annual report - Truman Medical Center Charitable Foundation
annual report - Truman Medical Center Charitable Foundation
L EI C TT E RCFENT R O ME RTCH H E ACRI HA I RBM A NF OU NDATIO N TRUMAN M ED AL TA LE Annual Report July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2010 F i s c a l Y e a r 2 0 1 0 A n n ua l R e p o r t 3 M I S S I O N S TAT E M E N T The Truman Medical Center Charitable Foundation builds community engagement and inspires donors to generously support the state-of-the-art, comprehensive and accessible healthcare provided by Truman Medical Centers. Cover photos – left to right, top to bottom – Thanks to the generosity of The Mader Foundation, every baby born at TMC Lakewood receives a “Bear Hug from the Mader Foundation.” – Golf Baby Golf! 2010 Eagle Sponsor, Team Topsail Leasing: Scott Koerper, Laurie Koerper, Donna Lilley, Jeff Lilley. – This mom and baby are just two of the 1,500 people who benefit from our StartRight Teen MOMs program each year. – Benefit at the Bristol event chairs Joe and Sharon Weinrich with TMC CEO John Bluford (center). – Professional and teen models dazzled attendees at Fashion For A Cause 2010. – Foundation board members Joy Wheeler (left) and Carolyn Watley (right) enjoy the Fashion For A Cause Patrons’ Party with Kate White, author and editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan. – Mary Riffel helps to prep the Behavioral Health Garden for client use at the TruFriends In the Garden spring clean up. 22 T R U M A N M E D I C A L C E N T E R C H A R I TA B L E F O U N D AT I O N LET TER FROM THE CHAIR Dear Friends, On behalf of the Truman Medical Center (TMC) Charitable Foundation, I want to thank you for your support. I am pleased to share with you this Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2010. In these pages you’ll read about TMC projects and programs made possible by philanthropic support and directly benefitting our community. The past year has been memorable for us. In addition to holding our three major fundraising events, we hosted our first-ever combined-board event in June, bringing together the TMC Hospital, Charitable Foundation and Lakewood Philanthropy Boards of Directors to discuss the changing climate of healthcare and opportunities for collaboration to ensure the continued success of TMC. We also launched Passion Teams, an idea conceived at the Tom Holcom Charitable Foundation Board’s strategic planning session in 2009. Passion Teams consist of board members, community volunteers, and staff members whose passions are aligned with important hospital programs such as Clinical Services, Healing Arts and Behavioral Health. In this challenging financial climate, our Board of Directors has taken special care to make sure that your donations are spent as efficiently as possible in order to maximize the impact your gift has on the patients served by Truman Medical Centers. Each member of the Charitable Foundation staff takes their responsibility to be good stewards of your donations very seriously and has done an exceptionally good job of it this past year. Finally, as I conclude my two-year service as board chair, I am pleased to turn over the post to Joy Wheeler. Joy has been a long-time advocate and friend to TMC. She has served on the Board since 2006 and will make an excellent chair. Again, thank you for your generous support of TMC. Sincerely, Tom Holcom Chair, Board of Directors F i s c a l Y e a r 2 0 1 0 A n n ua l R e p o r t 33 Fiscal Year 2010 Year In Review Charitable Contributions & Other Revenue $9.2 million #HARITABLE'RANTS 2EAL%STATE 3PECIAL%VENTS )NDIVIDUAL#ONTRIBUTIONS 'IFTSFROM&OUNDATIONS "USINESS#ONTRIBUTIONS %XCLUDESGRANTANDSPECIALEVENTGIFTS Expenses $9.4 million 'RANTSTO4-# #HARITABLE'RANTS 2EAL%STATE 3PECIAL%VENTS !DMINISTRATIVE 2EAL%STATE )NDIVIDUAL#ONTRIBUTIONS 'IFTSFROM&OUNDATIONS "USINESS#ONTRIBUTIONS %XCLUDESGRANTANDSPECIALEVENTGIFTS 4 T R U M A N M E D I C A L C E N T E R C H A R I TA B L E F O U N D AT I O N Fiscal Year 2010 Year In Review ✚ Between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010, the TMC Charitable Foundation (CF) received more than $8.1 million in charitable contributions and grant payments. ✚TMC CF distributed more than $7.8 million in grants to TMC to support its mission. ✚Over the past fiscal year, 1,147 individuals, foundations and corporations made charitable gifts to TMC. ✚ During its 2010 funding cycle, The United Way of Greater Kansas City awarded TMC $125,000 for uncompensated care in outpatient clinics. TMC was one of the only United Way agencies to receive a larger gift (19% increase) than the previous year. ✚TMC CF received the second installment of a $5 million grant from the Hall Family Foundation benefitting both cardiology and women’s health. ✚The Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City provided $2.3 million – part of a $7.5 million multi-year grant – to support bed expansion at TMC Hospital Hill and Behavioral Health. TMC has received a total of $9.9 million from the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City. ✚Proud to be Truman, TMC’s Employee Giving campaign, raised more than $75,000 to fund employee initiated projects across the hospital. The participation rate by all employees almost doubled this year. ✚The TMC CF launched the TruFACES Direct Patient Care Fund. The FACES acronym stands for “Fundamental, Accessible, Compassionate, Everyday Services” and helps offset the cost of uncompensated care. In its first year, nearly $150,000 was raised for this fund. ✚TMC CF Special Events collectively raised nearly $400,000 and reached an audience of more than 1,000 – many of whom were new to TMC and its mission. F i s c a l Y e a r 2 0 1 0 A n n ua l R e p o r t 5 Projects and Programs In FY10, the TMC Charitable Foundation focused on raising funds for several priority projects and ongoing programs, including those featured on the following pages. Each of these projects and programs is possible thanks to the philanthropic support of our generous donors. Lakewood Family Birthplace The TMC Charitable Foundation is currently conducting a $4 million capital campaign called Hello Baby! to fund Phase II of the Lakewood Family Birthplace expansion and relocation. TMC Lakewood and the Family Birthplace play an important part in fulfilling our mission and are vital to the health and wellness of our area’s most vulnerable population. Thousands of infants and their families will benefit from the generous support of our donors. Two of the TMC Charitable Foundation’s signature events — Fashion For A Cause and Golf Baby Golf! — raised funds for the Lakewood Family Birthplace project in FY10. Fashion For A Cause More than 900 people gathered at the Midland Theatre Sunday, May 2, 2010 to see the fifth anniversary edition of Fashion For A Cause. Ten area boutiques/ designers showcased their fashions on the runway. In addition, the event featured Take a Chance on Fashion and a Fund-A-Need, which combined raised more than $22,000. The event raised $150,000 net and resulted in a 15 percent increase in attendance and a 75 percent increase in the number of cash sponsors from 2009. Professional models walked the runway displaying the latest styles and trends from ten local/independent boutiques and designers. Abby Albers and Chadwick Brooks were co-chairs for the fifth anniversary Fashion For A Cause. Together they led a workforce of more than 100 volunteers who made the event another great success. A rendering of the new Lakewood Family Birthplace, which will finish construction upon the completion of the $4 million Hello Baby! campaign. 6 T R U M A N M E D I C A L C E N T E R C H A R I TA B L E F O U N D AT I O N Projects and Programs Golf Baby Golf! 2010 Bogey Sponsor, Team CINTAS Document Management: Joe Cavanaugh, Sally Bodenmiller, Glen Boor, Ben McLaughlin. The second annual golf ball drop raised more than $10,000 at the Golf Baby Golf! tournament. Golf Baby Golf! TruFriends, the young professional society that supports TMC, had a great time sponsoring one of the Golf Baby Golf! drink stands. Eric Harland, Kasia Ochs, Liz Anne McElhaney, Mike Gates and Karen Carrill. On Friday June 25, 2010 the Charitable Foundation hosted the fourth annual Golf Baby Golf! tournament at WinterStone Golf Course in Independence. Last year the Independent magazine named Golf Baby Golf! among the best charity golf tournaments in Kansas City, and this year’s event was even better! More than $10,000 of the $115,000 net raised was through the Second Annual Golf Ball Drop, in which more than 1,400 golf balls were dropped from a helicopter onto a practice green. Each ball was individually numbered, and the three closest to the pin won prizes. Behavioral Health The third of TMC Charitable Foundation’s signature events, Benefit at the Bristol, raises funds for TMC Behavioral Health programs. TMC Behavioral Health is a leader in providing mental health and substance abuse services to the people of our community. Each year, TMC Behavioral Health helps more than 17,000 clients. For the past 14 years, the annual cocktail party at the Bristol Seafood Grill has benefited these clients. Guests at the October 19, 2009 event viewed the Sunshine from Darkness juried art exhibit featuring the work of Kansas City artists with mental illness, and congratulated the recipients of the 2009 TMC Behavioral Health Award for Contributions to Mental Health Awareness: Frank Murphy and BlueCross BlueShield of Kansas City. The event, considered to be one of Kansas City’s premiere charity events, raised more than $110,000. Benefit at the Bristol event chair Joe Weinrich with Hank Herrmann of Waddell and Reed Financial, Inc., the event’s presenting sponsor. Benefit at the Bristol guests enjoyed the biennial Sunshine from Darkness Exhibit featuring artists who are TMC Behavioral Health clients. The event’s honorary chairs Keith and Margi Pence (right) share a moment with TMC board chair Bucky Brooks and his wife, Beverly. F i s c a l Y e a r 2 0 1 0 A n n ua l R e p o r t 7 Projects and Programs Community Wellness and Chronic Disease Management Philanthropy plays a major role in TMC’s corporate vision of “leading the way to a healthy community.” This vision is pursued through innovative chronic disease management and employee/community wellness programs. Guided Chronic Care™ (GCC) is a joint project between TMC and the University of Missouri at Kansas City School of Medicine, developed in response to the disproportionate number of lowincome, minority populations suffering from chronic illnesses. GCC uses a team approach to work proactively with patients and their families to address family, social and community support issues. This team provides support between clinic visits and collaborates with the medical team. Through the GCC program, we expect to see fewer missed appointments, fewer patients coming in through the Emergency Department, fewer hospitalizations and improved health over the long term for the patients in the program. This new program was made possible through a start-up grant given by the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City. Another TMC community wellness initiative made possible by gifts from the community is the Healthy Harvest Produce Market. Recognizing that health begins with eating well, the weekly market is just one way TMC provides access to delicious, fresh food throughout the hospital. The market offers fresh fruits and vegetables, along with nutritional information and suggestions for food preparation to TMC patients, employees and the surrounding community. Employees – as well as patients, visitors and community members – shop at the Healthy Harvest Produce Market Wednesdays at the TMC Hospital Hill Pavilion. The market is made possible through a partnership among Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas City, C&C Produce and Morrison Healthcare Food Services. 8 T R U M A N M E D I C A L C E N T E R C H A R I TA B L E F O U N D AT I O N Projects and Programs Patient Navigator More than 7,000 procedures were performed last year in TMC’s oncology center. Patient Navigator is a service that helps cancer patients through the emotional period from diagnosis through treatment. Thanks to continued philanthropic support from American Cancer Society, Greater Kansas City Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure and Back In The Swing and other gifts, the service is offered to TMC oncology patients for free. Patient Navigator provides emotional support and guidance, help with transportation, child care while patients are at TMC Hospital Hill, information on treatment, side effects of medication, hair wigs, nutrition and more. Patient Navigator will continue to be important as the TMC Charitable Foundation begins its campaign to raise funds for the Oncology program and facility renovations in FY11. StartRight Teen MOMs TMC Hospital Hill serves more teen mothers than any other healthcare agency in the area. To help these youngest and most vulnerable mothers, TMC established the StartRight Teen MOMs program. This program, funded largely through the generous support of TMC donors, reaches approximately 1,500 people annually through mentoring, support groups, monthly activities and LifeSkills training. The most impressive outcome for the Teen MOMs program is that repeat teen pregnancies are rare among our clients. Through its 13 year history, the repeat pregnancy rate has averaged less than 4 percent per year for Teen MOMs participants. Dads-to-be are invited to participate in StartRight Teen MOMs classes. Herbert Vincent Jones, Jr. Foundation, Bank of America Trustee and Kansas City Power & Light are two significant donors who made this program possible. F i s c a l Y e a r 2 0 1 0 A n n ua l R e p o r t 9 Projects and Programs TruFACES Direct Patient Care Fund Recognizing the significant role uncompensated care plays at Truman Medical Centers, the TMC Charitable Foundation launched a direct patient care fund to offset the cost of this care and provide essential services to our patients. These essential services become even more important in times of economic uncertainty with an increased number of individuals losing their insurance and relying on TMC for charity care. The FACES in the fund’s name stands for Fundamental, Accessible, Compassionate, Everyday Services. Through this fund, the Charitable Foundation has an opportunity to broaden our donor base while sharing the stories — and faces — of some of the grateful TMC patients who benefit from the generosity of our donors. One such story is Joyce’s. Joyce arrived at the TMC Emergency Department with what she thought was pneumonia. She’d been suffering symptoms for weeks but tried to ignore them – partly because she didn’t have insurance, and partly because she didn’t have time. While Joyce is not employed outside of the home, she does have a full time job – caring for her husband, a thoracic cancer survivor. Joyce’s husband received his cancer diagnosis at TMC years ago, and Joyce was forced to quit her job to take care of him. Throughout his treatment, Joyce became familiar with TMC and was impressed with the level of care and service her husband received. So, years later, Joyce knew where to turn for her own healthcare needs. After being admitted to the ED, an x-ray showed that Joyce was actually suffering from heart issues that had caused her lungs to fill with fluid, requiring her to have a stent. Joyce still cares for her husband, but she’s also learning to take care of herself. She walks as much as possible and attends cardiac rehab three days a week at TMC. She hasn’t missed a single session in more than three months. Joyce believes that Truman Medical Centers is the reason she and her husband are alive today, and she’s making the most out of every moment. In FY10, gifts to the TruFACES Fund totaled just under $150,000. For more information on the TruFACES Direct Patient Care Fund or to read more patient stories, visit 10 T R U M A N M E D I C A L C E N T E R C H A R I TA B L E F O U N D AT I O N The Truman Medical Center Charitable Foundation Societies and Fiscal Year 2010 Honor Roll of Gifts Charitable Foundation board chair Tom Holcom and his wife, Denise, flank the 2009 Benefit at the Bristol co-chairs Sharon and Joe Weinrich. Margi and Keith Pence served as the event’s honorary chairs. F i s c a l Y e a r 2 0 1 0 A n n ua l R e p o r t 11 T H E W ILLIA M Vo l k e r H ERITA G E S o c i e t y Heritage...A Gift of Lasting Value... Preservation, Continuity and a Continued Legacy for the Future. Members of the William Volker Heritage Society have helped to ensure Truman Medical Centers’ future growth by including the TMC Charitable Foundation in their wills and in other estate plans. William Volker’s pioneering philanthropy enhanced hospitals, schools and people’s lives in early 20th-century Kansas City. A gift from his estate created the TMC Charitable Foundation. Volker Society members’ names are displayed on the Donor Wall of Appreciation at TMC Hospital Hill. Estate of Carol A. Ainsworth Christine Alexander Don H. Alexander Suzanne E. Allen Debra L. Bass Eliot S. Berkley Nona G. Bolling John P. Borden Margaret Borden Mary Shaw Branton Robert A. Brooks Joan M. Bruderer Thomas D. Cairns, Jr. Trust Carl L. Chinnery Jean Chinnery Donald H. Chisholm* Millie Chisholm Charles E. Curran* Joan F. Curran Ann L. Darke Arthur A. Davis III Arthur A. Davis, Jr. Hope Davis Marianne Davis Diane C. Deadwyler John B. Deadwyler Ernest W. Dill Estate Neil T. Douthat Peggy Dunn Terrence Dunn Charles A. Eddy Donna Eddy Rose H. Eisenman Estate Jo Ann S. Field Russell M. Fiorella Evelyn Gorten* Gary T. Goss Janet Goss Karl Hanzelius Estate Leslie K. High Randal R. High Pauline L. Hodgins Trust E. J. Holland Sharon K. Hunter* Don Kahan Thomas W. Kirgis* Harry E. Kuba* Sharon Kuba Mary Lee Lacy Marital Trust David Leonhardt Christine Lewis* Estate of Bertha M. Lewis-Giaquinto Elizabeth Loeb* Liz Anne McElhaney Anne McGee Joseph J. McGee, Jr.* John McNally Pam McNally Marsha L. Morgan Margaret S. Neal Estate Russell J. Ohan Stanley Patton* Janet Reimer Ronald C. Reimer Fred Rich Betty Snapp Terry L. Snapp Vivian J. Sosland* Ronald C. Spradley Aggie Stackhaus Christine Sullivan Anne Sundeen John Sundeen Jerome S. Tilzer Rita Tilzer* Jane L. VanSant Arch W. Wade Trust Harry C. Wall* Tacille K. Wall Estate of Lanore Williams Dan J. Williams Marilee Williams Pamela Williams Paul A. Williams Charles Wilson* Mildred M. Wilson* Mary Linna Woods Richard D. Woods *deceased Carl Chinnery, Foundation board member; Patt Lawlor, Au.D., of the Lakewood Philanthropy Board; Charlie Shields, Lakewood COO; and Bucky Brooks, TMC board chair. 12 T R U M A N M E D I C A L C E N T E R C H A R I TA B L E F O U N D AT I O N THE Touchstone so ciety Touchstone...A Basis for Comparison. That Reference Point Against Which Other Things are Evaluated and Measured. The Touchstone Society honors lifetime giving by individuals, businesses, foundations and organizations to the Truman Medical Center Charitable Foundation. Every Society member has provided cumulative cash gifts of $25,000 or more. Each of them personifies the TMC commitment to provide quality healthcare to the Kansas City community. Names of Touchstone members are listed on the Donor Wall of Appreciation at TMC Hospital Hill. Aetna Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Don H. Alexander Suzanne Eleanor Allen American Cancer Society, K.C. Metro Office American Century Foundation Anonymous Aquila, Inc. Assurant Employee Benefits Avon Foundation Back in the Swing Bank of America Baptist-Trinity Lutheran Legacy Foundation Geraldine and R. A. Barrows Foundation George K. Baum Foundation Bill* and June Beaver Mr. Eliot S. Berkley Black Community Fund The H & R Block Foundation Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Kansas City Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bluford III Mary Shaw Branton Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Brooks III Herb and Bonnie Buchbinder Burns & McDonnell, Inc. The Stephen and Joan Carter Family Mrs. Millie Chisholm The Cleveland Foundation Ralph Ringo Coffey Fund Jerome and Jeannette Cohen COMBAT Grant Administrator Community Network for Behavioral Healthcare, Inc. Cosentino Family Coventry Health Care of Kansas, Inc. Louetta M. Cowden Foundation, Arthur H. Bowen and Bank of America, Trustees Louis & Dorothy Cumonow Foundation Daughters of Charity Foundation George and Elizabeth Davis Charitable Fund Gary Dickinson Family Charitable Foundation Ms. Catherine D. Disch Mr. and Mrs. Neil T. Douthat DST Systems, Inc. J.E. Dunn Construction Company Dunn Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Dunn RJ Dutton Incorporated Rose H. Eisenman Estate Evolv Solutions, LLC Elaine Feld-Stern Charitable Trust Randall and Helen Ferguson Charles & Jennie Fermaturo Foundation Mrs. Jo Ann S. Field Sally Firestone Foundation First Scout Realty Advisors, Inc. FMH Benefit Services J.M. Forrest Charitable Trust Francis Family Foundation Mr. Bill Gibson Goppert Foundation Arvin Gottlieb Charitable Foundation Greater Kansas City Building & Construction Trades Council Greater Kansas City Community Foundation Greater Lee’s Summit Health Care Foundation Trent Green Family Foundation Hall Family Foundation Hallmark Cards, Inc. Hallmark Cards, Inc. Mr. Karl Hanzelius Estate Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City Health Care USA The Hearst Foundation, Inc. Heart of America Community AIDS Partnership / DIFFA George W. Hedgepeth Trust Herbert Vincent Jones, Jr. Foundation - Bank of America, Trustee Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Herrmann Jean and Walter Hiersteiner Josephine Hobbs Trust Pauline L. Hodgins Trust Tom and Denise Holcom Sarah Ingram-Eiser Ink Cycle, Inc. InterVentional Technologies Jewish Heritage Foundation of Greater Kansas City Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Thomas M. Johnson, M.D. Trust Junior League of KCMO Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation Kansas City Power & Light Kansas City Southern Kao Family Foundation Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation Muriel McBrien Kauffman Foundation The Ewing M. Kauffman Fund for Greater Kansas City Gladys Kelce Charitable Lead Annuity Trust R.C. Kemper Charitable Trust William T. Kemper Foundation Commerce Bank Trustee David Woods Kemper Memorial Foundation Alta Knoop Estate Mr. Charles W. Koester, Jr. Greater KC Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure Mr. and Mrs. John Kornitzer The Kresge Foundation Harry E. and Sharon Kuba Mary Lee Lacy Marital Trust Lakewood Anesthesia, P.C. Mrs. Christine Lewis Estate of Bertha M. Lewis-Giaquinto Ms. Linda Lighton and Mr. Lynn Adkins Harlan Limpus Family Lockton Companies, LLC Ms. Elizabeth Loeb Jacob & Ella Loose Foundation The J. E. and L. E. Mabee Foundation, Inc. The Edward G. and Kathryn E. Mader Foundation Arthur Mag Foundation March of Dimes Greater Kansas City Chapter Jean and Tom McDonnell McGee Foundation Medical Imaging, Inc. Harold and Marilyn Melcher Foundation Menorah Legacy Foundation Merck & Company Meritage Portfolio Management The Jack and Helyn Miller Foundation Miller Nichols Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Marshall V. Miller Missouri Bank MO. Dept. of Medical Service, Div. DFS Dr. and Mrs. James J. Mongan The Morgan Family Foundation Mrs. Marsha L. Morgan Bill and Sara Morgan Morrison Healthcare Food Services National Association of Chain Drug Stores Foundation National Starch & Chemical Co. Margaret S. Neal Estate The George H. Nettleton Home Miller and Jeannette Nichols Oppenstein Brothers Foundation Sharla J. Peters Dr. and Mrs. Larry W. Piebenga Pioneer Services, a division of MidCountry Bank Mr. Lewis M. Popper Harry Portman Charitable Trust Mr. Andrew L. Atterbury and Ms. Gwyn Prentice Prime Health Foundation John* and Mary Pritchard REACH Healthcare Foundation Regnier Family Foundation Ronald C. and Janet Reimer J.B. Reynolds Foundation Carl J. and Josephine A. Privitera and Families Royals Charities Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Runnion, III Saint Joseph Health Center Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Phil Sanders sanofi-aventis Pharmaceuticals Victor and Caroline E. Schutte Foundation Ms. Ethel H. Scrivner Diane, Vince and Angela Seif Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. SkillBuilders Fund Ralph L. Smith Foundation Smith Fries Foundation The Sosland Families Sosland Foundation Victor Speas Foundation John W. & Effie E. Speas Memorial Trust Spencer, Fane, Britt and Browne LLP State Street Dr. and Mrs. Mark T. Steele Stinson Morrison Hecker Strauss Family Endowment Dr. Christine Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. John E. Sundeen, Jr. The Sunderland Foundation Superior Bowen Asphalt Co. Edward F. Swinney Foundation SYNTHES Tension Envelope Corporation Ten-Ten Foundation Mr. Mark A. Thornhill and Ms. Maria Donigan Network Trust TMC Hospital Hill Auxiliary TMC Lakewood Auxiliary TMC Medical-Dental Staff The Courtney S. Turner Charitable Trust US Bank Union Hill Anesthesia, PC United Way of Greater Kansas City University Physician Associates The G. W. Van Keppel Company Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Van Petten William Volker Estate Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Harry C. Wall Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Walsh The Whitaker Foundation Woman’s Athletic Club Women’s Foundation of Greater Kansas City Dr. and Mrs. William H. Worley Henry E. Wurst Family Foundation *deceased F i s c a l Y e a r 2 0 1 0 A n n ua l R e p o r t 13 T M C S T E PP I N G S T O N E C O U N C I L Steppingstone...The Opportunity for Advancement Toward the Goal. Members of the TMC Steppingstone Council are those donors who made gifts of $5,000 or more to Truman Medical Center Charitable Foundation between January 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010. Through their generous giving each year, Steppingstone Council members help TMC provide the highest levels of health care – in Kansas City and in the nation. Their names are displayed on the Donor Wall of Appreciation at TMC Hospital Hill. Fashion For A Cause honorary chair Jeannette Nichols (left) and Foundation board member Jo Ann Field with David Kendrick of the Greater Kansas City Building and Construction Trades Council. The Trades Council was the 2010 FFAC presenting sponsor. Suzanne Eleanor Allen American Cancer Society, K.C. Metro Office Anonymous George K. Baum Foundation Bill* and June Beaver Black Community Fund The H & R Block Foundation Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Kansas City Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bluford III The Brown Family Fund 14 Herb and Bonnie Buchbinder The Stephen and Joan Carter Family Cintas Document Management Ralph Ringo Coffey Fund Community Network for Behavioral Healthcare, Inc. Cosentino Family Mr. and Mrs. James D. Dawson Ms. Catherine D. Disch Dreiseszun Family Foundation Benjamin F. and Ruth F. Dreyfoos Memorial Trust DST Systems, Inc. J.E. Dunn Construction Company Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Dunn RJ Dutton Incorporated Dr. Gerald L. Early and Dr. Shauna R. Roberts Evolv Solutions, LLC Faultless Healthcare Linen Milton W. Feld Charitable Trust Elaine Feld-Stern Charitable Trust feng Merchandising Jo Ann S. Field Sally Firestone Foundation First Scout Realty Advisors, Inc. J.M. Forrest Charitable Trust Great Plains Energy Greater Kansas City Building & Construction Trades Council Greater Kansas City Community Foundation Greater Lee’s Summit Health Care Foundation Hall Family Foundation The Health Alliance of Mid America Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City The Hearst Foundation, Inc. Heart of America Community AIDS Partnership / DIFFA Herbert Vincent Jones, Jr. Foundation - Bank of America, Trustee Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Hiersteiner Josephine Hobbs Trust Thomas H. Holcom Ink Cycle, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Brian Ipsen Kansas City Power & Light Kansas City Southern Kearney Wornall Foundation, UMB Bank, n.a. Trustee Gladys Kelce Charitable Lead Annuity Trust David Woods Kemper Memorial Foundation Greater KC Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure Konrath Lakewood Anesthesia, P.C. Benny Lee & Edith Lee Limpus Properties, LLC Jacob & Ella Loose Foundation Lytle Construction The Edward G. and Kathryn E. Mader Foundation Thomas A. McDonnell McGee Foundation Meritage Portfolio Management Morrison Healthcare Food Services National Association of Chain Drug Stores Foundation Orthopaedic Research & Education Foundation P1 Group Pioneer Financial Services, Inc. Lewis M. Popper Mr. Andrew L. Atterbury and Ms. Gwyn Prentice Rand Construction Company REACH Healthcare Foundation Ronald C. and Janet Reimer J.B. Reynolds Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Phil Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Scott Schneider Victor and Caroline E. Schutte Foundation Marny and John Sherman Ralph L. Smith Foundation John W. & Effie E. Speas Memorial Trust Spheris State Street Stinson Morrison Hecker Stryker Orthopaedics Edward F. Swinney Foundation TMC Hospital Hill Auxiliary TMC Lakewood Auxiliary TMC Medical-Dental Staff TMC WIC-Women Infants & Children Nutrition Program The Trustmark Foundation The Courtney S. Turner Charitable Trust UMKC Union Hill Anesthesia, PC United Way of Greater Kansas City University Physician Associates The G. W. Van Keppel Company Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Walsh The George Washington University Keith and Margie Weber Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Weinrich, Sr. Westhead Family Foundation Woman’s Athletic Club *deceased T R U M A N M E D I C A L C E N T E R C H A R I TA B L E F O U N D AT I O N THE CORNERSTONE COUNCIL Cornerstone...A Fundamental Element that Intersects and Connects to Provide Essential, Indispensable and Basic Support to the Structure. Our Cornerstone Council honors individuals and organizations who made charitable gifts of $1,000 or more to Truman Medical Center Charitable Foundation between January 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010. Their annual support advances TMC’s vital programs and services. Current members of the Cornerstone Council are listed on the Donor Wall of Appreciation at TMC Hospital Hill. 1st Continental Group Inc. ACI/Boland, Inc. Albers Medical Inc. Alexander Open Systems All Systems Designed Solutions Inc Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. American Association of University Women Drs. William and Sue Anderson Anonymous Atterbury Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David Banks Charles and Linda Bartels Debra L. Bass Dr. McPherson S. Beall III Mr. Eliot S. Berkley Mr. and Mrs. David Bernard BKD, LLC Black Bamboo, Inc. Blackwell Nill Francois Orthodontics Blue Springs Ford Lincoln Mercury Mr. John W. Bluford IV Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Brooks III Mr. and Mrs. Paul Broome Ms. Joan M. Bruderer candid marketing and communications Mr. and Mrs. Steve Cardenas CEAH Realtors Children’s Mercy Family Health Partners Chinnery Evans & Nail, P.C. Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Chinnery Chubb Insurance Russ and Melanie Cline Commerce Bank Commonwealth Fund Coventry Health Care of Kansas, Inc. C-Suite Resources Louis & Dorothy Cumonow Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Y. Curran Dr. Leodis and Mrs. June Davis Deffenbaugh Industries Inc. Depuy Mitek Mr. and Mrs. Peter deSilva Gary Dickinson Family Charitable Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Pat Do Ms. Lynda Donegan Mr. and Mrs. William H. Dunn, Sr. DVA Enterprises, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Dykstra Warren K. Erdman Joe and Sue Fahey Randall and Helen Ferguson Mrs. Jo Ann S. Field Dr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Finke Doug & Caryn Firebaugh Foundation First National Bank Ms. Gabriela Flores FMH Benefit Services David & Geri Frantze Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David Frantze Carolyn and David Fulk Dr. Barbara Furgason Kurz Christy Gautreaux Ms. Jeannine Glore Judge Jon R. Gray & Dr. Valerie E. Chow Mr. Michael Green H & R Block Bank Haake Companies Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Hall, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. James J. Hamilton Bush C. Helzberg Henry J. Herrmann Homelessness Trust Fund IBM Corporation Jackson County Parks and Recreation Department Mr. and Mrs. Allen M. Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Lowry Jones, Jr. Dr. Syrtiller M. Kabat Kansas City Chiefs Football Club Kansas City Southern Mr. Charles W. Koester, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Kornitzer Mr. and Mrs. William Kort Dr. Nicolaus J. Kuehn, M.D. Ms. Patricia Lawlor, Ph.D. Ms. Linda Lighton and Mr. Lynn Adkins Drs. David & Eleanor Lisbon Lockton Companies, LLC Mr. and Mrs. William Lowenstein Jill and Jim Maidhof Marketshare Publications John Sundeen, Foundation board treasurer, with Mark and Deborah Eveans. Deborah is a member of the Planned Giving Advisory Council. Mr. and Mrs. Albert P. Mauro McCown Gordon Construction Med Assets Medical Imaging, Inc. Medtrak Services, LLC Mr. Keith Merrill Mid-America Golf and Landscape, Inc. Midwest Mechanical Contractors, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall V. Miller Milliman, Inc. Missouri Care Health Plan Dr. and Mrs. James J. Mongan Dr. and Mrs. Bryan S. Moon Mrs. Marsha L. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Nadeau Mrs. Jeannette T. Nichols Ms. Virginia Norfleet Lisa A. Osgood Padgett Family Foundation, Inc. Parmelee Foundation, Inc. Parris Dobbs Spirit of the Heart Fund Ms. Marilyn Patterson Estate of Stanley Patton Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Peffer Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pence Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Pendleton, Sr. Mr. William Pfeiffer and Ms. Mary Kay McPhee Thomas P. Phillips Dr. and Mrs. David J. Pochatko Mr. Lewis M. Popper Power Partners John* and Mary Pritchard QualPro, Inc. Susan Ray Dr. Lawrence R. Ricci Mr. and Mrs. David Rismiller Riteway Maintenance & Supply, Inc. Jose Rodriguez, D.D.S. Brooke E. Runnion Dr. Thomas Scilaris Bill Schwartz Mr. Harold Siglar Simmons Mesothelioma Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Slocum Smith & Nephew Inc. F i s c a l Y e a r 2 0 1 0 A n n ua l R e p o r t Smith Fries Foundation Ms. Vicki S. Smith Vivian & Hymie J. Sosland Charitable Trust Dr. and Mrs. Wilber B. Spalding, Jr. Victor Speas Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Mark T. Steele Dr. and Mrs. Lee M. Steinberg, D.O. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Strohm Stryker Craniomaxillofacial Dr. Christine Sullivan Summit Bank of Kansas City Mr. and Mrs. John E. Sundeen, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Rick Sutcliffe Ms. Anna Sweeney Swope Community Enterprises SYNTHES Mr. and Mrs. Allen K. Tatman Team Office LLC Tension Envelope Corporation Mr. Mark A. Thornhill and Ms. Maria Donigan TMC Department of Emergency Medicine TMC Department of OB/GYN Torosian Foundation Mrs. Sally Tranin Jana Bee Triplett Oscar & Ratana Tshibanda US Bank UMB Bank UMKC School of Medicine Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Van Petten Visitation Church Walgreens The Wally Foundation, Inc. Ellen J. Westdorp, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. Williams Drs. Roger and Everlyn Williams Dr. Joseph W. Witham Mr. William V. Wolbach Dr. and Mrs. William H. Worley Henry E. Wurst Family Foundation Zona Rosa Community Foundation *deceased 15 FISCAL YEAR 2010 HONOR ROLL OF GIFTS $500,000+ Hall Family Foundation Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City The Edward G. and Kathryn E. Mader Foundation The Courtney S. Turner Charitable Trust Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc. Woman’s Athletic Club $100,000-$249,999 Suzanne Eleanor Allen Victor and Caroline E. Schutte Foundation John W. & Effie E. Speas Memorial Trust TMC Hospital Hill Auxiliary United Way of Greater Kansas City $10,000-$24,999 Anonymous Black Community Fund Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bluford III Herb and Bonnie Buchbinder The Stephen and Joan Carter Family Cosentino Family Ms. Catherine D. Disch Dreiseszun Family Foundation Benjamin F. and Ruth F. Dreyfoos American Cancer Society, Memorial Trust K.C. Metro Office RJ Dutton Incorporated Bill* and June Beaver Evolv Solutions, LLC Ralph Ringo Coffey Fund feng Merchandising J.E. Dunn Construction Company J.M. Forrest Charitable Trust The Hearst Foundation, Inc. Heart of America Community AIDS TMC Lakewood Auxiliary Partnership / DIFFA Ink Cycle, Inc. Kansas City Power & Light Gladys Kelce Charitable Lead Anonymous Annuity Trust The H & R Block Foundation Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Kansas City Lakewood Anesthesia, P.C. Jacob & Ella Loose Foundation Community Network for Behavioral McGee Foundation Healthcare, Inc. Morrison Healthcare Food Services Greater Kansas City Building & P1 Group Construction Trades Council Pioneer Services, Herbert Vincent Jones, Jr. Foundation a division of MidCountry Bank - Bank of America, Trustee Ronald C. and Janet Reimer Josephine Hobbs Trust Greater KC Affiliate of Susan G. Komen J.B. Reynolds Foundation State Street for the Cure $50,000-$99,999 $25,000-$49,999 TMC Medical-Dental Staff TMC WIC-Women Infants & Children Nutrition Program Union Hill Anesthesia, PC University Physician Associates The G. W. Van Keppel Company Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Walsh The George Washington University Westhead Family Foundation $5,000-$9,999 Anonymous Mr. Andrew L. Atterbury and Ms. Gwyn Prentice George K. Baum Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James D. Dawson DST Systems, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Dunn Dr. Gerald L. Early and Dr. Shauna R. Roberts Faultless Healthcare Linen Milton W. Feld Charitable Trust Sally Firestone Foundation Great Plains Energy Greater Lee’s Summit Health Care Foundation The Health Alliance of Mid America Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Hiersteiner Dr. and Mrs. Brian Ipsen Kearney Wornall Foundation, UMB Bank, n.a. Trustee Benny Lee & Edith Lee Limpus Properties, LLC Lytle Construction Meritage Portfolio Management National Association of Chain Drug Stores Foundation Orthopaedic Research & Education Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Phil Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Scott Schneider Marny and John Sherman Ralph L. Smith Foundation Spheris Stinson Morrison Hecker Stryker Orthopaedics Edward F. Swinney Foundation The Trustmark Foundation UMKC Keith and Margie Weber Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Weinrich, Sr. $1,000-$4,999 (l-r) Fran and Neil Douthat enjoying conversation with Mary Kay McPhee. 16 1st Continental Group Inc. ACI/Boland, Inc. Albers Medical Inc. Alexander Open Systems All Systems Designed Solutions Inc Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. American Association of University Women Drs. William and Sue Anderson Anonymous Atterbury Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David Banks Charles and Linda Bartels Dr. McPherson S. Beall III Mr. Eliot S. Berkley Mr. and Mrs. David Bernard BKD, LLC Blackwell Nill Francois Orthodontics Blue Springs Ford Lincoln Mercury Mr. John W. Bluford IV Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Brooks III Mr. and Mrs. Paul Broome Ms. Joan M. Bruderer candid marketing and communications Mr. and Mrs. Steve Cardenas CEAH Realtors Children’s Mercy Family Health Partners Chinnery Evans & Nail, P.C. Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Chinnery Chubb Insurance Russ and Melanie Cline Commonwealth Fund Coventry Health Care of Kansas, Inc. C-Suite Resources Louis & Dorothy Cumonow Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Y. Curran Dr. Leodis and Mrs. June Davis Deffenbaugh Industries Inc. Depuy Mitek Mr. and Mrs. Peter deSilva Gary Dickinson Family Charitable Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Pat Do Ms. Lynda Donegan Mr. and Mrs. William H. Dunn, Sr. DVA Enterprises, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Dykstra Joe and Sue Fahey Randall and Helen Ferguson Mrs. Jo Ann S. Field Dr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Finke Ms. Gabriela Flores FMH Benefit Services David & Geri Frantze Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David Frantze Carolyn and David Fulk Dr. Barbara Furgason Kurz Judge Jon R. Gray & Dr. Valerie E. Chow Mr. Michael Green H & R Block Bank Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Hall, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. James J. Hamilton Homelessness Trust Fund IBM Corporation Jackson County Department of Finance Mr. and Mrs. Allen M. Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Lowry Jones, Jr. Dr. Syrtiller M. Kabat Kansas City Chiefs Football Club Kansas City Southern T R U M A N M E D I C A L C E N T E R C H A R I TA B L E F O U N D AT I O N FISCAL YEAR 2010 HONOR ROLL OF GIFTS Mr. Charles W. Koester, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Kornitzer Mr. and Mrs. William Kort Dr. Nicolaus J. Kuehn, M.D. Ms. Patricia Lawlor, Au.D. Ms. Linda Lighton and Mr. Lynn Adkins Drs. David & Eleanor Lisbon Lockton Companies, LLC Mr. and Mrs. William Lowenstein Jill and Jim Maidhof Marketshare Publications Mr. and Mrs. Albert P. Mauro McCown Gordon Construction Med Assets Medical Imaging, Inc. Medtrak Services, LLC Mr. Keith Merrill Mid-America Golf and Landscape, Inc. Jeannine Midgett Midwest Mechanical Contractors, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall V. Miller Milliman, Inc. Missouri Care Health Plan Dr. and Mrs. James J. Mongan Dr. and Mrs. Bryan S. Moon Mrs. Marsha L. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Nadeau Mrs. Jeannette T. Nichols Ms. Virginia Norfleet Padgett Family Foundation, Inc. Parmelee Foundation, Inc. Parris Dobbs Spirit of the Heart Fund Ms. Marilyn Patterson Estate of Stanley Patton Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Peffer Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pence Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Pendleton, Sr. Mr. William Pfeiffer and Ms. Mary Kay McPhee Dr. and Mrs. David J. Pochatko Mr. Lewis M. Popper Power Partners John* and Mary Pritchard QualPro, Inc. Susan Ray Dr. Lawrence R. Ricci Mr. and Mrs. David Rismiller Riteway Maintenance & Supply, Inc. Jose Rodriguez, D.D.S. Dr. Thomas Scilaris Mr. Harold Siglar Simmons Mesothelioma Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Slocum Smith & Nephew Inc. Smith Fries Foundation Ms. Vicki S. Smith Vivian & Hymie J. Sosland Charitable Trust Dr. and Mrs. Wilber B. Spalding, Jr. Victor Speas Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Mark T. Steele Dr. and Mrs. Lee M. Steinberg, D.O. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Strohm Stryker Craniomaxillofacial Dr. Christine Sullivan Summit Bank of Kansas City Mr. and Mrs. John E. Sundeen, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Rick Sutcliffe Ms. Anna Sweeney Swope Community Enterprises SYNTHES Mr. and Mrs. Allen K. Tatman Team Office LLC Tension Envelope Corporation Mr. Mark A. Thornhill and Ms. Maria Donigan TMC Department of Emergency Medicine TMC Department of OB/GYN Mrs. Sally Tranin Oscar & Ratana Tshibanda US Bank UMB Bank UMKC School of Medicine Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Van Petten Visitation Church Walgreens The Wally Foundation, Inc. Ellen J. Westdorp, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. Williams Drs. Roger and Everlyn Williams Dr. Joseph W. Witham Mr. William V. A. Wolbach Dr. and Mrs. William H. Worley Henry E. Wurst Family Foundation Zona Rosa Community Foundation $500-$999 Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Accardo Mr. Robert S. Adams Mrs. Abby T. Albers AmerisourceBergen Dr. Mohsen Amiri, M.D. Andrews McMeel Universal Foundation Anonymous Askesis Development Group Neil and Debbie Bass Mr. and Mrs. Brad Batz Mr. Michael Breeding Mr. and Mrs. George Brett Mr. Chadwick Brooks Ms. Susan Bubb Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Cable Ms. Diane Canady Mr. and Mrs. George Chrisman Mr. and Mrs. William Colby Ms. Joanne Collins Crystal Clear Enterprise Inc Mrs. Anna-Marie Cunningham Mr. R. Norman Cuttill Dr. and Mrs. Mark Daly Ms. Elizabeth Debauge Mr. and Mrs. Dmeter Dragovich Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Dunklin Mr. and Mrs. Dan Durkin Ms. Cindy Eckert Mrs. Ann Frigon TMC TruPartners are Leo Morton of Evolv Solutions, Dave Flessner and Vic Mosby of ACI Boland, and David Neal of Evolv Solutions. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Galligan Mr. and Mrs. John Peter Gattermeir Dr. and Mrs. John Gianino Judge Jon R. Gray & Dr. Valerie E. Chow Great Plains Surgical Dr. and Mrs. R. Stephen Griffith Mr. and Mrs. Gerard J. Grimaldi Mr. George Guastello Hallmark Cards, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hamer Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Hertzog Mr. and Mrs. Randal High The Independent Ms. Merrily Jackson Ms. Cynthia R. Jefferson Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jenkins Dr. and Mrs. William H. Jennings Ms. Marcia Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Harry S. Jonas Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Kahn Jerry & Joy Kaplan Ms. Marie M. Krueger Mr. and Mrs. Michael LaHood Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Levi Ms. Kristen Lewis Mr. Steve Line Lintecum & Nickell, P.C. Mr. Michael Lintecum Ms. Kathleen C. Lorfing Dr. and Mrs. Chris J. Maeda Mr. Fred Manning Ms. Liz Anne McElhaney Ms. Marilyn McFarland Ms. Mary Kay McPhee and Mr. William Pfeiffer Mr. and Mrs. Michael A Merriman Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Nicholas Mr. and Mrs. Joel Pelofsky Pharmacy Systems, Inc. RED Lee’s Summit East, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Regnier Mr. and Mrs. Gene Rietfors F i s c a l Y e a r 2 0 1 0 A n n ua l R e p o r t Dr. R. Mills Roberts San Francisco Shoulder Clinic, Inc. Mr. Frank Sickel Dr. Susan M. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sonnenberg Sprint Mr. and Mrs. Lee E. Stanford Ms. Susan M. Stanton Jeffrey J. Thompson Orthodontics, P.A. Network Trust TMC Department of Pathology TMC Lakewood Administration Two West, Inc. Ms. Jane L. VanSant Lantz Welch Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wewers Ms. Joy Wheeler Mrs. Victoria Williams Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wood Zimmer Real Estate Services $250-$499 Anonymous Mr. Paul Bean Ms. B. J. Bigham-Trupp Mr. Paul Black and Ms. Julie Cheslik Mary Shaw Branton Children’s Trust Fund Dr. and Mrs. David Dahl Dr. and Mrs. John N. Dane Mr. and Mrs. Drew Davies Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Dietrick Mark and Lin Dunlap Mrs. Carolyn Erenberger Mr. and Mrs. George Fields Mr. and Mrs. Paul Friedrichsmeyer Mrs. Valerie D. Fulbright Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Gershon Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gold Ms. Amy L. Hart Mr. and Mrs. Helmuth Haug Frances J. Jaeger, Ph.D. 17 FISCAL YEAR 2010 HONOR ROLL OF GIFTS TMC Charitable Foundation Board members Deborah Knight (left) and Jo Ann Field pose with TMC CEO John Bluford at the fifth annual Fashion For A Cause event. Ms. Kathryn Jaynes Ms. Trudy Johnson West Ms. Carole S. Jones Lydia A. Jones and G. David Porter Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Jones Kansas City Medical Sales Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lyon Ms. Laurie McCormack Ms. Marge Moran Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Murphy Ms. Lisa D. Odom Dr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Parker, Jr. Dr. Donald and Barbara Potts Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prichard Mr. Marvin Rau and Ms. K. J. Porterfield Ms. Linda Sharp Soul Food Unity Ministry Inc. St. Clair Communications Ms. Jan Stallmeyer Mabel Tinjaca, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. Terry W. Trafton II Mrs. Brenda Upchurch Mr. and Mrs. Steven T. Wise Chengrong Zhang $100-$249 Ms. Dana Abraham Ms. Elizabeth Alex Ms. Janice M. Alexander Ms. Jennifer Alsup Mr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Angelotti Mrs. Laurie Austin Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Aylward Dr. and Mrs. David M Bamberger Mr. and Mrs. Mark Banderman Ms. Emma Barger-Ridley Mrs. Kay W. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Beagle, Jr. 18 Bear & Bear Associates Mr. and Mrs. James M. Beck Dr. Malinda Bell and Mr. John Bell Mr. and Mrs. Irvin V. Belzer Mr. Robert and Mrs. Elizabeth Berkebile Mr. Andrew Berkley Ms. Jennifer Bickham Brian C. Blalock, D.D.S., M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Blitt Mrs. Barbara Bloch Mrs. Sally Bodenmiller Ms. Ellyn Bold Drs. Robert and Laurel Bondi Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bowen Ms. Molly Bowen Mr. and Mrs. Billy Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bracco Ms. Demaira Michelle Bridges Ms. Aimee Brockman Dr. Mark J. Brodkey Ms. Caroline Brooks Mr. Anthony Brown Dr. and Mrs. Paul C. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Clifford L. Browne, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Buckley Ms. Mary Buren Mr. and Mrs. Scott Burnett Ms. Darlene K. Burns Mr. and Mrs. Jeff H. Burton Mr. Thomas Butch Ms. Paula R. Butler Dr. Jessica Byron and Dr. James L Dumbauld Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Cairns Calvary Temple Baptist Church Mrs. Cassandra Carr Ms. Karen Carrill Mr. Michael H. Carter Ms. Terri L. Carter Ms. Agnes Caselman Berna Sue and Michael W. Casper Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Chapman Mr. Steve Chick Ms. Betty Childress Ms. Mary Beth Cicchetti Mr. and Mrs. Greg Clark Ms. Cynthia Claxton Ms. Sharon Clement Ms. Jessica Cline Ms. Virginia Coleman Ms. Mary Elizabeth Colvin Comprehensive Mental Health Services, Inc. Copaken Family Foundation Ms. Amy Cordell Mr. and Mrs. John S. Crosby Mr. Robert E. Crowley Dr. Susana D’Amico Ms. Ann L. Darke Ms. Diane Davidner Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Davis III Ms. Hope Y. Davis Ms. Linda L. Davis Ms. Norma Delgado Ms. Betty Deterding Ms. Sonja Dicken Mr. and Mrs. Mike Dodd Mr. and Mrs. Steve Doyal Ms. Nancy Dumoff and Mr. George Proctor Mr. and Mrs. Matt Eckles Ms. Raymetta Edwards Dr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Eisenach Ms. Laura Eisman Ms. Jan Elder Ms. Lindsay Elder Mr. Robert Ellis Mrs. Carol Evrard Exposure Model & Talent, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Faulkner Ms. Amy Felton Dr. and Mrs. Edward E. Fields Financial Advisory Service, Inc. Ms. Tara Flint Florida Keys Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Center Ms. Frances G. Foerschler Mr. and Mrs. John Fogarty Ms. Susan Fox Mr. Eric Frankel Dr. Bernard Franklin, Ph.D. Ms. Jody Fristoe Mr. and Mrs. Tim Fuemmeler Mr. Mike Gates Mr. Jonathan Geffrard Mr. William George, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas N. Ghertner Mr. David Gill Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Gore Donna M. Graessle, D.O. Greater Kansas City Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Moulton Green, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Greenstreet Hans Ms. Melinda Gregory Mr. and Mrs. Ruvane Grossman Ms. Gina Guilfoil Mr. R.E. Gunter Ms. Jean Hall Ms. Catherine D. Hamilton Mrs. Kitty Hampton Mrs. Bernadette M. Harrity Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hechler Laura K. Hempstead, D.O. Ms. Judy Hendrix Mrs. Teresa Hensley Mr. Mark Hickman Dr. Daniel Hier Ms. Queen E. Hill William & Irma Lou Hirsch Miss Laura R. Hockaday Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Steve Holtman Ms. Janea Holzhauser Dr. and Mr. Camille Honesty Mr. Michael Hopkins Mr. Jeff Howard Ms. Margi Hughes Ms. Julie Hull Ms. Pat Hull Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Iliff Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Ingram Ms. Sandy Jackson Mr. Christopher S. James Dr. Deborah A. Jantsch Dr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Jarvis David C. Jenkins, M.D. Mr. Glen A. Jett Ms. Juanita Johnson Ms. Pamela Johnson Mr. and Mrs. William R Johnson John C. Jones Ms. Debra Joyce Ms. Brenda J. Judd Mr. Roger Kemp Mr. David G. Kendrick Dr. and Mrs. John D. Kenney III Ms. Kathryn A. Knotts Ms. Deanna L. Kohlbrecher Ms. Myshka Labarge Mr. Damian Lair Ms. Theresa Lambrecht Amanda Lambright Mr. and Mrs. Roger Larrabee Mr. and Mrs. Jim Law Ms. Sirpa Lawson Dr. and Mrs. Charles M. Lederer, Jr. Mrs. Rita Lindig Ms. Elizabeth Lingenfelter Ms. Susan Lininger Mr. Mark Litzler and Ms. Barbara Head Mr. Andrew Loos Ms. Oneida Lorimer Mr. and Mrs. Bob Loudon Mr. James Lyman Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lyons Ms. Pat Macdonald T R U M A N M E D I C A L C E N T E R C H A R I TA B L E F O U N D AT I O N FISCAL YEAR 2010 HONOR ROLL OF GIFTS Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Madden John and Rudena Mallory Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Mallot Ms. Shelly Maloney Mrs. Virginia Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Rick Marston Mr. and Mrs. Korb Maxwell Mrs. Erica Mayor Ms. Siabhan May-Washington Ms. Amy McAnarney Hunt Ms. Tabbetha McCale Ms. Judith McCannon Mr. Anthony P. McCarthy Ms. Paige McCartney Mrs. Sarah McClintock Mrs. Pamela McCoy-Bean Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDowell Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. McEachen Mr. and Mrs. Louie McElhaney Ms. Anne McGovern Meara Welch Browne, P.C. Ms. Mary Suzanne Meyer Mr. and Mrs. John H. Miers Ms. Shirley J. Migletz Ms. Melvina M. Milford Miller Nichols Charitable Foundation Ms. Robyn Miller Lt. Colonel Thomas O. Mills and Dr. Nancy Mills Mrs. Karen Mische Ms. Patricia K. Moore Mrs. Julie Morris Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Morris Dr. and Mrs. Sere S. Myers Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nave Ms. Evelyn Nesbit Ms. Barbara J. Ness New Hope Baptist Church Dr. and Mrs. Richardson K. Noback Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Oakland Ms. Kasia Ochs Dr. and Mrs. Dennis S. O’Leary Ms. Elizabeth R. Oneth Dr. Judith R. Oppenheim Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Associates of Kansas City Ms. Lorine Oxley Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pagano Ms. Kathie Panella-Crosby Mr. Alexander N. Pappas Mr. and Mrs. Major W. Park, Jr. Mr. Jose A. Patino Ms. Donna Pattison Dr. and Mrs. John E. Pawsat Mr. and Mrs. Lee Payne Mrs. Tracy Pearce Robert A. Pearson Mr. Michael Penner Thomas P. Phillips, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Pilsl Ms. Nancy J. Polomsky Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Powell Mrs. Geneva Price Ms. Dorothy Purtle REDISCOVER Ms. Elizabeth Reed Mr. and Mrs. Todd Reiser Ms. Stephanie Revels Ms. Diana Rhodes Mrs. Dee Ricci Ms. Mary Richardson Ms. Mary Riffel Mr. George Rishmany Dr. Gerald L. Early and Dr. Shauna R. Roberts Ms. Brooke E. Runnion Dr. and Mrs. Nelson R. Sabates Ms. Megan Samples Dr. Marcus L. Scarbrough Alie Scholes M.D. and Mr. Jim Starr Mr. Chester Neumann and Mrs. Gudrun Schulz Neumann Ms. Ruth Schwenk Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Sebree II Ms. Sheila Seck Mr. and Mrs. John G. Sellinger Mr. and Mrs. Leland Sexton Dr. and Mrs. Michael B. Sheehan Ms. Meredith Shellner Ms. Marla Shelton Mr. Bernard Shondell Ms. Renita Simmons Mr. Benn Sledge Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Smith Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Smith Ms. Sharon Snow Jeanne and Charlie Sosland Ms. Gwen Sprague St. Thomas More Parish Carol Stanford, M.D. Ms. Sarah Stanton Ms. Terri Starner-Crouch Ms. Carol Stevens Mrs. Marguerite Stout Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Streen Dr. and Mrs. Jack L Stuber Ms. Gina Stuelke Mr. Mike Sullivan Mrs. Patty Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Sutulovich Steve Swymeler and Gene Pulliam Dr. and Mrs. Adam S. Tanzer Ms. Megan Thum Ms. Dorothy R. Tillman Mr. Jerome S. Tilzer Mr. Sam Tilzer Ms. Brandi Todd Mr. and Mrs. Eugene S. Trice Tri-County Mental Health Services Ms. Tanya Trost Mrs. Marcia Turnbull Ms. Ann Unger Mrs. Amy Valmassei Mr. Alex Valverde Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Van Dyke Dr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Vandenboom III Mr. and Mrs. John N. Vani Mr. and Mrs. Richard Viar Mr. Harold E. Voss Ms. Lisa Walter Mrs. Lisa Waters Ms. Christal Watson Ms. Theresa L. Weekes Ms. Joyce Weisz Mr. James Westbrook Western Anesthesia Relief Mr. James Wheaton Mr. Bill White Mr. and Mrs. Mike White Ms. Belinda Whitehead Ms. Dana D. Wicks Mr. and Mrs. Keith P. Wiedenkeller Ms. Nancy M. Wilson Ms. Katie Witcher Ms. Tonya Witmer Mrs. Mildred Wood Mr. Mark Woodring Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Woods Mr. Cleveland Woodson Mr. and Mrs. William T. Woodson Ms. Ebony S. Wright Susan and Brian Wyssmann Mrs. Patricia Zender Mr. James Zenk and Ms. Jo Mettenburg Ms. Barbara L. Zubeck $1-$99 Dr. Tamerut Adams Ms. Florence Adegoke Mr. Luke Albertson Ms. Cecilla Alexander Mrs. Gertrude Alioth Ms. Janice Altic American Century Investments Ms. Jennifer Ames Mr. Gautam Ankam Anonymous Ms. Terri Apple Ms. Glenda Archibald Ms. Maria Ash Ms. Jodie Ashleman Ms. Comealia Austin Ms. Julia Bacon Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Bailey Ms. Lucena Bartlett Dr. and Mrs. Elliott Bass Mr. Andrew Battles Mrs. Christine M. Beard Ms. LaTosha Beard Ms. Krista Becker Mr. Robert G. Beckers Ms. Evelyn Belser Mrs. Kelly Benscoter Ms. Robin Bentley Mr. and Mrs. William S. Berkley Ms. Shari Bernard Ms. Margaret Berney Ms. Amanda Berryman Ms. Vanessa Betts Ms. Nancy Blackwood Ms. Katherine Blaker Jean Hiersteiner and son Joe Hiersteiner at Walt and Jean Hiersteiner Nursing Administration Waiting Area. F i s c a l Y e a r 2 0 1 0 A n n ua l R e p o r t 19 FISCAL YEAR 2010 HONOR ROLL OF GIFTS Mr. Barry Bloom Ms. Michelle D. Blue Ms. Carol Bopp Nicki Borgstadt Ms. Debbie Boring Ms. Joyce Bornstein Mr. Lester H. Bost Mr. Jim Bowlin Mr. William Boyle Ms. Eula Branton Ms. Dana Braswell Ms. Alicia L. Bratrude Ms. Mary J. Brenner Ms. Brenda Brewer Ms. Angela R. Briley Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Bronfman Ms. Beverly Brown Ms. Beverly S. Brown Ms. Virginia Brown Mr. Ryan Brune Dr. and Mrs. Steven E. Buie Ms. Charlene Burnett Mrs. Rosemary Busch-Marshall Ms. Sarrah Cain Ms. Rachel Camp Mr. Lee M. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Canaleo Ms. Katie Carnahan Mr. Ronald D. Carter Ms. Jenna Castleman Ms. Charlotte Caviness Ms. LeAna Y. Champion Mr. Douglas Chan and Mrs. Christine Foo Ms. Maureen Chapman Ms. Rhonda Charboneau Ms. Lisa Charlson Ms. Stephanie Chatman Ms. Amy Chinn Ms. Sherry E. Choplin Ms. Melinda Christianson Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M. Clark Ms. Mykeite Clark Ms. Sharleen Clauser Mr. Damon Cluts Mr. Cedric Cobin Mr. and Mrs. James W. Coleman Ms. Montoya Collins Ms. Sandy Collins Ms. Teresa Collins Ms. Judy Conyers Ms. Jackie Coomes Mr. Roy F. Crane Ms. Kathryn Crawford Mr. Robert Crenshaw Mrs. Tanya Cundiff Ms. Jackie S. Curry Ms. Terri Dady Ms. Kendra Daniels Mr. Joseph N. Danubio Ms. Sarah Darby Ms. Amelia Davenport Ms. Patricia A. Davis Mr. Richard F. Davis Ms. Vicky L. Davis 20 Ms. Laura Deady Ms. Precious Dean Ms. Ceryse DeAngelo Ms. Judith Dieckman Mr. Bobby Dietzel Ms. Darcy Dinneny Ms. Elizabeth A. Donnelly Ms. Ramona Draffen Mr. Edward Dullenty Mr. and Mrs. Gerard R. Dunham Ms. Christina Durrill Ms. La Toya Easterwood Stanley Edlavitch, Ph.D., MA Ms. Catherine Edmiston Ms. Sarah Effland Ms. Jennifer Ensz Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ernst Mrs. Sarah Eubank Ms. Audron Eubanks Ms. Carissa Ewing Ms. Jennifer Faimon-Pope Ms. Genevieve Farley Ms. Tammi Fielder Ms. Margie Fisher Ms. Shannon Flint Mrs. Barbara D. Flowers Ms. Lillie Forte Ms. Sharon A. Freese Ms. Bette J. Friedberg Ms. Karen Fulford Ms. Mailelei Gage Ms. Mary Ganley Mr. Ron Garcia Ms. Linda L. Garrett Ms. Teresa Gaul Pearson Mrs. Susan Glatter Judy Mr. Terrance Goldston Ms. Laura Gomez-Vega Ms. Jennifer Gore Ms. Tyeasha Grandberry Ms. Julie Grant Mr. Stephen Gray Ms. Jade Grimes Mr. Austin B. Groom, Jr. Ms. Brandi Guetterman Ms. Ida Guidry Ms. Jodi L. Gusman Mr. James F. Halling Ms. Lori Beth Hamline Mr. Rich Hardy Ms. Linda Harmon Mr. Alan Harris Ms. Jeanette Harrison Ms. Lori Harvey Pat Hash Ms. Abbey Hawk Mr. Derek Hawkins Ms. Denise Haye Ms. Yvonne Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hecker Mr. Darrell Heller Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Hendee Ms. Bobbi J. Henderson Ms. Karen Henderson Mr. Joe Hennes Ms. Tiffany Herman Ms. Carla Hermesch Ms. Sherrie Herrick Ms. Amy Hinze Ms. Fonda L. Hoffman Ms. Jessica Hoffman Ms. Jennifer J. Hogan Ms. Jette Hogenmiller Ms. Victoria Hogle Mr. James D. Hollinger Ms. Laura Holmes Ms. Crystal Holthouse Mr. Allan Howell Ms. Cynthia Hughes Mr. David N. Hughes Ms. Ida Hughes Ms. Lisa M. Hughes Mrs. Kathryn Hughey Mr. Dennis Hull Mrs. Freda Humes Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Hunter Ms. Melanie Hurst Ms. Elena Huston Ms. Stephanie Hutchen Mrs. Rosalee Hutcheson Mr. Andrew Inzerillo Ms. Karletta Jackson Ms. Alisha James Ms. Deanna Jarrett Mr. Patrick Jean-Baptiste Mr. Jason O. Johnson Ms. Latonya Johnson Mr. Leroy F. Johnson Ms. Tamika Johnson Aubrey Jones Mrs. Augusta Jones Ms. Karen Jones Ms. Michelle Jones Ms. Linda K. Jones-Roe Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kaegel Ms. Sarah Kaiser Kansas City School Administrators Association Mr. Seth Katz Ms. Mickaela Keeling Mr. W. R. Keene Ms. Cynthia Keeton Mr. Ken Keim Mr. Chris Kemp Ms. Michelle Kennedy Ms. Darla Ketchum Ms. Karen Key-Smith Ms. Crissy King Ms. Judith King Ms. Brenda Kleoppel Mr. and Mrs. William Koch Ms. Cheryl Koehly Mr. and Mrs. Dale Kolm Mr. Craig Koppen Mr. Shane Kovac Stacy Krewson Ms. Ava Krouse Ms. Elenoa R. Kwanhim Ms. Shannon Lakey Ms. Lona Lamar David Neal of Evolv Solutions and Todd Fane from TMC IT study the TMC Signature Events for the upcoming year. Ms. Josephine Lampton Mr. Richard Lang Ms. Mara Leavitt Ms. Linda Leimer Mr. Paul Lerner Mr. Jeff Lewis Ms. Tamara Libbey Ms. Teresa Lienhop Ms. Jennifer Liles Mr. Jeff Limpic Harlan Limpus Family Ms. Amanda Linehan Drs. David & Eleanor Lisbon Ms. Shirley A. Little Paula Livingston, D.D.S. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Loeb Shea Looloian Ms. Ruby Lopeman-Ronimous Ms. Sheila Lucas Ms. Patricia Luther Ms. Dana Lyons Ms. Imber Mack Ms. Kay C. Mackey Ms. Kim Macko Mrs. Alice D. Manning Mr. Bernard E. Martin Ms. Christina Martin Ms. Susan A. Martin Ms. Yannah Mazzini Ms. Linda McAdams Ronald W. McAmis, D.D.S. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. McClellan Mr. and Mrs. Larry* McClintock Mr. and Mrs. Randy McConville Ms. Christine McCready Mr. Wayne B. McFall Mr. Mike McGaugh Ms. Marianne McGuff Ms. Jane McKinney Ms. Lydia McLaughlin T R U M A N M E D I C A L C E N T E R C H A R I TA B L E F O U N D AT I O N FISCAL YEAR 2010 HONOR ROLL OF GIFTS Ms. Kathleen McLuckie Mr. Mike McQueen Ms. Ethel Medlock Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Meier Mr. James J. Melching Ms. Mary Jane Meyer Mrs. Katherine M. Miller Ms. Mary E. Miller Ms. Ruth Miller Ms. Jillian Miranda Mr. Thomas H. Mitchell, Jr. Consuelo Moore Mr. Harry L. Moore Ms. Angela Morales Mr. William E. Moreland Ms. Diane Morgan Ms. Birdie Morgan-Williams Mr. Brian Morse Ms. Jackie Mortenson Ms. Nancy Mules Ms. Erika Myler Ms. Preeti Naik Dr. and Mrs. Ernest H. Neighbor Ms. Camille Nelsen Ms. Dana Nelson Mr. Jakob Nelson Ms. Linda Noble Mrs. Betty Lue Offield-Roberts Ms. Lavena Ogletree Ms. Lindsay O’Reilly Mr. Craig Paddock Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pallett Mr. Thomas Palma Ms. Janet Palmentere Ms. Kiara Palmer Mr. Edward Papacena Mr. John Pascavage Mr. and Mrs. Gary Patrick Ms. Rhoda Peachey Ms. Nia Pearson Ms. Sherry Perry Sharla J. Peters Ms. Marie Petrich Ms. Louvenia Phillips Ms. Patricia Phillips Mr. Russell Pisciotta Ms. Lisa Plante Ms. Cynthia Pleiss Mr. and Mrs. William T. Popplewell, Jr. Ms. Thelma Porter Mr. William Porter Mrs. Maureen Prange Mrs. Edith E. Price Ms. Jennita Price Pro Electric, LC Ms. Faith Pugh Ms. Nancy Quinn Ms. Cristina Ramirez Ms. Kirby Randolph Mr. Juan M. Rangel, Jr. Ms. Darinda Reberry Ms. Carissa Rey Ms. Kimberly Reynolds Ms. Leona Rhoades Mrs. Kathryn Rhodes-Tatum Ms. Debbie Richardson Ms. Patricia A. Richardson Mr. Angel Rizo Mr. John J. Rizzo Ms. Patrice Robinson Ms. Laurie Rockhill Ms. Nicole Rogers Ms. Diana Rose Ms. Joyce Rose Ms. Vicki Ross Ms. Vona Rothfusz Ms. Chandra Rozak Mr. and Mrs. Seymour A. Rudnick Mr. Alex Ruiz Mrs. Susan Russell Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Salisbury Reverend and Mrs. Roy E Sanders Mr. Eric Schlottach Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schlotter Sheila and Ken Schmitz Mr. Robert Schneider Ms. Mary Schulz Ms. Cassie Schumacher Ms. Trista Schuster Mr. Gary Schweinn Ms. Gina Scott Ms. Alexandria Sharp Mr. Dennis Sharp Mr. Marcus Sharp Ms. Theresa Sheffield Ms. Bambi Shen Mr. Byron F. Shippy Ms. Melissa Shirley Mrs. Laura Shockley Mr. and Mrs. Charles Silva Dr. and Mrs. L. Michael Silvers Ms. Dianna Slusher Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith Mrs. Karyn A. Smith Ms. Nancy Smith Ms. Shannon E. Smith Ms. Diana Snyder Mr. Karl Snyder Mr. Alan St. Germain Mr. Raymond Stallman Ms. Debra L. Stang Stanley Pack Post #499 Ms. Deborah States Ms. Aurora Steffen Dr. and Mrs. James E. Steffen Ms. Nancy J. Stephan Ms. Patricia Stevens Ms. Angela Stillwell Mr. and Mrs. Milton Strader Mr. and Mrs. Melville W. Strong Ms. Dawn Sutton Mr. Fisher Sweets Ms. Kelly Taylor Ms. Nancy A. Taylor Ms. Shannan Taylor Mr. Les Tebbenkamp Mr. Timothy Terrono Ms. Ann Thomas Mr. John Thornburg Ms. Cynthia Thornton Ms. Dori Tompkins Ms. Melinda L. Turner Ms. Rebecca Turner Terry Tuter Ms. Kristin VanBlarcom Ms. Jessica Velasquez Ms. Melissa B. Victorine Ms. Latisha Wagner Mr. Terry Walker Mrs. Barbara Warner Ms. Joni Warner Ms. Joyce Warren Mr. Edward Wasserman Ms. Jennifer Waterman Mr. and Mrs. Lee Waters Ms. Kelli Watkins Ms. Janet Wear Ms. Jane M. Werntz Ms. Jennifer Westerman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Wilkes Ms. Marilyn Will Ms. Cathy Willdermood Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C Williams Ms. Shirley Williams Mr. Steve Williams Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Winders Mr. Seth Wisdom Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Wright Beverly Yauk Mr. Chris Yeo Ms. Linda Young Ms. Sandra Young Ms. Vicki Zauke Mr. Tendai Zinyemba Ms. Alice L. Zollar *deceased Every effort has been made to include all donors from July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010. We apologize for any errors or omissions. Please contact Beverly Yauk at or 816.404.3443 with any corrections. Golf Baby Golf! players and volunteers pose next to the Timberview Helicopter just before the golf ball drop. Philanthropist June Beaver poses with Dan Williams and Debbie Bass with Bear E Truman, the Truman Bear. June and her late husband, Bill, donated the Truman Bear to TMC Lakewood. F i s c a l Y e a r 2 0 1 0 A n n ua l R e p o r t 21 TRIBUTES, MEMORIALS AND GIFT IN-KIND DONORS In Honor Of In Memory Of Gift In-Kind Donors Jo Ann S. Field by Neil and Debbie Bass Phillip Burgette by Mr. Paul Lerner Joseph Lienhop by Ms. Lynda Donegan Jeannine Glore by Mrs. Geneva Price Ronald Chapman by Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Chapman Frank Grimaldi by Mr. and Mrs. James D. Dawson Aritta May by American Century Investments Mr. Austin B. Groom, Jr. Kansas City School Administrators Association Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Loeb Ms. Siabhan May-Washington Mr. Chester Neumann and Mrs. Gudrun Schulz Neumann New Hope Baptist Church Ms. Cynthia Thornton Helen Harper by Ms. Lynda Donegan Larry McClintock by Ms. Lynda Donegan Sharon K. Hunter by Ms. Terri Apple Ms. Maria Ash Mr. and Mrs. David Bernard Mr. and Mrs. James D. Dawson Ms. Catherine D. Disch Ms. Lynda Donegan Dr. Gerald L. Early and Dr. Shauna R. Roberts Mrs. Sarah Eubank Mrs. Jo Ann S. Field Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Gershon Ms. Jeannine Glore Mr. and Mrs. Randal High Mr. Andrew Inzerillo Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Meier Pioneer Financial Services, Inc. Pro Electric, LC Dr. Christine Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. John E. Sundeen, Jr. Ms. Joy Wheeler Ms. Alice L. Zollar Dorothy Miller by Ms. Mary E. Miller Robert Jacobs by Mr. and Mrs. Billy Boyd Ms. Abbey Hawk Stanley Pack Post #499 Mrs. Lisa Waters Betty Wise by Ms. Catherine D. Disch 1-888-GOT-MULCH Abel Lawn & Landscape LLC Adams Pointe Golf Club AHM Financial Group Alaskan Fur Company Alissa’s Flowers & Interiors Aloft Hotel-Leawood Alpine Lithographics Animal Haven Anthem Publishing, Inc. Argosy Casino Hotel & Spa Audrey’s Hallmark Kelli Austin Auto Worlds, LLC Matt Baldwin Bank of America Home Loans Charles Bartels Jean Basone Beauty Brands Beijo Ben’s Lawn & Garden The Big Biscuit Big Momma’s Bakery & Café Pat Bittel Blue Springs Ford Blue Springs Service Center/Goodyear Bluestem Darby Brender Bristol Seafood Grill Broome Cadillac Build-A-Bear World Headquarters Patti Whitington Burton candid marketing & communications Canoe Club Capital Grille Carrabba’s Italian Grill - Independence Catering by Design Children’s Orchard Cold Stone Creamery Comfort Suites County Beverage County Line Auto Parts The Dancing Bear Café Deck the Walls Dermadoctor Specialist Skin Care The John Doubleday Trio Don Kahan Chevrolet Drumm Farm Golf Club DSS, Inc. Edgevale Interiors Mille Edwards Enterprise Car Rental Eveland Bros. Body Shop, Inc. Falcon Ridge Golf Course Fiorella’s Jack Stack BBQ First Watch David M. Fulk Gail’s Harley-Davidson/ Buell Harrison Herndon by Mrs. Geneva Price Jean S. Hier by Dr. Daniel Hier W. K. McNabney by Dr. and Mrs. Mark T. Steele Larry Midgett by Mrs. Geneva Price Geneva Price by Mrs. Gertrude Alioth Dr. and Mrs. Elliott Bass, M.D. Ms. Evelyn Belser Mrs. Rosemary Busch-Marshall Ms. Catherine D. Disch Carolyn and David Fulk Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Hoffman Ms. Ida Hughes Mrs. Augusta Jones Mr. and Mrs. William Koch Drs. David & Eleanor Lisbon Ms. Louvenia Phillips Ms. Bambi Shen Mr. and Mrs. William T. Woodson Ronald Price by Mrs. Geneva Price Ronald C. Reimer by Neil and Debbie Bass Philip J. Sanders by Mr. and Mrs. Korb Maxwell Ms. Sheila Seck Timothy Wurst by Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDowell 22 Gerald L. Collins by Neil and Debbie Bass Paul D. Crumpton by Mrs. Katherine M. Miller Paula Garcia by Ms. Lynda Donegan Thomas H. Mitchell, Sr. by Ms. Catherine D. Disch Ms. Lynda Donegan Edward L. Mosby by Ronald W. McAmis, D.D.S. Lady Elizabeth Norfleet by Ms. Virginia Norfleet John Byron Oxford by Neil and Debbie Bass Mr. and Mrs. James D. Dawson Ms. Lynda Donegan Ms. Jeannine Glore Sadie & Carl Voss by Mr. Harold E. Voss Richard H. Winter by Ms. Stephanie Chatman Mr. and Mrs. Dale Kolm Girl Boutique Gomers Fine Wine & Spirits Grand Summit Golf & Country Club The Grass Pad GW Van Keppel Co. Habitat Shoe Boutique Happy Hour, Inc. Harris Wood Productss Harvest Productions, Inc Tim Herre Leslie K. High Hilton President Kansas City Houlihan’s Restaurants, Inc. Hy-Vee, Inc. Infinity Building Services Islamorada Fish Company Darin Jacober JC Penny’s K C Hopps, Ltd. Kansas City Royals Baseball Club Kansas City Steak Co. Kansas City T-Bones Baseball Club, LLC Kansas City Zoo Kate’s Canine Resort Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art KC Magazine/ KC Business KSHB-TV Melanie Knopke Lakewood Oaks Golf Club Lamar Outdoor Advertising Land of Paws LaPlates Patt Lawlor Lee’s Summit Symphony Les Bourgeois Vineyards Life Force International Limpus Properties The Little Gallery Frame Shop Loch Lloyd Country Club M & I Bank Marlo Long Lucky Strike Macy’s Marquee Artisan Wines Marydale Inn Bed & Breakfast McCoy’s Public House Liz Anne McElhaney The Midland Theatre by AMC Mirror Image Express Car Wash Mizzou Aviation Muse Furniture and Lifestyle Designs Open Gate, Ltd. Packaging & More, Inc. Paddock Productions, Inc. Panache Chocolatier Paradise Park Park Place PartyLight PB & J Restaurants Peruvian Connection Picture This! Photography The Plaza President National Golf Club of KC Prizm Productions Producers Direct Professional Turf Products Quilter’s Station Stacy Ray Re/Max Elite--Toni Tygart Reinders, Inc. Rosehill Gardens & Nursery RSVP in the Village S2 Creative Salon Ahloe Scenic Road Productions School House Bed & Breakfast Shadow Glen Golf Club Shoal Creek Golf Course Silpada Designs Michelle Shaffer Lara Shelton Sitzmark Boutique Sladek Do It Best Hardware Southmoreland on the Plaza B&B Spa Ambiance & Boutique The Spa at Aurora Highlands SPACES Magazine Spin Pizza Starlight Theatre Studio Dan Meiners Summit Bank of KC Sutherland Lumber Company Swimwear Solution Swope Memorial Golf Course Timberline Helicopters Tivol TMC Lakewood Dental TMC Lakewood Labor & Delivery Tom’s Meat Market Union Broadcasting, Inc. Verizon Wireless Waldo Pizza Webster House Antiques, LLC The Westin Crown Center WIC Wilks Broadcasting Bud Williamson Wilson Lighting Windy Ridge, LTD Winterstone Golf Course Zafar Salon, Spa & Boutique T R U M A N M E D I C A L C E N T E R C H A R I TA B L E F O U N D AT I O N AU X I L I A R I E S TMC Hospital Hill Auxiliary TMC Lakewood Auxiliary The Auxiliary to TMC Hospital Hill gave the Charitable Foundation more than $133,000 of the funds they raised in FY10 through their gift shop proceeds and other special event sales. The list represents the TMC Hosptial Hill Volunteer and Auxiliary membership through May 2010. Sarajane Aber Lena Alvis Doris Bennett Joan Berkley Marcia Berkley Anita Berkowitz Rita Blitt Annette Bloch Marion Bloch Virginia Brown Catherine Buck Bertha Cooper Mary Ann Cox Margaret Cullivan Charles Curran Joan Curran Ernestine Davis Joyce Denton Cris Dessert Betty Deterding Joan Dillon Mary Jane Duensing Leola Duncan Harold M. Duvall Randall Ferguson David M. Fulk Norma Funderburk Barbara Gattermeir Hilda Gibbs Joyce Guess Mary Hale Fabiola Herdoiza Jean Hiersteiner Deborah Holmes Rev. Dotty Hoopes Joan Hopkins Betty L. Houston Deloice Jefferson Connie Jonas Sybil Kahn Teresa J. Kouba Marie Krueger Doris Kurth Audrey Langworthy Sirpa Lawson Harriett Levy Delores Lewis Florine Lieberman Virginia Lininger Esther Loeb Susan Mackey Betty Jo Marder Melba McFadden Anne McGee Marilyn Melcher Mary S. Meyer Marjorie (Mike) Mims Donna Muiller Dortha Mae Olsen Georgette Page Geneva Price Michael J. Revels Joan Rice Shirley Rose Rita Rost Elaine Ryder Ruthy Sanders Betty Schwartz Betty Slegman Deborah Smith Hortense Snower Estelle Sosland Sherlene Spears Barbara Stern Norma Stevens Katie Stoup Craig Sutherland Shirley Teefey Javana Thompson Elizabeth Uhlmann Jody Weiner Jerre Wiggans Sarah Young Nina Adams The TMC Lakewood Auxiliary manages and operates two gift shops and hosts the annual Evening Under the Stars fundraiser. More than $60,000 of funds raised in FY10 was donated by the Lakewood Auxiliary. Members of the TMC Lakewood Auxiliary and Volunteers as of July, 2010 include: Eloise Allingham * Nicole Andal Sue Askey Jodie Bachman Sue Bailey Betty Barker Tara Bautista Pamela Bennett Helen Betts Augusta Bluford-Jones Peggy Bluhm Pat Bock Brenda Bohlman Sallyann Boline Donna Boxx Eula Branton Norma Brown Phoebe Brown Clifford Browne, Jr. Marg Bruce Marilyn Burkett Barbara Burnell Joe Cairns Benita Caldwell Lolita Caldwell Sherry Choplin George Chrisman Rachel Chrisman Pat Clark Laurie Clipperton Ann Coleman Vivian Colson Sandra Colster Roberta Cottam Marilee Couch Chris Craft Kathy Crawford John Dane, DDS Sarah Daniel Carol Davies Dana Davis Diana Davis Len Dawson Ceryse DeAngelo Lorene Dennison Tony DiPardo Irma Dona Jennifer Drake Westerman Eva Early Raymond Eddington Harold Ensley David Feiser Helen Ferguson Tammi Fiedler Arlene Foster JR Foster Teri Foster Beverly Frank Elfriede Franklin Lainie Franklin Diane Frazier Cherie French David Fuchs Debbie Fuchs Sue Ann Gaddy Lisa Gamm Elsie Gann Patricia Giamalva Karen L. Gilfoy July 2010 TMC Lakewood Auxiliary $100,000 Check Presentation. Funds benefit new Lakewood Family Birthplace L-R Jeannine Midgett, Dave Fuchs (Auxiliary President), Christal Watson, Charlie Shields, Dan Williams, Leslie High Erin Glossip Tamra E. Gooding Judy Graham Julie A. Grant Peggy Gray Donna Grounds Harriet Hafley Debbie Hageman Kenneth Hageman Betty Hahn Evelyn L. Hall Carolyn Hall-Evans Drucilla Hartig Lynn Hartley Florence Hartman Brenda S. Helbling Judy Hendrix Claudine Herbert Leslie High Randy High Joan Hillyer Pauline Hinck Terry Holder Katherine Hontz Joy Hood Amy Howard Arleta Howard Kathy Hughey Rick Hughey Elena Huston Colleen Jader Donna Janes Betty A. Jones Dorothy Jones Willalee Jones William Jones * Lee Kiley Cheryl Koehly Marcia Lane Wanda Lawrence Carol Lightfoot Sarah Littlejohn Rocele Locket Martha Lykens-Delon Chuck Mader Jan Mader Ross Marine Waverly Martens Christina Martin Emma Massey Barbara Maze Linda McConville Janice Michael Joan Mills Maria Moore Marge Moran Albert Morse Dorothy Morse Virginia Murray Martha Murrell Janie Ness Dorothy Newman Betty Ann Nicholas Judy Oglesby Geraldine Orrell Della Mae Osgood Lynn Peoples Mary Pisciotta F i s c a l Y e a r 2 0 1 0 A n n ua l R e p o r t Rick Poos Faith Pugh Dorothy Purtle Nancy Quinn Ruth Raby Bob Ramsey Rebecca Ransburg Tracy Ring Delores Robinson Marie Robinson Ralph Robinson Pamela Ross Vicki Ross Sina Ryburn Kathy Schellhardt Donna Scherfenberg Jennifer Scott Bobbie Sembower Helen Shaffer Dorothy Shepard Peggy Shoemaker Sophie Shrum Renita Simmons Kimberly Sixkiller Sylvia Skali Dora Slyster Connie Smith Fred Smith Raye Smith Shirley Smith Lillian Sparks Warren Spickelmier Claire Ann Sprick Raymond Stallman Jowilla Staples Deborah States Monica Stewart Neva Stolle Madge Sutherlin Mike Switzer Eloise Teasley Phyllis Thorp Virgil Thorp Colleen Tock Karen Turner United Methodist Women Lee’s Summit United Methodist Church Carthel VanWinkle Orma Varns Shannon Wakeman Christal Watson Veronica Weddle Alice Wehmhoener Bryon Weisz Joyce Weisz Jane Werntz Sharon Whalen Bonnie White Donna White Joyce Wian Grover Wilcher Sande Wilcher Viola Williams Rose Zwerenz * deceased 23 T RU M A N M E D I C A L C E N T E R S L E A D E R S H I P The Board members and volunteers listed on this page provide countless hours of leadership and guidance to Truman Medical Centers. These individuals are generous with their time and assistance to TMC and work together to further our mission of providing accessible, state-of-the-art healthcare to all members of our community. TMC Charitable Foundation Board of Directors Thomas H. Holcom, Jr., Chair Joy Wheeler, Vice Chair John E. Sundeen, Secretary/Treasurer Robert A. Brooks, III John W. Bluford Carl Chinnery Joanne Collins Douglas Y. Curran Michelle deSilva Jo Ann Field David Frantze Deborah Knight Al Mauro Laurie McCormack Nelson Sabates, M.D. Christine Sullivan, M.D. Peter Walsh Carolyn Watley Jerre Wiggans Bill Worley TMC Lakewood Philanthropy Board Paul Broome Carl Chinnery Valerie Chow, M.D. John Deadwyler Bud Hertzog, D.V.M. Don Kahan Patt Lawlor, Au.D. Harlan Limpus Molly Nail Diane Seif Rick Viar Dan Waite, D.D.S. Emeritus TMC Charitable Foundation Staff James D. Dawson, Executive Director Debbie Bass, CFRE, Associate Director Nicki Borgstadt, Marketing Communications Director Mark Hall Dunlap, Grant Writer David M. Fulk, Philanthropy Director Leslie High, CFRE, Director of Philanthropy Christopher James, Senior Administrative Assistant Liz Anne McElhaney, Philanthropy Director TMC Board of Directors TMC Leadership Team Robert A. Brooks III, Chair Robert C. Levy, Immediate Past Chair Paul M. Black, Vice Chair Arthur A. Davis III, Vice Chair Jon R. Gray, Vice Chair Sarah Ingram-Eiser, Vice Chair Philip B. Richter, Vice Chair John W. Bluford III, President/CEO John W. Bluford III Becky Cotton Neil T. Douthat Betty M. Drees, M.D. Peggy J. Dunn Sue Ann Frank E. Bernard Franklin, Ph.D. R Stephen Griffith, M.D. Thomas H. Holcom, Jr. Paul P. Holewinski Jason O. Johnson Cathy Jolly Benny Lee Robbie W. Makinen John R. Marshall Leo Morton Dennis S. O’Leary, M.D. Charles W. Peffer Barbara J. Potts Annette M. Quick, M.D. Juan M. Rangel, Jr. John Rizzo Douglas M. Ross, R.N. Mark T. Steele, M.D. Jerome S. Tilzer Reverend Eric D. Williams Mitzi Cardenas, Vice President/ Chief Information Officer William H. Colby, JD, General Counsel Teresa Collins, Chief Nursing Officer James D. Dawson, Vice President of Strategic Business Development Catherine D. Disch, Executive Vice President/Chief Operating Officer, TMC Hospital Hill Gerard J. Grimaldi, Vice President, Health Policy & Government Relations Suzanne Haug, Service Integration Leader Al Johnson, Chief Financial Officer Marsha Morgan, Chief Operating Officer, TMC Behavioral Health Shauna R. Roberts, M.D., Corporate Quality Medical Director CiCi Rojas, Vice President, Community Engagement Charlie Shields, Chief Operating Officer, TMC Lakewood Vicki Smith, Vice President, Public Relations & Marketing Mary McPherson, Associate Director Mark Steele, M.D., Chief Medical Officer Sharla Peters, Director of Development Operations Barbara Zubeck, Vice President, Audit & Compliance Gene Rietfors, Philanthropy Director Beverly Yauk, Database Coordinator TMC Charitable Foundation Directors Emeriti Donald Alexander Rose Bryant E.G. Dimond, M.D. Neil T. Douthat Peggy Dunn James B. Nutter Gertrude Oliver Ronald C. Reimer Joan C. Runnion Frank Sebree II Morton Sosland Ron Spradley Mark A. Thornhill John Wurst Copyright © 2010/Truman Medical Centers/#1802/CF/AR/08-2010