August 22, 2011 - Champaign Exchange Club


August 22, 2011 - Champaign Exchange Club
Meeting Mondays at Noon
O'Charley's Restaurant
730 W. Town Center Blvd.
Champaign, IL 61820
Chartered 27 July 1926
Champaign Exchange Club
1812 Coventry Drive
Champaign, IL 61822
August 22, 2011
Volume 78, No. 8
Editor: Tom Williams
29 August 2011 Meeting
Mary "Tief" Tiefenbrunn, Executive Director
Champaign County Humane Society
Our speaker today will be Mary
Tiefenbrunn, Executive Director of
the Champaign Co. Humane Society.
Come next Monday and meet Mary
and hear what she has to say about
the needs and services the society
provides the citizens of our county.
Mary Tiefenbrunn
Connecticut native heads local Humane Society.
5 September 2011
Labor Day GiveAKidAFlagToWave
This will be the third year that the Champaign & Urbana Exchange Clubs pass
out American Flags to the kids along the Labor Day Parade route. Frank
Scantlebury and John Hummel are committee chairmen. We passed out about
1,500 flags last year and this will be our third year to hold the program on Labor
Day. Sign up next Monday to help pass out flags.
12 September 2011
Octave Chanute Aerospace Museum
The Octave Chanute Aerospace Museum is located in one of the large old
hangars on the former Chanute Field Air Force Base in Rantoul. The museum is
the largest air museum in the State of Illinois. Nancy and I visited the museum
several years ago and it is definitely worth taking the time to visit.
Board Meeting After Lunch
19 September 2011
Annual Exchange Picnic at Mikucki's
The Mikuckis will host our Picnic again this year on the third
Monday evening in September. Walt & Dottie are always gracious hosts at their
home in the Maynard Lake subdivision and we always look forward to this event.
As we get closer to the date we'll start taking reservations and announce the costs.
Mark the date on your calendar now so you keep this date open for a fun evening.
10 October 2011
No Meeting - Columbus Day Holiday
In keeping with established tradition we will not be having a meeting this Monday
due to the Columbus Day Holiday. Enjoy the time off with family and friends.
22 October 2011
National Day of Service
We hope to follow up last year's project, cleaning up Johnston Park in west
Champaign, with another worthwhile project this October. If you have a good
idea about what we could do on Saturday, October 22 give it to committee chair
Frank Scantlebury. I'm sure he will welcome all worthy suggestions.
24 October 2011
Army Corps of Engineers
Research Laboratory (CERL)
The Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL) is part of the
U.S. Army Engineer Research & Development Center (USAERDC), which is the
Army Corps of Engineers' integrated research and development (R&D)
organization. CERL conducts research to support sustainable military installations.
Coming Events
Coming Events
31 October 2011
Proudly We Hail Program
This will be the third year we honor 6 outstanding Champaign
families who fly the American Flag daily and in the
appropriate manner. It's never too early to nominate good candidates for this
year's awards. If you know of a good candidate turn in your nominee's address
and name (if you know it) to Tom Williams, Bob Decker or Don Trulock.
12 November 2011
Mid-Year Educational Conference
This year the Mid-Year Educational Conference will be
held at the Hawthorn Suites in Bloomington. This is a training session for club
officers and directors. We need at least two in attendance and with the Illini
hosting the Buckeyes in Memorial Stadium it's a challenge.
21 November 2011
One Nation Under God Program
Thomas Williams, Jr. is the committee chairman for this year's luncheon. Let
him know if you have someone that you know would be an outstanding speaker
for this special occasion.
7 December 2011 (Wednesday)
Annual Inter-Club Christmas Party
This year it is our turn to host the Urbana Exchange Club, and the
Champaign Country Club will again be the location. More details on this fun
evening will be published by early fall. Anne Johnston is again our committee
chairperson and is making the arrangements.
21 April 2012
Believe in the Blue Program
This past April we distributed Exchange literature on the Prevention of Child
Abuse Through Better Parenting at the Wal-Mart Store in Savoy. We'll do
something similar again this coming April. Let's all keep our finger and toes
crossed so it's not cold and raining this year like it was the last time.
21-24 June 2012
85th Lincolnland District Convention
Crowne Plaza in Springfield, IL
The convention next year will be hosted by the Lincolnland District at the
Crowne Plaza Hotel just off I-55 on the east side of Springfield. Past District
President Dennis Koch of Quincy is the convention chairman, and because of
the convention's central location we're hopeful that attendance will increase. All
interstates lead to Springfield so plan now to attend.
22 August 2011 Meeting
Pledge of Allegiance
Attendance Drawing
Nancy Williams
Frank Scantlebury
9 Members & 7 Guests
$5.00 Nancy Williams (Donated to the
GiveAKidAFlagToWave Program)
The weather was absolutely wonderful again today with bright sunshine and the
temperature in the mid 80s as 16 people gathered at O'Charley's for lunch. To
those members who had to miss today you really missed an excellent program.
Member Update
On the member news front, Nancy Williams reports she spoke to Don Kruse on
Sunday and his surgery in Chicago went really well and he's back home and doing
much better. Nancy said he has his voice bank and that he sounded great. We
hope he will be feeling well enough to join us next week. We all miss him very
Dottie and Walt are really busy this week and next as relatives are visiting from
out of state. Anne Johnston was absent today so we couldn't both pick on her
and/or congratulate her on 70 years in the floral shop business in Campus Town.
She started Campus Florist when she was a Freshman at the U of I. See more
details on Anne's business on page 7 of this issue of the Exchanger.
Maj. Gen. Don Lynn
Finally, it was great to have Don and Dee Trulock back with us today. They have
been really busy getting settled in their new home in southwest Champaign and
keeping up with his tax work.
GiveAKidAFlagToWave Program
Frank Scantlebury and Tom Williams reminded everyone that it's just two weeks
before Labor Day and we will be passing out approximately 1,500 American flags
to the kids along the parade route. Frank says we will meet at 9:00 AM one half
block south of the Lincoln Square Shopping Center parking lot. The parade
starts at 10:00 AM. We need 5-6 volunteers to join with the Urbana Exchange
Club in passing out flags.
Lincoln's ChalleNGe Academy
What a wonderful program we had today and I would be remiss if I didn't recognize
Nancy Williams for making all the arrangements to have the dignitaries from
Lincoln's ChalleNGe Academy in Rantoul join us today to tell their story.
We were joined today by seven guests - Major General Donald W. "Don" Lynn
(retired), the former Adjutant General of the Illinois National Guard and former
member of the Quincy Exchange Club, and his wife Barbara; Peter T. Thomas,
the director of Lincoln's ChalleNGe; John Rodgers, the new deputy director of
Lincoln's ChalleNGe; Renee Schoonover, the long-time executive secretary of the
Dir. Peter T. Thomas
Academy; and last but certainly not least, Cadets Ivan Gonzalez and Anisa Williams who are current students at the
Lincoln's ChalleNGe Academy's Mission
LCA's mission is to train, mentor and develop selected applicants into contributing
members of their communities by providing life application skills through a variety
of activities based on the 8-core objectives.
History - In 1993, the Center for
Strategic and International Studies
published a study entitled, Forging a
Military Youth Corps. That same year,
Congress, acting upon the studies
recommendations, provided funding in
the 1993 Defense Authorization Act
for the National Guard Bureau to
conduct a pilot youth intervention
program. The purpose of this pilot
program was to determine if life coping
skills and employability of a high school
dropout could be significantly improved
through participation in a life skills
program using a military model.
Fifteen states became operational during
the first 5-year pilot period with Illinois
chosen as one of the original pilot states.
Currently, 29 states are operating Youth
Challenge Programs. Illinois has the
largest program with an annual target of
800 graduates. In May of 2001, the
Illinois program's name was changed
from Lincoln's ChalleNGe Program to
Lincoln's ChalleNGe Academy.
Moving Forward - The Lincoln's
ChalleNGe is currently on its 35th class
and starting its seventeenth year of
operation. The program has become
immensely popular and has the potential
of providing thousands of "at-risk"
young men and women in Illinois with a
new start. Where traditional educational
methods have failed, the Lincoln's
ChalleNGe Academy has succeeded
and proved to be a tremendous
alternative for young people who have
the ability to excel, but need an
intensive, structured environment. The
graduates of the Academy are
disciplined and accomplished. They are
on the road to becoming successful and
contributing members of society & their
Core Objectives - The 8-core objectives
are the goals established by the National
Guard Bureau as the criteria for each
cadet attending a Youth Challenge
Program. These core objectives are:
(1) Academic Excellence, (2) Job
Skills, (3) Physical Fitness, (4)
Leadership/Followership, (5) Health,
Sex Education and Nutrition, (6)
Life Coping Skills, (7) Responsible
Citizens, (8) Community Service.
Bottom Line - A youth attending a
Challenge Program must achieve 80%
of each objective's criteria, and he/she
must complete all 8 objectives before
graduating from the Resident Phase and
moving into the Post Resident Phase.
These objectives are taught during the
5-month, 200-hours of classroom
instruction and during daily activities.
Gen. Don Lynn & Tom Williams
Cadets also attend classes for computer
literacy to become familiar with current
computer programs.
The Lincoln's ChalleNGe Academy is
run by active members of the Illinois
National guard and retired military
personnel. All instructors are certified
teachers, and program counselors are
qualified and experienced professionals.
Maj. General Don Lynn, who founded
the Lincoln's ChalleNGe Academy,
said that they have received word that
they are going to get a new 25-acre
campus on the old Chanute Air Base just
south of their current location. About
$34 million dollars has been granted to
build a new campus which will be a great
improvement on the old base facilities
they have been using the past 19 years.
Director Peter Thomas said that they
currently host about 400 cadets in their
5-month program and run two sessions
each year. About 70% of the students
make it through the program (the biggest
challenge is getting them through the
first two weeks of the program because
of the military type atmosphere and
discipline) to graduation which is held in
Springfield with about 4,000 graduates,
family members of the cadets, and
friends in attendance.
From Left: Tom Williams, Maj. General Don Lynn,
Cadet Anisa Williams, Director Peter Thomas, Cadet
Ivan Gonzalez, Renee Schoonover, and John Rodgers.
A Bronze Star-winning Lincoln's Challenge graduate has died after
serving in Afghanistan. Sgt. Jesse Richard Tilton, 23, of Mount Zion in
Macon County, was serving with the 508th Regiment, 82nd Airborne,
U.S. Army in Afghanistan. He died July 16, 2010 in the Landstuhl
Regional Medical Center, Frankfurt, Germany, from injuries received
while taking care of a soldier during a battle in Kandahar, Afghanistan.
According to an Army news release, insurgents attacked Sgt. Tilton's
unit in Kandahar City, Afghanistan, with rifle, rocket-propelled grenade
and other small-arms fire.
Peter Thomas, the director of Lincoln's Challenge, called Sgt. Tilton "a
scholar & a gentleman. He was a young man with a vision, very focused,"
Thomas said. "His purpose was to get through here to join the military."
Thomas said the sergeant scored extraordinarily well on his GED while
at Lincoln's Challenge, earning perfect 800s on three of the five blocks of
the test. "He was also a very nice guy, friendly," Thomas added.
Sgt. Tilton served on the LeVant Guard at Lincoln's Challenge, an elite
group that guards dignitaries on visits.
"Champaign floral shop to mark 70 years in September"
22 August 2011
Anne Johnston prepares to
mark 70 years in business at
Campus Florist on Green
Street in Champaign.
CHAMPAIGN — Anne Johnston has
seen Campustown merchants come and
go. Some restaurants move onto Green
Street, she said, and "two years or so,
they're gone." Not so with her business,
Campus Florist. Come September 26,
the floral shop at 609 E. Green St., will
mark 70 years in business. Johnston
opened it as a freshman at the U of I.
Next Sunday, she'll throw a party at the
Champaign Country Club for invited
friends and customers — the "70th
Hurrah," as she calls it. "People are
coming from California, Wisconsin and
all over Illinois," she said. Her late
husband, Seely Johnston, ran a sporting
goods store in downtown Champaign for
75 years. And Anne Johnston said it's
conceivable she might match that.
"There might be another party after
this one," she said. But Johnston said
she can't foresee one 10 years from now.
News-Gazette Article
Johnston said she puts in 7 hours a day at
the shop. Working with her is Phyllis
Valentine, who has been at Campus
Florist for 32 years. When Valentine
started — two years after getting married
— she swept the floor, watered plants,
waited on customers. "Now I'm the straw
boss," Valentine said, "and do almost all
of the arranging." Valentine said it's
been a pleasure working with Johnston.
"Anne taught me how to design
(bouquets) and taught me other things
about life as well," she said. "We've just
become family over the years." Johnston
said the Valentines "adopted me, or I've
adopted them." The shop has 5 full-time
employees and, in recent years, has been
prowled by a cat named Trouble.
Being in business 70 years doesn't seem
as amazing to Johnston as the fact that
her mother — who had two flower shops
in Chicago — left 13-year-old Anne in
charge of the shops while she went to
Europe. "Can you imagine being 13 and
having two stores?" she said, noting each
shop had a floral designer. Compared
with that, running a shop for 70 years is
"normal," she said.
Lots of things have changed since
Johnston — then known as Anne
Petersen — opened her shop in 1941 in a
small storefront on South Wright Street.
"The students are different. The way of
life is different," Johnston said. "You
used to be able to park on Green Street
— without meters!" During her early
days in business, most customers were
men buying flowers for women. "At one
time, girls didn't buy flowers for girls,
and girls didn't buy flowers for boys,"
she said. "Now fellows come in and want
flowers for their rooms."
Besides devoting time to the shop,
Johnston remains active in the
Champaign Exchange Club, helping to
line up speakers for weekly meetings.
She's also an active member of the Illini
Quarterback Club and the Illini
Rebounders — and was awarded life
membership in the latter last year. She
likes basketball but doesn't find it easy to
get around Assembly Hall.
As for
football, she confesses she doesn't know
anything about the game except when a
touchdown is scored. But a football player
once assured her that's the most important
thing to know.
Hope Eastin, a friend and customer for
more than 20 years, called Johnston "a
lovely, remarkable, gracious and giving
person. I have never known a harder
worker." Johnston was severely injured
in a 1997 assault at the shop but has
bounced back from it. She said she has to
watch carefully where she walks. Last
October, she got out of a car at the
Champaign Country Club, tripped on a
curb, fell on the ground and was knocked
out. But after a trip by ambulance to the
hospital to get checked out, she returned
to the country club to have her meal.
Why, her friends asked. "I was hungry,"
she said. Maybe crazy too, she added.
Johnston said she has stopped making
annual winter visits to Puerto Vallarta,
Mexico. But she continues to go to
Florida and take shorter trips. She said
she still hopes to travel to Thailand, where
she has friends, but needs a companion
for the journey.
Johnston said she's not tempted to sell or
lease her shop to merchants willing to pay
big bucks for the space. She's going to
stay. Besides, she doesn't get many offers
for the building these days. "I guess they
figure there's no use in asking because
the answer will be the same," she said.
Proudly We Hail Award Candidates Needed
Before you know it it'll be time again to honor six patriotic Champaign families for
proudly and correctly flying the American Flag every day. We've been fortunate to
honor some wonderful people the past 2 years and I need more good candidates for
this year's award luncheon. Please turn in qualifying homes like the dozen pictured
below we've honored the past years to Tom Williams, Don Trulock or Bob Decker so
we can investigate them to see if they are worthy.
The first 2 rows were our 2009 honorees and the last 2 rows we honored in 2010.
$$$ Green Box News Notes $$$
Bill Dieker – For the nice article in the News-Gazette about Anne and Campus Florist.
Christine Felty – Because I'm so pleased to sit by our celebrity, Anne
Johnston. She has accomplished so much at the Campus Florist - a wonderful
70 years and loads of friends. Congratulations. (Editor's note - unfortunately
Anne didn't make it to the meeting and Christine had to sit by an empty chair.)
Ivan Gonzalez – I am a cadet at the Lincoln's Challenge Academy in Rantoul.
Wally Lehman – $3.00 for Exchanger expenses and $1.00 for a great picture
of Anne on the front page of the News-Gazette.
Barbara Lynn – In honor of the guests from Lincoln's Challenge Academy.
Don Lynn – In honor of the guests from the Lincoln's Challenge Academy.
Frank Scantlebury – Because the Cubs took 2 out of 3 games from the Cards over the weekend.
Renee Schoonover –
Challenge Academy.
Peter Thomas – I'm happy to be here today to tell about Lincoln's
Challenge and present two of our cadets to you.
Because I'm here representing the Lincoln's
Dee Trulock – Because I'm glad we got here today.
Don Trulock – Because that's all the money I have.
Anisa Williams – Because I am a cadet from the south side of Chicago at the Lincoln's Challenge
Academy. I'm here to give my personal testimony about my experiences.
Nancy Williams – Because I want to give my congrats to Anne
Johnston. What a wonderful article about her 70 years of owning
and operating Campus Florist, and in honor of all our guests.
Tom Williams – In honor of all our guests from the Lincoln's
Challenge Academy, especially the two cadets and the wonderful
front page article and color photo in yesterday's News-Gazette.
Thomas Williams – Because Frank gave me a dollar and
something about the Cardinals avoiding the sweep - maybe the
Cubs gave the Cards a win?
Former Champaign Exchangite Frank Schooley
The next page has the second installment in a feature I started 2 weeks ago, printing the
bios of former Champaign Exchangites that I authored 3 decades ago. Dewey Bagur was
the first past member featured and this week it's Frank Schooley. Frank had a long and
distinguished tenure as a Champaign Exchangite including editing our newsletter for 20+
years. As space allows I plan to print more bios as the year progresses. From time to
time I will also print the bios of current members so we can all become more informed.
Fighting Illini
Football Guessing
Contest Kicks Off
Next Monday
Sept. 3 - vs. Arkansas State
Sept. 10 - vs. South Dakota St.
Sept. 17 - vs. Arizona State
Sept. 24 - vs. Western Michigan
Oct. 1 - vs. Northwestern
Oct. 8 - at Indiana
Oct. 15 - vs. Ohio State
Oct. 22 - at Purdue
Oct. 29 - at Penn State
Nov. 5 - Open Date
Nov. 12 - vs. Michigan
Nov. 19 - vs. Wisconsin
Nov. 26 - at Minnesota
Nittany Lions
Be Sure Not To
Miss The Meeting
Next Week!
Exchange, America's Premier Service Club, working to make our communities better places to live.
Chartered 27 July 1926
Firefighter of the Year
Champaign Exchange Club
1812 Coventry Drive
Champaign, IL 61822
Police Officer of the Year
Phone: (217) 356-1057
Prevention of Child Abuse
Meeting Every Monday at
12:00 Noon Except Holidays
Time Out Teddy
O’Charley’s Restaurant
730 W. Town Center Blvd.
Eastern Illinois Food Bank
Nursing Scholarships
A.C.E. Award
Crisis Nursery
Seniors Vial of Life
President: Tom Williams
Thomas Williams, Jr.
Nancy Williams
Richard Adkins
Bill Dieker
Anne Johnston
Wally Lehman
Dottie Mikucki
Frank Scantlebury
Exchange Covenant of Service
Accepting the divine privilege of single and collective
responsibility as life’s noblest gift, I covenant with my
fellow Exchangites:
To consecrate my best energies to the uplifting of Social,
Religious, Political and Business ideals;
To discharge the debt I owe to those of high and low estate
who have served and sacrificed that the heritage of
American citizenship might be mine;
To honor and respect law, to serve my fellowmen, and to
uphold the ideals and institutions of my Country;
To implant the life-giving, society-building spirit of Service
and Comradeship in my social and business relationships;
Believe in the Blue
Campaign For Kids
One Nation Under God
Freedom Shrines
Proudly We Hail Awards
Book of Golden Deeds
Student of the Month/Year
Don Moyer Boys & Girls Club
Snacks For Kids
Salvation Army Bell Ringing
See us on Facebook - Champaign Exchange Club
To serve in Unity with those seeking better conditions,
better understandings, and greater opportunities for all.
Exchange Club of Champaign
. 1812 Coventry Drive
Champaign, IL 61822 .
National Day of Service
Child Abuse Prevention - Americanism - Community Service - Service to Youth