EI IONSFLUSS nde d eu DLIC VERBIN An Exhi bition N e aß Str er rS tra ße He he Blü u rg ALS TR A Streit Mensch ärger dich nicht e OFFENHEIT UE Siedler von Catan Tim Struppi lm ut -S ch Labersdorf Hygiene-Museum r. Heidi ön -A lle Annäherung Straßburger Platz Peter St üb ela lle e INDUSTRIE Bert e Ernie VW – Gläserne Manufaktur Großer Garten / Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Einladung zum Essen eu Doof The Ties of Frien d ship Nächtlicher Anruf U SS EFL RED – 01.11.2015 18.04. GLEICHE WELLENLÄN Deutsches Hygiene - Museum Hindernis How to find us: From the city centre/Frauenkirche approx. 10 minutes on foot or E take tram lines 1, 2,G4ESorCH 12ICto Hygiene-Museum’ or tram linesGeldverleih 10 and HT‘Deutsches 13 to ‘Grosser Garten’ Dick IS Achilleus BN de re de ++ +++ +++ ++++ u n d e d e r Fr + +++++++ Fre e d e r Fr e u Facebook Anton St DEUTSCHES HYGIENE-MUSEUM BESTE FREUNDE DAM Halberstadt Gleimstraß SSLICHKEIT G na Deutsches R LruÄ er Aussprache iese Pünktchen er nd e ++++++++++ nd ++++++ Google+ VE Pirnaischer Platz Prager Straße UER SEE Hauptbahnhof BERG ZURÜCKWEISUNG fer Str. erw +++++ Twitter BLA Old Shatterhand ++++ +++ Winnetou Altmarkt VER Bürg ++++ unde der F Fr e ++ ++ ++ Allerbeste Freunde weile +++ +++ ++++ +++ +++ +++ ++ +++ +++ E Fr e u n ++ ++ ++ ++ DZON e der Fr + ++ ++ n ge er La nd d ++ IEN nd ++ Wi ++ FR 353 W ilsdruf LE ++ ++ ++ Postplatz ße ++ ++ Atlas of friendship. We all live in an impenetrable tangle of sb + ++ G UN BIND V E RFrauenkirche Zwinger ++ ++ ++ Kleiner Bär tra + + ++ ++ TINDER Swinger- The Ties of Frien d ship Tennis EI aft SCHAFTSTEMPEL T ++ E Bumsburg NH Tatort-Guckenheim ter ++ Hutch GE M ä n n e r f re u n d g der sch bition Samantha rS ++ ++ ++ E ++ ++ Starsky OR Ber Hilfe in der Not Skihase Charlotte Pe ++ + ++ ++ Kleiner Tiger GEB Modelleisenbahn Kneipe St. ++ ++ ON b u An Exhi Gleichklang r ND ++ + ++ DZ Ar s eit t Miranda ge ++ ++ ++ ++ + ++ ++ N haft Clique ld m fe Carrie Pra + ++ ++ + ++ ++ dsc ze ++ IE SE TUNNEL S TÄ ++ ++ ++ en gr ++ FR über da Urlaub was uns s, verbinde t rs ++ te ++ mm un STADT Skatrunde SEELENVERKÄUF g ++ + ++ ++ Al Trost un F ++ d e r F r a u e n f re u n d s c h a f B e rg Schweigen Sportverein Fußball im Fernsehen Rührung HL UCH Z ig ++ + ++ Mensa SC Herrenabend Shoppen Tuesdays to Sundays and public holidays: 10 am to 6 pm Standard adult ticket: EUR 7, concessions: EUR 3; admission free up to age 16, Family ticket: EUR 11 Stammtisch PLATEAU Betriebsfeier Halbes Leid Spiegelung MONTE FREIZEITLANDIA SCHERBELINO Deutsches Hygiene-Museum und Tratsch GRENZÜBERSCHREITUNG LingnerplatzKlatsch 1, 01069 Dresden Phone: +49 (0)351 4846-400 Barcadi FREUNDSCHAFT Doppelte Freud VERWANDTSCHAFT SOPHIES WELT Sashimi IS ++ ++ Tequila Sunrise N ++ uda SEX Blasheim Sascha Trinkfreunde WG ++ + ++ Geselligkeit N E I R F P I RIENDSH e un r Z ++ ++ HEMMSCHWELLE different relationships. A map to orientate ourselves would Beyond anyVULKAN certainties we might be tempted to settle DER be great – unfortunately, it doesn’t exist. BURG on all too hurriedly, the Exhibition explores what BEGIERDE Artwork: Dina Fluck Willi Friends with constitutes various concepts of friendship and what Maja Nutzburg they mean – for the individual, but also for society as a B e n e f i t s Aufregung Estragon whole. Is a friend someone who supports us unreSchröder Verbindlichsdorf How the exhibition works UNIVERSALOPOLIS Wladimir servedly – or someone who questions us, and what weFuck Buddies do? Are friends useful? Or is there simply no place in a Tugendtal Linus Beethoven Missionarsfriendship for utilitarian considerations? Is friendship as Binding ZUCKERBERG dorf Charlie SEX Lustgarten The five main sections that make up the overall ExhibiThere is also a separate trail running through the intimate and as intense as love – but minus the sex? Or Neue Am Arsch CITY Kleine Freiheit Snoopy N G r e U d F G r e I e tion each Exhibition’s itinerary is friendship purely and simply something we cannot un nd LT explore the specific possibilities that different Freiheit designed especially with childe re u WA d rF GE types of exhibitions have to offer – from the traditional dren in mind, so that even our youngest visitors grasp, something that’s new each andPick-Up-Artist every time – in R e r d F e d re u Vögelsberg VE un SOCIAL showcase for exhibits to a presentation of literature and Fre will be able to find theirCIRCLES own way into Woodstock the world of every era and in every culture, among different milieus u er art, and the walk-in worlds of hands-on experiences. friendship. and social strata, and of course for men and women? Unterblasheim Nachbar VER ++ + ++ Gleichgesinnte de +++ ++ sta e Wahlfamilie HAUSTIER te ++ eb VERHÜTUNG zone F P I H S D N E I R F P I H FRIENDS rt be Küs Strom Berufsschulweg LANDSCHAFT r Pu äts CVJM © Günther_Littwinski_Telle lis - S T R U AT el Schulendorf Alten-WG MEN le HÄNGEPARTIE ++ +++ ZELTLAGER Alma Mater Tyrad Heimweh THE TIES OF FRIENDSHIp NÄ – HE AN EXHIBITION Curator: Daniel Tyradellis Sandkastenfreund Hausfreund Abnabelung Prinzesschengärten D SS LU DURSTSTRECKE + ++ ++ ++ ++ E SS RA RS T E S H Hansi ZE TSC R U IT KU SR ZE ER AU F +++ ++++ DES Zwergensiedlung OUTING +++ i Tr adt QUELL DER KREATIVITÄT +++++ ++++++++++++++++++ Bromance/Womance Muttersohnshausen H g Bisexualität ++++++++++++++++ century western society, it was replaced by the middleclass ideal of the love relationship.Scheidung And today? Social and economic dynamics are now such that long-term GIPFEL DER VERLIEBHEIT commitments are more and more difficult to forge objectively – and subjectively, they may no longer even Polyamorie acquired a new be desirable. Friendship has therefore meaning. Indeed, alongside more binding social relaTAL DER TRÄNEN tionships such as love and OKCUPID kinship, or the safeguards of a social welfare state, friendship holds out the promise of another network of solidarity. Friendship is sufficiently stable to offer us trust and closeness, yet also sufficiently flexible to leave us plenty of space for our need for independence. ewei Wi n d d e r L a n g Transgender + AUF DEN Since Antiquity, friendship has been regarded as the + + + ++ E R S T E Nuntil, BLICK most desirable form of social interaction in 19th ++ But there are those today who also deplore the fact Flotter Dreier Kuschelecke that the notion of friendship is used far too thoughtlessly, and that it is unscrupulously exploited for commercial purposes. What does it actually mean to beDoch able einto Kind Exbeziehung hundreds of supposed accumulate AFFÄRE ‘friends’ through Ritze social networks? Is an entire generation gradually BAGG sliding into superficiality? Or do such concerns E R simply overlook the unprecedented opportunities that digital chöner Wohnen communication has to offer? usen Köln Metrosexualität Introduction Leihmutter Akne nn un E B Paarberatung Kamerad- dtu fn A non-binding bond that holds Kommunikation HOMOSEXUALITÄT har Gott of Kompromisse Kirchengruppe HK Quality Time Romeo Rammel ER FD EUNDE HO NEN FR D E E I R FR RLO E V VERMISSEN, Tuesday – Sundays, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Koordinationszentrum Sleep-well teddy bear. The federal chancellor Angela Merkel gave the former French president Nicolas Sarkozy a teddy bear on the birth of his daughter. A cuddly gift – or, in times of the debt crisis, perhaps a bit on the gruff side? Photo: © Margarete Steiff GmbH, 2014 The hands-on exhibition To this day, historically inherited patterns have shaped our notions of what constitutes a friendship. And as visitors move through this section, the stylised monuments dotted about are a palpable reminder of that. They will encounter the likes of Gilgamesh and Enkidu, that most ancient of European couples united by bonds of friendship; Marx and Engels; pals and amigos; wartime comrades; and gang members. An expansive Info-Station provides all the latest research findings. Today, friendships operate between rules and rituals, between spontaneity and the principles of chance; and, increasingly, they are also purposefully channelled by the possibilities of modern communication media. An exhibition on the causes and chasms of friendship In centuries past, friends would communicate by correspondence – and some of it could be copious. Such correspondence served to strengthen ideas and life plans, and also to establish new contacts. But these insights into characteristic types of correspondence also document the conflicts surrounding political and moral convictions, and the intellectual and emotional demands that may be placed on one another – from Gleim and Klopstock to the ‘Glass Chain’, the members of the Red Army Faction, and the writers Uwe Johnson and Hans Magnus Enzensberger. Friend ly na tio ns D ocumen ted friendship Hans Magnus Enzensberger and Uwe Johnson in younger years. United as individualists, the friendship between the two authors broke up for personal and political reasons after 161 letters – the rest was silence. Photos: © Suhrkamp Verlag Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Did these friends and comrades talk about nothing but the class struggle? Of course not; they also talked about money and family, careers and intrigues – just like in today’s political life. Photo: shutterstock/Nikita Maykov Are you really my friend? The American photographer Tanja Hollander took three years to visit all 626 of her Facebook Friends all over the world and photograph them at home. Does that mean she had to start all over again when she got back? Photo series 2011 – 2014; © Tanja Hollander Gen uine An exhibition about images of friendship An exhibition marking the 66th anniversary of the Federal Republic of Germany What constitutes a suitable gift between friends? It’s a question that pops up not just in the private sphere, but also in official exchanges between states. Gathered in a showcase repository are the gifts and reciprocal gifts which Germany has exchanged over the years with ten more or less friendly states all around the globe. What is clear is that state gifts are not just diplomatic expressions of civilities; they also speak volumes about the political climate in which they were exchanged. Girlfriends, Sigmar Polke,1965. The pre-image for these BFFs was taken from a popular magazine – a reliable source, surely? Photo: © The Estate of Sigmar Polke / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn Copyright holder: Froehlich Collection, Stuttgart; The Estate of Sigmar Polke, Cologne; VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn or fak e? This section showcases paintings that span five centuries, all hanging closely together and packed right up to the ceiling. How do you go about expressing the idiosyncratic nature of friendship in a painting? Can the mutual trust and intensity of a relationship even be portrayed? Conversely, how do you depict calculated cronyism or floundering friendships? How do you differentiate between a genuine friendship and a fake? Well, in this picture gallery, the latter at least is easily resolved: (nearly) all the artworks on show are exclusively reproductions. a ld wor of experien ce FRiendship Do it yourself Where are our friendships headed? Will they remain a private matter, or will the organised, friendship-like networks of the future determine social success, economic competitiveness and cultural innovations? The last section of our Exhibition deals with present-day phenomena, which are already operating with the open-future potential of friendships: the likes of crowdfunding and Real Life Super Heroes, and flash mobs, and pets as conceivable friends-for-life.