Hoodview News Hoodview News - Hoodview Amateur Radio Club
Hoodview News Hoodview News - Hoodview Amateur Radio Club
Volume 37, Issue 9 September 2015 Hoodview News General Club Meeting General Club Meeting ononMarch 21st, 7:30PM September 17th at 7:30 PM At Mt. Hood Community College At Mt. Hood Community College, Room 1001 (Back to our regular room.) Room 1001 Hope to see you all there. Points of Interest: Hoodview Amateur Radio Club can be found on the web at www.wb7qiw.org Hope to see you all there. HARC is a Special Service Club Email Cory with any information for the newsletter at jcschoch@ frontier.net Feel free to join our affiliated activities: Saturday Breakfast Group or Classy Radio Red Hatters Inside This Issue: Pg Pg 1 1 -President’s President’s Desk Desk Pg 2 Pg 2 - Pictures Picnic Tech Corner Pg 3 Pg 3 - Pictures Picnic Club Happenings Secretary’s Report Treasurer’s Report Pg 4 Secretary Report Pg 4Treasurer Report Club 2013 Happenings Dues Pg 5Pg 5Membership License Classes March of Dimes Ham Conventions Committees Pg 6Dues Form Here we are and it is March already! We have several events coming up that we will need volunteers. We need your help with activities and others events like Picnics, Banquets, and From President — Scott Burrows, N7DOD other radioThe activities some of which I have already mentioned It does not take much effort or experience, so when asked, please consider participating. annuallike club picnic was Ed, or N7TL was IfThe you would to volunteer for afantastic! committee chair to help outthe on a committee please contact the Chairperson, me or any the board members. We are in need of a chairgrill master and provided theofguests quality burgers andstillhot person for the following: Patches & Pins, Christmas Banquet, and Nominations. dogs. The potluck side dishes were plentiful and delicious. At the conclusion the picnic, we took clubday? photos. fun!! Does anyone know of aof school that is having a career Let's getGreat involved to present HAM radio to them and how it can adapt to some careers they may be interested in. Contact a board member get thefeeling activity scheduled With the back to toschool in the air we are looking for instructors for training technicians and general class students this upcoming year. Let's bring a friend to a meeting or activity (they do not need to be a HAM). Reach out to If general you would helpinterest out, please let us know. This effort helps atthe publiclike to gettomore in our hobby. tract and retain new club members. Scott - KF7ZQO will be presenting Emergency Communications at the general meeting this Wemonth are fast approaching the end of the year. If you have any suggested you want to see at article, our general let us know. or any of Iftopics you have a suggestion for an contactclub Mikemeetings, - N7ETA, Cory - KA7IUG the board members Look forward to seeing you all at the next general meeting! Let' all work together to inform the public that our hobby is healthy and growing! Let's let them know that in an emergency they can count on us for communication! Let's show the Scott,that N7DOD public this hobby of ours is a lot of fun and more than just old people using archaic equipment just to talk to someone else! Let's make another great year for the club together. 73's, Mike - N7ETA Hoodview Amateur Radio Club WB7QIW PO Box 95l, Gresham OR 97030 A non-profit organization organized exclusively for one or more of the purposes as specified in Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, Vol. 17, No. 6. Board of Directors: President — Scott Burrows, N7DOD Vice President — Shaun Harteloo, N7TNP Secretary — Cory Schoch, KA7IUG Treasurer — George Dover, W7GEO Board — Richard Berney, KE7AOA; Ed Clulow, N7TL; Chris Jensen, KG7ADQ, Pam Woods, KC7Q; Denny Doolittle, WB7UFJ Hoodview News Page 2 . Volume 37, Issue 9 Page 3 Hoodview Happenings Hoodview Amateur Radio Club Club Calendar Mar 16—VE Test, MHCC, FH1 Mar 21—General Mtg, 7:30, MHCC, Rm 1005 Apr 4—Board Mtg, 7:30 pm—Dave’s KA7WOF Apr 18—General Mtg, 7:30, MHCC, Rm 1001 Apr 27—March of Dimes WalkAmerica May 2—Board Mtg, 7:30 pm—Ed’s N7TL May 16—General Mtg, 7:30, MHCC, Rm 1001 May 18—VE Test, MHCC, FH1 May 31-June 2—Sea Pac Ham Convention June 6—Board Mtg, 7:30 pm—Denny WB7UFJ Jun 20—General Mtg, 7:30, MHCC, Rm 1001 Jun 21-23—ARRL Field Day July 11—Board Mtg, 7:30 pm—Sean’s N7TNP July 18—General Mtg, 7:30, MHCC, Rm 1001 July 20—VE Test, MHCC, FH1 Aug 1—Board Mtg, 7:30 pm—Scott’s KF7ZQO Aug 15—General Mtg & Picnic Sep 5—Board Mtg, 7:30 pm—Jim’s KA7AGH Sep 19—VE Test, MHCC, FH1 Sep 21—General Mtg, 7:30, MHCC, Rm 1001 Hoodview’s Annual Potluck Picnic was held on Oct 3—Board Mtg, 7:30 pm—Ed’s, N7TL Oct 17—GeneralAugust Mtg, 7:30, MHCC, 21st atRm 1001 Nov 7—BoardRed Mtg, 7:30 pm—TBA Sunset Park. Nov 16—VE Test, MHCC, FH1 Nov 21—General Mtg, 7:30, MHCC, Rm 1001 Dec 5—Board Mtg, 7:30 pm—Mike’s N7ETA Dec 19—General Mtg, 7:30, MHCC, Rm 1001 Radio Nets CW Net on 28.130 MHz at 7:00 pm, Sunday through Saturday, Net Control is Beaver & Russ 2 M net on 147.28+ MHz, at 7:30 pm, each Wednesday evening. See Net Manager to volunteer. March Program Scheduled Personal Emergency Communication by Scott Burrows, KF7ZQO March Refreshment Schedule No one has signed up for refreshments in March. If you would like to bring something, please call Mike to volunteer. Happy Birthday to our Members March 03/02 KF7ZQO Scott Burrows GeneralJane Minutes 03/09 KD7FNN Redinger 03/30 KF7WYW Steve Green April No Minutes were taken at the club picnic. We 04/02 Berney will needKE7AOA to approve the Richard July minutes during the 04/04 AB7BI Charles Beaver September meeting. 04/07 KA7WOF Dave Gettman 04/12 K7COB Bob Corlew 04/16 KA7MFK Dan Ekman Treasurer’s 04/23 KA7IUG Cory Report Schoch as04/26 reported at the AugustChristine board meeting by George KC7HPC Gardner W7GEO. George reported that the SeaPac table Sunshine Committee netted the club $1543.00 and the 50/50 was The club wishes and $14.00. The club alsoJames spentMasog $295 on theSylvia FieldBarDay more a speedy recovery. If you know of anyone Porta Potty and $123.04 for Field Day Food. that could use our thoughts and prayers, contact Laura K7LQT. CURRENT BALANCE General Fund $ 5,057.47 Breakfast Gathering Restricted Funds: Join us for breakfast every$Saturday morning Japanese 384.64 at Heidi’s in Gresham. Conversation and coffee Repeater $ 4,308.65 starts around 7:00 am with the breakfast orders Training $ 102.79 taken at 7:30 am. Scholarship $ 2,702.12 TOTAL FUNDS 2013 Dues Are Now Due $12,555.67 George W7GEO will be collecting your 2013 Checking $ 6930.60 dues at the meeting. Membership dues entitle you Money Mkt. $ 5,625.07 to the online newsletter bulletin, roster, voting TOTAL ACCOUNTS privileges and a hamburger at$12,555.67 the picnic. Clip the form on the back page and mail to PO Box 951, This is the report that was toor thebring SeptemGresham, OR 97030 withpresented your check ber board meeting. We spent $7.oo on Trailer inthem to the next meetings. Dues are: surance this month. Regular Member—$25.00 AdditionalBALANCE family member—$12.50 CURRENT Over 65/Under 18 Single—$20.00 General Fund $ 5,050.47 Restricted Funds: Electronic Rosters Japanese $ 384.64 The Hoodview roster will be available around Repeater $ 4,308.65 the end of the month. They will be sent to your Training $ will 102.79 email addresses as a PDF. There be a few Scholarship $ 2,702.12 hard copies printed to pick up at the April meetTOTAL $12,548.67 ing. FUNDS Checking Money Mkt. TOTAL ACCOUNTS $ 6923.60 $ 5,625.07 $12,548.67 Hoodview News Page 4 Hoodview Happenings Club Calendar Sep 17—Gen Mtg: 7:30pm @ MHCC, RM 1001 Sep 19—VE Testing: 9:00am @ MHCC, HF1 Oct 1—Brd Mtg: 7:30pm @ Pam’s KC7Q Oct 15—Gen Mtg: 7:30pm @ MHCC, RM 1001 Nov 5—Brd Mtg: 7:30pm @ Shaun’s N7TNP Nov 19—Gen Mtg: 7:30pm @ MHCC, RM 1001 Nov 21—VE Testing: 9:00am @ MHCC, HF1 Dec 3—Brd Mtg: 7:30pm @ Scott’s N7DOD Dec17—Gen Mtg: 7:30pm @ MHCC, RM 1001 September Program Scheduled Emergency Repeaters Meeting Refreshments Schedule To volunteer for open months, contact Scott. September—George W7GEO October—Scott N7DOD & Leslie November—? December—Outgoing Board Members Happy Birthday to our Members W7LCP Lois Phillips KE7AGG Lupe Aispuro KG7ADQ Chris Jensen W7SMB Sylvia Barmore N7LF Joel Harrington KC7QAC Judy Chatelain 09/06 09/20 09/23 09/24 10/02 10/03 Breakfast Gathering Join us for breakfast every Saturday morning at Heidi’s, 1230 NE Cleveland, Gresham. Conversation and coffee starts around 7:00am with the breakfast orders taken at 7:30am. Sunshine Committee Report If you know of someone that we should contact, please contact Pam KC7Q. She will send cards with the club’s best wishes. This month the club celebrates good news. Yoshi Dues can be paid KD7AM retired from Beaverton Dues are prorated from July to November and Toyota. And he plans to do more starting in November you can start paying for the hamming and fishing. And Ed K7OC following year. George W7GEO will be collecting is getting married to Dawne (see beyour 2015 dues at the meetings. Membership dues low). entitle you to the online newsletter bulletin, a roster, Congratulations to all three of and voting privileges. Clip the form on the back them. page and mail to PO Box 951, Gresham, OR 97030 with your check or bring them to the next meetings. Dues for 2016: Regular Member—$20. Family membership—$25. The Roster is Printed You can pick up your printed roster at the club meeting. If you have upgraded, changed your callsign, changed email address, dropped your landline phone, etc, please send Cory KA7IUG an email to make the corrections. Radio Nets 2 M net on 147.28+ MHz, at 7:30pm, each Wednesday evening. CW Net on 28.130 MHz at 7:00pm, Sunday through Saturday. A Special Service Club Hoodview Amateur Radio Club PO Box 951 Gresham OR 97030 We’re on the web at www.wb7qiw.org HOODVIEW AMATEUR RADIO CLUB MEMBERSHIP FORM Name:________________________________________________________ Call Sign/License Class: _____________________ Spouse Name: __________________________________________________ Call Sign/License Class: _____________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ Birth Date: ______________________________ City: _________________________________________________________ Spouse Birth Date: ________________________ State: _____ Zip: _____________ Work Phone: _______________________ Home Phone: ___________________________ Email: _________________________________________________________ Cell Phone: _____________________________ o Change of name, address or other information o Regular Adult Membership o Under 18 or over 65 Membership o Additional Family Member o Patron Donation o Repeater Donation o Scholarship Donation (NEW) (RENEW) $25.00/yr ________________________ (NEW) (RENEW) $20.00/yr ________________________ (NEW) (RENEW) $12.50/yr ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ TOTAL I am interested in: (Circle as many as apply) ________________________
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