The Challenge and Gift of Mercy


The Challenge and Gift of Mercy
Fall Winter 2013 News
Providing a Home and 24-hour Care for Persons Living with AIDS
The Challenge and Gift of Mercy
Megan Harris (in the red shirt)
recently built and donated a
birdfeeder to House of Mercy.
Megan completed the project at
a Dreamweavers workshop
with the assistance of
Cynthia Majure (left) and
David Bratcher, one of the
instructors (right).
Dreamweavers work with
people who have developmental
delays, disabilities and/or
mental health challenges.
Director of Nursing Shirley
Stowe (also pictured) said,
“Our residents enjoy sitting on
the patio watching the birds
and this will be a great addition
to our backyard!”
Thanks to Our Cash Donors.....4-5
House of Mercy Notes................ 6
Residence Wish List.................... 6
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Mercy has been described as “entering
into the chaos of another.” It is not always
easy to support those who are suffering,
but the caregivers and volunteers at House
of Mercy who accept this task often receive profound gifts.
Kelly was a resident who did her best
to shut out staff for months after her
admission. She would make her own
appointments, call her doctors for any
problems and not allow Shirley Stowe,
Director of Nursing, to attend her appointments (tasks Shirley typically
does). It was difficult for Shirley not to
take it personally, but it wasn’t about
the staff, it was Kelly’s right.
House of Mercy
has served over
w-income men
Shirley and the other caregivers kept
and women liv
since 1991. Fro
doing their job – treating Kelly with
m our archives
Mary, a reside
nt, and Beth M
unconditional love and respect in spite
aren, a staff
member at Hou
se of Mercy in
of her angry outbursts and continued
deliberate manner of keeping her caregivers
out of any of her medical issues. After several months, Kelly began to let Shirley into
her world and help coordinate her care. Eventually, it wasn’t uncommon for both of
continued on page 2
Canines Find Friends at House of Mercy
Since December, social
therapy teams (trained
dogs and their owners)
from the paws4people
foundation have brought
joy to House of Mercy.
The mission of
paws4people is to enhance
the lives of the sick and
disabled, active-duty
service members, veterans,
inmates, children, students
and seniors by utilizing
the “Special Powers” of
canine companionship
continued on page 3
MaryLou Kuklentz (R.) introduces a resident to her
Scottish Terrier named MacKenzie.
The Challenge and Gift of Mercy
continued from page 1
them to tell each other they loved one another.
Kelly had been a resident at House of Mercy for over a year
when her oncologist revealed the cancer had metastasized into
her bones. The doctor told Kelly to surrender and let those at
House of Mercy and Hospice provide care so she could focus on
herself and enjoy her last days. Kelly often struggled with anger
and relationships but wanted to be open with all the residents
and staff. Kelly made the announcement about her diagnosis at
lunch and gave everyone the charge to keep her laughing.
Kelly had been estranged from one of her sisters in recent
years but learned this sister, her husband and two sons were
coming to town to visit relatives. Her sister called to see if she
could come to House of Mercy. Kelly was really nervous about
the visit but agreed. She put on one of the dresses that Shirley
had purchased for her with gift cards and wore jewelry and
makeup for the meeting. Her other sister and father came also.
Staff took family photos for them with their phones out on the
front porch. They did not stay long but it was a very special loving reunion. Kelly later said, “Can you believe she told me she
loved me?”
“Kelly would not let me into her world for
several months after she was admitted but our
relationship grew into one that I so treasure.”
Shirley Stowe, House of Mercy Director of Nursing
s and holidays
brating birthday
s!) at House of
(Above: Indepe
When Kelly needed treatment to reduce the tumor, swelling
and pain in her leg, Shirley struggled to figure out how to get her
to Pineville daily for 6 weeks. Shirley remembered and called
Lynn, a retired nurse who expressed interest in volunteering at
House of Mercy. Lynn is a petite, sweet lady and our staff was
not sure she would be a match for Kelly who was kind of rough
around the edges. Lynn immediately accepted the challenge.
She brought fresh fruits and veggies from the farm stand in
SC (which Kelly loved) and stopped in to visit Kelly when we
didn’t call her for transport. Well, Lynn grew close with Kelly
and shared that Kelly talked the entire time she was in her car!
On their way back to House of Mercy after a trip to a doctor,
Kelly got sick in Lynn’s car. Lynn handled it with her usual
grace and hugged Kelly when she left. They told each other they
loved one another. Lynn then went shopping for fresh sweet
corn and several other items Kelly requested for her supper that
night. Less than two hours later Kelly suddenly passed away.
Lynn was devastated but honored she was able to spend time
with Kelly just before she died. The next day Lynn reminisced
about Kelly and assured Shirley that she would be there for “the
others” and continue her visits at House of Mercy.
William Shakespeare eloquently described the gift of mercy,
“It is twice blest; It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.”
Canines Find Friends...
continued from page 1
through specialized educational, private placement, therapeutic
and visitation programs.
“Mozart is so comfortable with me!”
A House of Mercy Resident
Nationally, a network of over 230 unpaid volunteers and
over 200 trained, certified and insured Assistance Dogs provide
services through programs such as paws4vets (help with Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder), paws4inmates (rehabilitation), the
READ program (children read to dogs) and paws4exams (stress
relief from studying). Locally, a group of 12-15 teams have
visited libraries, assisted living centers, schools, hospitals and
more. The dogs evoke memories of childhood pets and are great
conversation starters!
“Many of the therapy dogs experienced
traumatic beginnings but they overcame their
issues and are now helping others.”
Cheri Strickland, Coordinator of Resident
Recreation and Volunteers
Regular paws4people teams at House of Mercy include
MaryLou Kuklentz with her two Scottish Terriers MacKenzie
and Annabel and Val Aldred with her Collie mix Mozart. Resident Shelia Williams says she loves the big dogs and giggles
when Mozart eats treats from her hand. Kelly, a former resident,
kept the ashes of her childhood dog in her room and so enjoyed
the dogs’ visits. Lydia, another former resident, was not able to
speak due to neurological damage, but happily communicated
with the dogs. Paws4people’s goal to enhance human lives with
canine love has certainly been fulfilled at House of Mercy.
Tony shakes the paw of Mozart, a social therapy dog.
A House of Mercy resident gives Mozart a belly rub.
Val Aldred (Mozart’s owner), MaryLou Kuklentz (petting her
dog Annabel) and Shirley Stowe also enjoy the visit.
Dogs have played a special role
at House of Mercy over the years.
Dickens, a white Samoyed, was the
first family dog for House of Mercy.
He grew from a ball of fluff into a
full grown dog but kept his puppy
mentality which could occasionally
cause chaos. He could wag his tail
and clear a coffee table of objects. He stood on his hind legs to
give wet kisses to a resident’s face and peered into caregivers’
eyes by placing his front paws on welcome shoulders. Dickens
had the ability to sense when death was near for a resident. “He
knew when someone was going to die before the staff knew,”
said Shirley Stowe. After a joyful and
giving life, Dickens had to be put down
in October 1999 because of debilitating
Hope, a yellow Labrador, came
to live at House of Mercy just before
Christmas 1999. Hope was a typical
rambunctious puppy but learned quickly not to go into residents’ rooms unless
invited. Shirley recalls, “She immediately fit in and everyone loved her.”
Hope was adopted by Steve Keeble, a
House of Mercy volunteer, when it became apparent that she was just a little
too protective! She would bark and almost growl at visitors when
they came to the door which made some visitors uncomfortable.
Hope became a well-mannered pet, eager to please, and lived a
very happy life with Steve and David Stewart and her dear feline
friend Babycat until she passed in May 2012. Woof!!!
Thank You for Your Care and Generosity!
or more
House of Mercy from
7.1.12 to 6.30.13
Anonymous Donors
Mr. Zufan Abate
Ms. Bonnie Abel
Ms. Holly Adkisson
Vic & Patsy Albrecht
All Saints Catholic Church
– Lake Wylie, SC
Ms. Frances Ambrus
Ms. Sherry Anulies
Ms. April Arney
Ms. Mary Arney
Ms. Donna Arrington
Mr. Andy Arrison &
Ms. Sue Rich
Blas & Melissa Arroyo
AT&T United Way Employee Giving Campaign
Mr. Robert Bacharach
Sister Marian Joseph Baird
William & Edith Bambach
Residents got a close-up
view of the animals at
Lazy 5 Ranch.
Bank of America
Matching Gifts
Mr. Don Barber
Lewis & Ashlyn Barrier
Mr. Joshua Bassinger
Joe & Maggie Baucom
Ms. Rita Baumann
Mr. Lesley Keith Baxter
Beam Electric Company, Inc.
Adolph & Karen Belciglio
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Bell
Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Beloni
Ms. Carolyn Bergman
Ms. Donna Bertolasi
Mr. Joseph Betz
Ms. Linda Biggers
Biggs Camera Image Center
– Stephen Biggs
David & Laurie Black
Brion & Patricia Blais
Mr. Larry Blythe
Ms. Abby Bostian
Ms. Elizabeth Boulus
Sr. Mary Michel Boulus
Ms. Rebecca Bower
Mr. Matt Boyd
Boyd & Fleuriel / Art Aspects
– Mark Boyd
Bradley Memorial United Methodist Church
– Gastonia
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Briscoe
Broadway Cares/
Equity Fights AIDS
Dale & Sage Brook
Don & Linda Brown
Eric & Pat Brown
Ms. Rebecca Brown
Richard Browne, MD FACC
David & Cindy Buckley
George & Mary Burazer
William & Helen Burch
Don & Mary Burns
Ms. Mary Butler
Richard & Nora Buxton
Rev. James Cahill
Eric & Ellen Caldwell
Ms. Jennifer Hilton Cantrell
Dr. & Mrs. William
Frances & Robin Capps
John Capps, MD
Mr. Lester Capps
Capps Forestry Enterprises
Roger & Cynthia Carlson
Carolina Care Pharmacy
Carolinas Care Partnership
CaroMont Health / Gaston Memorial Hospital
Catholic Daughters of America #412
The Chatlos Foundation
Ms. Linda Chirico
Mr. William Chrisley
Ms. Christine Cicotello
Mr. Marco Cipolletti
Ms. Priscilla Claiborne
Mr. David Cloninger &
Ms. Mary Gillham
Earl & Doris Cloninger
Ms. Rebecca Cloninger
Richard & Susan Cloninger
Scott Cloninger
George & Kimberly Cobb
Ms. Megan Coffey
Mr. James Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Condon
Larry & Peggy Connor
Ms. Kathryn Constantinides
Harold & Carolyn Cook
Mr. Robert Cook
Ms. Joyce Corbett
Mr. William Craemer
Thomas & Barbara Crates
Mr. Kevin Crawford
Robert & Rebecca Crisp
Mr. Scott Crowder
Mrs. Marion Danforth
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Darity
Davidson College
Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Elizabeth Davis
Mr. Larry Davis
Ms. Carole Delia
Joseph & Josephine
Dermatologic Laser Center
– Dr. John Thompson
Diocesan Ministry for Gay & Lesbian Catholics
Mr. & Mrs. Josef Dohmen
The Dover Foundation
Michael & Katherine Ducey
The Dudley T. Dougherty Foundation
Duke Energy Foundation Matching Gifts
Anthony & Carrie Duran
Andres & Sidney Echevarria
Ms. Nancy Edwards
Mr. Raymond Edwards
The Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation
Gaylen & Barbara Elliott
Ms. Dee Dee Ellis
EMD Serono
Lee Engel & Pat Hogan
Ms. Kay Epperson
Robert & Janet Esnes
Robert & Mary Estock
Ms. Lisa Falkner
Kevin & Susan Faron
First Baptist Church
– Kings Mountain
First United Methodist Church – Gastonia
First United Methodist Church – Stanley
Ms. Linda Fisher
Mr. Robert Fitch
Mr. Stephen Fitch
Raymond & Nora Fitzgerald
Ms. Dawn Flynn
Ms. Pamela Flynn
Scott & Elise Fowler
Fraley Memorial Baptist Church – Lowell
Mr. Jason Franklin
Mr. James Friday
Ms. Kathleen Fritzsche
Charles A. Frueauff
Mr. Gary Fulker &
Deleslie Smith-Fulker
Ms. Beverly Funderburk
Richard & Patricia Gabriel
Ms. Leigh Gannon
Michael & Barbara Gardner
Teen volunteers with Charlotte Heart Camp scrub
House of Mercy’s front porch.
Robert & Rose Gee
Mr. Richard Geisendaffer
Ms. Muriel Gennari
Genpak LLC – Charlotte
Joseph & Carol Gigler
Jim & Marge Giguere
Gilead Sciences, Inc.
Mr. Matthew Gleason
Dr. Stephanie Glenn
The Carrie E. & Lena V. Glenn Foundation
Ms. Gina Goff
Fetelework Golla
Edward & Vickie Good
Good Will Publishers Inc.
Ms. Mary Reeves Gordon
Reuben & Mildred Gourley
Mr. Mike Grace
Mr. Edwin Chandler Graham
Robert & Karen Grauman
Greater Providence Baptist Church – Charlotte
Ms. Sylvia Greene
Charles & Kristine Grouse
Ms. Joye Guinn
Ms. Ginger Hall
Kelly Hall
Mr. David Hamilton
Craig & Gilla Hammontree
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gregory Hamrick
John & Johanna Hanel
Mr. Samuel Hare
The Keith Haring Foundation
Mr. Kenneth Harmon
Mr. David Harrison
Connie & Dewey Hastings
Mr. Kenneth Hazen
Ms. Kimberly Hedrick
Jan & Elinor Heermans
Ms. Ruth Hinsdale
Dr. Paul Wesley Hofferbert
Maya Hoover
Ms. Rachel Hord
Jeffrey & Wanda Horvath
Ms. Maria House
The Howe Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Richard Hudson
Ms. Barbara Hughley-Ray
Bob & Tammy Hull
Robert & Joan Hurst
Ms. Rebecca Brown Huskins
IBM Corporation Employee
Contribution Campaign
IBM International Foundation Matching Gifts Campaign
IBM Retiree Charitable Campaign
Ms. Allyson James
Mike & Terri Jarina
Bob & Margaret Jenkins
Mr. Jeremiah Jenkins
Herbert & Stephanie Jennings
Ms. Michelle Jennings
Mr. Robert Jeter
Ms. Mary Lou Johanek
Mr. Colin Johnson, Jr.
Mr. Daniel Johnson
Mr. Graham Johnson
Ms. Viola Johnson
William & Charlotte Johnson
Ms. Diane Jones
John & Dorothy Jones
Dr. Donald & Carmel Joyce
Ms. Margaret Ann Kauffman
Robert & Barbara Kaylor
Mr. Walter Kearns
Claude & Diane Keeney
Ms. Melissa Kelly
Mr. John Kemper
Ms. Alice Kerry
Ms. Julianne Kickham
Ms. Karen Kickham
Ms. Mary Kijesky
Ms. Stephanie Rose Dever Kinnemann
Paul & Elizabeth Kinny
Ms. Margaret Klein
Mr. Stephen Knight
Knights of Columbus #11076
– Belmont
Ms. Angela Koch
Robert & Evelyn Kotula
continued on page 4
Your Gift Changes Lives at House of Mercy
cont. from page 3...
Thanks to those
who contributed
$25 or more to
House of Mercy from
7.1.12 to 6.30.13
Mr. George Kram, III
Mr. John Krolewski
Ms. Sandra Kumm
Ms. Suzanne Lake
Mr. Raymond Lamb
Ronald & Joye Lamberth
Mr. Robert Lancaster
Richard & Catherine Landry
Lang Construction Co., Inc.
Mr. Ryan LaPrade
Ms. Lois Larsen
Las Amigas, Gastonia Chapter
Pasquale & Barbara Lauro
David & JoAnn Lehman
Hans & Patricia Lengers
The Leon Levine Foundation
The Jerry R. Licari Foundation
Mr. Gary Lindsay
Keith & Theresa Liscinsky
LJC Lighting Supply Co.
Mr. Edward Long
Harry & Patricia Loomis
Ms. Regina Lordan
Ms. Karen Lounsbury
The Lovett Foundation
Howard & Johanna Lovvorn
Keith & Tobey Lowe
Ms. Pauline Lowe
LPL Financial Matching Gifts
Lutheran Chapel Church
– Gastonia
Girma Makonnen
Timothy & Sally Manes
Ms. Adela Mariciano
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Martin
David & Rebecca Martin
Ms. Susan Mayes
Rev. Edward McDevitt
Ms. Elizabeth McLaughlin
Larry & Gail McLaughlin
Ms. Norma McLaughlin
Mr. Edward Meeker
Mike & Linda Mefford
Ms. Rebecca Ann Mehaffey
Estate of Mr. Roger
Melville, Sr.
The Merancas Foundation, Inc.
– Mr. Casey Mermans
Metropolitan Community Church of Charlotte
Microsoft Matching Gifts
Ms. Mary Mintich
Mr. Tom Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Moss, Jr.
Mt. Pleasant Missionary
Baptist Church – Belmont
Karl & Joan Munn
Craig & Jennifer Murlless
John & Patricia Murphy
Ms. Gwen Nance
Ms. Nakeisha Nance
The Charles & Irene
Nanney Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. James Neal
Mr. David Newton &
Ms. Mary Giguere
Mr. Thong Van Nguyen
Mr. Don Niehus
Jearl & Carolyn Noblett
Fred & Juanita Norman
Ms. Cynthia Norman-Bey
Ms. Beverly Norman-Cooper
Ms. Barbara Ann Nunziata
Frances Nunziata
Ms. Margaret O’Bar
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
O’Brien, Jr.
Timothy & Anna O’Brien
Mr. & Mrs Joseph O’Connor, Jr.
J.C. & Shelia O’Daniel
Ms. Sinead O’Doherty
House of Mercy resident Shelia Williams surprised
her Dad with a visit and gift on Father’s Day.
Tracy O’Neil
Francis & Patricia O’Neill
Ms. Samantha Odisho
David & Johnette Orr
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church – Ft. Mill, SC
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Church – Charlotte
Mr. John Owens
Mr. Timothy Owens
P.C. Godfrey, Inc.
Mr. Samuel Harrison Paris
Dr. Leland Park
Micah & Dana Parris
John & Linda Pastryk
Jurgen & Bettie Jean Patau
Stan & Jane Patterson
Mr. Stephen Patterson
Larry & Laura Paulk
Mr. Jorge Peralta
Mr. Bradley Perham
Ms. Lisha Pharr
Leo & Brenda Phelan
Physician Sales & Service
Pilgrim Way Baptist Church
– Windsor, CT
Mr. Brad Platt
Pete & Linda Polete
Ms. Laura Poloniewicz
Ms. Annie Powell
Mr. William Farrar Price, Jr.
Providence Presbyterian Church – Charlotte
Mr. Jack Pugh
Ms. Catherine Pullen
Queen of the Apostles
Church – Belmont
Ms. Gwyneth Rampton
Raskob Foundation
Milburn & Jane Ratteree
Sr. Mary Andrew Ray
Mr. Robert Michael Reid
Charles & Denise Renaud
Ricky & Landrea Rhyne
Mrs. Mary Richardson
Ms. Alice Carmichael Richey
Dr. David Rinehart
Andrew & Beverly Robinson
Gary & Deborah Robinson
Rockwell AME Zion Church
– Charlotte
Rodgers Builders
Rosedale Infectious Diseases
Dr. Bobbie Rowland
Karen Rubin, PhD
Ms. Carole Rutherford
Rev. Ronald Sams
Sam’s Club – Gastonia 6414
Ms. Jane Sanges
Mr. Lee Sanges
Santolubes LLC
Roger & Marilyn Sarow
Sash In The City
Keith & Tracey Scheid
Sal & Dorothea Schifano
Ms. Gabriele Schneider
Ms. Veronica Schuette
Mr. Derald Schwarting
Ms. Cynthia Scruggs
Mr. SECC Leather Contest
Second Baptist Church
– Mt. Holly
Ms. Melissa Sellers
The Mary DBT Semans Fdn.
Fekade Sergew &
Kara Sulmasy
Mr. Russell Settlemyer, Jr.
Ms. Deena Sharp
Ms. Meredith Shelkey
Ms. Beth Shortridge
Sidelines Sports Bar &
Rev. Elizabeth McGregor Simmons
Mr. Michael Simmons
Mr. Wayne Simpson
Sisters of Mercy – South 
Central Community
Sisters of Mercy of NC Fdn.
Thomas & Linda Skinner
Mr. John Sloan
Mr. Jim Smallridge
C.W. & Peggy Smith
Mr. Matthew Smith
Martin & Susan Sniezek
Abbott Placid Solari
John & Mary Splain
St. Aloysius Catholic Church
– Hickory
St. Benedict the Moor
– Winston-Salem
St. Gabriel Catholic Church
– Charlotte
St. James the Greater
– Concord
St. John Neumann Catholic Church – Charlotte
St. John’s Lutheran Church
– Salisbury
St. Luke Catholic Church
– Charlotte
St. Mark Catholic Church
– Huntersville
St. Mary’s Catholic Church
– Shelby
St. Matthew Catholic Church
– Charlotte
St. Paul the Apostle Church
– Greensboro
St. Peter’s Catholic Church
– Charlotte
St. Philip Neri Catholic Church – Ft. Mill, SC
Stat Couriers, Inc.
Mr. Benjamin Stephens
Bradley & Wendy Stevenson
Ms. Joanne Storch
Ms. Marjorie Storch
Mr. Herbert Stork
Ms. Shirley Stowe
Ms. Cheri Strickland
Michael & Elizabeth Sweeney
Mr. Carl Tasker
Steven & Nancy Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Teague
Andrew & Shirley Thomas
Ms. Lynn Thomas
M. Nelson & Linda Thomas
Dr. & Mrs. John Thompson, Jr.
Cynthia Thomson
Mr. Peter Thorsett
Ms. Pennie Thrower
Ms. Rebecca Tin
Ms. Julia Tinsley
Mickey Tirfe
Mr. Youseph Tirfe
Toby Outdoor LLC
Mr. Jefferson Toler, Jr.
Tommy Bynum Insulation, Heating
Mr. Adam Toney
Mr. Michael Toomey
The Tradesmen L/L Inc.
Donald & Debbie Trapp
Gregory & Marjorie Tucker
Mr. Robert Tucker, III
Ms. Ruth Turgeon
Twenty Pearls, Inc.
Mr. Charles Underwood, Jr.
Patrick & Karen Valentine
Ms. Deborah Vernooy
Mr. Walt Vernooy
Wachovia Wells Fargo Corp.
Mr. Ronald Walker
Ms. Whitney Walker
Walmart Foundation
Chris & Cynthia Walsh
Jeffry & Kimber Walters
Kress Walters
Mr. & Mrs. David Watson
Pat & Ann Watts
Sr. Maria Goretti Weldon
Mr. William Weldon
Wells Fargo Bank
Wesley Chapel Holiness Church – Mt. Holly
The Westerman Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Mack White, III
Mr. Phillip Whitesell
Chip & Martha Whitfield
Ms. Juanita Wilkes
Christopher & Virginia
Mr. Larry Williams
Mr. Richard Wilson
Ms. Deborah Winslow
Lawrence & Loretta Wnetrzak
Ms. Maryhelen Cook Wood
Mr. Scott Woods
Jon & Elizabeth Wylie
Ms. Madlyn Yap
Ms. Rose Young
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Yount
Ms. Heidi Zdrojeski
Ms. Madeline Zieverink
We also thank, too many
to list here, those who
contributed less than $25.
Every gift is important to us.
Please let us know
if we have inadvertantly
omitted your name, listed it
incorrectly or if you’d prefer
to remain anonymous.
PO Box 808, Belmont, NC 28012
Social therapy
dogs have
become regula
visitors at
of Mercy.
A Ministry of the Sisters of Mercy
Providing a Home for Persons Living with AIDS
See article on
page 1.
• Congratulations to Geraldine White, CNA at House of Mercy
(11 years!), for her exemplary service and caregiving in the spirit of mercy. House of Mercy Board Chair Maggie Baucom and
President Stan Patterson presented Geraldine with a surprise
award and gift certificates at the residence on June 18th. A copy
of her award certificate will be displayed at House of Mercy.
These items are needed at House of Mercy and
can be dropped off at 21 McAuley Drive in Belmont on the
Sisters of Mercy campus (or call 704-825-4711).
Shirley Stowe, Geraldine White, Maggie Baucom, Stan Patterson.
• House of Mercy received recent grants from The Leon Levine
Foundation, The Mary Norris Preyer Fund and Carolinas Care
Partnership. We appreciate their confidence and support.
• Please consider a donation to House of Mercy via the
enclosed reply envelope or a credit card donation at www. This year we must raise
$540,889 to cover expenses. Thanks!
• To leave a charitable bequest to House of
Mercy, see the Donations page on our website.
•Donated meals and drinks: bottled juice, soda, Kool Aid, Crystal Light, tea bags, Gatorade
• XL garbage bags, liquid laundry & dish de-
tergent, Clorox, Brillo pads, Lysol, Mr. Clean
• Movie tickets to Franklin Square (Gastonia)
• Gift cards: WalMart, Golden Corral, Pizza Hut, Tony’s Ice Cream, KFC, local restaurants
• 40 watt vanity light bulbs • Pantry staples
• Gallon freezer Ziplock bags • Individually
• Denture cleanser & adhesive wrapped snacks
• Canned foods
• Dove soap: bar or liquid
• Canned fruit cups
• Body wash, deodorant
• Flushable wipes
• Shampoo, conditioner
• Paper towels
• Dandruff shampoo
• Toilet paper
• Triple blade razors
• Kleenex
• Vaseline, chapstick
• Hand Sanitizer
House of Mercy Board of Directors
Maggie Baucom, Chair • Pat Brown • Sidney Echevarria • Dee Dee Ellis • Mike Grace, Treasurer • Sandy Kumm • Sinéad O’Doherty, Secretary
Stan Patterson, President/CEO • Laura Poloniewicz, Vice Chair • Sister Jill Katherine Weber