Issue 11 / Nov 2015 - Hoodview Amateur Radio Club
Issue 11 / Nov 2015 - Hoodview Amateur Radio Club
Volume 37, Issue 11 November 2015 Hoodview News General Club Meeting Club Meeting General on March 7:30PM 19 at 7:30 PM on21st, November At Mt. Hood Community College At Mt. Hood Community Room 1001 (Back to our regular room.) College, Hope to see you all there. Room 1001 Points of Interest: Hoodview Amateur Radio Club can be found on the web at Hope to see you all there. HARC is a Special Service Club Email Cory with any information for the newsletter at jcschoch@ Feel free to join our affiliated activities: Saturday Breakfast Group or Classy Radio Red Hatters Inside This Issue: Pg Pg 1 1 -President’s President’s Desk Desk Pg 2 Pg 2Secretary’s Report Tech CornerReport Treasurer’s 2016 Dues Pg 3 Club Pg 3 -Happenings Club Happenings Pg 4 Secretary Report Pg 4Treasurer Report Membership 2013 Dues Pg 5 License Classes March of Dimes Ham Conventions Committees Pg 6Dues Form Here we are and it is March already! We have several events coming up that we will need volunteers. We need your help with activities and others events like Picnics, Banquets, and From President — Scott Burrows, N7DOD other radioThe activities some of which I have already mentioned It does not take much effort or experience, so when asked, please consider participating. is almost time for the Christmas banquet. have IfItyou would like to volunteer for a committee chair orWe to help outbooked on a committee please contact the Chairperson, me or any board members. We are still in need of a chairit for Saturday, December 12ofatthe Francis Xavier. The menu person for the following: Patches & Pins, Christmas Banquet, and Nominations. will be the same as last year, and we expect to have pricing confirmed this anyone month.know of a school that is having a career day? Let's get involved to present Does HAM radio to them and how it can adapt to some careers they may be interested in. ConThis yearmember we donated funds to the Multnomah County ARES for a trailer tact a board to get the activity scheduled project. The fund raising events were successful and they were able to Let's bring a a friend to a meeting or activity do notaneed be a HAM). Reach purchase trailer. They were able (they to secure stateto grant to fund the out ra-to the general public to get more interest in our hobby. dios and equipment. If you interested in the project, check it out at the Multnomah ARES website. web addressatisthe"http:// Scott - KF7ZQOCounty will be presenting EmergencyThe Communications general meeting this month" IfThe you have suggestion for an article, contact Mike - N7ETA,license Cory - KA7IUG any of club awill be offering amateur radio technician classes or this the board members upcoming year. If you know of anyone interested, let us know. The dates will together be the month ofthe April and forisstudy and pracLet' all work to inform public thatAugust our hobby healthyclasses and growing! Let's let them that in an more emergency they can count on out us forour communication! tice know testing. For information, check club websiteLet's forshow de- the public tails.that this hobby of ours is a lot of fun and more than just old people using archaic equipment just to talk to someone else! Let's make another great year for the club together. Look forward to seeing you all at the next general meeting! 73's, Mike - N7ETA Scott, N7DOD Hoodview Amateur Radio Club WB7QIW PO Box 95l, Gresham OR 97030 A non-profit organization organized exclusively for one or more of the purposes as specified in Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, Vol. 17, No. 6. Board of Directors: President — Scott Burrows, N7DOD Vice President — Shaun Harteloo, N7TNP Secretary — Cory Schoch, KA7IUG Treasurer — George Dover, W7GEO Board — Richard Berney, KE7AOA; Ed Clulow, N7TL; Chris Jensen, KG7ADQ, Pam Woods, KC7Q; Denny Doolittle, WB7UFJ Volume 37, Issue 11 Page 2 Hoodview Happenings December 5th or 12th. Hoodview Amateur Radio Club Club Calendar General Minutes Mar 16—VE Test, MHCC, FH1 Sunshine—A card was sent to Jim Schoch 03/09 KD7FNN Janeknee Redinger KA7AGH for his recent surgery. 03/30 KF7WYW Steve Green Richard KE7AOA won the 50/50 drawing toMar 21—General Mtg, 7:30, MHCC, Rm 1005 April The October 15, 2015 meeting was called to night. He donated his half of the winnings to Apr 4—Board Mtg, 7:30 KA7WOF 04/02 KE7AOA Richard Berney order by President Scottpm—Dave’s Burrows, N7DOD at 7:30 the general fund. Total was $21 Apr 18—General Mtg, 7:30, MHCC, Rm 1001 04/04 AB7BI Charles Beaver PM at Mount Hood Community College. The Cory Ka7IUG moved and Chris KG7ADQ secApr 27—March of Dimes WalkAmerica 04/07 KA7WOF Dave Gettman board members were introduced. There were five ond to open nominations for the 2016 board. Bob Corlew visitors tonight: Stephen Norton KG7WKP, Randy 04/12 K7COB May 2—Board Mtg, 7:30 pm—Ed’s N7TL Motion passed. 04/16 KA7MFK Dan Ekman May MHCC, Rm 1001 Horr16—General WB7OZM, Mtg, Barry7:30, KL7PO, Ashlynn Marino 04/23 Since there is no nominating committee, memKA7IUG Cory Schoch May 18—VE Test,granddaughter) MHCC, FH1 and Cathy McAl(Cory and Jim’s 04/26 KC7HPC Christine Gardner will bers started nominations. Nominations May 31-June 2—Sea Pac Ham Convention lister. June 6—Board Mtg, 7:30 pm—Denny WB7UFJ Program: ScottMtg, Burrows on Recruitment Jun 20—General 7:30, N7DOD MHCC, Rm 1001 and21-23—ARRL Retention. Field Day Jun We should make new club flyers July 11—Board Mtg, 7:30 pm—Sean’s N7TNP We need to set up demonstrations at Saturday July 18—General Mtg, 7:30, MHCC, Rm 1001 Markets,Test, BoyMHCC, Scout events, July 20—VE FH1 and CERT train- ings. Aug Mtg, 7:30 pm—Scott’s KF7ZQO 1—Board We need to publize our classes and testing. Aug 15—General Mtg & Picnic Our new classes will be based on the Ham RaSep 5—Board Mtg, 7:30 pm—Jim’s KA7AGH dio School program. Sep FH1 19—VE We willTest, makeMHCC, up some ‘Welcome packets’ for Sep 21—General Mtg, 7:30, MHCC, Rmget 1001 new members. Each member will a packet when they join.7:30 pm—Ed’s, N7TL Oct 3—Board Mtg, 17—General We will write up 7:30, a policy change Oct Mtg, MHCC, Rmabout 1001free stay open until the end of the November gen- Sunshine Committee eral meeting and voting will take place in DeThe club wishes James Masog and Sylvia Barcember. For: more aPresident—Scott speedy recovery.Burrows If you know of anyone N7DOD that could use our thoughts and prayers, contact Vice—open Laura K7LQT. Secretary—open Treasurer—Shaun Harteloo N7NTP Breakfast Gathering Board—Mike McAllister KG7VYO Join us for breakfast every Saturday morning Board—Chris Jensen KG7ADQ at Heidi’s in Gresham. Conversation and coffee Past President open starts around 7:00 am(Board) with the- breakfast orders taken at 7:30 am. Meeting adjourned at 8:35. Respectfully submitted, Cory Schoch KA7IUG, 2013 Dues Are Now Due HARC Secretary George W7GEO will be collecting your 2013 dues at the meeting. Membership dues entitle you one-year membership for anyone that takes our to the online newsletter bulletin, roster, voting Nov 7—Board Mtg, 7:30 pm—TBA Treasurer’s Report classes, takes a test from us and passes. privileges and a hamburger at the picnic. Clip the Nov 16—VE Test, MHCC, FH1 reported at back the November board 21—General We will try toMtg, work on aMHCC, database to1001 build up a asform on the page and mail to PO Box 951, Nov 7:30, Rm meeting by George W7GEO. George mentorship program within the club for memGresham, OR 97030 with your check or bring Dec 5—Board Mtg,needed 7:30 pm—Mike’s N7ETA reported some dues for 2016 albers. Elmers to show people how to them tothat the we nextreceived meetings. Dec 19—General Mtg, 7:30, MHCC, Rm 1001 ready. We paid out our 2016 Repeater & Equipwork the radio, where to find a ham radio to Dues are: ment Insurance and trailer insurance. Regular Member—$25.00 purchase. Radio Nets Additional family member—$12.50 CW Net on 28.130 MHz at 7:00 pm, Sunday CURRENT BALANCE Over 65/Under 18 Single—$20.00 Social Break Time. through Saturday, Net Control is Beaver & Russ General Fund $ 4,725.89 2 M net on 147.28+ MHz, at 7:30 pm, each Restricted Funds: Electronic Rosters Secretary Report: Chris KG7ADQ moved to acWednesday evening. See Net Manager to volunteer. 384.64 around The Hoodview roster will $ be available cept the secretary’s report sent out in the newslet- Japanese the end of the month. They will be sent to your Repeater $ 4,133.15 ter, Bob KG7JTT seconded the motion, motion March Program Scheduled email addresses as a PDF. There will be a few Training $ 113.04 passed. Emergency Communication by Scott BurPersonal hard copies printed to pick up at the April Scholarship $ 2,712.37 meetrows, KF7ZQO ing. FUNDS Treasure Report: Chris KG7ADQ moved to ac- TOTAL $12,069.09 cept the treasurer’s Schedule report sent out in the newsletMarch Refreshment ter, Joel N7LF seconded motion, motion No one has signed up forthe refreshments in March. Ifpassed. you would like to bring something, please call Mike to volunteer. Business: Shaun N7TNP willMembers call and make reservations Happy Birthday to our Marchfor the Christmas Banquet. It will be held on 03/02 KF7ZQO Scott Burrows Checking Money Mkt. TOTAL ACCOUNTS $ 6,644.02 $ 5,625.07 $12,069.09 Hoodview News Page 3 Hoodview Happenings Club Calendar Nov 19—Gen Mtg: 7:30pm @ MHCC, RM 1001 Nov 21—VE Testing: 9:00am @ MHCC, HF1 Dec 3—Brd Mtg: 7:30pm @ Scott’s N7DOD Dec 12—Annual Christmas Banquet Dec17—Gen Mtg: 7:30pm @ MHCC, RM 1001 Welcome to our Newest Members Stephen Norton KG7WKP—Extra BD11/3 2140 NE 54th Avenue, Portland, OR 97213 H—503-287-3374 C—503-358-7155 XYL Beverly Art Zehner WB7AUF—Advanced 12/11 1414 SE Evans Avenue, Troutdale, OR 97060 November Program Scheduled Building Antennas with Items from Home Depot by 503-803-9249 Ed N7TL XYL Rose The Roster is Printed You can pick up your printed roster at the club meeting. If you have upgraded, changed your callsign, changed email address, dropped your landline phone, etc, please send Cory KA7IUG an email to make the corrections. Radio Nets 2 M net on 147.28+ MHz, at 7:30pm, each Wednesday evening. CW Net on 28.130 MHz at 7:00pm, Sunday through Saturday. Happy Birthday to our Members KG7WKP Stephen Norton K7OC Ed Corey KD7AM Yoshio Abe N7QR Russ Mickiewicz KL7HB Charles Stanhope N7TNP Shaun Harteloo KD7HHN Dean Wright WB7UFJ Denny Doolittle N7PFY Cindy Hopkins N7ETA Mike Magnuson WB7AUF Art Zehner No call Dawne Kite-Corey K7DSZ Neal Penland No call Cathy McAllister 11/3 11/09 11/15 11/16 11/18 11/22 11/22 11/24 11/29 11/29 12/11 12/15 12/18 12/18 Breakfast Gathering Join us for breakfast every Saturday morning at Heidi’s, 1230 NE Cleveland, Gresham. Conversation and coffee starts around 7:00am with the breakfast orders taken at 7:30am. Meeting Refreshments Schedule November—To volunteer contact Scott. December—Outgoing Board Members Sunshine Committee Report If you know of someone that we should contact, please contact Pam KC7Q. She will send cards with the club’s best wishes. The club would like to send get well wishes to Jim Schoch KA7AGH and Neal Penland K7DSZ. 2016 Dues Can Be Paid Dues are prorated from July to November and starting now you can start paying for the following year. George W7GEO will be collecting your 2016 dues at the meetings. Membership dues entitle you to the online newsletter bulletin, a roster, and voting privileges. Clip the form on the back page and mail to PO Box 951, Gresham, OR 97030 with your check or bring them to the next meetings. Dues for 2016: Regular Member—$20. Family membership—$25 Page 4 Volume 37, Issue 11 HOODVIEW AMATEUR RADIO CLUB CHRISTMAS BANQUET WHEN: Saturday, December 6, 2014 Social Time: 6:00 PM Dinner Served: 6:30 PM WHERE: Francis Xavier’s Restaurant 1922 NE 181st Avenue, Portland, OR 97230 COST: $26.00 (includes the tip) YOUR CHOICE OF MENU: 8 oz. Top Sirloin Steak with Baked Potato or Chicken Cordon Bleu with Baked Potato or Fresh Salmon Fillet with Baked Potato or Chicken or Shrimp Fettuccini Dinner includes: Tossed Green Salad, Dinner Rolls, Dessert, and Choice of beverage with refills. In lieu of the gift exchange, please consider making a donation to Snow Cap. We will pass a basket at the club meeting and banquet for your check or cash donation. We will be taking reservations at the November meeting. Ten Year Celebration for the Classy Radio Red Hatters Patsy W7PAT started the chapter which was made up with female hams or xyls of ham radio operators. She was queen for a little over one year before she became a silent key. Our vice queen, Joanie WB7UFS became a silent key in the same year. But we have continued to meet each month to celebrate our friendship. Our ham call is KE7LJC for the Classy Radio Red Hatters Club. We are also known as Ladies of Jewels and Crowns (LJC). If you or your wife would like to join in our fun, please contact Cory KA7IUG. Standing L-R: Diana, Judy xyl of W7YOY, Merilyn xyl of KD7AM, Janice KA7MFP, Cheryl, Ellen, Leslie xyl of N7DOD. Sitting: Cory KA7IUG and Pat W7DNS. Kneeling: Debbie KE7FWS and Merry Jo W7OGO. A Special Service Club Hoodview Amateur Radio Club PO Box 951 Gresham OR 97030 We’re on the web at HOODVIEW AMATEUR RADIO CLUB MEMBERSHIP FORM Name:________________________________________________________ Call Sign/License Class: _____________________ Spouse Name: __________________________________________________ Call Sign/License Class: _____________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ Birth Date: ______________________________ City: _________________________________________________________ Spouse Birth Date: ________________________ State: _____ Zip: _____________ Work Phone: _______________________ Home Phone: ___________________________ Email: _________________________________________________________ Cell Phone: _____________________________ o Change of name, address or other information o Regular Adult Membership o Under 18 or over 65 Membership o Family Membership o Patron Donation o Repeater Donation o Scholarship Donation (NEW) (RENEW) $20.00/yr ________________________ (NEW) (RENEW) $20.00/yr ________________________ (NEW) (RENEW) $25.00/yr ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ TOTAL I am interested in: (Circle as many as apply) Newsletter Repeater Net Committee ATV CW DX Public Service Packet Make checks payable to: Camping Special Events Satellite ________________________ Club Office Field Day Antennas Contesting Emergency Services Other: _______________________ HOODVIEW AMATEUR RADIO CLUB, PO BOX 951, GRESHAM OR 97030
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Hoodview News Hoodview News - Hoodview Amateur Radio Club
If you know of someone that we
should contact, please contact Pam
KC7Q. She will send cards with the
club’s best wishes.
This month the club celebrates good news. Yoshi