Spring 2013 - Adjala Tosorontio


Spring 2013 - Adjala Tosorontio
Township News
Spring 2013 Issue 44
Message from Mayor Tom Walsh:
pril is coming quickly and with it will
arrive the new waste collection contract.
There will be significant changes to your
waste collection program, including pick up
dates, so watch for information on the
program from the County of Simcoe.
Inside this issue:
Everett Secondary
Church Services
School reports
Easter Message
Fire Department
Councillor Reports
EPIC, Everett
SS Streams Network
Council is moving ahead with the Master
Servicing Plan and the Secondary Plan for Everett. The planning
documents will lay the framework for future developments. We
feel that a coordinated plan will certainly benefit the whole
community, and we may never get a chance again to provide a
long term planning solution for Everett. We will have progress
updates as we move along, with the first report included in this
I wish everyone a very Happy Easter. Let’s continue to work
together to make the rest of the County envious of how we get
things done.
Several Queens Diamond Jubilee Medals were presented at the Council meeting on
February 4, 2013. Recipients were, starting from the left, Sharon Ann MacKenzie,
Theresa O'Leary, Louise Lowndes and David Anderson.
Congratulations on a job well done!
Page 2
Mary Small Brett
Deputy Mayor
public hearing to consider the “Everett Secondary Plan”
is scheduled for April 4th. This plan will coordinate all
development for Everett for the foreseeable future. Details of
the meeting and the planning documents related to the
secondary plan and the Master Servicing Plan are available at
the Municipal Office and can also be accessed on the
Township website.
The waste collection program is changing as of April 1st to “a-one-size fits
all” for the entire Simcoe County. The new collection day will remain
constant regardless of holidays. The only two exceptions will be December
25th and January 1st. Yard waste pick-up is starting this spring. To access
more information regarding these changes; please call (705) 735-6901 or
(800) 263-3199.
I, along with Mayor Walsh and Council, ask that you continue to be the
leaders in waste reduction through recycling, reusing and accessing our
Diversion Days Program. I look forward to seeing old and new friends at our
first 2013 Diversion Day on Saturday, May 18th, 8:30am to 3:00pm. As
always, a special thank to our wonderful volunteers and participants. You
make it happen.
This newsletter is published by
The Corporation of the
Township of
The Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Association “Spring Tonic” celebration
takes place at the Tiffin Centre on April 6th and 7th. This time is the highlight
of the maple syrup season. Lots of good food, games and fun for the whole
family. Fee schedule is adults, $10, and children aged 12 and under for $5. For
more details access nvca.on.ca or telephone (705) 424-1479.
I take this time to wish one and all a very Happy Easter”.
Tom Cook, Mary Munnoch
Councillor Doug Little
Layout & Design
Sandra Milley
All submissions are subject to
Township Web Site
Check out
our township
website at
Spring 2013 Issue 44
Floyd Pinto
Councillor, Ward 1
our council has worked hard
with staff to come up with a
budget that is affordable and
workable. In this budget part of
the 5th Sideroad will be paved
and the hill on the 7th Concession will be
cut to address the safety concerns of residents.
As the township has taken on an additional
police officer, I have requested that the O.P.P
business plan include that the officer be put to
enforcing and addressing the speeding concerns
of our residents.
Given the bad shape of the economy over the last
few years, council has used up some reserves to
subsidize taxes and keep them affordable.
However we cannot always take out from our
reserves, so council has agreed to start putting
funds back into reserves so that we have money
set aside in times of need. The user fees that
were implemented last year have helped offset
some of our costs and we will be revisiting the
fees charged. I firmly believe that the cost of
providing services to a few residents cannot be
put on the whole township. Many residents do
not use the services and should not have to pay
to subsidize the few who want additional
services. There are many families and seniors
struggling with today's ever increasing cost of
living and I personally do not feel it right that the
whole township be asked to pay for services that
only a few use.
As your elected representative I will continue to
work towards finding savings and cutting costs
as a means to building our reserves rather than
raising taxes to build reserves. I also welcome
our residents to come up with suggestions on
how we can continue to keep our
taxes affordable, as it is everybody's taxes that
make this township work.
Please note my new email address
My family and I wish everyone a Happy Easter.
Page 3
Page 4
Ambrose Keenan
Councillor, Ward 2
s chair of the Public Works I
am pleased that we are once
again continuing with our goal to
improve the roads in our
municipality. This year the budget will be
approximately $450,000 and includes the following:
1. Webster Rd.
2. 15 Sd. Rd. “East of Cty Rd 15
3. Con. 7 Adjala south of Keenansville Rd
4. 5 side road Adjala, between Conc. 4 & 5
5. Conc. 7 Adjala Lots 8 & 9
6. Conc. 4 North of Hwy 89
There is of course much more to do and in time it
will be done, as the budget permits.
Diversion Days are fast approaching so please
participate as they contribute to extending the life of
our land fill sites, and is also a great place to meet up
with your neighbours that you may have not seen
over the winter.
Potholes on some of our roads may soon appear so
please be patient as our roads dept. will get to them,
but if severe, call the Works Dept. at 705-434-5055
or myself at 905-729-3361.
In conclusion, I hope that the winter season has been
kind to you and that you have a great 2013.
Lost and Found
A lady’s necklace was found in the
Municipal Office parking lot, and we
hope to return it to its rightful owner.
Please contact Lisa at the Municipal
Office if you think that this could be
yours - 705-434-5055
he Township is formulating the Everett
Secondary Plan which proposes to expand
the settlement boundaries of Everett and plan
for the future long-term growth of Everett.
Background reports and studies have been
completed for the project which includes:
Concept Plan, Official Plan Amendment,
Planning Justification Report, Design Brief,
Natural Heritage Report, Commercial Needs,
Archaeology Report, Population Numbers,
Financial Strategy Report, and Master Servicing
Plan (MSP). Four public hearings/open houses
have been held to obtain suggestions and
comments from the public and agencies.
With the background documents complete,
Council will hold a public hearing at the
Township Office on April 4, 2013 at 6:30 p.m.
to hear comments from any person as it relates
to the Everett Secondary Plan. Council may
consider adopting the Plan on April 4 or at a
later date.
The Secondary Plan allows for increased
growth and population over the long-term,
providing efficiencies in services and a
sustainable community – a mix of residential
housing, commercial buildings, and
recreational/green space areas.
Throughout the project there have been
opportunities for the public to comment on the
Plan and reports and continued comments are
he Planning Department would appreciate any
suggestions or concerns be brought to their
attention prior to the public hearing of Council
on April 4 so they may be incorporated in the
Secondary Plan.
Township Planning Department
Phone: (705) 434-5055
Email: jtschekalin@townshipadjtos.on.ca
Address: 7855 Sideroad 30, Alliston,
Ontario, L9R 1V1.
Page 5
Spring 2013 Issue 44
Doug Little
Councillor, Ward 3
opefully winter will be almost
behind us and as the weather
improves, we tend to get more
relaxed behind the steering wheel.
Over the years, I have continually
sent a message about safe driving, and all of us on
Council are concerned about keeping our roads
safe. We recently signed a new contract with the
OPP for policing services, and Council was able to
initiate a pilot project with the OPP to help
improve road safety in our Township. Over the
next year, we will partner with the OPP to get the
message out that we are serious about traffic safety
to protect our residents.
We are continuing to work on the rezoning of the
commercial lands along the Highway 89 corridor,
and we anticipate that the zoning will be brought
forward at the May 6 meeting of Council. Details
about the rezoning are available from the planning
Council continues to work with staff on the
budget. As we have always done, we are looking
for ways to build efficiency and to provide the best
service for your taxpayer dollar. A final meeting
to set the budget will be held in April.
I wish everyone a happy and safe Easter holiday.
Museum On The Boyne
Once Upon A Time – Limited Engagement
On Display from April to June!
nce Upon A Time is a unique exhibit
showcasing life during the years 1000 to
1500 AD with special focus on two of the
enduring symbols of the age: the Cathedral and
the Armoured Knight. All aspects of medieval
life are featured, from monks and monasteries to
the feudal system, architecture, games and
pastimes, and the crusades. Special thanks to
Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre for
lending this exhibit.
For more information please contact the Museum
on the Boyne at 705-435-0167.
Why is My Water Discolored????
ll of the water supplies within The Township of
Adjala-Tosorontio are comprised of ground
water whether you are on a Municipal system or
on a private well. Ground water naturally picks up
the minerals and characteristics from the ground
as the water travels through it. In our area of
Simcoe County we have a high concentration of
iron in the water and this varies from location to
location throughout the Municipality. The iron is
carried by the water as it is pumped from the well
and is suspended in the water unnoticed. In a
small system like a private well system the iron is
usually noticed by dark staining around the
fixtures or washing machine.
Municipal systems pump disinfected water from
wells through watermains to individual homes.
While in the watermains the iron precipitates out
of the water to the bottom of the main where it sits
until the watermain is flushed. After a scheduled
water system flushing by the Ontario Clean Water
Agency or if your service has sat unused for a
period of time your may notice an orange or
brownish discoloration to the water. To help
alleviate this discoloration you can turn on a
couple of high flow cold water faucets within your
home, a laundry or bath tub for a couple of
minutes. This will flush your service line out from
the watermain into your home.
It is suggested that every six months to a year that
residents flush their hot water tanks as well to
remove any iron buildup in the tank and please
remember to consult our watermain flushing
schedule for dates that your water system will be
flushed this year.
Page 6
Tom Gauley
Councillor, Ward 4
2013 Everfest Duathlon & 5km run!
he community of Everett, hosted
by the Everett Parks &
Improvements Committee (EPIC), is
preparing for Everfest 2013. This
festival will take place Saturday, June
1, 2013 from 9:00am – 2:00pm at the
John Irwin Park in Everett. Plans are
under way for the 5th Annual Everfest
Kids’ Duathlon and the 2nd Annual
Adult 5km run. The Kids’ Duathlon is a
run, bike, run event for local children
grades JK-8 and the Adult 5km run is
open to high school students and
adults. Everfest will also feature
vendors and a BBQ. Mark your
calendars and come join the festivities!
EPIC is looking for sponsors,
volunteers (including students) and
vendors for our event. Visit EPIC’s
website at everettpic.ca for updates
and further information. Interested
parties can contact Cherie Mason at
Everett Cooperative Playgroup
We meet at the Everett Fire Hall- Jim
Wales Community Room on Tuesdays
(Sep – Jun) from 9:30-11:30 am.
s expected, Council has been receiving
comment regarding the secondary plan
for Everett, some of it positive, some of it
negative. Nothing worthwhile ever comes
without effort and hard work, and it all starts with vision.
Martin Luther King had a dream, and based on some of the
contents of recent letters to the local newspapers, I think he
would have been appalled with some of those negative
Everett currently has several developments, moving ahead at
various stages of progress. Council wants to ensure that our
residents, our environment, and our way of life are not only
protected, but improved. Such improvements begin with
partnership and by working together.
The plan that Council and staff have put together is only the
first step in a long process and if passed by Council it will
move onto the County, the Province, and all agencies along the
way. This is a thirty year plan and one that I feel should have
been undertaken ten years ago so that we could be ready, if and
when the developers want to move forward.
I have lived in Everett for 55 years and it is now six times
larger than it was when I was a kid. I do not see that as being a
bad thing, or Everett as a worse place to live. When I was
growing up there were two hardware stores, three grocery
stores, a pool hall and snack bar, and a lumber yard in Everett.
Now we have none of this, and Everett is only a bedroom
community where people hardly know their neighbours.
We need to be proactive and have a plan in place for an
organized village. We need residential development as it is our
primary tax base for this township. Would a gift shop, or a car
wash, or even a gas station be so bad?
Come and Play with Us!
The Everett and Loretto fire stations are over 40 years old and
will need to be replaced . There is bridge and road work that
needs our attention. Without future development, it is you and
I, the current taxpayers, that are going to be footing the bill.
Crafts, Playdoh, Field Trips, Circle
Time, Stories, Puzzles, Books, Visiting
Guests and more.
By working together we can make Everett a better place to live
and viable and vibrant in the future. If we stagnate we will dry
up and die as a community.
For more information email:
The Everett annual village wide yard sale is on May 11/13 and
on the same day ATRA and the OPP with be at the fire hall.
The “Bike Like the Best” program is to teach riders of all ages
about road safety and how to care for your bike and helmet.
There will be a draw for a new bike for participants. Be at the
Everett fire hall by 9:45 to register.
Page 7
Spring 2013 Issue 44
Scott W. Anderson
Councillor, Ward 5
ouncil and staff have been working hard on
the 2013 budget which will be presented at
a public meeting on April 22 starting at 6:30
p.m. at the Township Office. Council has
adopted the Capital Works part of the budget which includes
$869,400.00 for public works, 99,000.00 for our fire
department and $15,000.00 for the planning department.
Projects in Ward 5 include the replacement of a section of
fencing at the Ross Houston Memorial Park in Lisle, road
paving of Webster Road north west of Glencairn and the west
section of 15 Sideroad which completes the project from last
Bell has recently installed a communications tower south of
Lisle which should help with wireless communications in the
A new streetlight was installed earlier this year at the
intersection of County Road 12 and Concession Road 3. The
light should provide better visibility and a reference point for
drivers at this busy intersection during the night.
The Lisle Community Hall once again operated an outdoor
ice rink on the Hall property this past winter. The rink was
well used. A lot of effort goes into maintaining an ice rink
especially with the uncertain winter weather conditions of
today. Unfortunately, due to the weather conditions the
Everett outdoor rink at Central Park was only operational for
a short time.
As of April 1 the County of Simcoe is implementing a number
of changes to waste collection services. The collection day
for the Township will now be on Friday starting April 5.
Please ensure you have your materials out by 7 a.m. For
additional information contact the County at 1-800-263-3199
or visit www.simcoe.ca/waste.
Available to Rent
For any Occasion
Reasonable Rates
8047 Concession Road 4
Lisle ON
Tel: 705-424-0769
David T. Anderson, Chairman
Look forward to our Friday night
line-up of movies!
(individual play)
Third Thursday of every month.
7 p.m. sharp
$10.00 per person
Happy Easter!
705-424-0769 scott@andersonward5.ca
Cash Bar - Lunch - Adults only
12th Annual Everett Garage Sale
verett residents are being encouraged to turn the unused items around their house into someone else's
treasure. The Everett Parks and Improvement Committee is holding the 12th annual community garage
sale on Saturday May 11. Residents are asked to join in by selling items on their driveways.
The sale lasts from 8 a.m. until noon, rain or shine. After the sale, EPIC will also be starting a week-long
driveway take-away. People are encouraged to leave unwanted items at the end of their driveway for others to
take. The items will not be included in regular garbage pickup, and owners are responsible for all remaining
items. For more information and to register for the sale go to www.everettpic.ca.
Page 8
Wayne McIsaac, Chief
Fire Departments
Let’s All Help to Keep our Township
ith the return of spring, winter’s accumulation
of waste in front of our properties becomes
quite apparent.
We can all share in the pride that we take in our
Township by doing our part in helping to keep our
Township clean and green.
What can we do? A lot can be accomplished if we
all do a little, such as:
Take a few moments to collect trash from the
ditch in front of our property;
Take a little extra time to ensure that we tie
down or tarp our load when driving down the
Take the extra effort to ensure that we don’t
litter when driving.
Report illegal dumping activity that you
witness to the Township or to Police.
Together, we can all make a little effort to take a lot
of pride in our Township.
aylight Savings Time was on 10 March did
you remember to change the batteries in
your Smoke Alarm and Carbon Monoxide
alarm? As well as checking your alarms every
month it is recommended that you change the
batteries at least once a year. When you change
the batteries in your alarms write the date on the
batteries, this will help you to keep track of when
you did changed them. It is also recommend
vacuuming your smoke alarms, to remove dirt
and dust out of them last. These are activities
that your children can help you with. For other
fun activities and fire safety videos log onto
With spring just around the corner we all want to
get outside and start cleaning our yards. We
would like to remind everyone that if you are
going to burn the debris in your yard you need to
renew your burn permits. The burn permits are
available at the Township Office during regular
working hours. It is important to remember that
you should always have a garden hose
accessible while burning. Most yard debris can
be taken to the Landfill site located at 6815
Concession Road 4.
Waste Collection Services
ajor changes are coming to waste collection
services in the County of Simcoe effective
on April 1st. Of note are changes to collection
days and times, implementation of bi-weekly yard
waste collection services during the spring and fall
annually to all locations in the County, and access
to a user-pay call-in bulky material collection
To determine your new waste collection day and
for further information on changes and
improvements to waste collection services visit
simcoe.ca or contact the County of Simcoe
Customer Service Centre at 1-800-263-3199 or
Have you changed your
Smoke Alarm batteries?
Hopefully everyone has replaced
the batteries in their smoke alarms
when they changed their clocks
recently? It is very important that
everyone has working smoke
alarms on every level of the house
and outside all sleeping areas.
Spring 2013 Issue 44
Page 9
Page 10
Tosorontio Central Public School
osorontio hosted a Family Math night on March
27th. This event was open to any interested families
that wanted to come and play math games using manipulatives. They were able to try out math software on the computers and Smart boards and learn how to support children’s math learning at home.
On March 26th, we hosted Big Kid Entertainment who performed a ‘Rapunzel’ presentation for all of our students. This presentation was about anti-bullying. We are
also looking forward to our grade 5 field trip to the Science
Centre and our grade 4 field trip to Medieval Times.
Don Shackell
Tosorontio Public School
(705) 435-6023 ext. 27801
Residents’ Association
ith the coming of Spring, we
look forward to working with
the Adjala Tosorontio Policing
Committee to host “Bike Like the
Best” program on May 11th at the
Everett Fire Station. This is a great
opportunity for children to come
together and practice bicycle safety. It
is also exciting because someone will
go home with a new bicycle. As well,
there will be drinks and hot dogs. This
great program is available to all
Diversion Days will begin on Saturday,
May 18th and there will be opportunity
for students to volunteer on these days.
As in previous years, many students
met new friends and enjoyed the great
lunch. Adult volunteers are also
welcome to this community event.
Our “Annual General Meeting” will
take place on April 15th at the
Township Bldg. It is a time when we
review our past activities and look
towards the following year. Everyone
is welcome.
Spring is nature's way of saying,
"Let's party!" ~Robin Williams
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Starting at 8:00 a.m.
Hockley Senior and Community
(in the village of Hockley)
Presented by the Hockley United
Adults $6.00
Children(10 and under) $4.00
Page 11
Spring 2013 Issue 44
Alliston Community Christian School
St. James School
“The small school with a big heart.”
he New Year started off very busy for the
students at Alliston Community Christian
School. Our primary students enjoyed skating
once a week while the students from Grades 5
to 8 participated in electives. They had a
variety of choices, involving cooking, woodworking, cake-decorating, watercolour painting
and mechanics. Our senior students took
part in the North District Hockey Tournament
at Barrie Christian School, while the girls just
finished participating in a basketball
This month we have been raising money for
Edu-Deo, an organization supporting WorldWide Christian Schools. We continue to enjoy
winter activities in our own school yard playing
hockey as well as tubing and sledding during
recesses and lunch hour. We are truly
blessed and thankful to have the outdoor
facilities to be able to do this.
We are now accepting new registrations for
t. James is pleased to announce that Francesca
DeNobile placed 1st in the CWL Public Speaking
Contest in Collingwood. Francesca will now compete
in Brooklyn for the regional championships. We wish
her the best of luck.
St. James Basketball teams did very well this year.
The boys team coached by Mrs. Traverse played in
the finals and lost by one point. The Girls team
placed sixth in their final tournament of the year. The
boys and girls would like to thank Coach Traverse
and Coach Beekman for sharing their expertise with
the teams. After the tournament, both teams went
down to Toronto and watched the Raptors play
St. James Dance-a-Thon was a huge success; the
students danced the day away, thanks to DJ Remi
Math Olympics for grades 7/8 will take place on
March 20 at the SMCDSB office. Mrs. Traverse and
Ms. Guzzo have been hard at work preparing our
young Einstein’s for the competition.
St. James will be hosting their very own bonspiel on
March 27th. Rock Solid
Attractive Well-Equipped Hall for Rent
Located in Hockley Village
Productions will be visiting our school to teach the
students the sport of Curling.
Our Boys Hockey team represented St. James School
in the St. Paul’s Tournament, finishing with an
excellent record of 2 and 1.
Kitchen Facilities
Reasonable Rates
Contact Celia Simpson (519) 941-2961
for rental information
St. James is very excited about the upcoming school
year. St. James will be offering “Full Day
Kindergarten”. Our school will be under construction
in the upcoming months as we retrofit two classrooms
to accommodate this program.
90th Birthday Celebration
April 7, 2013
The family of Mrs. Jean Cook invite you to a “Come and Go Tea” at the Creemore
Legion from 2 to 4 p.m. to celebrate their mother’s 90th Birthday.
Good Wishes Only
Page 12
Foundation Launch A
Huge Success
School property
smoke free 24/7
hen spring arrives school
graduations are not far behind.
The Simcoe Muskoka District Health
Unit reminds all parents and visitors
heading on to school property for both
school and community-organized
events that under the Smoke-Free
Ontario Act school property is 100%
smoke free everywhere and at all
times. The law not only protects
everyone from secondhand smoke
while on school property, it also
provides powerful role modeling for
our youth to help them choose a
tobacco-free lifestyle. Tobacco use is
the leading cause of preventable death
and disease in Canada, killing one of
every two long-term users. Our whole
community benefits when our residents
choose to play, live, be tobacco free.
More information and support for
tobacco-free living and to make your
children’s sports and recreation
organizations tobacco-free leaders,
visit the health unit website at
he Stevenson Memorial Hospital
Foundation had great involvement from
the community on Friday, January 25th for the
launch of the “It takes you...” Campaign. The
Campaign has a goal of raising $2.5 million
over the next two years for new equipment
for the operating rooms, an expanded
urology program and other equipment for
critical areas. Many individuals and
businesses wore orange to show their
support. The real excitement took place at
the Alliston Hornet’s Hockey Game. Annette
Jones, President and CEO of Stevenson and
Margaret Barber, Campaign Cabinet Chair
had the honours of dropping the puck for the
game. During first intermission, to the delight
of the hockey fans, the crowd turned into a
flash mob as local singing groups started to
sing a song written by George Scott. There
were members from Girls Night Out, the
Sugartones and the Achill Society along with
other local singers. The flash mob was
videoed and can be seen on YouTube by
going to www.stevensonfoundation.ca.
Honda Canada had donated a 2013 Honda
Civic and the winning bid of $19,350 was
announced. Proceeds go directly to the “It
takes you...” Campaign.
Want to get rid of all those pennies? Put your
pennies to work for you and your community
hospital. The Foundation is now collecting
pennies. Drop off any loose or rolled coins to
the Foundation office.
Co-chairs of the May 3, 2013 Stevenson
Memorial Hospital Foundation Gala
announced the honourary chair and emcee
will be City TV’s BT-Breakfast Television's
very own Kevin Frankish. The Gala promises
to be an incredible evening with fine dining, a
live auction, and a wonderful opportunity to
bid on hospital equipment. For more
information about the campaign, gala or
ways to participate, please contact the
Foundation at 705 435-6281 ext 1263 or
Page 13
Spring 2013 Issue 44
O.P.P. Nottawasaga Detachment
Community Services
he Nottawasaga OPP would like to warn the public about a fraud scheme
that has recently been reported to Police. The scheme involves two cheques being sent to the
intended victim along with a letter that explains that they have been chosen as a winner of a store
promotion. The intended victim is advised that the cheques have a hold on them and that they must
have contact a representative in order to have them released. The victim is further advised not to
disclose information regarding their prize to anyone until the win has been completely processed.
Another similar fraud scam involves a letter whereby the victim receives a letter indicating they have
inherited money and are given instructions on how to claim the money.
The Nottawasaga OPP would like to remind members of the public to be vigilant in regards to
protecting their personal information and not becoming the victims of a fraud. If it seems too good to
be true-it most likely is! Legitimate companies will not request you to disclose personal information
about yourself or have you send funds in order to obtain a prize, release cheques, or assist with
administration or customs.
To report a suspected fraud or obtain further information, please contact the Canadian Anti-Fraud
Centre at 1-888-495-8501 or visit www.antifraudcentre.ca
Bike Like the Best
Saturday, May 11, 2013
10 to 11:30 am
Municipal Lot beside Everett Fire Hall
Bike Rodeo, bike and helmet safety checks, obstacle course.
All young persons are encouraged to participate.
Participants are entered in a draw for a new bicycle donated by ATRA.
Refreshments and prizes.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Sponsored by:
Adjala-Tosorontio Community Policing Committee
Adjala - Tosorontio Residents Association
Nottawasaga OPP detachment
Page 14
Diversion Days
Solfd Waste- Management Information
Eve t D es:
.lay 1&,
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er 21
Hours of Operation:
8:30 a..m. - 3;00 p.m_
bt.aky seMoe available
ty of Simcoe':. Adja.la Tr
r Station b:ated at
3022 Conce:s!:ian Rcl4 (n ,._..... .,.......)
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Spring 2013 Issue 44
Page 15
Easter Message
love the story of the young boy who
faithfully attended the Children's Ministry
at Church. One year, about this time of the
year, their teacher brought in small boxes one for each child. The children were told to
go outside, find some symbols of new life,
and put them in their boxes. It was meant to
get the boys and girls thinking about how
God brought Jesus back to life after He was
So the children ran wildly around the
property looking for something to fill their
boxes. When they returned to the
classroom, they began to share their discoveries with the others. One by one they
opened their boxes to show flowers, butterflies, leaves, and more. Each time the class
would "ooh" and "ahh." Then the youngest boy had his chance to open his box. He
did, and there was nothing inside. The other children were critical of him because he
didn't find something for his box. The Teacher asked him if he understood what he
was to do. He said he understood. When the Teacher asked him to explain why his
box was empty, his reply was epic. "It's empty because the tomb where Jesus was
laid was empty Easter Morning!"
The young boy with child-like faith had grasped what many do not and have not –
Jesus Christ has been raised from the dead. This is what Easter is all about – not
coloured eggs, spring-time, bunny rabbits, and tulips. If Jesus has not been raised
from the dead, we are all in a heap of trouble. The Bible says if Christ has not been
raised, our faith is foolish and fake. But He did rise from death. The resurrection of
Jesus is the basis for the hope of life eternal beyond the grave.
I am so thankful Jesus Christ is the risen Savior!
Pastor Randy Jolliffe
Faith Community Church
Quotable Quotes
1. Most of us don’t realize how much we have to be thankful for until we have to pay taxes on it.
2. It’s better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
3. Great acts of love are done by those who are habitually performing small acts of kindness.
4. A good laugh makes us better friends with ourselves and everybody around us.
Easter Church Services 2013
Alliston Pentecostal: Good Friday Communion ~ 11:00 a.m.
Easter Sunday ~ 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Mono Mills United: Maundy Thursday ~ 7:30 p.m.
Good Friday ~ 11:00 a.m.
Easter Sunday ~ 11:30
Adjala United:
Easter Sunday ~ 10:15 a.m.
Hockley United: Easter Sunday ~ 09:00 a.m.
Trinity Centennial United: Good Friday ~ 10:30 a.m.
Easter Sunday ~ 8:00 a.m. followed by breakfast ~ 10:30 a.m.
St. Paul’s RC: Holy Thursday ~ 7:30 p.m.
Good Friday ~ 3:00 p.m.
Holy Saturday ~ 8:30 p.m.
Easter Sunday ~ 10:30 a.m.
Immaculate Conception RC (Arlington, North Adjala):
Holy Saturday ~ blessing of the Easter foods at 12 noon
~ Easter Vigil at 8:30 p.m.
Easter Sunday ~ 9:00 a.m.
St. David Anglican:
Good Friday ~ 9:30 a.m.
Easter Sunday ~ 9:30 a.m.
St. Luke Anglican:
Good Friday ~ 11:00 a.m.
Easter Sunday ~ 11:00 a.m.
St. Francis Xavier RC (Tottenham)
Easter Sunday ~ 8:30 a.m.
Knox Presbyterian Church:
Good Friday ~ 11:00 a.m.
Easter Sunday ~ 11:00 a.m.
St. Mary’s RC (Achill):
Good Friday ~ 9:00 a.m.
St. James Anglican (Clougher-Lisle):
Good Friday ~ 10:00 a.m.
Easter Sunday ~ 9:30 a.m.
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian (Mansfield)
Easter Sunday ~ 9:30 a.m.
Christ Church, Whitfield
Easter Sunday ~ 8:00 a.m.
St. James RC (Colgan):
Holy Thursday ~ 8:00 p.m.
Good Friday ~ 3:00 p.m.
Holy Saturday Mass ~ 9:00 p.m.
Easter Sunday ~ 10:30 a.m. and noon
Salvation Army Hope Acres:
Good Friday ~ 11:00 a.m.
Easter Sunday Sunrise Service 8:00
a.m. followed by breakfast
Easter Sunday Service ~ 10:00 a.m.