidapet by Miss.D.sumathy of III B.A. history, counseling by Dr. v.Lilly & Mrs. J.Stella, handed over to her parents safely on 09.08.11 Brother of Sasi & her aunty extend their thanks Independence Day at Ft. St. George -15 Volunteers with Mrs. J. Stella participated Educational Aid by Manju Foundation[NGO] to 10 students each received Rs. 2000/- as cheque in their own account - Arranged by Mrs. J. Stella Sadhbhavan Diwas observed by taking oath Whole college students and staff Leadership Training at Loyola College -Musthri Begum, Manimegalai 19.08.11 22.09.11&23.0911 NSS Day, Organ Donation, New Vocational Courses DTP, Fashion Designing 23.09.11 12.1.12 20.1.12 22.1.12 & Beautician Chief guest of the day Hon‟ble Justice Vallinayagam, Saidai. S. Duraisamy, Mr. NanthaKumar,IRS; NSS coordinator Dr. RajaHussaine, Writer Mr.Manushyaputhiran, Miss. Julie Mariappan, Times of India, MrVeerapandian,Sun TV- 8 leading news papers highlighted organ donation programme “Environmental Awareness” rally -192 NSS volunteers and Mrs. J. Stella, Mrs. Devikanyakumari and Mrs. Shanthi Voter‟s Day Competition conducted in our college and send a winners list to the University of Madras. - 200students participated Organ Donation Rally100 Volunteers with Mrs. J. Stella – The 371 24.1.12 25.1.12 30.1.12 13.2.12 Hindu / Interview broadcasted by Puthiathalaimurai TV on 5.2.12 National Girl Child Day -100 volunteers with Dept. of Social Welfare – Papers published the programme National voter‟s Day Human Chain, Signature campaign and Essay Competition 300 volunteers with Mrs. J. Stella. G.Velmayil, Mrs. S. Suryakanthi Road Safety Awareness with Lion‟s Club - 200 volunteers/ distribute safety rules phamplet/ Indian Express 31.1.12 article with photo Safety Awareness by Dept. of Police & Preliminary Elocution competition on Handloom Mark 19.2.12 Tamil Drama at Deva Neya Bhavanaar Library with World Tamil Federation – 30 Volunteers 22.2.12 Inter Collegiate Workshop on Mass Media organized by Mrs. Velmayil programme officer - 300 volunteers 23.2.12 Final Elocution completion on Handloom Mark by Textile Committee of India -350 Volunteers with Deputy Commissioner & QAOs, Textile Committee 29.02.12 Science Day at University of Madras -100 volunteers with Mrs.G.Velmayil, Dr. Devikanyakumari, Mrs. K.Shanthi NSSPOs 03.02.12 Tamil Drama replay at Arignar Anna Arangam, TTDC, Island Ground, Chennai - 30 volunteers with Mrs.J.Stella, NSSPO 09.3.12 International women‟s Day, with Mother Teresa women‟s Association 50 students with Mrs. K. Shanthi, NSSPO SPECIAL CAMP 16.12.11 to 22.12.11 Unit I and V has arranged NSS Special Camp at Mullikuppam with 100 Volunteers organized by NSS Programme Officers Mrs. J.Stella and Mrs.S. SuryaGandhi . At. Mullikkuppam, Mega Medical Camp launched with the support of NGOs Manju Foundation, Dr. Aggarwal Eye Hospital done Eye Screening and Cataract Surgery for 50 people and donate free spectacles for 50 persons and 10spectacles donated by An Noor Eye Hospital, Egmore; Fortis Malar Hospital gave treatment for Cardiac checkup, BP, Sugar and general checkup; Dental care by Meenakshiammal Dental College and Hospital for Two days (on 19.12.11). Mega medical Camp inaugurated by Tamilnadu Assembly Speaker D. Jayakumar, Mrs. R. Rajalakshmi, MLA, Mylapore and Dean of Dr. Aggarwal Eye Hospital, Fortis Malar Hospital, Meenakshi Ammal Dental college and hospital and thousands of public participated and benefitted. Highlights of our programme published in daily papers Malai Murasu, News Today, Malaisudar, Makkal Kural, Thinamani, Thinamalar, Deccan Chronicle, Sathyam Tv broadcast with interview with NSS programme Officer Mrs. Stella. SPECIALCAMP 16th to 22nd December 2011 Unit. II, III, IV has arranged NSS Special Camp at Kaladipatti,Thiruverkadu with 150 Volunteers with the guidance of NSS Programme Officers Mrs. Devi kanyakumari, Mrs. G. Velmayil, Mrs. Shanthi. 130 Teak Tree plantation at Ayyanampakkam, and health awareness campaign has arranged 2007-2008 Mrs. C.B.Kalavathy –Unit-I Dept. of History 372 24.10.07 13.12.07 18.01.08 to 27.01.08 23.01.08 30.01.08 2008-2009 4.7.08 12.7.08 to 18.7.08 29.8.08 19.9.08 20.09.08 Mrs. Thiyagarajan Sri Devi-Unit-II Dept. of Zoology Mrs. Lochani -Unit-III Dept. of English Mrs. Indira –Unit-IV Dept. of Botany Environmental Awareness Day, Ganthi Jayanthi, Sesquicentennial University of Madras, World Peace Day observed NSS Day – student‟s counselling given HarijanaSeva Platinum Jubilee Celebration observed by conducting rally with candle 10days Special camp at Pudupet slum area. Dr.Agarwal Eye Hospital -350 people benefited. 92 Free cataract surgery done –College campus cleaning by NSS volunteers Blood Donation Camp at college campub – 45 volunteers donate blood. Mrs. C.B.Kalavathy –Unit-I Dept. of History Mrs. Lochani -Unit-II Dept. of English Mrs. Indira –Unit-III Dept. of Botany Mrs. Sungamithirai-Unit-IV,Dept. of Economics Mrs. Geeth –Unit-V, Dept. of Tamil Environmental awareness organized by Pollution Control Board – Mrs. C.B.Kalavathy, Mrs. Indira, and NSS volunteers has participated. M.A. Yasmin of II year English literature has participated National Integration festival at Jabalpur Rani Durga Devi University, Madhya Pradesh.She represented Tamilnadu and secured III place in India level. Workshop on diabetics organized by Rayapettah Govt. hospital – 30 students has participated. NSS inauguration Dr. Rajahussaine, NSS Coordinator University of Madras, Special address by Dr. Vijayakumar , Chennai Harbour Hospital Organ Donation Awareness by MOHAN Foundation; Christian Social Service centre organized awareness talk on “Women, Transgender and Child abuse” 5.9.08 Sesquicentennial Anniversary Celebration at University of Madras -30 students with Mrs. Lochani has participated World Mother‟s Milk Week observed at Kilpauk Medical College. 30 NSS Volunteers with Mrs.Geetha has participated. Students won many prizes and perform cultural programmes. St. John Ambulance First Aid Training for 50 students 373 Activities of National Service Scheme (NSS) for 2008 – 2009 Inauguration of NSS for the academic year of 2008-09 was held on 19.09.2008 under the auspices of the Principal. Dr. Raja Hussain, NSS Coordinator and the Medical Officer of Chennai Port Trust Dr. Vijayakumar had delivered special lectures. Personality enrichment program was conducted by Mr.Vijayakumar on the same day. 20.09-2008 - Students participated in the awareness program organized by the "Mohan Foundation" for body organ donation. The students and the faculty members have participated in the awareness program on Exploitation of Women and Children conducted by Christian Social Service Organization on the same day. Fifty students were trained in the First Aid training given by the members of St. John Ambulance Association. On 5.9.2008 Mrs. Lochani, NSS Officer and thirty students had participated in the 150 years celebrations of University of Madras. On 29.7.2008 thirty students have participated in the workshop on Diabetes held at the Government Hospital, Royapettah, Chennai. On 4.7.2008 Mrs. C.B.Kalavathi and Mrs.P. Indira, the NSS Officers and students have participated in the program on "the role of women in the environmental protection" conducted by the Pollution Control Board. Ms. M.A. Yasimin of II B.A. English Literature had won third prize in the competitions conducted as part of The National Integration Day Celebrations held at the Rani Durga Devi University, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh from 12.7.2008 to 18.7.2008. A special awareness program in connection with the World Breast Feeding Week was attended by the NSS Officer Mrs. Geetha and thirty students. Students won prizes in the cultural events and competitions. Eighty students have participated in the procession organized by the Tamil Nadu Social Welfare Department on the occasion of International Day of the Girl Child annual celebrations. Ms. Sangeetha (B.Com II year) had participated and won accolades in the National Youth Festival held at Calicut, Kerala. 374 The World Peace Day celebrated on the occasion of the arrival of Dalai Lama by the University of Madras was attended by hundred students and NSS Officer Mrs. Sangmithirai. Thirty students have participated in the special program organized by the Tamil Nadu Women Commission. The NSS Officers Mrs. S. Lochani, Mrs. Indira and thirty students took part in the awareness camp conducted by the Rajiv Gandhi Vision Care Centre. Eighty students have taken part in the tree sapling planting program conducted by the Tamil Nadu Tourism Development Corporation. Sixty students took part in the Marina Beach Cleaning Program. NSS Special Camp was held for seven days which was inaugurated by the Principal. Dr. Agarwal Eye Hospital conducted free eye camp. Aid awareness program was conducted by Mrs. Bhagyalakshmi. Competitions were conducted for the students of Corporation School at Pudupet and prizes were distributed to the winners. Tricycles were donated to three handicapped persons from Pudupet by Mrs. Ponmozhi (Retired Professor of Zoology Department), Dr. Lilly (Department of Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology), and Mrs. Lochani (Department of English). The tricycles were distributed by the Councilor of Pudupet. Activities of National Service Scheme (NSS) for 2009 – 2010 As a part of the NSS activities, five computers were purchased for the visually challenged students, under the scheme of Higher Education for Persons with Special Needs (HEPSN) introduced by UGC to provide special devices to higher educational institutions that will augment the learning experiences of differentlyabled persons and to equip higher education institutions with the facilities to provide access to differently-abled persons. Mrs. C.B. Kalavathy, NSS Officer is the coordinator of HEPSN scheme. On 26.8.2009 students have cleaned the premises of the temples at Vadapalani and Triplicane. On 29.9.2009 Dr. Republica has delivered a lecture on Cancer Awareness. On 30.9.2009 NSS and the Government Children's Hospital conducted blood donation camp. 375 NSS and a few philanthropists of Chennai donated stationary items to the school children. Hundred students have participated in the World Blood Donation Camp held at Kalaivanar Arangam on 1.10.2009. Five students have participated in the India Youth Festival held at Jaipur from 2.2.2010 to 12.2.2010. On 4.2.2010 students have participated in the Yoga training program held at University of Madras. NSS students have participated as volunteers in the inauguration of Legislative Council held on 13.3.2010. Various programmes were held for forty neglected children in a camp held from 24.2.2010 to 2.3.2010 at Pudupettai. NSS officers Mrs. Lochani and Mrs Indira were the coordinators for this camp. Eye camp was organized for the students by Uma Eye Hospital. Awareness program on job opportunities for the youth was organized by an organization named "ANEW". Special lectures were delivered on eradication of malaria, women's development, and child rights. Principal has participated in the inauguration and the valedictory function. In another camp held from 4.3.2010 to 10.3.2010 with the coordination of NSS officers Mrs. C.B. Kalavathy, Mrs. Geetha and Mrs. Sangmithirai temple premises and temple tanks at Tiruverkadu and Kaduvetti were cleaned. Students had drawn Rangolis in the temples. Fourteen people underwent Cataract operations by the doctors of Dr. Agarwal Eye Hospital. Awareness programs on Cancer, Diabetes and Eye donation were organized. These activities won the accolades and compliments of the villagers. Special lecture on "Mental Health and Happiness" was delivered for the students by Mrs. Mary Stella. The camp was inaugurated by the Principal. Activities of National Service Scheme (NSS) for 2010 – 2011 NSS is working efficiently with 500 students and five NSS Officers – Mrs. S. Lochani, Mrs. P.Indira, Mrs. S. Geetha, Mrs. Sangamittirai and Mrs. J.Stella – who are in charge of 5 units. On 30.09.2010 World Peace Day was celebrated. 50 tree saplings were planted. Thiru. Karthik P.Chidambaram, the leader of Congress Committee was the Chief Guest. 376 On the occasion of World Service Day on 08.10.2010 the Lions Club donated water purifier, five computers and five sewing machines. Free vocational training centre is also started on this occasion. This function was attended by Dr. Mannar Jawahar, Vice Chancellor of Anna University and Poet Tamizhacchi Thangapandian as special guests. Social Awareness Seminars, HIV Awareness Day, World Mental Health Day, Anti sexual harassment day were observed. On the occasion of the birth centenary of Mother Theresa bushes were removed and tree saplings were planted. To encourage the weavers and to support the handloom industry, the handloom sarees worth Rs. 24,00,893/- were sold by the college under the scheme "Kaittharikkuk Kaikuduppom" and the college stood second among the city colleges for selling the handlooms, for which Dr. Gomathi the Principal and the NSS officers of the college were awarded and given certificates in a function organized on 23.03.2011 by the National Service Scheme at the University of Madras. 35 visually challenged students are being given training in computer operation under UGC – HEPSN scheme. Four students have won lap-tops. Under HEPSN the students are being helped by reading out the lessons to enable them to write in Braille and by providing recorded lessons in audio cassettes and CDs. NSS camp was organized at the slums of Pudupet from 24.02.2011 to 02.03.2011. "Summer Vocational Training Camp" was organized by the free vocational training centre from 28.04.2011 to 07.05.2011. NSS DETAILS – ACADEMIC YEAR 2011 - 2012 NSS UNITS CAMP Mrs. J. Stella OFFICERS Dr. Devikanya kumari -Unit-II (Dept. of Chemistry) 28.04.11 - Unit-I(Dept. of History) Mrs. G.Velmayil -Unit-III (Dept. of Comp. Science) Mrs. K.Shanthi -Unit-IV (Dept. of Physics) Mrs. S. Surya Kanthi -Unit-V (Dept. of Commerce) to Free Vocational Training given by Mrs. J. Stella for 10 07.05.11 days 30 students benefited 08.07.11 Campus cleaning followed by Environmental Awareness 377 Programme 280 NSS Volunteers 14.07.11&15.0711 Campus cleaning with JCP and Truck by Manju Foundation (NGO, Chennai Separated degradable and non-degradable waste 14.07.11 Mupperum Vizha – „100/100 Pasumai Vazhith Thittum‟, „Blood donation by NSS volunteers‟, „Sevai Chemmal Award‟ to differently able persons & social workers by Tamilnadu Assembly Honorable Speaker D. Jayakumar. Cash awards were given to students by him. This program was appreciated by him. 27.0711 to Service at C.S.I. Hr. Sec. School for the deaf, Mylapore 28.08.11 Five continuous weekend service at Balavihar, Kilpauk 15 volunteers from III B.A.History 11 NSS Volunteer from Botany 6.08.11 "Higher Education Safety Course" at Porur Ramachandra University organized by UNO, Disaster Management Team India. NSS Officer Mrs. J. Stella attended 7.08.11 International Seminar at Auxilium College(A) Vellore Mrs.J. Stella, R. Aswini & R.Shajabeen from III B.Com.; A. Musthiri Begam from III B.A.History participated 8.8.11 Miss. Sasi (21 year old) from Vittalapuram Village, Dindivanam Taluk was rescued at Saidapet by Miss.D. Sumathy of III B.A. History, counseling was given to her by Dr. V.Lilly & Mrs. J.Stella. She was handed over to her parents safely on 09.08.11. 15.08.11 Independence Day at Ft. St. George -15 Volunteers with Mrs. J. Stella participated 378 16.08.11 Educational Aid by Manju Foundation[NGO] to 10 students each received Rs. 2000/- as cheque in their own account Arranged by Mrs. J. Stella 19.08.11 Sadbhavana Diwas observed by taking oath Whole college students and staff 22.09.11&23.0911 Leadership Training at Loyola College -Musthri Begum, Manimegalai 23.09.11 NSS Day, Organ Donation, New Vocational Courses DTP, Fashion Designing & Beautician Chief guest of the day Hon‟ble Justice Vallinayagam, Saidai. S. Duraisamy, Mr. NanthaKumar,IRS; coordinator Dr. RajaHussaine, NSS Writer Mr.Manushyaputhiran, Miss. Julie Mariappan, Times of India, MrVeerapandian, Sun TV- 8 leading news papers highlighted organ donation programme 12.1.12 “Environmental Awareness” rally -192 NSS volunteers and Mrs. J. Stella, Mrs. Devikanyakumari and Mrs. Shanthi 20.1.12 Voter‟s Day Competition conducted in our college and sent the winners list to the University of Madras. - 200students participated 22.1.12 Organ Donation Rally100 Volunteers with Mrs. J. Stella – The Hindu / Interview broadcasted by Puthiathalaimurai TV on 5.2.12 24.1.12 National Girl Child Day -100 volunteers with Dept. of Social Welfare – Papers published the programme 25.1.12 National voter‟s Day Human Chain, Signature campaign and Essay Competition 300 volunteers with Mrs. J. Stella. G.Velmayil, Mrs. S. Suryakanthi 379 30.1.12 Road Safety Awareness with Lion‟s Club - 200 volunteers/ distribute safety rules pamphlet/ Indian Express 31.1.12 article with photo 13.2.12 Safety Awareness by Dept. of Police & Preliminary Elocution competition on Handloom Mark 19.2.12 Tamil Drama at Deva Neya Bhavanaar Library with World Tamil Federation – 30 Volunteers 22.2.12 23.2.12 Inter Collegiate Workshop on Mass Media organized by Mrs. Velmayil programme officer - 300 volunteers Final Elocution completion on Handloom Mark by Textile Committee of India -350 Volunteers with Deputy Commissioner & QAOs, Textile Committee 29.02.12 Science Day at University of Madras -100 volunteers with Mrs.G.Velmayil, Dr. Devikanyakumari, Mrs. K.Shanthi NSSPOs 03.02.12 Tamil Drama replay at Arignar Anna Arangam, TTDC, Island Ground, Chennai - 30 volunteers with Mrs.J.Stella, NSSPO 09.3.12 International women‟s Day, with Mother Teresa women‟s Association 50 students with Mrs. K. Shanthi, NSSPO SPECIAL CAMP 16.12.11 to 22.12.11 Unit I and V has arranged NSS Special Camp at Mullikuppam with 100 Volunteers organized by NSS Programme Officers Mrs. J.Stella and Mrs.S. SuryaGandhi . At. Mullikkuppam, Mega Medical Camp launched with the support of NGOs Manju Foundation, Dr. Aggarwal Eye Hospital done Eye Screening and Cataract Surgery for 50 people and donate free spectacles for 50 persons and 10spectacles donated by An Noor Eye Hospital, Egmore; Fortis Malar Hospital gave treatment for Cardiac checkup, BP, Sugar and 380 general checkup; Dental care by Meenakshiammal Dental College and Hospital for Two days (on 19.12.11). Mega medical Camp inaugurated by Tamilnadu Assembly Speaker D. Jayakumar, Mrs. R. Rajalakshmi, MLA, Mylapore and Dean of Dr. Agarwal Eye Hospital, Fortis Malar Hospital, Meenakshi Ammal Dental college and hospital and thousands of public participated and benefitted. Highlights of our programme published in daily papers Malai Murasu, News Today, Malaisudar, Makkal Kural, Thinamani, Thinamalar, Deccan Chronicle, Sathyam Tv broadcast with interview with NSS programme Officer Mrs. Stella. SPECIALCAMP 16th to 22nd December 2011 Unit. II, III, IV has arranged NSS Special Camp at Kaladipatti,Thiruverkadu with 150 Volunteers with the guidance of NSS Programme Officers Mrs. Devi kanyakumari, Mrs. G. Velmayil, Mrs. Shanthi. 130 Teak Tree plantation at Ayyanampakkam, and health awareness campaign has arranged NSS REPORT FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2012 – 2013 On 26.6.12 Mrs.K.Shanthi NSS program officer and 100 NSS volunteers attended Rally on Drug Abuse and Traffic Management at Marina beach. From 26.6.12 to 9.7.12 NSS units volunteers along with NSS program officers shifted furniture and cleaned our college library and packed subject books, Urdu & other books shifted to Queen Mary‟s college, Chennai. The presidency college boys also helped to shifting the furniture‟s in library. On 10.7.12 created awareness regarding world population day and conducted the (I) poetry, (ii) essay writing competitions for the NSS volunteers. On 11.7.12 Mrs.G.Velmayil & Mrs. K. Suryakanthi NSS program officers with 25 NSS volunteers participated in world population day celebrated by Govt. of Tamilnadu in collaboration with NSS cell of Madras University. 18.7.12 NSS and An-noor Eye hospital jointly organized Free Eye screening for our college students. On 12.7.12 Eye camp conducted at Quaid – E – Millat Govt. College by program officers and NSS volunteers. 381 On 1.8.12 NSS organized Blood donation camp with Kilpauk Medical College at QMGC Chennai.71 NSS volunteers selected for donating blood. On 5.8.12 Mrs. G. Velmayilj, Mrs. K. Shanthi, Dr. Devi kanyakumari along with 50 students joined in Lions Club and participated in service projects. On 10.8.12 Mrs.K.Shanthi NSS program officer along with 50 NSS volunteers participated in the Independence Day celebration at secretariat, Chennai. On 19.8.12 50 NSS volunteers created awareness to the people about the usage of plastic prevention and also regulated the crowd in the Thiruverkadu temple. On 22.8.2012 Mrs. K. Shanthi NSS program officer participated in the training of trainers program (FOP) course conducted by Tamilnadu Police Academy, Chennai regarding Drug Abuse (FOP-drugbuster). On 10.9.2012 Mrs. J Stella, Mrs.G.Velmail, Dr. Devi Kanyakumari, Dr. K. Suriyakanthi NSS program officersSuicide prevention conducted Awareness program with our college NSS volunteers at QMGC Chennai. On 16.9.2012 program officers along with 20 NSS volunteers participated in pollution awareness program at Thiruverkadu temple and gave tips to go ecofriendly. From 21.9.2012 to 22.9.12 beach was cleaned by Mrs. G. Velmayil, Mrs. K. Shanthi, NSS programme officers and 200 NSS volunteers. On 25.9.2012 various subject books was issued by Lions Club members through our students along with NSS programme officers to government schools. On 25.9.12 DOTS training programme conducted by NSS program officer at QMGC, Chennai along with Reach Akshaya and Meenakshi hospital. On 4.10.2012 The Lions Club members provided the JCP to clean our college camps. On 5.10.2012 Pesticide for Mosquito Awareness given by Lions Club members along with Mrs.G.Velmail, Dr. Devi Kanyakumari andMrs. K. Shanthi NSS program officers. On 5.10.2012 cement block to cover the motor through the NSS units sponsored by lions club. On 7.10.2012 165 NSS volunteers along with Dr. K. Suriyakanthi and Mrs. J. Stella conducted I care Eye care Rally on world sight day with Vellamal national school. On 8.10.2012 100 NSS volunteers participated in the World Service Day along with NSS programme officers. Lions Club conducted the Eye Camp in our camps to NSS volunteers. The Lions Club members provided Rs.25000 to 5 students as educational aid. 382 On 3.11.2012 60 NSS volunteers participated in Thithikum Diwali with Gold Trust Foundation with 310 orphanage children at Mysore Mahal, Vyasar. On 5.11.2012 QMGCW selected as Best service Institutional Award from International Lions Club awarded by Hon‟bleTamilNaduThiru.Roasiya, at Anna Univsersity. On 13.11.2012 Mrs. G. Velmayil, Mrs. K. Shanthi, NSS program officers attended the Dingu Awareness program conducted by the government of Tamilnadu. On 26.11.2012 Our NSS program officers conducted the Dinguawareness program in our college campus. From 14.12.12 to 16.12.12 eight batches of NSS volunteers are participated an Inter collegiate NSS workshop in WUSC Centre. On 31.12.12 Miss. N. Malarkodihas participated Republic Day Parade at Delhi and represented University of Madras. She was honoured by Vice-Chancellor University of Madras. On 19.2.13 Inter Collegiate Free Workshop on RTI was organized by Dr. K. Suriyakanthi NSS program officer at QMGC in collaboration with CASA, FACT, Meenakshi Mission and Chennai Metro. From 22.02.13 to 28.2.13 NSS special camp for 7 days was conducted by Unit I and Unit V andon the theme of Environmental Issues at 114th ward, Triplicane, Chennai. On 23.2.13 Free General health camp with the support of Kusthuribai Gandhi Maternity Hospital, Triplicane organized at Navallar Nagar. On 24.2.13 Free Eye Care I Care Thittam and Free cataract Surgery for 100 needy with the support of Udhi Eye Hospitalwith the participation of 114 ward. On 25.2.13 Two blood Donation camp has organized with the support of Mobile Bus from KMC Haspital at Jam Bazar Market and Kasturiba Maternity Hospital at community College. On 28.2.13 TB and creat Zero TB Zone with the support of REACH Akshya Global Project and Valedictory function From 4.3.13 to 10.3.13 NSS special camp for 7 days was conducted by Unit II, Unit III and Unit IV on the theme of Environmental Issues at Ayappakkam Village, Chenni – 77. On 4.3.13 Prevention of plastic by Thappattam& stage play. On 5.3.13 Cancer Awareness program along with Cancer Institute, Adayar, and Chennai. On 6.3.13 Work shop on Disposing House waste in an eco friendly way. 383 On 7.3.13 Rally on plastic awareness for 5 km on Ayappakkam to Thiruverkadu main road. On 8.3.13 Statistics about people affected by kuppaimalai in athipet village is carried out and submitted to corporation of Chennai, tamilnadu. On 9.3.13 250 trees were planted in TNHB Ayappakkam Chennai. On 10.3.13 Pamphlets regarding keeping the environment clean is distributed to in and around Ayappakkam village. On 10.3.2013 Unit II Unit III and Unit IVNSS special camp valedictory function held at Ayappakkam village. Chennai.College campus was cleaned by NSS volunteers along with program officers monthly once. Youth Red Cross Society Report 2008-2009 YRC volunteers participated in the Oratorical, Essay, Quiz and Painting comptetitions during the Geneva Convention Day celebrations. YRC volunteers – Ms.K.Mythili (II M.A. Historical Studies) and Ms. K. Murugeswari (II B.Sc, Chemistry) won the 3rd prize in the quiz competition conducted by the IRCS in its campus, to celebrate the Geneva Convention Day. YRC volunteers participated in the seminar organized by the IRCS in commemoration with the World Aids Day in its campus. YRC Programme Officer Dr. Mrs. M. Raziya Parvin participated in the one day orientation seminar on 6th January, 2009 held at Queen Mary's College, Chennai. YRC volunteers helped the blind student as scribes. YRC REPORT 2009-2010 YRC volunteers participated in the oratorical, Essay, quiz and painting competitions during the Geneva Convention day celebrations. The essay writing competition entitled "Our World, Your Move" of the Geneva Convention Day was organized at QMGCW (A) on 6th August 2009. 49 students from 33 city colleges participated in the competition. 384 A special lecture on "Campus Cleanliness" was organized on 11th Feb 2010 in the college. Mr. Sampath Kumar, President – Student Exnora, Chennai addressed 500 volunteers of the college. He spoke on the adverse effects of polythene and plastic items and instructed the volunteers to ensure the cleanliness of the campus. The First Aid Training Programme was organized on 20th February 2010 in the college campus in co-ordination with the St.John Ambulance Association, Chennai. 80 students participated in the programme. Four students C.S.Anitha, E.Subarani, c.Poongavanammal, V.P. Jayasri participated in the One-Day workshop on waste management organized by YRC, Govt. College, Nandanam on 5th March, 2010. YRC REPORT (2010 – 2011) YRC volunteers participated in the Quiz and Essay writing Competitions during the 61st Anniversary of Geneva Convention Day celebrations. YRC Programme Officer attended one day Seminar at Queen Mary‟s College on 27th August, 2010. YRC volunteers helped the physically challenged people in the Job Fair held at Island Grounds on 19th March, 2011. YRC REPORT : 2011 - 2012 YRC volunteers participated in the Oratorical, Essay, Quiz, Painting and Variety Entertainment competitions in commemoration of the Geneva Convention Day celebrations held at various city colleges. YRC volunteer – Ms.Janet Karunya (II B.Sc. PB & PB) won the 2nd Prize in the Tamil Oratorical Competition conducted at New College in commemoration of the Geneva Convention Day celebrations. 385 YRC Programme Officer, Dr. M. Raziya Parvin participated in the one day orientation seminar on 5th August, 2011 held at Queen Mary‟s College, Chennai. YRC Programme Officer, Dr. M. Raziya Parvin delivered an invited lecture on “Personality Enrichment” as the Chief Guest speaker organized by the YRC unit, R.B.Gothi Jain College for Women, Redhills, Chennai on 25th August, 2011. Mobile Van Project of Tamil Nadu State Aids Control Society was organized in the college campus on 26th August, 2011 and 600 YRC volunteers were benefitted out of the lecture, slides and short films related to AIDS awareness. YRC Orientation Seminar was organized to the First year Under-graduate students on 29th August, 2011 and Dr. J. Sulaiman, YRC Joint District Organizer delivered the speech on the Activities and Functions of YRC. YRC Programme Officer, Dr. M. Raziya Parvin delivered an invited lecture on “YRC Structure and Activities” as the Resource Person for One Day District Level YRC Students Study Camp organized by the Chennai District YRC, University of Madras held at New College, Chennai on 16th September, 2011. YRC volunteers – Ms. S. Gayathri and Ms. Sangeetha (I B.A. Historical Studies) participated in the One Day District Level YRC Students Study Camp organized by the Chennai District YRC, University of Madras held at New College, Chennai on 16th September, 2011. YRC Programme Officer, Dr. M. Raziya Parvin delivered an invited lecture on “Plastic Bags – Advantages and Disadvantages” as the Chief Guest speaker organized by the YRC unit, Valliammal College for Women, Anna Nagar, Chennai on 20th October, 2011. On account of World Aids Day on 1st December, HIV/AIDS Awareness Rally was organized on 2nd December, 2011 in association with the Indian 386 Red Cross Society, Chennai District Branch and Tamil Nadu State Aids Control Society on the Binny Road, Anna Salai between 11.00 am – 12.00 pm. 300 YRC volunteers participated in the rally, holding placards and raising slogans for the prevention of HIV/AIDS. Pamphlets were issued to the public and the media CAPTAIN TV also recorded the event. The students and the YRC Programme Officer were very enthusiastic in participation and gave their opinions to the media. Essay competition entitled “Role of Students in HIV/AIDS prevention”, “Role of Youth in HIV/AIDS prevention” and “Suggestions for AIDS prevention in Future” was organized in the college on 8th December, 2011 in association with Indian Red Cross Society, Chennai District Branch and Tamil Nadu State Aids Control Society. 91 YRC volunteers participated in the Essay Competition and won prizes. Talks on Eye Care and Eye Camp were organized in the college on 9th December between 10 am – 4 pm in association with Rajan Eye Care Hospital, T.Nagar; Chennai Vision Charitable Trust; Rotary Club and Kuoni Academy, Chennai. Dr. Ravishankar, Senior Consultant gave a powerpoint presentation on the various measures of preventing eye diseases. 450 students participated and the doctors examined the eyes in the camp. 2 YRC volunteers – N. Abinayadevi and Y.Yesu Maria Mathanicka of II B.A. English Literature participated in 4 – Day State Level YRC Study Camp held at Bharathiar University, Coimbatore from December 12th – 15th, 2011. 15 YRC volunteers attended the Awareness Programme for Women on Legal Aid in the premises of Indian Red Cross Society, Egmore, Chennai on 31st January, 2012. 4 YRC volunteers – N. Nisha, J. Sangeetha, A. Musthiri Begum of III B. A. Historical Studies and S. Kalaiarasi of I B. Sc. Mathematics participated in the Three Day Zonal Level Orientation and Training 387 Programme for YRC volunteers organized by the Indian Red Cross Society, Tamil Nadu Branch and Youth Red Cross of University of Madras held at the premises of Indian Red Cross Society, Egmore, Chennai during February 8th – 10th, 2012. In view of the commemoration of International Women‟s Day, 15 YRC volunteers underwent the Free Haemoglobin and Blood Grouping Testing at the Blood Bank of Red Cross on March 8th, 2012 in the premises of Indian Red Cross Society, Egmore, Chennai. POST-ACCREDITATION INITIATIVES The college has planned to undertake innovative measures to increase the pass percentage. The General Library has to be upgraded and updated. The NRC has to established further with many no.of consoles for students‟ use. Under e-Governance. The Human Information System has to be retained in computer and the coordination of the committees has to be regularized. To improve the courses according to the needs of the job market. 388 To encourage the Study Abroad Programme. M.Phil and Ph.D courses for all departments to be introduced. To strengthen the laboratories with necessary facilities. More Minor and Major Research Projects to be proposed and funded by the UGC. Extension of Community Services to be considered outside the campus. 100% placement services through training to be incorporated. Coaching for entry into services to be established further. Remedial classes to be made mandatory as part of the curriculum during the working hours of the college and to be streamlined further. Entrepreneurial Development measures to be initiated and encouraged. Softskills development and training to be enhanced through linkage with professional institutes. Workshops of Human Resource Management to be commenced by IQACell. Eco friendly issues to be incorporated as part of compulsory extension, research and field work activities. Career Counselling to be regularized and seek excellent opportunities for the students. Initiatives to ensure students to be economically Independent by encouraging skill oriented programme through exhibitions of art and craft. 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 COLLEGE MAP 399 RESULTS – PASS PERCENTAGE – HIGHLIGHTS Department Batch Class No Appeared No Passed I II III I Class with Dist. Pass % 2005 - 06 PG 25 25 24 - - 1 100.00 UG 108 88 25 62 1 - 81.48 PG 15 9 - 8 1 - 60.00 M. Phil 5 5 3 2 - - 100.00 UG 112 90 22 63 5 - 80.36 PG 12 8 7 1 - - 66.67 M. Phil 4 4 - - - 4 100 UG 84 81 28 45 8 - 97.22 PG 13 13 11 1 - 1 100.00 M. Phil 4 4 2 2 - - 100.00 UG 111 109 70 39 - - 99.15 PG 12 12 7 - - 5 100.00 M. Phil 6 3 3 - - - 50.00 UG 103 102 44 56 1 1 99.03 PG 20 20 16 - - 4 100.00 M. Phil 6 6 4 2 - - 100.00 2006 – 07 UG 120 109 85 22 - 2 90.83 2007 – 08 UG 113 109 89 12 - 8 96.46 2008 – 09 UG 118 114 94 20 - - 96.55 2009 - 10 UG 119 117 85 27 - 5 100.00 2010 – 11 UG 113 113 84 20 - 8 100.00 2006 – 07 2007 – 08 History 2008 – 09 2009 - 10 2010 – 11 Economics 400 Department III I Class with Dist. Pass % - - - 77.78 12 29 11 - 85.25 14 - 9 5 - 100.00 54 46 4 20 22 - 85.19 PG 22 21 17 4 - - 95.45 UG 58 51 7 26 17 1 89.47 PG 10 10 5 5 - - 100.00 UG 57 54 3 39 12 - 94.74 PG 19 18 17 1 - - 94.74 UG 59 51 6 24 21 - 86.44 PG 25 25 25 - - - 100.00 2006 – 07 UG 57 49 5 33 11 - 85.25 2007 – 08 UG 60 47 34 10 - 3 78.33 2008 – 09 UG 55 55 35 13 1 6 100.00 2009 - 10 UG 58 55 40 9 - 6 96.49 2010 - 11 UG 57 53 22 29 2 0 92.98 2005 - 06 PG 18 16 5 - - 11 88.89 UG 58 54 54 - - - 93.10 PG 26 22 5 - - 17 84.62 UG 58 51 15 - 1 35 87.93 PG 23 18 8 - - 10 78.26 UG 71 57 18 - - 39 72.96 PG 21 20 6 - - 14 95.24 UG 98 90 4 - - 86 92.07 PG 20 15 4 - - 11 75.00 UG 100 94 60 6 - 28 94.00 Batch 2005 - 06 Class No Appeared No Passed I II PG 18 14 14 UG 61 52 PG 14 UG 2006 – 07 2007 – 08 English 2008 – 09 2009 - 10 2010 – 11 Tamil 2006 – 07 2007 – 08 Mathematics 2008 – 09 2009 - 10 2010 - 11 401 Physics Chemistry PG 26 26 3 - - 23 100.00 2006 – 07 UG 75 66 60 6 - - 88.00 2007 – 08 UG 70 62 42 9 - 11 88.57 2008 – 09 UG 47 46 19 2 - 25 97.62 2009 - 10 UG 50 49 12 - - 37 100.00 2010 - 11 UG 61 61 24 1 1 35 100.00 2006 – 07 UG 71 61 60 1 - - 85.92 2007 – 08 UG 67 57 47 1 - 9 85.07 2008 – 09 UG 71 58 20 - - 38 84.16 2009 - 10 UG 68 60 22 - - 38 90.05 2010 - 11 UG 66 66 1 - - 65 100.00 2005 - 06 PG 15 13 8 - - 5 86.67 UG 71 60 51 9 - - 84.51 PG 13 13 12 1 - - 100.00 UG 70 62 44 7 - 11 88.57 PG 15 14 8 - - 6 93.33 UG 59 59 23 4 - 32 100.00 PG 13 13 5 - - 8 100.00 M. Phil 6 6 4 - - 2 100.00 UG 72 65 47 4 - 14 90.48 PG 14 14 4 - - 10 100.00 M. Phil 6 6 6 - - - 100.00 UG 64 61 40 10 - 5 95.31 PG 15 15 - - - 15 100.00 M. Phil 6 6 4 - - 2 100.00 2006 – 07 2007 – 08 2008 – 09 PB & PB 2009 - 10 2010 - 11 402 Department Class No Appeared No Passed I II III I Class with Dist. PG 21 19 10 - - 9 90.48 UG 59 47 44 3 - - 79.66 PG 22 21 16 - - 5 95.45 UG 68 61 42 16 - 3 89.71 PG 20 18 11 - - 7 90.00 UG 66 62 42 5 - 15 100.00 PG 20 20 1 - - 19 100.00 M. Phil 6 6 3 - - 3 100.00 UG 68 59 38 4 - 17 86.76 PG 13 11 7 1 - 3 84.62 M. Phil 3 3 3 - - - 100.00 UG 58 57 32 3 - 22 98.27 PG 25 22 9 - - 13 100.00 M. Phil 3 3 1 - - 2 100.00 2006 – 07 UG 41 32 23 9 - - 78.05 2007 – 08 UG 45 33 15 14 - 4 73.33 2008 – 09 UG 49 44 19 14 - 11 89.80 2009 - 10 UG 42 42 25 - - 17 100.00 2010 - 11 UG 45 41 17 5 - 19 91.11 2006 – 07 UG 38 38 37 1 - - 100.00 2007 – 08 UG 37 37 10 - - 27 100.00 UG 77 76 32 1 - 43 98.68 PG 56 53 23 - - 30 94.64 UG 77 77 11 - - 66 100.00 PG 56 56 6 - - 50 100.00 UG 74 73 17 - - 56 98.64 PG 50 50 15 9 - 26 100.00 2006 – 07 UG 126 122 106 16 - - 96.83 2007 – 08 UG 129 124 80 12 - 32 96.12 2008 – 09 UG 187 183 90 13 - 80 98.76 2009 – 10 UG 201 197 92 7 - 98 98.98 2010 - 11 UG 204 200 121 6 - 73 98.04 Batch 2005 - 06 2006 – 07 Zoology 2007 – 08 2008 – 09 2009 – 10 Pass % Zoology 2010 - 11 N&D 2008 – 09 Computer Science 2009 - 10 2010 - 11 Commerce 403 RESULTS - 2011 - 2012 Number of Students appeared Number of Students passed Percentage of Student Passed Historical Studies 107 106 99.06 Economics 116 116 100.00 English 62 61 98.39 Tamil 59 58 98.31 Mathematics 122 109 89.34 Physics 66 62 93.93 Chemistry 62 55 88.70 PB & PB 73 70 95.89 Zoology (E.M) 69 68 98.55 N&D 46 42 91.30 Computer Science 77 77 100.00 Commerce 204 204 100.00 Historical Studies 18 18 100.00 English 18 15 83.33 Mathematics 29 28 96.55 PB& PB 15 12 80.00 Zoology 24 24 100.00 Master of Computer Application 45 45 100.00 Historical Studies 6 6 100.00 Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology 4 4 100.00 Zoology 3 3 100.00 - - - - Name of the Department Day College SHIFT I Arts Under Graduate Science Commerce Arts Post Graduate Science Commerce M.Phil Full Time Part Time PG Dip/Diploma / Certificate Courses Diploma in Information Technology 30 30 100.00 Certificate Courses Air Ticketing and Fare Construction 19 19 100.00 - - - Mathematics 52 42 90.48 Computer Science 38 38 100.00 Commerce Sec `A' 67 65 97.01 Commerce Sec `B' 69 69 100.00 SHIFT II Arts Science Under Graduate Commerce - 404 PASS PERCENTAGE 2012-13 Class Appeared for Exam Passed % BA 105 86 82 - 13 69 4 MA 18 17 94 3 12 2 - M.Phil 6 6 100 - 6 BA EM 58 53 91.37 - 30 23 BA TM 65 54 90 39 14 BA 63 57 90 7 45 MA 28 22 78.5 15 7 Tamil BA 60 58 97 25 33 Mathematics B.Sc 119 108 91 32 40 B.Sc EM 34 34 100 19 15 B.Sc TM 32 30 93.75 5 14 B.Sc 75 71 94.75 20 48 3 M.Sc 6 5 83 3 2 B.Sc 71 61 89 5 37 M.Sc 10 9 90 2 7 M.Phil 4 4 100 B.Sc 72 64 88 2 41 21 M.Sc 24 23 95 4 15 4 M.Phil 3 3 100 B.Sc 45 38 84 6 18 14 B.Com 195 184 94 43 121 19 Department Historical Studies Economics English Physics Chemistry PBPB Zoology Home Science Commerce 405 Distinction I Class 35 II Class III Class 5 1 11 19 4 3 1 Pass percentage of 2013-14 UG Department Historical Studies Economics Class No of Total No of Medium Candidates Candidates Appeared Passed No. No of % of No of No. of of II III Pass Distinction Class class Class III BA EM 52 51 98 19 29 3 III BA TM 57 53 93 13 31 9 III BA EM 55 55 100 26 29 III BA TM 59 58 98 27 31 English III BA 64 60 93.75 4 33 23 Tamil III BA 65 62 95.03 25 35 2 III BSc I shift 64 60 93.75 21 30 9 - III BSc II shift 49 49 100 14 33 2 - Mathematics Physics III BSc EM EM 35 33 94.28 12 13 08 III BSc TM TM 32 30 93.75 01 20 09 III BSc EM EM 31 31 100 10 20 1 - III BSc TM TM 37 33 89 4 28 1 - III BSc EM EM 31 30 96.71 5 23 2 III BSc TM TM 32 26 81.2 1 17 08 III BSc EM EM 36 36 100 2 23 10 III BSc TM TM 32 30 96.8 16 14 III BSc EM 41 32 78 3 16 13 - III A 64 64 100 19 36 8 1 I SHIFT III B 66 66 100 11 44 11 - II SHIFT III C 65 65 100 13 50 2 Computer Science III BSc I shift EM 38 38 100 26 11 1 - III BSc II shift EM 38 38 100 21 16 1 - Chemistry PBPB Zoology Home Science Commerce 1 I SHIFT 406 PG Class No of Candidates Appeared Total No of Candidates Passed % of Pass Historical Studies II 20 19 95 16 3 Economics II 13 11 92 10 1 English II 29 25 86.2 13 12 Tamil II 11 05 45.4 05 Mathematics II 29 29 100 Chemistry II 10 09 90 PBPB II 14 12 85.7 8 4 Zoology II 23 20 86.9 7 13 - - Commerce II 29 28 96 4 23 1 - Computer Science III 51 51 100 34 17 - - No of Candidates Appeared 6 Total No of Candidates Passed 6 5 3 5 100 Department No of Distinction No. of No. of No. of Class II class II class 24 05 6 3 M.Phil Department Historical Studies PBPB Zoology Class M.Phil % of Pass No of Distinction No. of Class 100 6 100 100 5 3 No. of No. of II II class class Certificate Course - Diploma in Information Technology No of Department Class Shift Candidates Appeared Computer III I 30 Science B.Sc II 30 Total No of Candidates Passed 30 30 407 100 20 10 No. of II class - 100 16 12 - % of No of No. of Pass Distinction Class No of III Class - ANNEXURE - VIII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 1 Name of the Department /Cell English 2 Botany 3 Mathematics 4 Commerce 5 Computer Science S.No Topic Date Cultural Studies –A Literary/Linguistic Approach Medicinal Plants Exhibition & International Conference on Eco conservation for Sustainable Development Innovations in Contemporary IT Research 9.1.12 ,10.1.12 Global Issues and Challenges in Business Scenario Innovations in Contemporary IT Research 14.3.12, 15.3.12 17.2.112 .18.2.12, 3.2.12 17.2.12 18..2.12 National Seminars, Symosium year wise S.No 1 2 3 Name of the Department /Cell PBPB Tamil 4 5 Mathematics Computer Science Zoology IQAC 6 Economics 7 IQAC 8 Economics 9 Mathematics 10 Economics 11 12 13 14 Zoology IQAC Tamil Home Science 15 16 16 Chemistry Economics Consumer Club Historical Studies 17 Tamil 18 Economics – Entreprenneurial Development Cell Topic Date “Bio –Geo Challenges” Oodagangalil Tamil (Tamil Literature in Media) “Applications of Mathematical Structures in IT” Stem Cell and its application”kurunthuanu” “ICT Tools for Quality Enhancement in Teaching and Learning Process” State Level Seminar on “TamilNadu – Potentials and Challenges in 2020” ICT in Curriculum Design and Planning at HEI‟s Inclusive Global Economic Growth Implications for India Recent Trends in Fuzzy Mathematics &Applications Issues and Challenges of Sustainable Development in India Bio Diversity Dossier Management PanmuganokkilPengal Life Style Related Diseases –Prevention Education and Intervention Frontiers in Green Chemistry Consumer Awareness 2006-2007 2006 Building skills for Quality History Education in the changing Scenario Sangaillakiyathil Tamil Panpattukaliakalinmarabu State Level seminar and Exhibition. 20.2.14-21.2.14 408 4.1.07,5.1.07 12.8.08 Jan 28,2009 19.2.2009 March 2010 11.12.10 7.2.10,8.2.11 30.1.12,31.1.12 2011-12 24.2.12 06.01.12 18.2.14 27.1.14 to 6.2.14 27.1.14 WORKSHOPS S. No Name of the Department /Cell Topic Date 1. Physics Radiation and Radioactivity 2. IQAC E –Awareness Programme for Faculty 26.3.09 3. IQAC Faculty Counselling –Effective handling of Stake holders 1.4.2009 4. English English Language Fellow (ELF) 2008-09 Soft Skills Training for Teachers by Scope International 5.1.20097.1.2009 5. November 2006 6. Home Science Five Day Training Programme on Fruits and Vegetable Preservation 7. Home Science Modern Fabric Painting Methods for students 8. IQAC Emerge Learning Services Ltd – “IT for Non IT Teachers” 32 Faculty Participated 22.02.10 24.02.10 9. Physics Entrepreneurship Orientation Programmeand Mobile Phone Maintenance 300 Students Benefited 21.2.12 & 22.2.12 10. English Workshop on Review -Writing Chennai Literary Festival 10.01.14 11. Homescience One Day Entrepreneurial Development Workshop 0n Soft Toy Making 21.9.13 12. Homescience College Bazaar 2013 24.10.14 13. Homescience Four Day Workshop on Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables 26.8.13 to 30.8.13 14. Homescience One Day workshop on Artificial Flower making 30.1.14 15. General Library Workshop on, “Effective Utilization of Open Access Educational Resources “ 19.03.14 16. General Library Three Day Exhibition 17.02.13, 18.02.13, 19.02.13 17. Economics – Entrepreneurial Development Cell World Intellectual Property Day Special Address and Exhibition 409 9.2.09-13.2.09 31.1.09 25.4.14 Details of UGC –Major Research Projects undertaken by the Faculty S.No Department Principal Project Period Grants from/ Researcher Amount in Rs 1 Mathematics Dr.A.UmaMaheswari 2010-2013 UGC (3 years) Rs.11,33,000 2. Historical Dr.K.Vijaya 2010-2012 UGC Studies (2 years) Rs.4,83,700 3. Tamil Dr.K.A.Jothirani 2012-2014 UGC (2 years) Rs.5,87,100 4 PB&PB Dr.K.Vijaya Ramesh UGC Rs.7,10,800 2013 -2016 (3 Years) 5 Historical Dr.RaziyaParvin 2013-2015 UGC Studies (2 years) Rs.7,84,600 Status of the Project Completed Completed Completed On going On going Details of UGC Minor Research Project undertaken by the Staff S. No Department Principal Researcher 1 Mathematics Dr.A.UmaMaheswari 2 Computer Science Historical Studies Dr.Ananthi Sheshasaayee 4 Zoology Dr.J.J.Arockia Rita 5 6 P.B & P.B P.B & P.B Dr.K.Vijaya Ramesh Dr.R.Soruba 7 8 9 S.Nandhini Dr.A. Subhashini 14 Zoology PB & PB Computer Science Computer Science Computer Science Computer Science Computer Science PB & PB 15 Homescience 3 10 11 12 13 Dr.E.Jayanthy Jasmine Samraj Project Period Grants from/ Amount in Rs 2006 – 2008 2012-2013 (1 year) Oct 2011 – April 2013 (18 months) Sep 2011Feb 2013 (18 months) July 2010 Sep 2011Feb 2013 (18 months) 2004 2014 2014 Rs 50000 UGC Rs.80,000 Status of the Project Completed Completed Rs .65,000 Completed Rs.1,50,000 Completed Rs.1,20,000 Rs.1,35,000 Completed Completed Rs.1,85,000 Rs.1,77,300 Rs.1,62,500 On going On going On going V.Vidyapriya 2014 Rs.1,47,500 On going Dr.D.Pugazhenthi 2014 Rs.1,62,500 On going R.Jayanthi 2014 Rs.1,62,500 On going Sumathy Kingslin 2014 Rs.1,75,000 On going Dr. K. Vijaya Ramesh Mrs.Sowmiya 2013 TANSCHE Rs.1,00,000 On going 2013-14 TNSCST Rs.3,50,000 On going 410 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION 2009-10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. a). b). c). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. a). b). c). Foot Ball Kho-Kho Kabaddi Ball-Badminton Volley Ball Hand Ball Cricket Basket Ball Athletics-deaf and dumb Shot Put Javelin Discus Foot Ball Kho-Kho Kabaddi Ball-Badminton Volley Ball Hand Ball Cricket Basket Ball Athletics-deaf and dumb Shot Put Javelin Discus I Place II Place II Place II Place III Place IV Place IV Place IV Place I Place I Place I Place I Place II Place II Place II Place III Place IV Place IV Place IV Place I Place I Place I Place 411 2010 – 2011 STATE LEVEL 1. K. Saraswathi 2. K. Nithiya 3. K. Nirosha 4. P. Shanmuga Sankari 5. K. Priya 6. K.Priyanka 7. P.S. Bhavani 8. M. Mohanadevi 9. P.Latha 10. E. Banupriya 11.P. Gayathri 12.M. Jayalakshmi 13.N. Thulasidevi 14.M. Sangeetha NID Zoology Zoology B.Com Zoology Computer science Computer Science B.Com N&D Maths Tamil Zoology B.Com Computer science Kabaddi Kabaddi Kabaddi Kabaddi Kabaddi Kabaddi Kabaddi Kabaddi Kabaddi Kabaddi Kabaddi Foot Ball Foot Ball Foot Ball Villupuram Villupuram Villupuram Villupuram Villupuram Villupuram Villupuram Villupuram Villupuram Villupuram Villupuram Madurai Madurai Madurai UNIVERSITY LEVEL 1.k. Nirosha 2.K. Nithya 3.K. Saraswathi 4.M. Jayalakshmi 5.K. Nithya 6.K. Nirosha 7.K. Geetha 8.G. Nethradevi 9.S. Sornalatha 10.P. Sowmya Zoology Zoology N&D Zoology Zoology Zoology Maths English B.Com B.Com Kabaddi Kabaddi Kabaddi Foot Ball Foot Ball Foot Ball Kho-Kho Kho-Kho Ball-Badminton Badminton Madras University Madras University Madras University Gowaliar Gowaliar Gowaliar Vesaga Patenam Vesaga Patenam SRM University SRM University ZONAL LEVEL 1.K. Saraswathi 2.K. Priya 3.M. Jayalakshmi 4.K. Priyanka 5.P.S. Bhavani 6.G. Nethradevi 7.K. Geetha 8.K. Nidhyalakshmi 9.K. Nivetha 10.J. Mohana N&D Zoology Zoology Computer Sci Computer Sci English Maths N&D B.Com History Kabaddi Kabaddi Kabaddi Kabaddi Kabaddi Kho-Kho Kho-Kho Kho-Kho Kho-Kho Kho-Kho 412 QMGC QMGC QMGC QMGC QMGC QMGC QMGC QMGC QMGC QMGC 11.P. Valarmathi 12.N.Divya 13.R. Dhanalakshmi 14.S. Saraswathi 15.G. Priyadharshni 16.L. Mahalakshmi 17.S. Yamini 18.S. Priya 19.D. Radha 20.V. Arunadevi 21.P. Josphine 22.K.Nirosha 23.K.Nithya 24.M. Jayalakshmi 25.A. Namdhini 26.P. Valarmathi 27.P. Shanmuga Sankari 28.K. Sheela 29.N. Divya 30.K.Nirosha 31.S. Sornalatha 32.R. Sowmya 33.K. Nirosha 34.S. Viji 35.B. Sangeetha 36.K.Nithiya 37.K. Nirosha 38. D. Radha 39. N. Neelavathy 40. P. Shanmugasankari 41. Sunitha Lazaru 42. R. Reshma 43. V. Arunadevi 44. A. Thenmozhi 45. S. Kowsalya 46. S. Sangeetha 47. N. Thulasidevi 48. K. Sheela 49. S. Punitha Economics Economics Economics Economics Economics Zoology Computer Sci Zoology History History Economics Zoology Zoology Zoology Zoology Economics B.Com B.Com B.Com Computer Science B.Com B.Com Zoology B.Com Zoology Zoology Zoology History Zoology B.Com Chemistry Zoology History History Economic Comp.Science B.Com B.Com Zoology 413 Kho-Kho Kho-Kho Kho-Kho Kho-Kho Kho-Kho Kho-Kho Kho-Kho Kho-Kho Foot Ball Foot Ball Foot Ball Foot Ball Foot Ball Foot Ball Foot Ball Foot Ball Foot Ball Volly Ball Volly Ball Volly Ball Ball.Badminton Ball.Badminton Ball.Badminton Ball.Badminton Hockey Hockey Hockey Hand Ball Hand Ball Hand Ball Basket Ball Basket Ball Cricket Cricket Cricket Foot Ball Foot Ball Foot Ball Kabadi QMGC QMGC QMGC QMGC QMGC QMGC QMGC QMGC MUU MUU MUU MUU MUU MUU MUU MUU MUU MUU MUU MUU Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj MUU MUU MUU Stella Marys Stella Marys SDNB Vaishnav SDNB Vaishnav SDNB Vaishnav MUU MUU MUU QMGC 2011 – 2012 NATIONAL LEVEL 1.K. Priya 2.P. Latha Zoology N&D Kabaddi Kabaddi Karnataka Hydrabad STATE LEVEL 1. K. Saraswathi 2. K. Priya 3. E. Banupriya 4. S.P. Bhavnani 5. M. Mohanadevi 6. P. Shanmuga Sankari 7. P. priyanga 8. P. Latha 9. V. Lakshmi 10. S. Archana 11. S. Revathi 12. K. Dhanalakshmi 13. S. Priya 14. G. Karpagam 15. L. Padmapriya 16. S. Subhalakshmi 17. G. Kalpana 18. K. Ramya 19. S. Saraswathi 20. S. Yamine 21. G. Priyadharshni 22. L. Mahalakshmi 23. S. Sowmya 24. G. Mythile 25. M. Rebeca 26. M. Gomathi 27. K. Revathi 28. G. Latha 29. R. Santhi 30. S. Saratha 31. P. Sinduja M.A.History Zoology Maths Computer Science B.Com B.Com Computer Science B.Com B.Com Zoology M.A.History Economics Zoology Economics B.Com Computer Science B.Com B.Com English Computer Science English Zoology B.Com Maths B.Com Computer Science Maths B.Com Economics Chemistry B.Com 414 Kabaddi Kabaddi Kabaddi Kabaddi Kabaddi Kabaddi Kabaddi Kabaddi Kabaddi Kabaddi Kho-Kho Kho-Kho Kho-Kho Kho-Kho Kho-Kho Kho-Kho Kho-Kho Kho-Kho Kho-Kho Kho-Kho Kho-Kho Kho-Kho Ball-Badminton Ball-Badminton Ball-Badminton Ball-Badminton Ball-Badminton Ball-Badminton Ball-Badminton Ball-Badminton Ball-Badminton Erode Salem Porur Thirunelveli Trichy Ethiraj Ethraj Ethraj Ethiraj Ethraj Ethiraj Ethraj Ethraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethira Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj 32. R. Mirra 33. N. Thulasi devi 34. P. Shanmuga Sankari 35. M. Jayalakshmi 36. S. Revathi 37. K. Dhanalakshmi 38. M. Sangeetha 39. T. Liza vennila 40. K. Thakihayani 41. G. Manimegalai 42. A. Nandhini 43. G. Ramya 44. K. Gayathri 45. M. Jayalakshmi 46. S. Subalakshmi 47. K. Janani 48. B. Kaviya 49. S. Leelavathi 50. S. Divya Ganga 51. P. Shanmuga Sankari 52. G Ramya 53. R. Mahadevi 54. K. Sheela 55. R. Divya 56. R. Gayathri 57. N. Thulasidevi 58. S. Jayashree 59. M. Sangeetha 60. G. Priyadharshini B.Com B.Com B.Com Zoology History Economics Chemistry Economics Economics Maths Tamil English Botony Zoology Computer Science B.Com Botony Zoology B.Com B.Com English B.Com B.Com B.Com History B.Com B.Com Computer Science B.Com Ball-Badminton Ball-Badminton Ball-Badminton Ball-Badminton Foot Ball FootBall Foot Ball Foot Ball Foot Ball Foot Ball Foot Ball Foot Ball Foot Ball Foot Ball Foot Ball Foot Ball Foot Ball Foot Ball Foot Ball Foot Ball Foot Ball Foot Ball Volley Ball Volley Ball Volley Ball Volley Ball Volley Ball Volley Ball Volley Ball Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj Ethiraj UNIVERSITY LEVEL 1. K. Nivetha 2. S. Priya 3. K. Saraswathi 4. E. Banupriya 5. M.Z. Anisha Nisha 6. A. Nandhini 7. P. Shanmuga Sankari B.Com Zoology History Maths Maths Tamil B.Com Kho-Kho Kho-Kho Kabaddi Kabaddi Cricket Cricket Foot Ball 415 Mumbai Mumbai MUU MUU Pandichery Pandichery Annamalai 8. N. Thulasidevi 9. A. Nandhini 10. G. Ramya B.Com Tamil English Foot Ball Foot Ball Foot Ball Annamalai Annamalai Annamalai ZONAL LEVEL 1. K. Saraswathi 2. K. Priya 3. P. Shanmuga Sankari 4. E. Banupriya 5. S.P. Bhavani 6. M. Mohanadevi 7. P. Priyanga 8. P. Gayathri 9. P. Latha 10. R. Vijaya 11. V. Lakshmi 12. S. Archana 13. A. Nandhini 14. S.Rekha 15. M.Z. Faizunishu 16. M.Z. Anisha Nisha 17. N. Renukadevi 18. S.K. Janane 19. V. Sathiya 20. R. Rajakarthika 21. G. Bhuvaneswari 22. K. Kalai selvi 23. M. Gayathri 24. Y. Jayanthi 25. S. Yuvarani 26. S. Nandhini 27. S. Prema 28. S. Pavithra 29. G. Mythily 30. E. Aparnavaishnavi 31. M. Saranya 32. K. Nivetha M.A.History Zoology B.Com Maths Computer Science B.Com Computer Science English N&D Maths History Zoology Tamil History Maths Maths Tamil B.Com B.Com Chemistry Maths Economics Botony B.Com B.Com Botony B.Com Tamil Maths Chemistry English B.Com 416 Kabaddi Kabaddi Kabaddi Kabaddi Kabaddi Kabaddi Kabaddi Kabaddi Kabaddi Kabaddi Kabaddi Kabaddi Cricket Cricket Cricket Cricket Cricket Cricket Cricket Cricket Cricket Cricket Cricket Cricket Cricket Cricket Cricket Cricket Cricket Cricket Cricket Kho-Kho JBAS JBAS JBAS JBAS JBAS JBAS JBAS JBAS JBAS JBAS JBAS JBAS MUU MUU MUU MUU MUU MUU MUU MUU MUU MUU MUU MUU MUU MUU MUU MUU MUU MUU MUU MUU 33. P. Valarmathy 34. S. Revathy 35. S. Priya 36. K. Ramya 37. G. Kalpana 38. M. Jayalakshmi 39. P. ShanmugaSankari 40. N. Thulasidevi 41. G. Ramya 42. A. Nandhini 43. M. Sangeetha 44. S. Revathi 45. K. Dhakshayani 46. G. Manimegalai 47. R. Shanthi 48. S. Saradha 49. S. Neelavathi 50. S. Revathi 51. Suniths Lazaru 52. M. Jayalakshmi 53. R. Rajeswari 54. C. Lakshmipriya 55. R. sowmya 56. K. Sheela 57. S. Jayashri Economics M.A.History Zoology B.Com B.Com Zoology B.Com B.Com English Tamil Computer Sci M.A.History Economics Maths Economics Chemistry Zoology M.A.History Chemistry Zoology Maths Maths B.Com B.Com B.Com Kho-Kho Kho-Kho Kho-KHo Kho-Kho Kho-Kho Kho-Kho Foot Ball Foot Ball Foot Ball Foot Ball Foot Ball Foot Ball Foot Ball Foot Ball Ball Badminton Ball Badminton Hand Ball Hand Ball Basket Ball Hockey Hockey Hockey Badminton Volley Ball Volley Ball 417 MUU QMC QMC QMC QMC QMC MUU MUU MUU MUU MUU MUU MUU MUU Anna Adtrash Anna Adtrash MUU MUU Stella mares YMCA YMCA YMCA MUU Anna Adtrash Anna Adtrash RECORD OF ACHIEVEMENT DURING THE YEAR 2012-2013 Sl. No. Name of the Participants Competition Level Place Secured Venue 1. Team -16 Players Cricket Zonal I Place Madras University Union 2. Team -12 Players Kabaddi Zonal II Place QMGC 3. Team -18 Players Foot Ball Zonal II Place SDNB Vaishnav College 4. Team -12 Players Kho - Kho Zonal IV Place QMGC 5. Team -10 Players Ball Badminton Zonal IV Place QMGC 6. Team -16 Players Hand Ball Zonal Participated QMGC 7. Players - 3 Nos Foot Ball State Participated Dindugal 8. Players - 3 Nos Archery State Participated QMGC 9. S.Priya - III Zool Kabaddi University Participated Manonmaniam University 10. E.Banu Priya - III Maths Kabaddi University Participated Manonmaniam University 11. M.Sangeetha - III Comp. Sci Foot Ball University Participated Maharastra 12. S. Divya Ganga - II B.Com Foot Ball University Participated Maharastra 13. S. Revathi - II M.A., His Kho - Kho University Participated Calicut 14. K. Nivetha - I M.Com Kho - Kho University Participated Calicut 15. K. Priya - III Zool Archery University Participated Gurunanak Dev University, Punjab 16. S.K. Janane - II B.Com Archery University Participated Gurunanak Dev University, Punjab 17. R.Vijaya - II Maths Archery University Participated Gurunanak Dev University, Punjab 18. P. Latha - III N & D Archery University Participated Gurunanak Dev University, Punjab 19. P. Gayathri - III Eng Archery University Participated Gurunanak Dev University, Punjab 20. M. Uma Mageshwari II Phy Cricket University Participated Pondichery 21. R. Sathya - II B.Com Cricket University Participated Pondichery Zonal Players Game Conducted in Our College Coaching Camp 54 Nos Kho-Kho, Kabaddi, Hand Ball Kabaddi, Kho-Kho, Archery, Ball Badminton & Cricket 418 RECORD OF ACHIEVEMENT DURING THE YEAR 2013-2014 S. No. Name of the Participants Competition Level Place Venue Secured 1. Team -16 Players Cricket Zonal II Place Madras University Union 2. Team -18 Players Foot Ball Zonal II Place Madras University Union 3. Team -12 Players Kho-Kho Zonal II Place Soka Ekode 4. Team -6 Players Ball Badminton Zonal II Place Qmgc 5. Team -3 Players Hand Ball Inter Zonal IV Place Nazareth College, Avadi 6. Team -12 Players Kabaddi State Participated Thirunelveli Rajapalayam Erode 7. Team -2 Players Cricket State Participated Bangalore Vijayavada 8. Team - 2 Players Ball Badminton State Participated Karur 9. Team - 2 Players Hockey State Participated Anadapur Thirupur 10. M. Sridevi, I Zoo Teak Wond State II Place, III Place Bangalore University 11. M. Buvaneshwari, I Che Karate State I Place Thenpakam 12. G. Sangeetha, ICS Archery State I Place Madras University Union 13. G. Kalpana, III B.Com Kho-Kho University Participated Mangalore University Kerala 14. M. Bhuvaneshwari, II BCom Kho-Kho University Participated Mangalore University Kerala 15. S.K. Janani, III B.Com Cricket University Participated Bijapur University Karnataka 16. G. Umamageshwari, II B.Com Cricket University Participated Bijapur University Karnataka 17. K.Gayathri, III Bot Foot Ball University Participated Hariyana 18. V. Sindhu, II B.Com Foot Ball University Participated Hariyana 19. S. Subhalakshmi, III CS Foot Ball University Participated Hariyana 20. G. Suganya, I CS Archery University 24th Rank Punjab University 419 S. No. Name of the Participants Competition Level Place Secured Venue Chandigarh 21. Team -18 Players Foot Ball 66th Amma Birthday III Place YMCA Ground 22. Team -12 Players Kho-Kho 66th Amma Birthday III Place YMCA Ground 23. Team -16 Players Cricket 66th Amma Birthday III Place YMCA Ground 24. Team - 6 Players Ball Badminton 66th Amma Birthday III Place YMCA Ground 25. Team -12 Players Kabaddi 66th Amma Birthday III Place YMCA Ground 26. Team -6 Players Basket Ball 66th Amma Birthday III Place YMCA Ground 27. Team -12 Players Valley Ball 66th Amma Birthday III Place YMCA Ground 28. Team -12 Players Throw Ball 66th Amma Birthday III Place YMCA Ground 29. Team -16 Players Hockey 66th Amma Birthday III Place YMCA Ground Zonal Players 60 Nos Game Conducted in our College Kahadi, Ball - Badminton, Zonal, Inter Zonal 420 Details of Our Students who participated in Inter-Collegiate Competitions conducted by other Colleges and Universities 1 Name R.Mirra Degree/Dept Competition/Venue Prize II B.COM (A) Essay writing - RRC Quiz - St.Thomas College Design your Business - Nazareth College I II II 2 K.Priya II B.COM (B) Dance - KMCC, Adyar I 3 S.Vidhya II B.COM (B) Dance - KMCC, Adyar I 4 S.V.Keerthana II B.COM (B) Dance – KMCC, Adyar I 5 A.Pavithra II B.COM (A) Word Hunter – Nazareth College I 6 R.Silva star II B.COM (A) Word Hunter - Nazareth College I I III B.COM (B) Product Packaging - St.Thomas College Mehndi - D.G.Vaishnav College Adzap - St.Thomas College III B.COM (A) Product Packaging - St.Thomas College Dumb Charades - St.Thomas College Waste - to worth - D.G.Vaishnav College Word Hunter - Nazareth College 7 8 H.Raseena R.Shajabeen 10 S.Rajalakshmi III B.COM (B) Quiz - St.Thomas College 11 G.Esther selva mary III .B.COM (B) Quiz - St.Thomas College 12 S.Shakila III B.COM (B) 13 S.Saraswathi III B.COM (A) II II I II I I II II Dumb Charades - St.Thomas College Adzap - St.Thomas College II Dumb Charades - St.Thomas College Waste to worth - D.G.Vaishnav College II II I 14 Y. Rukshath Banu III B.COM (B) Adzap - St.Thomas College II 15 N. Mythili III B.COM (B) Adzap - St.Thomas College II 16 P. Jayalakshmi III B.COM (B) Adzap - St.Thomas College II 17 M. Gayathri II B.COM (A) Design your Business - Nazareth College II 18 B. Yamuna Rani III B.COM (B) Mehndi - D.G.Vaishnav College Adzap - St.Thomas College II II 19 K. Priya II B.COM (B) Dance - D.G.Vaishnav College III 20 S. Anandhi III B.COM (A) Dance - D.G.Vaishnav College III 21 Rebana II B.COM (B) Dance - D.G.Vaishnav College III 22 Tharani II B.COM (B) Dance - D.G.Vaishnav College III 23 Durga II B.COM (B) Dance - D.G.Vaishnav College III 421 Name Degree/Dept Competition/Venue 24 Maria II B.COM (B) Dance - D.G.Vaishnav College III 25 Jayalakshmi II B.COM (B) Dance - D.G.Vaishnav College III 26 Chitra II B.COM (B) Dance - D.G.Vaishnav College III 27 R. Srividhya III B.COM (C) Creative Writing – Loyola College III 28 K. Priya II B.COM (B) Dance – Kumara Rani College Dance - M.O.P Vaishnav I II III B.A. English Pencil Shading – Sri Kanyaka Parameshwari Arts & Science College Reused and Used - Sri Kanyaka Parameshwari Arts & Science College 29 A. Sudha Prize III II 30 S. Ranjani II B.A. English Quiz – YMIA II 31 Y. Stella Mary II B.A. English Quiz – YMIA II 32 N. Pauline Veronica II B.A. English Rangoli – CTTE I 33 M. Dhatchayini II B.A. English Rangoli – CTTE I 34 M.A. Thenmozhi II B.A. English Rangoli – CTTE I 35 G. Dhivya II B.A. English Vegetable Fruit Carving – Loyola College I 36 B. Geetha II B.A. English Vegetable Fruit Carving – Loyola College I II M.A. English Tamil Debate – Sebastian School Toastmaster‟s Club – Sebastian School Literary Association Save life through Organ Donation – Sebastian School Elocution (Lions Club) – Sebastian School Tamil Poetry – Krishnaswami College Tamil Oratorical – Ethiraj College 37 38 39 M.A. Yasmin A. Jayalakshmi A. Susanna Sherlin II MCA Multiprocessing – Alpha Arts & Science College II MCA Multiprocessing – Alpha Arts & Science College Photo Editing - M.O.P Vaishnav College Online Hunt - M.O.P Vaishnav College Multiprocessing – S.D.N.B. Vaishnav College Web Designing - Alpha Arts & Science College Poster Designing – Guru Shree 422 I II II III II II III III III II III I 40 41 42 Name A. Mageswari S. Saranya G. Lavanya Degree/Dept Competition/Venue Shantivijai Jain College Multiprocessing – Alpha Arts & Science College Multiprocessing – S.D.N.B. Vaishnav College Sandwich Programming - M.O.P Vaishnav College Adzap - M.O.P Vaishnav College II MCA II MCA Multiprocessing – Alpha Arts & Science College I MCA Adzap - M.O.P Vaishnav College Surprise Event - M.O.P Vaishnav College Prize I III III II II III II II 43 P. Nandhini I MCA Surprise Event - M.O.P Vaishnav College II 44 P. Hinduja I MCA Online Hunt - M.O.P Vaishnav College II 45 R. Anuradha I MCA Poster Designing – M.O.P Vaishnav College II 46 D. Suganya I BSc (I Shift) Puzzles - S.D.N.B. Vaishnav College II 47 S. Shenbagavalli I BSc (I Shift) Puzzles - S.D.N.B. Vaishnav College II 48 S. Shamli III BSc (I Shift) Quiz – M.G.R. Janaki College III 49 M. Kavitha III BSc (I Shift) Quiz – M.G.R. Janaki College III 50 M.V. Dhivaya Lakshmi III BSc (I Shift) 51 R. Saranya Quiz – M.G.R. Janaki College Multiprocessing – S.D.N.B. Vaishnav College Web Designing - Alpha Arts & Science College Poster Designing – Guru Shree Shantivijai Jain College Adzap - M.O.P Vaishnav College II MCA Samathuva Pongal – Nehru Stadium III III I I II 52 P. Latha II N & D 53 S. Padmapriya III B.Sc Chemistry Rangoli – Anna Adarsh College 54 S. Kowsalya III B.Sc Chemistry Rangoli – Anna Adarsh College 55 G. Kanimozhi II B.Sc Chemistry Quiz – D.G Vaishnava College III M.N. Sanaa Fathima II B.Sc Chemistry Quiz – D.G Vaishnava College Chemgoli - D.G Vaishnava College III 56 Chemgoli - D.G Vaishnava II 57 C. Deepika II B.Sc Chemistry 423 III I I II Name Degree/Dept 58 M. Valarmathi II B.Sc Chemistry Chemgoli - D.G Vaishnava College II 59 R. Joy II B.Sc Chemistry Speech – Union Bank of India II 60 Malarvizhi III B.A. History EM Quiz – Loyola College 61 Ruby III B.A. History EM Quiz – Loyola College 62 Nisha III B.A. History EM Quiz – Loyola College 63 D. Malathi I M.A. History Quiz – University of Madras I 64 K. Amythi I M.A. History Quiz – University of Madras I 65 S. Anitha M.Phil Essay Writing I 66 M. Jayanthi I B.Sc Maths(Shift II) Rangoli – Loyola College 67 L. Deepavathi I B.Sc Maths(Shift II) Rangoli – Loyola College 68 S. Kalaiselvi I B.Sc Maths(Shift II) Rangoli – Loyola College 69 S. Rajathi B.A. Economics Elocution – Meenakshi College II 70 S. Saranya B.A. Economics Rangoli – D.G. Vaishnav College II 71 S. Dhivya B.A. Economics Rangoli – D.G. Vaishnav College II 72 C. Priyadharshini B.A. Economics Singing Competition – Sri Kannege Parameswari College II 73 G. Jansi B.A. Economics Singing Competition – Sri Kannege Parameswari College II 74 S. Monisha II M.Sc PB & PBT Poster Presentation – Loyola College I 75 T.R. Shalini II M.Sc PB & PBT Poster Presentation – Loyola College II A. Kanimozhi II M.Sc PB & PBT Poster Presentation – Loyola College III 77 R. Lavanya II M.Sc PB & PBT Poster Presentation – Loyola College III 78 K. Dinakisundari II M.Sc PB & PBT Poster Presentation – Loyola College III 79 R. Tamilselvi II M.Sc PB & PBT Poster Presentation – Loyola College III 80 C. Arthipriya II M.Sc PB & PBT Poster Presentation – Loyola College III 81 A. Gayathri II M.Sc PB & PBT Poster Presentation – Loyola College III 82 G. Srivairapriya II M.Sc PB &PBT Poster Presentation – Loyola III 76 424 Competition/Venue College Prize II II II III III III Name Degree/Dept Competition/Venue College 83 P. Sangeetha II M.Sc PB & PBT Poster Presentation – Loyola College 84 R. Jeeva II B.Sc PB & PBT TM Adzap – Loyola College 85 P. Abirami II B.Sc PB & PBT TM Adzap – Loyola College 86 J. Suganya II B.Sc PB & PBT TM Adzap – Loyola College 87 P. Janani II B.Sc PB & PBT TM Adzap – Loyola College 88 M. Umaselvi II B.Sc PB & PBT TM Adzap – Loyola College 89 T. Priscilla II B.Sc PB & PBT TM Adzap – Loyola College 90 W. Janet Karunya II B.Sc PB & PBT TM Oratorical – Loyola College Oratorical Tamil – YRC I II 91 G. Adhilakshmi III B.Sc PB & PBT EM Best out of Waste - Loyola College III 92 R. Bhuvaneshwari III B.Sc PB & PBT EM Best out of Waste - Loyola College III 93 P. Julie Cathereena III B.Sc PB & PBT EM Biolyrics – SDNB Vaishnav 94 J. Elakkiya III B.Sc PB & PBT EM Biolyrics – SDNB Vaishnav 95 N. Aaliya I B.Sc PB & PBT EM Biolyrics – SDNB Vaishnav 96 P. Manimala III B.Sc PB & PBT TM Flower Arrangement – Ethiraj College I 97 R. Gomathi III B.Sc PB & PBT TM Flower Arrangement – Ethiraj College I 98 M. Kaviya III B.Sc PB & PBT TM Vegetable Carving – Loyola College 99 V.Kokila R.Kasthuri III B.SC Physics E.M Cado Green –Group Singing – Pachaiappas College 100 K.Murugeswari T.S .Krithiga& Amutha II.MSC Chemistry, II.BSC Chemistry I.BSC Chemistry Rangoli Competition –Ethiraj College for Women 101 W.Janet Karunya III B.Sc P.B.PB 102 M.Prasanna M.Jeevitha V.Revathi 103 T.Ayesha Begum Oratorical Competition –Tourism Department -NSS Prize III III III III III III III I I I III I I I I II PG QUIZ –Government Ars College,Nandhnam I I PG Food Ingrediants Government I 425 Name Degree/Dept 104 P.H.Siddiq Ayasha &H.Deepa I PG Vegetable Carving -Government Ars College,Nandhnam I 105 T.Ayesha Begum S.SandhiyaPriya P.Kamatchi I PG Dumb Charades -Government Ars College,Nandhnam Government Ars I 106 S.Kokila K.Deepika Y.Swarnalakshmi M.Nirmala R.Muthulakshmi III B.Sc HomeScience Rangoli –Fortis Malar Hospital I 107 R.Mirra III B.Com 108 D.Sharmila III B.Sc EM 109 B.Banupriya III B.Sc EM Creative Writing I 110 D.Sharmila B.Banupriya III B.Sc EM Quiz Competition -University Of Madras I 111 D.Malathi S.Vetriselvi V.P,Divya Bharathi III B.Sc EM Quiz Competition -National Voters Day I 112 E.Sarasu I.Durgadevi III B.Sc EM 113 Durga.K II BA Eng Competition/Venue Ars College,Nandhnam Essay Writing –CTTE College Poetry Writing -SIET Slogan Writing -Museum Poem Writing –Dr.Ambedkar College of Arts and Science Prize I I I II 114 Sakthi .N II B,Sc Phyics E.M Dance –BLC Camp Kanpur 115 J.Elakkia III EM Biolyrics –Loyola College 116 P.Julie Catherine N.Aaliya III EM 117 S.Padmavathi II EM Debate - Loyola College II 118 K.Aruna ITM Debate - Loyola College II P.H.Siddiq Ayasha I PG 119 Biolyrics –Loyola College Vegetable Carving –Stella Maris II II II II Rangoli –Fortis Malar Hospital 120 M.Pushapalatha N.Sangeetha S.Manoranjitham R.Radha B.Yuvarani II B.Sc N&D 121 S.Dhanalakshmi R.Bakyalakshmi II B.Sc N&D 122 M.Missba Jahan L.Mohan Priya I B.Sc 123 Vishali .M I B.Com Stress Interview SIET College II 124 Kokila I B.Com Poster –Nazerth College II II Fruit Carving - Fortis Malar Hospital Megandhi –Alpha College 426 II II Name Degree/Dept Competition/Venue Prize 125 K.Suguna Drawing Competition –Anna Adrash II 126 B.Sujitha Creative Writing – Loyola College III 127 N.Suganya B.Sujitha 128 GAtchaya Slogan Writing -Museum III III BA English Time Management –PRIST University III B.A English Quiz –Kanniga Parameshwari S.Ranjani III BA English Leadership Management–PRIST University III P.Jaya Bharathi II B.Sc Physics TM Inter Collegiate Lyrics Competition -University Of Madras III 132 D.Janet Karunya III BSC PBPB TM Oratorical Competition –YRC 133 D.Janet Karunya III BSC PBPB TM Oratorical Competition – University Of Madras III S.Padmavathy II EM Oratorical Competition – Tourism III 135 G.Sangeetha R.Jayalakshmi II EM Sizzalar Ras –Bio Technology Department Anna University 136 S.Rathna Subha B.Divya S.Kalaivani Suresh Kumar C..Pvaithra K.S.Manju Priya III B,Sc N&D 137 R.Srimathi R.Rabeka III B,Sc N&D 138 Preethi .H I B.Com 139 V.P.Divya Bharaathi H.Karenhap A.Merciya Commerce 140 V.Nandhini A.Geetha Commerce 141 B.Jessi 142 D.Malathi V.P.Divyabharathi 143 S.Jayanthi J.Swetha 129 130 131 134 N.Abinayadevi III III III III Rangoli –Fortis Malar Hospital,Adayar III Cooking ,Vegetable CarvingFortis Malar Hospital,Adayar III Block and Tackle –SIE College III Quiz.–Itra College III Mock Interview –Itra College III Oratorical Competition – Chennai Day-Queen Marys College III Quiz –Anna Adarash College Mehandhi Competition –SBNB Vaishnav College 427 III III Name 144 D.Lavanya P.Lakshmi 145 B.Gunalakshmi S.M Jenafar Nisha V.Anitha S.Kowsalya R.Pooja P.Suganya 146 S.Suganya 147 S.Suganya 148 H.Kanchana M.Manju P.Anusuya III B.Sc Physics TM 149 N.Aaliya B.Duraiselvi III EM 150 N.Aaliya B.Duraiselvi L.Devi III EM 151 K.Deepa A.Kalaivani III EM N.Aaliya B.Duraiselvi L.Devi Bio Lyrics -Ethiraj College 152 153 K.Deepa S.Padmavathi Wealth out of Waste Ethiraj College for Women I R.Ruckmani N.Leelavathi Flower Arrangement Ethiraj College for Women I M.Vijayalakshmi A.Kavitha Inter Collegiate Competition Loyola College I II M.Sc Maths Mock Interview - Ethiraj College for Women Ethiraj College for Women I 154 155 156 Chandralekha Karthiga Degree/Dept Competition/Venue Slogan Writing -Muesum II B.Sc N&D I B.Sc N&D Prize III Dance –Presidency College,Chennai I III B.Sc N&D Dance Dr.Ambedkar College III B.Sc N&D Dance Pachaiyyapas College Rangoli –Vivekanandha Birth Day Anniversary Inter Collegiate Competition – Bio Lyrics –SNDB Vaishnav College for Women I I I I Bio Lyrics Loyola College I Flower Arrangement - Loyola College I I 157 Chandralekha Priyadharshini II M.Sc Maths Maths Tunes - Ethiraj College for Women I 158 K.Ponvanalakshmi R.Kaveri I M.Sc Maths Quiz Competition -Ethiraj College for Women I S.Nirmala Devi I M.Sc Maths Essay Competition - Ethiraj College for Women Essay Competition - Ethiraj College for Women I T.S.Priyanka I B.Sc Maths Medal of Dance Shield for CADO Green and Cancer Awareness Program –CATC I 159 160 428 Name Degree/Dept 161 S.Rekha V.Meena II M.A 162 B.Sujitha A.Jenniyammal I M.A 163 H.Karenhap A.Merciya I M.A 163 S.Jayanthi H.Karenhap I M.A K.Arivuuchelvi 165 Competition/Venue Camp Debate –Presidency College Rangoli - Presidency College Quiz - Presidency College Prize I I I FacePainting - Presidency College I II M.C.A Photo Editing –MOP –Vaishnav College for Women I C.Shanmathi IIM.C.A Poster Designing MOP – Vaishnav College for Women I 166 V.Shanthini IIM.C.A ENQUESTA -MOP –Vaishnav College for Women I 167 K.Arivuuchelvi IIM.C.A E –Promaotion -MOP –Vaishnav College for Women I 168 Aswini.R K.Arivuuchelvi K.Gayathiri B.Mathumathi M.Vasanthi IIM.C.A 169 B.Mathumathi IIM.C.A 170 G.Sivaranjani 171 164 ADZAP –GSS JAIN College I Web Designing -MOP – Vaishnav College for Women I II BSC Sandwich Programming,ADZAP -MOP –Vaishnav College for Women I V.Ranjani III BA Literary Festival Dance Presidency College I 172 C.Nobinal, A.Muthazhagi Jayaprabha Shobana III BA Literary Festival Dance Presidency College I 173 V.Kavitha V.Abirami M.Monica I B.A Literary Festival Dance Presidency College I 174 S.Muthulakshmi A.Aurneeswari II.MCom Paper Presentation – Hindu College -Pattabiram I 175 S.Suganya III N&D Group Singing,Dance – Dr.Ambedkar College II 176 S.Suganya III N&D Dance–Dr.Ambedkar College II 177 S.Suganya III N&D Song College II 178 PadmaPriya III N&D Group Singing –Satyabama University II 179 M.Indhumathi I B.Sc Physics Singing Vivekandha II 429 -Pachaiayyapas Name Degree/Dept 180 N.Aaliya B.Duraiselvi III EM Biolyrics –SDNB Vaishnav College II 181 SNandhini III EM Miss Gloriosa –Queen Mary,s College II 182 L.Priya P.Shalini IEM Art out of Waste –loyola College II 183 J.Anandhalakshmi I EM Paper presentation –Ethiraj College for Women II 184 G.Evanjelin Group Song –Pachaiyappas College II 185 M.Vijayalakshmi D.Thenmozhi II M.Sc PBPB Mock Interview –Ethiraj College for Women II 186 S.N.Kartiga J.Karthiga II.MSc PBPB Quiz Competition - Ethiraj College for Women II 187 Niruba Saranya II B.Sc Maths Maths Tunes Ethiraj College for Women II 188 L.Deepavathi G.Mohana III B.Sc Maths Maths Rangoli –Mark Gregorious College II I.B.Sc Maths II Shift Medal for Dance ,Shield for Cadogreen and Cancer Awareness Programme Obstacle Event –Pachaiyyappas College II T.S Priyanka 189 Competition/Venue 150THANNIVERSARY Prize 190 A.Jenniyammal H.Karenhap I M.A Face Painting –Presidency College II 191 B.Sujatha I M.A Essay Writing –Presidency College II 192 Ayeesha.S II M.C.A Debugging -MOP Vaishnav College II 193 K.Arivuchelvi II M.C.A Poster Designing - MOP Vaishnav College II G.Sivaranjani II B.Sc II shift Tech /Non Tech,Mock Interview - MOP Vaishnav College II Tech /Non Tech MGR Janaki College II Quiz -M.G.R.Janaaki College II Literary Dance Festival –Dream Zone II Flagarea –Stell Mary‟S College III 194 195 J .Parveen III B.Sc II shift 196 Rajabunnisha.S Dhanisha.S 197 V.Kavitha,Monica.M. Kajol Priya and Abirami 198 V.Suganya IIIB.Sc N&D 199 J.Anandhalakshmi .A.Kalaivani III EM 200 P.S.Padmavathi I B.A Quiz -Loyola College Debate –Loyola College 430 Name Degree/Dept 201 P.Pavithra D.Thenmozhi I.MSC Inter Collegiate Competition Bio Hunt - Loyola College 202 S.Suganya P.Durgadevi I.B.SC Physics Mock Interview –Ethiraj College 203 Joy Mary Bhuvaneswari III B.SC Maths Maths Tunes - Ethiraj College 204 S.Sharmila Devi ,P.Muthu Amudha II BSC Maths Shift II Quiz Competition - Ethiraj College 205 Deepavathi,M.Vijayal akshmi,K.Jayashree III B.SC Maths (Shift II) 206 M.Jayanthi S.Kalaiselvi L.Deepavathi III B.SC Maths (Shift II) Inter Collegiate Competition Ethiraj College 207 L.Deepavathi M.Vijayalakshmi k.jayashree III B.SC Maths (Shift II) Treasure Hunt -Ethiraj College 208 M.Jayanthi S.Kalaiselvi L.Deepavathi III B.SC Maths (Shift II) Maths Rangoli,Loyola College 209 S.Jayanthi BSaranya III BA Historical Studies Face Painting -Loyola College 210 K.Hemavathy II MCA Debugging –MOP Vaishnav College for Women 211 C.Shanmathi II MCA Enquesta - MOP Vaishnav College for Women 212 G.Sivarangini G.Sangeetha J.K.Sangavai J.Keerthana K.Thulasi III B.SC I shift V.Kavitha M.Monica Kajol Priya V,Abirami I BA Dance –Anna Adharsh College S.Muthulakshmi R.Jayashree II M.COM Debate –DG Vaishnav College 213 214 431 Competition/Venue Inter Collegiate Competition Ethiraj College ADZAP –Ethiraj College for Women Prize ORGANISATION CHART Principal Autonomo us Body IQAC Staff Council UGC Committee Administra tive Body Controller Assistant Controller Academic Audit Examinatio n Committee Admission Committee Bursar Finance Committee Executive Committee Building Committee Sports Committee Library Committee Superinten dent Academic Council Board of Studies Hostel Committee Fine arts Committee College Union Nonteaching staff Career Guidance and Placement Cell Staff Club Grievance Redressal Cell 432 Extension Activities Alumnae IAS Scientists Lecturers/Teachers Software professionals Police Public Sector Media Entrepreneur NCC Army Naval Air wing NSS YRC RRC Curricula Aspects Self Funded MCA Autonomy from 2004 CBCS for PG Computer Literacy Program Add on-courses COP-3 Diploma in IT Interdisciplinary Paper Academic Audit Healthy Practices PTA OSA IQAC Environmental Studies Value-based Education Career Guidance and Placement Cell Student Counseling Center Grievance Redressal Cell Infrastructure Students Laurels Seminars Paper Presentations Cultural Debate Quiz Olympiad Mathematical Modeling New Postgraduate Block New Classrooms New Computers New Library Books New Journals Network Resource Center Instrumentation Rooms for Science Departments Faculty Achievements Achievements in Sports Student Progression National Level State Level University Level Zonal Level High Demand ratio for B.Com course Computer Science Other courses Cleared NET, SLET TOEFL, IAS, GRE 433 PhDs Minor Projects Research Publications International National Book Publications Resource Persons International National ANNEXURE QUAID-E-MILLATH GOVT. COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, CHENNAI - 02 THE CAREER GUIDANCE AND PLACEMENT CELL (2008-09) The career guidance and placement cell of our college is effectively functioning from 2002 onwards. The cell is headed by a committee comprising of the convener Dr.(Tmt).PAPPA SANKAR, Principal and coordinators Tmt.K.JOTHI, H.O.D. of Phy., Dr. (Tmt). K. NIRMALA, Sr. Lecturer in Comp. Sc. and Tmt. K.MALLIKA, Lecturer in Eng. The following are the prime activities of the cell : Creating awareness among students about the present avenues open to them. Assisting our students to identity their skills and potentials by conducting Mock Aptitude Test. Providing opportunities to interact with various organization by conducing seminars. Maintenance of database of the final year students. Providing opportunities for placement, scholarship course and training programms and also guiding them to pursue their higher education. During this academic year nearly 50 companies and organizations have visited our college to interact with students through their various activities. Data Base of our students has been collected by 15 companies. TECHRUIT Company conducted a mock test on 28.08.08. Totally 840 final year students attended. An interviewing seminar was conducted on "Tally and Advanced Accounts" by IIJT on 8.9.08. A common job fair was conducted for all government college students on 12.9.08 by SUTHERLAND at Nandhanam Arts College, Chennai. Communication were sent to 755 passed out students, 86 attended the job fair, 3 students were selected for the placement. 434 Presentation and Mock talent test was conducted by T.I.M.E on 23.9.08. A talent test was conducted by CSC Computer Institution for the Tally course on 24.9.08. 368 Commerce students attended. Among them 5 students were selected for 100% scholarships. 261 students were selected for 75% scholarships. Presentation on "Job opportunities in IT field" was made by SRM Infotech on 6.10.08. TANCET Scholarship test was conducted by Career Launcher India Ltd., on 10.12.08 (205 students participated). Frank Finn Institute of Air Hostess Training Institute conducted an interesting seminar on 10.1.09. One hour seminar was presented by SQL Star International Ltd., on 23.1.09. Present final year students were encouraged to attended the job fair at Nandhanam College on 22.2.09. 2009-2010 The cell is headed by a committee comprising of the Convenor Mrs.R.M.Pankajavally, Principal and Placement Officer Dr.C.K.Mallika, Asst. Professor in English and Coordinators Dr.K.Nirmala, Associate Professor in Computer Science, Smt. Stella, Asst. Professor in Historical Studies and Dr.Prabhavathy, Asst. Professor, Dept. of N&D In this academic year, more than 50 organization have visited out college to inform, interact and enlighten the students about various job opportunities through various activities, 24 students were given placements in this academic year. MILESTONES FRANKFINN INSTITUTE OF AIR HOSTESS TRAINING gave an interesting presentation and influenced the students to enroll with them on 04.08.2009. NATIONAL HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (NHRD) in connection with Joy of Giving Week, conducted a workshop on "Facing Interviews" for all final year students on 10.09.2009. 435 DREAM ZONE has conducted a demo on Interior Design, Animation and Fashion Design and Scholarship Test to the Computer Science students on 10.12.2009. CEGON SOFT PVT. LTD, has conducted Internal Training Programme for UG and PG Computer Science students on 05.01.2010 and 15.02.2010 in their campus. ONLY SUCCESS LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES PVT. LTD., has conducted Grand Career Seminar at MCTM School, Chennai on 26.01.2010. Twenty students with their parents attended the seminar. HERBAL LIFE INTERNATIONAL PVT. LTD., has conducted an interesting seminar on "Business as Career" on 19.01.2010. Dr.MGR Janaki College of Arts and Science for Women, Chennai has conducted a State Level placement seminar on "A Holistic Approach to Placements" on 20.01.2010, Dr.C.K. Mallika, the placement officer attended the same. FICCI in association with MOP Vaishnav College for Women, Chennai has conducted a seminar title 'A Gateway to Industry -Academia Engagement" on 23.01.2010 Dr. C.K. Mallika, Placement Officer has attended the seminar. INFOSYS BPO LTD., has conducted a programme on 'Global Skills Enhancement' from 25.01.2010 to 02.02.2010. Dr.C.K.Mallika and Mrs. N. Krithika of Botony Department have attended the programme. TECHRUIT has conducted aptitude test for nearly 850 final year students from 02.03.2010 to 04.03.2010. FREE COURSES NIIT (Implementation Policy Coaching of SC and OBC students) in association with Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment has offered courses on Spoken English and MS Office and Java. The selected students will be given a stipend of Rs.750/- p.m and Rs.1500/- p.m for local and non-local students respectively. The selection procedure is still going on. HINDUSTAN SOFTWARE LIMITED has offered free courses for more than 120 (BC, MBC, SC & ST) students on Call Centre Training, Visual Communication Multimedia,12EE and Tally. NSIC has offered free courses for 30 students on MS Office Tools & Internet and Computer Hardware Maintenance. 436 JOB FAIR TECHRUIT has conducted a job fair on 03 & 04.10.2009 at our campus. Nearly 600 candidates attended the job fair. ACHIEVEMENTS SARANYA MANOHARAN and M. SUMITHRA of B.Sc., Computer Science were selected by Wipro for WASE as Student -Computer Applications, which includes training to the students and an 8-semester off - campus collaborative MS Program with Birla Institute of Technology and Science, (BITS), Pilani. V. Deepa of B.Sc., Computer Science II shift was selected by IGATE at a Job fair held at Vel Tech Engg. College, Avadi on 08.02.2010. V. Nithya of B.A. English was selected by DELL Perot System and MURUGEAESWARI of B.Sc., Computer Science (II shift) was selected by Infosys BPO at a Jobfiar conducted by Techruit at Bharath University, Tambaram on 06 & 07.03.2010. B. SUDHA of B.A., English and N. Nithya of B.Sc., Computer Science II Shift were selected by Infosys BPO at a Jobfiar held at Government Arts College for Men, Nandanam on 29.03.2010. 12 Students were selected by CACHE NEXT GENERATION after various rounds of interview. 05 Students were selected by CADD for the post of Student Counsellors. Under XI Plan merged scheme UGC has allocated 4 lacs for Careers and Counselling Cell and sanctioned Rs.60,000/- for effective functioning. 437 2010-2011 The career guidance and placement cell of our College headed by a Committee comprising of the Convener and Principal, Dr.S.Gomathi, PGDCA Placement Officer Dr.C.K.Mallika, Asst. Professor of English and Coordinator Dr.D.K.A.Jothirani, Asst. Professor of Tamil and Mrs.S.Nandhini, Asst. Professor of Zoology. NS1C Technical Services Centre (A Govt of India Enterprise) offered one month free training in MS Office Tools and Internet and Computer Hardware Maintenance for 30 students in the month of February 2010. NUT (Implementation Policy Coaching of SC and OBC students) in association with Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment offered Call Center Training (CCT) for 80 students with a stipend of Rs.750/-p.m. and Rs.1500/- p.m. for local and non-local students in the month of May 2010. TREC - STEP SKILLS ACADEMY under Government, Minority Short term technical course offered a three month Front Office Management for 43 minority students with a stipend of Rs.750/- p.m. in the month of July 2010. Apparel Training and Design Centre (Sponsored by AEPC, Ministry of Textiles, Govt, of India) offered free Fashion Designing courses - 6 months course for 13 students and one year course for 11 students (worth of Rs.35,000/- per student.) This is an on-going project started in July 2010. HINDUSTAN SOFTWARE LIMITED is continuously offering free courses in Medical Transcription, Tally, J2EE.CCT, Visual communication and Multimedia for the past three years for more than 500 students. INFOSYS BPO's Project Genesis Programme was given to 20 final year students for 80 hours by Dr.C.K.Mallika of English Dept. and Mrs.Krithika of Botany Department June-Sep 2010. IMAGE Infotainment Ltd. conducted Creative Talent Search and selected 02 students and offered free course on Web Design in the month October 2010. TECHRUIT has been conducting aptitude test for all the final year students for the past three years. Career launcher (I) Ltd. conducted aptitude test in connection with Bank Clerical Examination for commerce and computer science final year students in October 2010. 438 2011-2012 The career guidance and placement cell of our College headed by a Committee comprising of the Convener and Principal, Dr.V.Gandhimathi, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., Placement Officer Dr.C.K.Mallika, Asst. Professor of English and Coordinator Dr.D.K.A.Jothirani, Asst. Professor of Tamil and Mrs.S.Nandhini, Asst. Professor of Zoology. Seminars / Workshops Sl. No. 1. 7.18.2011 Awareness on Competitive Examinations Tamilnadu IAS Study Centre 2. 7.26.2011 HCL 3. 7.30.2011 4. 8.6.2011 Hardware, Software and Networking Workshop - Hardware, Software and Networking Workshop - Dot Net 5. 9.26.2011 Cloud computing HCL 6. 12.10.2011 Personality Development Vicapri Labs 7. 3.21.2012 Training based 100% Placement India Trust 8. 3.21.2012 Importance of Higher Education Versatile Business School Date Organization Topic HCL HCL Aptitude Test Sl. No. Date 1. 9.20.2011 Topic TAHDCO Training Test - Public Bank Organization Career Launcher India Ltd., Opportunities 2. 12.12.2011 Scholarship Test 439 IMAGE Training Programmes / Courses Sl. No. 1. Nov. 11 2. Nov -11 3. Date Topic Organization JAVA, Server Database Administration Calibration and Instrumentation NSIC Dec-11 Call Centre Training - TAHDCO with Stipend Orion Education 4. Jan-12 Call Centre Training - TAHDCO with stipend Mercury Software Technologies 5. Feb-12 Photoshop IMAGE Infotainment Ltd. 6. Mar-12 Career Development Programme Lemur Acad & Mother Tree NSIC 2012-2013 The Career guidance and Placement cell of our college is headed by a Committee comprising Convener and Principal, Dr.M.Humrsia Begam, Placement Officer Dr.C.K.Mallika, Asst. Professor of English and Coordinators Dr.K.A.Jyothi Rani, Asst. Professor of Tamil and Mrs.S.Nandini, Asst. Professor of Zoology. In this academic year, more than 70 organizations have visited our college to inform, interact and enlighten the students about various job opportunities through various activities. 01 English Assessment Test, 01 Scholarship Test, 01 Aptitude Tests, 03 Workshops, 03 Awareness Programme, 03 Training Programmes and 06 Seminars were conducted to our students. Under TADHCO scheme various courses like Diploma in BPO, Fashion Designing, and Retail Marketing were given to interested students free of cost by various organisations. NSIC provided free course in Tally for all M.Com. students. NFDC provided one month course in Multimedia with a stipend of 500/- p.m. and SRM Infotech provided four months course on Computer Software with a stipend of 250/- p.m. to interested candidates. Till date 35 were placed, 04 on hold and 04 are awaiting the final round. 440 Placement activities CMTES conducted scholarship exam to B.Sc. Computer Science and MCA final year students on 17-07-2012. 92 students have taken the test and 01 student was given a free course in Soft Ware Testing. Emerge Learning Zone conducted a seminar on "International Accounting Standards" for B.Com. final year students on 20-07-2012. Checkpoint conducted a seminar on "Cloud Computing" for B.Sc. Computer Science and MCA final year students on 27-07-2012. Captain Television conducted the selection process for 70 students (open to all) to select news readers and compeers on 02-08-2012. 15 students from various departments attended one day workshop on Employability Training on 22-08-2012 at PRIST University. HCL in collaboration Madras University conducted aptitude test for 500 students on 01.09.2012 and selected 44 students for training and placement. It's on hold till date. Placement cell along with Lemur Academy conducted a thirty hour Soft Skills Training Programme for 250 final year students from 03.09.2012 to 14.09.12 in our campus. Quspec Consulting Pvt.Ltd. conducted a seminar on Medical Coding on 1409-2012 for N & D final year students. NS1C Technical Service Centre conducted a one day workshop on Entrepreneur Orientation Programme for 3 25 final year students on 1709-2012 and provided lunch for the participants. 52 students from English and Computer Science final year students attend a seminar on Instructional Design on 22-09-2012 at ICAT Design and Media College. Placement Cell along with CMTES Informatics Ltd. conducted a thirty hour Software Testing Course for 44 Computer Science final year students in September 2012. TCS gave an awareness programme on various job opportunities on 27-11 -2012 for Computer Science, Maths and Physics final year students. MAD life Consultants gave an awareness programme on various job opportunities in their respective field to Maths UG and PG students on 03441 12-12 and 12-12-12. On 8-01 -2013 a workshop was conducted for 60 students of the same department. Direct English conducted an English assessment test for 510 students on 06-12-12. 01 student was selected in CTS Campus Drive at Alpha Matriculation School on 12-12-2012. 12 N & D students were shortlisted for the final round by 02 on 12-12-' 12 and 02 were selected. Integrated Enterprises India Ltd. conducted a seminar for M.Com. students on 9-01-2013. Saranya.S, Shamini.S and Maheshwari A of MCA were given free project work by Clerysy. Under TADHCO Programme CMC Academy offered Diploma in BPO to our students. Mahindra Pride School offered many free courses to the final year students on 21-01-2013. ICT under TNSDM is offering 240 hrs Global Business Foundation Skills programme for 50 second year Computer Science and MCA students. (Ongoing Project) Netambit conducted campus recruitment on 11-02-12 and selected 17 students and 04 students were kept on hold. Eagle Software India Pvt.Ltd. visited our college 12-02-2013 and talked about the prospective job. 360 students were interested to take up as BioMetric Enrollment Officers/ Supervisors. Domex visited our college on 14-2-2013, interacted with UG & PG Chemistry students, conducted written test and 04 PG students are awaiting for the final round. iTech India Pvt.Ltd. visited our campus on 21-02-2013 and selected 01 students. Universal Education & Employability Training Academy gave a seminar on 'Employment Opportunities in Different Sectors' on 04-03-2013 to the final year students. 442 Yogam BPO conducted an aptitude test for Zoology final years on 04-032012 and selected 01 student to give free course in Medical Coding. PNNB Met Life visited our campus on 6-03-2013 for recruitment and selected a few, but our students were not interested. Pon Vidyashram visited our campus on 07-03-2013.46 attended the interview and 21 were selected for the final round and results are awaited. Cyber Soft Solutions conducted a campus drive for Computer Science students on 08-03-13 and selected 10 students. Image Infotech Ltd. conducted one day seminar on Web Designing and 3D Animation for all Computer Science students on 09-03-2013. IIKM Business School gave an awareness programme on various job opportunities to Commerce Students on 10-04-13. IIKM Business School sponsored a certificate, memento and cash of 2,500/- the best out-going student of our college and it was received by Ms. K. Ponvanalakshmi of B.Sc., Mathematics 2013-2014 The career guidance and placement cell of our College headed by a Committee comprising of the Convener and Principal, Dr.K.R.Seethalakshmi, Placement Officer Dr.C.K.Mallika, Asst. Professor of English and Coordinator Dr. D. Pugazhenthi, Asst. Professor of Computer Science. In this academic year, more than 50 organizations have visited our college to inform, interact and enlighten the students about various job opportunities through various activities. 01 Aptitude Test, 02 Awareness Programmes, 05 Training Programmes and 04 Seminars were conducted among our students. TNSDC through NFDC offered various courses like Apparel manufacturing technology, Multimedia, Animation, AVID- Digital Non Linear Editing etc. for interested students free of cost in February 2014. Mahindra Pride School offered free ITES course and also provided placements to the students. Till date, 174 were placed. 443 Placement Activities: 1. SBI offered internship for a month to 44 students with a stipend of 8,000/-. 2. A seminar on "Software Testing" was given by Seed Infotech Ltd. for all Computer Science and MCA students on 01-07-2013. 3. A ninety day "Rosetta Stone Pilot Project" to improve English Language was offered by Chennai American Library to 20 students in July 2013. 4. A seminar on "Web Application in PHP" was given by Emerge Learning Services for all Computer Science and MCA students on 19-07-2013. 5. A six day course on "Cell Phone Servicing" was given to 120 students by BSNL from 22-07-2013to 27-07-2013. 6. Cyber Soft Solutions conducted an Aptitude Test for final year Computer Science and MCA students on 17-09-2013. 7. A six day course on "Cell Phone Servicing" was given to 68 students by BSNL from 23-09-2013 to 28-09-2013. 8. An awareness on "Career Oriented Programme" was given to all final year UG and PG students on 30-09-2013. 9. ISSM Business School recruited 19 students on 10-12-2013. 10. SSCOPE - Soft Skills Creating Opportunity in Employment, a 235 hrs. training programme was given to 542 students. 11. TCS BPS recruited 35 students on 27-01-2014. 12. iGATE conducted campus pool drive at JBAS College on 29-01-2014, and 04 students were selected. 1 3. CADD Centre conducted "Real Time Networking Demo" for II and III years Computer Science and MCA students on 30-01-2014. 14. TNSDC through NFDC offered Multimedia, Animation, AVID- Digital Non Linear Editing for interested students in February 2014. 15. Apparel Training & Design Centre offered 6 months and one year course on Apparel Manufacturing Technology for interested students in February 2014. 16. A three day course on "Cell Phone Servicing" was given to 193 students by BSNL from 10-02-2014 to 12-02-2014. 17. Alpster Training Institute recruited 02 MCA students for Oomys Technologies on 12-02-2014. 18. An awareness programme on "Pharmocovigilance" was given By Xertz Solutions to M.Sc. PB & PB and Zoology students on 14-02-2014 444 19. Xertz Solutions recruited 1-6 students on 14-02-2014. 20. Domex e Data Pvt.Ltd conducted first round of interview for M.Sc. Chemistry students on 20-02-2014. Results are awaited. 21. TNSDM through ICT Academy conducted pool campus drive (for the students who have undergone their training) on 22-02-2014 at Saveetha Engineering College and 02 students were selected for Ajuba International Pvt. Ltd. 22. TNSDM through SSCOPE conducted pool campus drive (for the students who have undergone their training) on 22-02 -2014 and 23-02-2014 at QMGC. 23. ICT conducted NASSCOM test for 36 Computer Science and MCA students on 05¬03-2014. 24. CTS IT Infrastructure recruited 02 students in a pool campus drive held at Alpha Arts and Science College on 08-03-2014 and 02 students were selected. 25. Rich India Group of Companies conducted a campus drive on and selected 24 students. 26. Vishakaas Solution conducted a campus drive on 02-04-2014 and selected 46 students. 27. On behalf of M/s. C & M Digitals (P) Ltd, Celerity Recruitment Solutions conducted a Campus drive on 04-04-2014 and selected 09 students. 28. Mahindra Pride School has given free ITES training for 35 students and 15 students were placed in TCS BPO and RRD. 29. IIKM Business School sponsored a certificate, memento and cash of 12,000/- to the best out-going student of our College and it was received by V. Gayathri of III B.Sc. Chemistry. 445 21-03-2014 ANNEXURE X Details of Our Students who participated in Inter-Collegiate Competitions conducted by other Colleges and Universities Sl. no 1 Name R.Mirra Degree/Dept II B.COM (A) Competition/Venue Prize Essay writing - RRC I Quiz - St.Thomas College II Design your Business - Nazareth College II 2 K.Priya II B.COM (B) Dance - KMCC, Adyar I 3 S.Vidhya II B.COM (B) Dance - KMCC, Adyar I 4 S.V.Keerthana II B.COM (B) Dance –KMCC,Adyar I 5 A.Pavithra II B.COM (A) Word Hunter – Nazareth College I 6 R.Silva star II B.COM (A) Word Hunter - Nazareth College I Product Packaging - St.Thomas College I Mehndi - D.G.Vaishnav College II Adzap - St.Thomas College II Product Packaging - St.ThomasCollege I Dumb Charades - St.ThomasCollege II Waste - to worth - D.G.VaishnavCollege I Word Hunter - NazarethCollege I II 7 8 H.Raseena R.Shajabeen III B.COM (B) III B.COM (A) 10 S.Rajalakshmi III B.COM (B) Quiz - St.ThomasCollege 11 G.Estherselvama ry III .B.COM (B) Quiz - St.ThomasCollege Dumb Charades - St.ThomasCollege 12 S.Shakila III B.COM (B) II II Adzap - St.ThomasCollege II Dumb Charades - St.ThomasCollege II Waste to worth - D.G.VaishnavCollege I 13 S.Saraswathi III B.COM (A) 14 Y. RukshathBanu III B.COM (B) 15 N. Mythili III B.COM (B) Adzap - St.ThomasCollege II 16 P. Jayalakshmi III B.COM (B) Adzap - St.ThomasCollege II 17 M. Gayathri II B.COM (A) Design your Business - NazarethCollege II 18 B. Yamuna Rani III B.COM (B) Mehndi - D.G.VaishnavCollege II Adzap - St.ThomasCollege II 19 K. Priya II B.COM (B) Dance - D.G.VaishnavCollege III 20 S. Anandhi III B.COM (A) Dance - D.G.VaishnavCollege III 21 Rebana II B.COM (B) Dance - D.G.VaishnavCollege III Adzap - St.ThomasCollege 446 II Sl. no Name Degree/Dept 22 Tharani II B.COM (B) Dance - D.G.VaishnavCollege III 23 Durga II B.COM (B) Dance - D.G.VaishnavCollege III 24 Maria II B.COM (B) Dance - D.G.VaishnavCollege III 25 Jayalakshmi II B.COM (B) Dance - D.G.VaishnavCollege III 26 Chitra II B.COM (B) Dance - D.G.VaishnavCollege III 27 R. Srividhya III B.COM (C) Creative Writing – LoyolaCollege III 28 K. Priya II B.COM (B) 29 A. Sudha III B.A. English Competition/Venue Prize Dance – KumaraRaniCollege I Dance - M.O.P Vaishnav II Pencil Shading – SriKanyakaParameshwariArts & ScienceCollege III Reused and Used SriKanyakaParameshwariArts & ScienceCollege II 30 S. Ranjani II B.A. English Quiz – YMIA II 31 Y. Stella Mary II B.A. English Quiz – YMIA II 32 N. Pauline Veronica II B.A. English 33 M. Dhatchayini II B.A. English Rangoli – CTTE I 34 M.A. Thenmozhi II B.A. English Rangoli – CTTE I 35 G. Dhivya II B.A. English Vegetable Fruit Carving – LoyolaCollege I 36 B. Geetha II B.A. English Vegetable Fruit Carving – LoyolaCollege I Rangoli – CTTE Tamil Debate – SebastianSchool Toastmaster‟s Club – SebastianSchool 37 M.A. Yasmin II M.A. English Literary Association Save life through Organ Donation – SebastianSchool Elocution (Lions Club) – SebastianSchool Tamil Poetry – KrishnaswamiCollege Tamil Oratorical – EthirajCollege 38 39 A. Jayalakshmi A. Susanna Sherlin II MCA Multiprocessing – Alpha Arts & Science College I I II II III II II III Multiprocessing – Alpha Arts & Science College III Photo Editing - M.O.PVaishnavCollege III Online Hunt - M.O.PVaishnavCollege II MCA Multiprocessing – S.D.N.B.VaishnavCollege II Web Designing - AlphaArts & ScienceCollege II 447 I I Sl. no Name Degree/Dept Competition/Venue Poster Designing – GuruShreeShantivijaiJainCollege 40 A. Mageswari II MCA Prize I Multiprocessing – Alpha Arts & Science College III Multiprocessing – S.D.N.B.VaishnavCollege III Sandwich Programming M.O.PVaishnavCollege II Adzap - M.O.PVaishnavCollege II Multiprocessing – Alpha Arts & Science College III Adzap - M.O.PVaishnavCollege II Surprise Event - M.O.PVaishnavCollege II I MCA Surprise Event - M.O.PVaishnavCollege II P. Hinduja I MCA Online Hunt - M.O.PVaishnavCollege II 45 R. Anuradha I MCA Poster Designing – M.O.PVaishnavCollege II 46 D. Suganya I BSc (I Shift) Puzzles - S.D.N.B.VaishnavCollege II 47 S. Shenbagavalli I BSc (I Shift) Puzzles - S.D.N.B.VaishnavCollege II 48 S. Shamli III BSc (I Shift) Quiz – M.G.R.JanakiCollege III 49 M. Kavitha III BSc (I Shift) Quiz – M.G.R.JanakiCollege III 50 M.V. Dhivaya Lakshmi III BSc (I Shift) 41 S. Saranya II MCA 42 G. Lavanya I MCA 43 P. Nandhini 44 Quiz – M.G.R.JanakiCollege Multiprocessing – S.D.N.B.VaishnavCollege 51 R. Saranya II MCA Web Designing - AlphaArts & ScienceCollege Poster Designing – GuruShreeShantivijaiJainCollege Adzap - M.O.PVaishnavCollege II N & D SamathuvaPongal – Nehru Stadium III III I I II 52 P. Latha III 53 S. Padmapriya III B.Sc Chemistry Rangoli – AnnaAdarshCollege I 54 S. Kowsalya III B.Sc Chemistry Rangoli – AnnaAdarshCollege I 55 G. Kanimozhi II B.Sc Chemistry 56 M.N. SanaaFathima II B.Sc Chemistry 57 C. Deepika 58 59 Quiz – D.GVaishnavaCollege III Quiz – D.GVaishnavaCollege III Chemgoli - D.GVaishnavaCollege II II B.Sc Chemistry Chemgoli - D.GVaishnavaCollege II M. Valarmathi II B.Sc Chemistry Chemgoli - D.GVaishnavaCollege II R. Joy II B.Sc Chemistry Speech – Union Bank of India II 448 Sl. no Name 60 Malarvizhi III B.A. History EM Quiz – LoyolaCollege II 61 Ruby III B.A. History EM Quiz – LoyolaCollege II 62 Nisha III B.A. History EM Quiz – LoyolaCollege II 63 D. Malathi I M.A. History Quiz – University of Madras I 64 K. Amythi I M.A. History Quiz – University of Madras I 65 S. Anitha M.Phil Essay Writing I 66 M. Jayanthi I B.ScMaths(Shift II) Rangoli – LoyolaCollege III 67 L. Deepavathi I B.ScMaths(Shift II) Rangoli – LoyolaCollege III 68 S. Kalaiselvi I B.ScMaths(Shift II) Rangoli – LoyolaCollege III 69 S. Rajathi B.A. Economics Elocution – MeenakshiCollege II 70 S. Saranya B.A. Economics Rangoli – D.G.VaishnavCollege II 71 S. Dhivya B.A. Economics Rangoli – D.G.VaishnavCollege II 72 C. Priyadharshini B.A. Economics Singing Competition – SriKannegeParameswariCollege II 73 G. Jansi B.A. Economics Singing Competition – SriKannegeParameswariCollege II 74 S. Monisha II M.Sc PB & PBT Poster Presentation – LoyolaCollege I 75 T.R. Shalini II M.Sc PB & PBT Poster Presentation – LoyolaCollege II 76 A. Kanimozhi II M.Sc PB & PBT Poster Presentation – LoyolaCollege III 77 R. Lavanya II M.Sc PB & PBT Poster Presentation – LoyolaCollege III K. Dinakisundari II M.Sc PB & PBT Poster Presentation – LoyolaCollege III 78 Degree/Dept Competition/Venue Prize 79 R. Tamilselvi II M.Sc PB & PBT Poster Presentation – LoyolaCollege III 80 C. Arthipriya II M.Sc PB & PBT Poster Presentation – LoyolaCollege III 81 A. Gayathri II M.Sc PB & PBT Poster Presentation – LoyolaCollege III 82 G. Srivairapriya II M.Sc PB & PBT Poster Presentation – LoyolaCollege III 83 P. Sangeetha II M.Sc PB & PBT Poster Presentation – LoyolaCollege III 84 R. Jeeva II B.Sc PB & PBT TM Adzap – LoyolaCollege 85 P. Abirami II B.Sc PB & PBT TM Adzap – LoyolaCollege 86 J. Suganya II B.Sc PB & PBT TM Adzap – LoyolaCollege 87 P. Janani II B.Sc PB & PBT TM Adzap – LoyolaCollege 88 M. Umaselvi II B.Sc PB & PBT TM Adzap – LoyolaCollege 89 T. Priscilla II B.Sc PB & PBT Adzap – LoyolaCollege 449 III III III III III III Sl. no Name Degree/Dept Competition/Venue Prize TM I Oratorical Tamil – YRC II W. Janet Karunya 91 G. Adhilakshmi III B.Sc PB & PBT Best out of Waste - LoyolaCollege EM III 92 R. Bhuvaneshwari III B.Sc PB & PBT Best out of Waste - LoyolaCollege EM III 93 P. Julie Cathereena III B.Sc PB & PBT Biolyrics – SDNB Vaishnav EM I 94 J. Elakkiya III B.Sc PB & PBT Biolyrics – SDNB Vaishnav EM I 95 N. Aaliya 96 P. Manimala III B.Sc PB & PBT Flower Arrangement – EthirajCollege TM I 97 R. Gomathi III B.Sc PB & PBT Flower Arrangement – EthirajCollege TM I 98 M. Kaviya III B.Sc PB & PBT Vegetable Carving – LoyolaCollege TM 99 V.Kokila R.Kasthuri K.Murugeswari 100 T.S .Krithiga& Amutha 101 W.JanetKarunya II B.Sc PB & PBT TM Oratorical – LoyolaCollege 90 I B.Sc PB & PBT EM III B.SC Physics E.M Biolyrics – SDNB Vaishnav Cado Green –Group Singing –Pachaiappas College II.MSC Chemistry, Rangoli Competition –Ethiraj College for II.BSC Chemistry Women I.BSC Chemistry III B.Sc P.B.PB Oratorical Competition –Tourism Department -NSS M.Jeevitha III I I I I QUIZ –Government ArsCollege,Nandhnam M.Prasanna 102 I II PG I V.Revathi Food Ingrediants Government ArsCollege,Nandhnam 103 T.Ayesha Begum I PG P.H.SiddiqAyash a&H.Deepa I PG Vegetable Carving -Government ArsCollege,Nandhnam I I PG Dumb Charades -Government ArsCollege,Nandhnam Government Ars I 104 T.Ayesha Begum 105 S.SandhiyaPriya I P.Kamatchi 106 S.Kokila K.Deepika III B.ScHomeScience I 450 Sl. no Name Degree/Dept Competition/Venue Prize Rangoli –Fortis Malar Hospital Y.Swarnalakshmi M.Nirmala R.Muthulakshmi Essay Writing –CTTE College I III B.Sc EM Poetry Writing -SIET I III B.Sc EM Creative Writing I 107 R.Mirra III B.Com 108 D.Sharmila 109 B.Banupriya 110 D.Sharmila B.Banupriya III B.Sc EM D.Malathi 111 112 113 S.Vetriselvi V.P,Divya Bharathi E.Sarasu I.Durgadevi Durga.K 114 Sakthi .N 115 J.Elakkia 116 117 P.Julie Catherine N.Aaliya S.Padmavathi Quiz Competition -University Of Madras I Quiz Competition -National Voters Day III B.Sc EM III B.Sc EM II BA Eng I Slogan Writing -Museum Poem Writing –Dr.Ambedkar College of Arts and Science II B,ScPhyics E.M Dance –BLC Camp Kanpur III EM III EM II EM 118 K.Aruna ITM 119 P.H.Siddiq Ayasha I PG Biolyrics –Loyola College Biolyrics –Loyola College Debate - Loyola College Debate - Loyola College Vegetable Carving –Stella Maris I II II II II II II II Rangoli –Fortis Malar Hospital M.Pushapalatha N.Sangeetha 120 S.Manoranjitham II B.Sc N&D II R.Radha B.Yuvarani 121 122 123 124 S.Dhanalakshmi R.Bakyalakshmi M.MissbaJahan L.MohanPriya II B.Sc N&D I B.Sc Vishali .M I B.Com Kokila I B.Com Fruit Carving - Fortis Malar Hospital Megandhi –Alpha College Stress Interview SIET College Poster –Nazerth College II II II II 125 K.Suguna Drawing Competition –Anna Adrash II 126 B.Sujitha Creative Writing – Loyola College III 451 Sl. no 127 128 129 130 Name Degree/Dept N.Suganya Competition/Venue Prize Slogan Writing -Museum III B.Sujitha GAtchaya N.Abinayadevi S.Ranjani III BA English Time Management –PRIST University III B.A English Quiz –KannigaParameshwari III BA English Leadership Management–PRIST University III III III P.JayaBharathi Inter Collegiate Lyrics Competition II B.Sc Physics TM University Of Madras III 132 D.JanetKarunya III BSC PBPB TM Oratorical Competition –YRC III 133 D.JanetKarunya III BSC PBPB TM S.Padmavathy II EM 135 G.Sangeetha R.Jayalakshmi II EM 136 S.RathnaSubha B.Divya S.Kalaivani Suresh Kumar C..Pvaithra K.S.ManjuPriya III B,Sc N&D 137 R.Srimathi R.Rabeka III B,Sc N&D 138 Preethi .H I B.Com 131 134 V.P.DivyaBhara athi 139 H.Karenhap A.Merciya Oratorical Competition – University Of Madras III Oratorical Competition –Tourism SizzalarRas –Bio Technology Department Anna University III III Rangoli –Fortis Malar Hospital,Adayar III Cooking ,Vegetable Carving- Fortis Malar Hospital,Adayar III Block and Tackle –SIE College III Quiz.–Itra College Commerce III Mock Interview –Itra College 140 V.NandhiniA. Geetha 141 B.Jessi D.Malathi V.P.Divya bharathi Quiz –Anna Adarash College 142 143 S.Jayanthi J.Swetha Mehandhi Competition –SBNB Vaishnav College 144 D.Lavanya P.Lakshmi Slogan Writing -Muesum 145 B.Gunalakshmi S.M JenafarNisha Commerce Oratorical Competition –Chennai DayQueen Marys College III III III II B.Sc N&D I B.Sc N&D III III Dance –Presidency College,Chennai I 452 Sl. no Name Degree/Dept Competition/Venue Prize V.Anitha S.Kowsalya R.Pooja P.Suganya 146 S.Suganya 147 S.Suganya H.Kanchana 148 M.Manju III B.Sc N&D Dance Dr.Ambedkar College III B.Sc N&D Dance Pachaiyyapas College Rangoli –Vivekanandha Birth Day III B.Sc Physics TM Anniversary I I I P.Anusuya 149 N.Aaliya B.Duraiselvi III EM N.Aaliya 150 B.Duraiselvi Inter Collegiate Competition –Bio Lyrics – SNDB Vaishnav College for Women I Bio Lyrics Loyola College III EM I L.Devi 151 K.Deepa A.Kalaivani III EM N.Aaliya 152 Flower Arrangement - Loyola College I Bio Lyrics -Ethiraj College B.Duraiselvi I L.Devi 153 K.Deepa S.Padmavathi R.Ruckmani 154 155 156 157 158 N.Leelavathi M.Vijayalakshmi Wealth out of Waste Ethiraj College for Women I Flower Arrangement Ethiraj College for Women I Inter Collegiate Competition Loyola College A.Kavitha Chandralekha Karthiga Chandralekha Priyadharshini K.Ponvana lakshmi II M.ScMaths II M.ScMaths I M.ScMaths Mock Interview - Ethiraj College for Women Ethiraj College for Women Maths Tunes - Ethiraj College for Women Quiz Competition -Ethiraj College for Women I I I I R.Kaveri 159 160 S.Nirmala Devi I M.ScMaths Essay Competition - Ethiraj College for Women Essay Competition - Ethiraj College for Women I T.S.Priyanka I B.ScMaths Medal of Dance Shield for CADO Green and Cancer Awareness Program –CATC Camp I 453 Sl. no 161 162 163 163 Name S.Rekha V.Meena B.Sujitha A.Jenniyammal H.Karenhap A.Merciya S.Jayanthi H.Karenhap Degree/Dept II M.A I M.A I M.A I M.A Competition/Venue Debate –Presidency College Rangoli - Presidency College Quiz - Presidency College FacePainting - Presidency College Prize I I I I K.Arivuuchelvi II M.C.A Photo Editing –MOP –Vaishnav College for Women I 165 C.Shanmathi IIM.C.A Poster Designing MOP –Vaishnav College for Women I 166 V.Shanthini IIM.C.A ENQUESTA -MOP –Vaishnav College for Women I 167 K.Arivuuchelvi IIM.C.A E –Promaotion -MOP –Vaishnav College for Women I 164 ADZAP –GSS JAIN College Aswini.R K.Arivuuchelvi 168 K.Gayathiri IIM.C.A I B.Mathumathi M.Vasanthi 169 B.Mathumathi IIM.C.A Web Designing -MOP –Vaishnav College for Women I 170 G.Sivaranjani II BSC Sandwich Programming,ADZAP -MOP – Vaishnav College for Women I 171 V.Ranjani III BA Literary Festival Dance -Presidency College I 172 C.Nobinal, III BA Literary Festival Dance -Presidency College I I B.A Literary Festival Dance -Presidency College I II.MCom Paper Presentation –Hindu College Pattabiram I A.Muthazhagi Jayaprabha Shobana 173 V.Kavitha V.Abirami M.Monica 174 S.Muthulakshmi A.Aurneeswari 175 S.Suganya III N&D Group Singing,Dance –Dr.Ambedkar College II 176 S.Suganya III N&D Dance–Dr.Ambedkar College II 454 Sl. no Name Degree/Dept 177 S.Suganya III N&D Song 178 PadmaPriya III N&D Group Singing –Satyabama University 179 M.Indhumathi I B.Sc Physics 180 N.Aaliya Competition/Venue Prize -Pachaiayyapas College II TH II Singing Vivekandha150 ANNIVERSARY II III EM Biolyrics –SDNB Vaishnav College II Miss Gloriosa –Queen Mary,s College II B.Duraiselvi 181 SNandhini III EM 182 L.Priya IEM Art out of Waste–loyola College II I EM Paper presentation –Ethiraj College for Women II Group Song –Pachaiyappas College II II M.Sc PBPB Mock Interview –Ethiraj College for Women II II.MSc PBPB Quiz Competition - Ethiraj College for Women II P.Shalini 183 J.Anandhalaksh mi 184 G.Evanjelin 185 M.Vijayalakshmi D.Thenmozhi 186 S.N.Kartiga J.Karthiga 187 NirubaSaranya II B.ScMaths Maths Tunes Ethiraj College for Women II 188 L.Deepavathi III B.ScMaths MathsRangoli –Mark Gregorious College II G.Mohana T.S Priyanka 189 190 A.Jenniyammal I.B.ScMaths II Shift Medal for Dance ,Shield for Cadogreen and Cancer Awareness Programme Obstacle Event –Pachaiyyappas College II I M.A Face Painting –Presidency College II Essay Writing –Presidency College II H.Karenhap 191 B.Sujatha I M.A 192 Ayeesha.S II M.C.A Debugging -MOP Vaishnav College II 193 K.Arivuchelvi II M.C.A Poster Designing - MOP Vaishnav College II G.Sivaranjani 194 195 J .Parveen 196 Rajabunnisha.S II B.Sc II shift Tech /Non Tech,Mock Interview - MOP Vaishnav College III B.Sc II shift II Tech /Non Tech MGR Janaki College II Quiz -M.G.R.Janaaki College II Literary Dance Festival –Dream Zone II Flagarea –StellMary‟S College III Dhanisha.S 197 V.Kavitha,Monic a.M.KajolPriya and Abirami I B.A 198 V.Suganya IIIB.Sc N&D 199 J.Anandhalaksh mi .A.Kalaivani III EM 200 P.S.Padmavathi Quiz -Loyola College Debate –Loyola College 455 Sl. no Name 201 P.PavithraD.The nmozhi 202 S.Suganya P.Durgadevi 203 Joy Mary Degree/Dept I.MSC Competition/Venue Inter Collegiate Competition Bio Hunt Loyola College I.B.SC Physics Mock Interview –Ethiraj College III B.SC Maths Maths Tunes - Ethiraj College Bhuvaneswari 204 S.Sharmila II BSC Maths Shift II Quiz Competition - Ethiraj College Devi, P.Muthu Amudha 205 Deepavathi,M.Vi III B.SC Maths (Shift Inter Collegiate Competition -Ethiraj jayalakshmi,K.Ja II) College yashree 206 M.Jayanthi S.Kalaiselvi III B.SC Maths(Shift Inter Collegiate Competition Ethiraj College II) L.Deepavathi 207 L.Deepavathi III B.SC Maths (Shift Treasure Hunt -Ethiraj College II) M.Vijayalakshmi k.jayashree 208 M.Jayanthi S.Kalaiselvi III B.SC Maths (Shift MathsRangoli,Loyola College II) L.Deepavathi 209 S.Jayanthi BSaranya III BA Historical Studies Face Painting -Loyola College 210 K.Hemavathy II MCA Debugging –MOP Vaishnav College for Women 211 C.Shanmathi II MCA Enquesta - MOP Vaishnav College for Women 212 G.Sivarangini III B.SC I shift ADZAP –Ethiraj College for Women G.Sangeetha J.K.Sangavai J.Keerthana K.Thulasi V.Kavitha I BA Dance –Anna Adharsh College II M.COM Debate –DG Vaishnav College 213 M.Monica KajolPriya V,Abirami 214 S.Muthulakshmi R.Jayashree 456 Prize 457